-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontology
Analysis (Jul 16-20, 2012, Trento, Italy)
Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 23:27:18 +0100
Von: Frank Loebe <frank.loebe(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
It is with great pleasure that
The International Association for Ontology and its Applications
( http://www.iaoa.org )
announces its
First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis
July 16-20, 2012, Trento, Italy
Six experts in different disciplines (philosophy, cognitive
linguistics, knowledge representation and conceptual modeling)
will meet for a week with students and researchers to present
common themes in applied ontology and describe them from each
discipline's viewpoint, to engage in open discussions with each
other, and to interact with the participants:
Christiane Fellbaum,
Dept. of Computer Science, Princeton University,
Ontology, semantics, and cognitive linguistics
Chiara Ghidini and Luciano Serafini,
Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento,
Logical tools for ontological analysis
Nicola Guarino,
Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Trento,
Introduction to Applied Ontology
Giancarlo Guizzardi,
Dept. of Computer Science, Federal University of Espírito Santo,
Ontology-driven conceptual modelling
Kevin Mulligan, Dept. of Philosophy, Université de Genève,
Ontological analysis: the philosophical perspective
Registration will open on March 15. IAOA membership will be
The fee will be around 200 euros (we are waiting for supports
to reduce it further) and includes lunches and coffee breaks.
Note that the number of participants is limited.
For further information and updates, see the IAOA summer school
The school is open to students, researchers and practitioners.
Feel free to distribute the announcement.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 11:08:32 -1000
Von: Sandra Laney <hicss(a)hawaii.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46)
January 7-10, 2013 (Monday-Thursday)
Grand Wailea (Maui)
HICSS conferences are devoted to the most relevant and recent advances
in the information, computer, and system sciences, encompassing
developments in both theory and practice. Accepted papers may be
theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or descriptive in nature. Those
selected for presentation will be included in the Conference Proceedings
published by the IEEE Computer Society.
To submit a paper please follow Author Instructions: Manuscript to
Publication posted on the conference web site. The list of Tracks and
Minitracks are available now
?HICSS papers must contain original material. They may not have been
previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere. All
submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process.
?Abstracts are optional, but strongly recommended. You may contact the
Minitrack Chair(s) for guidance or verification of content.
?Submit a paper to only one Minitrack. If a paper is submitted to more
than one Minitrack either paper may be rejected by either Minitrack
without consultation with author. If you are not sure of the appropriate
Minitrack, submit an abstract to the Track Chair(s) for determination,
and/or seek opinion(s) of Minitrack Chair(s) before submitting.
?Do not author or co-author more than 5 papers. This means that an
individual may be listed as author/co-author on no more than 5 submitted
papers. Track Chairs must approve any names added after submission or
Important 2012 Deadlines for Authors June 15 - October 15
June 15 This is a firm deadline. Submit full manuscripts for review
as instructed. The review is double-blind; therefore, this initial
submission must be without author names.
Aug 15 Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. It is very
important that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the
conference. Therefore, all travel guarantees including visa or fiscal/
funding procedures should begin immediately. Make sure your server
accepts the address from our review system
https://precisionconference.com/~hicss (The system will become active
by June 1.)
Sept 15 Add author names to paper, and submit Final Paper for
Publication. At least one author of each paper should register by this
date in order secure publication in the Proceedings.
This is also the Early Registration deadline. (Fees will increase on
Sept 16 and Dec 2.)
Cancellation and Refund Policy: All conference cancellation requests
must be in writing. A fee will be charged for cancellation of
registration after Oct 15, at which time the paper will be withdrawn
from the Proceedings. There is no registration refund after Dec 1.
Cancellations for accommodations must be handled directly with the hotel.
Oct 15 Papers without at least one registered author will be deleted
from the Proceedings and not scheduled for presentation; authors will be
so notified by the Conference Office.
Collaboration Systems and Technology
Bob Briggs rbriggs(a)mail.sdsu.edu
Jay Nunamaker nunamaker(a)cmi.arizona.edu
Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Sciences
Christer Carlsson christer.carlsson(a)abo.fi
Haluk Demirkan haluk.demirkan(a)asu.edu
Digital Media: Content and Communication
Michael Shepherd shepherd(a)cs.dal.ca
Jochen Scholl jscholl(a)u.washington.edu
Electric Energy Systems
Bob Thomas rjt1(a)cornell.edu
Tom Overbye overbye(a)uiuc.edu
Information Technology in Healthcare
William Chismar chismar(a)hawaii.ed
Internet and the Digital Economy
Dave King David.king(a)jda.com
Alan Dennis ardennis(a)indiana.edu
Knowledge Systems
Murray Jennex mjennex(a)mail.sdsu.edu
Dave Croasdell davec(a)unr.edu
Organizational Systems and Technology
Hugh Watson hwatson(a)terry.uga.edu
Software Technology
Gul Agha agha(a)cs.uiuc.edu
Rick Kazman kazman(a)hawaii.edu
Sandra Laney, HICSS Conference Administrator
Tel: (808) 956-3251Fax: (808) 956-5759
URL: http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu
/HICSS conferences are sponsored by/
/Shidler College of Business/
/University of Hawai'i at Manoa/
/2404 Maile Way A-202/
/Honolulu, Hawaii 96822/
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Final CFP: AMCIS 2012-Mini-Track:
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border ICT Collaboration
Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 21:45:55 +0000
Von: Madlberger Maria <Madlberger(a)webster.ac.at>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Seattle, Washington
August 9-12, 2012
Track: ICTs in Global Development (SIGGlobDev)
Mini-track: Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border ICT Collaboration
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is closely related to
global development. On the one hand, global development brings along new
and increasingly complex requirements on ICT. On the other hand, ICT are
one of the drivers and supporters of global development. In particular,
ICT are pivotal in the context of cross-organizational and cross-border
collaboration. Collaboration technologies are essential enablers of
numerous collaborative activities. At the same time they need to meet
challenging requirements that go beyond intra-organizational systems.
Cross-organizational and to a larger extent cross-border collaboration
differs strongly from collaboration within one organization or one
country. Besides individual characteristics of collaborating partners,
such as organizational attributes, commitment, trust, or motivation,
shared factors play a crucial role for collaboration success.
Specifically, proximity is decisive: First, physical locations of
collaborating partners show a direct impact on coordination efforts.
Second, different levels of ICT infrastructure can have a large impact
on collaboration conditions. Third, cultural similarity or difference
between collaboration partners is crucial. Fourth, cross-border
collaboration can largely depend on different legal regulations. Fifth,
the economic environment determines collaboration goals as well as
procedures and outcomes. Besides these issues, the structures of
collaboration tasks and processes ultimately impact the outcome and
success of ICT collaboration. Beyond that, the role of ICT is twofold:
ICT can be a collaboration enabler, but also a collaboration purpose and
Increasing globalization and global development require that firms,
governments, non-governmental organizations, and other institutions
collaborate across national, economic, and social boundaries. Academic
research investigated many different aspects of ICT collaboration, but
did not yet develop comprehensive collaboration models that provide an
answer to the requirements cross-organizational and cross-border ICT
collaboration impose on organizations. Such frameworks need to combine
(1) ICT development and application, (2) the business and economic
viewpoint, and (3) behavioral, cultural, and sociological issues. To
address this interdisciplinary field, this mini-track focuses on
conceptual and empirical research that contributes to a clearer
understanding of ICT collaboration processes, their success factors, and
their benefits.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Processes of international/global ICT collaboration
- Effects of collaboration on ICT productivity
- Success factors of collaboration technologies
- Inter-organizational collaboration and ICT productivity
- Conceptual frameworks of ICT collaboration in global development
- Multinational teams and ICT productivity
- Cross-border and cross-organizational value-chains and value-networks
- Standardization of collaborative technologies and/or processes
- ICT productivity studies at the country, industry, firm, or project level
- Comparative cross-country research on collaboration
- Country-specific case studies on cross-organizational collaboration
- ICT offshoring/outsourcing into emerging economies
- International ICT project management
- Antecedents of cross-border collaboration
- Diffusion of collaborative technologies in emerging economies
- ICT productivity instrument development and validation
Important deadlines:
- March 1, 2012: (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): Deadline for paper
submissions at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012
- April 2, 2012: Authors will be notified of acceptances on or about
this date
- April 20, 2012: (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): For accepted papers,
camera ready copy due
- June 12, 2012: Last day for AMCIS 2012 Early Registration
- July 13, 2012: Deadline for making hotel room reservations
- July 24, 2012: Last day for AMCIS 2012 Regular Registration
Instructions for authors and more information about the conference at:
Mini-track Chair:
Dr. Maria Madlberger
Department of Business and Management
Webster Vienna Private University
Berchtoldgasse 1, A-1220 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1-269 92 93-76
Fax: +43-1-269 92 93-13
Email: madlberger(a)webster.ac.at
Web: http://www.webster.ac.at/business-and-management/dr-maria-madlberger
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers MMAP 2012
Datum: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 00:53:26 -0800 (PST)
Von: Adriana Schiopoiu Burlea <adriana_burlea(a)yahoo.com>
Antwort an: Adriana Schiopoiu Burlea <adriana_burlea(a)yahoo.com>
An: "aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing
***WrocÅ?aw**, Poland**, September 9-12, 2012*
*Organized by*
Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Automation, Computers and
Electronics, University of Craiova , Romania
"Multimedia Applications Development" Research Centre
*Background and Goals*
Multimedia information has become ubiquitous on the web, creating new
challenges for indexing, access, search and retrieval. Recent advances
in pervasive computers, networks, telecommunications, and information
technology, along with the proliferation of multimedia mobile devices -
such as laptops, iPods, personal digital assistants (PDA), and cellular
telephones - have stimulated the development of intelligent pervasive
multimedia applications. These key technologies are creating a
multimedia revolution that will have significant impact across a wide
spectrum of consumer, business, healthcare, educational and governmental
domains. Yet many challenges remain, especially when it comes to
efficiently indexing, mining, querying, searching, retrieving,
displaying and interacting with multimedia data.
The Multimedia - Processing and Applications 2012 (MMAP 2012) Symposium
addresses several themes related to theory and practice within
multimedia domain. The enormous interest in multimedia from many
activity areas (medicine, entertainment, education) led researchers and
industry to make a continuous effort to create new, innovative
multimedia algorithms and applications.
As a result the conference goal is to bring together researchers,
engineers, developers and practitioners in order to communicate their
newest and original contributions. The key objective of the MMAP
conference is to gather results from academia and industry partners
working in all subfields of multimedia: content design, development,
authoring and evaluation, systems/tools oriented research and
development. We are also interested in looking at service architectures,
protocols, and standards for multimedia communications - including
middleware - along with the related security issues, such as secure
multimedia information sharing. Finally, we encourage submissions
describing work on novel applications that exploit the unique set of
advantages offered by multimedia computing techniques, including
home-networked entertainment and games. However, innovative
contributions that don't exactly fit into these areas will also be
considered because they might be of benefit to conference attendees.
*Call for Papers*
MMAP 2012 is a major forum for researchers and practitioners from
academia, industry, and government to present, discuss, and exchange
ideas that address real-world problems with real-world solutions.
The MMAP 2012 Symposium welcomes submissions of original papers
concerning all aspects of multimedia domain ranging from concepts and
theoretical developments to advanced technologies and innovative
applications. MMAP 2012 invites original previously unpublished
contributions that are not submitted concurrently to a journal or
another conference.
Papers acceptance and publication will be judged based on their
relevance to the symposium theme, clarity of presentation, originality
and accuracy of results and proposed solutions.
Topics of interest are related to Multimedia Processing and Applications
including, but are not limited to the following areas:
·Audio, Image and Video Processing
·Animation, Virtual Reality, 3D and Stereo Imaging
·Multimedia File Systems and Databases: Indexing, Recognition and Retrieval
·Machine Learning, Data Mining, Information Retrieval in Multimedia
·Multimedia in Internet and Web Based Systems:
·E-Learning, E-Commerce and E-Society Applications
·Human Computer Interaction and Interfaces in Multimedia Applications
·Multimedia in Medical Applications
·Entertainment and games
·Security in Multimedia Applications: Authentication and Watermarking
·Distributed Multimedia Systems
·Network and Operating System Support for Multimedia
·Mobile Network Architecture
·Intelligent Multimedia Network Applications
*Paper Submission and Publication*
·Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF of MSWord file).
·The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style).
·Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific
merit and relevance to the workshop.
·Accepted and Presented papers will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore® database
<http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/guesthome.jsp>*. They will be also
submitted for indexation in: *DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
<http://dblp.uni-trier.de/>*,*Google Scholar
<http://scholar.google.com/>*, *Inspec
<http://www.theiet.org/resources/inspec/index.cfm>*, *Scirus
<http://www.scirus.com/>*, *SciVerse Scopus <http://www.scopus.com/>*and
*Thomson Reuters - Conference Proceedings Citation Index
*Extended versions of selected best papers will be published in a
special issue of:*
·IJCSA: International Journal of Computer Science & Applications
·and possibly other journals that will be announced later.
·Organizers reserve right to move accepted papers between FedCSIS events.
*Important Dates*
·Paper submission: *April 22, 2012*
·Author notification: *June 17, 2012*
·Final submission and registration: *July 8, 2012*
·Conference date: September *9-12, 2012*
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP: Intl. Workshop on Theory and Applications of Process
Visualization (TAProViz'12)
Datum: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 13:07:11 +1000
Von: Ross Brown <r.brown(a)qut.edu.au>
Antwort an: Ross Brown <r.brown(a)qut.edu.au>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
CFP: 1st Intl. Workshop on Theory and Applications of Process
Visualization (TAProViz'12)
Visualizations can make the structure and dependencies between elements
in processes accessible in order to support users who need to analyze
process models and their instances. However, effectively visualizing
processes in a user-friendly way is often a big challenge, especially
for complex process models which can consist of hundreds of process
components (e.g., process activities, data flows, and resources) and
thousands of running process instances in different execution states.
Many challenges remain to be addressed within the broad area of process
visualization such as: scalability, human-computer interaction,
cognitive aspects, applicability of different approaches, collaboration,
process evolution, run-time requirements of process instances and
applications, etc.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Visual Metaphors in Processes
Visual Design and Aesthetics for Processes
Visualization of Dynamic Data in Processes
Change Visualization for Processes
Interface and Interaction Techniques for Process Visualization
Visualization Techniques for Collaboration and Distributed Processes
Visualization of Large-scale Processes
Cognition and Perception in Process Visualization
Evaluation and User Studies of Process Visualization
Visual Modeling Languages
Analysis Techniques and Visualization for Processes
Process Visualization of Large Screens
Mobile Process Visualization
Visualization Tools and Systems for Processes
Visualization Techniques for Processes
Process Visualization and Sonification
Virtual World Process Visualization
Immersive Process Modeling Approaches
3D Process Visualization Approaches
Format of the Workshop
The 1Ž2 day workshop will comprise accepted papers and tool
presentations. Papers should be submitted in advance and will be
reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. All
accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by
Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP)
series. There will be a single LNBIP volume dedicated to the proceedings
of all BPM workshops. As this volume will appear after the conference,
there will be informal proceedings during the workshop. At least one
author for each accepted paper should register for the workshop and
present the paper.
Important Dates
Deadline for workshop paper submissions: 1 June 2012
Notification of acceptance: 2 July 2012
Camera-ready version: 30 July 2012
Workshop: 3 September 2012
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any
of the areas listed above.
Three types of submissions are possible:
full papers (12 pages long) reporting mature research results
position papers reporting research that may be in preliminary stage that
has not yet been evaluated
tool reports
Position papers and tool reports should be no longer than 6 pages.
Only papers in English will be accepted and must present original
research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Papers
should be submitted in the LNBIP
(www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0) format. The
title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics
covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of
the submission category (regular paper/position paper/tool report).
All accepted workshop papers will be published by Springer as a
post-workshop proceedings volume in the series Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing (LNBIP). Hard copies of these proceedings will be
shipped to all registered participants approximately four months after
the workshops, while preliminary proceedings will be distributed during
the workshop.
Submitted papers will be evaluated, in a double blind manner, on the
basis of significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition.
Papers should clearly establish their research contribution and the
relation to the theory and application of process visualization.
Accepted papers imply that at least one of the authors will register for
the BPM2012 (http://bpm2012.ut.ee/cfp/) and present the paper at the
TAProViz workshop.
Further workshop information is available from the TAProViz website
Ross Brown
Dr Ross Brown
Senior Lecturer
Information Systems School
Science and Engineering Faculty
QUT, Brisbane, Australia
phone : +61 07 3138 9481
email : r.brown(a)qut.edu.au <mailto:r.brown@qut.edu.au>
web : www.bpmve.org <http://www.bpmve.org/>
Break neck speed, taking all my breath.
… I came to and I was running from you.
Feel your breath on the back of my neck."
- Mastodon
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: COLLABORATECOM 2012
Datum: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 16:55:12 -0500
Von: Jinpeng Wei <weijp(a)cs.fiu.edu>
Antwort an: weijp(a)cs.fiu.edu
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
COLLABORATECOM 2012 Call for Papers
The 8th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking,
Applications and Worksharing
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society (pending), Create-Net and the Institute
for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 14-17, 2012
Over the last two decades, many organizations and individuals have relied
on electronic collaboration between distributed teams of humans, computer
applications, and/or autonomous robots to achieve higher productivity and
produce joint products that would have been impossible to develop without
the contributions of multiple collaborators. Technology has evolved from
standalone tools, to open systems supporting collaboration in
multi-organizational settings, and from general purpose tools to
specialized collaboration grids. Future collaboration solutions that fully
realize the promises of electronic collaboration require advancements in
networking, technology and systems, user interfaces and interaction
paradigms, and interoperation with application-specific components and
The eighth International Conference on Collaborative Computing
(CollaborateCom 2012) will continue to serve as a premier international
forum for discussion among academic and industrial researchers,
practitioners, and students interested in collaborative networking,
technology and systems, and applications.
- Architectures, protocols, and enabling technologies for collaborative
computing networks and systems
- Autonomic computing and quality of services in collaborative networks,
systems, and applications
- Collaboration in pervasive and cloud computing environments
- Collaboration in data-intensive scientific discovery
- Collaboration in health-care environments
- Collaborative e-education, e-learning, and collaborative computing in
large scale digital libraries
- Collaborative mobile networks and infrastructures
- Collaborative technologies for fast creation and deployment of new
mobile services
- Collaborative, location-aware mobile systems/applications
- Collaboration techniques in data-intensive computing and cloud
computing - Collaborative sensor networks, unmanned air and ground vehicle
networks& applications
- Collaborative, context-aware infrastructure
- Collaborative social networks& web-based collaboration
- Computer supported collaborative work with distributed systems
- Distributed collaborative workflows
- Data management and middleware support for collaborative information
- Energy management for collaborative networks
- Group-driven composition of systems from components
- Human-robot collaboration
- Human-centric ubiquitous collaboration
- Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative user
- Models& mechanisms for real-time collaboration
- Multi-agent technology and software technologies for collaborative
networking and applications
- Peer-to-peer and overlay networks, systems,& applications
- P2P platforms for supporting collaboration
- Security, privacy and trust management in collaborative networks,
systems, and applications
- Simulation, performance evaluation, experiments, and case studies of
collaborative networks and applications
- Software design, testing, and experimentation technology for
collaborative networking and applications
- Theoretical foundations and algorithms for collaborative networks,
applications, and worksharing
- Tools for collaborative decision making processes
- Trustworthy collaborative business processing in virtual organizations
- Visualization techniques, interaction devices and visual languages for
collaborative networks and applications
- Web services technologies and service-oriented architectures for
collaborative networking and applications
- Workflow management for collaborative networks/systems
PAPERS: We invite original research papers that have not been previously
published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere.
Contributions addressing all areas related to collaborative networking,
technology and systems, and applications are solicited. The submitted
manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the
Proceedings. Submitted papers should be 10 pages in two-column IEEE
proceeding format. The papers can be submitted in regular track or
Industry/Application track.
POSTERS: The conference will include a poster session that highlights
recent and on-going research, experiments, and provocative ideas that have
not been published elsewhere. Poster submissions will be reviewed and one
page summaries of accepted posters will appear in the conference
WORKSHOPS: Proposals for half-day or full day workshops that focus on
CollaborateCom 2012 related themes are solicited. Workshop proposals
should be at most five pages, including a biographical sketch of each
instructor, and submitted to the Workshop Chairs. Proposals will be
evaluated based on the expertise and experience of the organizers and the
relevance and importance of the subject matter. Please refer to call for
workshop proposals for details.
PANELS: Proposals for panel discussions that focus on future visions for
collaborative networking, applications, and worksharing are preferred.
Potential panel organizers should submit a panel proposal of at most five
pages, including biographical sketches of the proposed panellists to the
Panel Chairs.
TUTORIALS: Proposals for full and half-day tutorials are solicited.
Tutorials are intended to enhance the technical program, and as such they
should be relevant to collaborative computing, networking, worksharing,
and applications. Potential tutorial presenters should submit a tutorial
proposal of at most three pages, including: description of potential
audience and background knowledge expected from the audience, if any;
tutorial description; biographical sketch of presenter(s).
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All paper, poster, panel, and workshop
submissions will be handled electronically. Please visit the conference
website www.CollaborateCom.org for detailed submission requirements and
PUBLICATION: All submitted papers and posters will be rigorously reviewed.
All accepted papers will made available in IEEE Xplore and other external
indexing services (DBLP database, ZB1Math/CompuServe, IO-Port, EI, Scopus,
INSPEC, ISI proceeding - pending approval). Approval is being granted for
a special issue on CollaborateCom'12 to be published on ACM/Springer
MOBILE NETWORKS& APPLICATIONS (MONET). 4-6 papers on the themes related
to MONET will be selected for publication on this issue. Other Journal
venues are being pursued.
April 15, 2012
Workshop and tutorial proposals due
June 22, 2012
Paper submission deadline
June 29, 2012
Posters and panel proposals deadline
August 17, 2012
Notification of acceptance
August 31, 2012
Camera-ready versions due
General Chairs
Calton Pu. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Technical Program Chairs
Barbara Carminati, Univ. Of Insubria, Italy
Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Univ. Of Georgia, USA
Panels Chairs
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mohamed Eltoweissy, Pacific Northwest National Lab and Virginia Tech, USA
Publication Chair
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
Industrial Chairs
Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, USA
Mudhakar Srivastav. IBM, USA
Workshop Chairs
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Anna C Squicciarini, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Sponsorship Chair
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO, Australia
Publicity Chair
Jinpeng Wei, Florida International University, USA
Local Arrangements Chair
Konstantinos Pelechrinis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Conference Coordinator
Matteo Fuoli, EAI, Italy
Imrich Chlamtac (Chair), Create-Net, Italy
Tao Zhang (Vice Chair), Telcordia Technologies, USA
Ken Birman, Cornell University, USA
Nim Cheung, Telcordia Technologies, USA
Arun Iyengar, IBM T.J. Watson, USA
Pradeep Khosla, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Final CFP: AMCIS 2012 - Minitrack on Very
Large Business Applications
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 17:30:02 +0100
From: Holger Schrödl <holger.schroedl(a)ovgu.de>
Reply-To: Holger Schrödl <holger.schroedl(a)ovgu.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
### Apologies for cross-postings ###
18th Americas Conference on Information Systems
Seattle, Washington, August 9-12, 2012
Track: Enterprise systems (SIGEntSys)
Minitrack: Very Large Business Applications
Enterprise Systems are an essential part of modern and
successful companies. While looking at the supply chain,
multiple aspects of the usage and impact of Enterprise
Systems have been discussed in both scientific and practice.
To pay respect for the current development of emerging
technologies like mash-ups, web 2.0 and cloud computing on
the one side and the increasing agility of business models
on the other side the question arises how Enterprise Systems
will look like in the future. Transferring this recent
development into the context of Enterprise Systems we see a
new class of Enterprise Systems which address the need for
more agility in the whole supply chain with a more loosely
coupled system of separate elements combines together to a
highly integrated, complex Information Systems. While this
is an emerging topic in Enterprise Systems, we denote these
kinds of Information Systems as Very Large Business
Applications (VLBA).
VLBA are acting as an enabler for intra- and
interorganisational, distributed business processes and play
a significant role in the development of new markets and
business models therefore. This Mini-Track aims at studying,
grounding, and finally exploiting the potentials of VLBA to
solve integration and coordination problems in inter- and
intraorganisational business processes as a key enabler of
flexible boundary-less information systems.
Key research questions are:
- how to represent VLBA in service-based computing systems
by employing and adopting constructs, models, and methods of
the different information systems technology stacks,
- how to describe VLBA,
- how to coordinate software-based business processes by
employing and adopting approaches for service discovery and
service composition,
- how to negotiate and agree upon the delivery of
software-based services with approaches for SLA
representation, SLA management, and SLA negotiation, and
- how to control the delivery of software-based services in
VLBA by measuring their efficiency and effectiveness?
Topics relevant for this mini-track include, but are not
limited to, the following:
- Cloud Computing and VLBA
- VLBA Operations Management
- Strategic, tactic and operative Systems Landscape Engineering
- VLBA Business Simulations
- VLBA Business Models
- Analytical Business Process Engineering for VLBA
- VLBA and Knowledge Management
- VLBA security issues
- Innovative VLBA Applications
We invite contributions from different disciplines including
information systems, information management, computer and
management science to properly cover the facets of Very
Large Business Applications. We encourage papers applying
quantitative and qualitative, empirical and theoretical
research methodologies such as case studies, action
research, surveys, experiments, and design science.
- March 1, 2012 (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): Deadline for
paper submissions
- April 6, 2012: Notification of acceptance
- April 25, 2012 (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): Final copy due
- August 9-12, 2012:AMCISConference
Holger Schrödl
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Business Informatics
Universitaetsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg, Germany
holger.schroedl(a)ovgu.de <mailto:holger.schroedl@ovgu.de>
Klaus Turowski
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Business Informatics
Universitaetsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg, Germany
klaus.turowski(a)ovgu.de <mailto:klaus.turowski@ovgu.de>
Holger Schroedl
Research Associate
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster VLBA
Chair of Business Informatics
Very Large Business Applications Lab
UCC - SAP University Competence Center
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Universitaetsplatz 2, 39016 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49 (391) 67-18389 <tel:%2B49%20%28391%29%2067-18389>
Fax: +49 (391) 67-11216 <tel:%2B49%20%28391%29%2067-11216>
holger.schroedl(a)ovgu.de <mailto:holger.schroedl@ovgu.de>
http://mrcc.eu <http://mrcc.eu/>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Accounting Information Systems and Enterprise
Systems - MCIS 2012 Portugal
Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 19:50:32 -0500
Von: Nicolaou, Andreas I. <anicol(a)bgsu.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*"Accounting Information Systems and Enterprise Systems"*
*Research Track at the*
*7**th **Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2012)*
*September 8-10, 2012 -- Portugal*
The Special Interest Group of the Association of Information Systems on
Accounting Information Systems (SIGASYS),
in collaboration with the /International Journal of Accounting
Information Systems (IJAIS);/
http://www.elsevier.com/locate/accinf, organizes a track on Accounting
Information Systems and Enterprise Systems at
the upcoming 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS
2012) to be held in Guimarães, Portugal -
September 8-10, 2012. Academics and practitioners from all over the
world are cordially invited to present their original
The track is particularly interested in research on the links between
information technology with accounting, auditing,
reporting, management control, and related disciplines. The track is
also interested in research on Enterprise Systems and
their impacts on management control, organizational processes, and
performance. The objective is to bring together
researchers from all scientific fields related to Accounting Information
Systems (AIS) for a high level interaction,
discussion, and exchange of fruitful ideas in the setting of MCIS 2012.
The track will cover a wide range of topics. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
· AIS modeling and design (including Resource-Event-Agent modeling)
· AIS implementation and evaluation
· Business process modeling and reengineering for accounting and
auditing issues
· IS assurance, audit, continuous auditing, internal audit, forensic
auditing, data mining & business intelligence
· AIS and management control
· AIS reporting, XBRL
· IS evaluation, IT business value, IT/IS costs and benefits
· IT governance and compliance
· Enterprise systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Free/Open Source ERP
· Inter-organizational information sharing and data quality.
Perspectives from diverse fields such as computer science, accounting,
psychology, sociology, cognitive science, political
science, behavioral science, and economics as well as high-quality and
theoretically sound studies of any type
(quantitative/qualitative studies, action research, surveys,
behavioral/experimental studies, design science, case studies,
theory development, etc.) are equally encouraged. All submissions must
represent original work that has not already been
published elsewhere. /Completed research and research-in-progress papers
will be accepted/. All submissions must be in
English and will be blind reviewed by at least two referees.
Submission Deadline: March 9th, 2012
Submit at: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=mcis2012
Notification to Authors: May 11th, 2012
Final Papers: July 1st, 2012
Prof. Andreas I. Nicolaou, Bowling Green State University, USA,
/anicol(a)bgsu.edu/ <mailto:anicol@bgsu.edu>//
Prof. Constantinos J. Stefanou, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece,
/stefanou(a)acc.teithe/ <mailto:stefanou@acc.teithe>/./
/Complete track description at:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP Special Session Smart Grids at IEEE 10th
International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2012 ),July
25-27, 2012, Beijing, China
Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 19:12:07 +0100
Von: Rainer Unland <rainer.unland(a)icb.uni-due.de>
Antwort an: rainer.unland(a)icb.uni-due.de
Organisation: University Duisburg-Essen
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2012 )
July 25-27, 2012, Beijing, China
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of full papers
Feb 28, 2012
Notification of acceptance:
Mar 31, 2012
Deadline for submission of final manuscripts:
............................................................... Apr 30, 2012
Deadline for Authors’ Registration:
May 14, 2012
IEEE INDIN is the premier conference series presenting the state of the
art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies,
where industry experts, researchers, and
academics share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies,
breakthroughs and innovative solutions and applications.
Previous conferences in the series were respectively held in Banff
Canada (2003), Berlin Germany (2004), Perth Australia (2005), Singapore
(2006), Vienna Austria (2007), Daejeon
Korea (2008), Cardiff UK (2009), and Osaka Japan (2010), and Lisbon
Portugal (2011). The INDIN2012 will be held on July 25-27, 2012 in
Beijing, China.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia and to provide them with a
platform to report on recent developments, achievements, deployments,
technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related
to industrial informatics and their application.
Special Session: Smart Grids
Nowadays, there is a major shift into new smart power supply networks
for different reasons not the least to integrate renewable energy
sources into existing electricity
grids. Solutions for future energy networks will come from fields such
as Engineering, Urban Systems, Economics and especially Computer Science
just to name a few.
Possible topics for this special session might be:
1. Technical solutions for (aspects of) future electricity/gas grids
2. Requirements for future electricity/gas grids
3. Simulation tools for electricity/gas grids
4. Urban systems and future energy networks
Organizing Committee:
Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Rainer.Unland at
Cherif Branki, University of the West of Scotland
PC Committee:
Bordini, Rafael H
Braubach, Lars
Derksen, Christian
Dillon, Tharam
Elammari, Mohamed
Essaaidi, Mohammad
Franczyk, Bogdan
Guttmann, Christian
Huhns, Michael
Kowalczyk, Ryszard
Maamar, Zakaria
Moench, Lars
Palensky, Peter
Robu, Valentin
Teuteberg, Frank
Tianfield, Hua
Zhu, Hong
“Experience is this valuable asset which allows us to identify the
mistake immediately when we are doing it again and again!”
“Erfahrung ist jener kostbare Besitz, der uns befähigt, einen Fehler
sofort zu erkennen, wenn wir ihn immer wieder machen.”
Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and
Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
IP-Tel. Skype: unlandr Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
Email: Rainer.Unland at icb.uni-due.de
WWW: http://www.dawis.wiwi.uni-due.de/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 2012: Last CFP -
Deadline extendedtill March 11, 2012
Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 18:20:15 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Jörg P. Müller"<joerg.mueller(a)tu-clausthal.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
Call For Papers
AOSE 2012
13th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
Held with AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, June 4, 2012
Since the early 1990s, multi-agent system researchers have developed a
large body of knowledge on the foundations and engineering principles
for designing and developing agent-based systems. The 12 past editions
of the agent-oriented software engineering workshop (AOSE) had a key
role in this endeavor. For 2012, the workshop organizers and the
steering committee propose to organize an edition of AOSE workshop aimed
at exploring the new emerging role of agent-oriented software
engineering as a bridge from the now consolidated agent oriented
programming languages and platforms, to recent systems modelling
paradigms like self-*, autonomic systems, and systems of systems (SoS).
Thus, it is our hope to explore from an agent-based perspective,
foundations, models, methods, architectures, and tools for
engineering future software-intensive IT eco-systems.
The workshop organizers plan to publish accepted papers on a USB stick
as part of the AAMAS workshop registration package.
Revised post-proceedings papers will later be published in
a volume of the Lecture Notes for Computer Science series.
The general goal of this year workshop is twofold: The first goal is to
study the role of agent-oriented software engineering in the design
phase of agents development. It is well known and accepted that agents -
from the software engineering perspective - are of particular interest
as an analysis abstraction. This has been true for several years but the
most recent advancements in agent-oriented programming languages have
proposed new challenges: software engineers may now design and code
their solutions in terms of agents. The old need of moving to the
object-oriented level of abstraction is overpassed and the new
developing platforms allow for a more natural transformation of AO
analysis models into AO design models. This reality has been soon
perceived by researcher and practitioners. An example of this new trend
may be found in the refreshed interest about testing of agents.
The second goal concerns the other side of the proposed ideal bridge:
the needs of new design approaches specifically suited for facing the
needs of self-organizing systems, autonomic systems and systems of
systems. In the last years we have seen considerable research efforts on
these topics; however, only few of them have their scope and foundations
in the software engineering field.
Novel efforts are necessary to cope with these new challenges in order
to find specific solutions that could bring such systems from research
to industrialization. In this context, a means for bridging the above
mentioned research (and application) streams may come from the advances
on organizations, norms, and institutions. Are they mature enough for
being applied to stable agent-oriented languages and for contributing to
the engineering of self-organizing and autonomic systems? The proposed
aim is find an answer to this question or to propose further hints for
future investigations on the application of organizations, norms and
institutions to the design of agent-oriented systems.
Topics of regular papers include but are not restricted to:
* Agent-based concepts for systems of systems engineering
* Agent-based solutions for managing complexity in software engineering
* Agents and model-driven approaches
* Agents and services
* Agents for self-adaptive systems
* Alignment of agents with service-oriented software development
* Autonomy vs. dependability and robustness
* CASE tools to support agent-oriented software development in practice
* Coordination infrastructures for multi-agent systems
* Engineering multi-agent organizations
* Engineering self-organizing systems
* Goal-oriented design
* Implications of introducing agent-based solutions on the development
* Integration of agents with legacy systems
* Middleware integration of agent-based software
* Multi-agent based simulation
* Programming agents and multi-agent systems
* Qualities and tradeoffs of agent-based architectures
* Reusable design knowledge: patterns and reference architectures
* Social engineering
* Software architectures for multi-agent systems
* Standardization efforts for multi-agent systems
* Testing of agent-based software
* Validation of agent technology in practice
* Verification of agent-based software
AOSE welcomes the submission of theoretical, experimental,
methodological as well as application papers with a clear research focus
on the topics outlined above. Each paper will be evaluated by three
members of the PC. Papers that present a valuable idea that needs
further development can be accepted as a short paper.
Papers should be between 8 and 12 pages, including the text, figures,
and references. The submissions must be formatted according to the
Springer Verlag LNCS style. PDF format is required. Papers can be
submitted via EasyChair 'AOSE2012',
The good receipt of your submission will be confirmed by email.
Pre-proceedings containing all accepted papers are provided
electronically on a USB stick as part of the AAMAS workshop registration
package. The plan is to publish revised versions of accepted papers in a
Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume. For this purpose, authors will
be given the opportunity to revise and re-submit their contributions
after the conference.
IMPORTANT DATES (extended deadline!)
Paper submission deadline: 11th March 2012
Paper notifications: 6th April 2012
Camera ready paper (pre-proceedings): 8th April 2012
Workshop: 4th June 2012
Organizing Committee
* Massimo Cossentino, National Research Council of Italy, Palermo, Italy
* Joerg P. Mueller, Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Institut for
Informatik, Germany
Preliminary Program Committee:
Carole Bernon,Universite Paul Sabatier, France
Lars Braubach,University of Hamburg, Germany
Scott A. Deloach,Kansas State University, USA
Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni,University Pierre and Marie Curie, France
Giancarlo Fortino,Universita della Calabria, Italy
Aditya Ghose,University of Wollongong, Australia
Holger Giese,University of Potsdam, Germany
Adriana Giret,Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Marie-Pierre Gleizes,Universite Paul Sabatier, France
Jorge Gomez-Sanz,Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
Juan Carlos Gonzalez Moreno,Universidad de Vigo, Ourense, Spain
Joao Leite,University of Lisbon, Portugal
Philippe Mathieu,Universite Lille 1, France
Frederic Migeon,Universite Paul Sabatier, France
Ambra Molesini,University of Bologna, Italy
Pavlos Moraitis, Paris Descartes University, France
Andrea Omicini,University of Bologna, Italy
Flavio Oquendo,Universite de Bretagne Sud, France
Juan Pavon,Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
Alexander Pokahr,University of Hamburg, Germany
Alessandro Ricci,University of Bologna, Italy
Fariba Sadri,Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, England
Valeria Seidita,University of Palermo, Italy
Onn Shehory,IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Danny Weyns,Linnaeus University, Sweden