-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CISTI'2012 - Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 15:18:51 +0000
Von: Alvaro Rocha <amrocha(a)ufp.edu.pt>
Antwort an: amrocha(a)ufp.edu.pt
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*************************** CISTI'2012 ****************************
7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
June 20-23, 2012, Madrid, Spain
We are pleased to invite the academic and business community to submit their papers to CISTI'2012 (7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies), to be held in Madrid, Spain, between the 20th and 23rd of June 2012. Authors are encouraged to submit original scientific contributions such as state-of-art reviews and new research perspectives, groundbreaking ideas and/or architectures, solutions and/or applications for real problems, empirical and/or evaluation works, case studies, etc., in conformity with the themes of this Conference.
Four types of papers can be submitted:
Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, included in one of the Conference themes. These papers are assigned to a 6-page limit.
Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, opened to discussion. These papers are assigned to a 4-page limit.
Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, opened to discussion. These papers are assigned to a 2-page limit.
Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R&D, tools, etc., focused in some topics of the conference. These articles are abstracts with a maximum of 1 page.
Papers submitted for the Scientific Committee?s evaluation must not include any information leading to the authors? identification. Therefore, the authors? names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in the early version. This information should only be included in the final version.
Submitted papers must not have been published and must not be under review for any other conference and national or international publication.
Papers must comply with the format standard (http://www.aisti.eu/cisti2012/papersformat.dot) and be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
All papers will be subjected to a ?blind review? by at least two members of the Scientific Committee.
Full papers can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only. Similarly, short papers can be accepted as poster papers only. In these cases, the authors will be allowed to maintain the original number of pages in the proceedings publication.
The authors of accepted poster papers must build and print a poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 5-minute limit per poster.
The authors of accepted full papers will dispose of a 15-minute presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted short papers and company papers will dispose of an 11-minute presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 4 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation.
Submitted papers must follow the main themes proposed for the Conference (the topics proposed in each theme constitute a mere framework reference; they are not intended as restrictive):
A) OMIS - Organizational Models and Information Systems
B) KMDSS - Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems
C) SSAAT - Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools
D) CNMPS - Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems
E) HCC - Human Centered Computing
F) HIS - Health Informatics
G) ITE - Information Technologies in Education
To ensure that the contribution (full paper, short paper, poster paper, company paper) is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the authors must be fully registered until the 13th of April, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and the page-limit. Additionally, all recommended modifications must be addressed by the authors before they submit the final version.
No more than two contributions per registration will be published in the Conference Proceedings. An extra fee must be paid for each additional paper submitted for publication, with a maximum of two additional papers.
Full papers will be published in book and CD, with an ISBN. Short papers and poster papers will be published in CD only, with an ISBN.
Published full papers will be sent to ISI, IEEE?s XPlore and EBSCO, where they will subsequently be indexed by ISI, SCOPUS, EBSCO and INSPEC. Published short papers will be sent to IEEE?s XPlore and to EBSCO, and they will subsequently be indexed by SCOPUS, EBSCO and INSPEC. Poster papers will be sent to EBSCO only, where they will subsequently be indexed. Company papers will not be sent for indexing.
The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to expand them for publication in a special issue of REICIS (Spanish Journal of Innovation, Quality and Software Engineering), in IEEE?s book TICAI (ICTs Applied to Engineering Learning), in RISTI Journal (Iberian Journal of Information Systems and Technologies) and other interested Iberian publications.
CISTI'2012 Website: http://www.aisti.eu/cisti2012/index.php?lang=en
Álvaro Rocha
Associate Professor
University Fernando Pessoa, Porto
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Interactive Learning Environments
Special Issue on LMS - Evolving from Silos to Structures
(Last Call)
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 08:47:12 +0100
From: Francisco José García Peñalvo <fgarcia(a)usal.es>
Reply-To: fgarcia(a)usal.es
Organization: Universidad de Salamanca
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
Special Issue of Interactive Learning Environments
www.informaworld.com/ile <http://www.informaworld.com/ile>
*LMS -- Evolving from Silos to Structures*
The Guest Editors for this Special Issue invite papers
addressing the theme of eLearning platforms evolution for
*Interactive Learning Environments*.
The learning process is continuously evolving. This
evolution is always related to context and sometimes is
influenced by technological, pedagogical or sociological
trends. One of the most common tools used in eLearning is
the Learning Management System (LMS); 100% of Universities
have at least one LMS and 79.5% of large companies use these
systems in their eLearning initiatives (Wexler et al., 2008).
>From an institutional perspective, LMS have supported
eLearning by providing a nexus for learning activities and a
set of tools that support and permit the management, within
a closed environment, of teaching and learning processes.
But today there is a need for emerging innovations to be
taken into account in the design and use of LMS. Web 2.0
tools, social networks, and cloud services are increasingly
used for learning in both formal and informal contexts, but
usually outside the institutional LMS. The increasing
presence of these tools is something that should be taken
into account and incorporated into the concept of the LMS.
Otherwise these tools will increasingly become walled
gardens, distanced from the kinds of ICT uses and behaviours
that are prevalent among learners. There is a need to open
up the LMS concept so that instead of constituting a closed
set of predefined tools for management, it becomes an
adaptable and flexible framework for supporting the learning
Moreover, LMS are usually centred around one specific
institution or course, and though they provide very useful
tools for teachers, course designers and human resource
managers in companies they cater more to these needs than to
the needs of the learners. The institutional investment in
LMS, particularly the resources employed to adapt them to
the needs of the institution makes it unlikely that they
will be discarded. There is therefore a need to address ways
in which they can be adapted, so that they evolve to meet
the emerging needs of the learners, the key actors in the
learning process, and thus ensure their continued
educational relevance (and that of the institution).
Learners increasingly use a wide range of tools and
resources to learn, and do so in a wide range of contexts.
Although this has arguably always been the case, the
emergence of a range of ICT tools that support learning
outside formal contexts has made these processes more
transparent. This implies that, if they are to meet the
needs of the learner, in an increasingly competitive
context, LMS need to be restructured to make them capable of
adapting to, and at times incorporating, new tools. They
should be capable of supporting learners beyond the
institutional context, throughout life, and guarantee the
learner´s mobility between contexts, while at the same time
continuing to meet the institution´s needs. This implies
that first it is necessary to look at how students use
institutionally provided LMS and how this use relates to
their use of other tools, in other words how the
institutional LMS fits into or interacts with their existing
wider Personal Learning Environment, and then how the LMS
might enrich or support this PLE across courses and
institutions and over time.
The challenge with respect to this relates to a pedagogical
shift. The name Learning Management System suggests, or even
assumes, that the institution "manages" the students
learning. However the idea of supporting learning across
contexts implies that the responsibility for learning
devolves to the student. Regarding this, there are two
important issues to explore: 1) Are learners ready for this
responsibility? And 2) Can LMS help learners to organise
their existing PLE in ways that will meet their educational
needs (and enrich their learning) in a lifelong learning
context? To do this, it will be necessary to explore student
behaviour, the kind of tools they use in and outside the
institution, how they collaborate with other students during
the course or with other students in the same institution
and so on.
In order to achieve these goals, LMS must be reconceived as
repositories for learning services and resources, that are
capable of coexisting with and within, rather than aiming to
replace (as is frequently the case), the learner's PLE -
throughout life and across contexts.
The aim of this special issue is to explore this challenge
and provide an overview of existing approaches that enable
more flexible and open "Learning Management Structures".
Contributions will include, among others, work related to
service oriented solutions; communication between LMS and
external tools; interoperability initiatives to guarantee
solution portability; personalization, and also new hybrid
contexts for learning.
.*LMS evolution tendencies*
oTechnological tendencies
oPedagogical possibilities
oLMS future trends
.*LMS restructuring*
oService oriented solutions
oTools integration
oCommunication channels
oOther contexts for LMS access
.*Personalized learning environments*
oTheories and frameworks for PLEs
oTechnologies for PLE development
oInnovative technologies in PLEs
oPersonal Learning Networks
oExperiences using PLEs
oUser as owner/director of the learning process
oNew tools for learning
oMeasurement and assessment of learning in PLEs
oInstitutional Learning Environments
oMash-up Personal Learning Environments
.*Lifelong learning integration*
oInformal and formal integration
oSupporting informal and contextual learning
oMeasurement and assessment of informal learning
oInitiatives for supporting lifelong learning tools
oCompetence recognition in LMS
*Submission Guidelines *
Instructions for authors can be accessed via the journal
homepage www.informaworld.com/ile
<http://www.informaworld.com/ile>. All papers must be
submitted through the journal's Manuscript Central system:
*Important dates*
Deadline for paper submission:
19.January.2012 (Extended)
Feedback from reviewers:
Revised manuscripts:
Acceptance notification:
Camera-ready submissions:
*More information*
Prof. Dr. Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Computer Science Department
University of Salamanca
Salamanca, Spain
fgarcia(a)usal.es <mailto:fgarcia@usal.es>
Dr. Francisco José García Peñalvo
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Departamento de Informática y Automática
Facultad de Ciencias - Plaza de los Caídos S/N
Universidad de Salamanca
37008 Salamanca (España)
Tfno. +34 923294400 Ext. 1302
Fax +34 923294514
fgarcia(a)usal.es <mailto:fgarcia@usal.es>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] ZEUS 2012 - 2nd Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 02:57:05 +0100
From: <andreas.schoenberger(a)uni-bamberg.de>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
ZEUS 2012: 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS [Apologies for cross-postings]
4th Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS)
February 23-24, 2012 * Bamberg, Germany * http://zeus2012.pi.uni-bamberg.de/
The 4th Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS) will
take place at Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany, on February 23rd
and 24th, 2012.
ZEUS is a free, but high-quality opportunity to discuss research work.
Participation is free of charge!
1. Discuss fresh ideas
ZEUS is a classical scientific workshop. We are seeking creative ideas and
ongoing scientific work with some preliminary results. ZEUS offers you an
open-minded community of services researchers who are willing to discuss
your ideas and help you improve your contents for highly ranked conferences.
Your submission will be peer-reviewed by at least three independent reviewers
and may be rejected, accepted as position statement or as full workshop paper.
Innovation and creativity are the most important factors for ZEUS. Of course,
the rules of technical correctness and scientific method must be adhered to as
2. Establish young researchers’ network
We aim at bringing together young researchers who work in the same geographic
and the same scientific region. We would like to provide an opportunity for
young researchers to establish a scientific network that can be intensely used,
including mutual visits at affordable costs. The workshop will serve as
to present current research ideas and research directions. Although grounded in
the German-speaking services community, ZEUS is open to the European services
community as a whole. Submissions and talks are expected to be provided in
The topics of the ZEUS workshop are centered around choreography and
technology which includes a rich set of facets. Formal aspects of choreography
orchestration languages for the purpose of analysis, synthesis or simulation of
service compositions are as welcome as practical evaluations, use case-driven
feasibility studies or technology adoption models. In particular, the use of
choreography and orchestration models by different types of stakeholders, say
software engineers and domain experts, and the application of choreography and
orchestration in cloud-based computing models are of major interest.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Integration of choreography and orchestration models
Conformance notions
Analysis, simulation and verification
Modelling and specification
Execution and monitoring
Testing, deployment and practical issues
Adoption models for choreography and orchestration technology
Value and maturity assessment
Multi-view and multi-perspective engineering
Advanced communication qualities in choreography and orchestration scenarios
Choreographies and orchestrations in Cloud environments
Interoperability of language formats as well as models
Results can be presented in talks or tool demonstrations. Submissions will be
by at least three reviewers each in order to assure general fitness regarding
readability and scope and to give first feedback to the authors. Depending on
technical soundness and presentation clarity, papers may be rejected or
accepted as
position statement or full paper.
Papers and tool demonstrations can be submitted until January 20, 2012 via
Submitted papers shall not exceed 6 pages in Springer LNCS style.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: January 20, 2012
Notification: February 3, 2012
Camera Ready Version: February 15, 2011
Registration: February 15, 2012
Workshop: February 23-24, 2012
Post-Workshop Proceedings Version: March 16, 2012
1 Steering Committee
Oliver Kopp, University of Stuttgart
Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock
Karsten Wolf, University of Rostock
2 Program Chairs
Oliver Kopp, University of Stuttgart
Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock
Andreas Schönberger, University of Bamberg
3 Program Committee
Rafael Accorsi, University of Freiburg
Daniel Beimborn, University of Bamberg
Gero Decker, signavio
Daniel Eichhorn, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dirk Fahland, TU Eindhoven
Christian Gierds, Humboldt-University of Berlin
Christian Huemer, TU Vienna
Meiko Jensen, Ruhr-University Bochum
Nils Joachim, University of Bamberg
Oliver Kopp, University of Stuttgart
Agnes Koschmider, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Philipp Leitner, TU Vienna
Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock
Christoph M. Pflügler, University of Augsburg
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, University of Leicester
Andreas Schönberger, University of Bamberg
Christian Stahl, Eindhoven University of Technology
Jan Sürmeli, Humboldt-University of Berlin
Robert Warschofsky, Hasso Plattner Institiute Potsdam
Matthias Weidlich, Technion, Israel
Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente
Marco Zapletal, TU Vienna
Andreas Schoenberger
Distributed and Mobile Systems Group
Faculty Information Systems and Applied Computer Science
Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg
Feldkirchenstr. 21
D-96052 Bamberg, Germany
Mail: andreas.schoenberger(at)uni-bamberg.de; zeus2012(a)easychair.org
More information
ZEUS 2012 Homepage: http://zeus2012.pi.uni-bamberg.de/
ZEUS WS Series: http://zeus-workshop.eu/
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Fifth International Workshop on Domain
Engineering (DE@CAiSE'12) - CFP
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:38:37 +0200
From: Iris Reinhartz-Berger <iris.rberger(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*DE@CAiSE'12: Workshop on Domain Engineering
In Conjunction with CAiSE'12*
*Submission deadline: February 26th, 2012*
*Event Date:**June 26th, 2012 *
*Event Location:Gdansk, Poland*
Domain Engineering aims at developing, maintaining, and
managing the creation and evolution of domains, which are
areas of knowledge that use common concepts for describing
phenomena, requirements, problems, capabilities, and
solutions that are of interest to a specific set of
stakeholders. Domain Engineering is used, researched, and
studied in various fields, such as Software Product Line
Engineering (SPLE), Domain-Specific Language Engineering
(DSLE), and Conceptual Modeling & Knowledge Engineering (CMKE).
In SPLE, Domain Engineering deals with specifying,
designing, implementing, and managing reusable assets, such
as specification sets, patterns, and components, that may be
suitable, after customization, adaptation, or even
extension, to families of software products. The commonality
and variability of different products are analyzed and
represented usually in feature models or utilizing UML
In DSLE, Domain Engineering aims at designing and developing
languages that support the terminologies of domains and at
defining, implementing, and validating syntactic and
semantic rules that enable combinations of terms.
In CMKE, the focus of Domain Engineering is on capturing,
representing, analyzing and processing knowledge about the
domain and how this knowledge can contribute to software
Domain Engineering methods and approaches have become of
special interest to the Information Systems and Software
Engineering communities for several reasons. These reasons
include: the need to manage increasing requirements for
variability of information and software systems (reflecting
variability in customer requirements); the need to minimize
accidental complexity when modeling the variability of a
domain; and the need to obtain, formalize, and share
expertise in different evolving domains. Furthermore, Domain
Engineering as a discipline has practical significance as it
can provide techniques and technologies that may help reduce
time-to-market, product cost, and projects risks on one
hand, and help improve product quality and performance on a
consistent basis on the other hand.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together
researchers and practitioners in the area of Domain
Engineering in order to identify possible points of synergy,
common problems and solutions, and visions for the future of
the area. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
·Conceptual foundations of Domain Engineering
·Methods and techniques to support Domain Engineering
·Semantics driven approaches to Domain Engineering
·Product line lifecycle engineering
·Development and management of domain assets
·Domain-driven requirements engineering
·Testing, modeling, and formal verification of domain and
application artifacts
·Application derivation (i.e., how to instantiate artifacts
from domain artifacts)
·Variability management and techniques that assist in
identifying and eliminating spurious complexity
·Domain-specific languages, frameworks, and architectures
·Utilization of domain engineering as a means of
modularization, reuse, validation, and knowledge management
·Theoretical and empirical evaluation of domain engineering
·Case studies and practice reports related to domain
·Domain Engineering based software development processes
·Integration of Domain Engineering techniques with systems
development approaches
*Submission Guidelines*
Prospective workshop participants are invited to submit a
paper related to the workshop subject. The workshop will
accept two types of submissions:
1.Completed Research -- this type of papers should include
evidence to support the contribution (e.g. in the form of
data analysis, proof of concept, or case studies) and
discussion on research findings and their theoretical and
practical significance. The paper should not exceed 10 pages
(including references and appendices). Accepted completed
research papers will be allocated 30 minutes for
presentation (including questions & answers) during the
workshop and will be published in Springer's LNBIP proceedings.
2.Uncompleted Research -- this type of papers can report on
research that is under way with preliminary results
available at the time of the conference or include lucid and
well-supported statements and suggestions on domain
engineering, e.g., directions for the discipline, open
questions, criticism on the state-of-the-art, and novel
approaches. The paper should not exceed 5 pages (including
references and appendices). Accepted research-in-progress
papers will be allocated 15-20 minutes for presentation
(including questions & answers) during the workshop and will
be published in CEUR proceedings.
The two types of papers may refer to theoretical and/or
practical issues and should be written in Springer LNCS
style (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.htmlfor
details). As the workshop will apply double-blind reviews
process, the papers should not indicate their authors.
Papers should be submitted through the on-line system at
The paper selection will be based upon the relevance of a
paper to the main topics, on its quality and on the
potential to stimulate discussion in the workshop. Best
papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their
papers to a special issue of the International Journal of
Information System Modeling and Design
The special issue will include papers from all workshops,
which will go through a regular review process, and will be
managed by CAiSE'2012 workshops chairs.
*Important dates*
Declaration of intention to submit: February 19^th , 2012
(through an email to the organizers)
Submission deadline: February 26^th , 2012
Notification of acceptance: March 23^rd , 2012
Camera-ready papers due: April 3^rd , 2012
Workshop: June 26^th , 2012
*Workshop Co-Chairs*
Iris Reinhartz-Berger, University of Haifa, Israel.
Arnon Sturm, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Tony Clark, Middlesex University, London, UK
Yair Wand, University of British Columbia, Canada
Jorn Bettin, Sofismo, Switzerland
Sholom Cohen, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie
Mellon University, USA
*Workshop Program Committee*
Mathieu Acher, University of Namur, Belgium
Kim Dae-Kyoo,Oakland University, USA
Olga De Troyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Joerg Evermann, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Yishai Feldman, IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA
Giancarlo Guizzardi, Federal University of Espírito Santo,
Patrick Heymans, University of Namur, Belgium
Øystein Haugen, SINTEF, Norway
Timo Käkölä, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
David H. Lorenz, Open University, Israel
Parastoo Mohagheghi, SINTEF, Norway
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Klaus Pohl, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Julia Rubin, IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel
Lior Schachter, Open University, Israel
Klaus Schmid, University of Hildesheim, Germany
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
For more information on the workshop, please contact:
Iris Reinhartz-Berger
Department of Information Systems
University of Haifa, Carmel Mountain, Haifa 31905, Israel
Email: iris(a)is.haifa.ac.il
Phone: 972-4-8288502
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IBM Cloud Conference cfp
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 16:51:15 -0600
From: Sue Conger <sue.conger(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The IBM Cloud Academy and
IBM Centers for Advanced Studies (RTP, Chicago, Heritage
Corridor, Florida)
invite you to the
1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference
ICA CON 2012
Thursday and Friday, April 19-20, 2012
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
at the IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center
Building 400, Cornwallis Drive
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Conference website:
If you plan to attend, please register at:
We are currently accepting submissions for papers and poster
presentations at:
Best papers will be published in a special issue of the
International Journal of Cloud Computing
For more information, contact conference co-chairs Andy
Rindos (rindos(a)us.ibm.com <mailto:rindos@us.ibm.com>) or
Chris Bernbrock (cwbernbr(a)us.ibm.com
ICA CON 2012, the 1st International IBM Cloud Academy
Conference, will provide an exciting opportunity for
educators and researchers to share ideas and experiences in
cloud computing. The conference is open to both K-12 and
higher education institutions already implementing cloud
technologies and services, or considering doing so.
The program will include invited keynotes, technical papers,
position papers, workshops and a technology showcase. The
technical papers portion of the conference program will
feature experience reports and original research papers. The
technology showcase will feature poster presentations and
demonstrations on cloud computing research or
implementations in progress. Selected papers from conference
proceedings will be published as a special edition of the
International Journal of Cloud Computing IJCC
ICA CON 2012 will be an excellent venue for presenting
original work, exchanging new ideas, embracing cloud
technologies, sharing results and experiences, and
networking with other leading institutions who are already
implementing cloud solutions.
Call for Papers
We invite submission of papers / presentations or posters on
the use of cloud computing for educational and research
purposes. Of particular interest will be submissions
featuring original research or experience reports that
address how the transition to cloud computing is helping to
transform education. The latter is intended to facilitate
the sharing of best practices with real-world examples
illustrating improvements in quality, outcomes, lessons
learned and return-on-investment.
A range of topics relevant to cloud computing in education
and research will be considered. Here are some areas to show
the range of interests and possibilities:
Institutional Strategy and Planning for Cloud Computing
Building the institution's future infrastructure on a cloud
Culture change challenges in transitioning to cloud computing
Economic Models of, and Economic Development through, Cloud
Financial impact and benefits of cloud computing
Roadmap for adoption, integration and transition to cloud
Data Management and Analytics on the Cloud
Business Intelligence for education and research purposes
using cloud computing
Analytics and predictive analytics in cloud environments
Big Data in clouds
Storage management and clouds
User Productivity with Cloud Computing
Collaboration using cloud computing
Enhancing accessibility through cloud services
Workloads and Use Cases of cloud for education and research
Cloud Computing Implementation Strategies
Building Green Data Centers
Data Center migration to cloud computing
Energy Management Considerations
Integration and workflow of cloud services
Impact on IT Infrastructure Management with cloud computing
IT Service and Relationship Management (Business and IT)
Service Oriented Architecture and cloud computing
Software development services with cloud computing
Research Computing in the Cloud
High Performance Computing and cloud computing
Research computing models using cloud computing
Pedagogical Impact of Cloud Computing
Impact on learning and teaching with cloud computing
Delivering educational resources via a cloud
New and Innovative Pedagogical Approaches with cloud
Service Sciences, Management and Engineering (SSME)
Standards and Open Source Strategies for Cloud Computing
Innovations in IP (especially as relates to Open Source)
Open standards for cloud computing
Systems Management in a Cloud Computing Environment
Service level agreements and clouds
Security, identity, trust and privacy on clouds
Software licensing in education for cloud computing
Papers / presentations proposals on the implementation and
research issues associated with the virtualization
technology, management and security policies and user
applications that underlie or utilize solutions like the
Virtual Computing Lab and SPSS Decision Management for
Education are also encouraged, as here is a significant
interest in these areas within the academy presently.
Important dates
January 20, 2012
Deadline - abstracts for papers/posters due
February 17, 2012
Acceptance notification to authors/presenters of
papers/posters for conference
March 16, 2012
Full papers due for preliminary proceedings
April 19-20, 2012
ICA CON 2012 in Research Triangle Park, NC
Review Procedure
All submissions will be peer reviewed by appropriate domain
experts among those listed on the Program Committee.. The
reviewers know that the ICA CON 2012 conference aims to
produce innovative as well as quality work, and that authors
of selected papers / presentations will be selected and
invited to have work published in a special issue of the
International Journal of Cloud Computing / IJCC
Submission Format
Abstract up to 250 words
Anonymized (remove author names and affiliations) for the
review process.
To facilitate the subsequent publication of selected
manuscripts, we suggest you check with the guidelines used
by the International Journal of Cloud Computing at the
outset: Submissions guidelines
Submission implies willingness of at least one author to
register and present at the conference.
To submit:
To submit your extended abstract for consideration, please
go to:
For more information, contact conference co-chairs Andy
Rindos (rindos(a)us.ibm.com <mailto:rindos@us.ibm.com>) or
Chris Bernbrock (cwbernbr(a)us.ibm.com
Program Co-Chairs and Steering Committee
Sharon Pitt, George Mason University
Art Vandenberg *, Georgia State University
Mladen Vouk, North Carolina State University
Chris Bernbrock, IBM
Son Huynh, IBM
Paul Kontogiorgis, IBM
Andy Rindos *, IBM
* Proceedings Co-Chairs as well
Program Co-Chairs will also serve as reviewers
Registration Chair
Alisha Malloy, North Carolina Central University
Program / Reviewers Committee:
Fernando Brito e Abreu (U Nova de Lisboa)
Rui Aguiar (U de Aveiro)
D Turgay Altilar (Istanbul Tech U)
Rodolfo Ambrosetti (IBM)
Glenn Ammons (IBM)
Arun Anandasivam (KIT)
Shivnath Babu (Duke)
Helena Barbas (U Nova de Lisboa)
Jorge Gomes Barbosa (U Porta)
Joao Paulo Barros (Polytech Inst Beja)
Umesh Bellur (IITB)
Michel Bezy (CMU)
David Bernstein (IBM)
Peter Bloodsworth (NUST)
Bob Brookshire (U of SC)
Larry Burton (NCA&T)
Miguel Calejo (Universidade do Minho)
Paul Carlson (City of Columbus)
Anu Chirinos (FIU)
Rada Chirkova (NC State)
Sue Conger (U Dallas)
Antonio Corradi (U Bologna)
João Falcão e Cunha (U Porta)
Jose Cunha (U Nova de Lisboa)
Ron Dattero (U Missouri)
Carlos De Backer (U Antwerp)
Murthy Devarakonda (IBM)
Michael Devetsikiotis (NC State)
Bruce Dillon (IBM)
Beniamino Di Martino (Seconda U di Napoli)
Henrique João L. Domingos (New U Lisbon)
Robert Eades (IBM)
Chaker El Amrani (Abdelmalek Essaadi U)
D. Cenk Erdil (Bilgi U)
Terry Escamilla (IBM)
Rustem Faizullin (IBM)
Vitor Basto Fernandes (Inst. Polytech Leira)
Sew Bun Foong (IBM)
Anne Rivers Forcke (IBM)
Rodney Foreman (IBM)
Joao C. Freitas (U Nova de Lisboa)
Stephane Gagnon (U Québec en Outaouais)
Robert Geist (Clemson)
Enrico Giunchiglia (U Degli Studi Genova)
Clay Gloster (NCA&T)
Sebastien Goasguen (Clemson)
Donna Grant (NCCU)
Adam Grzech (Wroclaw Polytechnic)
Sergio Guerreiro (U Lusófona Human e Tec)
Xiaohui Helen Gu (NC State)
Rajeev Gupta (IBM)
Milt Halem (UMBC)
Xiao Wei Hu (IBM)
Anupam Joshi (UMBC)
Karuna Joshi (UMBC)
Matjaz B. Juric (U Ljubljana)
Jasleen Kaur (UNC)
Alexander Keller (IBM)
David Kaminsky (IBM)
Bina Khimani (IBM)
Mike Kirgan (FIU)
Petra Kopp (IBM)
Vladimir Korenkov (U Dubna)
Jack Kouloheris (IBM)
Richard Kouri (NC State)
Michael Kowolenko (NC State)
Helmut Krcmar (Tech U München)
Dietmar Kuebler (IBM)
Eng Pin Kwang (TPU)
Chung-Sheng Li (IBM)
Tao Li (FIU)
Dave Lindquist (IBM)
Marin Litoiu (York U)
Richard Lucic (Duke)
Hari Madduri (IBM)
Alisha Malloy (NCCU)
Mukesh Mohania (IBM)
Alan Moraes (U Federal da Paraíba)
Paul Mugge (NC State)
Hamid Mukhtar (NUST)
T. N. Nagabhushan (IISc)
Chris Nero (IBM)
Peng Ning (NC State)
Charles Nicholas (UMBC)
Rui Oliveira (U Minho)
Yi Pan (GSU)
Andras Pataricza (BME)
Marcelo Perazolo (IBM)
Harry Perros (NC State)
Diane Pozefsky (UNC)
Jan Prins (UNC)
Sivakumar Rajendran (IBM)
Rajiv Ramnath (Ohio State U)
Jayashree Ramanathan (Ohio State U)
Mike Reiter (UNC)
Armanda Rodrigues (U Nova de Lisboa)
Di Rui-Hua (BJUT)
Wieland Sabine (HfTL)
Masoud Sadjadi (FIU)
Fred Sadri (UNCG)
Sambit Sahu (IBM)
Javier González Sánchez (Arizona State U)
Henrique Santos (U Minho)
Sandra Saúde (Polytech Inst Beja)
Henry Schaffer (NC State)
Berni Schiefer (IBM)
Rainer Schmidt (HTW Aalen)
Jeanne Schreurs (U Hasselt)
Cameron Seay (NCA&T)
Pedro Sequeira (Polytech Inst Santarém)
Eric Sills (NC State)
Mark Simpson (IBM)
Don Smith (UNC)
Pedro Sobral (U Fernando Pessoa)
Mike Spreitzer (IBM)
M. N. Srinivas (U Mysore)
Sarah Stein (NC State)
David Stotts (UNC)
Eleni Stroulia (U Alberta)
Nasseh Tabrizi (ECU)
Kishor Trivedi (Duke)
Bart Vashaw (IBM Research)
Jamshid Vayghan (U Minn)
Jiri Vorisek (U Economics, Prague)
Elizabeth Woodward (IBM
Eric Wiebe (NC State)
Laurie Williams (NC State)
Jacob Yackenovich (IBM)
Yaacov Yesha (UMBC)
Yelena Yesha (UMBC)
Yi Liang (BJUT)
IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center,
Building 400, Cornwallis Drive,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Paul Kontogiorgis
IT Services Curriculum Program Director
SSME Advocate
email: paulkont(a)us.ibm.com <mailto:paulkont@us.ibm.com>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Call for Papers: The Joint
International Conference on Human-Centered Computer
Environments (HCCE 2012)
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 04:02:39 +0900
From: Alexander Vazhenin <vazhenin(a)u-aizu.ac.jp>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
Dear Colleagues and Scholars:
HCCE-2012, The Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments will be held in March 8-13, 2012 with the following events:
• The 14th International Conference on Humans and Computers (HC-2012). Main Conference Place: Hamamatsu, Japan. Some sessions will be held in Aizu-Wakamatsu.
• International Symposium on Spatial Media. Place: Aizu-Wakamatsu.
• The 3rd Aizu University ACM Chapter Conference on Elearning and Technical Communication. The selected post conference papers will be included in the HCCE 2012 Proceedings.
The conference sessions will be at the University of Aizu (Aizu-Wakamatsu) and University of Shizuoka (Hamamatsu) with satellite sessions at Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences. Please visit the following link for more information about the HCCE 2012:
The HCCE-2012 proceedings volume will be identified as being part of the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) published by ACM that is the world's largest professional computer society. ACM will put the full-text of the proceedings papers into the ACM Digital Library, under the heading of the "ACM International Conference Proceedings". There are over 34,000 individual subscribers to the ACM Digital Library, and over 2,800 library subscriptions. This guarantees that the proceedings will be available to the widest possible audience of computing professionals. Selected papers will also be invited to be optionally extended and published in 3DForum- the Journal of Three Dimensional Images or JVRB- the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.
HCCE welcomes submissions regarding all aspects of computer-human interaction, including but not limited to the following topics:
3D Computer Graphics
AI-based Techniques in HC
Artificial Life
Computer-Aided Visualization
Cognitive Engineering
Computer Science in Engineering, Medicine, Health Care, Cultural Heritage, Environment, and Sports
Humans and Education, E-learning
Multi-Agent Systems and Social Simulation
New Trends in HC (mobile, ubiquitous& tangible computing)
Nonlinear Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications
Public Health Informatics
Verbal / Nonverbal Interfaces
Virtual Environments and Mixed Reality
Web-Based Human Computer Interaction
HCCE especially welcomes young researchers, and special student sessions will be organized.
Important Dates:
Dec. 18, 2011: deadline for uploading submission, as full paper or extended abstract,
Jan. 8, 2012: notification,
Jan. 22, 2012: deadline for uploading camera-ready manuscripts of accepted papers,
Mar. 8-13: conference (in Aizu-Wakamatsu& Hamamatsu, Japan and Düsseldorf, Germany)
Note: All submissions for HCCE-2012 should use the ACM LaTeX2e compact format, as described by
Submissions are managed via the EasyChair conference management system
Please share this announcement with your colleagues, and consider submitting to this conference. Please send all questions to the following e-mail: hcce2012(a)gmail.com
Alexander Vazhenin
Jens Herder
Kenjiro T. Miura
HCCE-2012 Organizing Co-Chairs
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] [ICC'12 WS] Last 10 Days - 2nd IEEE SCPA 2012
- Dec. 20
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 10:27:41 +0100
From: Alejandro Canovas<alcasol(a)upvnet.upv.es>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
-------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS -----------------
The 2nd IEEE Internacional Workshop of Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms (IEEE SCPA 2012 - Summer)
June 10-15, 2012, Ottawa, CANADA
In conjunction with IEEE ICC 2012
Selected papers will be invited to the Special Issue on Smart Protocols and Algorithms of the International Journal Network Protocols and Algorithms (ISSN 1943-3581)
Communication protocols and algorithms are needed to communicate network devices and exchange data between them. The appearance of new technologies usually comes with a protocol procedure and communication rules that allows data communication while taking profit of this new technology. Recent advances in hardware and communication mediums allow proposing new rules, conventions and data structures which could be used by network devices to communicate across the network. Moreover, devices with higher processing capacity let us include more complex algorithms that can be used by the network device to enhance the communication procedure.
Smart communication protocols and algorithms make use of several methods and techniques (such as machine learning techniques, decision making techniques, knowledge representation, network management, network optimization, problem solution techniques, and so on), to communicate the network devices to transfer data between them. They can be used to perceive the network conditions, or the user behavior, in order to dynamically plan, adapt, decide, take the appropriate actions, and learn from the consequences of its actions. The algorithms can make use of the information gathered from the protocol in order to sense the environment, plan actions according to the input, take consciousness of what is happening in the environment, and take the appropriate decisions using a reasoning engine. Goals such as decide which scenario fits best its end-to-end purpose, or environment prediction, can be achieved with smart protocols and algorithms. Moreover, they could learn from the past and !
use this knowledge to improve futur
e decisions.
In this workshop, researchers are encouraged to submit papers focused on the design, development, analysis or optimization of smart communication protocols or algorithms at any communication layer. Algorithms and protocols based on artificial intelligence techniques for network management, network monitoring, quality of service enhancement, performance optimization and network secure are included in the workshop.
We welcome technical papers presenting analytical research, simulations, practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, and papers addressing the key problems and solutions. The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, deployments, implementations, running experiments and applications.
Topics of interest:
Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal, including, but are not limited to, the following topic areas:
? Smart network protocols and algorithms for multimedia delivery
? Application layer, transport layer and network layer cognitive protocols
? Cognitive radio network protocols and algorithms
? Automatic protocols and algorithms for environment prediction.
? Algorithms and protocols to predict data network states.
? Intelligent synchronization techniques for network protocols and algorithms
? Smart protocols and algorithms for e-health
? Software applications for smart algorithms design and development.
? Dynamic protocols based on the perception of their performance
? Smart protocols and algorithms for Smartgrids
? Protocols and algorithms focused on building conclusions for taking the appropriate actions.
? Smart Automatic and self-autonomous ad-hoc and sensor networks.
? Artificial intelligence applied in protocols and algorithms for wireless, mobile and dynamic networks.
? Smart security protocols and algorithms
? Smart cryptographic algorithms for communication
? Artificial intelligence applied to power efficiency and energy saving protocols and algorithms
? Smart routing and switching protocols and algorithms
? Cognitive protocol and algorithm models for saving communication costs.
? Any kind of intelligent technique applied to QoS, content delivery, network Monitoring and network management.
? Smart collaborative protocols and algorithms
? Problem recognition and problem solving protocols
? Genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and neural networks applied to communication protocols and algorithms
Important Dates
Submission Deadline (Extended): December 20, 2011
Acceptance Notification: February 10, 2012
Camera Ready Deadline: March 1, 2012
Submission guidelines:
All submissions must be full papers in PDF format and uploaded on EDAS (http://edas.info//N11477).
All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures without incurring additional page charges.
General Chairs
Jaime Lloret, Univ. Politecnica Valencia, Spain
Joel Rodrigues, Inst. of Telecommunications, Univ. of Beira Interior, Pt
TPC Chairs
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Kai Lin, Dalian University of Technology, China
Poster Chairs
Binod Vaidya, University of Ottawa, Canada
Bin Wei, AT&T, USA
Industry Chairs
Haohong Wang, Cisco
Chi-Ming Chen, AT&T, USA
Keynote Chair
Mbaye B. Sene, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
Publicity Chairs
Sandra Sendra, Univ. Politecnica Valencia, Spain
Alejandro Canovas, Univ. Politecnica Valencia, Spain
Web Chair
Miguel Garcia, Univ. Politecnica Valencia, Spain
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP ONTOSE 2012 @ CAISE 2012 Gdansk, Poland
Datum: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 12:00:48 +0100
Von: Miguel-Angel Sicilia <msicilia(a)uah.es>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We apologize if you receive this message more than once!
- - - -
------- ONTOSE 2012 -------
6th International Workshop on Ontology, Models, Conceptualization and
Epistemology in Social, Artificial and Natural Systems
will be held on June 26th as a pre conference workshop of CAiSE 2012,
Gdansk, Poland
Accepted papers will be published under the Springer LNBIP series CAISE
Workshop Proceedings
The Workshop is centred on the role of abstraction in man-made systems (as
complex Information Systems), social systems
(as organizations, social networks or service systems) or natural systems
(as environmental or ecological systems) and
how these abstractions are useful for practical purposes in advanced
Information Systems. Abstraction is represented
in models of various kinds, be them graphical or using formal languages as
in the case of ontologies. However, abstraction
should tackle with the notion of what entities exist in reality and to
what extent we can know about them, which makes
epistemological issues relevant. Papers sought in ONTOSE range thus from
papers describing relevant ontologies or models
or their application to problems of various kinds to papers dealing with
empirical studies related to modelling and abstraction,
or touching philosophical issues regarding proper representations of
The Workshop focuses on the intersection of disciplines and in the aspects
related to ontologies, models and epistemological issues.
It complements the conference orientation by emphasizing
multi-disciplinary and philosophical issues, and focusing on Information
It complements the main conference by emphasizing modelling and
ontological issues which are appearing in advanced Information Systems
that require complex and interoperable models for their functioning.
In our society which has already turned to a service providing society,
the technical aspects as well as the human, natural, social and
economic aspects must be considered together. This has already resulted in
considerable research on these aspects that are related to
disciplines like Information Systems, Software Engineering and Service
Science, as for example, how empirical research should be conducted,
what are the conditions for "valid" knowledge, and which the scope of
theories in these fields are. These are elements that are of interest
from perspectives as diverse as philosophy, engineering and technology.
For example, the material and temporal entities that are dealt with
in a given field are a matter of ontology, and the conditions for
credibility of statements and research methods are a matter of
Hence the relationship and influences between software and computational
models, information systems and service science will be studied from
an ontological view point, but with a broad perspective under which
researchers with different background can meet and truly multi-disciplinary
issues can arise.
As in the previous editions, the main goal of this event is to allow
challenging and promising cross-fertilization over multidisciplinary
areas to be tackled and investigated by all the participants. The design
of systems in which parts have complex interactions, more and more the
understanding of theoretical, epistemological and conceptual frameworks
coming from the human and social sciences.
Topics therefore include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Ontology and other representations of Software Engineering, Systems
Engineering, Service Engineering and Information Systems.
- Ontologies of natural or social systems in general, with an emphasis on
the modelling process and issues.
- Studies and essays about metrics, indicators and general issues
regarding research on Software, Services and Systems Engineering models.
- Conceptualizations, bodies of knowledge or schemas for software
engineering, service engineering and information systems.
- Applications that deal with representations of concepts and relations of
the disciplines.
- Social, psychological and organizational issues about modelling in the
- Epistemological and philosophical aspect of system modelling and
- Empirical studies regarding ontologies and models in the disciplines
- Architectural patterns and ontologies for the design of high-quality
services and systems.
- UML and other system modelling frameworks.
- Ontologies in requirements engineering, intensional and goal modelling
in the context of services
- Ontology driven development and management of services and software.
- Natural language, models and ontologies.
- Social, technical and economic impacts of models.
- Ontologies and models representing customer issues.
- Ontologies and process models.
- Ontologies and models to improve the efficiency in services and systems
- Models of Software as a Service (SaaS) and other IT infrastructure
- Models and ontologies related to the Internet of Services and Things
- Models of reasoning and emergent behaviour in artificial, social and
natural systems.
- Integration of static and dynamic aspects of ontologies and conceptual
- Visualization of ontologies and models
- Semantic sensor networks
- Model-based processing of large sensor datasets
Full research papers (max 12 pages) will be reviewed by at least three
referees from the Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in
the CAiSE 2012 workshop proceedings under the Springer's Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series.
Guidelines for formatting your paper can be found at the following link:
Moreover, we'll have the possibility to publish position and short papers
(max 6 pages) as well as technical reports (max 6 pages) about ongoing
projects in the form of electronic proceedings (CD with ISBN):
submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program
Committee and authors of accepted papers will have the possibility to
present their work orally at the Ontose Workshop. Guidelines for
formatting your paper can be found at the following link:
Finally, a selection of best papers will have a chance to be published in
the International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design
Short Abstract submission deadline (about 150 Words - Ascii): February 13,
Full Paper submission (Springer Proceedings) deadline: February 20, 2012
Notification of authors: March 12, 2012
Camera ready papers (Springer Proceedings): March 26, 2012
Short/Position Papers, Technical Report submission (CD with ISBN
Proceedings) deadline: February 28, 2012
Notification of authors: March 21, 2012
Camera ready papers (CD with ISBN Proceedings): April 3, 2012
Abstract and paper submission will be through the Easychair System.
- Miguel-Angel Sicilia, University of Alcala, (Spain)
- Christian Kop, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, (Austria)
- Fabio Sartori, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy)
- Maria-Cruz Valiente, University of Alcala, (Spain)
- Sudhir Agarwal, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), (Germany)
- Jose Angel Olivas, University of Castilla-La-Mancha, (Spain)
- Stefania Bandini, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy)
- Djamal Benslimane, LIRIS, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon, (France)
- Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, (Spain)
- Pierre Bourque, Engineering school of the Universite du Quebec, (Canada)
- Pierre-Jean Charrel, University Toulouse 2 Mirail, (France)
- Juergen Ebert, University of Koblenz, (Germany)
- Werner Esswein, TU Dresden, (Germany)
- Johann Eder, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, (Austria)
- Sergio España Cubillo, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, (Spain)
- Raimund Feldmann, Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software
Engineering, Maryland, (USA)
- Alexander Felfernig, Graz University of Technology, (Austria)
- Anthony Finkelstein, University College London, (United Kingdom)
- Gerhard Friedrich, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, (Austria)
- Faiez Gargouri, l'Institut Superieur d'Informatique et du Multimedia de
Sfax, (Tunesie)
- Athula Ginige, University of Western Sydney, (Australia)
- Olly Gotel, Independent Researcher, New York City, (USA)
- Peter Haase, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), (Germany)
- Wolfgang Hesse, Philipps-Universitaet Marburg, (Germany)
- Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund, (Germany)
- Paul Johannesson, Stockholm University, (Sweden)
- Roland Kaschek, Independent Researcher, Duesseldorf, (Germany)
- Miltiadis Lytras, ELTRUN Research Center, (Greece)
- Nikos Manouselis, Greek Research& Technology Network, (Greece)
- Heinrich C. Mayr, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, (Austria)
- John-Jules Charles Meyer, University of Utrecht, (The Netherlands)
- Daniela Micucci, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy)
- Roland Mittermeir, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, (Austria)
- Claus Pahl, Dublin City University, (Ireland)
- Jari Palomaki, Tampere University of Technology/Pori, (Finland)
- Fernando Silva Parreiras, University of Koblenz, (Germany)
- Daniel Rodrigues, University of Alcala, (Spain)
- Francisco Ruiz Gonzalez, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, (Spain)
- Christelle Scharff, Pace University New York, (USA)
- Christian Stracke, University of Duisburg-Essen, (Germany)
- Markus Stumptner, University of South Australia (Australia)
- Francesco Tisato, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy)
- Markus Zanker, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, (Austria)
Send your requests to the following email address:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] CfP: D4UTEL 2012 | Design
for Ubiquitous Technology-Enhanced Learning | Madrid, Spain
| Publisher: IEEE
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 10:41:24 +0100
From: Michael Derntl <derntl(a)dbis.rwth-aachen.de>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
*** Call for Papers ***
Design for Ubiquitous Technology Enhanced Learning --
Methods, Languages, Applications and Tools
(D4UTEL 2012)
held in conjunction with
The 6th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
MUE 2012 -- http://www.arcos.inf.uc3m.es/mue2012/
Leganés, Madrid, Spain, June 20-23, 2011
Papers to be published by IEEE Press
Providing design support for orchestration of activities, roles,
resources, and systems in Ubiquitous Technology-Enhanced Learning (UTEL)
environments is a complex task. This involves not just technology or
multi-device issues, but also capabilities to create innovative and
engaging experiences. It requires integrated thinking and interweaving
of state-of-the-art knowledge in computer science, human-computer
interaction, pedagogy, instructional design and curricular subject
domains. Consequently, even where examples of successful practice or
even design standards and specifications exist, it is often hard to
apply and (re)use these efficiently and systematically. This
interdisciplinary workshop aims to bring together practitioners and
researchers from diverse backgrounds to share their proposals and
findings related to the design of activities, resources, user
interfaces, and systems for TEL applications involving ubiquitous and
mobile technologies and devices.
We are seeking original papers that present promising approaches,
applications, methodologies, results, case studies, and tools related to
*designing for technology-enhanced learning in ubiquitous, mobile, and
multimedia environments* (short: UTEL).
"Designing" is meant in its broadest sense here and may refer to several
related tasks like modeling, conceptualizing, engineering, conceiving,
architecting, and so forth. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
- Frameworks and methodologies for UTEL design
- Languages and notation systems for UTEL design
- Deployment/runtime environments for UTEL
- Technological underpinnings of UTEL design
- Standards and specifications for UTEL design
- Game design for UTEL (e.g. serious games, educational games)
- Workflow modeling for UTEL design
- Data and metadata management for UTEL design
- Architectural design for UTEL tools and platforms (e.g. mobile clouds)
- UTEL design methodologies and theories
- UTEL design applications (e.g. widgets) and authoring tools
- UTEL design for pervasive/mobile devices
- User studies and case studies involving design languages, methods and
applications in UTEL
- Human factors and HCI in design for UTEL
- Pattern-based design for UTEL
- Meta-models for UTEL design
- Visual design interfaces and tools
... and other topics of relevance to the workshop theme.
Submit papers in IEEE CS proceedings paper format, max. 8 pages by *31
January 2012* via easychair. Author templates and links to the
submission site are available at the D4UTEL website.
Manuel Caeiro-Rodriguez, University of Vigo, Spain
Michael Derntl, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Davinia Hernandez-Leo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
- Full paper submission: January 31, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2012
- Camera ready submissions: April 14, 2012
- Conference: July 10-13, 2012
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] AWS'2012: International
Workshop on the Adaptation of Web Services
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 18:16:35 +0100
From: Walid Chainbi <walid.chainbi(a)gmail.com>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
International Workshop on the
Adaptation of Web Services (AWS'2012)
August 27-29, 2012,
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
in conjunction with
ANT’2012 conference
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a computing paradigm that utilizes Web
services as the basic constructs to support the development of rapid,
low-cost and easy composition of distributed applications even in
heterogeneous environments. With the advent of SOC, computing environments
have become open, and components are no longer under a single
organization’s control. Consequently, Web services based applications are
becoming difficult to adapt. Moreover, with the rapid growth of
communication and information technologies, adaptation has gained a
significant attention as it becomes a key feature of Web services allowing
them to operate and evolve in highly dynamic environments. Adaptation
mechanisms refer to different instantiations including configuration,
healing, optimization, and protection. The primary objective of this
workshop is to investigate ideas that may contribute to the adaptation of
Web services. Theoretical as well as practical aspects are welcome. The
workshop organizer welcomes participation and contributions from those
working or interested in the intersection of technologies such as agent
technology and autonomic computing with SOC.
The topics of interest for AWS’2012 include, but are not limited to:
• Adaptation solutions to Web services
• Applications of adaptive Web services
• Engineering of adaptive Web services
• Optimization of Web services
• Configuration of Web services
• Healing of Web services
• Protection of Web Services
• Self-* Web services
• Agents vs. Web services
• Agents for Web services
• Design and management of self-* Web services.
Authors should submit their contributions electronically in PDF format by
the deadline given below. Please use AWS 2012 online submission system (
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aws2012 ) and register as a new
member: You just need to click on "I have no EasyChair Account" and
complete the registration form. A password will be sent by e-mail shortly.
Using that password, log-in and proceed to the New Submission page, where
the detailed instructions can be found. If you encounter any problem with
submission, please contact the workshop chair for assistance.
All papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the ANT-2012
proceedings, which will be published by Elsevier. The authors must follow
Elsevier guidelines as given in ANT-2012 Website. The number of pages for
AWS papers is limited to 6 pages. The selective outstanding papers
presented at the workshop, after further revision, will be considered for
publication in journals special issues. All workshop published papers will
be indexed by Scopus (http://www.scopus.com) and Engineering Village (Ei) (
http://www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI Compendex (
http://www.ei.org/compendex). All accepted papers will also be indexed in
DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/).
Dr. Walid Chainbi
Sousse National School of Engineers, University of Sousse / SOIE
E-mail: Walid.Chainbi(a)gmail.com
Walt Truszkowski, NASA Goaddard Space Flight Center (USA)
Roy Sterritt, University of Ulster (Northern Ireland)
Huaglory Tianfield, Glasgow Caledonian University (UK)
Jeffrey Kephart, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (USA)
Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Christoph Reich, Hochschule Furtwangen University (Germany)
Giovanni Russello, Create-net (Italy)
ALi A. Ghorbani, University of New Brunswick (Canada)
David Chess, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research Division (USA)
Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (USA)
Hamid Motahari, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto (USA)
Mohand-Said Hacid, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France)
• February, 10, submission due.
• April, 10, notification of acceptance.
• May, 10, camera-ready due.