-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 2nd Annual International Conference on WebTech:
Call for Papers 2012
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2011 17:25:35 +0800
From: CFP (on behalf of Prof. Gerald Schaefer )
To: <Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
*Special Track: *Social Computing and Behavioral Modeling
(SocialComp 2012)
Enterprise Resource Planning & Supply Chain Management
(ERP-SCM 2012)
*DATE: 23^rd – 24^th APRIL 2012
- *Paper (Full Paper) Submission Due:*
*- **Final Paper Submission:*
January 13, 2012
February 24, 2012
- *Early Bird Registration:*
March 15, 2012
- *Late Registration:*
April 05, 2012
- *Conference Dates:*
April 23-24, 2012
- The Conference Proceedings (Print ISSN: 2251-211X,
E-Periodical ISSN: 2251-2128) will be indexed by EBSCO
and will be submitted to Scopus
and amongst others where applicable.
- Depending on their importance, originality, quality,
relevance and other editorial considerations, eligible
research articles will be invited for publication in the GSTF
_International Journal on Computing (JOC).
- Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards will be
conferred at the conference (in order to qualify for the
award, the paper must be presented at the conference).
- Detailed descriptions of all other topics and submission
information are found on the conference web pages:
- Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers
(not being considered for publication elsewhere) in the IEEE
Computer Society standard format
(Double column, single-spaced, 10-pt font) describing new
theoretical and/or experimental research.
- Submissions are recommended to have no more than 6 pages
(extra pages are subject to surcharge), including figures,
tables, and references.
- Submissions will be judged on originality, significance,
interest, clarity, relevance, correctness, and presentation.
For a complete list of Committee, please visit
Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF)
10 Anson Road, International Plaza, Singapore 079903, DID:
+65 6327 0166, Fax: +65 6327 0162
For General Enquiries: _info(a)webtechconf.org
For Registration, Accommodation or Visa
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Information & Communication
Technologies and the Work-Life Boundary @ EGOS 2012
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 12:29:50 +0100
From: Donald Hislop <D.Hislop(a)lboro.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Can the following message be posted in the AIS list, please
*Information & Communication Technologies and the Work-Life
Boundary @ EGOS 2012*
July 2â??7, 2012 | Helsinki, Finland
Aalto University & Hanken School of Economics
At the 2012 EGOS Colloquium in Helsinki one subtheme will
focus on the relationship between Information &
Communication technologies (ICTs) and the nature of the
work-life boundary. Full details on the sub-theme can be
found via the following link, and are outlined below.
Link to ICTs and the Work-Life Boundary subtheme:
We welcome submissions from anyone interested in this topic.
For those interested in submitting a paper, relevant details
are outlined below:
Submission deadline: 16^th January 2012
Submission length/format: short papers (3-5 pages)
Submission procedure: via EGOS2012 website (see above link)
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you
in Helsinki!
*/Donald Hislop/*(Loughborough University, UK), */Petra
Bosch-Sijtsema/**(*Chalmers University of Technology,
Sweden)& */Angelika Zimmermann/*(Loughborough University, UK),
*Information and Communication Technologies and the
Work-Life Boundary*
*Donald Hislop*, Loughborough University, UK
D.Hislop(a)lboro.ac.uk <mailto:D.Hislop@lboro.ac.uk>
*Petra Bosch-Sijtsema*, Chalmers University of Technology,
petra(a)petrabosch.com <mailto:petra@petrabosch.com>
*Angelika Zimmermann*, Loughborough University, UK
a.zimmermann(a)lboro.ac.uk <mailto:a.zimmermann@lboro.ac.uk>
/Contemporary information and communication technologies
(ICTs) arguably have significant/implications for the design
of work organizations (facilitating global, remote/virtual
collaboration, home-based or mobile working). However, these
developments also have potentially significant implications
for the nature of the work-life boundary.
This subtheme links together the topics of how ICTs are
impacting on the design and structuring of work, and the
work-life boundary by examining how people use ICTs to
manage the work-life boundary. While there has been some
research on how the work-related use of mobile technologies
has impacted on peopleâ??s work-life boundary, this
literature has generally focussed only on professional or
managerial workers (for example Orlikowski 2007) and has
mostly considered the way in which these technologies allow
the intrusion of work into non-work time (for example Fenner
& Renn 2010).
This subtheme takes a wider approach to the
technology/work-life boundary relationship through welcoming
contributions which
* Examine the experiences of any type of workers
including: manual workers, managerial/professional
workers, home-based workers, mobile workers, people
involved in virtual/distributed work.
* Examine the use of any type of computer and
communication technology and mode of communication in
relation to the work-life boundary including: desktop
and mobile computers, mobile phones or mobile email
devices which can be used for synchronous or
asynchronous communication.
* Examine peopleâ??s ICT mediated boundary management
practices not only during non-work time, but also
* Look at both how ICTs can influence not only the way in
which work can intrude on peopleâ??s non-work domain but
also the ways in which peopleâ??s non-work domain can
intrude on their work.
* Conceptualize the domain of â??lifeâ?? as constituting
more than simply family/domestic relations, by taking
account of how workersâ?? non-work domain may include
participating in particular hobbies, or may involve
relationships with extended family, friends, and work
colleagues who are also friends.
* Develop and advance theory of either the nature of the
work-life boundary and/or the nature of the technologies
being examined. â??Boundary theoryâ?? (Ashforth et al
2000) arguably provides the dominant perspective on how
the work life boundary is conceptualized, and the social
studies of technology perspective (see Wajcman 2006) has
played a key role in highlighting how user agency is key
in shaping the relationship between technology use and
the work-life boundary (such as Wajcman et al
2008).Contributions are welcomed which either support or
challenge/critique these perspectives, or which utilize
different theoretical perspectives (such as Orlikowski
* Problematize and question the degree of agency that ICTs
provide people to control their work-life boundary,
through taking account of factors beyond peopleâ??s
control (such as having to deal with urgent, unexpected
We welcome contributions, which connect with any of the
themes outlined. The convenors are also happy to engage in
discussion with anyone interested in submitting a paper to
this sub-theme.
Ashforth, B., Kreiner, G., & Fugate, M. (2000). All in a
Dayâ??s work: Boundaries and Micro-Role Transitions./Academy
of Management Review/, 25, 472-491.
Fenner, G., & Renn, R. (2010). Technology-Assisted
Supplemental Work and Work-to-Family Conflict: The Role of
Instrumental Beliefs, Organizational Expectations and time
Management. /Human Relations/, 63, 63-82.
Orlikowski, W. (2007). Socio-Material Practices: Exploring
Technology at Work. /Organization Studies/, 28, 1435-1448.
Wajcman, J. (2006). â??New connections: Social Studies of
Science and Technology and Studies of Workâ??. W/ork,
Employment and Society/, 20, 773-786.
Wajcman, J., Bittman, M., & Brown, J. (2008). Families
Without Borders: Mobile Phones, Connectedness and Work-Home
Divisions. /Sociology/, 42, 635-652.
Donald Hislop
Senior Lecturer & Deputy Director of Centre for Professional
Work and Careers
School of Business and Economics,
Loughborough University,
LE 11 3TU
Phone: 00 44 1509 228826
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Mobile Learning 2012 in Berlin, Germany: submit
until 28 October
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 06:33:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Ana Sofia <ana.sofia(a)mlearning-conf.org>
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested
colleagues and students
-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions: 28 October
2011 --
Berlin, Germany, 11 to 13 March 2012
** Keynote Speaker (confirmed):*
Professor Agnes Kukulska Hulme, Institute of Educational
Technology, The Open University, UK
** Conference background and goals*
Mobile Learning where to next? Accelerometers and motion
sensors will tell
Since the advent of mobile learning, developments in its
practice and research have been triggered by technological
innovation and advancement. For instance the arrival of
laptops, afforded new models of technology integration and
accessibility within the classroom and freed technology from
the ‘imprisonment’ of computer rooms. The appearance of
handheld devices offered potential for the exploitation of
contextual outdoor learning and freed learners and
technologies from the confinement of classrooms. The
emergence of mobile phones democratized access to
technology, revolutionized the concept of user generated
content and freed learners and technologies to experiment
with technologies outside classrooms and schools.
The incursion of multi-touch tablets in the mobile learning
scene is the latest technological ‘wave’. Though in early
stages, sensationalist reporting of the ipads /for /Learning
initiatives already advocate ipads will displace playdough
and finger painting in Kindergartens and the Horizon report
2011 states ‘/electronic books are beginning to demonstrate
capabilities that challenge the very definition of reading’
Against this background the relevance and need for mobile
learning research and practice founded upon learning
theories, focused on pedagogically meaningful approaches to
mobile learning and systematically evaluated with
appropriate data collection and analysis tools, remains
The IADIS Mobile Learning 2012 International Conference
seeks to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion
of mobile learning research which illustrate developments in
the field.
** Format of the Conference
*The conference will comprise of invited talks and oral
presentations. The proceedings of the conference will be
published in the form of a book and CD-ROM with ISBN, and
will be available also in the IADIS Digital Library
(accessible on-line).
The best paper authors will be invited to publish extended
versions of their papers in the IADIS Journal on Computer
Science and Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692) and also
in other selected Journals.
** Types of submissions*
Full and Short Papers, Reflection Papers,
Posters/Demonstrations, Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral
Consortium. All submissions are subject to a blind
refereeing process.
** Topics*
We invite researchers, practitioners, developers and all
those working in the mobile learning arena to submit work
under the following topics:
•Pedagogical approaches, models and theories for mLearning
•mLearning in and across formal and informal settings
•Strategies and challenges for integrating mLearning in
broader educational scenarios
•User Studies in mLearning
•Learner mobility and transitions afforded by mlearning
·Socio-cultural context and implications of mLearning
·Mobile social media and user generated content
•Enabling mLearning technologies, applications and uses
•Evaluation and assessment of mLearning
•Research methods, ethics and implementation of mLearning
•Innovative mLearning approaches
•Tools, technologies and platforms for mLearning
•mlearning: where to next and how?
** Important Dates:
*- Submission deadline: 28 October 2011
- Notification to Authors: 28 November 2011
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration:
Until 19 December 2011
- Late Registration: After 19 December 2011
- Conference: Berlin, Germany, 11 to 13 March 2012
** Conference Location*
The conference will be held in Berlin, Germany.
** Secretariat*
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, 100, 3
1050-209 Lisbon, Portugal
E-mail: secretariat(a)mlearning-conf.org
Web site: http://www.mlearning-conf.org/
** Program Committee
*Mobile Learning 2012 Program Chair
Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Mobile Learning 2012 Conference Chair
Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open
University), Portugal
Committee Members: *
* for committee list please refer to
** Co-located events*
Please also check the co-located events:
e-Society 2012 (http://www.esociety-conf.org/) - 10-13 March
Information Systems 2012 (http://www.is-conf.org/) - 10-12
March 2012
* Registered participants in the Mobile Learning’ conference
may attend e-Society and Information Systems conferences’
sessions free of charge.
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Information Systems 2012 in Berlin, Germany:
submit until 28 October
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 07:02:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: Ana Sofia <ana.sofia(a)is-conf.org>
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
** Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested
colleagues and students.**
-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Submission Deadline: 28 October 2011
*March 10-12, 2012 – Berlin, Germany
** Conference background and goals*
A new paradigm is sweeping the society, organisations and
the business environment. In fact, society and business
world alike are moving from its tangible bases to intangible
ones based on knowledge and information systems (IS) to
support its management, use and sharing. In this emerging
paradigm, terms like information, communication, knowledge,
and learning have acquired a critical relevance to the
understanding of the nature of contemporary business. This
led authors such as Drucker (1993) to state that “we are
entering the knowledge society in which the basic economic
resource… is knowledge”.
In fact, since the mid-1980s, there has been a sudden
avalanche of a new kind of vocabulary. Corporations, which
so far had been economic entities, are being described as
‘information-based organizations’, ‘learning organizations’,
‘knowledge-creating companies’ or knowledge intensive
organisations. Instead of product-market strategies, the
fashionable business discourse invokes core competencies,
intangible assets, knowledge-based capabilities,
intellectual capital, knowledge management etc.
Consequently, in this 21st century of ours, terms such as
intellectual capital, knowledge management, and knowledge
mapping have increasingly become part of the corporate
However, none of this apparent revolution would be possible
without the underlying technological support provided by IS.
The IADIS Information Systems Conference (IS 2012) aims to
provide a forum for the discussion of IS taking a
socio-technological perspective. It aims to address the
issues related to design, development and use of IS in
organisations from a socio-technological perspective, as
well as to discuss IS professional practice, research and
** Format of the Conference*
The conference will comprise invited talks and oral
presentations. The proceedings of the conference will be
published in the form of a book. The best paper authors will
be invited to publish extended versions of their papers in
specific journals, and in the IADIS International Journal on
Computer Science and Information Systems.
** Types of submissions*
Full and Short Papers, Reflection Papers,
Posters/Demonstrations, Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral
Consortium. All submissions are subject to a blind
refereeing process.
** A set of key issues has been identified (see below).*
However, these do not aim at being prescriptive, or set in
stone, and any innovative contributions that do not fit into
these areas will also be considered. Areas and Topics of the
conference will focus on:
*IS in Practice, Technology Infrastructures and
Organisational Processes
*• Power, Cultural, Behavioural and Political issues
• New Organisational Forms
• Dilution of Organisational Boundaries
• The centrality of IS and IT in Organisational Processes
• IS Management
• Information Management
• Knowledge Management
• IS and SMEs
• Innovation and IS
• Innovation and Knowledge Management
• IS and Change Management
• IS and Organisation Development
• Enterprise Application Integration
• Enterprise Resource Planning
• Business Process Change
*IS Design, Development and Management Issues and Methodologies*
• Design and Development Methodologies and Frameworks
• Iterative and Incremental Methodologies
• Agile Methodologies
• IS Design and Development as a Component-Based Process
• IS Design and Development as Social Negotiation Process
• IS D Design and Development as a Global and Distributed
• Outsourcing in IS
• Outsourcing Risks, Barriers and Opportunities
• IS Project Management
• IS Quality Management and Assurance
• IS Standards and Compliance Issues
• Risk Management in IS
• Risk Management in IS Design and Development
*IS Professional Issues*
• Ethical, social, privacy, security and moral issues in an
• The role of information in the information society
• Myths, taboos and misconceptions in IS
• Practitioner and Research Relationship, Projects and Links
• Validity, Usefulness and Applicability of IS Academic
• Industrial Research versus Academic Research Issues
• Industry Innovation and Leadership and Academic Laggards
• IS consultancy as a profession
• Organisational IS Roles
• Communities of practice and Knowledge Sharing
*IS Research*
• Core Theories, Conceptualisations and Paradigms in IS Research
• Ontological Assumptions in IS Research
• IS Research Constraints, Limitations and Opportunities
• IS vs Computer Science Research
• IS vs Business Studies
• Positivist, Interpretivist and Critical Approaches to IS
• Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methods
• Deductive vs Inductive Approaches
• Multi-method Approaches and Triangulations in IS Research
• Design Research and the Sciences of the Artificial in IS
• Multidisciplinary Views and Multi Methodological Approaches
• New and alternative approaches to IS research
• Examples of experimental research designs in IS
*IS Learning and Teaching*
• Patterns of Demand for IS Teaching Provision
• Fads, Fashions and Fetishes in IS Curricula
• Pedagogic practice in Teaching IS
• E-Learning in IS
• Instructional Design for IS
• National Cultures and Approaches to Pedagogy
• Multiculturality and Diversity Issues in IS Learning and
** Important Dates:
*- Submission deadline: 28 October 2011
- Notification to Authors: 28 November 2011
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration:
Until 19 December 2011
- Late Registration: After 19 December 2011
- Conference: Berlin, Germany, 10 to 12 March 2012
** Conference Location*
The conference will be held in Berlin, Germany.
** Secretariat*
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, 100, 3, 1050-209 Lisbon,
E-mail: secretariat(a)is-conf.org
<mailto:secretariat@is-conf.org> Web site:
** Program Committee*
Conference Chair
Professor Philip Powell, Deputy Dean, University of Bath, UK
Program Co-Chairs
Miguel Baptista Nunes, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open
University), Portugal
Committee Members:
for the full Committee Members list please access
** Co-located events
*Please also check the co-located events:
e-Society 2012 (http://www.esociety-conf.org/
- 10-13 March 2012
Mobile Learning 2012 (http://www.mlearning-conf.org/
- 11-13 March 2012
* Registered participants in the Information Systems’
conference may attend Mobile Learning and e-Society
conferences’ sessions free of charge.
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP ~ Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics.
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 11:31:45 -0400
From: IMCIC 2012 <imcic(a)mail.2012iiisconferences.org>
Dear G. Neumann:
Please consider the possibility of accepting our invitation to contribute and/or encourage your colleagues to make submissions to The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2012 (www.2012iiisconferences.org/imcic), to be held on March 25th - 28th, 2012; in Orlando, Florida, USA, jointly with The 3rd International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2012 (www.2012iiisconferences.org/icsit), and The 3rd International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2012 (www.2012iiisconferences.org/iceti).
The submission deadline for the three collocated conferences is Oct. 26th, 2011.
Submissions for *Face-to-Face* or for *Virtual* Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions will have the same reviewing process and the accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings.
Information about other collocated conferences on March 25th - 28th, 2012, as well as on July 17th - July 20th, 2012, can be found at http://www.iiis.org/iiis/current_submissions_deadlines.asp, as well information about:
? the three-tier reviewing,
? acceptance policy,
? best papers selection,
? publication of the proceedings in hard copy and CD,
? virtual session for each face-to-face session in the conference program,
? publication of the best 10%-20% in journals with no additional charge,
? waiving of registration fee effective invited session organizers,
? sessions? best papers awards,
? etc.
We hope we can count with your contribution and support.
IMCIC 2012 Organizing Committee
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to remove(a)mail.2012iiisconferences.org with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line. Address: Torre Profesional La California, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Caracas, Venezuela
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ECIS2012 - CFP Enterprise Architecture
& Governance track
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2011 18:39:44 +0000
From: Marijn Janssen - TBM <M.F.W.H.A.Janssen(a)tudelft.nl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CFP - Track "Enterprise Architecture & Governance track"
20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012)
ESADE, Barcelona, Spain, June 10-13, 2012 http://www.ecis2012.eu
Enterprise architecture (EA) is based on statements of how
an enterprise wants to use its Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) to accomplish its strategy and relate this
to the vision of what ICT has to offer for the enterprise
and how this should be realized. EA can be used to align IT
and business strategy, support business re-engineering, and
guide design decisions and new initiatives. As such, it is
closely intertwined with architectural governance (AG),
which can be viewed as the processes and authority for
decision-making concerning the use and development of EA.
Despite the significance of having AG the architecture
function is often disconnected from the other parts of the
enterprise. An EA identifies the main components of the
enterprise, its information systems, the ways in which these
components work together in order to achieve defined
objectives and the way in which the systems support business
processes. EA can be conceptualized and characterized in
various ways. Enterprise Architecture and Governance (EAG)
is a broad field which influence the use, success and
adoption of ICT. The relationship between EA and AG has been
given limited attention and are influenced and shaped by
each other.
The primary strength of the EA approach is that it has
well-defined concepts and instruments to control and develop
complex, technological systems. Nevertheless, much of the
past research on EA can be criticized for taking a
technologist view or being too abstract. Architecture
models, principles and standards make up the content of EA,
yet there is little research how this and other factors are
related to the performance and success and which
capabilities and assets are needed. Architectures are
meaningless if they are not adopted and used. Furthermore,
architectures need to be flexible and agile to incorporate
new technology. There is a shift from the use of EA at the
organizational to the interorganizational level;
architectures for supply chain and networks.
The aim of this track is to provide a common platform for
discussion and presentation of original research
highlighting issues related with Enterprise Architecture and
Governance. Specifically, topics of interest may include
(but not limited to) the following:
-Enterprise architecture, reference architectures and design
-Governmental architectures (GA), national government
architectures (NGA)
-Conceptualizing architecture; architecture as product and
process; life-cycle management
-Socio-technical aspects of architecture
-Architectural frameworks, models, tools and principles
-Architecture, infrastructure developments and institutions
-Architecture quality, measurement, benchmarking, assessment
and performance
-Strategic ICT-planning; business and ICT architectures
-Architectural aspects and views including re-use, privacy
security, compliance
-Critical success factors, benefits, organizational success
and capabilities
-Architecture and governance methodologies, practices and
comparative research
-New technology developments, cloud architectures,
semantics, Software as a Service (SaaS)
-IT-governance, architectural governance (AG), decision-making
-Shared services, service-oriented architectures (SOA),
flexibility and agility
-Public-private architectures, collaborative development
-Modes of governance, governance arrangements, CIOs
-Open architectures and infrastructure developments
Submission Deadline: December 1, 2011
Further information at http://www.ecis2012.eu
Track chairs
Marijn Janssen m.f.w.h.a.janssen(a)tudelft.nl
<mailto:m.f.w.h.a.janssen@tudelft.nl> Faculty of Technology,
Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The
Vishanth Weerakkody Vishanth.Weerakkody(a)brunel.ac.uk
<mailto:Vishanth.Weerakkody@brunel.ac.uk> Business School,
Brunel University, UK
Yogesh K. Dwivedi ykdwivedi(a)gmail.com
<mailto:ykdwivedi@gmail.com> School of Business & Economics,
Swansea University, UK
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CISTI'2012: Call for Workshops
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 16:56:37 +0100
From: Alvaro <amrocha(a)ufp.edu.pt>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
-- CISTI'2012 - 7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and
-- June 20 - 23, 2012, Madrid, Spain
-- http://www.aisti.eu/cisti2012/index.php?lang=en
The Iberian Information Systems and Technologies research and industrial
community is invited to submit proposals of Workshops for CISTI 2012 –
7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies to be
held at Madrid, Spain, June 20–23, 2012.
Each Workshop will be coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed
of, at least, two researchers in the field, preferably from different
institutions and different countries. The organizers should create an
international Program Committee for the Workshop, with recognized
researchers within the specific Workshop scientific area.
The selection of Workshops will be performed by CISTI 2012 Conference
Chairs. Workshop full papers will be published in the conference main
proceedings in specific Workshop chapters. Proceedings will be submitted
for indexation by ISI Thomson, SCOPUS, INSPEC and EBSCO.
The Organizing Committee of each Workshop will be responsible for:
• Producing and distributing the Workshop Call for Papers (CFP);
• Coordinating the review and selection process for the papers submitted
to the Workshop;
• Delivering the final versions of the papers accepted for the Workshop
in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by CISTI 2012
• Coordinating the Workshop sessions at the conference.
CISTI 2012 organizers reserve the right to cancel any Workshop if
deadlines are missed or if the number of registered attendees is too low
to support the costs associated with the Workshop.
Workshop proposals should contain the following information:
• Workshop title;
• Brief description of the specific scientific scope of the Workshop;
• List of topics of interest (max 15 topics);
• Reasons the Workshop should be held within CISTI’2012;
• Name, postal address, phone and email of all the members of the
Workshop Organizing Committee;
• Proposal for the Workshop Program Committee (Names and affiliations).
Proposals should be submitted electronically by email to
cisti2012(a)gmail.com (cc: lpreis1970(a)gmail.com), in PDF, (in Portuguese,
Spanish or English), by October 28, 2011.
• Deadline for Workshop proposals: October 28, 2011
• Notification of Workshop acceptance: November 4, 2011
• Deadline for paper submission: February 24, 2012
• Notification of paper acceptance: March 23, 2012
• Deadline for final versions and conference registration: April 6, 2012
• Deadline for Workshop final papers delivery to CISTI organizers: April
13, 2012
• Conference dates: June 20-23, 2012
Álvaro Rocha
Associate Professor
University Fernando Pessoa
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] DSS'2012 - 16th IFIP WG8.3
International Conference on Decision Support Systems
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 17:17:58 +0100
From: Adam, Frederic <FAdam(a)afis.ucc.ie>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
First Call for Papers
DSS'2012 - 16th IFIP WG8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems
& IFIP 8.3 Doctoral Consortium
Full call for paper can be access at: http://ifip-dss.org
Anávissos, Greece, June 28-30 2012
Important Dates:
Paper submission due: January 16th, 2012
Workshop proposal due: January 16th, 2012
Doctoral Consortium proposals due: April 2nd, 2012
Poster submission due: April 2nd, 2012
Conference theme: "Fusing DSS into the Fabric of the Context"
The aim of the IFIP Working Group 8.3 DSS'2012 open conference is to explore the modern perspective of fusion view on information systems ) and the implications of this view for decision support systems. In this view systems should achieve a total alignment with the context and the personal preferences of users. The advantage of such a view is an opportunity of seamless integration between enterprise environment and information systems components. The conference solicits papers that describe the application of fusion principles on decision support systems research and practice. It is timely to explore the socio-technical approaches for fusing decision support, as well as opportunities and obstacles for achieving a total fusion of DSS systems in various contexts.
Submissions from academics and practitioners are invited. Papers describing real case studies will be most welcomed. All submitted manuscripts will be double blind peer-reviewed in full by at least two reviewers and members of the Program Committee. The acceptance of the contributions will be based on the originality of the work, the relevance for the conference theme and overall quality.
Suggested research topics include, but are not limited to:
* DSS fusion into supply chain management
* DSS fusion for on-line business management
* CRM-based DSS
* application of knowledge management for better decision support
* e-mail and instant messaging opportunities in DSS
* context models for the real-world decision support
* executive Information Systems
* rich modelling language for fusion of Decision Support
* fusing principles for Negotiation Support Systems and Group Support
* knowledge and Resource Discovery for modelling context
* fusion models for Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
* collaborative Decision Making
* context-based DM in Geographic Information Systems
* Web 2.0 Systems in fusing Decision Support
* incorporating Complex Factors in context-based decision support
* inter-organizational and/or intra-organizational issues in fusion of DSS
* fusion of decision support and psychodynamic processes in group decision making contexts
* research methods and issues with researching modern DSS
Submitted manuscripts must be original contributions which have not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All accepted papers will be published in electronic conference proceedings with an ISBN number, provided the authors are available to present their research at the conference. Selected papers best suited to the conference theme will be considered for publication as chapters of a book with the conference theme, published and distributed by IOS Press, in the FAIA series.
Following the tradition of IFIP WG 8.3 conferences, authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to special issues of the following international scientific journals:
- Intelligent Decision Technologies International Journal (IDTJ),
- International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST)
- Journal of Decision Systems (JDS)
- Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN)
- Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
Submissions categories
Full papers - up to 12 pages
Short papers - up to 6 pages
Posters - up to 4 pages
Workshop proposals - up to 2 pages
Conference Venue:
Anávissos (Anavyssos) is linked to Athens by a major motorway (GR-91). It's also a short trip (25km) from the new airport, and 30km to Larion harbour. Mountains surround the town and a small plain is in the middle. Pine forests are in the west. Anavyssos offers a beach with a number of restaurants and bars and a spectacular view across the Saronic Gulf to the island of Aegina. The town itself is two kilometres inland from the beaches. It has a square, a school and an amusement park which is sometimes used. The town has authentic and really hospitable inhabitants and tourist-friendly atmosphere.
Conference Co-Chairs
Patrick Humphreys, LSE, UK
Frada Burstein, Monash University, Australia
Program Committee Chairs
Frada Burstein, Monash University, Australia
Ana Respicio, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Organising Committee Chair
Yiannis Mourtos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Frederic Adam, Cork University, Ireland
Gloria Phillips-Wren, Loyola University Maryland
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Green IS/IT Strategies and Technologies
(International Conference on Information Resources Management)
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 19:48:20 +0100
From: Markus Helfert <markus.helfert(a)computing.dcu.ie>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline: December 6th, 2011
Green IS/IT Strategies and Technologies
Track of the
2012 International Conference on Information Resources Management
(An AIS Affiliated Conference)
Vienna University of Economics and Business
(WU WIEN), Vienna, Austria
May 21-23, 2012
Track Chairs:
Roya Gholami, Petra Staufer-Steinnocher
r.gholami(a)aston.ac.uk, petra.staufer(a)wu.ac.at
The relationship between IT and the environment is complex, as IT can
have both first and second order effects (Hilty et al., 2006). The
first order effect refers to the negative environmental impact of IT
production, use, and disposal. Thus, making the production, use and
disposal of IT greener refers to 'Green IT' (Murugesan, 2007). On the
other hand, the second-order effect refers to the positive impact of
using IT and information systems (IS). Thus, using IS to improve the
eco-sustainability of business, social and economic processes refers to
"Green IS" (Chen et al., 2008).
The "Green IS" view sees IS as a possible solution to many environmental
problems. However, IS scholarship contributing to knowledge about
organizations and environmental sustainability is under-developed. The
purpose of the Green IS/IT track is to advance theoretical and practical
knowledge in this emerging domain and to gain a better understanding of
current industry initiatives and academic research being conducted on
the role of IS in sustainability.
This track encourages the submission of high quality papers that report
on empirical research and case studies, assess critical issues or
undertake theory development, including but not limited to following topics:
-The role of IS/IT in sustainability
-Adoption and diffusion of Green IS/IT
-The use of IS/IT to change human behaviors towards sustainable business
-Links among Green IS/IT, sustainability practices, organizational and
environmental performance
-The design, implementation, and use of IS/IT to reduce organizations'
environmental impact
-Ecological value of virtualization, cloud computing, software as a service
-The roles of various emergent information systems, technologies and
practices including mobile systems, location-aware technologies (e.g.,
GPS/GNSS, RFID), geographic information systems, and spatial business
intelligence to aid in greening organizations
-Monitoring, visualization, and optimization
-Green logistics and supply chain technologies and practices
-IS roles in carbon trading systems (both internal and external)
-Case studies of Green IS and IT
Submission Types and Guidelines
Full Length Submissions: Submissions must be no more than 5000 words,
including references, appendices and title page, with a maximum of 5
figures/tables. Submissions must be original, and previously
unpublished, conceptual or empirical research manuscript for review. All
accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in their
entirety upon payment of registration fees. Papers accepted and
presented at the conference will also be placed in the AIS e-Library.
Papers not presented at the conference, for any reason, will not be
included in the AIS e-Library. Highly rated papers by the reviewers
will be considered for publications in selected Journals. Moreover, the
paper that best represents, in terms of quality and suitability to the
theme and ideals of the conference will be awarded the "Best Paper
Award" during the conference.
Research-in-Progress Submissions: Submissions of no more than 2000 words
with a maximum of 3 figures/tables. All research-in-progress submissions
will be published in the proceedings as short papers.
Teaching Cases: We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases
should be based on real situations and targeted at specific learning
objectives. Cases should be no more than 5000 words and must be
accompanied by instructor teaching notes (not included in the 5000
words). The teaching notes will not be published.
Panel and Tutorial Submissions: Submissions of not more than 1000 words.
Proposals should include the objectives, issues to be covered and full
details of all presenters. Method of presentation is at the submitter's
discretion; however, the submitter has the responsibility for providing
his/her own panel members. All accepted proposals will appear in the
conference proceedings (Please note that all panelists and tutorial
presenters must register for the conference).
Important Announcements
-The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship) is
strictly limited to a maximum of two submissions.
-Authors of accepted papers (at least one person per submission) and all
panel members MUST register and attend the conference.
-Submissions of ALL TYPES must be received by the above deadline.
-Details of track descriptions and how to submit will be announced soon.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: December 6, 2011
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 1, 2012
Final Submission and Early Registration due date: March 1, 2012
Send all your inquiries to: Program Co-Chairs: Roman Brandtweiner
(roman.brandtweiner(a)wu.ac.at)& Lech Janczewski
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] [Extended deadline] Second
International Workshop on Complex Information Flows (CIF 2012)
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2011 13:10:15 +0900
From: Dimitri Perrin <dperrin(a)computing.dcu.ie>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Submission deadline now extended to October 22, 2011
The Second International Workshop
on Complex Information Flows (CIF 2012)
March 27, 2012.
in conjunction with
26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced
Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2012)
March 26-29, 2012
Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Fukuoka, Japan
Complex communication systems are characterised by the presence of
intricate interactions between their heterogeneous parts, and an overall
behaviour which can not be easily explain by the properties of these
individual components.
For such systems, it is therefore particularly interesting to focus on
how information flows between these parts, in terms of dynamical and
statistical properties.
Whether this flow has to be optimised or controlled, understanding its
structure and dynamics is crucial. For many systems, the security of
this information flow, or the level of synchronisation between entities,
also need to be considered.
These questions cover a number of problems, from data transfer in cloud
computing and in high-performance computing, to information diffusion in
mobile ad-hoc networks.
The aim of this workshop is to give an overview of current knowledge on
complex information flows, and to consider translational aspects between
multidisciplinary research areas. Open issues and research challenges
will be discussed, so as to provide a vision, and possible solutions,
for the future of the field.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Information Flow in Complex Networks
- Information Difusion, Dissemination, and Propagation
- Epidemic-Style Communication and its Applications
- Data-centric Network and its Applications
- Stream Processing and its Applications
- Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking
- Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking
- Content Delivery Networking
- Sensor Networking
- Network Storage and Information Management
- Large-Scale Communication Network
- Transport Protocol for Information Flows
- Flow-level Network Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation
- Measurement and Control of Network Flows
- Data-Intensive Network Applications
- Social Networking and its Applications
- Large-Scale Distributed Applications
- Cloud Computing for Complex Information Flows
- Large-Volume Data Management
- Dimitri Perrin, Dublin City University, Ireland
- Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Osaka University, Japan
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished
research and recent developments in the topics related to the workshop.
The length of the papers should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced),
including figures and references, using 10 fonts, and number each page.
Please visit http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting for
detailed paper formatting instructions.
Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format using the
EasyChair online submission system at this URL:
All papers will be peer reviewed and the comments will be provided to
the authors. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society
- Submission Deadline: October 22, 2011
- Author Notification: December 1, 2011
- Author Registration: December 23, 2011
- Final Manuscript Due: January 6, 2012