-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Call for Papers - 10th
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network
Security (ACNS 2012)
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 19:47:02 +0200
From: Giovanni Livraga <giovanni.livraga(a)unimi.it>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
10th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network
Security (ACNS 2012)
Singapore -- June 26-29, 2012
The 10th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network
Security (ACNS 2012) will be held in Singapore. The conference seeks
submissions from academia, industry, and government presenting novel
research on all aspects of applied cryptography as well as network
security and privacy. Papers describing novel paradigms, original
directions, or non-traditional perspectives are also encouraged.
The conference has two tracks: a research track and an industry track.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Access control
- Applied cryptography
- Automated protocols analysis
- Biometric security and privacy
- Complex systems security
- Critical infrastructure protection
- Cryptographic primitives and protocols
- Data protection
- Database and system security
- Digital rights management
- Email and web security
- Identity management
- Intellectual property protection
- Internet fraud
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Key management
- Malware
- Network security protocols
- Privacy, anonymity, and untraceability
- Privacy-enhancing technology
- Protection for the future Internet
- Secure mobile agents and mobile code
- Security in e-commerce
- Security in P2P systems
- Security in pervasive/ubiquitous computing
- Security and privacy in cloud and grid systems
- Security and privacy in distributed systems
- Security and privacy in smart grids
- Security and privacy in wireless networks
- Security and privacy metrics
- Trust management
- Usability and security
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal
or a conference with proceedings. All submissions should be
appropriately anonymized (i.e., papers should not contain author
names or affiliations, or obvious citations). Submissions should
be at most 18 pages for research track and at most 8 pages for
industry track, including the bibliography and well-marked
appendices, and should follow the LNCS style. Submissions are
to be made to the submission web site at
Only pdf files will be accepted. Submissions not meeting these
guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
Papers must be received by the deadline of February 5, 2012
(11:59 p.m. Samoa time). Authors should indicate whether their
submission should be considered for the best student paper award;
any paper co-authored by at least a full time student is eligible.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will
be presented at the conference. Papers accepted for the research
track will be published in proceedings published by Springer's LNCS
and available at the conference. Extended versions of selected best
papers will be invited for a special issue on the Journal of
Computer Security.
Paper submission due: February 5, 2012 (11:59 p.m. Samoa time)
Notification to authors: April 10, 2012
Camera ready due: April 24, 2012
Jianying Zhou
I2R, Singapore
Feng Bao
I2R, Singapore
Pierangela Samarati
Universita` degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Shen-Tat Goh
I2R, Singapore
Xinyi Huang
I2R, Singapore
Giovanni Livraga
Universita` degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Michel Abdalla, ENS, France
Vijay Atluri, Rutgers University, USA
Lucas Ballard, Google, USA
Paulo Barreto, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Marina Blanton, University of Notre Dame, USA
Carlo Blundo, Universita' degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Levente Buttyan, Budapest Uni of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Roy Campbell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Liqun Chen, HP Labs, UK
Chen-Mou Cheng, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jung Hee Cheon, Seoul National University, Korea
Sherman Chow, University of Waterloo, Canada
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano,
Robert Deng, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Roberto Di Pietro, Universita' di Roma Tre, Italy
Xuhua Ding, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Kevin Du, Syracuse University, USA
Wu-Chang Feng, Portland State University, USA
Sara Foresti, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Keith Frikken, Miami University, USA
Rosario Gennaro, IBM Research, USA
Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Dawu Gu, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Guofei Gu, Texas A&M University, USA
Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University, USA
Stanislaw Jarecki, University of California Irvine, USA
Aaron Johnson, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University, USA
Steve Kremer, ENS Cachan, France
Ralf Kuesters, University of Trier, Germany
Miroslaw Kutylowski, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Adam J. Lee, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Hui Li, Xidian University, China
Zhenkai Liang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Benoit Libert, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Peng Liu, Penn State University, USA
Michael Locasto, University of Calgary, Canada
Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain
Mark Manulis, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Atsuko Miyaji, JAIST, Japan
Refik Molva, EURECOM, France
Yi Mu, University of Wollongong, Australia
Peng Ning, North Carolina State University, USA
Elisabeth Oswald, University of Bristol, UK
Vincent Rijmen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Matt Robshaw, Orange Labs, France
Radu Sion, Stony Brook University, USA
Neeraj Suri, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Willy Susilo, University of Wollongong, Australia
Tsuyoshi Takagi, Kyushu University, Japan
Vrizlynn Thing, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Jaideep Vaidya, Rutgers University, USA
Michael Waidner, Fraunhofer, Germany
Haining Wang, College of William and Mary, USA
Steve Weis, AppDirect, USA
Duncan Wong, City University of Hong Kong, China
Avishai Wool, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Shouhuai Xu, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Yanjiang Yang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Danfeng Yao, Virginia Tech, USA
Moti Yung, Google, USA
(to be completed)
This call for papers and additional information about the
conference can be found at http://icsd.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/acns2012
The history and statistics of ACNS can be found at ACNS Home
-- http://icsd.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/staff/jianying/acns_home/
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP SCIS 2012
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 22:42:06 +0200
From: Pär Ågerfalk <par.agerfalk(a)im.uu.se>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Join us and our distinguished keynote speakers, Shirley Gregor and Alan Hevner, at the 3rd Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, in conjunction with the 35th IRIS seminar, August 17–20, 2012, Sigtuna, Sweden.
We welcome full-paper submissions that clearly contribute to their specific IS research area. Papers contributing to the conference theme, designing the interactive society, will be prioritized.
Proceedings are to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series.
The conference venue, Sigtunahöjden, is located 15 minutes from Stockholm Arlanda Airport with convenient access.
Important Dates
February, 1, 2012: Submissions due
March 15, 2012: Editorial decisions sent to authors
April 15, 2012: Submissions of final versions
May 15, 2012: Notification of acceptance for SCIS
August 17-20, 2012: SCIS/IRIS, Sigtunahöjden, Sigtuna, Sweden
For full CFP and the latest information, please visit http://iris.im.uu.se/
Prof. Pär J. Ågerfalk, Ph.D.
Chair in Computer Science in Intersection with Social Sciences
Dean, Swedish Research School of Management and IT
Uppsala University
Department of Informatics and Media
P.O. Box 513
SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
E-mail: par.agerfalk(a)im.uu.se
Best voice choice: +46 70 4250296 (mobile)
Office phone: +46 18 4711064
Fax: +46 18 4717867
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for Papers: CISSE 2011 - Submission Deadline
November 1, 2011
Date: 22 Oct 2011 15:31:08 -0400
From: CISSE 2011 <cisse(a)cisseconference.org>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues,
If you received this email in error, please forward it to the appropriate department at your institution. If you wish to unsubscribe please follow the unsubscribe link at bottom of the email.
Please do not reply to this message. If you need to contact us please email us at info(a)cisseconference.org
* The seventh International Joint Conferences on Computer, *
* Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2011) *
* *
* http://www.cisseconference.org/2011 *
* *
December 3-12, 2011
Sponsored by the University of Bridgeport
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, Communications Society and Education Society (Connecticut Section)
CISSE 2011 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the state-of the-art research on computers, information and systems sciences and engineering. CISSE 2011 is the seventh conference of the CISSE series of e-conferences. CISSE is the World's first Engineering/Computing and Systems Research E-Conference. CISSE 2005 was the first high-caliber Research Conference in the world to be completely conducted online in real-time via the internet. In 2005, CISSE received 255 research paper submissions and the final program included 140 accepted papers, from more than 45 countries. CISSE 2009 received more than 500 submissions and the final program included 210 accepted papers. Last year, CISSE 2010 received a total of 376 paper submissions and the final program included 99 accepted papers, from more than 80 countries.
The virtual conference will be conducted through the Internet using web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference. Authors will be presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentations using web-conferencing tools without the need for travel. Conference sessions will be broadcast to all the conference participants, where session participants can interact with the presenter during the presentation and/or during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation. This international conference will be held entirely on-line. The accepted and presented papers will be made available and sent to the authors after the conference both on a DVD (including all papers, PowerPoint presentations and audio presentations) and as a book publication. Springer, the official publisher for CISSE, published the 2009 proceedings in 2 books.
Conference participants - authors, presenters and attendees - only need an internet connection and sound available on their computers in order to be able to contribute and participate in this international ground-breaking conference. The on-line structure of this high-quality event will allow academic professionals and industry participants to contribute their work and attend world-class technical presentations based on rigorously refereed submissions, live, without the need for investing significant travel funds or time out of the office.
The concept and format of CISSE is ground-breaking. The PowerPoint presentations, final paper manuscripts and time schedule for live presentations over the web had been available for weeks prior to the start of the conference for all registrants, so that the participants can choose the presentations they want to attend and think about questions that they might want to ask. The live audio presentations were also recorded and are part of the permanent CISSE on-line archive - accessible to all registrants- which also includes all the papers, PowerPoint and audio presentations.
Potential non-author conference attendees who cannot make the on-line conference dates are encouraged to register, as the entire joint conferences will be archived for future viewing.
The CISSE conference audio room provides superb audio even over low speed internet connections, the ability to display PowerPoint presentations, and cross-platform compatibility (the conferencing software runs on Windows, Mac, and any other operating system that supports Java). In addition, the conferencing system allowed for an unlimited number of participants, which in turn granted us the opportunity to allow all CISSE participants to attend all presentations, as opposed to limiting the number of available seats for each session.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the website of the conference
at: http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of the authors. To submit your paper, please visit http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
CISSE 2011 is composed of the following four conferences:
International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 11)
Topics: Grid Computing, Internet-based Computing Models, Resource Discovery, Programming Models and tools, e-Science and Virtual Instrumentation, Biometric Authentication, Computers for People of Special Needs, Human Computer Interaction, Information and Knowledge Engineering, Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed processing, Modeling and Simulation, Services and Applications, Embedded Systems and Applications, Databases, Programming Languages, Signal Processing Theory and Methods, Signal Processing for Communication, Signal Processing Architectures and Implementation, Information Processing, Geographical Information Systems, Object Based Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Real Time Systems, Multiprocessing, File Systems and I/O, Kernel and OS Structures.
International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 11)
Topics: Optical Networks and Switching, Computer Networks, Network architectures and Equipment, Access Technologies, Telecommunication Technology, Coding and Modulation technique, Modeling and Simulation, Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems, OFDM technology, Space-time Coding, Ultra Wideband Communications, Medium Access Control, Spread Spectrum, Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Cellular Wireless Networks, Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, Mobile Network Layer, Mobile Transport Layer, Support for Mobility, Conventional Encryption and Message Confidentiality, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers Modes of Operation, Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication, Authentication Application, Stenography, Electronic Mail Security, Web Security, IP Security, Firewalls, Computer Forensics.
International Conference on Engineering Education, Instructional Technology, Assessment, and E-learning (EIAE 11)
Topics: Instructional Design, Accreditation, Curriculum Design, Educational Tools, 2-2-2 Platforms, Teaching Capstone Design, Teaching Design at the Lower Levels, Design and Development of e-Learning tools, Assessment Methods in Engineering, Development and Implementation of E-learning tools, Ethics in Education, Economical and Social Impacts of E-learning.
International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology& Automation (IETA 11)
Topics: Advanced and Distributed Control Systems, Intelligent Control Systems (NN, FL, GA, .etc), Expert Systems, Man Machine Interaction, Data Fusion, Factory Automation, Robotics, Motion Control, Machine Vision, MEMS Sensors and Actuators, Sensors Fusion, Power Electronics, High Frequency Converters, Motors and Drives, Power Converters, Power Devices and Components, Electric Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation, Process Automation, Factory Communication, Manufacturing Information System Advances in Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Applications of Multi Media, Intelligent Systems Instrumentation, Industrial Instrumentation, Modeling and Simulation, Signal Processing, Image and Data Processing, VR and Parallel systems.
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the website of the conference at http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of the authors. To submit your paper, please visit http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
Paper submission Deadline: November 01st, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: November 09th, 2011
Final Manuscript and Registration: November 22th, 2011
Technical Support, CISSE 2011
University of Bridgeport
221 University Avenue info(a)cisseconference.org
Bridgeport, CT 06604, U.S.A. http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM OUR LIST AND STOP RECEVING EMAILS FROM CISSE PERMANENTLY please visit http://conference.cisseconference.org/2011/unsubscribe.aspx. We honor all unsubscribe requests.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for Papers: CISSE 2011 - Submission Deadline
November 1, 2011
Date: 22 Oct 2011 17:37:42 -0400
From: CISSE 2011 <cisse(a)cisseconference.org>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues,
If you received this email in error, please forward it to the appropriate department at your institution. If you wish to unsubscribe please follow the unsubscribe link at bottom of the email.
Please do not reply to this message. If you need to contact us please email us at info(a)cisseconference.org
* The seventh International Joint Conferences on Computer, *
* Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2011) *
* *
* http://www.cisseconference.org/2011 *
* *
December 3-12, 2011
Sponsored by the University of Bridgeport
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, Communications Society and Education Society (Connecticut Section)
CISSE 2011 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the state-of the-art research on computers, information and systems sciences and engineering. CISSE 2011 is the seventh conference of the CISSE series of e-conferences. CISSE is the World's first Engineering/Computing and Systems Research E-Conference. CISSE 2005 was the first high-caliber Research Conference in the world to be completely conducted online in real-time via the internet. In 2005, CISSE received 255 research paper submissions and the final program included 140 accepted papers, from more than 45 countries. CISSE 2009 received more than 500 submissions and the final program included 210 accepted papers. Last year, CISSE 2010 received a total of 376 paper submissions and the final program included 99 accepted papers, from more than 80 countries.
The virtual conference will be conducted through the Internet using web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference. Authors will be presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentations using web-conferencing tools without the need for travel. Conference sessions will be broadcast to all the conference participants, where session participants can interact with the presenter during the presentation and/or during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation. This international conference will be held entirely on-line. The accepted and presented papers will be made available and sent to the authors after the conference both on a DVD (including all papers, PowerPoint presentations and audio presentations) and as a book publication. Springer, the official publisher for CISSE, published the 2009 proceedings in 2 books.
Conference participants - authors, presenters and attendees - only need an internet connection and sound available on their computers in order to be able to contribute and participate in this international ground-breaking conference. The on-line structure of this high-quality event will allow academic professionals and industry participants to contribute their work and attend world-class technical presentations based on rigorously refereed submissions, live, without the need for investing significant travel funds or time out of the office.
The concept and format of CISSE is ground-breaking. The PowerPoint presentations, final paper manuscripts and time schedule for live presentations over the web had been available for weeks prior to the start of the conference for all registrants, so that the participants can choose the presentations they want to attend and think about questions that they might want to ask. The live audio presentations were also recorded and are part of the permanent CISSE on-line archive - accessible to all registrants- which also includes all the papers, PowerPoint and audio presentations.
Potential non-author conference attendees who cannot make the on-line conference dates are encouraged to register, as the entire joint conferences will be archived for future viewing.
The CISSE conference audio room provides superb audio even over low speed internet connections, the ability to display PowerPoint presentations, and cross-platform compatibility (the conferencing software runs on Windows, Mac, and any other operating system that supports Java). In addition, the conferencing system allowed for an unlimited number of participants, which in turn granted us the opportunity to allow all CISSE participants to attend all presentations, as opposed to limiting the number of available seats for each session.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the website of the conference
at: http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of the authors. To submit your paper, please visit http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
CISSE 2011 is composed of the following four conferences:
International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 11)
Topics: Grid Computing, Internet-based Computing Models, Resource Discovery, Programming Models and tools, e-Science and Virtual Instrumentation, Biometric Authentication, Computers for People of Special Needs, Human Computer Interaction, Information and Knowledge Engineering, Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed processing, Modeling and Simulation, Services and Applications, Embedded Systems and Applications, Databases, Programming Languages, Signal Processing Theory and Methods, Signal Processing for Communication, Signal Processing Architectures and Implementation, Information Processing, Geographical Information Systems, Object Based Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Real Time Systems, Multiprocessing, File Systems and I/O, Kernel and OS Structures.
International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 11)
Topics: Optical Networks and Switching, Computer Networks, Network architectures and Equipment, Access Technologies, Telecommunication Technology, Coding and Modulation technique, Modeling and Simulation, Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems, OFDM technology, Space-time Coding, Ultra Wideband Communications, Medium Access Control, Spread Spectrum, Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Cellular Wireless Networks, Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, Mobile Network Layer, Mobile Transport Layer, Support for Mobility, Conventional Encryption and Message Confidentiality, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers Modes of Operation, Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication, Authentication Application, Stenography, Electronic Mail Security, Web Security, IP Security, Firewalls, Computer Forensics.
International Conference on Engineering Education, Instructional Technology, Assessment, and E-learning (EIAE 11)
Topics: Instructional Design, Accreditation, Curriculum Design, Educational Tools, 2-2-2 Platforms, Teaching Capstone Design, Teaching Design at the Lower Levels, Design and Development of e-Learning tools, Assessment Methods in Engineering, Development and Implementation of E-learning tools, Ethics in Education, Economical and Social Impacts of E-learning.
International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology& Automation (IETA 11)
Topics: Advanced and Distributed Control Systems, Intelligent Control Systems (NN, FL, GA, .etc), Expert Systems, Man Machine Interaction, Data Fusion, Factory Automation, Robotics, Motion Control, Machine Vision, MEMS Sensors and Actuators, Sensors Fusion, Power Electronics, High Frequency Converters, Motors and Drives, Power Converters, Power Devices and Components, Electric Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation, Process Automation, Factory Communication, Manufacturing Information System Advances in Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Applications of Multi Media, Intelligent Systems Instrumentation, Industrial Instrumentation, Modeling and Simulation, Signal Processing, Image and Data Processing, VR and Parallel systems.
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the website of the conference at http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of the authors. To submit your paper, please visit http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
Paper submission Deadline: November 01st, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: November 09th, 2011
Final Manuscript and Registration: November 22th, 2011
Technical Support, CISSE 2011
University of Bridgeport
221 University Avenue info(a)cisseconference.org
Bridgeport, CT 06604, U.S.A. http://www.cisseconference.org/2011
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM OUR LIST AND STOP RECEVING EMAILS FROM CISSE PERMANENTLY please visit http://conference.cisseconference.org/2011/unsubscribe.aspx. We honor all unsubscribe requests.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] GITM2012 conference in Bangalore -
E-Politics track
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 10:19:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Celia R. Livermore <ak1667(a)wayne.edu>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
GITMA 2012, http://www.gitma.org. June 17, 18 and 19, 2012 in Bangalore, India.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2011.
The submission deadline is November 15, 2011. Full papers, short papers, extended abstracts, and panel/workshop proposals may be submitted.
The 13th Annual Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) World conference will be held in Bangalore, India on June 17, 18, and 19, 2012. Bangalore is known as the software capital of the world. Besides the academic program, field trips and fun trips are planned. For further information about GITMA and the conference, please go to our web site: http://www.gitma.org. You can also directly go the conference management system to make a submission: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=gitma2012
In this call, submissions are invited to the following track:
TRACK: ePolitics
TRACK CHAIRS: Celia Romm Livermore and Piereluigi Rippa
DESCRIPTION: Power and politics (defined as influence attempts) are prevalent in all aspects of system implementation. In fact, there is a significant body of literature on how issues of power and politics affect the role that CIO's play in organizations, the negotiations that take place during the process of system design, and aspects like pre-implementation decision making, training, maintenance, and modification of systems. The objective of this track is to attract quality papers that focus on these topics.
Topics to be discussed in this track include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Changes in the power of the IT unit as a function of the diffusion of new technologies
• CIO as a political actor in the process of design and implementation of IS
• Impact of cultural issues on the political aspects of system design and implementation
• Impact of gender and other demographic variables on the power and politics of system design and implementation
• Impact of global issues on the political aspects of system design and implementation
• Political behavior of members of the IT function vis-à-vis the organization
• Political impact of outsourcing
• Political role of the CIO vis-à-vis the management team, including his/her perception and acceptance by the other members of the executive team
• Politics of changes causes by implementation of new information systems
• Politics of design
• Politics of implementing information systems in times of recession and downsizing
• Politics of merging systems
• Politics of modifications and upgrades
THE GITMA WORLD CONFERENCE IS BY DESIGN FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL IS/IT RESEARCHERS, EDUCATORS, AND PROFESSIONALS. The 12th annual GITMA conference was held in Las Vegas, USA in June 2011. It was a huge success, with excellent papers, research forums, panels, workshops and keynote speakers. We are a truly international IS conference and we attract participants from all parts of the world.
Program Chair: Dr. Celia Romm Livermore, Wayne State University, USA, ak1667(a)wayne.edu
Program Co-Chairs:
Dr. Dolphy Abraham, Alliance University, India, dolphy.abraham(a)alliance.edu.in
Dr. Pierluigi Rippa, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, pierluigi.rippa(a)unina.it
Conference Chair: Dr. Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA, pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Local Chair: Dr. Sajan Mathew, Alliance University, India, sajan.mathew(a)alliance.edu.in
This conference provides a unique opportunity to all IT educators, researchers, and practitioners from all countries to get together to network, develop lasting relationships, and exchange ideas. The clear strength is the international participation and the following people should attend:
Educators, researchers, and practitioners from North America (including US, Mexico, and Canada)
Given the location of the conference, we encourage educators, researchers, and practitioners from Asia and Europe.
Educators, researchers, and practitioners from all other parts of the world, including developed, developing, and under-developed nations. We encourage
Educators, researchers, and practitioners doing work in all areas of Global IT Management
Representative Tracks: ePolitics, IT in Africa; IT in Asia; IT in Australian Region; Culture in Diffusion of IT; Customer Relationship Management; Decision Support& Knowledge Management; Doctoral Consortium; eGovernance; Global IT Education; Global ERP& SCM Systems; IT in Europe; IT in For-mer Communist Countries; Global Business Processes; Global E-Commerce; Global IT Complex Networks; IT for Government& National Development; Global IT Research Issues ; Global Software Development; Mobile Commerce; IT and Change Management; IT in Africa; IT in Middle Eastern Countries; IT in Manufacturing; IT in Multinational Companies; IT in North America; IT in Newly Industrialized Countries; IT Outsourcing; IT in South America; Social Issues& Ethics in Global IT; Security& Privacy; IT in SMEs; Strategic Applications of IT; Global Hospitality IT. In addition, there will be several panels, workshops, and keynote speakers.
JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Submissions accepted as full papers will be given an opportunity for publication consideration in the journal: Communications of Global Information Technology (COGIT). Paper judged as higher quality by the reviewers will be further considered for publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM), Journal of Information Technology Cases& Applications Research (JITCAR), International Journal of ePolitics (IJEP), and Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS).
Celia Romm Livermore (PhD)
International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP)
School of Business Administration
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI, 48202, USA
E-mail address: ak1667(a)wayne.edu
President Elect
Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] ISPA 2012: 2nd Call for
Workshop Proposals
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 00:08:00 +0200
From: ISPA2012 <ispa2012(a)piojito.arcos.inf.uc3m.es>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Dear Sir or Madam,
(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message)
Call for ISPA 2012 Workshops
Several workshops are held together with the annual ISPA 2012
conference in Madrid, Spain (July 10-13, 2012). The web site of the
conference is:http://arcos.inf.uc3m.es/ispa2012
Important dates:
Workshop proposals due: November 15, 2011
Workshop notification: December 15, 2011
We welcome workshops related to all aspects of parallel and
distributed systems and applications. Workshops are expected to
attract papers presenting cutting-edge ideas, preliminary work,
practical experiences. It is expected that the proceedings of the
workshop programs will be published by IEEE Press (IEEE eXpress
Conference Publishing group). In general, a workshop takes one day,
although multiple-days and half-day workshops are welcome.
The organizers of accepted workshops are required to advertise the
workshop and call for papers, solicit submissions, conduct the
reviewing process, and decide upon the final workshop program.
Workshop proposals and further inquiries should be sent to the ISPA
2012 Workshops Chairs:
Florin Isaila (florin [at] arcos.inf.uc3m.es)
Avery Ching (aching [at] ece.northwestern.edu)
The workshop proposal should include following information:
1. Title of the workshop: International Workshop on ...
2. Workshop Organizers(s): name, affiliation, address, phone and fax
numbers, e-mail.
3. Brief description of the workshop (several hundred words)
4. Expected number of papers to be submitted
5. Call for paper of the workshop (draft version - 1 page CFP MS Word version)
6. Tentative list of program committee members (Name, affiliation,
country, email address)
7. Your workshop web address (Tentative)
Each workshop will start to distribute a call for paper after
receiving the notification. Papers submitted to each workshop will be
reviewed by the program committee and external reviewers of the
Financial Supports for Workshop Organizer:
If workshops are successful in terms of accepted and registered
papers, the organizer (one organizer per workshop) will get:
- At least 10 papers registration: 1 Free registration
- At least 20 papers registration: 2 Free registration.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP CLOSER 2012 - Int'l Conf. on Cloud Computing and Services
Datum: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 05:25:02 -0500
Von: CLOSER Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: closer.secretariat(a)scitevents.org
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
CLOSER website: http://closer.scitevents.org/
April 18 - 21, 2012
Porto, Portugal
In cooperation with ACM-SIGMIS, EuroCloud and EuroCloud Portugal
Sponsored by INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of WfMC and OMG
Partner& Supporter: PenTest Magazine
Regular Paper Submission: November 23, 2011
Authors Notification (regular papers): January 26, 2012
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: February 15, 2012
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Dear Gustaf Neumann,
The 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2012) steering committee cordially invites you to submit a paper to the CLOSER-2012 Conference, to be held in Porto, Portugal. The deadline for paper submission is November 23rd, 2011.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and CD-ROM support. BXDY
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a SSRI Series book.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI (Elsevier Index).
Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session. Please check the website for further information (http://closer.scitevents.org/BestPaperAward.aspx).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
We would like to highlight the presence of the following keynote speakers: Dave Cliff, University of Bristol, United Kingdom and Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. More names will be announced soon at the CLOSER 2012 conference website (http://closer.scitevents.org/KeynoteSpeakers.aspx).
There is still another opportunity of publication, in the following workshop (with different deadlines, see conference website for details): 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Cloud Computing: Solutions and Strategies - ECCSS (http://closer.scitevents.org/ECCSS.aspx)
Workshops, Special sessions as well as Tutorials dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
Please check further details at the CLOSER 2012 conference web site (http://closer.scitevents.org/). There you will find detailed information about the conference structure and its main topic areas. This conference is co-located with WEBIST 2012 (8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - http://www.webist.org/), CSEDU 2012 (4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - http://www.csedu.org/) and SMARTGREENS 2012 (1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems - http://www.smartgreens.org). Registration to CLOSER will enable free attendance to any sessions of WEBIST, CSEDU and SMARTGREENS 2012 as a non-speaker.
Should you have any question or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Joao Teixeira
CLOSER Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8638
Email: closer.secretariat(a)scitevents.org
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Tony Shan, Keane Inc., United States
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Ivan Ivanov, SUNY Empire State College, United States
Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente / CTIT / IICREST, Netherlands
- Cloud Computing Architecture
- Cloud Standards
- Cloud Application Portability
- Cloud Interoperability
- Cloud Delivery Models
- Cloud Deployment Models: Public/Private/Hybrid Cloud
- Cloud Risk, Challenges, and Governance
- Business Cloud vs. Software Cloud
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Web Services
- Service and Systems Design and QoS Network Security
- Service-Oriented Architecture
- Internet of Services
- Service Modeling and Specification
- Service Composition
- Service Discovery
- Service Monitoring and Control
- Business Services Realized by IT Services
- Service Innovation
- Service Operation
- Service Strategy
- Service Marketing and Management
- Information and Service Economy
- Human Beings in Service Systems
- Enterprise Architectures and Services
- Mobility
- e-Banking
- Social Networks
- Cloud Middleware Frameworks
- Cloud Application Architectures
- Cloud Application Scalability and Availability
- SaaS, PaaS, IaaS
- COTS and Cloud
- Cloudsourcing
- Cloud Applications Performance and Monitoring
- Development Methods for Cloud Applications
- Economics (ROI, Costs, CAPEX/OPEX,.)
- Outsourced Production Environments
- Collective Intelligence/Crowd Computing
- Context-aware Computing and Peer to Peer Computing
- e-Business
- e-Governance
- e-Health
- e-Learning
- Troubleshooting and Best Practices
- Monitoring of Services, Quality of Service, Service Level Agreements
- Cloud Security
- Performance Development and Management
- Cloud Ilities (Scalability, Availability,Reliability)
- Load Balancing
- Autonomic Computing
- Virtualization Technologies
- Utility Computing vs. Cloud Computing
- Grid Computing vs. Cloud Computing
- Disaster Recovery
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] ICSOC 2011 - Call for Participation - Keynote speakers
Datum: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 15:06:28 +0200
Von: Bedini, Ivan (Ivan) <ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com>
An: Bedini, Ivan (Ivan) <ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com>,
elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org <elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org>,
eii-associate(a)lists.eii.edu.au <eii-associate(a)lists.eii.edu.au>,
wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
agents(a)cs.umbc.edu <agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
<agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
<computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org>, ruleml-all(a)ruleml.org
<ruleml-all(a)ruleml.org>, event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de
<event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de>, web4lib(a)webjunction.org
<web4lib(a)webjunction.org>, siks(a)cs.uu.nl <siks(a)cs.uu.nl>,
event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de <event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
<agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, sma(a)loria.fr <sma(a)loria.fr>, bull-i3(a)irit.fr
Kopie (CC): uc(a)icsoc.org <uc(a)icsoc.org>, pc(a)icsoc.org <pc(a)icsoc.org>
First Call for Participation
9th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
ICSOC 2011
December 5 - 8, 2011
Paphos, Cyprus
EARLY BIRD registration is available until November 5
at http://www.icsoc2011.cs.ucy.ac.cy/index.php?p=Registration .
People who are already registered in CONFTOOL
can immediately go to:
DISCOUNT for hotel booking is available until November 15
at http://www.icsoc.org/conf_hotel.html .
Special Conference Rates are available through the online
registration page: www.easyconferences.org
For more details visit this page:
Special flight DISCOUNTS operated by Austrian Airlines for the
conference venue are available on line, for more details visit:
You are kindly invited to participate in the 9th International
Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2011), which will
be held in Paphos, Cyprus. Join ICSOC 2011, the prime forum for
academics and industry researchers and developers to report and
share groundbreaking works in service oriented computing. The
program features research and industry presentations, keynote
presentations, demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and a PhD
track. ICSOC 2011 takes place in beautiful Cyprus, a pearl
of the mediterranean sea at the crossroads of three continents,
where there's always a new world to discover.
Venue and hotel information is available at
* 2 outstanding keynotes already announced given by
- Paul Constantinides, Director of the Core Infrastructure
development and Meir Amiel, Director of the Sales Cloud
development, salesforce.com
"Salesforce.com: Success Driven by Innovative Technology"
- Omer Rana, Professor of Performance Engineering, Cardiff School
of Computer Science& Informatics.
"Enacting Data-Intensive Adaptive Applications over
Service-Oriented Infrastructures"
* Presentations of 30 research full papersa and 24 short papers
* 6 industry track full papers
* 9 demo presentations that feature emerging technologies in
service science
* 7 workshops covering a broad range of topics in service
oriented computing
The complete list of Accepted Papers are available at this address:
ICSOC Conference Details
Since 2003, The International Conference on Service-Oriented
Computing (ICSOC) has been the main forum for academics and
industry researchers and developers to report and share
groundbreaking works in service-oriented computing.
ICSOC aims at fostering cross-community scientific excellence and
collaboration by the gathering of experts from various disciplines,
such as business process management, distributed systems, computer
networks, ubiquitous computing, grid computing, service science,
management science, and software engineering.
Service innovation is key to the future of business.
Even in traditionally manufacturing-driven industries, such as IT,
the importance of service has surpassed most other corporate
competences. The Internet and Web-based services create ever more
opportunities for service innovation. Service science is an
interdisciplinary approach to the study, design, and implementation
of service systems - the specific arrangements of people,
organizations, technologies, and information that co-create value.
Service systems are often IT-enabled and knowledge-intensive, and
can span different real or virtual organizations.
In this multidisciplinary context, researchers and practitioners in
management, social sciences, and computer sciences are all working
together to promote and facilitate service innovation.
While keeping its roots in scientific excellence and technical depth
of service technology, ICSOC 2011 aims at examining the research
opportunities that are offered by the possible blend of
service-oriented computing with cloud computing.
In cloud computing, software platforms, applications and data reside
in providers' servers called clouds. By making clouds ubiquitously
available, a more rapid and low cost access to a shared pool of
virtualized and configurable computing resources is offered to
enterprises that would like to diversify their application computation
and data storage strategies. "Service-oriented and cloud computing" is
this time the main theme for ICSOC 2011. Questions like how does
service-oriented computing support the transition to cloud-based
solutions, and how does it support Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) models
are highlighted for researchers to be discussed during the conference.
ICSOC 2011 will bring together scientists, engineers, and
practitioners from multiple disciplines to focus on service-oriented,
cloud-based innovative for the 21st century enterprises.
The conference will feature research and industry presentations,
keynote presentations, workshops, demonstrations, tutorials, and a
PhD track. Please refer to www.icsoc.org for calls for workshops,
demonstrations, and tutorials.
ICSOC 2011 will take place in Coral Beach resort near the city of
Paphos, Cyprus. Prior editions of ICSOC took place respectively in
Trento, New York City, Amsterdam, Chicago, Vienna, Sydney, Stockholm
and San Francisco.
If you have any inquiries, please contact the PhD Symposium chairs
at: ps [at] icsoc.org
Ivan Bedini
Bell Labs Ireland
Tel: +353 1 8864525
email: ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: NDT 2012
Datum: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 17:23:16 +0530
Von: diwt(a)dirf.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
//Apology for cross-posting//
The Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies
April 24-26, 2012
The Canadian University of Dubai
Dubai - UAE
Call for Papers
You are invited to submit a paper to the 4th International Conference on
Networked Digital Technologies (NDT’2012) to be held at the Canadian
University of Dubai, Dubai – UAE, April 24-26, 2012. Accepted papers in
the conference will be published in the “Communications in Computer and
Information Science” (CCIS ) of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Series (www.springer.com/series/7899), and will be indexed in many global
databases including ISI Proceedings and Scopus. The NDT proceedings are
indexed by dblp (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/ndt/). Details about paper
submission can be found at http://www.ndtconf.org/submission.php.
Networked Digital Technologies are reshaping the way we communicate,
interact, collaborate and share knowledge. Recent progress in
Telecommunications, Networking, Semantic Web Technologies, Mobile and
Ubiquitous Computing has enabled new collaborative technology services for
various disciplines in sciences, humanities and social sciences. The Fourth
International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT’2012) is a
forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest
research results, ideas, developments and applications in the areas of
Networked Digital technologies. NDT’2012 will include presentations of
contributed papers, poster sessions, workshops, and state-of-the-art
lectures by invited keynote speakers.
Topics of the conference include, but not limited to, the following research
• Information and Data Management
• Data and Network Mining
• Intelligent Agent-based Systems, Cognitive and Reactive Distributed AI
• Internet Modeling
• User Interfaces, Visualization and Modeling
• XML-based Languages
• Security and Access
• Social Networking Inspired Control
• Trust Models for Social Networks
• Information Content Security
• Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
• Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
• New Architectures for Web-based Social Networks
• Semantic Web, Ontologies (creation, merging, linking and reconciliation)
• Web Services Security
• Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
• Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
• Data Management in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks
• Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks
• Indexing and Query Processing for Moving Objects
• User Interfaces and Usability Issues from Mobile Applications
• Mobile Social Networks
• Peer-to-Peer Social Networks
• Sensor Networks and Social Sensing
• Social Search
• Context-Aware Processing& Ubiquitous Systems
• Collaborative Computing
• Collaborative Systems for e-Sciences (e/m-Learning, e-Healthcare, ...)
• Information Propagation on Social Networks
• Resource and Knowledge Discovery using Social Networks
• Measurement Studies of Actual Social Networks
• Simulation Models for Social Networks
• Signal Processing and Computer Vision for Networked Systems (video
surveillance, environmental monitoring, etc…)
• Green Computing
• Grid Computing
• Cloud Computing
Modified versions of the selected papers of the conference will be published
in the following peer reviewed journals:
1. Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
2. International Journal of Information Studies (IJIS)
3. International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC)
4. International Journal of Web Applications (IJWA)
5. Journal of e-Technology
Important Dates:
Paper submission: December 16, 2011
Acceptance Notification: January 20, 2012
Camera Ready Papers: February 10, 2012
Workshop Proposal Submission: October 31, 2011
Notification to Workshop Organizer: November 7, 2011
Tutorial Proposal Submission: December 16, 2011
Notification to Tutorial Organizer: January 20, 2012
Conference Dates: April 24-26, 2012
Conference mail: ndt(a)ndtconf.org
Venue: Dubai
Dubai is both a dynamic international business centre and a laid-back
tourist escape; a city where the sophistication of the 21st century walks
hand in hand with the simplicity of a bygone era; a cosmopolitan society
with an international lifestyle combining the comfort and convenience of the
Western world with the unique charm and hospitality of Arabia.
From the timeless tranquility of the desert to the lively bustle of the
souk, Dubai offers a kaleidoscope of attractions for visitors. The emirate
embraces a wide variety of scenery in a very small area. In a single day,
you can experience everything from rugged mountains and awe-inspiring sand
dunes to sandy beaches and lush green parks, from dusty villages to
luxurious residential districts and from ancient houses with wind towers to
ultra-modern shopping malls. For more information about Dubai see:
For more information about the Canadian University of Dubai see:
General Chairs
Rachid Benlamri, Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada
Driss Guerchi, Canadian University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE
Program Chairs
Abdallah Shami, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Eric Monacelli, Versailles University, France
Lorna Uden, Staffordshire University, UK
Workshop Chairs
Russel Pears, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zeeland
Sun Aixin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Hiroshi Ishikawa, Shizuoka University, Japan
Boubaker Boufama, Windsor University, Canada
Publicity Chair
Essa Ibrahim Basaeed, Khalifa University, UAE
Local Arrangements Chair
Emad Eldin, Canadian University of Dubai, UAE
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs
Talal Kursany, Canadian University of Dubai, UAE
Sherif Moussa, Canadian University of Dubai, UAE
Siwar Rekik, Canadian University of Dubai, UAE
Hussam Abuazab, Canadian University of Dubai, UAE
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Papers on “Social Media“, Special
Issue Journal “Künstliche Intelligenz KI”
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 09:01:08 +0000
From: Detlef Schoder <Schoder(a)wim.uni-koeln.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Call for Papers on “Social Media“,
Special Issue Journal “Künstliche Intelligenz KI”
KI – Künstliche Intelligenz /(Artificial Intelligence)/
A Springer publication, ISSN
0933-1875 (Print)
1610-1987 (Online)
*Call for Papers*
Social Media has led to radical paradigm shifts in the ways
we communicate, collaborate, consume, and create
information. Technology allows virtually anyone to
disseminate information to a global audience almost
instantaneously. Information published by peers in the form
of Tweets, blog posts, or Web documents through online
social networking services has proliferated on an
unprecedented scale, contributing to an exponentially
growing data deluge. A new level of connectedness among
peers adds new ways for the consumption of (traditional)
media. We are witnessing new forms of collaboration,
including the phenomenon of an emergent ‘collective
intelligence’. This intelligence of crowds can be harnessed
in myriad ways, ranging from outsourcing simple, repetitive
tasks on Amazon Mechanical Turk, to solving complex
challenges such as proving a mathematical theorem creatively
and collaboratively.
This call for papers welcomes contributions showing:
1) How to make sense of Social Media data, i.e. how to
condense, distill, or integrate highly decentralized and
dispersed data resulting from human communication, including
sensor-collected data to a meaningful entity or information
service, or
2) How Social Media contributes to innovation,
collaboration, and collective intelligence.
We invite papers covering all aspects of Social Media
analysis including Social Media in Business (especially for
Marketing, Innovation, and Collaboration), Entertainment
(especially Social News, Social Music Services, Social TV,
and Social Network Games), as well as Art (e.g. City
Installations). Applications of Social Media in art may be
understood as a playing field for translating highly
decentralized ‘social data’ into centralized forms of artful
expression, thus furthering our intuitive understanding of
these complex emergent phenomena.
The list of topics mentioned below is neither exhaustive nor
exclusive. Insightful artifacts and methods as well as
analytical, conceptual, empirical, and theoretical
approaches (using any kind of research method, including
experiments, primary data from social media logs, case
studies, simulations, surveys, and so on) are within the scope.
ØInformation/Web mining (e.g. opinion mining)
ØPrognosis (e.g. trend and hot topic identification)
ØCollective Intelligence
ØSwarm Creativity, Collaborative Innovation Networks
Ø(Dynamic) Social Media Monitoring
ØSentiment, Natural Language Processing
ØSocial Media within and for Smart Cities, Smart Traffic,
Smart Energy
ØSocial Networks for the collaboration of large communities
ØUser behavior, social interaction
ØSocial Network Analysis (SNA), semantic network analysis
ØSocial search engines and aggregators
ØSocial network games
ØPersonalization and adaptation to user preference
ØTrust, reputation, social control, privacy
ØInformation reliability, Web spam, content authenticity
(e.g., detecting ‘astroturfing’)
ØSubmissions open until January 9, 2012
ØCamera-ready copies of revised papers by April 30, 2012
ØPre-Publication of accepted papers via Springer Online
First™ in June 2012
ØPrinted version of this Special Issue: Fall 2012
In addition to complete research papers, this Special Issue
will accept dissertation and conference reports, as well as
practical project and innovative software descriptions in
order to provide a comprehensive overview of the current
activities in this area.
All submitted manuscripts should be original contributions
and not be under consideration in any other venue.
Publication of an enhanced version of a previously published
conference paper is possible if the review process
determines that the revision contains significant
enhancements, amplification or clarification of the original
material. Any prior appearance of a substantial amount of a
submission should be noted in the submission letter and on
the title page.
*Guest Editors*
ØDetlef Schoder, Prof. Dr., schoder(a)wim.uni-koeln.de
<mailto:schoder@wim.uni-koeln.de>, University of Cologne
(Koeln), Department of Information Systems and Information
Management, Cologne, Germany
ØPeter A. Gloor, PhD, pgloor(a)mit.edu
<mailto:pgloor@mit.edu>, MIT Sloan School of Management,
Center for Collective Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, USA
ØPanagiotis Takis Metaxas, PhD, Prof.,
<mailto:PMetaxas@seas.harvard.edu>, Wellesley College,
Department of Computer Science, Wellesley, MA, and Harvard
University, Center for Research on Computation and Society,
Cambridge, MA, USA
For inquiries and submissions please contact:
Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder, University of Cologne (Koeln),
Department of Information Systems and Information
Management, Pohligstrasse 1, D-50969 Cologne/Germany, Phone:
+49 / (0)221 470-5325, Fax: +49 / (0)221 470-5393, URL:
http://www.wim.uni-koeln.de/, Email:
schoder(a)wim.uni-koeln.de <mailto:schoder@wim.uni-koeln.de>