-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP * Extended Deadline * Software-Management 2008 -
Industrialisierung desSoftware-Managements
Datum: Wed, 21 May 2008 15:03:59 +0200
Von: Martin Mikusz <mikusz(a)wi.uni-stuttgart.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Call for Papers – *Verlängerung der Einreichungsfrist* -
Beiträge können über das Konferenztool
<http://wi2ws18.wi.uni-stuttgart.de:55556/index.php?page=login> bis zum
31.5.2008 eingereicht werden
Software-Management 2008 - Industrialisierung des Software-Managements
Fachtagung des Fachausschusses Management der Anwendungsentwicklung und
-wartung im Fachbereich WI der GI
12.-14. November 2008 an der Universitaet Stuttgart
Seit geraumer Zeit traegt Software nicht nur zur Industrialisierung
anderer Wirtschaftszweige bei, sondern unterliegt selbst v. a. bei der
Entwicklung und Wartung betrieblicher Anwendungssysteme sowie deren
Management zunehmend einem Industrialisierungsprozess.
Diesem Industrialisierungsprozess zuzuordnen ist die zunehmende
Verwendung der zahlreichen (technischen) Prinzipien wie
Produktstandardisierung, Plattformstrategie, Dekomposition und
Verringerung der Fertigungstiefe, Mass Customization, Wiederverwendung
u. v. m. Zum Anderen bilden aber auch oekonomische und organisatorische
Prinzipien wie zunehmende Spezialisierung und Arbeitsteilung,
datenbasierte Entscheidungsfindung, quantitatives Prozessmanagement
sowie Prozessstandardisierung die wesentliche Grundlage einer reifen
Die Industrialisierung der Softwareentwicklung schafft neue Aufgaben,
Herausforderungen, Verbesserungspotentiale und Anforderungen fuer das
Software-Management in Praxis und Wissenschaft. Ihnen widmet sich die
diesjaehrige Fachtagung Software-Management 2008. Die beiden Leitfragen
sind dabei: Wie muss das Software-Management auf die o. g. industriellen
Rahmenbedingungen reagieren und wie kann das Software-Management die
diversen o. g. industriellen Prinzipien selber zielfuehrend adaptieren?
Die Fachtagung Software-Management ist das Forum fuer Fachleute, die
sich mit dieser Thematik in Praxis und Wissenschaft befassen. Sie dient
der Diskussion des State-of-the-Art sowie dem Gedanken- und
Erfahrungsaustausch zu aktuellen Problemstellungen und
Beitraege zur Software-Management 2008 sollen sich auf folgende Themen
*** Grundsatzbeitraege zur Industrialisierung der Softwareentwicklung
aus Sicht des Software-Managements
* Diskussion der strukturellen Grundlagen der Industrialisierung der
Softwareentwicklung sowie der zukuenftigen zu erwartenden industriellen
* Grundsatzbeitraege zur Zweckmaessigkeit, Angemessenheit und
Interpretation der Analogien aus dem industriellen Kontext
Technische und produktbezogene Aspekte der Industrialisierung der
Softwareentwicklung aus Sicht des Software-Managements
*** Technische und produktbezogene Aspekte der Industrialisierung der
Softwareentwicklung aus Sicht des Software-Managements
* Software-Management im Umfeld aktueller technischer Entwicklungen wie
SOA, MDA, Komponenten, SW-Produktfamilien, Integrationsplattformen u. v. m.
* Reengineering, Konfigurationsmanagement, AEnderungsmanagement,
Migrationsmanagement sowie Produktmanagement in Zusammenhang mit der
Industrialisierung der Softwareentwicklung
*** OEkonomische und organisatorische Aspekte der Industrialisierung der
Softwareentwicklung aus Sicht des Software-Managements
* Neue Aufgaben, Herausforderungen, Verbesserungspotentiale und
Anforderungen an Vorgehensmodelle und CASE-Werkzeuge sowie ihre
oekonomischen, sozialen und psychologischen Aspekte
* Neue Aufgaben, Herausforderungen, Verbesserungspotentiale und
Anforderungen an das Projektmanagement sowie ihre oekonomischen,
sozialen und psychologischen Aspekte
* Konkrete oekonomische und organisatorische Ansaetze im Umfeld der
Industrialisierung wie Six Sigma, Center-Konzepte, Kontingenzansaetze,
Outsourcing, Offshoring, Lean Development, Agile, Value-Based Software
Engineering u. v. m.
* Standards und Normen im Umfeld des Software-Managements: ITIL, CMMI,
Spice, PMBOK, Prince2, ISO9000 u. v. m.
*** Hierzu sind folgende Beitraege erwuenscht:
* UEbersichtsbeitraege,
* Berichte ueber Forschungsarbeiten,
* Empirische Untersuchungen,
* Werkzeugbeschreibungen,
* Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis,
* Vorschlaege fuer 1 oder 1/2-Tages-Tutorien
als Langbeitraege (max. 15 Seiten 1,5-zeilig), Kurzbeitraege (max. 5
Seiten) und Tutorienbeschreibungen (max. 5 Seiten).
Beitragseinreichung bitte bis 25. Mai 2008 unter Verwendung der Vorlage.
Weitere Hinweise finden sich auf der Webseite.
* Beitragseinreichung bis 25. Mai 2008
* Benachrichtigung ueber Annahme bzw. Ablehnung am 30. Juni 2008
* Abgabe der endgueltigen Manuskripte fuer den Tagungsband bis 1. August
* Fachtagung Software-Management 2008: 12.-14. November 2008
* Vorsitz:
Prof. Dr. Georg Herzwurm, Univ. Stuttgart
* Mitglieder:
Dr. Martin Bertram, Commerzbank
Dr. Andreas Birk, Software.Process.Mgmt.
Prof. Dr. Hans Brandt-Pook, FH Lippe/Hoexter
Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann, TU Darmstadt
Dr. Thomas Deelmann, Deutsche Telekom
Anton Dillinger, SAP
Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker, Univ. Duisburg-Essen
Martin Engstler, Fraunhofer IAO
Dr. Gerd Grosse, GFFT e.V.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess, Univ. Muenchen
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hesse, Univ. Marburg
Reinhard Hoehn, KMA Knowledge Mgmt.
Gerrit Kerber, aragon INTERACTIVE
Dr. Ralf Kneuper, Dr. Kneuper Beratung
Dr. Christian Kop, Univ. Klagenfurt
Dr. Torsten Langner, Microsoft
Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinrich Mayr, Univ. Klagenfurt
Prof. Dr. Werner Mellis, Univ. zu Koeln
Martin Mikusz, Univ. Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Andreas Oberweis, Univ. Karlsruhe
Bernd Oestereich, oose.de
Prof. Dr. Roland Petrasch, TFH Berlin
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Pietsch, FH Aachen
Werner Simonsmeier, sd&m
Harry Sneed, AneCon
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Spitta, Univ. Bielefeld
Prof. Dr. Dirk Stelzer, TU Ilmenau
Dr. Dirk Voelz, SAP Research
PD Dr. Anette Weisbecker, Fraunhofer IAO
Dirk Wittkopp, IBM Deutschland
* Informationen zur Tagung und zur Beitragseinreichung:
Prof. Dr. Georg Herzwurm
Universitaet Stuttgart
Lehrstuhl fuer Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und
Wirtschaftsinformatik II
Breitscheidstr. 2c, 70174 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711/685-82385
* Informationen zu den Tutorien:
Dr. Thomas Deelmann
Deutsche Telekom
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn
* Organisatorische Leitung:
Martin Mikusz, Univ. Stuttgart
Dr. Thomas Deelmann, Deutsche Telekom
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: SOFSEM 2009 - First Call for Papers
Datum: Wed, 21 May 2008 10:42:47 +0200
Von: SOFSEM09 <sofsem09(a)ksi.ms.mff.cuni.cz>
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
:= SOFSEM 2009: 35th Conference on
Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science
January 24-30, 2009
Hotel Arnika, Spindleruv mlyn, Czech Republic
[This information is being posted to multiple lists - we apologise if you get
it several times. Please, pass the information to whom it may benefit. Thank
You for understanding and cooperation. The organizers.]
* Abstract Submission: August 17, 2008
* Paper Submission: August 24, 2008
* Notification: October 6, 2008
* Camera-Ready Papers: October 20, 2008
* Conference: January 24-30, 2009
An extended pdf version of this call can be found at
SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is the annual, international conference devoted to
the theory and practice of computer science. Its aim is to foster cooperation
among professionals from academia and industry working in all modern areas of
computer science.
SOFSEM 2009 Program Committee Chair: Mogens Nielsen, Aarhus, Denmark.
The invited speakers for SOFSEM will include:
* Christian Attiogbe (University of Nantes, France)
* Christel Baier (University of Bonn, Germany)
* Nicole Immorlica (Northwestern University, USA)
* Radovan Janecek (BTO, HP Software)
* Marcin Jurdzinski (University of Warwick, UK)
* Giuseppe Longo (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France)
* David Parkes (Harvard University, USA)
For the SOFSEM 2009 the following 4 tracks have been chosen:
* Foundations of Computer Science
Chair: Catuscia Palamidessi (Paris, France)
Co-chair: Frank Valencia (Paris, France)
* Theory and Practice of Software Services
Chair: Petr Tuma, Prague, Czech Republic
* Game Theoretic Aspects of ecommerce
Chair: Peter Bro Miltersen (Aarhus, Denmark)
* Techniques and Tools for Formal Verification
Chair: Antonin Kucera (Brno, Czech Republic)
Moreover, for students, there is the
* Student Research Forum
Chair: Maria Bielikova (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Details on each track and the Forum can be found on the conference web site.
Following the tradition of SOFSEM, the proceedings from SOFSEM 2009, including
invited and contributed papers, will be published in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Series by Springer-Verlag. Papers from the Student Research
Forum will be published in local proceedings.
Both proceedings will be distributed at the conference.
The venue of Sofsem 2009 will be OREA Hotel ARNIKA, Spindleruv mlyn, Czech
Republic. See www.sofsem.cz for further details.
* algorithms and data structures including sequential, parallel,
distributed, approximation, and number-theoretic algorithms
* automata theory and languages
* complexity theory, both computational and structural
* foundations of security
* concurrency theory
* quantitative aspects of computing
* discrete mathematics related to computer science
* grammars and formal models
* program semantics, logic, and verification
* software engineering of service oriented systems
* formal methods for service oriented architectures
* service ontologies, semantic service description
* process modeling for service architectures
* service orchestration and coordination
* quality of service
* service negotiation and SLA
* service discovery and management
* support for dynamic binding of services
* platform specific services (web services, ESB, GRID, MANET, etc.)
* middleware for service oriented architectures
* security and trust issues in services
* business models for service architectures
* emerging service standards (W3C, OASIS, UN/CEFACT, etc.)
* experience reports
* automated and algorithmic mechanism design,
* computational pricing,
* auction theory geared towards e*commerce, such as auctions for
digital goods, sponsored search auctions and combinatorial auctions
* game theoretic aspects of trading agent systems
* game theoretic aspects of networks and network formation
* game theoretic aspects of cryptographic protocols
* formal models (process calculi, Petri nets, timed automata,
message sequence charts, hybrid systems, domain theoretic models,
probabilistic systems, etc.)
* specification languages (temporal logics, semantic equivalences
and preorders, etc.)
* verification techniques (model checking, equivalence checking,
abstract interpretation, race detection, static analysis,
testing and run time analysis, theorem proving, true concurrency
techniques, symbolic representation techniques, etc.)
* software tools for automatic analysis, verification, and
validation of computer systems (including case studies)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP - Extended Deadline - New Online Journal AES
Datum: Wed, 21 May 2008 14:45:56 +0200
Von: Pauline.Kraak(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
This CFP is also available at: http://www.aes-journal.com
Call for Papers - Extended Deadline
AES – Advances in Enterprise Systems 2008
The submission deadline for full papers has been extended to June 20th
The scope of the online journal "AES - Advances in Enterprise Systems"
is to offer a platform for the international knowledge exchange between
academics, researchers, practitioners and newcomers in the field of
enterprise systems. AES is an open access journal with double blind peer
review. Readers of ''Advances in Enterprise Systems'' expect high
quality information about the state of technology, perspectives and
solutions for company-wide IT architectures.
The target group of ''Advances in Enterprise Systems'' consists of
academics and interested practitioners from all over the world. Besides
academic contributions there is also demand for research and evaluation
methods for enterprise systems as well as case studies for the
evaluation of processes. All contributions are about current problems
and point out solutions from research as well as practice.
We kindly invite you to submit papers for the primal issue of the online
journal Advances in Enterprise Systems. Submissions from all technology
fields related to enterprise systems are welcome. See below or at
www.aes-journal.com for a list of possible topics. We publish original
papers, case studies, notes, commentaries, and announcements. Submitted
articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted
for journal publication elsewhere.
As an author you are responsible for understanding and adherence to our
submission guidelines for authors, which can be found at
Please submit your manuscripts per e-mail to the Editorial Office at
office[at]aesjournal.com. Full paper submission deadline for this issue
is now extended to June 20th 2008.
During a double blind review process, submitted papers will be reviewed
by two members of the Editorial Board selected by the Editorial Office.
In case of extremely different opinions a third reviewer will be
selected. The composition of the Editorial Board of AES can be found at
www.aesjournal.com. The current members of the Editorial Board are also
listed at the end of this document.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the Editorial
Office at office(a)aes-journal.com.
Please visit the AES homepage at www.aes-journal.com for information and
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Infrastructure and regulations
- Semantic integration concepts
- CASE tools for system development
Distribution channel design
Business Models
- Electronic government
- Electronic business and e-commerce
- Application service providers
- Outsourcing of ERP projects
- Information systems for logistics, production processes
- Sectoral solutions Interoperability
- Interoperability of architectures and frameworks
- Integration of business information systems
- Interoperability of business standards
Organizational issues of systems integration
- ERP systems and virtual enterprises
- ERP, integration of functions and extended enterprises
- Intranet and extranet business applications
- Business intelligence
Enterprise architecture in change
Strategy & Management
- Supply chain management
- Business process transformation
- Outsourcing
- Change management
- Customer relationship management
Business knowledge management
- Data analysis
- Research methods and approaches for enterprises
Case studies for global applications
Editorial Board
Abramowicz, Witold, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Amer, Yousef, University of South Australia, Australia
Artopoulos, Alejandro, University of San Andres, Argentinia
Bjorn-Andersen, Niels, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Caseau, Yves, Bouygues Telecom, France
Davison, Robert, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Firestone, Joseph M., Knowledge Management Consortium, International,
Alexandria, USA
Francalanci, Chiara, Polytechnic Institute of Milan, Italy
Godart, Claude, University Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France
Gronau, Norbert (Editor in Chief), University of Potsdam, Germany
Hsu, Wei Yuan Carol, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Kinghorn, Johann, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Klaus, Tim, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, USA
Krcmar, Helmut, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Loos, Peter, Saarland University, Germany
Nurcan, Selmin, University Paris 1 – Pantheon-Sorbonne, France
Reich, Yoram, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Rothenberger, Marcus, Universtiy of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Sawa, Akihiro, University of Tokyo, Japan
Schubert, Petra, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Shakir, Maha, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Sumner, Mary, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
Tobin, Peter K.J., University of Pretoria, South Africa
von Bogdandy, Christian, CISCO, USA
Wieder, Bernhard, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Winter, Robert, University of St. Gallen, Germany
Wu, Nancy I-Chin, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Xu, Xiaofei, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
--- Editor in Chief ---
Norbert Gronau
University of Potsdam
Chair of Business Information Systmes and Electronic Government
August-Bebel-Str. 89
14482 Potsdam, Germany
e-mail: editor-in-chief(a)aes-journal.com
web: wi.uni-potsdam.de
phone: +49 331 977 3322
fax: +49 331 977 3406
--- Editorial Office ---
Pauline Kraak
University of Potsdam
Chair of Business Information Systems and Electronic Government
August-Bebel-Str. 89
14482 Potsdam, Germany
e-mail: office(a)aes-journal.com
web: wi.uni-potsdam.de
phone: +49(0)331/977-3380
fax: +49(0)331/977-3406
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: GI-Jahrestagung INFORMATIK 2008 in München: Jetzt anmelden
Datum: Wed, 21 May 2008 10:37:20 +0200 (CEST)
Von: gi-mitglieder-info(a)gi-ev.de
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe GI-Mitglieder,
die Anmeldung zu unserer diesjährigen GI-Jahrestagung INFORMATIK 2008 ist
freigeschaltet! Ab sofort können Sie sich unter http://www.informatik2008.de
zur INFORMATIK 2008 anmelden. Diese findet vom 8. bis zum 13. September 2008
in München statt.
Der Frühbucherrabatt für die INFORMATIK 2008 läuft bis zum 30. Juni 2008,
aber Sie kennen den Spruch "Was man heute kann besorgen....".
Die INFORMATIK 2008 steht unter dem Motto "Beherrschbare Systeme - dank
Informatik". Damit rückt die Bedeutung von Sicherheit und Beherrschbarkeit
in Zeiten der zukunftweisenden Informationstechnologie in den Blickpunkt der
Tagung. Das Programm mit allen Terminen und den Workshopbeschreibungen
finden Sie unter http://www.informatik2008.de.
Am traditionellen "Tag der Informatik" am 10. September werden Sie
hochkarätige Fachleute aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft erleben. Weiterhin
gibt es ein breites Angebot an Workshops (8., 11. und 12. September),
Tutorien (8. September) und Spezialveranstaltungen zum Tagungsmotto (9.
September), einen Freelancer Kongress (13. September) sowie Veranstaltungen
für Schüler/innen und Studierende.
Einen besonderen Augenmerk möchten wir richten auf unsere "Veranstaltungen
zum Tagungsmotto", wo wir Sie einladen, in Firmen und
Forschungseinrichtungen einen Tag zu speziellen Thematiken zu erleben, wie
* Bioinformatik und –technologie
* Automobil- und Verkehrssysteme
* Logistik eines Hub-Flughafens
* Advanced Computing
* Anwendungslandschaften in Banken und Versicherungen
* Autonome Systeme
* Sicherheit
Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Schwerpunktveranstaltungen - ebenso wie das
Rahmenprogramm - in der Teilnehmer/innenzahl beschränkt sind, also nur eine
frühzeitige Anmeldung Ihnen einen Platz garantiert.
Folgende "Schmankerl" bieten wir Ihnen als Rahmenprogramm:
8. September 2008 Empfang im Rathaus
9. September 2008 Musik und Stadtgeschichte in St. Peter
10. September 2008 ab 17:30 Uhr Ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung der
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)
10. September 2008 ab 20:00 Uhr Festbankett in der Flugwerft Schleißheim mit
11. September 2008 Besichtigung des Maximilianeums
Unter http://www.informatik2008.de finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
einen direkten Link zur Onlineanmeldung.
Wir freuen uns, Sie im September in München zahlreich (wieder) zu sehen.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
GI-Geschäftsstelle und Tagungsorganisation
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)
Ahrstr. 45
D-53175 Bonn
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Research meets practice - 1st CfP IFIP WG 8.1
Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM'2008)
Datum: Tue, 20 May 2008 10:48:46 -0400
Von: Anne Persson <anne.persson(a)his.se>
Antwort an: Anne Persson <anne.persson(a)his.se>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Papers
IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: from Business Strategies to
Enterprise Architectures
Stockholm, Sweden
Important dates:
30 June 2008, paper submission deadline
15 August 2008 notification of acceptance
12-13, November 2008, Conference
Aims and objectives
Enterprise Modeling (EM) has gained substantial of popularity both in the
academic community and among practitioners. There is a variety of EM
methods, approaches, and tools developed and offered on the market. In
practice they are used for various purposes such as business strategy
development, process restructuring, as well as business and IT
architecture alignment and governance.
PoEM�08 aims to establish a dedicated forum where the use of EM in
practice is addressed by bringing together researchers, users and
practitioners. The conference program will feature paper presentations and
interactive discussion sessions. More specifically the goals of the
conference are:
- to develop a better understanding of the practice of EM
- to contribute to improved EM practice
- to share knowledge among researchers and practitioners
- to form a community of researcher and practitioners
- to develop a research agenda on the practice of EM
The conference theme is EM in different application contexts, e.g.
software development, including agile development, as well as business
development, governance, and change.
Topics relevant for submissions include, but are not limited to, the
- Evaluation of EM methods from a practice perspective
- The process of modeling and guidelines for modeling
- Management of EM projects
- Use of EM in different contexts
- Facilitation and group dynamics
- The competency of modelers and modeling teams
- Model and process quality aspects
- Reuse of enterprise models
- Modeling languages
- The use of EM in different contexts
- Tools and workbenches
- Enterprise model management
- Success factors in EM
- Teaching the practice
- EM and agile development
- Enterprise knowledge architectures
- Standardization issues and reference models
- Method engineering in EM
- Concordance between EM and information systems development
Paper types:
Experience papers present problems or challenges encountered in practice,
relate success and failure stories, or report on industrial practices. The
focus is on 'what' and on lessons learned, not on an in-depth analysis of
'why'. The practice must be clearly described and its context must be
given. Readers should be able to draw conclusions for their own practice.
Research papers describe original research contributions (theoretical,
methodological or conceptual) to the area of EM. A research paper should
clearly describe the situation or problem that is tackled, the relevant
state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential or
the evaluated benefits of the contribution.
Evaluation papers evaluate existing problem situations or validate
proposed solutions with scientific means. Scientific reflection on
problems and practices in industry also falls into this category. The
topic of the evaluation presented in the paper as well as its causal or
logical properties must be clearly stated. The research method must be
sound and appropriate.
Idea papers can describe completely new research positions or approaches,
in order to face to a generic situation that arises because of, for
instance, new methods and tools or new types of emerging EM challenges.
They must describe precisely the situation and demonstrate the
shortcomings of the current methods, tools, ways of reasoning,
meta-models, etc.
Janis Bubenko jr., Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, General chair
Anne Persson, University of Skövde, Sweden, Program committee co-chair
Janis Stirna, University of Jönköping, Sweden, Program committee co-chair
Lena Aggestam, University of Skövde, Sweden, Organising chair
Best wishes,
Anne Persson and Janis Stirna
Program committee chairs
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Final CFP: WebKDD 08 - Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis
(deadline May 23)
Datum: Mon, 19 May 2008 21:52:19 +0200 (CEST)
Von: myra(a)iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Apologies for multiple postings
WEBKDD'08 - 10 Years of Knowledge Discovery on the Web
August 24, 2008
URL: http://webmining.spd.louisville.edu/webkdd08/
At the 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2008)
August 24-27, 2008, Las Vegas, USA
Submission deadline extended by 7 days.
Important dates
o May 23, 2008: Submission of full papers (new date)
o June 13, 2008: Author notification
o June 20, 2008: Submission of Camera-ready papers (hard deadline)
o August 24, 2008: Workshop at ACM SIGKDD, Las Vegas, USA
Yahoo! Best Paper Award for Web Mining:
Through a peer-review process that includes the workshop organizing
and program committees, a best paper will be selected based technical
quality, innovativeness, and contribution to the field. The authors of
the best paper will receive a $500 USD prize supported by Yahoo! Research.
The Web presents a key driving force for a large spectrum of
applications in which a user interacts with a company, a governmental
authority, a non-governmental organization or other non-profit
institution or other users. User preferences and expectations,
together with usage patterns, form the basis for personalized,
user-friendly and optimal services. Key metrics enabled by proper data
capture and processing are essential to run an effective business or
service. Enabling technologies include data mining, scalable
warehousing and preprocessing, sequence discovery, real time
processing, document classification, user modeling and quality
evaluation models for them. Recipient technologies that demand for
user profiling and usage patterns include recommendation systems, Web
analytics applications, application servers coupled with content
management systems and fraud detectors.
Research advances associated with knowledge discovery on the Web
observe the Web as a social medium for exchange and cooperation, as a
semantic network where people find information and contribute
information (by means of documents, annotations and comments) and as a
place for doing business, launching business and promoting business.
WEBKDD 2008 will bring together researchers and practitioners on
these aspects of the Web. The emphasis is on lessons learned, recent
advances and open issues for the next decade.
WEBKDD 2008 will be the 10th anniversary workshop on knowledge
discovery on the Web, taking place at the KDD since 1999. WebKDD
presentations have historically been of high quality and influence,
and workshops have in the past attracted not only audience from
academia, but also a significant audience from industry and government
agencies. Altogether, the papers at the past WEBKDD workshops have
accumulated about 940 citations, including 7 patent citations that
cite the workshop as the premier reference on the topic of Web usage
analysis. (The citations are from Google Scholar, accessed between
Feb. 10 and Feb. 12, 2008.)
In WEBKDD 2008, we anticipate a wrap-up and lessons-learned from 10
years of research on mining the Web, the Semantic Web(s) and the
social Web and a research agenda for the years to come.
Workshop Topics
The WEBKDD 2008 workshop will invite contributions on mining of all
aspects of users' activities in the Web, in particular:
- Mining server log (clickstream) data
- Web analytics
- Web content and structure mining
- Modeling users and their interaction with the Web
- Mining query log data and web search result mining
- Mining users' activities in social venues, ranging from chat fora
with emphasis on interaction, to recommendation networks with emphasis
on spread of influence
- Mining users' activities in venues that foster the capturing of data
semantics, e.g. for building the Semantic Web or for the building of
- web community mining and social network analysis
- Enabling technologies for Web mining, including technologies for Web
warehousing, data preparation, management of multi-relational data and
streams, visualization, and evaluation
- Application areas, including recommendation engines, Web
communities, Web marketplaces, Web search, Web security and misuse and
abuse of the Web and its services.
Paper Submission
All submissions must be made electronically following the submission
information on the Workshop Web site:
Please use the prescribed formatting guidelines of Springer LNCS
which can be found at:
Papers should be no longer than 12 pages (or 5,000 words) inclusive of
all references and figures. All papers must be submitted in either PDF
(preferred) or postscript. Please ensure that any special fonts used
are included in the submitted documents. All papers must be original,
and have not been published elsewhere. Exceptionally, paper submitted
to KDD 2008 can also be submitted to WebKDD2008 but must be withdrawn
if accepted at KDD 2008.
The workshop proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture
Note Series (LNCS) with the title "Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage
Analysis" (under negotiation). It will be distributed during the workshop.
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended
version of their papers to the Journal Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery for a special issue that serve as a wrap up of the most
recent developments in Web Mining (under negotiation).
Organizing Committee of WebKDD'08:
Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University, USA
Olfa Nasraoui, University of Louisville, USA
Myra Spiliopoulou, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota, USA
Osmar R. Zaiane, University of Alberta, Canada
Program Committee of WebKDD'08:
Prof. Dr. Myra Spiliopoulou
Work group KMD: Knowledge Management & Discovery
Faculty of Computer Science
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
PO Box 4120, D-39016 Magdeburg
Phone: ++49.391.67 18967
Fax: ++49.391.67 18110
Email: myra(a)iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Webpage: http://omen.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/itikmd/
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT (IRWITPM 2008), December 12-13, 2008, Paris, France
Datum: Mon, 19 May 2008 17:45:25 -0400
Von: Deepak Khazanchi <khazanchi(a)unomaha.edu>
Antwort an: Deepak Khazanchi <khazanchi(a)unomaha.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
PROJECT MANAGEMENT (http://www.SIGITProjMgmt.org)
December 12th-13th, 2008
at the
American University of Paris (AUP), France
(In coordination with ICIS 2008)
The Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITPROJMGMT) is
proud to sponsor its 3rd International Research Workshop on Information
Technology Project Management. The workshop is co-sponsored and hosted by
the American University of Paris. The workshop will feature research
papers and one or more panels that focus on problems that cut across many
traditional IS/T Project Management areas, including, but not limited to,
the following topics: virtual project management, agile project
management, knowledge networks, project management methodologies,
distributed project management, project leadership, project quality
metrics, project management standards, best practices in project
management, project success, and pedagogical issues. The workshop welcomes
high-quality conceptual and empirical contributions that attempt to
advance theory and application of project management using any research
approach (action research, experimental, grounded theory, design science,
survey research, theory development, prototyping, methodology development,
PM tool development, etc).
All submissions to IRWITPM 2008 must represent original work that has not
already been published in a journal or conference proceedings. If the work
has been presented at another conference or is currently under
consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere, the authors must
disclose this fact.
At least one author for every accepted paper and all members of every
accepted panel must register for the workshop and be prepared to present
their ideas in person. Authors of accepted submissions must address the
suggestions (if any) of the reviewers and submit an electronic copy of the
final version of their work by the specified deadline. Failure to do so
will result in withdrawal of this work from further consideration and it
will not be included on the final program.
All final papers will be published in the form of e-proceedings available
via the AIS eLibrary.
Submissions may be of three types:
� Completed research papers,
� Research-in-progress papers, and
� Panel proposals.
As in the past two years, we are extremely pleased to provide IRWITPM 2008
authors presenting at this workshop the opportunity to publish their work
in the Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS)
(http://jais.asinet.org). Selected completed research papers presented at
the workshop will be considered for fast track publication in JAIS, guest
edited by Deepak Khazanchi (khazanchi(a)unomaha.edu) and Blaize Reich
(breich(a)sfu.ca). Authors who do not want to be considered for the special
issue should indicate so at the time of submitting their final revision.
Authors may be asked to further revise their manuscript subsequent to
presentation to address workshop comments, editorial reviews, and any
additional requirements of JAIS. JAIS author instructions are available at
Submissions should include a one-page abstract and a paper that includes
the following sections: research objectives and questions, theoretical
foundations, research methodology, current status of the project, and a
description of what the authors propose to present at the conference.
Panel proposals should include a general description of the panel, names
and affiliations of all panel participants, a statement to the effect that
all participants have made a commitment to serve on the panel (if it is
accepted), a brief description of each participant's background and
expertise related to the panel topic, and a brief description of each
participant's views on the topic.
Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2008
Notification of Decision: October 15th, 2008
Revised Manuscripts Deadline: November 1st, 2008
Registration Deadline: November 15th, 2008
The workshop will be held as an all-day meeting on Saturday, December
13th, in Paris, France, prior to the start of ICIS 2008. Participants
should plan on arriving the night before for an early start to the
meeting. There will be a single track to maximize interaction and
participation. Workshop participants will be charged a registration fee
that will include lunch and coffee breaks (details will be announced as
the conference program is finalized). Additionally, we are considering
having a networking dinner reception before the workshop on December 12th
hosted at the American University of Paris (AUP) campus.
For completed paper and research-in-progress submissions, authors should
identify themselves and provide contact information only on the cover
page, as these submissions will be blind reviewed. The second page of the
paper should consist of an abstract plus a list of key words describing
the main topics of the manuscript (the MISQ keyword list is recommended
for use). Papers and panel proposals should be double-spaced to facilitate
editing. The manuscript or proposal and any supporting documentation (such
as survey instruments) should be sent as e-mail attachments (in MSWord
format) to IRWITPM Conference Chair and SIGITProjMgmt Founder, Dr. Deepak
Khazanchi at irwitpm(a)sigitpm.org. In your email, please clearly identify
your paper as research-in-progress (RIP) or completed paper.
LOCAL ARRANGMENTS: For questions about local arrangements, please contact
the IRWIPTM2008 Local Arrangements Chair, Dr. Eugeni Gentchev
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For questions about the workshop program and
proceedings, please contact the IRWITPM2008 Program Arrangement Chair and
Proceedings Editor, Alanah Davis (alanahdavis(a)mail.unomaha.edu).
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: LaSCoG'08
Datum: Fri, 16 May 2008 15:52:19 -0300
Von: Laurence Tianruo Yang <ltyang(a)gmail.com>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Second Call for Papers
4th Workshop on Large Scale Computations on Grids (LaSCoG'08)
Wisla, Poland, October 20-22, 2008
Large Scale Computations on Grids (LaSCoG) Workshop will be organized
within the framework of the International Multiconference on Computer
Science and Information Technology (www.imcsit.org) and co-located with
the XXIV Autumn Meeting of the Polish Information Processing Society.
The emerging paradigm for execution of large-scale computations, whether
they originate as scientific or engineering applications, or for
supporting large data-intensive calculations, is to utilize multiple
computers at sites distributed across the Internet. In particular,
computational grids are collections of distributed, possibly
heterogeneous resources which can be used as ensembles to execute
large-scale applications. While the vision of the global computational
Grid is extremely appealing, there remains a lot of work on all levels
to achieve it. In this context the LaSCoG workshop is envisioned as a
forum to promote exchange of ideas and results aimed at addressing
complex issues that arise in developing large-scale computations on
Grids and running applications on them.
Covered topics include (but are not limited to) Grid-focused aspects of:
- Large-scale algorithms
- Symbolic and numeric computations
- High performance computations for large scale simulations
- Large-scale distributed computations
- Agent-based computing
- Data models for large-scale applications
- Cloud computing
- Security issues for large-scale computations
- Science portals
- Data visualization
- Performance analysis, evaluation and prediction
- Programming models
- Peer-to-peer models and services for scalable grids
- Collaborative science applications
- Business applications
- Data-intensive applications
Papers submission
* Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF of MSWord file).
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style).
IEEE style templates are available here.
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific
merit and relevance to the workshop.
* Accepted and Presented paper will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore® database.
* Extended versions of selected papers will be published in a Special
Issue of the Scalable Computing; Practice and Experience journal.
International Programme Committee:
Rui Aguiar, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Mark Baker, University of Reading, UK
Andrej Brodnik, University of Primorska, Slovenia
Pasqua D'Ambra, ICAR-CNR, Italy
Beniamino Di Martino, Seconda Universita' di Napoli, Italy
Prabu Dorairaj, Wipro Technologies, India
Salvatore Filippone, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy
Maria Ganzha, Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Science, Poland
Daniel Grosu, Wayne State University, USA
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Aneta Karaivanova, Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgaria
Dieter Kranzlmueller, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Anna T. Lawniczak, University of Guelph, Canada
Thomas Ludwig, Heidelberg University, Germany
Carlo Mastroianni, ICAR-CNR, Italy
John P. Morrison, University of Cork, Ireland
Richard Olejnik, CNRS & University of Lille I, France
Kalim Qureshi, Math and Computer Science Department, Kuwait University,
Erich Schikuta, University of Vienna, Austria
Ha Yoon Song, Hongik University, Korea
Przemyslaw Stpiczynski, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland
Pavel Telegin, Joint Supercomputing Center, Russia
Nam Thoai, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam
Marek Tudruj, Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences &
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Baomin Xu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Organizing Committee:
Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences,
Dana Petcu, Western University of Timisoara, Romania
In case of questions please contact Marcin Paprzycki at:
marcin.paprzycki (at) ibspan.waw.pl
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For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] 8th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling @ OOPSLA
Datum: Sat, 17 May 2008 04:08:38 +0300
Von: Rossi Matti <Matti.Rossi(a)hse.fi>
Antwort an: Rossi Matti <Matti.Rossi(a)hse.fi>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The 8th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling
October 19-20, 2008
Nashville, USA
Call for Papers:
Domain-Specific Modeling raises the level of abstraction beyond programming
by specifying the solution directly using domain concepts. In many cases,
final products can be generated automatically from these high-level
specifications. This automation is possible because both the language and
generators need fit the requirements of only one company and domain.
Industrial experiences of DSM consistently show it to be 5-10 times faster
than current practices, including current UML-based implementations of MDA.
More investigation is still needed in order to advance the acceptance and
viability of Domain-Specific Modeling. This workshop welcomes three types
of submissions:
1) Full papers describing ideas on either a practical or theoretical level.
Full papers should emphasize what is new and significant about the chosen
approach and compare it to other research work in the field. The maximum
length of a full paper is 4000 words.
2) Position papers describing work in progress or an author's position
regarding current DSM practice. The maximum length of a position paper is
2000 words.
3) DSM demonstrations describing a particular language, generator, or tool
for a particular domain. The maximum length of a demo paper is 2000
words. During the workshop, the DSM solution presented in the paper can
be demonstrated to the participants.
Some suggested topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Tools for supporting domain-specific modeling (DSM)
- Metamodeling frameworks and languages
- Comparison and analysis of model-driven development approaches
- Principles for identifying constructs for DSM languages
- Industry/academic experience reports describing success/failure in
using Domain-Specific Modeling
- Novel approaches for code generation from domain-specific models
- Approaches to implement Domain-Specific Modeling languages
- Issues of support/maintenance of models and evolution of a DSM
language in accordance with the representative domain
- Version control techniques for DSMs
- Specific domains where this technology can be most productive in
the future (e.g., embedded systems, product family domains, or
systems with multiple implementation platforms)
- Techniques for supporting (meta)model interchange between tools
- Relationships between ontologies and metamodels
Important Dates:
Initial submission: August 4, 2008
Author Notification: September 4, 2008
(1 week prior to Early Registration deadline)
Final version: October 1, 2008
Workshop: October 19-20, 2008
Submission Information:
Papers should be submitted by August 4, 2008. Contributions should be
submitted electronically in PDF format at
Submitted papers must conform to the ACM SIGPLAN conference style, using
9pt font (see guidelines at: http://www.sigplan.org/authorInformation.htm).
The accepted papers will be published in the printed proceedings and
posted on the workshop web site.
Additional Information:
Additional information about the workshop (including contact information,
past workshop papers, presentations, group work results) is available
at the workshop web site: http://www.dsmforum.org/events/DSM08
Program Committee:
Pierre America, Philips
Peter Bell, SystemsForge
Jorn Bettin, Sofismo
Philip T. Cox, Dalhousie University
Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo
Brandon Eames, Utah State University
Ethan Jackson, Microsoft
Frederic Jouault, University of Nantes
Jürgen Jung, Deutche Post AG
Steven Kelly, MetaCase
Benoit Langlois, Thales
Gunther Lenz, Microsoft
Shih-Hsi Liu, California State University, Fresno
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University
Pentti Marttiin, Nokia Siemens Networks
Birger Moller-Pedersen, University of Oslo
Juha Pärssinen, VTT
Arturo Sanchez, University of North Florida
Markus Völter, independent consultant
Jing Zhang, Motorola Research
Organizing Committee:
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, MetaCase
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics
Jonathan Sprinkle, University of Arizona
Apologies if you receive this message more than once.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CfP: International Workshop on Software Product
Management (RE'08 Workshop)
Datum: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:29:35 +0200
Von: Slinger Jansen <slinger(a)cs.uu.nl>
Antwort an: Slinger Jansen <slinger(a)cs.uu.nl>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Papers
International Workshop on Software Product Management
Barcelona, Spain, Friday, September 12, 2008
In conjunction with the 16th IEEE International Requirements
Engineering Conference Barcelona, Spain,
Friday, September 12,2008
*** Workshop Objective ***
In today’s competitive software markets it is of utmost interest to
have winning products. The success of any software product depends on
skilled and competent product management. Software product management
includes product requirements, release definitions, product release
lifecycles, creating an effective multifunctional product introduction
team and – above all – assuring a winning business case. Indeed
software product management is complex: there are many intra- and
interorganizational stakeholders, many responsibilities and no
formalized education or body of (scientific) knowledge.
After the success of last year’s workshop (collocated with the 2006
Requirements Engineering conference in Minneapolis/St. Paul, USA) this
workshop aims to continuously increase the body of knowledge for this
specific area of requirements and software engineering by providing a
forum to exchange ideas and publish baselined results. It will build
and shape the community of leading practitioners and research experts.
Given the relevance of product management in IT and software
companies, and the rather unexplored scientific and industry
contribution in this field, the workshop will deliver a state-of-the-
practice overview of the available knowledge on software product
management, as well as an overview of areas within software product
management for further research.
*** Topics of interest ***
* Product management practices in software and IT domains
* Requirements engineering in relation to product and requirements
* Release definition and roadmapping
* Product management processes
* Product families and product line management
* Portfolio management and product life-cycle management
* Subcontracting, partnering and incorporation of open-source components
* Software supply networks
* Service oriented software products
* Impacts of subcontracting on product architecture
* Product strategy definition and marketing
* Measuring and improving the performance of the product manager
* Product management skill and competence building
* Product management at SME’s
* Tools for product management
*** Workshop proceedings ***
Proceedings of accepted papers will appear in electronic format, in
the IEEE CS Digital Library. We are in search of a journal to allow
for publishing of extended and revised versions of the best papers.
Paper preparation, submission and evaluation We welcome both research
and industry papers to IWSPM 2008. Research papers should either not
exceed 5,000 words (full research papers) or not exceed 3,000 words
(work-in- progress/position research papers). They must be original
and not submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal.
To encourage industrial participation we also welcome short industry
papers (2,000 words maximum). Papers should be submitted in electronic
form (PDF) to the organizers at IWSPM(a)cs.uu.nl. Submissions must be
formatted according to the 8.5x11 inch IEEE CS proceedings format. For
downloading instructions and templates, go to the Author Forms web
page of the IEEE Computer Society, available at
Three reviewers of the workshop’s program committee will judge the
quality of each submitted workshop paper. Proceedings will appear in
the IEEE CS Digital Library.
*** Important dates ***
June 10, 2008: Deadline for workshop submissions;
July 17, 2008: Notification of authors;
July 31, 2008: Camera-ready papers due.
All deadlines are 23:59 Apia, Samoa time.
*** Program committee ***
* Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting Services, Germany
* Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
* Gerald Heller, Hewlett Packard, Germany
* Slinger Jansen, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
* Anthony Finkelstein - University College London, UK
* Kari Smolander, Univ. Lappeenranta, Finland
* Alan Hevner, NSF and University of South Florida, USA
* Björn Regnell, Lund University, Sweden
* Pnina Soffer, The University of Haifa, Israel
* Johan Versendaal, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
* Tony Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon West, USA
* Günther Ruhe, University of Calgary, Canada
*** Workshop organizing committee ***
* Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
* Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting Services, Germany
* Gerald Heller, Hewlett-Packard, Germany
* Slinger Jansen, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
For further questions, please contact us at IWSPM(a)cs.uu.nl.
dr. Slinger Remy Lokien Jansen
*email :* slinger(a)cs.uu.nl <mailto:slinger@cs.uu.nl>
*Universiteit Utrecht*
Institute of Information and Computing Sciences
Centrumgebouw Noord, B234
Padualaan 14, De Uithof
3584CH Utrecht *office :* CGN-B234
*telephone :* +31 (30) 253 1807
*faxnumber :* +31 (30) 251 3791
*scientific website : *http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/slinger/
*personal website : *www.slingerjansen.nl <http://www.slingerjansen.nl>
Slinger Jansen Website <http://www.slingerjansen.nl>
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.