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Subject: EJIS: Volume 11 Issue 1, March 2002
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:57:39 +0000
From: "Bob O'Keefe" <Bob.OKeefe(a)BRUNEL.AC.UK>
Volume 11 Issue 1 of the European Journal of Information Systems is now
available. It contains the following six papers:
Exploring relationships in information technology outsourcing:
the interaction approach by T Kern and L Willcocks.
Women in the information technology profession: a literature
review, synthesis and research agenda by M K Ahuja
Vicious and virtuous cycles in ERP implementation: a case study
of interrelations between critical success factors by H Akkermans
and K van Helden
The role of boundaries in knowledge processes by Y Merali
Patterns of software quality management in TickIT certified
firms by B Work
Developing a frame of reference for ex-ante IT/IS investment
evaluation by Z Irani and P E D Love
More details are available from http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis
Bob O'Keefe
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Subject: Call for Case Studies ITiRA2002 Conference, 27 - 29 August 200 2
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 00:25:11 +1000
From: Stewart Marshall <s.marshall(a)CQU.EDU.AU>
The Faculty of Informatics and Communication at Central Queensland University
is pleased to call for case studies for its ITiRA 2002 Conference at CQU
Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia, 27 - 29 August 2002. The overall purpose
of the ITiRA 2002 Conference is to examine strategies, research and
applications for the introduction and use of Information Technology in
Regional Areas (details can be found at: http://itira.cqu.edu.au ).
"Expressions of Interest" (abstracts) for the presentation of Case Studies or
Posters will be accepted until 10 May 2002, accepted case studies will be
notified by 24 May and completed case study papers due 5 July.
ITiRA Tracks:
ITiRA will include a mixture of refereed papers as well as non-refereed case
studies and applications, structured around the following eight major track
themes: 1 - Community Informatics;
2 - IT for Regional Health;
3 - IT for Regional Media and Communication;
4 - IT for Regional Industry and e-Economy;
5 - IT for Regional Education and Training;
6 - IT for Developing Countries and Indigenous Peoples;
7 - IT for Regional Culture and the Arts;
8 - e-Democracy.
There are a few spaces for papers in some of the tracks. Please contact the
Conference Secretary at ITiRA2002(a)cqu.edu.au for details.
Publication of papers:
Please note: We have signed a contract with an international publisher to
edit a book on "Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions". We will
be selecting the best papers from the ITiRA 2002 Conference to form the
basis of this book.
For general information on the conference or to submit expression of interest
(usually in the form of an abstract), contact the Conference Secretary at
Professor Stewart Marshall
Acting Pro Vice Chancellor
Central Queensland University
Rockhampton QLD 4702
Phone: 07 4930 9515
Fax: 07 4936 1691
email: pvc-cqu(a)cqu.edu.au
ITiRA2002: http://itira.cqu.edu.au
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Subject: Business Rules on the Semantic Web
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:05:11 +0100
From: "Wagner, G.R." <G.R.Wagner(a)TM.TUE.NL>
International Workshop on
Rule Markup Languages for Business Rules
on the Semantic Web
14 June 2002, Sardinia (Italy)
in conjunction with the
First International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002)
and hosted by
SIG2 (languages and standards) of the OntoWeb Network
See http://tmitwww.tm.tue.nl/staff/gwagner/RuleML-BR-SW.html
Workshop Description:
The workshop will focus on how rule markup languages, such as RuleML,
will contribute to the vision of the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web
offers a research perspective for automating business processes. Rule
markup languages, that allow to express business rules as modular,
stand-alone units in a declarative way, and to publish them and
exchange them between different systems and tools, will play an
important role for facilitating business-to-customer (B2C) and
business-to-business (B2B) interactions over the Web.
*Derivation rules* can be included in an ontology to define derived
concepts on top of base concepts. In this way, for instance, derived
business terms, such as customer categories, may be defined. Whenever
a rule refers to an incomplete predicate, for which explicit negative
information has to be represented along with ordinary (positive)
information, a second negation, supplementing negation-as-failure,
is needed (as in the formalism of extended logic programs). Using
this negation in the head of a rule, one can express conflicting
rules that may defeat each other. Such a language for *defeasible
rules* is useful to represent business rules allowing for exceptions.
In addition to derivation rules, there is another type of rule which
allows to specify the reactive and communicative behavior of a
system or agent: *Reaction rules* -- in other contexts also called
'event-condition-action (ECA) rules' or 'triggers'. Business rules
that specify the various steps of a business process can be encoded
in the form of reaction rules. A general markup language for business
rules has to accommodate these different types of rules and support
their interoperation.
Topics of Interest:
We encourage submissions on all topics related to rule markup
languages. In particular, we solicit papers on
* reaction rules on the Semantic Web
- event/action languages
- execution models
* defeasible rules on the Semantic Web
- defeasible concept definitions in ontologies
- resolving conflicts in triggered action sets
Other suggested topics include:
* tools and systems for rules on the Semantic Web
* combining rules and ontologies
* integrating rules and description logics
* multiple language rules (Prolog, SQL, OCL, XML, RDF, etc.)
* future application scenarios based on RDF, ontologies and rules
* RuleML-based applications
* deployment of rule-based applications on the Web
* rule-based software agents and the Semantic Web
* connecting rules to legacy knowledge bases
* integrating rule bases and distributed fact bases
* handling lineage and reliability of distributed information
* processing negative information with negation(s)
* using URIs in rules
* XSL transformations of rules
* <yourTopic ... \>
We invite articles of no more than 15 pages length describing original
completed work, work in progress, or interesting problems or use cases.
Submitted papers will be fully refereed based on the originality and
significance of the ideas presented as well as on technical aspects.
Publication of accepted papers in the form of post-workshop proceedings
is being planned.
Please email your submission by 26-April-2002 in PDF or Postscript
format to one of the workshop co-chairs.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 26 April 2002
Notification: 17 May 2002
Online version: 24 May 2002
Workshop: 14 June 2002
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Michael Schroeder (msch(a)soi.city.ac.uk)
City Univ. London, UK
Gerd Wagner (G.Wagner(a)tm.tue.nl)
Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, NL
Organizing Committee:
Harold Boley (DFKI Kaiserslautern, DE)
Benjamin Grosof (MIT Sloan School of Management, USA)
Steve Ross-Talbot (EnigmaTec Ltd., UK)
Michael Schroeder (City Univ. London, UK)
Said Tabet (Nisus Inc., USA)
Gerd Wagner (Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, NL)
Preliminary Program Committee:
Grigoris Antoniou (Univ. of Bremen, DE)
François Bry (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. München, DE)
Carlos Damásio (Univ. Nova de Lisboa, PT)
Mike Dean (BBN Technologies, USA)
Stefan Decker (Stanford Univ., USA)
Anthony Finkelstein (Univ. College London, UK)
Frank van Harmelen (Free Univ. of Amsterdam, NL)
Ian Horrocks (Univ. of Manchester, UK)
Donald Nute (Univ. of Georgia, USA)
Bruce E. Spencer (Univ. of New Brunswick, CA)
Kostas Stathis (City Univ., London, UK)
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Pre-announcement of RSEEM 2002
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 17:15:59 +0100
From: u.leimstoll(a)fhbb.ch
To: Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
This is a pre-announcement of RSEEM 2002. You will soon receive a separate
Call for Papers.
Dear Professor Neumann,
We would like to cordially invite you to this year's Research Symposium on
Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2002). This year, our symposium will
take place in Basel, Switzerland. We would like to ask you to reserve the
following dates in your agenda:
9th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2002)
September 22 and 23 in Basel, Switzerland
with the possibility to also visit
Orbit/Comdex Europe (OCE 2002)
September 24 to 27 in Basel, Switzerland
This year, RSEEM will be linked with the Orbit/Comdex Europe (OCE) - one
of the largest B2B IT shows in Europe which will start on Tuesday
September 24. We plan to provide you with an invitation to an OCE special
event (surprise).
This year's focus topic will be E-Procurement: Matching vendor and buyer
needs and the future of e-markets and e-societies.
We expect some participants to be arriving on Saturday, September 21
(remember flights are cheaper if Sunday is a non-travel day). There will
be an interesting "social program" for the early guests.
The strength of RSEEM has traditionally been the restricted number of
researchers who are highly specialized in the field of electronic markets.
In order to stimulate a lively discussion the number of participants will
be limited to approx. 30 people.
Program preview
Saturday Sept 21 afternoon
Social event
Sunday Sept 22
Symposium: paper presentations and discussion
Monday Sept 23
Symposium: paper presentations and discussion
optional OCE
Tuesday Sept 24
Surprise event and visit of the IT show
You can find further information on the Web site of RSEEM 2002:
Hope to see you in Basel soon.
Petra Schubert and Uwe Leimstoll
(organizers of RSEEM 2002)
University of Applied Sciences Basel (FHBB)
Institute for Business Economics (IAB)
Competence Center E-Business
Peter Merian-Str. 86
P.O. Box, 4002 Basel
Phone +41 61 279 1790
Fax +41 61 279 1798
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Subject: ICT Conference Nepal
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:04:40 +0800
From: Harris <harris38(a)NETVIGATOR.COM>
Call For Papers
The International Conference on Information Technology, Communications &
Development December 1-3, 2002, Kathmandu, Nepal
In the years since the development of the world wide web, an increasing
number of people also in developing countries have been using information
communication technology (ICT) to bring about change in their work methods
and environment and to speed up the development process.
Development organizations, NGOs, media houses, government agencies, schools
and many individuals make use of ICT in one way or another. Yet, many
questions are to be asked: - What are the results?
- What is the context between ICT and development?
- Is the www so powerful in development as many people think it is?
- Are the priorities of big development organizations right when it comes to
using ICT or would the better money be spent on other projects? - Can ICT
really a make difference in the poorest parts of the world? - What are the
prerequisites to apply ICT in remote areas in Nepal, for example? - What
impact has ICT on society?
- Which are the lessons to be learnt and experiences to be shared?
- What policies are required, especially in developing countries, to
facilitate the use and access to ICT?
There are also questions regarding how global networking of like-minded
people through the web can make a difference in policy advocacy and social
equity for example.
As the technology advances, the gap between the information haves and
have-nots is widening. The digital divide becomes more and more apparent. To
highlight and discuss these issues, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES-N) in
Nepal started the conference on Information Technology, Communications and
Development (ITCD) in 2001. ITCD 2001 (www.itcd.net), which was hosted in
Kathmandu, drew more than 30 speakers from 14 different countries.
Altogether 130 participants attended. Encouraged by the feedback from last
year, the conference for 2002 is now announced.
The objectives of the conference are to learn from one another and also to
draw up recommendations for better policies and better projects that benefit
people, particularly in developing countries. The conference aims to create
a network of like minded people working in the area for IT&C, who can meet
at least once a year to share ideas and experiences.
Six topics have been identified for presentation and discussion. The main
focus across all these areas would be on youth, gender, e-health, and how
technology can help in building democratic societies. But the list is not
exhaustive and ideas are welcome. - Appropriate Information Technologies
- IT, Youth and Volunteerism
- Using ICT in Development
- Society, Web and Gender
- Policy and Legislation
- Internet and democratization
We value inputs made available to the conference and invite papers and
proposals for presentation. The conference will be attended by academics,
development workers, media practitioners as well as ICT experts from Nepal
and other countries.
Selected papers will be offered fast-track approval for publication in a
special edition of the Electronic Journal on Information Systems in
Developing Countries (EJISDC). Selected papers from the 2001 conference
are now available in Volume 8 at http://www.ejisdc.org/.
Please send papers/proposals for presentations to
Alfred.Diebold(a)fesnepal.org. Further information about the conference is
available on the web at http://www.itcd.net
Paper / proposal submission deadline: 30 August 2002
Confirmation for presentation deadline: 30 September 2002
Full paper / presentation submission deadline: 30 October 2002.
Looking forward to your contributions.
Dr. Alfred Diebold
Resident Representative
Nepal Office
Tel: +977 1 522526, 542406
Fax: +977 1 521101
Email: alfred.diebold(a)fesnepal.org
Visit us at www.itcd.net
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Subject: Call for Chapters - Virtual Teams
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:41:02 +1300
From: "Pauleen, David" <David.Pauleen(a)SCIM.VUW.AC.NZ>
Apologies for Cross-Postings
Submission deadline April 30, 2002
Virtual Teams: Projects, Protocols and Processes
A book edited by David J. Pauleen, Victoria University of Wellington, New
Virtual teams are a relatively new phenomenon and by definition work across
time and distance through the use of information and communications
technology. Virtual teams may communicate and work synchronously or
asynchronously through such technologies as electronic mail, bulletin
boards, audio/video/data conferencing, automated workflow, electronic voting
and collaborative writing. Virtual teams are playing an increasingly
important role in organizational life and are often assigned not only the
most important tasks in an organization, such as multi-national product
launches, negotiating mergers and acquisitions among global companies, and
managing strategic alliances, but also day-to-day management, project, and
supplier and customer-relations work. Since 1995, the practitioner press
has been publishing "how to" books and articles on virtual teams. It has
only been the last few years, however, that journal articles on field-based
virtual teams have been published. There is a clear and definite need to
gather the best of academic-based research on virtual teams into one book.
The primary objective of this book will be to present a series of
research-based articles on virtual teams and important related issues.
Emphasis will be on practical applied research. Thus we need a collection of
industry-based research work on virtual teams which will address how virtual
teams are used within organizational contexts, how virtual team members work
together, and the key human processes that affect virtual teamwork and
team-task success. An important underlying theme in these areas is the use
and effects of ICT in virtual teams.
Representative topics include but are not limited to the following:
Virtual Teams in the Organization
Virtual team tasks and projects, virtual teams and
organizational structure (the networked or virtual organization), virtual
teams and organizational support such as HR, IT, and management, virtual
teams and knowledge management, etc.
Virtual Teams and ICT
The latest in synchronous and asynchronous communication
channels and distributed groupware and GDSS as it applies to virtual teams,
task/projects and communications, decision making etc.
Virtual Teams Protocols
Organizational, virtual team leader and/or team
member-generated protocols (rules, regulations, guidelines) for virtual
teams and their impact on virtual team effectiveness.
Virtual Team Processes
Virtual team membership selection and member skills,
leadership, the development of personal and working relationships and trust,
communication, cultural issues, etc.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April 30,
2002, a 2-5 page manuscript proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be
notified by June 15, 2002 about the status of their proposals and sent
chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be
submitted by October 15, 2002. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
blind review basis. I am pleased to announce that the book will be published
by Idea Group Inc., publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, Information
Science Publishing and IRM Press imprints.
Inquiries and Submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word2000)) to:
David J. Pauleen, Ph.D.
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Information Management
PO Box 2000
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel: (64) 4 463 6886 * Fax: (64) 4-463 5446 * Email: david.pauleen(a)vuw.ac.nz
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 2nd CFP Australasian Conference Information Systems ACIS2002
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 11:15:02 +1100
From: Andrew Stein <andrew.stein(a)VU.EDU.AU>
ACIS2002, The Thirteenth Australasian Conference on Information Systems
Melbourne, Australia
Doctoral Consortium/Tutorials 3 Dec 2002
Conference 4-6 Dec 2002
Paper Submission Deadline 15 May 2002
Workshop/Tutorial/Poster Submission Deadline 30 Sep 2002
email: ACIS2002(a)vu.edu.au
Information Systems: Enabling Organisations and Society
ACIS2002 invites submissions from the wider Australasian and
International information systems community. Submissions can be:
*Full research papers
*Teaching case studies
*doctoral submissions
**TOPICS of INTEREST (but not limited to)
The focus of the conference is on the diverse range of information
systems applications and the impact they have on society.
· Trans-national & global information systems
· Information society & national IT policies
· Enterprise information systems
· Information systems for virtual organisations
· Alignment & integration of IS and enterprise
· Social, legal, ethical & cultural issues of IT
· IS education: changing skills & web technology
· Adoption and diffusion of IT
· e-Business
· New types of IS (multimedia, web-based etc)
· IS and virtual communities
· Holistic information systems
· IS discipline: issues & challenges
· Security issues in IS and the Internet
· Web site design & usability
· Knowledge management & learning organisation
· CMC, groupware & collaborative systems
· Women and equity groups in the IT profession
· IS for small to medium enterprises
· IS research: directions & insights
· Innovation in systems development and software engineering
Send an electronic copy of your submission as a Word or RTF
document attachment to an email. Limit papers to
10 single-spaced pages. Follow Harvard style guidelines
See Conference Publication guidelines available at
Provide contact information for the first author
name, address, home and work phone number, and
Internet e-mail address. The first author is the
contact author unless otherwise noted. (An electronic
submission and review process is being used for all
papers for the ACIS2002 Conference with all submissions
as Word or RTF files.)
Refereed Papers Submitted: 15 May 2002
Acceptance Notification: 31 July 2002
Workshop/Tutorial Proposals: 30 Sept 2002
Panel Session Proposals: 30 Sept 2002
Doctoral Submissions: 30 Sept 2002
Camera Ready Papers: 30 Sept 2002
Early Bird Registration: 30 Sept 2002
Web: http://ACIS2002.vu.edu.au
Email: ACIS2002(a)vu.edu.au
Phone: (061)(03) 96884332
Fax: (061)(03) 96885024
Program Chair/s
Dr Mike McGrath Victoria University
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Subject: CFP: Learning in Dynamic, On-line Environments
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:31:09 -0500
From: Bud Gibson <fpgibson(a)UMICH.EDU>
Full details available at: http://cmot-special.bus.umich.edu
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Computational and Mathematical
Organization Theory on Learning in Dynamic, On-line Environments
Submission deadline: November 15, 2002
Over the past decade, the commercialization of the Internet and related
communication technologies has dramatically increased the opportunities
for dynamic interaction between individuals and organizations.
Organizations now have the ability to form and reform alliances with
business partners much more rapidly than they have in the past and are
generally able to more rapidly reconfigure themselves in response to
success and failure in the environment. Similarly, individuals are able
to rapidly consume large amounts of information, more easily alter
relationships, and learn from their experience.
In the past few years, a number of theoretical and empirical
observations have been made regarding individual and organizational
learning in similar dynamic contexts. However, many issues remain
unresolved such as:
1. How well theoretical models of learning in dynamic environments
correspond to how organizations and individuals actually learn.
2. The extent to which organizations and individuals acquire re-usable
knowledge in dynamic contexts and ways to aid that learning.
3. The synergy (or lack thereof) between organizational and individual
learning in these environments.
Papers are sought that identify factors influencing organizational and
individual learning in the types of dynamic environments brought about
by the communication revolution of the past ten years. We invite
submissions based on diverse methods and different levels of analysis.
We welcome innovative contributions and are especially interested in
papers that combine computational modeling and empirical data.
All papers will be subject to a rigorous refereeing process. Manuscripts
must not exceed 35 double-spaced pages (in 12 pt type) including all
tables and figures per the instructions for authors set forth at
http://cmot-special.bus.umich.edu. Inquiries regarding the special issue
may be addressed to the guest editor, Bud Gibson
(cmot-special(a)umich.edu). To submit a paper for consideration in the
special issue, please send five copies to:
Melissa Andersen
Special Issue: Learning in Dynamic, On-line Environments
Editorial Office
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Phillip Drive
Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A.
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