---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IIMA 2002 Conference: From Dr Binshan Lin
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 16:37:59 -0600
Dear Colleagues:
As Program Chair, I am writing to invite you to submit
a paper for the
IIMA 2002 Conference (www.iima.org)
October 10-12, 2002
Savannah, GA, USA
Would you be available? The International Information
Management Association (IIMA) Annual Conferences
promote the dynamic exchange of ideas among
leading researchers, educators, developers and
practitioners who share their research and disseminate
innovations in education, business and government
IT/IS/IM practices.
The 13th Annual Conference of the (IIMA) is devoted
to presenting and examining information technology
issues in our global networked environment.
Issues that the conference will address, but are not
limited to, include:
- Strategic uses of the web in business, education
and government applications
- Electronic Commerce applications and innovations
- Instructional applications and innovations using
the web
- Internet/Intranet applications for communication
and collaboration
- International, cultural and societal implications
- Collaboration and interactive knowledge on the web
- Security, privacy, legal and ethical issues
All competitive submissions will be blind refereed.
Submit an electronic copy in MS Word format to me at
blin(a)pilot.lsus.edu no later than April 15, 2002.
Call-For-Papers is online at www.iima.org. Please notice
that we have received many requests to extend the
deadline to allow submitting other papers that are just
being finished. The submission deadline is extended to
Monday, April 15, 2002. Accepted paper will be published
in the Communications of the IIMA or as an abstract in the
IIMA 2002 Proceedings. The Communications of the IIMA
is a new refereed, serial publication of IIMA that is registered
with the US Library of Congress.
Please make use of this opportunity and submit a
paper to this important event,
Meantime, if you have any questions, please let me know.
Professor Binshan Lin
Program Chair, IIMA 2002 www.iima.org
Department of Management & Marketing
College of Business Administration
Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Shreveport, LA 71115
Phone: 318-797-5025
Fax: 318-797-5127
E-mail: blin(a)pilot.lsus.edu
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: *** ACM SAC'03: Call for Track Proposals ***
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 18:30:24 +0200
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
Melbourne, Florida, USA, 9-12 March, 2003
*** Call for Track Proposals ***
For the past seventeen years the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC) has been a primary forum for applied computer scientists,
computer engineers and application developers to gather, interact and
present their work. The ACM Special Interest Group on Applied
Computing (SIGAPP)is the sole sponsor of SAC. The conference
proceedings are published by ACM and are also available on the web
through ACM's Digital Library.
SAC is based on a flexible structure of mostly self-contained and
self-managed tracks. Over the past years it has hosted tracks on a
variety of topics such as Artificial Intelligence, BioInformatics,
Computers in Education, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Internet
Technologies, Software Engineering, etc. SAC'02, which was held in
Madrid, Spain, consisted of 21 tracks which hosted 194 accepted papers
out of 457 submissions.
The 18th Annual SAC (SAC'03) will be hosted by the Florida Institute
of Technology in Melbourne, Florida, USA between 9-12 of March 2003.
The conference Organizing Committee solicits proposals for hosting
tracks. Perspective track chairs should submit an up to two pages
description for organizing a track, which should include at least the
following items:
1) The proposed title for the track with a description of
its aims, topics it will cover and rationale for having
such a track in SAC. This rationale should refer to any
related conference events that are held regularly and
why the proposed track differs from them or complements them.
The proposed track should not be over general but also
not overly specialized, thus being able to attract a wide
audience of people sharing similar interests. Proposals from
industry are also welcomed. Despite its name, SAC also welcomes
topics of mostly theoretical nature, provided there is clear
practical potential in applying the results of such work.
2) A short description of the activities the track chair will
undertake upon acceptance of the proposal, to disseminate the
call-for-papers for his/her track, manage the review process and
collect final materials from authors of accepted papers. (Specific
guidelines to track chairs regarding these issues will also be
3) A short CV of the perspective track chair(s) with reference to
research interests and publication record directly related to
the themes of the proposed track, and any previous experience
of involvement in the organization of similar events (in the
interest of brevity, reference to a personal web page where such
information can be found will be sufficient).
All proposals will be reviewed by the Conference and Program Chairs
with respect to the above criteria. The Chairs reserve the right to:
(1) accept a proposal as is, (2) recommend merging of similar
proposals with a considerable overlap in the topics addressed (in this
case the track chairs of the different proposals will be asked to form
a single chair), (3) reject a proposal.
Upon acceptance of a proposal, the track chairs will be notified of
their responsibilities in managing the affairs of their tracks, as
such responsibilities are defined by both ACM and SAC Organizing
Committee. The Chairs reserve the right to cancel at any time a track,
if these responsibilities are not addressed adequately by respective
track chair(s).
Please submit your proposal electronically and in any acceptable
readable form to:
George A. Papadopoulos
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus
E-Mail: george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy
Tel: +357 22 892242
Fax: +357 22 339062
15 April 2002: Submission of track proposals
25 April 2002: Notification of acceptance/rejection
15 May 2002: Call-For-Papers for accepted tracks
6 Sept 2002: Submission of papers and tutorial proposals
18 Oct 2002: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
8 Nov 2002: Camera-Ready copies of accepted papers
9-12 March 2003: SAC'03 takes place
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: International OR Confernce 2002, Klagenfurt
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 16:48:58 +0100
From: "Peter G. Harhammer" <peter.harhammer+e373(a)TUWIEN.AC.AT>
To: "'gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at'" <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>, "'hansen(a)wu-wien.ac.at'" <hansen(a)wu-wien.ac.at>, "'wi-sek(a)wu-wien.ac.at'" <wi-sek(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Cc: "'h.mueller+e373(a)tuwien.ac.at'" <h.mueller+e373(a)TUWIEN.AC.AT>, "'hartl(a)leeloo.bwl.univie.ac.at'" <hartl(a)leeloo.bwl.univie.ac.at>
Ladies and Gentlemen,
as a past president of the Austrian Society of Operations Research it is my
to invite you to the
International Conference on Operations Research
taking place in Klagenfurt, Austria/Europe from 2 Sept. to 5 Sept. 2002.
The conference is organized by the Austrian, the German and the Swiss
Society of Operations Research.
The conference will cover applications and theory of OR by a number of
different sessions taking into account mainly planning applications of
- the public administration, of
- the industries, and of
- the sciences.
A planning process, meeting the company's overall goals, is of special
importance today i.e. especially in times of small recources and
restrictive budgets it is absolutely necessary to plan them appropriately.
This main goal of this conference is to support the solution of these
problems by mathematical models and adjacent solvers to answer questions
concerning e.g.
- forecasting,
- operational and strategic planning
- risk-estimation in uncertain planning situations.
Applications of existing and upcoming liberalized energy markets
(electricity, gas, district-heating, water, of the model based meteorology,
of the logistics, of traffic and transport (airline planning, urban bus
system scheduling, emty freight car scheduling in railway systems), of the
medicine and health care area or of the environment will be main areas of
interest to be covered by the conference among other application oriented
or theoretical problems.
For further information, please visite the conference's homepage
or contact directly the conference's organizing committee via
E-Mail: or2002(a)uni-klu.ac.at
The deadline for abstracts is 31 March 2002.
I would be happy to see you personally at the conference.
Please foreward this information to other collegues too who might also be
interested in participating in the conference.
Best regards
Prof. Peter Harhammer,
Department for Electric Power System Engineering and Energy Economics, E373
Vienna University of Technology
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CIIT Submission Reminder - May 15, 2002 Deadline
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 12:38:02 -0700
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)IASTED.com>
To: <Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information
Technology is May 15, 2002. This conference will be held in St. Thomas, US
Virgin Islands at the Marriott Frenchman's Reef and Morning Star Beach
All information regarding this conference can be found on our website at
http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2002/vi/ciit.htm. Please refer to this
website for formatting and submission requirements.
In addition to the conference program, there will be a number of special
sessions during CIIT 2002. These include the following:
Wireless/Mobile Multimedia
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Communication Systems and Networks
Internet Appliances
If you wish to submit your paper to a special session, please consult our
website at http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2002/vi/specialsessions-376.htm
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
me at calgary(a)iasted.com.
Carrie Manchuk
Conference Manager
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: reminder: E-Services and Semantic Web workshop
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:57:01 -0500
From: ESSW 2002 <essw2002(a)RESEARCH.BELL-LABS.COM>
Does Semantic Web technology address core problems in Web Services?
What is the right model of web services against which formal tools
and automated reasoning should be used?
These are the fundamental question behind the E-Services and Semantic Web
workshop (http://db.bell-labs.com/essw2002), that will be held in Toronto,
May 31-June 1, 2002. We invite you to submit a paper and/or participate
in this workshop.
This is not "yet another" Web services or Semantic Web workshop.
The workshop features two distinguished speakers in this area:
- Ian Horrocks (a pioneer in Semantic Web and ontologies), and
- Gerhard Weikum (a pioneer in workflow and e-services technologies).
The workshop PC has strong representation from academic and industry
researchers in both the AI/Semantic-Web and database/workflow communities.
This workshop presents a unique opportunity for these disparate communities
to share their views and to reach some common understandings.
The workshop location is an attractive destination, and the timing is
convenient for participants who plan to attend the PODS/SIGMOD conference
(which starts the following Monday). The workshop is held in conjunction
with CAiSE, which features additional workshops, relevant invited speakers,
and numerous technical sessions of interest to e-services, AI, workflow,
and database researchers.
We invite you to attend this workshop, and/or to submit a paper,
a panel proposal, or a statement of research interest.
Deadline for Submission: March 22 (hard deadline)
CFP: http://db.bell-labs.com/essw2002
Rick Hull and Sheila McIlraith
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5)
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:40:45 -0500
From: benoit aubert <benoit.aubert(a)HEC.CA>
Call for Papers
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research
Montreal, Canada
October 23-27, 2002
Scope and Goals of the Conference
Over the past few years, electronic commerce has emerged as a dramatic
new mode of conducting business. Today, almost every company is either
using or considering the use of e-business. Advances in
telecommunications, automated processes, decision technologies,
economics, and management are already forcing dramatic changes in a
variety of industries, ranging from banking and finance to music and
entertainment. Yet, the electronic business space is still in a
relatively early state of evolution, and many of the significant
advances in understanding and implementing e-commerce are occurring
concurrently in academia and industry. Thus, dialogue on this field
between academia and industry is important. As electronic business spans
a wide range of reference disciplines, forums focusing on e-commerce
research are vital to stimulate the necessary interactions and knowledge
sharing across this broad community.
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research
ICECR-5 is intended to address these needs. The series of ICECR
conferences established a history of success in bringing together
academic and industrial researchers from various fields on an ongoing,
annual basis to discuss developments and challenges of electronic
business understood in the largest possible sense of the term. The aim
of ICECR-5 is to continue this tradition and provide a high quality
forum for the presentation of results, exchange of ideas, and scientific
discussions on challenges, methodologies, new technologies and their
impact, computational and deployment issues, policies and advanced
applications in the area of e-business. Our goal is to open the
conference to participants from all fields, in particular,
telecommunications, computer science, management sciences, operations
research, economy, legal and policy studies. The conference will combine
technical presentations grouped in research sessions, with industry and
research plenary speakers, as well as industry-lead panels.
Following the 2001 successful meeting held at the Cox School of Business
at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, the International Conference
on Electronic Commerce Research moves for its fifth edition to HEC
Montreal in the city of Montreal, Canada. Montreal is an ideal location
for a conference that has the ambition to bring together researchers
from all over the world and, in particular, from Europe and North
America. Montreal blends the best of the two continents to offer a
unique atmosphere and joie de vivre that the social program will deliver
in full.
Papers submitted for presentation at the conference will be selected on
the basis of an extended abstract of 5 to 10 pages. The abstracts have
to be submitted by May 15, 2002 to Professor Bezalel Gavish
<mailto:gavishb@mail.cox.smu.edu> or to Professor Teodor Gabriel
<http://www.crt.umontreal.ca/~theo> Crainic or directly to the
conference address <mailto:icecr5@crt.umontreal.ca> (electronic
submissions are encouraged). All selected papers will be published in
the conference proceedings. Refereed full papers will be considered for
publication in the Electronic Commerce
<http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/1389-5753> Research Journal. Further
information and instructions will be announced at a later date and will
be posted on the conference web site.
Conference General Co-Chairs:
Professor Teodor Gabriel <http://www.crt.umontreal.ca/~theo> Crainic,
CRT, University of Montreal, Canada, theo(a)crt.umontreal.ca. Tel: 514
Professor <http://tecom.cox.smu.edu/gavishb/vita.html> Bezalel Gavish,
Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75205,
USA, gavishb(a)mail.cox.smu.edu. Tel: 214 768-8258.
Conference co-chairs addresses
Professor Teodor Gabriel Crainic
Departement management et technologie, U.Q.A.M., and
Director, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory Centre for
Research on Transportation
Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville
Montreal (QC) Canada H3C 3J7
Phone: (1) 514 343 7143 FAX: (1) 514 343 7121
E-mail: theo(a)crt.umontreal.ca
Professor Bezalel Gavish
Eugene J. and Ruth F. Constantin Distinguished Chair in Business
Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University
P.O. Box 750333
Dallas, TX 75275-0333
E-mail: gavishb(a)mail.cox.smu.edu
Conference email: icecr5(a)crt.umontreal.ca
Most activities will be held at HEC Montreal http://www.hec.ca
Here follows a non exclusive list of themes for the conference:
Global E-commerce
Government electronic services
Economic models
Game theory
Experimental economy
Electronic market design
Optimized markets
Combinatorial market design
Multi-lateral markets
Agents and e-business
Web technologies
Trust models
Security models and technologies
Logistics and e-business
Value Chain Management
Distribution and e-business
Agent technologies
Advisor models and technologies
Advanced applications
International exchanges
Commodity markets
Benoit A. Aubert
Professeur agrégé, Technologies de l'information.
HEC Montreal <http://www.hec.ca> 3000 chemin Côte Ste-Catherine,
Montréal, (Canada) H3T 2A7
Fellow, CIRANO <http://www.cirano.qc.ca>
2020 University, 25e étage, Montréal (Canada) H3A 2A5
(t) 514.340.7303 (f) 514.340.6132
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: new and firm deadline for OOIS'02 : April 5, 2002
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 17:51:48 +0100
From: Zohra Bellahsene <bella(a)LIRMM.FR>
Due to many requests, the new and firm deadline for
submitting papers is April 5, 2002
8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information
September 2-5, 2002
Montpellier, France
Supported by CNRS, INRIA
Conference Theme
The quantity of information available on the Web is rocketing. However,
this information is not easilyaccessible. Indeed, query and retrieval as
well as Web information
management become extremely difficult. Also, data on the Web is placed
independently by different
organization; thus, documents containing related data may appear at
different Web-sites and in
different format. New object-oriented technologies have been conceived
and implemented over the past decade in order to manage complexity
inherent in the new information systems development. Research has
spanned from information systems modeling (UML and OPEN) to databases
(ODMG), from programming languages (Java) to middleware technology
(CORBA). However, developing the new
information systems whose platforms are based on Internet brings
developers considerations of new issues such as providing flexible
mechanisms to provide integrated views over multiple heterogeneous
information sources. The main theme of OOIS'2002 is
"Object-Technology and Integration of heterogeneous Information
Systems" and the conference program will address both technologies and
methodologies for building them.
Relevant Topics
The topics of OOIS'2002 will include, but are not limited to
- OO frameworks
- OO components/COTS
- OO business models
- OO patterns
- Mobile Web Information Systems,
- OO middle-ware
- Reuse processes
- Web based Information Systems
- e-business/e-commerce
- Web-based Applications
- Query Languages for Web data
- System modelling processes
- OO distributed systems
- OO built-in tests
- Design and Maintenance of XML Warehouses
- Managing Semi-structured data and XML
- Web Query Processing and Optimization
- Integration of Structured and Semi-structured Data
- Mechanisms for handling data and knowledge
- Web Mining
- Mobile information systems
- Web-based Publishing and Digital Libraries,
- Requirement elicitation processes
- Testing processes
March 18 2002 Abstract submission
March 25 2002 Paper submission
May 20 2002 Notification of acceptance
June 15 2002 final contributions
Conference Proceedings will be published by the Springer-Verlag (in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series). All submissions should follow
the Springer-Verlag guidelines and be no more than 5000 words.
(Formatting information for authors is available from the
Springer-Verlag Web site at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ).
General Chair
Colette Rolland (France)
Programme Co-Chair
Zohra Bellahsene (France)
Dilip Patel (UK)
Programme Committee
Motoei Azuma (Japan, azuma(a)azume.mgmt.waseda.ac.jp)
Franck Barbier (France, Franck.Barbier(a)univ-pau.fr)
Zohra Bellahsene (France, bella(a)lirmm.fr)
Elisa Bertino (Italy, bertino(a)dsi.unimi.it)
Jean-Louis Cavarero (France, JLCavarero(a)unice.fr)
Sergio de Cesare (UK, sdecesare(a)ic24.net)
Christine W. Chan (Canada, chan(a)uregina.ca)
Claude Chrisment (France, chrisme(a)irit.fr)
Christine Collet (France, Christine.Collet(a)imag.fr)
Robert B. France (USA, france(a)CS.ColoState.edu)
Jane Grimson (Ireland, janr.grimson(a)tcd.ie)
Brian Henderson-Sellers (Australia, brian(a)it.uts.edu.au)
Danièle Hérin (France, dh(a)lirmm.fr)
Keith Jeffrey (UK, K.G.Jeffery(a)rl.ac.uk)
Donald Kossmann (Germany, kossmann(a)informatik.tu-muenchen.de)
Zoe Lacroix (USA, zlacroi(a)imap1.asu.edu)
Pece Mitrevski (Macedonia, pece.mitrevski(a)uklo.edu.mk)
Noureddine Mouaddib (France, Noureddine.Mouaddib(a)irin.univ-nantes.fr)
Moira Norrie (Switzerland, norrie(a)inf.ethz.ch)
Alan O'Callaghan (UK, aoc(a)dmu.ac.uk)
Maria Orlowska (Australia, maria(a)it.uq.edu.au)
Mike Papazoglou (Netherlands, mikep(a)kub.nl)
Dilip Patel (UK, dilip(a)sbu.ac.uk)
Shushma Patel (UK, shushma(a)sbu.ac.uk)
D Janaki Ram (India, djram(a)lotus.iitm.ernet.in)
Colette Rolland (France, Colette.Rolland(a)univ-paris1.fr)
Michael Rys (USA, mrys(a)microsoft.com)
José Samos (Spain, jsamos(a)ugr.es)
Jeff Sutherland (USA, jeff.Sutherland(a)computer.org)
Zahir Tari (Australia, zahirtari(a)yahoo.com)
Anne-Marie Vercoustre (Australia, Anne-Marie.Vercoustre(a)csiro.au)
Yingxu Wang (Canada, wangyx(a)enel.ucalgary.ca)
Roberto Zicari (Germany, zicari(a)informatik.uni-frankfurt.de)
Best regards,
Zohra Bellahsène
LIRMM Laboratoire dInformatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique
de Montpellier
UMR 5506 CNRS/Université Montpellier II
161 Rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier- France
email: bella(a)lirmm.fr
Tel: +33 (04) 67 41 85 35
Fax: +33 (04) 67 41 85 00
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: TSD 2002 - DEADLINE EXTENDED !!!
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 15:29:58 +0100
From: Robert Batusek <xbatusek(a)INFORMATICS.MUNI.CZ>
**** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this mail !! ****
Extended deadlines:
Submission of papers: === April 5, 2002 ===
Notification of acceptance May 7, 2002
Dear Colleague,
submissions to the TSD 2002 conference (http://www.fi.muni.cz/tsd2002/)
are still coming. At the same time, we have received many requests
to extend the deadline to allow submitting other papers that are just
being finished. Please, make use of this opportunity and submit a paper
to this important event in the area of natural language processing!
TSD 2002 Organizing Committee
Fifth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE
(TSD 2002)
Brno, Czech Republic, 9-12 September 2002
The conference is organised by the Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University, Brno and the Faculty of Applied Sciences,
University of West Bohemia, Pilsen. The conference is supported
by International Speech Communication Association.
TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between
researchers in both spoken and written language processing
from the former East Block countries and their Western colleagues.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in
their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.
Topics of the TSD 2002 conference will include
(but are not limited to):
text corpora;
automatic morphology;
word sense disambiguation;
lexical semantics and semantic networks;
parsing and part-of-speech tagging;
machine translation;
multi-lingual issues;
information retrieval;
text/topic summarization;
knowledge representation and reasoning;
speech modeling;
speech coding;
speech segmentation;
speech prosody;
automatic speech recognition;
text-to-speech synthesis;
speaker identification and verification;
dialogue systems;
development of dialogue strategies;
prosody and emotions in dialogues;
user modeling;
assistive technologies based on speech and dialogue;
markup languages related to speech and dialogue (VoiceXML, SSML, ...).
Papers on processing of languages other than English
are strongly encouraged.
Frederick Jelinek, USA (general chair)
Hynek Hermansky, USA (executive chair)
Eneko Agirre, Spain
Genevieve Baudoin, France
Attila Ferencz, Romania
Eva Hajicova, Czech Rep.
Jaroslava Hlavacova, Czech Rep.
Eduard Hovy, USA
Ivan Kopecek, Czech Rep.
Steven Krauwer, The Netherlands
Ramesh Krishnamurthy, GB
Vaclav Matousek, Czech Rep.
Elmar Noeth, Germany
Karel Oliva, Austria
Karel Pala, Czech Rep.
Nikola Pavesic, Slovenia
Vladimir Petkevic, Czech Rep.
Josef Psutka, Czech Rep.
Leon Rothkrantz, The Netherlands
E.G. Schukat-Talamazzini, Germany
Pavel Skrelin, Russia
Taras Vintsiuk, Ukraine
Yorick Wilks, GB
Batusek Robert, Cenek Pavel, Gaura Pavel, Horak Ales,
Janouskova Dagmar, Komarkova Dana (secretary),
Kopecek Ivan (co-chair), Pala Karel (co-chair), Povolny Martin,
Smrz Pavel, Sojka Petr, Veber Marek,
The conference program will include oral presentations and
poster/demonstration sessions with sufficient time
for discussions of the issues raised. The program will
also involve short communications and reports about ongoing
projects. The latter types of contributions will not appear
in the Proceedings.
Faculty of Informatics has at its disposal a fast internet
connection allowing internet-based projects to be demonstrated.
The faculty network provides a wireless (IEEE 802.11b - WiFi)
connection to the internet as well.
The Wednesday afternoon of the conference is reserved for a trip
to the South Moravian region Lednice - Valtice. We will see the
chateau at Lednice with its large botanical gardens and
beautiful surroundings. In the evening there will be the
conference dinner in the famous wine cellar in Valtice chateau,
where a traditional cembalon band will play.
TSD 2002 is supported by International Speech Communication
Association (ISCA).
The organizing committee will provide grants for participants
from East European countries (Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine,
...). To apply for a grant, send an email to tsd2002(a)fi.muni.cz
with subject 'Grant Application', in which you briefly describe
the reasons for your application. Each applicant must send a
separate e-mail.
Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 8
pages. Those accepted will be presented as oral lectures.
Authors are invited to submit a short paper not exceeding 4
pages. Those accepted are for poster presentation. The authors
are asked to send their papers using the online form accessible
from the conference website (in the case of troubles they may
send the submission to tsd2002(a)fi.muni.cz electronically).
Advance registration and payment for the conference fee is
mandatory. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not
The authors are strongly encouraged to write their papers in TeX
or LaTeX formats. These formats are neccesary for the final
versions of the papers to be (that will be) published in the
Springer Lecture Notes. The paper format has to be either PDF or
Postscript file with all required fonts included. Upon
notification of acceptance, presenters will receive further
information on submitting their camera-ready and electronic
sources (for detailed instructions on the final paper format see
Authors are invited to present actual projects, developed
software or interesting material relevant to the topics of the
conference. The demonstration papers will not appear in the
Proceedings of TSD 2002. The authors of the demonstration should
provide the abstract not exceeding one page.
Submission of full papers and short papers (submitting a paper
is considered as preliminary registration):
April 5, 2002
Notification of acceptance sent to the authors:
May 7, 2002
Final papers (camera ready) and registration:
May 31, 2002
Submission of demonstration papers:
July 31, 2002
Conference date:
September 9-12, 2002
The contributions to the conference will be published in
Proceedings that will be made available to participants at
the time of the conference.
The official language of the conference is English.
The conference fee depends on the date of payment and on your
status. It includes one copy of the Proceedings, refreshments,
social events and a daytrip. The fee does not include
accommodation and meals.
Full participant:
Early payment (by May 15th): Euro 250
Late payment (by August 15th): Euro 300
On-site payment: Euro 350
Early payment (by May 15th): Euro 150
Late payment (by August 15th): Euro 200
On-site payment: Euro 250
The payment may be refunded up until August 15th at the cost
of 50 Euros. No refund is possible after this date.
The organizing committee will arrange an accommodation in a
student dormitories in a walking distance from the place of the
Conference at a reasonable price. The actual list of available
hotels and prices will be accessible at the website.
All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to:
Dana Komarkova
TSD 2002 Faculty of Informatics
Masaryk University
Botanická 68a
CZ-602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
telephone: +420 5 41 512 359
fax: +420 5 41 212 568
e-mail: tsd2002(a)fi.muni.cz
The official TSD 2002 homepage is: http://www.fi.muni.cz/tsd2002/
The conference will take place at the Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Brno is the the second largest city in the Czech Republic with
population of almost 400,000, and is the country's judiciary and
trade-fair centre. Brno is the capital of Moravia, which is in
the south-east part of the Czech Republic. It had been the King's
town since 1347 and with its six Universities it forms a cultural
center of the region.
Brno can be reached easily by direct trains or buses from
Prague (200 km) or Vienna (130 km).
For the participants with some extra time, some nearby
places may also be of interest.
The local ones include:
Brno Castle now called Spilberk, Veveri Castle, Old and New
City Halls, the Augustine Monastery with St. Thomas Church
and crypt of Moravian Margraves, Church of St. James, Bishops
Church of St. Peter & Paul, Cartesian Monastery in Kralovo Pole,
famous villa Tugendhat designed by Mies van der Rohe
and other important buildings of between-war Czech architecture.
For those willing to venture out of Brno, Moravian Karst with
Macocha Chasm and Punkva caves, battlefield of Battle of three
emperors (Napoleon, Russian Alexander and Austrian Franz - battle
by Austerlitz), Chateau of Slavkov (Austerlitz), Pernstejn Castle,
Buchlov Castle, Lednice Chateau, Buchlovice Chateau, Letovice
Chateau, Mikulov with one of the greatest Jewish cemeteries in
Central Europe, Telc - the town on the list of UNESCO and many
others are all within an easy reach.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Final CFP: Unification in non-classical logics
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 08:58:55 +0100
From: Manuel Ojeda Aciego <aciego(a)CTIMA.UMA.ES>
We apologize if you receive this more than once
Final call for papers
Unification in Non-Classical Logics
--co-located with ICALP 2002--
July, 12-13, 2002, Málaga, Spain
The workshop on Unification in Non-Classical Logics will be held in
Málaga, as a workshop of the 29-th International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2002), which is a very
convenient forum for an open discussion of the subject of
non-canonical unification, roughly depicted below.
Aims and scope
Unification in non-classical logics, with various approaches to
handling generalised terms, has drawn more and more attention in
recent years. It turns out to be among the most promising areas of
research on non-classical logics and its applications. So far, most
popular lines of research include fuzzy unification of (conventional)
databases and the use of fuzzy concepts in information retrieval.
Some international events based on these topics have been held so
far, for instance, the 2nd Intl Workshop on Logic Programming and
Soft Computing (LPSC'98), or the special session on Advances in
Possibilistic Logic and Related Issues at the IFSA Congress in
Vancouver, Canada (2001), have non-classical unification among their
This workshop at ICALP is conceived as a forum for the exchange of
ideas relevant for the concept of unification in non-classical
logics, including, but not limited to, the following topics
(practical implementations and experiences as well as theoretical
* Unification in multiple-valued and fuzzy logic programming.
* Unification based on similarities and fuzzy equivalence relations.
* Categorical unification.
* Practical use of non-classical unification,
e.g. in expert systems and information retrieval.
We expect potential participants from the following areas:
multiple-valued logic, fuzzy logic, uncertainty in logic programming,
categorical applications to computer science. The workshop will have
a limited number of presentations and the organizers will apply a
refereeing procedure accordingly.
The format will be as a set of presentations followed by a round
table discussion. As the number of participants is estimated not to
be very large, time enough will be allocated for each presentation
(between 30 and 40 minutes), thus helping to have a relaxed workshop
atmosphere in which discussions are encouraged.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of their papers,
presenting original contributions to the workshop themes.
The workshop proceedings will be published as an issue in the ENTCS
series (Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science).
Submissions should be written in English and not exceed 15 pages
using the ENTCS style, and sent to the organizers in either PS or PDF
form, together with a text-only message containig: title, abstract
and keywords, the author's full names, and address and e-mail for
Simultaneous submission to other meetings with published proceedings
is not allowed.
Important dates
* 20.03.2002 Workshop paper submission deadline
* 21.04.2002 Workshop paper acceptance notification
* 10.05.2002 Workshop paper camera-ready deadline
Organizing Committee
Patrik Eklund Manuel Ojeda-Aciego
Dept. Computing Science Dept. Matematica Aplicada
Umea University Universidad de Malaga
mailto:peklund@cs.umu.se mailto:aciego@ctima.uma.es
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>Subject: IKS Submission Reminder - May 15, 2002 Deadline
>Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:21:31 -0700
>Thread-Topic: IKS Submission Reminder - May 15, 2002 Deadline
>Thread-Index: AcHOwt+BzGaaqbtRSiu93UqVfpr6fQ==
>From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)IASTED.com>
>To: <Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at id WAA37058
>This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing is May 15, 2002. This conference will be held in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands at the Marriott Frenchman's Reef and Morning Star Beach Resort. This conference is being chaired by Dr. Marc Boumedine from the University of the Virgin Islands.
>All information regarding this conference can be found on our website at http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2002/vi/iks.htm.
>Please refer to this website for formatting and submission requirements.
>If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact me at calgary(a)iasted.com.
>Carrie Manchuk
>Conference Manager
>#80 4500 16th Ave NW
>Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
>If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account (Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at).