---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ED-MEDIA 2002 Final Call (Denver), Due Mar. 31; Tutorials Announced
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 12:05:55 -0500
From: AACE Announcements <announce(a)AACE.ORG>
>> Final Call for Participation Deadline: March 31 <<
Final Call for Presentations:
> Brief Papers
> Panels
> Posters/Demonstrations
> Corporate Demonstrations & Showcases
World Conference on Educational Multimedia,
Hypermedia & Telecommunications
June 24-29, 2002 * Denver, Colorado USA
** Submission Deadline: March 31, 2002 **
Organized by
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
ED-MEDIA 2002--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia &
Telecommunications is an international conference, sponsored by the
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). This
annual conference serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the discussion
and exchange of information on the research, development, and applications
on all topics related to multimedia, hypermedia and
telecommunications/distance education.
ED-MEDIA, the premiere international conference in the field, spans all
disciplines and levels of education and attracts more than 1,200 attendees
from over 65 countries. We invite you to attend ED-MEDIA 2002 and submit
proposals for presentations.
This Final Call for Participation is offered for those who were
- unable to meet the first deadline (October) for submissions, or
- were not ready to present a finished paper or project, and
- do not yet have a proposal accepted for presentation.
You are invited to submit a proposal for either a
- Brief Paper,
- Panel,
- Poster/Demonstration, or
- Corporate Demonstration & Showcase.
These categories of sessions have been quite popular in the
past for the efficient exchange of information about on-going
research, applications and projects.
All presentation proposals are reviewed and selected by three reviewers on
the respected international Program Committee for inclusion in the
conference program, proceedings book, and CD-ROM proceedings.
Monday Morning, June 24
T1: Teaching on the Web III: Best Pedagogical Practices, Assessment
Techniques, and Future Trends, Part I
Curtis Bonk, Indiana Univ.; and President of CourseShare.com, USA
T2: Creating Intuitive Interfaces for Learning
Susan Metros, Ohio State Univ., USA; John Hedberg, Univ. of Wollongong,
T3: Evaluation of E-learning
Som Naidu, The University of Melbourne, Australia
T4: Skills and Tools for Qualitative Research
Rod Sims, Deakin University, Australia; Jackie Dobrovolny, Triple Play, USA
W1: The Art of Collaboration:
Designing Collaborative Learning Experiences for the Wireless Classroom
Julie K. Little, Michael Burke, Kathleen Bennett, and Shane Colter, Univ.
of Tennessee, USA
Monday Afternoon, June 24
T5: Teaching on the Web III: Best Pedagogical Practices, Assessment
Techniques, and Future Trends, Part II
Curtis Bonk, Indiana Univ.; and President of CourseShare.com, USA
T6: Competencies for Online Teachers and Trainers
Ileana de la Teja, Télé-université Quebec, Canada; Rod Sims, Deakin Univ.,
Australia; Mike Spector, Syracuse Univ., USA; Tim Spannaus, Wayne State
Univ., USA
T7: Web Course Design and Implementation From Start to Finish
Leon Combs, Kennesaw State Univ., USA
T8: Adaptive Educational Environments for Cognitive Skills Acquisition
Professor Kinshuk, Information Systems Dept., Massey Univ., New Zealand
Tuesday Morning, June 25
T9: Planning, Designing, and Delivering e-Learning, Part I
Lisa Neal, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), USA
T10: Evaluating Interactive Learning, Part I - Planning
Thomas C. Reeves, The Univ. of Georgia, USA; John Hedberg, Univ. of
Wollongong, Australia; Mary R. Marlino, Univ. Corporation for Atmospheric
Research, USA
T11: Project Management Skills for Developing On-line Instructional
Materials Joe Luca, Edith Cowan Univ.; Catherine McLoughlin, Australian
Catholic Univ., Australia
T12: Streaming Media 2002 Media for All
Tony Klejna, Daemen College, USA
W2: Successful Online Discussion and Collaboration: Techniques for
Facilitation and Design
Catherine Collier, Univ. of Rochester and Maureen Yoder, Lesley Univ., USA
Tuesday Afternoon, June 25
T13: Planning, Designing, and Delivering e-Learning, Part II
Lisa Neal, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), USA
T14: Evaluating Interactive Learning, Part II - Implementing & Reporting
Thomas C. Reeves, The Univ. of Georgia, USA; John Hedberg, Univ. of
Wollongong, Australia; Mary R. Marlino, Univ. Corporation for Atmospheric
Research, USA
T15: Adaptive Hypermedia and its Implementation on the World Wide Web
Peter Brusilovsky, Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA
T16: Writing, Publishing and Presenting Academic Papers at Conferences:
Getting Started
Carmel McNaught, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
W3: Learning Object Metadata: A Hands on Workshop
Erik Duval, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Call for Presentations: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/callfinal.htm
Submission Guidelines and Form: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/submitguide.htm
Presentation and AV Guidelines: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/PresenterLounge
Topics: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/topics.htm
Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/corporate.htm
Deadlines: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/deadlines.htm
Keynote/Invited Speakers: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/speakers.htm
Tutorials/Workshops: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/tutorials.htm
About Denver, Colorado--The Mile High City:
Submissions Due: March 31, 2002
Final Call Authors Notified via email: April 12, 2002
Proceedings File Due: April 30, 2002
Early Registration Deadline: May 16, 2002
Conference: June 24-29, 2002
If you have a question about ED-MEDIA 2002, please send an e-mail to
AACE Conference Services, conf(a)aace.org or call: 757-623-7588
Mailing address:
AACE, P.O. Box 3728, Norfolk, VA 23514 USA
To Unsubscribe from this listserv, send "unsubscribe eductech"
to listserv(a)listserv.uh.edu; to Subscribe, send "subscribe eductech
your_name" to the same address.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Final Call for Papers: IEEE Advanced Learning Technologies Conference
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 14:00:56 +1200
From: Kinshuk <kinshuk_admin(a)INSPIRE.NET.NZ>
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2002)
September 9-12, 2002
Kazan, Russia
** Important dates:
Friday 05 April 2002: Paper submission
Friday 05 April 2002: Panel proposal submission
Friday 05 April 2002: Tutorial proposal submission
Friday 05 April 2002: Workshop proposal submission
Friday 05 April 2002: "ICALT-2002 submission form" completion
Friday 17 May 2002: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
Friday 14 June 2002: Author registration deadline
Friday 21 June 2002: Final version papers due
** Conference theme
** Topics of Interest
The topics of interest for the conference include but are not limited to:
. Adaptive and intelligent applications
. Advanced uses of multimedia and hypermedia
. Application of artificial intelligence tools in learning technology
. Application of instructional design theories
. Architecture of learning technology systems
. Building learning communities
. Collaborative learning/groupware
. Creative Design methods for new learning media
. Distance Learning
. Evaluation of learning technology systems
. Integrated learning environments
. Internet based systems
. Knowledge Testing and Evaluation
. Long-life learning
. Media for learning in multicultural setting
. Metadata for learning resources
. Practical uses of authoring tools
. Robots and Artifacts in Education
. Socially intelligent agents
. Speech and (Natural) Language Learning
. Teaching/learning strategies
. Virtual reality
** Submissions
Submissions are invited in following categories:
- Papers
- Panels
- Tutorials
- Workshops
Details of submission procedure are available at:
Associate Professor Kinshuk kinshuk(a)massey.ac.nz
kinshuk(a)inspire.net.nz Information Systems Dept., Massey Univ., Private Bag
11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand Tel: +64 6 3505799 ext. 2090 Fax: +64
6 3505725 http://fims-www.massey.ac.nz/~kinshuk
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Final version of Call (fwd)
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 12:58:12 +0000
From: Ian Horrocks <horrocks(a)CS.MAN.AC.UK>
1st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002)
June 9-12th, 2002
Sardinia, Italy
Deadline: April 25, 2002
The First International Semantic Web Conference is now accepting
submissions of Late-Breaking Topics/Posters.
ISWC will be a major international forum at which research on all
aspects of the Semantic Web will be presented. ISWC 2002 follows up the
success of the first Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS), which was
held in Stanford in July, 2001. ISWC 2002 will take place on the
beautiful Mediterranean island of Sardinia, Italy, 9th-12th June, 2002,
immediately preceding the OntoWeb workshop. The list of accepted papers
is currently available at the conference Web site.
The Late-Breaking Articles/Poster session at ISWC is an opportunity to
discuss late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and
innovative work-in-progress which may not yet be ready for a full
paper. Technical posters, reports on Semantic Web software systems,
completed work, or work in progress are all welcome.
Submissions will be evaluated for acceptability by the Poster
Committee. Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to
the Semantic Web, originality, significance, and clarity.
Accepted posters will be displayed at the conference. The typical
display area size for posters is expected to be 70 cm X 100 cm
(approximately 28 inches X 40 inches). Further details about poster
size, display materials, session, etc., will be made available later.
Extended abstracts/summaries for accepted posters will be distributed
to conference attendees and will also be made available on the Web. At
least one author must register for the conference and attend the poster
Summaries or extended abstracts MUST clearly demonstrate a relevance to
the Semantic Web. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Agents
- Applications
- Bootstrapping, growth and economic models
- Database technologies
- Data/Information/Knowledge integration, mediation and storage
- Digital libraries, publishing, and e-Books e-business and large-scale
knowledge management
- e-learning
- e-science and the Grid
- Knowledge portals
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Languages and infrastructure
- Metadata (including metadata generation and authoring)
- Mobile, situated and diffuse computing
- Multimedia data
- Natural language
- Ontologies
- Ontology learning
- Scalability
- Searching and querying
- Services, including description, discovery and interoperation
- Socio-cultural and collaborative aspects
- Technological requirements
- Trust and meaning
- User interfaces
- Visualisation and modelling
- Web mining
Submissions must consist of a camera-ready extended abstract or summary
of the work to be described in the poster, not to exceed one (1) page
in IJCAI two-column format. Further details about format will be made
available at the ISWC Web site (http://iswc.semanticweb.org) and also at
The primary means of submission will be electronic. Submissions should
be in PDF or Postscript format. Papers should be submitted by email to
Contact iswc-posters(a)asu.edu or Raphael Malyankar
(r.malyankar(a)computer.org) if you cannot meet these requirements, have
questions, or experience problems e-mailing your submission.
All submissions must be received by April 25.
Early submission is encouraged. Decisions about acceptance or rejection
will be made on an ongoing basis - early submissions are expected to
get early notifications.
Submissions that are late or too long, or require revision, will not be
considered. Submissions must be in camera-ready format; gven the short
time frame for acceptance, revision after submission will not be feasible.
Abstract/summary submission cutoff date: April 25th, 2002
Notification: By May 5, 2002
Conference: June 9-12th, 2002
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: Special Session on Security and Privacy in E-Commerce
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 13:24:48 +0100
From: Torsten Schlichting <schlichting(a)wi-inf.uni-essen.de>
Special Session on
Security and Privacy in E-Commerce
within the
5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5)
Montreal, Canada, October 23-27, 2002
The dramatic changes in telecommunications and computing technology as
evidenced in the Internet and WWW have sparked a revolution in electronic
commerce. In fact, many organisations are exploiting the opportunities of
Internet-based e-commerce solutions, and many more are expected to follow.
But in spite of the well-published success stories, many businesses and
consumers are cautious about e-commerce, and security concerns are often
cited as being the most important barrier.
This special session of ICECR-5 is devoted to the theory and applications of
security and trust in electronic commerce. Topics for submission include but
are not limited to:
- risk assessment and reduction in e-commerce systems
- privacy issues
- legal aspects and law enforcement
- ethical aspects
- trust aspects and management
- digital signature applications
- encryption in e-commerce systems
- information flow issues
- COTS protection
- firewall technology
- administration and management of safeguards
- virtual private networks
- authorization and access control models
- mechanisms for guaranteeing non-repudiation
- secure electronic markets
Important dates
May 15, 2002: Deadline for abstract submission
July 5, 2002: Notification of acceptance of communications
July 31, 2002: Deadline for early registration
September 1st, 2002: Deadline for reception of final manuscripts and
session descriptions
October 23-27, 2002: Conference dates
If you are interested in submitting a paper, please send a complete paper
or an extended abstract by May 15, 2002 to
and see the general CFP given below for further details on the ICECR-5
Call for Papers
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5)
Montreal, Canada
October 23-27, 2002
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research ICECR-5
will provide a high quality forum for the presentation of results, the
exchange of ideas, and scientific discussions on methodological,
computational, deployment, and policy issues and challenges in
electronic business.
We invite participants from all relevant fields, telecommunications,
computer science, information technologies, management, marketing,
finance, operations research, economy, human-machine interfaces,
psychology, legal and policy studies, in particular.
The conference will combine technical presentations grouped in research
sessions, with industry and research plenary speakers, as well as
industry-lead panels. Presentations on innovative and advanced applications
to, for example, market design, logistics, value chain management,
distribution, finance and banking, telecommunications, transport,
privatization of services, are welcome.
Following the 2001 successful meeting held at the Cox School of Business at
Southern Methodist University in Dallas, the International Conference on
Electronic Commerce Research moves for its fifth edition to HEC - Montreal
in the city of Montreal, Canada.
Montreal is an ideal location for a conference that has the ambition to
bring together researchers from all over the world and, in particular, from
Europe and North America. Montreal blends the best of the two continents
to offer a unique "atmosphère" and "joie de vivre" that the social program
will deliver in full.
Paper submission
Papers submitted for presentation at the conference will be selected on the
basis of an extended abstract of 5 to 10 pages. All selected papers will be
published in the conference proceedings. Refereed full papers will be
published after the conference. Further information and instructions will be
announced at a later date and will be posted on the conference web site:
Important dates
May 15, 2002: Deadline for abstract submission
July 5, 2002: Notification of acceptance of communications
July 31, 2002: Deadline for early registration
September 1st, 2002: Deadline for reception of final manuscripts and
session descriptions
October 23-27, 2002: Conference dates
Conference co-chairs
Professor Teodor Gabriel Crainic
Dept. management et technologie, U.Q.A.M.
Director, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory
Centre for Research on Transportation
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville
Montreal (QC) Canada H3C 3J7
Phone: (1) 514 343 7143
FAX: (1) 514 343 7121
E-mail: theo(a)crt.umontreal.ca
Professor Bezalel Gavish
Eugene J. and Ruth F. Constantin Distinguished Chair in Business
Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University
P.O. Box 750333
Dallas, TX 75275-0333
E-mail: gavishb(a)mail.cox.smu.edu
Conference information
Conference web site: http://tecom.cox.smu.edu/icecr5
Conference email: icecr5(a)crt.umontreal.ca
Please, copy this form, fill and return it to icecr5(a)crt.umontreal.ca
Last name: First name:
Tel: Fax:
I am interested in further information yes no
I am interested in presenting a paper yes no
I am interested in organizing a session yes no
Professor Bezalel Gavish
Eugene J. and Ruth F. Constantin Distinguished Chair in Business,
Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University
P.O. Box 750333
Dallas, TX 75275-0333
E-mail: gavishb(a)mail.cox.smu.edu
Tel: Office (214) 768-8258 FAX (305) 832-3767
Administrative Assistant (214) 768-8256
Home (214) 528-3584
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Last call for papers: DMDW'02 at CAiSE'02 in Toronto
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 10:03:08 +0100
From: Manfred Jeusfeld <Manfred.Jeusfeld(a)KUB.NL>
Dear colleages,
liege Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
geachte collega's,
if you are work in the area of data warehousing, please consider
to submit your paper (academic or experience) to the 4th Intl. Workshop
on Design and Management of Data Warehouses. The submission deadline is
March 29, 2002
You find the call for papers at
Papers should be sent via email to Laks Lakshmanan (program chair). The email
address is dmdw02(a)cs.ubc.ca
Kind regards, .-- Manfred Jeusfeld
PS: I apologize for cross-posting.
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: PACIS2002 in Japan: DEADLINE EXTENDED
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:26:54 +0900
From: "Sato, Ryo" <rsato(a)SHAKO.SK.TSUKUBA.AC.JP>
Due to many requests, the program committee of PACIS2002 has decided to
extend the deadline for submissions.
The new deadline for the full paper is April 20.
The Sixth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
Meiji University, Tokyo, JAPAN
September 2-4, 2002
Important Dates
***Paper & Proposal Submission: April 20, 2002***
Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2002
Camera Ready Copy: June 30, 2002
Distinguished Keynote Speakers Determined:
- Prof. Richard Watson (Univ. of Georgia)
- Mr. Yasuteru Murakami (Nomura Research Institute)
- Prof. Thomas Davenport (Accenture Institute for
Strategic Change)
The Sixth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2002), the
premier Information Systems event in the Asia Pacific region authorized by
AIS as a regional conference, will provide an international forum for
researchers, practitioners and policy makers to exchange ideas on the
leading information-related technologies and practices.
Observing the recent rapid development and deployment of information
technology and applications to business and communities, the theme of PACIS
2002 is to explore the next technologies, theories, and practices: The Next
e-What? for Business and Communities. We would like to have high quality
original paper submissions. Areas of interest include, but are not limited
Mobile Information System
Ubiquitous Information and Communication System
Mobile Commerce
Customer Relationship Management
Computer Telephony Integration
Societal Integration of Business Processes
Concurrent Engineering and Information System
Project Management, Groupware, and Workflow
Enterprise-wide Information System
Virtual Community
National Policy of Electronic Commerce
Internet Security and Digital Certificate Dates
Digital Copyright Protection
Development and Deployment of Advanced Information Systems
EDI and Business-to-Business Systems
Supply Chain Management
Data Warehouse and Data Mining
Quality and Criticality of Information Systems
Qualitative Research in Information Management
Information Literacy
Societal Impacts of Information Systems
Educational Issues on Future Information Systems
Future Directions for Information Management
Conferrence Chair: Ryutaro Manabe
Organizing Chair: Eizo Takai
Program Co-Chairs: Takao Terano
Michael D. Myers
Submission Guidelines
The technical sessions will be held September 3-4, 2002. The paper must be
original and unpublished. It should consist of the following items:
1) A cover page listing the title of the papers as well as the name(s),
affiliation(s), complete postal address(es), telephone, fax and e-mail
address(es) of the author(s).
Contact author, and presenterTitle and abstract page
2) The body of the paper, not to exceed 15 pages, single spaced, including
and references.
3) All papers <must> be submitted on our web http://pacis2002.org
(electronic submission only).
4) All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to information systems, originality, significance, and clarity.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and papers judged
high quality by the reviewers will be considered for publication in Journal
of Association for Information Systems and other premier Information System
journals, although the decision of publication will be made by the procedure
of each journal.
If you are any questions, please contact the special track organizers
by email: Takao Terano (terano(a)gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jp) or Isamu Okada
Ryo Sato, Ph.D.
Professor of Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences,
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, JAPAN
URL http://www.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/~rsato/satolabintro.html
TEL +81-298-53-5543 FAX +81-298-55-3849
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Last CFP : EISIC'02 deadline on March 25th
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 00:35:55 +0100
From: Said ASSAR <Said.Assar(a)INT-EVRY.FR>
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
--- ---------
Last Call for Papers
IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on
Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context
Kanazawa, Japan
September 25-27, 2002
Visit our web site : http://ebiz.int-evry.fr/ifip2002-wc
e-mail : eisic(a)univ-paris1.fr
--- ----------
Deadline March 25, 2002 at midnight GMT
--- ----------
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: Business Process Management Journal: Internet-Enabled Workflow Management
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:35:50 -0500
From: Ted Stohr <estohr(a)STEVENS-TECH.EDU>
Call for Papers for A Special Issue On
Papers are invited for a special issue of the Business Process Management
Journal (BPMJ) on Internet-enabled Workflow Management. The aim is to
publish original work highlighting current issues surrounding the areas of
e?Business process automation, cross-organizational workflows and the use
of internet technology for the design of workflow applications. Conceptual
and analytical models, strategic frameworks, surveys, and case studies
focusing on technical, organizational and economic issues with regard to
internet-enabled workflow management systems are welcome from both the
academic and industrial community. Contributed papers may deal with, but
are not limited to:
§ Modeling Methodologies for Internet-ready Processes
§ Cross-Organizational Workflow Management
§ Internet-based Process Integration
§ Standards-based Process Automation
§ Monitoring and Controlling of Inter-Organizational Processes
§ Internet Technologies for Process Automation
§ Architecture and Design of e-Business Workflow Applications
Guest Editors for the Special Issue:
Edward A. Stohr
School of Technology Management Stevens Institute of Technology
Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
Michael zur Muehlen
Department of Information Systems
University of Muenster
Leonardo-Campus 348149 Muenster, Germany
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>Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:51:38 +1200 (NZST)
>From: "Kinshuk" <Kinshuk(a)massey.ac.nz>
>To: <susanne.guth(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>Subject: ICCE 2002 Call for Papers (Only Two Weeks Left)
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at
>id XAA746826
>International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002)
>3-6 December 2002
>Auckland, New Zealand
>** Organised by
>** Important dates:
>Friday 5 April 2002 : All types of submissions
>Friday 17 May 2002 : Review result notification
>Friday 2 August 2002 : Final version papers due
>** Submissions
>Submissions are invited in following categories:
>- Full Papers
>- Short Papers
>- Posters
>- Tutorials
>- Workshops
>- Doctoral Student Consortium
>Details of submission procedure are available at:
> ** Conference theme
>"Learning communities on the Internet - Pedagogy in implementation"
> ** Topics of Interest
>The topics of interest related to the conference theme include but are not
>limited to:
>* Agents technology
>* Application of instructional design theories
>* Architecture of learning technology systems
>* Authoring tools
>* Best mix of face-to-face and e-interactions
>* Cognition and conceptual change
>* Collaborative learning/Groupware/Co-operative learning
>* Computer mediated communication
>* Country specific developments
>* Design principles
>* Distributed learning
>* Evaluation of impact
>* Evaluation of learning systems
>* Implementation experiences
>* Instructor networking
>* Integrated learning environments
>* Inter-and Intranet use in conventional universities
>* Internet based systems
>* Methodologies for system design
>* Networked social learning
>* Policies, ethics, standards, and legal issues
>* Research perspectives
>* Teaching/learning strategies
>* Tutor role in virtual communities
>* Virtual lab/classroom/school
>* Virtual universities
>* WWW-based learning resources/tools
>* Contact information
>Julie Lyons
>Conference Secretary
>Department of Information Systems
>Massey University
>Private Bag 11 222
>Palmerston North
>New Zealand
>Telephone: 64 6 350 5233
>Facsimile: 64 6 350 5725
Dipl.-Wirt.Inform. SUSANNE GUTH
Universitätsassistentin an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Abteilung für
Wirtschaftsinformatik - NEUE MEDIEN
http://nm.wu-wien.ac.at/people/Guth.html, susi(a)wu-wien.ac.at, +43 1 31336-4427
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Reminder: ACM Transactions on Internet Technology Special Issue on Machine Learning for the Internet
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:35:33 +0100
From: Marco Maggini <maggini(a)DII.UNISI.IT>
We apologize, if you receive multiple copies.
Please feel free to publicize.
Thank you.
! !
! Deadline for submissions is May 1 2002 !
! !
* *
* ACM Transactions on Internet Technology *
* *
* Special Issue on *
* Machine Learning for the Internet *
* *
Machine learning methods are becoming increasingly important for
the development of several internet related technologies. Tasks
such as intelligent searching, organizing, retrieving, and
filtering information on the Web are extremely challenging and
still much too easy for humans than they are for computers, except
that humans are unable to scale up with the enormous amount of
available data. Explicit coding of rules in this domain is
typically very hard, and even if possible, would require
exceptional coordination efforts. In particular, the fast dynamics
of the information available on the Internet requires new
approaches for indexing. The organization of information in
Internet portals is becoming hardly manageable by humans. The
users' surfing of the Internet can be made easier by personalized
tools like search engines optimized for a specific Web community
or even for the single user. For example, finding relevant
documents by querying a search engine with a set of keywords may
be difficult unless a proper ranking scheme is used to order the
results. In this case, techniques based on user profiles, on topic
selection and on the use of the Web topology can help in defining
authoritative sources of information with respect to the given
query and interests.
Searching, organizing and retrieving information from the Web
poses new issues that can be effectively tackled by applying
machine learning techniques. Learning algorithms can be used to
devise new tools which improve the accessibility to the
information available on the Web. Learning is particularly useful
to automate those tasks in which it is quite easy to collect
examples while coding a set of explicit rules is impractical. For
example, the fast dynamics of the Internet can be faced by
designing new specialized search tools which cover only the parts
of the Web related to a given topic. These search tools focus
their exploration only on the portion of the Web which contains
the information relevant for this topic. Moreover, learning-based
search tools can feature a very high precision in retrieving
information and can reduce the need for human efforts for many
repetitive tasks (like organizing documents in Web directories).
Beside accessing information, understanding and characterizing web
structure and usage is essential for future development and
organization of new tools and services. In spite of several recent
efforts in measuring and producing mathematical models of web
connectivity, dynamics, and usage, no definitive answers have
emerged and learning may play a fundamental role for advancing our
understanding in this field.
Papers are invited on applications of machine learning to all
aspects of Internet technology. These include (but are not limited
* Automated creation of web directories
* Automatic extraction of information from Web pages
* Automatic security management
* Categorization of web pages
* Design and improvement of web servers through prediction of
request patterns
* Focused crawling
* Information retrieval for the design of thematic search
* Models and laws that characterize the web structure
* User modeling for the personalization of Web services
Authors are requested to send an intention of submission (with
authors, title and abstract) as an email message in plain text to
acm-toit(a)dsi.unifi.it by May 1, 2002. Then, papers must be
submitted in electronic format as an attachment to the same email
address before May 15, 2002. Preferred formats are PDF and
PostScript (compressed with gzip or zip). Manuscripts must not
exceed 50 single-column, double-spaced pages (including figures
and tables) and must be written in English and set in 10 or 11
point font. Please do not send papers directly to guest editors'
email addresses.
Important Dates
Intention of submission: May 1, 2002
Submission deadline: May 15, 2002
Notification: August 1, 2002
Guest editors
Gary William Flake
NEC Research Institute
4 Independence Way
Princeton, NJ 08540 (USA)
Voice: +1 609-951-2795
Paolo Frasconi
Dept. of Systems and Computer Science
University of Florence
Via di Santa Marta 3, I-50139 Firenze (Italy)
Voice: +39 055 4796 362
C. Lee Giles
School of Information Sciences and Technology
The Pennsylvania State University
001 Thomas Building,
University Park, PA, 16802 (USA)
Voice: +1 814 865 7884
Marco Maggini
Dept. of Information Engineering
University of Siena
Via Roma 56, I-53100 Siena (Italy)
Voice: +39 0577 233696
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