---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: HfB Conference 2001 Electricity Power Markets in Change
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 12:54:42 +0100
From: "Sebastian Ubert" <sebastian.ubert(a)db.com>
To: harhoff(a)bwl.uni-muenchen.de, neumann(a)wi-inf.uni-essen.de, risk(a)bwl.uni-mannheim.de, lmh(a)wiso.uni-koeln.de, dyckhoff(a)lut.rwth-aachen.de, "Bernhard.Fleischmann" <Bernhard.Fleischmann(a)Wiso.Uni-Augsburg.DE>, margit.meyer(a)mail.uni-wuerzburg.de, margit.meyer(a)mail.uni-wuerzburg.de, Marion.Steven(a)ruhr-uni-bochum.de, domschke(a)bwl.tu-darmstadt.de, voigt(a)industriebetriebslehre.de, mathes(a)wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de, jbloech(a)uni-goettingen.de, Steffen(a)iup.uni-hannover.de, bellmann(a)mail.uni-mainz.de, schiemen(a)wiwi.uni-marburg.de, beck(a)uni-passau.de
Sehr geehrte Damenund Herren,
anbei erhalten Sie Informationen zu der Conference2001 der Hochschule für
Bankwirtschaft in Frankfurt am Main.Ich möchte Ihnen und Ihren Studierenden
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Fragen und Anregungen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Weitere
Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage www.conference2001.de
(See attached file: Conference 2001.pps)
Kranichsteiner Str 17
60598 Frankfurt am Main
mailto: sebastian.ubert(a)surfeu.de
Mit freundlciehn Grüßen
Sebastian Ubert
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Papers - RIDE-2EC'2002
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 08:31:13 +0800
From: "Lim Ee Peng (Assoc Prof)" <ASEPLIM(a)NTU.EDU.SG>
12th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering:
Engineering E-Commerce/E-Business Systems (RIDE-2EC'2002)
In conjunction with ICDE'02
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
San Jose, USA , February 24-25, 2002
RIDE-2EC'2002 is the twelfth workshop in a series of annual workshops
on Research Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE), which have been held in
conjunction with the IEEE CS International Conferences on Data
Engineering. In 2002, RIDE focuses on the E-Commerce/E-Business
Engineering. The objective of RIDE-2EC'2002 is to bring together
researchers, industrial practitioners, developers, and users to
exchange the results and ideas on the issues related to e-commerce/e-
business systems engineering.
E-Business Models & Architectures:
Marketplace management & protocols
Virtual trading communities
Portals & collaborative business platforms
Web-based information access & management
Agent technologies supporting e-business
Mobile e-commerce/e-business support
B2B management:
Business process optimization
Operational forecasting & planning
Workflow management
Flexible transaction management
Legacy application integration
Interoperability support
B2C management:
Catalog management & customization
Smart information search
Data mining & customer relationship management
Dynamic pricing & quoting
Auction, exchange & negotiation
E-Business security and privacy:
End-to-end security
Trust management
PKI and e-commerce security protocol
Secure payment/transaction protocol
E-business applications:
Supply chain management
E-procurement & Order fulfillment management
Extended manufacturing management
Web-based healthcare information systems
Telecommunication service provisioning
Digital government support
E-library/digital library systems
Web-based distance learning
Electronic submission will be used. The postscript version or pdf
file of an extended abstract (at most 12 double-spaced pages in fonts
not smaller than 11pt, or at most 3000 words) should be submitted to
ride02 home page no later than July 15, 2001. (Further submission
details will be available on line).
In addition, the authors should submit electronically a plain ASCII
cover page containing the paper title, authors' names, contact author
and full address (including e-mail and fax) and an abstract of up to
100 words by July 8, 2001.
Submission of abstracts: July 8, 2001
Submission of papers: July 15, 2001
Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2001
Camera-ready copies: October 15, 2002
Conference: February 24-25, 2002
All accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings published by the
IEEE Computer Society. The authors of best papers will be invited to
submit extended versions for inclusion in a special issue of IWIS/WWW
General Chair:
Ming-Chien Shan, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA
Program Co-Chairs:
Amjad Umar, Telcordia Technologies, New Jersey, USA
Yanchun Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Panel Chair:
Fabio Casati, HP Laboratories, USA
Publicity and Publication Chair:
Ee-Peng Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Local Arrangement Chair:
Li-jie Jin, HP Labs, USA
Eric Y. Shan, University of California, Berkeley
Registration Chair:
Memhet Sayal, HP Labs, USA
Program Committee (tentative):
Karl Aberer, EPFL-DSC, Switzerland
Klemens Bohm, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Athman Bouguettaya, Virginia Tech, USA
Christopher Bussler, Oracle, USA.
Fabio Casati, HP Laboratories, USA.
Xiaogiang Cai, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Wojciech Cellary, The Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Sang Cha, National University, Korea
Chin-Chen Chang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
David W. Embley, Brigham Young University, USA
Peter Fankhauser, GMD-IPSI, Germany
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Telcordia Research, Austin
Angela Goh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma, USA
Sumi Helal, University of Florida, USA
Christian Huemer, University of Vienna, Austria
Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
Matthias Jarke, Aachen University of Technology, Germany
Yahiko Kambayashi, Kyoto University Japan
Larry Kerschberg, George Mason University, USA
Wolfgang Klas, University of Vienna, Austria
Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong, China
Hongjun Lu, HKUST, Hong Kong, China
Paolo Missier, Telcordia Technologies (AR), USA
Erich Neuhold, GMD IPSI Germany
Maria Orlowska, Univesity of Queensland, Australia
Tamer Ozsu, University of Waterloo, Canada
Mike Papazouglu, Tilburg University, Netherland
Sudha Ram, University of Arizona, USA
Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, University of Athens, Greece
Jian Yang, Tilburg University, Netherland
Philip Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia
Steering Committee:
Ahmed Elmagarmid, co-chair (Purdue U., USA)
Joseph Urban, co-chair (Arizona State U., USA)
Yahiko Kambayashi (Kyoto U., Japan)
Marek Rusinkiewicz (Telcordia Research, USA)
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IAIM CFP Deadline Extended to May 15 (www.iaim.org)
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 20:09:44 -0400
From: "Papp, Raymond" <raymond.papp(a)QUINNIPIAC.EDU>
International Conference on Informatics Education and Research
December 14-16, 2001 - New Orleans, Louisiana (Immediately Preceeding
ICIS 2001)
Hosted by the International Academy for Information Management
Submission Deadline: EXTENDED TO May 15, 2001
Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2001
Final Version Due: September 15, 2001
Send submissions electronically as attachments to the
Proposals for papers and panels are invited for blind review and
presentation at
the International Conference on Informatics Education and Research.
The conference is sponsored by the International Academy for
Information Management
and provides a forum in which educators, researchers and practitioners
in information
systems can exchange ideas, techniques, and applications of pedagogy
and can react to
issues with significant pedagogical implications. Papers may be
theoretical, conceptual, tutorial, or descriptive in nature and must
have been previously presented or published.
Format: Each submission should include a title page and an extended
abstract or completed paper. The title page should include the title
the paper, full name of its author(s), affiliation(s), complete
address(es), telephone number(s), fax number(s), and e-mail
address(es). A
summer address for the contact author should be provided. To
blind review, this information should appear only on the title page.
An extended abstract should be a minimum of 500 words. Completed
should not exceed 15 single-spaced pages including references and
NOTE: Only completed papers submitted by the May 1 deadline will be
considered for the conference's Best Paper Award.
Deadlines: Your paper should be sent to the IAIM Research Chair at
raymond.papp(a)quinnipiac.edu as an e-mail attachment (Microsoft Word or
format ONLY). Receipt of the paper will be acknowledged by e-mail.
Notification of accepted papers and panels will be mailed to the
author on or before June 15, 2001. For inclusion in the Proceedings,
completed papers must be received on computer disk by September 15,
At least one author's non-refundable registration must accompany the
copy submitted for the Proceedings. Completed papers should not exceed
single-spaced, word processed pages, including references, tables,
endnotes (footnotes should not be used), and figures or exhibits.
Proceedings will be distributed at the conference.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] WI-IF 2001, Call for Posters
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 22:01:23 +0200
From: "WI-IF 2001 Organisation" <wi-if2001(a)wiso.uni-augsburg.de>
To: "WKWI" <wkwi(a)seda.sowi.uni-bamberg.de>
Bitte entschuldigen Sie, wenn Sie diese Mail mehrfach erhalten!
WI-IF 2001, Call for Posters
19.-21. September 2001 in Augsburg
5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001
3. Tagung Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft 2001
Auf diesem Tagungs-Joint Venture werden unter dem Tagungsmotto
Information Age Economy - Innovationen, Methoden und Anwendungen
fuer Electronic Commerce - richtungsweisende Beitraege aus Praxis
und Wissenschaft an der Schnittstelle von moderner Betriebswirtschafts-
lehre, Wirtschaftsinformatik und angewandter Informatik praesentiert.
Neben den Fachvortraegen in den zahlreichen Tracks wird begleitend
auch eine Prototypen- und Postersession von Forschungseinrichtungen
organisiert, fuer die eine Darstellung im Umfang einer Seite unter Angabe
von Titel, Autoren und Adresse einzureichen ist. Bitte senden Sie Ihre
Beitraege bis 25. Mai 2001 ausschliesslich in elektronischer Form an
wi-if2001(a)wiso.uni-augsburg.de. Ueber eine Annahme werden Sie bis
15. Juni 2001 informiert.
Elisabeth Kloepfer +49 821 598-4141
Matthias Knobloch +49 821 598-4141
Andreas Huther +49 821 598-4112
E-Mail: wi-if2001(a)wiso.uni-augsburg.de
Lehrstuhl fuer Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsinformatik
und Financial Engineering der Universitaet Augsburg
In Zusammenarbeit mit:
Fachbereich 5 Wirtschaftsinformatik und Fachgruppe 5.4 Informations-
systeme in der Finanzwirtschaft der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V.
Wissenschaftliche Kommission Wirtschaftsinformatik im Verband
der Hochschullehrer fuer Betriebswirtschaft e.V.
aXendo GmbH
Ausfuehrliche Informationen zur Tagung erhalten Sie unter
www.wi-if2001.de. Dort koennen Sie sich auch zur Tagung
Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Buhl
Lehrstuhl fuer BWL / Wirtschaftsinformatik
Universitaet Augsburg
Universitaetsstrasse 16, 86135 Augsburg
Tel.: 0821/598-4140, Sekretariat: -4141
Fax: 0821/598-4225
URL: http://www.wiso.uni-augsburg.de/bwl/bwl_wi/
WI-IF 2001
5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001
3. Tagung Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft 2001
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l