Forwarded message from [atkinson(a)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:18:47 +0100 (MET):
: EDOC 2000
: 4th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference
: September 25-28, 2000, Makuhari, Japan
: Co-sponsored by Information Processing Society of Japan,
: IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society
: in cooperation with ACM Sigplan and OMG (applying)
: [Scope]
: As distributed object and component technologies continue to mature,
: organizations are adopting them as core technologies to meet their
: enterprise computing needs. However there is increasing "globalization"
: with mergers and alliances between organizations resulting in need for
: integration and inter-operation of their enterprise computing systems.
: There are many open issues still to be solved in order to provide tools
: and techniques to support the specification, modeling, implementation,
: management and evolution of distributed objects systems capable of
: scaling for global enterprises.
: The goal of EDOC 2000 is to provide a forum for leading researchers and
: industry experts to discuss problems, solutions, and experiences in meeting
: practical enterprise computing needs. EDOC 2000 will include industrial
: experience sessions for which practitioners are encouraged to submit
: experience reports stating the problems addressed, methods used, results
: and lessons learned.
: EDOC 2000 addresses generic issues relating to the context in which
: enterprise
: systems are built and deployed as well as the distributed object and
: component technologies needed to deploy systems for specific applications
: domains. EDOC 2000 encourages submissions on applications and industry
: experience in such domains as electronic commerce, enterprise application
: integration, supply-chain management, and web-based distributed applications.
: [Topics]
: The program committee seeks high quality papers describing research results,
: experience reports and case studies related to all aspects of distributed
: object and component based enterprise computing. Major topics include,
: but are not limited to:
: - Enterprise architectures that support distributed objects and components
: - Enterprise modeling techniques, especially those that use UML, XML and
: - Modeling, development, and deployment of business objects and components
: - Enterprise issues for supporting electronic commerce, inter-enterprise
: cooperation and integration, supply chain and workflow management
: - Meta-modeling and use of information repositories for enterprise systems
: - Enterprise issues relating to use of technologies such as CORBA, COM+,
: Enterprise JavaBeans, BizTalk, e-speak and Jini
: - Enterprise quality of service issues including performance, reliability,
: fault-tolerance, and security
: - Enterprise issues in operation, maintenance and evolution of
: OO/Component/Web based distributed enterprise systems
: Papers must describe original work and must not have been accepted or
: submitted
: for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers will be evaluated for originality,
: significance, insight, clarity, and relevance to the use of distributed object
: and component technologies in enterprise computing systems.
: [Important dates]
: Papers submission due - May 6th, 2000
: Notification of acceptance - June 20, 2000
: Camera ready papers due - July 20, 2000
: Conference date - September 25-28, 2000
: [Location]
: Makuhari, Japan (Famous for its IT industrial park, in the middle of the New
: Tokyo International Airport and central Tokyo)
: [Author Information]
: The papers should not exceed 10 pages in the IEEE format available from the
: EDOC 2000 web site. Please also consult the IEEE author guidelines for
: details.
: Submissions should be made electronically in PDF, PostScript,or MS Word in
: accordance with the instructions on the EDOC 2000 web site. Papers will be
: refereed by an international committee of experts. Presented papers will be
: published from the IEEE.
: [Further Information]
: For further information, please consult the EDOC 2000 web site or send e-mail
: to: edoc-info(a)
: General Chair: Sanya Uehara (Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan)
: Program Chairs: Mikio Aoyama (Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan)
: Guijun Wang (The Boeing Company, USA)
: Tutorial Chair: Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
: Operation Chair: Tetsuo Tamai (University of Tokyo, Japan)
: Operation Vice Chairs: Nigel Baker (University of West England, UK)
: Martin Schader (University of Mannheim)
: Steering Committee: Cris Kobryn (EDS, USA)
: Zoran Milosevic (DSTC, Australia)
: Morris Sloman (Imperial College, UK)
: Colin Atkinson (University of Kaiserslautern and Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)
: Operation Committee: Tomoji Kishi (NEC, Japan)
: Rieko Yamamoto (Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan)
: Program Committee: Jan Oeyvind Aagedal (SINTEF Telecom and Informatics,
: Norway)
: Jean Bezivin (University of Nantes, France)
: Eng Chew (Cable & Wireless Optus, Australia)
: Derek Coleman (Hewlett-Packard, USA)
: Fred Cummins (EDS, USA)
: Pamela Drew (Boeing, USA)
: Kurt Geihs (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
: Takeo Hamada (Fujitsu Labs, USA)
: Brian Henderson-Sellers (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
: Yigal Hoffner (IBM Lab, Switzerland)
: Sridhar Iyengar (Unisys, USA)
: Dusan Jokanovic (University of Applied Sciences, Yugoslavia)
: Stuart Kent (University of Kent, UK)
: Peter Linington (University of Kent, UK)
: Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany)
: Subrata Mazumdar (Xbind, USA)
: Michael Merz (Hamburg University, Germany)
: Naftaly Minsky (Rutgers University, USA)
: Jishnu Mukerji (Hewlett-Packard, USA)
: Thomas Preuss (PricewaterhouseCoopers, Germany)
: Kerry Raymond (DSTC, Australia)
: Richard Mark Soley (OMG, USA)
: Jon Siegel (OMG, USA)
: Clemens Szyperski (Microsoft Research, USA)
: Sandy Tyndale-Biscoe (Open-IT Ltd, UK)
: Kurt Wallnau (Software Engineering Institute, USA)
: Andrew Watson (OMG, USA)
: Karl-Heinz Weiss (Oracle Consulting, Germany)
: Edward White (MCI, USA)
: Alan Cameron Wills (TriReme International, UK)
: Bryan Wood (Open-IT, UK)
: Christian Zeidler (ABB Corporate Research, Germany)
: Shuichiro Yamamoto (NTT, Japan)
: Kazuki Yoshida (Toshiba, Japan)
: Masaichiro Yoshioka (Hitachi, Japan)
: *************************************************************************
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [mbj(a) (Mike Jones)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 01:17:56 -0800:
: Dear COOTS attendee,
: OSDI 2000, the Fourth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and
: Implementation, will be held Monday-Wednesday, October 23-25, 2000 at
: Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, California, USA. OSDI is sponsored by the
: USENIX Association and co-sponsored by ACM SIGOPS and IEEE TCOS.
: We would like to invite you to plan on participating. Paper submissions are
: due Tuesday, April 25, 2000. You can view the Call for Participation and
: other symposium information at
: The goal of the fourth OSDI is to present innovative, exciting work in the
: systems area. OSDI brings together professionals from academic and
: industrial backgrounds and has become a premiere forum for discussing the
: design, implementation, and implications of systems software.
: The OSDI symposium emphasizes both innovative research and quantified
: experience in the systems area. OSDI takes a broad view of what the systems
: area encompasses and seeks contributions from all fields of systems
: practice, including: operating systems, networking, distributed systems,
: parallel systems, mobile systems, embedded systems, and the influence of
: hardware developments on systems and vice-versa. We particularly encourage
: contributions containing highly original ideas.
: The symposium will consist of 2.5 days of single-track technical sessions
: with presentations of refereed papers and a keynote address. A session of
: Work-in-Progress presentations is planned, and informal Birds-of-a-Feather
: sessions may be organized by attendees. We hope to see you there!
: Sincerely,
: Mike Jones and Frans Kaashoek
: OSDI Co-Chairs
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [Catherine.Piliere(a)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:26:22 +0800 (GMT-8):
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: --- Concerns all students in Logic, Linguistics and Computer Science ---
: --- We apologize for multiple copies ---
: --- Please circulate and post among students ---
: ========================================================================
: August 6-18 2000, Birmingham, Great Britain
: Submission Deadline : March 15th, 2000
: ========================================================================
: We are pleased to announce the Student Session of the 12th European
: Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2000) organized
: by the University of Birmingham and located at the same University in
: August 2000 ( We will welcome
: submission of papers for presentation at the ESSLLI-2000 Student Session
: and for appearance in the proceedings.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: This fifth ESSLLI Student Session will provide, like the other editions,
: an opportunity for ESSLLI participants who are students to present their
: own WORK IN PROGRESS and get feedback from senior researchers and
: fellow-students. It is desired that papers presenting creative and
: innovative ideas will be submitted. The ESSLLI-2000 Student Session
: encourages submissions from students at any level, from undergraduates -
: before completion of the Master Thesis as well as postgraduates - before
: completion of the PhD degree. Papers co-authored by non-students will not be
: accepted. The ESSLLI Student Session consists of paper presentations
: and has its own timeslot in the summerschool's schedule: 60 minutes
: every day for two weeks, provided that a sufficient number of good
: quality papers is accepted. Each presentation will last 30 minutes
: (including 10 minutes of discussion). The accepted papers will be
: published in the ESSLLI-2000 Student Session proceedings, which will be
: made available during ESSLLI-2000.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: As in previous editions of ESSLLI, the best paper will be selected by
: the program committee and will be offered a prize by Kluwer Academic
: Publishers. The prize of 1000 Dfl consists of a free choice of Kluwer
: books to be displayed during the school.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: The Student Session papers should describe original, unpublished work,
: completed or in progress, that demonstrates insight, creativity and
: promise. No previously published papers should be submitted.
: Papers will cover topics within the six ESSLLI subject areas (Logic,
: Language, Computation, Logic & Language, Logic & Computation,
: Language & Computation).
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Student authors should submit an anonymous extended abstract headed by
: the paper title, not to exceed 5 pages of length exclusive of references
: and send a separate identification page (see below). Note that the
: length of the full papers will not be allowed to exceed 10 pages. Since
: reviewing will be blind, the body of the abstract should omit author
: names and addresses. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the
: author's identity (e.g., " We previously showed (Smith, 1991)... ")
: should be avoided. It is possible to use instead references like " Smith
: (1991) previously showed...".
: For any submission, a plain ASCII text version of the identification
: page should be sent SEPARATELY, using the following format:
: Title: <title>
: Author: <firstname lastname of the first author>
: Address: <address of the first author>
: ..
: Author: <firstname lastname of the last author>
: Address: <address of the last author>
: Short summary (5 lines): <summary>
: Subject area (one of): Logic | Language | Computation | Logic and
: Language | Logic and Computation | Language and Computation.
: The submission of the extended abstract should be in one of the
: following formats:
: 1) SELF-CONTAINED LATEX SOURCE (the most encouraged): The LaTeX source
: should use the standard article document-class, with A4 paper size and
: 12pt font size. The source should not refer to any other external files
: or styles, except for the standard styles for LaTeX2e. The bibliography
: for a LaTeX submission cannot be submitted as separate .bib file: the
: actual bibliography entries must be inserted in the submitted LaTeX
: source file.
: 2) POSTSCRIPT: PostScript submissions must use a standard font and A4 (8
: 1/4 " x 11 3/4 ") size pages. Please avoid the default letter page size
: if submitting from outside Europe.
: 3) ASCII text.
: Submissions outside the specified length and formatting requirements
: will be subject to rejection without review.
: The extended abstract and separate identification page must be sent
: by e-mail to:
: Catherine.Piliere(a) by March 15, 2000.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: In order to present a paper at ESSLLI-2000 Student Session, at least one
: student author of each accepted paper has to register as a participant
: at ESSLLI-2000. Nevertheless, the authors of accepted papers will be
: eligible for reduced registration fees.
: For all information, please consult the ESSLLI-2000 web site:
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Deadline for submission: March 15, 2000.
: Authors notifications: May 14, 2000.
: Final version due: June 11, 2000.
: ESSLLI-2000 Student Session: August 6-18, 2000.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Catherine Pilière (chair), LORIA - University Henri Poincaré, Nancy,
: France;
: Manuel Bodirsky, Programming Systems Lab, University of Saarbrücken, Germany;
: Mohamed Zakaria Kurdi, IMAG, Grenoble, France;
: Paola Maneggia, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham,
: Great Britain;
: Vincenzo Pallotta, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
: Switzerland;
: Sylvain Pogodalla, Xerox Research Centre, Grenoble, France;
: Kristina Striegnitz, Computational Linguistics, University of Saarbrücken,
: Germany.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: For any specific question concerning ESSLLI-2000 Student Session,
: please, do not hesitate to contact the chair:
: Catherine Pilière
: Campus Scientifique
: BP 239
: 54 506 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY Cedex France
: Tel. +33 (0)3 83 59 20 22
: E-mail Catherine.Piliere(a)
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [ch(a) (Christian Hofer)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 10:07:26 +0100:
: ====================
: The Prague University of Economics (Czech Republic)
: and The University of Linz (Austria) have the pleasure to invite you to
: participate in the
: 8th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT-2000)
: in Zadov - Czech Republic
: September 20th-22nd, 2000
: ml
: The aim of these annually talks is to provide an interdisciplinary and
: informal forum for a holistic interchange of concepts and ideas on
: Information Management, Information Engineering, Business Processes and
: related topics. The increasing interest in information as a vital resource
: makes it necessary to provide both technology transfer and opportunities for
: establishing technical and commercial cooperation across borders. The
: cooperation of technical and economic research institutes and of researchers
: with different economic and historical backgrounds provides an interesting
: basis for interdisciplinarity.
: Due the beginning of the new millenium the focus of this year's conference
: will be on resuming the advantages brought by these technologies but also
: looking forward on the new challenges offered by them.
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: -------------------------------------
: Topics of sessions:
: A) Developing Information Systems for Business Process Improvement
: B) Human Aspects of IS
: C) Cooperative Web Computing
: D) Ethics, Regulation and Enforcement of IT
: E) Concepts and Practice in IS Development
: F) Audit, Quality Management and Innovation of IS/IT
: G) Methods of Applied System Thinking
: Each session will consist of one keynote paper and several position papers,
: which should be written relative to the keynote paper. The draft versions of
: the keynote papers will be placed on in directory
: /pub/IDIMT2000 in February 2000.
: Please submit your position paper (extended abstract, in English, typed in
: double spaced format, approx. 4 pages, electronic versions are preferred)
: to: Dr. Christian HOFER (
: Authors of accepted position papers will be invited to submit a full-length
: paper to be included in the proceedings. The Conference Proceedings will be
: published by "Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz".
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: -------------------------------------
: Important Dates:
: Keynote papers on ftp Feb. 14, 2000
: Extended Abstract due April 17, 2000
: Notification of Acceptance May 15, 2000
: Camera Ready copies due June 15, 2000
: Conference Opening Sept. 20, 2000
: Conference Sept. 20-22, 2000
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: -------------------------------------
: Programme Committee:
: Chroust Gerhard (chair) A Panel
: Doucek Petr (vice-chair) CZ Keynote Speaker
: Beneder Manfred A Editor
: Dusan Geldner CZ Session Organiser
: Erik Dianys CZ Session Organiser
: Gross Tom A Session Organiser
: Hofer Christian A Session Organiser
: Hofer Susanne A Editor
: Klöckner Konrad D Keynote Speaker
: Ladislav Jakubicka CZ Session Organiser
: Lavrin Anton SK Keynote Speaker
: Loesch Christian A Keynote Speaker
: Mulej Matjaz SL Keynote Speaker
: Stowell Frank GB Keynote Speaker
: Tlusty Herwig A Session Organiser
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: -------------------------------------
: Site and Accommodation:
: The conference takes place at the Sporthotel 'OLYMPIA' in Zadov, a lovely
: little village in the Bohemian Forest at an altitude of 1000m. It is located
: 60 km north of Passau (Germany), 150 km south of Prague, and 130 km
: north-west of Linz (Austria). It is a delightful place for walks and short
: trips into the countryside.
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: -------------------------------------
: Contact Information:
: Dr. Christian HOFER
: Systems Engineering and Automation
: Johannes Kepler University Linz,
: A-4040 Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, Austria
: Phone: +43-732-2468-873, fax: -878
: email: ch(a)
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [Christophe.Ringeissen(a)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:32:44 +0800 (GMT-8):
: March 22 - 24, 2000, Nancy, France
: ****************************************************************
: The two previous international workshops on ``Frontiers of Combining
: Systems'' were held in Munich (1996) and in Amsterdam (1998).
: Like its predecessors, FroCoS'2000 is intended to offer a common
: forum for research activities in the general area of combination and
: integration of systems, and on their practical use.
: * Topics. The topics of interest are related to the general area
: of combination and integration of systems, including:
: Combination of logics, Combination of constraint solving techniques
: (resp. decision procedures, term rewriting systems), Combination of
: deduction systems and computer algebra, Integration of decision
: procedures (resp. solving processes) into constraint programming and
: deduction systems, Modelisation of hybrid systems, Logic modelling
: of multi-agent systems.
: * Proceedings. Presented papers will appear in the proceedings of the
: conference, published as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Artificial
: Intelligence (LNCS) series, Springer-Verlag. Proceedings will be
: available at the time of the conference.
: * Program co-chairs. H. Kirchner, C. Ringeissen (e-mail: frocos(a)
: * Program committee. F. Baader, D. Basin, F. Benhamou, T. Fruehwirth,
: F. Giunchiglia, B. Gramlich, H. Kirchner, C. Kreitz, T. Mossakowski,
: J. Pfalzgraf, M. de Rijke, C. Ringeissen, T. Scott, M. Wallace.
: * Program
: The scientific program can be found below.
: * Conference Registration
: The registration form is located at:
: and also appended below.
: * Hotel Accommodation
: Participants have to arrange bookings directly with the various
: hotels located near the site of the conference.
: The list of suggested hotels can be found at:
: These hotels keep several rooms available for the conference participants
: until February 15, 2000.
: *****************
: After this date, availability is not guaranteed.
: Please make your hotel reservation AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, by quoting
: "FroCoS'2000 Conference" (see the list of hotels for phone and fax
: numbers).
: Do not hesitate to contact the local organizers
: (frocos(a), re(a) for any problem with the hotel reservation.
: Sponsors: CNET, CNRS, Communaute Urbaine du Grand Nancy,
: Conseil General de Meurthe et Moselle, Conseil Regional de Lorraine,
: GDR ALP, INPL, INRIA, LORIA, Universities of Nancy.
: Please note the following deadlines:
: Hotel Accommodation (Guarantee of availability): February 15, 2000
: Early Conference Registration : February 22, 2000
: Looking forward to your participation,
: C. Bergeret, A.-L. Charbonnier, A. Demange
: H. Kirchner, C. Ringeissen, L. Vigneron
: The FroCoS'2000 Organizing Committee
: *********************************************************************
: FroCoS'2000 PROGRAM
: Wednesday March 22, 2000
: Session 1:
: 9.30-10.30 Invited talk
: A. Bockmayr (LORIA, Nancy)
: Combining Logic and Optimisation in Cutting Plane Theory
: 10.30-11 BREAK
: 11-11.30
: Towards Cooperative Interval Narrowing
: L.Granvilliers
: 11.30-12
: Constraint Solving in Proof Planning
: E.Melis, J.Zimmer, T.Mueller
: 12-12.30
: Termination of Constraint Contextual Rewriting
: A.Armando, S.Ranise
: 12.30-14.00 LUNCH
: Session 2:
: 14-15 Invited talk
: G. Dowek (INRIA-Rocquencourt)
: Orienting Equalities and Equivalences in Automated Theorem Proving:
: From Completeness to Cut Elimination
: 15-15.30 BREAK
: 15.30-16
: Normal Forms and Proofs in Combined Modal and Temporal Logics
: U.Hustadt, C.Dixon, R.A.Schmidt, M.Fisher
: 16-16.30
: Structured Sequent Calculi for Combining Intuitionistic and
: Classical First-Order Logic
: P.Lucio
: ---------------------
: Thursday March 23, 2000
: Session 3:
: 9-10 Invited talk
: R. Zippel (IDC Herzliya)
: Program Composition Techniques for Numerical PDE Codes
: 10-10.30 BREAK
: 10.30-11
: Handling Differential Equations with Constraints for Decision Support
: J.Cruz, P.Barahona
: 11-11.30
: Non-trivial Computations in Proof Planning
: V.Sorge
: 11.30-12
: Integrating computer algebra and reasoning through the type system of Aldor
: E.Poll, S.Thompson
: 12-14 LUNCH
: Session 4:
: 14-15 Invited talk
: T. Uribe (Stanford University)
: Combinations of Theorem Proving and Model Checking
: 15-15.30 BREAK
: 15.30-16
: Compiling Multi-Paradigm Declarative Programs into Prolog
: S.Antoy, M.Hanus
: 16-16.30
: Modular Redundancy for Theorem Proving
: M.Bofill, G.Godoy, R.Nieuwenhuis, A.Rubio
: 16.30-17
: Composing and Controlling Search in Reasoning Theories using Mappings
: A.Coglio, F.Giunchiglia, J.Meseguer, C.Talcott
: ---------------------
: Friday March 24, 2000
: Session 5:
: 9-10 Invited talk
: K. Schulz (LMU Muenchen)
: Why combined decision problems are often intractable
: 10-10.30 BREAK
: 10.30-11
: Congruence Closure Modulo Associativity-Commutativity
: L.Bachmair, I.V.Ramakrishnan, A.Tiwari, L.Vigneron
: 11-11.30
: Combining Equational Theories Sharing Non-Collapse-Free Constructors
: F.Baader, C.Tinelli
: 11.30-12
: Comparing expressiveness of set constructor symbols
: A.Dovier, C.Piazza, A.Policriti
: 12-14 LUNCH
: *********************************************************************
: FroCoS'2000 Registration
: ------------------------
: Please fill this form and return it (preferably before FEBRUARY 22, 2000)
: by email to: re(a)
: or
: by fax to:
: INRIA-Lorraine & LORIA
: Relations Exterieures
: attn A.-L. Charbonnier & A. Demange
: 615 rue du Jardin Botanique
: BP 101, 54602 Villers-les-Nancy Cedex
: FAX NUMBER: +33 3 83 28 46 28
: TEL NUMBER: +33 3 83 59 30 61 or +33 3 83 59 30 26
: _____________________________________________________________________
: Name: ..............................................................
: First Name: ........................................................
: Affiliation: .......................................................
: Address: ...........................................................
: ....................................................................
: E-mail: ............................................................
: Fax: ...............................................................
: Tel.: ..............................................................
: For our information:
: Hotel ..............................................................
: (NB: The booking should be done directly with the Hotel,
: by quoting "FroCoS'2000 Conference")
: Dietary restrictions: [ ] vegetarian other: ...............
: (check this item if you need vegetarian food)
: _____________________________________________________________________
: -------------
: -- Early registration, before FEBRUARY 22, 2000
: [ ] 1000 FF (152,45 Euros)
: -- Student registration, before FEBRUARY 22, 2000
: [ ] 800 FF (121,96 Euros)
: -- Late registration
: [ ] 1500 FF (228,67 Euros)
: The fees include: proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, and
: conference dinner.
: Please check the appropriate amount for the conference registration.
: _____________________________________________________________________
: Please send this amount by choosing one of the following forms of payment:
: -- Cheque
: in French currency, drawn on a french bank, made to the order of
: "Agent Comptable de l'INRIA"
: -- EuroCheque
: EuroCheque in French (or Euro) currency, made to the order of the
: "Agent Comptable de l'INRIA"
: -- Credit Card: [ ] VISA [ ] Mastercard
: only on the workshop location. Please bring your card.
: -- Moneyorder
: Money order in French (or Euro) currency to this bank account:
: Tresorerie Generale des Yvelines
: 16 Avenue de Saint-Cloud
: 78018 Versailles Cedex
: Compte 10071-78000-00003003958.80
: (Code Banque 100 71
: Code Guichet: 78000
: Numero de compte: 00003003958 cle 80
: )
: Please, mention your name and FroCoS'2000.
: Send with your registration form a copy of your order
: and make sure that all bank charges and commissions are covered.
: Your registration will be confirmed by email.
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [hannebau(a)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:16:56 +0800 (GMT-8):
: ECAI 2000/PAIS 2000
: 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
: Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems
: Berlin, Humboldt University
: August 20-25, 2000
: -------------------------------------------------------------------
: ---------------
: ---------------
: 2 Feb 2000 Deadline for paper summaries
: 4 Feb 2000 Deadline for papers
: 28 Apr 2000 Notification of acceptance
: 29 May 2000 Camera-ready copies of papers
: 23-25 Aug 2000 Technical program at ECAI 2000/PAIS 2000
: -------------------------------
: -------------------------------
: The ECAI 2000 Program Committee invites submission of papers
: for the technical program of the 14th biennial European Confe-
: rence on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2000). Submissions are
: invited on substantial, original and previously unpublished re-
: search in all fields of Artificial Intelligence.
: It is highly recommended to submit papers using the final
: camera-ready formatting style. Submissions must not exceed five
: pages in camera-ready format. Submissions of unformatted papers
: are limited to 6000 words including footnotes, figure captions,
: tables, appendices, and bibliography. Each half-page of figures
: will be counted as 600 words. (Please note that for some papers
: five camera-ready pages may be considerably less than 6000 words
: in practice.) Overlength submissions will be rejected without re-
: view. Authors submitting unformatted papers must include a word
: count on their paper. Latex style files to support formatting of
: submissions will be available. Final versions of accepted papers
: will be required to conform strictly to the formatting require-
: ments specified in the ECAI 2000 style guide (see ECAI homepage).
: Each accepted paper will be allocated five pages in the procee-
: dings.
: Submission is a two-stage process. Authors are asked to submit
: a brief summary of their paper by 2 February 2000. The strongly
: preferred submission method is to use the web-based summary sub-
: mission form. Submitted summaries will be assigned a unique trak-
: king number that should be marked on the full paper submission.
: Authors without access to the web should send a summary including
: the title, authors, contact address and abstract for the paper
: (maximum 200 words), plus keywords drawn from the above list
: (plus other keywords if appropriate) to the ECAI 2000 Program
: Chair (by email or postal mail). The summary information and the
: tracking number should also be included with the paper itself, on
: a separate sheet of paper. (Authors not able to use the web-based
: submission form may omit the tracking number).
: Submission of the paper is in hard copy form only, fax or elec-
: tronic submissions will not be accepted. Six copies of the paper
: (each including the summary sheet) should be sent by postal mail
: or courier service to the ECAI 2000 Program Chair at the address
: below. The deadline for receipt of papers is 4 February 2000. Pa-
: pers received after this date will not be reviewed.
: Notification of receipt of full papers will be mailed to the
: corresponding author soon after receipt.
: Address for submission
: Werner Horn
: ECAI 2000 Program Chair
: Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (ÖFAI)
: Schottengasse 3
: A-1010 Vienna
: Austria
: Email: ecai2000(a)
: Tel: +43-1-4277-63114
: Fax: +43-1-4277-9631
: Style guide and summary form
: Multiple submissions policy
: ECAI 2000 will not accept any paper which at the time of sub-
: mission is under review for, or has already been published or
: accepted for publication in a journal or another conference.
: Authors are also expected not to submit their papers elsewhere
: during the review period. These restrictions apply only to
: journals and conferences and not to workshops or similar
: specialized meetings with limited audiences. The title page
: should include a statement that the paper is not under review or
: accepted for publication in another conference or journal.
: All submissions will be subject to academic peer review by the
: ECAI 2000 Program Committee under the chairmanship of the
: ECAI 2000 Program Chair. The ECAI 2000 Program Chair has final
: authority over the review process and all decisions relating to
: acceptance of papers. Review criteria include originality of
: ideas, technical soudness, significance of results, and quality
: of presentation. Notification of acceptance or rejection of sub-
: mitted papers will be mailed to the corresponding author by
: 28 April 2000.
: The conference proceedings will be published and distributed by
: IOS Press. The authors will be responsible for producing camera-
: ready copies of papers, conforming to the ECAI 2000 formatting
: guidelines, for inclusion in the proceedings. The deadline for
: receipt of the camera-ready copy is 29 May 2000. Note that at
: least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the
: conference to present the paper.
: ECAI 2000 is organised by the German Informatics Society (GI)
: and the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelli-
: gence (ECCAI) and hosted by Humboldt University Berlin.
: -------------------------------
: -------------------------------
: ECAI is pleased to announce its Prestigious Applications of
: Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2000) sub-conference. The PAIS 2000
: Program Committee invites authors to submit application papers.
: This event, associated with ECAI 2000 is created to specifi-
: cally highlight significant successful applications of Intelli-
: gent Systems (IS) technology. The purpose of the event is to pro-
: vide a forum for industry practitioners to learn about the power
: and applicability of selected IS techniques and share experience
: on the applicability, development and deployment of intelligent
: systems in industry. This will be the largest showcase in Europe
: of real application using Intelligent Systems technology and the
: ideal place to meet with those working to make successful
: IS-based applications.
: The Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems event will
: present papers describing successful applications of Intelligent
: Systems. Papers are selected to highlight critical areas of
: success (and failure) and to present the benefits and lessons of
: value to other developers. Submitted papers should make these
: points clear. Papers should contain sections covering the
: following information:
: Descriptive Title and Abstract: These should convey clearly and
: simply what the application is and its operational status. Do use
: a title that makes it clear to a reader what the application is.
: Don't use a clever, nor an obscure title.
: Problem description: This should describe the problem that the
: application solves, stating the objectives of the application and
: explaining why an Intelligent Systems solution was required. If
: other solutions were tried and failed, briefly outline these so-
: lutions with reasons for failure.
: Application description: This should describe the solution to
: the problem, with technical details on design and implementation.
: It should describe any methodological approach used, detail the
: key IS techniques used and if appropriate show how they were in-
: tegrated with conventional techniques. If commercial tools were
: used they should be identified and reasons for their selection
: given.
: Application building: This should describe the size and skill
: make-up of the project team, how long is took to build and the
: costs involved. How it was/will be installed and introduced to
: the users, with details of any training required. Describe any
: plans for maintenance, in particular how the knowledge is expec-
: ted to change over time, and any features to aid the updating of
: knowledge, etc.
: Application benefits: Were potential benefits identified before
: building the application and have these been realised or are
: likely to be realised? Has the application been in use and, if
: so, how often has it been used and by how many users? What fur-
: ther long term benefits are expected? What future plans have been
: made for its enhancement and use?
: For PAIS 2000, a paper is acceptable even if it describes a
: system which has not yet been installed, PROVIDED the application
: is original AND the paper discusses the aspects and issues that
: would help someone thinking of implementing a similar system in
: their own organisation. It must concisely describe and scope the
: problem tackled, saying why it is hard, and why IS techniques are
: needed. It should also make clear the status of the system, and
: should discuss such things as the project duration and effort,
: how the project was justified and the expected benefits estima-
: ted, any problems encountered, the performance of the final
: system and the reactions of users. The review procedure is diffe-
: rent and separate from the ECAI technical conference. Papers will
: be evaluated by experienced application developers, based on the
: above criterion. Accepted papers will be published in the ECAI
: proceedings.
: It is highly recommended to submit papers using the final ca-
: mera-ready formatting style. Submissions must not exceed five pa-
: ges in camera-ready format. Submissions of unformatted papers are
: limited to 6000 words including footnotes, figure captions,
: tables, appendices, and bibliography. Each half-page of figures
: will be counted as 600 words. (Please note that for some papers
: five camera-ready pages may be considerably less than 6000 words
: in practice.) Overlength submissions will be rejected without re-
: view. Authors submitting unformatted papers must include a word
: count on their paper. Latex style files to support formatting of
: submissions will be available. Final versions of accepted papers
: will be required to conform strictly to the formatting require-
: ments specified in the ECAI 2000 style guide (see ECAI homepage).
: Each accepted paper will be allocated five pages in the pro-
: ceedings.
: Submission is a two-stage process. Authors are asked to submit
: a brief summary of their paper by 2 February 2000. The strongly
: preferred submission method is to use the web-based PAIS summary
: submission form. Submitted summaries will be assigned a unique
: tracking number that should be marked on the full paper sub-
: mission. Authors without access to the web should send a summary
: including the title, authors, contact address and abstract for
: the paper (maximum 200 words), plus a set of indicative keywords
: to the ECAI 2000 Program Chair (by email or postal mail). The
: summary information and the tracking number should also be inclu-
: ded with the paper itself, on a separate sheet of paper. (Authors
: not able to use the web-based submission form may omit the trak-
: king number).
: Submission of the paper is in hard copy form only, fax or elec-
: tronic submissions will not be accepted. Six copies of the paper
: (each including the summary sheet) should be sent by postal mail
: or courier service to the ECAI 2000 Program Chair at the address
: below. The deadline for receipt of papers is 4 February 2000. Pa-
: pers received after this date will not be reviewed. Notification
: of receipt of full papers will be mailed to the corresponding
: author soon after receipt.
: Address for submission
: Werner Horn
: PAIS 2000
: Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (ÖFAI)
: Schottengasse 3
: A-1010 Vienna
: Austria
: Email: pais2000(a)
: Tel: +43-1-4277-63114
: Fax: +43-1-4277-9631
: Style guide and summary form
: All submissions will be subject to review by a team of expe-
: rienced application developers in the PAIS 2000 Program Committee
: under the chairmanship of the PAIS 2000 Program Chair, Rob Milne.
: The PAIS 2000 Program Chair has final authority over the review
: process and all decisions relating to acceptance of papers. Noti-
: fication of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be
: mailed to the corresponding author by 28 April 2000.
: Accepted PAIS 2000 papers will appear in a special section of
: the ECAI conference proceedings and will be published and distri-
: buted by IOS Press. The authors will be responsible for producing
: camera-ready copies of papers, conforming to the ECAI 2000 for-
: matting guidelines, for inclusion in the proceedings. The dead-
: line for receipt of the camera-ready copy is 29 May 2000. Note
: that at least one author of each accepted paper is required to
: attend the conference to present the paper.
: PAIS 2000 is organised by the German Informatics Society (GI)
: and the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelli-
: gence (ECCAI) and hosted by Humboldt University Berlin.
: --
: +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
: | |
: | Markus Hannebauer |
: | Dipl.-Inform., Research Fellow hannebau(a) |
: | |
: | Research Institute for Computer Architecture |
: | and Software Technology (FIRST) |
: | phone: +49- 30-63 92 18 66 |
: | German National Research Center cell. p.: +49-177-267 43 60 |
: | for Information Technology (GMD) fax: +49- 30-63 92 18 05 |
: +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [Olivier.Powell(a)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:09:27 +0800 (GMT-8):
: Call for Papers
: ICALP'2000
: 27-th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages
: and Programming
: July 9-15, 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
: The 27-th annual meeting of the European Association of Theoretical
: Computer Science will be held in Geneva, Switzerland.
: As is the case of the two tracks of the journal Theoretical Computer
: Science, the scientific program of the Colloquium is split into two
: parts: Track A of the meeting will correspond to Algorithms, Automata,
: Complexity, and Games, while Track B will correspond to Logic,
: Semantics and Theory of Programming.
: Original contributions to theory of computer science, to be
: presented either in Track A or in Track B, are being sought.
: Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of their papers, not
: exceeding 12 pages in the standard Springer Verlag LNCS style.
: Instructions for paper submissions can be found at the conference
: web page.
: Authors from countries where access to Internet is difficult may mail
: a single copy of their paper directly to the address of
: the conference chairman.
: Submissions should consist of: a cover page, with the author's full
: name, address, fax number, e-mail address, a 100-word abstract,
: keywords, and to which track (A or B) the paper is being submitted
: and an extended abstract describing original research in
: no more than 12 pages.
: It is expected that accepted papers will be presented at the conference.
: Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings
: is not allowed.
: Conference Chair:
: Jose D. P. Rolim
: Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
: University of Geneva
: 24 rue du General Dufour
: 1211 Geneva 4
: Switzerland
: ICALP'2000 Program Committee
: Track A:
: Emo Welzl, Chair, ETH Zuerich
: Harry Buhrman, CWI Amsterdam
: Peter Bro Miltersen, Univ. Aarhus
: Martin Dietzfelbinger, Techn Univ Ilmenau
: Afonso Ferreira, CNRS-I3S-INRIA Sophia Antipolis
: Marcos Kiwi, Univ. de Chile
: Jens Lagergren, KTH Stockholm
: Gheorghe Paun, Romanian Acad.
: Guenter Rote, Techn. Univ. Graz
: Ronitt Rubinfeld, Cornell Univ.
: Amin Shokrollahi, Bell Labs
: Luca Trevisan, Columbia Univ.
: Serge Vaudenay, ENS Paris
: Uri Zwick, Tel Aviv Univ.
: Track B:
: Ugo Montanari, Chair, Univ. of Pisa
: Rajeev Alur, Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
: Rance Cleaveland, SUNY at Stony Brook
: Pierpaolo Degano, Univ. of Pisa
: Jose Fiadeiro, Univ. of Lisbon
: Andy Gordon, Microsoft Research, Cambridge,
: Orna Grumberg, Technion, Haifa
: Claude Kirchner, Inria, Nancy
: Mogens Nielsen, Univ. of Aarhus
: Catuscia Palamidessi, Penn. State Univ, Univ. Park
: Joachim Parrow, KTH, Stockholm
: Edmund Robinson, QMW, London
: Jan Rutten, CWI, Amsterdam
: Jan Vitek, Univ. of Geneva
: Martin Wirsing, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
: Pierre Wolper, Univ. of Liege.
: Special Award
: Richard Karp, Berkeley
: Invited Speakers
: Track A:
: Andrei Broder, Altavista
: Oded Goldreich, MIT and Weizman Inst.
: Johan Haastad, KTH Stockholm
: Kurt Mehlhorn, Max Plank Institute
: Track B:
: Samsom Abramsky, Edinburgh U.
: Gregor Engels, Paderborn U.
: Roberto Gorrieri, U. Bologna
: Zohar Manna, Stanford U.
: Satellite Workshops
: * Workshop on Randomization and Approximation in CS. (RANDOM'2000)
: * Workshop on Algorithms for Communication Networks (ARACNE)
: * Workshop on Boolean Functions and Applications
: * Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS '00)
: * Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques
: * Workshop on Process Algebra and Performance Models (PAPM 2000)
: * Workshop on Theor. Found. of Security Analysis and Design (IFIP WG 1.7)
: General Information
: Geneva is situated along the banks of Lac Leman and Le Rhone.
: The lake showcases the plumed fountain Jet d'Eau, and various districts
: of Geneva are connected by bridges across the waterways.
: The University of Geneva where ICALP '00 will convene is located on the
: `Left Bank' off Place Neuve and along the Promenade des Bastions
: near the Old Town section of Geneva.
: Geneva is a city of water parks and gardens and welcoming walkways
: which encourage exploration of the historical sites, museums, and
: international business and shopping districts. The University of
: Geneva is located near `Old Town' an area dotted with sidewalk
: cafes, student life, and building antiquities dating back to the 5th
: century.
: Geneva is a crossroads situated in the heart of Europe and linked to
: the world by a vast network of motorways, airlines and railways. For
: those planning to attend ICALP '00 in Geneva, it is an excellent
: opportunity to organize short trips into the countryside of charming
: villages and vineyards. Tours to please all ages and interests are
: available including afternoon train excursions, shopping cruises on
: Lake Geneva and The Rhone, and bus and cablecar trips in the Alps.
: For some, the most inviting attraction will be mouintain climbing.
: Mont Blanc, one of the highest points in Europe and the city of Chamonix
: are less than an hour away.
: Accomodations at a very special ICALP rate have been reserved in a
: couple of hotels and very inexpensive rooms will be available at
: the Student Housing. Lunch will be served daily on campus
: and there will be morning and afternoon refreshment breaks.
: Note that the specially priced hotel accommodations reserved
: for ICALP participants are located only a 5-10 minute walk to
: the campus.
: Important Dates
: Workshop Proposals: November 10,1999
: Submissions: January 24, 2000
: Notification: March 21, 2000
: Final Copies: April 18, 2000
: Further Information
: Further information related to ICALP'00, with instructions for paper
: submissions and conference registration, as well as with details on
: conference site, registration fee, accommodation, social program, and
: payments, will appear at the conference webpage at
: and in forthcoming issues of EATCS Bulletin. The conference is organized
: by the Centre Universitaire d'Informatique of the University of Geneva.
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [TCS2000(a)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:01:26 +0800 (GMT-8):
: call for papers
: IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
: IFIP TCS2000
: --- Exploring New Frontiers of Theoretical Informatics ---
: August 17 - 19, 2000
: Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
: IFIP TCS2000 is the first International Conference on Theoretical Computer
: Science organized by the IFIP TC1 on Foundations of Computer Science. Major
: topics of the conference are follows:
: Track (1): Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation
: analysis and design of algorithms --- algorithm experimentation ---
: continuous algorithms and complexity --- computational complexity ---
: descriptional complexity --- cellular automata and machines, automata
: and formal languages --- hardware algorithms and parallel algorithms
: --- computational learning theory --- algorithmic aspects in discovery
: science --- cryptography --- combinatorics --- probabilistic and
: randomized algorithms --- molecular computing and algorithmic aspects
: of bioinformatics --- quantum computing --- neural network computing
: --- evolutionary and genetic algorithms --- computational geometry ---
: computational and mathematical finance --- bridging complexity and
: semantics.
: Track (2): Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification
: logic and semantics for programs and languages --- foundations of
: system specification --- term rewriting systems --- proofs and
: specifications in computer science --- types and category theory in
: computer science --- theoretical aspects of specification and
: verification of hardware and software --- theoretical aspects of
: software concepts --- concurrency theory --- theory of parallel and
: distributed systems --- theory of internet languages and systems ---
: constructive and non-standard logics in computer science ---
: foundations of security --- theoretical foundations of data bases ---
: logic, specification and verification of hybrid and real-time
: systems --- theoretical foundations of open systems --- bridging
: semantics and complexity.
: Submissions on the above topics and related topics are invited. Submitted
: papers should preferably be typeset in LaTeX2e using the Springer document
: class llncs for the LNCS format, see
: (the command \pagestyle{plain} turns on page numbering), and no longer than
: 14 pages. They should be sent in Postscript by email to one of the
: following addresses by January 28 (Friday), 2000:
: for Track (1), tcs2000-track1(a);
: for Track (2), tcs2000-track2(a)
: A submission should include the track name for the submission, the title of
: the paper, names and affiliations of authors, an abstract up to 300 words,
: and the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and email
: address. The submission must be in English, and it should provide a summary
: of the main results and their details to allow the program committee to
: assess their merits and significance, including references and comparisons.
: The result of the paper must be unpublished and not submitted for
: publication elsewhere, including journals and the proceedings of other
: symposia or workshops. One author of each accepted paper should be able to
: present it at the conference.
: Important Dates:
: January 28, 2000: Deadline for submission of papers
: April 7, 2000: Notification of acceptance
: May 5, 2000: Final camera-ready text due
: See for further information about the
: submission procedure.
: The program will consist of:
: Plenary Invited Talks
: Mart\'in Abadi (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies)
: Masami Hagiya (U. Tokyo)
: Madhu Sudan (MIT)
: Track (1) Invited Talks
: Ernst Mayr (TU Muenchen)
: Shu Tezuka (IBM Tokyo Research Lab)
: Mihalis Yannakakis (AT\&T Research)
: Track (2) Invited Talks
: Thomas Henzinger (UC Berkeley & MPI-Saarbrucken)
: Naoki Kobayashi (U. Tokyo)
: Gordon Plotkin (U. Edinburgh)
: Banquet Speech
: Michael O. Rabin (Harvard U.)
: as well as the selected contributed talks and a panel discussion.
: The Proceedings, published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer
: Science, Springer-Verlag, will be available at the conference. See
: for general information
: about the IFIP TCS2000 Conference.
: Program Committee Co-Chairs
: Track (1): Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation
: Jan van Leeuwen (U. Utrecht)
: Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)
: Track (2): Logic, Semantics, Specification, and Verification
: Masami Hagiya (U. Tokyo)
: Peter D. Mosses (U. Aarhus)
: Program Committee
: Track (1): Ricardo Baeza-Yates (U. Chile), Siu-Wing Cheng (Hong Kong UST),
: Felipe Cucker (City U. Hong Kong),
: Rosario Gennaro (IBM T.J. Watson Research),
: Alan Gibbons (U. Liverpool), Andrew V. Goldberg (InterTrust STAR Lab, USA),
: Ernst Mayr (TU Muenchen), Hiroshi Nagamochi (Kyoto U.),
: Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu U.), Paul Vitanyi (CWI, Amsterdam),
: Jiri Wiedermann (Academy of Sciences, Prague), Takashi Yokomori (Waseda U.)
: Track (2): Samson Abramsky (U. Edinburgh), Egidio Astesiano (U. Genova),
: Luca Cardelli (Microsoft, Cambridge), Robert Constable (Cornell U.),
: Javier Esparza (TU Muenchen), Naoki Kobayashi (U. Tokyo),
: Jos\'e Meseguer (SRI, Menlo Park), Benjamin Pierce (U. Pennsylvania),
: Davide Sangiorgi (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis), John Staples (U. Queensland),
: Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw U.),
: P. S. Thiagarajan (Chennai Math. Inst., India),
: Kazunori Ueda (Waseda U.), Naoki Yonezaki (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
: Conference Co-Chairs
: Giorgio Ausiello (IFIP TC1 Chair and U. Roma "La Sapienza")
: Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.)
: Steering Committee
: Giorgio Ausiello (U. Roma) <chair>, Wilfried Brauer (TU Muenchen),
: Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.), Michael O. Rabin (Harvard U.),
: John Staples (U. Queensland), Joseph Traub (Columbia U.)
: Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
: Setsuo Arikawa (Kyushu U.), Yasuyoshi Inagaki (Nagoya U.),
: Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.)
: The IFIP TCS2000 conference is organized by the IFIP TC1 on Foundations of
: Computer Science in cooperation with Information Processing Society of Japan,
: Japan Society of Software Science and Technology, Institute of Electronics,
: Information and Communication Engineers in Japan*, European Association of
: Theoretical Computer Science, Association of Symbolic Logic, and Association
: for Computing Machinery-SIGACT. (* indicates "to be verified".)
: E-mail address for any inquiry: TCS2000(a)
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [henz(a) (Martin Henz)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 13:46:56 +0800 (GMT-8):
: Sixth International Conference on
: Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
: September 18-22, 2000, Singapore
: Constraints have emerged as the basis of a representational and
: computational paradigm that draws from many disciplines and can be
: brought to bear on many problem domains. The conference is concerned
: with all aspects of computing with constraints including: algorithms,
: applications, environments, languages, models, systems. Contributions
: are welcome from any discipline concerned with constraints, including:
: artificial intelligence, combinatorial algorithms, computational
: logic, concurrent computation, databases, discrete mathematics,
: operations research, programming languages, symbolic computation. We
: also solicit papers from any domain employing constraints, including:
: computational linguistics, configuration, decision support, design,
: diagnosis, graphics, hardware verification, molecular biology,
: planning, qualitative reasoning, real-time systems, resource
: allocation, robotics, scheduling, software engineering, temporal
: reasoning, vision, visualization, user interfaces. Papers that bridge
: disciplines or combine theory and practice are especially welcome.
: Important dates
: Submissions of workshop/tutorial proposals: February 15, 2000
: Submissions of abstracts: March 11, 2000
: Submissions of papers: March 15, 2000
: Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2000
: Camera-ready papers due: June 30, 2000
: Conference site
: Located in Southeast Asia, the Republic of Singapore is a safe and
: clean city-state. Known as the Lion City, Singapore is a modern
: metropolis with one of the world's busiest ports and a world-class
: airport. At the same time, the small tropical island has retained many
: elements of its colonial past. The multiethnic nature of the
: population provides a rich and varied cultural, religious, and
: linguistic heritage. The conference will be take place at a hotel in
: the city center to be announced soon.
: Submissions
: Papers must be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
: Research papers can be up to 15 proceedings pages, and poster papers
: can be up to 5 pages. Submission should be done by sending two emails
: to cp2000(a)
: The first email (to be received by March 11) should have the subject
: "CP2000 Abstract: " followed by the paper title. The body of this
: first email should contain the title, authors and a short abstract of
: the paper, all in plain text. The second email (by March 15) should
: have subject "CP2000 Paper: " followed by the paper title. The body
: of this second email should contain a postscript file. All authors
: must be prepared to send a hardcopy by fast airmail upon request.
: Authors who are unable to submit electronically can mail five paper
: copies to the program chair, to arrive on or before the submission
: deadline.
: Publication
: The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture
: Notes in Computer Science series. A special issue of the Constraints
: journal (Kluwer Academic Publishers) is planned, based on selected
: papers.
: Workshops and Tutorials
: Workshops and tutorials are planned for Monday, September 18, and
: Friday, September 22, 2000. Workshop and tutorial proposals should
: be submitted to the workshop chair Toby Walsh via email at
: tw(a) by February 15, 2000.
: Conference Chair
: Roland Yap
: School of Computing
: National University of Singapore
: S16, Level 5, 3 Science Drive 2
: Singapore 117543, Republic of Singapore
: Phone: +65 874-2972
: Fax: +65 779-4580
: ryap(a)
: Program Chair
: Rina Dechter
: Information and Computer Science
: University of California
: Irvine CA 92697-3425, USA
: Phone: +1 (949) 824-6556
: Fax: +1 (949) 824-4056
: dechter(a)
: cp2000(a)
: Workshop Chair
: Toby Walsh
: Department of Computer Science
: The University of York
: Heslington
: YORK, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
: Phone: +44 1904 432722
: Fax: +44 1904 432767
: tw(a)
: Program Committee
: Krzysztof Apt (CWI),
: Roberto Bayardo (IBM, Almaden),
: Peter van Beek (University of Alberta),
: Alexander Bockmayr (LORIA),
: Alex Brodsky (George Mason University),
: Philippe Codognet (University of Paris, 6),
: Boi Faltings (LIA-EPFL),
: Ian Gent (University of Strathclyde),
: John Hooker (CMU),
: Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore),
: Peter Jeavons (Oxford University),
: Henry Kautz (AT&T Labs),
: Manolis Koubarakis (Technical University of Crete),
: Michael Maher (Griffith University),
: Jean-Francois Puget (ILOG),
: Barbara Smith (University of Leeds),
: Francesca Rossi (University of Padova),
: Helmut Simonis (Cosytec),
: Christian Schulte (Univ. des Saarlandes),
: Makoto Yokoo (NTT)
: Organizing Committee
: Alan Borning (Univ. of Washington),
: Alex Brodsky (George Mason University),
: Jacques Cohen (Brandeis Univ.),
: Alain Colmerauer (Univ. of Marseille),
: Eugene Freuder, chair (Univ. of New Hampshire),
: Herve. Gallaire (Xerox),
: Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore),
: Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (Univ. of Paris Sud),
: Jean-Louis Lassez (New Mexico Tech),
: Michael Maher (Griffith University),
: Ugo Montanari (Univ. of Pisa),
: Anil Nerode (Cornell Univ.),
: Jean-Francois Puget (ILOG),
: Francesca Rossi (University of Padova),
: Vijay Saraswat (AT&T Research),
: Gert Smolka (Univ. des Saarlandes),
: Ralph Wachter (Office of Naval Research)
: ______________________________________________________________________
: distributed by publicity chair Martin Henz (
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [henz(a) (Martin Henz)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 09:57:52 +0800 (GMT-8):
: CP2000
: Sixth International Conference on Principles and Practice of
: Constraint Programming
: Call For CP2000 Post-Conference Workshop Proposals
: The Sixth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
: Programming (CP2000) will be held in Singapore from September 18-22, 2000.
: It is the main conference devoted to all aspects of computing with constraints
: including: algorithms, applications, environments, languages, models, systems.
: In conjunction with the main conference, several post-conference
: workshops are planned for the last day of the conference on September 22nd.
: One role of the post-conference workshops is to promote new and emerging
: areas within the field of constraints. A second role is to provide a platform
: for the presentation of preliminary work or novel ideas in a less
: formal way than the conference itself. It is an opportunity to disseminate
: work in progress, particularly so for new researchers. Finally the workshops
: may provide a venue for presenting more specialised topics and
: opportunities for more intensive discussions and exchange of ideas.
: The topics of the workshops can cover any area related to constraints
: and any related cross-disciplinary areas.
: The format of the workshop will be determined by the organizers.
: Workshops can vary in length with an expected duration ranging from
: half a day up to one day. Having two or three co-organizers for a
: workshop is strongly advised.
: How to Propose a Workshop:
: --------------------------
: Proposals for workshops should be in English and between two to four pages
: in length. They should contain:
: * the title of the workshop
: * a brief technical description of the topics covered by the workshop
: * a discussion of the timeliness and relevance of the workshop
: * the names, and affiliations of the workshop organizing committee
: * contact details (email, web page, phone, fax, etc) for the
: designated contact person within the workshop organizing committee
: * a preliminary plan/schedule for organizing the workshop
: * a list of workshops previously organized by any of the
: workshop organizing committee.
: Workshop organizers will be responsible for:
: * Producing a "Call for Papers" for the workshop and posting it
: on the net and/or other means. Please provide a web page/URL which can
: be linked into the CP2000 home page.
: * Providing a brief description of the workshop for the conference program.
: * Reviewing/accepting submitted papers.
: * Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the local organizers
: and the workshop chair.
: * Making the accepted papers available to the workshop participants.
: Submission Procedure:
: ---------------------
: Proposals should be submitted electronically (in ASCII, Ghostscript
: compatible Postscript or LaTeX) to the CP2000 Workshop Chair, Toby Walsh,
: at the following address:
: Toby Walsh, CP2000 Workshop Chair
: Artificial Intelligence Group
: Department of Computer Science
: University of York
: York YO10 5DD, U.K.
: Email: tw(a)
: Tel: +44 1904 432745
: Fax: +44 1904 432767
: Deadlines:
: ----------
: Workshop proposal submission by: Tu, Feb 15, 2000
: Notification by: Tu, March 7, 2000
: For more information, please see the CP2000 home page:
: ______________________________________________________________________
: Distributed by publicity chair Martin Henz (
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)