-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP-Special Issue in Springer Cluster Computing
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2021 13:19:11 +0200
From: Ejub Kajan <dr.ejubkajan(a)gmail.com>
To: agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, SOCNET(a)lists.ufl.edu,
aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, SEWORLD(a)sigsoft.org
CC: Yucong Duan <duanyucong(a)hotmail.com>, Dr. Zakaria Maamar
Special Issue on
Enterprise Architectures in the IoT Era
- Challenges, Solutions, and Recommendations -
Internet of Things (IoT), one of the fastest growing Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), is impacting organizations from all
perspectives (e.g., operational, legal, financial, and competitiveness)
forcing them to review their functional and non-functional practices.
According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), ``IoT spending will
increase by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.6% from 2017 to
2022, reaching $1.2 trillion within the next four years. It is also
predicted 41 billion IoT devices by 2027 and 70% of automobiles will be
connected to the Internet by 2023.
To tap into the endless benefits and uses of IoT, the design principles and
foundations of organizations’ enterprise architectures are expected to
adjust to ensure a smooth integration of IoT into these architectures’
foundations namely organization, business, information, application, and
technology. Aiming at examining these foundations separately and then
collectively, this special issue will report about the latest advances and
developments in the dynamic field of enterprise architecture in the IoT
era. The special issue will cover issues like lack of techniques and
guidelines that would enable enterprises to integrate IoT into the life
cycle of designing, developing, and deploying enterprise architectures.
This integration should lead to a new generation of enterprise
architectures that would foster not only a deeper retrospect on the
involved interactive digital resources inside the life cycle covering data
collection, information analysis, knowledge reasoning and wisdom
strategies, but also a better understanding of potential threats as well as
the development of new ways of aligning business and ICT resources together
to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise in the background of the
Artificial Intelligence (AI) trend.
Whilst, on the one hand, IoT enacts many opportunities that enterprises
could tap into, there are also obstacles that could undermine these
opportunities, on the other hand. Some of these obstacles are lack of
standards that cover both enterprise architecture and IoT, security holes
that potentially exist in IoT devices making them questionable in terms of
trust, security, and privacy, IoT limitations like silo restriction,
computational capabilities, lack of semantic technologies that should
describe IoT in a machine-understandable manner, just to mention some.
Topics of Interest
Topics for discussions in this special issue include, but are not limited
* Standards for IoT-based enterprise architecture.
* Enterprise architecture for Industry 4.0.
* Fog/Cloud collaboration in enterprise architecture (F2F, F2C, C2C)
* Data science for IoT-based enterprise architecture.
* Semantic technologies for IoT-based enterprise architecture.
* Agentification of IoT-based enterprise architecture.
* Interoperability inside and between IoT-based enterprise architecture.
* Guidelines and best practices for IoT-based enterprise architecture
* Privacy, trust, and security of IoT-based enterprise architecture.
* Context management and awareness for IoT-based enterprise architecture
* Case studies related to IoT-based enterprise architecture.
Submission guidelines
Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one
of the topics of the Special Issue and the journal theme. In case of
extended papers from conferences/workshops please make sure that your cover
letter includes main improvements in the journal manuscript, and that you
are submitting to this special issue, as well.
All submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance,
significance of contribution, technical quality, and quality of
presentation. Manuscripts should be prepared according to Guide for Authors
as published in Cluster Computing Journal at
https://www.springer.com/journal/10586/submission-guidelines. We invite
prospective authors to submit their manuscripts via the online submission
system on the main journal page.
Papers that either lack originality, clarity of presentation, or fall
outside the scope of the special issue will not be sent for review and
authors will be promptly informed in such cases.
Important dates
* Manuscript Submission Deadline: 15 December 2021
* Initial Decision: 15 February 2022
* Revised Manuscript Due: 15 Mart 2022
* Final Decision: 15 April 2022
* Final Manuscript Due: 30 May 2022
Guest Editors
* Ejub Kajan, State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia
Contact email: dr.ejubkajan(a)gmail.com
* Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE
* Yucong Duan, Hainan University, Haikou, China
*Dr. Ejub Kajan*
*Associate Professor*
*State University of Novi Pazar*
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2021 Health Information Technology Symposium (HITS)
Call for Papers, December 12 2021 - Pre-ICIS
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2021 15:38:53 +0000
From: Matt W. Wimble <mwimble(a)suffolk.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call For Papers
2021 HITS- Health Information Technology Symposium (Formerly the
SIG-Health Pre-ICIS Workshop)
An AIS SIG-Health Sponsored Workshop
Sunday, December 12, 2021 1:00pm to 5:00pm, Austin TX, USA
Theme: On the Road Again – Health IT and Mobility
HITS (formerly the SIG-Health Pre-ICIS Workshop) is a pre-conference
activity of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
hosted by the Special Interest Group Health IT (SIGHEALTH). It provides
a forum for those working on information technology in the context of
healthcare. We welcome both research-in-progress and completed work on a
broad range of topics and methodologies. Authors do not have to be
SIG-Health members to participate. Please note that the papers do not
have to fit the theme, just relate to health IT in general.
The papers will not be included in conference proceedings and so authors
retain all copyrights to their work. However, accepted papers will be
listed with author names, affiliations and title on the AIS SIG-Health
website. Authors will have the option to include their final extended
abstract on the website as well.
The workshop is restricted to 40 participants and will include
presentations and roundtable discussions. All submitted work will be
reviewed by the co-chairs and other workshop authors. All accepted
papers will then be presented and discussed during roundtable
discussions to provide authors with help, feedback, suggestions, and to
facilitate future collaborations. We will have 3-5 authors per table to
facilitate discussion. The two papers with highest review scores may be
presented to all workshop attendees. The interactive format of the
workshop is geared towards providing a high degree of feedback to
authors with promising early-stage work, but is certainly open to
developed and completed research as well.
Workshop Registration Fees (Early bird, regular, onsite):
In-Person Attendance with ICIS registration:
AIS Academic Member = $20
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $10
In-Person Attendance – Workshop Only:
AIS Academic Member = $20
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $10
Virtual Attendance with ICIS registration:
AIS Academic Member = $10
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $0
Virtual Attendance – Workshop Only:
AIS Academic Member = $10
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $10
Submission Instructions:
We will request extended abstracts for presentation at the workshop.
Papers must be in English, and need to contain original research. Only
one paper per first author will be accepted.
To submit a paper:
-Submit your work at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hits2021
-Create a single pdf file containing an extended abstract that is no
longer than six pages (blinded, 11-pt font, one-inch margins on four
sides, double-spaced).
Please note the extended abstract format of this workshop. Manuscripts
which fail to comply with the formatting requirements will likely be
rejected. Do not send full length papers. This workshop is designed to
given authors of papers at many stages of development timely feedback,
therefore authors need to adhere to the format guidelines to facilitate
a timely review process.
Please note: By submitting, the author team agrees to perform two
reviews of other abstracts submitted to the workshop. This is done to
ensure each manuscript gets two reviews.
Important dates:
-Deadline for workshop submissions: Friday, October 15, 2021
-Deadline for reviews: Friday November 5, 2021
-Notification of Acceptance: Monday November 8, 2021 (target date)
-Workshop: December 12, 2021 (details on start and end time will be
provided later as room assignments are done)
Workshop Chairs:
Renée Pratt, Ph.D.
2017 HITS Co-Chair
Associate Clinical Professor, Auburn University (USA)
Matt Wimble, PhD
2021 HITS Co-Chair
Assistant Professor, Suffolk University (USA)
Matt Wimble, PhD
Assistant Professor
Suffolk University
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. "
- Ernest Hemingway
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [CFP] The 37th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC 2022) - Graph Models for Learning and Recognition (GMLR) Track
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:49:29 +0200
From: fulvio.frati(a)unimi.it
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** ACM SAC 2022 ***
Graph Models for Learning and Recognition (GMLR) Track
The 37th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2022)
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic
<http://phuselab.di.unimi.it/GMLR2022> http://phuselab.di.unimi.it/GMLR2022
The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2022) has been a primary
gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers,
software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC
2022 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
(SIGAPP), and will be held in Brno, Czech Republic. The technical track on
Graph Models for Learning and Recognition (GMLR) is the first edition and is
organized within SAC 2022. Graphs have gained a lot of attention in the
pattern recognition community thanks to their ability to encode both
topological and semantic information. Encouraged by the success of CNNs, a
wide variety of methods have redefined the notion of convolution for graphs.
These new approaches have in general enabled effective training and achieved
in many cases better performances than competitors, though at the detriment
of computational costs. Typical examples of applications dealing with
graph-based representation are: scene graph generation, point clouds
classification, and action recognition in computer vision; text
classification, inter-relations of documents or words to infer document
labels in natural language processing; forecasting traffic speed, volume or
the density of roads in traffic networks, whereas in chemistry researchers
apply graph-based algorithms to study the graph structure of
This track intends to focus on all aspects of graph-based representations
and models for learning and recognition tasks. GMLR spans, but is not
limited to, the following topics:
- Graph Neural Networks: theory and applications
- Deep learning on graphs
- Graph or knowledge representational learning
- Graphs in pattern recognition
- Graph databases and linked data in AI
- Benchmarks for GNN
- Dynamic, spatial and temporal graphs
- Graph methods in computer vision
- Human behavior and scene understanding
- Social networks analysis
- Data fusion methods in GNN
- Efficient and parallel computation for graph learning algorithms
- Reasoning over knowledge-graphs
- Interactivity, explainability and trust in graph-based learning
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Biomedical data analytics on graphs
Authors of selected top papers of this track will be asked to publish an
extended version in a Special Issue of a Journal (the journal will be
announced soon).
Submission of regular papers: October 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance/rejection: December 10, 2021
Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: December 21, 2021
SAC Conference: April 25 - 29, 2022
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers of research
and applications for this track. The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must
not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be in the
third person. This is to facilitate double-blind review. Please, visit the
website for more information about submission
Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper/poster
in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST
present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be included
in the ACM digital library. No-show of registered papers and posters will
result in excluding them from the ACM digital library.
Donatello Conte (University of Tours)
Giuliano Grossi (University of Milan)
Raffaella Lanzarotti (University of Milan)
Jianyi Lin (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Jean-Yves Ramel (University of Tours)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] [CFP] The 37th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC
2022) - Graph Models for Learning and Recognition (GMLR) Track
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:49:39 +0200
From: fulvio.frati(a)unimi.it
Reply-To: fulvio.frati(a)unimi.it
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
*** ACM SAC 2022 ***
Graph Models for Learning and Recognition (GMLR) Track
The 37th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2022)
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic
http://phuselab.di.unimi.it/GMLR2022 <http://phuselab.di.unimi.it/GMLR2022>
The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2022) has been a primary
gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers,
software engineers, and application developers from around the world.
SAC 2022 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied
Computing (SIGAPP), and will be held in Brno, Czech Republic. The
technical track on Graph Models for Learning and Recognition (GMLR) is
the first edition and is organized within SAC 2022. Graphs have gained a
lot of attention in the pattern recognition community thanks to their
ability to encode both topological and semantic information. Encouraged
by the success of CNNs, a wide variety of methods have redefined the
notion of convolution for graphs. These new approaches have in general
enabled effective training and achieved in many cases better
performances than competitors, though at the detriment of computational
costs. Typical examples of applications dealing with graph-based
representation are: scene graph generation, point clouds classification,
and action recognition in computer vision; text classification,
inter-relations of documents or words to infer document labels in
natural language processing; forecasting traffic speed, volume or the
density of roads in traffic networks, whereas in chemistry researchers
apply graph-based algorithms to study the graph structure of
This track intends to focus on all aspects of graph-based
representations and models for learning and recognition tasks. GMLR
spans, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Graph Neural Networks: theory and applications
- Deep learning on graphs
- Graph or knowledge representational learning
- Graphs in pattern recognition
- Graph databases and linked data in AI
- Benchmarks for GNN
- Dynamic, spatial and temporal graphs
- Graph methods in computer vision
- Human behavior and scene understanding
- Social networks analysis
- Data fusion methods in GNN
- Efficient and parallel computation for graph learning algorithms
- Reasoning over knowledge-graphs
- Interactivity, explainability and trust in graph-based learning
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Biomedical data analytics on graphs
Authors of selected top papers of this track will be asked to publish an
extended version in a Special Issue of a Journal (the journal will be
announced soon).
Submission of regular papers: October 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance/rejection: December 10, 2021
Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: December 21, 2021
SAC Conference: April 25 - 29, 2022
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers of
research and applications for this track. The author(s) name(s) and
address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference
should be in the third person. This is to facilitate double-blind
review. Please, visit the website for more information about submission
Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the
paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy
attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the
paper/poster to be included in the ACM digital library. No-show of
registered papers and posters will result in excluding them from the ACM
digital library.
Donatello Conte (University of Tours)
Giuliano Grossi (University of Milan)
Raffaella Lanzarotti (University of Milan)
Jianyi Lin (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Jean-Yves Ramel (University of Tours)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2021 Health Information Technology Symposium (HITS)
Call for Papers, December 12 2021 - Pre-ICIS
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 13:56:52 +0000
From: Matt W. Wimble <mwimble(a)suffolk.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: rpratt(a)auburn.edu <rpratt(a)auburn.edu>
Call For Papers
2021 HITS- Health Information Technology Symposium (Formerly the
SIG-Health Pre-ICIS Workshop)
An AIS SIG-Health Sponsored Workshop
Sunday, December 12, 2021 1:00pm to 5:00pm, Austin TX, USA
Theme: On the Road Again – Health IT and Mobility
HITS (formerly the SIG-Health Pre-ICIS Workshop) is a pre-conference
activity of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
hosted by the Special Interest Group Health IT (SIGHEALTH). It provides
a forum for those working on information technology in the context of
healthcare. We welcome both research-in-progress and completed work on a
broad range of topics and methodologies. Authors do not have to be
SIG-Health members to participate. Please note that the papers do not
have to fit the theme, just relate to health IT in general.
The papers will not be included in conference proceedings and so authors
retain all copyrights to their work. However, accepted papers will be
listed with author names, affiliations and title on the AIS SIG-Health
website. Authors will have the option to include their final extended
abstract on the website as well.
The workshop is restricted to 40 participants and will include
presentations and roundtable discussions. All submitted work will be
reviewed by the co-chairs and other workshop authors. All accepted
papers will then be presented and discussed during roundtable
discussions to provide authors with help, feedback, suggestions, and to
facilitate future collaborations. We will have 3-5 authors per table to
facilitate discussion. The two papers with highest review scores may be
presented to all workshop attendees. The interactive format of the
workshop is geared towards providing a high degree of feedback to
authors with promising early-stage work, but is certainly open to
developed and completed research as well.
Workshop Registration Fees (Early bird, regular, onsite):
In-Person Attendance with ICIS registration:
AIS Academic Member = $20
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $10
In-Person Attendance – Workshop Only:
AIS Academic Member = $20
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $10
Virtual Attendance with ICIS registration:
AIS Academic Member = $10
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $0
Virtual Attendance – Workshop Only:
AIS Academic Member = $10
AIS Professional Member = $25
AIS Student = $10
Submission Instructions:
We will request extended abstracts for presentation at the workshop.
Papers must be in English, and need to contain original research. Only
one paper per first author will be accepted.
To submit a paper:
-Submit your work at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hits2021
-Create a single pdf file containing an extended abstract that is no
longer than six pages (blinded, 11-pt font, one-inch margins on four
sides, double-spaced).
Please note the extended abstract format of this workshop. Manuscripts
which fail to comply with the formatting requirements will likely be
rejected. Do not send full length papers. This workshop is designed to
given authors of papers at many stages of development timely feedback,
therefore authors need to adhere to the format guidelines to facilitate
a timely review process.
Please note: By submitting, the author team agrees to perform two
reviews of other abstracts submitted to the workshop. This is done to
ensure each manuscript gets two reviews.
Important dates:
-Deadline for workshop submissions: Friday, October 15, 2021
-Deadline for reviews: Friday November 5, 2021
-Notification of Acceptance: Monday November 8, 2021 (target date)
-Workshop: December 12, 2021 (details on start and end time will be
provided later as room assignments are done)
Workshop Chairs:
Renée Pratt, Ph.D.
2017 SIG Health Workshop Co-Chair
Associate Clinical Professor, Auburn University (USA)
Matt Wimble, PhD
2021 SIG Health Workshop Co-Chair
Assistant Professor, Suffolk University (USA)
Matt Wimble, PhD
Assistant Professor
Suffolk University
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. "
- Ernest Hemingway
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Journal of Information Technology (JIT) Special
Issue on Products of Theorizing
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2021 13:37:42 -0500
From: Nik Rushdi Hassan <nhassan(a)d.umn.edu>
To: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce and launch the Journal of Information Technology
(JIT) Special Issue titled "Products of Theorizing: Towards Native Theories
of Emerging Information Technology" (click here for more details)
The goal of this special issue is to showcase exemplars from the “products
of theorizing” approach that focus on approximations of IS theory. This
“products of theorizing” perspective on theory celebrates the outputs of
the “interim struggles” (Weick, 1995) that characterize theory generation.
It holds the promise that interim conceptual artefacts of theorizing such
as models, metaphors, frameworks and concepts that belong to the discipline
are valuable as they can be leveraged and exploited further in subsequent
research. In this way, a discipline might inch its way towards native
theories over time. We are looking for articles that go beyond derivative
theories and push the envelope of theorizing towards native products of
To ensure that submissions meet the goals of the special issue, authors are
encouraged to submit an extended abstract to the editors (myself, Nik
Rushdi Hassan, nhassan(a)d.umn.edu, Leslie Willcocks (willcockslp(a)aol.com ),
Suzanne Rivard (suzanne.rivard(a)hec.ca) and Ulrike Schultze
by Oct 24, 2021. The SIGPHIL will also be holding a workshop at ICIS 2021
(Austin) on Dec 12-13 based on the same theme (Products of Theorizing)
Submissions are due on Jan 15, 2022.
Nik, Leslie, Suzanne & Ulrike
Nik Rushdi Hassan, PhD and Assoc. Professor of MIS
Labovitz School of Business and Economics
University of Minnesota Duluth
1318 Kirby Drive, LSBE 385A
Duluth MN 55812
Office Phone: (218) 726-7453
Fax: (218) 726-7578
Home Page:www.d.umn.edu/~nhassan
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: The Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2021)
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2021 17:35:48 +0000
From: Fan, Shaokun <shaokun.fan(a)oregonstate.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The Workshop on e-Business (WeB) 2021
Call for Papers
December 11, 2021, Virtual Conference
Conference Website: http://2021.ebizworkshop.org/
(in conjunction with International Conference on Information Systems)
The Workshop on e-Business (WeB) is a premier annual one-day conference
on e-Business and e-Commerce held in conjunction with the International
Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). The purpose of WeB is to
provide an open forum for e-Business researchers and practitioners
world-wide, to share topical research findings, explore novel ideas,
discuss success stories and lessons learned, map out major challenges,
and collectively chart future directions for e-Business.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 20th Workshop on e-Business
(WeB) will be held virtually, on December 11, 2021.
The theme of WeB 2021 is “From Grand Challenges to Everlasting
Solutions: Digital Transformation in the Age of COVID-19”. The past
decade has witnessed an unrelenting exponential growth in digital and
e-Business technologies that transform how we interact, live and work –
from communication to entertainment to employment. Adoption of these
technologies has never been more important than in current times. When
the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the physical world, many business
industries, ranging from retail, restaurant, finance to education, were
compelled to swiftly migrate into remote / digital environments in order
to survive. As the world has started to slowly recover from this
unprecedented event, the sustainability and the longevity of such rapid
digital transformation is now a matter of debate. The purpose of this
conference is to provide a forum for IS academics and practitioners to
identify and explore the issues, opportunities, and solutions related to
e-Business, digital transformation, and IT-enabled recovery in the
post-pandemic era.
We invite original research articles with a broad coverage of topics on
consumers, citizens, businesses, industries and governments, ranging
from technical to strategic issues. Suggested research topics include,
but are not limited to, the following areas:
* Digital transformation
* Digital recovery
* Digital inclusion
* Innovative e-Business models for crisis management
* Artificial intelligence enabled business applications
* Artificial intelligence and model biases
* Social, ethical, policy, and privacy issues related to e-Business
* Mobile business and applications
* The future of e-business in the post-pandemic age
* Research methods/methodology and agendas related to e-Business
Important Dates:
* Submission Deadline: Sep. 30, 2021
* Notification of Acceptance: Nov.15, 2021
* Final Version Due: Nov. 30, 2021
Submission Guidelines:
All papers must be submitted online via the EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=web2021), and will undergo
blind reviews. We solicit both completed research and
research-in-progress submissions. Complete research papers should be no
more than 12 pages in length, including abstract, figures, tables, and
references. Research-in-progress papers should not exceed 7 pages.
All texts (excluding title and section headings) must be in 12-point
Times New Roman font. The paper must be single-spaced with 1-inch
margin. Submission file formats are PDF and Microsoft Word. The first
page of the paper should include the title and the abstract. Please do
not disclose any author information in the manuscript. Authors of the
accepted papers will present their work in the workshop.
Post-conference Publication
With the authors’ consent, accepted conference papers will be published
as a Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) by Springer.
Organizing Committee:
Honorary Chairs:
Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona, USA
Michael J. Shaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Andrew B. Whinston, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Conference Co-Chairs:
Shaokun Fan, Oregon State University, USA
Noyan Ilk, Florida State University, USA
Zhe “Jay” Shan, Miami University, USA
Kexin Zhao, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Publicity Chairs
Prasanna Karhade, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Xiao Liu, Arizona State University, USA
Advisory Committee:
Kenny Cheng, University of Florida, USA
Ming Fan, University of Washington, USA
Karl Lang, City University of New York, Baruch College, USA
Jennifer Xu, Bentley University, USA
Han Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Bin Zhu, Oregon State University, USA
Shaokun Fan
Assistant Professor in Business Analytics
Dean's Fellowship in Excellence
College of Business | Oregon State University
488 Austin Hall | Corvallis, OR 97331
541-737-6065 |
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Information Systems Journal: Special Issue Call for
Papers on Transforming to a Sustainable Visitor Economy with Information
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2021 09:25:48 +0000
From: Brad McKenna (NBS - Staff) <B.Mckenna(a)uea.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Information Systems Journal
Special Issue Call for Papers
Transforming to a Sustainable Visitor Economy with Information Systems
Manuscript deadline: 31 July 2022
Special Issue Guest Editors:
Brad McKenna, University of East Anglia
Wenjie Cai, University of Greenwich
Tuure Tuunanen, University of Jyväskylä
The visitor economy, which includes the tourism, hospitality, and events
sectors, has the potential to contribute to the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that information systems
research can bring new insights and produce new knowledge for a
sustainable digital visitor economy. Therefore, this special issue calls
for new theoretical developments at the intersection of the visitor
economy, information systems, and sustainability. Examples of
sustainability include good health and wellbeing (SDG3), gender equality
(SDG5), decent work and economic growth (SDG8), industry, innovation,
and infrastructure (SDG9), or sustainable cities and communities
(SDG11), among others. We welcome qualitative, quantitative, design
science, mixed methods, and conceptual papers within any aspect of the
visitor economy. We encourage submissions that also explore the
environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts of the visitor
economy from an information systems perspective.
The Call for Papers is now available at:
We welcome papers based on, but not limited to, the following topics.
All papers must be aligned with at least one of the UN Sustainable
Development Goals:
- The role of information systems in cultural, natural landscapes, and
heritage preservation.
- Artificial intelligence, robotics, and service jobs.
- Information systems, wellbeing, and travel (e.g., digital passports,
e-mindfulness, digital-free tourism).
- Technological innovation and hospitality food waste.
- The sharing economy, peer-to-peer accommodation, and overtourism.
- The role of information systems in social exclusion/inclusion (e.g.,
LGBT+, disabled travellers, ethnic minorities, income inequalities,
gender, accessibility, and digital literacy).
- Smart tourist destinations, hospitality and exhibition venues, or
mega-events (e.g., Olympics, FIFA World Cup, Eurovision Song Contest).
- (Un)ethical use or the dark side of information systems in the visitor
- Community-based tourism, pro-poor tourism, social entrepreneurship,
and digital empowerment.
- Information systems and sustainable destination and event management.
- Innovation in sustainable operations, marketing, and management.
- Social media in a sustainable visitor economy (the impact of
glamourisation, influencers, fake news, or conspiracy theories).
- How economic impacts as a result of digitalisation has
knock-on-effects for visitors, employees, residents, and other
stakeholder’s health and wellbeing.
- Digital transformation of the visitor economy in the post-COVID era.
- Sustainability issues arising from the digitalisation of visitor
- The design of sustainable information systems solutions (e.g., design
thinking, design science).
- Digital innovations and the visitor economy’s impact on the climate
and natural resources.
The submission deadline is 31 July 2022 which will not be extended.
Please follow the ISJ’s Author Guidelines when preparing and submitting
manuscripts. Submissions will be made through
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/isj and please indicate that the paper
is for the special issue. All papers will be initially screened by the
special issue guest editors to assess their fit with the special issue.
Manuscripts that pass the initial screening will go through the review
process. Reviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.
For queries about suitability of your work for the special issue, please
contact the special issue guest editors.
Best wishes,
Dr Brad McKenna
Associate Professor in Information Systems
Chair, IFIP Working Group 9.5 ‘Our Digital Lives’
Norwich Business School
University of East Anglia
United Kingdom
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] PADL 2022 - Second Call For Papers - Abstract
Registration Deadline October 1
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 15:19:44 +0200
From: cfp(a)mat.unical.it
Reply-To: cfp(a)mat.unical.it
To: cfp(a)mat.unical.it
[Apologies for multiple postings]
=== Second Call for Papers ===
24th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
(PADL 2022)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
17-18th January 2022
Co-located with POPL 2022
Conference Description
Declarative languages comprise several well-established classes of
formalisms, namely, functional, logic, and constraint programming. Such
formalisms enjoy both sound theoretical bases and the availability of
attractive frameworks for application development. Indeed, they have been
already successfully applied to many different real-world situations,
ranging from database management to active networks to software
engineering to decision support systems.
New developments in theory and implementation fostered applications in new
areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel
and challenging problems raise many interesting research issues, including
designing for scalability, language extensions for application deployment,
and programming environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the
theory and implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this
progress as well.
PADL is a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to
present original work emphasizing novel applications and implementation
techniques for all forms of declarative programming, including functional
and logic programming, database and constraint programming, and theorem
Topic of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Innovative applications of declarative languages
- Declarative domain-specific languages and applications
- Practical applications of theoretical results
- New language developments and their impact on applications
- Declarative languages and software engineering
- Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications
- Practical experiences and industrial applications
- Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom
- Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and
reactive languages
PADL 2022 especially welcomes new ideas and approaches related to
applications, design and implementation of declarative languages going
beyond the scope of the past PADL symposia, for example, advanced database
languages and contract languages, as well as verification and theorem
proving methods that rely on declarative languages.
PADL 2022 welcomes three kinds of submission:
* Technical papers (max. 15 pages)
Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished research
* Application papers (max. 8 pages)
Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical
applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or in areas
of research other than Computer Science. Application papers are expected
to describe complex and/or real-world applications that rely on an
innovative use of declarative languages. Application descriptions,
engineering solutions and real-world experiences (both positive and
negative) are solicited.
* Extended abstracts (max. 3 pages)
Describing new ideas, a new perspective on already published work, or
work-in-progress that is not yet ready for a full publication. Extended
abstracts will be posted on the symposium website but will not be
published in the formal proceedings.
All page limits exclude references. Submissions must be formatted
according to the standard Springer LNCS style. The conference proceedings
of PADL2022 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.
Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published
workshops proceedings may be submitted but the authors should notify the
program chairs about the place in which it has previously appeared.
PADL 2022 submissions are handled through the EasyChair conference
management system:
Important dates (tentative)
Abstract submission: 1 October 2021 (AoE)
Paper submission: 8 October 2021
Notification of acceptance: 5 November 2021
Symposium: 17-18th January 2022
PADL is co-located with POPL, which will take place January 16-22, 2022,
as a physical, virtual, or hybrid physical/virtual meeting.
We will be monitoring the Covid-19 situation and will announce a decision
on the nature of the meeting in time which will follow suit with POPL.
Distinguished Papers
The authors of a small number of distinguished papers will be invited to
submit a longer version for journal publication after the symposium. For
papers related to logic programming, in the journal Theory and Practice of
Logic Programming (TPLP)
and for papers related to functional programming, in Journal of Functional
Programming (JFP)
The extended journal submissions should include roughly 30% more content
including, for example, explanations for which there was no space,
illuminating examples and proofs, additional definitions and theorems,
further experimental results, implementational details and feedback from
practical/engineering use, extended discussion of related work and such
Invited Speakers
PADL 2022 features two invited talks by:
- Marcello Balduccini (https://www.sju.edu/faculty/marcello-balduccini/)
- Shriram Krishnamurthi (https://cs.brown.edu/~sk/)
- James Cheney, University of Edinburgh
- Simona Perri, University of Calabria
Programme Committee
Andres Löh, WellTyped
Chiaki Sakama, Wakayama University
Daniela Inclezan, Miami University
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University
Esra Erdem, Sabanci University
Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria
Jan Christiansen, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
Konstantin Schekotihin, University of Klagenfurt
Lionel Parreaux, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Marco Maratea, University of Genova
Marina De Vos, University of Bath
Martin Erwig, Oregon State University
Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt
Michael Greenberg, Stevens Institute of Technology
Paul Tarau, University of North Texas
Pavan Kumar Chittimalli, TCS Research, India
Pedro Cabalar, University of Corunna
Roly Perera, The Alan Turing Institute
Tomas Petricek, University of Kent
Torsten Grust, University of Tübingen
Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University
Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [final CfP] 7th International Summer School on
Software Engineering -- Virtual (originally: Bolzano, Italy)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 09:12:38 +0000
From: Camilli Matteo <Matteo.Camilli(a)unibz.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[Apologize for multiple posting]
The 7th International School on Software Engineering (ISE 2021)
September 28-29, 2021 ** VIRTUAL EVENT **
We are pleased to announce ISE School 2021, the 7th International Summer
School on Software Engineering co-organized by the Free University of
Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Innsbruck. The main theme of this
edition is:
**Global Software Engineering in the Age of COVID-19**
Because of the COVID-19 crisis, we have decided that ISE 2021 will not
take place physically but will be replaced by a virtual event.
Participants will have the opportunity to learn cutting-edge methods and
techniques in the area of global software engineering from leading
researchers and practitioners.
The ISE School 2021 features outstanding speakers, including:
- Darja Smite, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
- Sarah Beecham, Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre, UK
- John Noll, University of Hertfordshi, UK
- Gregorio Robles, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
More info at: https://seschool-series.github.io/2021/speakers.html
**PhD Students Forum**
The ISE School 2021 gives the opportunity to introduce yourself and
present your current work to the research community. The program
includes special sessions where participants have the possibility to
present their latest activities. We believe this represents a great
opportunity for young Ph.D. students to get feedback from experts in the
field and enrich the collaboration network.
More info at: https://seschool-series.github.io/2021/students.html
**Important Dates**
- Registration deadline: September 28, 2021
- School dates: September 28-29, 2021
The registration fee is EUR 100 and it includes attendance to all
tutorials and students' presentations. The registration fees will be
used to grant an honorarium to all the invited speakers for their
valuable effort. A certificate of attendance will be provided to each
participant upon completion of the school.
Further information about the registration can be found at:
**Program co-chairs**
Florian Auer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Matteo Camilli, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Ilenia Fronza, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
**Steering committee**
Michael Felderer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Claus Pahl, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Romain Robbes, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Barbara Russo, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
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