-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Workshop Proposal - 36th International
Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP2020)
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 17:18:46 +0100
From: Laura Pandolfo <lpandolfo(a)uniss.it>
Reply-To: Laura Pandolfo <lpandolfo(a)uniss.it>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
ICLP 2020
36th International Conference on Logic Programming
September 18 - September 24, 2020
University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
ICLP 2020, the 36th International Conference on Logic Programming,
will be held at the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, from
September 18 to September 24, 2020.
The ICLP conference series has a long standing tradition of hosting
a rich set of co-located workshops. ICLP workshops provide a unique
opportunity for the presentation and discussion of work that can be
preliminary in nature, novel ideas, and new open problems to a wide
and interested audience.
Co-located workshops also provide an opportunity for presenting
specialized topics and opportunities for intensive discussions and
project collaboration. The topics of the workshops co-located with
ICLP 2020 can cover any areas related to logic programming (e.g.,
theory, implementation, environments, language issues, alternative
paradigms, applications), including cross-disciplinary areas. However,
any relevant workshop proposal will be considered.
The format of the workshop will be decided by the workshop organizers,
but ample time should be allowed for general discussion. Workshops can
vary in length, but the optimal duration will be half a day or a full
Workshop Proposal:
Those interested in organizing a workshop at ICLP 2020 are invited to
submit a workshop proposal. Proposals should be in English and about
two pages in length. They should contain:
* The title of the workshop.
* A brief technical description of the topics covered by the workshop.
* A discussion of the timeliness and relevance of the workshop.
* A list of some related workshops held in the last years.
* The estimated length of the workshop and an estimate of the number
of expected attendees.
* The names, affiliation and contact details (email, web page,
phone) of the workshop organizers together with a designated
contact person.
* Previous experience of the workshop organizers in
workshop/conference organization.
Proposals are expected in text or PDF format. All proposals should be
submitted to the Workshop Chair by email by April 13, 2020.
Reviewing Process:
Each submitted proposal will be reviewed by the Workshop, Program and
General Chairs. Proposals that appear well-organized and that fit the
goals and scope of ICLP will be selected. The decision will be
notified by email to the responsible organizer by April 27, 2020.
The definitive length of the workshop will be planned according to the
number of submissions received by the different workshops. For every
accepted workshop, the ICLP local organizers will prepare a meeting
room. The workshops and the conference organizers will collaborate in
establishing a uniform approach to produce proficient and accessible
proceedings for the workshops.
Workshop Organizers' Tasks:
* Producing a "Call for Papers" for the workshop and posting it
on the Internet and other means. A web page URL should be provided
by May 25, 2020, and will be published on the ICLP 2020 home page.
* Providing a brief description of the workshop for the conference
* Reviewing/accepting submitted papers.
* Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the local
organizers and the Workshop Chair.
* Providing a workshop program in a format specified by the
conference organizers for posting by August 31, 2020.
* Coordinating the preparation of the workshop proceedings according
to the specifications provided by the Workshop Chair.
Workshops will be collocated with ICLP 2020 at the University of
Calabria, Rende, Italy. See the ICLP 2020 web site
(https://iclp2020.unical.it/) for location details.
Important Dates (Tentative):
April 13, 2020:Proposal submission deadline
April 27, 2020:Notification
May 25, 2020:Deadline for receipt of CfP and workshop web page URL
August 18, 2020: Deadline for acceptance notification of paper authors
August 31, 2020: Deadline for workshop program
Please submit your workshop proposals by email to the Workshop Chair.
Workshop Chair:
Martin Gebsermartin.gebser(a)aau.at
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
*Dona il 5x1000* all'Università degli Studi di Sassari
codice fiscale: 00196350904
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] *New Issue of EJIS* - a journal of the Operational
Research Society
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 16:27:32 +0000
From: Goodman, Richard <Richard.Goodman(a)tandf.co.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
***The European Journal of Information Systems - Volume 29 - Issue 1 -
Dear all,
The European Journal of Information Systems 29(1) is now available to
read on the journal homepage (http://www.tandfonline.com/tjis):
1. Artificial intelligence as digital agency - Pär J. Ågerfalk
1. Advancing a NeuroIS research agenda with four areas of societal
contributions - Jan vom Brocke, Alan Hevner, Pierre Majorique Léger,
Peter Walla & René Riedl
1. IT value creation in public sector: how IT-enabled capabilities
mitigate tradeoffs in public organisations - Jie Mein Goh & Alvaro E. Arenas
1. Conceptualisation and validation of system use reduction as a
self-regulatory IS use behaviour - Babajide Osatuyi & Ofir Turel
1. Building on shaky foundations? Lack of falsification and knowledge
contestation in IS theories, methods, and practices - Antti Salovaara,
Bikesh Raj Upreti, Jussi Ilmari Nykänen & Jani Merikivi
1. IT-based reminders for medication adherence: systematic review,
taxonomy, framework and research directions - Neetu Singh & Upkar Varshney
With best wishes,
Pär Ågerfalk and Michael Myers
The Editors
***Journal news***
1. Recent issues of EJIS, along with Health Systems and the Journal of
Business Analytics, are now freely available to all AIS members through
the AIS eLibrary
Richard Goodman
Portfolio Manager
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management | Journals Editorial
4 Park Square | Milton Park | Abingdon | Oxon | OX14 4RN
Direct Line: +44 (20) 701 77517
Information Classification: General
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] SEMANTiCS 2020, Amsterdam, Sep 7-10, Open Calls
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 15:25:00 +0100
From: Sebastian Hellmann <pr-aksw(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
Reply-To: Sebastian Hellmann <pr-aksw(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Apologies for cross-posting
SEMANTiCS - 16th International Conference on Semantic Systems, September
7 - 10, 2020
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
= Important Dates (specific track dates are given below)
* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18, 2020 (11:59 pm, Hawaiitime)
* Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2020
(11:59pm,Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 08, 2020 (11:59
pm,Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: July 06, 2020
(11:59pm, Hawaii time)
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
= Submission via Easychair on
Proceedings of SEMANTiCS 2020 EU are planned to be published by Springer
LNCS & CEUR. All proceedings will be made available open access.
SEMANTiCS 2020 EU particularly welcomes submissions on the following key
* Web Semantics & Linked (Open) Data
* Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, Graph Data Management and Deep Semantics
* Machine Learning & Deep Learning Techniques
* Semantic Information Management & Knowledge Integration
* Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Reasoning, Rules and Policies
* Natural Language Processing
* Data Quality Management and Assurance
* Explainable Artificial Intelligence
* Semantics in Data Science
* Trust, Data Privacy, and Security with Semantic Technologies
* Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems
* Special Sub-Topic: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
* Special Sub-Topic: LegalTech
* Special Sub-Topic: Blockchain and Semantics
We especially encourage contributions that illustrate the applicability
of the topics mentioned above for industrial purposes and/or illustrate
the business relevance of their contribution for specific industries.
We invite contributions to the following tracks:
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
== Research and Innovation Track ==
The Research and Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes papers on novel
scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the
conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been
submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must follow the guidelines
given in the author instructions, including references and optional
appendices. Each submission will be reviewed by several PC members who
will judge it based on its innovativeness, appropriateness, and impact
of results in terms of effectiveness at solving real problems.
= Important Dates:
* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18, 2020 (11:59 pm, Hawaii
* Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 08, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: July 06, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Author instructions: Reviews will be carried out in a single-blind mode.
Long papers should have a maximum length of 15 pages and short papers of
6 pages. Submissions should follow the guidelines of the Springer LNCS
format. The detailed Call for Research and Innovation papers is
available here: https://2020-eu.semantics.cc/calls
== Posters and Demos Track ==
The Posters and Demonstrations Track invites innovative work in
progress, late-breaking research and innovation results, and smaller
contributions in all fields related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data
in a broader sense. These include submissions on innovative applications
with impact on end users, such as demos of solutions that users may test
or that are yet in the conceptual phase but are worth discussing, and
also applications or pieces of code that may attract developers and
potential research or business partners.
= Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 22, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: July 22, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: August 01, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Author instructions: Proceedings are planned to be published via CEUR
Workshop Proceedings and should follow the guidelines of the Springer
LNCS format. The detailed Call for Poster and Demos papers is available
== Industry and Use Case Track ==
Focusing strongly on industry needs and ground breaking technology
trends SEMANTICS invites presentations on enterprise solutions that deal
with semantic processing of data and/or information. A special focus of
Semantics 2019 will be on the convergence of machine learning techniques
and knowledge graphs. Additional topics of interest are Enterprise
Knowledge Graphs, Semantic AI & Machine Learning, Enterprise Data
Integration, Linked Data & Data Publishing, Semantic Search,
Recommendation Services, Thesaurus and/or Ontology Management, Text
Mining, Data Mining and any related fields. All submissions should have
a strong focus on real-world applications beyond the prototypical stage
and demonstrate the power of semantic systems!
= Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2020 (11:59
pm,Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Presentation: August 24, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Submit your presentations here:
== Workshops and Tutorials ==
Workshops and Tutorials at SEMANTiCS 2018 allow your organisation or
project to advance and promote your topics and gain increased
visibility. The workshops and tutorials will provide a forum for
presenting widely recognised contributions and findings to a diverse and
knowledgeable community. Furthermore, the event can be used as a
dissemination activity in the scope of large research projects or as a
closed format for research and commercial project consortia meetings.
= Important Dates for Workshops:
* Proposals WS Deadline: March 23, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: April 20, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
= Important Dates for Tutorials (and other meetings, e.g. seminars,
show-cases, etc., without call for papers):
* Proposals Tutorial Deadline: May 11, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 01, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
== Special Calls ==
Special calls or sub-topics are dedicated towards specific topics that
are of special interest to the SEMANTiCS community. In case we receive a
sufficient amount of high quality submissions these topics will become
special tracks within the conference program. For 2020 SEMANTiCS
Amsterdam encourages submissions to the following sub-topics:
* Special Sub-Topic: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
* Special Sub-Topic: LegalTech
* Special Sub-Topic: Blockchain and Semantics
Each sub-topic is managed by a distinct committee and encourages
submissions from the scientific or industrial domain. Scientific
submissions will undergo a thorough review process and will be published
in the conference proceedings in case of acceptance. Industrial
submissions will be evaluated and selected according to the quality
criteria of the industry track. We are looking forward to your submissions!
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: 16th International Symposium on Open
Collaboration (OpenSym 2020)
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 11:24:10 +0000
From: Wang Xiaofeng <Xiaofeng.Wang(a)unibz.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
OpenSym 2020
The 16th International Symposium on Open Collaboration
25-27 August 2020 | Madrid, Spain
Website: http://www.opensym.org
The 16th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym
2020) is the premier conference on open collaboration research and
practice, including open source, open data, open science, open
education, wikis and related social media, Wikipedia, and IT-driven
open innovation research.
OpenSym is the first conference series to bring together the different
strands of open collaboration research and practice, seeking to create
synergies and inspire new collaborations between people from computer
science, information science, social science, humanities, and everyone
interested in understanding open collaboration and how it is changing
the world.
This year’s conference will be held in Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
(https://www.circulobellasartes.com/) in Madrid, Spain, on 25-27th
August 2020. A Doctoral Consortium will take place on 24 August 2020.
Research and community presentations and performances will be
accompanied by keynotes, invited speakers, and a social program. The
capital of Spain, Madrid is a vibrant city with a rich history with
plenty of
things to see and do. Madrid is easy to reach with all major airlines.
OpenSym 2020 invites submissions for a range of tracks, including full
research papers, posters, and Doctoral Consortium research proposals.
New this year are the New Ideas and Emerging Research (NIER) track,
and the Journal-First track. Also new this year is a Journal Article
Collection in Springer's Journal of Internet Services and Applications
to which the best papers in the conference are invited. The conference
topics are listed below.
The completed research paper submission deadline is 24 April 2020.
Submitted papers should present integrative reviews or original reports
of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical, and/or in the design,
development and/or deployment of novel concepts, systems, and
The New Ideas and Emerging Research (NIER) papers submission deadline
is 18 May 2020. The NIER track at OpenSym promotes innovative research
and current work in progress.
The poster submission deadline is 24 April 2020. To propose a poster,
authors should submit an extended abstract (not more than 2 pages)
describing the content of the poster.
Authors of any journal papers within scope of the conference that were
accepted for publication and made available during 2019 or 2020 are
invited to submit a Journal-First presentation proposal. The Journal-First
submission deadline is 18 May 2020.
The practitioner poster submission deadline will be in June 2020 (details
will follow later).
The deadline for submission to the Doctoral Consortium is 8 May 2020. The
OpenSym 2020 Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for
doctoral students to present and develop their research in an
and interactive workshop.
The Editors of the Journal of Internet Services and Applications
(https://jisajournal.springeropen.com/) have agreed to publish an
“Article Collection” (equivalent of a special issue) of the best papers
submitted to OpenSym 2020. (the equivalent of a special issue).
OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB (http://sigweb.org/) and
ACM SIGSOFT (http://sigsoft.org/) and the conference proceedings will be
archived in the ACM Digital Library (http://dl.acm.org/) like all prior
For more details on the various tracks, please visit
• Submission deadline: 24 April 2020
• Reviews sent to authors: 29 May 2020
• Response to reviews from authors due: 6 June 2020
• Decision notification: 14 June 2020
• Camera-ready papers due: 10 July 2020
• Submission deadline: 18 May 2020
• Decision notification: 26 June 2020
• Camera-ready papers due: 10 July 2020
• Submission deadline: 18 May 2020
• Decision notification: 25 June 2020
• Submission deadline: June 2020 (more info later)
• Decision notification: June 2020
• Submission deadline: 8 May 2020
• Decision notification: 12 June 2020
** TOPICS **
We are looking for submissions on, but not limited to,
the following topics:
Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
• FLOSS development communities, including both software engineering
aspects and human factors
• FLOSS development processes, such as code reviews, joining process.
• Best practices and case studies of open collaboration with FLOSS
• FLOSS collaboration beyond software (e.g. FLOSS collaboration for open
data/content, open standards, open hardware, etc.)
Wikipedia and Wikimedia Research
• Participation in Wikimedia communities
• Group Dynamics and Organization in Wikipedia and related projects
• Readership/Engagement on Wikipedia and related projects
• Technical Infrastructure and Design in Wikimedia projects
• Evaluating Content of Wikimedia projects
• Knowledge Diffusion, Outreach, and Generalization
Open Collaboration Research, esp. Wikis and Social Media
• Novel open collaboration technologies ranging from entirely new
socio-technical systems to MediaWiki extensions
• Wikis in corporations, academia, non-profits, and other organizations
• Online collaboration using social media technologies (e.g., Wikis,
Blogs, Twitter)
• Theoretical work on open collaboration
• Digital divides and open collaboration technologies
Open Data and Open Science
• Open data quality, standards, measures and metrics
• Open data and open science methods, applications and prototypes
• Best practices and case studies for Open Data and Open Science
• Repositories, networks and working platforms for open scientific
communication, collaboration, exchange and access to open knowledge
Open Education
• Tools and methods for managing, storing and sharing of Open
Educational Resources (OER)
• Open online learning environments such as MOOCs
• Enabling individual learning paths
• Connecting formal and informal learning
• Supporting self-paced learning and co-construction of knowledge
• Development of new knowledge or products (e.g. Maker Spaces),
collecting data (e.g. Citizen Science) or discussing political topics
(e.g. e-participation).
Open Innovation
• Architecture and design of open innovation systems
• The role of IT-artefacts in open and collaborative innovation activities
• Implementation of open innovation platforms in corporate IT landscapes
• IT security, intellectual property and personal anonymity in open
• Best practices and case studies of open data, open standards, open source
for open innovation
• Open innovation and Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM)
Open Policy/Open Government
• Open policy formulation and design
• Implications of open policies for governments
• Implementation of open policies
• Measuring the success and impact of open policies
• Best practices and cases studies of open policy/government
• Openness in various public initiatives (e.g. Smart Cities, Internet of
Open Standards
• Communities for development, maintenance, use, and implementation
of open standards
• Implications of open standards for governments and other organizations
• Open standards development processes
• Open standards and licensing aspects
Gregorio Robles, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Klaas-Jan Stol, University College Cork and Lero
Xiaofeng Wang, Free University of Bolzano
Javier Arroyo, Universidad Computense de Madrid
Valentina Lenarduzzi, Tampere University
Andrea Capiluppi, Brunel University
Claudia Müller-Birn, Free University Berlin
Simon Butler, University of Skövde
Felipe Ortega, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Antonio Balderas, Universidad de Cádiz
Dirk Riehle, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Jesús López Linares, Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2ND CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS: BOOK: Handbook of
Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry Applications
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 15:47:55 +1000
From: Zhaohao Sun <zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
BOOK: Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry
Intelligent analytics is an emerging scientific paradigm that integrates
big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, analytics and artificial
intelligence (AI) to provide smart services to our work, business, life,
industry and society. From a fundamental perspective, intelligent analytics
at least includes intelligent big data analytics, intelligent big
information analytics, intelligent big knowledge analytics, intelligent big
wisdom analytics. Intelligent analytics has been revolutionizing our work,
life, business, management, organization and industry. It becomes
disruptive technology for healthcare, web services, service computing,
cloud computing, 5G development, blockchain and social networking
computing. However, many fundamental, technological and managerial issues
in developing and applying intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications remain open. For example, what is the foundation of
intelligent analytics? what are the elements of intelligent analytics? What
are the real big characteristics of intelligent analytics? How can apply
intelligent analytics to improve healthcare, mobile commerce, web services,
cloud services, blockchain, 5G development, digital transformation and
industries? What is the effect of intelligent analytics on business,
management, the Internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain, service
and society? This book will address these issues by exploring the
cutting-edge theory, technologies and methodologies of intelligent
analytics with multi-industry applications and emphasize integration of AI,
business intelligence, big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, and analytics
from a perspective of computing, service and management. This book also
provides applications of the proposed theory, technologies and
methodologies of intelligent analytics to e-SMACS (electronic, social,
mobile, analytics, cloud and service) commerce and services, healthcare,
the Internet of things, sharing economy, cloud computing, blockchain, and
Industry 4.0 in the real world.
This book titled “Intelligent Analytics with Multi-industry Applications”
is the first book to reveal the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies of intelligent analytics with applications. This is also the
first book demonstrating that intelligent analytics is an important enabler
for developing cloud computing, 5G, blockchains, digital transformation,
business, management, governance and services in multi-industry
applications. The proposed approaches will facilitate research, development
and applications of intelligent analytics, big
data/information/knowledge/wisdom analytics, data science, digital
transformation, e-business and web service, service computing, cloud
computing and social computing.
Aims, Scope and Target Audience
This book’s primary aim is to convey the foundations, technologies,
thoughts, and methods of intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications to scientists, engineers, educators and university students,
business, service and management professionals, policy makers and decision
makers and others who have interest in big data, big information, big
knowledge and big intelligence and wisdom, intelligent analytics, AI, cloud
computing, the Internet of things (IoT), digital transformation, SMACS
intelligence and computing, commerce and service as well as data science,
information science, and knowledge science.
Primary audiences for this book are undergraduate, postgraduate students
and variety of professionals in the fields of big data, data science,
information science and technology, knowledge technology and engineering,
intelligence science, analytics, AI, computing, commerce, business,
services, management and government. The variety of readers in the fields
of government, consulting, marketing, business and trade as well as the
readers from all the social strata can also be benefited from this book to
improve understanding of the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies and applications of intelligent analytics with applications.
Papers as book chapters of all theoretical and technological approaches,
and applications of intelligent analytics are welcome.
Submissions that cross multiple disciplines such as management, service,
business, artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, data science,
optimization, statistics, information systems, decision sciences, and
industries to develop theory and provide technologies and applications that
could move theory and practice forward in intelligent analytics, are
especially encouraged.
Topics of contributions to this book include four parts: foundations,
technologies, applications and emerging technologies and applications of
intelligent analytics as follows.
Part I. Foundations of intelligent analytics
Topics: fundamental concepts, models/architectures, frameworks/schemes or
foundations for developing, operating, evaluating, managing intelligent
analytics. The following topics might also include, but not limited to.
• Intelligent analytics as a Science and Technology (IAaaST)
• Big Data science
• Big Data intelligence
• Intelligent Analytics for big data, information, knowledge, intelligence
and wisdom
• Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
• Decision science for intelligent analytics
• Computing and foundations of intelligent analytics
• New computational models for Big Data
• Mathematical fundamentals of intelligent Big Data analytics
• Fuzzy logic approach to intelligent analytics
• Graph theory for intelligent analytics
• ICT fundamentals for analytics
• Intelligent visualization techniques for analytics
• Statistical modelling for intelligent analytics
• Machine learning for intelligent analytics
• Optimization techniques for intelligent analytics
• Data mining for intelligent analytics
• Business models for intelligent analytics
• Real-time algorithms for intelligent analytics
• Computing thinking for intelligent analytics
Part II. Technologies for intelligent analytics
Topics: Technologies for developing intelligent analytics might also
include the following topics, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as a System (IAaaSy)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Service (IAaaSe)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Management (IAaaM)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Business (IAaaB)
* Rule-based systems,
* Machine learning,
* Multi-agent systems,
* Neural networks systems,
* Fuzzy logic,
* Cased-based reasoning,
* Genetic algorithms,
* Data mining algorithms,
* Intelligent agents,
* Intelligent user interfaces
* Web technologies,
* Intelligent big data/information/knowledge technologies,
* Intelligent service technologies,
* Social networking technologies,
* Intelligent decision technologies,
* Intelligent management technologies and business technologies.
* Machine-to-machine communication
Part III. Multi-industry Applications of intelligent analytics
Topics: cases for using foundations and technologies in Part I, II in
multi-industry applications and various domains such as digital
transformation, blockchain, 5G, SMACS computing, commerce and services,
financial services, legal services, healthcare services, educational
services, and military services taking into account intelligent diagnostic,
descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. The following topics
might also include, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as an application
* Intelligent analytics with applications
* Intelligent analytics-based innovation and entrepreneurship
* Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
* Intelligent analytics with public and open data
* Intelligent analytics and markets
* Intelligent analytics for e-commerce
* Intelligent analytics for cloud computing
* Intelligent analytics for IoT
* Intelligent analytics for blockchain
* Intelligent analytics for 5G applications
* Intelligent analytics in business decision making
* Intelligent analytics in healthcare
* Marketing Analytics
* Intelligent analytics in banking industry
* Intelligent analytics in social networking services
* Intelligent analytics for Big Data, information, knowledge and
* Cybersecurity and privacy issues in Intelligent analytics.
* Intelligent analytics for management
* Intelligent analytics for risk management
* Organization analytics
Part IV. Emerging technologies and applications for intelligent analytics
Topics: Emerging technologies, methodologies, and applications for
intelligent analytics. The following topics might also include, but not
limited to
* Emergent AI-based technologies
* Emergent intelligent analytics technologies
* Challenges for intelligent big data analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big information analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big knowledge analytics
* Challenges for intelligent analytics research
* Challenges for intelligent analytics applications
* Challenges for intelligent analytics tools
Submission Procedure
Please submit a brief summary (abstract) consisting of title and round
150-200 words for the proposed chapter clearly identifying the main
objectives of your contribution online by clicking “propose a chapter” at
https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/4539 or to
the editor at zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com by March 11, 2020. Authors of the
accepted proposals will be notified and provided with detailed guidelines.
Full chapters are to be submitted by May 11, 2020.
Submission Format and Evaluation
This book will be developed using the eEditorial Discovery™ online
submission manager. Therefore, all manuscripts of book chapter must be
submitted online using
Every book chapter submission should consist of 8,000-12,000 words, and
be structured into sections including Abstract, Introduction, background
(or related work), main sections, future research directions, conclusion,
references. Every book chapter must be submitted in Microsoft® Word, and be
typewritten in English in APA style based on “manage source” and “insert
citation” function.
Every book chapter submission is original. Only ORIGINAL articles will be
accepted for publication by IGI-Global. Upon acceptance of your article,
you will be required to sign a warranty that your article is original and
has NOT been submitted for publication or published elsewhere.
All chapter submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review using the
eEditorial Discovery™ online submission manager. Conditioned chapters will
have an additional opportunity for being improved and evaluated. In the
second evaluation, a definitive editorial decision among: accepted or
rejected will be reported. All of the accepted chapters must be submitted
according to the Editorial publishing format rules timely. Instructions for
authors can be downloaded at:
The final chapters are copy edited/proofed by the authors prior to
submission, following the IGI Global chapter formatting and submission
Important Dates
* March 11, 2020: Proposal Submission Deadline
* March 25, 2020: Notification of Acceptance
* May 10, 2020: Full Chapter Submission
* July 8, 2020: Review Results Returned
* August 19, 2020: Final Acceptance Notification
* September 2, 2020: Final Chapter Submission.
* September – November 2020: estimated publishing period.
Editor Information
Prof. Dr. Zhaohao Sun, Ph.D.
Research Centre of Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Systems (BAIS)
Department of Business Studies
PNG University of Technology
Morobe, PNG
Federation University Australia
Chongqing Normal University, China
zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com; z.sun(a)federation.edu.au
Thank you for your email.
Thanks and Best regards
Prof. Dr. Zhaohao Sun, Ph.D.
Director and HoD
Research Centre of Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Systems (BAIS)
Department of Business Studies
PNG University of Technology
Private Mail Bag, Lae 411, Morobe, PNG
Phone: +675 473 4406
Email: zhaohao.sun(a)pnguot.ac.pg <zsun(a)dbs.initech.ac.pg> or
zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com (private)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ACM UMAP Workshop - HAAPIE 2020 CALL FOR PAPERS
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 11:25:20 +0100
From: pgerman <pgerman(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 5th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and
Personalized Interactive Environments, in conjunction with the 28th ACM
Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP
2020), Genoa, Italy, 14-17 July 2020
Full details are available online: http://haapie.cs.ucy.ac.cy
Submission deadline: 09 April 2020
Notification: 30 April 2020
Camera-ready: 06 May 2020
State-of-the-art approaches in adaptation and personalization research
consider user models that mostly maintain information regarding the
“traditional” user characteristics (i.e., experience, knowledge,
interests, context), and related contextual or technology aspects (i.e.,
displays, connectivity, processing power). While modeling these factors
has shown significant improvements and benefits to the end-users in
terms of user experience, there is an urgent need for a step change
signifying the further engagement into research that will produce more
holistic human-centered practices. The vision is to highlight the
“human-in-the-loop” approach considering intrinsic user characteristics
and abilities, like perceptual, personality, visual, cognitive and
emotional factors adhering the theories of individual differences.
Moreover, recent studies show the need for broadening the scope of
diversity parameters to include characteristics such as motivation,
self-actualization, and socio-cultural differences.
The overarching goal of HAAPIE 2020 is to bring together researchers and
practitioners working in areas of human aspects in adaptation and
personalization, and aims to:
- Explore state-of-the-art and new implicit and explicit methods and
techniques for modeling a broad range of human factors of users and
behaviors – both separately and in possible combinations (e.g.,
cognitive abilities and age; motivation and cultural differences);
- Explore personalization methods, computational intelligence
algorithms, recommendation models, and real-time paradigms that can
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of human-centered user tasks
and interventions;
- Compare challenges and experiences in different real world contexts
and applications (e.g., decision support, learning, wellbeing,
security), where a holistic view on human aspects is needed to provide a
positive user experience; and
- Identify theoretical and computational models for the design,
development and evaluation of human aspects in adaptation and
The added value will be to shape new human-centered adaptive interactive
environments and personalized platforms that can contribute towards
viable long-term solutions.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Human-centered Modeling, Adaptation Methods and Techniques
- Influence of Human Factors on Interactive Systems for Personalization
- Usage of Human Factors for Personalization
- Implicit and Explicit Detection of Human Factors for Personalization
- Human-centered Algorithms for Content Recommendation and Delivery
- Novel Human-centered Interaction Concepts and User Interfaces
- Individual Differences (Personality, Cognition, Gender, Age, etc.)
- Synergy of Affective and Human Cognitive Factors
- Modeling Groups and Communities of Diverse Users
- Evaluation of Human Aspects in Adaptation and Personalization
- Personalized Access to Services Content
- User Experience in Human-centered Systems
- Cultural and Language Diversity and Adaptation
- Age-specific Personalization and Adaptation
- Adaptation and Personalization for Users with Special Needs
- Personalization and Adaptation for Behavior Change
- User Context Awareness
- Human Aspects in Personalized Internet of Things Applications
- User-centric Cyber-Physical-Social Adaptive Systems
- Human Aspects in Social Adaptive Robots
- Adaptation and Personalization in Usable Privacy and Security
- Privacy & Ethical Aspects of Modeling Human Factors in Personalization
In HAAPIE 2020 we encourage original and relevant contributions focusing
on experiences and lessons learned from real-life applications, current
state-of-the-art methodologies, challenges tackled and solutions
adopted, tools, algorithms, and services in the academic, public or
private sector, studies, theories, techniques, and evaluation procedures
that could support human-centered adaptation and personalization issues
in various levels of interactive environments.
All workshop papers must contain original, previously unpublished,
research work abiding the two publication types:
- Full research papers (6 pages, incl. references), proposing new
approaches, innovative methods and research findings. They should make
substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to the research field.
- Short research papers (4 pages, incl. references), presenting work in
progress, lessons learnt, positions, emerging or future research issues
and directions on human aspect challenges in the area.
Manuscripts should be formatted using the ACM Standard double-column
(SIGCONF) templates (http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template).
All papers will undergo a peer review process by at least two expert
reviewers to ensure a high standard of quality. Referees will consider
originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity of exposition,
and relevance to the workshop's topics.
Research papers should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file
through the EasyChair submission system
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=haapie2020). Accepted papers
will be published by ACM and will be available via the ACM Digital Library.
Panagiotis Germanakos, SAP SE, DE & University of Cyprus, CY
Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds, UK
Ben Steichen, California State Polytechnic Uni., Pomona, USA
Alicja Piotrkowicz, Scaled Insights, UK & University of Leeds, UK
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Reminder: ACM Collective Intelligence 2020
submission deadline for extended abstracts is coming up March 1st.
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 14:18:19 +0000
From: Riedl, Christoph <c.riedl(a)northeastern.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2020 - Call for Extended
Abstracts - Multi-Site Conference Format hosted in Boston & Copenhagen,
June 18-19, 2020.
The ACM Collective Intelligence 2020 is the eighth edition of this
annual interdisciplinary conference sponsored by SIGCHI dedicated to
advancing our understanding of collective intelligence. The conference
will take place at Northeastern University in Boston, MA and Copenhagen
Business School in Copenhagen, Denmark on June 18-19, 2020.
We are happy to announce that CI 2020 will pioneer a multi-site
conference format, with the conference occurring at two locations
simultaneously: Boston, Massachusetts, and Copenhagen, Denmark.
Presenters can choose which site they want to attend, and all plenary
and breakout sessions in each site will be available for viewing and
question-asking from the other site. Additional cross-site activities
will be arranged at breaks and in special sessions. We expect this
multi-site format to reduce the conference’s carbon footprint and to
increase the number of people who can attend.
Conference website: https://ci.acm.org/2020/
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Collective creativity and innovation
* Collective decision making and problem-solving
* Ethics of collective intelligence
* Emergence and evolution of intelligence in biological systems
* New technologies for making groups smarter
* Citizen engagement and participation
* Group memory and extended cognition
* Human computation
* Computational models of groups
* Social computing
* Crowdsourcing
* Crowdfunding
* Wisdom of crowds (e.g., prediction markets)
* Open source intelligence and investigation
* Citizen science
* Organizational design and strategy
* Ethics of collective intelligence
* Artificial intelligence and collaboration
* Collective computation
* Swarming & synchronicity
* Voting and incentive mechanism design
* Collective forecasting / super forecasting
Important Dates:
* Nov 5, 2019 Call for Abstracts
* February 1, 2020 Submission for Abstracts Opens
* February 1, 2020 Registration Opens
* March 1, 2020 Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
* April 1, 2020 Notifications
* April 10, 2020 Early Bird Registration Ends
* April 15, 2020 Program Announcement
* May 10, 2020 Regular Registration Ends
* June 18-19, 2020 Collective Intelligence 2020
We accept four-page abstracts for the following kinds of submissions:
* Reports of Original Research
* Demonstrations of Tools/Technology/Experiments
Submissions are 3 pages of text plus 1 page for references. All
submissions must indicate whether the authors plan to present their work
at the Boston site or at the Copenhagen site. You are encouraged to
include a graphical
abstract<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphical_abstract> in the
submission. Note that some research or practice papers may be assigned
as posters, depending on the number of submissions and room capacity of
the venue.
Proceedings. CI’2020 does not publish archival proceedings of
submissions (i.e., not published on ACM Digital Library). However, we
plan to post a “book of abstracts” on the CI’20 website to make
submissions available to other participants and to spur interaction.
To submit an abstract, please visit our website during the submission
Organizing Committee
Conference Chair
* Christoph Riedl, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Multi-Site and Copenhagen Site Chair
* Carina Antonia Hallin, Copenhagen Business School
Program Chairs
* Jessica Flack, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM
* Walter S. Lasecki, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
* Iain Couzin, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior & University of
Konstanz, Germany
Program Committee
* Steven Gray (Michigan State University)
* Sabine Hauert (University of Bristol)
* Antonie Jetter (Portland State University)
* Malte F. Jung (Cornell)
* Ari Kokko (Copenhagen Business School)
* Sang Won Lee (Virginia Tech)
* Richard Mann (University of Leeds)
* Kevin O'Keeffe (MIT)
* Scott Page (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
* Orit Peleg (University of Colorado Boulder)
* Lex Paulson (UM6P School of Collective Intelligence)
* Jesse Shore (Boston University)
* Klaus Solberg Søilen (Halmstad University)
* Thalia Wheatley (Dartmouth College)
* Melissa Valentine (Stanford University)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Looking for Associate Editors for Int. J. of
Business and Data Analytics (Inderscience)
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 21:15:30 +0530
From: Dr Sujeet Kumar Sharma <sujeet(a)iimtrichy.ac.in>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues
I am looking for Associate Editors for Int. J. of Business and Data
Analytics (IJBDA) published by Inderscience.
Kindly visit the following link for the journal details.
Interested researchers may write to me on the following email
Best wishes
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Business and Data Analytics
(Inderscience Publishers, Switzerland)
*Dr. Sujeet K. Sharma, Ph.D.*
Associate Professor
Information Systems & Analytics
Indian Institute of Management
Pudukkottai Main Road, Tiruchirappalli 620 024
Tamil Nadu.
Office Phone No: +914312505080, Office No: A008
Email: sujeet(a)iimtrichy.ac.in, sujeetks1(a)gmail.com
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Business and Data Analytics
(Inderscience Publishers, Switzerland)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Cases | Springer Book "Digitalization Cases"
(2nd Edition)
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:11:05 +0100
From: Nils Urbach <nils.urbach(a)uni-bayreuth.de>
Reply-To: Nils Urbach <nils.urbach(a)uni-bayreuth.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, wi(a)lists.kit.edu
CC: Röglinger, Maximilian, Dr. <maximilian.roeglinger(a)fim-rc.de>,
Karlheinz Kautz <karlheinz.kautz(a)rmit.edu.au>, csaunder(a)ucf.edu,
alinda(a)utm.my, martin.wiener(a)tu-dresden.de, Völter, Fabiane
Call for Cases
The second edition of this Springer book is designed to present a rich
compilation of real-world cases on digitalization. More specifically,
with all economic and societal sectors being challenged by emergent
digital technologies, this book aims to illustrate how organizations all
around the globe leverage their capabilities to foster digital
innovation, to develop digital business models, and to digitally
transform themselves. In doing so, this book reports on best practices
and lessons learned from organizations that succeeded in tackling
challenges and seizing opportunities presented by the digital era. The
cases provide insightful examples for practitioners and interesting
cases for researchers, teachers, and students globally. All case
descriptions follow a common format, making them easily accessible and
comparable for the reader. Moreover, accompanying case materials
facilitate the learning experience.
The book intends to compile the experiences of organizations unfolding
the potential of digital technologies, rethinking their business models
for the digital age, and transforming the way they do business. The
book’s focus is neither on traditional case studies published in
academic journals nor on promotional offerings from consulting
companies. Its intention is to share first-hand experiences that
organizations have made with digitalization. That said, cases must be
developed from the perspective of the organization in focus. For the
learning to apply on a truly global scale, we aim for cases from the
Americas, Europe and Africa, as well as the Asia-Pacific region.
We invite industry cases addressing a wide range of topics. We welcome
contributions related to any industry, including both
business-to-consumer and business-to-business domains. Besides striving
for new cases, we also appreciate updates on cases published in the
book’s first edition. Updated cases should provide substantially new
actions taken, results achieved, and lessons learned.
Topics of interest include, but are by no means limited to:
Digital Innovation
- Insightful cases that demonstrate how innovative digital technologies
(e.g., artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of things,
virtual/augmented reality, robotic process automation) challenge
existing businesses and offer new affordances
- Application of innovative methods and approaches for the
identification and selection of digital technologies, while accounting
for organizational constraints and context factors
- Assessments of the disruptive potential of emergent digital technologies
- Approaches for demonstrating the value of disruptive technologies for
particular business scenarios (e.g., prototyping, minimum viable
products, smart services)
- Roadmaps for the adoption of innovative technologies in organizations
- Evaluation of user acceptance regarding disruptive technologies and
development of corresponding training programs
Digital Business
- Examples of successful digital business models (e.g. platform
business, sharing economy, social media, smart products and services)
that challenge traditional business models
- Identification of benefits and challenges of digitalization for
organizations and their potential for new business models
- Combination of physical products and digital services in ecosystems
and offering of hybrid product-service systems
- Methods for the development and evaluation of digital business models
- Collaboration with start-ups and engagement in digital value networks
to realize digital business models
- Challenges and practical solutions related to cybersecurity in digital
Digital Transformation
- Demonstration of how an organization successfully transformed itself
into a digital enterprise
- Strategies and transformation paths for structured and targeted
digital change
- Development and implementation of novel organizational approaches
(e.g. bi- or multi-modal IT, agile at scale, business-managed IT) and
processes (e.g. agile business process management, agile project
- Definition and introduction of new roles (e.g. Chief Digital Officer
or Chief Innovation Officer)
- New paradigms and approaches for management, leadership, and
performance management in the digital age
- Change management and workforce transformation addressing
digitalization challenges
- Successful initiation of digital transformation programs (including a
description of obstacles and roadblocks that had to be overcome, etc.)
1. Structured abstract (max. 400 words)
2. Introduction (approx. 500 words)
3. Situation faced (approx. 500 – 1,000 words)
4. Action taken (approx. 2,000 – 2,500 words)
5. Results achieved (approx. 1,000 – 2,000 words)
6. Lessons learned (approx. 1,000 – 2,000 words)
Accompanying case materials (such as company presentations, teaching
materials, etc.) are optional and can be handed in with final acceptance
of the case. The actual name of the case company must be mentioned both
in the title and throughout the manuscript. We strongly prefer author
teams including co-authors from both academia and the focal case company.
March 31, 2020: Declaration of interest to contribute a case (via e-mail
to the editors)
May 31, 2020: Submission of cases due (via EasyChair)
July 15, 2020: Feedback to the authors
September 15, 2020: Re-submission of cases due
October 31, 2020: Feedback to the authors on revised version
November 30, 2020: Re-submission of final version
December 15, 2020: Editing completed and manuscript sent to publisher
Spring 2021: Estimated publication date
Overall Coordination:
Nils Urbach, University of Bayreuth & Fraunhofer FIT,
nils.urbach(a)uni-bayreuth.de <mailto:nils.urbach@uni-bayreuth.de>
Maximilian Röglinger, University of Bayreuth & Fraunhofer FIT,
Region Americas:
Carol Saunders, University of South Florida, csaunder(a)ucf.edu
Martin Wiener, TU Dresden, martin.wiener(a)tu-dresden.de
Region Asia, Pacific:
Karlheinz Kautz, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
Rose Alinda Alias, Azman Hashim International Business School,alinda(a)utm.my
Region Europe, Middle East, Africa:
Nils Urbach, University of Bayreuth & Fraunhofer FIT,
nils.urbach(a)uni-bayreuth.de <mailto:nils.urbach@uni-bayreuth.de>
Maximilian Röglinger, University of Bayreuth & Fraunhofer FIT,
You can access all relevant information on our website:
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi