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Subject: [AISWorld] CCC 2020 - 1st CFP
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 08:25:59 +0200
From: Kyriakos Kritikos <kritikos(a)ics.forth.gr>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CCC: Cross-Cloud Computing
along with
BUSTECH 2020, The Tenth International Conference on Business Intelligence
and Technology
April 26, 2020 - April 30, 2020 - France
****** SCOPE ******
Multi-cloud computing promises to deliver various benefits, which include
the avoidance of vendor lock-in, better proximity to customers and improved
application performance. To this end, we currently see a trend towards
developing and managing multi-cloud applications which is also evident from
the advent of proprietary, multi-cloud platforms like Anthos from Google.
However, such platforms are still not mature enough to cover the whole
lifecycle of multi-cloud applications. Further, cross-cloud computing
represents another promising opportunity enabling applications to be
managed across different clouds which comes with the extra benefits of
application performance optimisation, extended security level establishment
and enhanced flexibility for application adaptation. Unfortunately, with
the exceptions of some prototype research platforms, cross-cloud
applications are not facilitated at all during their development and
provisioning. Last but not least, we also observe additional obstacles,
which include the inability to deal with multiple levels of abstraction as
well as the negligence of high-level business requirements during the whole
application management. These obstacles need to be overcome to realise the
vision of optimal cross-cloud applications which can change cloud services
on demand to better sustain the service levels that have been promised.
In this respect, there is currently a research gap towards designing,
realising and managing cross-cloud applications. CCC special track of
BUSTECH foresees the submission of both theoretical and technical
contributions which attempt to close this gap as well as promote new ideas
to further boost the adoption of multi- & cross-cloud computing and to even
evolve it in a more promising form.
****** TOPICS OF INTEREST ******
Topics include, but not limited to:
• Cross-cloud application design
• Cross-cloud application deployment
• Cross-cloud application monitoring
• Cross-cloud application adaptation
• Cross-cloud application modelling
• Cross-cloud service orchestration
• Cross-cloud business processes
• Cross-cloud application management platforms
• Cloud application optimisation
• Cloud-driven business process implementation
• Cross-level business process and application management
Submission: March 3, 2020
Notification: March 23, 2020
Registration: April 2, 2020
Camera ready: April 2, 2020
- Regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Demos: two pages [posted on www.iaria.org]
****** PAPER FORMAT ******
- See: http://www.iaria.org/format.html
- Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:
****** PUBLICATIONS ******
- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
- Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
- Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:
****** PAPER SUBMISSION ******
Please select Track Preference as CCC
****** REGISTRATION ******
- Each accepted paper needs at least one full registration, before the
camera-ready manuscript can be included in the proceedings.
- Registration fees are available at http://www.iaria.org/registration.html
******* CHAIR AND COORDINATOR ********
Dr. Kyriakos Kritikos, ICS-FORTH, Greece
****** CONTACT ******
Special track: kritikos(a)ics.forth.gr
Logistics: steve(a)iaria.org
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Special Issue Guest Editorship: Library Hi Tech
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 02:03:59 +0000
From: KAI WING KEVIN HO <kevinkho(a)triton.uog.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Library Hi Tech (LHT) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed,
SSCI-listed journal (2018 Impact Factor: 1.256) that welcomes empirical,
conceptual and methodological contributions on any topics relevant to
the broad disciplines of information and communication technologies.
However, LHT is particularly concerned with information management,
technologies, and systems that support libraries and cultural memory,
education and the academy, health and medicine, government/public
sectors, and non-government organizations (NGOs). Current coverage of
LHT can be found on the following webpage
LHT invites full research and conceptual papers, as well as scholarly
viewpoints and review articles (normally between 4,000 to 8,000 words).
LHT will also occasionally publish shorter research notes (under 4,000
words) on current work of excellent potential. Authors must make a
request for reviewing of research notes, if required, in the cover
letter. Interested authors please visit our author guidelines page for
further information
Special issue guest editorship
Prospective guest editors should submit a written proposal to the
co-editors via email that incorporates the following elements:
* A title for the special issue;
* Rationales for the special issue topic that positions its significance
in the literature;
* Some illustrative topics that papers could focus upon;
* A draft of the actual call for papers;
* A plan for how authors will be recruited (which can include authors
who have already been approached informally);
* The credentials of the guest editors; and
* A proposed timeline towards publication.
Guest editors will be responsible for publicising the call for papers
and for generating submissions for the special issue. It is expected
that a special issue will include an introductory essay written by the
editor and normally at least six contributed papers. The introductory
paper will be subject to an independent LHT editorial review by the
The guest editors will also be responsible for all stages of the review
process in terms of identifying and inviting reviewers and making
preliminary decisions on submissions. The review process will be managed
online through the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
To prevent any perception of conflicts of interest, it is LHT’s policy
that Guest Editors cannot submit more than one paper to their special
issue as authors or co-authors, which will be handled by the Co-editors.
All inquiries should be directed to the attention of one of the two
Dr. Dickson K.W. Chiu (dchiu88(a)hku.hk)
Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, Division of
Information and Technology Studies, Hong Kong
Prof. Kevin K.W. Ho (kevinkho(a)triton.uog.edu)
Professor of Management Information Systems, School of Business and
Public Administration, University of Guam, USA
[Signature Logo]<https://www.uog.edu/>
Kevin K.W. Ho, Ph.D.
Professor of Management Information Systems
Co-Editor, Library Hi Tech (2020-2022)
Chair, SCUBP of Faculty Senate (AY 2018-2020)
Business Division Assessment Chair (AY 2019-2020)
School of Business and Public Administration
Office: +1 (671) 735-2501
[Linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-k-w-ho-1b1a6831/>
The University of Guam is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This message is from the University of Guam
and contains information which is privileged and confidential and is
solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the
intended recipient, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, or
use of the contents of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this transmission in error, please destroy immediately.
This email message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of
the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential information
covered under the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). If
the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message
(including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this message in error, please destroy all copies of the original message
(including attachments) and notify me immediately by email or phone.
Thank you.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: AMCIS 2020, Mini-track: Virtual
and Augmented Reality
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 22:14:17 +0000
From: Guillaume Faddoul <gfaddoul(a)sfsu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Conference : 2020 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020)
in Salt Lake City, 12-16 Aug, 2020
AMCIS 2020 – AMCIS 2020<https://amcis2020.aisconferences.org/>
AMCIS is a conference of the Association for Information Systems (AIS).
For information on becoming a member of AIS click on the logo below.
Track: Human Computer Interaction (SIGHCI)
Mini-track: Virtual and Augmented Reality
Submission Deadline : February 28, 2020: PCS closes for authors at 5:00
pm MST
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to submit your manuscripts to the mini-track : Virtual
and Augmented Reality, part of the track : Human Computer Interaction
(SIGHCI) at the 2020 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS
2020) which will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah from 12-16 August, 2020.
Mini-track description : Virtual and Augmented Reality
Recent years have seen the emergence of devices supporting virtual and
augmented reality. Originally considered for entertainment purposes,
virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) found their way into
industry applications in areas such as education and healthcare among
others. Thanks to a constantly improving technology, VR and AR are on
the path to become the future of computing. However, some limitations,
such as high device cost, social acceptance and safety concerns, may
negatively impact this new technology acceptance.
Some possible topics to consider would be:
• Social acceptance of VR and AR
• VR and AR as training platform and in education
• Information sharing through VR and AR
• VR and AR in entertainment
• Social and safety concerns in VR and AR
• Financial impact of VR and AR
Mini-Track co-chairs :
Guillaume Faddoul, San Francisco State University: gfaddoul(a)sfsu.edu
Lutfus Sayeed, San Francisco State University: lsayeed(a)sfsu.edu
Guillaume Faddoul
Assistant Professor, Information Systems Department
College of Business
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132
email : gfaddoul(a)sfsu.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for chapters - Scientific foundations for
digital governance and transformation
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 07:38:26 +0000
From: Leif Skiftenes Flak <leif.flak(a)uia.no>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Gabriela Viale Pereira <gabriela.viale-pereira(a)donau-uni.ac.at>,
Charalabidis Yannis <yannisx(a)aegean.gr>
Dear colleage,
We have made arrangements with Springer for a new book on Digital
governance and invite submissions.
Proposal Submission Deadline: 1st March 2020
Scientific Foundations of Digital Governance and Transformation
Concepts, Approaches and Challenges
A book to be published by Springer Publications, edited by:
Yannis Charalabidis, University of the Aegean, Greece,
yannisx (at) aegean.gr
Leif Skiftenes Flak, University of Agder, Norway,
leif.flak (at) uia.no
Gabriela Viale Pereira, Danube University Krems, Austria
Gabriela.viale-pereira (at) donau-uni.ac.at
Objective of the Book
This title aims at providing the latest research advancements and
findings for the scientific systematization of the Digital Governance
and Transformation knowledge, such as core concepts, foundational
principles, theories, methodologies, architectures, assessment
frameworks, educational programs and future directions. It will bring
forward the ingredients of this new domain, proposing its needed formal
and systematic tools, exploring its relation with neighboring scientific
domains and finally prescribing the next steps for eventually achieving
the thrilling goal of laying the foundations of a new science.
This book is an activity stemming from Government 3.0 Erasmus+ project
Target Audience
The audience of the book includes:
● Researchers and Practitioners in the Digital Governance Domain,
Digital Transformation, Information Systems and in the broader ICT domain
● University Students and Professors from different disciplines
● ICT industry experts, engaged in public sector information systems,
software design and deployment projects
● Policy makers and decision drivers at local, national or international
The title will contribute to the analysis of the scientific perspectives
of Digital Governance and Transformation, thus becoming an indispensable
support tool for scientists and practitioners, either from the
administrative or the technical side.
The full call for chapters can be found here:
Kind regards
Leif Skiftenes Flak, Professor
Director, Centre for Digital Transformation - CeDiT <https://cedit.uia.no/>
Department of Information systems, Faculty of Social Science
University of Agder, Norway
E-mail: Leif.Flak(a)uia.no<mailto:Leif.Flak@uia.no>
Phone: (+ 47) 38 14 16 14
Mobile: : (+ 47) 92 45 97 86
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [computational.science] CFP - Quantum Computing Thematic Track
at International Conference on Computational Science 2020
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 15:23:44 +0100
From: Peter Mueller via computational.science
Reply-To: Peter Mueller <pmu(a)zurich.ibm.com>
To: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
Quantum Computing Thematic Track --------------------------------
in conjunction with the
International Conference on Computational Science June 3 - 5, 2020 ,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Extended paper due date: February 7th, 2020 (firm)
Quantum computing is a new paradigm that exploits fundamental principles
of quantum mechanics to solve problems in various fields of science that
are beyond possibilities of classical computing infrastructures. Despite
increasing activity in both theoretical research and hardware
implementations, reaching the state of useful quantum supremacy is still
an open question. This workshop aims to provide a forum for
computational scientists, software developers, computer scientists,
physicists and quantum hardware providers to understand and discuss
research on current problems in quantum informatics.
Specific topics include (but are not limited to): - New quantum
computing algorithms; - New hybrid quantum-classical solutions; -
Application of quantum computing to current problems in computational
science; - Quantum algorithms in machine learning and big data; -
Integration of quantum computation with supercomputing infrastructure; -
Quantum computing hardware; - Quantum error correction; - Advanced
methods for quantum software engineering; - Novel numerical methods
supporting quantum information theory; - Environments and frameworks for
quantum computing; - Quantum simulators; - Cloud-based support for
quantum computing; - Dedicated services required for quantum computing;
- Novel approaches to quantum games; - Quantum networks / quantum
Internet; - Quantum programming languages; - Creative tools for quantum
computation education: video games, interactive art; - Challenging
applications in industry and academia;
We cordially invite you to submit a paper presenting the results of
original research in the area of quantum computing. Papers of up to 14
pages, written in English and formatted according to the Springer LNCS
templates, should be submitted electronically via EasyChair. You also
have the option of submitting a short paper of up to 7 pages. Both Full
and Short Papers use the same templates and are published in LNCS.
Templates are available for download in EasyChair’s “Templates” menu.All
papers will be peer reviewed. After the conference, the best papers will
be invited for a special issue of the Journal of Computational Science
(Impact Factor: 1.925).
Important Dates
Full paper submission: February, 7, 2020 (firm) Notification of
acceptance: February 14, 2020 Camera-ready papers: March 6, 2020
Program Committee
Nicholas Chancellor, EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellow, Durham University, UK
Piotr Frąckiewicz, Pomeranian University, PL Piotr Gawron, Nicolaus
Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences Sophia
Grundner-Culemann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für
Informatik, DE Tobias Guggemos, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
Institut für Informatik, DE Maximilian Höb,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Informatik, DE
Krzysztof Kurowski, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, PL
Jarosław Miszczak,Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics,
Polish Academy of Sciences, PL Peter Müller, IBM Zurich Research
Laboratory, Zurich, CH Frank Phillipson, TNO, The Hague, NL Heike Riel,
IBM Fellow, Department Head Science & Technology, IBM Research, Zurich,
CH Haozhen Situ, College of Mathematics and Informatics, South China
Agricultural University, CN Bogdan Staszewski, University College
London, UK Tomasz Stopa, IBM Software Laboratory, Kraków, PL Karol
Życzkowski, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, PL
Workshop Chairs
Katarzyna Rycerz, Department of Computer Science, AGH, Krakow, Poland
Marian Bubak, Department of Computer Science AGH and Sano Center,
Krakow, Poland E-mail: qcw2020 [at] agh.edu.pl
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] DEXA 2020 Conferences & Workshops, 14 - 17
September, 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 14:05:41 +0100
From: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
31st DEXA Conferences and Workshops
14 - 17 September 2020
Bratislava, Slovakia
email: dexa(a)iiwas.org
**** Important Dates *****
Submission of full papers/short papers: March 16, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2020
Camera-ready copies due: June 19, 2020
***** Publication *****
All accepted conference papers will be published in a volume of "Lecture
Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) by Springer. Workshops papers will be
published in a volume of "Communications in Computer and Information
Science" (CCIS) by Springer. All published papers will be indexed
appropriately in all major indexes. Selected high-quality papers will be
invited to be published, after revision and extension, in special issues
of international journals.
**** Scope *****
DEXA2020 and its associated conferences and workshops are leading
international conferences and workshops for researchers, developers,
scientists, and industry practitioners to share and discuss their new
ideas, original research results and practical development experiences
from all Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Big Data
Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), Electronic Government and the
Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS), Industrial Applications of
Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS), Trust, Privacy, and Security
in Digital Business (TrustBus), Biological Knowledge Discovery from Data
(BIOKDD), Cyber-Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems
(IWCFS) and Technologies for Information Retrieval (TIR), Machine
Learning and Knowledge Graphs (MLKgraphs) fields.
DEXA2020 and its associated conferences and workshops are sponsored and
endorsed by the International Organization for Information Integration
and Web-based Applications & Services (@WAS), Software Competence Centre
Hagenberg (SCCH), and Johannes Kepler University Linz and will be held
from 14-17 September 2020, in Bratislava, Slovakia.
**** DEXA 2020 Conferences ****
- The 22nd International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge
Discovery (DaWaK 2020) http://www.dexa.org/dawak2020
- The 31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems
Applications (DEXA 2020)
- The 9th International Conference on Electronic Government and the
Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS 2020)
- The 17th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in
Digital Business (TrustBus 2020)
**** DEXA 2020 Workshops *****
- The 11th International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery from
Data (BIOKDD 2020)
- The 4th International Workshop on Cyber-Security and Functional Safety
in Cyber-Physical Systems (IWCFS 2020)
- The 17th International Workshop on Technologies for Information
Retrieval (TIR2020)
- The 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge
Graphs (MLKgraphs 2020)
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Authors of DEXA 2020 and its accosted conferences and workshops can
choose multiple categories for presenting their work during the
conference including:
- Full papers (15 pages)
- Short papers (10 pages)
- Posters
- Demos
- Videos
- product presentations Formatting guidelines:
Online Papers Submission: Coming Soon
**** Review Process ****
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated by the respective program
chairs based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and
clarity of exposition.
*** Contact ***** Ismail Khalil DEXA Steering committee co-chair
Institute of Telecooperation - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69,A-4040 Linz, Austria
Email: ismail(a)iiwas.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Papers: International Joint Conference on Rules
and Reasoning (RuleML+RR) 2020
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 14:12:03 +0100
From: Jean Jung <jeanjung(a)uni-bremen.de>
Reply-To: Jean Jung <jeanjung(a)uni-bremen.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
RuleML+RR 2020: 4th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning
29 June - 1 July 2020
Oslo, Norway
Part of "Declarative AI 2020: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions and Explanations"
(DeclarativeAI 2020, https://2020.declarativeai.net)
High-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies,
and artificial intelligence applications concerning explainable algorithmic
decision-making that involve rule-based representation and reasoning are
Theme for 2020 edition: Explainable algorithmic decision-making
Important paper submission dates:
- Abstract: 6 March 2020
- Full paper: 13 March 2020
The 4th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR
is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based
Stemming from the synergy with the DecisionCAMP summit, which brings
leading decision management authorities, vendors, and practitioners, one
of the
main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and
industry in the
area of rule-based reasoning and applications. RuleML+RR 2020 is part of
the event
"Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations" to be
held in the
beautiful city of Oslo, Norway, between 29 June - 1 July 2020.
RuleML+RR 2020 aims to bring together rigorous researchers and inventive
interested in the foundations and applications of rules and reasoning in
industry, engineering, business, finance, healthcare, environment, and
application areas. It provides a forum for stimulating cooperation and
cross-fertilization between the many different communities focused on
the research,
development, and applications of rule-based systems.
== TOPICS ==
RuleML+RR welcomes research from all areas of Rules and Reasoning,
including topics
from our 2020 theme: explainable algorithmic decision-making. The topics
of the
conference include:
* Machine learning approaches involving rules (e.g, extracting rules
from Deep
Neural Networks or rule-based classification)
* Rules for knowledge graphs and ontology learning
* Rule-based approaches to natural language processing
* Explainable AI approaches based on rules, psychological aspects of
rule learning
* Rules of ethics, biases, laws, policies, and regulations
* Production & business rule systems
* Communicating rule models with Decision Model and Notation (DMN)
* Applications of rule technologies with explainable AI (xAI) elements
* Foundations of declarative AI architectures and languages
* Rule-based approaches for intelligent systems and intelligent
information access
* Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
* Ontology-based data access
* Rule-based data integration
* Data management and data interoperability for web data
* Distributed agent-based systems for the web
* Rule-based approaches to agents
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for the semantic web
* Reasoning with incomplete, inconsistent and uncertain data
* Non-monotonic, common-sense, and closed-world reasoning for web data
* Non-classical logics and the Web
* Constraint programming
* Logic programming
* Streaming data and complex event processing
* Higher-order and modal rules
* Web reasoning and distributed rule inference and execution
* Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats
* Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
* Rules, blockchain, and smart contracts
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for rules
* System descriptions, applications and experiences
* Rules and human language technology
* Rules in online market research and online marketing
* Applications of ontologies and rules in environmental protection
* Applications in climate change monitoring, mitigation & adaptation
* Applications in healthcare and life sciences
* Applications in peace and conflict studies
* Applications in equity and social welfare
* Applications in law, regulation, and finance
* Applications in Digital Twins
* Industrial applications of rules
We accept the following submission formats for papers:
* Long papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style)
* Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS style)
Long papers should present original and significant research
and/or development results.
Short papers should concisely describe general results or specific
applications, systems, or position statements.
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a
workshop with informal proceedings is allowed.
Submissions: via EasyChair
A selection of the best accepted papers of RuleML+RR 2020 (2-6 papers) will
be invited for submission to the Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic
Programming (TPLP) published by Cambridge University Press.
In addition to regular submissions, RuleML+RR 2020 will include the 14th
International Rule Challenge, a Doctoral Consortium, an Industry Track, and
a Posters and Interactions session.
RuleML+RR 2020 is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2020 and the 16th Reasoning
Web Summer School (RW 2020), as part of the Declarative AI 2020 event.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS).
All submissions must be prepared in Springer's LaTeX style LNCS
Title and Abstract submission: 6 March 2020
Full papers submission: 13 March 2020
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2020
Camera-ready submission: 8 May 2020
Conference: 29 June- 1 July 2020
- General Chairs:
* Dumitru Roman (SINTEF AS / University of Oslo, Norway)
* Martin Giese (University of Oslo, Norway)
* Ahmet Soylu (NTNU / SINTEF AS, Norway)
- Program Chairs:
* Victor Gutierrez Basulto (Cardiff University, UK)
* Tomas Kliegr (University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic)
- Doctoral Consortium Chairs
* Paul Fodor (Stony Brook University, USA)
* Daniela Inclezan (Miami University, USA)
- Rule Challenge Chairs
* Sotiris Moschoyiannis (University of Surrey, U.K.)
* Jan Vanthienen (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Industry Track Chairs
* Francisco Martin-Recuerda (DNVGL, Norway)
* Nicolay Nikolov (SINTEF AS, Norway)
* Ioan Toma (Onlim, Austria)
- Posters & Interactions Chairs
* Carlos A. Iglesias (Universidad PolitÈcnica de Madrid, Spain)
* Dia Trambitas-Miron (UMFST, Romania / John Snow Labs, USA)
- Publicity chair
* Jean Christoph Jung (Bremen University, Germany)
- Program Committee
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: EMISA2020, Kiel, May 14-15
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 16:53:28 +0100
From: Agnes Koschmider <ak(a)informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Reply-To: Agnes Koschmider <ak(a)informatik.uni-kiel.de>
To: WI(a)lists.kit.edu
Call for Papers
EMISA 2020:
10th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and
Information Systems Architectures
Submission Deadline: March 01
14-15. Mai 2020,
EMISA 2020 is the tenth international workshop in a series that provides
a key forum for researchers and practitioners
in the field on design methods for information systems. The workshop
series emphasizes a holistic view on this field,
fostering integrated approaches that address and relate business
processes, business people and information technology.
The workshop is open for a broad range of subjects.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Patterns for information systems architectures
- Process modeling and process-aware information systems for IoT
- Complex event processing and event-driven architectures
- Information systems for IoT
- Modelling social information and innovation networks
- Domain-specific modeling methods and languages for IoT
- Metamodeling
- Method and model engineering
- Quality of modeling methods, models, architectures and languages
- Learning and teaching design methods for information systems
The workshop is organized by the GI Special Interest Group on
Design Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA),
which provides a forum for researchers from various disciplines
who develop and apply methods to support the analysis and design of
information systems.
Submission Types:
EMISA 2020 calls for submissions in the following categories:
1. PhD Research Proposals
2. Current Research Talk Proposals
3. Novel Directions Talk Proposals
All accepted submissions (PhD Research, Current Research Talk, Novel
Directions Talk)
will be published in the next print edition of EMISA Forum.
The short papers proposing PhD Research or a Novel Directions Talk
will also be published as an electronic CEUR proceedings volume.
Important Dates:
March 01, 2020: Submission of proposals
April 10, 2020: Notification
April 24, 2020: Final version
May 14-15, 2020: Workshop
Conference Chairs:
Agnes Koschmider, Kiel University
Judith Michael, RWTH Aachen
Bernhard Thalheim, Kiel University
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data
(ATAED 2020), June 23, 2020, Paris, France
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 18:36:21 +0000
From: van der Aalst, Wil <wvdaalst(a)pads.rwth-aachen.de>
Reply-To: van der Aalst, Wil <wvdaalst(a)pads.rwth-aachen.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data (ATAED 2020)
June 23, 2020, Paris, France
a satellite event at the PN 2020 <http://conf-2020.petrinet.net/>
Deadline for papers
March 1, 2020
June 23, 2020
The workshop aims to attract papers related to process mining, region
theory and other synthesis techniques. These techniques have in common
that "lower level" behavioral descriptions (event logs, sets of partial
orders, transition systems, etc.) are used to create "higher level"
process models (e.g. various classes of Petri nets, BPMN, or UML
activity diagrams). The program committee invites submission of full
papers (up to 15 pages) and of short papers (up to 5 pages).
Papers should be submitted via easychair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ataed2020>as pdf-files using
the Springer LNCS-format
Program Committee
Wil van der Aalst, RWTH Aachen, Germany (co-chair)
Abel Armas Cervantes, QUT, Australia
Robin Bergenthum, FernUni Hagen, Germany (co-chair)
Luca Bernardinello, Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Andrea Burattin, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Josep Carmona, UPC Barcelona, Spain (co-chair)
Claudio Di Ciccio, Vienna University of Economics, Austria
Benoît Depaire, Hasselt University, Belgium
Jörg Desel, FernUni Hagen, Germany
Dirk Fahland, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Chiara Di Francescomarino, FBK-IRST, Italy
Stefan Haar, LSV CNRS & ENS de Cachan, France
Gabriel Juhás, STU Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Anna Kalenkova, HSE NRU, Russia
Jetty Kleijn, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Manuel Lama, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Robert Lorenz, Uni Augsburg, Germany
Marta Pietkiewicz-Koutny, Newcastle University, GB
Adrian Puerto Aubel, INRIA - Rennes, France
Arik Senderovich, Technion, Israel
Jochen De Weerdt, KU Leuven, Belgium
Moe Wynn, QUT, Australia
Alex Yakovlev, Newcastle University, GB
Proceedings will be electronically published with CEUR Workshop
Proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org) and best papers will be proposed to be
invited for a follow-up publication in Transactions on Petri Nets and
other models of Concurrency (ToPNoC).
More information: http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/ataed2020/
<http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/ataed2020/> or contact
robin.bergenthum(a)fernuni-hagen.de <mailto:robin.bergenthum@fernuni-hagen.de>
rwth_pads_en_rgb <http://www.vdaalst.com/>
prof.dr.ir. Wil van der Aalst ● www.vdaalst.com
<http://www.vdaalst.com> ● @wvdaalst
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Postdoctoral Position at Nanyang Business School
(Information Systems / Entrepreneurship/ Innovation)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 04:23:12 +0000
From: Boh Wai Fong (Prof) <AWFBoh(a)ntu.edu.sg>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Postdoctoral Position at Nanyang Business School (Entrepreneurship/
Innovation / Business)
Nanyang Business School, Singapore
The Nanyang Business School is seeking an outstanding postdoctoral
candidate to join a high profile research project on business
opportunity identification and development for company digitalization.
The position is available from April 2020. The researcher will be
involved in driving a research study funded by Social Science Research
Thematic Grant from Singapore's Ministry of Education. The study
involves a multi-method approach to collect data from business owners in
Singapore who wish to use technologies for digitalization in the firm.
The study includes randomized controlled field experiments, interviews,
experience sampling, and surveys. The study brings together a
multi-disciplinary research team interfacing across Business, Psychology
and Entrepreneurship.
The position fully focuses on research with no expectation of teaching.
The objective of this position is to enhance the researcher's skills and
record for a placement in a leading university or research laboratory at
the end of the postdoctoral fellowship. This environment provides
excellent opportunities for career development.
We offer a competitive package, access to excellent research facilities
and an inter-disciplinary and ambitious research program.
Requirements: You should have a Ph.D. in Information Systems, Psychology
or Business disciplines and some experience or interest in the
following: 1) conducting interviews, 2) administering surveys or other
standardized questionnaires, 3) data analysis. The project and funding
is for 1 year.
About the University: NBS has been rated consistently among the top MBA
programs in Asia. We have been ranked within the top 35 MBA programs
globally by the Financial Times (FT). The school is accredited by AACSB
as well as EQUIS. The Nanyang Technological University of which NBS is a
part of is a comprehensive university with colleges of Engineering,
Business, Sciences, Humanities & Arts and Education.
Please send your CV, along with your experience, availability and
samples of your work to uymarilyn(a)gmail.com<mailto:uymarilyn@gmail.com>
and awfboh(a)ntu.edu.sg<mailto:awfboh@ntu.edu.sg>.
Prof BOH Wai Fong
Head of Division, Division of Information Technology and Operations
Management | Nanyang Business School
50 Nanyang Avenue, S3-01A-32, Singapore 639798
T 65-6790-6196 F 65-6792-2313
Email: awfboh(a)ntu.edu.sg<mailto:awfboh@ntu.edu.sg> | Web:
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recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose
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Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you.