-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] SSCR Journal Special Issue on AI in Government
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 09:30:41 +0000
From: Rony Medaglia <rm.digi(a)cbs.dk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies for cross-posting.
Social Science Computer Review
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Government
Special Issue Guest Editors:
Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School (rony(a)cbs.dk<mailto:rony@cbs.dk>)
Theresa A. Pardo, State University of New York
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, State University of New York
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been defined as any
device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize
its chance of success at some goal (Russell & Norvig, 2016). Such
technologies include, among others, machine learning, rule-based
systems, natural language processing, and speech recognition (Eggers,
Schatsky, & Viechnicki, 2017).
After a series of rises and falls in popularity, AI technologies are now
experiencing a surge in diffusion, and are also beginning to be adopted
in areas of the public sector (Desouza, 2018). These include, for
instance, public education (Rockoff, Jacob, Kane, & Staiger, 2010),
social policy (Chandler, Levitt, & List, 2011), public health regulation
and healthcare provision (Kang, Kuznetsova, Luca, & Choi, 2013; Meskó,
Hetényi, & Győrffy, 2018), law enforcement (Goldsmith & Crawford, 2014),
and tax services (Nuance Communications, 2016).
Despite the wide array of areas of the public sector in which AI has
potential transformative effects, research on AI and government is still
scarce, and assumptions on the impacts of AI in government are still far
from conclusive. On the one hand, AI applications are seen as increasing
efficiency and effectiveness by automating cognitive labour, freeing up
high-value work, providing predictive capabilities for decision-making,
and improving services to citizen queries (Eggers et al., 2017). On the
other hand, the introduction of AI is accompanied by fears related to
the destruction of jobs caused by automation (McClure, 2018), the
infringements of privacy caused by digital surveillance (The Economist,
2016), and the reinforcement of biases in policy-making caused by
algorithmic governance (Janssen & Kuk, 2016). Few existing empirical
accounts have started to provide a general mapping of challenges of
adopting AI in the public sector (Sun & Medaglia, 2018).
This Special Issue of the Social Science Computer Review calls for
research that can unbox the potentials, challenges, impacts, and
theoretical implications of AI in government. We welcome research from
different social science perspectives, including Public Administration,
Information Systems, Sociology, Information Science, and Management,
that can combine relevant research foci, with rigorous methodological
approaches. Interdisciplinary submissions and submission with novel
theoretical implications are also encouraged.
Potential topics include (but are not limited to):
* Organizational Factors and Adoption Challenges of AI in Government
* AI for Public Policy and Services
* AI and Algorithmic Public Governance
* AI and Public Regulation
* AI, Data and Advanced Analytics in Government
* AI and Data Management and Stewardship in Government
* Maturity and Sustainability of AI in Government
* Smart Cities in the Age of AI
* The Ethics of AI in Government
* The Dark Side of AI in Government
* Theoretical Implications of AI in Government
Reviewing process
The Special Issue will apply a two-step reviewing process.
* In the first step, we require the submission of an extended abstract
of maximum 2000 words (excluding references) that presents the study’s
research question(s), theoretical framework, methodology, preliminary
and/or expected findings, and expected contributions to research and
practice. This extended abstract is mandatory and will be used by the
editors for selecting which abstracts will be invited to make full paper
submission. The Guest Editors will make selections based on topic
relevance, novelty, and potential contributions of the study.
* In the second step, the completed submissions will be managed by the
Guest Editors, and will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers per
paper, in a double-blind process. The submissions will undergo a maximum
of two rounds of review. Papers with a final acceptance are expected to
be published online in the second half of 2020.
February 26, 2019 – Call issued
May 1, 2019 – Extended abstracts due (mandatory)
May 15, 2019 – Authors receive feedback on extended abstracts
September 1, 2019 – Submission of completed papers (23h59m Greenwich time)
December 1, 2019 – First round of reviews returned
March 1, 2020 – Revised papers submitted
May 1, 2020 – Second round of reviews returned
July 1, 2020 – Final revisions due
Second half of 2020 – Expected online publication date
Format and guidelines
Extended abstracts and completed papers are to be submitted to Ms. Iseul
Choi at ichoi(a)albany.edu<mailto:ichoi@albany.edu>.
Completed papers may not exceed 10000 words (excluding references and
appendices). Both extended abstracts and completed paper manuscripts
must be submitted as a Word document, double-spaced, non-justified, in
12-point font. Tables and figures should be numbered and embedded in the
text body. The reference style to be followed is the APA 6th edition.
Submitted papers should not be under review for any other journal or
conference, should be significantly different from previously published
work (at least 60% unpublished material), and should present original
contributions. Duplicate submissions will be rejected. In case the
manuscripts are an extension of previously published work (e.g.,
conference article), the authors need to disclose all information about
the previous work upon submission.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the lead editor, Rony
Medaglia, at rony(a)cbs.dk<mailto:rony@cbs.dk>
About the Journal
Social Science Computer Review (SSCR) is an interdisciplinary journal
covering social science instructional and research applications of
computing, as well as societal impacts of information technology, and is
in its 37th year of publication. In the most recent year for which data
are available (2017), SSCR ranked 2/98 journals in its field
(interdisciplinary social science); 20/105 in Computer Science,
Interdisciplinary; and 14/88 in Information Science & Library Science.
SSCR has an Impact Factor of 3.253.
About the Special Issue Guest Editors
Rony Medaglia is an Associate Professor at the Department of
Digitalization of the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, and the
President of the Association for Information System (AIS) Special
Interest Group on e-Government (SIGe-Gov). Rony’s research focuses on
digitalization in the public sector, from the perspectives of public
policy, digital service provision, and citizen engagement.
Theresa A. Pardo is a full research Professor in Public Administration
and Policy at the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, and
the Director of CTG UAlbany, University at Albany, State University of
New York (SUNY). She has published over 130 articles, research reports,
practice guides, book chapters and case studies, and is ranked among the
top five scholars in her field in terms of productivity and citations to
her published work.
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia is an Associate Professor of Public Administration
and Policy and the Research Director of CTG Ualbany, University at
Albany, State University of New York (SUNY). In 2009, he was considered
the most prolific author in the field of digital government research
worldwide and some of his publications are among the most cited in the
field. His research interests include collaborative electronic
government, inter-organizational information integration, smart cities
and smart governments, adoption and implementation of emergent
technologies, digital divide policies, and multi-method research approaches.
Chandler, D., Levitt, S. D., & List, J. A. (2011). Predicting and
preventing shootings among at-risk youth. The American Economic Review,
101(3), 288–292.
Desouza, K. C. (2018). Delivering Artificial Intelligence in Government:
Challenges and Opportunities. Washington, D.C.: IBM Center for The
Business of Government. Retrieved from
Eggers, W. D., Schatsky, D., & Viechnicki, P. (2017). AI-augmented
government. Using cognitive technologies to redesign public sector work.
Deloitte. Retrieved from
Goldsmith, S., & Crawford, S. (2014). The responsive city: Engaging
communities through data-smart governance. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley
& Sons.
Janssen, M., & Kuk, G. (2016). The challenges and limits of big data
algorithms in technocratic governance. Government Information Quarterly,
33(3), 371–377.
Kang, J. S., Kuznetsova, P., Luca, M., & Choi, Y. (2013). Where Not to
Eat? Improving Public Policy by Predicting Hygiene Inspections Using
Online Reviews. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 1443–1448).
McClure, P. K. (2018). “You’re Fired,” Says the Robot: The Rise of
Automation in the Workplace, Technophobes, and Fears of Unemployment.
Social Science Computer Review, 36(2), 139–156.
Meskó, B., Hetényi, G., & Győrffy, Z. (2018). Will artificial
intelligence solve the human resource crisis in healthcare? BMC Health
Services Research, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3359-4
Nuance Communications. (2016). Australian Taxation Office Continues
Transformation of the Digital Customer Experience by Launching Online
Virtual Assistant with Nuance. Retrieved June 4, 2018, from
Rockoff, J. E., Jacob, B. A., Kane, T. J., & Staiger, D. O. (2010). Can
You Recognize an Effective Teacher When You Recruit One? Education
Finance and Policy, 6(1), 43–74.
Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern
Approach, Global Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson Higher Ed.
Sun, T. Q., & Medaglia, R. (2018). Mapping the challenges of Artificial
Intelligence in the public sector: Evidence from public healthcare.
Government Information Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.giq.2018.09.008
The Economist. (2016). China invents the digital totalitarian state.
Retrieved from
Rony Medaglia
Associate Professor, PhD
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel.: +45 2479 4327
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2019 Mini Track: Business Simulation in
Higher Education
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 09:32:01 +0000
From: Anabela Mesquita <abmesquita(a)gmail.com>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Paulino Silva <paulinosilva123(a)gmail.com>
Dear colleagues
There are still a few days to submit your manuscripts to the AMCIS 2019
Mini-track, Business Simulation in Higher Education.
The AMCIS 2019 conference will take place in Cancún, México, between
15th and 17th of August 2019.
Track: IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases (SIGED)
Minitrack 1: Business Simulation in Higher Education
Nowadays, the development of soft skills is considered as important as
the more technical and theoretical knowledge in order to become
employable and competitive. Employers are looking for professionals that
possess practical knowledge and understand clearly the business where
they are entering in. One possible solution to help students to develop
those capabilities is through the use of business simulations as these
simulate the real situation, where the student potentially might enroll,
helping key actors to feel and learn as if they were in the world of
work. This mini track is an opportunity for educators, researchers,
students and practitioners to share and exchange ideas, techniques and
experiences regarding business simulation, its development, application
and pedagogical approaches.
More and more, the world of work is demanding soft skills as a requisite
to enter the job market. As a consequence, higher education institutions
are introducing changes in the pedagogical approaches and teaching
methods in order to meet these needs and expectations. One solution that
is being used is the incorporation of Business Simulation methodologies
in the most diverse courses, including management and accounting at
undergraduate and graduate levels, and in MBAs. These type of solutions
enables students to develop important skills, together with practical
knowledge. Competences such as teamwork, critical thinking and analysis,
innovation and creativity are some examples of what can be developed and
is valued by employers, nowadays. This mini track provides an
opportunity for educators, researchers, students and practitioners to
exchange ideas, techniques and experiences concerning the use of
Simulations as a way to acquire practical knowledge and develop soft
skills. Different submission topics and formats are welcome, ranging
from more theoretical papers describing the approaches behind those
games and simulations, to papers presenting technological possibilities
and even the description of the use of such solutions in higher education.
Suggested topics related with Business Simulation:
Games and business simulation in education
• Virtual learning environments
• Available solutions and technologies
• Pedagogical and methodological issues
• Assessment of the learning outcomes
• Teaching cases
• Theories behind the development and use of business simulation
• Ethical issues
• Challenges faced by educators and students
• Mobile business simulation
• Integration of students in the job market
Mini-Track chairs
Anabela Mesquita, sarmento(a)iscap.ipp.pt <mailto:sarmento@iscap.ipp.pt>
Paulino Silva - paulino(a)iscap.ipp.pt <mailto:paulino@iscap.ipp.pt>
Submission Instructions:
Important Dates:
January 7, 2019: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019 begin
March 1, 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at
10:00am PST
March 7, 2019: All papers have assigned reviewers
April 24, 2019: Camera-ready papers are due
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] DeepLearn 2019: early registration March 2
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 09:05:37 +0100
From: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
Reply-To: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
DeepLearn 2019: early registration March 2 *To be removed from our
mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the
subject line*
*DeepLearn 201**9*
*Warsaw, Poland*
*July 22-26, 2019*
Co-organized by:
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
IRDTA – Brussels/London
--- Early registration deadline: March 2, 2019 ---
DeepLearn 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope
aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the
critical and fast developing area of deep learning. This is a branch of
artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting machine
learning research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient
algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neurosciences, computer
vision, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer
interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, healthcare,
recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned
academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with
the audience.
Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges
identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 four-hour and a half courses,
and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising
topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will
attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a
main component of the event.
An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their
own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special
sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.
Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners
will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal
pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there
will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be
assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2019 is addressed to
students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves
updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely
find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry
leaders and innovators.
3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will
be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to
move from one to another.
DeepLearn 2019 will take place in Warsaw, whose historical Old Town was
designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The venue will be:
Global Expo
Modlinska 6D
03-216 Warsaw
*PROFESSORS AND COURSES:* (to be completed)
Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced]
Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications to the Natural Sciences
Christopher Bishop (Microsoft Research Cambridge), [introductory]
Introduction to the Key Concepts and Techniques of Machine Learning
Aaron Courville (University of Montréal), [introductory/intermediate]
Deep Generative Models
Issam El Naqa (University of Michigan), [introductory/intermediate] Deep
Learning for Biomedicine
Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Florida), [introductory/intermediate]
Feature Extraction, End-end Deep Learning and Applications to Very Large
Scientific Data: Rare Signal Extraction, Uncertainty Estimation and
Realtime Machine Learning Applications in Software and Hardware
Tomas Mikolov (Facebook), [introductory] Using Neural Networks for
Modeling and Representing Natural Languages (with Armand Joulin)
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech
Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to
Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Navraj Pannu (GoDaddy), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning and
Maximum Likelihood in Structural Biology
Jose C. Principe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced]
Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video
Björn Schuller (Imperial College London), [introductory/intermediate]
Deep Learning for Intelligent Signal Processing
Alex Smola (Amazon), tba
Sargur Srihari (University at Buffalo), [intermediate/advanced]
Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Ponnuthurai N Suganthan (Nanyang Technological University),
[introductory/intermediate] Learning Algorithms for Classification,
Forecasting and Visual Tracking
Johan Suykens (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning,
Neural Networks and Kernel Machines
Alexey Svyatkovskiy (Princeton University), [introductory/intermediate]
From Natural Language Processing to Machine Learning on Source Code
Bertrand Thirion (INRIA), [introductory] Understanding the Brain with
Machine Learning
Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), [intermediate] Representation Learning in
Limited Data Settings
René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), [intermediate/advanced]
Mathematics of Deep Learning
Haixun Wang (WeWork), [intermediate] Abstractions, Concepts, and Machine
Xiaowei Xu (University of Arkansas, Little Rock),
[introductory/advanced] Multi-resolution Models for Learning Multilevel
Abstract Representations of Text
Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced]
Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data with Deep Learning
An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in
progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract
containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david(a)irdta.eu
by July 14, 2019.
A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical
applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in
contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the
program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of
the people participating in the demonstration must register for the
event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david(a)irdta.eu by
July 14, 2019.
Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a
space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a
1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the
profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to
the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must
register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to
david(a)irdta.eu by July 14, 2019.
Łukasz Kobyliński (Warsaw, co-chair)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
It has to be done at
The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template
is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will
be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each
course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the
courses they wish.
Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will
be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period
will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the
capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register
prior to the event.
Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early
registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.
Accommodation can be booked at
A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered
indicating the number of hours of lectures.
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) –
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] The 8th International Conference on Electronic
Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS 2019)
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 09:37:03 +0100
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this
The 8th International Conference on
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective
(EGOVIS 2019)
=== Technology-Enabled Innovation for Democracy, Government and
Governance ===
Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019
email: dexa2019(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission: http://www.dexa.org/paper_submission
- Paper submission: March 19, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: May 19, 2019
- Camera-ready copies due: June 19, 2019
***** PUBLICATION *****
All accepted conference papers will be published in "Lecture Notes in
Computer Science" (LNCS) by Springer Verlag. Accepted papers will be of
two sizes: regular (15-page papers) and short (up to 8 pages). The
former will tend to be descriptions of complete technical work, while
the latter will tend to be descriptions of interesting, innovative
ideas, which nevertheless require more work to mature. Authors of
accepted papers must sign a Springer copyright release form.
***** SCOPE *****
The international conference series EGOVIS focus on information systems
aspects of e-government. Information systems are a core enabler for
electronic government/governance in all its dimensions:
e-administration, e-democracy, e-participation and e-voting. Each year
EGOVIS brings together experts from academia, public administrations,
and industry to discuss e-government information systems from different
perspectives and disciplines, i.e. technology, policy and/or governance
and public administration. We search for original papers by researchers
and practitioners describing novel ideas and innovative solutions in the
***** TOPICS *****
EGOVIS 2019 invites paper submissions on all topics related to
e-government and the information systems perspective. Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Artificial intelligence, expert systems and decision support
- Business analytics in government, data mining and data warehousing
- Business process reengineering
- Civic media and social media for e-democracy
- Cloud computing
- Collaboration support systems
- Cross-border initiatives
- Cybernetics policies
- Data Science in government: big data, open data and database aspects
- Digital citizen cards
- Economics of e-Government
- e-Democracy/e-Participation
- Education and training
- e-Government 2.0; Web 2.0 and 3.0 applications
- Impacts of Web 2.0 in e-Government
- E-government enterprise architectures
- E-government policies and strategies
- Electronic identity, identity management
- Geographical information systems (GIS) - Governance in cyberspace
- Information modelling and integration
- Information retrieval
- Information systems architecture
- Interoperability solutions for Public Administrations
- Knowledge management, intelligent systems
- Legal and regulatory aspects
- Mobile services - Open Government
- Open innovation, innovation management, transparency, transformation
and change management
- Open source solutions for e-government
- Personalization and recommender systems
- Privacy, trust, interoperability and security
- Regional collaboration (e.g. central European research and
cross-border piloting)
- Risk governance and management
- Semantic Web and ontologies
- Service-oriented architectures, web services
- Social innovation platforms
- Smart government and smart governance
- Ubiquitous and pervasive computing
- Value creation and business modelling
- Workflow management
***** SUBMand must not be under submission elsewhere.
- Papers written in English, should not exceed 15 pages in LNCS format
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). please refer to
formatting guidelines refer to http://www.dexa.org/formatting_guidelines
- Submission is made electronically in PDF format using our conference
management system (http://www.dexa.org/paper_submission)
- Any submission that exceeds length limits or deviates from formatting
requirements may be rejected without review.
- Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.
***** PC Co-chairs *****
Andrea Ko, Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary
Enrico Francesconi, Italian National Resaerch Council, Publication
Office of the EU, Italy (francesconi(a)ittig.cnr.it)
***** PC Members *****
***** CONTACT *****
For further inquiries, please contact the Conference Organisation Office
Hesti Sudjana Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and
Knowledge Graphs (MLKgraphs 2019)
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 09:41:10 +0100
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge
Graphs (MLKgraphs 2019)
26-29 August 2019, Linz, Austria
email: dexa2019(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission:
- Submission of full papers: March 31, 2019 - Notification of
acceptance: May 21, 2019 - Camera-ready copies due: June 08, 2019
***** PUBLICATIONS *****
All accepted papers will be published by Springer in "Communications in
Computer and Information Science."
***** SCOPE *****
Knowledge Graphs are becoming a key technology for large-scale
information processing systems containing massive collections of
interrelated facts. Specifically, Knowledge Graphs provide the means for
development of the newest data methods for data management, data fusion,
data merging, and graph optimization and modeling, serving as a source
of high quality data and a base for web-scale information integration.
The 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs
aims to be a meeting point for researchers and practitioners working on
the latest advances in the intersection of machine learning technologies
and knowledge graphs. Therefore, we welcome submissions of novel
research that brings together the two topics of Machine Learning (ML)
and Knowledge Graphs (KGs) either applying ML models for semantic data
management structures (like KGs or ontologies), or by presenting newly
assembled Knowledge Graphs that support the task of Machine Learning for
certain application domains. Examples areas are Business Analytics,
Customer Relationship Management, Fault Detection, Industry 4.0, or
Social Networking.
***** TOPICS *****
• Machine Learning (plus its applications like Chatbots, Robotics,
Social Networks, Fault Detection, Predictive Maintenance, Life Sciences,
Neurosciences …) applied on semantic data management structures
• Data Science (including Visual Analytics, Large-Scale Data Processing,
and Network Analytics)
• Knowledge Graphs and Ontologies
• State-of-the-art Data Management solutions for Machine Learning
• Artificial Intelligence
• Deep Learning
• Cognitive Computing
• Question Answering Systems
• Image Analysis
• Text Analytics
• Industry 4.0
• Internet of Things
• Smart Cities
- Authors are invited to submit electronically original contributions in
- Submitted papers should not exceed 5 pages. - Formatting guidelines
please refer to
http://www.dexa.org/formatting_guidelines. - One of the authors of an
accepted paper must register to DEXA
conference and present the paper at the workshop. For paper registration
and electronic submission, please refer to:
http://confdriver.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/dexa2019/ starting from February
***** ORGANIZERS *****
Anna Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria (anna.fensel(a)sti2.at)
Jorge Martinez-Gil, Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria
Bernhard Moser, Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria
*** PC MEMBERS ****
***** CONTACTS *****
For further conference information contact DEXA organization office
Hesti Sudjana Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] NeuroIS Retreat 2019 - Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 08:56:16 +0000
From: Fischer Thomas <Thomas.Fischer(a)fh-steyr.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Neuro-Information-Systems (NeuroIS)
NeuroIS Retreat 2019
Vienna | Austria | June 4-6
Conference Co-Chairs: Fred Davis, René Riedl
Program Co-Chairs: Jan vom Brocke, Pierre-Majorique Léger, Adriane Randolph
Program Committee: Marc Adam, Bonnie Anderson, Ricardo Buettner, Colin
Conrad, Alan Dennis, Rob Gleasure, Jacek Gwizdka, Armin Heinzl, Alan
Hevner, Marco Hubert, Peter Kenning, Brock Kirwan, Ting-Peng Liang,
Aleck Lin, Randall Minas, Gernot Müller-Putz, Fiona Nah, Aaron Newman,
Ana Ortiz de Guinea, Sylvain Sénécal, Stefan Tams, Lars Taxén, Ofir
Turel, Anthony Vance, Eric Walden, Robert West, Selina Wriessnegger
Organisation Support: Thomas Fischer
- Submission Deadline: March 10, 2019
- Notification about Acceptance: April 1, 2019
- Submission of final paper version: April 15, 2019
- Retreat: June 4-6 (Vienna, Austria)
Completed studies (empirical, conceptual, theoretical, and opinion
papers) and work-in-progress
» employment of neurophysiological tools to study IS phenomena (e.g.,
technology adoption, mental workload, website design, flow, virtual
worlds, emotions and human-computer interaction, e-commerce,
biofeedback, social networks, information behavior, trust, IT security,
usability, avatars, music and user interfaces, multitasking, memory,
attention, IS design science, risk, knowledge processes, business
process modeling, ERP systems)
» application of psychophysiological approaches to study technostress,
information overload, and IT addiction
» identification of the neural correlates of IS constructs based on
neuroscience methods
» software prototypes of NeuroIS applications, which use bio-signals
(e.g., EEG, skin conductance, pupil dilation) as system input
» discussion of methodological and ethical issues and evaluation of the
status of the NeuroIS field
Using conftool (the creation of a user account is necessary beforehand)
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer (Series:
Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation), and hence all
accepted papers will be available online through the SpringerLink
Digital Library, readily accessible by all subscribing libraries around
the world, and will be indexed by a number of corresponding services
(e.g., Scopus).
This conference is supported by the academic journals Business &
Information Systems Engineering,
and DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems.
The authors of the best research papers will be invited to submit full
paper versions to the journals through a fast track review process.
MORE INFORMATION: www.NeuroIS.org<http://www.neurois.org/>
(apologies for cross-postings)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] NeuroIS.org Training Course 2019
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 08:58:39 +0000
From: Fischer Thomas <Thomas.Fischer(a)fh-steyr.at>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
NeuroIS Training Course 2019
A Pre‐Event of the NeuroIS Retreat 2019
THEME: Getting Started with NeuroIS: Choosing Tools, Methodologies, and
June 4, 2019, 09.00 – 16.00
Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Vienna, Austria
Tutors: Fred D. Davis, Pierre-Majorique Léger, René Riedl
Because the NeuroIS field is still in a relatively early stage of
development, it is important that interested researchers have
opportunities to learn NeuroIS concepts, including knowledge on human
neurobiology and neuroscience tools. Based on a reasonable degree of
neuroscience knowledge, academics can develop insight that is necessary
to evaluate the potential of neuroscience for specific research areas in
the information systems (IS), design science, and computing disciplines,
and to choose appropriate tools, methods, and theories. Solid knowledge
is indispensable for researchers, reviewers, and journal editors.
The NeuroIS Training Course 2019, an offer of the Society for NeuroIS,
is designed to give participants a basic foundation in major concepts,
methods, and tools related to NeuroIS research. This course is
specifically designed to collaborate in actively developing NeuroIS
research strategies for early-stage research ideas of interest to the
participants. Participants are asked to submit research ideas in
advance, and to come prepared to briefly present and discuss their ideas
in a workshop atmosphere. The tutors – Prof. Fred D. Davis (Texas Tech
University, USA), Pierre-Majorique Léger (HEC Montréal, Canada), and
René Riedl (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and University
of Linz, Austria) – will provide feedback and suggestions based on the
nature of the research ideas. Participation should provide value for IS,
computer science, and management PhD students and faculty. There are no
specific prerequisites for participation. English is the course language.
The course uses an interactive teaching approach, and it covers
fundamental themes, including the following questions: Why do we need
NeuroIS? How to conduct NeuroIS studies? What constitutes a good NeuroIS
contribution? The course takes a beginner rather than an expert approach
to the material presented, and it is mainly based on the following book:
Riedl, R. & Léger, P.-M.: Fundamentals of NeuroIS: Information Systems
and the Brain. Springer, 2016.
Research ideas must be submitted in English to
info(a)NeuroIS.org<mailto:info@neurois.org> not later than May 10, 2019
(please send a WORD or PDF file). Research idea documents may not exceed
2 pages of text and should include author name(s) and contact
information, as well as a description of: (1) problem statement, (2)
research question(s) and/or hypotheses, (3) intended methods/tools, (4)
expected contribution, and (5) key references. Participants must be
prepared to present their research ideas at the course (the presentation
must not exceed 10 minutes). Based on this presentation, the tutors will
provide their comments and recommendations. Based on this interactive
format, it is hoped that participants get a maximum of feedback on their
research ideas. Please note that it is possible to participate without
submitting a research idea document.
To register for the course, please follow the instructions provided at
Attendees receive a certificate of participation. This course is a
pre‐event of the NeuroIS Retreat 2019; the retreat starts with a
reception and dinner in the evening of June 4.
(Apologies for cross-postings)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Fifth International Workshop on
Serverless Computing (WoSC)
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 21:47:53 -0500
From: Vatche Ishakian <vatchei(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
Fifth International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC) 2019
Part of 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
(ICDCS 2019)
The workshop will take place in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Over the last four to five years, Serverless Computing (Serverless) has
gained an enthusiastic following in industry as a compelling paradigm
for the deployment of cloud applications, and is enabled by the recent
shift of enterprise application architectures to containers and
micro-services. Many of the major cloud vendors, have released
serverless platforms, including Amazon Lambda, Google Cloud Functions,
Microsoft Azure Functions, IBM Cloud Functions. There is, however,
little attention from the research community. This workshop brings
together researchers and practitioners to discuss their experiences and
thoughts on future directions.
Serverless architectures offer different tradeoffs in terms of control,
cost, and flexibility. For example, this requires developers to more
carefully consider the resources used by their code (time to execute,
memory used, etc.) when modularizing their applications. This is in
contrast to concerns around latency, scalability, and elasticity, which
is where significant development effort has traditionally been spent
when building cloud services. In addition, tools and techniques to
monitor and debug applications aren't applicable in serverless
architectures, and new approaches are needed. As well, test and
development pipelines may need to be adapted. Another decision that
developers face are the appropriateness of the serverless ecosystem to
their application requirements. A rich ecosystem of services built into
the platform is typically easier to compose and would offer better
performance. However, composing external services may be unavoidable,
and in such cases, many of the benefits of serverless disappear,
including performance and availability guarantees. This presents an
important research challenge, and it is not clear how existing results
and best practices, such as workflow composition research, can be
applied to composition in a serverless environment.
Authors are invited to submit research papers, experience papers,
demonstrations, or position papers.
The latest version of this CFP is available at
This workshop solicits papers from both academia and industry on the
state of practice and state of the art in serverless computing. Topics
of interest include but are not limited to:
* Infrastructure and network optimizations for serverless
* Debugging serverless applications
* Programming models
* Use cases, experiences
* Benchmarks
* Cost models, pricing models, and economics of serverless
* DevOps
* Other topics related to serverless computing
Important Dates
Paper Submission: March 25, 2019
Notification of Acceptance: April 25, 2019
Final Camera-Ready Manuscript: May 1, 2019
Author registration deadline: TBD
Conference: July 7-10, 2019
Papers and Submissions
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished
research/application papers that are not being considered in another
Submitted manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may
not exceed six (6) single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point
size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style ), including
figures, tables, and references.
Authors should submit the manuscript in PDF format. All manuscripts
will be reviewed and will be judged on correctness, originality,
technical strength, rigour in analysis, quality of results, quality of
presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees.
Papers conforming to the above guidelines can be submitted through the
paper submission system
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdcs2019 select "Workshop
on Serverless Computing" Track after clicking New Submission (top right
button in toolbar).
All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 program
committee members. Accepted papers (from both tracks and workshops)
with confirmed presentation will appear in the conference proceedings
published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and will be made available
online through the IEEE Digital Library, as well as through the ACM
Digital Library.
Review policy
IEEE Policy and professional ethics require that referees treat the
contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be
disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with
access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the
special knowledge, which that access provides. Contents of abstracts
submitted to conference program committees should be regarded as
privileged as well, and handled in the same manner. The Conference
Publications Chair shall ensure that referees adhere to this practice.
Organizers of IEEE conferences are expected to provide an appropriate
forum for the oral presentation and discussion of all accepted papers.
An author, in offering a paper for presentation at an IEEE conference,
or accepting an invitation to present a paper, is expected to be
present at the meeting to deliver the paper. In the event that
circumstances unknown at the time of submission of a paper preclude its
presentation by an author, the program chair should be informed on
time, and appropriate substitute arrangements should be made. In some
cases it may help reduce no-shows for the Conference to require advance
registration together with the submission of the final manuscript.
Workshop co-chairs
Paul Castro, IBM Research
Vatche Ishakian, Bentley University
Vinod Muthusamy, IBM Research
Aleksander Slominski, IBM Research
Steering Committee (tentative)
Roger Barga, Amazon Web Services
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University & Formerly Microsoft Research
Arno Jacobsen, MSRG (Middleware Systems Research Group)
Program Committee (tentative)
Gul Agha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Azer Bestavros, Boston University
Flavio Esposito, Saint Louis University
Rodrigo Fonseca, Brown University
Ian Foster, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University & Formerly Microsoft Research
Pedro Garcia Lopez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
Arno Jacobsen, MSRG (Middleware Systems Research Group)
Tyler Harter, GSL, Microsoft
Visnja Krizanovic, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Theo Lynn, Dublin City University, Ireland
Maciej Malawski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Pietro Michiardi, Eurecom
Lucas Nussbaum, LORIA, France
Eric Rozner, University of Colorado Boulder
Josef Spillner, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Rich Wolski, University of California, Santa Barbara
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Papers: 14th IEEE Workshop on Security,
Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications - Submission Deadline:
April 15, 2019
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 23:04:56 +0000
From: Hossain Shahriar <hshahria(a)kennesaw.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[Apologies if you receive multiple calls of this CFP]
STPSA 2019: The 14th IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust, and
Privacy for Software Applications
In conjunction with the IEEE Conference on Computers, Software, &
Applications (COMPSAC)
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, July 15-19
Workshop Website: https://ieeecompsac.computer.org/2019/stpsa/
Goal of the workshop
This workshop will bring researchers from academia and industry to
discuss methods and tools to achieve security, trust, and privacy goals
of both pervasive and non-pervasive software applications. This workshop
will focus on techniques, experiences, and lessons learned with respect
to the state of art for the security, trust, and privacy aspects of both
pervasive and non-pervasive software applications along with various
open issues.
Scope of the Workshop
Information security has become a major concern for software and
applications. Software systems must be engineered with reliable
protection mechanisms with respect to security, privacy, and trust,
while still delivering the expected value of the software to their
customers. The traditional approaches to secure a system (e.g., IDS,
firewalls) are no longer sufficient to address many security, trust, and
privacy (STP) issues. These issues should be addressed by building more
effective STP-aware software applications. The principal obstacle in
developing STP-aware software is that current software specification,
design, implementation, and testing practices do not include adequate
methods and tools to achieve security, trust, and privacy goals.
Further, emerging techniques such as blockchain bring on new challenges
to adopt them into developing STP-aware software and applications. In
this workshop, we welcome papers on existing and emerging challenges and
requirements of security, privacy, and trust for software applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Security, trust, and privacy specific software development practices
- Security, trust, and privacy requirements elicitation and specification
- Models and languages for STP-aware software specification and design
- Architecture for STP-aware software development
- STP challenges for pervasive software applications
- Testing security, trust, and privacy properties of software applications
- STP management and usability issues in software applications
- User interfaces for STP-aware pervasive and non-pervasive software
- STP challenges in e-services, e.g. e-health, e-government, e-banking,
e-commerce, e-marketing and other web-based and pervasive applications
- STP challenges in mobile software applications
- STP challenges in sensor-based software applications
- User interfaces for secure and privacy-aware pervasive computing
- STP-aware service discovery mechanisms for pervasive computing
- Models for ensuring security, trust, and privacy in pervasive software
- STP issues for handheld device software applications such as healthcare
- Offensive security and attacks on software applications and mitigation
- Application of blockchain technologies for STP-aware software development
- Teaching, innovative course or curriculum for STP-aware software
- Experience reports on developing STP-aware software
- Ethical issues in STP-aware software and application development
- Experience reports on developing STP-aware software
Paper Submission
The length of a camera-ready paper will be limited to 6 pages (IEEE
Proceedings style) with up to 2 additional pages (with charges for each
additional page) printed on 10 point fonts. Authors must follow the IEEE
CS Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare papers. All submitted
papers will be reviewed by at least three reviewers and accepted papers
will be published in the electronic conference proceedings by the IEEE
Computer Society, indexed through INSPEC and EI Index (Elsevier's Eng.
Inf. Index), and automatically included in the IEEE Digital Library. At
least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to pay the
full registration fee and present the paper at the workshop in person.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=compsac2019
Workshops Program Deadlines
April 15, 2019: Deadline for Paper Submission
May 01, 2019: Acceptance Notification
May 17, 2019: Camera-ready Due
Program Co-Chairs:
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Florida International University, USA, Email:
Debbie Perouli, Marquette University, USA, Email:
Natalia Stakhnova, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Email:
Steering Committee Chairs:
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Marquette University, USA,
Mohammad Zulkernine, Queen’s University, Canada, Email:
For questions or inquiries, please contact Program Co-Chairs
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Papers: 14th IEEE Workshop on Security,
Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications - Submission Deadline:
April 15, 2019
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 23:18:07 +0000
From: Hossain Shahriar <hshahria(a)kennesaw.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: marahman(a)fiu.edu <marahman(a)fiu.edu>, natalia(a)cs.usask.ca
<natalia(a)cs.usask.ca>, Perouli, Debbie <despoina.perouli(a)marquette.edu>
[Apologies if you receive multiple calls of this CFP]
STPSA 2019: The 14th IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust, and
Privacy for Software Applications
In conjunction with the IEEE Conference on Computers, Software, &
Applications (COMPSAC)
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, July 15-19
Workshop Website: https://ieeecompsac.computer.org/2019/stpsa/
Goal of the workshop
This workshop will bring researchers from academia and industry to
discuss methods and tools to achieve security, trust, and privacy goals
of both pervasive and non-pervasive software applications. This workshop
will focus on techniques, experiences, and lessons learned with respect
to the state of art for the security, trust, and privacy aspects of both
pervasive and non-pervasive software applications along with various
open issues.
Scope of the Workshop
Information security has become a major concern for software and
applications. Software systems must be engineered with reliable
protection mechanisms with respect to security, privacy, and trust,
while still delivering the expected value of the software to their
customers. The traditional approaches to secure a system (e.g., IDS,
firewalls) are no longer sufficient to address many security, trust, and
privacy (STP) issues. These issues should be addressed by building more
effective STP-aware software applications. The principal obstacle in
developing STP-aware software is that current software specification,
design, implementation, and testing practices do not include adequate
methods and tools to achieve security, trust, and privacy goals.
Further, emerging techniques such as blockchain bring on new challenges
to adopt them into developing STP-aware software and applications. In
this workshop, we welcome papers on existing and emerging challenges and
requirements of security, privacy, and trust for software applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Security, trust, and privacy specific software development practices
- Security, trust, and privacy requirements elicitation and specification
- Models and languages for STP-aware software specification and design
- Architecture for STP-aware software development
- STP challenges for pervasive software applications
- Testing security, trust, and privacy properties of software applications
- STP management and usability issues in software applications
- User interfaces for STP-aware pervasive and non-pervasive software
- STP challenges in e-services, e.g. e-health, e-government, e-banking,
e-commerce, e-marketing and other web-based and pervasive applications
- STP challenges in mobile software applications
- STP challenges in sensor-based software applications
- User interfaces for secure and privacy-aware pervasive computing
- STP-aware service discovery mechanisms for pervasive computing
- Models for ensuring security, trust, and privacy in pervasive software
- STP issues for handheld device software applications such as healthcare
- Offensive security and attacks on software applications and mitigation
- Application of blockchain technologies for STP-aware software development
- Teaching, innovative course or curriculum for STP-aware software
- Experience reports on developing STP-aware software
- Ethical issues in STP-aware software and application development
- Experience reports on developing STP-aware software
Paper Submission
The length of a camera-ready paper will be limited to 6 pages (IEEE
Proceedings style) with up to 2 additional pages (with charges for each
additional page) printed on 10 point fonts. Authors must follow the IEEE
CS Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare papers. All submitted
papers will be reviewed by at least three reviewers and accepted papers
will be published in the electronic conference proceedings by the IEEE
Computer Society, indexed through INSPEC and EI Index (Elsevier's Eng.
Inf. Index), and automatically included in the IEEE Digital Library. At
least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to pay the
full registration fee and present the paper at the workshop in person.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=compsac2019
Workshops Program Deadlines
April 15, 2019: Deadline for Paper Submission
May 01, 2019: Acceptance Notification
May 17, 2019: Camera-ready Due
Program Co-Chairs:
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Florida International University, USA, Email:
Debbie Perouli, Marquette University, USA, Email:
Natalia Stakhnova, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Email:
Steering Committee Chairs:
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Marquette University, USA,
Mohammad Zulkernine, Queen’s University, Canada, Email:
For questions or inquiries, please contact Program Co-Chairs
AISWorld mailing list