-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] The 11th International Conference on Informatics
and Systems (INFOS 2018)
Date: Thu, 24 May 2018 21:18:37 +0200
From: Hisham Abdelsalam <h.abdelsalam(a)fci-cu.edu.eg>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 11th International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS 2018)
December 10-12, Cairo, Egypt
INFOS is a premier conference in informatics and systems that takes place
in Cairo, Egypt. The conference theme for this year is *“Towards a Digital
Society” *where the conference focuses on adopting and adapting existing
and emerging technologies that enable the transformation to a digital
society. This year INFOS plans to bring together industry and academia to
discuss, share, and advance the future of IT and its role in im-proving
economy and society.
Contributions are welcomed in all topics related to informatics, systems,
and computing with focus on data and its use in boosting the economy.
Submission is open for high quality, original and unpublished papers of all
types of work, including industrial, empirical, and theoretical. A special
focus will be given to contributions that discuss challenges, barriers, and
opportunities for exploiting informatics and computing systems and
technologies to solve pressing and practical societal challenges in health,
agriculture, energy, and education with direct impact on economy.
INFOS 2018 invites contributions for Research papers, Tutorials and
Workshops proposals, and Posters. Submission guidelines for each track and
the due dates can be found on the Submission Section of the conference
website: http://infos.fci.cu.edu.eg/2018/
Research Papers Tracks: Detailed topics for each track can be found on the
conference website.
- Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM)
- Data Sciences, Technology, and Applications (DSTA)
- Governance for Digital Society (GIDS)
- Financial Technologies for Digital Society (FINTEC)
- Software Technologies, Systems, and Applications (STSA)
- Smart and Secure Network Systems (SSNS)
Research Papers
Submission June 30, 2018
Notification to author August 20, 2018
Tutorial Proposals
Submission September 30, 2018
Acceptance Notification October 10, 2018
Workshop Proposals
Submission April 20, 2018
Acceptance Notification April 27, 2018
Submission August 30, 2018
Acceptance Notification September 10, 2018
If you have any further questions or concerns, please visit the conference
website or contact us at: infos2018(a)fci-cu.edu.eg
INFOS 2018 Organizing Committee
Hisham Abdelsalam, *Ph.D., B.Sc. (Eng)*
Professor and Chair - Operations Research and Decision Support Department
Faculty of Computers and Information - Cairo University
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Declarative/Decision/Hybrid Mining and
Modelling for Business Processes [deadline extended]
Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 12:27:07 +0200
From: Claudio Di Ciccio <claudio.di.ciccio(a)wu.ac.at>
Reply-To: claudio.di.ciccio(a)wu.ac.at
Organization: Vienna University of Economics and Business
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
DeHMiMoP 2018
6th International Workshop on
Declarative/Decision/Hybrid Mining and Modelling for Business Processes
Sydney, Australia, 10 September 2018
Co-located with BPM '18
In this workshop, we are interested in the application and challenges of
decision-based, rule-based and hybrid modelling in all phases of the BPM
lifecycle (identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, implementation
and monitoring).
* Important Dates *
- June 11, 2018: Manuscript submission [EXTENDED!]
- July 4, 2018: Notification of acceptance
- August 17, 2018: Camera-ready version
- September 10, 2018: Workshop
* Scope *
Processes and business process models involve rules and decisions
describing the premises and possible outcomes of specific situations.
However, important though they are, rules and decisions are often hidden
in process flows, process activities or in the head of employees (tacit
knowledge), so that they need to be discovered using state-of-art
intelligent techniques. For knowledge-intensive processes it is common
that rules and decisions, as opposed to the process-flow, define the
allowed behaviour of a process. E.g., the major purpose of an insurance
claim process is to ensure that the rules governing the claim are being
followed and to arrive at a final decision.
While traditional imperative notations such as BPMN excel at describing
"happy paths", they turn out to be rather inadequate for modelling rules
and decisions. Imperative notations indeed tend to describe possible
behaviour as alternative, restricted flows. But encompassing all
possible variations makes imperative models cluttered and thus
impractical in highly flexible scenarios. Against this background, a new
declarative modelling paradigm has been proposed that aims to directly
capture the business rules or constraints underlying the process. The
approach has gained momentum in recent years, and several declarative
notations have been developed such as Declare, DCR Graphs, DMN, GSM and
eCRG. Lately, there has been a rapidly growing interest in hybrid
approaches, which combine the strengths of different modelling paradigms.
In this workshop, we are interested in the application and challenges of
decision- and rule-based modelling in all phases of the BPM lifecycle
(identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, implementation and
The purpose of the workshop is therefore:
- To examine the relationship between rules, decisions and processes,
including models; not only to model the process , but also to model the
rules and decisions.
- To enhance rule and decision mining based on process data (e.g. event
- To examine decision goals, structures , and their connection with
business processes, in order to find a good integration between rule-
and decision-based modelling and flow-based modelling.
- To examine standards (DMN, CMMN, BPMN) and their integration.
- To study how different process models can be designed to fit a
decision process, according to various optimization criteria, such as
throughput time, use of resources, etc.
- To study the integration between different modelling paradigms.
- To show best practices in separating process, rule and decision concerns.
* Topics of interest *
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Declarative and hybrid (process modelling) approaches
- Declarative notations (Declare, DCR Graphs, GSM, eCRG, ...)
- Decision & goal notations (DMN, PDM, ...)
- Case management notations (CMMN, ...)
- Hybrid notations
- Declarative and hybrid modelling methodologies
- Process metrics
- Process maintenance and flexibility
- Human-centered and flexible processes
- Decision rules and processes
- Decision models and structures
- Formal analysis (e.g. expressiveness proofs) of declarative and hybrid
- Formal verification (e.g. model-checking and static analysis) of
declarative and hybrid models
- Run-time adaptation of declarative and hybrid process models
Decision mining and declarative/hybrid process mining
- Decision mining
- Declarative process mining
- Hybrid process mining
- Data mining for decision and declarative/hybrid process analysis
- Rule mining for decision and declarative/hybrid process analysis
Applications of decision- and rule-modelling in BPM
- Goal-driven processes
- Knowledge-intensive processes
- Business process compliance
- Knowledge workflow management
- Usability and understandability studies
- Case studies
- Tools
* Format of the Workshop *
The workshop will begin with a keynote, followed by presentations of
accepted papers. Full papers have 20 minutes for their presentations and
10 minutes for discussion and Q&A. Short papers have 15 + 5 minutes. At
the end of the workshop, there will be a closing panel discussion.
Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least three program committee
members guaranteeing that only papers presenting high quality work and
innovative research in areas relevant to the workshop theme will be
All accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings. They will
be distributed electronically on USB sticks. The post-proceedings will
be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information
Processing (LNBIP) series, in a single volume dedicated to the
proceedings of all BPM workshops. During a time window after the
conference the workshop participants will be granted the free download
of the papers.
* Submission *
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on any of the topics of
the workshop. Papers must be written in English. The following types of
submission are accepted:
- full research papers and experience papers (max. 12 pages),
- short papers (position paper, work in progress, software
demonstration; max. 6 pages).
Submissions must be prepared according to the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) format specified by Springer (see instructions [1]). The
title page must contain a short abstract and a list of keywords,
preferably using the list of topics given above. Papers should be
submitted electronically via EasyChair [2].
At least one author of each accepted manuscript must register for the
workshop and present the paper.
[2] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dehmimop2018
* Program Committee *
- Bart Baesens, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Andrea Burattin, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Josep Carmona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Massimiliano de Leoni, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Riccardo De Masellis, Stockholm University, Italy
- Johannes De Smedt, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Jochen De Weerdt, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Chiara Di Francescomarino, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
- Robert Golan, DBmind Technologies Inc., United States
- María Teresa Gómez-López, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
- Xunhua Guo, Tsinghua University, China
- Thomas Hildebrandt, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Amin Jalali, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
- Fabrizio M. Maggi, University of Tartu, Estonia
- Andrea Marrella, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Marco Montali, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
- Jorge Munoz-Gama, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Artem Polyvyanyy, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Stefan Schönig, University of Bayreuth, Germany
- Lucinéia H. Thom, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Han van der Aa, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Wil M.P. van der Aalst, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Barbara Weber, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Matthias Weidlich, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
- Mathias Weske, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany
* Organisers *
- Claudio Di Ciccio, WU Vienna, Austria
- Jan Vanthienen, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Tijs Slaats, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Dennis Schunselaar, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Søren Debois, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Contact *
Please contact the organisers via email at the following address:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: ICNC-FSKD 2018 Submission Open until 20 June: Submitting to
IEEE Xplore/Scopus/EI Compendex/ISI 2018/5/25 10:38:49 nwipsws
Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 10:38:38 +0800
From: Prof Sun <icnc-fskd-cfp(a)hnu.edu.cn>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleague,
We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the upcoming 2018 14th
International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and
Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2018), to be held from 28-30 July 2018 in
Huangshan, China*(submission remains open until 20 June)*.
Huangshan (literal meaning: Yellow Mountain) is a UNESCO World Heritage
Site, and one of China's major tourist destinations. It is well known
for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, Huangshan
pine trees, hot springs, winter snow, and views of the clouds from
above. Huangshan is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings
and literature, as well as modern photography. A famous saying goes:
"You don't need to see any more mountains after seeing 'the Five
Mountains', and you don't need to see the other four mountains after
seeing Huangshan."
As with the past ICNC-FSKD conferences, all papers in conference
proceedings will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISTP (ISI
Proceedings), as well as IEEE Xplore (all previous ICNC-FSKD conferences
from 2005 to 2016 have been indexed in Ei Compendex). *Extended versions
of selected best papers will appear in SCIE-indexed international
journals, including Theoretical Computer Science - Part C: Nature
Computing, Neural Computing and Applications, International Journal of
Fuzzy Systems, and Journal of Supercomputing.* ICNC-FSKD 2018 is
technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (pending).
ICNC-FSKD is a premier international forum for scientists and
researchers to present the state of the art of data mining and
intelligent methods inspired from nature, particularly biological,
linguistic, and physical systems, with applications to computers,
circuits, systems, control, robotics, communications, and more. This is
an exciting and emerging interdisciplinary area in which a wide range of
theory and methodologies are being investigated and developed to tackle
complex and challenging problems. The registration fee of US-D490
includes proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, coffee breaks, and all
technical sessions.
To promote international participation of researchers from outside the
country/region where the conference is held (i.e., China’s mainland),
researchers outside of China’s mainland are encouraged to propose
invited sessions. An honorarium of US-D400 will be enjoyed by the
organizer(s) for each completed (with at least 6 registered papers)
invited session. The first author of each paper in an invited session
must not be affiliated with an organization in China’s mainland.
"(Invited Paper)" may be added below the title of each paper in the
invited sessions. Invited session organizers will solicit submissions,
conduct reviews and recommend accept/reject decisions on the submitted
papers. Invited session organizers will be able to set their own
submission and review schedules, as long as a set of recommended papers
is determined by 3 June 2018. Each invited session proposal should
include: (1) the name, bio, and contact information of each organizer of
the invited session; (2) the title and a short synopsis of the invited
session. Please send your proposal to icnc-fskd2018(a)ahu.edu.cn
For more information, visit the conference web page:
If you have any questions after visiting the conference web page, please
email the secretariat at
icnc-fskd2018(a)ahu.edu.cn <mailto:icnc-fskd2018@ahu.edu.cn>
Join us at this major event in beautiful Huangshan!!!
Organizing Committee
icnc-fskd2018(a)ahu.edu.cn <mailto:icnc-fskd2018@ahu.edu.cn>
P.S.: Kindly forward to your colleagues and students in your
If you wish to unsubscribe, in which case we apologize, please reply
with " unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at " in your email subject.
2018/5/25 10:38:49 0po7q2mc
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern
Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018): Last Mile
Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 10:14:55 +0300
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE(a)acm.org, confs-submit(a)hri.org, hellas(a)lists.psu.edu,
*** Last Mile ***
15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference
on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018)
St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 4-5 October, 2018
*** Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2018 (firm) ***
The European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information
Systems (EMCIS) is an annual research event addressing the IS discipline
regional as well as global perspective. EMCIS has successfully helped
together researchers from around the world in a friendly atmosphere
conducted to free exchange of innovative ideas. EMCIS was founded in 2004
by Brunel University research Group ISEing and it is an annual event. A
number of respected collaborations were made with different local
universities across the destinations chosen each year and EMCIS still proves
to attract many further partnerships.
EMCIS is one of the premier conferences in Europe and Middle Eastern region
for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical,
organisational, business and social issues in the application of Information
Technology. EMCIS is dedicated to the definition and establishment of
Information Systems as a discipline of high impact for the methodical
community and IS professionals – focusing on approaches that facilitate the
identification of innovative research of significant relevance to the IS
discipline following sound research methodologies that lead to results of
measurable impact.
The EMCIS proceedings are published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing book series.
Zahir Irani, University of Bradford, UK
"An Enterprise View of Food Security: A Puzzle, Problem or Mess
for a Circular Economy"
Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne, Germany
"Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Meet Human Brain"
The topics of interest are grouped into the following tracks:
• Big Data and Analytics
• Blockchain Technology and Applications
• Cloud Computing
• Digital Services and Social Media
• e-Government
• Enterprise Systems
• Science Communication in the Digital Public Sphere
• Information Systems Security and Information Privacy Protection
• Healthcare Information Systems
• Management and Organisational Issues in Information Systems
• IT Governance
• Innovative Research Projects
• Immersive Technologies in IT/IS
A full list of subtopics for each track can be found on the conference
web site.
Submissions should be original, not published or being considered elsewhere
for publication. Authors should not add their details (names,
affiliation, email
etc.) in the document they submit for review. All papers should be submitted
via the Easy Chair conference management system (the URL is available on the
conference web site) and adhere to the format for Springer Lecture Notes
publications. The papers must be submitted as a single PDF document and
should not exceed 5,000 words (recommended length is 14 pages). Please
note that the working language is English.
Papers go through a ‘double-blind review’ process that evaluates their
significance, originality, contribution and clarity. Upon acceptance please
make sure that at least one author registers to secure a slot for their
presentation in the conference program.
When preparing the camera-ready version of a paper, authors should add
their details (names, affiliation, email, etc.) on the first page of the
paper and
indicate which is the corresponding author.
Along with the camera-ready version of their paper, authors should fill,
and submit the copyright form. The form shall be sent by email to
• Electronic Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2018 (*** firm ***)
• Notification of Acceptance to Authors: 30 June, 2018
• Camera Ready Copy: 10 July, 2018
• Early-bird Registration: 10 July, 2018
• Author Registration Deadline: 10 July, 2018
Conference Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Conference co-Chair
• Angelika Kokkinaki, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Conference Executive Committee
• Vincenzo Morabito, Bocconi University, Italy, (Program Chair)
• Marinos Themistocleous, University of Piraeus, Greece (Program Chair)
• Gianluigi Viscusi, École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Switzerland (Publications Chair)
• Muhammad Kamal, Brunel University, UK (Public Relations Chair)
International Committee
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IFIP-ICEC || Entertainment Computing || 18-20th
Sept 2018 || 4th June: posters/tutorials/demos/emering
topics/interactive sessions || Poznan, Poland
Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 03:19:54 +0200
From: Artur Lugmayr <artur.lugmayr(a)ambientmediaassociation.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Please note, this will be the last email over this list, as we are working
on implementing the
GDPR. We will inform you about how to remain subscribed to this list in a
follow-up email.
co-located with IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC'18)
“ explore . create . reflect . develop ”
Bridging the gap between technology, HCI, business, design, and art in
Date: 18-20 September, 2018
Venue: Poznan, Poland
Next deadline - 4th June 2018 for:
- Missed the short/long paper deadline? - what about an Emerging Topic
- Tutorials, Emerging Topics, Posters, Demos, Interactive Sessions
Art Exhibition Entries are due on the 1st July 2018
* Bio-Sensing Platforms for “Wellness Entertainment” System Design:
Bio-Sensing, Interactive Media Art, and Wellness Entertainment
* Designing Entertainment for the Aging Population (DEAP 2018)
* Entertainment Computation - A Key for Improving Inclusion and Reducing
Gender Gap?
* Workshop on Robot Competitions
More information: http://www.ifip-icec.org/workshops/
Keynote Speaker Prof. Ellen Yi-Luen Do from Univ. of Colorado Boulder, US
“From Design Computing to Creating Unique Technologies for Everyone”
- breaking NEW ACTIVITIES@ICEC: art exhibition, ICEC award, new conference
- NEW AREAS@ICEC media studies, human-computer-interaction, business &
information systems
- IFIP ICEC Entertainment Award
- Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/EntertainmentComputing/
- Subscribe to our Mailinglist on www.ifip-icec.org
- Twitter: @IFIP_ICEC
The IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computation is the
longest lasting and prime scientific conference series in the area of
Entertainment Computing. It brings together practitioners, researchers,
artists, designers, and industry on the
design, creation, development, use, application and evaluation of digital
entertainment content and experience systems. The conference series is
cross-disciplinary, and stretches over the domains of computer science,
human-computer-interaction, content production, digital games, multimedia,
media studies, art, and design. The conference series aims at presenting
high quality scientific results spanning from theory to application,
experience, and demonstrations.
We solicit papers, posters, and demonstrations, as well as we are looking
for tutorial and
workshop proposal. The conference theme for 2018 is “Explore . Create .
Reflect . Develop”.
All papers are published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Best full papers are recommended to publish in a special issue of the
Elsevier Entertainment Computing Journal.
· EXTENDED June 4, 2018: Posters, Demos, Tutorials, Interactive Sessions
(notification June 5, 2018)
· June 19, 2018: Camera Ready Papers Due (all tracks)
· July 1, 2018: Suggested Deadline for Workshop Papers
· July 1, 2018: Art Exhibitions Entries
· August 1, 2018: Doctoral Consortium Application
- Short (6pp) and long papers (12pp)
- Posters (4pp + the actual poster in A0 as pdf)
- Art, Demonstrations and Interactive Exhibits (4pp including description
of the experience)
- Industry track (1pp + modality /demonstration, justification of modality:
- Workshops and tutorials (4pp)
- Doctoral consortium (4pp)
All submission guidelines can be found on the conference website on
If you have any questions concerning the conference, please contact us
under contact(a)ifip-icecc.org.
The conference is organized by the IFIP-TC14
- Artur Lugmayr, Curtin Univ., AUSTRALIA - General Chair
- Kathrin Gerling, KU Leuven, BELGIUM - General Chair
- Esteban Clua, Fluminese Federal Univ., BRAZIL - Program Chair
- Licinio Roque, from Universidade de Coimbra, PORTUGAL - Program Chair
- Rainer Malaka, Univ. of Bremen, GERMANY - IFIP TC 14 Chair
We invite the submission of papers, posters, demos, tutorials and workshop
proposals on the design, development, and study of broad forms of digital
entertainment. Topics include but are not limited to:
Emerging Topics in Entertainment Computing
- Ubiquitous Computing and Interfaces in Entertainment
- Immersive and Virtual Multimedia Experiences
- Quality of Services (QoS), and Quality of Experience (QoE)
- AI, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Entertainment
- Content Production and Production Systems
Digital Games and Interactive Entertainment
- Game Design and Development
- Interactive Narratives & Digital Storytelling
- Entertainment Robots, Toys & Smart Gadgets
Design, Human-Computer Interaction, and Analysis of Entertainment Systems
- Experience Design & Analysis
- Telemetry & Semi-Automated Analysis
- Methodologies, Tools & Techniques for Entertainment
- Human Factors & Performance of Entertainment Applications & Technology
Interactive Art, Performance and Cultural Computing
- Digital Art & Installations
- Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality & Entertainment
- Ubiquitous/Pervasive Entertainment
- Sound, Music & Performance
- TransMedia and Entertainment
- Social Computing
Entertainment Devices, Platforms & Systems
- Digital Entertainment Hardware & Devices
- Ambient Entertainment
- Digital Broadcasting and Digital Cinema
- Interactive Television and Broadcasting
Theoretical Foundations and Ethical Issues
- Emotions and Affective Interaction
- Social / Cultural Impacts of Digital Entertainment
- Issues of Public Relations & Advertising Through Entertainment
Entertainment for Purpose & Persuasion
- Serious & Learning Games
- Games for Health & Well-Being
- Games For Change & Social Impact Games
- Exergaming
- Advergames and Digital Marketing
Computational Methodologies for Entertainment
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Entertainment
- Procedural Content Generation
- Computer Graphics & Visual Effects
- Big Data in Entertainment
- Security & Privacy in Entertainment[K1]
Media Studies, Communication, Business, and Information Systems
- Information Technology in Media Industry
- IT and the Economics of Media Business
- Audience Measurement and Participation
- Interplay between technology, content, and consumer choice
- Adoption and diffusion of technology driven media products
- New communication models through emerging new technologies
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP HICSS 2019: Security and Privacy Challenges in
Date: Thu, 24 May 2018 17:15:07 +0000
From: Miloslava Plachkinova <MPLACHKINOVA(a)ut.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Au Vo <auvo(a)sfsu.edu>
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting a manuscript to the HICSS 2019 minitrack on
Security and Privacy Challenges in Healthcare. Manuscript submissions
close on June 15. Following is a description of the minitrack:
Digitizing healthcare services can provide many new benefits and
opportunities. However, it can also introduce new research challenges in
terms of protecting the security and privacy security of patient data
and electronic health records. Furthermore, as security incidents and
breaches continue to impact healthcare providers and organizations,
patient information continues to be at risk and such organizations are
under pressure to enhance the credibility and reliability of the health
facilities that they provide.
The Security and Privacy Challenges in Healthcare mini-track encourages
research in emerging problems and opportunities for security and privacy
in healthcare. Further, it addresses new approaches and strategies to
improve the capabilities for protecting healthcare information. Research
may focus on specific areas related to themes and issues, tools and
techniques, Mobile Health (mHealth) security and privacy, securing
electronic health records, mitigating risks, incident response,
technical and legal issues related to the security and privacy of
patient healthcare data, including data obtained through the Internet of
Things (IoT) and cloud computing.
Topics covered by the mini-track include, but are not limited to:
* Security and privacy challenges associated with Electronic Health
Records (EHR)
* Privacy concerns for patients’ data
* Security and privacy risks associated with technologies such as cloud
computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) for healthcare
* Mobile Health (mHealth) security and privacy
* Mitigating risks in healthcare Information Technology
* Incident response
* Lessons learned from recent healthcare security breaches
* EHR vendor selection and management with a focus on security and privacy
* Legal issues and regulations
* Training programs
* Tools, techniques, and algorithms for protecting patients’ data
* Healthcare infrastructure protection
* Theoretical foundations of security and privacy for healthcare
If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you in Hawaii!
Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity
The University of Tampa
Department of Information and Technology Management
(813) 257-3207
mplachkinova(a)ut.edu<mailto:mplachkinova@ut.edu> | www.ut.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
with FAST TRACK opportunity at Electronic Markets
Date: Thu, 24 May 2018 07:59:39 +0000
From: Keller, Barbara <barbara.keller(a)hm.edu>
Reply-To: Keller, Barbara <barbara.keller(a)hm.edu>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
********** CALL FOR PAPERS **********
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-52)
Conference Date: January 8-11, 2019, Grand Wailea, Maui
Track: Digital and Social Media
********** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2018 **********
After the World-Wide Web and e-commerce, the evolution of social
software is often referred to as the third generation of the Internet.
Various forms of social information systems have emerged since with
online communities, collaborative technologies, blogs, wikis and sites
for crowdsourcing being among the well-known. It may be observed that
Social information systems have profound implications on the way
individuals communicate, be it in private or professional interactions,
and the way economic processes are organized. For example, the
so-called "Gig-economy" posits that crowdsourcing platforms have the
power to change hierarchical coordination towards more market-like and
fluid forms where individuals bring in their competencies for specific
projects, I.e. "gigs". Social information systems are the new "glue"
among individuals outside as well as inside organizations.
>From this definition, four characteristics of social information
systems may be derived: weak ties, social production, egalitarianism
and mutual service provisioning. Weak-ties are spontaneously
established contacts between individuals that create new views and
allow combining competencies. Social Production is the creation of
artifacts, by combining the input from independent contributors without
predetermining the way to do this. Egalitarianism is the attitude of
handling individuals equally. Social information systems overcome the
separation of the service provider and consumer by introducing the
idea, that service provisioning is a mutual process of service exchange
and thus co-creation of value.
The objective of the Minitrack “Social Information Systems” is to
promote the scientific exchange on social information systems. The
Minitrack shall explore how social information systems are designed,
implemented, operated and improved. It shall also contribute to the
understanding regarding the interaction with their environment and the
impact on economic coordination structures.
In the “Social Information Systems” Minitrack we seek papers that
explore how social information systems are designed, implemented,
operated and integrated.
Possible topics are:
- New methods for developing and understanding social information systems
- Insights how communication and innovation can be fostered by social
information systems
- Impact of weak ties, social production, egalitarianism and mutual
service provisioning
- Businesses processes enabled by social information systems
- Link of social business processes and other business processes
- Modeling of social processes for social information systems
- New technologies and architectures for social information systems
- Data creation and analytics within social information systems
A fast track opportunity at "Electronic Markets - The International
Journal on Networked Business" (Impact Factor: 1.864,
http://www.electronicmarkets.org/ ) will be provided for selected
high-quality papers of the Minitrack.
For further conference details, schedules and submission guidelines,
please see: http://www.hicss.org
********** MINITRACK CO-CHAIRS **********
Rainer Schmidt (Primary Contact)
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Rainer Alt
Leipzig University
Selmin Nurcan
University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd Call for Papers: HICSS-52 Minitrack on Social
Movements, Collective Action and Social Technologies
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 17:43:11 +0000
From: Summers, Jama Denae <jsumme21(a)utk.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2nd CALL FOR PAPERS: 52nd HICSS 2019, Maui, Hawaii
January 8-11, 2019 - Maui, Hawaii
in the Digital and Social Media Track
URL: http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-52/digital-and-social-media/
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2018 | 11:59 pm HST
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 17, 2018
CfP HICSS-52 (2019) minitrack:
This minitrack focuses on three main themes: 1) theorizing about
information systems through the study of collective action and social
movement phenomena, 2) the application of collective action and social
movement theory toward understanding technology phenomena, and 3)
methodological advances that can help us better understand research
topics at the intersection of social movements, collective action and
social technologies. Our hope is to engage scholars and practitioners
from diverse fields and generate cross-disciplinary dialogue.
We welcome submissions from authors conducting empirical and conceptual
research along with practitioner reports and case studies. Potential
topics include:
* The role of digitization in shaping the nature of organization and
* Platform design implications for message / frame diffusion
* Why and how collective action dilemmas arise or resolve
* Innovation through collective action
* Cross-level (e.g., individual to societal) impacts of social technologies
* Brand hijacking movements targeting corporate competitors
* Implications of cyberactivism and hacktivism
* Fake news movements and propaganda diffusion
* Effectiveness of hashtag activism or clicktivism
* Corporate strategy / involvement in social movements to shape public
* Botivists (web bots programmed for activism), online petitions, and
other tools for digital protest
* Viral marketing of ideas and social agendas
* Social media capabilities and facilitation of echo chambers
* Financing of social agendas through crowdfunding or bitcoin exchanges
* Any application of social movement or collective action concepts
(e.g., frames and tactics, organization, claim making, etc.) toward
understanding of social technology phenomenon (e.g., crowdsourcing,
large group collaboration, social media use, etc.)
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Amber Young (Primary Contact)
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jama Summers
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Constantinos Coursaris
Michigan State University
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: SOFSEM2019 - Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 16:52:51 +0200
From: sofsem(a)sofsem.cz
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
45th Annual Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of
January 27 -- 30, 2019
Novy Smokovec, Slovakia
SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is an annual international winter conference
to the theory and practice of computer science. SOFSEM presents the latest
results and developments in academic and industrial research in leading
of computer science. The first SOFSEM was organized in 1974. Proceedings of
SOFSEM are published in the ARCoSS subseries of the LNCS by Springer.
SOFSEM consists of Invited Talks by prominent researchers, Contributed Talks
selected from the submitted papers, and the Student Research Forum. The
program is organized in plenary talks and parallel tracks devoted to
research in the selected research areas. SOFSEM has a long-standing
of facilitating discussions and collegial interactions. SOFSEM is well-known
for its familiar and inspiring atmosphere and as a meeting place for
active and
leading computer scientists.
SOFSEM 2019 consists of three tracks covering major sub-areas of computer
science. Original contributions are welcome, presenting new research
results in
the theory and practice of computer science in each sub-area of SOFSEM 2019.
The tracks are
* Foundations of Theoretical Computer Science chair: Giovanni Pighizzini
(University of Milano)
* Foundations of Data Science and Engineering
chair: Barbara Catania (University of Genoa)
* Foundations of Software Engineering
chair: Jerzy Nawrocki (Poznań University of Technology)
general chair: Rastislav Královič (Comenius University)
An integral part of SOFSEM 2019 is the Student Research Forum, organized
the aim to publish and discuss student research projects in the field of
and practice of Computer Science. The forum offers students a unique
opportunity to receive feedback on both the originality of their results and
the work in progress. The papers will be reviewed and selected by the SOFSEM
2019 Program Committee as regular papers, so those accepted for the LNCS
proceedings will be presented in regular sessions with possibility to have
additional presentation in poster session of the Student Research Forum.
accepted for the local SRF proceedings will be provided with
considerable space
for presentation in the half day Student Research Forum session.
The chair of Student research forum is Roman Špánek (Technical
University of Liberec)
Important dates:
Deadline for abstracts: August 3, 2018
Deadline for papers: August 8, 2018
Acceptance notification: October 15, 2018
Camera-ready version: November 5, 2018
Conference: January 27-30, 2019
Detailed description of the tracks
Foundations of Theoretical Computer Science
The track is devoted to the recognized core areas of foundational computer
science including the theories and application of algorithms and their
complexity, automata and languages, computability, data analytics, formal
models, intelligent systems, programming semantics, science-inspired
and foundations of information and software systems. Original contributions
showing the value of fundamental research in areas like artificial
and data science are welcome as well. Topics include (but are not
limited to):
* algorithms (including game-theoretic, geometric, network, graph,
parametrized, exact, approximation, randomized, evolutionary, and online
* automata, languages, and rewriting systems
* bio-inspired computing
* combinatorial optimization and simulation
* complexity theory (incl. computational, descriptional, fine-grained,
and parametrized complexity)
* computability and decidability
* cryptographic algorithms and security
* data structures
* experimental algorithmics
* formal models of systems (incl. concurrent, hybrid, reactive, mobile,
timed, and stochastic processes and systems)
* foundations of agent systems and artificial intelligence
* graphs and networks
* machine learning
* non-classical models of computing (incl. computing by nature, cellular
automata, neural computing, cognitive computing, nano-computing,
* parallel and distributed computing
* physics of computation
* quantum computation and quantum information
* theory of databases, semi-structured data, and finite model theory
* theory of programming languages
Foundations of Data Science and Engineering
The track is devoted to all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modeling,
managing, processing, and analyzing data, with a special reference to
large-scale datasets. Contributions concerning the nature of data, the
techniques used for data management and analysis, the theory for extracting
information from data, and the principles for data intensive computing are
welcome. Topics include (but are not limited to):
* Data and Information Quality
* Data Integration, Interoperability, and Metadata Management
* Data Models and Query Languages
* Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization
* Transaction Management
* Distributed, Parallel, and P2P Data Processing and Management
* High Performance Processing
* Data Semantics and Linked Data
* Spatial, Temporal, Mobile, and Multimedia Data
* Web Data and Social Networks
* Graph-based Data
* Probabilistic and Uncertain Data
* Data Streams and Sensor Networks
* Data Warehousing
* Information Extraction and Retrieval
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Machine Learning, Deep Learning
* Recommender Systems
* Data Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration
* Fairness, Diversity, Neutrality, and Trasparency in Data Science
* Data Privacy, Security, and Trust
* Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation
* Data Applications and Experiences
Foundations of Software Engineering
The track presents and discusses the research of novel and innovative
and technologies to software engineering, including both software
product and
development process aspects. Methods and tools that support the
improvement of
software processes and products aim at significantly increasing both the
quality of software-intensive systems and the productivity of software
development. The track will bring together researchers and practitioners to
share innovations and experiences. Topics include (but are not limited to):
* Methods and tools for better software processes
- Process modeling, composition, and enactment/simulation
- Agile/lean development
- User-centered development
- Method engineering
- Quality assurance, inspections, testing
* Software architecture of complex software-intensive systems
- Architecture, components, services
- Software reuse, product lines, and software ecosystems
* Model-based software engineering methods and tools (icluding
model-based development and testing, model transformations and
versioning, model and meta-model co-evolution)
* Data-driven improvement of methods, models, and tools
- Quantitative models for development processes and products
- Continuous delivery/integration and DevOps, software process and
product evolution with feedback from operation
- Legacy modernization/migration
- Model mining techniques
- Repository mining
- Empirical studies and experimental approaches
* Methods and tools for software engineering applications (including
Process-centered information systems, Web-based systems, Mobile systems,
development, Intelligent technical systems, Internet of Things)
In particular, we encourage submissions demonstrating the benefits or
limitations of SE approaches through case studies, experiments, and
quantitative data.
For more information visit the SOFSEM 2019 web page http://www.sofsem.sk
The mail has been sent to gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at.