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Subject: [AISWorld] AdaptiveCM 2018: submission site is opened
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 14:50:53 +0200
From: ilia <ilia(a)ibissoft.se>
To: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues,
Now we have opened a submission site for
The 6th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other
non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM 2018), 16 October 2018
at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=adaptivecm2018
The deadline is nearing - 8th June 2018, but if you need more time,
please contact the chairs.
Full info on the event - see http://acm2018.blogs.dsv.su.se/
Attached to: EDOC 2018 https://www.edoc2018.conf.kth.se/
Short overview - see below
While practitioners are trying to overcome the restrictions of workflow
thinking, the research on the topic is somewhat lagging. The goal of
this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to
discuss theoretical and practical problems and solutions in the area of
non-workflow based approaches to BPM in general, and Adaptive Case
Management (as a leading movement) in particular. This workshop is aimed
to promote new, non-traditional ways of modelling and controlling
business processes, the ones that promote and facilitate collaboration
and creativity in the frame of business processes.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
*Non-workflow process management:*
--Theoretical views on business processes not based on the workflow
--Non-workflow paradigms and process modeling methodologies
--Agile business process management
--Process management based on cooperation
--Non-prescriptive process specifications (e.g. constraint-based,
declarative, etc.)
--Teaching non-workflow approaches
*Adaptive Case Management:*
--Characteristics and application area for Adaptive Case Management (ACM)
--Comparative analysis of tools and applications that support ACM
--Process analysis in ACM
--Knowledge management for ACM
--ACM vs. BPM
--Empirical studies of Case Management Processes
--Level of automation achievable in ACM that does not convert ACM into
--Process improvement for case and adaptive case management
--Teaching non-workflow approaches
*Decision Modeling and Management:*
--Supporting decision-making for knowledge worker
--Decision modeling
--Decision making in ACM: cases, theories, best practices
--Extending process models with decision models
--DMN, Business Rules and other techniques in non-workflow and ACM
Workshop Co-CHAIRS:
Irina Rychkova - Associate Professor, Ph.D, Centre de Recherches en
Informatique, Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, France
Ilia Bider - Tech Dr., Stockholm University & Ibissoft, Stockholm, Sweden
Keith Swenson - Vice President of Research and Development, Fujitsu
America, USA
Important Dates:
Deadline for paper submissions: June 8, 2018
Expected abstract submission (desirable): June 1, 2018
Acceptance notification: July 20, 2018
Camera ready: August 10, 2018
Workshop: October 16, 2018
The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and
be accessible through IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society Digital
Dr. Ilia Bider
Process- och systemutvecklingskonsult at IbisSoft.se
Lektor & Forskare/Docent i data- och systemvetenskap at DSV.su.se
ilia(a)ibissoft.se +46 (0)8 164998
Software project as a socio-technical system:http://bit.ly/1TKgnf6
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] 10th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM 2018):
Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 10:57:06 -0400
From: Aymen Saied <saied.mohamed.aymen(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: Aymen Saied <saied.mohamed.aymen(a)gmail.com>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Final Call for Papers
SAM 2018
10th System Analysis and Modelling Conference : Languages, Methods, and
Tools for Systems
Engineering October 15-16, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
The System Analysis and Modeling (SAM) conference provides an open arena
for participants
from academia and industry to present and discuss the most recent
innovations, trends,
experiences and concerns in modeling and analysis of complex systems
using ITU-T's
Specification and Description Language (SDL) and Message Sequence Charts
(MSC), as well
as related system design languages (including but not limited to UML,
and URN).
SAM is held every two years. SAM 2018 will be co-located with MODELS
2018 and will be
held in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 15-16, 2018.
Scope and Topics:
This year's edition of SAM will be under the theme "Languages, Methods,
and Tools for
Systems Engineering", including languages and methods standardized by
the ITU-T, and
domain-specific languages. Also included are software engineering
technologies, such as
for requirements engineering, software verification and validation, and
automated code
generation. Authors are therefore invited to submit papers related to
this year's theme
including the following non-exclusive list of topics:
- Evolution of languages: domain-specific languages, modular language
design, language
extensions, semantics and evaluation, methodology for application.
- Model-driven development: analysis and transformation of models, reuse
verification and validation of models, systematic testing based on and
applied to models.
- System engineering models: semantics of system models, refinement of
system designs
into implementations, integration of system and software design models,
aspects (such as performance, quality of service, real-time aspects,
security, etc.) in
system models, multi-core models.
- Industrial application and tool reports: industrial usage reports,
activities, tool support and frameworks, domain-specific applicability
(such as
telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, Internet of Things, control,
etc.). Such
reports should focus on what is effective (and ineffective) in applying
a technique
preferably backed up by some measurements. A report should not just
describe an
implementation, though new application areas are of interest.
The conference programme will include:
- Presentations from invited speakers
- Presentation of research papers
- Presentation of industrial experiences
- Tool demonstrations
For general questions, please send an email to sam-2018(a)easychair.org
Submission policy:
Submissions should be previously unpublished, written in English, no
longer than 16 pages
(including the illustrations and bibliography) and using the LNCS style
as described on
http://www.springer.com/lncs. Papers accepted or under review for other
events are
ineligible for submission to SAM 2018.
Submissions in the following categories are solicited:
- Full papers describing original, unpublished results (max. 16 pages in
LNCS style)
- Short papers, describing work in progress (max. 8 pages in LNCS style)
Electronic submission using
<http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sam-2018> in PDF
format is mandatory. Please refer to the conference homepage for more
The SAM Program Committee will evaluate the technical contribution of
each submission as
well as its accessibility to the audience. Papers will be judged on
originality, substance, correctness, and clarity.
Accepted papers must be presented at SAM 2018 by one of the authors. As
in previous
editions, the SAM 2018 proceedings will be published in the Springer
LNCS series.
Important Dates:
- Abstract submission: June 1st, 2018
- Paper submission deadline: June 8th, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: July 20th, 2018
- Camera-ready version deadline: August 1st, 2018
- SAM Conference: October 15th - 16th, 2018
Conference Co-Chairs:
Reinhard Gotzhein TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Ferhat Khendek Concordia University, Canada
Technical Program Committee: Please visit
About the SDL Forum Society:
The SDL Forum Society that runs the conference is a non-profit
organization established
by language users and tool providers to promote the Specification and
Language (SDL), Message Sequence Charts (MSC) and related System Design
(including but not limited to ASN.1, TTCN, SysML and URN), to provide
and disseminate
information on the development and use of the languages, to support
education on the
languages and to plan and organize the SAM conference series and events
to promote the
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Proposals – QCA Workshop, AMCIS 2018
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 13:34:16 -0400
From: YoungKi Park <ykpark8(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Call for Proposals – QCA Workshop, AMCIS 2018 *
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), , USA
*Workshop Title: Set-Theoretic Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis
(QCA) for IS Research *
*Time: August 16, 2018, 8:30AM – 12:00PM*
*Place: (Hyatt Regency New Orleans)*
Organizers: YoungKi Park (George Washington University), James S. Denford
(Royal Military College of Canada)
We are pleased to offer the second QCA workshop, titled as “Set-Theoretic
Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) for IS Research”. The
workshop is aimed at benefiting a variety of scholars ranging from those
who have no previous exposure to QCA to those who have experience to share
with other IS scholars.
Register at:
*No charge for registration for this workshop. *
*Workshop Description *
Information and digital technologies have become tightly interconnected
with organizational and environmental elements. This ‘fusion’ has created a
complex system that often exhibits nonlinear, discontinuous change such
that a small adjustment in IT systems can trigger drastic changes in other
elements, and eventually the whole socio-technical system can change
radically and possibly shift to new equilibriums. In such complex dynamics,
the role of IT can be better understood as an element of the whole system
rather than as a separate independent variable. Notwithstanding such an
increasing need for a holistic systemic perspective, there is still a
paucity of IS research that investigates how information and digital
technologies effectively work together with organizational and
environmental elements to produce the expected outcomes either at the
individual, group, organization, or ecosystem level.
Recently, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), a set-theoretic method to
build a configurational theory, is drawing increasing attention of
researchers to its capability to investigate the complex phenomena. QCA
developed by Charles Ragin (1987) integrates the strengths of both
case-oriented qualitative methods and variable-oriented quantitative
methods, and can be applicable for small, medium, or large data. This
workshop will foster discussion about how QCA can help IS researchers build
novel, richer theories.
The workshop will be divided into two parts: a set of short introductory
seminars and a paper development workshop. The speakers for the seminars
all have direct experience with set theoretic methods. Dr. Park and Dr.
Denford have been using QCA extensively in their research for several
years, and presented papers at premier conferences such as ICIS, AoM,
AMCIS, ASAC, and HICSS and publications appeared at journals such as ISR,
JMIS, JAIS, JSIS, and RSO. They also have been exposed themselves to new
advancement in the methods by co-authoring papers with leading scholars for
this method such as Peer Fiss (USC) at the strategic management discipline
and also attending seminars specialized for QCA.
The overall structure of the workshop is as follows:
*Part 1 (8:30AM – 10:30PM): A set of short introductory seminars *
• An Introduction to Set Theoretic Methods: by YoungKi Park and James S
• Introduction of Crisp Set QCA: by James S. Denford
• Introduction of Fuzzy Set QCA: by YoungKi Park
• Boolean Theory Testing with QCA: by James S. Denford
• Topics for QCA –When and How to Use: by YoungKi Park
*Part 2 (10:30PM – 12:00 PM): Roundtable discussions of submitted proposals
(proposal submission required)*
The second session of the workshop is about paper development. We encourage
scholars to submit their work for discussion in a collaborative and
constructive setting. Scholars with QCA expertise will help the researchers
who do not have QCA expertise to apply it for their working papers.
Further, IS scholars who have been using QCA for their research will also
be invited to discuss and develop further their working papers.
To attend part 2, we request you to submit a proposal for review by at
least *July 30*. If you need to know acceptance decision before the date
due to some reasons like travel schedule, you can request us to send
acceptance notice. We can review submitted proposals before the due date in
such cases.
*Submission Guidelines: *
We recommend that your proposal may not exceed three single-spaced pages
(excluding references). You may also add additional pages of figures,
tables, graphs, etc. Specifically, please include the following: (1)
Research topic and conceptual framework; (2) Key research questions; (3)
Short description of data and methods (if applicable); (4) Key findings (if
applicable); (5) Challenges (the area on which you would like to focus
discussion); (6) Three keywords that describe your proposal; and (7)
Faculty + rank or Ph.D. student + year in program.
Please send proposals via email to YoungKi Park (ykpark(a)gwu.edu) and James
S. Denford (Jim.Denford(a)rmc.ca) by *July 30, 2018. *Also, feel free to have
any questions via emails.
*Some e**xample **t**opics but not limited to: *
- Empirical studies that applies set-theoretic QCA methods
- IS theory building and/or testing with QCA
- Methodological comparison of QCA with traditional methods
- Benefits of using QCA in the IS research areas
- Limitations and challenges of set-theoretic QCA methods in
applying to IS research
- Small, medium, and large N case QCA studies
- QCA studies for multiple levels – individual, team/group,
organization, industry, country, population, field
- Investigating the holistic aspects of complex systems with QCA
- Building novel, richer IS theories with QCA
- Revealing new aspects of extant IS theories with QCA
- IT impact on organizational performance – synergetic,
complementary, substituting effects
- Multifaceted, inconsistent roles of digital technologies such as
enabling vs. inhibiting and core vs. peripheral roles
- Multiple design solutions for new IT systems depending on
organizational and environmental contexts
- Investigating the complex dynamics of new IT systems development,
digitization with QCA
- IS relationships with organizational capabilities such as dynamic
capability, agility, ambidexterity, and absorptive capacity.
- Design and governance aspects of IT, for example, IT
governance, enterprise
architecture design, IT outsourcing governance with QCA
- Social network analysis with QCA
- Configurational analysis for digital ecosystems, smart device
YoungKi Park
George Washington University
James S. Denford
Royal Military College of Canada
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - HICSS-52 Dark Side of IT Minitrack
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 18:09:16 +0000
From: Soror, Amr <asoror(a)Fullerton.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers - HICSS-52 Dark Side of IT Minitrack
Conference: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Minitrack Title: The Dark Side of Information Technology; Track Title:
Organizational Systems and Technology
The "Dark Side of IT" track welcomes theoretical and empirical papers
examining alternative consequences of IT use and implementation in
organizations and societies. The objective of this mini-track is to
focus not only on the antecedents, development processes, consequence of
numerous phenomena related to the dark side of IT use but also the
potential strategies and techniques for behavioral interventions. We
seek, based on this forum of discussion, to provide practitioners (e.g.,
IT developers, managers, psychologists, and policy makers) in a
multitude of contexts with a deeper understanding of the potential
consequences regarding the dark side of IT use. Further, we hope these
studies help to shape guidelines for designing and implementing
organizational and hedonic IT while minimizing the potential negative
consequences of IT use.
Submitted papers might focus on, but are not limited to, some of the
following themes related to the dark side of IT use. We acknowledge that
over time new dark side of IT phenomena will emerge, and we hence call
and welcome topics that focus on IT-related phenomena which is harmful,
that may extend this list.
* IT-related addictions
* Cyber loafing,
* Cyber bullying
* Deceptive computer-mediated communication
* Disrupted work life balance
* IT interruptions
* IT misuse
* Technostress
* Impulsive use of IT
* Physiological effects of IT use
Submissions are welcome and encouraged from a variety of theoretical
foundations (e.g., information systems, psychology, cognitive science,
decision sciences, sociology, social networks, organizational behavior,
neuroscience, computer science, and informatics) which might advance our
knowledge of the antecedents, processes, interventions and consequences
of the dark side of IT use. The track invites relevant and rigorous
studies without restriction for the methodologies used, units of
analyses and levels of theorization.
Journal Publication Opportunities:
High quality and relevant papers from this mini-track will be selected
for fast-tracked development towards Internet Research
Internet Research (IntR) is an international and refereed journal that
is indexed and abstracted in major databases (e.g., SSCI, SCI,
ABI/INFORM Global), with the impact factor and the five-year impact
factor of the journal in 2016 as 2.93 and 4.58 respectively. Selected
papers will need to expand in content and length in line with the
requirements for standard research articles published in the journal.
Although the mini-track co-chairs are committed to guiding the selected
papers towards final publication, further reviews may be needed before
final publication decision can be made.
Paper Submission Begins: April 15, 2018
Submission Deadline: June 15 (11:59 PM, Hawaii Time)
Author Notification: August 17
Revision deadline: September 4
Final acceptance notifications: September 10
Final manuscript submission (camera ready): September 22
Registration deadline: October 1, 2018
Conference: January 8-11, 2019 Maui, Hawaii, USA
More information about:
HICSS-51 may be found at http://hicss.hawaii.edu/
Author Guidelines: http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors/
If you have a question or wish to discuss a paper concept before
submitting your work, please contact Ofir Turel
(oturel(a)fullerton.edu<mailto:oturel@fullerton.edu>), or Amr Soror
We will be more than happy to address your question and discuss your
paper concept with you.
Dark Side of IT Minitrack Team
Ofir Turel, PhD
Amr Soror, PhD
California State University, Fullerton
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] WITS 2018 - Pre-ICIS workshop
Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 02:27:26 +0000
From: Dutta, Kaushik <duttak(a)usf.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 28th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems
(WITS'18) will be held in Santa Clara, CA, on December 16-18, 2018, just
after the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). The
purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for discussion and
interaction among scholars with research interests in the cutting-edge
issues of information technologies and systems. The theme of WITS'18 is
"Transforming Future at the Heart of Technology and Innovation."
Website http://witsconf.org/wits2018/
Type of submissions -
1. Completed Research papers - 15 pages
2. Research in progress papers - 6 pages.
3. Demo / Prototype / Poster / Industry report / Industry papers - 5-10
4. Dissertation proposal - 10 pages
Important Dates -
Conference date - 16-18 December 2018
Paper Submission Deadline -
Completed Research paper - 6 August 2018
Research in progress paper - 6 August 2018
Demo/Prototype/Poster/Industry Report/Industry paper - 8 Oct 2018
Dissertation proposal - 8 Oct 2018.
Kaushik Dutta
Muma Fellow, Associate Professor & Academic Director
MS in Business Analytics and Information Systems
Weekend Executive MS in Business Analytics and Information Systems
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, BSN 3403/CIS 1040 | Tampa, FL 33620-5500
Voice: 813.974.5524| Fax: 813.974.6749 | Web: http://www.usf.edu/business/
MS BAIS Weekend Executive:
MS BAIS Regular: http://www.usf.edu/business/graduate/masters/bais/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/duttak/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gqfV2KsAAAAJ&hl=en
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Subject: [AISWorld] CSWIM 2018 early registration ends in three days!
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 19:23:06 -0400
From: Harry Wang <hjwang(a)udel.edu>
To: Isworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Alan Gang Wang <alanwang(a)vt.edu>
Second CSWIM 2018 Call for Participation (http://2018.cswimworkshop.org
The 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2018)
will be hosted by Qingdao University in Qingdao, China on June 23-24,
2018. The program can be accessed at
<https://app.conferency.com/cswim2018/schedule>, which includes 66 paper
presentations and two keynotes by prominent speakers. For the first
time, CSWIM 2018 offers a job placement session.
Early registration ends May 31, 2018 – register now at
Look forward to seeing you in Qingdao, China this summer!
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Weiguo (Patrick) Fan, Virginia Tech, USA
Alan Wang, Virginia Tech, USA
Song Zhang, Qingdao University, China
The 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2018)
will be hosted by Qingdao University in Qingdao, China on June 23-24,
2018. The purpose of the workshop is to create a bridge to promote
lively exchange and collaborations between information systems scholars
in China and other countries, and to advance our understandings of how
information systems and technologies affect individuals, businesses,
organizations, and societies. The theme of CSWIM 2018 is “Information
Management Research in the Big Data and AI Era”.
We welcome submissions of original research papers addressing issues
concerning the theory, design, development, evaluation, and application
of information systems and management. We also encourage submissions of
research-in-progress that are innovative and inspirational. Research
articles particularly sought after are those driven by real-world
business problems and validated with proper research methodologies.
The relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• AI and its Business Applications
• Big Data Analytics
• Business Model Innovation
• Business Intelligence
• Cloud Computing
• Collaborative Systems and Applications
• Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation
• Data Science (e.g., Data/Text/Web Mining)
• Design Science
• Digital Products (e.g., Digital Currencies and Payments)
• Electronic Commerce
• Enterprise IT (e.g., CRM and SCM)
• FinTech
• Human-Computer-Interaction
• Healthcare Analytics
• Informatics
• Information Quality and Security
• Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
• Internet of Things
• Knowledge Management Systems
• Mobile Analytics
• Mobile Business and Wireless Technologies
• Online and Virtual Communities
• Platform Economics and Strategy
• Privacy, Assurance, and Trust in IS
• Smart Home/City
• Social Networks, Social Media, and Social Commerce
Honorary Chair:
Dongwei Xia, Qingdao University, China
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Weiguo Fan, Virginia Tech, USA
Alan Wang, Virginia Tech, USA
Song Zhang, Qingdao University, China
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs:
Baozhou Lu, China University of Petroleum, China
Cheng Ma, Qingdao University, China
Publicity Chairs:
Harry Wang, University of Delaware, USA
Jianyun Wu, Qingdao University, China
Luqing Ge, Ocean University of China, China
Qingfeng Zeng, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Harry Jiannan Wang | Associate Professor and JPMorgan Chase Fellow
Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems
Lerner College of Business and Economics
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
Phone: +1 302-831-4678 Email: hjwang(a)udel.edu <mailto:hjwang@udel.edu>
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harryjwang/
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] CFP: HICSS-52 MINI-TRACK: Business Intelligence, Business
Analytics and Big Data: Innovation, Deployment and Management
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 06:15:04 +0000
From: Barbara Dinter <barbara.dinter(a)wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de>
Reply-To: Barbara Dinter <barbara.dinter(a)wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit your work to:
HICSS-52 MINI-TRACK: Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big
Data: Innovation, Deployment and Management
Recent developments and the evolution of data and technologies in the
business intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA) space has given
rise to new opportunities for individuals, organizations and society. As
a result of digitization and digital transformation organizations are
facing various challenges, covering the whole life cycle of BI/BA/big
data applications and projects. Emerging trends such as the internet of
things, machine learning and cognitive analytics encourage, but also
urge companies to identify new use cases, applications and business
models taking advantage of (big) data and analytics. To close the gap
between potential and real benefits of BI/BA/big data more research on
their deployment is needed in terms of artifacts such as methods,
reference architectures, etc. as well as theoretical and conceptual
underpinnings. Finally, operations and continuous enhancement of
BI/BA/big data applications encompass management tasks considering
strategic, economic, legal and ethical issues.
Meanwhile, there is an ongoing major shift in the industry of
organizations leveraging pervasive, self-service analytics. The push for
self-service analytics that include a portfolio of analysis tools,
algorithms and visualizations has enabled agile decision making through
effective business insights. In addition, the growth in this space has
led to societal implications as the social impact of big data and
analytics are felt more strongly and benefits underdeveloped and
underrepresented parts of the globe. The evolution and innovation
experienced has created a state of excitement and flux in the BI,
analytics and big data space. Starting from a rich historic advancement
in decision support systems, to more recently big data, internet of
things, machine learning and cognitive analytics, this space continues
to present a wide variety of research questions and challenges for
researchers to explore.
This minitrack, now in its 29th year, is the longest running HICSS
minitrack related to business intelligence, business analytics and more
recently big data, that continues to rise in relevance to both academia
and practice. Its main focus remains on the organizational issues of
BI/BA and big data implementations, rather than the data science and IT
perspectives. This particular focus, as well as its long history of
research embedded in Decision Support Systems and other research
predecessors of contemporary BI/A, creates a minitrack with a rich
comprehensive view of organizational issues.
This minitrack will accept contributions from the fields of theory
building, design research (methods and models), action research as well
as analyses of existing or innovative applications are welcome. We
invite papers that investigate topics which include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Innovation and Emerging Trends in Business Intelligence, Business
Analytics and Big Data:
* Data-driven business models and innovation
* Data entrepreneurship
* Data humanism
* Datafication
* Impact of the digitization and digital transformation on the
information & data management in organizations
* Innovative applications of big data and advanced business analytics
* Internet of Things
* Algorithmic decision-making
* Cognitive analytics
* Cloud BI/BA
* Self-service BI and Analytics
Business Intelligence/Business Analytics/Big Data Deployment and
* Deployment of BI/BA/big data
* Case studies about the successful deployment of BI/BA/big data
* Data lakes and modern big data/BI/BA architectures and
implementation frameworks
* Collaborative BI/BA performance management and dashboards
* Customer relationship management, supply chain management, and
* Geographical information systems and spatial analytics
* Digital manufacturing
* Social media & big data/BI/BA
* Open data and big data/BI/BA
* Data visualization strategies and visual analytics
Management of Business Intelligence/Business Analytics/Big Data
* Big data/BI/BA strategy, governance, and maturity models
* Business value and big data/BI/BA success
* Business challenges of big data
* Big data ethics and morality
* Societal impact of big data/BI/BA
* Security and privacy issues
* Big data/BI/BA challenges in NFP organizations
Minitrack Chairs:
Olivera Marjanovic (Primary Chair), University of Technology Sydney,
Australia: olivera.marjanovic(a)uts.edu.au
Barbara Dinter, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany:
Thilini Ariyachandra, Xavier University, USA: ariyachandrat(a)xavier.edu
June 15, 2018 | 11:59 pm HST: Paper Submission Deadline
August 17, 2018: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22, 2018: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
October 1, 2018: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to
register for HICSS-52
Prof. Dr. Barbara Dinter
Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business Information Systems Group
Thueringer Weg 7, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] JIST2018:The 8th Joint International
Semantic Technology Conference (Nov. 26-28, Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan)
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 14:16:31 +0900
From: Kouji Kozaki <kozaki(a)ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp>
To: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
*** Call for Papers: JIST 2018 Regular Technical Papers ***
JIST2018:The 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference
Nov. 26-28, 2018, Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan.
< Paper submission due: 10 August, 2018 >
The mission of the Joint International Semantic Technology Conference
(JIST) is to bring together researchers in the Semantic Technology
research community and other areas of semantic-related technologies to
present their innovative research results or novel applications of
semantic technologies.
There are two tracks in JIST 2018 for Regular Technical Papers.
*** Research Track ***
JIST 2018 research track solicits submissions of original research work
on semantic technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
-Ontology and reasoning
-Knowledge Graphs
-Linked Data
-Big Data and semantics, exchange and integration
-Data streams and the Internet of Things
-Machine learning and information extraction on the Semantic Web
-Semantic Web services and processes
-Trust, privacy, and security on the Semantic Web
-Social Semantic Web
-Natural language processing and semantics
-Semantic multimedia
-Novel applications of semantic technologies
*** Special Session Track ***
JIST 2018 special session track to discover and implement special topics
that researchers in Semantic Technology are particularly interested in.
We also intend to facilitate participation of potentially-related
researchers in the JIST conference.
Topics of special sessions are as follows:
- Special Session on Government Open Data
- Special Session on Question Answering and ChatBots
- Special Session on Resource-aware Semantic Technologies
- Special Session on Semantic Web for Life Sciences
*** Important Dates ***
-Abstract submission: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), 3 August, 2018
-Full paper submission: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), 10 August, 2018
-Notification of Acceptance: 14 September, 2018
-Camera-ready Deadline: 28 September, 2018
-Conference: 26-28 November, 2018
*** Submission ***
Submissions to JIST 2018 should describe original, significant research
on semantic technologies. JIST 2018 will not accept submissions that are
under review for or have already been published in or accepted for
publication in a journal or another conference.
Submissions to JIST 2018 are expected to present their claimed
contribution, with clear evidence to support their claims.
All submissions will be critically reviewed by at least three members of
the program committee of either research track or special session track.
To assess submissions, reviewers will judge their relevance to semantic
technologies, their originality, the technical soundness of their
proposed approach and the readability of the submission.
JIST 2018 submissions are not anonymous.
Submissions must be in PDF format, using the style of the Springer
Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Regular paper submissions must be no longer than 16 pages, and short
paper submissions must be no longer than 8 pages. Submissions that
exceed this limit may be rejected without review.
Accepted papers of both research track and special session track will be
published in an LNCS proceedings. At least one author of each accepted
paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.
Papers can be submitted electronically via EasyChair.
* Please select the corresponding track(s) when you submit your paper(s).
*** Organizing Committee ***
-General Chairs
Stephen Muggleton, Imperial College London, UK
Kouji Kozaki, Osaka University, Japan
-Program Chairs
Ryutaro Ichise, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
-Special Session Track Chairs
Dongyan Zhao, Peking University, China
Takahiro Kawamura, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
-Local Organizing Chair
Atsuko Yamaguchi, Database Center for Life Science, Japan
-Poster and Demo Chairs
Hanmin Jung, KISTI, Korea
Shinichi Nagano, TOSHIBA corp., Japan
-Workshop Chairs
Marut Buranarach, NECTEC, Thailand
Ikki Omukai, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
-Tutorial Chairs
Naoki Fukuta, Shizuoka University, Japan
-Sponsorship Chair
Takanori Ugai, Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan
-Publicity Chairs
Takeshi Morita, Keio University, Japan
Guohui Xiao, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
JIST 2018 Organize Committee
Website: http://jist2018.knowledge-graph.jp/
Twitter: @jist2018
Contact: JIST2018<at>knowledge-graph.jp
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Subject: [computational.science] Call for Papers (due June 15) and
Workshops announced: 25th IEEE Intl Conf on High Performance Computing,
Data, and Analytics (HiPC 2018)
Date: Sun, 27 May 2018 09:40:53 -0700
From: Anand Panangadan <anandvp(a)hipc.org>
To: Computational Science <computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org>
25th IEEE International Conference on
High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC 2018)
December 17-20, 2018
Bengaluru, India
2018 marks the Silver Anniversary of HiPC as we broaden the technical
program to specifically include topics related to data science. The
conference has a history of attracting participation from reputed
researchers from all over the world and receives strong industry support
from companies operating globally and also established in India. In
addition to the two days of industry exhibits, the sponsoring partners to
the conference hold industry symposiums to bring together providers and
users of HPC in a forum for presenting state-of-the-art in HPC platforms
and technologies, for discussing best practices, and for exchanging
experiences. In the last couple years, HiPC has added workshops to its
technical program and along with a Student Research Symposium and academic
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and the conference makes room for a broad
list of topics to be addressed in these tracks:
Big Data Algorithms and Analytics
Big Data Systems and Software
One or more best paper awards will be given for outstanding contributed
Authors of selected high quality papers in HiPC 2018 will be invited to
submit an extended version of their papers for possible publication in a
special issue of Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
- Olivier Beaumont, Inria, France (High Performance Computing)
- Srinivas Aluru, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (Data Science)
- Algorithms: Ananth Kalyanaraman Washington State University
- Applications: Yogish Sabharwal, IBM Research – India
- Architecture: Abdou Guermouche, University of Bordeaux
- System Software: Judith Hill, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Big Data Algorithms and Analytics: Jun (Luke) Huan, University of Kansas
- Big Data Systems and Software: Lisa Singh, Georgetown University
•June 8..................Abstracts Due
•June 15................Paper Submission Deadline
•August 8-15........Rebuttals
•September 7.......Author Notification
•October 3...........Camera Ready Submission
Full information on what/where to submit is available at
Complementing the main technical program, HiPC workshops serve to broaden
the technical scope of the conference in emerging areas of high performance
computing, communication, data and analytics and their applications.
Below is the listing of the workshops to be held on the first day of the
conference, December 17.
• Fourth Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
• Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Meets Blockchain (AIMB)
• First Workshop on the Convergence of High Performance Computing and
Artificial Intelligence
• Women in Data Science and High Performance Computing
• Parallel Fast Fourier Transforms
The papers accepted for presentation in HiPC 2018 workshops will be
included in the "workshops volume" of the proceedings of the conference,
which will be distributed online in two volumes with a separate ISBN for
the workshops (HiPCW 2018). Post conference, papers presented at the
conference and eligible for inclusion will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library.
See details at http://hipc.org/workshops for workshop paper submission
deadlines and formatting requirements.
Workshops Co-Chairs
• Anthony Simonet, Rutgers University, USA
• Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
(Workshops co-chairs may be contacted at workshops(a)hipc.org)
Chiranjib Sur, Shell India
Yinglong Xia, Huawei Research, USA
Kishore Kothapalli, IIIT-Hyderabad, India
Anand Panangadan, California State University, Fullerton, USA
Rama Govindaraju, Google, USA
Jigar Halani, Nvidia, India
Vivek Yadav, FullStackNet, India
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Anthony Simonet, Rutgers University, USA
Saumil Merchant, Shell, India
Kishore Kothapalli, IIIT-Hyderabad, India
Madhura Purnaprajna, Amrita University, India
Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University, USA
R. Badrinath, Ericcson, India
Rajeev Muralidhar, Intel, India
Viktor K. Prasanna, University of Southern California, USA
Rajeev Muralidhar, Intel, India
Thondiyil Venugopalan, India
•IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP)
•HiPC Education Trust, India
In cooperation with
•ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT)
•ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH)
•FIP Working Group on Concurrent Systems
•Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology (MAIT)
•National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/hipcconf
Google+ https://plus.google.com/+HipcOrg
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hipc.conference/
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/groups/53197/profile
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Subject: [AISWorld] Extended CfP - BPI 2018 (9-10 Sep, 2018, Sydney)
Date: Thu, 24 May 2018 12:01:43 +0000
From: Jan Claes <Jan.Claes(a)UGent.be>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
(Sorry for cross-postings)
(Extended deadline! 8 June, 2018)
Call for Papers
14th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 18)
to be held in conjunction with BPM 2018
Sydney, Australia
September 9-10, 2018
Business Process Intelligence is an area that spans process mining
(i.e., process discovery, conformance checking, etc.), predictive
analytics and many other techniques that are all gaining interest and
importance in industry and research. BPI refers to the application of
various measurement and analysis techniques in the area of business
process management. In practice, BPI is embodied in tools for managing
process execution quality by offering several features such as analysis,
prediction, monitoring, control, and optimization.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a better understanding and a
more appropriate support of company processes at design time and the way
they are handled at runtime, focussing on processes in isolation as well
as the interplay between many parallel processes both within and between
We aim to bring together practitioners and researchers from different
communities such as business process management, information systems
research, business administration, software engineering, artificial
intelligence, process mining, and data mining, who share an interest in
the analysis of business processes and process-aware information
systems. The workshop aims at discussing the current state of ongoing
research and sharing practical experiences.
The workshop is sponsored by the DeLiBiDa project (Desire Lines in Big
Data), which is a project of NWO (i.e., the Dutch Science Foundation),
aimed at scaling up process mining to handle huge event logs in a big
data context (i.e., high volume, velocity, variety, etc.).
The list of topics that are relevant to the BPI workshop includes the
following, but is not limited to:
Analysis techniques at design time and/or runtime:
- Mining of business processes from event logs
- Mining of non-process aware systems / event streams
- Multi perspective process mining
- Statistical analysis in the business process management lifecycle
- Predictive analytics
- Recommender systems
- Conformance / compliance analysis
- Root cause analysis for process deviations
- Business process visualization
- Visualization of process mining results
- Machine-learning and business processes
- Measurement of business process models and business process modeling
- Information retrieval related to business process management
- Similarity related to processes and cases
- Integration of processes and process models
- Mathematical optimization of business processes
- Simulation of business processes
Applications of such analysis techniques and case studies in:
- Performance Measurement of business processes
- Business Process Reengineering
- Business Process Quality
- Emergent workflows
- Process discovery
- Conformance and risk management for business processes
- Operations Management and Six Sigma
- Data warehousing
- Static and dynamic optimization
- Self-management
- Monitoring of business processes
- Resource Allocation in business processes
- Prediction
- Dynamic composition of business processes
Submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of significance,
originality and technical quality. Papers should clearly establish the
research contribution and the relation to previous research. In parallel
with the workshop, there is a BPI challenge, sponsored by Minit and
Celonis, which provides an opportunity to analyze a real-world event log
and to win the flight to Sydney!
For more information, please refer to the website
Submission guide
The length of a paper must not exceed 12 pages, and there is no
possibility to buy additional pages. Authors are requested to prepare
submissions according to the LNCS/LNBIP format
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0) specified
by Springer. Papers should be submitted electronically through Easychair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpi2018). Each paper will be
reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: (18 May 2018) => 8 June 2018
Paper submission deadline: (25 May 2018) => 8 June 2018
Notification of acceptance: 26 June 2018
Camera ready: 13 July 2018
Workshop day: 9-10 September 2018
- Boudewijn van Dongen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Netherlands (corresponding organizer)
- Jan Claes, Ghent University, Belgium
- Jochen De Weerdt, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Andrea Burattin, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
The workshop is co-organized by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining.
The goal of this Task Force is to promote the research, development,
education and understanding of process mining. For more information
about the activities of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and its
members see http://www.win.tue.nl/ieeetfpm/.
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