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Subject: [WI] RCRA 2018: Call for papers (deadline April 15th)
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2018 10:46:05 +0200
From: Marco Maratea <marco(a)dist.unige.it>
Reply-To: Marco Maratea <marco(a)dist.unige.it>
Organization: DIBRIS - University of Genova
* ______________________________________________________________________
The RCRA group (Knowledge Representation & Automated Reasoning) of the
AI*IA (Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence)
organizes the
25th RCRA workshop:
Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving
problems with combinatorial explosion (RCRA 2018)
workshop of the Federated Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC 2018)
Oxford, UK, July 13th, 2018
RCRA group web site: http://rcra.aixia.it/
Workshop web site: http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra-2018
e-mail: rcra2018[AT]easychair[DOT]org
* ______________________________________________________________________
This event follows the series of the RCRA (Knowledge
Representation and Automated Reasoning) annual meetings, held
since 1994. The success of the previous events shows that RCRA is
becoming a major forum for exchanging ideas and proposing
experimentation methodologies for algorithms in Artificial
* ______________________________________________________________________
Paper submission deadline: April 15th, 2018
Notification of acceptance: May 15th, 2018
Final version of accepted original papers: TBC
RCRA workshop: July 13th, 2018
Many problems in Artificial Intelligence show an exponential
explosion of the search space. Although stemming from different
research areas in AI, such problems are often addressed with
algorithms that have a common goal: the effective exploration of
huge state spaces. Many algorithms developed in one research area
are applicable to other problems, or can be hybridized with
techniques in other areas. Artificial Intelligence tools often
exploit or hybridize techniques developed by other research
communities, such as Operations Research. In recent years, research
in Artificial Intelligence has more and more focused on experimental
evaluation of algorithms, the development of suitable methodologies
for experimentation and analysis, the study of languages and the
implementation of systems for the definition and solution of
Scope of the workshop is fostering the cross-fertilization of ideas
stemming from different areas, proposing benchmarks for new
challenging problems, comparing models and algorithms from an
experimental viewpoint, and, in general, comparing different
approaches with respect to efficiency, problem modeling, and ease of
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Experimental evaluation of algorithms for
o knowledge representation
o automated reasoning
o planning
o scheduling
o machine learning
o model checking
o boolean satisfiability (SAT)
o constraint programming
o argumentation
o temporal reasoning
o combinatorial optimization
o quantified boolean formulae and quantified constraints
o modal logics
o logic programming
o answer set programming o ontological reasoning * Definition and
construction of benchmarks
* Experimentation methodologies
* Metaheuristics
* Algorithm hybridization
* Static analysis of combinatorial problems
* Languages and systems for definition and solution of problems
* Comparisons between systems and algorithms
* Application experiences (visualization, graphics, security,
Marco Maratea University of Genova, Italy
Mauro Vallati University of Huddersfield, UK
Oxford University, UK
Authors are invited to submit either original (full or short)
papers, or papers that appear on conference proceedings.
Publications showing negative results are welcome, provided that the
approach was original and very promising in principle, the
experimentation was well-conducted, the results obtained were
unforeseeable and gave important hints in the comprehension of the
target problem, helping other researchers to avoid unsuccessful
The authors are requested to clearly specify whether their
submission is original or already published. A footnote in the first
page would suffice, and the type of submission can be specified also
while registering/submitting the paper.
Workshop submissions must be in PDF format, do not exceed 15 (for
full papers) or 8 (for short papers) pages, and should be written in
LaTeX, using the LNCS style.
RCRA 2018 uses EasyChair for the submission of contributions.
Contributions must be submitted through this page:
All submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee.
In case of need, the workshop co-chairs can be contacted by sending
an email to:
Accepted original papers may be published online, as an issue of the
CEUR-WS workshop proceeding series, AI*IA sub-series, provided that
a sufficient amount of original accepted papers is collected.
Moreover, as in previous editions
(http://rcra.aixia.it/publications), we are considering the
possibility of having workshop post-proceedings appearing in a
special issue of an international journal, provided that a
sufficient amount of high quality papers is collected.
* RCRA 2017 as a workshop of AI*IA 2017, Bari, Italy
http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra2017 Extended versions of the best papers will
appear in a special
issue of Fundamenta Informaticae
* RCRA 2016 as a workshop of AI*IA 2016, Genova, Italy
http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra2016 Extended versions of the best papers will
appear in a special
issue of JETAI
* RCRA 2015 as a workshop of AI*IA 2015, Ferrara, Italy
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of Fundamenta Informaticae
* RCRA 2014 as a workshop of SAT 2014, IJCAR 2014 and ICLP 2014,
Vienna, Austria - http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra2014
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of AI Communications
* RCRA 2013, Rome, Italy - http://rcra.aixia.it/rcra2013
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of JETAI
* Previous editions: http://rcra.aixia.it/workshops
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Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] Cfp Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial
Systems Track HICSS52
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2018 02:14:19 -0400
From: Murray Jennex <murphjen(a)aol.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
8-11 January, 2019
Grand Wailea Maui
Track Chairs: Murray E. Jennex,David Croasdell
Knowledge Innovation andEntrepreneurial Systems recognizes the evolving
nature of work and society tobeing knowledge based. Competitive
pressures are forcing organizations to domore with less and to leverage
all they know to succeed. Knowledge systems arethose systems developed
to facilitate collaboration, knowledge capture,storage, transfer and
flow; knowledge use; as well as to foster creativity andinnovation. This
track explores the many factors that influence thedevelopment, adoption,
use, and success of knowledge systems. These factorsinclude culture,
measurement, governance and management, storage andcommunication
technologies, process modeling and development. The track alsolooks at
the societal drivers for knowledge systems including an aging workforce,
the need to distribute knowledge and encourage collaboration in
widelydispersed organizations and societies, and competitive forces
requiringorganizations of all types to adapt and change rapidly. We
invite papers thataddress these or related issues. Specialnote that
selected papers will be fast tracked to the International Journal
ofKnowledge Management
· Ai, Machine Learning, IoT, andAnalytics: Exploring The Implications
for Knowledge Management and Innovation
· Augmenting Human Intelligence:Artificially, Socially, And Ethically
· Creationand Appropriation of Knowledge Systems
· Crowd Science
· Culture, International Business, andKnowledge Systems
· Innovation and EntrepreneurshipTheory and Practice
· Intentional Forgetting inOrganizations and Information Systems
· Knowledge And Innovation Managementfor Digitalization and Complexity
· Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing andExchange
· Knowledge Management and InformationSecurity
· Knowledge Value, Success, AndPerformance Measurements
· Organizational Learning
· Reports From The Field: Knowledgeand Learning Applications in Practice
· The Future Of Knowledge Systems
June15, 2019 Paper SubmissionDEADLINE
August15, 2019 AcceptanceNotifications
September15, 2019 Submission camera-ready paper
October1, 2019 Early Registration feedeadline
Moreinfo: http://hicss.hawaii.edu
HICSSAuthor Guidelines:
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Subject: [WI] 3rd International Summer School on CSCW (Application
deadline: April 8th)
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 14:11:04 +0000
From: Alexander Richter <aric(a)itu.dk>
Reply-To: Alexander Richter <aric(a)itu.dk>
To: eusset(a)listserv.uni-siegen.de <eusset(a)listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de>,
wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Third International Summer School on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
– Foundations, Methods and Technologies
27-31 August 2018, Villa del Grumello – Lake Como School Of Advanced
Studies Centro di Cultura Scientifica “Alessandro Volta”, Como (Italy)
Under the auspices of the European Society for Social Embedded
Technologies and the SIG CSCW of the German computer society, generously
sponsored by Aarhus University.
Important dates
April 8th, 2018: Application deadline
April 15th, 2018: Notification of acceptance
April 29th, 2018: Deadline for registration
Claus Bossen (Aarhus University – Denmark)
Alexander Richter (IT University Copenhagen – Denmark)
Ina Wagner (Vienna University of Technology – Austria)
Faculty: Claus Bossen, Luigina Ciolfi, Gunnar Ellingsen, Michael Koch,
Myriam Lewkowicz, Claudia Müller, Volkmar Pipek, Dave Randall, Alexander
Richter, Kjeld Schmidt, Gerhard Schwabe, Ina Wagner
Summer School Website:
The CSCW Summer School provides young researchers (PhD or post-doc) with
the opportunity to deepen their understanding of CSCW as a research
field and community. The interaction among the participants (both
teachers and students) will promote the generation of new ideas and
their confrontation with the experiences they have acquired in their
field research.
The school will release a certificate that can be used to acquire 7.5
ECTS upon the approval of the outcomes of their group work activities.
Students are required to have read the course material (15-20 papers) in
advance and to complete pre-course assignments which includes preparing
a poster presenting their research to be used on the afternoon of the
first day.
Aims and scope
After the introduction of the acronym CSCW (Computer Supported
Cooperative Work) in the late 1980’ the themes connected with the
understanding of collaborative work practices and the design of
artefacts supporting collaboration have become pervasive in many
scientific, business and social discourses. The domains in which CSCW
can inform sociotechnical design are constantly growing and changing.
This asks for a continuous elaboration of the theoretical foundations of
the underpinning disciplines through a reflection on the outcomes of the
field studies, on the methods applied in the social and technological
investigations and on the impact of the technologies on practices they
are made part of. The combination of these perspectives should be the
patrimony of any researcher who wants to grasp the complex and subtle
issues that are involved in the CSCW research area.
Program overview
27.8. Introduction
28.8. Field Studies
29.8. Designing Artifacts
30.8. Evaluation / Impact
31.8. Theoretical Foundations & Writing
The location
The school will be held in the facilities offered by the Centro di
Cultura Scientifica “Alessandro Volta”, Como (Italy), and specifically
at Villa del Grumello, a nice villa close to Como: the center of the
town is in ten minutes walking distance along the border of the lake.
The participants are hosted in the bedrooms of the villa. Additional
information about the available facilities and the registration
modalities will be given later on.
The fees of 700€ include accommodation starting from Sunday 27th August
at Villa del Grumello in double or quad rooms, breakfasts, lunches and
school materials. Single accommodation requests will be subject to
different fares and locations.
There is (limited) financial support for students who do not receive
funding from their universities.
Please provide a document that includes one to two pages of CV and one
page that includes your PhD topic, your research approach and why you
want to participate at the summer school. Please send it to:
summerschool(a)eusset.eu <mailto:summerschool@eusset.eu>
International applicants might need a visiting student visa to come to
Italy. Information about the required documents are available at the
“Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs”. The request of a School
Invitation Letter should be sent to summerschool(a)eusset.eu
<mailto:summerschool@eusset.eu>: the request must contain all the
necessary information along with a digitized copy of the identification
page of the student passport (with name and photo).
Local organization
Angela Locoro (University of Milano-Bicocca) and Carla Simone
(University of Siegen)
For any more information about the school please contact:
summerschool(a)eusset.eu <mailto:summerschool@eusset.eu>
Summer School Website:
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 14:50:06 +0000
From: Heng Xu <hxu(a)ist.psu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
The IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC 2018)
September 26-28, 2018, Washington, DC, USA
Sponsored by The IEEE Computer Society
Program Co-Chairs:
Joseph (Joe) Valacich, University of Arizona, USA
Nan Zhang, Pennsylvania State University, USA?
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 04/30/2018
Notification: 06/30/2018
Camera-Ready Submission Date: 07/20/2018
The explosive expansion of our information ecology, from online social
networks to Internet of Things, from e-health to smart cities, makes
everyday individuals producers of massive trails of data, sometimes
voluntarily and other times unconsciously. These data contain a gold
mine of knowledge for businesses and
consumers alike, but also reveal rich personal information or sensitive
knowledge of their individual contributors or organizational owners,
causing significant privacy concerns. Yet, we know very little about
this complex "privacy ecosystem" around individuals, organizations, and
data. To enable privacy-aware computing paradigms with responsible data
practices, it is important to understand the roles, responsibilities and
motivations of all parties involved in the ecosystem, study their
collaborative or combative relationships, and identify the design
frontiers of technological, social, legal, managerial, and
organizational solutions.
The existing research on information privacy is arguably balkanized
across several disciplines, from computer security/privacy to data
science, from psychology to sociology, from computer-human interaction
to management information systems. The 2018 IEEE Symposium on
Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC) brings together experts across these
communities to present and discuss recent advances and new perspectives
on related research. As such, we invite research on both the
technological development of privacy enhancements and the usage of
quantitative/qualitative social scientific methodologies to study and
validate theories about privacy. Topics of particular interest include,
but are not limited to:
- Differential privacy
- Economics of privacy
- Location privacy
- Managerial practices and organizational policies on privacy
- Privacy in smart and connected health
- Privacy in smart cities
- Privacy in the Internet of Things
- Privacy on social media
- Societal, legal, and ethical issues in privacy
- Theoretical and empirical study of privacy concerns and behavior
- Usability and adoption of privacy-enhancing technologies
Paper Submission
Form of Manuscript: All submissions should follow the IEEE 8.5" x 11"
two-column format. Each full-paper submission can have up to 12 pages
with 10pt font or larger. We are also calling for Work-in-Progress (WiP)
papers that describe new ideas and early-stage work. Each WiP papers
should be at most 2-page long with the IEEE format, 10pt font.
Electronic Submission: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/PAC2018
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Subject: [WI] Call for Papers - MIWAI 2018 @Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-20 Nov.
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2018 21:39:43 +0200
From: Nicolas Schwind <schwindn(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: Nicolas Schwind <schwindn(a)gmail.com>
To: Nikoo Schwind <schwindn(a)gmail.com>
Conference name: MIWAI 2018, the 12th Multi-disciplinary International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Venue: Hanoi, Vietnam
Dates: November 18-20th, 2018
Website: https://khamreang.msu.ac.th/miwai18/index.html
The 12th Multi-disciplinary International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (MIWAI 2018) will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-20th
November 2018. The theme for this year's event is "Intelligent World".
The main objective of the conference is to present the latest research
and results of scientists related to AI topics. MIWAI 2018 provides
opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and establish
future collaborations. This year the conference is organized by
Mahasarakham University, with association of Vietnam Academy of Science
and Technology and University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam.
MIWAI aims to promote AI research in both theoretical and applied
research addressing real-world applications. We encourage researchers to
submit their unpublished papers in the following areas, but not limited to:
- Theoretical Foundation: Cognitive Science; Computational Philosophy;
Game Theory; Graphical Models; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning;
Logic; Fuzzy Logic; Multi-agent Systems; Neurosciences; Probabilistic
Reasoning; Qualitative Reasoning; Uncertainty.
- Cognitive Computing: Affective Computing; Computer Vision; Natural
Language Processing; Self-aware Systems; Speech Recognition; Social
- Computational Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence; Deep Learning;
Evolutionary Computing; Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition; Planning
and Scheduling; Social Computing; Swarm Intelligence
- AI Applications: Ambient Intelligence; Big Data Analysis; Biometrics;
Bioinformatics; Brain Machine Interface; Chatbots; Creative Computing;
Decision Support Systems; E-commerce; Energy Management; Health
Assessment; Industrial Applications of AI; Intelligent Information
Systems; Knowledge Management; Telecommunications and Web Services;
Security and Privacy Management; Surveillance; Spam Filtering; Software
Engineering; Social Networking Security; Semantic Web; Robotics;
Recommender Systems; Sport and Rehabilitation; Virtual Reality &
Augmented Reality.
Submission Guidelines:
MIWAI 2018 accepts both research and application papers (8-14 pages,
oral presentation).
All submissions will go through a double-blinded peer-review process.
Paper selection will be on the basis of technical quality, relevance,
significance, and clarity. Each paper should be written using the
Springer-Verlag LNCS style. The authors' names and institutions should
not appear in the paper. Springer-Verlag author instructions are
available at: http://www.springer.com/lncs
Important Dates:
Conference dates: November 18-20, 2018
Submission deadline: July 1, 2018 (11:59PM UTC-10)
Notification release: August 5, 2018
Camera-ready and early bird registration due: August 20, 2018.
Our previous proceedings were published by Springer in LNAI, a topical
subseries of LNCS focusing on artificial intelligence (Indexed in the
ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus, EI Engineering Index,
Google Scholar, Springerlink, DBLP, etc.).
CFP for Special Session:
The organizing committee can accept proposals for Special Session from
authors that want to contribute to MIWAI2018. Please submit your special
session proposals if you wish to solicit participants by email to the
Program co-chairs at <manasawee.k(a)msu.ac.th
<mailto:manasawee.k@msu.ac.th>, schwindn(a)gmail.com
<mailto:schwindn@gmail.com>>. Proposals should include:
- Special Session title
- A short description (2-3 lines) & covered topics
- Session organizer(s) and chair(s)
- List of speakers (when available)
The deadline for special session proposals is on April 30, 2018 (11:59PM
- Honorary Advisor:
Sujin Butdisuwan, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
- Steering Committee:
Arun Agarwal, University of Hyderabad, India
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Patrick Doherty, University of Linkoping, Sweden
Rina Dechter, University of California, Irive, USA
Leon Van Der Torre, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Peter Haddawy, Mahidol University, Thailand
James F. Peters, University of Manitoba, Canada
Jérôme Lang, University Paris-Dauphine, France
Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, UTB, Brunei
C Raghavendra Rao, University of Hyderabad, India
Srinivasan Ramani, IIIT Bangalore, India
- Conveners:
Richard Booth, Cardiff University, UK
Chattrakul Sombattheera, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
- General Co-Chair:
Duc Dung Nguyen, Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of
Science and Technology, Vietnam
Rainer Malaka, University of Bremen, Germany
- Program Co-Chair:
Manasawee Kaenampornpan, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Nicolas Schwind, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology, Japan
- Organizing Co-Chair:
Phatthanaphong Chomphuwiset, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Khachakrit Liemthaisong, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
- Local Co-Chair:
Quang Doan Nhat
Luong Chi Mai
- Publicity Co-Chair:
Olarik Surinta, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Supakit Nootyaskool, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Thailand
- Finance Co-Chair:
Rapeeporn Chamchong, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
- Webmaster:
Chaya Hiruncharoenvate, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Panich Sudkhot, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
<manasawee.k(a)msu.ac.th <mailto:manasawee.k@msu.ac.th>,schwindn(a)gmail.com
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Track on Business Process Management @ CBI :
Mandatory Abstract on April 9th (full paper on April 15th)
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2018 22:11:08 +0200
From: Selmin Nurcan <selmin.nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear colleagues,
Please consider to submit a research paper in the BPM track in CBI, the
20th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics.
Happy Easter
Selmin Nurcan
20th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2018)
July 11-14, 2018, Vienna, Austria, hosted by Technical University Vienna
The IEEE Conference Series on Business Informatics is the leading
international forum for state-of-the-art research in Business
Informatics. The 20th anniversary edition, IEEE CBI 2018, held in
beautiful and summery Vienna, calls for submissions in the
multidisciplinary field of Business Informatics, and welcomes a
multitude of theoretical and practical perspectives and mindsets on
today’s challenges of the digital transformation.
The IEEE CBI series encourages a broad understanding of Business
Informatics research, and intends to further its many different facets,
theoretical foundations and experiential body of knowledge. In doing so,
the CBI series has proven to be a fertile ground for research with high
impact, and a hub for multidisciplinary research with contributions from
Management Science, Organisation Science, Economics, Information
Systems, Computer Science, and Informatics.
Special Track on Business Process Management
Mandatory Abstract: April 9, 2018
Submission deadline for full papers: April 15, 2018
Track Co-Chairs:
Selmin Nurcan, Université Paris 1 Pantheon – Sorbonne, France
Peter Fettke, Institute for Information Systems (IWi) at the DFKI, Germany
Business Process Analysis, Modelling and Execution
Business Process Engineering and Reengineering
Discovery of Business Processes
Similarity and Variability of Business Processes
Multi-Perspective Business Process Modelling
Social / Actor-driven BPM
Compliance of Business Processes
Monitoring of Business Processes
Quality of Business Processes
Quality of Business Process Models
Evaluation Approaches for Process Modelling Methods
Robotic Process Automation
Blockchain-based Process Monitoring
Predictive Business Process Monitoring
For details see the Call for Papers:
Accepted papers will be published as IEEE proceedings and submitted for
integration into the IEEE Digital Library.
Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a
special issue of the EMISA journal (subject to separate review).
Maitre de Conferences HDR / A. Prof. Dr. habil.
Directeur Masters MSI: SIC, MIKS, Executive MSIC
The University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne has been running for the
last 21 years, a highly successful Masters programme (SIC -
apprenticeship) that is open for the 9th year to Foreign students
*Surface mail*
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Ecole de Management de la Sorbonne
Centre Broca
21, rue Broca 75240 Paris cedex 05 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique
To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.
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