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Subject: [WI] Call For Papers RCIS 2019 in Brussels, May 29-31
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 22:31:28 +0000
From: Strecker, Stefan <stefan.strecker(a)fernuni-hagen.de>
Reply-To: Strecker, Stefan <stefan.strecker(a)fernuni-hagen.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Call For Papers RCIS 2019 in Brussels, May 29-31
Hosted by KU Leuven & UCL in Brussel, Belgium, May 29-31, 2019 Research
Challenges in Information Sciences
FOR FULL CFP, PLEASE VISIT http://www.rcis-conf.com
The goal of RCIS is to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers
and practitioners from a wide range of information science fields and
provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and dissemination. RCIS has
become a recognised conference on research challenges in information
sciences. Organised for the 13th time in a row, RCIS 2019 will be held
from May 29-31, 2019, in Brussels, Belgium, Capital of Europe.
At RCIS 2019, among other regular topics, special attention will be
given to the special topic: Towards a Design Science for Information
Systems. With the advent of ubiquitous computing, today's information
systems are designed, developed, used, and tested on a very wide
spectrum of devices and computing platforms, by a diverse population of
stakeholders (e.g., analysts, designers, developers, end users) for an
ever wider range of tasks carried out in multiple physical and
psychological environments, thus inducing many different contexts of
use. Facing this variety of contexts of use, design science is expected
to help people producing information systems that are better tailored to
their needs when interacting with these systems. This year�s RCIS theme
aims to explore the role played by design science in every stage of the
development life cycle of information systems, which includes
meta-models, models, languages, notations, methods, and software tools
for supporting these stages. RCIS welcomes submissions from a diverse
spectrum of information science. The list of themes and topics includes,
but is not limited to, the following areas, themes and topics:
A1. Information Systems and their Engineering
Requirements Engineering
Software Engineering and Testing
Model-Driven Engineering and Development
Information Systems Development Methods and Method Engineering
A2. Human-Centred Approaches
Human-Computer Interaction
Social Computing and Social Network Analysis
User-Centred Approaches
Collaborative Computing
End-User Development
A3. Data and Information Management
Databases and Information
Information Search and Discovery
Conceptual Modelling and Ontologies
Information Security and Risk Management
Strategic Management of Information Systems
A4. Enterprise Engineering
Business Process Engineering and Management
Process Mining
Enterprise Modelling
Reengineering, Forward and Reverse Engineering
Context-aware Organisations
A5. Applications
E-Health, E-Government, E-Commerce
Web-Based Applications and Services
Smart Cities
A6. Business Intelligence
Big Data & Business Analytics
Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Management and Discovery
Information and Value Management
A7. Information Infrastructures
Cyber-Physical Systems
Web Information Systems
Grid Computing and Cloud Computing
Internet of Things
Pervasive, Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
A8. Reflective Research and Practice
Research Methodologies in Information Science
Impact of Information on the Enterprise and the Individual
Development Lifecycle Models
Design Science and Design Rationale
Action Research and Case Studies in Design Science
SUBMISSION PROCESS Submit your papers via EasyChair:
Abstract submission deadline: January 23thd, 2019
Regular paper submission deadline: February 1st, 2019 (23:59 AoE �
Anywhere on Earth)
Notification to authors and registration opening: April 1st, 2019
Camera-ready copy deadline for all paper types: April 12th, 2019
Author registration deadline for all paper types: April 12th, 2019
RCIS�2019 Conference: May 29th-31st, 2019
General Chair
Manuel Kolp
Jean Vanderdonckt
Program Chairs
Monique Snoeck
Yves Wautelet
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Fabian Gilson
Michael Petit
Posters & Demos Chairs
Bruno Dumas
Tutorial Chairs
Thanh-Diane Nguyen
Thierry Van Den Berghe
Proceedings & Web Chair
Samedi Heng
Financial & Organization
Heleen Van Den Bosch
Jasmine De Wulf
Heleen Van Den Bosch
Steering Committee
Said Assar
Marco Bajec
Pericles Loucopoulos
Haralambos Moratidis
Selmin Nurcan
Oscar Pastor
Jolita Ralyté (Chair of Liaison)
Colette Rolland
Roel Wieringa
=== Important Dates
Paper Submission February 1, 2019
Conference May 29-31, 2019
=== Social Media
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Subject: [AISWorld] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling,
Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): Second Call for Tutorial
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2018 13:36:20 +0200
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
confs-submit(a)hri.org, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation
and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019)
Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019
Proposals due: February 11, 2019
ACM UMAP 2019, the premier international conference for researchers and
practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups
of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, is
pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be given in conjunction
with the
conference. Tutorials are intensive instructional sessions aimed to
provide a
comprehensive introduction to established or emerging research topics of
interest for the UMAP community.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• new user modeling technologies, methods, techniques, and trends
(e.g. exploiting data mining and big data analytics for user modeling,
evaluation methodologies, data visualization, etc.);
• user modeling and personalization techniques for specific domains
(e.g., health sciences, e-government, e-commerce, cultural heritage,
education, internet of things, mobile, music, information retrieval, etc.);
• application of user modeling and personalization techniques for
information retrieval and recommender systems;
• eliciting and learning user preferences by taking into account users’
emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, cognitive factors.
An ideal tutorial should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to
the chosen area, but it should also cover the most important topics in
Tutorial presenters can have one page in the adjunct proceedings.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format to both tutorial
not exceeding 5 pages and containing the following information:
1. Title and abstract of the tutorial for inclusion on the ACM UMAP 2019
website (200 words maximum).
2. Tutorial description:
• learning objectives of the tutorial and relevance to ACM UMAP 2019;
• targeted audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and
prerequisite knowledge or skills;
• a brief outline of the tutorial structure;
• practical sessions.
3. Tutorial length: full (6 hours) or half day (3 hours).
4. Other venues to which the tutorial or part thereof has been or will be
presented, in addition to explaining how the current tutorial differs
from the
other editions.
5. Name, email address, affiliation and brief professional biography of
the tutorial instructor(s), indicating previous training and speaking
• Tutorial proposals: February 11, 2019
• Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2019
• Tutorial summary camera-ready: April 3, 2019
• Adjunct proceedings camera ready: April 15, 2019
• Tutorial day: June 9, 2019
All proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs. The features that
be evaluated are:
1. ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the foundations
of UMAP research;
2. clarity of the tutorial, which should emerge from its description;
3. good organization, as appearing from the outline;
4. background/experience of tutorial instructor(s) in teaching the
target topics.
• Milos Kravcík, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
(DFKI), Germany (milos.kravcik AT dfki.de)
• Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (ivan.cantador AT
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ICALT 2019 - Track 2: APTeL (Adaptive and
Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning)
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 16:27:34 +0200 (EET)
From: Elvira Popescu <popescu_elvira(a)software.ucv.ro>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies –
ICALT 2019
Maceió, Brazil, July 15-18, 2019
* Submission Deadline: January 20, 2019
Track 2: Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning
Track Description and Topics of Interest
Advanced learning technologies keep transforming what people learn, how
they learn it and the ways they access learning opportunities in formal
and informal contexts. As the educational landscape evolves, learning gets
more structured around flexible curricula that have to accommodate the
needs of diverse student audiences, and educational organizations which
offer services for accessing educational content and resources through a
variety of platforms, devices, and learning contexts. In this framework,
adapting the educational experience to learners' preferences, needs and
background becomes critical. The challenge concerns providing an
alternative to the "one-size-fits-all" approach in designing learning
technologies, taking into consideration individual differences among
learners and the various contexts within which learning will take place.
The aim is to maximize learner satisfaction, learning retention and
efficiency of the learning process. Adaptation can take place both at
individual and group/community levels, whereby intelligent and adaptive
technologies are integrated to empower socially-grounded learning
APTeL@ICALT2019 explores different dimensions of adaptation and
personalization, including learner modeling and adaptation mechanisms, as
well as techniques, designs, implementation approaches, and experimental
validations. A main issue that is expected to be addressed in this forum
is the impact of adaptive and personalised learning environments in real
educational (formal or informal) contexts, focusing on how these
environments can be integrated in the educational process in order to
enhance and promote efficient personalised learning cycles. "What can we
adapt to?", "What can be adapted?", "How can we collect and process
relevant data?", "What is the impact of adaptation?", "How
technology-enhanced adaptive environments may promote personalized
learning in real contexts?", "How are learners profiled and how do they
perceive personalization?", "How can we support educators develop
personalized contents and resources?", "How can interaction data
collection, analysis and/or visualization be adapted to identify learner
needs or enhance personalized learning experiences?" are some important
questions that need to be addressed.
Topics of interest cover various adaptivity and personalization issues in
technology enhanced learning, in particular:
* Personal learning environments (PLE)
* Intelligent learner and group modeling
* Adaptive learning methods and techniques
* Adaptive collaborative learning
* Personalized mobile learning applications
* Adaptive educational games
* Adaptivity and personalization in MOOCs
* Cognitive, motivational and affective aspects for personalization
* Measurement and evaluation in adaptive learning environments
* Practice and experience sharing
* Learning and teaching with adaptive and personalised learning environments
* Personalized learning design
* Personalized learning/teaching analytics
* Context-aware models for personalized learning
* Adaptive learning in pervasive computing environments
Track Program Chairs
Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania [Coordinator]
Yacine Atif, University of Skovde, Sweden
Simone de Sousa Borges, UFTPR, Brazil
Sabine Graf, Athabasca University, Canada
Sharon I-Han Hsiao, Arizona State University, USA
Kyparisia Papanikolaou, School of Pedagogical & Technological Education,
The expected types of submissions include:
Full paper: 5 pages
Short paper: 3 pages
Posters: 2 pages
The ICALT 2019 Author Guidelines can be found at:
AISWorld mailing list
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Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 15:58:05 +0100
From: Paolo Ceravolo <Paolo.Ceravolo(a)unimi.it>
Reply-To: Paolo Ceravolo <Paolo.Ceravolo(a)unimi.it>
*****CALL FOR Papers*****
July 8 - 13, 2019, Milan, Italy
The IEEE World Congress on Services (IEEE SERVICES 2019) will be held on
July 8-13, 2019 at the Universita' degli Studi di Milano in Milan,
Italy. The Congress will cover all aspects of services computing and
applications, current or emerging. It covers various systems and
networking research pertaining to cloud, edge and Internet-of-Things
(IoT), as well as technologies for intelligent computing, learning, big
data and blockchain applications, while addressing critical requirements
such as high performance, security, privacy, dependability,
trustworthiness, re-usability, interoperability, and cost-effectiveness.
The Congress will be organized with seven affiliated, co-located
conferences/congresses solely sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
under the auspice of the Technical Committee on Services Computing
(TCSVC). Original manuscripts are invited to submit to these
conferences/congresses considered with most suitable from the technical
point of view.
Honorary General Chair: Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di
Milano, Italy
General Chair: Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University
General Chair: Meichun Hsu, Oracle
Program Chair: Beth Plale, Indiana University
Program Chair: Sean Wang, Fudan University
Please submit your IEEE BigDataCongress 2019 paper at EasyChair.org:
General Chair: Geoffrey C. Fox, Indiana University
General Chair: Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart
Program Chair: Claudio Ardagna, University of Milan
Program Chair: Murat Kantarcioglu, University of Texas at Dallas
Please submit your IEEE CLOUD 2019 paper at EasyChair.org:
General Chair: John Kubiatowicz, University of California, Berkeley
General Chair: Nimish Radia, Ericsson
Program Chair: Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University
Program Chair: James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh
Please submit your IEEE EDGE 2019 paper at EasyChair.org:
General Chair: Jacky Akoka, CNAM
General Chair: Rong Chang, IBM
Program Chair: Gabriella Pasi, University of ilano-Bicocca
Program Chair: Dinesh Verma, IBM TJ Watson
Please submit your IEEE ICCC 2019 paper at EasyChair.org:
General Chair: Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology
General Chair: Manish Parashar, National Science Foundation
Program Chair: Surya Nepal, CSIRO
Program Chair: DongSeong Kim, University of Cateerbury
Please submit your IEEE ICIOT 2019 paper at EasyChair.org:
General Chair: Heiko Ludwig, IBM Research
General Chair: Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas at Dallas
Program Chair: Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria
Program Chair: Jia Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University
Please submit your IEEE ICWS 2019 paper at EasyChair.org:
General Chair: Michael Goul, Arizona State University
General Chair: Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Program Chair: Yan Wang, Macquarie University
Program Chair: Luciano Baresi, Politecnico of Milan
Please submit your IEEE SCC 2019 paper at EasyChair.org:
Language: English
Paper size and format: US Letter; Two-column format in the IEEE style
Page limit: Up to eight pages for peer review for regular papers; Up to
three pages for a "work in progress" paper
Abstract Length: 1500 characters for a regular paper, and 500 characters
for "work in progress" papers
Number of Keywords: between five to eight keywords for each paper
File format: Limit the size of a single PDF file to be 6MB
Note: Authors of the accepted regular papers will have available up to
10 pages for the final version of papers.
Anonymous Submissions: All conferences implement a double-blind
reviewing process. Author names and affiliations should not appear in
the paper. The authors should make a reasonable effort not to reveal
their identities of institutional affiliations in the text, figures,
photos, links, or other data that is contained in the paper. Authors'
prior work should be preferably referred to in the third person; if this
is not feasible, the references should be blinded. Submissions that
violate these requirements will be rejected without review. The list of
authors cannot be changed after the acceptance decision is made unless
approved by the Program Chairs.
All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by the program
committee. Accepted papers with confirmed registration and committed
presentation will appear in the conference proceedings published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press. Each conference/congress will publicly
announce the winners of its Best Paper Award, and Best Student Paper
Award. The authors of selected papers will be encouraged to submit
extended and enhanced versions of their papers to the IEEE Transactions
on Services Computing (TSC) and other suitable journals.
Submitted Regular and Workshop Papers will be limited to 8 (IEEE
Proceedings style) pages and REQUIRED to be formatted using the IEEE
Proceedings template. Submitted Work-In-Progress Papers will be limited
to 3 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages. Unformatted papers and papers
beyond the page limit may not be reviewed.
Special note in regard to early submissions: Authors are invited to
consider early submissions and only full/regular papers will be
accepted. An early submitted paper which is accepted will be included in
the proceedings. An early submitted paper which is rejected can be still
revised and submitted to the normal submission deadline (whereas the
normal papers cannot be resubmitted). If the authors of an early
submitted paper which is rejected decide to resubmit their paper to the
normal deadline, they will have to include an appendix (2 pages)
describing how they have addressed the comments received by the
reviewers on the early submission.
Regular Papers:
Early paper submissions due: December 1, 2018
Review comments to authors of early submission papers: January 15, 2019
Normal paper submission due: February 4, 2019
Final notification to authors: March 15, 2019
Camera ready manuscripts due: April 1, 2019
Congress dates: July 8-13, 2019
*****IEEE POLICY*****
Review Policy: IEEE Policy and professional ethics require that referees
treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not
to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one
with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of
the special knowledge, which that access provides. Contents of abstracts
submitted to conference program committees should be regarded as
privileged as well, and handled in the same manner. The Conference
Publications Chair shall ensure that referees adhere to this practice.
Organizers of IEEE conferences are expected to provide an appropriate
forum for the oral presentation and discussion of all accepted papers.
An author, in offering a paper for presentation at an IEEE conference,
or accepting an invitation to present a paper, is expected to be present
at the meeting to deliver the paper. In the event that circumstances
unknown at the time of submission of a paper preclude its presentation
by an author, the program chair should be informed on time, and
appropriate substitute arrangements should be made. In some cases it may
help reduce no-shows for the Conference to require advance registration
together with the submission of the final manuscript.
*****ABOUT IEEE*****
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing
innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better
tomorrow through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology
standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the
trusted “voice” for engineering, computing and technology information
around the globe.
With nearly 85,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) is the
world’s leading organization of computing professionals. Founded in
1946, and the largest of the 38 societies of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the CS is dedicated to advancing the
theory and application of computer and information-processing technology.
Founded in 2003, IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Services
Computing (TCSVC) is a multidisciplinary group whose purpose is to
advance and coordinate work in the field of Services Computing carried
out throughout the IEEE in scientific, engineering, standard, literary
and educational areas. IEEE TCSVC membership details are available at
*****CONTACT US*****
Send inquiries to ieeecs DOT services AT gmail DOT com
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP ICIST19
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 18:46:03 +0000
From: Eom, Sean B <sbeom(a)semo.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
ACM - ICIST' 2019 indexed by ACM - Digital Library & Scopus
CFP ACM –ICIST’2019 (The 9th International Conference on Information
Systems and Technologies)
Cairo, Egypt. 24 - 26 March 2019
- Submission Deadline: 31 December 2018
- Camera ready & Registration: 05 January 2019
- Conference Dates: 24-26 March 2019
ICIST’2019 will be composed of research presentations, keynote lectures,
invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and poster
If your work is related to ICIST’2019 topics, it is now a good
opportunity to submit your contribution through the Easychair system.
- Full paper (5 to 12 pages) formatted according to the ACM style:
- Short paper (2 to 4 pages).
- Abstract Paper (500 words).
- Poster Abstract (300 words).
- Research in progress: Ongoing research from undergraduates,
graduates/postgraduates and professionals.
- If you encounter problems for submission, contact us at Email:
Publications: ICIST’2019’s selected high quality and presented papers,
with 30-40% extension and revision, will be recommended for a special
issue to one of indexed Journals.
For more details, please visit
If you have any questions, contact us at icist.educ(a)gmail.com
Best regards,
Sean Eom
Sean Eom
Professor of MIS
Department of Management, MS 5850
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Tel. 573-651-2615 (Office)
Fax 573-651-2992
e-mail: sbeom(a)semo.edu<mailto:sbeom@semo.edu>
Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
Windows 10
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Mobile Learning Conference 2019: 2nd call Invitation for new
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:32:40 -0600
From: secretariat(a)mlearning-conf.org
To: secretariat(a)mlearning-conf.org
Dear Sir/Madam,
Since you submitted a paper to a previous edition of the International
Conference on Mobile Learning, we are inviting you to join us and submit
a paper to the 2019 edition that will be held in Utrecht, The
Netherlands, from 11 – 13 April 2019.
The deadline for the 2nd call for papers is January 7th, 2019. For more
information and to check the detailed Call for Papers, please access
Best Regards
Fatima Neves
ML 2019 Secretariat
URL: http://www.mlearning-conf.org/
Visit our page and join us on Facebook:
and on Twitter http://twitter.com/IADIS
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2019 - Special Interest Group on Systems
Analysis and Design (SIGSAND) - Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 12:49:07 +0000
From: Beard, Jon W [SCIS] <jwbeard(a)iastate.edu>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
AMCIS 2019, August 15-17, 2019
Cancún, México
Conference Website: https://amcis2019.aisconferences.org/
Timeline and Submission Details:
· January 7, 2019 - Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019 begin
· March 1, 2019 - Submission deadline - AMCIS submissions close for
authors at 10:00 am PST
· April 24, 2019 - Camera-ready papers are due
· Conference Dates - August 15-17, 2019
Sponsored by SIGSAND - the Special Interest Group for Systems Analysis
and Design
Systems analysis involves examining business problems (opportunities)
and identifying possible solutions, whereas systems design includes the
identification, specification, and implementation of an information
technology solution. The combined field of Systems Analysis and Design
(SAND) deals with all issues related to the development of systems and,
as such, is of central importance to the Information Systems discipline,
including understanding how businesses can create value with new digital
technologies. The SIGSAND track provides a forum for discussing research
related to systems development tools, methodologies and other activities
throughout the systems development life cycle (SDLC). This includes
requirements determination, modeling techniques and languages, agile
systems development practices, empirical evaluation of analysis and
design methods, user involvement in systems development, open source
development, design of systems architecture, and other technical and
organizational issues in systems development. Topics include, but are
not limited to, the following:
* Systems Analysis and Design: Methodologies and Design Processes
* Systems Analysis and Design: Empirical Evaluations, Modeling Methods,
Techniques, and Languages
* Systems Analysis and Design: Requirements Elicitation, Modeling, and
* Analysis and Design for Service-Oriented Enterprises
* Micro-service-based Development
* Contemporary Issues in Agile Development
* Strategic Software Management: Issues, Experiences, and Theory
* Technical and Managerial Issues in Open Source Development
* User Participation and Involvement in Information Systems Development
* Impact of Systems Analysis and Design on IS use (e.g., adoption,
information quality)
* Application of SAND concepts and principles beyond IS development
(e.g., in data analytics)
* Organizational Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
* General Systems Analysis and Design
* New and Emerging SAND Tools and Approaches
Track Co-Chairs:
Padmal Vitharana (Syracuse University)
padmal(a)syr.edu<mailto:padmal@syr.edu> (primary)
Arturo Castellanos (Baruch College)
Jon W. Beard (Iowa State University)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 12th IADIS Information Systems 2019 conference in Utrecht, The
Netherlands: submit until 7 January 2019
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 11:46:27 +0000 (UTC)
From: Andreia Cruz <andreia.cruz(a)is-conf.org>
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
*12th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2019*
11 – 13 April 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands
** Conference Scope*
The IS Conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion of IS
taking a socio-technological perspective. It aims to address the issues
related to design, development and use of IS in organisations from a
socio-technological perspective, as well as to discuss IS professional
practice, research and teaching.
The conference covers five main areas: IS in Practice, Technology
Infrastructures and Organisational Processes; IS Professional Issues; IS
Learning and Teaching; IS Design, Development and Management Issues and
Methodologies; and IS Research. These broad areas are divided into more
detailed areas, for more information please check
** Paper Submission*
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through the conference submission system by
January 7, 2019. Submissions must be original and should not have been
published previously.
** Important Dates:*
- Submission Deadline (2nd call): 7 January 2019
- Notification to Authors (2nd call): 4 February 2019
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (2nd call): Until
25 February 2019
- Late Registration (2nd call): After 25 February 2019
** Paper Publication*
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN,
will be made available through the Digital Library available at
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation by IET’s
INSPEC, Elsevier, EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science
and other important indexing services.
Extended versions of the best papers will be selected to be published in
a special issue of the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations
(JECO) journal (ISSN: 1539-2937) and also in the IADIS Journal on
Computer Science and Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692) indexed by
Emerging Sources Citation index by Thomson Reuters.
** Conference Contact: *
E-mail: secretariat(a)is-conf.org
Web site: http://www.is-conf.org/
** Organized by:* International Association for Development of the
Information Society
Co-Organized by: HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands
* You are receiving this e-mail because you have participated in an
analogous event.
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, • 100, 3, 1050-229 Lisbon • Portugal •
Click here
to unsubscribe.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] 11th International Conference on Subject-oriented BPM -
Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 11:00:01 +0100
From: matthias.lederer(a)ism.de
Reply-To: matthias.lederer(a)ism.de
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
11th International Conference on Subject-oriented BPM
June 26th – 28th, 2019, Seville/Spain
Call for Papers
S-BPM ONE is established as the primary platform and forum for
conceptual and
practical innovations in the field of Subject-oriented Business Process
The 11th International S-BPM ONE Conference 2019 will put an emphasis on
connecting data science with business-, technical and subject-oriented
science. Of particular interest are the challenges, solutions and trade-offs
regarding business process management with special focus on subject-
orientation and data semantics. Besides this focus, S-BPM ONE invites
contributions from all pertinent topics in research and development.
For the first time the conference will be held in conjunction with BIS 2019
(22nd International Conference on Business Information Systems).
will benefit from an intensive exchange on a variety of relevant and modern
information systems topics.
We invite interested researchers and practitioners to contribute their
experience and knowledge.
Topics of Interest
The topics of interest, all against the background of BPM as well as
oriented BPM in specific, include, but are not limited to:
- Process mining
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Privacy issues
- Artificial intelligence and business intelligence
- Digital knowledge management tools
- Integration technologies
- Process-orientation in organizational theory and business practice
- Stakeholders as digital organization designers
- Governance in digital/virtual organizations
- Managing digital infrastructures of organizations
- Organizational Resilience
- Servitization through subjects/processes
- Softwarization of communication networks through BPM/S-BPM
- Disappearing Internet of Things
- Theory building for digital organizations
- Formal semantics and methods for digitization of organizations
- Standardization of Subject-Orientation/BPM concepts and technologies
- Repositioning Agent-based Systems for Value-based BPM
- Digital architecting based BPM and Subject-Oriented modelling
- Organizational Learning Support
- Subject-oriented collaborative knowledge elicitation
- Negotiation support along digitization processes
- Transhumanism and S-BPM/BPM
- Modeling Concepts for Dynamic and Complex Processes
Important Dates
- Due date for paper submission: February 28, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: April 18, 2019
- Camera-ready version of accepted papers: Mai 10, 2019
- Conference S-BPM ONE 2019: June 26-28, 2019
Types of Submission
1. Full Paper: These contributions present a completed research project or a
scientifically examined case. They shold follow ACM format and be of 10
to 15
pages length. Full papers are evaluated in a detailed peer review in
terms of
quality, foundations, study design and impact.
2. Short Paper: These contributions should have 4 to 6 pages (ACM
format) and
are evaluated in a fast track review by the Organization Committee. In what
form the contribution should be presented at the conference (e.g.,
presentation, poster or discussion) should be indicated in the text.
Contributions are evaluated primarily according to their potential to
stimulate expert discussions on known or innovative topics.
a. Work in Progress: Ongoing research or planned research contributions with
initial results, as well as case studies or business applications
without in-
depth scientific underpinning.
b. Reflection Papers: Discussions or opinions on current scientific or
practical questions that are to be further substantiated or presented as a
thesis at the congress.
c. Demonstration/Showcases: Presentation of applications, case studies or
d. Doctoral/master studies: Research projects, ongoing studies or completed
work of master and doctoral students.
e. Panels: Discussions with invited guests or open for contribution.
f. Tutorials: Guidance or practical guidelines from science and practice.
Accepted full papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Accepted
short paper contributions will be published online at CEUR-WS.org (authors
retain the sole copyright on their contributions in this case). All accepted
contributions (full and short papers) will also be published in the print
proceedings of the conference.
Program, Workshop & Organization Chairs
- Stefanie Betz, Furtwangen University, Germany
- Matthes Elstermann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Matthias Lederer, International School of Management, Munich, Germany
Local organization and host
Department of Computer Languages & Systems, University of Seville, Spain
Please find more information on http://www.s-bpm-one.org
The S-BPM ONE conference series is presented by the Institute of Innovative
Process Management e.V. (I2PM) - www.i2pm.net
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