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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP - AMCIS 2018- Health Information Privacy &
Security Minitrack
Datum: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 15:24:15 +0000
Von: Nancy Lea Martin <nlmartin(a)siu.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Conference: 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Aug. 16-18, 2018 in New Orleans, LA, USA
Track: Healthcare Informatics and Information Technology (SIGHealth)<http://amcis2018.aisnet.org/submissions/track-descriptions/#toggle-id-11>
Mini track 3: Health Information Privacy and Security
***Mini-track Description***
The privacy and security of health information has long been a priority of medical practitioners and consumers. The protection of personal health information stored electronically is an area of growing concern for individuals, organizations, and governments. Threats to information security in the healthcare sector risk not only patients' identities and financial information, but health data as well. The exposure of such sensitive information can cause financial hardship, mental anguish, and especially in healthcare, lead to social stigma and effect medical decisions.
This mini-track aims to highlight a wide range of research focused on the protection of health information. The type and number of organizations that handle health data is multifarious and growing. To complicate matters further, the use of technologies such as internet-connected medical devices and telemedicine is also on the rise. Furthermore, handlers of health data face a wide variety of complex regulatory compliance issues. For these reasons, the protection of health information is distinctive and merits a focused research effort. Research and results from this mini-track will bring light to unique data protection issues in healthcare. This mini-track encourages interdisciplinary research, a wide variety of approaches, and both completed and in-progress research papers.
Possible Topics:
Possible research topics for this mini-track include, but are not limited to:
* Data protection in the healthcare supply chain
* Health data-centric security
* Health data protection regulation
* Regulatory compliance
* Regulatory enforcement
* Unique challenges for small healthcare organizations
* Healthcare workflow management for privacy/security
* Risks related mobile health, telemedicine, biomedical devices
* Patient/consumer concern regarding health data privacy
* Legal and liability issues surrounding health data
* Quality issues in health data
* Impacts to public health research
* Innovations in health data protection
* Opportunities/challenges regarding privacy/security in healthcare
Important dates:
January 15, 2018: Manuscript submissions open
February 28, 2018: Manuscript submission deadline
April 18, 2018: Author notification
August 16-18, 2018: Present at AMCIS 2018 in New Orleans, LA, USA.
For complete instructions for authors and information about the conference, visit the AMCIS 2018 website at http://amcis2018.aisnet.org/submissions/call-for-papers/
***Mini-Track Chairs***
Nancy L. Martin, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, nlmartin(a)siu.edu
David T. Green, Governors State University, dgreen(a)govst.edu
Nancy L. Martin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Information Systems Technologies
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Betreff: [AISWorld] ICADIWT 2018
Datum: Wed, 03 Jan 2018 16:08:43 +0530
Von: diwt(a)dirf.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The Ninth International Conference on the Applications of Digital
Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2018)
June 25-27, 2018
Porto, Portugal
The Ninth International Conference on the Applications of Digital
Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2018) is a forum for
researchers to present the intensive and innovative research, ideas,
developments and applications in the areas of Computer Communications,
Communication networks, Communication Software Communication
Technologies and Applications, and other related themes.
This conference (ICADIWT Edition IX) will include presentations of
contributed papers and state-of-the-art lectures by invited keynote
speakers. Digital Technologies is embeeded in the research activiites of
large number of people and it ensures the Ubiquitous reaching of more
number of people in the recent years. Research in digital technologies
has been carried out in many directions using various resources and
tools and on the other side, the application issues are addressed by
more volume of researchers not necessarily limited to information and
computing technology. Thus the proposed conference series realize its
value and potential and manifest the requirements in the form of the
international conference.
This edition will address the following outlined themes (but not limited
Internet Communication
Internet Technologies
Web Applications
Internet Software
Data Access and Transmission
Digital Communication Software
Digital Networks
Web Communication Interfaces
Adaptive Systems
Internet of Things
Internet of breath
Augmented Reality
Databases and applications
Web Systems Engineering Design
Intelligent Agent systems/
Semantic Web Studies
Adaptive Web applications and personalization
Actuators and sensors
Robotics and Machine Vision
Smart cities and structures
Human-machine interfaces
Real-time simulation
Digital Technologies for Mechanical and other designs
Publication and Indexing
The accepted full papers will be published in the IOS series (Frontiers
in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA))and submitted for
inclusion in many indexes. Accepted full papers will be submitted for
indexing to multiple abstract and indexing partners. The papers will be
indexed in many databases as given at
The accepted papers will be published as a post-conference publication.
During the conference, the pre-conference volume will be distributed.
Important Dates
Submission of papers- April 01, 2018
Notification-May 10, 2018
Camera ready-June 10, 2018
Registration-June 15, 2018
Conference Dates-June 25-27, 2018
Honorary Chair
Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko, (Opole University, Poland)
General Chairs
Ramiro Smano Robles, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua,
Pit Pichappan, Digital Information Research Labs, India
Program Chairs
Yao-Liang Chung, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Submissions at
diwt(a)dirf.org or icadiwt(a)socio.org.uk
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Special Issue on Coding with the Raspberry Pi,
IJPOP 6(2)
Datum: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 10:15:19 +0000
Von: Steven Goschnick <sgoschnick(a)swin.edu.au>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The International Journal of People-Oriented Programming has published its latest Special Issue of papers related to the computing on the Raspberry Pi miniature computer:
Sun, C. & Goschnick S. (2017). Preface to Special Issue on Coding with the Raspberry Pi. International Journal People-Oriented Programming 6(2), July - December 2017.
Developing Critical Understanding of Computing with the Raspberry Pi
Amanda Banks Gatenby (University of Manchester, UK)
This paper describes a research project to explore learning activities with Raspberry Pis in four school contexts in the UK. The aim of the project was to compare different learning designs, which had the shared objective of developing computational competencies, to investigate how these designs might simultaneously develop critical understanding of both the practices of Computing and students’ own learning with respect to those practices. The study used a novel ‘before/after’ implementation of Q methodology in combination with participant observations and reflective interviews with twenty-eight pupils. Findings suggested that where pupils were already predisposed to future involvement in Computing practices, working with Raspberry Pis did develop critical understanding, in ways that were less dependent on learning design. For those who had a more naïve or indifferent view of Computing, the pedagogy was most influential in how student perspectives developed, a pedagogy of expressibility being the key to supporting greater criticality.
Local Area Network (LAN)-Based Digital Signage Solution Using Raspberry Pi
MengMeng Zhao (AltairX Pty Ltd, Canberra, Australia)
This paper outlines a case study in which we employ a Raspberry Pi 3 miniature computer as a Digital Signage System, one that can be managed from either laptop, smartphone or desktop computers. We present it as a case study that high school students (and their teachers) can follow, as a collaborative project that delivers a cost effective and flexible, digital signage system for their school. While it does not require any coding on their part, it presents an excellent use of ICT, by configuring multiple interrelated hardware and open software, in a school community setting, that would fit in with many contemporary digital technology curriculums.
High School Introductory Programming on Raspberry Pi Made From Scratch
Andy Luse (Oklahoma State University, USA), Bryan Hammer (Oklahoma State University, USA)
This research investigates the use of Raspberry Pi and Scratch to introduce novice high school students to computer programming during a short interaction. Results show that, with only a four-hour engagement, students show a significant increase in programming self-efficacy. Furthermore, results show that this increase is the same for both males and females. This provides promising results for those who wish to effectively introduce programming to novices, even over a short engagement period.
Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (5th Ed.), David Barnes & Michael Kölling, by
Steve Goschnick (School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia)
Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play, Mitchel Resnick (2017), by
Christine Yunn-Yu Sun (eBookDynasty, Melbourne, Australia)
Mission of IJPOP:
The primary mission of the International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) is to be instrumental in the improvement and development of the people-oriented programming, appealing to both academics and practitioners. It also educates a wider audience discussing the conceptualization, design, programming, configuration and orchestration of self-fashioned tools and products that ultimately suit the user's own unique needs and aspirations. The journal publishes original material of high quality concerned with the theory, concepts, techniques, methodologies and the tools that service a market-of-one - the empowered user.
Indices of IJPOP:
Bacon's Media Directory, Cable’s Directories, DBLP, Google Scholar, INSPEC, JournalTOCs, MediaFinder, ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Journals, ProQuest Computer Science Journals, ProQuest Illustrata: Technology, ProQuest SciTech Journals, ProQuest Technology Journals, The Index of Information Systems Journals, The Standard Periodical Directory, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Coverage of IJPOP:
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines:
CFP 7(1): www.igi-global.com/calls-for-papers/international-journal-people-oriented-p…
Consider a submission to IJPOP in your New Years resolutions.
All the best in 2018,
Steve Goschnick
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal People-Oriented Programming
Adjunct Professor,
School of Design
Swinburne University of Technology
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP ACM-ICIST2018
Datum: Sun, 31 Dec 2017 21:53:16 +0000
Von: Eom, Sean B <sbeom(a)semo.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
8th International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Istanbul, Turkey. 16 - 18 March 2018
Abstract submission: January 15, 2018
Early Registration: January 25, 2018
Conference: March 16 - 18, 2018
ICIST'2018 (Istanbul, Turkey) is a forum for researchers, developers and
industrials in the information systems field and the continuance of the
following event: ICIST'11 (Tebessa, Algeria), ICIST'12 (Sousse, Tunisia),
ICIST'13 (Tangier, Morocco), ICIST'14 (Valancia, Spain), ICIST'15 (Istanbul,
Turkey), ICIST'16 (Barcelona, Spain) and ICIST'17 (Dubai, UAE). It reports progress and development of
methodologies, technologies, planning and implementation, tools and standards
in information systems. The conference looks also at socio-economic aspects,
impacts and success factors of information systems.
ICIST'2018 aims at addressing issues related to the design, development and use
of information systems in organizations from a multidisciplinary perspective, and to discuss,
the research, teaching and professional practice in the field. ICIST 2017 brings together
leading academics and professionals in information systems from around the world. It aims at providing a platform for
discussions on issues that take into consideration the social and technological
aspects of information systems.
The conference program includes paper presentation, keynote talks from prominent academics, Posters and
Authors are invited to submit papers through the Eeasychair system:
We solicit contributions from:
Full papers (5 to 12 pages) formatted according to the ACM style: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
Short papers (2 to 4 pages)
Abstract Paper (500 words)
Poster Abstract (300 words)
Research in progress: Ongoing research from undergraduate, graduate/postgraduates and professionals
Abstract (300 words)
The topics of relevance for the ICIST 2018 papers can be found
at http://www.ijist.net/ICIST2018/
ICIST' 2018's selected high quality papers, with 30-40% extenstion and revision, will be recommended for a special issue to one of indexed journals:
- International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Ages (IJPADA)
- International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sectors (IJISSS)
- International Journal of Information Systems and Technologies (IJIST)
- Library Hi tech
For MORE INFORMATION, please visit: http://www.ijist.net/ICIST2018/
Best regards,
Sean Eom
Sean Eom
Professor of MIS
Department of Accounting, MS 5815
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Tel. 573-651-2615 (Office)
Fax 573-651-2992
e-mail: sbeom(a)semo.edu
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