-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: Special Issue on Lightweight and
Energy-Efficient Security Solutions for Mobile Computing Devices
Datum: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 15:05:03 +0200
Von: Damien Sauveron <damien.sauveron(a)xlim.fr>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
[PDF version <http://digital-library.theiet.org/files/IET_IFS_SI_CFP.pdf>]
.:: Call for Papers ::.
*IET Information Security*
*Special Issue on Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Security Solutions
for Mobile Computing Devices*
In the modern life, computing devices are becoming more and more mobile
and embedded, meaning that they are vulnerable to power limitation and
low resources. In this context, the needs of lightweight and
energy-efficient security solutions to secure communication as well as
applications in which they are involved are inescapable. The targeted
mobile devices are small and low computational ones such as RFID,
Contactless Smart Card, Wireless Sensors Nodes, to name a few. The aim
of this Special Issue is to publish state-of-the-art research results in
recent advances in Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Security Solutions
for Mobile and Pervasive Computing Devices. Topics of primary interest
include, but are not limited, to:
* Lightweight Security and Privacy, and Energy-Efficient Solutions:
o Design, analysis and implementation of lightweight cryptographic
protocols and applications/Low-power cryptographic architectures
+ Hardware and software implementation and design
+ Formal methods for analysis of lightweight cryptographic
o Design, analysis and implementation of lightweight
privacy-preserving protocols and systems
o Mobile Computing Devices in Applications: critical
infrastructure protection
o Wireless network security for low-resource devices
o Benchmark, Test and Evaluation framework and metrics
* Applications in Mobile Computing for:
o Steganography and secret hiding
o Multimedia security
o Authentication and privacy
o Network forensics
o Fraud detection
o RFID Security and user Privacy
*/Submission Guidelines/***
Original, high quality contributions that are not yet published or that
are not currently under review by other journals or peer-reviewed
conferences are sought. Manuscripts should not exceed 6000 words
(excluding references, tables and figures) and must follow with
guidelines available at
http://digital-library.theiet.org/journals/author-guide. Each submitted
paper will be reviewed by at least three qualified reviewers.
*/Important Dates
Submission deadline: 14 Sept 2015
First Acceptance: 14 Nov 2015
Amended Versions: 15 Feb 2016
Publication Date: 15 Apr 2016
*/Guest Editors/***
Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, E: nele.mentens(a)kuleuven.be
Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, Limoges, France, E:
José María Sierra Cámara, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, E:
Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Central Police University, Taiwan, R.O.C., E:
Isaac Woungang, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, E:
Damien Sauveron
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Betreff: [WI] Aufruf für Beitragseinreichungen zur HMD 307:
Digitalisierung, IT und Arbeit
Datum: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 10:19:14 +0000
Von: Hofmann, Josephine <Josephine.Hofmann(a)iao.fraunhofer.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
kaum ein Thema wird derzeit so intensiv diskutiert wie die Auswirkungen
der Digitalisierungen auf unsere Arbeitswelt. Auch die HMD – Praxis der
Wirtschaftsinformatik Nr. 307, wird sich mit diesem Thema
auseinandersetzen. Sie erscheint im *Februar 2016. *
Hierzu suche ich als verantwortliche Herausgeberin interessante
Beitragsvorschläge, in Form eines Abstracts und einer Kurzgliederung.
Ich freue mich auf Ihre Rückmeldungen!
Hier kommt der Ankündigungstext:
*HMD Nr. 307 - Digitalisierung, IT und Arbeit*
Dr. Josephine Hofmann, Fraunhofer IAO Stuttgart,
Das Jahr 2015 zeichnet sich durch eine intensive Diskussion der
Veränderungen unserer Arbeitsgesellschaft aus. Wir sehen fundamentale
Veränderungen, die maßgeblich durch den Einsatz von IT und die
durchgängige Digitalisierung in Arbeits- bzw. Produktions- und
Dienstleistungsprozessen gekennzeichnet sind. Schlagworte wie der
Einsatz von Cyber Physical Systems in der Produktion, vernetzte
Produktionsprozesse auf Basis des Internet der Dinge, „Industrie 4.0“,
der wachsende Einsatz von Robotertechnologien, aber auch eine immer
weitergehende Virtualisierung und Mobilisierung von Arbeit stimulieren
die Diskussion um Arbeitsformen, nachgefragte Arbeitsmengen, unser
Zukunftsbild von Arbeit. Prognosen wie die von Osborne/Fry über die
Substitutionseffekte des Einsatzes von IT auch in hochqualifizierten
Berufsgruppen beschäftigen Sozialpartner und Forschungsgruppen
IT (verstanden als Oberbegriff für eine Fülle von Informations- und
Kommunikationsanwendungen, Vernetzungsansätze, datengetriebene
Applikationen, vernetzte Produktions- und Logistiksysteme,
Robotereinsatz, neuer Interaktionsprinzipien etc.) ist zentraler Treiber
dieser Veränderungen. In diesem Heft wollen wir uns mit der Frage
auseinandersetzen, wie Arbeit und Arbeitswelt hierdurch verändert werden
und welche Gestaltungsoptionen bestehen: Wie verändert sich Arbeit?
Welche Auswirkungen auf die Nachfrage nach menschlicher Arbeitskraft
zeigen sich? Welche neuen Optionen z.B. für körperlich eingeschränkte
Menschen auf Basis von Sprachein- und ausgaben, neuen Sensortechnologien
und Interaktionsprinzipien entstehen? Welche Veränderung im
Zusammenspiel menschlicher Arbeit und IT-getriebener Produktionstechnik
lassen sich erkennen, und was muss IT-Nutzung und -gestaltung beachten,
um eine menschengerechte Arbeitsumgebung zu ermöglichen? Wie verändert
sich Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kollegen und Menschen und Maschinen? Welche
Autonomiespielräume, aber auch welche neuen Abhängigkeiten entstehen?
Welche Kompetenzen werden zukünftig gefragt sein? Wie verändern sich
Führungs- und Teamprozesse?
Dieses Schwerpunktheft stellt wesentliche Entwicklungslinien, Lösungen,
Diskussionslinien und Anwendungsbeispiele vor, beschreibt wesentliche
Erfahrungen aus Projekten und soll damit einen prägnanten Überblick über
eine der zentralen Fragen unserer Arbeitsgesellschaft geben. .
Viele Gruesse
Dr. Josephine Hofmann
Leitung Competence Center Business Performance Management
Geschäftsfeld Unternehmensentwicklung und Arbeitsgestaltung
Fraunhofer Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO
Nobelstrasse 12
/Besuchsadresse: Meitnerstrasse 10/
70569 Stuttgart
Fon: 0049-711-970-2095
Fax: 0049-711-970-2299
Mobil: 0151-16327652
www.iao.fraunhofer.de <http://www.iao.fraunhofer.de/>
www.academianet.de <http://www.academianet.de/>
Folgen Sie uns auch auf Twitter: @arbeitXpunkt0
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Betreff: CALL FOR PAPERS -- ERP FUTURE 2015 - Research -- Munich
Datum: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 11:42:14 +0200
Von: ERP Future | University of Innsbruck <erp-future(a)uibk.ac.at>
Antwort an: ERP Future | University of Innsbruck <erp-future(a)uibk.ac.at>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu.ac.at
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism and the
Institute of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck and the
Department of Business Administration at the University of Applied
Sciences Munich would like to invite you to submit your contribution to
actively participate at the ERP Future 2015 - Research Conference, which
is held on November 16th, 2015 at the University of Applied Sciences
Munich (Germany). What trends and future potentials can be identified
according to the ERP landscape? For this conference submissions with
both a business-management and technical focus will be accepted.
The ERP Future 2015 - Research Conference provides a platform for
scientific discussion from a business and computer science point of view
regarding Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Intelligence
(BI), Business Process Management (BPM) as well as information systems.
We would like to inform you, that the Call for Papers is already open
and kindly invite you to contribute. The Official deadline for
submissions is September 28th, 2015. The submission has to be in English
to be publishable in the proceedings.
The ERP Future 2015 - Conference Proceedings will be published as post
proceedings in the Springer Series Lecture Notes in Business Information
Processing (LNBIP).
Detailed information regarding the Call for Papers can be found on the
website of the ERP Future 2015 - Research Conference:
List of topics:
- Industry 4.0 and Enterprise Systems
- Smart Factory and Enterprise Systems
- Business Management and ERP Systems
- Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) and ERP Systems
- Information Systems Integration
- Customer Relationship Management
- Business Intelligence
- Business Process Management
- Software Usability of ERP Systems
- Lean Management and ERP Systems
- e-learning and ERP Systems
- ERP Systems in the public sector, NGOs and NPOs
- Software Quality Engineering and ERP Systems
- Requirements Engineering and ERP Systems
- Product Line Engineering and ERP Systems
- Security Engineering and ERP Systems
- Architecture of ERP Systems
- ERP Systems and the “Cloud“
- Mobile applications and ERP Systems
- Software development process and ERP Systems
- Strategic Management and ERP Systems
- Critical Success Factors of ERP Systems
- Big Data and ERP Systems
- Product Management and ERP Systems
- Social Media and ERP Systems
- Release Planning and ERP Systems
Organising Commitee:
- Prof. Dr. Lars Brehm, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
- Dr. Michael Felderer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Piazolo, Andrássy University Budapest, Hungary
Deadline for submission:
28.09.2015 (via Mail to: erp-future(a)uibk.ac.at)
We are looking forward to your contribution. Please feel free to forward
this information.
Best regards,
on behalf of the ERP Future 2015 organizing committee
Prof. Dr. Lars Brehm
Dr. Michael Felderer
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Piazolo
Your ERP Future Team
erp-future(a)uibk.ac.at <mailto:erp-future@uibk.ac.at>
This e-mail was sent by:
Andreas Hagn
Andreas.hagn(a)uibk.ac.at <mailto:Andreas.hagn@uibk.ac.at>
University of Innsbruck
Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism
Universitätsstraße 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
+43-512-570512-1 (tel)
+43-512-507284-8 (fax)
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] [SenticNet] CFP: IEEE CIM Special Issue on Computational
Intelligence for Big Social Data Analysis
Datum: Sat, 11 Jul 2015 01:28:38 -0500 (EST)
Von: feeds <feeds(a)sentic.net>
An: feeds(a)sentic.net
Apologies for cross-posting,
A special issue of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (IEEE CIM) will
be dedicated to Computational Intelligence for Big Social Data Analysis.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their original unpublished research
and application papers. Comprehensive tutorial and survey papers will also be
considered. For more information, please visit http://sentic.net/ci4bigdata
In the era of social connectedness, Web users are becoming increasingly
enthusiastic about interacting, sharing, and collaborating through online
collaborative media. In recent years, this collective intelligence has spread to
many different areas, with particular focus on fields related to everyday life
such as commerce, tourism, education, and health, causing the size of the social
Web to expand exponentially. The distillation of knowledge from such a large
amount of unstructured information, however, is an extremely difficult task, as
the contents of today’s Web are perfectly suitable for human consumption, but
remain hardly accessible to machines.
Big social data analysis grows out of this need and combines disciplines such as
social network analysis, multimedia management, social media analytics, trend
discovery, and opinion mining. For example, studying the evolution of a social
network merely as a graph is very limiting as it does not take into account the
information flowing between network nodes. Similarly, processing social
interaction contents between network members without taking into account
connections between these is limited by the fact that information flows cannot
be properly weighted.
Big social data analysis, instead, aims to study large-scale Web phenomena such
as social networks from a holistic point of view, i.e., by concurrently taking
into account all the socio-technical aspects involved in their dynamic
evolution. Hence, big social data analysis is inherently interdisciplinary and
spans areas such as machine learning, graph mining, information retrieval,
knowledge-based systems, linguistics, common-sense reasoning, natural language
processing, and big data computing.
Besides these areas, the Special Issue also aims to cover application domains of
big social data analysis, e.g., stock market prediction, political forecasting,
time-evolving opinion mining, social network analysis, cyber-issue detection,
customer experience management, computer mediated human-human communication,
personalization and persuasion, human-agent, -computer and -robot interaction,
intelligent user interfaces, and social media marketing.
Big social data is high volume, high velocity, and high variety information
assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced sentiment
analysis, trend discovery and marketing prediction. The main motivation for this
Special Issue is to explore how computational intelligence can help process such
assets and, hence, enable a more efficient passage from (unstructured) social
information to (structured) machine-processable data, in potentially any domain.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
• Computational Intelligence for opinion mining
• Computational Intelligence for social network analysis
• Computational Intelligence for explicit and latent semantic analysis of big
social data
• Computational Intelligence for big social knowledge construction and
• Computational Intelligence for transfer learning of big social data
• Computational Intelligence for time-evolving social data analysis
• Computational Intelligence for recommendation across heterogeneous social data
• Computational Intelligence for corpora and resources for big social data
• Computational Intelligence for social language normalization
• Computational Intelligence for multi-modal sentiment analysis
• Computational Intelligence for multi-domain and cross-domain evaluation
• Computational Intelligence for multi-lingual sentiment analysis
The paper length for the manuscript is typically 20 pages in a single-column
double-space format including tables, figures and references (10 pages in a
two-column single-space format). Authors of papers should specify in the first
page of their manuscripts the corresponding author’s contact and up to 5
keywords. Submission should be made via EasyChair
15th November, 2015: Submission of Manuscripts
15th January, 2016: Notification of Review Results
15th February, 2016: Submission of Revised Manuscripts
15th March, 2016: Submission of Final Manuscripts
August 2016: Publication
• Erik Cambria, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
• Newton Howard, MIT Media Lab (USA)
• Yunqing Xia, Tsinghua University (China)
• Tat-Seng Chua, NUS (Singapore)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] 2nd cfP: FoIKS 2016 || March 7-11,
2016 - Linz, Austria
Datum: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 16:37:08 -0300
Von: Vanina Martinez <mvm(a)cs.uns.edu.ar>
Antwort an: mvm(a)cs.umd.edu
An: Computational Science Mailing List
**Apologies for cross-postings***
============== FoIKS 2016 | Call for Papers ===============
9th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge
March 7-11, 2016 - Linz, Austria
The FoIKS symposia provide a biennial forum for presenting and discussing
theoretical and applied research on information and knowledge systems. The
goal is to bring together researchers with an interest in this subject,
share research experiences, promote collaboration and identify new issues
and directions for future research.
FoIKS 2016 solicits original contributions dealing with any foundational
aspect of information and knowledge systems. This includes submissions that
apply ideas, theories or methods from specific disciplines to information
and knowledge systems. Examples of such disciplines are discrete
mathematics, logic and algebra, model theory, information theory,
complexity theory, algorithmics and computation, statistics and
Previous FoIKS symposia were held in Bordeaux (France) in 2014, Kiel
(Germany) in 2012, Sofia (Bulgaria) in 2010, Pisa (Italy) in 2008, Budapest
(Hungary) in 2006, Vienna (Austria) in 2004, SchlossSalzau near Kiel
(Germany) in 2002, and Burg/Spreewald near Berlin (Germany) in 2000. FoIKS
took up the tradition of the conference series Mathematical Fundamentals of
Database Systems (MFDBS), which initiated East-West collaboration in the
field of database theory. Former MFDBS conferences were held in Rostock
(Germany) in 1991, Visegrad (Hungary) in 1989, and Dresden (Germany) in
The FoIKS symposia are a forum for intense discussions. Speakers will be
given sufficient time to present their ideas and results within the larger
context of their research; furthermore, participants will be asked to
prepare a first response to another contribution in order to initiate
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Database Design: formal models, dependencies and independencies;
* Big Data: models for data in the Cloud, programming languages for big
data, query processing.
* Dynamics of Information: models of transactions, concurrency control,
updates, consistency preservation, belief revision;
* Information Fusion: heterogeneity, views, schema dominance, multiple
source information merging, reasoning under inconsistency;
* Integrity and Constraint Management: verification, validation, consistent
query answering, information cleaning;
* Intelligent Agents: multi-agent systems, autonomous agents, foundations
of software agents, cooperative agents, formal models of interactions,
logical models of emotions;
* Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval: machine learning, data
mining, formal concept analysis and association rules, text mining,
information extraction;
* Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Planning: non-monotonic
formalisms, probabilistic and non-probabilistic models of uncertainty,
graphical models and independence, similarity-based reasoning, preference
modeling and handling, argumentation systems;
* Logics in Databases and AI: classical and non-classical logics, logic
programming, description logic, spatial and temporal logics, probability
logic, fuzzy logic;
* Mathematical Foundations: discrete structures and algorithms, graphs,
grammars, automata, abstract machines, finite model theory, information
theory, coding theory, complexity theory, randomness;
* Security in Information and Knowledge Systems: identity theft, privacy,
trust, intrusion detection, access control, inference control, secure Web
services, secure Semantic Web, risk management;
* Semi-Structured Data and XML: data modelling, data processing, data
compression, data exchange;
* Social Computing: collective intelligence and self-organizing knowledge,
collaborative filtering, computational social choice, Boolean games,
coalition formation, reputation systems;
* The Semantic Web and Knowledge Management: languages, ontologies, agents,
adaption, intelligent algorithms; and
* The WWW: models of Web databases, Web dynamics, Web services, Web
transactions and negotiations.
Submission of Papers:
Papers must be typeset using the Springer LaTeX2e style llncs for Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. The suggested number of pages is 16, and the
maximum number of pages is 18. Submissions which deviate substantially from
these guidelines may be rejected without review. Initial submissions must
be in PDF format, but authors should keep in mind that the LaTeX2e source
must be submitted for the final versions of accepted papers. Submissions in
alternate formats, such as Microsoft Word, cannot be accepted for either
initial or final versions. The submissions will be judged for scientific
quality and for suitability as a basis for broader discussion. Submission
is via EasyChair at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=foiks2016.
The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes
in Computer Science. After the symposium, authors of selected papers will
be asked to prepare extended versions of their papers for publication in a
special issue of the journal Annals of Mathematics and Artificial
Important Dates:
* Abstract submission deadline: October 04, 2015
* Paper submission deadline: October 11, 2015
* Author notification: November 22, 2015
* Camera-ready paper due: December 13, 2015
* FoIKS 2016 Symposium in Linz, Austria: March 07-11, 2014
More information in:
* Conference Web Page: http://cdcc.faw.jku.at/FoIKS2016/
* Facebook Fan Page: FOIKS 2016 (www.facebook.com/foiks16)
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoIKS2016
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 8th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the
Practice of Enterprise Modelling - PoEM 2015, Valencia (Spain)
Datum: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 13:11:46 -0500
Von: Fáber Danilo Giraldo Velásquez <fdgiraldo(a)uniquindio.edu.co>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]
** PoEM 2015*
* IFIP WG8.1 Conference on*
* the Practice of Enterprise Modelling*
Valencia, Spain, November 10-12, 2015
PoEM 2015 is the 8th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of
Enterprise Modelling. It aims at improving the understanding of the
practice of Enterprise Modelling (EM) by offering a forum for sharing
experiences and knowledge between the academic community and practitioners
from industry and the public sector. PoEM is a very interesting and dynamic
Submissions are sought on any topic of enterprise modelling, including, but
not limited to:
- Enterprise modelling approaches and tools for agility and flexibility
- Enterprise architecture
- Change management and transformation
- Enterprise modelling and information systems
- Enterprise modelling and requirements
- Quality of enterprise models
- Conceptualizations, notations, and ontologies
- Enterprise modelling and business processes
- Compliance in enterprise modelling
- Capability-driven development of enterprise information systems
- Use of enterprise models at run-time
- Enterprise modelling and model-driven development
- Economics of enterprise modelling
- Multilevel modelling
- Enterprise modelling
- Use cases and action research on enterprise modelling
Papers that have already been accepted or are currently under review for
other conferences or journals will not be considered for publication at
PoEM 2015. Authors are invited to submit papers in English. Each submitted
paper will have to be associated to one of the four following categories:
• Research papers - describe original research contributions to the area of
EM (max. 15 pages).
• Experience papers - present problems or challenges encountered in
practice, relate success and failure stories, or report on industrial cases
and practices (max. 15 pages).
• Practitioner papers - may address any aspect of EM or enterprise
architectures relevant from a practitioner’s point of view. These papers
have a specific review procedure (max. 10 pages).
• Short papers - can be used to present work in progress and emerging EM
challenges. That includes presentation of on-going thesis or research work
by PhD or Master students (max. 10 pages).
Accepted papers will be published on the Springer LNBIP series. Therefore,
submissions must comply with the Springer LNBIP template.
The submission site address is
By submitting a paper, authors implicitly agree that at least one of them
will register to the conference and present the paper. Only papers that
have been presented by their authors during the conference will be
published in Springer Proceedings.
Deadline for paper submission: July 17th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: September 11th, 2015
Conference: 10-12 Nov, 2015
Steering Committee:
Anne Persson, Skóvde University, Sweden
Janis Stirna, Stockholm University, Sweden
Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock, Germany
General Chair:
Oscar Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Programme Co-Chairs:
Jolita Ralyté, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Sergio España, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Organising Co-Chairs:
Tanja Vos, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Marcela Ruiz, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Charlotte Hug, University of Paris 1, Sorbonne, France
Francisco Valverde, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs:
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Jelena Zdravkovic, University of Stockholm, Sweden
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Final Call for Papers: Workshop "The Role of Cooperative
Augmented Reality in CSCW: Rediscovering a Field of Work (?)" at ECSCW 2015
Datum: Mon, 06 Jul 2015 19:27:31 +0200
Von: Michael Prilla <michael.prilla(a)rub.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Final Call for Papers:
Workshop "The Role of Cooperative Augmented Reality in CSCW: Rediscovering a
Field of Work (?)" at ECSCW 2015
Submission deadline: 15th July 2015
Michael Prilla, Information and Technology Management, Ruhr-University of
Bochum, Germany
Thomas Herrmann, Information and Technology Management, Ruhr-University of
Bochum, Germany
Stephan Lukosch, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Systems
Engineering Department, TU Delft, Netherlands
Wolfgang Prinz, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
---Workshop Theme---
The use of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies in everyday life and work is one
of the major trends. Augmented Reality means spatially overlaying virtual data
on top of the real world, allowing the flexibility of virtual reality to be
used for collaboration while being grounded in physical reality (Azuma et al.,
2001; Azuma & others, 1997). This changes the way individuals interact with the
real world, and it offers several possibilities for the support of cooperation.
Despite the readiness of technology, available work and researchers dealing
with Augmented Reality in cooperative scenarios augmented reality, the topic
has not been prominent at CSCW conferences recently. Rather than that it is
currently predominately discussed in (individual) human-computer interaction
scenarios or from a technical viewpoint only. However, there are many
opportunities stemming from recent technology developments in Augmented Reality
for CSCW that our community should more systematically be working on.
We believe augmented reality will be one of the most prominent future topics in
CSCW. An upcoming special issue in Journal for Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (jCSCW) and workshops on collaboration and augmented reality at ISMAR
are initial efforts to systematically deal with collaborative applications of
Augmented Reality and at the same time show the growing interest in this topic.
The workshop aims to bundle this interest and bring together a groups of
researchers from CSCW (and practitioners) working on augmented reality for
cooperation support.
---Goal(s), Research Questions and Topics---
The workshops strives to raise awareness for AR in CSCW and to form a group of
interested peers working on collaborative Augmented Reality. Questions to be
answered in this initial workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Which are approaches and scenarios for using AR in computer-supported
* What are the potentials and pitfalls of using AR in computer-supported
* What are the major challenges for using AR in computer-supported
* How can AR be used to enhance computer-supported collaboration?
In the workshop we will strive to work together with the participants on
answering these questions. Interested researchers and practitioners are invited
to submit different kinds of contributions, including mostly theoretical work,
empirical studies and prototypes. In particular, the workshop welcomes (but is
not limited to) the following kinds of contributions:
* Settings and scenarios for augmented reality supported collaboration
* Studies on collaboration with augmented reality
* Design considerations for AR in collaborative settings
* Relations between AR and theories or frameworks from CSCW and related fields
* Frameworks for mixed-reality-supported collaboration
* Tools and prototypes supporting computer-supported collaboration with AR
We will accept contributions in two different formats:
- Research papers such as reports of empirical studies, research in progress
and position papers which may not exceed 8 pages.
- Demo papers describing systems for collaboration on and with models which may
not exceed 3 pages. There will be time during the workshop to demo and discuss
these systems and therefore we expect you to bring your system or a poster to
the workshop.
All contributions have to be formatted according to the ECSCW formatting
instructions and must be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair.
Author kits and paper templates are available at the ECSCW website
The selection process will be a double blind review through an international
program committee.
All accepted paper will be published electronically at CEUR Workshop
Proceedings. Means for further publications of the results are currently in the
planning and will be reported on the workshop website once agreements with
journal editors have been reached.
For more and up to date information on the workshop please visit the workshop
website: http://CollAR.wordpress.com
---Important Dates---
July 15: Paper submission deadline
August 10: Acceptance notification
August 19: Early registration deadline for ECSCW 2015
In 2015 the European conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work –
ECSCW – will be held September 19-23 in Oslo, Norway. ECSCW is a series of
international conferences on computer-supported cooperative work located in
Europe. The conference series is affiliated with the European Society for
Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). CSCW focuses on enhancing our
understanding of the practices of cooperative work aiming to explore and design
technological support. The ECSCW conference is an important venue for defining
and further develop the agenda of CSCW research.
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Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: 1st CfP: BUSTECH 2016 || March 20 - 24, 2016 - Rome, Italy
Datum: Mon, 06 Jul 2015 03:01:10 -0400
Von: BUSTECH 2016 <invitation(a)iariaevent.org>
An: neumann(a)wu.ac.at
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to:
- BUSTECH 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology
The submission deadline is November 3, 2015.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
============== BUSTECH 2016 | Call for Papers ===============
BUSTECH 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology
General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2016/BUSTECH16.html
Submission page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2016/SubmitBUSTECH16.html
Events schedule: March 20 - 24, 2016 - Rome, Italy
- regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- ideas: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- extended abstracts: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: slide only [slide-deck posted at www.iaria.org]
- presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted at www.iaria.org]
- demos: two pages [posted at www.iaria.org]
- doctoral forum submissions: [in the proceedings, digital library]
Proposals for:
- mini symposia: see http://www.iaria.org/symposium.html
- workshops: see http://www.iaria.org/workshop.html
- tutorials: [slide-deck posed on www.iaria.org]
- panels: [slide-deck posed on www.iaria.org]
Submission deadline: November 3, 2015
Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.: http://www.proceedings.com/9769.html
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library: http://www.thinkmind.org
The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.
All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.
Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules: http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html
BUSTECH 2016 Topics (for topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)
Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2016/CfPBUSTECH16.html
BPM and Intelligence
Intelligent information systems; Rule-based business intelligence; Intelligent decisions; Business rules and ontology; Business process intelligence; Business process automation; Workflow management; Process mining; Vocabulary rules semantics; Web Intelligence; Business computational intelligence; Decision Support Systems; Web 2.0/3.0 in business intelligence (Web warehousing, integration, mining, intelligence); Applying security in BPM
Integration and Interoperability
Empirical business research; Enterprise integration; Enterprise interoperability; Evolutionary business process; Real-time business intelligence;
Modeling and Simulation
Business process modeling and management; Business for micro, small and large enterprises; Business transactions for large-scale data; Structured and semi-structured processes; Semantics in business modeling; Multidimensional modeling and queries; Business performance management; Business process optimization; Business process simulation; Business process analysis and design; Collaborative, participative, and interactive modeling (CPI Modeling); Modeling methods and languages
Technology-oriented business solutions
Data warehouse evolution; Mobile business; Cloud-based business; Service-oriented business; Warehousing stream and sensor data; Health and remote medicine; Business-driven IT management; Data warehousing and industry applications (ERP, CRM, etc.); Business-driven Service Level Management; Business-driven dynamic provisioning; Business-driven inventory management; Business continuity management;
Business infrastructure and tools
Hierarchical and non-hierarchical business models; Project management; Business process and project management tools; Operational flexibility-agility; Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) ; Context-aware business process management
Features of business/technology development
Traceability and compliance; Business dynamics; Trust and security; Performance and scalability; Data quality and cleansing; Empirical evaluation of business processes; Reuse in business process management; Data warehousing consistency and quality; Usability and accessibility for business intelligence applications
BUSTECH 2016 Committee: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2016/ComBUSTECH16.html
To stop receiving notices about BUSTECH, please reply with "DROP BUSTECH neumann(a)wu.ac.at" in the subject field.
To receive notices about specific topics only, please reply with "TOPIC CHANGE neumann(a)wu.ac.at" in the subject field, and the specific topics in the email body.
To stop receiving any notice, please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE neumann(a)wu.ac.at" in the subject field.
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call For Papers - InfoSecCD2015 Deadline Extended
Datum: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 16:38:32 -0400 (EDT)
Von: Dr. Mike Whitman <mwhitman(a)kennesaw.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
2015 INFORMATION SECURITY CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (InfoSecCD2015) October 10-11 * , 2015, Kennesaw State University, Georgia
InfoSecCD seeks to provide academics, researchers, and practitioners with an opportunity to share their perspectives with others interested in the various aspects of Information Security Curriculum Development. Papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of information security education are solicited for submission to the 2015 InfoSecCD Conference.
The primary focus is on high-quality, original, unpublished research, case studies, and implementation experiences. Papers should have practical relevance to the design, development, implementation, and best-practices in information security education or for best-practices in the design, implementation, and management of information security or digital forensics.
Theoretical papers must make convincing argument for the practical significance of the results. Theory must be justified by supporting literature and compelling examples illustrating its application. The primary criterion for appropriateness is demonstrated practical relevance. The conference will include three tracks: pedagogy, practice, and student. Note that work in progress papers can be accepted if substantial progress has already been made and completion is expected by the conference date.
Important Dates
· August 1, 2015 Submission of Papers
· August 21, 2015 Reviews and acceptances to authors
· September 15, 2015 Camera-ready copies and ACM agreements submitted (Authors for Accepted Papers must also pre-register for the conference by September 15.
Pedagogy and Practice Tracks
Contributions are solicited for InfoSec areas including, but not limited to pedagogical issues and best practices in the instruction of or practice of: information security foundations, risk management, network security technology (firewalls, IDS, etc.), digital forensics, access control, biometrics, and cryptography. Also included are general pedagogical issues in InfoSec instruction, configuration of InfoSec labs, computer law and ethics, and other related areas. Papers should be at most 15 pages excluding the bibliography and well-marked appendices. Reviewers are not required to read the appendices, and so the paper should be intelligible without them. Author names and affiliations must be blinded for review. If accepted, names and affiliations should only appear on the first page.
Authors may submit up to 3 papers; however no more than 2 papers from any one author will be accepted for publication.
The best conference papers will be invited to submit for publication in the Information Security Education Journal, with an abstract published in the conference proceedings.
Student Track
Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit papers. Papers should be clearly noted as student submissions both in the Title of the paper and by submission to the student track. Papers submitted without designation in the title or to the proper track will be considered as Pedagogy and Practice papers. Students may author papers on various aspects of learning or practicing information security. Papers should be at most 10 pages excluding the bibliography and well-marked appendices. Reviewers are not required to read the appendices, and so the paper should be intelligible without them. Author names and affiliations must be blinded for review. If accepted, names and affiliations should only appear on the first page.
In order to be eligible for the student best paper recognition, the paper must be written exclusively by student authors.
All submissions are via the conference paper management site (provided by Microsoft Research)
available at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/INFOSECCD2015.
To submit a paper, 1) format your paper using use the ACM approved template available from http://infosec.kennesaw.edu/infoseccd/InfoSecCD_ACM_Template.docx . Make sure to blind your submission. 2) Go to the CMT Microsoft site, register as an author and upload. Additional details will be provided by the system. Copyright forms will be provided electronically to authors of accepted papers.
Every author who submits will be expected to serve as a reviewer for other, non-conflicted submissions. At least one author must register for the conference by September 15 for the paper to be included in the proceedings and ACM Press publication. If you have any questions or comments about submissions or requirements please direct them to the program co-chair at infosec(a)kennesaw.edu , or visit the conference web site at http://infosec.kennesaw.edu/infoseccd .
This conference is in cooperation with the ACM SIGMIS with the proceedings to be published in the ACM Digital Library.
(*Oct 11 conference date only used if more papers submitted than can be presented on Saturday, Oct 10, 2015)
See you at the conference!
Michael E. Whitman, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP
Professor of Information Security,
Executive Director, Center for Information Security Education and
Editor-In-Chief, Information Security Education Journal
Department of Information Systems & Security
Michael J. Coles College of Business
Kennesaw State University - A DHS/NSA National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance since 2004
560 Parliament Garden Way, MS 0405
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
Ph: 470.578.3568
Burruss Building Rm # 489
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CASoN 2015 - Second call for Papers - South Africa
Datum: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 09:20:05 +0530
Von: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
An: dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, support-vector-machines
<SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk>, gascheduling(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
aau-is-phd(a)googlegroups.com <aau-is-phd(a)googlegroups.com>,
*** CASoN 2015 - Second Call for Papers ***
--- The 7th International Conference on Computational Aspects of
Social Networks (CASoN '15) ---
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
December 1-3, 2015
Past Events: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cason/index.html
Related conference: NaBIC 2015: http://www/mirlabs.net/nabic15
Publication: Springer
The International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social
Networks is a major annualinternational conference to brings together
an interdisciplinary venue for social scientists, mathematicians,
computer scientists, engineers, computer users, and students to
exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results
about all aspects (theory, applications and tools) of intelligent
methods applied to Social Network, and to discuss the practical
challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. The conference
programme will include workshops, special sessions and tutorials,
along with prominent keynote speakers and regular paper presentations
in parallel tracks. Proceedings are expected to be published by the
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, which is now indexed by
ISI Proceedings, DBLP. Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt
Math, MetaPress, Springerlink Proceedings will be made available
during the conference.
Social networks provide a powerful abstraction of the structure and
dynamics of diverse kinds of people or people-to-technology
interaction. These social network systems are usually characterized by
the complex network structures and rich accompanying contextual
information. Recent trends also indicate the usage of complex network
as a key feature for next generation usage and exploitation of the
Web. This international conference on Computational Aspect of Networks
is focused on the foundations of social networks as well as case
studies, empirical, and other methodological works related to the
computational tools for the automatic discovery of Web-based social
networks. This conference provides an opportunity to compare and
contrast the ethological approach to social behavior in animals
(including the study of animal tracks and learning by members of the
same species) with web-based evidence of social interaction,
perceptual learning, information granulation, the behavior of humans
and affinities between web-based social networks. The main topics
cover the design and use of various computational intelligence tools
and software, simulations of social networks, representation and
analysis of social networks, use of semantic networks in the design
and community-based research issues such as knowledge discovery,
privacy and protection, and visualization.
We solicit original research and technical papers not published
elsewhere. The papers can be theoretical, practical and application,
and cover a broad set of intelligent methods, with particular emphasis
on Social Network computing.
Computational methods such as (but not restricted to):
Neural Networks and Connectionist Models
Evolutionary Algorithms
Fuzzy Logic
Knowledge Management
Multi-valued Logic
Semantic Networks
Rough Sets
Intelligent Agents
Reinforcement Learning
Applications on Social Networks:
Network evolution
Network Evolution and Growth Mechanisms.
Online Communities and Computer Networks.
Information Diffusion in Social Networks.
Detection of Communities by Document Analysis.
Topology of Real Networks.
Information Diffusion in Social Networks.
Recommendations for Product Purchase, Information Acquisition and
Establishment of Social Relations.
Impact of Recommendation Models on the Evolution Of The Social Network.
Classification Models and Their Application in Social Recommender Systems.
Advertisement Models
EconomicalImpact of Social Network Discovery.
Social Advertising.
Use of Social Networks for Marketing.
Search in Network
Web Page Ranking Informed by Social Media.
Search Algorithms on Social Networks.
Collaborative Filtering.
Anomaly Detection in Social Network Evolution.
Data Protection Inside Communities.
Crime Data Mining and Network Analysis.
Modeling Trust and Reputation in Social Networks.
Misbehavior Detection in Communities.
Network Geography
Geographical Clusters, Networks, and Innovation.
Social Geography.
International Collaborations in e-Social network.
Automatic discovery and analysis of Web based social networks.
Link Topology and Site Hierarchy.
Web mining algorithms.
Web Communities.
Web-Based Cooperative Work.
Test collection.
Benchmark creation.
Measures and methodologies.
Author Guidelines:
Submission of paper should be made through the submission link:
Please refer to the conference website for guidelines to prepare your
manuscript. Expanded versions of CASoN2015 selected papers will be
published in special issues of internationally referred journals
(indexed by SCI) and edited volumes.
Important Dates:
Paper submission due : July 15, 2015
Notification of paper acceptance : August 15, 2015
Final manuscript and registration due : September 15, 2015
Conference : December 01-03, 2015
CASoN 20154 Organizing team:
(please see web site)
Information contact:
Technical matters:
Ajith Abraham: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
Local Information:
Nelishia Pillay <Pillayn32(a)ukzn.ac.za>
For all other details, please consult the Conference Web site:
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