-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP ICEGOV2014 - The Rise of Data Post-2015
Empowered Citizens, Accountable Institutions
Datum: Sat, 7 Jun 2014 17:11:47 +0000
Von: Marijn Janssen - TBM <M.F.W.H.A.Janssen(a)tudelft.nl>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
ICEGOV2014 - 8^th International Conference on Theory and Practice of
Electronic Governance
"The Rise of Data Post-2015 -- Empowered Citizens, Accountable Institutions"
27 - 30 October 2014, Guimarães, Portugal
President of the Portuguese Republic
University of Minho, Portugal
Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, Portugal
Center for Electronic Governance at UNU-IIST, Macao SAR, China (Series
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be
published by ACM Press (expected). Journal special issues and best paper
awards are also expected.
First Submission Deadline
Notification Deadline
Final Submission Deadline
Author Registration Deadline
1 July 2014
8 August 2014
1 September 2014
1 September 2014
www.icegov.org <http://www.icegov.org>
icegov(a)icegov.org <mailto:icegov@icegov.org>
As the post-2015 United Nations development agenda to guide the world
community in the pursuit of inclusive and sustainable development is
shaping up, a broad agreement is emerging that accountable public
governance is a key enabler to such development, and that digital
technology, by empowering citizens with access to vast amounts of
governance- and policy-related data and the means to analyze and
interpret such data, is a key enabler to accountable public governance.
The main purpose of ICEGOV2014 is to explore research and policy
implications and discuss way forward for technology-enabled and
data-intensive public governance in the post-2015 world.
The series of International Conferences on Theory and Practice of
Electronic Governance (ICEGOV) brings together governments, academia,
the United Nations (UN) system and other international organizations,
civil society and the private sector to share the insights and
experiences in theory and practice of Electronic Governance. ICEGOV
promotes interactions between different groups of stakeholders, from
policy-makers, government officials and elected representatives, to
researchers, innovators and educators from developing and developed
countries, all sharing a common concern that public investment in
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Electronic Governance
(EGOV) creates public value. ICEGOV creates a forum for such
stakeholders to discuss effective ways to working together across the
national, thematic, development, political and other boarders towards
addressing this concern.
Following earlier conferences in Macao (ICEGOV2007), Cairo (ICEGOV2008),
Bogota (ICEGOV2009), Beijing (ICEGOV2010), Tallinn (ICEGOV2011), Albany
(ICEGOV2012) and Seoul (ICEGOV2013), the ICEGOV conference series has
become a source of significant research and policy events, able to reach
to global and multi-stakeholder audiences. On average, every ICEGOV
conference attracts 136 submissions from 51 countries and is attended by
over 400 participants from more than 50 developed and developing
countries including representatives from government (40%), academia
(36%), industry and civil society (14%), and international and UN system
organizations (10%).
ICEGOV2014 invites submissions of original work, not published or
considered for publication elsewhere. The papers can be submitted to six
specific tracks, several thematic sessions and the doctoral colloquium,
as described below. Papers can also be submitted to the conference in
general. In either case, Program Chairs may allocate papers to specific
tracks, sessions or the colloquium, or relocate them accordingly.
The details of the tracks, thematic sessions and the colloquium are
included below:
o/Track 1: Data for Development/-- With new technologies facilitating
data collection in various forms and for various purposes, how can
governments and businesses profit from the availability of big and open
data? How can such data be effectively used in support of public policy
and development goals?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Big Data
* Big Data Analytics
* Business Cloud
* Decision Support Systems
* e-Procurement
* Geographical Information Systems
* Infomediary Business Models
* Innovative e-Business Models
* Legal and Regulatory Compliance
* Linked Data Assets
* Open Data Communities
* Open Data Ecosystems
* Open Data Platforms
* Open Government Data as a Market
* Open Government Data as a Movement
* Open Government Data as a Policy
* Open Government Data as a Right
* Open Government Data Initiatives
* Open Government Data versus Open Government
* Privacy, Security and Sensitive Data
* Proactive Release of Government Data
* Service Mashups
* Supply, Demand and Value Chains
o/Track 2: Citizen Empowerment /-- Facing lack of capacity and
confidence in the ability of a centralized state to address complex,
interconnected and often contradictory public needs, how can citizens,
businesses and other non-state actors be more involved and empowered,
particularly with data?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Access and Accessibility
* Citizen Co-Creation
* Connected Governance
* Contract Management
* Crowd Sourcing
* Digital Cities and Regions
* Digital Divide and Digital Culture
* e-Business Models for Social Entrepreneurship
* e-Consultation
* Education, Training and Digital Skills
* Engaging Citizens via Social Media
* Government as a Platform
* ICT-Enabled Pursuit of Social Missions
* Identity Management
* Information Sharing
* Managing Social Tensions with ICT
* Online Conflict Resolution
* Online Deliberation and Discourse
* Participation 2.0
* Participatory Governance
* Smart Citizens, Smart Communities
* Social Media and Government
* Universal and Mobile Access
o/Track 3: Ethics, Accountability and Transparency /-- Given generally
low levels of trust by the public in the performance of governance
processes, how can ICT enable citizens to demand (and receive) high
standards of ethics, transparency and accountability from their
governments to bolster responsive public policy, ensure high levels of
public sector performance and prevent corruption?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Accountability Frameworks
* Digital Accountability and Transparency Acts
* Expose, Investigate and Disseminate Services
* e-Voting
* ICT-driven Government Ethics
* ICT-facilitated Accountability
* ICT-facilitated Anti-Corruption Laws
* ICT-facilitated Legislation for Transnational Investments/Procurements
* Increasing Transparency through ICT
* Internet Censorship
* Law Compliance and Enforcement
* Open Government
* Social Responsibility
* Transparency and Accountability
* Transparency in International Aid
* Transparency Metrics
* Transparency versus Performance
* Transparency versus Privacy
* Trust and Confidence
* Oversight Institutions
* Oversight of Private Companies Involved in Service Delivery
* Participation and Accountability
o/Track 4: Policy Innovation and Digital Science/-- Policy-making and
-implementation is fundamentally changing with the advancement of new
digital technologies including the availability of big data, data
analytics and simulation, visualization and gaming technologies. How can
ICT-enabled innovations in policy and governance be transferred and
successfully adapted to local settings?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Adaptive Policy
* Comparative Research
* e-Legislation
* Incentive-based Policies
* Internal Efficacy of Public Policies
* New Policy Tools and Instruments
* Open Innovation
* Policy Modeling and Impact Assessment
* Policy Modeling and Simulation
* Policy Simulation
* Public Sector Innovation
* Public Sector Innovation Management
* Public Sector Innovation Transfer
* Serious Gaming and User Participation
* Services Science
* Technology Adoption and Diffusion
* Visualization Methods and Tools
o/Track 5: Electronic Governance for Sustainable Development /--
Electronic Governance has the potential to contribute to inclusive and
equitable socio-economic development while protecting natural resources
for future generations. How can governments, supported by ICT, work with
citizens, businesses, academia and other non-state actors to pursue
rights-based, equitable and sustainable development?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Access in Rural Areas
* Adoption of Electronic Public Services
* Community Development
* Development Approaches
* Emergency Assistance
* Governance for Community Development
* Green Government
* Green Technology
* Healthy Lifestyle Intervention
* ICT against Exploitation and Marginalization
* Impact Assessment of Electronic Governance
* Inter-Generational Relationships
* Modeling Life Settings and Life Scenarios
* Monitoring of Chronic Diseases
* Personal Activity Management
* Public Services for Disabled People
* Public Services for Rural Population
* Public Services for Vulnerable Groups
* Remote and Self Health Monitoring
* Rural Government
* Smart Homes
* Stakeholder Engagement
* Tele-Centers
o/Track 6: Leadership and Organization -- /Leadership is required to
build and manage ICT capabilities within a government organization and
to strategically align such capabilities with existing business
objectives. How can government leaders manage and organize ICT
capabilities to deliver public value?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Business Process Integration
* Business Process Reengineering
* Changes in Hiring Patterns of Government Workers
* Chief Information Officer
* Collaborative Government
* Emergency and Disaster Response
* Experience and Knowledge Sharing
* Government Information Leadership
* Human Resource Management
* Interoperability
* Knowledge Management in Government
* Knowledge Retention
* Lean Government
* Mobile Government
* Mobile Public Services
* Performance Management
* Public Value
* Public-Private Partnerships
* Regulatory Government
* Re-organization of Government Functions
* Sustainability of Electronic Government Initiatives
* Technological Culture
* Transformation and Change Management
* Transformative Government
o/Thematic Session 1: Rural Electronic Governance -- /The development,
deployment and management of rural Electronic Governance face enormous
challenges: How to improve access for rural e-citizens? What
infrastructure and services are required for rural e-citizens? How to
extend EGOV services for rural citizens and organizations to access
markets and value chains? How to converge policies and architectures for
better rural e-services? What are the best practices for rural EGOV
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Access to citizen-centric rural EGOV
* Innovations in rural EGOV services
* EGOV services for rural enterprises
* Rural EGOV infrastructure
* Rural EGOV for sustainable development
* Benchmarking and metrics based measurements in Rural EGOV
* Rural EGOV Architectures, Policies and Frameworks
* Convergence and networks for sustainable rural EGOV services
* Rural EGOV and Rural Value Chains
o/Thematic Session 2: Intelligent Information Systems for Government
Organizations -- /Intelligent Systems provide sophisticated
technological solutions in a variety of areas like business, transport,
health, decision making and others, and EGOV is not an exception. This
session will explore the question how can novel information systems,
computer science-originated frameworks and new applications of
intelligent information systems provide added value in the EGOV area?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
oKnowledge representation and reasoning for EGOV
oBig data for enhancing public service delivery and policy-making
oBiomimetics for EGOV
oGranular computing for enhanced public services
oFuzzy sets and soft computing for EGOV
oSemantic technologies for EGOV
oSocial network analysis for government information networks
oRecommender system technologies for EGOV
oIntelligent information systems for smart governance
oIntelligent ICT solutions for e-Participation
oNew advanced ICT-solutions for smart cities
oIntelligent Systems and e-Democracy
oPreservation and dissemination of cultural assets using intelligent systems
o/Thematic Session 3: Unfolding ICT-enabled Innovation in the Public
Sector -- /Digital initiatives in the public sector are currently
focused on introducing open government in public service delivery to
citizens and on enabling participation in policy-making. However the
potential of ICT-enabled innovation in the public sector, its impact on
the society and the promised productivity gains are yet to be supported
by evidence. How to evaluate the effects of ICT-enabled innovation in
the public sector through the lenses of different theoretical and
methodological frameworks?
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
oICT innovative solutions for EGOV evaluation
oICT innovative solutions for Open Government evaluation
oICT-enabled innovations for EGOV
oICT-enabled innovations for public value delivery
oICT-enabled innovations for delivering social value
oICT-enabled public sector innovation
oDigital social innovation
oPublic Information Systems planning
oPositive deviance approach for EGOV
o/Doctoral Colloquium/-- Submissions to the Doctoral Colloquium are
welcome from the doctoral students who would like to present their
research work on any topic related to the theme of the conference. Each
submission should explain: 1) the research problem addressed and why it
is important, 2) the research questions pursued and the methodology
adopted to pursue them, 3) what kind of scientific and technical
challenges were encountered in the course of the research, and 4)
obtained or emerging research results. Presentations at the Doctoral
Colloquium aim at providing feedback to students from academic experts
and building the students' peer-to-peer and professional networks.
Completed or ongoing work can be submitted as research papers,
experience papers, poster papers or doctoral research papers:
o/Research papers/-- The papers that provide the results of complete or
ongoing research in one or more aspects of EGOV, with proven or
potential capability to advance the state of research in the field.
Complete research papers are limited to 10 pages while ongoing research
papers to 4 pages.
o/Experience papers/-- The papers that describe completed or ongoing
innovations in EGOV practice or policy with proven or potential
capability to advance the state of practice in the field including
critical success factors and insights on the challenges encountered and
how they were or are addressed. Complete experience papers are limited
to 10 pages while ongoing experience papers to 4 pages.
o/Poster papers/-- The papers that present new ideas and initiatives
with potential to advance the state of research and state of practice in
the field. Poster papers are limited to 2 pages.
o/Doctoral research papers/-- The papers submitted by doctoral students
to describe their research related to the topics of the conference.
Doctoral research papers are limited to 4 pages.
o/Preparation/-- All papers should be written in English and prepared
using the Word template http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/pubform.doc
within the page limits set for the corresponding submission categories:
10 pages for completed research or experience papers, 4 pages for
ongoing research or experience papers or for doctoral research papers,
and 2 pages for poster papers.
o/Submission/-- All papers should be submitted without any means of
identifying their authors through
<http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icegov2010>4by the First
Submission Deadline.
o/Review/-- All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review by
the Program Committee and the authors will be notified about acceptance
or rejection decisions by the Notification Deadline.
o/Rights management/-- A right management form and complete instructions
how to fill it will be sent by the publisher to the authors of accepted
papers. After completing the form online, the authors will be emailed a
copy of the form and the correct rights management text to add to their
o/Revision/-- Accepted papers must be revised to address reviewer
comments, to add author names and affiliations and to add the rights
management text received above and resubmitted through
<http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icegov2010>4by the Final
Submission Deadline.
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings on the
condition that at least one author registers before the Author
Registration Deadline and presents the accepted paper at the conference.
As in previous years, electronic proceedings will be published by ACM
Press (expected). In addition to conference proceedings, special journal
issues with selected conference papers and best paper awards are planned.
Authors of accepted papers will be able to apply for scholarships to
partially cover the costs of attending the conference (registration,
accommodation or both), with preference given to the authors from
developing countries. At most one application will be considered per
accepted paper.
Besides presentations of submitted work -- research papers, experience
papers, poster papers and doctoral research work, the program will
include Keynote Lectures, Thematic Sessions, Invited Sessions and Town
Hall Debates, as well as social events for networking and community
First Submission Deadline
Notification Deadline
Final Submission Deadline
Author Registration Deadline
1 July 2014
8 August 2014
1 September 2014
1 September 2014
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CALL FOR POSITION PAPERS: IJCCI 2014 - International Joint
Conference on Computational Intelligence (Rome/Italy)
Datum: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 18:12:10 +0000 (UTC)
Von: IJCCI Secretariat <ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org>
Antwort an: ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
IJCCI website: http://www.ijcci.org/
October 22 - 24, 2014
Rome, Italy
In Cooperation with: ACM SIGART, AAAI, APNNA, EUSFLAT and INNS
Technically Co-sponsored by: IEEE CIS
Co-organized by: Sapienza University of Rome
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC, OMG and FIPA
Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS
Position Paper Submission: June 23, 2014
Authors Notification (position papers): July 25, 2014
Final Position Paper Submission and Registration: August 14, 2014
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
IJCCI 2014 welcomes the submission of position papers whose deadline is set for next June 23.
A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the conference topics.
Please check further details about position papers submission at the conference website (http://www.ijcci.org/GuidelinesTemplates.aspx).
The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and held in cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (ACM SIGART), Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Asia Pacific Neural Network Assembly (APNNA), European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT) and International Neural Network Society (INNS). IJCCI is co-organized by the Sapienza University of Rome and is also technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), Object Management Group (OMG) and Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA). Logistics Partner the Science and Technology Events (SCITEVENTS).
IJCCI is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 111 submissions, 22% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 25% were presented as short papers and 13% as posters.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Index) and Scopus.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
IJCCI is composed of three co-located conferences, each specialized in at least one of the aforementioned main knowledge areas:
- Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.fcta.ijcci.org/)
- Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.ecta.ijcci.org/)
- Neural Computation Theory and Applications (http://www.ncta.ijcci.org/)
We would like to highlight the presence of the following keynote speakers:
- Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - LIP6, France
- Danil Prokhorov, Toyota Tech Center, United States
- Bernard De Baets, Ghent University, Belgium
- Cesare Alippi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
We also would like to highlight the possibility to submit to the following Special Sessions:
Special Sessions:
- Special Session on Challenges in Neuroengineering - SSCN 2014 (http://www.ncta.ijcci.org/SSCN.aspx)
- Special Session on Fuzzy Optimization in Automation Systems - FOAS 2014 (http://www.fcta.ijcci.org/FOAS.aspx)
Finally, we would like to highlight the Doctoral Consortium on Computational Intelligence that will take place in conjunction with IJCCI and aims to provide an opportunity for graduate students to explore their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished experts in the field (http://www.ijcci.org/DoctoralConsortium.aspx).
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
Kind regards,
Vera Coelho
IJCCI Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +44 203 014 8813
Email: ijcci.secretariat(a)insticc.org
To unsubscribe please click here ( http://email.insticc.org/wf/unsubscribe?upn=9jORrjH8ndg6sPzuPt6yR0NcWpzNR2-… )
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CALL FOR POSITION PAPERS: KMIS 2014 - Int'l Conf. on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (Rome/Italy)
Datum: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:22:08 +0000 (UTC)
Von: KMIS Secretariat <kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org>
Antwort an: kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
Let me kindly inform you that the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS 2014 - http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/), to be held in Rome, Italy (October 21 - 24, 2014) is now welcoming the submission of position papers whose deadline is scheduled for next June 23.
A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the conference topics.
Please check further details about position papers submission at the conference website (http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/GuidelinesTemplates.aspx).
The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and held in cooperation with the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), ACM Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems (ACM SIGMIS), ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (ACM SIGART) and Information & Knowledge Management Society (IKMS). INSTICC is Member of the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA), Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and Object Management Group (OMG).
KMIS is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 91 submissions, 4% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 27% were presented as short papers and 14% as posters.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer in a CCIS Series book.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Index) and Scopus.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Workshops, Special sessions, Tutorials as well as Demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
The conference program features a number of Keynote Lectures to be delivered by distinguished world-class researchers, including those listed below.
Please check further details at the KMIS conference website (http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/).
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
KMIS 2014 is co-located with two related conferences in a joint conference (IC3K - http://www.ic3k.org/) format, namely:
- Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (http://www.keod.ic3k.org/)
- Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (http://www.kdir.ic3k.org/)
Registration to one conference allows free access to all conferences.
Kind regards,
Vera Coelho
KMIS Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +44 203 014 8813
Email: kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
KMIS website: http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/
October 21 - 24, 2014
Rome, Italy
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: FIPA, WfMC and OMG
Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS
Position Paper Submission: June 23, 2014
Authors Notification (position papers): July 25, 2014
Final Position Paper Submission and Registration: August 14, 2014
Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal / INSTICC, Portugal
Kecheng Liu, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Please check the program committee members at http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx
- 5th International Workshop on Software Knowledge - SKY 2014 (http://www.ic3k.org/SKY.aspx)
Special Sessions:
- Special Session on Text Mining - SSTM 2014 (http://www.kdir.ic3k.org/SSTM.aspx)
- Special Session on Decision Making in Information Security Management - DMISM 2014 (http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/DMISM.aspx)
- Special Session on Research and Development on Business Process Management - RDBPM 2014 (http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/RDBPM.aspx)
- Special Session on Enterprise Ontology - SSEO 2014 (http://www.keod.ic3k.org/SSEO.aspx)
- E-Learning
- Organizational semiotics
- e-Government
- Digital libraries
- Interoperability
- Enterprise Information Systems
- Metadata and Structured Documents
- Best Practices & Communities of Practice
- Business intelligence & CRM
- Communication, Collaboration and Information Sharing
- Impact Measurement of Knowledge Management
- Tools and Technology for Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Management Projects
- Organizational Memories
- Learning Organization & Organizational Learning
- Intelligent Information Systems
- Social Networks and the Psychological Dimension
- Intellectual Capital
- Studies, Metrics & Benchmarks
- Innovation Facilitation
- KM strategies and Implementations
- Information Security
- Business Process Management
- Requirements Engineering
To unsubscribe please click here ( http://email.insticc.org/wf/unsubscribe?upn=5IZaTkpcLrohQwjbPbpX-2BRruarY2B… )
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: ARTEL14 @ ECTEL: 4th Workshop on Awareness and
Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Datum: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 15:48:57 +0000
Von: Michael Prilla <Prilla(a)iaw.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CfP: ARTEL14 @ ECTEL: 4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in
Technology-Enhanced Learning
*** Call for papers and demos ***
4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection
in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2014)
to be held in the context of EC-TEL 2014, Graz (Austria):
September 16 (Tuesday), 2014.
Workshop webpage: http://teleurope.eu/artel14
Twitter hashtag: #artel14
Enhancing "awareness" of learners and other participants involved in
learning processes by technology means augmenting formal or informal
learning experiences, typically in real-time, with information on
progress, presence, outcomes, workspace, and the like.
Supporting "reflection" means enabling learners to capture, adapt,
re-evaluate, and share experience in anticipation of future situations
it will prove relevant to. Reflection supported digitally is a creative
act, adding sense and meaning to experiences made.
Combining support for "awareness and reflection" bears huge potential
for improving the learning and training with respect to utility,
self-regulation, usability, and user experience.
This 4th ARTEL workshop brings together researchers and industry from
different backgrounds to discuss and advance support of awareness and
reflection for learning. This year?s workshop will run under the
headline ?application in practice?, additionally emphasising feasibility
and sustainability aspects in education and in the workplace.
The workshop seeks to attract both research results and work in progress
in order to chart out the current state-of-the-art and to define main
enablers and future challenges. Naturally, it will serve as a forum for
establishing new collaborations.
The workshop will therefore include both presentations and discussions
of research insights (papers), as well as a demo and prototype slam.
Using presentations as catalyst for continuing post-talk debate, the
workshop will conclude the day with an open discussion exchanging ideas,
summing up, and defining a medium to long-term research agenda.
The main findings and highlights of the workshop will be presented back
to the full EC-TEL plenary in the wrap up session (see main programme,
once available).
Proceedings of the predecessor workshops are available via
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-790/ (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-931/ (2012),
and http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1103/ (2013).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to contributing original
theories, methods, evaluation studies, design and application (case)
studies in and on:
- Reflective writing and knowledge maturing
- Analytics, text- and data mining
- Integration of reflection support into other approaches of learning
- Social and group virtual and super-real presence
- Scaffolding approaches and techniques
- Real-time awareness and reflection
- Personalisation and Social Technologies
- Awareness and reflection in inquiry-based learning
- Augmented reality, wearable, pervasive applications
- Collaborative reflection
- Social network analysis
- Visual analytics, dashboards
- Models, ontologies, and annotation
- Processes and workflows
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished work as either a
full paper (limit: 15 pages), research note (limit: 7 pages), or demo
(limit: 3 pages). Full papers thereby report on novel theoretical,
empirical, or development work, including a significant contribution to
the field. Research notes report work in progress to share early
insights with the community. Demos describe novel prototypes, design
studies, or tools, which can be shown and further discussed during the
All contributions will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the
programme committee evaluating their originality, significance, and
rigour. The papers will be published in the CEUR workshop proceedings
(http://ceur-ws.org). Submissions should use the Springer LNCS template
ARTEL14 will award the best paper and demo submitted.
Please submit your paper via EasyChair:
*Important dates*
30.06.2014Submission deadline
11.08.2014Notification of acceptance
30.08.2014Camera-ready papers due
Milos Kravcik, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Alexander Mikroyannidis, The Open University, United Kingdom
Viktoria Pammer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Michael Prilla, University of Bochum, Germany
Thomas Ullmann, The Open University, United Kingdom
Fridolin Wild, The Open University, United Kingdom
*Programme Committee*
Alexander Nussbaumer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Carsten Ullrich, DFKI, Germany
Denis Gillet, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL),
Ines Di Loreto, UTT- Université de Technologie de Troyes, France
Jaakko Karjalainen, VTT, Finland
John Cook, University of West of England, UK
Joris Klerkx, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Kaj Helin, VTT, Finland
Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada
Marcus Specht, Open University of the Nethderlands, Netherlands
Monica Divitini, IDI-NTNU, Norway
Paul Lefrere, CCA, UK
Peter Kraker, Know-Center, Austria
Peter Scott, The Open University, United Kingdom
Peter Sloep, Open Universiteit Nederland, Netherlands
Philippe Dessus, Université Pierre-Mendès-France, France
Riina Vuorikari, European Commission JRC IPTS, Spain
Stefan Trausan-Matu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Stefano Bianchi, Softeco Sismat S.p.A., Italy
Xavier Ochoa, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador
*Supporting projects*
MIRROR: Reflective Learning at Work: http://www.mirror-project.eu/
LEARNING LAYERS: Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME
Clusters: http://learning-layers.eu/
TELLME: Technology enhanced learning livinglab for manufacturing
environments: http://tellme-ip.eu/
weSPOT: Propagating scientific inquiry for science learning and
teaching: http://wespot-project.eu
EmployID: Scalable & cost-effective facilitation of professional
identity transformation in public employment services: http://employid.eu
BOOST: Business perfOrmance imprOvement through individual employee
Skills Training: http://www.boost-project.eu/
*Social platform*
To stay tuned, consider joining the ARTEL social space on TELeurope:
The workshop will take place as part of the 9th European Conference on
Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), will take place in Graz, Austria,
September 16-19, 2014. The motto for this year is "Open Learning and
Teaching in Educational Communities". The European Conference on
Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) is a unique opportunity for
researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to address current
challenges and advances in the field. Through EC-TEL, established and
emerging researchers as well as practitioners, entrepreneurs, and
technology developers explore new collaborations, strengthen networks,
and complement their core expertise. For more information visit
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Information Technology for Development Vol. 20,
Iss. 2, 2014
Datum: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 18:43:57 +0000
Von: Sajda Qureshi <squreshi(a)unomaha.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Special Issue on Cyber-Security for Development
Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson, Doug Vogel
Institutions for Cyber Security: International Responses and Global
Nazli Choucri, Stuart Madnick, Jeremy Ferwerda
A Model for the Impact of Cybersecurity Infrastructure on Economic
Development in Emerging Economies: Evaluating the Contrasting Cases of
India and Pakistan
Elizabeth White Baker
Architecture for Managing Knowledge on Cybersecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa
Francis Andoh-Baidoo, Babajide Osatuyi, K. Niki Kunene
Information Technology for Development
Using Frugal Innovations to Support Cybercrime Legislations in Small
Developing States: Introducing the Cyber-Legislation Development and
Implementation Process Model (CyberLeg-DPM)
Corlane Barclay
Improving Password Cybersecurity Through Inexpensive and Minimally
Invasive Means: Detecting and Deterring Password Reuse Through
Keystroke-Dynamics Monitoring and Just-in-Time Fear Appeals
Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Mark Grimes, Jeffrey Gainer Proudfoot, Paul Benjamin
To access content online, see:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 2014 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'14)
Datum: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 15:11:17 -0500 (CDT)
Von: Chengcui Zhang <zhang(a)cis.uab.edu>
An: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014)
Taichung, Taiwan
December 10-12, 2014
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014) is an
international forum for researchers to exchange information
regarding advances in the state of the art and practice of
multimedia computing, as well as to identify the emerging
research topics and define the future of multimedia computing.
The technical program of ISM2014 will consist of invited talks,
paper presentations, and panel discussions. Submissions are
solicited for full papers, short papers, workshop papers,
technical demos, and panels.
Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
Multimedia Systems and Architectures
Mobile multimedia systems and services
Pervasive and interactive multimedia systems including mobile
systems, pervasive gaming, and digital TV
Multimedia in the Cloud
GPU-based architectures and systems
Software development using multimedia techniques
Multimedia Communications and Streaming
Multimedia networking and QoS
Mobile audio/video streaming
Wireless broadcasting and streaming
Scalable streaming
Peer-to-peer multimedia systems and streaming
Multimedia sensor networks
Internet telephony technologies and systems
Video teleconferencing
Multimedia Interfaces
Multimedia information visualization and interactive systems
Multimodal user interfaces: design, engineering,
modality-abstractions, etc.
Multimedia tools for authoring, analyzing, editing, browsing,
and navigation
Intelligent agents for multimedia content creation,
distribution, and analysis
Novel interfaces for multimedia: touch, tangible, wearable,
virtual, 3D, etc.
Multimedia user interfaces for mobile devices
Multimedia Coding, Processing, and Quality Measurement
Multimedia signal processing including audio, video, image
processing, and coding
Multimedia Coding Standards
Scalable and Multi-view coding
Multi-resolution or super-resolution algorithms
Maintenance of perceptual quality with further compression
Developing novel quality measures
Multimedia Security
Multimedia security including digital watermark and encryption
Copyright issues for multimedia data
Multimedia for surveillance and monitoring
Face detection and recognition algorithms
Human behavior analysis
Multimedia forensics
Trust and privacy issues in multimedia systems
Multimedia Content Understanding, Modeling, Management, and Retrieval
Multimedia meta-modeling techniques
Multimedia storage systems, databases, and retrieval
Multimedia data segmentation
Image, audio, video, genre clustering & classification
Video summarization and story generation
Speaker identification, recognition, and location
Object, event, emotion, text detection and recognition
Mosaic, video panorama and background generation
Multimedia semantics, ontologies, annotation, concept detection
and learning
Personalization and user preferences
3D and depth information
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia big data
3D multimedia: graphics, displays, sound, broadcasting,
Multimedia composition and production: capture, authoring,
digital art, animations, etc.
Multimedia gaming
Virtual and augmented reality
Multimedia interfaces for the Web
Multimedia in social network analysis
Rich media enabled E-commerce and E-shopping
Multimedia systems for handicapped
Multimedia Applications: Bioinformatics, Robotics, Transportation
systems, Mobile systems, Wild-life monitoring and analysis,
Collaborative systems, etc.
Authors are invited to submit Regular Papers (8-page technical
paper), Short Papers (4-page technical paper), Demonstration
Papers and Posters (2 page technical paper), PhD Workshop
Papers (2 pages), and Workshop Proposals as well as Industry
Track Papers (4-page technical paper) which will be included
in the proceedings. Submissions of high quality papers
describing mature results or on-going work are invited.
A main goal of this program is to present research work that
exposes the academic and research communities to challenges
and issues important for the industry. More information is
available on the ISM2014 web page. The Conference Proceedings
will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference
will be selected for publication in internationally renowned
There will be a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award
competition. Award winners will be announced at the conference
April 18, 2014 Workshop Proposal Submission
May 2, 2014 Workshop Notification
June 18, 2014 Panel Proposal Submission
August 22, 2014 Panel Notification
July 18, 2014 Regular/Short/Poster Paper Submission
July 18, 2014 Demo and Industry Paper Submission
September 5, 2014 Paper Notification
September 26, 2014 Camera-Ready Paper Submission
Chengcui Zhang Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Website: www.cis.uab.edu/zhang
-IEEE TCMC Secretary and Newsletter Editor-
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 6th Workshop on Workflow Management in Cloud
and Big Data (WMCB 2014)
Datum: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 08:51:10 +0800
Von: wangmz<wangmz(a)bit.edu.cn>
An: aisworld<aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
##### We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP. ######
##### Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be
interested. #####
The 6th International Workshop on Workflow Management in Cloud and Big
Data (WMCB 2014)
Held in conjunction with
The 4th International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing
(BDCloud 2014)
3 - 5 Dec. 2014, Sydney, Australia
Website: http://wmcb2014.sinaapp.com/index.html
Important Dates
Submissions Deadline: 11 August
Notification: 1 October
Camera Ready: 15 October
Workshop: 3 - 5 Dec. 2014
Big data is an emerging paradigm applied to datasets whose size is
beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, manage,
and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. Cloud computing
provides the potential storage and processing capability for big data
applications. Between them, workflow technology, which composes and
automates business and scientific processing tasks, becomes a bridging
and enabling tool to utilize cloud infrastructure for big data
management. This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers,
practitioners and developers from different background areas such as
cloud computing, service computing, data processing, and workflow area
to exchange the latest experience, research ideas and synergic research
and development on fundamental issues and applications about workflow
management in cloud computing and big data environments. The workshop
solicits high quality research results in all related areas.
WMCB 2014 is the next event in a series of highly successful
International Workshops, previously held as WMSC 2013 (Karlsruhe,
Germany), WMSC 2012 (Xiangtan, China), WMSC 2011 (Sydney, Australia),
WMSC 2010 (Hongkong, China), and WMSC 2009 (Chengdu, China).
Topics of Interest
The objective of the workshop is to invite authors to submit original
manuscripts that demonstrate and explore current advances in all aspects
of workflow management in cloud computing and big data processing. The
workshop solicits novel papers on a broad range of topics, including but
not limited to:
* Workflow verification and validation
* Novel architectural models for cloud computing in support of workflow
* Cloud workflow architecture
* Cloud resource management
* Scientific computing in the cloud
* Workflow management for big data processing
* Programming models for cloud computing
* Access control and authorisation for workflow execution
* Workflow scheduling in cloud computing
* Utility models and service pricing
* Service enabled workflow applications
* Privacy, security, risk and trust issues in cloud computing
* Social issues in cloud computing
* Green cloud computing
* Green ICT and smart metering
* Cloud workflow applications
* Service based workflow modelling
* Service Delivery and Composition
* Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Negotiation, Automation and Orchestration
* Quality of Services for workflow execution
* Services Repository and Registry
* Service Security, Privacy and Trust for workflow modelling and execution
Submission Guidelines and Publication
Please submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the WMCB 2014 submission
site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wmcb2014. Papers
should be limited up to 8 pages in IEEE format
(http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). All papers will
be peer reviewed by two or three pc members. Submitting a paper to the
workshop means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author should
register to BDCloud 2014 and attend the conference to present the paper.
All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE
Computer Society (EI indexed). Selected papers will be invited to be
published in special issues of
* Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
* Journal of Network and Computer Applications
* Journal of Computer and System Sciences
* IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.
Workshop Organization
General Chairs
* Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
* Jianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
* Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Program Chairs
* Mingzhong Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
* Chunjie Zhou, Ludong University, China
Program Committee (to be confirmed)
* Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Shah Asaduzzaman, Carleton University, Canada
* Gregor V. Bochmann, University of Ottawa, Canada
* Shawn Bowers, University of California at Davis, USA
* Christoph Bussler, Analytica, Inc., USA
* Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Italy
* Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
* David Chiu, Washington State University, USA
* Wanchun Dou, Nanjing University , China
* Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Yushun Fan, Tsinghua University, China
* Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
* Joerg Haehner, University of Augsburg, Germany
* Ken Hawick, Massey University, New Zealand
* Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
* Michel Hurfin, INRIA, France
* Marta Indulska, The University of Queensland, Australia
* Haksung Kim, Dongnam Health University, South Korea
* Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong, China
* Shiyong Lu, Wayne State University, USA
* Xiangfeng Luo, Shanghai University, China
* Zongwei Luo, The University of Hong Kong, China
* Dan Cristian Marinescu, University of Central Florida, USA
* Ethan L. Miller, University of California, USA
* Jose A. Montenegro, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
* Helen Paik, University of New South Wales, Australia
* Sabri Pllana, Linnaeus University, Sweden
* Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria
* Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia
* Wei Tan, IBM Waston Research Center, USA
* Jiacun Wang, Monmouth University, USA
* Jianmin Wang, Tsinghua University, China
* Jianwu Wang, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
* Martijn Warnier, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
* Lijie Wen, Tsinghua University, China
* Lai Xu, Bournemouth University, UK
* Yang Yu, Yat-sen University, China
For detailed information please visit the conference webpage
* http://wmcb2014.sinaapp.com/index.html
or contact the conference organizers
* Mingzhong Wang (wangmz(a)bit.edu.cn)
* Chunjie Zhou (lucyzcj(a)gmail.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] HICSS48 final CfP: Green Information Systems,
deadline June 15
Datum: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 19:59:59 +0200
Von: Gilbert Fridgen <gilbert.fridgen(a)uni-bayreuth.de>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Minitrack: Green Information Systems
Important Dates:
* June 15, 2014: Submit full manuscripts for review. Review is double-blind.
* Aug 15, 2014: Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors.
* Jan 5-8, 2015: Conference
Minitrack Chairs:
Gilbert Fridgen (gilbert.fridgen(a)uni-bayreuth.de)
Johann Kranz (jkranz(a)uni-goettingen.de)
Stefan Seidel (stefan.seidel(a)uni.li)
Due to the growing awareness that business organizations are a major
contributor to the exploitation of scarce natural resources, the increasing
pollution of the environment, and the looming threat of climate change,
several questions surrounding the concept of environmental sustainability
have attracted the interest of management scholars around the globe. This
especially holds for the field of Information Systems research given the
cross-functional role of information systems within organizations as well as
across entire value chains. Scholars have begun to explore the opportunities
that information systems offer in support of sustainability under the term
"Green Information Systems." As information systems have been a major
contributor to productivity growth and efficiency gains over the past
decades their role in the development of sustainable business practices
definitely warrants further investigation.Notably, it has been asserted that
information systems occupy a unique role as they are both a contributor and
a potential solution to environmental degradation.
Potential topics range from the design of systems and digital services for
environmental sustainability to the application of existing theories on
change at individual, group, and organizational levels, as well as the
development of novel theory. We invite rigorous and relevant studies
employing a wide variety of methods. Empirical (qualitative and
quantitative) studies as well as design-oriented research and conceptual
papers on theory development will be considered. In order to fully
incorporate technical and business aspects, we welcome contributions from a
broad spectrum of disciplines including business and information systems
engineering, management, operations management, computer science, marketing,
and economics.
Prof. Dr. Gilbert Fridgen
Professor of Information Systems
and Sustainable IT Management
Project Group Business & Information
Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer FIT
Deputy Director Research Center
Finance & Information Management
Faculty of Law, Business Management and Economics
University of Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 921 55-4711
Fax: +49 921 55-84-4711
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: BICT 2014 Special Track on Artificial
Intelligence and Software Engineering (AISE)
Datum: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 11:38:19 -0400 (EDT)
Von: Shih-Hsi "Alex" Liu <shliu(a)csufresno.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CFP: BICT 2014 Special Track on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (AISE)
8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS)
December 1 (Mon) - December 3, 2014 (Wed)
Boston, MA, USA
In-corporation with ACM (pending)
As software engineering is required to address automation, adaptation, optimization and scalability issues, other computer science disciplines come to play. Artificial Intelligence is one of them that may bring software engineering into further height. Conversely, software engineering techniques can also play an important role to alleviate development cost and time of AI techniques as well as assist in introducing new AI techniques. Such mutual benefits have appeared in the past few decades and still evolved due to new challenges.
The objective of the special track on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering is to provide a forum for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange and discuss latest innovative synergy between AI and software engineering. Namely, we are interested in AI solutions to software engineering challenges, software engineering practices to answer AI obstacles, and techniques that could benefit these realms bi-directionally.
This special track seeks high-quality original and unpublished papers in the following topics including but not limited to these topics:
* AI techniques for software engineering issues in emerging paradigms and systems such as big data, wearable computing, cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT)
* AI techniques for optimization, transformation and configuration management
* AI techniques for software reuse, evolution, maintenance and refactoring
* AI techniques for reverse engineering and program comprehension
* AI techniques for concurrent/parallel software development and maintenance
* AI techniques for ontology and other semantic aspects in software engineering
* AI techniques for business process management and business rules
* AI techniques for aspect mining and pattern mining
* AI techniques for cost analysis and risk assessment in software projects
* Agent-based software engineering
* Visual modeling and model-driven development for AI techniques
* Domain modeling and software language engineering (e.g., domain-specific languages) for AI techniques
* Service-oriented computing and Cloud computing for AI-based techniques/software
* Object-oriented and aspect-oriented frameworks to implement and evaluate AI techniques
* Formal methods for AI techniques
* Rapid prototyping and scripting for AI techniques
* Software for knowledge acquisition and representation
* Software metrics applied to AI techniques
* Search engines in AI
* User interfaces for AI techniques
AI techniques of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Machine Learning (unsupervised and supervised learning)
* Evolutionary Algorithms (e.g. GA, GP, ES)
* Swarm Intelligence
* Simulated Annealing
* Tabu Search
* Probabilistic Reasoning
* Fuzzy Logic
* Neural Networks
* Petri Nets
* Data Mining
* Game Theory
* Time Series Analysis
* Logic and reasoning
* Knowledge representation
* AI planning
Regular paper submission due: August 4
Short and poster/demo paper submission due: September 22
Notification for regular papers: September 15
Notification for short and poster/demo papers: October 6
Camera ready due: October 13
Authors are invited to submit regular papers (up to 15 pages each), short papers (up to 8 pages each) or poster/demo papers (up to 3 pages each) in the Springer LNICST format. Up to two extra pages are allowed for each paper with extra page charges. See http://bionetics.org/2014/show/initial-submission for more details.
All accepted paper will be published by Springer and submitted for indexing by SI, EI Compendex, Scopus, ACM Library, Google Scholar and many more. Selected papers will be considered for publication in leading journals including:
* ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications
* Elsevier Information Sciences
* Int'l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
* Elsevier Nano Communication Networks Journal
* Cloud-integrated Cyber-Physical Systems (Springer book)
Shih-Hsi "Alex" Liu
California State University
Fresno, USA
Marjan Mernik
University of Maribor
Jun Suzuki
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Boston, MA, USA
Haiping Xu
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Dartmouth, MA, USA
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ryerson University, Canada
Mohamed Bakhouya, Aalto University, Finland
Pruet Boonma, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Shih-Hsin Chen, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
Li-Wei Chen, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Deepak Dahiya, Jaypee University of Information Technology, India
Fei Dong, Google Inc., USA
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA
Pedro Rangel Henriques, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Raphael Machado, National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), Brazil
John McCrae, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Claude Moulin, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Łukasz Radliński, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
Rajeev Raje, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
Sergio Segura, University of Seville, Spain
Stefan Wagner, Institute of Software Technology, University Stuttgart, Germany
Hiroshi Wada, NICTA, Australia
Jules White, Vanderbilt University, USA
Liguo Yu, Indiana University South Bend, USA
Wen Zhang, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Bin Zhou, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Yuming Zhou, Nanjing University, China
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Workshops - IEEE SustainCom 2014
(Sustainable Computing and Communications), 3-5 Dec 2014, Sydney, Australia
Datum: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 09:20:10 +1000
Von: Jesson Butt <jesson.butt(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Workshops:
The 4th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Computing and
Communications (SustainCom 2014), 3-5 Dec. 2014, Sydney, Australia.
Website:Â http://www.swinflow.org/confs/susc2014/workshop.htm
Important dates:
Workshop proposal Deadline: 20 June 2014
Workshop Notification: 25 June 2014
Workshop Proposal Submissions: Email to workshop chairs listed below
  Mianxiong Dong, University of Aizu, Japan, mx.dong(a)nict.go.jp
  Wei Zheng, Xiamen University, China, zhengw(a)xmu.edu.cn
  Jesson Butt, UTS, Australia, jesson.butt(a)gmail.com
SustainCom 2014 workshops will be held together with the main conference
during the same dates and venue. We invite you to submit workshop
proposals on any topics related to Sustainable Computing and Smart
Cities to the Workshop Chairs. The purpose of these workshops is to
offer to researchers a good opportunity to present their work in a more
focused way than the conference itself and to obtain feedback from an
interested community.
Workshops that focus on new and emerging topics, or on applications and
industry contributions are particularly encouraged. In general, a
workshop takes one day or half day while multiple-day workshops are welcome.
A workshop proposal should contain at least:
·  Title of workshop: International workshop on ...
·  Workshop chairs/organisers: Names, Affiliations, address, e-mail,
·  Brief description of the workshop (several hundred words)
·  The workshop deadlines and website
·  Prior history of this workshop, if any.
Important dates:
Workshop proposal Deadline: 20 June 2014
Workshop Notification: 25 June 2014
Each workshop will start to distribute a call for paper after receiving
the notification. Papers submitted to each workshop will be reviewed by
the program committee and external reviewers of the workshop.
Once accepted, each workshop organisers are in charge of:
·  Setting up a Web site for the workshop according to the template
that will be distributed.
·  Establishing own paper submission system.
·  Deciding own submission deadlines, but following the same
camera-ready deadline and
registration deadline as the main conference.
·  Ensuring that each paper selected for inclusion in the proceedings
will be registered for main conference at the same registration rates.
Each paper must be presented in person by the author, or one of the authors.
Proceedings of the workshops will be published by IEEE Computer Society
Press, in the same proceedings of main conference, and will be made
available to all conference registrants on site. All workshop papers
will also be electronically available through IEEE Xplore Digital
Database, and professionally indexed through INSPEC and EI Index.
Please organize your workshop as early as possible to ensure your effort
turn out to be fruitful. In particular we suggest to make explicit the
different focus of your workshop, if compared with eventual overlapping
conference topics, in order to attract relevant contributions.
For further information on preparing a workshop proposal, please contact
the Workshops Chairs.
Workshop Chairs:
  Mianxiong Dong, University of Aizu, Japan, mx.dong(a)nict.go.jp
  Wei Zheng, Xiamen University, China, zhengw(a)xmu.edu.cn
  Jesson Butt, UTS, Australia, jesson.butt(a)gmail.com