-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP of IEEE ICESS Conference in
Liverpool, UK, 25-27 June 2012
Datum: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 21:56:58 +0800
Von: Chris-Lei.Liu <lei.liu16(a)gmail.com>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]
*********************IEEE ICESS-2012 CFP ****************************
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems
(ICESS-2012) to be held in Liverpool, England, UK, 25-27 June 2012
Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee of
Scalable Computing (TCSC)
Embedded software and systems are closely related to our daily life, which
reside from smart appliances to unmanned trains. As the fastest growing
industry, embedded systems will have great societal and environmental
impacts. Therefore, the design and implementation of safe and efficient
embedded software and systems have utmost importance.
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems
(ICESS-2012) will be held during June 25-27, 2012, in Liverpool, UK, a
fantastic and popular tourist city destination in the UK. Several areas of
the city centre were granted World Heritage Site status by UNESCO in 2004.
Referred to as the Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City, the site comprises
six separate locations in the city including the Pier Head, Albert Dock and
William Brown Street and includes many of the city's most famous landmarks.
The conference follows the success of IEEE ICESS-2011 in Changsha, China,
and IEEE ICESS-2010 in Bradford, UK.
The goal of IEEE ICESS-2012 is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers
and researchers to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences
and work-in-progress on all aspects of embedded software and systems.
IEEE ICESS-2012 is an international forum for presenting and discussing
emerging ideas and trends in embedded software and systems from both the
research community as well as the industry. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to:
* Systems, Models and Algorithms Track
- Embedded Real-Time Systems
- Embedded Hardware and Architectures
- Embedded Software/Agent
- Power Aware Computing
- Distributed Embedded Computing
- Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
- Fault Tolerant& Trusted Embedded Systems
- System on Chip (SoC) and Multicore Systems
- Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems
- Mobile Computing
- Reconfigurable Computing
- Cyber-Physical Systems
* Design Methodology and Tools Track
- Hardware/Software Co-Design
- Formal Methods for Embedded Systems
- Embedded Component Technology
- Middleware for Embedded Systems
- Hardware/Software Co-Verification
- Compilation and Debug Techniques
- IDE and Software Tools
- Performance Evaluation Techniques/Tools
* Embedded Applications and Interdisciplinary Topics Track
- Intelligent Embedded Systems
- Image and Graph Processing
- Network Protocol and Security
- Emergency and Disaster Management
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Robotics and Control Systems
- QoS Support for Embedded Systems
- Embedded Database& Multimedia Systems
- Consumer Electronics
- Automotive, Medical and Avionics Systems
Submission Deadline: 01 March, 2012
Authors Notification: 08 April, 2012
Final Manuscript Due: 08 May, 2012
Registration Due: 08 May, 2012
Conference Date: 25-27 June, 2012
All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference
website (http://cse.stfx.ca/~icess2012/sub/) with PDF format. The materials
presented in the papers should not be published or under submission
elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with over length
charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer Society
Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts). You
can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the
following web page: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting
Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI).
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call For Papers: 2012 Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering
Research and Practice (SERP'12, USA), Submission Deadline: March 12, 2012
Datum: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 08:00:53 -0500
Von: Software Engineering <wcom12(a)world-comp.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues:
Please share the announcement below with those who may be interested.
Thanking you in advance, SERP Steering Committee.
The 2012 International Conference on
Software Engineering Research and Practice
Date and Location: July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA
March 12, 2012: Submission of full papers (about 7 pages)
April 12, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
April 26, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on Software
Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'12)
Citation information for prior years' offering of the conference appears at:
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. In addition, like prior years, extended versions of
selected papers (about 40%) will appear in journals and edited research
books (publishers include: Springer, Elsevier, ...).
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
O Software architectures
O Software design and design patterns
O Architectural analysis, verifications and validation methods
O Quality oriented software architecture (design and Support)
O Software reliability, safety critical systems and security methods
O Software reuse and component engineering
O Object oriented technology (design and analysis)
O Software metrics
O Reverse and architectural recovery methods
O Domain specific software engineering
O Aerospace software and system engineering
O Software engineering methodologies
O Survivable systems
O Software testing, evaluation and analysis technologies
O Workflow - Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
O Project management issues
O Distributed and parallel systems
O Legal issues and standards
O Automated software design
O Real-time embedded software engineering
O Automated software design and synthesis
O Software security engineering
O Theoretic approaches (formal methods, graph, ...)
O Software, domain modeling and meta-modeling
O Model driven engineering
O Software maintenance and evolution
O Reflection and metadata methodologies
O AI approaches to software engineering
O Component based software engineering
O Software engineering standards and guidelines
O Reports on intelligent CASE tools and eclipse plugins issues
O Multimedia and hypermedia software engineering
O Enterprise software, middleware, and tools
O Industry system experience and report
O Service-centric software engineering
O Service level agreements (drafting, negotiation, and management)
O Runtime service management
O Software engineering and semantic web
O Program understanding methods
O Tutoring, documentation systems
O Software assurance
O Software economics
O Software product lines
O Usability engineering
O Novel software tools and environments
O Pervasive software engineering
O Requirement engineering and processes
O Critical and embedded software design
O Service oriented software architecture
O Software cost estimation
O Web engineering and web-based applications
O Human computer interaction and usability engineering
O Model based software engineering
O Aspect oriented software engineering
O Agent oriented software engineering
O Programming languages and compilers
O Education and law
O Case studies and emerging technologies
Currently being prepared - The ACADEMIC sponsors of the last offering of
SERP (2011) included research labs and centers affiliated with (a
partial list): University of California, Berkeley; Harvard University;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); University of Texas at
Austin; University of Southern California; Minnesota Supercomputing
Institute, University of Minnesota; Germany's University of Siegen; UMIT,
Institute of Bioinformatics and Translational Research, Austria; Georgia
Institute of Technology; University of Iowa; Russian Academy of Sciences,
Russia; University of Naples Federico II, Italy; University of Naples
Parthenope, Italy; Second University of Naples, Italy; ICEL, Texas A&M
University Com.; University of North Dakota; and others.
CORPORATE Co-Sponsors and Sponsors at-large included (a partial list):
Intel Corporation; Microsoft Research; Altera Corporation; Pico Computing;
SuperMicro Computer, Inc., USA; High Performance Computing for Nanotechnology
(HPCNano); International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine; World
Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies; Int'l Council on Medical
and Care Compunetics; UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform; Scientific Technologies Corporation; and HoIP - Health without
Boundaries; and others.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at: http://world-comp.org
Submissions must be uploaded by March 12, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All
reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the
paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each
author. The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content
of the paper. The name of the conference (ie, SERP) that the paper is
being submitted for consideration must be stated on the first page of the
paper as well as a 100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final
Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE
style) pages.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels). Proceedings of SERP will be published
in printed conference books (ISBN) and will also be made available online.
The proceedings will be indexed in science citation databases that track
citation frequency/data for each published paper (science citation databases
such as: Inspec / IET / The Institute for Engineering& Technology; The
French National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL
(covers the core scientific literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions
are journals; only about 9% are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected
to be among the 9% - accessable from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID,
Questel.Orbit, Qwam, and STN International); and others. Though, there is
no guarantee that the proceedings will also be included in
EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the past, SERP proceedings were included
in these databases. Therefore, we will also be sending the proceedings for
indexing procedures to EI Compendex/Elsevier. The printed proceedings/books
will be available for distribution on site at the conference.
In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers (such as,
Springer, Elsevier, ...) - these books will be composed after the conference.
Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming journal special issues to be
published after the conference.
Co-chair of SERP'12: Dr. Hassan Reza, U. of North Dakota, USA
Program Committee of SERP is currently being finalized.
The members of the Steering Committee of The 2011 WORLDCOMP congress included:
Dr. Selim Aissi (Chief Strategist, Intel Corp., USA); Prof. Hamid Arabnia
(ISIBM elected Fellow& Professor, University of Georgia; Editor-in-Chief,
The Journal of Supercomputing / Springer; Board member, Journal of
Computational Science / Elsevier; Advisory Board, IEEE TC on Scalable
Computing); Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (Member, National Academy of Engineering,
IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, Professor; University of California, Berkeley,
USA); Prof. Hyunseung Choo (ITRC Director of Ministry of Information&
Communication; Director, ITRC; Director, Korea Information Processing
Society; Assoc. Editor, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology; Professor,
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea); Prof. Winston Wai-Chi Fang (IEEE Fellow,
TSMC Distinguished Chair Professor, National ChiaoTung University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan; Director, System-on-Chip Research Center); Prof. Kun Chang Lee
(Professor of MIS and WCU Professor of Creativity Science, Sungkyunkwan
University, South Korea); Prof. Andy Marsh (Director of HoIP and Director
of HoIP Telecom, UK; Secretary-General WABT; Vice-President Int'l Council
for Engineering and Technology, University of Westminster, UK); Prof. Layne
T. Watson (IEEE Fellow, NIA Fellow, ISIBM Fellow, Fellow of The National
Institute of Aerospace, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute& State
University, USA); Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Member, National Academy of
Engineering; IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, AAAI Fellow, IFSA Fellow;
Director, BISC; Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA).
2012 Publicity Chair: Ashu M. G. Solo (Fellow of British Computer Society;
Principal/R&D Engineer and Mathematician, Maverick Technologies
America Inc.; Director/Interdisciplinary Researcher, Solo Research Lab,
Crocels, Swansea University; Principal/Intelligent Systems Instructor,
Trailblazer Intelligent Systems, Inc.)
The 2012 Program Committee for SERP is currently being compiled. Many
who have already joined the committees are renowned leaders, scholars,
researchers, scientists and practitioners of the highest ranks; many are
directors of research labs., members of National Academy of Engineering,
fellows of various societies, heads/chairs of departments, program
directors of research funding agencies, as well as deans and provosts.
Program Committee members are expected to have established a strong and
documented research track record. Those interested in joining the Program
Committee should email editor(a)world-comp.org the following information
for consideration/evaluation: Name, affiliation and position, complete
mailing address, email address, a one-page biography that includes
research expertise and the name of the conference(s) offering to help with.
The list of Program Committee of SERP 2011 appears at:
SERP is one of the premier research conferences in software engineering.
processing. It is being held jointly (same location and dates) with a
number of other research conferences (WORLDCOMP). WORLDCOMP is the largest
annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer engineering
and applied computing. We anticipate to have 2,100 or more attendees from
over 80 countries. WORLDCOMP 2012 will be composed of research presentations,
keynote lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and
poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel speakers have
included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer, architecture, U. of California,
Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as Father of Nanotechnology),
Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of Genetic Algorithms; U. of
Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of Grid Computing; U. of
Chicago& ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U. of California,
Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT Media Lab, MIT),
Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window System, xhost; OLPC),
Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic Programming, Stanford U.),
Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director, U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K.
Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program
Director and Consultant), Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT&
Harvard U.), Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi
(Head, NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director,
Project Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus, McMaster
U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive Director,
CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee (Vice
President& Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace Systems, Inc.), and many
other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling about the conferences'
atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos available at:
An important mission of WORLDCOMP is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."
One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 32229
As of February 5, 2012, papers published in WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
have received 20,405 citations. In recent months (November 23, 2011 to
February 5, 2012; ie, in about 75 days), there had been 4,545 citations
to WORLDCOMP papers (about 1,800 citations per month). The above record
is significant (thanks to the authors). As the result of high impact
(based on citations) of WORLDCOMP papers, "Microsoft Academic Search"
has listed each individual track of the congress among its compiled list
of "Top Conferences". The citation record of WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
is in fact higher than the citation data of many reputable journals in
computer science and computer engineering. Citation data was obtained
obtained from http://academic.research.microsoft.com/ )
1. Web site of SERP'12: http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/
The proceedings' Table of Contents of last offering of SERP (2011) appears at:
2. Detailed information about citations to worldcomp proceedings:
3. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct
as of the date of this message). The information that appears in this
announcement supersedes earlier ones.
Inquiries should be sent to: editor(a)world-comp.org
This email was sent to: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
To opt out of this email list:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Contents of Information Systems Management 29-1
Datum: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 13:48:16 -0500
Von: Janice Sipior <janice.sipior(a)villanova.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Contents: Information Systems Management, Vol. 29 No. 1
Latest issue of Information Systems Management (ISM)
Volume 29, Number 1, Winter 2012
ISSN: 1934-8703 (electronic) 1058-0530 (paper)
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Published by Taylor& Francis, Philadelphia, PA USA
Editor-in-Chief: Janice C. Sipior, Villanova School of Business,
Villanova University
1. The Information Technology Workforce: A Comparison of Critical Skills of
Client and Service Providers
by Stephen Hawk, Kate M. Kaiser, Tim Goles, Christine V. Bullen, Judith C.
Simon, Cynthia Beath, Kevin P. Gallagher and Keith Frampton
2. "Less is More:" Information Systems Planning in an Uncertain Environment
by Dinesh Mirchandani, and Al Lederer
3. The Demise of Novell Netware: Did Perceptions Related to Network
Administration Play a Role?
by Peeter J. Kirs, Kallol K. Bagchi, and Zaiyong Tang
4. Project Management Offices in the IT Area
by Andrea Giovanni Spelta and Alberto Luiz Albertin
5. Investigating the Impact of CIO Competencies on IT Security Performance
of the US Federal Government Agencies
by Ashraf Khallaf and Munir Majdalawieh
Peripheral Issues?
by Paul Gray
Through a Glass, Darkly
The Gender Gap: Does It Include Information Systems?
by Robert L. Glass
ISM places a high value on article content that communicates advanced
practices to address current IS management challenges and innovative
applications of new, but proven, information technologies. The
methodological orientation is towards field research informed by published
literature, but primarily based on case study, surveys, and field
experiences of IS experts.
Inquiries should be sent to:
Janice C. Sipior, Editor-in-Chief
Villanova School of Business
Interested authors should consult the Instructions for Authors at:
http://www.tandf.co.uk/10580530 or
Manuscripts should be submitted via:
Special issues are forthcoming on the following themes:
European Research on Electronic Citizen Participation and Engagement in
Public Policy Making, 29-4 Fall 2012
Guest Editors: Euripidis Loukis, University of the Aegean; Yannis
Charalabidis, University of the Aegean; and Jeremy Millard, Danish
Technological Institute
Co-creation enabled by social web: Opinion Mining Solutions to Information
Overload, 30-4 Fall 2013
Guest Editors: Rafael Valencia-García, Universidad de Murcia, Spain and
Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP: AiML 2012
Datum: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 22:11:08 +0100
Von: Thomas Bolander <tb(a)imm.dtu.dk>
Antwort an: Thomas Bolander <tb(a)imm.dtu.dk>
An: Undisclosed recipients:;
Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting
the state of the art in modal logic and its various applications. The
initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based on
the conferences. Information about the AiML series can be obtained at
http://www.aiml.net. AiML-2012 is the ninth conference in the series.
We invite submission on all aspects of modal logic, including:
- history of modal logic
- philosophy of modal logic
- applications of modal logic
- computational aspects of modal logic (complexity and decidability of
modal and temporal logics, modal and temporal logic programming,
model checking, model generation, theorem proving for modal logics)
- theoretical aspects of modal logic (algebraic/categorical perspectives
on modal logic, coalgebraic modal logic, completeness and canonicity,
correspondence and duality theory, many-dimensional modal logics,
modal fixed point logics, model theory of modal logic, proof theory
of modal logic)
- specific instances and variations of modal logic (description logics,
modal logics over non-boolean bases, dynamic logics and other process
logics, epistemic and deontic logics, modal logics for agent-based
systems, modal logic and game theory, modal logic and grammar
formalisms, provability and interpretability logics, spatial and
temporal logics, hybrid logic, intuitionistic logic, substructural
logics, computationally light fragments of all such logics)
Papers on related subjects will also be considered.
Advances in Modal Logic 2012 will be held at
the IDA conference centre in downtown Copenhagen:
This is in easy walking distance from Copenhagen Central Station and a
number of reasonably priced hotels.
There will be two types of submissions to AiML-2012: (1) Full papers
for publication in the proceedings and presentation at the
conference. (2) Abstracts for short presentation only. Both types of
papers should be submitted electronically using the EasyChair submission
page at
At least one author of each accepted paper of abstract must register for,
and attend, the conference to present his or her work.
(1) FULL PAPERS. Authors are invited to submit, for presentation at the conference
and publication in the proceedings, full papers reporting on original research
and not submitted elsewhere. The proceedings of AiML'2012 will be published
by College Publications (http://www.collegepublications.co.uk) in a volume
to be made available at the conference. The submissions should be at
most 15 pages, with an optional technical appendix of up to 5 pages, together
with a plain-text abstract of 100-200 words. The submissions must be typeset in
LaTeX, using a style file and template that will be provided on the AiML'2012
(2) ABSTRACTS. These should be at most 5 pages. They may describe preliminary
results, work in progress etc., and will be subject to light reviewing. The
accepted abstracts will be made available at the conference, and the authors will
have the opportunity to make short presentations (of up to 15 minutes) on
SPECIAL SESSION ON HYBRID LOGIC. Hybrid logic is an extension of modal logic
allowing to refer explicitly to states of the model in the syntax of formulas.
There will be a special session of AiML devoted to papers on hybrid logic.
The scope of the special session is standard hybrid-logical machinery like
nominals, satisfaction operators, and the downarrow binder, but also other
extensions of modal logic can be considered.
special session of AiML devoted to papers and talks in honour of Larisa
Maksimova, in recognition of her many outstanding contributions to modal
significant growth of interest in constructive type-theoretical modalities, in particular
modalities ensuring productivity and type safety of (co-)recursive definitions in
reactive programming. Some earlier examples include the use of modalities for staged
computation, metaprogramming or in computational lambda-calculus. In order to boost
interaction between programming, type-theoretical and modal communities, AiML 2012
will host a special session on these topics. Papers for this session should be
submitted to the EasyChair site along with others.
Papers for the special sessions should be submitted to the EasyChair site along with
Lev Beklemishev (Moscow State University)
Johan van Benthem (University of Amsterdam and Stanford University)
Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde University)
Balder ten Cate, (UC Santa Cruz)
Larisa Maksimova (Novosibirsk State University)
Carlos Areces (FaMAF, Universitad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina)
Philippe Balbiani (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Lev Beklemishev (Moscow State University, Russia)
Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University, USA)
Nick Bezhanishvili (Imperial College London, UK)
Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Thomas Bolander (Technical University of Denmark)
Torben Brauner (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Giovanna Corsi (Università di Bologna, Italy)
Giovanna D'Agostino (Università di Udine, Italy)
Stephane Demri (LSV, ENS Cachan, France)
Melvin Fitting (Lehman College, CUNY, USA)
Robert Goldblatt (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Valentin Goranko (Technical University of Denmark)
Rajeev Gore (Australian National University, Australia)
Andreas Herzig (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Ian Hodkinson (Imperial College London, UK)
Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool, UK)
Rosalie Iemhoff (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Alexander Kurz (University of Leicester, UK)
Tadeusz Litak (University of Leicester, UK)
Hiroakira Ono (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Martin Otto (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Alessandra Palmigiano (ILLC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Renate Schmidt (University of Manchester, UK)
Lutz Schröder (DFKI GmbH and University of Bremen, Germany)
Valentin Shehtman (Moscow State University, Russia)
Dimiter Vakarelov (Sofia University, Bulgaria)
Yde Venema (ILLC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool, UK)
Michael Zakharyaschev (Birkbeck College, London, UK)
Silvio Ghilardi (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Lawrence Moss (Indiana University, USA)
Thomas Bolander (Technical University of Denmark)
Torben Brauner (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Full papers submission deadline: 30 March 2012
Full papers acceptance notification: 18 May 2012
Short presentations submission deadline: 1 June, 2012
Short presentations acceptance notification: 18 June, 2012
Final version of full papers and abstracts due: 15 June 2012
Conference: 22-25 August, 2012.
FURTHER INFORMATION. Please see http://hylocore.ruc.dk/aiml2012/
ENQUIRIES. E-mail enquiries should be directed respectively to
the PC co-chairs, sent to aiml2012(a)easychair.org
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [ICPP workshop] CloudTech-HPC, Pittsburgh, PA, September
10-13, 2012
Datum: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 07:31:28 +0800
Von: cfp(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email)
Call for Papers
International Workshop on Cloud Technologies
for High Performance Computing (CloudTech-HPC)
Pittsburgh, PA, September 10-13, 2012
in conjunction with
The 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2012)
High Performance Computing (HPC) involves the design of system
architecture, tuning of software environment, construction of
mathematical models and numerical solution techniques for solving
scientific, social scientific and engineering problems. It often
requires a huge number of computing and storage resources to perform
large-scale analyses and experiments. In general, different scientific
experiments also have to be reorganized or redesigned their computing
models for making use of the HPC system.
Cloud computing can address many of the aforementioned concerns. By
means of cloud technologies, users can access to massive computing and
storage resources and can customize their computing environment for
offering a variety of services. Moreover, by using the pay per use
model, users can scale up or down the computing infrastructure according
to their requirements and budget without deploying actual physical
infrastructure. They could get access to their own virtualized HPC
cluster in a self-service, dynamically scalable and fully configurable
environment. Such a computing paradigm provides a flexible high
performance computing environment.
However, there is some performance gap between cloud computing and the
traditional HPC environments. Therefore, the performance of running the
high performance applications in clouds comparing with the traditional
HPC infrastructure should be a concern. The goal of this workshop is to
bring together researchers and practitioners in cloud technologies for
high performance computing. Please join us in a discussion of new ideas,
experiences, and the latest trends in these areas at the workshop.
Scope and Interests
All papers related to cloud technologies for high performance computing
are welcome. We cordially invite presenters to submit manuscripts for
any application domain as long as the core of the manuscript belongs to,
but not limited to, the following topics:
� Virtualization techniques for HPC clusters
� Virtualization techniques for HPC GPU/multicore systems
� Performance evaluation of HPC clouds
� HPC cloud applications
� Scalable Fault Resilience Techniques for HPC clouds
� HPC Cloud-based Services
� Programming Models for HPC clouds
� HPC cloud infrastructure
� HPC as a Service
� Auditing and monitoring for HPC clouds
� Modeling, and Optimizations
� Scalable Scheduling for HPC clouds
� Middleware frameworks for HPC clouds
� Load balancing for HPC clouds
� Optimal deployment configuration for HPC clouds
� I/O of HPC applications.
� Remote Visualization
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: March 09, 2012
Authors Notification: June 08, 2012
Camera ready Due: July 06, 2012
Electronic Submission
Prepare your workshop paper with the IEEE standard double column format
no more than 6 pages in the PDF file format. Submit your paper(s) at the
EasyChair submission site:
All submissions should describe original, previously unpublished
researches, not currently under review by another conference, journal or
workshop. Each submission should be assumed that, if the paper is
accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the workshop to
present the work in order for the paper to be included in the
Proceedings of ICPP-2012 Workshops that will be published by the IEEE CS
Workshop Organizers
Steering Chair:
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Franck Cappello, INRIA & UIUC, France
Yeh-Ching Chung, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
General Chair:
Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Program Chair:
Kuan-Chou Lai, National Taichung University, Taiwan
To subscribe other emails or see information of this mailing list,
please go to
To unsubscribe, please click
For other questions, please send email to cfp-admin(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Last Mile: ICCGI 2012 || June 24-29, 2012 - Venice, Italy
Datum: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 21:08:25 -0500
Von: ICCGI 2012 <invitation(a)iariaschedule.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Note that we are entering the last days before the submission deadline of February 16, 2012.
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to ICCGI 2012.
In addition, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
============== ICCGI 2012 | Call for Papers ===============
ICCGI 2012, The Seventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology
June 24-29, 2012 - Venice, Italy
General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2012/ICCGI12.html
Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2012/CfPICCGI12.html
- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters
Submission page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2012/SubmitICCGI12.html
Submission deadline: February 16, 2012
Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
Please note the Poster and Work in Progress options.
The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.
All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.
Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules: http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html
ICCGI 2012 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)
Industrial systems
Control theory and systems; Fault-tolerance and reliability; Data engineering; Enterprise computing and evaluation; Electrical and electronics engineering; Economic decisions and information systems; Advanced robotics; Virtual reality systems; Industrial systems and applications; Industrial and financial systems; Industrial control electronics; Industrial IT solutions
Evolutionary computation
Algorithms, procedures, mechanisms and applications; Computer architecture and systems; Computational sciences; Computation in complex systems; Computer and communication systems; Computer networks; Computer science theory; Computation and computer security; Computer simulation; Digital telecommunications; Distributed and parallel computing; Computation in embedded and real-time systems; Soft computing; User-centric computation
Autonomic and autonomous systems
Automation and autonomous systems; Theory of Computing; Autonomic computing; Autonomic networking; Network computing; Protecting computing; Theories of agency and autonomy; Multi-agent evolution, adaptation and learning; Adjustable and self-adjustable autonomy; Pervasive systems and computation; Computing with locality principles; GRID networking and services; Pervasive computing; Cluster computing and performance; Artificial intelligence Computational linguistics; Cognitive technologies; Decision making; Evolutionary computation; Expert systems; Computational biology
Models and techniques for biometric technologies; Bioinformatics; Biometric security; Computer graphics and visualization; Computer vision and image processing; Computational biochemistry; Finger, facial, iris, voice, and skin biometrics; Signature recognition; Multimodal biometrics; Verification and identification techniques; Accuracy of biometric technologies; Authentication smart cards and biometric metrics; Performance and assurance testing; Limitations of biometric technologies; Biometric card technologies; Biometric wireless technologies; Biometric software and hardware; Biometric standards
Knowledge data systems
Data mining and Web mining; Knowledge databases and systems; Data warehouse and applications; Data warehousing and information systems; Database performance evaluation; Semantic and temporal databases; Database systems Databases and information retrieval; Digital library design; Meta-data modeling
Mobile and distance education
Human computer interaction; Educational technologies; Computer in education; Distance learning; E-learning; Mobile learning Cognitive support for learning; Internet-based education; Impact of ICT on education and society; Group decision making and software; Habitual domain and information technology; Computer-mediated communications; Immersing authoring; Contextual and cultural challenges in user mobility
Intelligent techniques, logics, and systems
Intelligent agent technologies; Intelligent and fuzzy information processing; Intelligent computing and knowledge management; Intelligent systems and robotics; Fault-tolerance and reliability; Fuzzy logic& systems; Genetic algorithms; Haptic phenomena; Graphic recognition; Neural networks; Symbolic and algebraic computation; Modeling, simulation and analysis of business processes and systems
Knowledge processing
Knowledge representation models; Knowledge languages; Cognitive science; Knowledge acquisition; Knowledge engineering; Knowledge processing under uncertainty; Machine intelligence; Machine learning; Making decision through Internet; Networking knowledge plan
Information technologies
Information technology and organizational behavior; Agents, data mining and ontologies; Information retrieval systems; Information and network security; Information ethics and legal evaluations; Optimization and information technology; Organizational information systems; Information fusion; Information management systems; Information overload; Information policy making; Information security; Information systems; Information discovery
Internet and web technologies
Internet and WWW-based computing; Web and Grid computing; Internet service and training; IT and society; IT in education and health; Management information systems; Visualization and group decision making; Web based language development; Web search and decision making; Web service ontologies; Scientific web intelligence; Online business and decision making; Business rule language; E-Business; E-Commerce; Online and collaborative work; Social eco-systems and social networking; Social decisions on Internet; Computer ethics
Digital information processing
Mechatronics; Natural language processing; Medical imaging; Image processing; Signal processing; Speech processing; Video processing; Pattern recognition; Pattern recognition models; Graphics& computer vision; Medical systems and computing
Cognitive science and knowledge agent-based systems
Cognitive support for e-learning and mobile learning; Agents and cognitive models; Agents& complex systems; computational ecosystems; Agent architectures, perception, action& planning in agents; Agent communication: languages, semantics, pragmatics& protocols; Agent-based electronic commerce and trading systems Multi-agent constraint satisfaction; Agent programming languages, development environments and testbeds; Computational complexity in autonomous agents; Multi-agent planning and cooperation; Logics and formal models of for agency verification; Nomadic agents; Negotiation, auctions, persuasion; Privacy and security issues in multi-agent systems
Mobility and multimedia systems
Mobile communications; Multimedia and visual programming; Multimedia and decision making; Multimedia systems; Mobile multimedia systems; User-centered mobile applications; Designing for the mobile devices; Contextual user mobility; Mobile strategies for global market; Interactive television and mobile commerce
Systems performance
Performance evaluation; Performance modeling; Performance of parallel computing; Reasoning under uncertainty; Reliability and fault-tolerance; Performance instrumentation; Performance monitoring and corrections; Performance in entity-dependable systems; Real-time performance and near-real time performance evaluation; Performance in software systems; Performance and hybrid systems; Measuring performance in embedded systems
Networking and telecommunications
Telecommunication and Networking; Telecommunication Systems and Evaluation; Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Information Technology; Network and Decision Making; Networks and Security; Communications protocols (SIP/H323/MPLS/IP); Specialized networks (GRID/P2P/Overlay/Ad hoc/Sensor); Advanced services (VoIP/IPTV/Video-on-Demand; Network and system monitoring and management; Feature interaction detection and resolution; Policy-based monitoring and managements systems; Traffic modeling and monitoring; Traffic engineering and management; Self-monitoring, self-healing and self-management systems; Man-in-the-loop management paradigm
Software development and deployment
Software requirements engineering; Software design, frameworks, and architectures; Software interactive design; Formal methods for software development, verification and validation; Neural networks and performance; Patterns/Anti-patterns/Artifacts/Frameworks; Agile/Generic/Agent-oriented programming; Empirical software evaluation metrics; Software vulnerabilities; Reverse engineering; Software reuse; Software security, reliability and safety; Software economics; Software testing and debugging; Tracking defects in the OO design; Distributed and parallel software; Programming languages; Declarative programming; Real-time and embedded software; Open source software development methodologies; Software tools and deployment environments; Software Intelligence; Software Performance and Evaluation
Knowledge virtualization
Modeling techniques, tools, methodologies, languages; Model-driven architectures (MDA); Service-oriented architectures (SOA); Utility computing frameworks and fundamentals; Enabled applications through virtualization; Small-scale virtualization methodologies and techniques; Resource containers, physical resource multiplexing, and segmentation; Large-scale virtualization methodologies and techniques; Management of virtualized systems; Platforms, tools, environments, and case studies; Making virtualization real; On-demand utilities Adaptive enterprise; Managing utility-based systems; Development environments, tools, prototypes
Systems and networks on the chip
Microtechnology and nanotechnology; Real-time embedded systems; Programming embedded systems; Controlling embedded systems; High speed embedded systems; Designing methodologies for embedded systems; Performance on embedded systems; Updating embedded systems; Wireless/wired design of systems-on-the-chip; Testing embedded systems; Technologies for systems processors; Migration to single-chip systems
Context-aware systems
Context-aware autonomous entities; Context-aware fundamental concepts, mechanisms, and applications; Modeling context-aware systems; Specification and implementation of awareness behavioral contexts; Development and deployment of large-scale context-aware systems and subsystems; User awareness requirements Design techniques for interfaces and systems; Methodologies, metrics, tools, and experiments for specifying context-aware systems; Tools evaluations, Experiment evaluations
Networking technologies
Next generation networking; Network, control and service architectures; Network signalling, pricing and billing; Network middleware; Telecommunication networks architectures; On-demand networks, utility computing architectures; Next generation networks [NGN] principles; Storage area networks [SAN]; Access and home networks; High-speed networks; Optical networks; Peer-to-peer and overlay networking; Mobile networking and systems; MPLS-VPN, IPSec-VPN networks; GRID networks; Broadband networks
Security in network, systems, and applications
IT in national and global security; Formal aspects of security; Systems and network security; Security and cryptography; Applied cryptography; Cryptographic protocols; Key management; Access control; Anonymity and pseudonymity management; Security management; Trust management; Protection management; Certification and accreditation; Virii, worms, attacks, spam; Intrusion prevention and detection; Information hiding; Legal and regulatory issues
Knowledge for global defense
Business continuity and availability; Risk assessment; Aerospace computing technologies; Systems and networks vulnerabilities; Developing trust in Internet commerce; Performance in networks, systems, and applications; Disaster prevention and recovery; IT for anti-terrorist technology innovations (ATTI); Networks and applications emergency services; Privacy and trust in pervasive communications; Digital rights management; User safety and protection
Information Systems [IS]
Management Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; Innovation and IS; Enterprise Application Integration; Enterprise Resource Planning; Business Process Change; Design and Development Methodologies and Frameworks; Iterative and Incremental Methodologies; Agile Methodologies; IS Standards and Compliance Issues; Risk Management in IS Design and Development; Research Core Theories; Conceptualisations and Paradigms in IS; Research Ontological Assumptions in IS Research; IS Research Constraints, Limitations and Opportunities; IS vs Computer Science Research; IS vs Business Studies
IPv6 Today - Technology and deployment
IP Upgrade - An Engineering Exercise or a Necessity?; Worldwide IPv6 Adoption - Trends and Policies; IPv6 Programs, from Research to Knowledge Dissemination; IPv6 Technology - Practical Information; Advanced Topics and Latest Developments in IPv6; IPv6 Deployment Experiences and Case Studies; IPv6 Enabled Applications and Devices
Continuous and Discrete Models; Optimal Models; Complex System Modeling; Individual-Based Models; Modeling Uncertainty; Compact Fuzzy Models; Modeling Languages; Real-time modeling; Peformance modeling
Multicriteria Optimization; Multilervel Optimization; Goal Programming; Optimization and Efficiency; Optimization-based decisions; Evolutionary Optimization; Self-Optimization; Extreme Optimization; Combinatorial Optimization; Disccrete Optimization; Fuzzy Optimization; Lipschitzian Optimization; Non-Convex Optimization; Convexity; Continuous Optimization; Interior point methods; Semidefinite and Conic Programming
Complexity Analysis; Computational Complexity; Complexity Reduction; Optimizing Model Complexity; Communication Complexity; Managing Complexity; Modeling Complexity in Social Systems; Low-complexity Global Optimization; Software Development for Modeling and Optimization; Industrial applications
To stop receiving notices about ICCGI, please reply with "DROP ICCGI gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at" in the subject field.
To receive notices about specific topics only, please reply with "TOPIC CHANGE gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at" in the subject field, and the specific topics in the email body.
To stop receiving any notice, please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at" in the subject field.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP for AMCIS 2012 Mini-Track on HCI Issues in
Datum: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 16:21:49 +0000
Von: Xu, David <david.xu(a)wichita.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
AMCIS 2012 Call for Papers
Minitrack: HCI Issues in Mobility
Track: HCI Studies in Information Systems (sponsored by SIGHCI)
August 9-12, 2012, Seattle, Washington
The proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and wireless networks has had a profound impact on consumption of information system based services. Companies have stepped up their efforts to support the nomadic behavior of their customers by offering applications and services through the mobile platform. Our understanding of HCI related issues in the context of smart devices and applications delivered through it is limited. Thus, the main goal of the mini-track is to initiate a knowledge base on comprehending the opportunities and challenges in the area of mobility from the perspective of HCI.
The mini-track is open to theoretical, experimental, survey-based, or field studies that offer interesting and novel theoretical and practical insights on HCI issues in mobility. Both regular papers and work-in-progress papers are welcome. The specific topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. User acceptance of mobile applications
2. Usability of mobile devices and mobile applications
3. Understanding user cognitions, beliefs, and attitudes in the mobile environment
4. Design issues related to mobile devices and applications
5. Understanding mobile services consumption behavior
6. Mobility and workplace productivity
7. Impacts of mobility on social interaction
8. Privacy and security in mobility
**** Important Dates ****
First week of January, 2012: Manuscript Central will start accepting paper submissions (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012)
March 1, 2012: (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): Deadline for paper submissions
April 2, 20012: Authors will be notified of acceptances on or about this date
April 20, 2012: (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): For accepted papers, camera ready copy due
**** Mini-track Chairs ****
David Xu
Wichita State University, Barton School of Business
Phone: 316-978-6242
Achita Muthitacharoen
Wichita State University, Barton School of Business
Phone: 316-978-6443
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call For Papers: 2012 Int'l Conf. on Security & Management
(SAM'12, USA), Submission Deadline: March 12, 2012
Datum: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 10:44:01 -0500
Von: Security Community <wcom12(a)world-comp.org>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
The 2012 International Conference on
Security and Management
Date and Location: July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA
March 12, 2012: Submission of full papers (about 7 pages)
April 12, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
April 26, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on Security
and Management (SAM'12)
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. In addition, like prior years, extended versions of
selected papers (about 40%) will appear in journals and edited research
books (publishers include: Springer, Elsevier, ...).
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
O Network Security:
Security algorithms, mobile network security, security in CDN
(Contents Distribution Networks), Virtual Private Network (VPN),
tracing techniques in internet, active networks, security in Grid,
web monitoring, network security engineering, transport-level
security, wireless network security, IP security, electronic mail
O Cryptographic Technologies:
Security protocols, key management techniques, cryptographic
technologies, applications of block and stream ciphers, applications
of public key cryptology, message authentication and hash functions,
anonymity, digital signature schemes, secret sharing, cryptanalysis.
O Security Management:
Surveillance technologies, security policies, security for protocol
management, location management, QoS management, resource management,
channel management, mobility management, digital contents copyright
protection, system security management, network security management,
management in network equipment, Storage Area Networks (SAN)
management, information security management, government security
policy, web penetration testing, security operations,
vulnerabilities management.
O Security Applications:
Security in e-Commerce and M-Commerce, secure OS, watermarking,
high-tech systems at airports, emerging technologies and
applications, Cloud computing security, database security, data
mining security, cyber security automation.
O Biometrics and Forensics:
Novel biometric methods, forensics, biological security technologies,
face recognition systems, signature recognition systems, cyber
forensics, forensic analysis, biometric technologies for security,
feature extraction and matching algorithms.
O Hardware Security:
Embedded systems security, cryptographic processors and co-processors,
security architectures, true and pseudorandom number generators,
side channel attacks, fault attacks, hardware tamper resistance,
smart card processors, secure storage devices.
O Information Assurance:
Mission assurance, risk assessment and risk management, continuity
of operations and business impact analysis, cyber security compliance,
security auditing, security-savvy software development, disaster
recovery, business continuity analysis, access control, secure use
of software, secure performance.
O Computer Security:
Firewall systems, hacking techniques and related issues, intrusion
detection system (IDS), honeypot, virus issues (detection,
prevention ...), trusted computing, alert correlation, attack graphs,
incident responding, malware analysis, incident responding, malware
analysis, intrusion detection.
O Security Education:
Computer security education, network security education, cyber
security education, cyber security body of knowledge, information
assurance education.
Currently being prepared - The ACADEMIC sponsors of the last offering of
SAM (2011) included research labs and centers affiliated with (a
partial list): University of California, Berkeley; Harvard University;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); University of Texas at
Austin; University of Southern California; Minnesota Supercomputing
Institute, University of Minnesota; Germany's University of Siegen; UMIT,
Institute of Bioinformatics and Translational Research, Austria; Georgia
Institute of Technology; University of Iowa; Russian Academy of Sciences,
Russia; University of Naples Federico II, Italy; University of Naples
Parthenope, Italy; Second University of Naples, Italy; ICEL, Texas A&M
University Com.; University of North Dakota; and others.
CORPORATE Co-Sponsors and Sponsors at-large included (a partial list):
Intel Corporation; Microsoft Research; Altera Corporation; Pico Computing;
SuperMicro Computer, Inc., USA; High Performance Computing for Nanotechnology
(HPCNano); International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine; World
Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies; Int'l Council on Medical
and Care Compunetics; UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform; Scientific Technologies Corporation; and HoIP - Health without
Boundaries; and others.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site (EasyChair) at:
Submissions must be uploaded by March 12, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All
reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the
paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each
author. The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content
of the paper. The name of the conference (ie, SAM) that the paper is
being submitted for consideration must be stated on the first page of the
paper as well as a 100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final
Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE
style) pages.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels). Proceedings of SAM will be published
in printed conference books (ISBN) and will also be made available online.
The proceedings will be indexed in science citation databases that track
citation frequency/data for each published paper (science citation databases
such as: Inspec / IET / The Institute for Engineering& Technology; The
French National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL
(covers the core scientific literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions
are journals; only about 9% are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected
to be among the 9% - accessable from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID,
Questel.Orbit, Qwam, and STN International); and others. Though, there is
no guarantee that the proceedings will also be included in
EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the past, SAM proceedings were included
in these databases. Therefore, we will also be sending the proceedings for
indexing procedures to EI Compendex/Elsevier. The printed proceedings/books
will be available for distribution on site at the conference.
In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers (such as,
Springer, Elsevier, ...) - these books will be composed after the conference.
Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming journal special issues to be
published after the conference.
Currently being finalized:
The members of the Steering Committee of The 2011 congress included:
Dr. Selim Aissi (Chief Strategist, Intel Corp., USA); Prof. Hamid Arabnia
(ISIBM elected Fellow& Professor, University of Georgia; Editor-in-Chief,
The Journal of Supercomputing / Springer; Board member, Journal of
Computational Science / Elsevier; Advisory Board, IEEE TC on Scalable
Computing); Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (Member, National Academy of Engineering,
IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, Professor; University of California, Berkeley,
USA); Prof. Hyunseung Choo (ITRC Director of Ministry of Information&
Communication; Director, ITRC; Director, Korea Information Processing
Society; Assoc. Editor, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology; Professor,
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea); Prof. Winston Wai-Chi Fang (IEEE Fellow,
TSMC Distinguished Chair Professor, National ChiaoTung University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan; Director, System-on-Chip Research Center); Prof. Kun Chang Lee
(Professor of MIS and WCU Professor of Creativity Science, Sungkyunkwan
University, South Korea); Prof. Andy Marsh (Director of HoIP and Director
of HoIP Telecom, UK; Secretary-General WABT; Vice-President Int'l Council
for Engineering and Technology, University of Westminster, UK); Prof. Layne
T. Watson (IEEE Fellow, NIA Fellow, ISIBM Fellow, Fellow of The National
Institute of Aerospace, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute& State
University, USA); Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Member, National Academy of
Engineering; IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, AAAI Fellow, IFSA Fellow;
Director, BISC; Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA).
2012 Publicity Chair: Ashu M. G. Solo (Fellow of British Computer Society;
Principal/R&D Engineer and Mathematician, Maverick Technologies
America Inc.; Director/Interdisciplinary Researcher, Solo Research Lab,
Crocels, Swansea University; Principal/Intelligent Systems Instructor,
Trailblazer Intelligent Systems, Inc.)
The 2012 Program Committee for SAM is currently being compiled. Many
who have already joined the committees are renowned leaders, scholars,
researchers, scientists and practitioners of the highest ranks; many are
directors of research labs., members of National Academy of Engineering,
fellows of various societies, heads/chairs of departments, program
directors of research funding agencies, as well as deans and provosts.
Program Committee members are expected to have established a strong and
documented research track record. Those interested in joining the Program
Committee should email Prof. Kevin Daimi ( daimikj(a)udmercy.edu ) the
following information for consideration/evaluation: Name, affiliation
and position, complete mailing address, email address, a one-page
biography that includes research expertise and the name of the
conference(s) offering to help with. The list of Program Committee of
SAM 2011 appears at:
The SAM 2012 conference is being held jointly (same location and dates)
with a number of other research conferences (WORLDCOMP). WORLDCOMP is the
largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer
engineering and applied computing. We anticipate to have 2,100 or more
attendees from over 80 countries. WORLDCOMP 2012 will be composed of
research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, tutorials,
panel discussions, and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/
tutorial/panel speakers have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer,
architecture, U. of California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as
Father of Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of
Genetic Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of
Grid Computing; U. of Chicago& ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT& Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President& Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos
available at: http://worldcomp.phanfare.com/5408606
An important mission of WORLDCOMP is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."
One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 67969
As of February 5, 2012, papers published in WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
have received 20,405 citations. In recent months (November 23, 2011 to
February 5, 2012; ie, in about 75 days), there had been 4,545 citations
to WORLDCOMP papers (about 1,800 citations per month). The above record
is significant (thanks to the authors). As the result of high impact
(based on citations) of WORLDCOMP papers, "Microsoft Academic Search"
has listed each individual track of the congress among its compiled list
of "Top Conferences". The citation record of WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
is in fact higher than the citation data of many reputable journals in
computer science and computer engineering. Citation data was obtained
obtained from http://academic.research.microsoft.com/ )
1. Web site of SAM'12: http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/
The proceedings' Table of Contents of last offering of SAM (2011) appears at:
2. Detailed information about citations to worldcomp proceedings:
3. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct
as of the date of this message). The information that appears in this
announcement supersedes earlier ones.
General inquiries should be sent to: editor(a)world-comp.org
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call For Papers: 2012 Int'l Conf. on Security & Management
(SAM'12, USA), Submission Deadline: March 12, 2012
Datum: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 10:17:56 -0500
Von: Security Community <wcom12(a)world-comp.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
The 2012 International Conference on
Security and Management
Date and Location: July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA
March 12, 2012: Submission of full papers (about 7 pages)
April 12, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
April 26, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on Security
and Management (SAM'12)
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. In addition, like prior years, extended versions of
selected papers (about 40%) will appear in journals and edited research
books (publishers include: Springer, Elsevier, ...).
SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
O Network Security:
Security algorithms, mobile network security, security in CDN
(Contents Distribution Networks), Virtual Private Network (VPN),
tracing techniques in internet, active networks, security in Grid,
web monitoring, network security engineering, transport-level
security, wireless network security, IP security, electronic mail
O Cryptographic Technologies:
Security protocols, key management techniques, cryptographic
technologies, applications of block and stream ciphers, applications
of public key cryptology, message authentication and hash functions,
anonymity, digital signature schemes, secret sharing, cryptanalysis.
O Security Management:
Surveillance technologies, security policies, security for protocol
management, location management, QoS management, resource management,
channel management, mobility management, digital contents copyright
protection, system security management, network security management,
management in network equipment, Storage Area Networks (SAN)
management, information security management, government security
policy, web penetration testing, security operations,
vulnerabilities management.
O Security Applications:
Security in e-Commerce and M-Commerce, secure OS, watermarking,
high-tech systems at airports, emerging technologies and
applications, Cloud computing security, database security, data
mining security, cyber security automation.
O Biometrics and Forensics:
Novel biometric methods, forensics, biological security technologies,
face recognition systems, signature recognition systems, cyber
forensics, forensic analysis, biometric technologies for security,
feature extraction and matching algorithms.
O Hardware Security:
Embedded systems security, cryptographic processors and co-processors,
security architectures, true and pseudorandom number generators,
side channel attacks, fault attacks, hardware tamper resistance,
smart card processors, secure storage devices.
O Information Assurance:
Mission assurance, risk assessment and risk management, continuity
of operations and business impact analysis, cyber security compliance,
security auditing, security-savvy software development, disaster
recovery, business continuity analysis, access control, secure use
of software, secure performance.
O Computer Security:
Firewall systems, hacking techniques and related issues, intrusion
detection system (IDS), honeypot, virus issues (detection,
prevention ...), trusted computing, alert correlation, attack graphs,
incident responding, malware analysis, incident responding, malware
analysis, intrusion detection.
O Security Education:
Computer security education, network security education, cyber
security education, cyber security body of knowledge, information
assurance education.
Currently being prepared - The ACADEMIC sponsors of the last offering of
SAM (2011) included research labs and centers affiliated with (a
partial list): University of California, Berkeley; Harvard University;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); University of Texas at
Austin; University of Southern California; Minnesota Supercomputing
Institute, University of Minnesota; Germany's University of Siegen; UMIT,
Institute of Bioinformatics and Translational Research, Austria; Georgia
Institute of Technology; University of Iowa; Russian Academy of Sciences,
Russia; University of Naples Federico II, Italy; University of Naples
Parthenope, Italy; Second University of Naples, Italy; ICEL, Texas A&M
University Com.; University of North Dakota; and others.
CORPORATE Co-Sponsors and Sponsors at-large included (a partial list):
Intel Corporation; Microsoft Research; Altera Corporation; Pico Computing;
SuperMicro Computer, Inc., USA; High Performance Computing for Nanotechnology
(HPCNano); International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine; World
Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies; Int'l Council on Medical
and Care Compunetics; UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform; Scientific Technologies Corporation; and HoIP - Health without
Boundaries; and others.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site (EasyChair) at:
Submissions must be uploaded by March 12, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All
reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the
paper, name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each
author. The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content
of the paper. The name of the conference (ie, SAM) that the paper is
being submitted for consideration must be stated on the first page of the
paper as well as a 100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final
Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE
style) pages.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels). Proceedings of SAM will be published
in printed conference books (ISBN) and will also be made available online.
The proceedings will be indexed in science citation databases that track
citation frequency/data for each published paper (science citation databases
such as: Inspec / IET / The Institute for Engineering& Technology; The
French National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL
(covers the core scientific literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions
are journals; only about 9% are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected
to be among the 9% - accessable from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID,
Questel.Orbit, Qwam, and STN International); and others. Though, there is
no guarantee that the proceedings will also be included in
EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the past, SAM proceedings were included
in these databases. Therefore, we will also be sending the proceedings for
indexing procedures to EI Compendex/Elsevier. The printed proceedings/books
will be available for distribution on site at the conference.
In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers (such as,
Springer, Elsevier, ...) - these books will be composed after the conference.
Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming journal special issues to be
published after the conference.
Currently being finalized:
The members of the Steering Committee of The 2011 congress included:
Dr. Selim Aissi (Chief Strategist, Intel Corp., USA); Prof. Hamid Arabnia
(ISIBM elected Fellow& Professor, University of Georgia; Editor-in-Chief,
The Journal of Supercomputing / Springer; Board member, Journal of
Computational Science / Elsevier; Advisory Board, IEEE TC on Scalable
Computing); Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (Member, National Academy of Engineering,
IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, Professor; University of California, Berkeley,
USA); Prof. Hyunseung Choo (ITRC Director of Ministry of Information&
Communication; Director, ITRC; Director, Korea Information Processing
Society; Assoc. Editor, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology; Professor,
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea); Prof. Winston Wai-Chi Fang (IEEE Fellow,
TSMC Distinguished Chair Professor, National ChiaoTung University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan; Director, System-on-Chip Research Center); Prof. Kun Chang Lee
(Professor of MIS and WCU Professor of Creativity Science, Sungkyunkwan
University, South Korea); Prof. Andy Marsh (Director of HoIP and Director
of HoIP Telecom, UK; Secretary-General WABT; Vice-President Int'l Council
for Engineering and Technology, University of Westminster, UK); Prof. Layne
T. Watson (IEEE Fellow, NIA Fellow, ISIBM Fellow, Fellow of The National
Institute of Aerospace, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute& State
University, USA); Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Member, National Academy of
Engineering; IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, AAAI Fellow, IFSA Fellow;
Director, BISC; Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA).
2012 Publicity Chair: Ashu M. G. Solo (Fellow of British Computer Society;
Principal/R&D Engineer and Mathematician, Maverick Technologies
America Inc.; Director/Interdisciplinary Researcher, Solo Research Lab,
Crocels, Swansea University; Principal/Intelligent Systems Instructor,
Trailblazer Intelligent Systems, Inc.)
The 2012 Program Committee for SAM is currently being compiled. Many
who have already joined the committees are renowned leaders, scholars,
researchers, scientists and practitioners of the highest ranks; many are
directors of research labs., members of National Academy of Engineering,
fellows of various societies, heads/chairs of departments, program
directors of research funding agencies, as well as deans and provosts.
Program Committee members are expected to have established a strong and
documented research track record. Those interested in joining the Program
Committee should email Prof. Kevin Daimi ( daimikj(a)udmercy.edu ) the
following information for consideration/evaluation: Name, affiliation
and position, complete mailing address, email address, a one-page
biography that includes research expertise and the name of the
conference(s) offering to help with. The list of Program Committee of
SAM 2011 appears at:
The SAM 2012 conference is being held jointly (same location and dates)
with a number of other research conferences (WORLDCOMP). WORLDCOMP is the
largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer
engineering and applied computing. We anticipate to have 2,100 or more
attendees from over 80 countries. WORLDCOMP 2012 will be composed of
research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, tutorials,
panel discussions, and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/
tutorial/panel speakers have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer,
architecture, U. of California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as
Father of Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of
Genetic Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of
Grid Computing; U. of Chicago& ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT& Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President& Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos
available at: http://worldcomp.phanfare.com/5408606
An important mission of WORLDCOMP is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."
One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 32229
As of February 5, 2012, papers published in WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
have received 20,405 citations. In recent months (November 23, 2011 to
February 5, 2012; ie, in about 75 days), there had been 4,545 citations
to WORLDCOMP papers (about 1,800 citations per month). The above record
is significant (thanks to the authors). As the result of high impact
(based on citations) of WORLDCOMP papers, "Microsoft Academic Search"
has listed each individual track of the congress among its compiled list
of "Top Conferences". The citation record of WORLDCOMP set of proceedings
is in fact higher than the citation data of many reputable journals in
computer science and computer engineering. Citation data was obtained
obtained from http://academic.research.microsoft.com/ )
1. Web site of SAM'12: http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/
The proceedings' Table of Contents of last offering of SAM (2011) appears at:
2. Detailed information about citations to worldcomp proceedings:
3. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct
as of the date of this message). The information that appears in this
announcement supersedes earlier ones.
General inquiries should be sent to: editor(a)world-comp.org
This email was sent to: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
To opt out of this email list:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] EUNIS 2012: Last Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 10:39:37 +0000
Von: Benjamim Fonseca <benjaf(a)utad.pt>
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
[Apologies for cross-posting]
[Please help disseminate this Call for Papers]
EUNIS 2012 Call for Presentations, Papers and Posters
EUNIS 2012 is the 18th Congress in a series of international conferences within the framework of the European University Information Systems organisation (EUNIS). EUNIS Congresses are international events that attract a large audience from Higher Education Institutions (HEI). They represent an opportunity for sharing of experience amongst international specialists, users, researchers, decision-makers, and teaching staff from all over Europe. Moreover, it is a very good event to present and publish the latest results of research, development, and deployment of Information Technology in HEIs.
The EUNIS 2012 Congress will be held in Vila Real, Portugal, on the 20th - 22thJune 2012 and is an excellent forum to present and publish the latest results of research, investigations and deployment concerning Information Technology in Higher Education Institutions.
Higher Education is a complex business, highly supported by Information Technology and Information Systems, linking together TEACHING, RESEARCH, and MANAGEMENT. The EUNIS 2012 Congress will address these three dimensions of Higher Education, unveiling an innovative 360° perspective on how IT and IS are key to the future development of Higher Education Institutions.
The EUNIS 2012 Congress’s theme is “A 360° perspective on IT/IS in Higher Education” and its topics include but are not limited to:
· Research Computing
· Green IT
· Shared Services
· Cloud Computing
· Software as a Service
· Consumerisation of technology
· Environmental Sustainable Organisations
· IT Strategy, Governance and e-Administration
· IT infrastructure and integrated systems
· Technical and legal aspects of security
· Global networks, partnerships, and exchanges
· E-science and E-repositories, virtual libraries, virtual laboratories
· E-learning and mobile learning, virtual and distance education
· Advanced technologies and multimedia for learning and teaching
· Web 2.0 and social networking at the university
· Open software, content, access, innovation, standards
· Leadership
You are invited to make a submission to the Congress,in one of the aforementioned topics, for any of the following tracks:
· Scientific – presentation of research work and results in a paper session. Submission consists in a Full Paper.
· Technological – presentation covering technological aspects of the use of IT/IS in HEI. Submission consists in an Extended Abstract.
· Good Practices – examples of successive applications and deployments of IT/IS solutions in HEI. Submission consists in an Extended Abstract.
· Poster sessions – presentation of posters covering technological aspects or good practices. Submission consists in an Extended Abstract.
To make a submission for EUNIS 2012 please go to http://www.eunis.pt/index.php/submissions.
Accepted submissions will only be scheduled into the programme and included in the congress publications if the speaker registers for the congress. Full Papers will be published in the EUNIS 2012 Congress Proceedings Book and Extended Abstracts will be published in the EUNIS 2012Congress Book of Extended Abstracts.
All congress sessions may be recorded and broadcast in a podcast format or may be streamed live. Submission of a paper/abstract implies agreement that the session may be recorded, broadcast and stored for the purposes of the EUNIS’2012 congress.
Suitable papers may be eligible for the EUNIS Jens Dørup E-Learning Award – see www.eunis.org/activities/tasks/doerup.html<http://www.eunis.org/activities/tasks/doerup.html>. The EUNIS Dørup E-learning Award was founded by the EUNIS Board in commemoration of the former member of the EUNIS Board of Directors, Jens Dørup. The award is given for the outstanding and innovative application of information technology (IT) in an educational setting in higher education. To apply to the EUNIS 2012 Dørup E-learning Award, please go to http://www.eunis.pt/index.php/submissions, download the specific template, and in the submission form choose the topic “*** EUNIS 2012 Dørup e-Learning Award ***”.
Abstracts should be no more than 2 pages and full papers a maximum of 12 pages. For extended abstracts, you have to copy the text into the appropriate submission form field. For full papers, you can download the template in http://www.eunis.pt/index.php/submissions and then upload the file into the submission system. There will also be a commercial stream where relevant commercial organisations may make presentations to the congress attendees.
Important dates:
Extended Abstract submissions: 15J February 2012
Full Papers submissions: 15 February 2012
Authors notifications: 9 March 2012
Camera-ready Extended Abstracts: 30 March 2012 Camera-ready Full Papers: 30 March 2012
Early registration: 18 May 2012
Late registration: 22 June 2012
Congress: 20-22 June 2012
For more information visit www.eunis.pt<http://www.eunis.pt/>.
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