-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: IEEE SmartGridComm'12 Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 11:59:55 -0500
Von: IEEE ComSoc Meetings <meetings(a)comsoc.org>
An: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
*Call for Papers and Proposals*
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications
(SmartGridComm 2012) is to provide a forum to discuss all aspects that
are relevant to the smart grid communication technologies and to bring
together researchers from academia, industry, and government
institutions to exchange ideas, explore enabling technologies, discuss
innovative designs, and share field trial experiences and lessons learnt.
*Tutorials - Due March 1, 2012
*Proposals are welcomed for a half or full-day tutorial presentation on
topics within the subject area of smart grid communications.
*Workshops - Due March 1, 2012
*Proposals aimed at exploring in depth special topics in the area of
smart grid communications are sought.
*Technical Symposia - Due May 6, 2012
*Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions on all
aspects of Smart Grid Communications, including but not limited to:
. Architectures and Models for the Smart Grid
. The Whole Picture - Sense, Communicate, Compute, Control
. Wide-Area Monitoring, Control & Protection
. Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy
. Smart Metering Infrastructure Networks and Data
. Smart Grid Services and Management Models
. Smart Grid Communication Networks
. Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing
. Performance Analysis and Co-simulation
. Smart Grid Standards, Test-beds and Field Trials
. Support for Storage, Renewable Sources and Micro-grid
*For more information, visit www.ieee-smartgridcomm.org
Click here
to unsubscribe
IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor , 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2012 Minitrack: Advancing
Enterprise Resource Planning Through Technology
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 19:13:14 +0100
From: jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Carsten.Brockmann(a)wi.uni-potsdam.de, "Prof. Dr. Karl
Kurbel" <kurbel.bi(a)europa-uni.de>
18th Americas Conference on Information Systems
Seattle, Washington, August 9-12, 2012
Minitrack: Advancing Enterprise Resource Planning Through
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have evolved from
large monolithic systems to more and more fragmented systems
distributing just about any aspect of a system: functions,
processes, data, hardware and infrastructure. This change
has gone hand in hand with the incorporation of more and
more business functionality into ERP. Starting from material
requirements planning (MRP) and manufacturing resource
planning (MRP II), the financial and human resources
functions as well as executive information systems and
eventually long-term strategic planning support for senior
management have been included. These developments have made
an ERP system "the" core information system of an
organization â?? and the technological backbone that other
information systems need to collaborate with. ERP related
functionality such as supply chain management (SCM),
customer relationship management (CRM) and supplier
relationship management (SRM) is either integrated, embedded
or closely coupled with an ERP system.
Software, hardware and networking technology has enabled the
increased importance of ERP systems, but it also posed
technological and managerial challenges. In contrast to the
early ERP monoliths, we nowadays have distributed
architectures â?? both conventional in-house architectures
such as client-server and service oriented architectures
(SOA) as well as externally hosted architectures used by
application-service-providing (ASP) and software-on-demand
solutions. With the appearance of mobile commerce,
software-as-a-service (SaaS) approaches and cloud computing,
additional challenges have emerged.
Technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID)
have opened up new opportunities for an organization to act
and react in real-time. RFID, smart items and the "Internet
of things" impose new requirements on ERP systems, such as
being capable of context-aware information processing.
For the new technologies to be successfully implemented,
security issues need to be resolved and a satisfactory level
of trust in the technologies has to be created.
Organizations seem to be hesitant about having their
mission-critical business processes run somewhere out in a
"cloud" and maintaining their core business data in a
nirvana. Nevertheless, cloud computing is rapidly gaining pace.
In the past, the vendors of software-on-demand solutions
have not been able to generate significant revenue from this
type of solution. This is about to change, as cloud
computing is penetrating every branch of business
information processing.
The rationale of this minitrack is exploration of new
technologies that can further enhance enterprise resource
planning. We invite papers that pursue a constructionist
approach to information systems development, following an
engineering-like or design-science research style. Papers
presenting the development of prototypes as a proof of
concept are welcome. Technology-oriented papers should give
consideration to the business value of the proposed
approaches or solutions.
Suggested Topics:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Architectures for ERP and related business information
- ERP systems based on service oriented architectures (SOA)
- Software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for ERP and related
- Orchestrating an ERP system from web services/enterprise
- ERP on demand for small and medium-size enterprises
- Federated ERP systems, standardization and collaboration
- ERP and cloud computing
- Impact of virtualization and infrastructure-as-a-service
on ERP
- Integrating RFID solutions with ERP
- Impact of the "Internet of things" on future ERP systems
- Integrating legacy ERP systems with new components using
state-of-the-art technologies
- Mobile ERP and related areas such as mobile SCM, mobile
CRM and mobile SRM
- Security issues and trust in new technologies for
enterprise resource planning
Submission Procedure
Submit your manuscript using the manuscript central system at:
Important Dates
â?¢ January 3, 2012: Manuscript Central will start
accepting paper submissions
â?¢ March 1, 2012: (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): Deadline
for paper submissions
â?¢ April 2, 20012: Authors will be notified of
acceptances on or about this date
â?¢ April 20, 2012: (11:59 PM Pacific time zone): For
accepted papers, camera ready copy due
Minitrack Chairs: Karl Kurbel, Jorge Marx Gómez
Prof. Dr. Karl Kurbel
Business Informatics
European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
kurbel.BI(a)uni-ffo.de; www.wiwi.uni-ffo.de/bi
ph +49 335 5534 2320, fax +49 335 5534 2321
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez
Business Informatics
Oldenburg University
Tel. +49 (0) 441/ 798-4470
E-Mail: jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez
Universität Oldenburg
Department für Informatik
Abt. Wirtschaftsinformatik I
Very Large Business Applications
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg
Tel. 0441/ 798-4470
Sekr. -4478 (Julia Franke)
Fax -4472
E-Mail: jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Preliminary CFP of FCST
2012 --- All accepted papers will be published in SCI or EI
indexed journals
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 18:12:12 +0100
From: Gregorio Martinez <gregorio(a)um.es>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Preliminary CFP: The 7th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST-12)
School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, China
School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University, China
Venue& Dates:
Suzhou, China, November 21-23, 2012
Technical Co-Sponsorship:
IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE TCSC
Conference Website:
Paper Submission:
Welcome to participate in the 7th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST-12), Suzhou, China, November 21-23, 2012!
In ancient China, Suzhou was the Capital of the Kingdom of Wu from the 12th to 4th centuries, B.C. As an old Chinese saying goes: Ą°Heaven above,
Suzhou and Hangzhou below.Ąą Suzhou is well known in China and abroad for its wonderful landscapes, elegant gardens and various stone bridges, as well
as its eminent historical and cultural values.
FCST-12 is intended to facilitate effective communications and exchanges all over the world. It will not only reflect the significant progresses that
are currently being made in computer science and technology, but also represent a powerful and unique forum for discussing innovative, cutting-edge
advances in all aspects of computer science and technology from researchers and practitioners in academia, government and corporate institutions
around the globe.
FCST-12 derives from the Japan-China Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology. It follows the success of FCST 2011 in Changsha,
China; FCST 2010 in Changchun, China; FCST 2009 in Shanghai, China; FCST 2008 in Nagasaki, Japan; FCST 2007 in Wuhan, China; and FCST 2006 in
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. The conference aims to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, engineers and researchers to Suzhou, in order to
present, discuss and exchange ideas, results, work-in-progresses and experiences, in the areas of advanced computing for problems in science and
engineering applications.
Scope and Interests
FCST-12 is an international forum for presenting and discussing emerging ideas and trends in the frontier of computer science and technology from both
the research community as well as the industry. Topics of interest in this year focus on 5 popular areas in particular, but are not limited to:
(1) Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC Track)
1. Parallel/Distributed Architectures
2. Heterogeneous and Multimedia Systems
3. Ubiquitous Computing Systems and Cloud/Grid Computing Systems
4. Real-Time Parallel and Distributed Systems
5. Multi-Core Programming and Software Tools
6. Agent Technologies
7. Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems and Middleware
8. Parallel Languages and Compilers
9. Parallel and Distributed Applications and Web Services
10. Analysis and Design of Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
11. Task Mapping and Job Scheduling
12. Distributed Data and Knowledge Based Systems
13. High-Performance Scientific Computing
14. Resource Allocation and Management
15. Network Routing and Communication Algorithms
16. Bioinformatics in Parallel Computing
17. Security in Parallel and Distributed Systems
18. Self-Healing, Self-Protecting, Reliability, and Fault-Tolerant Systems
(2) Trust, Security and Privacy (TSP Track)
1. Trust Semantics, Metrics, and Models
2. Trusted Computing Platform
3. Risk and Reputation Management
4. Reliability, Dependability, and Fault Tolerance
5. Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability
6. Security Policy, Model, and Architecture
7. Access Control, Intrusion Detection, Firewalls, and Packet Filters
8. Applied Cryptography
9. Embedded Systems Security
10. Distributed Denial of Service, Malware, and Botnets
11. Secure Routing, Naming/Addressing, and Network Management
12. Privacy and Anonymity
13. Information Hiding
14. Security& Privacy in Database Systems
15. Security& Privacy in Parallel and Distributed Systems
16. Security& Privacy in Web Applications
17. Security& Privacy in Electronic Payments
18. Security& Privacy in Wired, Wireless, Mobile, Hybrid, Sensor, and Ad Hoc Networks
19. Trust, Security and Privacy in Cloud computing, Social Networks, and Internet of Things
(3) Multimedia Systems and Networks (Multimedia Track)
1. Multimedia Fusion
2. Multimedia Data Management Systems and Applications
3. 3D Representation/Recognition/Retrieval
4. Digital Signal Processing Techniques and Applications
5. Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures in Multimedia Systems
6. Integration of Content, Meta Data, and Social Networks
7. Computer Graphics
8. Networked GPUs, Graphics, and Virtual Environments
9. Networked Games/Real-Time Immersive Systems
10. Multimedia Network Architectures and Protocols
11. Network Security and Safety
12. QoS Issues in Multimedia Services and Applications
13. Cloud-Based Multimedia Delivery
14. Biomedical Signal Processing and Systems
15. Social Media as Sensors
16. Multimedia Applications on Mobile Devices
17. Digital Home Technology and Services
18. Web 2.0 Systems and Social Networks
19. Audio and Video-On-Demand
(4) Embedded Computing and Systems (Embedded Track)
1. Embedded System Architectures
2. Embedded Networks and Communication Systems
3. Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
4. Embedded Applications
5. Embedded Real-Time Systems
6. Embedded System Software
7. Embedded Software Engineering
8. Embedded Database and Multimedia Systems
9. Embedded Hardware Platforms and Technologies
10. Embedded Hardware/Software Co-Design
11. Embedded Circuit and Multi-Core Technologies
12. Embedded Systems Security and Reliability
13. Embedded Low-Power Systems
14. Embedded Systems QoS Management
15. Embedded Systems Modeling and Analysis
(5) Emerging Software Techniques (Software Track)
1. Software Architecture and Software Engineering Models
2. Requirement Engineering and Requirement Elicitation
3. Software Components and Reuse
4. New Software Development Platform and Ecological Construction
5. New Software Development Languages
6. Software Testing, Analysis, and Verification
7. Software Configuration Management and Deployment
8. Agile Software Development Methodologies and Practices
9. Software Projects and Software Quality Management
10. Software Products and Process Improvement
11. Software Measurement and Metrics
12. Engineering Safety and Security in Critical Software
13. Software Optimization, Formal Methods, and Tools
14. Software Evolution Techniques
15. Intelligent Software Systems Design
16. Software Techniques for Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Cloud Computing Systems
17. Empirical Software Engineering
18. Evidence-Based Software Engineering
Submission and Publication Information
Papers should be written in English conforming to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Format (8.5" x 11", Two-Column). Papers should be submitted through
the EasyChair paper submission system . Each paper is limited to 12 pages (or 16 pages with the over length charge).
All accepted papers of the conference will first appear in U-disk proceedings (without ISBN number), and then all accepted papers will be published in
special issues of refereed international journals to be indexed by SCI and EI (special issues will be announced soon). The program committee will
select two winners for the Best Paper Awards for this conference. Submitting a paper to the conference means that, if the paper is accepted, at least
one author should pay the registration fee and present the paper at the conference.
Important Dates
(1) Paper submission due: June 30, 2012
(2) Pre-Notification (First Round): August 30, 2012
(3) Final-Notification (Second Round): October 15, 2012
(4) Camera-Ready Papers Due: November 15, 2012
Steering Co-Chairs
Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science& Technology, China
General Co-Chairs
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
Fanzhang Li, Soochow University, China
Program Co-Chairs
Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
Program Vice Co-Chairs
(1) Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC Track)
Rajendra V. Boppana, UT San Antonio, USA
Xiaofei Liao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Raphael C.-W. Phan, Loughborough University, UK
(2) Trust, Security and Privacy (TSP Track)
Christian Callegari, University of Pisa, Italy
Georgios Kambourakis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Ryan K. L. Ko, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Singapore
Jinshu Su, National University of Defense Technology, China
(3) Multimedia Systems and Networks (Multimedia Track)
Mohamed Hamdi, Communication Networks and Security Research Lab., Tunisia
Xingang Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Yulei Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Neal N. Xiong, Georgia State University, USA
(4) Embedded Computing and Systems (Embedded Track)
Qingxu Deng, Northeastern University, China
Jian Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
(5) Emerging Software Techniques (Software Track)
Xiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida, USA
Fang Qi, Central South University, China
Fangfang Zhou, Central South University, China
Organizing Co-Chairs
Jiwen Yang, Soochow University, China
Li Zhang, Soochow University, China
Organizing Committee
Xiaocheng Du, Soochow University, China
Yuchen Fu, Soochow University, China
Wenzhong Gu, Soochow University, China
Shuping He, Soochow University, China
Xupei Qian, Soochow University, China
Bangjun Wang, Soochow University, China
Genrong Wang, Soochow University, China
Wangshu Yao, Soochow University, China
Publicity Co-Chairs
Carlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain
Wenbin Jiang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Fang Qi, Central South University, China
Publication Co-Chairs
Wang Yang, Central South University, China
Pin Liu, Central South University, China
Xiaofei Xing, Central South University, China
Xiaoxiao Zheng, Central South University, China
Linlin Shan, Central South University, China
Xiangyong Liu, Central South University, China
Please email inquiries concerning FCST 2012 to:
Prof. Guojun Wang: csgjwang AT gmail DOT com and the conference organizers: FCST2012Suzhou AT gmail DOT com
Gregorio Martinez, PhD
University of Murcia, Spain
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final Call for Papers - Deadline is Feb
29: 10th Annual Int'l Smart sourcing Conference on June
28-29, 2012 at SolBridge Int'l University
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 16:06:43 +0000
From: Shailendra Palvia <Shailendra.Palvia(a)liu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: koreasing(a)solbridge.ac.kr <koreasing(a)solbridge.ac.kr>,
'gustavo.pares(a)gmail.com' <gustavo.pares(a)gmail.com>,
'Padmanabhan, Prasad' <ppadmanabhan1(a)stmarytx.edu>
Dear Researchers around the World:
Here is your opportunity to be among a super mix of
researchers and practitioners debating and discussing issues
and challenges of global sourcing of services in this ever
changing economic landscape of the world.
Please send a one page abstract of paper you would like to
present or moderate a session on latest by February 29,
2012. Please read details about tracks and schedules below.
Dr. Shailendra Palvia
Professor of MIS, College of Management
C.W. Post Campus, Long Island University, Brookville, NY 11801.
Founding Editor, Journal of IT Case and Applications
Research (JITCAR), www.jitacr.org <http://www.jitacr.org/>
World Conference Chairperson, Tenth Annual Int'l Smart
Sourcing Conference
Solbridge University, South Korea, June 21-22, 2012.
www.outsourceglobal.org <http://www.outsourceglobal.org/>
Phone #: 732-983-7034
tenth Annual International Smart Sourcing Conference
SOLBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL School of business (daejeon, korea),
June 28-29, 2012
Call for papers
_World Conference Chairperson_: Dr. Shailendra Palvia,
Professor of MIS and Founding Editor of the Journal of IT
Case and Application Research (JITCAR), Long Island
University, Brookville, NY.
_Academic Program Chairperson_: Dr. Prasad Padmanabhan,
Professor of Finance, Myra Stafford Pryor Chair of Free
Enterprise and Sam Walton Fellow, Bill Greehey School of
Business, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX.
_Industry Program Chairperson_ : Mr. Gustavo Peres. CEO,
Consultoría Lomas Altas
Av. Paseo de la Reforma 2600, Lomas Altas, Mexico DF
/We invite researchers, industry practitioners and policy
makers to submit proposals for papers, panel discussions and
workshops related to global outsourcing of IT and ITES for
the Tenth Annual International Smart sourcing Conference,
(ISSC'10) to be held at *SolBridge International School of
Business in Daejeon, South Korea on June 28-29, 2012*.
Previous nine conferences have been held in different cities
of USA, except the 2008 and 2009 conferences, which were
held in India at the University of Hyderabad and at IIT
Delhi, respectively. ./
The theme of the 10th conference will be:***SOURCING OF
Dr. Varun Grover, Dr. Subbu Murthy and other distinguished
people from academia and industry are among the likely
keynote speakers at the conference. In the past, the
delegates have hailed from Australia, Austria, Brazil,
China, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Russia,
Singapore, South Africa, U.K., U.S.A.
*/_Announced Sponsors_/**/__/*
*1. Bill Greehey School of Business*
*St. Mary's University, San Antonia, TX 78228*
*2. Global IT Management Association (GITMA)*
* Greensboro, North Carolina*
*3. Ivy League Publishing, Marietta, Georgia*
*/_Local Organizing Committee_/*:
*/YongWook Jun, Ph.D/*
*Local Arrangements Chairperson*
Dean and Vice President,
SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea
Email: junywk(a)solbridge.ac.kr <mailto:junywk@solbridge.ac.kr>
Tel: +82 42 6308503
*/(Sing) Chia-Hsing Huang, Ph.D/*
*Local Arrangements Co-chairperson*
Associate Professor
SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea
Email: koreasing(a)solbridge.ac.kr
Tel: +82 42 6308527
*/N. Rao Kowtha, Ph.D./*
Associate Dean*/
/*SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1 Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814, Republic of Korea
Email: rkowtha(a)solbridge.ac.kr <mailto:rkowtha@solbridge.ac.kr>
Tel: (82) 42-6308522
Fax: (82) 42-6308510
*/Sung Tae "Daniel" Kim, Ph.D./*
Assistant Professor
SolBridge International School of Business
Woosong Educational Foundation
Room 1007
151-13 Samsung 1-dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814, Republic of Korea
Email: stkim1(a)solbridge.ac.kr <mailto:stkim1@solbridge.ac.kr>
Phone: +82 42 630 8536
Fax: +82 42 630 8840
*/Nam Sung Ahn, Ph.D/*
Associate Professor
SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea
Email: nsahn(a)solbridge.ac.kr <mailto:nsahn@solbridge.ac.kr>
Tel: +82 42 6308529
*/Rajesh Rajaguru, Ph.D/*
Assistant Professor (Marketing)
SolBridge International School of Business
Daejeon, South Korea
Email: rajeshrajaguru(a)solbridge.ac.kr
Tel: +82 42 630 8538
+82 10 7564 6662
*/Please submit papers or any questions regarding the papers
to the World Conference Chairperson Professor Shailendra
Palvia at spalvia(a)liu.edu <mailto:spalvia@liu.edu> . You
must indicate the track for which you want the paper to be
considered. If you are not sure about the track, please say
OTHER. Our track chairs at present are:/**//*
_Track_: */Global Sourcing of Services for SME Vendors and
SME Clients/*
Dr. Subbu Murthy, President and CEO (OR HIS CIO)
17215 Studebaker Rd.,
Suite 339 Cerritos,
CA 90703
Ph : +1-909-450-7888
e-mail: subbu(a)usourceit.com <mailto:subbu@usourceit.com>
_Track_: */Global Sourcing of Financial Services/*
Dr. (Sing) Chia-Hsing Huang
Associate Professor
SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea
E-mail: koreasing(a)solbridge.ac.kr
Tel: +82 42 6308527
_Track_: *Healthcare Outsourcing and Medical Tourism*
Ms, Madhuruchi Lamba
CEO and Founder President
Website: www.medivyom.com <http://www.medivyom.com/>
E-mail: madhuruchi(a)medivyom.com <mailto:madhuruchi@medivyom.com>
E-mail: madhuruchilamba(a)gmail.com
Ph in India: +91 9560445551 <tel:%2B91%209560445551>
Ph in US: +5164628987 <tel:%2B5164628987>
_Track_: */The Indian Subcontinent__/*
*Dr. Jaideep Ghosh*
Faculty, Information Systems and Operations Management
School of Management,
George Mason University,
Phone #: 571-830-6116
Mobile #: 301-938-1032
E-mail: jghosh(a)gmu.edu <mailto:jghosh@gmu.edu>
_Track_: */Taiwan and ASIAN Countries other than India,
Korea, Singapore and ASEAN countries/*
*/Dr. /**/Yi-Hsien Wang /*
Associate Professor
Department of Banking and Finance
Chinese Culture University
55, Hwa-Kang Road, Yang-Ming-Shan,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
E-mail: wyx12(a)faculty.pccu.edu.tw
holland(a)mail2000.com.tw <mailto:holland@mail2000.com.tw>
Tel: +886 938 266787
_Track_: */Singapore and ASEAN Countries/*
*/N. Rao Kowtha, Ph.D./*
Associate Dean*/
/*Solbridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1 Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814, Republic of Korea
Email: rkowtha(a)solbridge.ac.kr <mailto:rkowtha@solbridge.ac.kr>
Tel: (82) 42-6308522
Fax: (82) 42-6308510
_Track_: */Mexico and Latin America/*
*Mtro. Gustavo R. Parés Arce*
CEO, Consultoría Lomas Altas
Av. Paseo de la Reforma 2600, Lomas Altas, Mexico DF
Telephone: +(52 1) 55 26 86 36 96
Email: gustavo.pares(a)itesm.mx
<mailto:gustavo.pares@itesm.mx> / gustavo.pares(a)gmail.com
_Track: _*/Other /*
*Dr. Prasad Padmanabhan *
Professor of Finance, Myra Stafford Pryor Chair of Free
Enterprise and Sam Walton Fellow
Bill Greehey School of Business
St. Mary's University San Antonia, TX 78228
Tel: +1-210-431-2034
Fax: +1-210-431-2115
Email: ppadmanabhan1(a)stmarytx.edu
While submitting a paper to the World Conference Chairperson
-- Dr. Shailendra Palvia, *spalvia(a)liu.edu*
<mailto:spalvia@liu.edu> please note the following,//
·The deadline for submission of all papers is February 29, 2012.
·For academic researchers, full paper should not exceed 20
pages double spaced.
·For industry practitioners, paper length should not exceed
5 pages double spaced.
·Proposals should be submitted as soft copies, using MS-Word.
Blind review comments/recommendation will be provided by
March 15, 2012. At that time, authors of the few
outstanding papers will be invited to submit full blown
papers for publication consideration in the well regarded
double blind\refereed journal called Journal of IT Case and
Application Research (JITCAR) and the Journal of Global IT
Management (JGITM). Early bird registration deadline is
April 30, 2012.
·Final conference paper and Power-point presentation slides
are due by April 15, 2012.
·All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of
the conference.
·All accepted papers must be presented at the conference.
·In case of multiple authors, at least one of the authors
must register and present the paper at the conference.
Three outstanding papers will be recognized at the
conference and will be published either in the JITCAR or in
All accepted papers from the Healthcare outsourcing and
Medical Tourism track will also be considered for a book on
Global Medical Tourism to be co-edited by Dr. Shailendra C.
Palvia and Dr. Prasad Padmanabhan.
By submitting the proposals, the authors are granting Center
for Global Sourcing, the permission for use of the paper
and presentations in any subsequent publication related to
this conference in its original or edited form to suit the
of the publication.
*_Partial lists of topics you may want to consider
are_*(please note: any paper related to Global Sourcing of
Services will be considered).
1.Case studies in global outsourcing of Medical, Healthcare
and E-Commerce solutions.
2.Future of Medical Tourism in North America.
3.What's the difference between "Smart-Sourcing" and
4.What's the difference between "Off-shoring" and
5.Developing Patient Safety standards for Medical Tourism.
6.The Healthcare crisis and possible alternatives.
7.The electronic Medical Marketplace.
8.The logistics of Global Medical Tourism.
9.The 360 degrees of patient care in Medical Tourism.
10.Issues in socialized healthcare systems (Canada, UK etc.)
11.Employee Wellness and controlling healthcare costs for
12.Healthcare informatics and outsourcing.
13.How executive leadership and vision, combined with
outsourcing result in competitive advantage?
14.HIPPA laws and Medical Tourism.
15.Outsourcing in radiology and/or medical transcriptions.
16.JACHO v/s JCI accreditations.
17.What type of an organizational culture complements
18.Strategy, selection and outsourcing management systems.
19.What does and does not work in outsourcing?
20.PKI's and executive dashboard for measuring success of an
outsourcing project.
21.Perceived loss of control, privacy and security issues
with outsourcing.
22.Competitive aspects of outsourcing, and limitations posed
by a preferred vendor's list.
23.Capabilities of first, second and third-tier outsourcing
24.Critical success factors for GSO and e-Commerce Solutions
25.How to Manage an Outsourcing Alliance?
26.Cultural issues related to the selection of outsourcing
27.Software Outsourcing according to the SDLC stages - what
factors and criteria to consider?
28.Pros and Cons of Onsite versus Off-site Outsourcing.
29.Role of Application Service Providers (ASP) in outsourcing.
30.Role of Incubators in outsourcing e-Business Ideas.
31.Issues in inland outsourcing.
32.Opportunities in near-shore outsourcing (Latin America
and Canada).
33.Challenges in off-shore outsourcing (India, China and
other South East Asian countries).
34.India and Thailand as a destination for Medical Tourism
35.Call center outsourcing and Business process outsourcing
(BPO) issues.
36.Issues related to outsourcing newspaper and advertisement
related functions.
37.China as a destination for Outsourcing manufacturing.
38.Outsourcing and e-Business.
39.Outsourcing customer support and relationship management
on the internet.
40.Outsourcing vendor selection approach.
41.Outsourcing logistics function by e-businesses.
42.CIOs role in IT outsourcing.
43.Outsourcing of legacy modernization.
44.Russia as a destination for Outsourcing.
45.ERP Application support outsourcing.
46.Legal issues in outsourcing the client perspective.
47.Legal issues in outsourcing contracts.
48.Due Diligence in Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
49.Outsourcing of Hollywood Film projects to Bollywood in Mumbai
50.Outsourcing online gaming and casino operations.
51.Case studies related to outsourcing.
52.Emerging problems associated with outsourcing.
53.Trends of global outsourcing - India & China.
54.Trends of global outsourcing - Europe and South America.
55.Cost-Benefit Analysis of outsourcing.
56.Vendor management challenges.
57.Emerging Markets in offshoring.
58.Captive Centre - Success Factors & Stories.
59.HR - Key factor to create a sustainable benefit.
60.Product Research across borders - Innovation through
61.IP issues in offshoring.
62.Offshoring Opportunities for Europe based organizations.
63.Outsourcing of downloadable electronic services and its
impact on library users.
Visit*http://www.outsourceglobal.org/*for the latest
conference details.
26 Berkley Blvd, Iselin, NJ 08830, U.S.A.
*Phone:*+1 (732) 983-7034
*E-mail:**spalvia@liu.edu* <mailto:spalvia@liu.edu>
[mailto:aisworld-bounces@lists.aisnet.org] *On Behalf Of
*Ravi Bapna
*Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2012 10:51 AM
*To:* aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Subject:* [AISWorld] Top Five Reasons to Attend Friday's
MISRC Social Media Panel
As the Great One, Wayne Gretzky said:
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great
hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.
Here are top five reasons why you must check out MISRC's
panel discussion on the Business Use of Social Media,
moderated by NYU's Anindya Ghose, and featuring Mayo
Clinic's social media lead, FarrisTamimi, MD, Best Buy's
Global CoE Social Media Lead, Gina Debogovich, and Wade
Gerten, Founder and CEO of interactive marketing company 8th
·Does your company need a Chief Content Officer?
·Can social media sites like patientslikeme.com
<http://patientslikeme.com/> change the balance of power
between patients and the medical establishment?
·Does the phrase 'The API Economy' mean anything to you?
·Is 'gamification' going to lead to monetization?
·Should Facebook open it's timeline feature to brands?
So signup for the live webcast or attend in person if you
are a part of the larger Carlson community or a MISRC member
company (space is limited) this coming Friday, Feb 17, 2012,
3-5 p.m. Details at http://misrc.umn.edu/socialmedia/
Hope to see you there!
Event Hashtag --- #MISRCSocMedia
Ravi Bapna
Board of Overseers Professor of Information and Decision
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(w) +1 (612) 625 3698
Blog: http://www.magicbazaar.org/
Twitter: @ravibapna
Executive Director
Srini Raju Centre for IT and the Networked Economy (SRITNE)
Indian School of Business
Hyderabad, 500 032
www.isb.edu/sritne <http://www.isb.edu/sritne>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] GRCIS'12 CfP - 4th International
Workshop on Governance, Risk and Compliance @ CAiSE2010
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 17:19:51 +1000
From: Marta Indulska <m.indulska(a)business.uq.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
26 June, 2012
Gdansk, Poland
In conjunction with CAiSE'12 (http://www.caise2012.univ.gda.pl/)
Paper Submission: February 28, 2012
The importance of governance and associated issues of compliance and risk management is well recognized in enterprise systems. This importance has dramatically increased over the last few years as a result of numerous events that led to some of the largest scandals in corporate history. The governance, risk and compliance market is estimated to be worth over $32 billion. Tool support for governance, risk and compliance related initiatives is provided by over 100 software vendors, however, while the tools have on average tripled in price since 2003, they are often insufficient to meet organizational needs. At the same time, there is an increasing complexity in the facilitation of compliant business processes, which stems from an increasing number of regulations, frequent and dynamic changes, as well as shared processes and services executing in highly decentralized environments.
In the age of outsourcing, dynamic business networks, and global commerce, it is inevitable that organizations will need to develop methods, tools and techniques to design, engineer, and assess processes and services that meet regulatory, standard and contractual obligations. Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) can be expected to play a significant part in several applications. This area is emerging as a critical and challenging area of research and innovation. It introduces, among others, the need for new or adapted modeling approaches for compliance requirements, extension of process and service modeling and execution frameworks for compliance and risk management, and detection of policy violations. In addition, it introduces questions relating specifically to the use of technology to support compliance management. For example, how auditors and regulators can put into use techniques like continuous monitoring and data analysis to assess whether an organization complies with relevant rules and regulations, or how technology can be used to support assessment of design and operational effectiveness of controls.
This workshop will provide, for the fourth year running, a forum for researchers from diverse areas and make a consolidated contribution in the form of new and extended methods that address the challenges of governance, risk and compliance in information systems. Industry papers are also encouraged at this workshop.
Topics covered by the workshop will include at least the following:
*Policy definition and enforcement
*Smart auditing
*Compliant service and process design
*Noncompliant process identification
*ICT-enabled risk management
*Visualization and simulation of risk in process models
*Governance processes
*Integration and effectuation of multiple regulatory standards
*Compliance, risk and tolerance metrics
*Organizational structures to support compliance
*Requirements engineering for compliant information systems
*Implementations of compliance technologies
*Separation of duties/Separation of rights
*Decision tracing
*Data provenance and lineage
*Work tracking
*Violation detection
*Applications of RuleML, SBVR, and other rule modeling approaches
*Technologies for compliance assurance
*Applications, case studies and use cases
Submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. Accepted papers will be published in a printed Springer LNBIP proceedings. Papers should clearly establish the research contribution, and relation to previous research. Position, survey and industry papers are also welcome. Authors of the best workshop paper will be invited to submit an extended version of the paper to International Journal of Information System Modeling an Design.
Paper Submission: February 28, 2012
Notification of acceptance: March 16, 2012
Camera ready: March 23, 2012
Workshop: June 26, 2012
Papers should be submitted in PDF format and must not exceed 14 pages. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must conform to Springer's LNBIP formatting rules. Further authoring instructions are available at: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0. Three to five keywords characterizing the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract. It is expected that at least one author of each accepted paper will register for and attend the workshop. Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair submission system found at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=grcis2012
Dr Marta Indulska
UQ Business School
The University of Queensland
Dr Michael zur Muehlen
Howe School of Technology Management
Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr Shazia Sadiq
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland
Dr Yao-Hua Tan
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management
Delft University of Technology
Dr Sietse Overbeek
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management
Delft University of Technology
Email: grcis AT business.uq.edu.au
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP for AMCIS 2012 Mini-track on
"Ethical Issues in Information Systems"
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 01:36:53 +0000
From: Alan Litchfield <alan.litchfield(a)aut.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*Track:* Philosophical Perspectives in IS (SIGPhilosophy)
*Mini-track:* Ethics in Information Systems
*Mini-track chairs*
Alan T Litchfield: Faculty of Design and Creative
Technologies, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland,
New Zealand. Email:alan.litchfield@aut.ac.nz
Sutirtha Chatterjee: College of Business, Prairie View A & M
University, Texas, USA. Email:suchatterjee@pvamu.edu
*Mini-track Description*
For research and professional practice in the field of
Information Systems, ethics maintains a broad range of
concerns that impact the work of professionals, academics
and researchers, and the work and lives of those who are
dependent upon the successful and appropriate deployment of
information systems (for example, Chatterjee, Sarker &
Fuller, 2009; Mingers and Walsham, 2010). Recent world
events reported in the media highlight the need for a
constant review of ethics, both in application and theory,
through sociopolitical and sociotechnical lenses.
The use and application of computing technologies typically
derives positive and negative influences for humanity.
Accounts exist of the negative impacts of unforeseen events,
the misuse of technologies, or the corruption of otherwise
well-intentioned technologies, as well as being part of a
wider negative impact on the environment. It is when such
events occur that the role that practitioners and researcher
play is brought into question. Typically, ethics in
computing and information technology has concentrated on
certain specific areas such as whether ethics in computing
is a unique field, how ethics is treated pedagogically,
issues of logic versus moral responsibility, matching
computer use against human values, the ethics of
professionals and practitioners, and so on. However, some of
the debates regarding ethics have been renewed in light of
recent advances in technology and the uses to which
technology is applied.
Moor (1985, p. 266) says: $B!H(BA typical problem in
computer ethics arises because there is a policy vacuum
about how computer technology should be used. Computers
provide us with new capabilities and these in turn give us
new choices for action. Often, either no policies for
conduct in these situations exist or existing policies seem
inadequate. A central task of computer ethics is to
determine what we should do in such cases, that is,
formulate policies to guide our actions.$B!I(B
This mini-track provides a forum for the expression of
debates and arguments surrounding these and other issues.
Authors can present cases that have arisen out of present
and past researches, and events that clarify ethical
dimensions. Papers should be of a standard where specific
issues are identified and questions or solutions presented.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
$B!|(BApplications of classical ethical theory
$B!|(BComputer crime
$B!|(BEthics in research
$B!|(BEthics issues and arguments on IS related phenomena
that include security, knowledge management, strategy,
information systems development, collaboration, plus others.
$B!|(BEthics issues and arguments that face IS researchers
and academics in the preparation and execution of their
$B!|(BEthics of information use and misuse, especially in
an increasingly networked world
$B!|(BEthics of professionals and practitioners
$B!|(BGlobalization of computerization and its effect on
$B!|(BIntellectual property issues
$B!|(BLogic versus moral responsibility
$B!|(BMatching computer use against human values
$B!|(BPedagogical issues in ethics education
$B!|(BPrivacy and anonymity issues
$B!|(BThe encroachment of information technologies into
the lives of people
$B!|(BThe ethics of distance learning in advanced education
$B!|(BThe impacts of social networking on the work place
$B!|(BThe use and misuse of computers in the workplace
Moor, J. (1985) $B!H(BWhat Is Computer Ethics?$B!I(B
Metaphilosophy, 16(4): 266-75.
Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., and Fuller, M. (2009). "Ethical
Information Systems Development: A Baumanian Postmodernist
Perspective," Journal of the Association for Information
Systems 10(11), 787-815.
Mingers, J., and Walsham, G. (2010). "Toward Ethical
Information Systems: The Contribution of Discourse Ethics,"
MIS Quarterly 34 (4), 833-854.
Track Chair
Alan Litchfield
Alan T Litchfield MBus (Hons), CTT, MNZCS
Programme Leader, Masters in Services Oriented Computing
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies
Auckland University of Technology
Ph +649 921 9999 x5217
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] MCIS 2012 - Information Risk, Security
and Privacy Track Call for Papers
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 20:21:13 -0500
From: Gurpreet Dhillon <gpdhillon5(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
MCIS 2012 - The 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
September 8-10, 2012
Guimar„es, Portugal
Information Risk, Security and Privacy Track
Call for Papers
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: March 9, 2012
Notification of acceptance: May 11, 2012
Camera-ready submissions: June 1, 2012
Aims and Scope
The contemporary society has been labeled the knowledge society. As
knowledge workers, people use information and IT in creative,
innovative and productive ways in order to create value through the
exploitation of understanding. Extending the level of analysis from
the individual to the group or society we find new forms of
creating, sharing and using knowledge, such as crowdsourcing and
cloud wisdom.
To perform their activities, knowledge workers depend on
information, IT and information systems. This reliance is extensive
to organizations and society. The computerization of work brings
new challenges and opportunities, as well as new threats. The
knowledge society might also be labeled the risk society. Adverse
events such as human errors, uncontrolled complexity, ineffective
governance, analysis and design faults in information systems,
violations of safeguards by trusted personnel, system intruders,
malware, environmental damage and offensive information warfare may
endanger individual, organizational and social well-being. A
security breach or a privacy violation may expose the vulnerability
of the fabric of our society, woven of a myriad of personal,
organizational and inter-organizational information systems and
public and private information services.
This track provides a forum for the discussion and exchange of
relevant findings and promising ideas on information risk, security
and privacy. The track welcomes theoretical and empirical
submissions and is particularly looking for contributions which
discuss the results of interdisciplinary research on information
risk, security and privacy grounded on the intersection of theory,
methods and empirical findings.
The submissions may consider technical, formal, informal or
regulatory issues, focusing on technological, organizational or
social aspects of information risk, security and privacy.
The track aims to attract rigorous research that may prove useful
for the effective and efficient management of information risk,
security and privacy. In addition, it also aims to motivate the
exploitation of new or alternative research paths in the realm of
information risk, security and privacy contemporary issues.
List of Relevant Topics
Relevant topics include, but are not limited, to:
- Information Risks of Emergent Technologies
- Information Risk Management
- Economics of Information Risk, Security and Privacy
- Governance of Information Risk, Security and Privacy
- Information Risk, Security and Privacy Evaluation and Metrics
- Security Planning and Architecture
- Security and Privacy Strategies, Policies and Procedures
- Security and Privacy Roles and Responsibilities
- Security and Privacy Analysis and Design
- Security and Privacy Implementation
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
- Information Security and Usability
- Human Behavior on Information Security and Privacy
- Risk, Security and Privacy Culture
- Security and Privacy Standards
- Security and Privacy Legislation
- Security and Privacy Compliance
- Security and Privacy Ethical Challenges
- Cybercrime and Information Warfare
- Information Risk, Security and Privacy Assurance and Certification
- Epistemology and Methodology of Risk, Security and Privacy Research
Types of Accepted Contributions
Full research papers (7ñ12 pages)
Research-in-progress papers (3ñ7 pages)
Research and teaching case studies (7ñ12 pages)
Posters (A2)
All submissions in English, via the EasyChair Submission System
MCIS paper template available
Accepted full papers will be published in the Springer LNBIP series
"Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing" (ISI and Scopus
proceedings indexed).
Accepted short papers will be published in AIS eLibrary.
Best Papers
This MCIS 2012 track on Information Risk, Security and
Privacy is associated with JISSec - Journal of Information
System Security (http://www.jissec.org).
As in previous years, best papers from the track will be fast
tracked to a JISSec special issue.
Track Chairs
Gurpreet Dhillon (gdhillon(a)vcu.edu)
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gest„o, Portugal
Filipe de S·-Soares (fss(a)dsi.uminho.pt)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] ICWE 2012 - Last Call for Workshop Proposals
Datum: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 20:47:24 +0100
Von: Manuel Wimmer <wimmer(a)big.tuwien.ac.at>
Antwort an: Manuel Wimmer <wimmer(a)big.tuwien.ac.at>
An: <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Last Call for Workshop Proposals - ICWE 2012
12th International Conference on Web Engineering
July 23 - 27, 2012, Berlin
ICWE 2012 invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference and related to the topics of interest of the conference. ICWE workshops allow for the presentation and discussion of ongoing work in a less formal setting than the main conference. Submissions of workshop proposals focusing on new emerging topics are also welcome!
The organizers of approved workshops will be responsible for advertising their workshop, for the reviewing process, and for the collection of camera-ready copies of accepted papers (verifying that they comply with the formatting rules). Workshops will be cancelled if the number of submissions is low.
Workshop proceedings will appear as post-proceeding in the Springer LNCS series and be mailed to all the conference attendees.
Conference facilities such as meeting rooms, wireless Internet and meals will be provided by the local organizers. Organizers (including co-organizers) are expected to attend their entire workshop and to provide a summary of the event, for presentation to ICWE audience. Dedicated and proactive workshop organization is strongly encouraged. Therefore, the two workshops with the most participants will be awarded a free registration for one of their organizers.
*Submission Instructions*
The workshop proposal should be submitted in PDF and include the following information.
- Title: The title and acronym of the workshop.
- Abstract: Maximum length 250 words
- Format: Length of the workshop (1 day, 1/2 day) and planned length of presentations at the workshop.
- Purpose: How does the focus of the workshop fit to the main conference and how will the workshop serve the ICWE community? What are the main goals? Please include a list of the workshop topics. If applicable, report on outcomes and results of previous editions of the workshop series.
- Number of papers: Please state an estimated number of submissions and of papers to be accepted. If applicable, provide information on previous editions of the workshop series.
- Number of participants: Please state an estimated number of participants. If applicable, provide information on previous editions of the workshop series.
- Keynotes/Invited Talks: List possible topics and speakers for keynotes or invited talks that you plan to solicit for your workshop. If applicable, list titles and distinguished speakers of keynotes or invited talks from previous editions of the workshop series.
- Organizers: Organizers include PC chairs and people who will be present at the workshop or are otherwise involved, including the person responsible for the Web site and communication. Please include names, addresses, affiliations, and indicate the main responsible person. The submission should include a one-paragraph biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience.
- List of PC members: The list should include name and affiliation of the program committee members.
- Advertising: Provide information on the organizers' plans for advertising their workshop and making the workshop highly visible.
- Organization of the workshop: Include any special requirement on infrastructure and room layout.
*Important Dates*
- Submission deadline: February 17, 2012 (23:59 Hawaii Time)
- Notification of acceptance: March 2, 2012
- Workshop first call for papers (not later than): March 16, 2012
- Workshop papers submission deadline: May 18, 2012
- Go/No-Go decision based on number of submissions: June 1, 2012
- Notification of Workshop papers acceptance: June 15, 2012
- Workshop papers camera-ready version: June 29, 2012
- Workshop dates: July 23-27, 2012
Please submit your workshop proposals as PDF to EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icwe2012workshops).
*Workshop Chairs*
- Michael Grossniklaus, Portland State University, USA
- Manuel Wimmer, TU Wien, Austria
*Workshop Committee*
- Nora Koch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Cirquent GmbH, Germany
- Maristella Matera, Politecnico Milano, Italia
- Moira C. Norrie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Luis Olsina, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina
- Oscar Pastor, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
- Werner Retschitzegger, University Linz, Austria
- Gustavo Rossi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
- Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
- Erik Wilde, UC Berkeley, USA
- Marco Winkler, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
*Contact Information*
You may contact the workshop chairs at icwe2012workshops(a)easychair.org.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: COLLABORATECOM 2012
Datum: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 13:29:07 -0500
Von: Jinpeng Wei <weijp(a)cs.fiu.edu>
Antwort an: weijp(a)cs.fiu.edu
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
COLLABORATECOM 2012 Call for Papers
The 8th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking,
Applications and Worksharing
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society (pending), Create-Net and the Institute
for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 14-17, 2012
Over the last two decades, many organizations and individuals have relied
on electronic collaboration between distributed teams of humans, computer
applications, and/or autonomous robots to achieve higher productivity and
produce joint products that would have been impossible to develop without
the contributions of multiple collaborators. Technology has evolved from
standalone tools, to open systems supporting collaboration in
multi-organizational settings, and from general purpose tools to
specialized collaboration grids. Future collaboration solutions that fully
realize the promises of electronic collaboration require advancements in
networking, technology and systems, user interfaces and interaction
paradigms, and interoperation with application-specific components and
The eighth International Conference on Collaborative Computing
(CollaborateCom 2012) will continue to serve as a premier international
forum for discussion among academic and industrial researchers,
practitioners, and students interested in collaborative networking,
technology and systems, and applications.
- Architectures, protocols, and enabling technologies for collaborative
computing networks and systems
- Autonomic computing and quality of services in collaborative networks,
systems, and applications
- Collaboration in pervasive and cloud computing environments
- Collaboration in data-intensive scientific discovery
- Collaboration in health-care environments
- Collaborative e-education, e-learning, and collaborative computing in
large scale digital libraries
- Collaborative mobile networks and infrastructures
- Collaborative technologies for fast creation and deployment of new
mobile services
- Collaborative, location-aware mobile systems/applications
- Collaboration techniques in data-intensive computing and cloud
computing - Collaborative sensor networks, unmanned air and ground vehicle
networks& applications
- Collaborative, context-aware infrastructure
- Collaborative social networks& web-based collaboration
- Computer supported collaborative work with distributed systems
- Distributed collaborative workflows
- Data management and middleware support for collaborative information
- Energy management for collaborative networks
- Group-driven composition of systems from components
- Human-robot collaboration
- Human-centric ubiquitous collaboration
- Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative user
- Models& mechanisms for real-time collaboration
- Multi-agent technology and software technologies for collaborative
networking and applications
- Peer-to-peer and overlay networks, systems,& applications
- P2P platforms for supporting collaboration
- Security, privacy and trust management in collaborative networks,
systems, and applications
- Simulation, performance evaluation, experiments, and case studies of
collaborative networks and applications
- Software design, testing, and experimentation technology for
collaborative networking and applications
- Theoretical foundations and algorithms for collaborative networks,
applications, and worksharing
- Tools for collaborative decision making processes
- Trustworthy collaborative business processing in virtual organizations
- Visualization techniques, interaction devices and visual languages for
collaborative networks and applications
- Web services technologies and service-oriented architectures for
collaborative networking and applications
- Workflow management for collaborative networks/systems
PAPERS: We invite original research papers that have not been previously
published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere.
Contributions addressing all areas related to collaborative networking,
technology and systems, and applications are solicited. The submitted
manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the
Proceedings. Submitted papers should be 10 pages in two-column IEEE
proceeding format. The papers can be submitted in regular track or
Industry/Application track.
POSTERS: The conference will include a poster session that highlights
recent and on-going research, experiments, and provocative ideas that have
not been published elsewhere. Poster submissions will be reviewed and one
page summaries of accepted posters will appear in the conference
WORKSHOPS: Proposals for half-day or full day workshops that focus on
CollaborateCom 2012 related themes are solicited. Workshop proposals
should be at most five pages, including a biographical sketch of each
instructor, and submitted to the Workshop Chairs. Proposals will be
evaluated based on the expertise and experience of the organizers and the
relevance and importance of the subject matter. Please refer to call for
workshop proposals for details.
PANELS: Proposals for panel discussions that focus on future visions for
collaborative networking, applications, and worksharing are preferred.
Potential panel organizers should submit a panel proposal of at most five
pages, including biographical sketches of the proposed panellists to the
Panel Chairs.
TUTORIALS: Proposals for full and half-day tutorials are solicited.
Tutorials are intended to enhance the technical program, and as such they
should be relevant to collaborative computing, networking, worksharing,
and applications. Potential tutorial presenters should submit a tutorial
proposal of at most three pages, including: description of potential
audience and background knowledge expected from the audience, if any;
tutorial description; biographical sketch of presenter(s).
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All paper, poster, panel, and workshop
submissions will be handled electronically. Please visit the conference
website www.CollaborateCom.org for detailed submission requirements and
PUBLICATION: All submitted papers and posters will be rigorously reviewed.
All accepted papers will made available in IEEE Xplore and other external
indexing services (DBLP database, ZB1Math/CompuServe, IO-Port, EI, Scopus,
INSPEC, ISI proceeding - pending approval). Approval is being granted for
a special issue on CollaborateCom'12 to be published on ACM/Springer
MOBILE NETWORKS& APPLICATIONS (MONET). 4-6 papers on the themes related
to MONET will be selected for publication on this issue. Other Journal
venues are being pursued.
April 15, 2012
Workshop and tutorial proposals due
June 22, 2012
Paper submission deadline
June 29, 2012
Posters and panel proposals deadline
August 17, 2012
Notification of acceptance
August 31, 2012
Camera-ready versions due
General Chairs
Calton Pu. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Technical Program Chairs
Barbara Carminati, Univ. Of Insubria, Italy
Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Univ. Of Georgia, USA
Panels Chairs
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mohamed Eltoweissy, Pacific Northwest National Lab and Virginia Tech, USA
Publication Chair
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
Industrial Chairs
Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, USA
Mudhakar Srivastav. IBM, USA
Workshop Chairs
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Anna C Squicciarini, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Sponsorship Chair
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO, Australia
Publicity Chair
Jinpeng Wei, Florida International University, USA
Local Arrangements Chair
Konstantinos Pelechrinis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Conference Coordinator
Matteo Fuoli, EAI, Italy
Imrich Chlamtac (Chair), Create-Net, Italy
Tao Zhang (Vice Chair), Telcordia Technologies, USA
Ken Birman, Cornell University, USA
Nim Cheung, Telcordia Technologies, USA
Arun Iyengar, IBM T.J. Watson, USA
Pradeep Khosla, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2012 Cfp Knoweledge Management Value,
Success, and Perfomance Measurements
Datum: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 04:26:15 -0500 (EST)
Von: MurphJen(a)aol.com
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
18th Americas Conference on Information Systems
Seattle, Washington <x-apple-data-detectors://0/>, August 9-12, 2012
Track: Decision Support, Data Management Systems, Knowledge Management,
and Business Intelligence (SIGDSS)
Minitrack: Knowledge Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements
Research into knowledge management (KM), organizational memories, and
organizational learning has been affected by investigations such as
implementation aspects, system developments, or knowledge flows during a
number of years. Therefore, a high maturity level of KM research has
been achieved. However, organizational KM initiatives are more and more
faced with budget cuts and justification demands due to intense
competition in todayâ??s business environments. The influences of the
rapid pace of globalization and of the ongoing liberalization of
national and international markets lead to the emergence of increased
pressure on existing companies. Project managers of KM initiatives like
Chief Knowledge Officers need to justify their budgets and thus are in
need of qualitative and quantitative evidence of the initiativesâ??
success. In addition, ROI calculations and traditional accounting
approaches do not tell an adequate story when proposing knowledge-based
initiatives. This minitrack explores research into strategies,
methodologies, and stories that relate to measure this success. In
addition, this minitrack will be used to explore the bodies of
performance measurements that define the current state of research in
measuring KM, organizational memory, and organizational learning
success. Eventually, another purpose of this minitrack is to present
research on how to value knowledge-based initiatives
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
â?¢Frameworks and models for assessing knowledge management and/or
organizational memory systems
â?¢Methodologies and processes for measuring knowledge management and/or
organizational memory success and performance
â?¢Impact of knowledge management strategy, organization, systems,
culture, and other issues on knowledge management/organizational memory
â?¢Organizational effectiveness/efficiency due to knowledge
management/organizational memory/organizational learning, knowledge and
organizational memory use
â?¢Knowledge management, organizational memory, and organizational
learning metrics
â?¢Knowledge management, organizational memory, and organizational
learning success factors and key performance indicators
â?¢Benchmarking of knowledge management/organizational memory initiatives
â?¢Case studies of knowledge management and organizational memory
success and performance measurements
â?¢Measuring knowledge management and/or organizational memory
performance in global organizations and globally dispersed communities
â?¢Effectiveness and/or efficiency of knowledge
management/organizational memory systems
â?¢Modeling and measuring the impact of social software on knowledge
management performance
â?¢Defining knowledge management and organizational memory success
â?¢Rigorous anecdotes and user stories and their theoretical basis to
facilitate the value of knowledge-based initiatives
â?¢Developing grounded theory approaches to valuing knowledge-based
January 2, 2012 Manuscript Central will start accepting paper submissions
March 1, 2012 <x-apple-data-detectors://3/> Deadline for paper submissions
April 2, 2012 <x-apple-data-detectors://4/> Authors will be notified of
acceptances on or about this date
April 20, 2012 <x-apple-data-detectors://5/> For accepted papers,
camera-ready copy due
Murray E. Jennex
Management Information Systems
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA
Phone : (760) 966-0548
Fax : (760) 722-2668
Email : Murphjen(a)aol.com
Email : mjennex(a)mail.sdsu.edu
Stefan Smolnik
Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS)
EBS Business School
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 11-15
65187 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49-611-7102-2177
Fax: +49-611-7102-102177
Email: stefan.smolnik(a)ebs.edu
WWW: http://www.ebs.edu/iris