-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] ADBIS 2013 PhD Consortium
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:37:19 +0100 (CET)
From: Marco Mesiti <mesiti(a)di.unimi.it>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
at the 17th East European Conference on
September 1, 2012 (doctoral consortium)
September 2-4, 2012 (main conference)
Genoa, Italy
*** Deadline for submissions: March 26, 2013 ***
ADBIS Doctoral Consortium is a forum for Ph.D. students to present their
research ideas, confront them with the scientific community, receive feedback
from senior mentors, socialize and tie cooperation bounds. Students will
receive support and inspiration from their peers, and they will enjoy the
opportunity to discuss their research and career objectives with senior members
of the community from outside their institution. Students will present and
discuss their research directions in the context of an established
international conference outside of their usual university environment.
The DC sessions are scheduled in parallel with workshop sessions affiliated
with the ADBIS conference on the 1-st of September. Each participant will have
an opportunity to present her/his research, followed by discussion with and
comments by senior researchers.
In addition, a poster session will be held during the main conference. Each
participant of the Doctoral Consortium is supposed to present her/his research
during the poster session, thus increasing the exposure of the research and
engaging in discussions with senior members of the research community.
We seek Ph.D. student participants who have either determined the
direction of their thesis research (probably with some preliminary
results already published), but who still have substantial work to
complete, or Ph.D. student participants who are in the early stages of
their dissertation year. Please note that it is not required to have a
paper accepted for the main conference in order to participate in the
Doctoral Consortium.
To submit your application to the Doctoral Consortium please prepare the
following documents:
1. Research statement: summarize the problem, proposed plan, and progress
to date. (*max 2 pages*)
2. Curriculum Vitae including the expected graduation date. (*max 1 page*)
3. Advisor's support: a short email from the thesis advisor stating
support for the student's participation in the Doctoral Consortium,
describing the current status of the thesis research, and giving the
expected date of graduation.
Optionally, you may submit the following documents:
4. One first-authored paper (this will appear in the proceedings of DC)
5. Name of paper submitted to ADBIS 2013, if applicable
When submitting your proposal please put items 1,2,4,5 into a single
pdf file, and submit it via the website
Item 3 should be emailed to the co-chairs Alfons Kemper (kemper(a)in.tum.de) and
Boris Novikov (borisnov(a)acm.org) directly.
The papers for DC (item 4 above) should be at most 6 pages in Springer format
(formatting instructions can be obtained via
http://www.springer.com/series/11156) and describe the state of the whole PhD
project, rather than a specific completed result. The paper should outline the
objectives, the problem, state of the art, results obtained so far, and what is
still to be done in the frame of the PhD project. If an author prefers to
present a completed research result, the paper should be submitted to the main
conference or one of accompanying workshops.
The papers submitted to the DC will be reviewed by a PC and the authors of
successful submissions must take into account reviewer's comments during the
preparation of final version and describe the changes in a separate document to
be submitted together with the final camera-ready version.
The program committee reserves a right to reject a paper if the final version
does not meet the requirements above.
Selection of participants who did not submit a DC paper (item 4) will be based
on the clarity of the submitted materials and the student's stage of research.
We will also take institutional representation into account in order to provide
a truly diverse environment for research presentation and discussion.
Applications not adhering to the provided guidelines (including page limits)
may not be considered.
The DC papers will be published together with ADBIS workshops proceedings, by
Springer in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series.
The authors of best DC submissions will be invited to provide an extended
version to an international journal (acceptance is subject to further
- **Submission deadline**: March 26, 2013
- **Notification**: May 19, 2013
- **Camera ready**: June 10, 2013
- **PhD Consortium**: September 1, 2013
- Alfons Kemper, Techn. Univ. Muenchen, Munich, Germany
- Boris Novikov, St-Petersburg University, Russia
Requests for information should be e-mailed to kemper(a)in.tum.de and
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] RuleML 2013 Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 18:56:22 +0100
From: Adrian Paschke <paschke(a)inf.fu-berlin.de>
To: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Call for Papers
RuleML 2013: 7th International Web Rule Symposium
Seattle Metropolitan Area, USA, July 11-13, 2013
The annual International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) is an international
conference on research, applications, languages and standards for rule
technologies. RuleML is the leading conference for building bridges between
academia and industry in the field of rules and its applications, especially
as part of the semantic technology stack. It is devoted to rule-based
programming and rule-based systems including production rules systems, logic
programming rule engines, and business rules engines/business rules
management systems; Semantic Web rule languages and rule standards (e.g.,
RuleML, SWRL, RIF, PRR, SBVR); Legal RuleML; rule-based event processing
languages (EPLs) and technologies; hybrid rule-based methods; and research
on inference rules, transformation rules, decision rules, production rules,
and ECA rules.
The 7th International Symposium on Rules and the Web (RuleML 2013) will be
held on July 11-13, 2013 just prior to the AAAI conference in the Seattle
Metropolitan Area, Washington. Selected papers will be published in book
form in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
RuleML-2013 will stimulate cooperation and interoperability between research
and business in a community of researchers and practitioners who are
interested in the theory and applications of rules. The symposium's areas of
research and development have helped drive the rapid progress in
technologies for practical rule and event processing. As a result,
RuleML-2013 promises to be an exciting venue for the exchange of new ideas
and experiences on issues related to engineering, management, integration,
interoperability of rule systems, and interchange of rules in distributed
enterprise, intranets, and open distributed environments. Industry
practitioners, rule-system providers, users of rules, technical experts and
developers, and researchers who are exploring foundational issues,
developing systems and applications, or using rule-based systems are invited
to share ideas, results, and experiences.
The RuleML2013 Conference is also hosting
- The 7th Int. Rule Challenge: Further information and a separate call for
papers and demos for the challenge will be forthcoming.
- The 3rd Doctoral Consortium on Rules: Further information and a separate
call for papers and demos for the challenge will be forthcoming
- An OASIS Legal RuleML TC Meeting and Tutorial
We invite high-quality submissions related (but not limited) to one or more
of the following topics:
* Rules and automated reasoning
* Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
* Rule-based event processing and reaction rules
* Rules and the web
* Fuzzy rules and uncertainty
* Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning
* Non-classical logics and the web (e.g modal and epistemic logics)
* Hybrid methods for combining rules and statistical machine learning
techniques (e.g., conditional random fields, PSL)
* Rule transformation, extraction, and learning
* Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
* Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats
* Rule-based distributed/multi-agent systems
* Rules, agents, and norms
* Rule-based communication, dialogue, and argumentation models
* Vocabularies and ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts and
deontic primitives)
* Pragmatic web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule execution
* Rules in online market research and online marketing
* Applications of rule technologies in health care and life sciences
* Legal rules and legal reasoning
* Industrial applications of rules
* Controlled natural language for rule encoding (e.g. SBVR, ACE, CLCE)
* Standards activities related to rules
* General rule topics
Conference Chairs
Frank Olken (Berkeley, USA)
Adrian Paschke (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany)
Program Chairs
Leora Morgenstern (Science Applications International Corporation, USA)
Petros Stefaneas (NTUA, Greece)
Important Dates
Abstract submission: Feb. 19, 2013
Paper submission: Feb. 20, 2013
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 12, 2013 Camera-ready copy due:
May 3, 2013
RuleML-2013 dates: July 11-13, 2013
Submission guidelines
Papers must be original contributions written in English and must be
submitted at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ruleml2013 as:
* Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings)
* Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings)
Please upload all submissions in LNCS format
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). To ensure high quality,
submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.
Selected papers will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2013 CFP: Mini-track on
Paradigmatic Diversity in IS Studies and its Implications
for Research Quality
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:33:42 -0600
From: Ruba A. <raljafari(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*19^th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013)*
*Chicago Illinois, USA*
*15-17 August 2013*
*Mini-Track: *Paradigmatic Diversity in IS Studies and its
Implications for Research Quality
*Track*: Research Methods
The IS community has become more receptive to multiple
research approaches after such seminal worksas Allen Lee?s
(1999) essay on integrating positivist and interpretive
approaches and Minger?s (2001) emphasis on the value of the
plurality of paradigms.While all IS researchers share the
intent to conduct high quality research, what exactly
constitutes high quality research is not without
controversy.Determining research quality can vary greatly
based on the ontological and epistemological assumptions of
the perspective (Burrell and Morgan 1979) and IS research
best practices and standards are still being debated (Straub
and Ang 2011). This increased diversity and lack of shared
perspectives on quality represents a risk to the IS
field.Research that represents a contribution to the IS
field is subject to the risk of inappropriate rejection
(essentially a type II error) if reviewers apply an
inappropriate standard to determine the quality of the
research.The IS field which is still struggling for
identify, risks not publishing research contributions or
missing out if the research is published under a different
The need to examine and debate what constitutes research
quality and best practice, particularly across approaches,
motivates this mini-track.This mini-track intends to foster
discussion related to difficult and controversial issues
related to determining research quality. We encourage
authors to submit conceptual or empirical research related
to a wide variety of related issues.These issues can be
conceptual in nature such as how to integrate interpretivist
and positivist approaches or detailed methodological
discussions such as the recent exploration into the
appropriateness of formative and reflective constructs in
quantitative modeling.We encourage any submission that
fosters discussion and understandings of research quality,
best practices and appropriate use of methods.
*General Examples of Relevant Topics*:
* Assessment of research rigor in IS.
* The evolution of evaluative criteria in different IS
research paradigms.
* Level of consensus on research quality standards across
different IS paradigms.
* Agreement and disagreement of best practice in different
* Authors? responsibilities for providing guidance on how
to judge research quality.
* Ontological positioning and its implications for
reviewing and publishing IS research.
*Important Dates*:
January 4, 2013: Paper submissions open on Bepress
February 22, 2013: Deadline for paper submissions at 11:59
p.m. CST
April 17, 2013: Notification of paper acceptance
May 9, 2013: Camera-ready copy due
Instructions for authors can be found at AMCIS website:
*Mini-Track Chair*: Dr. Kerry W. Ward, University of
Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Email: kwward(a)unomaha.edu <mailto:kwward@unomaha.edu>
*Mini-Track Co-chair*: Ruba Aljafari, University of Nebraska
at Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Email: raljafari(a)unomaha.edu <mailto:raljafari@unomaha.edu>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CfP - Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC
2013, Sep 4-6, Prague
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 18:28:47 +0100
From: Filip Zavoral <zavoral(a)ksi.ms.mff.cuni.cz>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
7th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing
IDC 2013
September 4-6, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
Call for Papers
The emergent field of Intelligent Distributed Computing focuses on the
development of a new generation of intelligent distributed systems. It
faces the challenges of adapting and combining research in the fields of
Intelligent Computing and Distributed Computing. Intelligent Computing
develops methods and technology ranging from classical artificial
intelligence, computational intelligence and multi-agent systems to game
theory. The field of Distributed Computing develops methods and
technology to build systems that are composed of collaborating
components. The symposium welcomes submissions of original papers on all
aspects of intelligent distributed computing ranging from concepts and
theoretical developments to advanced technologies and innovative
Paper acceptance and publication will be judged on the basis of their
relevance to the symposium themes, clarity of presentation, originality
and accuracy of results and proposed solutions. Topics include, but are
not limited to:
Intelligent Distributed and High-Perfomance Architecture
- Hybrid systems involving software agents and human actors
- Intelligent cloud infrastructures
- Agent-based wireless sensor networks
- Distributed frameworks and middleware for the Internet of Things
- GPU, multicore, and many-core intelligent computing
- Intelligent grid
- Intelligent high-performance architectures
- Context-aware intelligent computing
- Virtualization infrastructures for intelligent computing
Organization and Management
- Autonomic and adaptive distributed computing
- Intelligent service composition and orchestration
- Self-organizing and adaptive distributed systems
- Emerging behaviors in complex distributed systems
- Intelligent integration of heterogenous data and processes
- Methodologies for development of intelligent distributed systems and
Intelligent Distributed Knowledge Representation and Processing
- Information extraction and retrieval in distributed environments
- Knowledge integration and fusion from distributed sources
- Data mining and knowledge discovery in distributed environments
- Semantic and knowledge grids
- Ontologies and meta-data for describing heterogeneous resources and
- Distributed fusion of sensor data streams
Networked Intelligence
- E-service and web intelligence
- Intelligence in mobile and ubiquitous computing
- Intelligence in Peer-to-Peer systems
- Intelligence in distributed multimedia systems
- Security, privacy, trust and reputation
Intelligent Distributed Applications
- Distributed problem solving and decision making
- Intelligent applications in e-business/e-commerce, e-learning,
e-health, e-science, e-government, crisis management
- Modeling and simulation of intelligent distributed systems
- Simulations of groups and crowds
- Intelligent data processing
- Intelligent robots
Paper Submission and Publication
All accepted papers will be included in the Symposium Proceedings, which
will be published by Springer as part of their series Studies in
Computational Intelligence. Papers must be submitted before March 1,
2013, have at most 10 pages length and be formatted according to
Springer format (Latex) available at:
Submissions and reviews are automatically handled by Easychair.
Extended versions of the best papers accepted and presented at this
symposium may be considered for publication in a Special Issue of an
internationally recognized journal.
Important dates
Full paper submission: March 1, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 11, 2013
Final (camera ready) paper due: May 24, 2013
Symposium: September 4-6, 2013
More information
For more information regarding this call for papers, the 7th IDC
conference, please refer to the IDC 2013 website:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [EDEN-News] EDEN Annual Conference, Oslo 2013 -
Reminder before Christmas
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 10:00:38 +0100
From: EDEN Secretariat <secretariat(a)eden-online.org>
To: EDEN News <Eden-News(a)eden-online.org>
Learners in the Driving Seat
*Call for Papers*
Deadline: 5 February 2013
Amongst the preparation for Christmas and maybe during the
restful period of the end-of-year we hope you will find a
bit of time to think over the EDEN Oslo 2013 Annual
Conference themes and proposals. The deadline of the
submission is 5 February 2013.
E-learning, open and distance education have been important
fields of intellectual excitement and innovative
development. Challenges posed by the new technologies are
permanent, and students constantly keep teachers under
pressure to develop.
Learning is becoming more and more individualized and
self-managed. Individual and collective motivation,
enhancement of the learning experience, and an overall
improvement of learning quality are gaining ever-increasing
/How can we do our best to make learning a thrilling
experience for learners, including providing a sense of joy
in the virtual classroom?/
/The EDEN 2013 Conference will discover and present the
latest best practice in this field, share progressive
concepts, inventive solutions, and promote joint-thinking
and collaboration./
Discussion and debate will provide a range of innovative
theories and approaches about the smart use of ICT tools,
new methodologies for enhanced learning experience, content
management systems, or fascinating solutions supported by
game based learning, immersive environments, multimedia, etc.
Online and Social
The 2013 Annual Conference will be supported and accompanied
intensively by social networking, sharing, online and
virtual presence and involvement possibilities.
The EDEN Oslo Facebook group
<http://www.facebook.com/groups/376204509134708/> is already
Call for Contributions
We invite for the conference proposals for *paper
presentations *in parallel sessions*, posters, workshops,*
and *short* *demonstrations *that relate to the conference
Submissions will be double peer reviewed by the Conference
Committee. Accepted contributions will be published in the
electronic Conference Proceedings with ISBN and their
summary in the printed Book of Abstracts.
For details visit the conference website
<http://www.eden-online.org/2013_oslo.html> and the Call for
Keynote Speakers
Two great keynotes already confirmed their presence in Oslo:
Professor Sugata Mitra
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugata_Mitra>, Newcastle
University - you know, the Hole in the Wall story!
- and Bernie Luskin
President for the Media Psychology Division of the American
Psychological Association.
There are nowadays momentous developments with the European
Union new generation education programmes, thus we have also
invited Pierre Mairesse, Director the Commission
Directorate-General Education and Culture and Kristin
Clemet, Former Minister of Education, Norway. Our Norwegian
hosts are keen to gain over a high level representative of
the Norwegian Nobel Committee to speak which would be also
Schedule and Deadlines
Submission of Proposals â?? 5 February 2013
Registration Opens â?? mid-February 2013
Notification of Authors â?? 22 March 2013
Conference Venue, Oslo
Oslo has a special combination of city life and easy access
to the great outdoors, the Oslo fjord and the forests. You
may enjoy the view on the roof of the new Opera House, the
new Ski Jump Holmenkollen
or you may pay a visit to the Munch Museum
and the Nobel Peace Center
Norway is a world leading country in openness, digitisation
and modernisation of education. The University of Oslo
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhs7xIrxnm0&feature=youtu.be> is
a top higher education institution in the country and will
ensure a stimulating environment, making the conference
experience unique.
/You may follow conference updates via Facebook
and Twitter <https://twitter.com/eden20_official>./
EDEN - European Distance and e-Learning Network Secretariat
Tel: +36 1 463 4628, 463 2537 Fax: +36 1 463 1858
E-mail: secretariat(a)eden-online.org
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS2013 CFP: Mini-track Enterprise
Systems and Cloud Computing
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:07:43 -0500
From: Dr. Al Bento <abento(a)ubalt.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems
Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013
TRACK: Enterprise Systems
MINI-TRACK: Enterprise Systems and Cloud Computing
Traditionally enterprise systems were primarily in-house systems, but in-house development was costly and inefficient, and enterprise software packages were developed: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relations Management (CRM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM). With the advent of the Internet and Web many of these systems gained a Web interface and some were outsourced, while others were kept in in-house server silos. Cloud Computing is also an enterprise system initiative and some of the traditional in-house installations of enterprise packages are migrating to the Cloud. New ERP players that just offer services on the Cloud are growing. Traditional players like SAP and Oracle are working on new offerings in the Cloud. Salesforce and many traditional CRM providers are also offering services on the Cloud.
Cloud computing is an emerging discipline which is changing the way corporate computing is and will be done in the future. The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as a “ model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.“ The architecture of Cloud Computing is comprised of four layers: Infrastructure as a Service (comprised of servers, hypervisor, storage and network), Platform as a Service (development environment including DB, integration and development tools), Software as a Service (readymade applications), and Business Process as a Service (applications plus services). In addition there are different types of clouds: private, public, hybrid and community clouds, with different capabilities and requirements.
Objectives of the mini-track
This mini-track invites relevant contributions of theoretical frameworks, empirical studies, and practical experiences of enterprise systems in the Cloud. It aims to receive submissions that add to the understanding of enterprise systems in the Cloud, and address many of the issues related to change management, security, management and processing approaches related to the move to the Cloud. A key objective is to provide an open forum for all aspects of enterprise systems in the Cloud, including their possible changes to organizations and management. A final objective is to receive contributions on possible links between mobile computing (smartphones, tablets, 4G) and enterprise systems in the Cloud.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Enterprise systems and Infrastructure as a Service
• Enterprise systems and Platform as a Service
• Enterprise systems and Software as a Service
• Enterprise systems and Business Process Services
• Security of Enterprise systems in the Cloud
• IT Management of Enterprise systems in the Cloud
• Mobile Computing and Enterprise systems in the Cloud
• Change management in Enterprise systems in the Cloud
• Managing with Enterprise systems in the Cloud
• Economy of Enterprise systems in the Cloud
• Critical success factors for Enterprise systems in the Cloud
• Enterprise systems Cloud migration - success and failure case studies
• Enterprise systems in the Cloud diffusion across borders
Submission Procedure
Submit your manuscript using the new Bepress system. The link will be available in January 4, 2013 at http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/.
Important Dates
• January 4, 2013: Paper submissions officially begins
• February 22, 2013: Paper Submission Deadline 11:59 PM CST
• April 22, 2013: Program Chairs Notify Authors of Paper Acceptance
• May 9, 2013: Camera-ready Copy of Accepted Papers Due
Mini-track Chairs:
Dr. Al Bento
Professor and Thompson Chair of MIS
Merrick School of Business
University of Baltimore
(410) 837-5272
Dr. Anil Aggarwal
Professor of MIS
Merrick School of Business
University of Baltimore
(410) 837 -5275
Editors of "Cloud Computing Service and Deployment Models: Layers and Management" published October 2012, see it at
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP AMCIS 2013: Mini-Track Virtual
Communities: Services, Business Models, and Crowd Creation
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 10:35:11 +0100
From: Ulrich Bretschneider Dr. <bretschneider(a)uni-kassel.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
=================== sorry for any cross-postings
Mini-Track "Virtual Communities: Services, Business Models,
and Crowd Creation"
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
August 15-17, 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA
AMCIS 2013 website http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/
Mini-Track website http://www.virtual-community.org
=== SCOPE ===
Virtual communities (VC) and social networking based on
social networking sites, message boards, chat rooms, user
groups and blogs have emerged as high activity domains on
the Internet. VC and social networks are designed for a
variety of purposes, ranging from Communities of Interest,
Communities of Relationship (Facebook, etc.), or Innovation
Communities (Dell Idea Storm, etc.). Web 2.0 Mechanisms are
also boosting the development of VC and the role of
user-generated content within VC. The significance of these
communities is evident by the impact they have on
information generation and transmission, and socialization.
For example, today, blogs are quickly becoming a primary
source of information in a variety of domains. But also the
generation of innovations or the sourcing of tasks is
achieved through communities as the examples of oDesk or
Innocentive illustrate.
Within the field of IS researchers are interested in
studying interaction patterns, social structures,
transaction processes, management aspects, business models,
and design aspects of information systems and services for
VC. Further related issues are trust, network effects,
transaction costs as well as the generation of innovations.
"Wisdom of Crowds", "Collective Intelligence" and
"Crowdsourcing" are important new terms describing
mechanisms around user-generated content in VC and Social
Despite the increasing popularity of VC and social
networking, several questions relating to VC and social
networking remain largely unexplored. We call for papers on
all aspects of VC. We welcome empirical, conceptual and
theoretical work. Possible topics include (but are not
limited to):
* Social, political and economic impact of Virtual Communities
* Community models, platforms, services, and interactions,
multi-channel communities
* Management and organizational behaviour of communities
* Community-related business models
* Innovation generation and Virtual Communities (e.g. case
studies on "wisdom of crowds", "collective intelligence", etc.)
* User-generated content and customer collaboration in
Virtual Communities
* Peer-to-Peer or mobile services for Virtual Communities
* Crowdsourcing through communities
* Case studies and empirical studies, best practices and
lessons learned
* Motivation of participants in virtual communities
* Benefits of participation in and competition among virtual
* Information dispersion in virtual communities
* Typologies and taxonomies of virtual communities
* Evolution of and innovation in virtual communities
* Gaming Communities
* January 4, 2013: AIS Review System will begin accepting
submissions for AMCIS 2013
* February 22, 2013 (11:59 PM CST): Submission deadline
* April 22, 2013: Authors notified of paper acceptance decision
* May 9, 2013: Camera-Ready Papers due
* Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
Information Systems, Kassel University/Germany
* Prof. Balaji Rajagopalan, Ph.D.
School of Business Administration, Oakland University/USA
and Galgotias University, Greater Noida/India
* Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider (primary contact:
Information Systems, Kassel University/Germany
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2013 - CFP: Minitrack - Business
Intelligence Success (Aleš Popovič)
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 22:57:44 +0100
From: Aleš Popovič <ales.popovic(a)ef.uni-lj.si>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
August 15-17, 2013
http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/ *
*Track: Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management (SIGDSS)*
*Mini-track: Business Intelligence Success*
We welcome your submissions. Instructions for authors and
more information about the conference are available on the
conference website.
*Deadline for submissions is February 22, 2013 (11:59 PM CST)*
*Important Dates*
Jan 4, 2013 -- Paper submissions open on Bepress system (new
for AMCIS)
Feb 22, 2013 -- Paper submissions deadline 11:59 p.m.
Central Time
April 17-19, 2013 -- Notification of paper acceptance
May 9, 2013 -- Camera-ready copy of accepted papers due
Evaluating the effectiveness of business intelligence
systems (BIS) is vital to our understanding of the value and
efficacy of management actions and investments. Yet, while
IS success has been well-researched, our understanding of
significant elements of the success of BIS, how are they
interrelated, and how they affect BIS use, is limited.
While previous research about understanding BIS success
focused especially on end-user BIS satisfaction formation,
the research on BIS post-adoption environment is rather
incomplete. Exploring the success factors affecting BIS
continuance intention and continuance behavior fills this
gap by adding pieces to the puzzle of BIS success. Moreover,
rather than just achieving âsuccessâ, organizations are
nowadays striving towards true business value of such
systems, which calls for research to link upstream (i.e.
antecedents of BIS end-user satisfaction) and downstream
(i.e. BIS continued use) success activities and their
embeddedness with existing management practices.
This mini-track aims to promote contributions dealing with a
managerial, a methodological or a technical perspective on
BIS post-implementation success. Submissions based on
theoretical research, design research, action research, or
behavioral research, are encouraged. We welcome both full
research papers and research in progress.
Related suggested topics, which are not limited to, but
could include:
⢠BIS maturity, its dimensions, and metrics
⢠IS theories for BIS success
⢠Organizational issues in BIS post-adoption environment
⢠Factors affecting continued use of BIS
⢠Business value of BIS, its dimensions, and measurement
⢠Return on investment in BIS
⢠BIS success and existing management practices
⢠BI and firm competitiveness
For any questions relating to submissions to this mini-track
please contact the chair.
AleÅ¡ PopoviÄ, Ph.D.
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
ales.popovic(a)ef.uni-lj.si <mailto:ales.popovic@ef.uni-lj.si>
*AleÅ¡ PopoviÄ*
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP AMCIS 2013: Understanding and
Managing IS Innovation in Collaborative Networks
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 22:04:18 -0200
From: Joao Porto <jporto(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
August 15-17, 2013
MINITRACK: Understanding and Managing IS Innovation in
Collaborative Networks
TRACK: End-User Information Systems, Innovation, and
Organizational Change (SIGOSRA)
Today?s organizations are highly interconnected in manifold
kinds of collaborative networks, such as virtual
organizations, enterprise alliances, business ecosystems,
supply chains, ad-hoc networks (e.g. in disaster scenarios).
Furthermore, the widespread use of mobile devices and social
media by end-users are extending the reach of collaborative
networks across the usual limits of organizations.
Traditional approaches for IS/IT innovation management and
organizational change can hardly be applied in this context,
since they are generally focused on a single organization
with well-defined borders. The design, management and
deployment of IS innovations within and for such
collaborative networks brings about important challenges for
IS research. These challenges include adapting existing IS
frameworks, methodologies and approaches to deal with the
socio-technical complexity of collaborative networks.
Socio-technical complexity arises in these networks not only
from integrating a diversity of organizations and their
corresponding information and technology infrastructures,
but also from their interaction with people outside the
organization boundaries and with society (e. g. by mobile
devices and social media).
This mini-track aims at providing a forum for research on
methods for analyzing and intervening into collaborative
networks that consider the tremendous size, geographical
dispersion, socio-technical intertwining as well as the
limited possibilities to influence these networks. We
encourage conceptual, theoretical, methodological as well as
empirical contributions towards understanding and managing
IS innovations in collaborative networks.
?Understanding and managing IS innovation in different types
of collaborative networks (business ecosystems, virtual
organizations, enterprise alliances, etc.)
?Theoretical approaches for unraveling socio-technical
complexity in collaborative networks
?Suitability of traditional IS management methods and tools
(e.g. Business Process Management, IT Governance, Enterprise
Architecture) for collaborative networks
?Design and cultivation approaches for IS innovation and
organizational change in collaborative networks
?IS innovation management in ad-hoc collaborative networks
(e.g. in disaster management)
?Inter-organizational information infrastructures for
collaborative networks
?Geospatial approaches for dealing with collaborative networks
?IS interoperability and integration issues in collaborative
?Collaborative and open IS/IT innovation in systems of IS/IT
?IS/IT innovation in ultra large-scale collaborative networks
?Success and failure of IS innovations in collaborative networks
?End-User integration in inter-organizational innovation
processes (e. g. by end-user mobile applications or social
?Methodologies for analyzing and intervening in complex
collaborative networks
?Teaching cases for IS innovation in collaborative networks
January 4, 2013 Manuscript Central will start accepting
paper submissions
February 22, 2013 Deadline for paper submissions
April 22, 2013 Authors will be notified of acceptances on
or about this date
May 9, 2013 For accepted papers, camera-ready copy due
To submit a paper, please follow the directions below.
- Please use the AMCIS2013 Paper Template
- Submit your paper after January 4, 2013 via Bepress. The
link will be available at http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/ on
January 4, 2013. Submissions will close on February 22, 2013
at 11:59 CST.
João P. de Albuquerque
Department of Computer Systems
ICMC, University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos, Brazil
P.O. Box 668, 13560-970 - Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil
jporto(a)icmc.usp.br <mailto:jporto@icmc.usp.br>
Paul Drews
Department of Informatics
University of Hamburg, Germany
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
D-22527 Hamburg