-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2013 CFP - Insider Threats: IT
Abuse, Misuse and Crime
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 18:37:25 +0000
From: Green, David <DGreen(a)govst.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
AMCIS 2013 CFP - Insider Threats: IT Abuse, Misuse and Crime
Call for Papers
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS): Hyperconnected World: Anything Anywhere Anytime
Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 15-17, 2013.
Mini-Track: Insider Threats: IT Abuse, Misuse and Crime
Track: Information Systems Security, Assurance, and Privacy
This minitrack encourages research that examines IT abuse, misuse, and criminal activity by insiders. Employees and other insiders may have intimate knowledge of an organization's systems, networks, and data and have the potential to pose a significant threat through intentional or unintentional behavior. Research may focus on specific areas related to insider behavior/misbehavior, motivation, and controls as well as counterproductive or unethical use of information systems. Interdisciplinary research in areas such as industrial and organizational psychology, management, information systems, and information security is also encouraged.
Suggested topics for research in this minitrack include, but are not limited to:
. Counterproductive or unethical use of IT in the workplace and security
. Effectiveness of specific technical or policy controls in preventing or diminishing
. Motivation for disgruntled employee threats
. Preventing Employee IT Misuse and abuse
. Negative actions by disgruntled employees
. Patterns of minor deviant behavior that lead to serious incidents
. Perspectives on IT Based Workplace Deviant Behavior
. Relationship of various behavioral dimensions: Seriousness, Harm to individuals, harm to the organization, ethicality, intentionality, covertness.
Submission Details:
Important Dates:
Jan 4, 2013 Paper submissions open at http://amcis2013.aisnet.org
Feb 22, 2013 Paper submissions deadline 11:59 p.m. CST
April 17-19, 2013 Notification of paper acceptance
May 9, 2013 Camera-ready copy of accepted papers due
Instructions for authors and more information is available at:
Mini-track Chair:
David Green dgreen(a)govst.edu
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Interim Chair, Accounting, Economics, Finance, & MIS
College of Business and Public Administration
Governors State University
University Park, IL 60484
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ECIS 2014 -- Call for Track Proposals
-- Deadline February 15, 2013
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 15:53:10 +0000
From: Schultze, Ulrike <uschultz(a)mail.cox.smu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Track Proposals ECIS 2014 - Deadline February 15, 2013
The 22nd European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2014
June 9-11, 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel
www.ecis2014.eu<http://www.ecis2014.eu> (coming soon)
Conference Theme: Digital Work, Digital Life
Building on the theme “Digital Work, Digital Life,” ECIS 2014 seeks to make the exploration of the opportunities and challenges associated with increasing digitalization in both our work and everyday lives a key focus. The theme evokes a wide range of research areas, for example, digital innovation and design, mobility-leveraging and location-based business models, big data analytics, and many more. We hereby invite members of the IS community to propose tracks for ECIS 2014.
Track Proposals for ECIS 2014 -- Due February 15, 2013
Track proposals should provide a motivation for the track, a brief overview of the research area, sample topics, types of contributions welcomed, and an assessment of the overall appeal to conference attendees. Specifically, track proposals should include:
1) A title for the conference track
2) Names, e-mail addresses, affiliations, phone numbers, website URLs, and short bios of the two to three track co-chairs. Please designate one of the co-chairs as the primary contact person.
3) A short description of the track and its focus: define the proposed area of research, explain why it is important to include it as an ECIS conference track, and discuss the topics the track will address and how they align with the ECIS 2014 conference theme “Digital Work, Digital Life”.
4) A discussion on what types of contributions are sought for: full research papers, research in progress papers, prototypes and technology demonstrations. Please note: ECIS 2014 will have a separate track for teaching cases.
5) A list of tentative Associate Editors for the proposed track (between 5 and 15). Please provide names and affiliations, and indicate whether you have secured their commitment to serving as AEs for your track.
6) Any additional information relevant to the evaluation of the track proposal, e.g., the track co-chairs’ prior experience with organizing tracks at other academic conference.
Please submit your track proposals to ecis2014(a)gmail.com<mailto:ecis2014@gmail.com> by February 15, 2013.
Track Proposal Evaluation
Once the track proposals are received, they will be reviewed by an evaluation committee that consists of the ECIS 2014 conference and program chairs. This committee will base its acceptance decisions on the overall merit of the track proposal, the diversity of the track team and the track’s fit with the conference theme. With the objective of creating an interesting program that will attract participants from diverse geographic regions and a broad range of the intellectual sub-fields of IS, the ECIS 2014 evaluation committee will seek to balance the more traditional IS topics with emerging areas of interest. To this end, the committee might ask proposers to revise their track proposals. Additionally, if the overlap between proposals is high, the committee might encourage track proposers to join forces and merge their tracks in order to obtain the best possible coverage of topics and the best mix of track chairs.
Notifications of track proposal acceptance will be sent out in the latter half of March 2013.
Responsibilities of Track Chairs
The submission of ECIS 2014 track proposal implies that pending acceptance the prospective co-chairs agree to the following track chair responsibilities:
1) Promote the track and take sufficient measures to solicit an adequate number of submissions.
2) Organize a peer review cycle for the papers submitted to their track assisted by a set of Associate Editors. Track chairs will need to recruit associate editors who will then identify two/three reviewers for each submission they are assigned. AEs will also write a summary review report and make a recommendation on a submission’s acceptance to ECIS 2014. The reviewing process will be supported by an electronic submission and reviewing system.
3) Propose to the program committee the papers that will eventually be accepted for inclusion into the conference program; and nominate papers for the best paper award
4) Create an attractive track program by clustering papers into sessions; and secure session chairs.
5) Liaise with the research chairs on all other matters that concern ECIS 2014.
We look forward to receiving your ECIS 2014 track proposals!
Conference Chairs:
Dov Te’eni, Tel Aviv U. <teeni(a)post.tau.ac.il>
Chrisanthi Avgerou, London School of Economics <C.Avgerou(a)lse.ac.uk>
Program Chairs:
Michel Avital, Copenhagen Business School, <michel(a)avital.net>
Jan Marco Leimeister, U. Kassel & U. St Gallen <leimeister(a)uni-kassel.de>
Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist U. & Lund U. <uschultz(a)smu.edu>
Ulrike Schultze Tel: 214-768-4265
ITOM, Cox School of Business Fax: 214-768-4099
Southern Methodist University uschultz(a)smu.edu<applewebdata://F1ECACF7-F993-4738-BB00-6372C4563189/uschultz@smu.edu>
PO Box 750333, Dallas, TX 75275-0333
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Electronic Commerce
Research -- SI on Advances in Security and Privacy for
Future Mobile Communications -- DEADLINE EXTENDED
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:07:58 +0100
From: Gregorio Martinez <gregorio(a)um.es>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Electronic Commerce Research
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Bezalel Gavish
Special Issue on Advances in Security and Privacy for Future Mobile Communications
(Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition 2011 Impact Factor: 0.971)
Without doubt, the advances in wireless communication technologies like 3G, WiFi, WiMax and the proliferation of mobile devices have enabled the
realization of pervasive and intelligent environments for users to communicate with each other, interact with information processing devices, and
acquire ubiquitously a plethora of mobile services through various types of wireless access networks. Under this prism, reliable, secure, and privacy
preserving communications combined with constant and universal network availability, are vital elements for the adoption of any application that
utilize wireless technologies. This becomes even more apparent when considering the tight coupling of these wireless network domains to the Internet.
Every day new security challenges come to the surface due to the open nature of the wireless medium, the dynamic network topology, the resource
constraints of the mobile devices and, in some cases, the lack of a pre-deployed infrastructure.
This special issue aims to advance state-of-the-art research in the area of security, privacy, cryptography, and its applications for Future Mobile
Communications (FMC). In this context, it will address all aspects of the modeling, designing, implementation, assessment, deployment and management
of mobile network security and privacy systems, protocols and architectures. We particularly seek for original, completed and high quality
contributions to the evaluation, enhancement of security and privacy mechanisms for current mobile technologies as well as novel designs for efficient
security and privacy solutions of emerging mobile and wireless technologies. We expect that the special issue will stimulate further related research
and technology improvements in this significant subject. Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
- Security issues and protocols in FMC
- Network security metrics and performance evaluation in FMC
- Privacy and anonymity in FMC
- IMS security and privacy issues
- Authentication and access control in FMC
- Secure AAA infrastructures in FMC
- Intrusion detection and avoidance in FMC
- Trust establishment, negotiation, and management in FMC
- Threat and vulnerability modeling in FMC
- Attack analysis and digital forensics in FMC
- Secure and privacy preserving handover mechanisms
- Denial of service in FMC
- Key distribution and management in FMC
- Secure cooperation in wireless networks
- Cryptographic protocols and lightweight cryptography in FMC
- Secure Multicast/Broadcast Service in FMC
- Key agreement and identity based protocols
- Secure and privacy preserving mobile location services
- Cross Layer approach to security
- Secure and privacy preserving applications and services in FMC
- Security of mesh networks
- Privacy and Security Compliance
- Reputation-based systems in FMC
- Piracy issues and preventions in FMC
Manuscript submission deadline: February 15, 2013 (EXTENDED)
Pre-notification (first round): March 15, 2013
Final-notification (second round): June 15, 2013
Submission of final revised paper: September 15, 2013
Publication of special issue (Online): 2014 (Tentative)
All received submissions will be sent out for peer review by at least two experts in the field and evaluated with respect to relevance to the special
issue, level of innovation, depth of contributions, and quality of presentation. Guest editors will make an initial determination of the suitability
and scope of all submissions. Papers that either lack originality, clarity in presentation or fall outside the scope of the special issue will not be
sent for review and the authors will be promptly informed in such cases. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or
Submission Details
Manuscripts must be _directly_ emailed to the corresponding guest editor (gkamb(a)aegean.gr) as pdf files (not through the journal’s submission system).
The email must include the title, abstract of your paper, and the corresponding author’s name(s) and affiliation. Please mention “ECRJ-FMC Special
Issue Submission” in the subject line of your email. Further paper submission information will be available when you receive the pre-notification of
your paper.
Guest Editors
Dr. Georgios Kambourakis
University of the Aegean, Greece
Email: gkamb(a)aegean.gr
Dr. Gregorio Martinez
University of Murcia, Spain
Email: gregorio(a)um.es
Dr. Shiguo Lian
France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs) Beijing, China
Email: shiguo.lian(a)ieee.org
Dr. Felix Gomez Marmol
NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany
Email: felix.gomez-marmol(a)neclab.eu
Gregorio Martinez, PhD
University of Murcia, Spain
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Special Issue of JVLC on
Representations and Environments for User-Driven Development
of Service Applications
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 21:13:01 -0000
From: Nikolay Mehandjiev <mehandjiev(a)gmail.com>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Special Issue of Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
Representations and Environments for User-Driven Development of Service
Guest Editors: Nikolay Mehandjiev and Antonella De Angeli Full Manuscript
due: February 28th, 2013
Service-oriented software (SoS) is focused on delivering software on demand
– the software gets assembled into service applications at the point of
need, delivered, executed and then discarded. Two simplified manifestations
of this idea are quite popular today: the mobile phone apps which offer
focused functionality and are delivered to the mobile phones on request, and
service-based software, which researches dynamic composition of distributed
services, without focusing on the actual delivery of the assembled software.
The engagement of end users in the process of developing service-based
applications is a key enabler of the vision of SoS with its dynamic nature
and focus on the needs of their users. This highlights an immediate problem
with the existing environment and tools for assembling services into service
applications – they are still too focused on the underlying technology such
as event processing or data flow, and are thus often incomprehensible for
people without formal training in software development which are the
majority of the target users of the system. This is confirmed by our
studies, which highlight the difficulties users have with the concepts of
data passing between services and the need for this data to be aligned for
better processing.
The proposed special issue will consolidate the work done in the
intersection of service development and End User Development, an area of
research which aims to empower users who are not professional programmers to
develop or modify software. This intersection has been the subject of three
international workshops (www.eud4services.org) which helped us build an
international community working in the area. The proposed special issue will
build on the work presented in the workshops, soliciting archival-quality
contributions from that community but also encouraging further submissions
from the wider EUD and Services Communities.
This first of its kind special issue will focus on the intersection of
interaction design, end user development and services computing. Papers will
be solicited in the following areas (the list is indicative rather than
• Design or evaluations of graphical tools to support end-user
development of service-based applications;
• Studies of mental models used by users for service development;
• Cognitive or behavioural theories and models of users’
problem-solving when developing service-driven applications;
• Proposals for simpler and user-centric interfaces or environments;
• The place of domain-specific tools for user-driven composition of
service applications;
• The role of personalisation in delivering effective user-oriented
• Impact of context-customisation on the simplification of tools and
• The role of service semantics for providing better support within
EUD4Services environments;
• The place of collaborative development within user-driven assembly
of services.
Key Dates:
Please send an email with a short abstract or statement of intent to Nikolay
Mehandjiev (mailto:mehandjiev@gmail.com), by January 15, 2012. Complete
manuscripts should be emailed before February 28, 2013. Every paper will
be blind reviewed for rigour, contribution and relevance by three experts.
First round results will be sent to authors by June 1 2013. Revisions will
be due August 1 2013. Final publication decisions will be made by October
15 2013. Publication: February 2014
The Journal of Visual Languages and Computing is a forum for researchers,
practitioners, and developers to exchange ideas and results for the
advancement of visual languages and its implication to the art of computing.
The journal publishes research papers, state-of-the-art surveys, and review
articles in all aspects of visual languages.
For complete details on submission guidelines, please see the JVLC website:
Editors: S.-K. Chang, S. Levialdi
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: ICEC2013
Datum: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 21:10:25 -0000
Von: sender(a)ekimelu.com
An: neumann(a)wu.ac.at
Dear recipient,
We would like to invite you to submit papers to:
15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce
in Turku, Finland, 13.-15.8.2013
Call for Papers:
The theme of ICEC‘2013 is Effective, Agile and Trusted eServices Cocreation. The theme reflects alignment between computerized, formalized business procedures with the need for innovating business genuinely on-the-spot, or ad-hoc, to the needs of a customer. The authors are asked to find to balance of designing effective and profitable ways of delivering
eServices and maintaining customer relationship with the help of designing and running eCommerce systems. These are to be effective enough to handle not only millions of transactions, but also adaptive enough to manage hundreds of exceptions and tens of customer segments in real-time - all this with sufficient feed-back and secure mechanisms for trusted sales
between remote sellers and buyers, or between authorities and citizens. The authors are requested to cover at least one of the areas of the theme. Please consider the use of multi-theory, multi-method approaches for practical relevance, as well as employing innovative research and analysis methodologies based on the Internet and ´big data´ as data source. This is
to pay special attention to improve services for eCustomers and eCitizens by combining service co-creation with the means of eCommerce.
ICEC’s Coverage of Research Topics
In addition to the special theme, ICEC 2013 seeks submissions on topics
that include, but are not limited to:
• B2B/B2C eCommerce
• Mobile and pervasive eCommerce,
• Cloud computing and IT services in the context of eCommerce,
• Business modeling and pricing issues,
• Data mining, WoM, and recommender systems,
• Sponsored advertising,
• Internet economics and efficient market mechanisms,
• Emerging IT-technologies and IS-methodologies for eCommerce,
• Security, privacy, and legal issues in eCommerce and eServices
• The social implications of all above
Submission Instructions
Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should be limited to 8 pages in length and follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Articles will be double-blind reviewed, and they should not include authors’ names, affiliations, or addresses at review stage. Articles exceeding the page limit or not formatted according to the Proceedings template will not be reviewed. Articles should be submitted via EasyChair as PDF documents.
Important Dates and Deadlines
• Electronic paper submission deadline: March 1st, 2013
• Notification of acceptance: April 24th, 2013
• Camera-ready papers and abstracts: May 31st, 2013
• Workshop, tutorial and invited session proposals: March 9, 2013
• Workshop notification: March 23, 2013
• Main conference dates: Tue-Thu, August 13-15.
• Ancillary event: Tivit SHOK Data-to-Intelligence and FidiPro -industry noon-to-noon result seminar, August 12-13.
• Ancillary event: ERCIS meeting, August 16-17.
The city and venues:
The conference is taking place in Turku (population 300.000), Finland. Turku is the former capital of Finland, a medieval city of harbors and seafarers, which has long history in trade and logistics. It is situated at a beautiful maritime archipelago in Southwestern Finland. It is prosperous, growingly international, and culturally rich part of Finland, with one of the eldest academic institutions of Europe. The conference will be jointly hosted by University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, and it will be supported by the regional innovation and business community. The Conference Venue is Turku School of Economics. It serves good computing facilities, unrestricted high speed Internet (EduRoam), and modern air-conditioned halls and rooms. (Adapted from Wikipedia)
Conference organization
Conference Co-Chairs
• Professor Harry Bouwman, TU Delft and Åbo Akademi University
• Professor Jukka Heikkilä, University of Turku
Program Co-Chairs:
• Professor Pirkko Walden, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
• Professor Wladimir Zwass, Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA
• Professor Teo Thompson, National University of Singapore
• Professor Karl Reiner Lang, City University of New York, USA
Organizing Co-Chairs:
• Dr.Sc. (Econ & BA) Jonna Järveläinen, University of Turku
• Dr.Sc. (Econ & BA) Hongxiu Li, University of Turku
Liaision Officers for Journal Publications:
• Dr.Sc. Anna Sell, Åbo Akademi University
• Dr.Ir. Mark de Reuver, TU Delft
Local arrangements:
• Birgit Haanmäki, Timo Kestilä & Hongxiu Li, University of Turku
• Ph.D. candidate Anne-Marie Tuikka, University of Turku
• Brahea Congress Services,http://congress.utu.fi/index_eng.php
• Martin Bichler, TU Munich, Germany
• Matti Hämäläinen, Aalto University and Tivit Ltd., Finland
• Rob Kauffman, SMU and Darthmouth College, USA
• Jae Kyu Lee, KAIST, Korea
• Zhangxi Lin, Texas Tech at Lubbock and SWUFE, China
• Christopher Yang, Drexel University, USA
• Hannes Werthner, TU Wien, Austria
• Chris Westland, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, USA
• Reima Suomi, University of Turku, Finland
More information:http://www.utu.fi/sivustot/icec2013/
With best regards,
Anne-Marie Tuikka
University Teacher
Member of the ICEC 2013 Local organization committee
Information System Science
Turku School of Economics
University of Turku
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2013 Mini-Track CFP: Negative Cognitions
about Information Systems
Datum: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 20:08:27 +0000
Von: Lockwood, Nick <LockwoodN(a)mst.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers: 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems
August 15-17, 2013, Chicago, IL USA
Dear Colleagues,
We welcome papers for the mini track titled "NEGATIVE COGNITIONS ABOUT
INFORMATION SYSTEMS", for AMCIS 2013. Details follow:
There is an increasingly persistent dichotomy in the way that emerging
Information Systems (IS)-enabled patterns for work and collaboration are
affecting IS users. On the one hand, they enable vast improvements in
processes and decisions. On the other, they lead to negative cognitions
and outcomes such as stress, frustrations and information overload.
There has been a recent surge of interest in negative cognitions
associated with using IS related, for example, to technostress,
intrusiveness and deceptiveness, credibility and deception, addiction to
technology use, and distrust. These studies explore various facets of
detrimental conditions that users of IS experience---conditions that,
given the ubiquity of IS use, are potentially pervasive.
The objective of this mini-track is to develop theoretical insight and
understanding on HCI topics
and issues that address this "troubling" side of IS. Submissions
addressing all aspects of this topic are welcome. We welcome conceptual,
theoretical or empirical research papers. We particularly welcome papers
that apply theories and perspectives from different disciplines (e.g.,
theories of stress from psychology, information overload and
interruption from information science, and work-life balance from
industrial management) to examine various aspects of this phenomenon.
Suggested Topics:
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Implications for design of systems and interfaces regarding:
Conceptualizations of troubling or negative interactions between IS and
users, such as interruptions, information overload, constant
connectivity to work-related information processing, addiction to IS
use, and difficulties in learning how to use constantly changing
technologies and applications.
2. Implications for design of systems and interfaces regarding:
Outcomes from the above interactions such as stress, difficulty in
concentrating, multitasking,
user dissatisfaction, effects on productivity and performance,
disruption of work-life balance, over-dependence on IS.
3. Any other HCI topics related to negative affective responses and the
cause and effect relationships between cues embedded in system designs
and/or methods that can mitigate or exacerbate those negative responses.
Deadline for paper submissions: February 22, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: April 19, 2013
Final Copy Due: May 9, 2013
Monideepa Tarafdar (Corresponding Co-Chair)
Associate Professor
Information, Operations and Technology Management
College of Business and Innovation,
The University of Toledo
Email: monideepa.tarafdar(a)utoledo.edu
Nick Lockwood
Assistant Professor
Department of Business and Information Technology
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Email: lockwoodn(a)mst.edu <mailto:lockwoodn@mst.edu>
Taylor Wells
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Management Information Systems
Eller College of Management
University of Arizona
Email: taylorwells(a)email.arizona.edu <mailto:taylorwells@email.arizona.edu>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] IEEE/WIC/ACM WI 2013 - Call fo Papers
Datum: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 00:33:59 +0900
Von: WIC Office <wic-office(a)wi-consortium.org>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2013 (WI'13)
November 17-20, 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA
Conference Website: http://cs.gsu.edu/wic2013/
Sponsored By:
IEEE Computer Society
Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
WI 2013 provides a leading international forum to bring together researchers
and practitioners from diverse fields, to increase the cross-fertilization of
ideas and explore the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical
impacts of Artificial Intelligence engineering and Advanced Information
Technology on the next generation of Web systems. Web Intelligence has been
recognized as one of the most important as well as promising direction for
scientific research and development in the era of Web and agent intelligence
to bring in the next generation Web systems. Furthermore, WI 2013 will include
workshops providing in-depth background on subjects that are of broad interest
to Web intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology communities. The workshop
programs will focus on new research challenges, initiatives and applications
WI 2013 is an excellent opportunity for researchers who wish to examine design
principles and performance characteristics of various approaches in web
intelligence technology, and increase the cross-fertilization of ideas on
the development of web intelligence systems among different domains.
Dr. John E. Hopcroft from Cornell University, who won A. M. Turing Award
in 1986, will give a keynote speech at WI-IAT?13.
WI 2013 topics and areas include, but not limited to:
- Web Intelligence Foundations
- World Wide Wisdom Web
- Web Information Retrieval and Filtering
- Semantics and Ontology Engineering
- Web Mining and Farming
- Social Networks and Ubiquitous Intelligence
- Knowledge Grids and Grid Intelligence
- Web Agents, Services and Support Systems
- Intelligent Human-Web Interaction
- Intelligent e-Technology
- Intelligent Cloud Web Systems for Big Data Mining
- Intelligent Green Web Systems
Important dates:
Workshop proposal submission March 1, 2013
Electronic submission of full papers: May 1, 2013
Tutorial proposal submission: June 1, 2013
Workshop paper submission: June 1, 2013
Notification of paper acceptance: July 1, 2013
Notification of workshop paper acceptance: July 15, 2013
Camera-ready of accepted papers: September 1, 2013
Workshops: Nov. 17, 2013
Conference: November 18-20, 2013
High-quality papers in all WI related areas are solicited. Paper submissions
should be limited to a maximum of 8 pages in the IEEE 2-column format.
The same format will be used for final camera-ready papers
(see the Author Guidelines at
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the
basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.
Note that WI'2012 will accept ONLY on-line submissions in PDF format.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
by the IEEE Computer Society Press that is indexed by EI, and also will be
available on site.
*** Contact Information ***
Conference secretariat:
Ms. Tammie Dudley, Georgia State University
Email: tgdudley(at)cs.gsu.edu
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Fwd: EuroITV 2013 CFP
Datum: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 15:55:31 +0100
Von: Paolo Cremonesi <info(a)euro-itv.org>
An: digitaltelevision-research-owner(a)yahoogroups.com, Konstantinos
Chorianopoulos <konstantinos(a)gmail.com>,
terry(a)allaboutdesignresearch.com, icec(a)listserver.tue.nl,
bcs-hci-request(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, announcements(a)iamcr.org,
dbworld-request(a)cs.wisc.edu, cfp(a)eventseer.net, fgcscw(a)lists.lrz.de,
** Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
** EuroITV 2013: Thinking Outside the Box
** 11th European Interactive TV Conference
** June 24-26 2013, Como, Italy
** http://www.euro-itv.org/
EuroITV is the leading international conference for media and
interaction related to video and television.
During the past years, new technologies brought tremendous change to the
TV industries by shifting the value control point from distribution to
consumption. This year's theme "Thinking Outside the Box" is a stimulus
to explore how these changes might affect television, by exploring new
perspectives and leveraging cross-domain synergy.
Researchers and practitioners from all over the world meet to discuss
latest advances in media technology, HCI, systems & technology, media
studies, personalization and recommender systems, and content creation
We invite original, high quality papers submissions addressing how
digital technologies open up new ways of consumption and interaction
with rich-media content.
The main conference proceedings, in cooperation with ACM, SIGCHI, SIGWEB
and SIGMM, will be published by ACM DL. Selected papers will be
short-listed for submission to special edition journals.
This year's conference consists of four tracks - each with its own
program committee and separate track chairs. Full and short papers have
to be submitted in one of these tracks, to optimize the review process.
If not sure, choose the track, which is closest to the main topic of
your submission, and of which you feel that community is most
appropriate to review your work. More details on each track can be
found on the website.
Track 1: Human-Computer Interaction
Track 2: Systems and Enabling Technologies
Track 3: Content, Media & Interactive Media Art
Track 4: Media, Social and Business Studies
- Beyond the home context, extended home, Mobile TV
- Ambient intelligence, ambient media environments
- Social TV, sociability, usability and user experience
- Digital content production, HDTV and digital cinema
- Asset management, metadata and content enrichment
- Entertainment computing, games, betting, game shows
- Broadband and IPTV
- 3DTV and VR systems
- Audience research, ethnography, user studies
- New advertising and revenue models for television
- Accessibility, universal access, multimodal interaction
- Business models, media management, media economics, t-commerce, t-learning
- Web2.0, user-generated content
- Communication services, video conferencing, messaging
- Content management, digital rights management
- Interactive storytelling, interactive advertising
- Electronic program guide, video search, video navigation
- Enhanced TV (news, weather, sports)
- Changes in technical requirements and infrastructures (ubiquitous and
- Standards (TV-Anytime, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, SMIL)
- Multimedia, graphics, broadcast and video technology
- Recommender systems, user modeling, intelligent user interfaces
- Ethical, regulatory and policy issues
Workshop & Tutorial Proposals
- Submission: December 21th, 2012 (extended)
- Notification: January 14th, 2013
Paper, Demo, Doctoral Consortium & Industrial Papers
- Submission: February 1st, 2013
- Notification: March 15th, 2013
The proceedings will be published by ACM, and be made available in the
ACM Digital Library. Extended versions of selected papers will be
considered for a special issue in a journal.
General Chair
Paolo Paolini
Conference Chairs
Paolo Cremonesi, George Lekakos
Program Coordinator
Marianna Obrist
Track 1 Chairs: Human Computer Interaction
Franca Garzotto, Santosh Basapur
Track 2 Chairs: Systems and Enabling Technologies
Stefano Tubaro, Shelley Buchinger
Track 3 Chairs: Content, Media & Interactive Media Art
Francesca Piredda, Margarete Jahrmann, Falk Heinrich
Track 4 Chairs: Media, Social and Economic Studies
Margherita Pagani, Elisa Rubegni
Tutorial and Workshop Chairs
Maria da Graça Pimentel, Niloofar Dezfuli
Demo Session Chairs
Jonathan Hook, Diego Martinez-Plasencia
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
David Geerts, Dominik Strohmeier
iTV in Industry Chair
Patrick Huber
Grand Challenge Chairs
Artur Lugmayr, Robert Strzebkowski, Milena Szafir
Local Chair
Matteo Picozzi
Politecnico di Milano, Italy - http://www.polimi.it
Send any inquiry about the conference to:
info(a)euro-itv.com <mailto:info@euro-itv.com>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CALL FOR POSITION PAPERS: WEBIST 2013 - Int'l Conf. on Web
Information Systems and Technologies
Datum: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 12:28:21 -0500
Von: WEBIST Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: webist.secretariat(a)insticc.org
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
Let me kindly inform you that the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2013 - http://www.webist.org/), to be held in Aachen, Germany (May 8 - 10, 2013) is now welcoming the submission of position papers whose deadline is scheduled for next January 21.
A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the conference topics.
The acceptance of a position paper is restricted to the categories of "short paper" or "poster". Please check further details about position papers submission at the conference website (http://www.webist.org/).
The conference will be technically sponsored by the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS), sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and Co-organized by the RWTH Aachen University. INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and Object Management Group (OMG).
WEBIST is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 184 submissions, 14% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 31% were presented as short papers and 17% as posters.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a LNBIP Series book.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI (Elsevier Index).
Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session. Please check the website for further information (http://www.webist.org/BestPaperAward.aspx).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SCITEPRESS is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
We also would like to highlight the possibility to submit to the following Special Sessions:
- Special Session on Business Apps - BA 2013 (http://www.webist.org/BA.aspx)
- Socio-technical Dynamics in Information Systems - STDIS 2013 (http://webist.org/STDIS.aspx)
- GRAph-based Modeling and Matching in the Web - GraW 2013 (http://www.webist.org/GRAW.aspx)
Workshops, Special sessions, Tutorials as well as Demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
The conference program features a number of Keynote Lectures to be delivered by distinguished world-class researchers, including those listed below.
Please check further details at the WEBIST conference website (http://www.webist.org/).
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
WEBIST 2013 will be held in conjunction with CLOSER-2013, SMARTGREENS-2013 and CSEDU-2013 in Aachen, Germany. Registration to WEBIST will enable free attendance to any sessions of CLOSER, SMARTGREENS and CSEDU conferences as a non-speaker.
Kind regards,
Carla Mota
WEBIST Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8817
Email: webist.secretariat(a)insticc.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
WEBIST website: http://www.webist.org/
May 8 - 10, 2013
Aachen, Germany
Technically sponsored by: ERCIS
Co-organized by: RWTH
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC and OMG
Position Paper Submission: January 21, 2013
Authors Notification (position papers): February 25, 2013
Final Position Paper Submission and Registration: March 11, 2013
Karl-Heinz Krempels, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Alexander Stocker, Joanneum Research , Austria
Please check the program committee members at http://www.webist.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx
Emer Coleman, Government Digital Services, United Kingdom
Harald Schöning, Software AG, Germany
Brian Donnellan, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
Area 1: Internet Technology
- XML and data management
- System Integration
- Web Services and Web Engineering
- Distributed and Parallel Applications
- Protocols and Standards
- Authentication and Access Control
- Web Security and Privacy
- Databases and Datawarehouses
- Web Programming
Area 2: Web Interfaces and Applications
- Searching and Browsing
- User Modeling
- Portal strategies
- Accessibility issues and Technology
- Personalized Web Sites and Services
- Multimedia and User interfaces
- Usability and Ergonomics
- Metadata and Metamodeling
- Web Geographical Information Systems
- Ontology and the Semantic Web
Area 3: Society, e-Business and e-Government
- Knowledge Management
- e-Business and e-Commerce
- Communities of interest
- e-Government
- Communities of practice
- Social Networks and Organizational Culture
- B2B, B2C and C2C
- e-Payment
- Web 2.0 and Social Networking Controls
- Social and Legal Issues
Area 4: Web Intelligence
- Data Mining
- Web Site Classification
- Learning User Profiles
- Web Information Filtering and Retrieval
- Web Site Navigation Support Systems
- Meta-Knowledge Discovery and Representation
- Privacy and Confidentiality
- Computational Intelligence on the Web
- User-Centric Systems
Area 5: Mobile Information Systems
- Mobile Navigation and Assistance
- Context Awareness
- Context Detection
- Indoor Navigation and Assistance
- Mobile Social Network Interaction
- Mobile Social Network Streaming
- Social Network Awareness
- Mobile Media Sharing Systems
- Mobile Instant Messaging
- Context Aware Media Tagging
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] Call for Papers - AMCIS 2013 Minitrack & BPMJ Special
Issue: "NewFrontiers in Business Process Management"
Datum: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:39:58 +0100 (CET)
Von: Müller Oliver <Oliver.Mueller(a)uni.li>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
AMCIS 2013 Minitrack & BPMJ Special Issue: "New Frontiers in
Business Process Management"
Business processes management (BPM) is
a management approach that has its roots in a range of practices,
such as Kaizen, TQM, and
BPR. It makes use of methods and tools dedicated to the identification,
documentation, improvement,
implementation, and execution of organizational
processes. Although BPM has been a popular topic for
decades, the field is still
evolving. Current technological developments and
environmental pressures extend the reach and richness of BPM beyond its
traditional frontiers. Considering the reach of
BPM, the growing importance of alliances and networks requires
end-to-end business processes to be managed across multiple
organizations. The roles of employees and customers also
change, evolving to more active initiators and participants of process improvement
endeavors. Organizations that previously refrained from adopting
a systematic approach to manage their operations finally
turn to BPM methods and technologies as well. Regarding the richness of
BPM, new methods and tools are proposed that help organizations with the successful adoption of
BPM. Current
web-based technologies may increase the involvement of internal and external stakeholders and reduce organizational
inertia. Improved analysis functionality like process mining can leverage organizational
learning. This mini-track intends to serve as a platform for research
on these current trends in BPM.
We invite contributions from disciplines including information
systems, information
management, computer and management science to properly cover
all current discussions on possible advancements to business process
management. Boundary-spanning research that connects BPM with other than the named disciplines is
also welcome.
Potential topics of interest are, but are not limited to:
Extending the reach of BPM
- BPM in new or previously less-covered domains (e.g., non-for-profit
organizations, healthcare organizations and public administrations)
Management of new or previously less-covered types of business processes
(e.g., semi- or unstructured processes, knowledge- and
information-intensive processes, creative processes)
- Inter-organizational BPM
- Green BPM
- Adoption and adaptation of BPM (X-aware BPM)
Extending the richness of BPM
- Positive process deviance and organizational learning
- Process mining
- Process repository management
- Process innovation management
- Real-time BPM
- Mobile computing and BPM
- Cloud computing and BPM
- Open-source BPM software
- Case management
- Web-based process modeling and process registries
- Collaboration and participation in BPM
- Social BPM
- Gamification in BPM
Submission Deadline: Fri, Feb 22, 2013
More Information:
Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) Special Issue:
We arranged a corresponding special issue on "New Frontiers in
Business Process Management" with the Business Process Management
Journal (BPMJ). Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit
an extended version of their manuscript for this special issue for
fast track consideration.
The call for papers for the special issue is available here:
Track Chairs:
Thomas Kohlborn, Queensland University of Technology,
t.kohlborn(a)qut.edu.au <mailto:t.kohlborn@qut.edu.au>
Jens Poeppelbuss, University of Bremen, jepo(a)uni-bremen.de
Oliver Mueller, University of Liechtenstein, oliver.mueller(a)uni.li
Maximilian Roeglinger, University of Augsburg,
**Dr* Oliver Mueller*
Assistant Professor
at the Hilti Chair of Business Process Management
University of Liechtenstein
Institute of Information Systems
Fuerst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Phone +423 265 11 11, Direct +423 265 13 23
<mailto:oliver.mueller@uni.li><mailto:oliver.mueller@uni.li>, www.uni.li
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