-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Deadline extension till 7.1.2013 - CfP
Workshop Multi-agent Based Applications for Sustainable
Energy Systems (MASSES), 11th Conference on Practical
Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS),
Salamanca (Spain), 22nd-24th May, 2013
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 12:12:45 +0100
From: Rainer Unland <rainer.unland(a)icb.uni-due.de>
Organization: University Duisburg-Essen
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
*First Workshop on Multi-agent Based Applications for
Sustainable Energy Systems (MASSES) *
*as part of*
*11th Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS)*
*Salamanca (Spain), 22nd-24th May, 2013 *
*Important dates*
Submission date 7 January
Notification date28 January
Paper ready deadline25 February
Conference dates22-24 May, 2013
*Workshop motivation and topics*
After the explicit commitment of many countries to support
the installation and management of often small renewable
energy production sources the old energy grids need to be
upgraded to a much more intelligent and flexible grid, not
only for electricity but also for gas and heat. Such so
called smart grids most likely need to rely on decentralized
control and a highly efficient, fast, flexible and reliable
management. This requires smart grids to be capable of
autonomously and intelligently configuring themselves to
make the most efficient use of available resources, to be
robust to all kinds of failures and energy production
deviations, and to be extendable and adaptable in the face
of rapidly changing technologies and requirements. The
distributed nature of these systems, and the autonomous
behaviour expected of them, points towards multi-agent
systems as a possible foundation for the realisation of the
management software for such grids. While a lot has to
happen on the energy production and provision level the
house of the future as well as the transportation means of
the future need to be smoothly integrated in such a smart
grid concept as well which means that houses need to be
smart as well. Thus, the focus of this workshop is on
applications of multi-agent systems technology in smart
grids and smart homes.
Examples of areas of interest include, but are not limited
to, the following:
.Agent-based prediction, adaption and optimization of energy
use within homes, buildings, organisations and micro-grids
.Multi-agent based simulations of energy grids and markets
.Coalition formation strategies for coordinated energy use
across multiple consumers, forming virtual power stations,
and performing intelligent demand management.
.Experiences with MAS-based Smart Grid implementations
.Applications of MAS-based Smart Grid technologies
.MAS-based real time adaptation of energy networks
.MAS-based self-configuration or self-healing of energy systems
.MAS-based load modelling and control
.MAS-based applications for electrical vehicles
.MAS-based control and management of electrical car fleets
.Interactions and exchange between networks for electricity,
gas and heat
.MAS-based smart home (building) applications and services
.MAS-based control and management of smart homes
.MAS-based control and management of appliances
.MAS-based control and management of smart homes
.MAS-based commercial and industrial applications for smart
*Structure of MASSES*
MASSE will be a full-day workshop and will include several
presentation sessions for the accepted paper as well as
invited papers on topics of overall interest in order to
kick off intense and lively discussions. It is intended to
end the workshop with a panel/discussion round in which the
relevant results of the workshop will be discussed.
*Review Process*
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 Program
Committee members. Selection criteria will include:
relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical
soundness, quality of presentation, practical applicability.
Some preference may also be given to papers which address
emergent trends or important common themes. In general,
papers to be acceptable, must be of substantial relevance
for the multi-agent systems research community.
*Journal publication of excellent papers*
It is intended to invite authors of excellent papers to
submit an extended version of their paper to either
the IOS Multiagent and Grid Systems journal (MAGS). This
journal has a high reputation and is often classified as a
B-class journal. If enough high quality papers will be
submitted it is planned to publish them as a special issue,
otherwise as regular papers;
or Springer's Transactions on Computational Collective
Intelligence. This new journal focuses on research in
applications of the computer-based methods of Computational
Collective Intelligence (CCI) and their applications in a
wide range of fields such as semantic web, social networks
and multi-agent systems.
*Workshop organisers/PC Chairs*
Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy
Ryszard Kowalczyk, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Rainer Unland (primary contact), University of
Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Rainer.Unland at icb.uni-due.de
*Program Committee*
Alexander Pokahr, University of Hamburg, Germany
Andreas Symeonidis, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Anke Weidlich, Hochschule Offenburg, Germany
Bao Vo, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Benjamin Hirsch, EBTIC, UAE
Bernhard Bauer, Universität Augsburg, Germany
Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet
Christian Derksen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Christoph Weber, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Costin Ba(dica(, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania
Cristina Baroglio, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
David Sislak, Gerstner Laboratory, Czech Republic
Dmitry Zhdanov, University of Connecticut, USA
Fabrice Saffre, Etisalat BT Innovation Centre, UAE
Frank Allgöwer, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Georg Frey, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Hanno Hildmann, Khalifa University, UAE
Huaglory Tianfield, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Huib Aldewereld, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ingo J. Timm, JW Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Jan Sudeikat, Hamburg Energie GmbH, Germany
Javier Vazquez-Salceda, Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, Spain
John Collins, University of Minnesota, USA
Lars Braubach, University of Hamburg, Germany
Lars Mönch, Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany
Marcin Paprzycki, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Maria Ganzha, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Martin Tröschel, OFFIS - Institut für Informatik, Germany
Mathijs de Weerdt, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Matthias Klusch, DFKI GmbH, Germany
Ori Marom, Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands
Peter Palensky,AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Sascha Ossowski, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Stamatis Karnouskos, SAP, Germany
Steven Guan, Xian Jiatong-Liverpool University, China
Sudip Bhattacharjee, University of Connecticut, USA
Wolfgang Ketter, Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Lau Hoong Chuin, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Zhiguo Gong, University of Macau, Macau (t.b.c.)
"Experience is this valuable asset which allows us to identify the
mistake immediately when we are doing it again and again!"
"Erfahrung ist jener kostbare Besitz, der uns befähigt, einen Fehler
sofort zu erkennen, wenn wir ihn immer wieder machen."
Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and
Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
IP-Tel. Skype: unlandr Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
Email: Rainer.Unland at icb.uni-due.de
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Special Issue of International
Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking on
Network Security
Datum: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 17:20:24 -0500 (EST)
Von: Dr. Mike Whitman <mwhitman(a)kennesaw.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We are pleased to announce that we have been asked to serve as guest
editors for a special issue of the International Journal of
Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking - focusing on
Network Security.
For the full CFP please visit the publisher's site:
Submissions are due February 1, 2013 to
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ijitn13se courtesy of
EasyChair (www.easychair.org <http://www.easychair.org/>).
Papers should be formatted in accordance with the publisher's guidelines
: http://www.igi-global.com/journals/guidelines-for-submission.aspx.
For more information simply email infosec(a)kennesaw.edu.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Mike Whitman
Michael E. Whitman, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP
Professor of Information Security and
Director, KSU Center for Information Security Education
Department of Information Systems
Michael J. Coles College of Business
Kennesaw State University - A National Center of Academic Excellence in
Information Assurance Education
1000 Chastain Rd. MS 1101
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
Ph: 770.499.3568
Fx: 770.423.6731
Clendenin Building (12) Rm #3061
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delete this message immediately and are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of
any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.
Further, the contents of this email and any attachments it may be
associated with may be protected by the copyright laws of the United States.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS - Green-IS for
Sustainability in Inter-Organizational Networks at AMCIS 2013
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 05:05:43 +0000
From: Kranz, Johann <jkranz(a)uni-goettingen.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*CALL FOR PAPERS - Green-IS for Sustainability in
Inter-Organizational Networks at AMCIS 2013 *
*Track:* Green IS and
*Mini-Track: * Green-IS for Sustainability in
Inter-Organizational Networks
*Mini-Track Co-Chairs:* Matthias Schumann
Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany
mschuma1(a)uni-goettingen.de <mailto:mschuma1@uni-goettingen.de>
Stefan Seidel
University of Liechtenstein
stefan.seidel(a)uni.li <mailto:stefan.seidel@uni.li>
Johann Kranz
Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany
jkranz(a)uni-goettingen.de <mailto:jkranz@uni-goettingen.de>
Among scholars and practitioners alike issues related to
corporate sustainability have become increasingly important
due to global warming, environmental degradation, and the
scarcity of (fossil) resources. In making business practices
more sustainable, information system (IS) enhanced
solutions, typically referred to Green IS, are expected to
play an essential role (Watson et al. 2011). The effects of
Green IS can be (1) direct, e.g. due to more efficient usage
of IS/IT-resources (2) indirect, e.g., due to more
sustainable business processes, or (3) systemic, for
instance, causing behavioral changes of employees. While
many studies focus on single organizations, to date only
little research has been conducted regarding the adoption,
usage, and design of Green IS in inter-organizational
networks. Supporting sustainable business practices within
and across organizations requires a research agenda that
investigates topics such as inter-organizational
sustainability governance, sustainable supply chain
management, product life cycle accounting, recycling, carbon
management accounting, or energetic and non-energetic
resource consumption across value chains. The IS community
is thus challenged to contribute to our understanding of how
IS can foster sustainability in complex inter-organizational
networks while simultaneously considering economic
imperatives. We invite contributions that explore the range
of technical, organizational, economic, and social
perspectives on Green IS for sustainability in
inter-organizational networks from diverse perspectives
which include -- but are not limited to -- the field of
business information systems, management, machine learning,
operations research, and computer science as well as
contributions from practitioners which provide business
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Adoption and usage of Green IS in corporate and
inter-organizational networks
* IS for inter-organizational sustainability governance
* Green IS and their integration in corporate enterprise
information systems
* IS for green supply chain management
* Resource efficiency in supply chains (e.g., smart logistics)
* Adoption and usage of environmental management
information systems in corporate and
inter-organizational networks
* IS for environmental data collection
* IS for sustainability reporting
* Product lifecycle management and analysis in
inter-organizational networks (e.g., reuse,recycling,
remanufacturing,energetic and non-energetic consumption
of resources)
* Product carbon footprints in inter-organizational networks
* IS for carbon management accounting in
inter-organizational networks
* Use, effect, and design of technologies such as cloud
computing and virtualization that improve the greening
of organizations
* Understanding Green IT practices and its strategic
benefits for organizations
* Adoption and effects of sustainable business practices
* Drivers for greening in organizations
* Measuring sustainability in management accounting and
process performance measurement
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 8th Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital
Forensics, Security and Law
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 08:09:59 +0000
From: Glenn S. Dardick <gdardick(a)dardick.net>
Reply-To: Glenn S. Dardick <gdardick(a)dardick.net>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' (aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org)
(aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org) <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*ANNOUNCEMENT: Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and
Description: Description: Description: Description:
Description: Description: Description: Description:
Description: Description: Description: Description:
Description: Description: Description: adfslgraphic.jpg
Venue: Richmond, Virginia USA
Dates: 10-12 June 2013
Conference Website:
Dear colleagues:
The ADFSL 2013 Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and
Law will be held on June 10-12, 2013. A conference committee
will be formed in the next few months and more details will
be announced at that time.
The conference committee will be calling for papers and
proposals in, or related to, the following areas:
1) Digital forensics curriculum
2) Cyber law curriculum
3) Information assurance curriculum
4) Accounting digital forensics curriculum
5) Digital forensics teaching methods
6) Cyber law teaching methods
7) Information assurance teaching methods
8) Accounting digital forensics teaching methods
9) Digital forensics case studies
10) Cyber law case studies
11) Information assurance case studies
12) Accounting digital forensics case studies
13) Digital forensics and information technology
14) Cyber law and information technology
15) Information assurance and information technology
16) Accounting digital forensics information technology
17) Digital forensics and the Internet
18) Cyber law and the Internet
19) Information assurance and Internet
20) Digital forensics accounting and the Internet
21) Steganography
22) Stylometrics and Author Attribution
23) Anonymity and Proxies
24) Encryption and Decryption
25) International issues in digital forensics
26) International issues in cyber law
27) International issues in information assurance
28) International issues in accounting digital forensics
29) Theory development in digital forensics
30) Theory development in information assurance
31) Methodologies for digital forensic research
32) Analysis techniques for digital forensic and information
assurance research
33) Privacy issues in digital forensics
34) Privacy issues in information assurance
35) Privacy issues in cyber law
36) Privacy issues in digital rights management
37) Software piracy investigation
38) Software quality forensics
39) Cyber culture and cyber terrorism
The deadline for submissions will be midnight EST, 19
February 2013.
The submission system will be available starting in January.
*Submission Types***
Short briefing papers: A technology or a management briefing
on an aspect of digital forensics, information assurance,
and/or cyber law. Such papers will be presented by the
author in a round table discussion format at the conference.
These papers need not be extensive. Typical length is about
1500-2000 words.
Research papers: A research question or an argument is posed
and subsequently conducted. Empirical work (quantitative or
qualitative) is necessary. Research papers will be presented
by the authors in a regular conference session. These papers
should be extensive. Typical length is about 5000-6000
words. All research papers will be considered for
publication in the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security
and Law (JDFSL).
Case Studies: Case studies are typically descriptions of a
given digital forensics situation. Names of
organizations/actors can be kept anonymous to maintain
confidentiality. Case studies will be presented by the
authors at the conference. Typical length is about 5000-6000
words. All case studies will be considered for publication
in the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (JDFSL).
Student Scholar Track: Up to six student papers will be
selected for the Paraben Sponsored Student Scholar Track. Of
the six papers, one will be selected for the Paraben Student
Scholar Award. The primary author must be present at the
conference. To participate, the primary author of the paper
must be a student. The primary author must email the
conference chair and specify that they wish their submitted
paper to be considered for the Student Scholar track.
Panels: Panels and workshop proposals are welcome. Typical
length is about 1000 words long and covers a current
technology or a controversial issue.
The primary audience will include individuals who are
interested in developing curriculum and teaching methods as
well as conducting research related to the areas of digital
forensics, security, and law. This conference will be of
value to both academic and practitioner audiences.
All submissions are double blind peer reviewed.
*Best Papers*
Selected papers from the conference will be considered for
inclusion in the following journal:
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Website: http://www.adfsl.org
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Website: http://www.jdfsl.org
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Contents of JIPS Volume 7, Issue 3
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 17:21:58 -0700
From: Bagchi, Kallol <kbagchi(a)utep.edu>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
PRIVACY AND SECURITY (JIPS). http://jips.utep.edu/
Publisher: Ivy League Publishing, http://www.ivylp.com,
email: admin(a)ivylp.com <mailto:admin@ivylp.com>
European Lab, Paris, France & Information Systems and
Operations Management University of Florida, selwyn(a)ufl.edu
<mailto:selwyn@ufl.edu> .
As RFID tags gain popularity for everyday use, issues
related to privacy and security of RFID-tagged objects
become important. However, the memory and processing power
constraints in low-cost RFID tags make securing these tags
difficult, if not impossible. Light- weight protocols have
been proposed to address this issue. Li and Wang (2007)
report security vulnerabilities in two recently proposed
ultra-lightweight RFID mutual authentication protocols -
LMAP and M2AP. Fairly similar in structure, these two
protocols use among other things, sum mod m operations. We
use m as 2 in sum mod m operation which is realistic in
low-cost tags and, using a passive observer adversary,
enumerate the entire set of secret information in two
consecutive rounds of authentication.
Lixuan Zhang, Augusta State University -- Augusta,
_gzhang(a)aug.edu <mailto:gzhang@aug.edu>_ and Clinton Amos,
Augusta State University- Augusta, _clamos(a)aug.edu
Many threats have appeared with an increasingly
sophisticated web platform. To cope with these threats, end
users have to gather and process relevant information. There
are two modes of information processing: systematic
processing and heuristic processing. Using the
heuristic-systematic model, the study shows the influence of
involvement and information insufficiency on the processing
mode. The study finds that high involvement is positively
related to systematic processing, while low involvement is
negatively related to heuristic processing. Information
insufficiency has a significant negative relationship with
heuristic processing but no significant relationship is
found between information insufficiency and systematic
processing. The study also shows that systematic processing
has a positive relationship with the intention of following
recommended protective actions while heuristic processing
has a negative relationship with this intention. The results
shed light on the role of processing mode related to web
threat information.
of Massachusetts -- Boston, roger.blake(a)umb.edu
<mailto:roger.blake@umb.edu> and Ramakrishna Ayyagari,
University of Massachusetts -- Boston, r.ayyagari(a)umb.edu
What are the key topics for Information Systems (IS)
security researchers? How have these topics been changing,
and what topics are emerging to offer new opportunities for
research? We address these questions by analyzing the
abstracts of 261 articles focusing on IS security that have
appeared in leading IS journals and journals devoted to this
area. Using Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to analyze the
text of these abstracts uncovers five primary research
topics: Security Design & Management, Business Operations
Security, Behavioral Aspects, Authentication & Integrity
Controls, and Prevention & Detection. These five primary
topics are aggregates of more granular topics that are
utilized to find trends to understand the changing
complexion of IS security research. Our study contributes by
developing the key topics and their trends in this area
using an analytical and replicable method to synthesize the
existing research.
Conducted by Peeter Kirs, University of Texas, El Paso,
pkirs(a)utep.edu <mailto:pkirs@utep.edu>__
Issues like managing information and communication
technology in an educational environment small/medium
businesses or in the Government, security and privacy
related issues in an educational environment is discussed.
Mr. Vaughn observes that doing more with less is becoming a
real challenge in an educational setting.
HALL. Reviewed by Aurelia Donald, University of Texas at El
Paso, adonald(a)utep.edu <mailto:adonald@utep.edu> Aurelia
observes that understanding networks can be a difficult
task. This book provides a comprehensive explanation of
networking concepts along with real life examples of
networking use and diagrams that reinforce the discussed
topics. In particular, chapter three outlines security
issues, types of attacks, common attackers as well as
provide an explanation of security management responsibilities.
Note. The 14th GITMA World conference will be held in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia on June 16-18, 2013. http://www.gitma.org.
The GITMA conference is designed to be an international
conference attracting participants from all continents. It
has a friendly cozy atmosphere leading to rewarding
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for Paper----International Conference on
Service Science 2013
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 14:41:29 +0800
From: 欣学 <2013icss(a)gmail.com>
To: Dimitris.ASSIMAKOPOULOS(a)esc-grenoble.fr,
dingcongcs(a)gmail.com, dingjichang(a)pku.edu.cn,
dingsl(a)163.com, dingzh(a)hotmail.com, diok(a)ee.auth.gr,
Dirk.Craeynest(a)cs.kuleuven.be, Dirk.Deridder(a)vub.ac.be,
disciascio(a)poliba.it, djacob736(a)gmail.com, dkalles(a)acm.org,
dl(a)altair.cs.oswego.edu, dmhuang(a)shfu.edu.cn,
dmmdcm(a)hotmail.com, dmyeh(a)nknucc.nknu.edu.tw,
dnashat(a)ecei.tohoku.ac.jp, dong_ji1420(a)sina.com,
dongdh(a)dlut.edu.cn, donghai(a)oslab.khu.ac.kr,
dongmeihan(a)mail.shufe.edu.cn, dongpingjun(a)126.com,
dongwon(a)psu.edu, dpatha(a)yahoo.com, dphu(a)sjtu.edu.cn,
dpinho(a)centroin.com.br, dql(a)public1.ptt.js.cn,
dr_huang(a)yahoo.cn, dragos.truscan(a)abo.fi, drc(a)zju.edu.cn,
drchen(a)cs.zju.edu.cn, drchen(a)zjuem.zju.edu.cn,
drfang(a)dr.com, drxigyang(a)vip.sina.com, dsjang(a)mju.ac.kr,
dsparrow(a)mitre.org, duan(a)cs.berkeley.edu,
dubois(a)elet.polimi.it, duncan(a)cityu.edu.hk,
duncan34(a)163.com, dunghungwen(a)hotmail.com,
dunhq04(a)sei.pku.edu.cn, dustdar(a)infosys.tuwien.ac.at,
dvan(a)us.ibm.com, dwallach(a)cs.rice.edu,
dwcheun(a)otlab.ssu.ac.kr, dwijesek(a)gmu.edu, dxa(a)otenet.gr,
dxa(a)unipi.gr, dxiao(a)bupt.edu.cn, dy202(a)sia.cn,
dychen(a)csie.nctu.edu.tw, dym1188(a)163.com,
dynamicakj(a)excite.com, dzh05(a)126.com,
e.carpanzano(a)itia.cnr.it, e.chikofsky(a)computer.org,
e.schiariti(a)itia.cnr.it, EBanahan(a)roundrose.com,
ecm(a)eunet.yu, ecmania(a)etri.re.kr, ecwong(a)eti.hku.hk,
ed(a)cse.fau.edu, edwardw(a)tw.ibm.com, eeide(a)cs.utah.edu,
effie25(a)sina.com, ehaihong(a)gmail.com, ehtesham(a)hotmail.fr,
ehud(a)cs.bgu.ac.il, ejfma(a)hotmail.com, ekr(a)rtfm.com,
elderbomfim(a)yahoo.com.br, elena.ferrari(a)uninsubria.it,
elishajey(a)gmail.com, elizabeth.chang(a)cbs.curtin.edu.au,
emartinez(a)dsi.uclm.es, embley(a)cs.byu.edu, emicp(a)dsi.uclm.es,
emrwu(a)tw.ibm.com, enrique.g.castro-leon(a)intel.com,
ensajm(a)bath.ac.uk, Enxia(a)126.com, eparaiso(a)hds.utc.fr,
epsiloni(a)netvigator.com, Eric.Dubois(a)tudor.lu,
eric(a)iii.org.tw, erich.teppan(a)uni-klu.ac.at,
erickar(a)posgrad.nce.ufrj.br, es945(a)msn.com,
esmeralda-julie(a)hotmail.com, eva.rydbeck(a)ivf.se,
evans(a)cis.famu.edu, evdokim(a)wiwi.hu-berlin.de,
events_calendar(a)acm.org, everwind(a)icad.kaist.ac.kr,
everxc(a)yahoo.cn, Ewen.W.Denney(a)nasa.gov, ewong(a)utdallas.edu,
experkim(a)hannam.ac.kr, f.crauwels(a)computer.org,
f.liu(a)latrobe.edu.au, fabio(a)cs.unibo.it, faed68(a)yahoo.com,
fahim.akhter(a)zu.ac.ae, fancy-man(a)163.com,
fang.16898(a)gmail.com, fang(a)dr.com, fangfiles(a)yahoo.cn,
fangkt(a)yuntech.edu.tw, fanlimin(a)ebupt.com,
fanys(a)tsinghua.edu.cn, fanyus(a)tsinghua.edu.cn,
fanzj_5677(a)163.com, farkas(a)cse.sc.edu, farsi2000(a)yahoo.com,
fathian(a)iust.ac.ir, fbarbini(a)luiss.it, fbs(a)cs.cornell.edu,
fcmlau(a)cs.hku.hk, fdeb(a)fudan.edu.cn, feihangwang(a)126.com,
feiyl(a)163.net, fengdan(a)126.com, fengguochen(a)yahoo.com.cn,
fengjiew(a)it.uts.edu.au, fengjun7171(a)yahoo.com.cn,
fengyk(a)ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp, fenwang1(a)umbc.edu,
fernandz(a)iro.umontreal.ca, fgutierr(a)ugr.es,
fiadeiroj(a)me.com, finin(a)cs.umbc.edu, finin(a)umbc.edu,
firestone_wy(a)sina.com.cn, five005(a)126.com,
flavia.santoro(a)uniriotec.br, flea.miss(a)gmail.com,
flowwolf(a)singnet.com.sg, flyindong(a)sina.com,
fmhuang(a)csie.ncu.edu.tw, fmitsuo(a)ppgia.pucpr.br,
focardi(a)dsi.unive.it, fournet(a)microsoft.com,
fparreiras(a)b2i.com.br, fph(a)mail.zjgsu.edu.cn,
fph(a)zjgsu.edu.cn, fq0520(a)seu.edu.cn, fran(a)super.org,
francesco.arigliano(a)eng.it, francois.charoy(a)loria.fr,
Frank.Wagner(a)iao.fraunhofer.de, frankj(a)eng.uts.edu.au,
fraser(a)ist.tugraz.at, fraterna(a)elet.polimi.it,
frederic.pourraz(a)univ-savoie.fr, frederick.proctor(a)nist.gov,
freehorse_wl(a)yahoo.com.cn, fricker(a)ifi.uzh.ch,
friendpengpeng(a)126.com, frk.kamoun(a)planet.tn,
frost(a)mail.hust.edu.cn, fruend(a)hni.uni-paderborn.de,
fsciang(a)ku.ac.th, fscipok(a)ku.ac.th, fstasp(a)umac.mo,
fstzgg(a)umac.mo, fsx(a)cs.zju.edu.cn, ftaes(a)tsf.be,
ftong(a)eti.hku.hk, ftoumani(a)isima.fr, fu_kui(a)163.com,
fubob(a)mit.edu, fvalera(a)it.uc3m.es, fyd1(a)yahoo.com,
fyl(a)mail.hzic.edu.cn, fyl(a)mail.zjgsu.edu.cn, fz(a)pl.ibm.com,
fzhe(a)whu.edu.cn, fzhengzheng12345(a)163.com,
g.bernal(a)ieee.org, g.piccinelli(a)cs.ucl.ac.uk,
g9414(a)cs.nccu.edu.tw, gahn(a)uncc.edu, gamal_ams(a)hotmail.com,
ganmx(a)manage.ustb.edu.cn, gaogew(a)126.com,
gaohong.bsr(a)gmail.com, gaohonghao(a)126.com,
gaojerryg(a)yahoo.com, gaojunq(a)163.com, gaokn123(a)gmail.com,
gaosandong(a)peoplemail.com.cn, gaosong2904(a)hotmail.com,
gaozz1024(a)gmail.com, garcia(a)lifc.univ-fcomte.fr,
gary_miao(a)163.com, garyf(a)uom.gr, gasantan(a)imp.mx,
gavishb(a)mail.cox.smu.edu, gavishb2000(a)yahoo.com,
gb(a)sdu.edu.cn, gc(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at, gcheng(a)njnet.edu.cn,
gem(a)cigital.com, geoffh(a)tachbrook-consulting.com,
georg.treu(a)ifi.lmu.de, george.ghinea(a)brunel.ac.uk,
george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy, george(a)semeczko.com,
gerardo(a)ifi.uio.no, ggruenwald(a)ou.edu,
gguizzardi(a)inf.ufes.br, ghafoorgem(a)yahoo.com,
ghane84(a)gmail.com, ghf_1970(a)163.com, gholamian(a)iust.ac.ir,
giacomo.cabri(a)unimo.it, giantliu(a)126.com,
givemeareason(a)gmail.com, gkl_sd(a)126.com, glay.51(a)gmail.com,
glewis(a)sei.cmu.edu, gligor(a)eng.umd.edu,
glushko(a)sims.berkeley.edu, glxyyxz(a)scuec.edu.cn,
gm_10(a)sina.com, gmach(a)in.tum.de, gmeredit(a)scu.edu.au,
gmuehl(a)cs.tu-berlin.de, gnuguy(a)163.com, godart(a)loria.fr,
godndj(a)126.com, godndj1982(a)hotmail.com,
goetz.botterweck(a)lero.ie, Gongpeng(a)sdu.edu.cn,
gopi(a)us.ibm.com, gprommoon(a)gmail.com, gqhuang(a)hkucc.hku.hk,
gqzhang(a)suda.edu.cn, gracedaish(a)126.com,
grafe(a)hni.uni-paderborn.de, graham.coates(a)durham.ac.uk,
graham.morgan(a)ncl.ac.uk, grahne(a)cs.concordia.ca,
greatpai(a)hotmail.com, green_nar(a)yahoo.com.cn,
gregorio.diaz(a)uclm.es, gregory.w.saul(a)boeing.com,
gregory(a)jmsb.concordia.ca, gribble(a)cs.washington.edu,
grosz(a)eecs.harvard.edu, grother(a)cse.unl.edu,
grzywaca(a)coventry.ac.uk, gslee(a)webmail.hannam.ac.kr,
gslee(a)hannam.ac.kr, gts(a)ics.uci.edu, guangjunhuang(a)126.com,
guangyi.xiao(a)gmail.com, guansy(a)gmail.com,
guenther(a)wiwi.hu-berlin.de, gulledge(a)gmu.edu,
gummy2000(a)163.com, gunarto(a)apu.ac.jp, guocz(a)263.net,
guohongfz(a)163.com, guoshiwu(a)yahoo.com,
guoshuhang(a)buaa.edu.cn, guoshuhang(a)hotmail.com,
guoyanhongmail(a)sina.com, guoyanhongmail(a)sina.com.cn,
guoyh(a)dlut.edu.cn, guoyingc(a)cn.ibm.com, guping(a)gxu.edu.cn,
gupta(a)sdsc.edu, gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at,
guttman(a)mitre.org, gvallee(a)wnec.edu, gvc(a)dartmouth.edu,
gvidal(a)dsic.upv.es, gwu(a)seu.edu.cn, gwy(a)hz.cn,
gxn777777(a)163.com, gxyemail(a)163.com,
gyorgy.kovacs(a)sztaki.hu, gzurita(a)fen.uchile.cl,
h.g.gross(a)tudelft.nl, h.loeh(a)cetim.de, H.Weigand(a)uvt.nl,
h.y(a)sohu.com, h_nakkach(a)yahoo.fr, hagiya(a)is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp,
hahn(a)wi-ol.de, haifeng.shen(a)flinders.edu.au,
haitaoxie(a)21cn.com, Haiyan(a)126.com, hamideh(a)science.uva.nl,
hamidm(a)cse.unsw.edu.au, hamid-reza.motahari-nezhad(a)hp.com,
han110127(a)gmail.com, hanan(a)csd.uwo.ca, hanjw(a)etri.re.kr,
hansh(a)xmu.edu.cn, hanwujidelong(a)gmail.com, hanyl(a)126.com,
hao.yu.de(a)googlemail.com, haowei(a)graduate.shu.edu.cn,
hara(a)ist.osaka-u.ac.jp, hardikpatel82(a)gmail.com,
hari(a)csa.iisc.ernet.in, harri.tohonen(a)tkk.fi,
hatasen(a)hotmail.com, hboli(a)cn.ibm.com, hbrhcdbr(a)sch.ac.kr,
hbw(a)seu.edu.cn, hbzhu(a)sei.ecnu.edu.cn, hdalal(a)email.com,
hdkim(a)hycu.ac.kr, heiko.koziolek(a)de.abb.com,
heiko.mantel(a)inf.ethz.ch, heineman(a)cs.wpi.edu,
helal(a)cise.ufl.edu, hello0716(a)hotmail.com,
hengdi.zhang(a)gmail.com, henny.devos(a)telin.nl,
henry.yh(a)gmail.com, henryhaifeili(a)yahoo.com,
henryifl(a)umac.mo, Herb19631120(a)tom.com,
herbert(a)doc.ic.ac.uk, hernan(a)inf.utfsm.cl,
herpertz(a)nets.rwth-aachen.de, herve.debar(a)francetelecom.com,
herve.verjus(a)univ-savoie.fr, hesiping(a)hotmail.com,
heunyong(a)skku.edu, hezhuqing666(a)sina.com,
hfhuang(a)cs.ccu.edu.tw, hfli(a)csie.nctu.edu.tw,
hfujii(a)arch.titech.ac.jp, hg(a)pku.edu.cn,
hghenniwa(a)eng.uwo.ca, hhr(a)mitre.org, hhy(a)mail.zjgsu.edu.cn,
himanshu.chauhan(a)in.ibm.com, himanshu.pagey(a)gmail.com,
hind.belkhatir(a)hp.com, hiro.kishimoto(a)jp.fujitsu.com,
hirokawa(a)cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp, hjcwfb(a)21cn.com,
hjg06(a)mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, hjiang(a)seu.edu.cn,
hjin(a)hust.edu.cn, hjla(a)otlab.ssu.ac.kr, hjla80(a)gmail.com,
hjlyh(a)vip.sina.com, hjshi(a)ujs.edu.cn,
hkelly(a)iim.nctu.edu.tw, hlam(a)cise.ufl.edu, hlei(a)us.ibm.com,
hludwig(a)us.ibm.com, hmcai(a)sjtu.edu.cn, hmcs_hcu(a)yahoo.com,
hmhem(a)cn.ibm.com, hmhuang(a)mail.ntit.edu.tw,
hmsun(a)cs.nthu.edu.tw, hnkim(a)etri.re.kr, hoe(a)zurich.ibm.com,
hohin(a)cs.tamu.edu, hollmann(a)adt.uni-paderborn.de,
home(a)subhajit.net, hongzh(a)cumt.edu.cn, hopingxu(a)163.com,
horoscope_leo(a)126.com, hossain_bayat(a)yahoo.com,
howlader_j123(a)yahoo.com, hpaik(a)cse.unsw.edu.au,
hptsai(a)saturn.yzu.edu.tw, hristo(a)brenta.dit.unitn.it,
hrudayakumar(a)hotmail.com, hschae(a)pusan.ac.kr,
hshamza(a)acm.org, ht_song(a)163.com, huaming(a)mail.njust.edu.cn,
huang(a)ee.tamu.edu, huangdong(a)web.de, huangf05(a)lzu.cn,
huangfeixue(a)sohu.com, huanghey(a)cn.ibm.com,
huangjincai(a)hotmail.com, huangsx(a)tsinghua.edu.cn,
huangxiang(a)otcaix.iscas.ac.cn, huangyy676(a)sohu.com,
huchangjun(a)ies.ustb.edu.cn, hucm(a)act.buaa.edu.cn,
huemer(a)big.tuwien.ac.at, huemmer(a)informatik.uni-erlangen.de,
hugh.mercer(a)intel.com, huhaiyang(a)hdu.edu.cn, huhns(a)sc.edu,
huhua(a)mail.zjgsu.edu.cn, huibeiwwwbbb(a)yahoo.com.cn,
huili526(a)sohu.com, huiminwangbj(a)126.com,
*The 2013 International Conference on Service Science (ICSS
*Theme: /Promoting Serviceology in the Era of Big Data/*
Organized by Tsinghua University and IBM
Co-organized by Harbin Institue of Technology
Hosted by Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
April 11-13, 2013, Shenzhen, China
Conference Website: http://www.icss2013.org
*Conference Objective*
In the times of big data, how to provide high-quality and
effective services is a challenge to all research institutes
and industries. In light of this emerging trend, ICSS 2013
will be held in Shenzhen, China on April 11-13, 2013, which
is hosted by the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua
University, with the sponsorship of Tsinghua University,
IBM, and Harbin Institute of Technology, following the 2005
SSME Symposium at Peking University, in Beijing, the 2006
Asia Pacific SSME Symposium at Tsinghua University, in
Beijing, the 2008 ICSS at Harbin Institute of Technology in
Beijing, the 2009 ICSS at Peking University, in Beijing, the
2010 ICSS at Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, the 2011
IJCSS (jointly with ICSSI) at Yuan Ze University, in Taipei,
and the 2012 IJCSS (jointly with ICSSI) at Fudan University,
in Shanghai. This event aims to bring together scholars,
researchers and managers of various areas and industries for
intellectual exchanges, research cooperation and
professional development. This conference features eight
different submission tracks inviting presentations of
theoretical research findings and case reports in
serviceology, and also offers excellent networking
opportunities to participants, with a wonderful taste of
local culture. The conference will be closely cooperated
with ICSSI 2013.
*Tracks and Topics of Interests*
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Service Science
* Service and service system modeling, simulation and
* Human behavior in service systems
* The dynamics of service system evolution
* Data mining for service intelligence
2. Service Management
* Consumer/customer service experience
* Customer relationship management
* Service supply chain management
* Human resource management in services
* Service project management
* Service development process management
* Service quality management
* Service marketing management
* Service-dominant logic of marketing
* Service communication
* Service pricing
* Service branding
3. Service Innovation
* Service design methodology
* Service innovation theory
* Business model innovation
* Business process modeling and design
* Innovation and service industry evolution
* Tools and techniques for IT service innovation and
* Globalization of service innovation
4. E-Services and Service Computing
* Cloud computing
* Collaborative service management in B2B and B2C e-commerce
* Decision support systems for service management and
* Service knowledge management
5. Service Design and Engineering
* Service development
* Service quality assurance
* Service design methodology
* Service optimization
* Service demand forecasting, pricing, and planning
* User Contribution Systems
* Service requirement collection, specification, analysis
6. Applications and Industry Practice
* Public Services: Healthcare, education, government,
transportation, telecommunication
* Private Services: Small business, distribution,
retailing, service for social and cultural events
* Service in manufacturing companies
7. Education and Curricula Development
* Service science education and curricula design
* Talent requirement in modern service industry
* Methodology and practice of service science curricula
* Practice of teaching service science courses
* Teaching method and case study for service science courses
*Paper Submission *
High quality research papers and case studies are invited to
be submitted through the following link:
Each submission should meet the following requirements:
No more than 6 pages in length including references,
illustrations, and appendices.
A short abstract around 150 words and keywords contained
on the first page
2-column, single-spaced text in 10 point Times Roman for
the body of the text
No page numbers
No headers and footers
Standard US-letter size
PDF format
All submissions must be original work and must not have been
published elsewhere and must not be currently under
consideration by any other conferences or journals.
Submitting a paper means that, if the paper is accepted, at
least one author will pay the registration fee and attend
the conference to present the paper.
The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE CPS and
submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL digital libraries. The
proceedings in previous years have been included in EI
Compendex, and CPS will make reasonable efforts to ensure
similar indexation.**
ICSS 2013 will offer one best paper award and one best
student paper award.**
*Important Dates*
Submission Due: December 31, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: January 15, 2013
Camera Ready Copy Due: January 30, 2013
Author Registration Due: March 01, 2013
*Miss Xueying Xin*
*Email: info(a)icss2013.org <mailto:info@icss2013.org>
2013icss(a)gmail.com <mailto:2013icss@gmail.com>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] MONET SI on Developments in Security
and Privacy-preserving mechanisms for Future Mobile Communication
Networks -- LAST CALL
Datum: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 21:36:10 +0100
Von: Gregorio Martinez <gregorio(a)um.es>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal
(2011 Impact Factor: 0.838 -- 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.494)
Special Issue on
Developments in Security and Privacy-preserving mechanisms for Future Mobile Communication Networks
The advances in wireless communication technologies toward 4G networks and the wide use of mobile devices have enabled users to communicate with each
other and receive a wide range of mobile wireless services through various types of access networks and systems everywhere, anytime. However, the
always-connected mobile device usage model brings to the foreground new security and privacy issues for both the end-user and network/service
provider. For example, such a multi-domain and heterogeneous environment poses serious threats to the end-user who has contract with and trusts only a
limited number of operators and service providers. In this respect, secure, reliable, and privacy-preserving communications combined with constant
network availability are essential factors for the adoption of any service or application that utilize wireless technologies. Also, the tight-coupling
of these wireless network domains to the Internet make them more susceptible to attacks. New security challenges emerge constantly due to the open
nature of the wireless medium, the dynamic network topology, the lack of common security/privacy policy used by network operators, the resource
constraints of the mobile devices and, in some cases, the lack of a pre-deployed infrastructure.
The objective of this special issue is to foster state-of-the-art contributions in the area of security, privacy, and its applications for future
mobile communication networks. In particular, our focus will be on network layer security with the intention to address all aspects of the modeling,
designing, implementation, assessment, deployment and management of mobile network security and privacy-preserving mechanisms, protocols and
architectures. We encourage original and high quality contributions to the evaluation, enhancement of security and privacy-preserving mechanisms for
current mobile technologies as well as novel proposals for efficient security and privacy solutions of emerging mobile and wireless technologies.
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Lightweight Security Infrastructure
- IMS security and privacy issues
- Privacy and anonymity
- Intrusion detection and avoidance
- Modularized security architectures and implementations
- Threat and vulnerability modeling
- Lightweight AAA infrastructures
- Privacy and Security Compliance
- Security issues related to mobility in heterogeneous networks
- Security of mesh networks
- Trust establishment, negotiation, and management
- Secure Multicast/Broadcast Service
- Lightweight cryptography
- Cross Layer approach to security
- Key agreement, distribution and management
- Trusted Platform Modules
- Access control management systems
- Privacy-preserving location-based services
- Secure social networking for mobile devices
- Biometric solutions for mobile devices
- Security and privacy for QR codes
- Reputation management models
- Secure mobile ecosystems
- Formal security verification methods
All received submissions will be sent out for peer review by at least two experts in the field and evaluated with respect to relevance to the special
issue, level of innovation, depth of contributions, and quality of presentation. Guest editors will make an initial determination of the suitability
and scope of all submissions. Papers that either lack originality, clarity in presentation or fall outside the scope of the special issue will not be
sent for review and the authors will be promptly informed in such cases. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or
Manuscript submission deadline: Dec. 23, 2012 (Extended)
Authors to receive a 1st decision by: Mar. 15, 2013
Final notification of acceptance: June 30, 2013
Publication of special issue: (Subject to MONET Schedule)
Submission Procedure:
Authors should follow the instructions to authors available at the journal's homepage http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/journal/11036 -
kindly click the "Instruction for Authors" in the box on the right side. Manuscripts should be submitted on-line through www.editorialmanager.com/mone
(article type: Developments in Security and Privacy-preserving mechanisms for FMC Networks). Note that the content of articles should be edited to
average 8-12 pages in length, but shall not exceed 12 pages.
Guest Editors:
Georgios Kambourakis
University of the Aegean, Greece
Gregorio Martinez
University of Murcia, Spain
Shiguo Lian
France Telecom R&D, China
Felix Gomez Marmol
NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany
Gregorio Martinez, PhD
University of Murcia, Spain
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers dg.o 2013
Datum: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 08:53:41 +0000
Von: Vishanth Weerakkody <Vishanth.Weerakkody(a)brunel.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CALL PAPERS: dg.o 2013
14th Annual International Conference on
Digital Government Research
>From e-Government to Smart Government
Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Monday - Thursday, June 17-20, 2013
Submission deadline- February 1st, 2013
Home page: http://dgo2013.dgsna.org
General inquiries: dgo2013(a)easychair.org
Twitter: DGSociety, #dgo2013
Paper submissions: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dgo2013
The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research - dg.o 2013. The dg.o conferences are an established forum for presentation, discussion, and demonstration of interdisciplinary e-Government research, technology innovation, applications, and practice. Each year the conference combines:
* Presentations of effective partnerships and collaborations among government professionals and agencies, university researchers, relevant businesses, and NGOs, as well as grassroots citizen groups, to advance the practice of e-Government.
* Presentations and discussions on new research on e-Government as an interdisciplinary domain that lies at the intersections of information technology research, social and behavioural science research, and the challenges and missions of government.
* A showcase of e-Government projects, implementations, and initiatives that bring together the research and practitioner communities, demonstrate the effectiveness and/or challenges of e-Government, and offer best practices.
Governments today face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. New technologies provide governments with the opportunity to redefine the relationship between government and the public that they serve, create innovative and customer-focused services, encourage transparency, promote participatory democracy, facilitate the co-design of services, form new partnerships in service delivery, streamline operations and reduce costs, and build trust in government. But harnessing and implementing technologies effectively raises a number of policy, technology, and governance challenges. This year, the conference program will focus on research and practice related to the adoption of smart technologies by governments, citizens as well as private and non-profit organizations. More and more, the adoption of smart technologies by individuals and organizations is opening new opportunities for creating public-private partnerships to improve current government services as well as to create new, innovative ones.
Submissions addressing this theme could include but are not limited to: smart technologies for governments, semantic technologies for e-government, web services applications, open and transparent government; social media and public participation; effective use of social media by governments; crowd sourcing for government decision making; transformative government; models of collaboration among government, industry, NGOs, and citizens; data integration, visualizations, and analytics for government decision making; agile and flexible government; financial/economic/social policy making; policy and governance issues that enable, facilitate, and promote smart government; government productivity and effectiveness; service quality and customer-centric e-Government; social and health infrastructure; global government collaboration models and practices; infrastructure for data sharing among government agencies; computing infrastructure models, cyber-security and project management; IT-enabled government management and operations, and interest in program execution; IT and tools to support government security; and methods to measure and evaluate success in e-Government.
In addition, we welcome submissions from the broader domain of digital government research. We invite completed research papers, papers describing management and practice, policy and case studies, on-going research posters, and live demonstrations that demonstrate the use of technology to promote innovative e-Government services. We particularly encourage submissions on interdisciplinary and crosscutting topics. We also encourage the submission of suggestions for panels, and pre-conference tutorials and workshops.
Accepted papers are published in the ACM Proceedings Digital Library, and selected papers will appear in leading journals such as Government Information Quarterly and Information Polity.
The conference has six thematic tracks, which accept full research papers as well as management case studies and policy papers (see below for paper submission types), and one track for panel proposals. Each track has two co-chairs who are responsible for managing the submission and review process for their track. The conference also accepts work in progress and short descriptions of applications on any topic. We also welcome proposals for workshops and tutorials, which can be submitted directly to the Easychair system. Feel free to get in contact with any track chairs for guidance.
Track 1. Social Media and Government
Track chairs: Rodrigo Sandoval and Andrea Kavanaugh
Social media use in public administration has been growing rapidly around the world. Since the launch of web 2.0 many governments and public officials use new online tools to communicate among themselves, with other organizations and with their constituents. This growing use has created new challenges for government users (e.g., regulations, policies), and an overwhelming increase in messages and other communications from citizens that are difficult to accommodate. These outcomes have started changing government interaction among their own personnel and with citizens and other agencies.
Track 2. Transformation and Open Government
Track chair: Marijn Janssen, Natalie Helbig and Vishanth Weerakkody
Many governments are working toward a vision of government-wide transformation that strives to achieve an open, transparent, accountable government while providing demand-driven services.. To be successful in this vision fundamental changes are necessary in practice and new research that examines governments as open systems seeking participation and interaction with their environment is needed. The track solicits papers addressing the issue of public sector transformation between government and the environment.
Track 3. Emerging Topics
Track chairs: John C. Bertot, Paul Jaeger and Chris Reddick
Digital government, both as an academic discipline and in practice, continues to evolve. As new technologies, big data applications, policies, and management practices develop; governments seek ways in which to provide innovative, smart, and transformational government services. The Emerging Topics track seeks submissions that provide insights into emerging digital government research and practice.
Track 4. Organizational Factors, Adoption Issues and Digital Government Impacts
Track chair: Chris Hinnant and Theresa A. Pardo
Over the past decade, many public organizations have adopted information and communication technologies (ICT) to facilitate communication and transactions with many stakeholders such as residents, private sector businesses, non-profit organizations, and other government agencies. While recent digital government research has often focused on understanding the external impacts of ICT adoption by government, the adoption and implementation of new ICT by public organizations is influenced by organizational factors such as the availability of resources (i.e. funding, technological knowledge, and personnel), managerial leadership, and the organization's technological culture. This track solicits research that examines the organizational factors that influence the adoption and implementation of new ICT as well as the impact of new ICT on the organizational processes, effectiveness, and innovativeness of public organizations.
Track 5. Smart Government Technologies
Track chair: Soon Ae Chun, Tomasz Janowski
Smart government is achieved through innovation, transformation and re-structuring in policies, strategies, and technologies to create improved public sector process efficiency and service integration and delivery, and to support better decision making and collaboration with the public. Intelligent systems, new platforms for communication and collaboration, data collection, sharing and analytics, shared services, sensors and ubiquitous computing are all the key ingredients to transform the government that benefit the public and business, and to improve the quality of life. This track aims to facilitate theoretical and practical discussions on approaches towards smart government, smart cities, smart community, and smart citizens by technology and policy innovations in the area of energy, transport, health, public safety, buildings, urban planning, environment, business and others.
Track 6. Smart Cities and Smart Work
Track Chairs: Jungwoo Lee and J. Ramon Gil-Garcia
World population is increasingly concentrating in cities. People work and live in and around cities and information technologies have transformed their lives as well as the public and private services being provided to them. Therefore, smart cities and smart work could be considered highly interrelated and, actually, two sides of the same coin. City administrators are facing daunting tasks in order to accommodate emerging characteristics of urban life and promote better quality of life and improved work life balance, while enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of administrative services. This track invites theoretical and empirical papers concerning smart cities and smart work. Suggested topics include but are not limited to the followings: smart city services, ICT driven city development, cooperative policy development, participative governance, novel service typologies of smart ubiquitous cities, community forums for service development, spaces and mediated presence, smart work centers, telecommuting, flextime, mobile work, quality of city life, work life balance, urban mobile learning, creative cooperatives, skill changes of labor force, and urban human capital management.
Track 7. Panels
Track chair: Teresa Harrison, Jana Hrdinova
Panel proposals may address themes or topics related to any of the tracks for the conference. Additionally, we welcome panel proposals that put a spotlight on practice and application. Proposals from practitioners at all levels of government featuring experiences with, perspectives on, and evaluations of digital government practice are encouraged. Individuals interested in submitting panel proposals are invited to consult the panel co-chairs about their ideas prior to developing their submissions.
* February 1, 2013 - Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due
* March 15, 2013 - Application deadline for 2013 Doctoral Colloquium
* March 15, 2013 - Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals notifications
* March 30, 2013 - Posters and demo proposals due
* April 15, 2013 - Camera-ready manuscripts due
* April 15, 2013 - Notification for acceptance into 2012 Doctoral Colloquium
* April 15, 2013 - Poster and demo acceptance notifications
* May 6 , 2013 - Conference hotel block closes - make your bookings before this deadline!
* May 15, 2013 - Early registration closes!
* June 17-20, 2013 - Dg.o 2013 conference!
* Research papers (maximum of 10 pages)
* Management, Case Study, or Policy papers (maximum of 6 pages)
* Panel descriptions (maximum of 4 pages)
* Posters (maximum of 2 pages)
* System demonstrations (maximum of 2 pages)
* Pre-Conference tutorial proposals (maximum of 2 pages)
* Pre-Conference workshop proposals (maximum of 2 pages)
* Doctoral colloquium application (maximum of 10 pages)
Submissions must not exceed the maximum number of pages specified for each type of submission in camera-ready ACM Proceedings format (double column, single spaced pages). Please do not use page numbers. Paper titles should be on the first page of text, rather than on a separate cover page.
* Research and Policy papers will be reviewed through a double blind review process. Therefore, author names and contact information must be omitted from all submissions. Authors must identify the topic(s) being addressed in the paper to assist the program committee in the review process.
* All other submissions should follow the same ACM proceedings camera-ready format with author names included on the paper.
* All accepted submissions will appear in the proceedings, and authors are expected to present their work. At least one author for each accepted paper must register before the camera ready version is due in order for it to be included in the proceedings.
Submissions are through: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dgo2013
Research papers (maximum 10 pages) - blind review
These submissions report innovative digital government research results in the form of a formal scholarly paper. Papers on any digital government topic and all research methodologies are welcome. Relevance to digital government problems, goals, or policies must be explicit.
Management, case study, or policy papers (maximum 6 pages) - blind review
These submissions describe and evaluate practical digital government projects or initiatives, discuss major policy themes, or present and evaluate management approaches to digital government initiatives and programs.
Panels (maximum 4 pages)
Proposals should include information about the theme and goals of the panel, a summary of the digital government issues or questions that the panel will address, statements about the value of the discussion to conference attendees and how well suited the topic is to a panel discussion. In addition, the proposal should include information about the expertise of the moderator and panelists in the selected issues. Please include names, institutional affiliations, addresses, email, and phone contact numbers of the contact person, moderator, and presenter(s).
Posters (maximum of 2 pages)
The poster session, held in conjunction with the system demonstrations, allows presenters to discuss research in progress, application projects, or government policies and program initiatives in one-to-one conversations with other participants at the conference. The 2-page summaries should outline the nature of the research, policy, or project and describe why the work will be of interest to dg.o attendees. Posters prepared for the conference should measure approximately 36" x 48." Each poster station is provided with a table and an easel. Selected poster submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions.
System Demonstrations (maximum 2 pages)
System demonstrations are held concurrently with the poster session to the accompaniment of good food and professional fellowship. The 2-page summaries should outline the nature of the system and describe why the demonstration is likely to be of interest to dg.o attendees. Demonstrations of interest include systems under development or in active use in research or practice domains. Submissions should include authors' names and contact information according to that format. Each station is provided with a table, an easel, and Internet access. Monitors will be available for rent. Selected demo submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions.
Pre-conference Tutorials (maximum 2 pages)
dg.o tutorials are half- or full-day presentations that offer deeper insight into e-Government research, practice, research methodologies, technologies or field experience. In particular, tutorials are intended to provide insights into good practices, research strategies, uses of particular technologies such as social media, and other insights into e-Government that would benefit researchers and practitioners.
Pre-conference Research or Management Workshops (maximum 2 pages)
We invite workshop proposals on any e-Government research or management topic. Workshops are half- or full-day events intended to offer interactive sessions, in which the workshop host and participants discuss and engage in activities designed to facilitate joint learning and further exploration of a particular subject. Individuals proposing workshops will assume the responsibility of identifying and selecting participants for the workshop and for conducting workshop activities.
Doctoral Colloquium (maximum 10 pages, not including references, tables and figures)
The Doctoral Colloquium is a highly interactive full-day forum in which Ph.D. students meet and discuss their work with each other and with senior faculty from a variety of disciplines associated with digital government research. The colloquium is planned for Monday June 17, 2013. PhD students can submit papers describing their planned or in-progress doctoral dissertation covering any research areas relevant to digital government. Ideally, student participants will have completed one or two years of doctoral study or progressed far enough in their research to have a structured proposal idea and perhaps some preliminary findings, but have not reached the stage of defending their dissertations. We expect students at this stage of study will gain the most value from feedback on their work and from the more general discussions of doctoral programs and scholarly careers. See the detailed announcement for complete information on the colloquium and how to submit an application. Material provided in applications to the doctoral colloquium will not be published in the proceedings. However, we encourage students to submit finished research to one of the paper tracks or as a poster or demo.
* All accepted management or policy papers, research papers, student papers, panels, posters, and system demonstrations will be published in the printed proceedings and included in the ACM digital library. Selected papers may be invited for a journal special issue.
* Outstanding achievement awards will be presented in the categories Research papers, Management and policy papers, Posters, and System demonstrations. Papers that reflect the theme of the conference, form E-Government to Smart Government, will be preferred. Other selection criteria include the interdisciplinary and innovative nature of the work, its contribution to and balance between theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), the importance and reach of the topic, and the quality of the writing for communicating to a broad audience.
The dg.o 2013 conference management team includes:
* Conference Chair - Sehl Mellouli, Laval University.
* Program Chairs:
o Luis Luna-Reyes, Universidad de las Americas Puebla
o Jing Zhang Clark University.
* Track Chairs:
o John Bertot, University of Maryland College Park
o Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York
o Natalie Helbig, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany
o Chris Hinnant, Florida State University
o Paul Jaeger, University of Maryland College Park
o Marijn Janssen, Delft University
o Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech
o Theresa A. Pardo, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany
o Chris Reddick, University of Texas San Antonio
o Rodrigo Sandoval, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
o Vishanth Weerakkody, Brunel University
o Tomasz Janowsky, Center for Electronic Governance, UNU-IIST
o Jungwoo Lee, Yonsei University
o J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
* Panel Chairs:
o Teresa Harrison, University at Albany
o Jana Hrdinova, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany
* Workshop and Tutorial Chair - Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York
* Poster and Demo Chair - Gabriel Puron Cid, CIDE
* Doctoral Colloquium Chairs:
o Sharon Dawes, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany
o Björn Niehaves, Hertie School of Governance
o J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: 12th International Conference on Mobile Business
(ICMB 2013), Berlin/Germany
Datum: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 11:24:21 +0100
Von: Key Pousttchi <key.pousttchi(a)wiwi.uni-augsburg.de>
Organisation: Forschungsgruppe wi-mobile
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Berlin, 10-13 June 2013
Paper Submission : February 11, 2013
Notification : April 15, 2013
Camera-Ready : May 10, 2013
Conference : June 10-13, 2013
Mobile business changed a lot in the last twelve years, rising from a niche
topic - all the way along the Gartner hype cycle - to one of the most
relevant issues for many of today's businesses and researchers. Mobility
changes users' daily lives in its private as well as in its professional
part. Mobile business created own ecosystems, constantly changes them and
even begins to change existing ecosystems in the real world, redistributing
market power in consumer-oriented industries and revolutionizing business
processes in all industries that include mobility aspects or mobile workers.
In the future, we will see mobility as the invisible norm.
Founded in 2002 in Athens, ICMB developed to the major international
research conference on mobility and mobile business. It included scenes such
as New York, Sydney and Dalian. The 2013 edition will take place in Berlin,
Germany, from 10-13 June 2013 and will be hosted by the wi-mobile Research
Group of the University of Augsburg, together with the SIG Mobility and
Mobile IS of the German Informatics Society (GI). The conference is aimed at
addressing a key theme on ?Mobility ? the invisible norm?.
The core of ICMB 2013 is a two-day academic conference program. Acceptance
of submitted papers will be based on quality, relevance and originality.
Further ICMB 2013 events will include a workshop program, a doctoral
consortium with renowned scholars and industry visits in Berlin. ICMB 2013
will be co-located with MMS 2013, the national conference on Mobility and
Mobile IS of the German Informatics Society.
Since this year, ICMB 2013 is an AIS-affiliated conference. Proceedings of
ICMB 2013 will be made available on AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). There
will be a journal special issue for outstanding papers, negotiations are
ICMB addresses all aspects of mobility and mobile information systems, from
theory building, business models and user acceptance to the various
application areas, systems design and rather technical aspects. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
- mobile financial services (mobile payment, mobile banking)
- m-ticketing, m-parking, m-commerce
- mobile marketing, advertising, loyalty and couponing
- mobile social networks and media
- all other B2C application areas of m-services and apps
- m-government, m-health, m-learning
- value networks, enablers and impediments
- changes in real-world markets and ecosystems
- future revenue streams and new business models
- social implications of mobile communications
- m-health and m-learning in developing countries
- mobile communication for political participation
- economic development of poor countries
- economic impact of mobile technologies
- increasing transparency and fighting corruption
- regulatory issues, legislation, consumer protection
- social implications of mobile communications
- privacy and trust
- m-democracy
- User behavior, inference or prediction of activities, design and
application of mobile information
systems, aspects of pervasiveness and all other relevant areas
- adoption of technologies by different user groups
- behavior analysis in mobile social networks
- wireless contacts and community structures
- mobility, data mining and privacy
- analysis of individual mobility and usage patterns
- location-based use of mobile data services
- communication and information flows in social communities
- mobile enterprise applications, mobile ERP
- mobile-integrated business processes
- potential and future impact of mobile and ubiquitous technologies
- integration and usability of contactless technologies (e.g., RFID, NFC)
- next Generation Network standards
- management of mobile networks
- ad hoc and sensor networks
- IP Multimedia subsystems (IMS)
- networks convergence and integration
- mobile security
Key Pousttchi, University of Augsburg, Germany
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Jan Ondrus, ESSEC Business School, France
Stuart Barnes, Norwich Business School, UK
George Giaglis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Junichi Iijima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Saonee Sarker, Washington State University, USA
Detlef Schoder, University of Cologne, Germany
Eusebio Scornavacca, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Ravi Sharma, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chuan-Hoo Tan, City University Hongkong, China
Frédéric Thiesse, University of Würzburg, Germany
David Tilson, University of Rochester, USA
Samuel Fosso Wamba, University of Wollongong, Australia
Markus Bick, ESCP Europe Berlin, Germany
Laura Becker, University of Augsburg, Germany
All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Further information
can be obtained through the website http://www.mbusiness2013.org. ICMB 2013
is an AIS-affiliated conference. Proceedings of ICMB 2013 will be made
available on AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). There will be a high-quality
journal special issue for outstanding papers, negotiations are underway.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] DEADLINE EXTENSION - Springer Computing SI: Models
and Protocols for Digital Ecosystems
Datum: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 11:46:28 +0100
Von: Fulvio Frati <fulvio.frati(a)unimi.it>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
DEADLINE EXTENSION: Deadline now January 26th, 2013!
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Models and Protocols for Digital
Springer Computing Journal
Digital Ecosystems are an emerging paradigm capturing the behavior of
large-scale collaborating communities on the global ICT infrastructure.
Such behavior includes critical features like dynamicity of coalitions,
different data access paradigms (including the ones known as "big data"),
vulnerability to new types of attacks and support for innovative value
generation and sharing.
This special issue is open to researchers from both academia and industry
working on the Digital Ecosystem paradigm.
Topics of interest include:
1. Models for the design, verification, and validation of functional and
non-functional features of ecosystem coalitions.
2. Protocols and interaction techniques suitable for large-scale ecosystem
3. Design and access frameworks for ecosystem "big data" layers.
4. Value and revenue models for business ecosystems.
Contributions are sought on novel theoretical approaches, as well as on
practical experiences and experimental results regarding Digital Ecosystems.
* Important Dates - EXTENDED
- January 26th, 2013: EXTENDED Paper Submission Deadline
- February 15th, 2013: EXTENDED Paper Notification
- March 8th, 2013: EXTENDED Submission of Revised Manuscript
- March 30th, 2013: Final Decision
- April 30th, 2013: Final Paper Due
- Mid-2013: Tentative Publication Date
* Guest Editors
- Prof. Ernesto Damiani
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Email: ernesto.damiani(a)unimi.it
- Prof. Achim P. Karduck
Hochschule Furtwangen, Germany
Email: achim.karduck(a)hs-furtwangen.de
- Prof. Moataz A. Ahmed
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Email: moataz(a)kfupm.edu.sa
* Paper Submission
Papers submitted to this special issue for possible publication must be
and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or
conference. Previously published or accepted conference papers must contain
at least 30% new material to be considered for the special issue. All
papers are
to be submitted directly to Editorial Manager
All manuscripts must be prepared according to the journal publication
guidelines that
can also be found on the journal website
Papers will be reviewed following the journal standard review process.
Please address inquiries to ernesto.damiani(a)unimi.it