-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] ICSOC 2011 - The Nineth International Conference on
Service Oriented Computing
Datum: Wed, 25 May 2011 19:28:11 +0200
Von: Rainer Unland <rainer.unland(a)icb.uni-due.de>
Organisation: University Duisburg-Essen
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
The Ninth International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
Paphos, Cyprus
December 5-8, 2011
Since 2003, The International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) has been the main forum for academics and industry researchers and developers to report and share groundbreaking works in service-oriented computing. ICSOC aims at fostering cross-community scientific excellence and collaboration by the gathering of experts from various disciplines, such as business process management, distributed systems, computer networks, ubiquitous computing, grid computing, service science, management science, and software engineering.
Service innovation is key to the future of business. Even in traditionally manufacturing-driven industries, such as IT, the importance of service has surpassed most other corporate competences. The Internet and Web-based services create ever more opportunities for service innovation. Service science is an interdisciplinary approach to the study, design, and implementation of service systems - the specific arrangements of people, organizations, technologies, and information that co-create value. Service systems are often IT-enabled and knowledge-intensive, and can span different real or virtual organizations. In this multidisciplinary context, researchers and practitioners in management, social sciences, and computer sciences are all working together to promote and facilitate service innovation.
While keeping its roots in scientific excellence and technical depth of service technology, ICSOC 2011 aims at examining the research opportunities that are offered by the possible blend of service-oriented computing with cloud computing. In cloud computing, software platforms, applications and data reside in providers' servers called clouds. By making clouds ubiquitously available, a more rapid and low cost access to a shared pool of virtualized and configurable computing resources is offered to enterprises that would like to diversify their application computation and data storage strategies. "Service-oriented and cloud computing" is this time the main theme for ICSOC 2011. Questions like how does service-oriented computing support the transition to cloud-based solutions, and how does it support Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) models are highlighted for researchers to be discussed during the conference.
ICSOC 2011 will bring together scientists, engineers, and practitioners from multiple disciplines to focus on service-oriented, cloud-based innovative for the 21st century enterprises. The conference will feature research and industry presentations, keynote presentations, workshops, demonstrations, tutorials, and a PhD track. Please refer to www.icsoc.org for calls for workshops, demonstrations, and tutorials.
Research and industry papers
Abstract due : May 27, 2011
Full paper due : June 3, 2011
Notification : August 5, 2011
Camera ready due : September 2, 2011
ICSOC 2011 seeks outstanding, original contributions, including solid theoretical and empirical evaluations as well as practical and industrial experiences -- with emphases on results that solve open research problems and make a significant impact to the emerging fields of cloud computing and service- -oriented, cloud-based computing as well.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Service-oriented Architecture
* Services on the Cloud - XaaS (everything as a service including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
* Grid and Cloud Services
* Social networks and services
* Human-provided and outsourcing services
* Theoretical and Technical Service Foundations
* Business Service Modeling and Business Process Modeling
* Service Integration and Orchestration on the Cloud
* Service Composition and Engineering
* Service Operations and Management on the Cloud
* Quality of Service for Cloud Services
* Software engineering models, methods and methodologies for XaaS
* Service Applications and Implementations
* Service Design Methods
* Service change management
* Designing Outsourcing Interactions
* Service Vocabularies and Ontologies
* SOA Runtime
* Testbeds for Service Concepts and Technologies
* Business Intelligence and Analytics for Services
* Pervasive and Mobile Services on the Cloud
* Embedded and Real-time Services
* Service Security, Privacy, and Trust
The conference solicits outstanding original research and practice papers on all aspects of service-oriented, cloud-based computing. Papers should clearly demonstrate the research or practical contribution, the relevance to the field, and the relation to prior work. Submitted papers will be evaluated according to their rigor, significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition.
Prospective authors must submit abstracts prior to submitting full papers. Full papers are not to exceed 15 pages including all references and figures. All papers must be prepared in the Springer LNCS format and be submitted electronically (in PDF) via the conference Web site available at icsoc.org.
All accepted papers will appear in the ICSOC 2011 proceedings published by Springer-Verlag under the Services Science series. Selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS).
Mohand-Said Hacid, University of Lyon, France
George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Hamid Motahari, HP Labs, USA
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, U.A.E
Mohamed Jmaiel, Univesity of Sphax, Tunisia
George Palis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Anis Charfi, SAP, Germany
Sven Graupner, HP Labs, USA
Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, USA
Sam Guinea, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Florian Rosenberg, IBM Research, USA
Youakim Badr, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Francisco Curbera, IBM TJ Watson, USA
Michael Q. Sheng, Adelaide University, Australia
Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Sonia Benmokhtar, University College London, UK
Leandro Krug Wives, UFRGS, Brazil
Ivan Bedini, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Ireland
Yacine Atif, UAE University, U.A.E
Christos Mettouris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Dieter Mayrhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
“Experience is this valuable asset which allows us to identify the
mistake immediately when we are doing it again and again!”
“Erfahrung ist jener kostbare Besitz, der uns befähigt, einen Fehler
sofort zu erkennen, wenn wir ihn immer wieder machen.”
Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and
Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
IP-Tel. Skype: unlandr Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
Email: Rainer.Unland at icb.uni-due.de
WWW: http://www.dawis.wiwi.uni-due.de/
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP MoMM2011 (05-07 December 2011, Hue City, Vietnam)
Datum: Wed, 25 May 2011 19:13:50 +0200
Von: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
An: ListeAISWORLD <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
********* Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message *********
The 9th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia
in Conjunction with
The 13th International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications& Services
in cooperation with
5 - 7 December 2011
Hue City, Vietnam
email: momm2011(a)iiwas.org
15 July 2011: Full Papers (8 pages), Short papers, Demos and work in progress (4 pages)
15 September 2011: Acceptance Notification
15 October 2011: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
05–07 December 2011: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted MoMM2011 papers will be published by ACM International Conference Proceedings Series and the supplemental proceedings and indexed appropriately in all major indexes. Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published, after revision and extension, in special issues of international journals and in a book in the Book Series: Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence published by Springer.
**** Scope *****
The speed and the quality of expanding and creating a vast variety of multimedia services like voice, email, short messages, Internet access, m-commerce, to mobile video conferencing, streaming video and audio has brought true mobile multimedia experiences to mobile customers. Due to constant changing environments, limited battery life and diverse data types, Mobile Multimedia implies considerable challenges to operators, infrastructure builders in terms of ensuring fast, reliable services and accommodating the quick growing global customer needs. MoMM2011 is the 9th in the series of the highly successful International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia. Recently, MoMM has been held in Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). This year Vietnam will host MoMM2011. The MoMM conference series have provided opportunities to researchers, graduate students, and industry practitioners to address recent research results and current industry practices in the area of mobile computing and multimedia.
We invite two types of submissions: Full Technical Papers and Short Position Papers. A Full Paper should provide solid conceptual and theoretical foundation and substantial support for its results and conclusions as a significant contribution to the field. A Position Paper could be "demo" or ‘work in progress, i.e., it reports the latest emerged ideas, approaches, methodologies, systems and application scenarios but have not yet been fully implemented and/or undergone extensive evaluation.
***** Topics *****
MoMM2011 conference themes, grouped in four tracks, are the following (but are not limited to):
1. Mobile Computing Track
- Mobile Applications& Services
- Mobile Computing Software Architectures
- Mobile Network Traffic Engineering, Performance& Optimization
- Wireless& Mobile Network Management and Service Infrastructure
- Database and Data Management Mobile Computing
- Regulatory and Societal Issues of Mobile Computing
- Mobile Computing Markets& Business Models
- Provisioning of Mobile Services
- Personalization, Privacy and Security in Mobile Computing
- Mobility and Location Management
- Transaction Processing in Mobile Environments
- Integration and Interworking of Wired and Wireless Networks
- Distributed Systems Aspects of Mobile Computing
- Operating System and Middleware Support for Mobile Computing
- Security and Privacy of Mobile/Wireless Systems
2. Multimedia Track
- Multimedia Databases
- Multimedia streaming and services
- Multimedia Coding and Encryption
- Multimedia for Learning
- Multimedia Description Language and Standard
- Image Clustering
- Content-Based Image Retrieval
- Interfaces for Multimedia Creation
- Media Fusion for Communication and Presentation
- Audio Analysis, Modeling, Processing and Transformation
- Video Analysis, Modeling, Processing and Transformation
- Video Mining and MPEG
- Image Modeling and Editing
- AI and Image Recognition
- Distributed Multimedia System
3. Mobile Multimedia Track
- Mobile Multimedia Applications& Services
- Communication and Cooperation through Mobile Multimedia
- Mobile Multimedia Software Architectures
- Wireless& Mobile Multimedia Network Management
- Mobile Multimedia Network Traffic Engineering& Optimization
- Enabling Infrastructures for Mobile Multimedia
- Regulatory and Societal Issues of Mobile Multimedia
- Mobile Multimedia Markets& Business Models
- Provisioning of Mobile Multimedia Services
- Personalization, Privacy and Security in Mobile Multimedia
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF through the conference website. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will subject to stringent peer review by at least three members of the international program committee and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by ACM. Format requirements for submissions of papers are:
- Maximum 8 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all figures and references for Full Technical papers.
- Maximum 4 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates)
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System (https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=momm2011)
**** Awards ****
MoMM2011 best paper awards and student paper awards will be conferred on the authors at the conference.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: http://portal.acm.org/event.cfm?id=RE130
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/momm/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact *****
David Taniar
MoMM2011 PC Chair
Monash University
Email: david(a)iiwas.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] May 31, 2011 deadline: CFP special issue on DMSS
Development Methodologies
Datum: Wed, 25 May 2011 10:57:29 -0500 (CDT)
Von: Manuel Mora T. <mmora(a)securenym.net>
Antwort an: mmora(a)securenym.net
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: wangfen(a)cwu.edu, ogelman(a)servidor.unam.mx,
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST :
www.igi-global/ijdsst )
CALL FOR PAPERS: Special issue on DMSS Development Methodologies:
a Software Systems Engineering Approach. DEADLINE: May 31, 2011
... to report high quality research papers on advances on DMSS
(model-based DMSS such as DSS, EIS, ES and simulation-based DSS)
development methodologies from a robust Software Systems Engineering
approach (Jalote, 1997; Sage, 1981; Kljajic& Farr, 2008).
? Descriptions and proofs of concept of DMSS development methodologies
? Comparison studies on DMSS development methodologies
? Foundations on the expected characteristics for a DMSS development
? Contribution from Systems and Software Engineering to DMSS developments
? DMSS development tools and methodologies
? Survey studies on DMSS development methodologies used in the practice
? Business Intelligence and DMSS development methodologies
? Data Mining and DMSS development methodologies
? Cognitive aspect of DMSS development methodologies
? Challenges for DMSS development methodologies
? Academic teaching of DMSS development methodologies
? Industrial training of DMSS development methodologies
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously
unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT
www.igi-global.com/journals/guidelines.html. All article submissions will
be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the
journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding
acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from
the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically to
[mmora(a)securenym.net with copy to zarate(a)irit.fr] by ****** NO LATER THAN
[May 31, 2011]. ******
Full paper submission due is: May 31, 2011
First notification to authors due is: July 31, 2011
Submission due for conditioned papers is: September 30, 2011
Definitive paper acceptance due is: November 30, 2011
Camera-ready versions due is: December 9, 2011
Publishing date is: August 2012
Please visit: www.igi-global.com/ijdsst
Guest editors:
Dr. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México
Dr. Miroljub Kljajic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Dr. Feng Wang, Central Washington University, USA
Dr. Ovsei Gelman, CCADET, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Professor Pascale Zarate
E-mail: zarate(a)irit.fr
The IJDSST is published by IGI Global, publisher of the ?IGI Publishing,?
?Information Science Publishing,? ?IRM Press,? ?CyberTech Publishing,?
?Information Science Reference,? and ?Medical Information Science
Reference? imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher,
please visit www.igi-global.com.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Call for papers - Workshop
on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2011)
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 17:18:29 +0200
From: sara.foresti(a)unimi.it
Reply-To: sara.foresti(a)unimi.it
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2011)
Chicago, IL, USA - Monday, October 17th, 2011
The need for privacy-aware policies, regulations, and techniques has
been widely recognized. This workshop discusses the problems of
privacy in the global interconnected societies and possible
solutions. The 2011 Workshop, held in conjunction with the
ACM CCS conference, is the tenth in a yearly forum for papers on all
the different aspects of privacy in today's electronic society.
The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting
novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of electronic
privacy, as well as experimental studies of fielded systems.
We encourage submissions from other communities such as law and
business that present these communities' perspectives on
technological issues. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
- anonymity, pseudonymity, and unlinkability
- data correlation and leakage attacks
- data security and privacy
- electronic communication privacy
- economics of privacy
- information dissemination control
- personally identifiable information
- privacy-aware access control
- privacy and anonymity in the Web
- privacy in cloud and grid systems
- privacy and confidentiality management
- privacy and data mining
- privacy in the digital business
- privacy in the electronic records
- privacy enhancing technologies
- privacy in health care and public administration
- privacy and human rights
- privacy metrics
- privacy in mobile systems
- privacy in outsourced scenarios
- privacy policies
- privacy vs. security
- privacy in social networks
- privacy threats
- privacy and virtual identity
- public records and personal privacy
- user profiling
- wireless privacy
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. Regular submissions should be at most
10 pages in the ACM double-column format, excluding well-marked
appendices, and at most 12 pages total. Committee members are not
required to read the appendices, and so the paper should be
intelligible without them. Submissions are not required to be
anonymized. The workshop will also consider short submissions of up
to 4 pages for results that are preliminary or that simply require
few pages to describe. Authors of regular submitted papers will
indicate at the time of submission whether they would like their
paper to also be considered for publication as a short paper
(4 proceedings pages).
Submissions are to be made to the submission web site at
You will be requested to upload the file of your paper
(in PDF format only). Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk
rejection without consideration of their merits. Papers must be
received by the deadline of July 2, 2011 to be considered.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors by
August 10, 2011. The camera ready must be prepared by August 25, 2011
(firm). Proceedings of the workshop will be published by ACM on a CD,
available to the workshop attendees. Papers will be included in the
ACM Digital Library, with a specific ISBN. Each accepted paper must
be presented by an author, who will have to be registered by the
early-bird registration deadline.
Deadline for submission of all papers: July 2, 2011
Acceptance notification: August 10, 2011
Final papers due: August 25, 2011
Jaideep Vaidya
Rutgers University
email: jsvaidya(a)business.rutgers.edu
Rafael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany
Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Claudio Ardagna, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Mikhail Atallah, Purdue University, USA
Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Rutgers University, USA
Marina Blanton, University of Notre Dame, USA
Nikita Borisov, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Univ. degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project, USA
Sara Foresti, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Keith Frikken, Miami University of Ohio, USA
Nicholas J. Hopper, University of Minnesota, USA
Keith Irwin, Winston-Salem State University, USA
Wei Jiang, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Murat Kantarcioglu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Hiroaki Kikuchi, Tokai University, Japan
Adam Lee, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Bradley Malin, Vanderbilt University, USA
Stefano Paraboschi, Universita' degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy
Pierangela Samarati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Basit Shafiq, Lahore University of Management Science, Pakistan
Heechang Shin, Iona College, USA
Danfeng Yao, Virginia Tech, USA
Ting Yu, North Carolina State University, USA
GENERAL CHAIR (ACM CCS 2011 General Chair)
Yan Chen
Northwestern University, Illinois, USA
Sara Foresti
Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
This call for papers and additional information about the conference
can be found at http://wpes11.rutgers.edu/
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] CfP - Int. Workshop on
"Resilience and ICT for Secure Open Cities 2011 (ReISOC-2011)"
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 14:56:49 +0900
From: Sven Wohlgemuth <wohlgemuth(a)nii.ac.jp>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies; please forward this CfP to people who might be interested in this workshop]
International Workshop on Resilience and ICT for Secure Open Cities (ReISOC-2011)
- Call for Papers -
To be held in conjunction with the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing - IEEE CPSCom 2011,<http://cpscom.org>
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings of IEEE CPSCom 2011 and published by IEEE Computer Society (EI indexed). Selected best papers will be recommended for publication in the special issue "Security and Privacy in Business Networking" of the international journal "Electronic Markets" published by Springer.
Submission deadline: 2011-06-10
ReISOC-2011 at IEEE CPSCom 2011: 2011-10-19
Submissions via<http://cse.stfx.ca/~CPSCom2011/sub/>
ReISOC-2011 in the Web at<http://www.nii.ac.jp/jeisec/reisoc>
Threats to cities and their critical/social infrastructures, e.g. natural disasters, crime, and terrorism, endanger human life directly and indirectly. Parts of social infrastructures won't be available due to damages. Both emergency response and recovery activities will be hindered, if not even be impossible. Resilience is gaining in importance as a core concept to cope with such threats. Resilience means strengthening social infrastructures to prevent or mitigate threats and its ultimate level would be immunity to such threats. Resilience is not only understood in terms of resistance against attacks and threats (i.e. prevent and protect) but also in terms of the ability to adapt social infrastructures to deal with threats and attacks (i.e. respond and recover).
Information and communication infrastructure (ICT) in its vital role to enable communication and coordination is the primary part of social infrastructures and therefore one of the central objects of resilience research. When a threat becomes a reality, ICT still has to provide its services to rescue organizations and for catastrophe management. To ensure availability of ICT for affected social infrastructures, these ICT systems must be able to flexibly - or even autonomously - adapt to changing environments. Such flexibility implies granting access to services and data to an "outsider" and thereby making him or her an "insider" of the failed part of the affected social infrastructures. This opens an enormous potential of misuse and place challenges on security and privacy. For instance, controllability of data usage by the data owner is not given anymore leading to risks regarding confidentiality and integrity.
ReISOC-2011 aims to identify further requirements and scientific challenges as well as to discuss novel idea, ongoing work, and best practices regarding ICT support for "Resilience and ICT for Secure Open Cities", in particular to Compliance, IT-Security, and Privacy. We encourage researchers and experts from industry to submit original, unpublished contributions addressing promising approaches to provide and manage resilient ICT infrastructures.
Suggested topics, but not limited to, are:
(a) Autonomic and Dependable Computing
- Methods and Techniques for Self-Configuration, Self-Healing, Self-Protecting, etc.
- Distributed Systems and Agents
- Flexible and Secure Orchestration of ICT Services
- Trustworthy Organic Computing
(b) Risk and Vulnerability Analysis
- Identification of Vulnerabilities in Service-Oriented Computing
- Anomaly Detection
- Risk Assessment Methods for Automated Business/Service Processes
- Economics of Controls
(c) Policy Specification Models and Languages
- Matching of High-Level Policies with Security-related Execution Traces
- Automatic Identification of Conflicts between Policies
- Automatic Resolution of Policy Conflicts
(d) Policy Enforcement Mechanisms
- Algorithms to Forecast Vulnerabilities
- Digital Forensics
- Privacy in the Secondary Use of Personal Data
- Observability of Control and Data Flows
(e) Methods for Resilience& Best Practices
- Recovery-oriented Computing
- Resilience in the Internet
- Resilience in Cryptographic and Communications Protocols
- Business Continuity Plan and Business Continuity Management
Important Dates
2011-06-10: Submission Deadline
2011-07-10: Author Notification
2011-08-01: Author Registration/Camera-ready version
2011-10-19: ReISOC-2011 at IEEE CPSCom 2011 conference
Workshop Organizers
Isao Echizen
National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
Guenter Mueller
Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg, Germany
Stefan Sackmann
Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Noboru Sonehara
National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
Sven Wohlgemuth (Point of contact)
National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
Paper Submission
Papers submitted to ReISOC-2011 will be peer-reviewed by at least three different reviewers. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings of IEEE CPSCom 2011 and published by IEEE Computer Society (EI indexed). Selected best papers will be recommended for publication in the special issue "Security and Privacy in Business Networking" of the international journal "Electronic Markets" published by Springer. Successfully recommended workshop submissions should be revised and enhanced for publication in the journal.
Submissions to the workshop should clearly state the research contribution, their relevance to the workshop, as well as their relation to prior research. Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers limited to 4 pages following the IEEE CPSCom 2011 guidelines. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the online submission system at<http://cse.stfx.ca/~CPSCom2011/sub/>. Authors of accepted papers must sign a copyright statement and guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference.
Program Committee (Tentative)
- Rafael Accorsi, Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg, Germany
- Markus Aleksy, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
- Rainer Boehme, University of Muenster, Germany
- Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Bernd Heinrich, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Marlen Hofmann, Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
- Dennis Kundisch, University of Paderborn, Germany
- Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain
- Vashek Matyas, University of Brne, Czech Republic
- Emanuella Merelli, University of Camerino, Italy
- Guenter Mueller, Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg, Germany
- Eiji Okamoto, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Stefan Sackmann, Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
- Kazue Sako, NEC Labs., Japan
- Ryoichi Sasaki, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
- Karsten Schulz, SAP Research, Australia
- Ryosuke Shibasaki, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Noboru Sonehara, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Omer Tene, College of Management School of Law, Rishon Le Zion, Israel
- A Min Tjoa, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Edgar Weippl, Secure Business Austria, Austria
- Sven Wohlgemuth, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Rigo Wenning, W3C / ERCIM, France
- Hiroshi Yoshiura, The University of Electro-Communications of Tokyo, Japan
Int. Workshop on Resilience and ICT for Open Secure Cities 2011 (ReISOC-2011)
Paper submission until: June 10, 2011
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-8430
Phone +81 3 4212 2594
Fax +81 3 3556 1916 (c/o Prof. Dr. Isao Echizen)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ICSOC 2011 - new due date for research
track paper submission
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 09:58:42 +0200
From: Bedini, Ivan (Ivan) <ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com>
To: seworld(a)sigsoft.org <seworld(a)sigsoft.org>,
elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org <elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org>,
<eii-associate(a)lists.eii.edu.au>, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
<wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
<aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
<agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, sigecom-talk(a)acm.org
ruleml-all(a)ruleml.org <ruleml-all(a)ruleml.org>,
event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de <event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de>,
web4lib(a)webjunction.org <web4lib(a)webjunction.org>,
siks(a)cs.uu.nl <siks(a)cs.uu.nl>, event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de
<event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
<agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, DAI-List(a)mcc.com <DAI-List(a)mcc.com>,
sma(a)loria.fr <sma(a)loria.fr>, bull-i3(a)irit.fr <bull-i3(a)irit.fr>
December 5 - 8 2011, Paphos, Cyprus
(Please note that the research paper submission has a new
_www.icsoc.org_ <http://www.icsoc.org>
Since 2003, The International Conference on Service-Oriented
Computing (ICSOC) has been the main forum for academics and
industry researchers and developers to report and share
groundbreaking works in service-oriented computing. ICSOC
aims at fostering cross-community scientific excellence and
collaboration by the gathering of experts from various
disciplines, such as business process management,
distributed systems, computer networks, ubiquitous
computing, grid computing, service science, management
science, and software engineering.
Service innovation is key to the future of business. Even in
traditionally manufacturing-driven industries, such as IT,
the importance of service has surpassed most other corporate
competences. The Internet and Web-based services create ever
more opportunities for service innovation. Service science
is an interdisciplinary approach to the study, design, and
implementation of service systems - the specific
arrangements of people, organizations, technologies, and
information that co-create value. Service systems are often
IT-enabled and knowledge-intensive, and can span different
real or virtual organizations. In this multidisciplinary
context, researchers and practitioners in management, social
sciences, and computer sciences are all working together to
promote and facilitate service innovation.
While keeping its roots in scientific excellence and
technical depth of service technology, ICSOC 2011 aims at
examining the research opportunities that are offered by the
possible blend of service-oriented computing with cloud
computing. In cloud computing, software platforms,
applications and data reside in providers' servers called
clouds. By making clouds ubiquitously available, a more
rapid and low cost access to a shared pool of virtualized
and configurable computing resources is offered to
enterprises that would like to diversify their application
computation and data storage strategies. "Service-oriented
and cloud computing" is this time the main theme for ICSOC
2011. Questions like how does service-oriented computing
support the transition to cloud-based solutions, and how
does it support Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform
as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) models
are highlighted for researchers to be discussed during the
ICSOC 2011 will bring together scientists, engineers, and
practitioners from multiple disciplines to focus on
service-oriented, cloud-based innovative for the 21st
century enterprises. The conference will feature research
and industry presentations, keynote presentations,
workshops, demonstrations, tutorials, and a PhD track.
Please refer to _www.icsoc.org_ for calls for workshops,
demonstrations, and tutorials.
ICSOC 2011 will take place in Coral Beach resort near the
city of Paphos, Cyprus. More details on the venue,
accommodation, and transportation are available at
icsoc.org. Prior editions of ICSOC took place respectively
in Trento, New York City, Amsterdam, Chicago, Vienna,
Sydney, Stockholm, and San Francisco.
Research and industry papers
Abstract due : May 27, 2011
Full paper due : June 10, 2011 (was June 3, 2011)
Notification : August 5, 2011
Camera ready due : September 2, 2011
ICSOC 2011 seeks outstanding, original contributions,
including solid theoretical and empirical evaluations as
well as practical and industrial experiences -- with
emphases on results that solve open research problems and
make a significant impact to the emerging fields of cloud
computing and service- -oriented, cloud-based computing as well.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Service-oriented Architecture
* Services on the Cloud - XaaS (everything as a service
including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
* Grid and Cloud Services
* Social networks and services
* Human-provided and outsourcing services
* Theoretical and Technical Service Foundations
* Business Service Modeling and Business Process Modeling
* Service Integration and Orchestration on the Cloud
* Service Composition and Engineering
* Service Operations and Management on the Cloud
* Quality of Service for Cloud Services
* Software engineering models, methods and methodologies for
* Service Applications and Implementations
* Service Design Methods
* Service change management
* Designing Outsourcing Interactions
* Service Vocabularies and Ontologies
* SOA Runtime
* Testbeds for Service Concepts and Technologies
* Business Intelligence and Analytics for Services
* Pervasive and Mobile Services on the Cloud
* Embedded and Real-time Services
* Service Security, Privacy, and Trust
The conference solicits outstanding original research and
practice papers on all aspects of service-oriented,
cloud-based computing. Papers should clearly demonstrate the
research or practical contribution, the relevance to the
field, and the relation to prior work. Submitted papers will
be evaluated according to their rigor, significance,
originality, technical quality, and exposition.
Prospective authors must submit abstracts prior to
submitting full papers. Full papers are not to exceed 15
pages including all references and figures. All papers must
be prepared in the Springer LNCS format and be submitted
electronically (in PDF) via the conference Web site
available at icsoc.org.
All accepted papers will appear in the ICSOC 2011
proceedings published by Springer-Verlag under the Services
Science series. Selected papers will be considered for
possible publication in the International Journal of
Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS).
General Chairs
Mohand-Said Hacid, University of Lyon, France (Honorary
General Chair)
George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
( gc(a)icsoc.org )
Program Chairs
Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Hamid Motahari, HP Labs, USA
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, U.A.E
( pc(a)icsoc.org )
Workshop Chairs
Mohamed Jmaiel, Univesity of Sphax, Tunisia
George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
( wc(a)icsoc.org )
Industry Chairs
Anis Charfi, SAP, Germany
Sven Graupner, HP Labs, USA
Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, USA
( ic(a)icsoc.org )
Demonstration Chairs
Sam Guinea, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Florian Rosenberg, IBM Research, USA
( dc(a)icsoc.org )
Panel Chairs
Youakim Badr, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Francisco Curbera, IBM TJ Watson, USA
( ac(a)icsoc.org )
PHD Symposium Chairs
Michael Q. Sheng, Adelaide University, Australia
Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Sonia Benmokhtar, University College London, UK
( ps(a)icsoc.org )
Publicity Chairs
Leandro Krug Wives, UFRGS, Brazil
Ivan Bedini, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Ireland
Yacine Atif, UAE University, U.A.E
Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
( uc(a)icsoc.org )
Organization Committee
Christos Mettouris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
( oc(a)icsoc.org )
Publication Chair
Dieter Mayrhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
( bc(a)icsoc.org )
Steering Committee Members
Boualem Benatallah (UNSW, Australia)
Fabio Casati (University of Trento, Italy)
Paco Curbera (IBM Research, USA)
Asit Dan (IBM Research, USA)
Bernd Kraemer (Fern Universitaet Hagen)
Mike Papazoglou (Tilburg University, The Netherlands -
acting Chair)
Paolo Traverso (ITC-IRST, Italy)
Program Committee Members
Marco Aiello, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alvaro Arenas, Instituto de Empresa Business School, Spain
Rama Akkiraju, BM T. J. Watson Research Center Hawthorne, USA
Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, Palo Alto, USA
Samik Basu, Iowa State University, USA
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
Alima Benbernou, University of Paris, France
Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Walter Binder, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Athman Bouguettaya, CSIRO, Australia
Christoph Bussler, Xtime, Inc., USA
Shiping Chen, CSIRO ICT, Australia
Lawrence Chung, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Emmanuel Coquery, Université de Lyon, CNRS, France
Francisco Curbera, IBM TJ Watson, USA
Vincenzo D'Andrea, University of Trento, Italy
Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Flavio De Paoli, Universita di Milano, Biocca Italy
Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University, USA
Khalil Drira, LAAS Toulouse, France
Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia
Schahram Dustdar, University of Technology Vienna, Austria
Markus Endler, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Abdelkarim Erradi, Qatar University, Qatar
Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Noura Faci, Lyon 1 University, France
Ioannis Fikouras, Ericsson, Sweden
Andreas Friesen, SAP Research, Germany
Hiroaki Fukuda, Keio University, Japan
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Paolo Giorgini, Univ. of Trento, Italy
Sven Graupner, HP Labs, USA
Paul Grefen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Peng Han, Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology, China
Jos van Hillegersberg, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Valerie Issarny, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
Rania Y. Khalaf, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Markus Kirchberg, HP Labs Singapore/National University of
Singapore, Singapore
Gerald Kotonya, Lancaster University, UK
Jeffrey T. Kreulen, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Radha Krishna Pisipati, INFOSYS Technologies ltd., India
Patricia Lago, Free Univ. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Francesco Lelli, ERISS Tilburg, The Nethlands
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jun Li, HP Labs, USA
Xumin Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Paul P. Maglio, IBM Research -- Almaden, USA
Michael Maximilien, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Luis Miguel Vaquero, HP Labs, Bristol, UK
Michael Mrissa, Université de Lyon, France
Nanjangud C Narendra, IBM Research India, India
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
Guadalupe Ortiz, University of Cádiz, Spain
Christian Perez, INRIA, France
Mu Qiao, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany
Colette Rolland, Université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Florian Rosenberg, IBM Research, USA
Gustavo Rossi, UNLP, Argentina
Antonio Ruiz-Cortes,University of Sevilla, Spain
Jorge Sanz, IBM Research, USA
Ignacio Silva-Lepe, IBM Research, USA
Munindar P. Singh, North Carolina State University, USA
George Spanoudakis, City University London, UK
Eleni Stroulia, University of Alberta, Canada
Jianwen Su, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Stefan Tai, Univ. of Karlsruhe, Germany
Wei Tan, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Zahir Tari, RMIT University, Australia
Beatriz Toledo, UNICAMP, Brazil
Peter Tröger, University Potsdam, Germany
Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
Bruno Wassermann, University College London, UK
Mathias Weske, University Potsdam, Germany
Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente, Netherlands
Karsten Wolf, University of Rostock, Germany
Lai Xu, Bournemouth, University, UK
Jian Yang, Macquarie University, Australia
Ramin Yahyapour, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Konstantinos Zachos, City University, UK
Hossein Zadeh, RMIT, Australia
Weilian Zhao, Macquarie University, Australia
Yan Zheng, Aalto University, Finland/XiDian University, China
Andrea Zisman, City University London, UK
Ivan Bedini
Bell Labs Ireland
Tel: +353 1 8864525
email: ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] ICSOC 2011 - new due date for research track
paper submission
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 09:58:42 +0200
From: Bedini, Ivan (Ivan) <ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com>
To: seworld(a)sigsoft.org <seworld(a)sigsoft.org>,
elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org <elsnet-list(a)elsnet.org>,
<eii-associate(a)lists.eii.edu.au>, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
<wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
<aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
<agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, sigecom-talk(a)acm.org
ruleml-all(a)ruleml.org <ruleml-all(a)ruleml.org>,
event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de <event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de>,
web4lib(a)webjunction.org <web4lib(a)webjunction.org>,
siks(a)cs.uu.nl <siks(a)cs.uu.nl>, event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de
<event(a)in.tu-clausthal.de>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
<agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, DAI-List(a)mcc.com <DAI-List(a)mcc.com>,
sma(a)loria.fr <sma(a)loria.fr>, bull-i3(a)irit.fr <bull-i3(a)irit.fr>
December 5 - 8 2011, Paphos, Cyprus
(Please note that the research paper submission has a new
_www.icsoc.org_ <http://www.icsoc.org>
Since 2003, The International Conference on Service-Oriented
Computing (ICSOC) has been the main forum for academics and
industry researchers and developers to report and share
groundbreaking works in service-oriented computing. ICSOC
aims at fostering cross-community scientific excellence and
collaboration by the gathering of experts from various
disciplines, such as business process management,
distributed systems, computer networks, ubiquitous
computing, grid computing, service science, management
science, and software engineering.
Service innovation is key to the future of business. Even in
traditionally manufacturing-driven industries, such as IT,
the importance of service has surpassed most other corporate
competences. The Internet and Web-based services create ever
more opportunities for service innovation. Service science
is an interdisciplinary approach to the study, design, and
implementation of service systems - the specific
arrangements of people, organizations, technologies, and
information that co-create value. Service systems are often
IT-enabled and knowledge-intensive, and can span different
real or virtual organizations. In this multidisciplinary
context, researchers and practitioners in management, social
sciences, and computer sciences are all working together to
promote and facilitate service innovation.
While keeping its roots in scientific excellence and
technical depth of service technology, ICSOC 2011 aims at
examining the research opportunities that are offered by the
possible blend of service-oriented computing with cloud
computing. In cloud computing, software platforms,
applications and data reside in providers' servers called
clouds. By making clouds ubiquitously available, a more
rapid and low cost access to a shared pool of virtualized
and configurable computing resources is offered to
enterprises that would like to diversify their application
computation and data storage strategies. "Service-oriented
and cloud computing" is this time the main theme for ICSOC
2011. Questions like how does service-oriented computing
support the transition to cloud-based solutions, and how
does it support Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform
as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) models
are highlighted for researchers to be discussed during the
ICSOC 2011 will bring together scientists, engineers, and
practitioners from multiple disciplines to focus on
service-oriented, cloud-based innovative for the 21st
century enterprises. The conference will feature research
and industry presentations, keynote presentations,
workshops, demonstrations, tutorials, and a PhD track.
Please refer to _www.icsoc.org_ for calls for workshops,
demonstrations, and tutorials.
ICSOC 2011 will take place in Coral Beach resort near the
city of Paphos, Cyprus. More details on the venue,
accommodation, and transportation are available at
icsoc.org. Prior editions of ICSOC took place respectively
in Trento, New York City, Amsterdam, Chicago, Vienna,
Sydney, Stockholm, and San Francisco.
Research and industry papers
Abstract due : May 27, 2011
Full paper due : June 10, 2011 (was June 3, 2011)
Notification : August 5, 2011
Camera ready due : September 2, 2011
ICSOC 2011 seeks outstanding, original contributions,
including solid theoretical and empirical evaluations as
well as practical and industrial experiences -- with
emphases on results that solve open research problems and
make a significant impact to the emerging fields of cloud
computing and service- -oriented, cloud-based computing as well.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Service-oriented Architecture
* Services on the Cloud - XaaS (everything as a service
including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
* Grid and Cloud Services
* Social networks and services
* Human-provided and outsourcing services
* Theoretical and Technical Service Foundations
* Business Service Modeling and Business Process Modeling
* Service Integration and Orchestration on the Cloud
* Service Composition and Engineering
* Service Operations and Management on the Cloud
* Quality of Service for Cloud Services
* Software engineering models, methods and methodologies for
* Service Applications and Implementations
* Service Design Methods
* Service change management
* Designing Outsourcing Interactions
* Service Vocabularies and Ontologies
* SOA Runtime
* Testbeds for Service Concepts and Technologies
* Business Intelligence and Analytics for Services
* Pervasive and Mobile Services on the Cloud
* Embedded and Real-time Services
* Service Security, Privacy, and Trust
The conference solicits outstanding original research and
practice papers on all aspects of service-oriented,
cloud-based computing. Papers should clearly demonstrate the
research or practical contribution, the relevance to the
field, and the relation to prior work. Submitted papers will
be evaluated according to their rigor, significance,
originality, technical quality, and exposition.
Prospective authors must submit abstracts prior to
submitting full papers. Full papers are not to exceed 15
pages including all references and figures. All papers must
be prepared in the Springer LNCS format and be submitted
electronically (in PDF) via the conference Web site
available at icsoc.org.
All accepted papers will appear in the ICSOC 2011
proceedings published by Springer-Verlag under the Services
Science series. Selected papers will be considered for
possible publication in the International Journal of
Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS).
General Chairs
Mohand-Said Hacid, University of Lyon, France (Honorary
General Chair)
George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
( gc(a)icsoc.org )
Program Chairs
Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Hamid Motahari, HP Labs, USA
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, U.A.E
( pc(a)icsoc.org )
Workshop Chairs
Mohamed Jmaiel, Univesity of Sphax, Tunisia
George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
( wc(a)icsoc.org )
Industry Chairs
Anis Charfi, SAP, Germany
Sven Graupner, HP Labs, USA
Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, USA
( ic(a)icsoc.org )
Demonstration Chairs
Sam Guinea, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Florian Rosenberg, IBM Research, USA
( dc(a)icsoc.org )
Panel Chairs
Youakim Badr, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Francisco Curbera, IBM TJ Watson, USA
( ac(a)icsoc.org )
PHD Symposium Chairs
Michael Q. Sheng, Adelaide University, Australia
Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Sonia Benmokhtar, University College London, UK
( ps(a)icsoc.org )
Publicity Chairs
Leandro Krug Wives, UFRGS, Brazil
Ivan Bedini, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Ireland
Yacine Atif, UAE University, U.A.E
Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
( uc(a)icsoc.org )
Organization Committee
Christos Mettouris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
( oc(a)icsoc.org )
Publication Chair
Dieter Mayrhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
( bc(a)icsoc.org )
Steering Committee Members
Boualem Benatallah (UNSW, Australia)
Fabio Casati (University of Trento, Italy)
Paco Curbera (IBM Research, USA)
Asit Dan (IBM Research, USA)
Bernd Kraemer (Fern Universitaet Hagen)
Mike Papazoglou (Tilburg University, The Netherlands -
acting Chair)
Paolo Traverso (ITC-IRST, Italy)
Program Committee Members
Marco Aiello, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Alvaro Arenas, Instituto de Empresa Business School, Spain
Rama Akkiraju, BM T. J. Watson Research Center Hawthorne, USA
Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, Palo Alto, USA
Samik Basu, Iowa State University, USA
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
Alima Benbernou, University of Paris, France
Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Walter Binder, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Athman Bouguettaya, CSIRO, Australia
Christoph Bussler, Xtime, Inc., USA
Shiping Chen, CSIRO ICT, Australia
Lawrence Chung, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Emmanuel Coquery, Université de Lyon, CNRS, France
Francisco Curbera, IBM TJ Watson, USA
Vincenzo D'Andrea, University of Trento, Italy
Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Flavio De Paoli, Universita di Milano, Biocca Italy
Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University, USA
Khalil Drira, LAAS Toulouse, France
Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia
Schahram Dustdar, University of Technology Vienna, Austria
Markus Endler, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Abdelkarim Erradi, Qatar University, Qatar
Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Noura Faci, Lyon 1 University, France
Ioannis Fikouras, Ericsson, Sweden
Andreas Friesen, SAP Research, Germany
Hiroaki Fukuda, Keio University, Japan
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Paolo Giorgini, Univ. of Trento, Italy
Sven Graupner, HP Labs, USA
Paul Grefen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Peng Han, Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology, China
Jos van Hillegersberg, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Valerie Issarny, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
Rania Y. Khalaf, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Markus Kirchberg, HP Labs Singapore/National University of
Singapore, Singapore
Gerald Kotonya, Lancaster University, UK
Jeffrey T. Kreulen, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Radha Krishna Pisipati, INFOSYS Technologies ltd., India
Patricia Lago, Free Univ. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Francesco Lelli, ERISS Tilburg, The Nethlands
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jun Li, HP Labs, USA
Xumin Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Paul P. Maglio, IBM Research -- Almaden, USA
Michael Maximilien, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Luis Miguel Vaquero, HP Labs, Bristol, UK
Michael Mrissa, Université de Lyon, France
Nanjangud C Narendra, IBM Research India, India
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
Guadalupe Ortiz, University of Cádiz, Spain
Christian Perez, INRIA, France
Mu Qiao, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany
Colette Rolland, Université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Florian Rosenberg, IBM Research, USA
Gustavo Rossi, UNLP, Argentina
Antonio Ruiz-Cortes,University of Sevilla, Spain
Jorge Sanz, IBM Research, USA
Ignacio Silva-Lepe, IBM Research, USA
Munindar P. Singh, North Carolina State University, USA
George Spanoudakis, City University London, UK
Eleni Stroulia, University of Alberta, Canada
Jianwen Su, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Stefan Tai, Univ. of Karlsruhe, Germany
Wei Tan, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Zahir Tari, RMIT University, Australia
Beatriz Toledo, UNICAMP, Brazil
Peter Tröger, University Potsdam, Germany
Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
Bruno Wassermann, University College London, UK
Mathias Weske, University Potsdam, Germany
Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente, Netherlands
Karsten Wolf, University of Rostock, Germany
Lai Xu, Bournemouth, University, UK
Jian Yang, Macquarie University, Australia
Ramin Yahyapour, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Konstantinos Zachos, City University, UK
Hossein Zadeh, RMIT, Australia
Weilian Zhao, Macquarie University, Australia
Yan Zheng, Aalto University, Finland/XiDian University, China
Andrea Zisman, City University London, UK
Ivan Bedini
Bell Labs Ireland
Tel: +353 1 8864525
email: ivan.bedini(a)alcatel-lucent.com
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] JAIS Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2011
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 10:42:27 +1000
From: Gregor, Shirley <Shirley.Gregor(a)anu.edu.au>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The contents of the latest issue of
The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)
Official Publication of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2011
Published: Monthly Electronically
ISSN: 1536-9323
Published by the Association for Information Systems,
Atlanta, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Shirley Gregor, the Australian
National University, Australia
Conceptualizing the Dynamic Strategic Alignment Competency
By Jeff Baker, Donald Jones, Qing Cao and Jaeki Song
This essay addresses the question, “How can strategic
alignment that is sustained over time be conceptualized and
quantified?” We build on the Dynamic Capabilities Framework
and suggest that an organization’s ability to achieve a high
degree of alignment between its IT strategy and its business
strategy is an enduring competency that is a source of
competitive advantage. We couple this theoretical
understanding of how strategic alignment provides value with
extant research to explain an approach to measuring an
organization’s dynamic strategic alignment competency. Our
measurement approach considers (1) the degree of alignment
at a given point in time, (2) the organization’s history of
alignment, and (3) the maturity of the business processes
that enable IT and business strategies to co-evolve. Our
paper contributes to research on strategic alignment in two
ways. First, we address a stated need for more substantial
theory to undergird strategic alignment research by
highlighting and building upon the Dynamic Capabilities
Framework. Second, we move beyond static, single-time-period
examinations of alignment to explain a dynamic approach to
alignment, one that includes an operationalization of the
dynamic strategic alignment competency. In sum, we argue
that the dynamic strategic alignment competency is an
enduring organizational competency built on organizational
processes and routines that provides a source of competitive
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
By The Impact of Data Quality Tags on Decision-Making
Outcomes and Process
Rosanne Price and Graeme Shanks
It has been proposed that metadata describing data quality
(DQ), termed DQ tags, be made available in situations where
decision makers are unfamiliar with the data context, for
example, in data warehouses. However, there have been
conflicting reports as to the impact of such DQ tags on
decision-making outcomes. Early studies did not explicitly
consider the usability and semantics of the DQ tag designs
used experimentally or the impact of such tags on decision
process, except in suggestions for future research. This
study addresses these issues, focusing on the design of
usable DQ tags whose semantics are explicitly specified and
exploring the impact of such DQ tags on decision outcomes
and process. We use the information quality framework
InfoQual, the interaction design technique of contextual
inquiry, and cognitive process tracing to address DQ tag
semantics, usability, and impact on decision process,
respectively. In distinct contrast to earlier laboratory
experiments, there was no evidence that the preferred
decision choice changed with DQ tags, but decision time was
significantly increased and there were indications of
reduced consensus. These results can be explained by
understanding the impact of DQ tags on decision process
using concurrent protocol analysis, which involves
participants verbalizing thoughts while making a decision.
The protocol analysis study shows that DQ tags are
associated with increased cognitive processing in the
earlier phases of decision making, which delays generation
of decision alternatives.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: the International Journal of
E-Politics (IJEP)
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 18:57:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Celia R. Livermore <ak1667(a)wayne.edu>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal published both in print and electronic form.
For information about the journal see its website at:
Google Scholar
Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS International)
The Standard Periodical Directory
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Worldwide Political Abstracts (WPSA)
IJEP focuses on three major topic areas: the politics of the information technology function and its role within organizations, the politics of virtual communities and social networking communities, and the role that electronic media plays in community activism and party politics at the local, national, and global levels. Within these major areas, specific topics of interest to be discussed in the journal include (but are not limited to) the following:
• E-voting and electronically enabled e-government
• Impact of globalization on the political role played by the IT unit within organizations
• Impact of race and gender on electronically enabled political manipulations
• Party politics and social activism
• Politics of diffusion of change within organizations
• Politics of social networking communities, including: learning communities, customers' communities, e-dating communities, gaming communities, support group communities, etc.
• Politics of the IT function and role in organizations
• Politics of virtual communities and social networking communities
• Politics of geographically based virtual communities
• Use of electronic media for surveillance manipulation and harassment
• Use of electronic media in industrial and labor relations
• Utilization of electronic media for governance and politicking at the municipal, state, national, and international levels
•Utilization of electronic media for political debate, information sharing, political decision making, and fundraising
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS MUST CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at:
http://www.igi-global.com/development/author_info/guidelines submission.pdf
PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically to Celia Romm Livermore at ak1667(a)wayne.edu.
The International Journal of E-Politics is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference) and “Medical Information Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.
All inquiries and submissions should be directed by e-mail to the attention of:
Celia Romm Livermore (PhD)
International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP)
School of Business Administration
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI, 48202, USA
E-mail address: ak1667(a)wayne.edu
President Elect
Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SOFSEM 2012 - Second CALL for PAPERS
Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 10:56:40 +0200
From: sofsem(a)sofsem.cz
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
[This information is being posted to multiple lists
- we apologise if you get it several times.
Please, pass the information to whom it may benefit.
Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
The organisers.]
38th International Conference on Current Trends
in Theory and Practice of Computer Science
January 21-27, 2012
Orea Hotel HORAL (Spindleruv Mlyn)
Czech Republic
Dear Sofsemists,
dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to submit a paper for one of the four
SOFSEM 2012 tracks:
with extended support for student papers in the traditional
All accepted papers for regular tracks (after registration and payment) will
be included in the conference proceedings published in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science - LNCS - Series by Springer Verlag.
Student papers accepted for the SOFSEM Student Research Forum (after
registration and payment) will be published in SOFSEM 2012 local
We would especially like to attract your attention to the
In memory of Alan Turing, whose 100th anniversary is celebrated in 2012,
SOSFEM 2012 will host a session on Turing machines.
The session will consist of invited and contributed talks on Turing machines
as the basic model of computability and complexity, and reporting new
developments related to models inspired by, for example, biology and
SOFSEM 2012 is among the official Centenary Events of The Alan Turing Year
(for more details see http://www.turingcentenary.eu/)
We hope that you find the SOFSEM 2012 tracks and topics - for details see
and that by submitting your paper to the SOFSEM 2012 conference you will
help to contribute to yet another succesfull SOFSEM.
Important dates:
Abstracts deadline: June 15, 2011
Full papers deadline: June 22, 2011
Acceptance notification: September 21, 2011
Camera-ready papers: October 5, 2011
Early registration deadline: November 7, 2011
Conference: January 21-27, 2012
As usual at SOFSEM, a very distinguished feature of the SOFSEM 2012 will be
the higher number of Invited Speakers.
The list of SOFSEM 2012 invited speakers:
* Foundations of Computer Science Track:
- Yuri Gurevich (University of Michigan and Microsoft Research, USA)
What's an Algorithm?
- Giuseppe F. Italiano (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy)
[Title to be announced]
- Felipe Cucker (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
[Title to be announced]
- Peter van Emde Boas (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Turing Machines for Dummies
- Jiri Wiedermann (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences, Czech
[Title to be announced]
* Software& Web Engineering Track:
- Paul De Bra (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
A Fully Generic Approach for Realizing the Adaptive Web
- Pavel Zezula (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic)
Multi Feature Indexing Network (MUFIN) - Similarity Search Platform for many
* Cryptography, Security, and Verification Track:
- Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel)
Recent Challenges and Ideas in Temporal Synthesis
- Krzysztof Pietrzak (Cryptology Research Group, CWI Amsterdam, The
Efficient Cryptography from Hard Learning Problems
* Artificial Intelligence
- Kevin Warwick (University of Reading, United Kingdom )
Not Another Look at the Turing Test!
- Roberto Navigli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy )
[Title to be announced]
Location, venue and leisure activities of SOFSEM 2012 are presented at:
As the SOFSEM 2012 organization will progress, the conference website will
be regularly updated to let you know about important news.
We are looking forward to your submissions.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions.
On behalf of all SOFSEM 2012 organizers,
Georg Gottlob (Program Committee Chair)
Julius Stuller (Steering Committee Chair)
The mail has been sent to gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at.