-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2nd CFP CSEDU 2010 - 2nd Int'l Conf. on Computer Supported
Education (Valencia/Spain)
Datum: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 13:37:54 -0400
Von: CSEDU Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: csedu.secretariat(a)insticc.org <csedu.secretariat(a)insticc.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
CSEDU 2010 (the 2th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - http://www.csedu.org) has an open call for papers, whose deadline is at October 21st. We hope you can participate in this prestigious conference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research.
Organized by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communications (INSTICC) and technically co-sponsored by Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), CSEDU 2010 is becoming an important yearly meeting place of top researchers and practitioners.
CSEDU will be held in Valencia, Spain next year, on April 7-10, 2010 and is co-located with WEBIST 2010 (6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - http://www.webist.org) which is an added-value for those delegates who share an interest in topic areas of both conferences.
The conference program will include a number of Keynote Lectures delivered by distinguished world-class researchers. Their names will be announced soon at the conference website.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and CD-ROM support. The proceedings will be indexed by several major international indexers, including INSPEC, DBLP and we are awaiting the confirmation of indexation by EI and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session.
All published papers will be also available at the INSTICC's Digital Library, which will be made available shortly.
Please check further details at the CSEDU 2010 conference web site (http://www.csedu.org). There you will find detailed information about the conference structure and its main topic areas.
Workshops and special sessions are also invited. If you wish to propose a workshop or a special session, for example based on the results of a specific research project, please send a proposal to the CSEDU secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
Should you have any question or suggestion please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Bruno Encarnacao
CSEDU Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8596
Email: csedu.secretariat(a)insticc.org
Web: http://www.csedu.org
CSEDU web site: http://www.csedu.org/
Regular Paper Submission: October 21, 2009
Authors Notification (regular papers): December 21, 2009
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: January 12, 2010
Conference date: 7 - 10 April, 2010
Location: Valencia, Spain
Organized by INSTICC
Technical Co-Sponsorship by WfMC
Proceedings indexed by INSPEC, DBLP, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index and EI (last two awaiting the confirmation of indexation)
All papers will be available at the INSTICC's Digital Library
- Web-based learning, Wikis and Blogs
- Virtual learning environments
- e-learning platforms, portals
- Authoring tools and content development
- Groupware Tools
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning
- Security Aspects
- AV-communication and multimedia
- Mobile learning
- Ontologies and meta-data standards
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- e-learning hardware and software
- Digital Libraries for e-learning
- Supervising and managing student projects
- Simulated communities and online mentoring
- Pedagogy enhancement with e-learning
- Educating the educators
- Immersive Learning
- Blended learning
- Mobile learning (M-learning)
- Computer-aided assessment
- Metrics and performance measurement
- Assessment software tools
- Assessment methods in blended learning environments
- e-testing and new test theories
- Learning Organizations
- Collaborative Learning
- Community Building
- Lifelong Learning: Continuing Professional Training & Development
- Theoretical bases of e-learning environments
- International Partnerships in Teaching
- Distance and e-learning in a global context
- Cooperation with Industry in teaching
- Context dependent learning
- Higher Education vs. Vocational Training
- e-learning success cases
- Errors in e-learning
- Critical Success Factors in Distance Learning
- e-learning in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and Information Engineering
- Medical Applications
- Interdisciplinary programs for distance education
- Impact and achievements of International initiatives
- Joint-degrees
- Virtual Labs: Examples, Architecture and Organization
- Virtual Universities and Classrooms
- Benchmark metrics for broad domain learning
- Standards and interoperability
- Course design and e-learning curriculae
- Emerging and best practices
- Managing quality in e-learning
- e-learning tactics and strategies
- Course/program evaluation
- Teacher Evaluation
- Accessibility to disabled users
- Quality Assurance: Recognition; Accreditation; Certification
- Assessment and accreditation of courses and institutions
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP - The International Journal of E-Politics
Datum: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:20:06 -0400
Von: Celia Romm Livermore <celiaromm(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Celia Romm Livermore <celiaromm(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association
www.igi-global.com/ IJEP
Editor-in-Chief: Celia Romm Livermore
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)
International Editorial Review Board:
Advisory board
Ada Scupola, Carol Saunders, Christine Williams, Lynne Markus, Philip
Ein-Dor, Prashant Palvia, Robert Davison, Ron Rice, Shailendria Palvia,
Shezaf Rafaeli, Steven Gordon, Symour (Sy) Goodman
Associate editors
Anastasia Deligiaouri, Anastasia Kavada, Andrea Calderaro, Arik Ragowsky,
Balaji Rajagopalan, Carlo Bellini, Cathy Urquhart, Changchit Chuleeporn,
Christopher Reddick, Dave Oliver, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Isaac
Mostovicz, Itir Akdogan, Jack Quarter, Jens Hoff, Joan Francesc Fondevila
i Gascón, Joy Peluchette, Karine Barzilai-Nahon, Katherine Karl, Lakshmi
Iyer, Laurie Schatzberg, Linda Coleman, Lorenzo Mosca, Luciano
Paccagnella, Marick Masters, Myles Stern, Nada Kakabadse, Nava Pliskin,
Naveed Baqir, Nico Carpentier, Nicolas Ducheneaut, Pierluigi Rippa, Pippa
Norris, Ramesh Srinivasan, Sandy Staples, Stephen Fox, Tim Roberts, Toni
Somers, Toru Sakaguchi, Yana Breindl
The primary objective of the International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP) is
to lay the foundations of E-Politics as an emerging interdisciplinary area
of research and practice, as well as, to offer a venue for publications
that focus on theories and empirical research on the manifestations of
E-Politics in various contexts and environments. E-Politcs is defined as
influence attempts facilitated by or related to electronic media or to the
information technology field. As such, it is seen as interdisciplinary,
encompassing areas such as information systems, political science, social
science (psychology, sociology, and cultural studies), security, ethics,
law, management and others.
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to)
the following:
The politics of the IT function and its role in organizations
� The political activities of members of the IT function vis-à-vis the
rest of the organization
� Changes in the power of the IT unit as a function of the diffusion of
new technologies
� The strategies used by members of the IT unit to influence others
� The impact of global issues such as outsourcing, downsizing, political
upheavals, etc. on the political role played by the IT unit within
The politics of virtual communities
� The use of electronic media for industrial relations and negotiations
with employers
� The use of electronic media for surveillance manipulation and harassment
in commercial and non-commercial environments
� The impact of status and authority on electronically enabled political
maneuvering by management and the effects of culture, race, and gender on
political activities within and between organizations.
� The political dynamics of geographically based communities (community
� The political dynamics of virtual communities of practice, including:
learning communities, customers� communities, eDating communities, gaming
communities, support group communities, social networking communities,
Party politics and social activism
� eVoting and electronically enabled eGovernment
� The role electronic media in political campaigns. Including their impact
on political debate, information sharing, political decision making, fund
raising, etc.
� As electronically enabled party politicking is becoming a global
phenomenon, the utilization of E-Politcs at all levels of governance,
including the city, the state, the country and the global arenas.
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously
unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS MUST CONSULT
submission.pdf PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. All article submissions will be
forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the
journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding
acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from
the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically to Celia
Romm Livermore at ak1667(a)wayne.edu.
The International Journal of E-Politics is published by IGI Global
(formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the �Information Science
Reference� (formerly Idea Group Reference) and �Medical Information
Science Reference� imprints. For additional information regarding the
publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.
All inquiries and submissions should be directed to the attention of:
Celia Romm Livermore (PhD)
International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP)
School of Business Administration
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI, 48202, USA
E-mail address: ak1667(a)wayne.edu
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] SWAT4LS - Semantic Web Applications and Tools for
Life Sciences
Datum: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 06:38:37 -0400
Von: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
Antwort an: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
SWAT4LS Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences
*** apologies for multiple postings ***
--- updates ---
We are glad to announce that there will be a special issue of the BMC
Journal of Biomedical Semantics dedicated to the SWAT4LS workshop.
This is a new open access journal published by BMC and we are
confident that the supplement will benefit from the additional
exposure and promotion associated with its launch (more information on
this journal can be found at http://www.jbiomedsem.com/).
The call for this special issue will be open to all the contributors
to the SWAT4LS workshop (accepted papers, posters and demos). Authors
will be invited to submit an extended version of their work,
elaborated in the light of the discussion held at the workshop.
Workshop proceedings will be published on CEUR.
In order to facilitate submissions, we have extended submission
deadlines as follows:
intention to submit (abstract only): October 5th
submission of papers: October 12
submission of posters and demos: October 15
communication of acceptance: October 28
camera ready: November 13
Due to the limited time for reviews, we would ask you to submit an
abstract of your paper by October 5th, in order to facilitate
assignment of reviews.
The lenght of contributions to the workshop as been revised to offer
more flexibility:
* Submissions for Oral communications should be between 8 and 15
* Posters submissions should be between 2 and 4 pages.
* Software demo proposals should also be between 2 and 4 pages.
Finally, we would like to announce that the special issue BMC
Bioinformatics dedicated to SWAT4LS-2008 will be published on October
1st (BMC Bioinformatics, Vol 10, Supp 10)
--- call for papers ---
***Location and date
Amsterdam, Science Park, November 20th 2009
The adoption of semantic-enabled applications and collaborative social
environments is ever more common in the Life Sciences. The Semantic
Web provides a set of technologies and standards that are key to
support semantic markup, ontology development, distributed information
resources and collaborative social environments. Altogether the
adoption of the Semantic Web in the Life Sciences has potential impact
on the future of publishing, biological research and medecine. This
workshop will provide a venue to present and discuss benefits and
limits of the adoption of these technologies and tools in biomedical
informatics and computational biology. It will showcase experiences,
information resources, tools development and applications. It will
bring together researchers, both developers and users, from the
various fields of Biology, Bioinformatics and Computer Science, to
discuss goals, current limits and some real use cases for Semantic Web
technologies in Life Sciences.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Standards, Technologies, Tools for the Semantic Web
o Semantic Web standards and new proposals (RDF, OWL,
SKOS,... )
o Biomedical Ontologies and related tools
o Formal approaches to large biomedical knowledge bases
* Systems for a Semantic Web for Bioinformatics
o RDF stores, Reasoners, query and visualization systems
for life sciences
o Semantic biomedical Web Services
o Semantics aware Biological Data Integration Systems
* Existing and prospective applications of the Semantic Web for
o Semantics aware application tools
o Semantic collaborative research environments
o Case studies, use cases, and scenarios
***Scientific Program
The workshop will be interactive and include keynotes, oral
presentations, panel discussion and a poster and demo session.
The keynote speakers of this edition will be:
* Barend Mons
* Michael Schroeder (http://www.biotec.tu-dresden.de/schroeder)
* Alan Ruttenberg
***Scientific Committee (committed so far:)
* Christopher J. O. Baker, Department of Computer Science and
Applied Statistics, University of Brunswick, Canada
* Pedro Barahona, Department of Informatics, New University of
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
* Liliana Barrio-Alvers, Transinsight GmbH, Dresden, Germany
* Olivier Bodenreider, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda,
MD, United States of America
* Matt-Mouley Bouamrane, School of Computer Science, University
of Machester, manchester, United Kingdom
* Werner Ceusters, NY CoE in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences,
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States of America
* Kei Cheung, Center for Medical Informatics, Yale University
School of Medicine, New Haven, United States of America
* Tim Clark, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical
School, Boston MA, United States of America
* Marie-Dominique Devignes, LORIA, Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France
* Olivier Dameron, INSERM U936, University of Rennes 1, France
* Michel Dumontier, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
* Huajun Chen, Zhejiang University, China
* Duncan Hull, School of Chemistry, University of Manchester, UK
* C. Maria Keet, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of
Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
* Graham Kemp, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
* Jacob Tilman Koehler, Department of Molecular Biotechnology,
Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromsö, Tromsö, Norway
* Michael Krauthammer, Department of Pathology, Yale University
School of Medicine, United States of America
* Martin Kuiper, Department of Pathology, Systems Biology group,
Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Trondheim, Norway
* Patrick Lambrix, Department of Computer and Information
Science, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
* Phillip Lord, School of Computing Science, Newcastle
University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom
* M. Scott Marshall, Leiden University Medical Center /
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Chris Mungall, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, United
States of America
* Stephan Philippi, Institute for Software Technology,
University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany
* Marco Roos, Instituut voor Informatica, University of
Amsterdam, Netherlands
* Alan Ruttenberg, Science Commons, Cambridge, MA, United States
of America
* Matthias Samwald, DERI, Galway, Ireland, and Konrad Lorenz
Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg, Austria
* Nigam Shah, Center for Biomedical Informatics Research,
Stanford, United States of America
* Michael Schröder, Biotechnology Centre, TU Dresden, Dresden,
* Robert Stevens, School of Computer Science, University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
* Tetsuro Toyoda, Genomic Sciences Center, RIKEN, Yokohama, Japan
* Mark D. Wilkinson, iCAPTURE Center, St. Paul Hospital,
Vancouver, Canada
and the organizers
***Type of contributions
The following possible contributions are sought:
* Oral communications (regular papers)
* Posters
* Software demos
All accepted oral communications and posters will be published with
the CEUR-WS.org Workshop Proceedings service (see http://ceur-ws.org/).
We are finalizing the agreement to have a dedicated special issue on
the 2009 edition of swat4ls in an international scientific journal of
the BMC group (open access, pubmed indexed).
To this end, a special Call will be launched shortly after the
workshop, for extended and revised versions of contributions submitted
to the workshop and accepted either as oral communication or poster.
***New Deadlines
* Intention to submit (abstract only): October 5th
* Submission of papers: October 12
* Submission of posters and demos: October 15
* Communication of acceptance: October 28
* Camera ready: November 13
All papers and posters must be in English and must be submitted
through the EasyChair review system at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swat4ls-09 .
Please upload all submissions as PDF files in LNCS format
To ensure high quality, submitted papers will be carefully peer-
reviewed by at least three members of the Scientific Committee.
* Submissions for Oral communications should be between 8 and 15
* Posters submissions should be between 2 and 4 pages.
* Software demo proposals should also be between 2 and 4 pages.
* M. Scott Marshall, Leiden University Medical Center /
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Albert Burger, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
Heriot-Watt University, and Human Genetics Unit, Medical Research
Council, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
* Adrian Paschke, Corporate Semantic Web, Freie Universitaet
Berlin, Germany
* Paolo Romano, Bioinformatics, National Cancer Research
Institute, Genova, Italy
* Andrea Splendiani, Biomathematics and Bioinformatics dept.,
Rothamsted Research, UK
***More information
* http://www.swat4ls.org/2009/
* http://swat4ls.blogspot.com
* info(a)swat4ls.org
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call For Submissions: Research Prototypes, WITS 2009
Datum: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 18:02:52 -0400
Von: Faiz Currim <faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu>
Antwort an: Faiz Currim <faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call For Submissions: Research Prototypes
Nineteenth Workshop On Information Technologies And Systems (WITS'09)
December 14�15, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona - USA
We would like to invite submissions for the Research Prototype session of the Nineteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'09). The purpose of the WITS workshop is to provide a forum for discussion and interaction among scholars with research interests in the cutting edge issues of information technology and systems. The theme of the current conference is �Interdisciplinary Frontiers in Information Technology Innovation.� Research Prototypes provide an opportunity to showcase new research ideas and emerging technological solutions. The prototypes are displayed during the WITS workshop, and involve a poster board along with a live demonstration of your system if available.
Since it is a workshop, WITS actively solicits prototypes describing novel research ideas that may be at a relatively early stage of development. Research topics include, but are not limited to:
* Agent-based Systems and Autonomous Computing
* Collaboration Systems
* Component-Based systems
* Conceptual Modeling
* Data Warehouse, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Database Modeling, Technology and Systems
* Database and Information Integration
* Distributed Computing
* Emerging Technologies
* Enterprise Systems and Architectures
* Heterogeneous databases and information integration
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Information Personalization Technology
* Information Quality
* Information Security
* Intellectual Property, Privacy, and Assurance
* Intelligent/Expert Systems
* Knowledge Management Technologies
* Mobile Commerce and Wireless Technologies
* Multi-Media Technologies
* Search Engines/Semantic Web
* Service-Oriented Computing
* Supply Chain and IT
* Systems Analysis and Design
* Web Content Management
* Web-Based Information Systems
* Workflow Technologies and System
* Web Services
The submission should contain details of your prototype system and related research, and a URL for your prototype if available. Please include the research title, author names and affiliations. Please make your submission using a Word or PDF file (1 page). Typesetting requirements are: an 8.5" x 11" size (letter) page with a 1" margin on all sides, and Times New Roman size 12 font. Please email your submission to faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu. Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to prepare materials for a poster board to be presented at WITS.
Deadline for prototype submissions: .. October 09, 2009
Notification of acceptance: ......... October 19, 2009
Camera-ready copy due: .............. October 27, 2009
Vijay Khatri (vkhatri(a)indiana.edu), Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Huimin Zhao (hzhao(a)uwm.edu), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Valentin Dinu (valentin.dinu(a)asu.edu), Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Faiz Currim (faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu), University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
(Apologies to those who receive this twice due to cross-posting on lists)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Submissions: Instructional Tools and Modules
Datum: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 18:00:04 -0400
Von: Faiz Currim <faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu>
Antwort an: Faiz Currim <faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
CALL for Submissions: Instructional Tools and Modules
Nineteenth Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'09)
December 14�15, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona - USA
Instructors teaching Information Technology (IT) in a business curriculum face significant challenges in organizing and developing instructional materials that effectively integrate technology concepts with business issues and problems. Often, instructional approaches tend to align themselves at extreme ends of the technology-business spectrum. At one extreme, the technological skills are given the main focus with limited emphasis on understanding the solution from the business contexts and requirements. At the other end, pedagogical materials are developed primarily with a business focus with little attention to understanding the key IT enablers and their potential to impact business solutions. Both approaches � lack of adequate and appropriate business contexts or the treatment of technology as a black box � lead to less than ideal learning outcomes for the business students.
The objective of the technology instructional tools and modules session is to bring together well-developed ideas, which can assist the MIS community at large, in their quest to improve the business orientation of their IT curricula. We solicit submissions of instructional modules that would demonstrate innovative integrations of technology and business in graduate or undergraduate courses.
The modules should be targeted to business students and deliverable in 60-90 minutes. Authors should adhere to the following requirements:
* Clearly define the learning objectives of the exercise. The focus of the learning objectives could be (one or more of):
- Technical (e.g., using threading in object-oriented programming, triggers in databases)
- Analytical/design oriented (e.g., requirements analysis for database design, security policy design, systems development)
- Business problem-solving focused (e.g., insurance policy pricing for data security, data mining in financial analytics)
* List the target audience (undergraduate/graduate) and pre-requisite knowledge for undertaking the exercises, both business fundamentals as well as technical proficiency. Examples include:
- Students should be familiar with basic concepts of supply chain and have working knowledge of SQL.
- Students should be familiar with statistics, specifically ANOVA.
* Present a well-defined business problem which provides the context as well as the requirements for the IT-driven solution. The business problem can be identified from existing practices (e.g., remote data/call center management, outsourcing/off-shoring of services, system integration problems), available case studies (e.g. HBSP, Ivey) or mini-cases available from several sources (e.g. CIO.com, textbooks). The domain(s) of the business problem should be clearly identified using one or more standard keywords such as supply-chain, e-commerce, business intelligence, information security.
* Contain a hands-on IT skills component, which is to be undertaken by the student either individually or in a collaborative environment. The requisite IT component(s) should be clearly defined. These requirements could be a combination of:
- Specific technology platforms such as MS Access and Excel, Visual Basic .Net or Oracle 11g, WebSphere or SAP
- Generic technological requirements such as Object-oriented programming language, Database, Open platform which allows for inducting decision tree using C4.5 or equivalent algorithm
* A �Teaching Note� with a suggested process outline for lessons delivery for the instructor adopting the case for in-class instruction. The teaching note should also clearly separate what portions (if any) need to be completed before class and after the class.
A sample set of IS/IT domains for development of cases/instruction tutorials that is not exclusive is:
* Spreadsheet applications
* Requirements analysis
* Database design and development
* Database applications
* Programming
* Business Intelligence/Data Mining
* Network Analysis and Design
* Network Security
* Information Assurance
* IT Infrastructure planning and administration
* IT resource optimization in different contexts
The submission should be made in a word/PDF file and contain all of the above information (1 page), plus up to 6 slides in PowerPoint/ PDF format containing teaching material from the module should also be included (may be combined in a single PDF document or .zip archive). Please email your submission to faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu . Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to prepare materials for a poster board to be presented at WITS.
Deadline submission: ............. October 09, 2009
Notification of acceptance: ....... October 19, 2009
Camera-ready copy due: ............ October 27, 2009
Vijay Khatri (vkhatri(a)indiana.edu), Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Huimin Zhao (hzhao(a)uwm.edu), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Valentin Dinu (valentin.dinu(a)asu.edu), Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Faiz Currim (faiz-currim(a)uiowa.edu), University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
(Apologies to those who receive this twice due to cross-posting on lists)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Third Announcement of ASCM-MACIS 2009
Datum: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 11:03:31 +0900
Von: YANAMI Hitoshi <yanami(a)labs.fujitsu.com>
Antwort an: ascm-macis2009(a)math.kyushu-u.ac.jp
An: YANAMI Hitoshi <yanami(a)labs.fujitsu.com>
We apologize if you receive this message more than once.
Please circulate the information among your colleagues and students.
The Joint Conference of ASCM 2009 and MACIS 2009
December 14th-17th, 2009
JAL Resort Sea Hawk Hotel, Fukuoka, Japan
Website: http://gcoe.math.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ascm-macis2009/
Contact Address: ascm-macis2009(a)math.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Professor Bruno Buchberger (RISC, Austria)
Professor Toshinori Oaku (Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Japan)
Professor Kokichi Sugihara (Meiji University, Japan)
Professor Lihong Zhi (Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, China)
***** Extended Submission Deadline : September 25, 2009 *****
Notification of acceptance : October 20, 2009
Camera-ready : November 10, 2009
Basically, submission of paper should be done via the EasyChair system
till 25th September. But, some sessions use different style and different
deadlines. Please confirm the style of submission and the deadline
by visiting the web page of the session in which you want to participate.
EasyChair Login Page for ASCM: Digitizing Mathematics
Deadline: 12th October 2009
EasyChair Login Page for ASCM: Regular session and other organized sessions
EasyChair Login Page for MACIS organized sessions (multitrack)
Deadline: 15th September 2009
Details on how to prepare and submit abstract/paper are found in the
website of ASCM/MACIS.
Two international conferences
* the 9th Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM 2009) and
* the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer
and Information Sciences (MACIS 2009)
will be held jointly at Fukuoka in December 14th -17th, 2009 supported
by the GCOE program "Math-for-industry" of the Graduate School of
Mathematics of Kyushu University and Mathematical Research Center for
Industrial Technology of Kyushu University. The programs of ASCM and
those of MACIS will be organized independently by each program
committee except invited talks. Sessions of ASCM and those of MACIS
will be held in parallel and invited talks will be given in plenary.
General Chair:
Masakazu Suzuki (Kyushu University, Japan)
Local chairs:
Hiroshi Yoshida (Kyushu University, Japan)
Tatsuyoshi Hamada (Fukuoka University/JST CREST, Japan)
Koji Nakagawa (Kyushu University, Japan)
Program Committee Chairs of the MACIS:
Hoon Hong (North Carolina State University, USA)
Hirokazu Anai (Kyushu University/Fujitsu Laboratories LTD, Japan)
Program Committee Chairs of the ASCM:
Chee Yap (New York University, USA)
Yosuke Sato (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Coordinator of the joint conference:
Kazuhiro Yokoyama (Rikkyo University, Japan)
Program Committee Members of the MACIS:
Enric Rodriguez Carbonell (Barcelona, Spain)
Andrzej Cichocki (RIKEN, Japan)
Mohab Safey El Din (UPMC, INRIA, France)
Jeremy Johnson (Drexel University, USA)
Masaaki Kanno (Niigata University, Japan)
Gabriel Dos Reis (Texas A&M University, USA)
Fabrice Rouillier (INRIA, France)
Eric Schost (Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada)
Hiroshi Yoshida (Kyushu University, Japan)
Program Committee Members of the ASCM:
Xavier Dahan (Kyushu University, Japan)
Xiao-Shan Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Deepak Kapur (Univ. of New Mexico, USA)
Ziming Li (Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, China)
Hirokazu Murao (The University of Electro Communications, Japan)
Mitsuhiro Nakao (Kyushu Univesity, Japan)
Hyungju Park (KIAS, Korea)
Guenael Renault (UPMC, INRIA, France)
Ko Sakai (Tsukuba University, Japan)
Alan P. Sexton (University of Birmingham, UK)
Volker Sorge (University of Birmingham, UK)
Gert Vegter (Groningen University, the Netherlands)
ASCM 2009
The Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM) is a series of
conferences which serve as a forum for participants to present original
research, learn of research progress and developments, and exchange
ideas and views on doing mathematics using computers.
The previous ASCM meetings were held in Beijing, China (1995), Kobe,
Japan (1996), Lanzhou, China (1998), Chiang Mai, Thailand (2000),
Matsuyama, Japan (2001) , Beijing, China (2003), Seoul, Korea (2005),
Singapore, Singapore (2007). Further information on previous ASCM
symposium may be found at http://www.mmrc.iss.ac.cn/ascm.
This year, the meeting will consist of invited talks,
regular sessions of contributed papers, and three organized sessions.
Regular sessions are run in a traditional style of ASCM.
Each organized session is run by its organizer(s) independently.
Regular session:
Potential participants of regular sessions are invited to submit
extended abstracts (3-4 pages) or full papers describing their
work to be presented at the conference. The submitted extended
abstracts and full papers will be reviewed by members of the Program
Committee (PC) for soundness and relevance to the conference.
Submission of original research papers is encouraged, while
published material and work in progress will also be considered
for presentation at the conference.
Research papers on all aspects of the interaction between computers
and mathematics are solicited for the symposium. Specific topics
include but are not limited to:
* Computer-aided problem solving and instruction
* Symbolic, algebraic, and geometric computation
* Computational number theory, cryptography, and combinatorics
* Automated mathematical reasoning and interactive theorem proving
* Symbolic/numeric hybrid methods
* Computational algebra and geometry
* Formalization of mathematics
* Computational methods for differential and difference equations
* Mathematical software design and implementation
* Parallel/distributed/network computing
* Exact numerical methods and zero bounds
* Foundations of real computation and complexity issues
Organized sessions:
1) Digitizing Mathematics -- From Pen and Paper to Digital Content
Organizers: Volker Sorge and Alan P. Sexton (University of Birmingham, UK)
2) Validated Numerical Computation
Organizer: Mitsuhiro Nakao (Kyushu Univesity, Japan)
3) Computational Algebraic Number Theory
Organizer: Guenael Renault (UPMC, INRIA, France)
Accepted extended abstracts and full papers will be printed for
distribution at the conference. Authors of the extended abstracts and
full papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be invited
to submit their full and/or revised papers for publication in in MCS special
issues or in a volume of LNAI. The submitted papers will be formally
reviewed according to the refereeing procedure of MCS or LNAI.
MACIS 2009
MACIS is a new series of conferences where foundational research on
theoretical and practical problems of mathematics for computing and
information processing may be presented and discussed. MACIS also
addresses experimental and case studies, scientific and engineering
computation, design and implementation of algorithms and software
systems, and applications of mathematical methods and tools to
outstanding and emerging problems in applied computer and information
The first MACIS conference took place in Beijing (China), July 24-26, 2006
(see http://www.cc4cm.org/macis2006/ for more details).
The second MACIS conference took place in Paris (France), December 5-7, 2007
(see http://www-spiral.lip6.fr/MACIS2007/ for more details).
MACIS2009 is run in a format where each PC member organizes a session
on a specific topic. MACIS 2009 consists of 9 sessions, which are
categorized into three main thema as shown in the following:
theme / sessions | PC member in charge
1) Polynomial system solving
complex Fabrice Rouillier (INRIA, France)
real Mohab Safey El Din (INRIA, France)
rational Eric Schost (Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada)
2) Control/System/Signal
control Masaaki Kanno (Niigata University, Japan)
system (bio/bio-motivated) Hiroshi Yoshida (Kyushu University, Japan)
signal Andrzej Cichocki (RIKEN, Japan)
3) Software Science
Analysis Enric Rodriguez Carbonell (Barcelona, Spain)
Synthesis Jeremy Johnson (Drexel University, USA)
Language/Framework Gabriel Dos Reis (Texas A&M University, USA)
Accepted extended abstracts and full papers will be printed for
distribution at the conference. Authors of the extended abstracts and
full papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be invited
to submit their full and/or revised papers for publication in in MCS special
issues. The submitted papers will be formally reviewed according to the
refereeing procedure of MCS.
Hitoshi Yanami
E-MAIL: yanami(a)labs.fujitsu.com
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: J of Brazilian Comp Society -- Special Issue on
Global Software Engineering
Datum: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 21:54:17 -0400
Von: Erran Carmel <carmel(a)american.edu>
Antwort an: Erran Carmel <carmel(a)american.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS)
Special Issue
Topic: Global Software Engineering
Guest Editors
Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, PUCRS, Brazil
Erran Carmel, American University, USA
Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, Brazil
Important dates
Deadline for submission: 20 December 2009
Date of first feedback to authors: 28 February 2010
Minor or Major Revisions: 28 March 2010
Camera-ready version: 20 April 2010
Publication date: June of 2010
Context and Theme
We are soliciting submissions for a Special Issue of the Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS) on the topic of �Global Software Engineering" to be published in June of 2010. Global Software Engineering (GSE) is pervasive in today's IT and software industry. The software industry has been grappling with distributed resources as a means to reduce cost and development time, and also to expand to new markets. However, distance has a significant impact on coordination and communication between distributed team members. Thus, problems and challenges intrinsic to software development processes become more critical in GSE. The diversity of culture and the dispersion over time and space require novel techniques, tools, and practices from many disciplines to overcome challenges and to take the advantages and opportunities that GSE offers.
The purpose of this special issue is to provide a state-of-the-art view of approaches and practices involved in effectively managing global software development projects, with a special focus on how large teams are dealing with distributed development. We encourage the submission of manuscripts describing strategies, failure stories and lessons learned as well as new tools, techniques or models that can be used in different GSE contexts.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Strategic issues in GSE: business models (offshoring, nearshoring, outsourcing etc.), work distribution models;
- Managing GSE;
- Methods and tools for GSE;
- Communication, coordination and collaboration;
- Knowledge management in GSE;
- Getting started with GSE;
- Empirical studies of distributed teams and lessons learned;
- Software Process paradigms in GSE (agile, traditional, etc);
- Teaching GSE.
- Case studies of successful and unsuccessful GSE projects;
Submission guidelines
Submitted articles are to be written in English only.
Length: 8.000 words max.
Page 1 is a cover page and should contain the article title (not more than 15 words), author(s), affiliation(s), keywords (not more than 6 keywords), abstract (no more than 250 words) and the name, and complete mailing address (both postal and email) of the person to whom correspondence should be sent.
Specific guidelines can be found at www.sbc.org.br/jbcs/guidelines.zip
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers based on originality, relevance, technical soundness and presentation. Manuscripts submitted to this special issue must not have been published previously or be currently under consideration for publication in any other journals or conferences. Significant extensions to substantive papers published in conferences are also welcome, provided that the editors are made aware of the previous publications.
Instructions on paper submission will be available soon at the special issue website - http://www.inf.pucrs.br/~rafael/jbcs_gse.
The Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JCBS) is the formal quarterly publication of the Brazilian Computer Society. Its objective is to publish original research papers, serving as a forum for disseminating innovative research in all aspects of computer science. The priorities of the journal are quality and timeliness. Online access to JBCS: http://www.scielo.br/revistas/jbcos/iaboutj.htm
For any kind of inquiry, please contact one of the guest editors:
Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: audy at pucrs.br
Erran Carmel: carmel at american.edu
Rafael Prikladnicki: rafaelp at pucrs.br
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2nd CFP WEBIST 2010 - 6th Int'l Conf. on Web Information
System and Technologies (Valencia/Spain)
Datum: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 15:12:02 -0400
Von: WEBIST Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: secretariat(a)webist.org <secretariat(a)webist.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
This is an invitation to submit a paper to the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems (WEBIST 2010), which has currently an open call for papers which deadline is set to October 21st.
This prestigious conference, organized by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communications (INSTICC) and technically co-sponsored by Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), will be held in Valencia, Spain, next year on April 7-10 and aims at becoming the yearly meeting place of top researchers and practitioners.
The conference program will include a number of Keynote Lectures delivered by distinguished world-class researchers. Their names will be announced soon at the conference website.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and CD-ROM support. The proceedings will be indexed by several major international indexers, including INSPEC, DBLP and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and we are awaiting the confirmation of indexation by EI.
Additionally, a short list of papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published in book by Springer-Verlag in a LNBIP Series book. Best paper awards will be also distributed during the conference closing session.
All published papers will be also available at the INSTICC's Digital Library, which will be made available shortly.
Please check further details at the WEBIST 2010 conference web site (http://www.webist.org). There you will find detailed information about the conference structure and its main topic areas. This conference is co-located with CSEDU 2010 (2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education - http://www.csedu.org/).
Workshops and special sessions are also invited. If you wish to propose a workshop or a special session, for example based on the results of a specific research project, please send a proposal to the WEBIST secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
Should you have any question please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards,
Bruno Encarnacao
WEBIST Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: + 44 203 014 5434
Email: secretariat(a)webist.org
Web: http://www.webist.org
WEBIST web site: http://www.webist.org/
Regular Paper Submission: October 21, 2009
Authors Notification (regular papers): December 21, 2009
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: January 12, 2010
Conference date: 7 - 10 April, 2010
Location: Valencia, Spain
Organized by INSTICC
Technical Co-Sponsorship by WfMC
Proceedings indexed by INSPEC, DBLP, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index and EI (awaiting the confirmation of indexation from the last one)
Best papers published by Springer-Verlag in a LNBIP Series book
All papers will be available at the INSTICC's Digital Library
- XML and data management
- Web Security and Privacy
- Intrusion Detection and Response
- Authentication and Access Control
- Web Services and Web Engineering
- System Integration
- Databases and Datawarehouses
- Wireless Applications
- Distributed and Parallel Applications
- Protocols and Standards
- Network systems, proxies and servers
- Agents
- Multimedia and User interfaces
- Accessibility issues and Technology
- User Modeling
- Web Personalization
- Usability and Ergonomics
- Personalized Web Sites and Services
- Portal strategies
- Searching and Browsing
- Ontology and the Semantic Web
- Metadata and Metamodeling
- Digital Libraries
- Web Geographical Information Systems
- e-Business and e-Commerce
- e-Payment
- B2B, B2C and C2C
- Knowledge Management
- Social Networks and Organizational Culture
- Social Information Systems
- Communities of practice
- Communities of interest
- Social & Legal Issues
- Tele-Work and Collaboration
- e-Government
- Web Content Mining
- e-Mail Classification
- Web Site Classification
- Learning User Profiles
- Web-Based Direct Marketing and CRM
- Web Farming and Warehousing
- Web Information Filtering and Retrieval
- Web Site Navigation Support Systems
- Grid Intelligence
- Meta-Knowledge Discovery and Representation
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Final CFP: Special Issue on Web-Based Learning:
Innovations and Challenges
Datum: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 11:25:45 -0400
Von: Maggie Minhong Wang <maggiemhwang(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Maggie Minhong Wang <maggiemhwang(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Final Call for Papers
Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)
==Special Issue on
"Web-Based Learning: Innovations and Challenges"
Guest Editor
Mudasser F. Wyne
School of Engineering and Technology,
National University, San Diego, USA
This special issue of the KM&EL international journal aims to stimulate
interest in the web based issues in both teaching and learning, expose
natural collaboration among the authors and readers, inform the larger
research community of the interest and importance of this area and create
a forum for evaluating innovations and challenges.
This special issue is intended to bring together researchers and
practitioners interested in developing and enhancing web-based learning
environment. The objectives for this attempt are to provide a forum for
discussion of ideas and techniques developed and used in web based
learning. In addition the forum can also be used for educators and
developers to discuss requirements for web-based education. Both
theoretical papers and papers reporting implementation models, technology
used and practical results are solicited. The topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
* Motivations for internet use in web-based learning.
* Challenges and issues for web-based learning.
* Quality assurance in web-based learning.
* Management and Policy issues.
* Method and Strategies.
* Curriculum innovations and adaptations within the web-based environment.
* Creativity in the new environment.
* Suitability of Web-Based environment for disabled students.
* Impact on student retention.
* New roles for Teachers and Students.
* Effects of Web-Based instructions on student learning.
* Critical success factors and innovative practices in web-based education
and training.
* Successful approaches, strategies, and techniques.
* Active teaching-learning methods for effective engagement, motivation,
and performance outcomes.
* New developments, trends and approaches.
Submission due: New Date 30th September, 2009
Notification of acceptance: New Date 15th November, 2009
Publication schedule: New Date 2010
Papers must not have been published, accepted for publication, or
presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A standard
double-blind review process will be used for selecting papers to be
published in this special issue. Authors should follow the instructions
outlined in the KM&EL Website (see
Electronic submission by email to Guest Editor is required.
Mudasser F. Wyne (mwyne(a)nu.edu)
For more information about the KM&EL, please visit the web site:
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 11:50:42 +0200
Von: A.vanCleeff(a)ewi.utwente.nl
Antwort an: A.vanCleeff(a)ewi.utwente.nl
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
www.spcc2010.info, www.cpdpconferences.org
29th January 2010 - Brussels, Belgium
An increasing amount of data is stored and processed outside the control
of the owner. Outsourcing, software-as-a-service, infrastructure renting
and social networking sites change the way we think about information
handling. Instead of managing our own information, we leave it somewhere
"out there". The development of providing information technology as a
service is currently reaching its apex in cloud computing: a technology
that provides on-demand access to massively scalable resources. When the
information being processed is sensitive, security and privacy concerns
are inevitable. How can we protect the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of information that is processed outside our control? In
the SPCC workshop, we seek technical and organisational solutions for
protecting security and privacy in cloud computing environments. The
workshop will consist of keynote lectures on security and privacy in
cloud computing as well as presentations of submitted papers.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Understanding cloud security and privacy
o security modelling and threat analysis
o security requirements engineering
o interaction between the physical, digital and social security domains
- Technical security mechanisms for cloud computing
o access control
o applied cryptography and protocols
o centralised vs. decentralised security architectures
o data-centric security and data classification
o identity-centric security and identity management
- Cloud computing in organisational and societal context
o auditing
o incident identification and management
o risk analysis and risk management
o trust management
o economic, social and legal aspects
Technical contributions should provide insight into business and/or
societal value. Papers and presentations should be targeted to a broad
audience, including information security experts, legal experts, policy
makers, and social scientists. We especially encourage submission of
papers that connect two or more of the above topics. Papers should be
PDF, in Springer book chapter style
), without author identification, and should be submitted through the
EasyChair website (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=spcc2010)
by 16 November 2009. We accept both position papers (maximum 10 pages)
and full papers (maximum 15 pages). Papers will be selected based on
blind review. Submission implies that, should the paper be accepted, at
least one author will register for the conference and present the paper
in the workshop. Accepted papers will be published by Springer in the
book of the CPDP conference (post-proceedings).
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: 16 November 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 15 December 2009
Papers' Presentation at CPDP: 29 January 2010
Final Camera-Ready Version for Publication: 17 May 2010
Organising committee:
dr. Wolter Pieters
Prof.dr. Pieter Hartel
Prof.dr. Roel Wieringa
University of Twente, Netherlands
Prof.dr. Sandro Etalle
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Prof.dr. Bart Jacobs
Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Prof.dr. Sjouke Mauw
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Keynote speaker:
Prof.dr. Jean-Pierre Seifert
TU Berlin & Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany
Program committee:
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.