-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Chapters - Teaching through Multi-User
Virtual Environments
Datum: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 03:14:26 -0500
Von: Giovanni Vincenti <teaching.through.muves(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Giovanni Vincenti <teaching.through.muves(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Chapters
Proposals Submission: April 15, 2009
Full Chapters Submission: June 30, 2009
Teaching through Multi-User Virtual Environments:
Applying Dynamic Elements to the Modern Classroom
A book edited by:
Giovanni Vincenti, Gruppo Vincenti, S.r.l., Rome, Italy
James Braman, Towson University, Towson, MD, USA
To be published by IGI Global:
In today�s world of education information is delivered through several
strategies. There is the classic �lecture� approach, which has been the
foundation for many schools and institutions. Then there is �debate� as a
form of learning, inherited from the great Greek and Latin philosophers.
In the last few years educators have also become familiar with the concept
of online education through the use of tools such as �Blackboard�, �WebCT�
and other online course delivery systems.
An increasing number of institutions are utilizing online education as a
means of instruction. At the very least online media functions as a
support mechanism to be used in a parallel manner to the material
discussed in class. Given the type of interaction with the students, this
type of medium can be defined as an online static learning environment.
The identification of �static� comes from the idea of the low interaction
between the instructor and the students, or among the students themselves.
Some tools offer chat rooms, which is a small step toward direct
Virtual environments, such as Twinity, Second Life, WOW and Active Worlds,
to name a few, have prompted the interest of many in the education arena.
The idea of finding new and improved ways to deliver information to
students is constantly on the minds of teachers. Educators are interested
in teaching students with more interaction, more realism, and perhaps even
immersive technologies that make the students realize how life looked and
felt at the times of Imperial Rome. Virtual environments offer just that,
and they add an incredible dynamic element to teaching online.
Objective and Target Audience
This book has several aims, listed here:
* Affirming Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) as teaching tools
* Distinguishing static and dynamic virtual environments
* Advertising research being done on MUVEs as teaching tools
* Advertising teaching practices revolving around MUVEs
* Reporting teachers� and students� experiences with MUVEs utilized in the
* Discussing novel and experimental approaches to using virtual spaces
* Discussing the benefits of 3D immersive learning
This book would be of interest to all educators and practitioners (of any
subject, at any level of primary, secondary and higher education) who wish
to incorporate a dynamic online element to their classroom, and also to
researchers of education, computer science, and instructional
technologies. This book will be a one-stop resource for practices as well
as research activities within the domain on Multi-User Virtual
Topics for discussion in this book include, but are not limited to the
following five areas:
* Static vs. dynamic online learning environments
* Applying Multi-User Virtual Environments to education
* Designing classroom activities for MUVEs
* Classroom experiences
* Education-oriented research activities conducted in MUVEs
Each chapter will be of 8,000 to 10,000 words in length written by experts
and leading innovators of their respective fields.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April 15,
2009, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals
will be notified by April 30, 2009 about the status of their proposals and
sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by
June 30, 2009. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind
review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for
this project. Further information on this book can be found at
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the �Information Science Reference� (formerly Idea
Group Reference), �Medical Information Science Reference� and �IGI
Publishing� imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher,
please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be
released in the second half of 2010.
Important Dates
April 15, 2009: Proposal Submission Deadline
April 30, 2009: Notification of Acceptance
June 30, 2009: Full Chapter Submission
August 15, 2009: Review Results Returned
October 15, 2009: Final Chapter Submission
Proposals in WORD format can be submitted electronically to
teaching.through.muves(a)gmail.com or mailed directly to the authors at the
addresses shown below.
Giovanni Vincenti
Gruppo Vincenti, S.r.l.
Via dei Gracchi 123
Rome, Italy 00192
James Braman
Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences
Towson University
8000 York Rd.
Towson, MD 21252
United States of America
Apologies for cross-posting
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: First Int. Workshop on
Distributed XML Processing: Theory and Practice with JCSS Spec Issue
Datum: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 10:10:55 +0100
Von: Alfredo Cuzzocrea <cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
First International Workshop on Distributed XML Processing: Theory and
Practice (DXP 2009) (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/DXP2009/)
in conjunction with the 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP 2009) (http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~icpp2009/), September 22-25
2009, Vienna, Austria.
Selected papers from the workshop will be invited for submission to a
special issue of Journal of Computer and System Sciences
(http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jcss), Elsevier (http://www.elsevier.com)
Workshop Co-Chairs
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/), ICAR-CNR and
University of Calabria, Italy
David Taniar (http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/), Monash University,
Aim and Scope
XML is widely recognized as the standard de facto for coupling with the
heterogeneity of data repositories and software platforms of distributed
environments. In light of this, distributed XML processing play a key role
in the context of a plethora of modern distributed data, information and
knowledge management applications and systems. Distributed XML processing
deals with both theoretical and practical aspects, ranging from
sophisticated theoretical contributions and tools to efficient algorithms
and frameworks. Topics of interest include a wide range of areas of
meaningfully using XML in distributed environments. Detailed information can
be found at http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/DXP2009/
The First International Workshop on Distributed XML Processing: Theory and
Practice will be held in Vienna, Austria, during September 22-25, in
conjunction with the 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP 2009), focuses but it is not limited to the listed research topics, by
posing the emphasis on a theoretical as well as a practical point of view,
and provides a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in
distributed XML Processing to meet and exchange preliminary ideas and mature
Workshop Location
The Vienna University of Technology (http://www.tuwien.ac.at/tu_vienna/),
Submission Guidelines and Instructions
Contributions are invited from prospective authors with interests in the
indicated workshop topics and related areas of application. All
contributions should be high quality, original and not published elsewhere
or submitted for publication during the review period.
Authors are invited to submit research and application papers following the
IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns,
single-spaced, including figures and references, using 10 fonts, and
numbering each page. Maximum submitted paper length allowed is 8 pages.
IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines are available at the
following web page:
Abstracts (deadline: April 13, 2009) should be submitted by e-mail
(preferably in an enclosed MS Word file) to the Program Committee Co-Chairs
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at
cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it and David Taniar
(http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/) at
David.Taniar(a)infotech.monash.edu.au. Abstracts must include paper title,
abstract, list of keywords, and list of authors with full names and
affiliations. One of the authors must be designated as the primary contact
point to receive notification and reviews.
Papers (deadline: April 20, 2009) should be submitted by email (preferably
in an enclosed PDF file) to the Program Committee Co-Chairs Alfredo
Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at
cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it and David Taniar
(http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/) at
Submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by members of the Workshop
Program Committee for quality, correctness, originality and relevance.
Notification and reviews will be communicated via e-mail. All accepted
papers must be presented by one of the authors, who must register.
Paper Publication
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press
Authors of selected papers from the workshop will be invited to submit an
extended version of their paper to a special issue of Journal on Computer
and System Sciences (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jcss), Elsevier
Important Dates
Abstract submission: April 13, 2009
Paper submission: April 20, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 26, 2009
Camera-ready paper due: June 28, 2009
Workshop: September 22-25, 2009
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/), ICAR-CNR and
University of Calabria, Italy
David Taniar (http://users.monash.edu.au/~dtaniar/), Monash University,
Program Committee
Please, access the updated list at
For more information and any inquire, please contact Alfredo Cuzzocrea
(http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at cuzzocrea(a)si.deis.unical.it
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] WEB3DW2009: deadline in 10 days
Datum: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 13:39:22 -0500
Von: Natalia Teixeira <nat(a)iadis.org>
Antwort an: Natalia Teixeira <nat(a)iadis.org>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (extension): 27 March 2009
Algarve, Portugal, 19 to 21 June 2009
* Conference background and goals
To make site architects aware of 3D communication.
To allow scientists to undertake experimental and predictive theorems on
3D ambiance.
An IADIS meeting for those who want to push the web3D forward and benefit
from this!
This IADIS conference is meant both for web-site developers, advertisers,
usability evaluators and communication architects; you are all actors in
the critical stage of adopting 3D �Immersion� or lose your competitive
This conference addresses important topics of today like education,
health, corporate image and make customers feel at home at your internet
site. Virtual reality already proved its superiority in involving the
user. Indeed, medical, defense, architecture and even the car industry
managed to increase learning effects and sensation.
If it comes to addressing a larger WWW-public, still critical mass needs
to be reached. You will not miss the next step in VR web integration.
Keynote speeches, invited lecturers and workshop leaders will bring you to
the best technologies nowadays. The phase of risk and pioneering is left
behind. t is just a matter of understanding the problem and its
opportunities; many cutting edge companies are now able to provide compact
solutions. The only thing you have to decide is: What spatial experience
your user needs to have.
The important topics of today like education, health and energy all
benefit from web3D if present in their content. We want to discuss in
Algarve, Portugal how to make the web3D one of the central topics of the
web content in the near future. This is clearly inevitable to happen, we
just want to push it forward and benefit from that.
The conference will help you to avoid obstacles from the past:
- Standards to be obeyed
- Bridging users� imagination with your product reality
- Avoid lengthy navigations in VR
- Build upon existing 3D models
- Capture both the gaming generation and who still believe in 2D documents
- And more to say from your experience
The summer conference in Algarve offers you a relaxed period, full of
inspiration and innovative plans; All the goodies that might get lost
during hectic life. Let us help you to build upon success stories in the
recent past.
- You are the expert in knowing why new media might not work.
- We take the lead to convince yourself why it should work the coming
There is no way back; the web experiences will change visitors�
expectations soon.
So let�s find together the break-through web3D recipes on the Algarve
conference, Portugal 19-21 June 2009! Please look to the total spectrum of
thematic strands that you are entitled to join; indeed it is a rich
context for all who see the next step.
* Format of the Conference
The conference will comprise of invited talks and oral presentations. The
proceedings of the conference will be published in the form of a book and
CD-ROM with ISBN, and will be available also in the IADIS Digital Library
(accessible on-line).
* Best Papers
Selected authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended
versions of their papers to selected journals (i.e. IADIS International
Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems - ISSN: 1646-3692)
including journals from INDERSCIENCE Publishers.
* Types of submissions
Full and Short Papers, Reflection Papers, Posters/Demonstrations,
Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral Consortium.
All submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process.
* Themes related to educational or edutainment web3D, are of interest.
These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Web3D in education, health and energy
- Innovative 3D graphics applications for Web/Multimedia in industry,
science, medicine, and education
- Geometric Modeling
- Methods for modeling and rendering complex geometry, structure and
- Virtual Reality
- Graphical User Interface
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Computer (Educational) Games
- User-interface paradigms and interaction methods for real-time 3D
graphics and virtual environments
- Computer-Aided Design
- Computational Geometry
- Natural Phenomena Modeling
- GPU and Graphics Systems
- Data Representation
- Data Transformation
- Data Modeling
- Scientific Visualization
- Information Visualization
- Visualization Algorithms
- Software Visualization
- Terrain Visualization
- Flow Visualization
- Interactive 3D graphics and immersive systems
- High-performance 3D graphics
- Animated humanoids (avatars)
* Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline (extension): 27 March 2009
- Notification to Authors (extension): 24 April 2009
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (extension): Until
15 May 2009
- Late Registration (extension): After 15 May 2009
- Conference: Algarve, Portugal, 19 to 21 June 2009
* Conference Location
The conference will be held in Algarve, Portugal.
* Secretariat
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, 100, 3
1050-209 Lisbon, Portugal
E-mail: secretariat(a)web3dw-conf.org
Web site: http://www.web3dw-conf.org/
* Program Committee
Tomaz Amon, Amnim, Center for Scientific Visualization, Ljubljana,
General MCCSIS Conference Co-Chairs:
Piet Kommers, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
Nian-Shing Chen, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Committee Members: *
* for committee list please refer to
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: International Journal of Information Systems
and Change Management
Datum: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:46:57 -0500
Von: David C. Chou <david.chou(a)emich.edu>
Antwort an: David C. Chou <david.chou(a)emich.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The IJISCM (http://www.inderscience.com/ijiscm/) is a fully refereed
journal covering the general field of information systems and change
management theories, methodologies, modelling, processes and tools, with
emphasis on the management, problem-solving and strategies for dealing
with business changes.
Topics covered will include, but are not limited to:
� Information systems change management
� Organisational change management
� Leadership in change management
� Education and training in change management
� Individual development in change management
� Information system project management
� Software version control and management
� Innovation in information systems and change management
� Information systems and change management methodologies
� Information systems and change management strategies
� Information systems integration process and management
� Tools for change management
� Managing risk in change management
� Measuring change management
� Cost analysis and economics of change management
� Total quality management, six sigma for performance improvement
� Business process reengineering
� Information systems consulting and outsourcing
� Security issues in information systems and change management
� Quality issues in information systems and change management
� Social issues in information systems and change management
� Legal and ethical issues in information systems and change management
� Cultural issues in information systems and change management
� Human resource management and change management
� Global dimension in information systems and change management
� Information technology management
� Supply chain management (SCM)
� Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
� Enterprise application integration (EAI)
� E-business and m-commerce
� Internet and organisational change
� Knowledge management
� Business intelligence
� Business process management
� Best practices in change management
� Standards in information and change management
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference
papers may only be submitted if the paper was not originally copyrighted
and if it has been completely re-written).
All papers are refereed through a double blind process. A guide for
authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting
papers are available on the Submission of Papers web-page:
If you experience any problems submitting your paper online, please
contact submissions(a)inderscience.com, describing the exact problem you
experience. Please include in your email the title of the Journal.
Prof. David C. Chou
Eastern Michigan University
Department of Computer Information Systems
College of Business
Ypsilanti MI 48197
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] [1st CFP] 3rd International Symposium on Rules,
Applications and Interoperability (RuleML-2009)
Datum: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:10:13 -0500
Von: Adrian Paschke <paschke(a)mi.fu-berlin.de>
Antwort an: Adrian Paschke <paschke(a)mi.fu-berlin.de>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
[ our apologies should you receive this message more than one time ]
Call for Papers
RuleML 2009
3rd International Symposium on Rules, Applications and Interoperability
November 5-7 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
co-located with
12th International Business Rules Forum
Sponsored by
NICTA (National ICT Australia)
BMBF InnoProfile Corporate Semantic Web
Logic Programming Associated Ltd
Overview and Aim
The International Symposium on Rules, Applications and Interoperability
evolved from an annual series of international workshops since 2002,
international conferences in 2005 and 2006, and international symposia
2007. This year, the 3rd International Symposium on Rules, Applications
Interoperability (RuleML-2009) takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
collocated with the 12th Business Rules Forum, the world's largest
Rules event. RuleML-2009 is devoted to practical distributed rule
and rule-based applications which need language standards for rules
(inter)operating in, e.g., the Semantic Web, Intelligent Multi-Agent
Event-Driven Architectures, and Service-Oriented Applications. Especially,
this year's focus will be on the practical adoption and application of
such as W3C RIF, OMG SBVR, OMG PRR, RuleML, ISO Common Logic, OASIS
OMG BPMN++Rules, and industry standards in relation with rules such as
MISMO, FIXatdl, FIX, FpML, HL7, Acord, etc.
The main goal of RuleML-2009 is to stimulate the cooperation and
interoperability between business and research, by bringing together rule
system providers, participants in rule standardization efforts, open
communities, practitioners, and researchers. The concept of the symposium
also advanced continuously in the face of extremely rapid progress in
practical rule and event processing technologies. As a result, RuleML-2009
will feature hands-on demonstrations and challenges alongside a wide range
thematic tracks, thus and will be an exciting venue to exchange new ideas
experiences on all issues related to the engineering, management,
interoperation and interchange of rules in open distributed environments
as the Web.
Conference Theme
This year, we particularly welcome submissions that address applications
Web rule technologies for business and information systems. We invite you
share your ideas, results, and experiences: as an industry practitioner,
system provider, technical expert and developer, rule user or researcher,
exploring foundations, developing systems and applications, or using
rule-based systems. We invite high-quality submissions related to (but not
limited to) one or more of the following topics:
Track Topics
Rule Transformation and Extraction
- Transformation and extraction with rule standards, such as SBVR, RIF
- Extraction of rules from code
- Transformation and extraction in the context of frameworks such as KDM
(Knowledge Discovery meta-model)
- Extraction of rules from natural language
- Transformation or rules from one dialect into another
Rules and Uncertainty
- Languages for the formalization of uncertainty rules
- Probabilistic, fuzzy and other rule frameworks for reasoning with
uncertain or incomplete information
- Handling inconsistent or disparate rules using uncertainty
- Uncertainty extensions of event processing rules, business rules,
rules, causal rules, derivation rules, association rules, or
transformation rules
Rules and Norms
- Methodologies for modeling regulations using both ontologies and rules
- Defeasibility: modeling rule exceptions and priority relations among
- The relationship between rules and legal argumentation schemes
- Rule language requirements for the "isomorphic" modeling of
- Rule based inference mechanism for legal reasoning
- E-contracting and automated negotiations with rule-based declarative
Rule-based Game AI
- Rule-based movement, decision making, strategies, behavior design
- Rule-based environmental programming, virtual reality
- Rules for multi-agent/character games
- Rules for serious games
- Rule-based agent design
Rule-based Event Processing and Reaction Rules
- Reaction rule languages and engines (production rules, ECA rules,
event action formalisms, vocabularies/ontologies)
- State management approaches and frameworks
- Concurrency control and scalability
- Event and action definition, detection, consumption, termination,
lifecycle management
- Dynamic rule-based workflows and intelligent event processing
- Non-functional requirements, use of annotations, metadata to capture
- Design time and execution time aspects of rule-based (Semantic)
Processes Modeling and Management
- Practical and business aspects of rule-based (Semantic) Business
Management (business scenarios, case studies, use cases etc.)
Rules and Cross Industry Standards
- Rules in Current Industry Standards, including:
- XBRL: Extensible Business Reporting Language
- MISMO: Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Org
- FIXatdl: FIX Algorithmic Trading Definition Language
- FpML: Financial products Markup Language
- HL7: Health Level 7
- Acord: Association for Cooperative Operations Research and
(Insurance Industry)
- Rules for Governance, Risk, & Compliance (GRC), e.g., rules for
audit, SOX compliance, enterprise risk management (ERM), operational
risk, etc
- Rules and Corporate Actions
General Rule Topics
- Rules and ontologies
- Execution models, rule engines, and environments
- From rules to FOL to modal logics
- Rule-based reasoning with non-monotonic negation, modalities, deontic,
temporal, priority, scoped or other rule qualification
- Rule-based default reasoning with default logic, defeasible logic, and
answer set programming
- Graphical processing, modelling and rendering of rules
- Rules in Semantic Web Technologies
- Miscellaneous rule topics
Case studies, experience reports, and industrial problem statements are
particularly encouraged.
RuleML-2009 Challenge
The RuleML-2009 Challenge is one of the highlights of RuleML-2009. Rules
used in interesting and practically relevant ways to, e.g., derive useful
information, transform knowledge, provide decision support and provide
automated rule-based monitoring, enforcement, validation or management of
behavioural logic of the application. The Challenge offers participants
chance to demonstrate their commercial and open source tools, use cases,
applications. The recommended categories for the Challenge submissions
- derivation rules and constructive views over data,
- production rules and (complex) event processing reaction rules,
- benchmark for evaluation of rule engines, and
- use cases / case studies (possibly using rule standards).
We strongly suggest participants declare their submissions related to at
one of the above categories.
Prizes will be awarded to the two best applications from each category.
accepted demos will be presented in a special Challenge Session. A
to the RuleML Challenge has to meet the requirement that declarative rules
explicitly play a central role in the application. Basically this means
Rules are explicitly represented in a declarative format and they are
decoupled from the application (rather than being compiled or hard-coded
the application logic). The demo should preferably (but not necessarily)
embedded into a web-based or distributed environment so that there will be
need for features related to the RuleML conference topics, as listed in
call for papers. For more details please consult the RuleML-2009 Challenge
Conference Language
The official language of the conference will be English.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions of practical
and technical rigor in the field, experience reports and show case/use
demonstrations of effective, practical, deployable rule-based technologies
applications in distributed environments. Papers must be in English and
may be
submitted at
Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings)
Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings)
RuleML-2009 Challenge Demo Paper + Show Cases (3-5 pages in the
Please upload all submissions as PDF files in LNCS format
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). To ensure high quality,
submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.
Authors are requested to upload the abstracts of their papers before June
2008 and to upload their complete papers by June 16, 2008. The selected
will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series along with a CD with demo software and documents.
best paper from all submissions will be determined by the PC and a Best
Award will be handed over at the Symposium by a Sponsor. All submissions
be done electronically. A selection of revised papers will be resubmitted
to a
special issue of a journal.
Submissions to the RuleML Challenge 2009 consist of a demo paper of 3-5
describing the demo show case, and a link to more information about the
demo/show case, e.g. a project site, an online demonstration, a
about the demonstration, or a download site for the demonstration. In case
product demos, the link can be password-protected: please submit a
for anonymous login from any Web browser, giving us the permission to pass
password on to 3 PC members. The submissions should satisfy the minimal
requirements defined in the topics of interest and preferably exhibit some
the additional desiderata. The more desiderata are met by an application,
higher the score will be. The demos will be evaluated by the RuleML-2009
Program Committee and prizes will be awarded to the two best applications,
sponsored by the RuleML Inc. non-profit organization.
Review Process
The submitted papers will pass the blind review process. At least three
members of the Program Committee will review each submission.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: June 9, 2009
Paper Ssbmission deadline: June 16, 2009
Notification of acceptance: July 18, 2009
Camera ready due: August 9, 2009
Symposium dates: November 5-7, 2009
RuleML Challenge: November 5, 2009
Conference Venue
RuleML-2009 will take place at the Bellagio in Las Vegas collocated with
Business Rules Forum.
Programme Committee
General Chair
Adrian Paschke, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Program Chairs
Guido Governatori, NICTA, Australia
John Hall, Model System, UK
Liaison Chair
Hai Zhuge, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Track Chairs
Rule Transformation and Extraction
Erik Putrycz, Canada
Mark Linehan, IBM, USA
Rules and Uncertainty
Matthias Nickles, Univ. of Bath, UK
Davide Sottara, University Bologna, Italy
Rules and Norms
Thomas Gordon, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Antonino Rotolo, CIRSFID, University of Bologna, Italy
Rule-based Game AI
Benjamin Craig, National Research Council, Canada
Weichang Du, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Rule-based Event Processing and Reaction Rule
Alex Kozlenkov, Betfair Ltd., UK
Adrian Paschke, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Rules and Cross Industry Standards
Tracy Bost, Valocity, USA
Robert Golan, DBMind, USA
RuleML Challenge
Yuh-Jong Hu, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Ching-Long Yeh, Tatung University, Taiwan
Wolfgang Laun, Thales Rail Signalling Solutions GmbH, Austria
RuleML 2009 Sponsors
NICTA (National ICT Australia)
BMBF InnoProfile Corporate Semantic Web
Logic Programming Associated Ltd
(sponsoring opportunities - http://2009.ruleml.org/sponsors)
RuleML 2009 Partners
Belgian Business Rules Forum
MIT Sloan CIO Symposium
SKG2009 5th International Conference on Semantic, Knowledge and Grid
RR-2009 3rd International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Workshop "Informatik und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement" auf
der Informatik 2009
Datum: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 20:54:36 +0100
Von: Frank Teuteberg <frank.teuteberg(a)uni-osnabrueck.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
**Call for Paper**
Informatik 2009, 39. Jahrestagung der GI, 28.09. bis 2.10.2009 an der
Universität zu Lübeck
Informatik und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Das betriebliche Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement berücksichtigt die ökonomische,
soziale und ökologische Dimension unternehmerischen Handelns. Der
Wirtschaftsinformatik und allgemein der angewandten Informatik kommt dabei
eine Schlüsselrolle zu. Sie unterstützt einerseits die informatorische
Absicherung unternehmerischer Entscheidungen (z.B. betriebliche
Umweltinformationssysteme) und ermöglicht andererseits erst die Realisierung
von Optimierungspotentialen im Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement. Dies schließt
beispielsweise die aktuell in der Diskussion befindliche Green IT im Sinne
der Bestrebungen nach erhöhter Energieeffizienz und damit einhergehend der
Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen ein, geht aber im zuvor beschriebenen Sinne
weit darüber hinaus.
Der Workshop konzentriert sich auf die IT-Unterstützung der ökonomischen und
ökologischen Dimensionen des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements und erörtert
Forschungsfragen, Perspektiven und Anwendungen in diesem Feld. Einreichungen
von Beiträgen sind insb. aber nicht ausschließlich zu den folgenden Themen
Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme (BUIS)
Integration von BUIS und ERP-Systemen
Nachhaltigkeitsreporting und -kommunikation
IT-gestütztes Risikomanagement
Green IT
Modellierung und Simulation umweltrelevanter Prozesse
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Compliance Management
Active Environmental Data Warehouses
Der Workshop richtet sich an Anwender, Softwarehersteller (insb. BUIS und
ERP) sowie Wissenschaftler aus den Bereichen der Umwelt- und
Die Termine sind:
Einreichung von Workshop-Beiträgen: 26.04.2009
Mitteilung über Annahme/Ablehnung: 25.05.2009
Abgabe der fertigen Druckvorlagen: 01.07.2009
Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg
University of Osnabrück
Institute of Information Management and Corporate Governance
Chair in Accounting and Information Systems
Katharinenstr. 1
49069 Osnabrück
phone: +49 (0)541 969 4961
fax: +49 (0)541 969 14961
email: frank.teuteberg(a)uos.de
web site: http://www.uwi.uos.de
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 2nd CfP: 1st International Workshop on Empirical Research
in Business Process Management (ER-BPM '09)
Datum: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 07:49:48 +1000
Von: Jan Recker <j.recker(a)qut.edu.au>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
CC: R.J.Wieringa(a)ewi.utwente.nl <R.J.Wieringa(a)ewi.utwente.nl>, Bela
Mutschler <bela.mutschler(a)hs-weingarten.de>
Second Call for Papers
1st International Workshop on Empirical Research in Business Process
Management (ER-BPM 09)
Workshop Website: www.mutschler.info/erbpm <http://www.mutschler.info/erbpm>
7th Int'l Conf. on Business Process Management (BPM 2009), Ulm, Germany
Workshop Theme:
Providing effective IT support for business processes has become crucial
for enterprises to stay competitive in their market. In response to this
need numerous process support paradigms (e.g., workflow management,
service flow management, case handling), process specification standards
(e.g., WS-BPEL, BPML, BPMN), process tools (e.g., ARIS Toolset, Tibco
Staffware, FLOWer) and supporting methods have emerged in recent years.
Summarized under the term Business Process Management (BPM), these
paradigms, standards, tools, and methods have become a success-critical
instrument for improving process performance. Research in the area of
BPM has traditionally focused on the development and extension of
associated tools, methods, standards and technologies. However, when
evaluating the suitability of existing BPM technology for a particular
project, it is important for practitioners and academics alike to have
an informed opinion about their qualities and deficiencies. In
particular, the demand for insights or evaluations of BPM technology
based on empirical research has largely been neglected so far. This is
surprising as the benefits of empirical research have been demonstrated
in areas like software engineering (e.g., in the context of software
development processes or code reviews), information systems, or, indeed,
business for a long time. In fact, from the introduction of empirical
research methods such as experimental or case study methods into BPM (as
well as into the development of process-aware information systems), we
expect more valid, quantitative or qualitative data on the various
aspects and effects of BPM technology. This becomes important, not only
for IT professionals, but also for researchers dealing with analytical,
theoretical or technical challenges in the field of BPM.
The ER-BPM09 workshop picks up this demand and seeks to stimulate
empirical research that, in turn, can contribute to a better
understanding of the problems, challenges and existing solutions in the
BPM field. In particular, the proposed workshop shall provide an
interdisciplinary forum for both researchers and practitioners to
improve the understanding of BPM-specific requirements, methods and
theories, tools and techniques. Therefore, the ER-BPM09 workshop will
deal with different facets of applying and using BPM methods and
technologies; and it will give new insights into the challenges,
applications, and perspectives emerging for BPM technology. With varied
contents (empirical frameworks, case studies, surveys, experiment
results, case study research, experience reports, practitioner reports,
etc.) we are convinced that we can present a lively and inspiring
program for participants from academia and industry. We invite papers
both outlining research in progress and completed research.
Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
- Empirical research on BPM methods, BPM technologies, BPM tools
- Empirical research on process-aware information systems
- BPM-related (software) experiments
- BPM-related action research
- BPM-related surveys
- BPM-related case studies
- BPM-related experience reports
- Critical success factor analyses of BPM methods, BPM technologies, BPM
- Evaluations and comparisons of BPM tools, platforms and standards
- Frameworks for quantitatively analyzing BPM methods, BPM technologies,
BPM tools
- Frameworks for qualitatively evaluating BPM methods, BPM technologies,
BPM tools
- Requirements on empirical and experimental BPM research
- Usability and ease-of-use of BPM technologies and BPM tools
- User acceptance of BPM projects
- BPM success, failure and contingency models
- Studies on the role of standards in practical BPM projects
- Comparative studies of BPM technology
- Empirical studies of cross-organizational BPM coordination and settings
- Costs, benefits, and risks of applying BPM methods, BPM technologies,
and BPM tools
- Evaluation approaches for BPM methods, BPM technologies, and BPM tools
- Practice-driven challenges for future BPM research
Format of the Workshop:
The workshop will comprise presentations of accepted papers and tool
reports. Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of
the program committee, and will be evaluated on the basis of
significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. Papers
should clearly establish their research contribution and shall
particularly address the relation to transferring BPM methods and
technologies into practice.
All accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by
Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
(LNBIP) series. There will be a single LNBIP volume dedicated to the
proceedings of all BPM workshops. As this volume will appear after the
conference, there will be informal proceedings during the workshop. At
least one author for each accepted paper must register for the workshop
and present the paper.
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any
of the areas listed above. Only papers in English will be accepted.
Different paper types are distinguished. Length of full papers must not
exceed 12 pages (there is no possibility to buy additional pages).
Position papers and tool reports should be no longer than 6 pages.
Papers should be submitted in the new LNBIP format
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-487211-0). Papers
have to present original research contributions not concurrently
submitted elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a
classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of
topics above, and an indication of the submission category (full paper |
position paper | tool report). Papers should be submitted in PDF format
electronically via the EasyChair submission system
The best paper of the workshop (selected by the workshop organizers)
will be invited to submit an extended version of the paper for a Special
Issue of the "Journal of Software Process Improvement and Practice" for
(selected) BPM 2009 workshop papers.
Workshop Website:
Details can be also found on the workshop website:
www.mutschler.info/erbpm <http://www.mutschler.info/erbpm>
Important Dates:
Deadline for workshop paper submissions: 7 May 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 2 June 2009
Camera-ready papers deadline: 17 June 2009
Workshop: 7 September 2009
Workshop Chairs & Organizers:
Bela Mutschler
Business Informatics Group
University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten
Email: bela.mutschler(a)hs-weingarten.de
Roel Wieringa
Information Systems Group
University of Twente
Email: roelw(a)cs.utwente.nl <mailto:roelw@cs.utwente.nl>
Jan Recker
Business Process Management Group
Queensland University of Technology
Email: j.recker(a)qut.edu.au <mailto:j.recker@qut.edu.au>
Program Committee:
Markus Aleksy, Germany
Ralph Bobrik, Switzerland
Islay Davies, Australia
Maya Daneva, The Netherlands
Peter Fettke, Germany
Jaap Gordijn, The Netherlands
Wolfram Höpken, Germany
Marta Indulska, Australia
Jan Mendling, Germany
Michael zur Muehlen, USA
Bela Mutschler, Germany (Co-chair)
Markus Nüttgens, Germany
Jan Recker, Australia (Co-chair)
Manfred Reichert, Germany
Hajo Reijers, The Netherlands
Ralf Schimkat, Germany
Reiner Siebert, Germany
Ramin Tavakoli, Sweden
Roel Wieringa, The Netherlands (Co-chair)
Barbara Weber, Austria
Norbert Weber, Germany
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] ICST - BODYNETS 2009: Call for Participation
Datum: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 22:44:08 +0100
Von: info(a)icst.org
Antwort an: info(a)icst.org
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
****** B O D Y N E T S 2 0 0 9 ******
4th International Conference on Body Area Networks
April 1-3, 2009
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sponsored by ICST
Technically sponsored by CREATE-NET
Technical support from ACM
Call for Participation
Generous contributions from Microsoft and Qualcomm have enabled a reduced student registration fee of $50 for the first 30 students who register.
Networks of sensing, computing, and communication devices are increasingly being deployed as wearable, and even implantable, systems to form Body Area Networks (BodyNets). BodyNets allow for unidirectional (monitoring) and even bidirectional (effecting) interactions with subjects. BodyNets are now appearing in diverse applications, including physiological monitoring for diagnosing, treating, tracking, and studying diseases and disorders; biokinetic monitoring for improving physical medicine and rehabilitation; human-computer interactions; and education and entertainment through interactive games. This conference will explore and explain the scope and challenges of designing, building, and deploying BodyNets. This will also include sessions devoted to presenting applications that are creating new business opportunities as well as compelling research challenges. In this regard, the BodyNets conference, now in its fourth year, aims to establish a forum for convening research pro
fessionals from diverse fields, including computer science and electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, medicine, and other disciplines in both academia and industry to address the technical, social, and application opportunities being driven by BodyNets.
Keynote Speaker
Noam Ziv, Qualcomm
Technical Sessions
The detailed technical program is posted on the conference website. 21 papers will be presented in the following single-track sessions:
-Applications of On Body Networking (2 sessions)
-Sensing and Signal Processing (2 sessions)
-Body-Area Networking
-Energy and System Performance
-Security in On Body Networking
-"The Wireless Health Industry" will include discussions on the current state of wireless technologies in health systems, as well as the potential of BodyNets in a variety of medical applications, including electronic medical records.
-"BodyNets Hardware and Software Platforms" will explore some hardware and software BodyNets infrastructure currently available or in development, with a focus on systems that can be made available to the general BodyNets community for experimentation and application deployment.
The conference will be held in the new Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center on the UCLA campus:
The conference website provides details about hotel accommodations, directions, and other travel related information.
General Chair: William Kaiser (UCLA)
Publicity Chair: John Lach (University of Virginia)
Web Chair: Michael Golamco (UCLA)
Publication Chair: Chenyang Lu (Washington University in St. Louis)
Industry Chair: Harinath Garudadri (Qualcomm Corporation)
Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs: Majid Sarrafzadeh (UCLA), Mark Yarvis (Intel)
Technical Program Committee: Alex Bui (UCLA Radiology), Roozbeh Jafari (UT Dallas), Steffen Leonhardt (RWTH Aachen, Germany), Tom Martin (Virginia Tech), Sal Mastroianni (Motorola), Alex Mihailidis (Univ Toronto), Joe Paradiso (MIT), Jack Stankovic (Univ Virginia), Eric Yeatman (Imperial College), Y. T. Zhang (CUKH, Hong Kong), Lin Zhong (Rice Univ)
Steering Committee: Imrich Chlamtac, Sandeep Gupta, David Tacconi, William Kaiser, Majid Sarrafzadeh
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Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: International Journal of Secure Software
Datum: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:16:39 -0500
Von: Khaled Khan <k.khan(a)qu.edu.qa>
Antwort an: Khaled Khan <k.khan(a)qu.edu.qa>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Sincere APOLOGY for my previous email which was sent accidentally!
International Journal of Secure Software Engineering
Submission due date: March 31, 2009
The inaugural issue is scheduled to be published in January 2010.
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form )
The mission of the International Journal of Secure Software Engineering
(IJSSE) is to provide a forum for software engineers and security experts
to exchange innovative ideas in security-aware software systems and
address security concerns in software development practices. This journal
discusses methods and applications of systematic, quantifiable approaches
to the development, operation, and maintenance of secure software systems.
IJSSE addresses the problem of development duality between constructing a
functional software system and constructing a secure system at the same
time. Emphasizing security issues of software from a software engineering
perspective, this journal promotes the idea that security issues must be
an integral part in every phase of software development and advocates the
development of security-aware software systems from the ground up. This
journal facilitates promotion and understanding of the technical as well
as managerial issues related to secure software systems and their
development practices. Targeting researchers, academicians, software
engineers, and field experts, this journal presents cutting-edge industry
solutions in software engineering and security research.
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to)
the following:
# Aspect-oriented software development for secure software
# Build security in (BSI)
# Dependable systems
# Experience related to secure software systems
# Global security systems
# Maintenance and evolution of security properties
# Metrics and measurement of security properties
# Process of building secure software
# Programming security
# Relationships between security and other quality concerns
# Secure deployment of software applications
# Security artifacts, evolution, and documentations
# Security assurances, standards, and policies
# Security audit and control
# Security composition in component and service based software
# Security in software architecture and design
# Security literacy and education
# Security patterns
# Security requirement engineering
# Security testing and validation
# Static and dynamic analysis for security
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously
unpublished articles will be considered. PRIOR TO SUBMISSION, INTERESTED
All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the
Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final
decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the
reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded
electronically to: k.khan(a)qu.edu.qa by NO LATER THAN March 31, 2009
The IJSSE is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher
of the �Information Science Reference� (formerly Idea Group Reference) and
�Medical Information Science Reference� imprints. For additional
information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.
Associate Editors:
Yun Bai, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Konstantin Beznosov, University of British Columbia, Canada
Kendra Cooper, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Frédéric Cuppens, ENST-Bretagne, France
Jun Han, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Jan Ju''rjens, Open University, UK
Fabio Martinelli, National Research Council, Italy
Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Namur, Belgium
Per Håkon Meland, SINTEF, Norway
Florian Kerschbaum, SAP Research, Germany
Frank Piessens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Riccardo Scandariato, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
George Yee, National Research Council Canada, Canada
Yan Zhang, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Editorial Review Board:
Rafael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany
Joseph Barjis, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Ana Cavalli, Institute Telecom and Management SudParis, France
Jean-Noël Colin, University of Namur, Belgium
Herve Debar, France Telecom R & D, France
Narendra Gangavarapu, RailCorp, Australia
Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Italy
Munawar Hafiz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
Vitus Lam, University of Hong Kong, China
Denivaldo Lopes, Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil
Qutaibah Malluhi, Qatar University, Qatar
Amel Mammar, Institute Telecom and Management SudParis, France
Wes (Wassim) Masri, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Nancy Mead, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Bashar Nuseibeh, Open University, UK
Jong Hyuk Park, Kyungnam University, Korea
Muthu Ramachandran, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Mohammed Rashid, Massey University, New Zealand
Samuel Redwine, James Madison University, USA
Lillian Røstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Nahid Shahmehri, Linkoping University, Sweden
Dongwan Shin, New Mexico Tech, USA
Torbjorn Skramstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Randy Smith, University of Albama, USA
Panagiotis Trimintzios, European Network and Information Security Agency,
Edgar Weippl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Lei Wu, University of Houston, USA
Ty Mey Yap, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Mohammad Zulkernine, Queens University, Canada
Khaled M. Khan Ph.D.
International Journal of Secure Software Engineering
E-mail: k.khan(a)qu.edu.qa
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP:EJIS: Special Issue on Cross-Organizational and
Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration
Datum: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:31:20 -0400
Von: narcyz roztocki <roztockn(a)newpaltz.edu>
Antwort an: narcyz roztocki <roztockn(a)newpaltz.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)
Special Issue on
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration
Guest editors:
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr. (Oklahoma State University)
James B. Pick (University of Redlands)
Narcyz Roztocki (SUNY at New Paltz)
Complete Papers Due: April 1, 2009
As globalization moves forward, many IS/IT investments are
being deployed across organizations located in different
countries and world regions. Cross-system and inter-system
integration and collaboration technologies play essential
roles and often determine investment success or failure.
However, economic, social and other factors outside the
system must also be taken into consideration for global
IS/IT projects to be successful and productive. Academic
literature has extensively focused on trying to explain
IS/IT productivity, but has rarely examined the links
between international and multi-national collaboration
processes and the payoffs from IS/IT investments.
Despite the intensive research for more than two decades
of different aspects on IS/IT collaboration, many findings
are based on the cultural environment of North America or
Western Europe. In addition, most of the investigation has
been conducted in the context of a single country. As
corporate reality demands that firms cooperate across
national, economic and social boundaries, collaboration
models need to be constructed, validated, and further
refined in terms of the global economy.
IS/IT collaboration in the global economy differs
substantially from collaboration in any single country or
region for several reasons. First, IS/IT infrastructures
differ significantly in terms of stage of development and
maturity. Second, regulatory, legal, social, and cultural
environments may also vary substantially. Third, various
stakeholders in global IS/IT projects often have different
or even conflicting goals and ascribe to their own
definitions of project success. In addition, managing
globally distributed teams requires a high level of
coordination and collaboration that exceeds that needed
for more typical virtual teams within one economy or
region. For IS/IT projects to be successful and
productive in the global economy researchers and
practitioners need to address the aforementioned and other
This special issue of the European Journal of Information
Systems seeks to make a contribution to the literature in
this area. The main objective of the special issue is to
examine the linkages between global collaboration and the
business value of IS/IT investment and the challenges
posed by global collaboration processes, projects and
Studies offering a wider focus from a human,
organizational or technical perspective are encouraged,
and a variety of methodological approaches including
exploratory approaches, theory building, case analysis,
testing through interviews, or surveys are welcome.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to the
-Processes of international/global IS/IT collaboration
-Effects of collaboration on IS/IT productivity
-Success factors of collaboration technologies
-Inter-organizational collaboration and IS/IT productivity
-Conceptual frameworks of IS/IT collaboration in the
global economy
-Comparative cross-country research on IS/IT collaboration
-Country-specific case studies on IS/IT collaboration
-Collaboration during the IS/IT off shoring /outsourcing
-Cross-border and cross-organizational IS/IT project
-Multinational teams and IS/IT productivity
-IS/IT productivity instrument development and validation
-Cross-border and cross-organizational value-chains and
Guest editors for special issue:
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr.
Oklahoma State University
Spears School of Business
344 North Hall
700 N. Greenwood Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74106-0700
Phone: (918) 594-8506
Fax: (918) 594-8281 (fax)
James B. Pick
University of Redlands
School of Business
1200 East Colton Avenue
Redlands, CA 92373-0999
Phone: (909) 748-6261
Fax: (909) 335-5125 (fax)
Narcyz Roztocki
State University of New York at New Paltz
School of Business
75 South Manheim Boulevard
New Paltz, NY 12561
Phone: (845) 257-2935
Fax: (845) 257-2947 (fax)
Important dates:
April 1, 2009 Full Paper Submissions due via online system
May 1, 2009 Initial editorial screening results sent to
May 1, 2009 Requests for reviews sent out for papers
editorially accepted
June 20, 2009 Reviews due back to guest editors via
online system
July 1, 2009 Initial decisions and Review results sent to
corresponding authors
August 1, 2009 Resubmissions due with required revisions
in camera ready format
Sept 15, 2009 Final decisions sent to corresponding
Oct 15, 2009 Final Paper versions due
End 2009/early 2010 Target publication date of special
Submission Instructions:
Submit original manuscripts via the EJIS Online Review
System http://ejis.msubmit.net
IMPORTANT: When you fill out the details for your
On the "Manuscript Information" Tab in the section
"Special Issue" Title of Special Issue" you must select
from the pull down list:
"Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT
Please read ALL of the instructions carefully before
submitting your manuscript and ensure the main article
files do not contain any author identifiable information.
Although PDF is acceptable for initial submission original
source (ie MS Word) files will be required for typesetting
All manuscripts must follow the EJIS published style
Papers should not normally exceed 12 Journal pages (about
8000 words).
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institut of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA