-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: SOAIC 2006, Shanghai, China
Datum: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:56:14 -0000
Von: Kuo-Ming Chao <csx240(a)coventry.ac.uk>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
We apologise, if you received multiple copies
Call for Papers
The Second IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented Applications, Integration and Collaboration
Oct 24 , 2006
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
http://www.mis.coventry.ac.uk/research/dsm/icebe06/soa.htm or http://www.icebe.org/soa.htm
Important Dates:
Abstract registration deadline April 1
Paper submission deadline May 1
Notification of Acceptance July 12
Final camera-ready paper August 25
Author Registration July 25, 2005
Conference October 24, 2006
Organizations need adaptive business processes and flexibility in function formation to implement dynamic business strategies for on-demand businesses. Flexible system collaboration and seamless system integration are the key concerns when implementing distributed information systems. With the availability of open standards, to overcome cross-platform barriers, and facilities to support service construction, SOA and Web services are being adopted by industries to make business services perform more efficiently and effectively. They contribute to the shaping of the processes of business modeling, solution creation, service delivery, and software architecture design, development and deployment.
However, the applications and methods of SOA have not been fully exploited. SOAIC-2006 is an international forum for researchers and practitioners from different areas of computer science and information systems to exchange information and their experiences on the enabling technologies and best practices for Service Oriented Computing, and to identify the emerging research topics.
The Second IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented Application, Integration and Collaboration (SOAIC2006) will be held together with The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE2006) on Oct 24, 2006, in Shanghai, China. It is to continue on from the success of SOAIC2005 which had 20 accepted papers presented, out of 100 submissions from around the world.
SOAIC2006 has the mission of "Service-Oriented, Application-centric, Integration-focused, collaboration enforced". It aims to bridge the gap between business and information technology using service-oriented paradigms and approaches.
The major topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Service-Oriented Architecture, Semantics and Web Services Technologies
- Service-Oriented Multi-Agent
- Grid Services
- Dynamic and Intelligent Service Composition and Process Modeling
- Web Services Modeling
- Service-Oriented Application Design, Development and Deployment
- Service-oriented Business Process Modeling, Transformation and Integration
- Service-Oriented Business Planning, Integration and Practices
- QoS of Web Services and Business Performance Management Services
- Efficiency, Trust and Security with SOA Applications
Symposium Co-Chairs:
Prof. Yinsheng Li Fudan University Email:liys@fudan.edu.cn
Dr. Ying Huang IBM Watson Research Center E-mail:yxh@us.ibm.com
Dr. Kuo-Ming Chao Coventry University E-mail:k.chao@coventry.ac.uk
Kuo-Ming Chao, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Leader of Distributed Systems and Modelling Research Group
Department of Computer and Network Systems
Coventry University
Tel: +44 24 76888908
Fax:+44 24 76888199
### FYI. //f.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [wp04-prolearn] LOMI seminar 16 March: David Wiley, OU Open
Content Initiative
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:07:17 +0100
This is an announcement for the LOMI seminar later this week,
on Thursday 16 March, at 15h00 CET.
This week, David Wiley (http://opencontent.org/blog/) will join us. We
will discuss, among others, the recent OU Open Content Initiative
(http://oci.open.ac.uk <http://oci.open.ac.uk/>/).
As always: we are happy users of FlashMeeting for these seminars - the
meeting will be
(See http://cnm.open.ac.uk/projects/flashmeeting/help.html for
more details on the technology - basically, you will need a web
browser and a microphone to participate; a webcam is nice but optional.)
This will be Serious Fun :)
--Erik Duval
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: ICCSE 2006 -- Computational Sc. Research and Education -- Aug.
07-10, Rochester, NY
Datum: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 17:39:02 +0000 (GMT)
Von: kraja(a)brockport.edu
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Dear Moderator: could you please post the following conf. info. to your mailing list? thanks.
International Conference on Computational Science and Education
Conference Theme:
Engaging People in Cyberinfrastructure (EPIC) and
Role of Computational Technology in Research & Education
August 7-10, 2006
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Rochester, New York
The International Conference Series on Computational Science and Education (ICCSE) aims to bring together researchers and educators from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields to discuss current issues and future directions. The conference is also an opportunity for vendors to showcase their latest products for academic, industrial, and educational use. Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the theme of 2006 ICCSE conference is to discuss how to engage people in cyberinfrastructure (EPIC) and share experiences in computational math, science, and technology (CMST) at higher education and secondary school levels. It will promote partnerships among researchers, educators, and faculty all the way from middle school to community colleges and universities. The conference will devote 2 days to research and 2 days to education. Invited speakers, panels, and multiple workshops will be featured throughout the conference. Proposals for mini-workshops and panel discussions are welcome. Posters will be accepted. Conference topics include, but not limited to, computational aspects in science, humanities, and/or business. Technical papers are solicited in all aspects of science, humanities, and business, particularly those showcasing impact of computational technology on research, industrial design, and education. Selected papers will be published in special issues of research and educational journals. Please visit the conference website for additional details: http://www.brockport.edu/iccse
Important Dates:
Call for papers: January 30, 2006
Deadline for submission of extended abstract: March 15, 2006
Deadline for Submission of full-paper: May 1, 2006
Acceptance Notification date: June 15, 2006
Final Camera Ready Submission: June 30, 2006
Deadline for Early Registration: June 30, 2006
Deadline for Regular Registration: July 30, 2006
Late and On-site Registration: August 7-10, 2006
Dr. K. S. Rajasethupathy
Professor of Computer Science
Director, Liberal Studies
217, faculty Office Building
Fax: 585-395-2304
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Last Call For Papers: conferences on computer science,
engineering, applied computing: June 26-29, 2006, USA
Datum: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 18:37:05 -0500
Von: Dr. Hamid Arabnia <hra(a)CS.UGA.EDU>
Antwort an: hra(a)CS.UGA.EDU
An: CSRESEARCH-L(a)listserv.uga.edu
Last Call For Papers
Extended Paper Submission Deadline: March 13, 2006
The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
June 26-29, 2006, Las Vegas, USA
You are invited to submit a paper for consideration (refer to the
submission information below.) All accepted papers will be published
in the respective conference proceedings.
Featured events include: keynote by Prof. Barry Vercoe (founding
member of MIT Media Lab); tutorial by Prof. H. J. Siegel (Director,
Colorado State University, ISTeC Center); discussion session with
Jim Gettys (primary developer of X Window System, xhost, ...),
keynote by Dr. Chris Rowen (CEO of Tensilica, Inc.) and others.
The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'06) is composed of the following
tracks (will be held simultaneously, same location and dates:
June 26-29, 2006, USA).
o The 2006 Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (GCA'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Security and Management (SAM'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies
and Applications (MLMTA'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Programming Languages and Compilers (PLC'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Computer Design (CDES'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
o The 2006 Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Pervasive Systems and Computing (PSC'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and
Pattern Recognition (IPCV'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (CGVR'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization
Methods (MSV'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Computer Games Development (CGD'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science
and Computer Engineering (FECS'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Foundations of Computer Science (FCS'06)
o The 2006 Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information
Systems, e-Government, and Outsourcing (EEE'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'06)
o The 2006 Conference on Computing in Nanotechnology (CNAN'06)
(a link to each conference's URL can be found at
http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/worldcomp06/ws )
H. R. Arabnia
The University of Georgia
Department of Computer Science
415 Graduate Studies Research Center
Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, USA
E-mail: hra(a)cs.uga.edu
Submission of Papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper (about
5 to 8 pages - single space, font size of 10 to 12) to
hra(a)cs.uga.edu by March 13, 2006. email submissions in MS document
or PDF formats are preferable (Fax or postal submissions are also
fine.) All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later,
the authors of accepted papers will be asked to follow a
particular typesetting format to prepare their papers for
The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited
to 7 (IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The
first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper,
name, affiliation, postal address, email address, telephone number,
and Fax number for each author. The first page should also include
the name of the author who will be presenting the paper (if accepted)
and a maximum of 5 keywords. Also, the name of the conference that
the paper is being submitted to must be mentioned on the first page.
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and
soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two researchers in field.
Important Dates:
March 13, 2006: Extended deadline: Submission of papers (about 5 to 8 pages)
March 31, 2006: March 31-April 8, 2006: Notification of acceptance
April 28, 2006: Camera-Ready papers and Prereg. due
June 26-29, 2006: The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'06)
Future Announcements:
If you do not wish to receive future announcements about this
event, please send an email to hra(a)cs.uga.edu.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP: IEEE in cooperated International Conference on
Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation
Datum: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:45:09 +1100
Von: Mohammadian, Masoud <Masoud.Mohammadian(a)canberra.edu.au>
An: Mohammadian, Masoud <Masoud.Mohammadian(a)canberra.edu.au>
CFP: IEEE in cooperated International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation
International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
Control and Automation
28 November to 1 December 2006
Sydney , Australia
In co-operation with:
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
Conference Proceedings will be published as books by IEEE in USA
Sponsored by:
European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology - EUFLAT
International Association for Fuzzy Set in Management and Economy - SIGEF
Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics - SOFT
Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association - TFSA
World Wide Web Business Intelligence - W3BI
Hungarian Fuzzy Association - HFA
University of Canberra
Jointly with
International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies
and Internet Commerce
Honorary Chair:
Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, USA
Stephen Grossberg, Boston University, USA
The international conference on computational intelligence for modelling, control and automation will be held in Sydney,
Australia on 28 November to 1 December 2006. The conference provides a medium for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and
practitioners to address the important issues in computational intelligence, modelling, control and automation.
The conference will consist of both plenary sessions and contributory sessions, focusing on theory, implementation
and applications of computational intelligence techniques to modelling, control and automation. For contributory
sessions, papers (4 pages or more) are being solicited. Several well-known keynote speakers will address the
Conference Proceedings will be published as books by IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) in USA
and will be index world wide. All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Modern and Advanced Control Strategies:
Neural Networks Control,
Fuzzy Logic Control,
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Control,
Model-Predictive Control,
Adaptive and Optimal Control,
Intelligent Control Systems,
Robotics and Automation,
Fault Diagnosis,
Intelligent agents,
Industrial Automations
Hybrid Systems:
Fuzzy Evolutionary Systems,
Fuzzy Expert Systems,
Fuzzy Neural Systems,
Neural Genetic Systems,
Neural-Fuzzy-Genetic Systems,
Hybrid Systems for Optimisation
Data Analysis, Prediction and Model Identification:
Signal Processing,
Prediction and Time Series Analysis,
System Identification,
Data Fusion and Mining,
Knowledge Discovery,
Intelligent Information Systems,
Image Processing, and Image Understanding,
Parallel Computing applications in Identification & Control,
Pattern Recognition,
Clustering and Classification
Decision Making and Information Retrieval:
Case-Based Reasoning,
Decision Analysis,
Intelligent Databases & Information Retrieval,
Dynamic Systems Modelling,
Decision Support Systems,
Multi-criteria Decision Making,
Qualitative and Approximate-Reasoning
Paper Submission
Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, correctness, and clarity of presentation. Papers (4 pages or more) should be submitted to the following e-mail or the following address:
CIMCA'2006 Secretariat
School of Information Sciences and Engineering
University of Canberra, Canberra, 2616, ACT, Australia
E-mail: cimca(a)canberra.edu.au
Electronic submission of papers (either by E-mail or through conference website) is preferred. Draft papers should present original work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other conferences.
Important Dates
1 September 2006 Submission of papers
18 September 2006 Notification of acceptance
3 October 2006 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
28-30 November 2006 Conference sessions
Special Sessions and Tutorials
Special sessions and tutorials will be organised at the conference. The conference is calling for special sessions and tutorial proposals. All special session proposals should be sent to the conference chair (by email to: masoud.mohammadian(a)canberra.edu.au) on or before 4th of August 2006. CIMCA'05 will also include a special poster session devoted to recent work and work-in-progress. Abstracts are solicited for this session. Abstracts (3 pages limit) may be submitted up to 30 days before the conference date.
Visits and social events
Sightseeing visits will be arranged for the delegates and guests. A separate program will be arranged for companions during the conference.
Further Information
For further information either contact cimca(a)ise.canberra.edu.au or see the conference homepage at: http://www.ise.canberra.edu.au/conferences/cimca06/default.htm
Organising Committee Chair:
Masoud Mohammadian, University of
Canberra, Australia
International Program Committee:
H. Adeli, The Ohio State University, USA
W. Pedrycz, University of Manitoba, Canada
A. Agah, The University of Kansas, USA
T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
J. Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA
R. C. Eberhart, Purdue University, USA
F. Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
T. Furuhashi, Nagoya University, Japan
A. Agah, The University of Kansas, US
E. André, Universität Augsburg, Germany
A. Kandel, University of South Florida, USA
J. P. Bigus, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
J. Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
A. Namatame, National Defense Academy, Japan
K. Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
B. Kosko, University of Southern California, USA
T. Baeck, Informatic Centrum Dortmund, Germany
K. Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
E. Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
H. R. Berenji, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
H. Liljenstrom, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
A. Bulsari, AB Nonlinear Solutions OY, Finland
J. Fernandez de Cañete, University of Malaga, Spain
W. Duch, Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland
E. Tulunay, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
C. Kuroda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
T. Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
J. Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
A. Namatame, National Defense Academy, Japan
A. Aamodt, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway
International Liaison:
Canada and USA Liaison:
Robert John, De Montfort University, UK
Europe Liaison:
Dr. Eng. Djamel Khadraoui, Centre de Recherche Public, Luxembourg
Frank Zimmer, SES ASTRA, Luxembourg
Asia Liaison:
R. Amin Sarker, ADFA, Australia
Local Arrangements and
Public Relation:
C. Meier, Australia
Masoud Mohammadian, Australia
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Information concerning extended deadline for SOIC 2006 Conference
Datum: 8 Mar 2006 19:21:41 -0400
Von: Prof.Friederich Welsch <soic06(a)conf-info.org>
Dear colleagues:
As a response to the many requests we have received, the Organizing
Committee of SOIC 2006 (The 2nd International Conference on Social and
Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics) has decided to extend the
deadline for papers and abstracts submission to March 28, 2006. If you
have not already done so, please submit your abstract or your paper through
the Conference web site http://www.conf-info.org/soic06 or rush it attached
to an e-mail to: soic06(a)conf-info.org or soic06.sec(a)conf-info.org.
The new deadlines are as follows:
1. March 28th for the abstract and paper submissions, and for the invited
session proposals.
2. April 19th for the acceptance notifications.
3. May 10th for the submission of camera-ready papers.
The best 10%-20% of the papers will be published in Volume 4 of JSCI
Journal (http://www.iiisci.org/Journal/SCI/Home.asp). 12 issues of volumes
1 and 2 of the Journal have been sent to approximately 200 universities and
research libraries, and 6 issues of Volume 3 (2005) will be sent to a
larger number of libraries. Promotional, free subscriptions, for 2 years,
are being considered for the organizations of the Journal's authors.
Submitted papers will go through a two-tier reviewing process: a
double-blinded and an open one. Submitted papers or extended abstracts will
be sent to at least three reviewers, selected by the Organizing Committee,
for their respective double-blinded review. Submitted papers or extended
abstracts will also be sent to 1-3 reviewers suggested by the author(s) for
their open, non-blinded, review. Both kinds of reviewing will support the
acceptance process for the selection of the papers to be presented at the
conference, as well as the selection of the best 10%-20% of the papers that
will be included in the JSCI journal. All accepted papers for their
presentation in the conference will be included in the conference proceedings.
The papers selected, after their presentation, as the best ones of their
regular or invited session, will also be considered for their inclusion in
the Journal. The Journal's reviewers will select the best 30%-40% of these
papers, in order to support the acceptance process for their inclusion in
the Journal.
For those who are interested in organizing an invited session, please, fill
the respective form provided in the conference web page, and we will send
you a password (if it is pre-approved) so you can include and modify papers
in your invited session.
Invited session organizers with the best performance will be co-editors of
the proceedings volume where their sessions' papers were included, and of
the CD electronic proceedings. They will also be candidates for invited
editors, or co-editors of a possible JSCI Journal issue related to their
invited session papers. Information on the suggested steps to organize an
invited session, have been included in the conference website.
Submissions from both academia and industry are encouraged. Research
papers, case studies, lessons learned, status reports, and discussions of
practical problems faced by industry and user domains are all welcome
If you need a detailed Call for Papers and Participation, don't hesitate in
asking us for it. You can also get it in the conference's web site.
If the deadlines are tight and you need more time, let us know about a
suitable time for you and we will inform you if it is feasible for us.
Best Regards,
SOIC 2006 General Chair
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to
soic.remove(a)conf-info.org with REMOVE MLSOIC in the subject line.
Call for Papers
03-04-2006 SUBMISSION DEADLINE *** Only Three Weeks Left! ***
22-05-2006 Notification of Acceptance
26-06-2006 Final Version of Accepted Papers
06-09-2006 I-KNOW 06 held in Graz Austria
When the only constant is change, knowledge becomes not just important,
but indeed vital for the very survival and future success of
organizations. While that, in itself, is hardly a new realization, the
pace of new insights from current research as well as new applications of
knowledge management in practice continually raise the bar for what it
means to be leading the way. And only those organizations that are at the
cutting edge will be able to beat the competition.
Now in its sixth year, I-KNOW has a tradition of bringing together
Europe´s leading researchers and practitioners involved in knowledge
management. Attracting more than 450 attendees, I-KNOW is the premier
conference on knowledge management in Europe. I-KNOW provides a perfect
opportunity to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field. Both
the human/organizational perspective and the technology perspective are
covered. The novelty and the quality of the accepted contributions are
ensured by a high-calibre program committee featuring international
experts on a broad range of knowledge management topics.
I-KNOW 06 invites the submission of original contributions from academic,
public and industrial/commercial sectors. The conference focus is on
application-oriented research with emphasis on information technologies
for knowledge management and new management tools and methods. We welcome
papers which present methods, tools, technologies best practices and case
studies. Please refer to the conference Web site for the extended list of
Kind regards,
Klaus Tochtermann
I-KNOW Conference Chair
Please accept our apologies should
you receive multiple copies of this
call from different lists.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Cfp: 2nd International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based
Workflows (GPWW)
Datum: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:05:23 +1100
Von: Jun Shen <jshen(a)uow.edu.au>
Antwort an: <jshen(a)uow.edu.au>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based Workflows (GPWW)
September 4th 2006, Vienna, Austria
To be held in conjunction with the
4th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2006)
Many e-science and complex e-business applications, such as climate modeling, astrophysics, high-energy physics, structural biology and chemistry, medical surgery, international banking, insurance, international stock market modeling and control, require the creation of a collaborative workflow management system as part of their sophisticated problem solving processes in the grid environments. At the same time, since many e-scientists and business people lack the necessary low-level expertise to utilize the current generation of Grid toolkits, such as GT4, and the specified workflow processes themselves can then be reused, shared, adapted and annotated with interpretations of quality, provenance and security, the research and development of grid workflow management systems become a must and have already evoked a high degree of interest. Furthermore, because the Grid requires a very highly distributed workflow management that can take advantage of the distributed resources across multi-institutional virtual organizations, the decentralized grid workflow deployment becomes a further interesting research area. As such, peer-to-peer based workflow comes into the picture, which is supposed to provide a kind of decentralized grid workflow infrastructure to more efficiently support widely spread grid workflows across the Grid. Given that a lot of valuable work has been done on business process management, the exploration of whether and how to apply existing business process technologies into grid workflow process management is another important focus of this workshop.
With the success of 1st workshop, which was held in Melbourne of Australia in 2005 (proceedings published by IEEE CS Press), the objective of the International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based Workflows is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and governments to report advances in grid and peer-to-peer based workflow research. The workshop will cover the broad spectrum of research relevant to grid and peer-to-peer based workflows, including, but not limited to, the following:
· Grid workflow infrastructure based on the Grid toolkits such as GT4
· Grid workflow API and GUI
· Workflow specification languages targeting grid applications
· Grid workflow execution engines that interoperate with grid services
· Grid services that support workflow execution
· Grid workflow verification and validation
· Formal representation, e-science workflow patterns, and temporal verification
· Grid workflow system performance analysis
· Specialized tools for managing grid workflow such as exception handling.
· Decentralized grid workflow infrastructure
· Peer-to-peer based workflow management in grid infrastructure
· Non-functional issues, like QoS and security, in peer-to-peer based workflow
· Advanced workflow use-cases based on real grid experience
· Simulation environments for grid and peer-to-peer workflow reasoning
· Application of business process management techniques in grid workflows
Submission Requirements
All contributions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical quality and relevance to workshop themes. Papers are expected to be no more than 12 pages (additional 2 pages allowed for a charge of 100€ per page) and should be formatted in LNCS format (see www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for details). Submitted papers must be written in English and identify the contribution of the paper. Please submit your manuscripts to gpww(a)ict.swin.edu.au.
Publication of Papers
All accepted workshop papers will appear in the proceedings together with other BPM workshops published by the Springer. Authors of accepted papers must register for the BPM 2006 conference.
Important Dates
Deadline for Paper Submission: May 1st 2006
Notification of Acceptance: May 23rd 2006
Camera Ready Copies: June 7th 2006
Prof Yun Yang (Chair), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr Jun Shen, University of Wollongong, Australia
Dr Jun Yan, University of Wollongong, Australia
Mr Jinjun Chen, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Program Committee
Ilkay Altintas, San Diego Supercomputing Center, UCSD, USA
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Ewa Deelman, University of Southern California, USA
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Volker Gruhn, Leipzig University, Germany
John Grundy, Auckland University, New Zealand
Vassilios (Bill) Karakostas, City University London, UK
Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California at Irvine, USA
Chengfei Liu, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Michael Schrefl, University of Linz, Austria
Markus Stumpter, University of South Australia, Australia
Kunal Vemar, University of Georgia, USA
Jian Yang, Macquarie University, Australia
Hai Zhuge, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, China
Dr Jun Shen
School of IT and CS
Univ of Wollongong
Wollongong, NSW, 2522, Australia
Tel: 61-2-42213873
Fax: 61-2-42214170
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [CFP] 1st Int'l Workshop on Semantic Web Applications: Theory
and Practice (SWAT 2006)
Datum: Sun, 05 Mar 2006 21:25:43 -0500
Von: Han, Hyoil <hyoil.han(a)ischool.drexel.edu>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
(Apologies if you receive this more than once.)
The 1st International Workshop on
Semantic Web Applications: Theory and Practice (SWAT 2006)
in conjunction with the 25th International Conferences on Conceptual
Modeling (ER 2006)
(http://adrg.eller.arizona.edu/ER2006/) November 6-9, 2006, Tucson,
Arizona, USA
Workshop topics and goals Emergence of World Wide Web made massive amounts
of data available.
Data exists in many scattered electronic data sources (e-sources) over the
Even though some of the data is in well-organized data sources,
when it needs to be ntegrated with or be interoperable with data from other
semantic coordination and conflict resolution are required.
The Semantic Web has been proposed as the next generation of the existing web.
Semantic Web enabled applications can potentially produce better results
for semantic integration, interoperability and search. Ontologies have been
for interoperability among various data sources. The role of ontology
is one of the central points in the Semantic Web enabled applications.
Semantics in ontologies and conceptual modelling play central roles
to achieve interoperability among semantic web applications.
The focus of this workshop is to present research concerning issues such as:
1) learning/constructing ontologies and conceptual modelling
for Semantic Web-enabled e-sources and applications;
2) utilizing ontologies and conceptual modelling for data management,
integration and interoperability in Semantic web applications; and
3) arccitectures, models, nd languages for achieving Semantic Web goals.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit theoretical,
technical and practical research contributions regarding the methodology
and techniques to build the Semantic Web and utilize the Semantic Web
We are particularly interested in the e-business, medical informatics and
bioinformatics domains.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Learning structures from the Web for Semantic Web-enabled applications
* Ontology generation/learning
* Building/utilizing ontologies and knowledge bases
* Ontology management and maintenance
* Semantics and ontologies in data integration
* Conceptual and logical models for Web data sources and applications
* Ontology-enabled search (engines)
* Semantic Web-enabled search (engines)
* Semantic web-enabled question answering system
* Ontology-enabled interoperability among e-sources
* Semantic interoperability
* Conceptual modelling in the Semantic Web era
* Schema mapping/matching and integration
* Ontology-enabled information retrieval
* Semantic Web-enabled information retrieval
* Conceptual modelling for Semantic Web-enabled applications
* Data management and integration for Semantic Web-enabled applications
* Semantic annotation
* Semantic Web personalization
* User modelling for Semantic Web applications
* Semantic Web-enabled user modelling
* Semantic Web services
* Ranking
* Reasoning
* Querying the Semantic Web
* Views for the Semantic Web
* Semantic Web mining
* Text/data mining for Semantic Web-enabled application
* Natural language processing for Semantic Web-enabled application
* Applying Semantic Web techniques to e-business, medical informatics, and
The volume will be published by Springer as part of its LNCS series.
Authors are invited to submit original papers via email
to Hyoil Han (hhan(a)ischool.drexel.edu) as a PDF file.
Since the workshop papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS
authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style.
See www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for style files and details.
The suggested number of pages is 14, and the maximum number of pages is 16.
Manuscripts not submitted in the LNCS style or having more than 16 pages
will not be reviewed and thus automatically rejected.
(The final, camera-ready version must not exceed 14 pages to avoid page
April 3, 2006 Paper abstracts
April 10, 2006 Full papers
June 14, 2006 Notification
July 12, 2006 Camera Ready Papers
Hyoil Han (hhan AT ischool.drexel.edu) Drexel University, USA
Ramez Elmasri (elmasri AT cse.uta.edu) The University of Texas at
Arlington, USA
Palakorn Achananuparp, Drexel University, USA
Yuan An, University of Toronto, Canada
Roberto Basili, University of Roma, Italy
Paul Buitelaar, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI
GmbH), Germany
Vadim Ermolayev, Zaporozhye National University, Ukraine
Fabien Gandon, INRIA, France
Aldo Gangemi, Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology, Italy
Raul Garcia-Castro, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Stefania Ghita-Costache, L3S Research Center, Germany
Peter Haase, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Kenji Hatano, Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Stijn Heymans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Istvan Jonyer, Oklahoma State University, USA
Esther Kaufmann, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Christoph Kiefer, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Beomjin Kim, Indiana University ? Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA
SeungJin Lim, Utah State University, USA
Peter Mika, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Jun Miyazaki, Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University, USA
Olfa Nasraoui, University of Louisville, USA
JungHwan Oh, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Byung-Kwon Park, Donga University, Korea
Xiaojun Qi, Utah State University, USA
Lawrence Reeve, Drexel University, USA
York Sure, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Davy Van Nieuwenborgh, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Mikalai Yatskevich, University of Trento, Italy
For further information on this Workshop, please contact hhan AT
Hyoil Han, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University
3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
Tel: 215-895-0493, Fax: 215-895-2494
Email: hyoil.han(a)ischool.drexel.edu
Home page: http://www.ischool.drexel.edu/faculty/hhan/
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP: IFIP Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing Conf.
Datum: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 17:42:35 -0600 (CST)
Von: Jeffrey Tsai <tsai(a)cs.uic.edu>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
The 3rd International Conference on
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-06)
- Building Smart Worlds on Real and Cyber Spaces -
Organized by Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Tech. (HUST)
Co-Sponsored by HUST, NSFC, 863, ChinaGrid, IFIP
In Cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society (Applying)
Wuhan and Three Gorges, China, September 3-6, 2006
Following ubiquitous computers, networks, information,
services, etc., is a road towards a smart world (SW)
created on both real and cyber spaces. A SW is mainly
characterized by ubiquitous intelligence (UI) or
computational intelligence pervasive in the physical world,
filled with ubiquitous intelligent or smart things,
that are capable of computing, communicating, and behaving
smartly with some intelligence. One of the profound implications
of such ubiquitous smart things is that various kinds and
levels of intelligence will exist ubiquitously in
everyday objects, environments, systems and even ourselves,
and possibly be extended from man-made to natural things.
"Ubicomp" or "percomp" can be regarded as the computing of
all these intelligent/smart things/u-things, that are
essential elements and components of the SW.
A smart thing can be endowed with different levels of
intelligence, and may be context-aware, active, interactive,
reactive, proactive, assistive, adaptive, automated, sentient,
perceptual, cognitive, autonomic and/or thinking.
Intelligent/smart things is an emerging research field
covering many disciplines. A series of grand challenges exist
to move from the ubiquitous world with universal services of
any means/place/time to the SW of trustworthy services with the
right means/place/time. UIC-06 is a successor of the 2nd Int'l
Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Smart Worlds (UISW2005,
Japan, Dec. 2005) which succeeds the 1st Int'l Workshop on
Ubiquitous Smart Worlds (USW2005,Taipei, Mar. 2005). It offers
a forum for researchers to exchange ideas and experiences in
developing intelligent/smart objects, environments, and systems
as well as discuss various personal/social/physical issues
faced by UI and SWs.
Topics include but are not limited to the following:
1. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Objects
* Electronic Label, Card, E-Tag and RFID
* Embedded Chips, Sensor & Actuator
* MEMS, NEMS, Mote & Biometric Device
* Everyday Good, Artifact, Robot, etc.
* Smart Appliance and Wearable Device
* Material, Textile, Cloth, Furniture, etc.
* Emerging Intelligent/Smart Objects
* Embedded Software and Agents
2. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Environments
* Room, Home, Office, Laboratory, etc.
* Building, Library, School, Campus, etc.
* Shop, Clinic, Hospital and Health Care
* Street, Yard, Park, Ground, City, etc.
* Vehicle, Road, Traffic & Transportation
* Land, Pool, Space and Hyperspace
* Learning, Sport, Entertainment, etc.
* Novel Intelligent/Smart Applications
3. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Systems
* Sensor, Ad Hoc & Intelligent Networks
* Knowledge Representation and Ontology
* Wearable, Personal and Body Area Systems
* OS, Middleware and Intelligent Association
* Intelligent Service Architecture, Grid & Mesh
* Massive Agents, Swarm/Amorphous Systems
* Proactive, Autonomic and Organic Systems
* Novel Intelligent/Smart Systems
4. Personal/Social/Physical Aspects
* Real/Cyber World Modeling and Semantics
* End-User Interface, Control & Programming
* Social/Natural/Physical Model of UI & SW
* User/Object Identity and Activity Recognition
* Security, Privacy, Trust and Legal/Policy Issues
* Emotional, Ethical and Psychological Factors
* Implication and Impact of UI and SW
* Relations between Real and Cyber Worlds
Submission Deadline: March 10, 2006
Authors Notification: May 10, 2006
Final Manuscript Due: June 10, 2006
Prepare your paper with free styles not more than 15 pages
in PDF file. Submit your paper(s) at the UIC-06 web site:
Accepted papers will be published by Lecture Note in Computer Science
(LNCS). Authors
of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested to register
and present their
work at the conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the
digital library
after the conference.
Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be published in
special issues of the
Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (JUCI), and the
International Journal of
Pervasive Computing and Communications (JPCC). A set of high quality
papers of the
conference, after further revisions, also will be published in an
edited book published
by IDEA Publishing Group, USA.
==Organizing Committees==
Honorary Chairs
Norio Shiratori, Tohoku University, Japan
Yaoxue Zhang, Tsinghua University, China <zyx(a)moe.edu.cn>
General Chairs
Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Zhaohui Wu, Zhejiang University, China <wzh(a)cs.zju.edu.cn>
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia <zomaya(a)it.usyd.edu.au>
Program Committee Chairs
Victor Callaghan, University of Essex, UK <vic(a)essex.ac.uk>
Hai Jin, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China <hjin(a)hust.edu.cn>
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier Univ., Canada <lyang(a)stfx.ca>
International Advisory Committee
Makoto Amamiya, Kyushu University, Japan <amamiya(a)is.kyushu-u.ac.jp>
Marios C. Angelides, Brunel University, UK
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Tech., Japan <barolli(a)fit.ac.jp>
Jingde Cheng, Saitama University, Japan
Sumi Helal, University of Florida, USA <helal(a)cise.ufl.edu>
Ali R. Hurson, Pennsylvania State University, USA <hurson(a)cse.psu.edu>
Haruhisa Ichikawa, NTT Network Innovation Lab., Japan
Moon Hae Kim, Konkuk University, Korea <mhkim(a)konkuk.ac.kr>
Gabriele Kotsis, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Beniamino Di Martino, Second Univ. of Naples, Italy
Ivan Stojmenovic, Ottawa University, Canada
Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Jhing-Fa Wang, Nat. Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan <wangjf(a)csie.ncku.edu.tw>
Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA <yau(a)asu.edu>
Xingshe Zhou, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Steering Committee Chairs
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan <jianhua(a)k.hosei.ac.jp>
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier Univ., Canada <lyang(a)stfx.ca>
Publicity Chairs
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada <denko(a)cis.uoguelph.ca>
Hani A. K. Hagras, University of Essex, UK <hani(a)essex.ac.uk>
Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan <jin(a)waseda.jp>
International Liaison Chairs
Vipin Chaudhary, Wayne State University, USA <vipin(a)wayne.edu>
Ismail K. Ibrahim, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Jadwiga Indulska, University of Queensland, Australia
Publication Chairs
Wenbin Jiang, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China
Thomas Noel, Univ. Louis Pasteur, France
Jon (Jong-Hoon) Youn, Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Award Chairs
Arjan Durresi, Louisiana State University, USA <durresi(a)csc.lsu.edu>
Antonio Puliafito, University of Messina, Italy <apuliafito(a)unime.it>
Timothy K. Shih, Tamkang University, Taiwan <tshih(a)cs.tku.edu.tw>
Panel Chair
Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., HK
Financial Chair
Xin Li, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China <xli(a)mail.hust.edu.cn>
Web Administration Chair
Wenbin Jiang, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China
Local Arrangement Chair
Xia Xie, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China <shelicy(a)hust.edu.cn>
Program Committee
See UIC-06 web site: http://grid.hust.edu.cn/uic06/
Further questions, please contact with
UIC06 Secretariat: <uic06(a)hust.edu.cn>
Or PC Chairs
Prof. Hai Jin <hjin(a)hust.edu.cn>
Prof. Laurence T. Yang <lyang(a)stfx.ca>
Prof. Victor Callaghan <vic(a)essex.ac.uk>
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