---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, Vol 19, Number 2
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:48:08 -0400
From: Bob Brookshire <brooksrg(a)JMU.EDU>
Volume 19, number 2 of the Information Technology, Learning, and Performance
Journal is online at http://www.osra.org. Just click on "OSRA Journal."
Articles include:
"Collaborative Accounting Problem Solving Via Group Support Systems in a
Face-to-Face Versus Distant Learning Environment," by Jacqueline A. Burke;
"Computer Competencies for the 21st Century Information Systems Educator,"
by Randall W. McCoy
"Assessing Individual Student Performance in Collaborative Projects: A Case
Study," by S. E. Kruck and Harry L. Reif
"Developing Web-Enabled Interactive Financial Tools Without HTML and Script
Languages," by Jensen J. Zhao
and a review of Alexi Marmot and Joanna Eley's "Office Space Planning:
Designing for Tomorrow's Workplace," reviewed by Lila Waldman.
Bob Brookshire, Editor
Information Technology, Learning, & Performance Journal
Robert G. Brookshire, Professor & Director
Computer Information Systems & Operations Management Program
MSC 0202
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, Virginia USA 22807
540.568.3064 fax 540.568.3273
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [IWIPS2002_Announcements] Updated Accommodations and Program
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 02:22:38 -0000
From: webcrayon <erios(a)WEBCRAYON.COM>
------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->
Kwick Pick opens locked car doors,
front doors, drawers, briefcases,
padlocks, and more. On sale now!
IWIPS 2002, Austin, Texas July 11-13, 2002
Updated Accommodations and Program
IWIPS 2002 is pleased to announce that our Accommodations and Program
have been updated and added to our website. http://www.iwips2002.org
This year's IWIPS will be held at the beautiful, historic Driskill
Hotel in downtown Austin, TX USA. Space is limited so make your
reservations now. Suites are also available at a first-come first-
serve basis for families. The room rate is $135.00/night double
occupancy. For more details visit our website at
The early registration deadline is drawing near. If you haven't
registered yet, now is the time to do so. If you have been waiting
for our program to be published, it is now available on our website.
We look forward to seeing you at this year's conference in Austin, TX
For more information please contact the Local Chair Brenda Hall at
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
>Subject: Call for Papers - LawTech 2002 - Cambridge, USA, Nov. 6-8
>Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:45:07 -0600
>Thread-Topic: Call for Papers - LawTech 2002 - Cambridge, USA, Nov. 6-8
>Thread-Index: AcHf7knnccXrTnv4R6SrdOmMxAlNkQ==
>From: "ISLAT- Upcoming Conferences" <info(a)islat.org>
>To: <Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at
>id UAA59608
>ISLAT International Conference on
>Law and Technology
>(LawTech 2002)
>November 6-8, 2002
>Cambridge, USA
>Submissions due---------------------------------------------July 1, 2002
>Notification of acceptance----------------------------------August 1, 2002
>Registration, full payment, and final papers due------------September 1, 2002
>The International Society of Law and Technology (ISLAT)
>LawTech 2002 will be held at the Cambridge Marriott in Massachusetts,
>adjacent to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the
>world's most prestigious universities. Located across the Charles River
>from Boston, Cambridge offers an exciting multicultural setting as well as
>two of the world's premier educational institutions. Founded in 1630 as
>the first seat of government for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Cambridge
>has developed into an international community merging history, education,
>arts, and culture within its lively neighborhoods. Attractions include
>Harvard Square, Beacon Hill, and the Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The heavy
>industries of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been
>replaced by technology-based enterprises, including electronics,
>self-developing film and cameras, software, and biotechnology research.
>This conference is an international forum for lawyers and engineers
>interested in understanding the latest developments and implications of
>technology in the field of law. It is an opportunity to exchange ideas
>and information related to the intersection of these two areas. The
>conference will address both the legal ramifications of new technology and
>how technology advances the field of law. All papers submitted to this
>conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the
>International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on
>originality and contribution.
>The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to the following:
>Privacy Law and Regulation
>Privacy Law and Regulation
>Government role vs. individual right to privacy
>Anti-terrorism and Technology
>European Union Data Protection Directive
>Data Collection, Personal Records and Privacy
>Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
>Technologies of Privacy Invasion
>Carnivore, Echelon, Cyber Crime Convention, CALEA
>Security Technology
>Intellectual Property Law
>Patent Law
>International IP Law
>Madrid Protocol
>Trademark Law
>Global Trademark Protection
>Domain Name Disputes
>Digital Rights and Legislation
>Digital Rights Management
>Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
>Internet Law
>Domain Names
>Internet Monitoring
>Web Bugs and Cookies
>Linking and Framing
>Outsourcing Agreements
>Negotiating Application Service Provider Agreements (ASP)
>International Cyberspace/Telecommunications Law
>WIPO domain name dispute resolution
>Advertising Regulations
>Internet Taxation
>Software Products and Law
>Software Copyrights
>Consumer Protection
>Software Distribution
>Software Licensing
>Product Bundling
>Software Quality
>Software Liability
>Software Economics
>Antitrust Law and Software Companies
>Electronic Commerce
>Mobile Commerce (m-commerce)
>Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)
>Peer-to-Peer Technology (P2P)
>International Business Transactions
>Contracting in International Cyberspace
>Technological Advancements and Law
>Information Technology
>Virtual Reality
>Wireless Communications
>Video Conferencing
>Distance Education
>Inductive Learning
>Software Tools
>Intelligent Software Agents
>Data mining
>Expert Systems
>Artificial Intelligence
>Knowledge Based Systems
>Dr. Stephen Lesavich - McDonnell Boehen Hulbert & Berghoff, USA
>M. Borella - Commworks, USA
>P. Fawcett - Microsoft Corporation, USA
>M. Grewal - Bowditch and Dewey, USA
>J. Leonardi - Law Offices of Joseph Leonardi, USA
>J. McHugh - CERT/CC(r) Carnegie Mellon University, USA
>M.Arkfeld - US Courthouse, USA
>L. Biukovic - University of British Columbia, Canada
>K. Boehringer - Macquarie University, Australia
>J. Breuker - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>V. Chiappetta - Willamette University, USA
>W.A. Coplin - Net Tech Inc., USA
>G. Correa - Gait Lawyers and Consultants, Brazil
>A. Daskalopulu - King's College London, UK
>C. Davis - Davis & Co. (Solicitors) Limited, UK
>M. Deturbide - Dalhousie University, Canada
>S. Drakeford - IBM, Australia
>J. Dumortier - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
>J. Edgell - Tite & Lewis, UK
>B. Gall - Sherman & Howard LLC, USA
>M. Gruen - Applied Legal Technologies Inc., USA
>D. Johnston - Russel McVeagh, New Zealand
>B.J. Kaufman - Nova Southeastern University, USA
>A. Kemp - Litigation Management Technologies, USA
>J.P. Kesan - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
>J. Klosek - Goodwin Proctor, USA
>R. Kodner - MicroLaw, USA
>P. Krakaur - Internet Legal Services, USA
>K. Laff - The PLUS Group - LLC, USA
>J. Lambrick - RMIT University, Australia
>D. Lange - Duke University, USA
>J. Lawson - Netlawtools Inc. USA
>S. Levine - Resolution Works, USA
>M. Lewis - Tite & Lewis, UK
>S.K. Liang - Ella Cheong & G. Mirandah, Singapore
>J. Lipton - Nottingham University, UK
>I. Lloyd - University of Strathclyde, UK
>N.-L. W. Loon - National University of Singapore, Singapore
>G. Luchetta - Holland & Hart, USA
>F. MacMillan - Birkbeck College, UK
>J. Michalowicz - DuPont, USA
>D. Miller - inData Corporation, USA
>P.G. Molina - Georgetown University Law Center, USA
>A. Muntjewerff - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>A. Murray - London School of Economics, UK
>S. Newcomb - Clayton Utz, Australia
>E. Nissan - University of Greenwich, UK
>N. Oliver - DLA, UK
>J. Osborn - Andersen Consulting, Australia
>M. Pendleton - Murdoch University, Australia
>A. Pizzoferrato - University of Bologna, Italy
>D. Quentel - Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI), USA
>J. Reichman - Duke University, USA
>R.S. Rosenberg - University of British Columbia, Canada
>D. Rowland - University of Wales - Aberystwyth, UK
>G. Sartor - The Queen's University of Belfast, UK
>S. Saxer - Pepperdine University, USA
>E. Schweighofer - University of Vienna, Austria
>F. Sloan - FRS Associates - LLC, USA
>G.J. Socha, Jr. - Halleland Lewis Nilan Sipkins & Johnson, USA
>S.H. Solomon - DOAR Communications Inc. USA
>J.W. Speros - Compuserve, USA
>M.J. Taeymans - Hogeschool Ghent, Belgium
>J. Tredennick - Holland & Hart, USA
>R. Weber - Wiederkehr Forster, Switzerland
>D. Whelan - American Bar Association, USA
>R. Widdison - University of Durham, UK
>R.H. Wilkes - Black , Cassels & Graydon Llp, Canada
>R. Woellner - University of Western Sydney, Australia
>R. Xalabarder - University Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
>P. Ytterberg - West Group Dep. C-70, USA
>A. Zariski - Murdoch University, Australia
>I. Zeitler - Freehills, Australia
>J. Zeleznikow - Latrobe University, Australia
>Submit your paper via email to secretariat(a)islat.org
>Files larger than 2MB must be submitted to the FTP site at
>ftp.actapress.com (user name: actaftp; password: Journals1). If you submit
>a paper to our FTP site, please send a notification e-mail with your
>complete contact information and file name to secretariat(a)islat.org . All
>submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
>Word (.doc) format. The ISLAT Secretariat must receive your paper by July
>1, 2002. Do not send hard copies of your paper.
>Please provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper.
>One of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under
>Scope. Include a statement in your cover letter confirming that, if the
>paper is accepted, one of the authors will attend the conference to
>present it. Please designate a principal author and provide the full
>names, affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail
>addresses of all authors.
>Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent via e-mail on August 1,
>2002. Registration payments and final manuscripts are due by September 1,
>2002. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the
>papers being excluded from the conference proceedings. Please send final
>manuscripts via e-mail or FTP site using the same procedure as described
>above. The formatting instructions for final manuscripts can be found on
>the Web and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is
>six pages. The additional page charge is USD $70.00 per page.
>Persons wishing to organize a special session or panel discussion should
>submit a proposal to the ISLAT Secretariat by July 1, 2002. Proposals
>should include a minimum of six papers, a session title, a list of the
>topics covered, and qualifications of the session organizer(s). The name
>of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings
>provided six papers are presented. Special sessions proposals should be
>submitted via email to the following email address: secretariat(a)islat.org
>Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted
>directly to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1,
>2002. Please send proposals to the following email address:
>lesavich(a)lesavich.net . A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the
>topic, background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives, time
>allocations for the major course topics, and the qualifications of the
>Persons wishing to organize a panel discussion should submit a proposal
>directly to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1,
>2002. Please send proposals to the following email address:
>lesavich(a)lesavich.net . Proposals should include the topic(s) to be
>covered; the importance of and interest in those topics; and the name,
>qualifications and contact information of each panel speaker.
>For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
>ISLAT Secretariat
>#380, 4500 - 16th Avenue NW
>Calgary, Alberta
>Canada T3B 0M6
>Tel: 403-288-1195
>Fax: 403-247-6851
>E-mail: secretariat(a)islat.org
>Web: www.islat.org
>If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
>unsubscribe(a)islat.org, from your email account (Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at).
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: The Future of Copyright
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:43:53 +0200
From: Bozena Izabella Mierzejewska <Izabella.Mierzejewska(a)UNISG.CH>
Apologies for cross-posting; please pass on to interested
colleagues and distribute to relevant lists.
Call for Papers
Focus Theme: The Future of Copyright
Dear Colleagues:
JMM - The International Jourlnal on Media Management
Guest Editors:
Prof. Herbert Burkert, senior Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media
Communications, St.Augustin, German and President of the Research
Center for Information Law at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, who is a Senior research Fellow at the
=mcminstitute for media and communications management at the University of
St. Gallen where he's responsible for the Competence Center Electronic
Markets CCEM.
Focus theme of the issue will be dedicated to the Future of Copyright in
both the new media as well as the strategic management environment
The future of copyright in the media markets:
- The impact of copyright law on business strategies in the
media sector
- Scope and usefulness of copyright management systems
Policy observations on current copyright controversies:
- Content producers vs. hardware producers
- Copyright in context: the relationship to fair use, freedom
of information, freedom of speech and privacy
- "Open Code" and its role for electronic media products and
Alternatives and supplements:
- Alternative approaches for securing return on investment in media markets
- Technical vs. legal vs. business solutions
- Copyright and Business Models
- The impact of copyright issues on business models
- The future of copyrights as an enabler for innovative business models in
the content industry
- Copyright and content creation
JMM- The International Journal on Media Management accepts short papers up
to 3000 words, or long papers
up to 6000 words. Please refer to the Contributors
Section at http://www.electronicmarkets.org for our
templates and additional specifications.
Important Deadlines:
Submission: 28 June 2002
Acceptance Decision: 20 August 2002
Publication: Autumn 2002
If you have any questions regarding acceptable topics,
please contact media.editors(a)netacademy.org or one of the guest editors
Prof. Herbert Burkart: hb(a)herbert-burkert.net
Hans-Dieter Zimmermann: Hans-Dieter.Zimmermann(a)unisg.ch
For questions regarding the journal, the review process,
or to submit your paper: media.editors(a)netacademy.org
Editorial Team
JMM - The International Journal on Media Management
Editorial Office:
mcm institute for Media and
Communications Management
University of St.Gallen
Blumenbergplatz 9
CH-9000 St.Gallen
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Beat F. Schmid,
Co-Editors: Prof. Peter Glotz, Prof. Peter Gomez
Executive Editor: Bozena Izabela Mierzejewska
Phone +41 71 224 30 27
Fax +41 71 224 27 71
email: media.editors(a)netacademy.org
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:09:25 +0100
From: Sue Nugus <sue(a)MCIL.CO.UK>
A provisional timetable for the European Conference on Research Methods in
Business and Management, being held at Reading University on the 29-30 April
is now available on the web at
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
>Subject: Call for Papers - LawTech 2002 - Cambridge, USA, Nov. 6-8
>Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:46:46 -0600
>Thread-Topic: Call for Papers - LawTech 2002 - Cambridge, USA, Nov. 6-8
>Thread-Index: AcHf7oSIdoMNcL2FShS1jJ3BcJ4+tw==
>From: "ISLAT- Upcoming Conferences" <info(a)islat.org>
>To: <Susanne.Guth(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at
>id UAA54626
>ISLAT International Conference on
>Law and Technology
>(LawTech 2002)
>November 6-8, 2002
>Cambridge, USA
>Submissions due---------------------------------------------July 1, 2002
>Notification of acceptance----------------------------------August 1, 2002
>Registration, full payment, and final papers due------------September 1, 2002
>The International Society of Law and Technology (ISLAT)
>LawTech 2002 will be held at the Cambridge Marriott in Massachusetts,
>adjacent to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the
>world's most prestigious universities. Located across the Charles River
>from Boston, Cambridge offers an exciting multicultural setting as well as
>two of the world's premier educational institutions. Founded in 1630 as
>the first seat of government for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Cambridge
>has developed into an international community merging history, education,
>arts, and culture within its lively neighborhoods. Attractions include
>Harvard Square, Beacon Hill, and the Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The heavy
>industries of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been
>replaced by technology-based enterprises, including electronics,
>self-developing film and cameras, software, and biotechnology research.
>This conference is an international forum for lawyers and engineers
>interested in understanding the latest developments and implications of
>technology in the field of law. It is an opportunity to exchange ideas
>and information related to the intersection of these two areas. The
>conference will address both the legal ramifications of new technology and
>how technology advances the field of law. All papers submitted to this
>conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the
>International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on
>originality and contribution.
>The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to the following:
>Privacy Law and Regulation
>Privacy Law and Regulation
>Government role vs. individual right to privacy
>Anti-terrorism and Technology
>European Union Data Protection Directive
>Data Collection, Personal Records and Privacy
>Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
>Technologies of Privacy Invasion
>Carnivore, Echelon, Cyber Crime Convention, CALEA
>Security Technology
>Intellectual Property Law
>Patent Law
>International IP Law
>Madrid Protocol
>Trademark Law
>Global Trademark Protection
>Domain Name Disputes
>Digital Rights and Legislation
>Digital Rights Management
>Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
>Internet Law
>Domain Names
>Internet Monitoring
>Web Bugs and Cookies
>Linking and Framing
>Outsourcing Agreements
>Negotiating Application Service Provider Agreements (ASP)
>International Cyberspace/Telecommunications Law
>WIPO domain name dispute resolution
>Advertising Regulations
>Internet Taxation
>Software Products and Law
>Software Copyrights
>Consumer Protection
>Software Distribution
>Software Licensing
>Product Bundling
>Software Quality
>Software Liability
>Software Economics
>Antitrust Law and Software Companies
>Electronic Commerce
>Mobile Commerce (m-commerce)
>Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)
>Peer-to-Peer Technology (P2P)
>International Business Transactions
>Contracting in International Cyberspace
>Technological Advancements and Law
>Information Technology
>Virtual Reality
>Wireless Communications
>Video Conferencing
>Distance Education
>Inductive Learning
>Software Tools
>Intelligent Software Agents
>Data mining
>Expert Systems
>Artificial Intelligence
>Knowledge Based Systems
>Dr. Stephen Lesavich - McDonnell Boehen Hulbert & Berghoff, USA
>M. Borella - Commworks, USA
>P. Fawcett - Microsoft Corporation, USA
>M. Grewal - Bowditch and Dewey, USA
>J. Leonardi - Law Offices of Joseph Leonardi, USA
>J. McHugh - CERT/CC(r) Carnegie Mellon University, USA
>M.Arkfeld - US Courthouse, USA
>L. Biukovic - University of British Columbia, Canada
>K. Boehringer - Macquarie University, Australia
>J. Breuker - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>V. Chiappetta - Willamette University, USA
>W.A. Coplin - Net Tech Inc., USA
>G. Correa - Gait Lawyers and Consultants, Brazil
>A. Daskalopulu - King's College London, UK
>C. Davis - Davis & Co. (Solicitors) Limited, UK
>M. Deturbide - Dalhousie University, Canada
>S. Drakeford - IBM, Australia
>J. Dumortier - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
>J. Edgell - Tite & Lewis, UK
>B. Gall - Sherman & Howard LLC, USA
>M. Gruen - Applied Legal Technologies Inc., USA
>D. Johnston - Russel McVeagh, New Zealand
>B.J. Kaufman - Nova Southeastern University, USA
>A. Kemp - Litigation Management Technologies, USA
>J.P. Kesan - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
>J. Klosek - Goodwin Proctor, USA
>R. Kodner - MicroLaw, USA
>P. Krakaur - Internet Legal Services, USA
>K. Laff - The PLUS Group - LLC, USA
>J. Lambrick - RMIT University, Australia
>D. Lange - Duke University, USA
>J. Lawson - Netlawtools Inc. USA
>S. Levine - Resolution Works, USA
>M. Lewis - Tite & Lewis, UK
>S.K. Liang - Ella Cheong & G. Mirandah, Singapore
>J. Lipton - Nottingham University, UK
>I. Lloyd - University of Strathclyde, UK
>N.-L. W. Loon - National University of Singapore, Singapore
>G. Luchetta - Holland & Hart, USA
>F. MacMillan - Birkbeck College, UK
>J. Michalowicz - DuPont, USA
>D. Miller - inData Corporation, USA
>P.G. Molina - Georgetown University Law Center, USA
>A. Muntjewerff - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>A. Murray - London School of Economics, UK
>S. Newcomb - Clayton Utz, Australia
>E. Nissan - University of Greenwich, UK
>N. Oliver - DLA, UK
>J. Osborn - Andersen Consulting, Australia
>M. Pendleton - Murdoch University, Australia
>A. Pizzoferrato - University of Bologna, Italy
>D. Quentel - Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI), USA
>J. Reichman - Duke University, USA
>R.S. Rosenberg - University of British Columbia, Canada
>D. Rowland - University of Wales - Aberystwyth, UK
>G. Sartor - The Queen's University of Belfast, UK
>S. Saxer - Pepperdine University, USA
>E. Schweighofer - University of Vienna, Austria
>F. Sloan - FRS Associates - LLC, USA
>G.J. Socha, Jr. - Halleland Lewis Nilan Sipkins & Johnson, USA
>S.H. Solomon - DOAR Communications Inc. USA
>J.W. Speros - Compuserve, USA
>M.J. Taeymans - Hogeschool Ghent, Belgium
>J. Tredennick - Holland & Hart, USA
>R. Weber - Wiederkehr Forster, Switzerland
>D. Whelan - American Bar Association, USA
>R. Widdison - University of Durham, UK
>R.H. Wilkes - Black , Cassels & Graydon Llp, Canada
>R. Woellner - University of Western Sydney, Australia
>R. Xalabarder - University Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
>P. Ytterberg - West Group Dep. C-70, USA
>A. Zariski - Murdoch University, Australia
>I. Zeitler - Freehills, Australia
>J. Zeleznikow - Latrobe University, Australia
>Submit your paper via email to secretariat(a)islat.org
>Files larger than 2MB must be submitted to the FTP site at
>ftp.actapress.com (user name: actaftp; password: Journals1). If you submit
>a paper to our FTP site, please send a notification e-mail with your
>complete contact information and file name to secretariat(a)islat.org . All
>submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
>Word (.doc) format. The ISLAT Secretariat must receive your paper by July
>1, 2002. Do not send hard copies of your paper.
>Please provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper.
>One of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under
>Scope. Include a statement in your cover letter confirming that, if the
>paper is accepted, one of the authors will attend the conference to
>present it. Please designate a principal author and provide the full
>names, affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail
>addresses of all authors.
>Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent via e-mail on August 1,
>2002. Registration payments and final manuscripts are due by September 1,
>2002. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the
>papers being excluded from the conference proceedings. Please send final
>manuscripts via e-mail or FTP site using the same procedure as described
>above. The formatting instructions for final manuscripts can be found on
>the Web and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is
>six pages. The additional page charge is USD $70.00 per page.
>Persons wishing to organize a special session or panel discussion should
>submit a proposal to the ISLAT Secretariat by July 1, 2002. Proposals
>should include a minimum of six papers, a session title, a list of the
>topics covered, and qualifications of the session organizer(s). The name
>of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings
>provided six papers are presented. Special sessions proposals should be
>submitted via email to the following email address: secretariat(a)islat.org
>Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted
>directly to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1,
>2002. Please send proposals to the following email address:
>lesavich(a)lesavich.net . A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the
>topic, background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives, time
>allocations for the major course topics, and the qualifications of the
>Persons wishing to organize a panel discussion should submit a proposal
>directly to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1,
>2002. Please send proposals to the following email address:
>lesavich(a)lesavich.net . Proposals should include the topic(s) to be
>covered; the importance of and interest in those topics; and the name,
>qualifications and contact information of each panel speaker.
>For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
>ISLAT Secretariat
>#380, 4500 - 16th Avenue NW
>Calgary, Alberta
>Canada T3B 0M6
>Tel: 403-288-1195
>Fax: 403-247-6851
>E-mail: secretariat(a)islat.org
>Web: www.islat.org
>If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
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Subject: Call for Papers - LawTech 2002 - Cambridge, USA, Nov. 6-8
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:45:36 -0600
From: "ISLAT- Upcoming Conferences" <info(a)islat.org>
To: <Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
ISLAT International Conference on
Law and Technology
(LawTech 2002)
November 6-8, 2002
Cambridge, USA
Submissions due---------------------------------------------July 1, 2002
Notification of acceptance----------------------------------August 1, 2002
Registration, full payment, and final papers due------------September 1, 2002
The International Society of Law and Technology (ISLAT)
LawTech 2002 will be held at the Cambridge Marriott in Massachusetts,
adjacent to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the
world's most prestigious universities. Located across the Charles River
from Boston, Cambridge offers an exciting multicultural setting as well as
two of the world's premier educational institutions. Founded in 1630 as the
first seat of government for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Cambridge has
developed into an international community merging history, education, arts,
and culture within its lively neighborhoods. Attractions include Harvard
Square, Beacon Hill, and the Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The heavy industries
of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been replaced by
technology-based enterprises, including electronics, self-developing film
and cameras, software, and biotechnology research.
This conference is an international forum for lawyers and engineers
interested in understanding the latest developments and implications of
technology in the field of law. It is an opportunity to exchange ideas and
information related to the intersection of these two areas. The conference
will address both the legal ramifications of new technology and how
technology advances the field of law. All papers submitted to this
conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the
International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on
originality and contribution.
The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to the following:
Privacy Law and Regulation
Privacy Law and Regulation
Government role vs. individual right to privacy
Anti-terrorism and Technology
European Union Data Protection Directive
Data Collection, Personal Records and Privacy
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
Technologies of Privacy Invasion
Carnivore, Echelon, Cyber Crime Convention, CALEA
Security Technology
Intellectual Property Law
Patent Law
International IP Law
Madrid Protocol
Trademark Law
Global Trademark Protection
Domain Name Disputes
Digital Rights and Legislation
Digital Rights Management
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
Internet Law
Domain Names
Internet Monitoring
Web Bugs and Cookies
Linking and Framing
Outsourcing Agreements
Negotiating Application Service Provider Agreements (ASP)
International Cyberspace/Telecommunications Law
WIPO domain name dispute resolution
Advertising Regulations
Internet Taxation
Software Products and Law
Software Copyrights
Consumer Protection
Software Distribution
Software Licensing
Product Bundling
Software Quality
Software Liability
Software Economics
Antitrust Law and Software Companies
Electronic Commerce
Mobile Commerce (m-commerce)
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)
Peer-to-Peer Technology (P2P)
International Business Transactions
Contracting in International Cyberspace
Technological Advancements and Law
Information Technology
Virtual Reality
Wireless Communications
Video Conferencing
Distance Education
Inductive Learning
Software Tools
Intelligent Software Agents
Data mining
Expert Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Based Systems
Dr. Stephen Lesavich - McDonnell Boehen Hulbert & Berghoff, USA
M. Borella - Commworks, USA
P. Fawcett - Microsoft Corporation, USA
M. Grewal - Bowditch and Dewey, USA
J. Leonardi - Law Offices of Joseph Leonardi, USA
J. McHugh - CERT/CC(r) Carnegie Mellon University, USA
M.Arkfeld - US Courthouse, USA
L. Biukovic - University of British Columbia, Canada
K. Boehringer - Macquarie University, Australia
J. Breuker - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
V. Chiappetta - Willamette University, USA
W.A. Coplin - Net Tech Inc., USA
G. Correa - Gait Lawyers and Consultants, Brazil
A. Daskalopulu - King's College London, UK
C. Davis - Davis & Co. (Solicitors) Limited, UK
M. Deturbide - Dalhousie University, Canada
S. Drakeford - IBM, Australia
J. Dumortier - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
J. Edgell - Tite & Lewis, UK
B. Gall - Sherman & Howard LLC, USA
M. Gruen - Applied Legal Technologies Inc., USA
D. Johnston - Russel McVeagh, New Zealand
B.J. Kaufman - Nova Southeastern University, USA
A. Kemp - Litigation Management Technologies, USA
J.P. Kesan - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
J. Klosek - Goodwin Proctor, USA
R. Kodner - MicroLaw, USA
P. Krakaur - Internet Legal Services, USA
K. Laff - The PLUS Group - LLC, USA
J. Lambrick - RMIT University, Australia
D. Lange - Duke University, USA
J. Lawson - Netlawtools Inc. USA
S. Levine - Resolution Works, USA
M. Lewis - Tite & Lewis, UK
S.K. Liang - Ella Cheong & G. Mirandah, Singapore
J. Lipton - Nottingham University, UK
I. Lloyd - University of Strathclyde, UK
N.-L. W. Loon - National University of Singapore, Singapore
G. Luchetta - Holland & Hart, USA
F. MacMillan - Birkbeck College, UK
J. Michalowicz - DuPont, USA
D. Miller - inData Corporation, USA
P.G. Molina - Georgetown University Law Center, USA
A. Muntjewerff - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Murray - London School of Economics, UK
S. Newcomb - Clayton Utz, Australia
E. Nissan - University of Greenwich, UK
N. Oliver - DLA, UK
J. Osborn - Andersen Consulting, Australia
M. Pendleton - Murdoch University, Australia
A. Pizzoferrato - University of Bologna, Italy
D. Quentel - Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI), USA
J. Reichman - Duke University, USA
R.S. Rosenberg - University of British Columbia, Canada
D. Rowland - University of Wales - Aberystwyth, UK
G. Sartor - The Queen's University of Belfast, UK
S. Saxer - Pepperdine University, USA
E. Schweighofer - University of Vienna, Austria
F. Sloan - FRS Associates - LLC, USA
G.J. Socha, Jr. - Halleland Lewis Nilan Sipkins & Johnson, USA
S.H. Solomon - DOAR Communications Inc. USA
J.W. Speros - Compuserve, USA
M.J. Taeymans - Hogeschool Ghent, Belgium
J. Tredennick - Holland & Hart, USA
R. Weber - Wiederkehr Forster, Switzerland
D. Whelan - American Bar Association, USA
R. Widdison - University of Durham, UK
R.H. Wilkes - Black , Cassels & Graydon Llp, Canada
R. Woellner - University of Western Sydney, Australia
R. Xalabarder - University Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
P. Ytterberg - West Group Dep. C-70, USA
A. Zariski - Murdoch University, Australia
I. Zeitler - Freehills, Australia
J. Zeleznikow - Latrobe University, Australia
Submit your paper via email to secretariat(a)islat.org
Files larger than 2MB must be submitted to the FTP site at ftp.actapress.com
(user name: actaftp; password: Journals1). If you submit a paper to our FTP
site, please send a notification e-mail with your complete contact
information and file name to secretariat(a)islat.org . All submissions should
be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS Word (.doc) format. The
ISLAT Secretariat must receive your paper by July 1, 2002. Do not send hard
copies of your paper.
Please provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. One
of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope.
Include a statement in your cover letter confirming that, if the paper is
accepted, one of the authors will attend the conference to present it.
Please designate a principal author and provide the full names,
affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of
all authors.
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent via e-mail on August 1,
2002. Registration payments and final manuscripts are due by September 1,
2002. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers
being excluded from the conference proceedings. Please send final
manuscripts via e-mail or FTP site using the same procedure as described
above. The formatting instructions for final manuscripts can be found on the
Web and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is six
pages. The additional page charge is USD $70.00 per page.
Persons wishing to organize a special session or panel discussion should
submit a proposal to the ISLAT Secretariat by July 1, 2002. Proposals should
include a minimum of six papers, a session title, a list of the topics
covered, and qualifications of the session organizer(s). The name of the
session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided six
papers are presented. Special sessions proposals should be submitted via
email to the following email address: secretariat(a)islat.org
Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted directly
to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1, 2002. Please send
proposals to the following email address: lesavich(a)lesavich.net . A
tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge
expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major
course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Persons wishing to organize a panel discussion should submit a proposal
directly to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1, 2002.
Please send proposals to the following email address: lesavich(a)lesavich.net
. Proposals should include the topic(s) to be covered; the importance of
and interest in those topics; and the name, qualifications and contact
information of each panel speaker.
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
ISLAT Secretariat
#380, 4500 - 16th Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: secretariat(a)islat.org
Web: www.islat.org
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)islat.org, from your email account
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Contents of BPMJ (8:1)
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 06:20:11 -0700
From: "Majed Al-Mashari, PhD" <malmashari(a)YAHOO.COM>
Business Process Management Journal (8:1)
Business process management - a mandatory approach, Majed
A simplified approach to strategic planning: Practical
considerations and an illustrated example, Mike Schraeder
A generic structure for business process modeling,
Fu-Ren Lin; Meng-Chyn Yang; Yu-Hua Pai
Process mapping techniques and organisational analysis: Lessons
from sociotechnical system theory, Stefano Biazzo
Toward a production classification system, Arlyn J. Melcher;
Moutaz Khouja; David E. Booth
Efficient change strategies: Matching drivers and tracers in
change projects, Jukka Kallio; Timo Saarinen; Markku Tinnil¿
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
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Re: New eGovernment Conference: EGOV 2002 Aix (France) eGovernment - The
State of the Art; Condensed Programme
EGOV 2002
eGovernment: State of the Art and Perspectives
Aix en Provence (France)
September, 2-6, 2002
This is a condensed version of the conference programme. Detailed
information on the Conference EGOV can be found under
EGOV 2002 intends to break new ground in defining the state of the art.
In that way the EGOV Conference brings together professionals from all
over the globe to deliberate the state of the art. With this regards
frameworks and guidelines for eGovernment will be, more than twenty
projects on the international level will be presented, various case
studies will be given as well as. So in a 5 day programme more than
sixty contributions will focus on issues such as: . Communication with
the citizens over the net: One-stop-Government,
Single-Window or Seamless Government
. Frameworks and guidelines for eGovernment
. International and regional projects, case studies and inter-
national comparisons
. Strategies, implementation policies and best practice
. Redesigning cooperation within and between agencies
. Sustaining business processes, collaborative activities, legal
interpretation and administrative decision making
. E-democracy strategies, citizen participation in public affairs,
. Implementation aspects (Standards for information interchange and
processes, Security means, Citizencards and digital signature,
Govermental Markup Language)
. Novel organisational answers: ad-hoc co-operation and coalition
between public agencies and public-private-partnerships
. Legal measures, legal and social implications
PRESENTATIONS: Aedo (ES), Akomode (UK), Andersen (DK), Apfel (D),
Bochicchio (IT), Bourcier (F), Brunschwig (CH), Costake (RO), Csetenyi
(HU), Dimopoulos (NZ), Drion (FR), Durrant (JMA), Falck (D), Frenkiel
(F), Gadda (IT), Galindo (ES), Glassey (CH), Gordon (D), Gouscos (GR),
Groenlund (SE), Heiderychx (BE), Hof (CH), Hoegler (D), Hoogwout (NL),
Ioannidis (GR), Jacumeit (D), Jakisch (A), King (USA), Klein (F),
Klewitz-Hommelsen (D), Klischewski (D), Klumpp (D), Kocman (A),
Kraaijenbrink (NL), Krenner (A), Leenes (NL), Leith (UK), Lepouras (GR),
Lopez (ES), McIntosh (UK), Maibaum (D), Maioli (IT), Makolm (A),
Marciano (USA), Menzel (A), Millard (DK), Minkowski (PL), Moonoyer (F),
Paralic (SK), Peristeras (GR), Petrauskas (LIT), Petrovic (A), Posch
(A), Prenafeta (ES), Rose (UK), Saarenpaa (FI), Seel (D), Slack (UK),
Stoewer (D), Tambouris (GR), Thorgeirisson (IS), Vassilakis (GR), Vintar
(SLO), Virili (IT), von Hardenberg (IT), Watson (AUS), Westholm (D),
Winkels (NL), Yammine (CH) (Here only corresponding authors are given;
for co-authors and titles see http://falcon.ifs.uni-linz.ac.at/news/.)
PROJECTS (listing comprise IST-Projects only): CB-BUSINESS, CITATION,
Infocitizien, KIWI, PRISMA, SMART-GOV, Visual Admin, Webocracy
CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Traunmueller (A), Lenk (D)
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Anderson (DK), Bellamy (UK), Bench Capon (UK),
Bourcier (F), Chappelet (CH), Chutimaskul (THAI), Costake (RO), Csetenyi
(HU), Falck (D), Friis (DK), Gouscos (GR), Gisler (CH), Gouscos (GR),
Galindo (ES), Groenlund (SE), Klewitz-Hommelsen (D), Klein (F), Lachmayr
(A), Laluyaux (F), Lovel (UK), Mentzas (GR), McIntosh (UK), Menzel (A),
Millard (DK), Ossandon (IT), Prins (NL), Posch (A), Reinermann (D),
Riedl (D), Quirchmayr (AUS), Schweighofer (A), Snellen (NL), Sartor
(IT), Spahni (CH), Tambouris (GR), van Donk (NL), Vintar (SLO), Virili
(IT), Wimmer (A)
PROCEEDINGS: will be published as Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science and will be available at the conference.
EGOV is a new confererence within the DEXA conference cluster. For
detailed information on DEXA Conference see www.dexa.org
Verena Brezina
Secr. Prof. Traunmueller
Institute for Applied Computer Sciences
Division Business, Administration and Society
Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Tel. +43 732 2468 9202
Fax +43 732 2468 9308
Email: verena(a)ifs.uni-linz.ac.at
URL: http://falcon.ifs.uni-linz.ac.at/
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: Conceptual Modeling for Mobile Systems
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 21:32:52 -0500
From: Keng Siau <ksiau(a)UNLNOTES.UNL.EDU>
ER/IFIP8.1 Workshop on
Conceptual Modelling Approaches to
Mobile Information Systems Development
Tampere, Finland
11 October 2002
Submission deadline: 17 June 2002
Workshop co-chairs:
Dr. John Krogstie, SINTEF and Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology
Dr. Keng Siau, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dr. Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Mobility is perhaps the most important market and technological trend in
information and communication technology. With the advent of new mobile
infrastructures providing higher bandwidth and constant connection to the
network from virtually everywhere, the way people use information resources
is predicted to be radically transformed.
The rapid development of information technology (IT), particularly
communication and collaboration technologies, are substantially changing
the landscape of organizational computing. Workers in many business areas
are becoming increasingly mobile. Workers in more and more areas will be
required to act more flexibly within the constraints of the business
processes of the company (or companies) they are currently working for. At
the same time they will often want to use the same information technology
to support their private tasks. During the last few years, a new breed of
information system has emerged to address the situation, and these systems
are referred to as m-commerce systems or mobile information systems
Description of Workshop Topic:
As mobile information systems evolve from techno-centric to
business-centric systems, better systems development approaches, including
conceptual modeling approaches, are needed to address the growing
complexity of such systems.
Mobile information systems also come with new challenges for their
developers and users. They will have to supply and to adopt services that
go beyond traditional web-based systems and e-commerce systems. From the
enterprise (user) point of view, three levels of such services can be
1. Services that an enterprise offers to their professional and private
2. Services that help different enterprises to effectively combine their
business processes.
3. Services an enterprise provides to its employees to support internal
business processes.
Conceptual modelling techniques can be used for the development of a large
range of information systems. In the case of mobile information systems, we
identify the following areas for increased utility of the techniques
developed as part of model-driven development:
* Model driven integration
* Dependability of mobile information systems
* Adaptability of systems to context
* Development of systems on a wide range of client platforms
* Process support for mobile workers
Objective of Workshop:
The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and
practitioners interested in modeling methods for mobile information systems
to meet, and exchange research ideas and results. It also provides this
group of researchers an opportunity to present their research papers and
experience reports, and to take part in open discussions.
Topics of Interest:
The relevant topics for this workshop include (but are not limited to) the
following aspects of m-commerce and mobile information systems:
* Mobile commerce models and architecture
* Service modeling
* Mobile access to enterprise systems (ERP, CRM, SCM etc)
* Enterprise modeling and business process re-engineering supporting mobile
information systems introduction
* Workflow modeling
* Meta-modeling and method engineering
* Evaluation of modeling languages and experience
* Modeling of access control to provide security and privacy
* Content personalization and user modeling
* Context modeling
* Requirement modeling, including the modeling of non-functional
* Information and database modeling
* Component engineering and integration
* Geographical information systems and location based services
* Cross-platform conceptual interface modeling
* Mobile modeling tools
* Modeling of embedded systems
* (Mobile) Agent modeling and design
* Agile modeling, extreme modeling, and extreme programming
Important Dates:
Deadline for papers (received): June 17, 2002
Notification of paper acceptance: August 5 2002
Deadline for camera-ready copies: September 6, 2002
ER Conference and workshops: October 7-11, 2002
Submission Guidelines:
Submission guidelines for ER-workshop papers are provided at
http://er2002.cs.uta.fi/info/submission_guidelines.html". Some additional
* Include a cover page with the paper title as well as the authors' names,
affiliations, phones, faxes, and email addresses.
* The second page should begin with the title of the paper followed by an
abstract of no more than 150 words. Also include keywords chosen from the
list of main topics above. The main text will follow the keywords. This is
to facilitate the blind review process.
* Use fonts no smaller than 11-point.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Email your article as an
attachment to John.Krogstie(a)sintef.no. Please send electronic submissions
in word or PDF format.
Proceedings of all workshops will be published as a single volume in
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, separate from the
conference proceedings, after the workshops. Preprints of the papers will
be distributed at the workshops. It is recommended that the text for
preprint editions be written following the final set of format guidelines
provided by the Springer-Verlag "Authors' Instructions"
International Program Committee:
* Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University, USA
* Sjaak Brinkkemper, Baan Company, Netherlands
* Jasbir Dhaliwal, Norwegian School of Management, Norway
* Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
* Georges Grosz, CGI France
* Hannu Kangassalo, University of Tampere, Finland
* Ravi Kalakota, E-business Strategies, USA
* Steven Kelly, MetaCase Consulting, Finland
* John Krogstie, SINTEF and IDI, NTNU, Norway
* Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, USA
* Sal March, Vanderbilt University, USA
* Andreas L. Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway
* Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Matti Rossi, Helsinki University, Finland
* Keng Siau, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
* Guttorm Sindre, University of Trondheim, Norway
* Mikael B. Skov, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Kari Smolander, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
* Gerhard Wijers, ID Research, Netherlands
For more information, please contact:
Dr. John Krogstie
Forskningsveien 1
P.O.Box 124 Blindern
N-0314 Oslo, Norway
Phone +47 93417551
Fax: +47 22067350
Email: John.Krogstie(a)sintef.no
Also see updates at:
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