>Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:43:17 +0100
>From: "Gudrun Bachmann, GMW-Tagung 2002" <gmw-tagung2002(a)unibas.ch>
>Subject: Reminder: Paper submission deadline - GMW-conference 2002
>X-Sender: bachmang(a)igor.urz.unibas.ch
>To: (Recipient list suppressed)
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.6 (32)
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at id LAA340128
>Virtual Campus 2002: 7th European Conference of the GMW
>University of Basel, 17th to 19th September 2002
>Dear colleague,
>We remind you that the
>for the GMW-conference is now approaching. Abstracts should be
>submitted to the conference office by
> -> 1st OF MARCH, 2002.
>The CALL FOR PAPERS and instructions on submission format
>can be found at: http://www.unibas.ch/gmw-tagung2002/
>You can submit an abstract for presentations in the paper-
>sessions to the following topics:
> - innovative didactical concepts
> - online-support and virtual communication
> - standardisation and metadata
> - strategies of universities
> - outstanding e-learning projects
>For the submission of abstracts please use the electronic form
>on the Web-Site of the conference:
>Abstracts have to be submitted via e-Mail. Please send the
>filled in abstract to: gmw-tagung2002(a)unibas.ch.
>We are looking forward to get your abstract.
>Yours sincerely,
>Gudrun Bachmann, head of scientific committee
>Odette Haefeli, Conference organisation
>University of Basel, Ressort Lehre
>Tagungsbüro GMW2002
>Odette Haefeli
>Petersgraben 35
>CH-4003 Basel
>E-Mail: gmw-tagung2002(a)unibas.ch
>Tel: +41- 61 - 267 12 25
>Fax: +41- 61 - 267 30 35
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Special Interest Groups: Now accepting registrations, proposals
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 14:47:37 -0500
From: "Dennis F. Galletta" <galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu>
Special interest groups (SIGs) provide substantial benefits to academic
and professional organizations, helping their members exchange ideas and
keep up to date. To foster the development of SIGs with the unique
perspective only available from our discipline, AIS funded its first
year's worth of SIG proposals. The funding is designed to provide seed
money for the development of electronic resources such as web sites,
listserves, and on-line discussion groups.
In the long run, SIGs are expected to enhance their offerings with
conference mini-tracks, newsletters, and directories. Some SIGs will
offer workshops, calls for papers in special issues of journals, working
papers, electronic bibliographies, tutorials, conferences, refereed
journals, and pointers to research tools and industry contacts.
Because the bulk of us already renewed our AIS memberships last summer
or fall, this first year will be a partial one. Therefore, in this
start-up partial year, we are offering, for the next six months only, a
charter membership fee of $10 for each SIG. For very short periods, the
fee might even be a little lower. Next year, SIGs will set their own
fees, so this is an opportunity to join several and experiment a little.
Please support your volunteer colleagues who have stepped forward, and
join as many SIGs as your interests allow! They will need not only
financial support through dues, but help in gathering resources or
helping in areas such as links to working papers, industry contacts,
discussions, conferences, journal special issues, etc. SIG chairs will
undoubtedly appreciate any leadership and other resources that you might
be able to muster for your content area.
And as always, we will need volunteers to propose and manage other new
SIGs related to widely-adopted areas of research. Feel free to toss your
hat in the ring. Council will make decisions on SIG funding at each
April meeting for the foreseeable future.
The following SIGs have been approved and funded by AIS
SIGABIS (Agent-Based Information Systems)
SIGDSS (Decision Support and Analytical Information Systems)
SIGEBIZ (E-Business)
SIGHCI (Human-Computer Interaction)
SIG IS-CORE (Information Systems - Cognitive Research Exchange)
SIG ISO (IS Outsourcing)
SIGITPM (IT Professional Management)
SIGPAM (Process Automation and Management)
SIGSEC (Security)
Please visit the AIS web site http://www.aisnet.org and find the links
in the right margin after the word SIGS. You can choose "groups" to see
a page with a link to each of the fledgling sites, "registration" to
register (you'll need your AIS member number), or "call for" to read
about how to propose your own SIG.
Dennis F. Galletta Associate Prof. of Business Admin.
Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 phone: 412-648-1699 fax: 412-648-1693
Internet: galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu http://www.pitt.edu/~galletta
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:03:51 +0100
From: Florence Rodhain <rodhain(a)ISIM.UNIV-MONTP2.FR>
Hammamet, Tunisia
<italic>"E-Business and Knowledge Society: Opportunities and
<bold>May 30 - June 1, 2002
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: <bold>February 15th
</bold>REGISTRATION FEES: <bold>80 USD
</excerpt></excerpt>This is the final call for contributions for AIM2002, to
be held in beautiful Hammamet, Tunisia.
For additional information, please contact:
Mokthar Amami, Conference Chair, amami-m(a)rmc.ca
Moez Limayen, Program Committee Chair, ismoez(a)cityu.edu.hk
Florence Rodhain, Program Committee Vice-Chair,
<color><param>ffff,0000,0000</param>Please visit the website of the 7th
AIM conference:
Florence Rodhain, PhD
Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor<italic>)
</italic>ISIM : Institut des Sciences de l'Ingénieur de Montpellier II
CREGO : Centre de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations
Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc
Place Eugène Bataillon - 34095 Montpellier Cédex 5 - FRANCE
Tél : +33 4 67 14 47 57 - Fax : +33 4 67 14 45 14
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: Global Knowledge Management Book
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 12:15:22 -0500
From: "Dr. Hamid Nemati" <nemati(a)uncg.edu>
Apologies for cross-posting; please pass on to interested colleagues and
distribute to relevant lists.
Chapter proposals submission deadline: April 1, 2002, Full chapter
submission deadline: August 1, 2002
A book Edited by:
Hamid R. Nemati (nemati(a)uncg.edu), Prashant Palvia (pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu)
and Riad Ajami (RAAjami(a)uncg.edu)
The distribution of an organization's assets, and the interactions
between them is a key component in understanding how a company can
leverage its knowledge generating capabilities (Davenport 2000) in
creating new opportunities in global markets. How global organizations
become aware of their intellectual resources (knowledge) and what
programs they implement in order to apply and/or distribute this
knowledge, to increase competitiveness, have become a key component in
knowledge management and organizational learning research. The idea for
this book resulted from the observation that knowledge Management is
gaining greater acceptance within organizations and delivering colossal
benefits, yet there are few scholarly books devoted to the exploration
of knowledge management from a global perspective. There is a growing
pool of literature that addresses the application of Knowledge
Management for business solutions, but very few publications illustrate
its influence on an organization's people, processes, data and
technology in a global setting. We intend to differentiate this book by
focusing on these factors and discussing the issues in Knowledge
Management from a distinctly global perspective.
This edited peer reviewed scholarly book seeks original contributions
that explore a wide range of issues addressing all aspects of Global
Knowledge Management. Manuscripts ranging from conceptual frameworks to
case studies to qualitative works and empirical research are
encouraged. Acceptable topics will include (but are not limited to) any
of the following topics as related to Global Knowledge Management:
1. Research frameworks, methods, methodologies, architectures, and
infrastructure issues in design, implementation and maintenance of
global knowledge management systems and initiatives;
2. Issues in identifying and recording knowledge in a global
setting; design of processes to share, use and protect knowledge
3. Issues surrounding the articulation and communication of the
purpose and the nature of KM and connecting it to other strategic and
operational initiative and activities of the organization in a global
4. Role and impact of KM on process improvement in organizations in
a global setting;
5. The use of specific technologies, tools and techniques in
managing (including identifying, capturing, structuring, storing,
refining, personalizing, distributing, or applying) information and
knowledge in a global setting;
6. Cultural and organizational issues in adoption and acceptance of
KM systems and initiatives;
7. The role of E-commerce in GKM
Inquiries and Submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word 97 or
higher) to:
Dr. Riad Ajami (RAAjami(a)uncg.edu)
Director, Center for Global Business Education and Research
Bryan School of Business and Economics
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC, 27402-6165 USA
Email: RaAjami(a)uncg.edu
Tel: (336) 334-4548
Fax: (336) 334-4550
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IFIP 8.4 e-business conference Copenhagen 9-11 June
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 15:42:03 +0100
From: Niels Bjoern-Andersen <nba(a)CBS.DK>
Dear colleague,
Just a quick reminder that the deadline for submissions of papers for
the second IFIP 8.4 conference:
'Seeking success in e-business: A Multidisciplinary Approach'
(which is taking place in Copenhagen on 9 - 12 June) is on Friday 15.
We look forward to your submission.
Please check the web-site: http://www.ifip2002.cbs.dk
Best regards
Niels Bjorn-Andersen & Kim Viborg Andersen
IFIP WG8.4 June 10-11th, 2002, Copenhagen Business School,
Copenhagen CFP URL http://www.ifip2002.cbs.dk
Please check the web-site of
Global eManagement Executive MBA program - > GeM MBA
Next course starts August 2002
Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen,
Director of Center for Electronic Commerce (http://www.cbs.dk/cec)
Director of Global e-Management Program (http://www.gem.cbs.dk)
Copenhagen Business School,
Howitzvej 60,4 floor, DK 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: Office: + (45) 38 15 24 24, mobile: (+45) 21 49 87 67
Phone secretary: + (45) 38 15 24 00, Fax office: + (45) 38 15 24 01
Email: nba(a)cbs.dk Homepage: http://www.cbs.dk/staff/nba/
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: JAIS vol. 2, article 7
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 15:09:35 +0300
From: Phillip Ein-Dor <eindor(a)POST.TAU.AC.IL>
JAIS Volume 2, Article 7
Using a Positivist Case Research Methodology to Test Three Competing
Theories-in-Use of Business Process Redesign
This months paper is by Suprateek Sarker of the College of Business and
Economics at Washington State University and Allen S. Lee of the School
of Business at Virginia Commonwealth University
The paper is particularly interesting in that it employs a case study to
test a major practitioner theory-in-use of business process redesign
derived from the business process reengineering (BPR) literature. Case
studies are generally thought of as a basis for developing new theory
rather than as a tool for testing theories.
Here, the theory tested posits a determining role for information
technology in achieving effective business process redesign. The test
was a positivist case study of a US company that undertook BPR. The
evidence refutes the practitioner theory-in-use.
For critical researchers and skeptical practitioners, the overarching
lesson of the case study is that business process redesign is but the
latest arena in which researchers and practitioners are re-learning old
lessons by repeating the past mistake of adopting a technocentric
approach to designing and managing organizations. The future direction
the authors suggest for researchers and practitioners interested in
areas such as BPR, ERP, and E-Commerce implementation, all of which
involve business process redesign, is to adopt, from the beginning, an
orientation that is not technology-driven, but gives equal consideration
to the technical and social dimensions, and the interactions between the
social and the technological.
Phillip Ein-Dor
Editor, Journal of AIS
mailto: jais(a)post.tau.ac.il
If you are a member of AIS, the full text of this article is accessible
directly from the Web in either HTML or PDF formats at
All members of AIS receive a free subscription to the Journal of the
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [WWW2002-ANNOUNCE:7] First Announcement of WWW2002 Program
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 07:17:37 -1000
From: WWW2002 Announcements <www2002(a)www2002.org>
To: WWW2002 in Hawaii May 7-11 <announce(a)www2002.org>
WWW2002 is delighted to unveil many of the program details that will, once
again, affirm the International World Wide Web Conference as the most
important and meaningful Web conference of the year. And while much of
the program is set, there are still many ways you can actively
participate. Please read on for details and deadlines.
Our Featured Speakers will include:
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and...
Richard DeMillo, VP and CTO of Hewlett-Packard and ...
Ian Foster, Leader and Innovator in Grid Computing and...
Pam Samuelson, McArthur Fellow and...
Alfred Spector, IBM Research VP and...
Read more about them at: http://www2002.org/speakers.html
Our International Program Committee has largely completed its work.
WWW2002 received an increased number of paper submittals, and the
committee reports that the quality of the accepted papers has gone up once
again. The full list of accepted refereed papers is available at:
Many of the Alternate Tracks have also completed their selections, and a
listing of the accepted papers is online at:
WWW2002 is committed to providing lively panels around key topics
surrounding the web and has assembled a full array of panels, including a
featured panel on The Semantic Grid. Panels are available for review at:
Information about the world-class pre-conference tutorials and workshops
are available at:
And you can learn more about what to expect on Developers Day May 11 at:
In addition, Tim Berners-Lee will join DevDay 2002, as he did at the
exceptionally well-received WWW9 DevDay in Amsterdam. People interested
in proposing to present at DevDay may still contact the DevDay chair or
DevDay Track Leaders.
Secure web registration is now available at:
and it's always best to register early before the Early Bird deadline of
28 Feb!
Wondering how you can more actively participate? WWW2002 is still
accepting proposals in several important areas.
Poster proposals highlighting latebreaking work and projects in progress
can be submitted until February 15 at:
WWW2002 will be bringing back BoF (Birds of a Feather) sessions. The
World Organization of Webmasters (WOW), one of our WWW2002 Conference
Partners, has already scheduled a BoF. You can submit your ideas at:
The Deadline for submittal of short papers to the Practice & Experience
track is 28 February.
The Vendors Track submission deadline is 4 March.
People interested in proposing to present at DevDay should contact
And of course, WW2002 welcomes sponsorship from companies interested in
supporting the development of one Web for everyone. Let us know at
On behalf of the the entire WWW2002 team, we look forward to welcoming you
to Hawaii!
David Lassner
Conference Chair
The WWW2002-Announce mailing list is used to notify all interested
individuals or groups of the latest information on the upcoming Eleventh
International World Wide Web Conference, WWW2002, formerly referred to as
WWW11. This email list will be used to send you updates and periodic
reminders about the WWW2002 conference that will be held in Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA on 7-11 May 2002.
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message to:
and type the following into the body of your message:
This is an announcements-only email list. Messages can only posted by the
list administrator. Any questions or comments about the conference or this
list can be sent to info(a)www2002.org
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 2nd CFP: WWW-2002 Semantic Web Workshop
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 16:08:52 -0800 (PST)
From: Martin Frank <martinfrank(a)yahoo.com>
To: frank(a)isi.edu
Cc: sst(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, noy(a)SMI.Stanford.EDU
Call for Participation:
Semantic Web Workshop at the 2002 World-Wide Web
Hawaii, May 7, 2002
The term "Semantic Web" denotes the next evolutionary
step of the Web,
which establishes a layer of machine-understandable
data for automated
agents, sophisticated search engines, and information
integration and
interoperability services. The ultimate goal of the
Semantic Web is to
allow machines to share and use knowledge worldwide in
a scalable,
adaptable and extensible manner, without any central
authority and
just a few basic rules.
The Semantic Web workshop at WWW-2002 will complement
the Semantic Web
track at the main conference by providing a forum for
discussion on the current achievements, pitfalls, and
the future
research directions of the Semantic Web. Our goal is
to provide a
forum for fruitful discussion sessions rather than a
mini-conference. We solicit papers, but at the
workshop itself the
emphasis will be on sharing experiences with time for
all participants
to contribute. The workshop will be structured around
discussions designed to help us achieve greater
understanding of the
following issues: What are the recent successes in
Intelligence, Databases, Information Integration, and
other Computer
Science fields that are relevant to the Semantic Web?
What are the
unique challenges of the Semantic Web that do not
allow us to apply
that research directly? How do we overcome these
challenges? What are
new areas of basic research that the Semantic Web
needs? What are
possible killer applications for the Semantic Web? How
can we achieve
the critical mass of ontologies, annotated data,
tools, and agents to
make the Semantic Web as ubiquitous as the regular Web
is today?
Besides the papers about up-to-date progress of
research, we solicit
reports from Semantic Web practitioners. We also
encourage submissions
from researchers in established areas of Computer
Science discussing
the possibilities and challenges of applying
traditional techniques to
the Semantic Web, with its de-centralization and
scale. Practitioners'
reports will give us the opportunity to discuss the
gap between the
current practices and the visions. The challenge
papers will help us
achieve a coherent picture of the Semantic Web to
Relevant workshop topics include but are not limited
* Language and Representation issues of the Semantic
(e.g. RDF, OIL, DAML, Topic-Maps, RSS)
* Query languages for RDF
* Tools, systems and methodologies for engineering of,
storing of and
reasoning with RDF data
* Migrating existing information to be usable for RDF
* Trust in the Semantic Web
* Information integration and Mediation on the Web
* Semantic Web applications
Organizing Committee
Steffen Staab, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
Natasha Noy, Stanford University, USA
Martin Frank, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
Program Committee
Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester, United
Paul Buitelaar, DFKI, Germany
Fabio Ciravegna, U Sheffield, UK
Peter Crowther, Network Inference, UK
Monica Crubézy, Stanford University, USA
Mike Dean, BBN, USA
Stefan Decker, Stanford University (DB), USA
Jerome Euzenat, INRIA, France
Dieter Fensel, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Tim Finin, University of Maryland-Baltimore County,
Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK
Asun Gómez-Pérez, Polytechnic University of Madrid,
Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Jeff Heflin, Lehigh University, USA
Martin Lacher, Technische Universität München, Germany
Yannis Labrou, Univ. of Maryland, USA
Fred Lochovsky, HKUST, Hong Kong
Alexander Maedche, FZI, Germany
Brian McBride, HP Laboratories, UK
Sergey Melnik, Stanford University, USA
Enrico Motta, The Open University, UK
Louiqa Raschid, Univ. of Maryland, USA
Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Katia Sycara, CMU, USA
Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool, UK
Mike Uschold, Boeing, USA
Submission procedure
We invite three types of submission: research papers,
papers, and position statements. Research and
application papers
should not exceed 12 pages (including bibliography).
statements should not exceed 3 pages and address some
of the questions
in this announcement. Indicate the type of paper in
large fonts on the
first page of your submission. We will accept only
submissions in PDF format. To submit the paper, send
the PDF file or
the URL where we can download it to
For additional information about the workshop, visit
For additional information about WWW-2002, visit
Important dates
Submission of papers: March 1st
Notification of acceptance: April 1st
Submission of camera-ready copy: April 15th
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: JAIS vol. 2, article 7
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 15:09:35 +0300
From: Phillip Ein-Dor <eindor(a)POST.TAU.AC.IL>
JAIS Volume 2, Article 7
Using a Positivist Case Research Methodology to Test Three Competing
Theories-in-Use of Business Process Redesign
This months paper is by Suprateek Sarker of the College of Business and
Economics at Washington State University and Allen S. Lee of the School
of Business at Virginia Commonwealth University
The paper is particularly interesting in that it employs a case study to
test a major practitioner theory-in-use of business process redesign
derived from the business process reengineering (BPR) literature. Case
studies are generally thought of as a basis for developing new theory
rather than as a tool for testing theories.
Here, the theory tested posits a determining role for information
technology in achieving effective business process redesign. The test
was a positivist case study of a US company that undertook BPR. The
evidence refutes the practitioner theory-in-use.
For critical researchers and skeptical practitioners, the overarching
lesson of the case study is that business process redesign is but the
latest arena in which researchers and practitioners are re-learning old
lessons by repeating the past mistake of adopting a technocentric
approach to designing and managing organizations. The future direction
the authors suggest for researchers and practitioners interested in
areas such as BPR, ERP, and E-Commerce implementation, all of which
involve business process redesign, is to adopt, from the beginning, an
orientation that is not technology-driven, but gives equal consideration
to the technical and social dimensions, and the interactions between the
social and the technological.
Phillip Ein-Dor
Editor, Journal of AIS
mailto: jais(a)post.tau.ac.il
If you are a member of AIS, the full text of this article is accessible
directly from the Web in either HTML or PDF formats at
All members of AIS receive a free subscription to the Journal of the
|The Sender assumes responsibility that this message conforms to the
|ISWorld list policy and conditions of use available at:
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://www.isworld.org/isworldlist
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
>From: "Kinshuk" <kinshuk(a)massey.ac.nz>
>To: "ICALT2001 Participants" <kinshuk(a)inspire.net.nz>
>Subject: Call for Papers: IEEE Intl Conf on Advanced Learning Technologies
>Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 10:08:56 +1300
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
>IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2002)
>September 9-12, 2002
>Kazan, Russia
>** Sponsored by
>IEEE Learning Technology Task Force
>IEEE Computer Society
>Kazan State Technological University
>Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Republic
>** Conference theme
>ICALT-2002 invites submissions with a good theoretical base or formalism and
>vital inspiration that present new, yet unpublished, solid achievements based
>on experimental and/or theoretical evidences that come to answer concretely
>one or more of the questions above or can point to possible answers. Survey
>papers are also accepted, if they are well documented, make a contribution to
>the field, and reveal new aspects and perspectives, as well as future directions.
>This year ICALT will offer in particular a platform for those who bring additional
>methods, tools and criteria for successful media development. Traditionally, the
>evolution of media for learning was based both upon theoretical and artistic
>grounds. We now gradually see intermediate foundations between these two (often
>irreconcilable) godfathers.
>The first influx that helps us in this reunion is that learners themselves become
>active players in the way media manifest during the moments of ultimate learning.
>The second is the stepwise acceptance of learning practices that rely upon
>aesthetic, emotional and social factors. New (virtual) learning communities arise
>on the WWW with the goal to promote one's courage to change himself as a learner.
>Thirdly; many successful learning tools were initially not aimed at learning:
>Simulations programs, expert systems, agents, virtual reality and all WWW-based
>communication tools.
>It seems that learning is a many-facetted process that benefits from new tools
>and interaction games all the time. The binding factor between learning and media
>development is the cultural heritage to assimilate new genres, new fashions and
>new etiquettes in our way to express meanings and promote mutual tolerance. Here
>we have the responsibility to make learners conscious of their identity and their
>responsibility to help others to learn as well.
>We would like to invite you to bring in papers, based upon your experience,
>intuition and beliefs that are worth to be discussed from a scientific point of
>view. The more concrete you express your message in terms of media and new
>technologies, the more welcome you are.
>** Topics of Interest
>The focus of the conference is on the design and development issues of advanced
>learning technologies. The topics of interest for the conference include but are
>not limited to:
>. Adaptive and intelligent applications
>. Advanced uses of multimedia and hypermedia
>. Application of artificial intelligence tools in learning technology
>. Application of instructional design theories
>. Architecture of learning technology systems
>. Building learning communities
>. Collaborative learning/groupware
>. Creative Design methods for new learning media
>. Distance Learning
>. Evaluation of learning technology systems
>. Integrated learning environments
>. Internet based systems
>. Knowledge Testing and Evaluation
>. Long-life learning
>. Media for learning in multicultural setting
>. Metadata for learning resources
>. Practical uses of authoring tools
>. Robots and Artifacts in Education
>. Socially intelligent agents
>. Speech and (Natural) Language Learning
>. Teaching/learning strategies
>. Virtual reality
>The conference will focus on where the research in advance learning technology
>is heading and what are the implementation challenges in the real-world situations.
>** Submissions
>Submissions are invited in following categories:
>- Papers
>- Panels
>- Tutorials
>- Workshops
>Details of submission procedure are available at:
>** Important dates:
>Friday 05 April 2002: Paper submission
>Friday 05 April 2002: Panel proposal submission
>Friday 05 April 2002: Tutorial proposal submission
>Friday 05 April 2002: Workshop proposal submission
>Friday 05 April 2002: "ICALT-2002 submission form" completion
>Friday 17 May 2002: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
>Friday 14 June 2002: Author registration deadline
>Friday 21 June 2002: Final version papers due
>** ICALT 2001 Committee Members
>* Program Co-Chairs
>Piet Kommers, Twente University, The Netherlands
>Valery Petrushin, Accenture, USA
>* General Co-Chairs
>Kinshuk, Massey University, New Zealand
>Ildar Galeev, Kazan State Technological University, Russia
>* Organizing Chair
>Ildar Galeev, Kazan State Technological University, Russia
>* Panel/Tutorial/Workshop Chair
>Katherine Sinitsa, IRTC ITS, Ukraine
>* Program Committee
>Robert Aiken, Temple University, USA
>Tomaz Amon, Center for Scientific Visualization, Slovenia
>Gennady Atanov, Donetsk Open University, The Ukraine
>Jose Bidarra, Open University, Portugal
>Madhumita Bhattacharya, National Institute of Education, Singapore
>Alfred Bork, University of California, Irvine, USA
>Rosa Maria Bottino, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Genova, Italy
>Chris Bowerman, Sunderland University, United Kingdom
>Peter Brusilovsky, Pittsburgh University, USA
>Stefano Cerri, University of Montpellier II, France
>Grainne Conole, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
>Kerstin Dautenhahn, The University of Hertfordshire,UK
>Darina Dicheva, Winston-Salem State University, USA
>Ben du Boulay, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
>Heredina Fernandez, University of Madrid, Spain
>Natalia Filatova, Tver State University, Russia
>Ildar Galeev, Kazan State Technological University, Russia
>Peter Goodyear, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
>Sergey Grigoriev, ..., Russia
>Heling Huai, University of Duisburg, Germany
>Kouji Itoh, Tokyo Science University, Japan
>A. D. Ivannikov, State Research Inst. for Info Tech and Telecomm, Russia
>Laveen N. Kanal, LNK Corp., USA
>Ilias Karasavidis, University of Crete, Greece
>Judy Kay, University of Sydney, Australia
>Alfred Kobsa, University of California, Irvine, USA
>Janet L. Kolodner, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
>Karen Lazenby, University of Pretoria, South Africa
>Chul-Hwan Lee, Inchon National University of Education, Korea
>Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osaka University, Japan
>Mihail Morozov, Yoshkar-Ola State University, Russia
>Som Naidu, University of Melbourne, Australia
>Hari Narayanan, Auburn University, USA
>Irina Obukhova, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia
>Toshio Okamoto, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
>Emrah Orhun, Troy State University Montgomery, USA
>Roy Rada, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
>Thomas C. Reeves, University of Georgia, USA
>Irek Sabaev, Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Russia
>Demetrios G Sampson, Center for Research and Technology - Hellas, Greece
>Valerie Shute, Knowledge Planet, USA
>Katherine Sinitsa, IRTC ITS, The Ukraine
>Valery Soloviev, Kazan State University, Russia
>Alexander Solovov, Samara State Aerospace University, Russia
>Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan, USA
>J. Michael Spector, Syracuse University, USA
>Krassen Stefanov, University of Sofia, Bulgaria
>Erkki Sutinen, University of Joensuu, Finland
>Julita Vassileva, University of Saskatchevan, Canada
>Carmen Vizcarro, University of Madrid, Spain
>Beverly Park Woolf, University of Massachusetts, USA
>** Contact information
>* For organizational matters, please contact:
>Ildar Kh. Galeev
>Organizing Chair
>Email: monap(a)kstu.ru
>Department of Information Technologies and Technical Aids of Learning
>Kazan State Technological University
>420015, 68, K. Marx str., Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
>Tel: +7 8432 36-20-35
>Fax: +7 8432 36-57-68
>* For general information, please contact:
>General Chair
>Email: kinshuk(a)massey.ac.nz
>Information Systems Department
>Massey University, Private Bag 11-222
>Palmerston North, New Zealand
>Tel: +64 6 350 5799 Ext 2090
>Fax: +64 6 350 5725