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Subject: Last Reminder - ITP : IT Management in the Middle East
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 09:47:16 +0300
From: "Adel M. Aladwani" <adwani(a)kuc01.kuniv.edu.kw>
Information Technology & People
Special Issue: IT Management in the Middle East
The widespread diffusion of Information Technology (IT), e.g., computers
and data telecommunication technologies and applications, has reached
all corners and regions of our world including the Middle East. The
proliferation of IT in Middle Eastern nations has many serious
implications for these countries inasmuch as it is IT that can set the
stage for many economic, social, and even political reforms essential
for the development of this region. The success of decision-makers in
public and private organizations operating in this part of the world to
understand how to exploit IT in accordance with their particular work
environments and national values will facilitate the accomplishment of
these aspired developments. Furthermore, with the increased
globalization of the world economy, many organizations interested in
entering the promising marketplace of the Middle East may need to get a
sense of the particulars of IT diffusion in this region. Unfortunately,
little research is currently available about the state of IT management
in Middle Eastern nations. The purpose of this special issue of
Information Technology & People is to provide a forum for topics
addressing IT management issues in Middle Eastern countries. Conceptual
and empirical contributions including frameworks, field surveys,
experiments, and case studies from authors around the world are strongly
encouraged. This first of a kind special issue intends to incorporate a
wide array of IT management issues in Middle Eastern countries. Papers
dealing with (but not limited to) the following topics are invited:
National level strategies of information technology
Information technology infrastructure issues at national and
organizational levels
Information architecture and planning issues at the organizational
Issues relevant to determining the value of IT Investments
Performance issues of IT projects and applications
Professional development of information technology specialists
The design and implementation of culturally-sensitive IT applications
Accounts of national readiness for the digital economy
Emergent applications of IT (technology incubators, technology
inclusion, etc.)
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions must be in English, should represent original work of
the author(s), and must not have been published/accepted for publication
or currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All
contributions will be subjected to a double-blind review process.
Manuscripts should be prepared according to Information Technology &
People (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/itp.htm) format. There is no page
limit on paper submissions. Submission can be made electronically to:
Eleanor Wynn
E-mail: eleanor.wynn(a)intel.com
Edgar Whitley
E-mail: E.A.Whitley(a)lse.ac.uk
Important Dates:
28 Feb. 2002 Deadline for submission
30 Apr. 2002 First round of reviews returned to the authors
31 May 2002 Deadline for re-submission
01 July 2002 Final acceptance of papers
The special issue is scheduled for publication in late-2002.
Special issue editor:
Adel M. Aladwani
Department of QM & IS
College of Administrative Sciences
Kuwait University
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Subject: "Call for Papers" for ITiRA2002 Conference, 27 - 29 August 2002
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 09:14:45 +1000
From: Stewart Marshall <s.marshall(a)CQU.EDU.AU>
> Call for Papers
> The Faculty of Informatics and Communication at Central Queensland
> University will be hosting the ITiRA 2002 Conference at CQU Rockhampton,
> Queensland, Australia, 27 - 29 August 2002 (details can be found at:
> http://itira.cqu.edu.au ).
> The overall purpose of the Conference is to examine strategies, research
> and applications for the introduction and use of Information Technology in
> Regional Areas. Current experience indicates that regional areas are
> lagging behind cities in the adoption of IT and that there are specific
> issues relating to the use of IT in regions.
> ITiRA will include a mixture of refereed papers as well as non-refereed
> case studies and applications. Whilst seeking papers and case studies in
> the broad arena of IT in regions, ITiRA currently has eight major track
> themes: 1 - Community Informatics;
> 2 - IT for Regional Health;
> 3 - IT for Regional Media and Communication;
> 4 - IT for Regional Industry and e-Economy;
> 5 - IT for Regional Education and Training;
> 6 - IT for Developing Countries and Indigenous Peoples;
> 7 - IT For Regional Culture and Media;
> 8 - e-Democracy.
> Each track will consist of a keynote address, refereed papers, case studies
> and reports of applications. The conference is designed for Community
> Leaders, IT Managers & Project Leaders, Funders, Policymakers, Researchers,
> Government Officials and Regional Community Development Groups.
> Papers can be submitted to either the refereed Research Papers Section or
> the Case Study and Applications Section. Research Papers can be no longer
> than 5000 words. Case studies and Reports of Applications can be
> considerably shorter.
> Timetable:
> Expressions of interest - March 8, 2002
> Invited to submit paper - March 22, 2002
> Papers due - May 10, 2002
> Referees comments due - June 7, 2002
> Final papers due - July 5, 2002
> For general information on the conference or to submit abstracts and
> letters of interest, contact: itira2002(a)cqu.edu.au.
> _____________________________
> Professor Stewart Marshall
> Acting Pro Vice Chancellor
> Central Queensland University
> Rockhampton QLD 4702
> Phone: 07 4930 9515
> Fax: 07 4936 1691
> email: pvc-cqu(a)cqu.edu.au
> ITiRA2002: http://itira.cqu.edu.au
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Subject: Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication Conference
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 09:51:38 +0800
From: Fay Sudweeks <sudweeks(a)MURDOCH.EDU.AU>
Dear colleagues
A reminder that papers for CATaC'02 are due 15 March.
Fay Sudweeks
International Conference on
12-15 July 2002
University of Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Conference theme: The Net(s) of Power: Language, Culture and
The powers of the Nets can be construed in many ways - political,
economic, and social. Power can also be construed in terms of
Foucault's "positive power" and Bourdieu's notion of "cultural
capital" - decentered forms of power that encourage "voluntary"
submission, such as English as a _lingua franca_ on the Net.
Similarly, Hofstede's category of "power distance" points to the role
of status in encouraging technology diffusion, as low-status persons
seek to emulate high-status persons. Through these diverse forms of
power, the language(s) and media of the Net may reshape the cultural
assumptions of its globally-distributed users - thus raising the
dangers of "computer-mediated colonisation" ("Disneyfication" - a la
Cees Hamelink).
This biennial conference series aims to provide an international forum
for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research on how
diverse cultural attitudes shape the implementation and use of
information and communication technologies (ICT). "Cultural
attitudes" here includes cultural values and communicative preferences
that may be embedded in both the content and form of ICT - thus
threatening to make ICT less the agent of a promised democratic global
village and more an agent of cultural homogenisation and imperialism.
The conference series brings together scholars from around the globe
who provide diverse perspectives, both in terms of the specific
culture(s) they highlight in their presentations and discussions, and
in terms of the discipline(s) through which they approach the
conference theme.
The first conference in the series was held in London in 1998
(http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/~sudweeks/catac98/). For an overview of
the themes and presentations of CATaC'98, see
http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/~sudweeks/catac98/01_ess.html. The second
conference in the series was held in Perth in 2000
Original full papers (especially those which connect theoretical
frameworks with specific examples of cultural values, practices, etc.)
and short papers (e.g. describing current research projects and
preliminary results) are invited. Papers should articulate the
connections between specific cultural values as well as current and/or
possible future communicative practices involving information and
communication technologies. We seek papers which, taken together, will
help readers, researchers, and practitioners of computer-mediated
communication - especially in the service of "electronic democracy" -
better understand the role of diverse cultural attitudes as hindering
and/or furthering the implementation of global computer communications
Topics of particular interested include but are not limited to:
- Impact of information and communication technologies on local and
indigenous languages and cultures.
- Politics of the electronic global village in democratising or
preserving hierarchy.
- Communicative attitudes and practices in industrialised and
industrialising countries.
- Role of gender in cultural expectations regarding appropriate
communicative behaviours.
- Ethical issues related to information and communication
technologies, and the impact on culture and communication behaviours.
- Issues of social justice raised by the dual problems of "the digital
divide" and "computer-mediated colonisation," including theoretical
and practical ways of overcoming these problems.
All submissions will be peer reviewed by an international panel of
scholars and researchers. There will be the opportunity for selected
papers to appear in special issues of journals and a book. Papers in
previous conferences have appeared in special issues of a number of
journals (Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de
Communication, AI and Society Journal, Javnost- The Public, Journal of
Computer Mediated Communication, and New Media and Society) and a
book, "Culture, Technology, Communication: towards an Intercultural
Global Village", edited by Charles Ess with Fay Sudweeks, SUNY Press,
New York, 2001.
Initial submissions are to be emailed to catac(a)it.murdoch.edu.au as an
attachment (Word, HTML, PDF). Guidelines for submission, including
templates, are on the web site. Submission of a paper implies that it
has not been submitted or published elsewhere. At least one author of
each accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the
Important Dates
Full papers: 15 March 2002
Short papers: 29 March 2002
Notification of acceptance: 5 April 2002
Final formatted papers: 26 April 2002
Susan Herring (Associate Professor of Information Science, Adjunct
Associate Professor of Linguistics, Indiana University): "The language
of the Internet: English dominance or heteroglossia"
Charles Ess, Drury University, USA, ejcrec(a)lib.drury.edu
Fay Sudweeks, Murdoch University, Australia, catac(a)it.murdoch.edu.au
Lorna Heaton, University of Montreal, Canada, lheaton(a)videotron.ca
Jose Abdelnour-Nocera, Open University, UK
Tom Addison, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Phil Agre, University of California San Diego, USA
Poline Bala, University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
Steve Benson, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Gunilla Bradley, Mid Sweden University/Umeå University, Sweden
Hans-Jürgen Bucher, Universität Trier, Germany
Michael Dahan, Israel
Dineh Davis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Gretchen Ferris Schöl, College of William and Mary, USA
John Gammack, Murdoch University, Australia
Satinder Gill, Centre for Knowledge and Innovation Research, Finland
and Stanford University, USA
Sara Gwynn, University of the West of England, UK
Soraj Hongladarom, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Herbert Hrachovec, University of Vienna, Austria
Jeremy Hunsinger, Virginia Tech, USA
Lawrie Hunter, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
Steve Jones, University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Helen Nissenbaum, Princeton University, USA
Leslie Regan Shade, University of Ottawa, Canada
Gill Sellar, Edith Cowan University, Australia
David Silver, University of Washington, USA
Malin Sveningsson, Linköping University, Sweden
Peter Sy, University of the Philippines, Philippines
Wal Taylor, University of Central Queensland, Australia
Richard Thomas, University of Western Australia, Australia
Leslie Tkach, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Arun-Kumar Tripathi, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Alexander Voiskounsky, Moscow University, Russia
Andrew Turk, Murdoch University, Australia
Yvonne Waern, Linköping University, Sweden
Ann Willis, Edith Cowan University, Australia
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Subject: AMCIS 2002 Dallas Call for Papers
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 08:04:42 -0600
From: "Nicholas Romano, Jr." <nicholas-romano(a)dev21.tcom.okstate.edu>
Call for Papers
2002 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Dallas, Texas August 9-11, 2002
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, March 15, 2002
Web site: http://hsb.baylor.edu/AMCIS2002
and click on "Call for Papers"
Reveiwer Chair Nicholas C. Romano, Jr., along with
Program Co-Chairs, Reagan Ramsower and John Windsor,
Conference Chairs G.W. Willis and Jack Becker,
the Conference Committee members and AIS
invite scholars and practitioners worldwide to participate in
the program for the 2002 Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS 2002). The conference covers important issues in Information
Systems and serves the research and teaching interests of the IS
ALL paper submissions, reviews, and final decisions for AMCIS 2002
will be done via the Temple Peer Review System
(TPRM at http://tprm.temple.edu/amcis2002/)
One author for each paper must register on TPRM
and then upload the paper into the correct minitrack.
Call for papers:
Papers (Completed research and Research-in-progress) are solicited.
AMCIS recognizes the value of papers on technical, organizational,
learning, curriculum and professional development topics, as well as
papers taking conceptual, theoretical, empirical, or practical
approaches. The deadline for submitting papers is March 15th, 2002.
Mini-tracks are the predominant method for organizing topics at AMCIS
conferences. Mini-tracks are an opportunity for researchers and
practitioners to focus on sub-topics of specific interest, and to foster
cohesive and interactive sessions. Because of the large number of
mini-tracks, related mini-tracks have been grouped into categories.
The AMCIS conference program uses a centralized electronic submission
system to distribute papers to the appropriate mini-track chair(s) for
review. Mini-track chair(s) handle the reviewing process and are
responsible for the acceptance of papers with minimal oversight from the
program co-chairs. Mini-tracks may have slightly difference submission
requirements so authors should locate the appropriate mini-track for
their paper below and carefully examine the call for papers to that
mini-track. Authors are encouraged to contact the mini-track chair for
help with submission and to answer questions.
The Mini-tracks categories for AMCIS 2002 are:
Organizational & Behavioral Research
*Organizational Change
*Customer Collaboration & Virtual Communities
*Skills Portfolios for Information Technologies-Acquisition,
Development & Management
*Trust in an Organizational & e-Business Contest
*Dysfunction in Computer-Mediated Communication
*Strategic Telework: Present and Future Directions
*Managing the Corporate IS Organization in the 21st Century
Information Systems Development
*Information Systems Evaluation
*Integration Patterns in Legacy-System Migration
*Information Systems Strategy & Implementation
*Component-Based Software Development and Software Reuse
*Information Technology Project Management
E-Commerce Systems and Issues
*Assessment of E-Commerce Systems: Theories, Instruments,
Applications, and Methodologies
*E-Systems Development: Architectures, Models, Methods, and
*Electronic Commerce Customer Relationship Management
*Customer Service Systems
*Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce
*E-Government Strategies and Projects
*In Search of IT Components in EC
*Strategic Planning for E-Commerce Systems (SPECS)
*Business Models for the Digital Economy
Supply Chain Systems and Issues
*Supply Chain Management in the Digital Economy
*IT Infrastructure for Supply Chains
M-Commerce Systems and Issues
*Mobile Commerce and Location-Based Services
*Wireless Information Systems: M-Commerce and Beyond
Data Management Systems and Issues
*Databases and Data Management
*Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Networking Systems and Issues
*Network and Internet Security
Enterprise/Strategic Systems and Issues
*Strategic Information Systems in the Digital Economy
*Enterprise Systems Stream Proposal
Decision Support Systems and Issues
*Decision Support Systems
Accounting Systems and Issues
*Accounting Information Systems
Intelligent Agent Systems and Issues
*Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems in Business
Outsourcing Systems and Issues
*Application Service Providers
Human Computer Interface
*Visualization, Media Technology, and Multimedia
*Human-Computer Interaction Studies in MIS
IS Foundations and Research Methodologies
*Philosophical Foundations of Information Systems
*Social Theory in Information Systems Research-Theoretical,
Methodological and Empirical Challenges
*Critical Information Systems Research- Theoretical, Methodological
and Empirical Challenges
*Building Relationships between Information Systems and Other Academic
International Issues in IT
*Information Technology and its Impact in Latin America
Educational and Learning Technologies
*Emerging Learning Technologies, Pedagogies and Marketplace Issues
Individual calls for papers for each of the mini-tracks may be found at
All papers will be submitted electronically. Details for submission of
your paper may be found at http://hsb.baylor.edu/AMCIS2002/subpapers.htm
Call for Tutorials
Tutorials, which are one and a half hours long, should cover timely
topics of interest. In particular, tutorials on such topics as:
1. The conference theme - the wireless world
2. Media technology
3. CRM
4. Security
5. IS role in business continuity
6. Distance education
7. Organizational learning
8. Overview of non-quantitative methods of data analysis
9. Overview of quantitative methods of data analysis
10. New Technologies
11. The economics of computing
will be welcomed.
The format for a tutorial proposal is as follows:
Tutorial title, a 200-word abstract, and a brief outline
Information on the speaker should include the name, affiliation address
(postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail), and qualifications for
giving the proposed tutorial
Special requirements such as Internet access and access to computers or
software, and etc.
E-mail your tutorial proposal to Paul Gray at Paul.Gray(a)cgu.edu
Call for Panels
Proposals for panels should cover timely topics of interest to the
conference theme. Each panel will last 1.5 hours with 3 to 4 speakers.
The format for a panel proposal is as follows:
*Panel title, a 200-word abstract, and a brief outline
*Information on the panel leader should include the name,
affiliation address (postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail)
and envisioned activities during the panel
*Proposed other panel members
Proposals should be e-mailed to Les Ball at l.ball(a)neu.edu
Call for Workshops
Proposals for workshops for full day or one half day, should cover
timely topics of interest to the conference theme. Workshops will be
conducted the day before the conference (August 8). The format for a
workshop proposal is as follows:
*Workshop title, a 200-word abstract, whether it is a whole day or
half day, and a brief outline
*Information on the workshop leader and/or speaker should include
the name, affiliation address (postal address, telephone, fax and
e-mail) and envisioned activities during the workshop
*Special requirements such as Internet access, access to computers,
and limit to the number of enrollees, etc.
Proposals should be e-mailed to Les Ball at l.ball(a)neu.edu
AMCIS 2002 Conference Co-Chairs:
Jack Becker
University of North Texas
Business Computer Information Systems Dept.
G. W. Willis
Baylor University
Information Systems Dept.
AMCIS 2002 Program Co-Chairs:
Reagan Ramsower
Baylor University
Information Systems Department
John Windsor
University of North Texas
Business Computer Information Sys
AMCIS 2002 Reviewer Chair:
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr.
Oklahoma State University
Department of Management Science and Information Systems
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: WISE'2002 First Call for Papers
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 10:26:16 +0800
From: Ling Tok Wang <lingtw(a)COMP.NUS.EDU.SG>
The 3rd International Conference On Web Information Systems
Engineering (WISE 2002)
Workshops: 11th Dec 2002, Conference: 12-14th Dec 2002
Grand Hyatt, Singapore
Held in conjunction with the International Conference of Asian Digital
Library ICADL2002 Organised by School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, & WISE Society.
The WWW is now a familiar channel for information dissemination and gathering
among people from all walks of life. The sheer variety and amount of
information that may be obtained are staggering. Academics and researchers
now have another avenue to publish their research and satisfy their quest
for knowledge. Many are discovering and tapping vast amounts of information
never dreamed of before. Team workers utilise the Web for remote
collaboration. Corporations with business sense have established a Web
presence by reconstituting corporate materials and product information for
Web publication. The consumer has benefited from access to large amounts of
dynamic data; this has also enabled comparison-shopping and assisted
decision-making. Hence, the Web has become somewhat indispensable to many
and for various reasons. The aim of this conference is to provide an
international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial
practitioners to share their knowledge in the rapidly growing area of Web
technologies. We invite submissions that address both fundamental issues of
Web data management and issues related to the development and management of
Web-based applications. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Deep/Hidden Web * Web Ontologies
* Mobile Web Information Systems * Web Performance
* Semantic Web * Web Query Languages
* Web Agents * Web Security
* Web Change Monitoring & Management * Web Services
* Web Commerce * Web Tools & Languages
* Web Data Model * Web Transactions
* Web Information Retrieval * Web Visualization
* Web Intelligence * Web Warehousing
* Web Metrics * Web-Based Business Processes
* Web Mining * XML & Semi-structured data
Workshop proposals: 8th Mar. 2002
Abstract: 13th May 2002
Paper/tutorial submission: 20th May 2002
Notice of Acceptance: 19th Aug. 2002
Camera-ready paper: 23th Sep. 2002
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of about 150 words through the
Conference home page (http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/wise2002). Full papers
(in postscript, or pdf format) should also be submitted through this home
page. Each full paper should include a cover page with the title, authors,
mailing and electronic addresses, phone, fax number, contact author,
conference title and subject area(s) and listed in the order of the author's
preference. Authors should certify that their papers represent original work
and is previously unpublished.
Electronic submission should be made via the Conference home page. Other
enquiries/correspondence should be directed to the Secretariat at the
address given below.
WISE 2002 Secretariat
Conference Management Centre/CCE,
Nanyang Technological University
Administration Annex Building #04-06
42 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639815
Fax: (65) 793-0997
Email: WISE2002(a)ntu.edu.sg
Home Page: http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/wise2002
Proposals are invited for pre-conference workshops and tutorials addressing
topics of interest to the Internet community. If you would like to organise
a workshop or present a tutorial, please email your proposal to the
Tutorial/Workshop Chair ( asschui(a)ntu.edu.sg ).
The Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE CS. The authors of
selected papers will be invited to contribute extended versions to a WISE
Special issue of World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems.
Honorary General Chair Cham, Tao Soon, President,
Nanyang Technological University
Advisor, Org. Committee Singh, Harcharan
Nanyang Technological University
General Chairs Goh, Angela, Nanyang Technological University
Rusinkiewicz, Marek, Telcordia Research Center,
Program Co-Chairs Ling, Tok Wang, National University of
Singapore lingtw(a)comp.nus.edu.sg
Dayal, Umeshwar, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA
Bertino, Elisa, U. of Milano, Italy
Tutorial Co-Chairs Hui, Siu Cheung, Nanyang Technological
University asschui(a)ntu.edu.sg
Zhou, Xiaofang, University of Queensland
Workshop Co-Chairs Sanjay, Madria, University of Missouri-Rolla,
USA madrias(a)umr.edu
Mohania, Mukesh, IBM Research Lab, India
Publication Chair Ng, Wee Keong, Nanyang Technological University
Publicity/ Sponsorship Heng, Alfred, Nanyang Technological University
Publicity Bressan, Stephane, SoC, NUS
Local Arrangements Bhowmick, Sourav, Nanyang Technological
University assourav(a)ntu.edu.sg
Regional Coordinators Europe
Neuhold, Erich, IPSI, Franuhofer
Nishio, Shojiro, University of Osaka
Li, Xiaoming, Beijing University
WISE Society Liaison & Zhang, Yanchun, U.of Southern
Queensland,Australia Representatives yan(a)usq.edu.au
Li, Qing, City University of Hong Kong, China
Atzeni, Paolo Madria, Sanjay
Roma Tre University University of Missouri-Rolla
Bressan, Stephane Meng, Xiaofeng
National University of Singapore Renmin University of China
Bussler, Christoph Mitchell, Gail
Oracle Corporation BBN Technologies
Chang, Chin-Chen Moerkotte, Guido
National Chung Cheng University University of Mannheim
Chang, Edward Mohania, Mukesh
Univ. California Santa Barbara IBM India Research Lab
Chen, Arbee Naacke, Hubert
National Tsing Hua University University of Paris 6
Chen, Qiming Neuhold, Erich J.
Commerce One Inc Fraunhofer-IPSI
Collet, Christine Ng, Wee Keong
ENSIMAG-INP Grenoble Nanyang Tech. University
Datta, Anindya Nishio, Shojiro
Georgia Tech and Chutney Osaka University
Dobbie, Gillian Norrie, Moira C.
The University of Auckland ETH Zurich
Embley, David W. Peng, Zhiyong
Brigham Young University Wuhan University
Fong, Joseph Ramakrishnan, Raghu
City University of Hong Kong University of Wisconsin
Ford, Daniel A. Raschid, Louiqa
IBM Almaden University of Maryland
Franklin, Michael Rys, Michael
Univ. California, Berkeley Microsoft
Frieder, Ophir Schuldt, Heiko
Illinois Institute of Technology ETH Zurich
Fuhr, Norbert Sellis, Timos
University of Dortmund Nat. Tech. U. of Athens
Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios Shan, Ming-Chien
Telcordia HP Labs
Goble, Carole Shih, Timothy K.
University of Manchester Tamkang University
Haerder, Theo Song, Il-Yeol
University of Kaiserslautern Drexel University
Jonker, Willem Tan, Kian Lee
Philips Research National University of Singapore
Kambayashi, Yahiko Tanaka, Katsumi
Kyoto University Kyoto University
Kennedy, Jessie Tompa, Frank W.
Napier University University of Waterloo
Kersten, Martin Wang, Shan
CWI Renmin University of China
Kitagawa, Hiroyuki Weikum, Gerhard
University of Tsukuba University of Saarland
Kitsuregawa, Masaru Whang, Kyu-Young
University of Tokyo KAIST
Klaus, Meyer-Wegener Wong, Kam-Fai
Dresden University of Technology The Chinese University of Hong
Klusch, Matthias Yoshikawa, Masatoshi
Lee, Mong Li Yu, Philip S.
National University of Singapore IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Li, Qing Zaiane, Osmar
City University of Hong Kong University of Alberta
Li, Xiaoming Zaniolo, Carlo
Beijing University UCLA
Liu, Ling Zhou, Aoying
Georgia Tech University Fudan University
Liu, Mengchi Zhou, Lizhu
Carleton University Tsinghua University
Lochovsky, Frederick H. Zhou, Shuigeng
HKUST Wuhan University
Lu, Hongjun Zhou, Xiafang
HK U. of Science & Technology University of Queensland
Zdonik, Stan
Brown University
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: e-Service Journal (e-SJ): Vol. 1, No. 2
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 16:49:55 -0600
From: "Chidambaram, Laku" <laku(a)OU.EDU>
Dear Colleagues,
The e-Service Journal's table of contents for Vol. 1, No. 2 (which focuses
on e-Learning) appears below.
Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2002)
"Cisco Kids: Education in the New e-Marketplace"
Timothy R. Hill
"Applied Technology in Business Program--An Industry-Academia Partnership to
Support Student Learning"
Mohan R. Tanniru and Ritu Agarwal
"Collaborative Telelearning: An Experiment in Remote Project Management"
Rosemary H. Wild and Kenneth A. Griggs
"Measuring Student Learning: An Empirical Solution with Implications for IS
Education and Beyond"
David S. Taylor, Tim Goles, and Wynne W. Chin
"Merlot: A Repository of e-Learning Objects for Higher Education"
George P. Schell and Max Burns
"The Limits of Information: A Cautionary Tale about One Course Delivery
Experience in the Distance Education Environment"
Wm. David Salisbury, Rodney A. Pearson, David W. Miller, and L. Kent Marett
For the editor's column and abstracts of the articles, please check:
For information on subscription, please check:
About the journal:
The e-Service Journal is a multi-disciplinary journal aimed at publishing
high-quality peer-reviewed research about the design, delivery and impact of
electronic services rendered using a variety of computing and communication
technologies. The journal--published by the Indiana University
Press--combines both private sector and public sector perspectives regarding
electronic services and thus bridges e-Business and e-Government. More
information on the journal including instructions to authors can be found
at: http://www.e-sj.org
Laku Chidambaram
Division of MIS
Michael F. Price College of Business
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019-4007
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Subject: virtual teams - summary of responses
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 08:45:07 -0500
From: Pnina Shachaf <fichp(a)ILS.UNC.EDU>
Virtual Teams Field Studies
I would like to thank those of you who responded to my request on ISWorld
The original message:
I am looking for studies on virtual teams, specifically for research
conducted in the workplace (students are NOT the participants in the study).
I am familiar with the works of Maznevski, M.L., & Chudoba, K.M. (2000);
Lurey, J.S., & Raisinghani, M.S. (2001); McDonough, E.F., Kahn, K.B., &
Barczak, G. (2001); and Vickery, C.M., Clark, T.D., & Carlson, J.R. (1999).
Any additional references will be highly appreciated.
Summary of the results will be posted to the list.
Thank you,
Pnina Shachaf
UNC @ Chapel Hill
Beranek, P.M. (2000). "The impacts of relational and trust development
training on virtual teams: An exploratory investigation", Proceedings of
Thirty-Third Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences
Carletta, J., Anderson, A.H., & McEwan, R. (2000). The effects of
multimedia communication technology on non-collocated teams: a case study,
Ergonomics, 43(8), 1237-1251
Cramton, C.D. (2001). The mutual knowledge problem and its consequences for
dispersed collaboration, Organization Science, 12(3), 346-371.
Gorton, I. and S. Motwani (1996). Issues in co-operative software
engineering using globally distributed teams. Information and Software
Technology, 38(10), 647-656.
Griffith T. and Neale, M.A. (1999). "Information processing and performance
in traditional and virtual teams: The role of transactive memory," GRADUATE
Krumpel, K. (2000). Making the right (interactive) moves for
knowledge-producing tasks in computer-mediated groups. IEEE Transactions on
Professional Communication, 43(2), 185-195.
Lurey, J.S., and Raisinghani, M.S. (2001). "An empirical study of best
practices in virtual teams", Information & Management, 38(8), 523-544.
Majchrzak, A., Rice, R.E., King, N., Malhotra, A., and Ba, s. (2000).
"Computer-mediated inter-organizational knowledge-sharing: Insights from a
virtual team innovating using a collaborative tool," Information Resources
Management Journal, 13(1), 44-53.
Majchrzak, A., Rice, R.E., King, N., Malhotra, A., and Ba, s. (1999).
"Development and adaptation of inter-organizational virtual team norms using
collaborative technology," http://www.cogtech.org/CT99/Rice1.htm.
Majchrzak, A., Rice, R., Malhotra, A., King, N., and Ba, S. (2000).
Technology adaptation: the case of a computer-supported inter-organizational
virtual team, MIS Quarterly, 24(4), 569-600.
Malhotra, A., Majchrzak, A., Carman, R., and Lott, V. (2001). Radical
innovation without collocation: a case study at Boeing-Rocketdyne, MIS
Quarterly, 25(2), 229-249.
May, A. and Carter, C. (2001) A Case Study of Virtual Team Working in the
European Automotive Industry, International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics, 27 (3), 171-186.
Maznevski, M.L., and Chudoba, K.M. (2000). "Bridging space over time: Global
virtual team dynamics and effectiveness", Organization Science, 11(5),
McDonough, E.F., Kahn, K.B., and Barczak, G. (2001). "An investigation of
the use of global, virtual, and collocated new product development teams",
Journal of Production Innovation Management, 18(2), 110-120.
Pauleen, D.F., and Yoong, P. (2001). Facilitating virtual team relationship
via Internet and conventional communication channels, Internet Research:
Electronic networking applications and policy, 11(3), 190-202.
Pauleen D.F., and Yoong, P. (2001). Relationaship building and the use of
ICT in boundary-crossing virtual teams: a facilitators perspective.
Journal of information technology, 16(4), 205-220.
Pawar, K.S. and Sharifi, S. (1997) Physical or Virtual Team Collocation:
Does it Matter?, International Journal of Production Economics, 52(3),
Robey, D., Khoo, H., and Powers, C. (2000) Situated learning in
cross-functional virtual teams. IEEE Transactions on Professional
Communications, 43, 51-66. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication,
43 (1) 2000, 51-66; and Technical Communication, 47 (1) 2000, 51-66. (Joint
Special Issue)
Sole, D.L., and Edmondson, A.C. (forthcoming) "Bridging knowledge gaps:
Learning in geographically dispersed crossfunctional teams" in "Strategic
Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge" edited by
Nick Bontis & Chun Wei Choo (Oxford University Press). (HBS #00-093)
Sole, D.L., and Edmondson, A.C. (2001), "Situated knowledge and learning in
dispersed teams", Proceedings of 4th International Conference on
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, London, Canada, June 2001.
(HBS #01-068). This paper has been provisionally accepted for a special OL
and KM edition of BJM - to be published later in 2002 I believe.
Suchan, J. and Hayzak, G. (2001). The communication characteristics of
virtual teams: a case study. IEEE Transactions on Professional
Communication, 44(3), 174-186.
Vickery, C.M., Clark, T.D., and Carlson, J.R. (1999). "Virtual positions: an
examination of structure and performance in ad hoc workgroups", Information
Systems Journal, 9(4), 291-312.
Zack M. (1994). "Electronic messaging and communication effectiveness in an
ongoing work group", Information & Management, 26(4), 231-241.
Zack M., and McKenney, J.L., (1995). Social context and interaction in
ongoing computer-supported management groups", Organization Science, 6(4),
394-422. Reprinted in Shaping organization form: Communication, connection,
and community, G. DeSanctis and J. Fulk (eds.), Sage Publications, Newbury
park, CA, 1999.
Zack M. (1993). "Interactivity and Communication Mode Choice in Ongoing
Management Groups", Information Systems Research, 4(3), 207-239.
In addition:
There are some interesting and relevant chapters in the book:
Coakes, E., Willis, D., Lloyd-Jones, R., (2000). The New Sociotech: Graffiti
on the Longwall. London: Springer Verlag.
And at the following links:
ISWorld (Robert Davidson):
University of Southern California - virtual teams project:
MIT & Harvard: http://www.virtualteamsresearch.org/
List of contributors (Thank you!):
Christiane Meztner [cmetzner(a)isys.ciens.ucv.ve]
Robert Davison [isrobert(a)is.cityu.edu.hk]
Deborah Sole [dsole(a)hbs.edu]
Daniel Robey [drobey(a)gsu.edu]
Laure Carles [Laure.Carles(a)tecfa.unige.ch]
Anne Powell [apowell(a)siue.edu]
Ferreira, Rita [DOCRFerreira(a)iese.edu]
Pauleen, David [David.Pauleen(a)scim.vuw.ac.nz]
Felix Tan [f.tan(a)auckland.ac.nz]
Nicholas Romano, Jr. [nicholas-romano(a)dev21.tcom.okstate.edu]
Mike Zack [M.Zack(a)neu.edu]
Michael Boyer O'Leary [michael.oleary(a)sloan.mit.edu]
Elayne Coakes [coakese(a)westminster.ac.uk]
David L Bahn [bahn0013(a)tc.umn.edu]
Ou, Shaosong [sou(a)marshall.usc.edu]
Kobelsky, Kevin [kobelsky(a)marshall.usc.edu]
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Subject: CFP (JEUC): Etail Research & B2C Models, Due 15 July 2002 (Merrill Warkentin)
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 17:26:21 -0600
From: Merrill Warkentin <mwarkentin(a)COBILAN.MSSTATE.EDU>
Call for Papers : Special Issue of Journal of End User Computing
"Etail Research from B2C Models to Customer Intimacy"
Guest Editor: Merrill Warkentin, mwarkentin(a)acm.org
Due 15 July 2002 (Full Manuscript) with Abstract due 15 April 2002
As the practice and study of electronic commerce (eCommerce) matures,
we seek a deeper and more complete understanding of the nature and
relationships of the critical components--buyers, sellers, and
technologies that bring them together. Clear distinctions between
B2B and B2C eCommerce have been drawn. Success factors in etailing
(retail electronic commerce that is oriented toward individual consumers,
not business entities) have been identified. Many online firms (and the
business models they embodied) have failed, but many others continue to
thrive and new ones are still being born. This issue will focus on the
end user of eCommerce processes and practices--the etail consumer.
What new models characterize the relationship with the consumer?
What technologies create and support these relationships?
What strategies achieve success in this new environment?
Possible Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
-Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Models and Practices
-"Brick & Click" Strategies (e.g.; comparative case studies)
-Etail Design Factors (e.g.; empirical studies of Etail effectiveness)
-Etail Website Selection Models
-User Interface Designs for Customer Retention
-User Interactivity; Cognitive and HCI Research for Etailing
-Consumer Behavior Models in Etailing
-Database Support for User Interactivity Models
-Role of Agents and Ratings Sites in Consumer Decisions
-Web-based Services
-DSS for Consumer Choices in Etailing
-Demographic Analysis of Etail Customers
-Peer-to-Peer Technologies and Strategies
-Client Technical Standards and Protocols - XML and beyond
-Security Technology for Enhanced End User Satisfaction
-Consumer Trust Modeling - Trustmarks, Privacy Policies, and Solutions
Key Dates:
Please send an email with a short abstract or statement of intent to
Merrill Warkentin before 15 April 2002. Complete manuscripts should be
emailed before 15 July 2002. Every paper will be blind reviewed.
Revisions and final publication decisions to be completed during Fall 2002.
-Must not be currently under review by another publication.
-Must be written in APA editorial style.
-Must include a 150-200 word abstract with appropriate
key words under the title.
-Should not exceed 20 double-spaced typed pages.
-Must be accompanied by a separate document with author(s)' name,
complete contact information, and 150-200 word vita.
-Must be free of all identifying information, including
-author(s)' names on title page,
-page properties field,
-track changes (accept all changes), and
-"content clues."
The Journal of End User Computing (JEUC) publishes empirical and
theoretical research concerned with all aspects of end user information
processing including development, utilization, satisfaction, productivity,
success, failure, policies, politics, strategies, and management. The
primary mission of JEUC is to provide educators, researchers, and
practitioners involved in research, management, and utilization of
information technology with a forum to advance the practice and
understanding of end user computing in organizations.
For complete details on submission guidelines, please see the JEUC website
at http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=130
JEUC Editor-in-Chief: Mo Adam Mahmood
Merrill Warkentin, Guest Editor
Mississippi State University
Dept of Mgmt & Information Systems
3103 McCool Hall / P.O. Box 9581
Mississippi State, MS 39762-9581
Phone: (662) 325-1955
eFax: (309) 422-3608
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Subject: Collaboration Systems And Technology Track Call for Paper
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 12:11:01 -0500
From: "Dennis, Eileen" <eidennis(a)INDIANA.EDU>
Collaboration Systems And Technology Track Call for Paper
at the Thirty-Sixth Annual
on the Big Island of Hawaii
January 6 - 9, 2003
Additional detail on website: <http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu>
Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALN)
Starr Roxanne Hiltz; E-mail: Hiltz(a)adm.njit.edu David Spencer; E-mail:
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Requiring Immersive Presence
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr.; E-mail: Nicholas-Romano(a)MSTM.OKState.EDU
Joyce Lucca; E-mail: ljoyce(a)okstate.edu
Ramesh Sharda; E-mail: sharda(a)mstm.okstate.edu
Collaborative Environments for Value Creation
Sajda Qureshi; E-mail: squreshi(a)fac.fbk.eur.n Robert O. Briggs; E-mail
Jay Nunamaker; E-mail: jnunamaker(a)cmi.arizona.edu
Collaborative Vision Development
Mariëlle den Hengst; E-mail: m.den.hengst(a)tpm.tudelft.nl
John Kruse; E-mail: john(a)kruser.org
Distributed Collaborative Project Management (Dcpm)
Roberto Evaristo; E-mail: Evaristo(a)Uic.Edu Bernhard R.
Katzy; E-mail: Prof.Katzy(a)Cetim.De
Nicholas C. Romano, Jr.; E-mail: Nicholas-Romano(a)MSTM.Okstate.EDU
Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr.; E-mail: nunamaker(a)bpa.arizona.edu
Distributed GSS
Laku Chidambaram; E-mail: laku(a)ou.edu Kelly Burke; E-mail:
Global Virtual Collaboration
Robert Davison; E-mail: isrobert(a)is.cityu.edu.hk Gert-Jan de Vreede;
E-mail: Devreede(a)sepa.tudelft.nl
Karen Loch; E-mail: Kloch(a)gsu.edu
Group Support Systems Patterns: Thinklets and Methodologies
Robert O. Briggs; E-mail: bbriggs(a)GroupSystems.com Gert-Jan deVreede;
E-mail: devreede(a)sepa.tudelft.nl
Measuring the Effectiveness of Collaboration Technology
Bruce A. Reinig; E-mail: breinig(a)mail.sdsu.edu Donald L.
Amoroso; E-mail: amoroso(a)mail.sdsu.edu
Negotiation Support Systems
Tung Bui; E-mail: tbui(a)cba.hawaii.edu Melvin F. Shakun; E-mail:
Next Generation Learning Platforms
Joachim Schaper; E-mail: Joachim.schaper(a)sap.com Max Muehlhaeuser;
E-mail: max(a)informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Joerg M. Haake; E-mail: joerg.haake(a)fernuni-hagen.de Bob Dugan; E-mail:
Technology Supported Learning
Eric Santanen; E-mail: esantane(a)bucknell.edu
User Experience: Collaboration & Knowledge Management
Jay Nunamaker; E-mail: jnunamaker(a)cmi.arizona.edu
Wireless Mobile Collaboration
Joe Valacich; Email: jsv(a)wsu.edu Len Jessup; Email:
March 31, 2002 Abstracts submitted for guidance and indication of
appropriate content.
June 1, 2002 Full papers submitted to Minitrack Chairs. Contact
minitrack chairs for
submission instructions.
August 31, 2002 Notice of accepted papers sent to authors by Minitrack
October 1, 2002 Accepted manuscripts submitted electronically to the
publisher of the
conference proceedings. At least one author of
each accepted paper must
register to attend the conference by this
date. Registration cancellations after
this date may result in the paper being pulled
from the Proceedings prior to
printing. See conference web site for
registration fee refund policy.
NOTE: Because HICSS is a nonprofit activity funded entirely by registration
fees, all participants
and speakers are expected to have their university/organization bear the
costs of their expenses and
registration. HICSS is not able to subsidize registrations or offer reduced
1. Contact the Minitrack Chair in advance for specific submission
instructions. Otherwise, submit
six (6) copies of the full paper, consisting of 22-26 double- spaced pages,
including diagrams,
directly to the appropriate Minitrack Chair. (NOTE: The final paper will be
10 pages, double-
column, single spaced.)
2. Do NOT submit the manuscript to more than one Minitrack Chair. Papers
should contain original
material and not be Previously published, or currently submitted for
consideration elsewhere.
3. Each paper must have a title page to include title of the paper, full
name of all authors, and
complete addresses including affiliation(s), telephone number(s), and e-mail
4. The first page of the manuscript should include only the title and a
300-word abstract of the
* Collaboration Systems; Co-Chair: Jay Nunamaker; Email:
Co-Chair: Robert O. Briggs; Email: bbriggs(a)GroupSystems.com
* Complex Systems; Chair: Robert Thomas; Email: rjt1(a)cornell.edu
* Decision Tech. for Management; Chair: Dan Dolk; Email: dolker(a)redshift.com
* Digital Documents and Media; Chair: Michael Shepherd; Email:
* Emerging Technologies; Co-Chair: Ralph H. Sprague; Email:
Co-Chair: Hesham El-Rewini; Email: rewini(a)engr.smu.edu
* Information Technology in Health Care; Chair: William Chismar;
Email: chismar(a)cba.hawaii.edu
* Internet & the Digital Economy; Co-Chair: David King; Email:
Co-Chair: Alan Dennis; Email: ardennis(a)indiana.edu
* Organizational Systems & Tech.; Chair: Hugh Watson; Email: hwatson(a)uga.edu
* Software Technology; Chair: Hesham El-Rewini; Email: rewini(a)engr.smu.edu
For the latest information; visit the HICSS web site at:
HICSS conferences are devoted to advances in the information, computer, and
system sciences, and
encompass developments in both theory and practice. Invited papers may be
conceptual, tutorial or descriptive in nature. Submissions undergo a peer
referee process and those
selected for presentation will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Submissions must not
have been previously published.
* Ralph Sprague, Conference Chair Email: sprague(a)hawaii.edu
* Eileen Dennis, Track Administrator Email:
Tel: 1-812-331-0551 Fax:
* Sandra Laney, Conference Administrator Email: hicss(a)hawaii.edu
Tel: 1-808-956-3251 Fax:
Hilton Waikoloa Village (on the Big Island of Hawaii)
425 Waikoloa Beach Drive
Waikoloa, Hawaii 96738
Tel: 1-808-886-1234
Fax: 1-808-886-2900
Eileen Dennis, CMP
Cactus Meetings & Technologies, Inc.
Tel: 812-331-0551
Fax: 812-331-0564
E-mail: eidennis(a)indiana.edu
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Subject: Call - BPMJ
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 16:50:42 -0000
From: Ray Hackney <R.Hackney(a)mmu.ac.uk>
Call for Papers
Business Process Management Journal (Special Issue)
The management of cyber supply chains forms the critical foundation
of electronic commerce (EC) transactions. The opportunity through
augmenting electronic business processes in this way is highly valued
providing the core features of the systems are implemented correctly.
The empirical evidence would suggest that essential consideration
should be given to logistics and vendor managed inventory (B2B) as
well as a critical need to focus upon customer relationship management
(B2C). A recent survey indicates that 91% of North American companies
believe that cyber chain management is vital to their business success
and only 2% of these organizations felt that their systems were good.
Clearly, significant additional attention is required to enable the
recognition of concerns to be identified and solutions posed.
This CALL FOR PAPERS addresses these issues and invites submissions
relating to any perceived topics which are be identified to support and
Papers are invited for this special edition of the Business Process
Management Journal (BPMJ) on Cyber Chain Management. The aim
is to publish high quality original work highlighting the characteristics of
CCM and the extent and nature of competitive processes. In particular
factors affecting technological acceptance, formulation and
implementation are required whilst acknowledging the engagement and
interface of customer demands. These should include networks of
suppliers, channels of distribution and alternative models from existing
physical system activities. It would be useful to articulate new features
for dynamic trading from adopting these approaches and to challenge
current assumptions relating to business performance and strategy
generally. The coverage of topics is quite liberal and few constraints are
imposed other than a specific focus on CCM issues. The core objective
for this special issue is to provide a vehicle for a well argued
presentation of theoretical constructs and empirical findings which
extend our existing knowledge of the processes involved.
Contributed papers may deal with, but are not limited to:
· cyber purchasing
· salient features of CCM
· logistics and channel management
· customer relationship management
· current competitive processes
· challenged assumptions for CCM
· optimization of virtual environments
· virtual enterprises
A 300-word proposal should be sent, for guidance on appropriateness, to
the guest editor <r.hackney(a)mmu.ac.uk> by e-mail. Closing date for
receipt of proposals is March 1, 2002
Full papers should be 3000-5000 words in length, single-spaced, full
justified, and in A4 Word format submitted electronically to the guest
editor <r.hackney(a)mmu.ac.uk> by May 3, 2002. All contributions will
be subjected to a rigorous blind review by at least two experts.
Full papers, following the BPMJ guidelines, as follows;
Two Word file attachments. File 1 - contains a title page giving the name(s)
and full address(es) of the author(s), the title of the paper, its word count
(maximum 5000 words), 5 keywords, and an abstract of 200 words.
File 2 - contains the title of the paper, 5 keywords, a 200-word abstract,
and the full body of the paper. Any information that reveals the identity of
the author(s) should be removed.
Guest Editors for the Special Issue:
Ray Hackney
Manchester Met University
Janice Burn
Edith Cowan University
Ashok Ranchhod
Southampton Business School
Dr Ray Hackney
Director BIT Research
The Business School
Manchester Metropolitan University
Aytoun Street
M1 3GH
Tel: +44 (0)161 247 3809
Fax: +44 (0)161 247 6317
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