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Subject: SAC 2002 Coordination Track: CfP&R
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 10:55:56 +0200
From: Sascha Ossowski <sossowski(a)ESCET.URJC.ES>
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies)
17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2002)
Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications
March 10-14, 2002
Madrid, SPAIN
( http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2002/ )
SAC 2002
Over the past sixteen years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC) has become a primary forum for applied computer scientists and
application developers from around the world to interact and present
their work. SAC 2002 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on
Applied Computing (SIGAPP) and is presented in cooperation with other
ACM Special Interest Groups. SAC 2002 is hosted by the Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
Authors are invited to contribute original papers in all areas of
experimental computing and application development for the technical
sessions. There will be a number of special tracks on such issues as
Programming Languages, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Agent
Systems, Multimedia and Visualization, etc.
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications Track
Building on the success of the four previous editions (1998-2001), a
special track on coordination models, languages and applications
will be held at SAC 2002. Over the last decade, we have witnessed the
emergence of models, formalisms and mechanisms to describe concurrent
and distributed computations and systems based on the concept of
coordination. The purpose of a coordination model is to enable the
integration of a number of possibly heterogeneous components
(processes, objects, agents) in such a way that the resulting ensemble
can execute as a whole, forming a software system with desired
characteristics and functionalities which possibly takes advantage of
parallel and distributed systems. The coordination paradigm is closely
related to other contemporary software engineering approaches such as
component-based systems and middleware platforms. Furthermore, the
concept of coordination exists in many other Computer Science areas
such as Cooperative Information Systems, Distributed Artificial
Intelligence, and Internet Technologies.
The Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications
deliberately takes a broad view of what is coordination: this term
covers here traditional models and languages (e.g., the ones based on
the Shared Dataspace and CHAM metaphors), but also other related
notions and formalisms such as configuration and architectural
description frameworks, models of multi-agent planning, organization
and decision-making, systems modeling abstractions and languages,
programming skeletons, etc.
Correspondingly, in addition to the traditional areas covering data-
driven (such as Linda) and control-driven (such as Manifold) models
and languages, this Special Track aims at putting together
contributions from all the many areas where the concept of coordination
is relevant, such as multi-agent systems, software architectures,
middleware platforms, groupware and workflow management, etc,
providing them with a common forum where to discuss their different
viewpoints and share ideas. On this very subject, it is worth to
remind that the last editions of this Track were undoubtedly successful
under many points of view, but in particular in attracting relevant
and consistent contributions from many different research communities.
According to that, major topics of interest include (but are not
limited to) the following:
* Novel models, languages, programming and implementation techniques
* Applications (especially where the industry is involved)
* Theoretical aspects (semantics, reasoning, verification)
* Coordination of multi-agent systems, including mobile and
intelligent agents
* Software architectures and software engineering techniques
* Configuration and Architecture Description Languages
* Middleware platforms (e.g. CORBA)
* All aspects related to the modeling of Information Systems
(groupware, Internet and the Web, workflow management, CSCW)
* Coordination technologies, systems and infrastructures
* Internet- and Web-based coordinated systems
* Relationship with other computational models such as object
oriented, declarative (functional, logic, constraint) programming
or extensions of them with coordination capabilities
Proceedings and Post-proceedings
Papers accepted for the Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages
and Applications will be published by ACM both in the SAC 2002
proceedings and in the Digital Library.
Among the papers accepted and presented at the Track, a further
selection will be performed according to quality and relevance criteria,
to produce a "Special Issue on Coordination and Knowledge Engineering"
The Knowledge Engineering Review
Even though this will not affect paper acceptance to SAC 2002, referees
will be separately asked to express their advice on relevance of papers
to the Special Issue since the first review step. Accordingly, we
encourage potential authors of papers submitted to the Special Track on
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications to take a look to KER's
aims and scope.
Track Program Chairmen
Andrea Omicini Sascha Ossowski
DEIS, Facolta' di Ingegneria AI Group, E.S.C.E.T.
Universita' degli Studi di Bologna Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Viale Risorgimento, 2 Campus de Mostoles, Calle Tulipan s/n
I-40136 Bologna, ITALY E-28933 Madrid, SPAIN
voice# +39 051 2093023 voice# +34 916647485
fax# +39 051 2093073 fax# +34 916647490
mailto:aomicini@deis.unibo.it mailto:S.Ossowski@escet.urjc.es
Guidelines for Submission
Original papers from the above-mentioned or other related areas will
be considered. This includes three categories of submissions: 1)
original and unpublished research; 2) reports of innovative computing
applications in the arts, sciences, engineering, business, government,
education and industry; and 3) reports of successful technology
transfer to new problem domains. Each submitted paper will be fully
refereed and undergo a blind review process by at least three
referees. The accepted papers in all categories will be published in
the ACM SAC 2002 proceedings.
Submission guidelines must be strictly followed:
* Submit your paper *electronically* in either PDF or postscript
format to one of the Track Program Chairmen of the Special Track
on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications (addresses are
shown above). Please *note*: neither hardcopy nor fax submissions
will be accepted. Submissions should be printable on a standard
printer on common paperformats like letter and DIN A4. Please use
a Postscript previewer such as Ghostview to check the portability
of Postscript documents. The acceptable compression formats for
submissions are Zip and Tar.
* The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body
of the paper, and self-reference should be in the third person.
This is to facilitate blind review.
* The body of the paper should not exceed 5,000 words (approximately
15 pages, double-spaced).
* A separate cover sheet (in the case of electronic submission this
should be sent separately from the main paper) should show the
title of the paper, the author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s),
and the address (including e-mail, telephone, and fax) to which
correspondence should be sent.
* All submissions must be received by September 1, 2001.
Over the last four years, the Special Track on Coordination Models,
Languages and Applications has built its success also over the work of
many volunteer referees. Anyone wishing to review papers for this
special track should contact one of the Track Program Chairmen at the
addresses shown above.
Track Home Page
Further information can be found at the special track home page:
Important Dates
* September 1, 2001: Paper Submission
* October 15, 2001: Author Notification
* November 1, 2001: Camera-Ready Copy
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
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Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS - RIDE-2EC'2002
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 21:20:59 +0800
From: "Lim Ee Peng (Assoc Prof)" <ASEPLIM(a)NTU.EDU.SG>
> 12th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering:
> Engineering E-Commerce/E-Business Systems (RIDE-2EC'2002)
> In conjunction with ICDE'02
> ===================================================================
> Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
> San Jose, USA , February 24-25, 2002
> (http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/ride02)
> -----
> RIDE-2EC'2002 is the twelfth workshop in a series of annual workshops
> on Research Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE), which have been held in
> conjunction with the IEEE CS International Conferences on Data
> Engineering. In 2002, RIDE focuses on the E-Commerce/E-Business
> Engineering. The objective of RIDE-2EC'2002 is to bring together
> researchers, industrial practitioners, developers, and users to
> exchange the results and ideas on the issues related to e-commerce/e-
> business systems engineering.
> ------------------
> E-Business Models & Architectures:
> Marketplace management & protocols
> Virtual trading communities
> Portals & collaborative business platforms
> Web-based information access & management
> Agent technologies supporting e-business
> Mobile e-commerce/e-business support
> B2B management:
> Business process optimization
> Operational forecasting & planning
> Workflow management
> Flexible transaction management
> Legacy application integration
> Interoperability support
> B2C management:
> Catalog management & customization
> Smart information search
> Data mining & customer relationship management
> Dynamic pricing & quoting
> Auction, exchange & negotiation
> E-Business security and privacy:
> End-to-end security
> Trust management
> PKI and e-commerce security protocol
> Secure payment/transaction protocol
> E-business applications:
> Supply chain management
> E-procurement & Order fulfillment management
> Extended manufacturing management
> Web-based healthcare information systems
> Telecommunication service provisioning
> Digital government support
> E-library/digital library systems
> Web-based distance learning
> ----------------
> Electronic submission will be used. The postscript version or pdf
> file of an extended abstract (at most 12 double-spaced pages in fonts
> not smaller than 11pt, or at most 3000 words) should be submitted to
> ride02 home page no later than July 15, 2001. (Further submission
> details will be available on line).
> In addition, the authors should submit electronically a plain ASCII
> cover page containing the paper title, authors' names, contact author
> and full address (including e-mail and fax) and an abstract of up to
> 100 words by July 8, 2001.
> ---------------
> Submission of abstracts: July 8, 2001
> Submission of papers: July 15, 2001
> Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2001
> Camera-ready copies: October 15, 2002
> Conference: February 24-25, 2002
> -----------
> All accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings published by the
> IEEE Computer Society. The authors of best papers will be invited to
> submit extended versions for inclusion in a special issue of IWIS/WWW
> Journal(http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/1567-8458,
> http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/1386-145X)
> --------------------
> General Chair:
> Ming-Chien Shan, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA
> (mcshan(a)exch.hpl.hp.com)
> Program Co-Chairs:
> Amjad Umar, Telcordia Technologies, New Jersey, USA
> (aumar(a)telcordia.com)
> Yanchun Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
> (yan(a)usq.edu.au)
> Panel Chair:
> Fabio Casati, HP Laboratories, USA
> (fabio_casati(a)hp.com)
> Publicity and Publication Chair:
> Ee-Peng Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
> (aseplim(a)ntu.edu.sg)
> Local Arrangement Chair:
> Li-jie Jin, HP Labs, USA
> Eric Y. Shan, University of California, Berkeley
> Registration Chair:
> Memhet Sayal, HP Labs, USA
> Program Committee (tentative):
> Karl Aberer, EPFL-DSC, Switzerland
> Klemens Bohm, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
> Athman Bouguettaya, Virginia Tech, USA
> Christopher Bussler, Oracle, USA.
> Fabio Casati, HP Laboratories, USA.
> Xiaogiang Cai, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
> Wojciech Cellary, The Poznan University of Economics, Poland
> Sang Cha, National University, Korea
> Chin-Chen Chang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
> Asit Dan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
> David W. Embley, Brigham Young University, USA
> Peter Fankhauser, GMD-IPSI, Germany
> Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Telcordia Research, Austin
> Angela Goh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
> Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma, USA
> Sumi Helal, University of Florida, USA
> Christian Huemer, University of Vienna, Austria
> Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
> Matthias Jarke, Aachen University of Technology, Germany
> Yahiko Kambayashi, Kyoto University Japan
> Larry Kerschberg, George Mason University, USA
> Wolfgang Klas, University of Vienna, Austria
> Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong, China
> Hongjun Lu, HKUST, Hong Kong, China
> Paolo Missier, Telcordia Technologies (AR), USA
> Erich Neuhold, GMD IPSI Germany
> Maria Orlowska, Univesity of Queensland, Australia
> Tamer Ozsu, University of Waterloo, Canada
> Mike Papazouglu, Tilburg University, Netherland
> Sudha Ram, University of Arizona, USA
> Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, University of Athens, Greece
> Jian Yang, Tilburg University, Netherland
> Philip Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
> Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia
> Steering Committee:
> Ahmed Elmagarmid, co-chair (Purdue U., USA)
> Joseph Urban, co-chair (Arizona State U., USA)
> Yahiko Kambayashi (Kyoto U., Japan)
> Marek Rusinkiewicz (Telcordia Research, USA)
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
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Subject: [GI-FB5-L] Jahrestreffen der GI-Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement 2001
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 13:53:40 +0200
From: Molitor Ralf <Ralf.Molitor(a)swisslife.ch>
To: "'GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de'" <GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Call for Papers:
GI Fachgruppe 1.5.1 Wissensmanagement
Annual Meeting 2001
October, 10-11, 2001
Dortmund, Germany
The annual meeting of the GI-Fachgruppe 1.5.1 Wissensmanagement
is a forum for those who are concerned with knowledge management
either in an academic or industrial environment. The forum is meant to
allow a more informal exchange and discussion of ideas and ongoing
work. This year's meeting will take place at the University of Dortmund.
Topics of interest:
> Knowledge Sharing: cultural and technical aspects
> Knowledge Networks
> Integrating knowledge capturing and knowledge utilization
into the work place
> Knowledge Management tools:
- enhanced search engines
- visualization tools
- classification and categorization tools
- text mining tools
> Ontologies:
- development
- learning
- maintenance
- evaluation
- instantiation
> Case Based Reasoning
- Case and knowledge representation, acquisition, modeling,
maintenance, and management for CBR
- Experience factory / experience management approaches for
systematic application development
- Evaluation of CBR and other experience management systems
- Case-based reasoning-inspired approaches to education
- CBR techniques, methods, and tools
- Integration of CBR with other methods
- Case-based and instance-based learning, index learning and
integration with other learning methods
Joint sessions with the GI-Fachgruppen ABIS, ILLS, ML are planned
(see http://research.swisslife.ch/gi/fgwm2001/associatedEvents.html)
and may cover topics like "Ontology Learning", "Text Mining",
and "Personalization of Portals".
Contributions to the meeting may range from research and position
papers to experience reports and tool descriptions. Any submission
should not exceed 8 pages (detailed style information will be given on
the FGWM2001-homepage). Please send the submission as pdf-file to
ralf.molitor(a)swisslife.ch and provide the title of the submission,
name of author(s), contact address, abstract and keywords with the
email and indicate whether your submission should be considered
for a joint session.
Important dates:
> Submission deadline: 01.08.2001
> Notification: 01.09.2001
> Registration: 14.09.2001
> Final Version: 17.09.2001
> Meeting: 10.-11.10.2001
Organizing committee:
Rudi Studer, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
Ulrich Reimer, Swiss Life, Zurich
Ralf Molitor, Swiss Life, Zurich
Local organization:
Ralf Klinkenberg and Stefan Rueping,
Artificial Intelligence Group,
University of Dortmund
Dr. Ralf Molitor
Swiss Life
IT - Research & Development (CC/ITRD)
CH-8022 Zurich
>>> Rentenanstalt/Swiss Life - Official Partner Expo.02 <<<
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l
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Subject: CFP - IT & Management (special issue)
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 15:01:47 GMT0BST
From: HACKNEY R DR <R.Hackney(a)MMU.AC.UK>
Information Technology & Management (special issue)
Strategic Planning for E-Commerce Systems (SPECS):
value returns and customer alliances
Important Dates:
Paper Submission (email in Word) October 5, 2001
Notification of Acceptance: December 14, 2001
Papers in Final Form Due: February 15, 2002
Target Publication Date: Spring 2003
Author Guidelines:
Submissions to <r.hackney(a)mmu.ac.uk>
There is clearly a great amount of interest in the inter-relationship
between e-commerce and approaches to strategic planning. This special
issue of IT&M seeks research papers which consider the critical issues
relating to this theme (SPECS). The guest editors would particularly
welcome papers which include empirical evidence of research paradigms
and their impact upon organisations.
Ray Hackney
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Janice Burn
Edith Cowan UniversityAustralia
Gurpreet Dhillon
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Dr Ray Hackney
Director BIT Research
The Business School
Manchester Metropolitan University
Aytoun Street
M1 3GH
Tel: +44 (0)161 247 3735
Fax: +44 (0)161 247 6317
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: Call for Papers - MISQ Special Issue on Action Research
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 12:16:08 +1200
From: "Myers, Michael" <m.myers(a)AUCKLAND.AC.NZ>
Call For Papers
Special Issue of MIS Quarterly
"Action Research in Information Systems"
Word and PDF versions of the Call for Papers are available on the ISWorld/
MISQ Discovery Section on Qualitative Research in Information Systems at:
www.auckland.ac.nz/msis/isworld/ (see under "Calls for Papers")
Senior Editors for the Special Issue:
Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University
Michael D. Myers, University of Auckland
Action research is a research method that solves immediate practical
problems while expanding scientific knowledge (Avison, et al., 1999). Unlike
other research methods, where the researcher seeks to study organizational
phenomena but not to change them, the action researcher is concerned to
create organizational change and simultaneously to study the process
(Baburoglu and Ravn, 1992). Although there are many different forms of
action research (Baskerville, 1999; Baskerville and Wood-Harper, 1998), all
are based on collaboration between researchers and practitioners. Given the
frequent calls for IS research to be more relevant to practice (e.g. Zmud,
1998), we believe that action research has the potential to contribute to
making IS research relevant. Action research has been accepted as a valid
research method in other applied fields such as organization development and
education (e.g. Carr and Kemmis, 1986; Elden and Chisholm, 1993; Van Eynde
and Bledsoe, 1990). With this special issue we aim to promote excellent
action research by publishing empirical studies that present and clarify the
ways in which action research should be done in information systems.
The aim of the special issue is to promote action research by publishing
empirical studies that can serve as models ("exemplars") of how to do action
research. Because the special issue is soliciting submissions of exemplars,
authors of a submission (1) must identify clearly in their manuscript's
methods section the criteria by which to judge the research and (2) must
show explicitly how the research in their manuscript meets those criteria.
Manuscripts must address both conditions or will be returned un-reviewed to
their authors. Action research manuscripts in any substantive area of
information systems will be considered.
Our intention is to engage in a constructive dialogue with authors so that
the final product will reflect the highest standards for work in the action
research tradition. Also, we will make every effort to ensure that
manuscripts receive both knowledgeable and respectful reviews. At the same
time, however, we will ensure that only work of the highest standard is
Potential authors are strongly encouraged to contact one of the Senior
Editors early on in the development of their manuscript. In this way we hope
to nurture and provide feedback to prospective authors, even before formal
submission. However, all manuscripts will be subject to the usual high
standard of peer review at MIS Quarterly.
All papers accepted for the themed issue on action research will be made
available immediately, upon acceptance, in the form of electronic pre-prints
on the MIS Quarterly "forthcoming" web page, just like all other MISQ
acceptances. Accepted papers will be batched for hardcopy publication in a
single issue of the Quarterly.
When submitting your manuscript, please clearly indicate that it is to be
considered for the Special Issue on Action Research. All manuscripts must
follow the MISQ guidelines for submission. For example, authors can nominate
reviewers for their submission, but should avoid any nominations that would
involve a conflict of interest. Further details regarding the manuscript
submission process can be found on the MIS Quarterly web site at
We are also interested in people who would like to be reviewers for this
special issue. Please send contact information and a short bio or statement
of interest to Richard Baskerville or Michael Myers.
The deadline for submitting a manuscript to the Special Issue is 30th
September 2002.
However, authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts earlier. The review
process will begin immediately upon receipt of the manuscript.
Inquiries are welcome. Contact either of the senior editors:
Richard L. Baskerville
Georgia State University
Email: baskerville(a)acm.org
Web: <http://www.cis.gsu.edu/~baskerv>
Michael D. Myers
University of Auckland
Email: m.myers(a)auckland.ac.nz
Web: <http://www.auckland.ac.nz/msis/isworld/MMyers/>
Dr Michael D. Myers
Professor of Information Systems
Department of Management Science and Information Systems
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
Tel: 649 3737599 ext. 7468
Fax: 649 3737430
Email: m.myers(a)auckland.ac.nz
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
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Subject: Call for Papers MISQ Executive a publication of MIS Quarterly ~ sponsored by the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University ~ Call for Papers ( also available at <http://www.people.vcu.edu/~aslee/MISQE-call-for-papers.htm> ) 19 June 2001 The editor-in-chief, Jack Rockart, and the senior editors, Cynthia Beath, Allen Lee, Jeanne Ross, and Michael Vitale, of the new journal MISQ Executive are inviting submissions. The mission of MISQ Executive is to encourage practice-based research in the information systems field and to disseminate the results of that research in a manner that makes its relevance and utility readily apparent to both academic and non-academic readers. MISQ Executive will pursue this mission by publishing academic research in a format targeting senior managers. Executives already have access to many sources of knowledge about information systems, but MISQ Executive will differentiate itself from other forms of IS practitioner literature by publishi!
articles, case studies, and research reports that are theoretically and methodologically sound, and that focus the reader's attention on their rich stories, unique insights, and useful conceptual frameworks. MISQ Executive is soliciting submissions of articles for publication in the following departments: **Executive Research. Executive Research articles will present original research and offer lessons, frameworks, explanations, and recommendations relevant to practice. Sloan Management Review provides a model for these articles. Unlike much academic literature, these articles need not emphasize their theoretical roots or describe the methods used, but they will identify related literature that enriches their findings and recommendations for the interested reader. **Case Research. Case Research articles will provide rich stories of individual organizations' management and technological initiatives. These articles will not only tell the story, but also provide analyses of th!
e !
events and their outcomes. The annual SIM competition papers published in MIS Quarterly provide good examples of case research articles. **Research Reports. A Research Report will summarize findings and insights from a recently completed but as yet unpublished research study, including those studies eventually intended for publication in traditional academic journals. The objective of Research Reports is to provide timely and generalizable observations, feedback, and reflections on relatively new phenomena and issues in the information systems arena. A paper suitable for Research Reports would move the research community forward on research in a new area and give practitioners insights into new "hot" areas. Research Reports may, in some cases, be brief (approximately 2 pages) summaries of findings from a just-completed research project, where readers might contact authors for additional details. In other cases, research reports might provide much more detailed findings. **Re!
arch Digest. Research Digest articles will revisit research already published in MIS Quarterly or other academic journals and reframe the research specifically for practitioners who are likely to find the results of the research relevant to current practice. These articles will be rewritten for a practitioner audience in a manner that focuses on managerial practice rather than theory. MISQ Executive intends to be the premiere IS research journal targeting a managerial audience. It aims to emphasize practice-based research as a worthy and important academic pursuit. Its target audience will include both practitioners and researchers, so that the journal can stimulate ongoing discussions at the intersection of research and practice. Educators may also find its articles to be a useful way to introduce students to concepts or frameworks from MIS research. Unlike the MIS Quarterly review process, the MISQ Executive review process will rarely engage authors in a long developmental!
rocess. The MISQ Executive review process will typically involve an accept/reject decision or a single revision prior to an accept/reject decision. Lengthy, "value adding" review cycles will not be the norm. The review process is as follows: 1. Every submission will be screened for review readiness by a senior editor (SE) or the editor-in-chief (EIC). The EIC or one of the SEs will be designated as responsible for managing the submission through the review process (henceforth, the "managing SE"). 2. After passing the screening, the submission will go to at least (but generally, no more than) two members of the editorial board who will serve as reviewers. (However, for the first two issues of MISQ Executive, the reviewers will most likely consist of the other SEs and the EIC). They, in turn, may seek outside persons to be additional reviewers, but the expectation is for this option to be used very rarely. 3. Authors may request (subject to the approval of the managing SE) a r!
iew process that is double blind (so that the reviewers and authors do not know each other's identities) or a review process that is open (so that all reviewers and authors in the manuscript's review process know each others' identities). 4. Generally, there will be a quick accept or reject decision on submissions. The editorial board members reviewing the manuscript may discuss their reactions to a manuscript and write a single, joint recommendation to the managing SE, who will make the final decision on the manuscript and communicate with the author. Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically in the form of a single Word or WordPerfect file (including all tables, figures, and diagrams) attached to an e-mail to submit(a)misqe.org. The e-mail should: 1. list the name(s) and e-mail address(es) of the author(s), 2. identify the corresponding author, 3. indicate the department to which the manuscript is being submitted (Executive Research, Case Research, Research Repo!
s, or Research Digest), 4. nominate one or more of the SEs (Cynthia Beath, Allen Lee, Jeanne Ross, or Michael Vitale) or the EIC (Jack Rockart) to manage the review process for the manuscript and to make the final accept/reject decision on it, and 5. indicate whether the author prefers a blind or open review process. Authors will transfer the copyright of their articles to MISQ Executive, but will retain the right to distribute copies of their articles themselves for educational and research purposes. MISQ Executive: A Print Journal, Distributed Electronically The first two issues of MISQ Executive will be distributed as supplements to MIS Quarterly. MIS Quarterly subscribers will automatically receive, at no cost, the first two issues of MISQ Executive. In addition, the first two issues as well as all subsequent issues of MISQ Executive will be made available in the form of .pdf files that, when printed, will have an appearance similar to articles published in MIS Quarterly!
, !
where the visual appeal of MISQ Executive's articles may be enhanced. Pages will be numbered consecutively within issues. There will be four issues every year. These features will distinguish MISQ Executive from electronic journals which only display their articles in html format. MISQ Executive will not be an electronic journal, but will be a print journal that is distributed electronically. The expectation is that most readers will subscribe to MISQ Executive electronically. However, we expect that paper copies of articles and bound issues will be available, at a cost to be determined. The MISQ Executive website is available at www.misqe.org. Editor-in-Chief Jack Rockart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Senior Editors Cynthia Beath University of Texas, Austin, USA Allen Lee Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Jeanne Ross Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Michael Vitale Australian Graduate School of Management, AUS Executive Editor Alan Dennis Indiana U!
versity, Bloomington, USA Editorial Board, current through 3 July 2001 Ritu Agarwal University of Maryland, College Park, USA Carol Brown Indiania University, USA Michelle Brown Syracuse University, USA Yolande Chan Queen's University, CAN Ted Clark Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, CHN Kathy Curley Communispace Corporation, USA Tom Davenport Accenture David Feeny University of Oxford, GBR Chuck Gibson Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Varun Grover University of South Carolina, USA John Henderson Boston University, USA Blake Ives University of Houston, USA Kate Kaiser Marquette University, USA Ajit Kambil New York University, USA Laurie Kirsch University of Pittsburgh, USA Jiro Kokuryo Keio University, JPN Mary Lacity University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA Stuart Madnick Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Donald Marchand International Institute for Management Development, CHE M. Lynne Markus City University of Hong Kong, CHN Claremont Graduate !
iversity, USA Warren McFarlan Harvard University, USA Keri Pearlson CSC Research Services, USA KP Partners, Inc., USA V. Sambamurthy University of Maryland, College Park, USA Judy Scott University of Texas, Austin, USA Al Segars University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA Maung Sein Agder University College, NOR Jim Short London Business School, GBR Christina Soh Nanyang Technological University, SGP Peter Todd University of Houston, USA Brad Wheeler Indiana University, USA Leslie Willcocks University of Warwick, GBR Mike Zack Northeastern University, USA Bob Zmud University of Oklahoma, USA ____________________
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 12:18:13 -0400
From: John Rockart <jrockart(a)MIT.EDU>
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] ECSCW 2001 Call for Participation
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 16:36:21 +0200
From: Wolfgang Prinz <wolfgang.prinz(a)gmd.de>
To: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, Fgcscw(a)uni-koblenz.de
Call for Participation
ECSCW 2001
The 7th European Conference
on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Bonn, Germany
September, 16-20, 2001
Outstanding programme consisting of:
- 2 invited talks by Larry Prusak and David May
- 21 papers selected out of 109 high quality submissions
- 10 workshops on new research topics
- 8 tutorials bringing you up to the state of the art
- 20 Demos and posters on work in progress
Please check our website for more details
on the conference programme: http://ecscw2001.gmd.de/
Early registration deadline ends July 21st.
The conference site offers a limited number of
hotel rooms incl. breakfast at a special rate. Rooms
will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.
Rooms can be booked using the registration
form. Please register soon!
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GI-FB5-L] GROUP 01: Sept 30 - Oct 3, Boulder, Colorado USA
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 09:22:41 +0200
From: "Aalst, W.M.P. van der" <W.M.P.v.d.Aalst(a)tm.tue.nl>
To: "'siksleden(a)cs.uu.nl'" <siksleden(a)cs.uu.nl>, "'GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de'" <GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
GROUP 2001:
International Conference on Supporting Group Work
September 30 - October 3, 2001
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Early Registration Deadline: September 1, 2001
GROUP 2001 is a forum for researchers and practitioners who
are interested in computer-based systems that support
groups, organizations and other social networks. Relevant
issues include the design, implementation, deployment, and
evaluation of the effects of these systems.
The expanding functionality of group support systems creates
new use opportunities. However, the integration of
technology with social practices can be challenging.
Additionally, the growing influence of the Internet, mobile
and ubiquitous computing, agent systems, and virtual reality
also influence group/organizational structures and
processes. These technologies are exciting, but their
technological and social integration raises many questions
for a challenging new research agenda.
GROUP 2001 integrates two themes of research: modeling and
implementation issues, and the organizational and behavioral
considerations for supporting group work. We invite
participation from researchers and practitioners interested
in these issues.
The conference will take place in beautiful Boulder,
Colorado, at the base of the Rocky Mountains. In addition
to an exciting papers program, plenary speakers include Stan
Deetz, author of _Democracy in an age of corporate
colonization: Developments in communication and the
politics of everyday life_.
Conference Chair:
Clarence (Skip) Ellis
University of Colorado, Boulder
Program Co-Chairs:
Tom Rodden
Lancaster University
Ilze Zigurs
University of Nebraska, Omaha
Questions: Shana.Lourie(a)colorado.edu
Sunday Sept 30
Workshops 9:00-5:00
Track I: Collaborative Editing
Track II: A Computer Game Virtual Environment for Collaboration
Monday October 1st
Welcome Session 8:30-10:00
Opening Keynote:
Prof. STANLEY DEETZ, organizational communications scholar
Morning Break 10:00 -10:30
Paper Session 10:30-12:00
"Decentralized Ad-Hoc Groupware API and Framework for
Mobile Collaboration"
Dominik Buszko, Wei-Hsing Lee, Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal,
University of Florida
"A Diary Study of Rendezvousing: Implications for
Personal, Position-Aware
Communications for Groups of Mobile Users"
Martin Colbert, University of Kingston
"Supporting Self-Regulation of Learning Activities in
Online Communities of Practice"
Maarten de Laat, University of Nijmegen
Frank de Jong, Univ. of Nijmegen & Education Knowledge
Center,Dutch Police
Robert Jan Simons, University of Nijmegen
"Group Formation in Computer-Supported Collaborative
Martin Wessner, IPSI/GMD
Hans-R¸diger Pfister, Knowledge Media Research Center
Lunch 12:00 - 1:30
Paper Session 1:30-3:00
"Interaction as a Framework for Flexible Workflow
Havard D. Jorgensen, Norwegian Univ. of Science & Tech.
"Beyond Workflow Management: Product-Driven Case Handling"
W.M.P. van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology
P.J.S. Berens, Pallas Athena
"Process Descriptions as Organisational Accounting
Devices: The Dual Use of Workflow Technologies"
Paul Dourish, University of California Irvine
"An Integrative Framework for Knowledge Extraction in
Collaborative Virtual Environments"
Robert P. Biuk-Aghai, University of Macau
Simeon J. Simoff, University of Technology, Sydney
"Experiencing a Presentation through a Mixed Reality
Boriana Koleva, Holger Schn"delbach, Steve Benford and
Chris Greenhalgh, University of Nottingham
Afternoon Break 3:00-3:30
Panel Session 3:30-5:00
"Captain Bly and Mister Christian:
Collaboration on the High Seas of Commerce"
Conference Reception 5:30-7:00
SIGGROUP Members Meeting 7:00-8:00
Tuesday October 1st
Paper Session 8:30-10:00
"Comparing Modes of Coordination A Comparison Between Oral
and Artifact Based Coordination"
Peter H. Carstensen, The IT University of Copenhagen
Morten Nielsen, Aarhus University, DK
"Towards an Optimal Resolution to Information Overload:
An Infomediary Approach"
Jinwon Ho & Rong Tang, State Univ. of New York at Albany
"Demonstrational Customization of a Shared Whiteboard to
Support User-Defined Semantic Relationships among Objects"
Du Li and Jason Patrao, Texas A&M University
"Exploration Environments for Groupware Concept and
Empirical Evaluation"
Volker Wulf and Bjorn Golombek, GMD-FIT
"Don't Hang Up on the Telephone Yet!"
Joanie Connell, Gerald Mendelsohn, Univ of Calif Berkeley
Richard Robins, University of California, Davis
John Canny, University of California, Berkeley
"A Comparison of Observation and Inspection Methods for
Evaluating Groupware"
Michelle Potts Steves, Emile Morse, NIST
Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan
Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary, Canada
Morning Break 10:00-10:30
Paper Session 10:30-12:00
"Workflow Performance and Scalability Analysis by Using
the Layered Queueing Modeling Methodology"
Kwang-Hoon Kim, Kyonggi University at South Korea
Clarence A. Ellis, University Colorado at Boulder
"From Local to Global Coordination: Lessons from
Software Reuse"
Rebecca E. Grinter, XEROX PARC
Session: Social and Relational Effects
"Social Presence with Video and Application Sharing"
Erin Bradner and Gloria Mark, Univ of California Irvine
"Building Boundaries and Negotiating Work at Home"
Christine Salazar, University of Washington, Tacoma
Lunch 12:00-1:30
Paper Session 1:30-3:00
"Collaborative Document Monitoring"
Natalie Glance, WhizBang! Labs
Jean-Luc Meunier, Pierre Bernard, Damian Arregui, Xerox
Research Center Europe
"WWG: a Wide-Area Infrastructure for Group Work"
Joan Manuel Marques and Leandro Navarro,
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
"A Team Collaboration Space Supporting Capture and Access
of Virtual Meetings"
Werner Geyer, IBM Watson
Heather Richter, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ludwin Fuchs, Boeing
Tom Frauenhofer, IBM Watson
Shahrokh Daijavad and Steven Poltrock, Boeing
"Undoing Any Operation in Collaborative Graphics Editing
David Chen and Chengzheng Sun, Griffith University
Afternoon Break 3:00-3:30
Panel 3:30-5:00
Plenary Panel
Conference Banquet in evening
Wednesday October 2nd
Paper Session 8:30-10:00
"When Culture and Style Aren't About Clothes: Perceptions
of Task Technology 'Fit' in Global Virtual Teams"
Anne P. Massey, Yu-Ting Caisy Hung, Indiana University
Mitzi Montoya-Weiss, North Carolina State University
V. Ramesh, Indiana University
"Evaluating Expertise Recommendations"
David W. McDonald, FXPAL
"Symgroup: Applying Social Agents in a Group Interaction
Jacques Wainer and Danillo Palacio Braga, Universidade
Estadual de Campinas
"Diffusion of a Collaborative Technology Across Distance"
Gloria Mark, University of California, Irvine
Steven Poltrock, The Boeing Company
"Safety in Numbers: Calculation and Document Re-Use in
Knowledge Work"
Richard Harper, Digital World Research Center
Rob Procter, University of Edinburgh
Dave Randall, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mark Rouncefield, University of Lancaster
"The Social Web Cockpit Support for Virtual Communities"
Wolfgang Gr"ther, Wolfgang Prinz, GMD-FIT
Morning Break 10:00-10:30
Paper Session 10:30-12:00
"Visual and Spatial Communication and Task Organization
Using the Visual Knowledge Builder"
Frank Shipman, Robert Airhart, Haowei Hsieh, Preetam Maloor,
J. Michael Moore, and Divya Shah,Texas A&M University
"Effects of Group Task Pressure on Perceptions of Email
and Face-to-Face Communication Effectiveness"
E. Vance Wilson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
"Organizational Adoption and Diffusion of Electronic
Meeting Systems: A Case Study"
Bjorn Erik Munkvold, University of New South Wales
Rob Anson, Boise State University
"RoamWare: An Integrated Architecture for Seamless Interaction
In Between Mobile Meetings"
Mikael Wiberg, Umea University, Sweden
Lunch and Closing 12:00-1:30
Prof.dr.ir. W.M.P. van der Aalst
Eindhoven University of Technology
Faculty of Technology and Management (PAV D2)
Department of Information and Technology
PO Box 513
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
+31 40 247.4295/2290
+31 40 243.2612
Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/gi-fb5-l