---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 17:20:55 +0100
From: elayne coakes <coakese(a)WESTMINSTER.AC.UK>
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline October 1, 2001
Knowledge Management
Track of
2002 Information Resources Management Association International Conference
May 19-22, 2002
at Renaissance Madison Hotel
Seattle, Washington, USA
Elayne Coakes
Westminster University,UK
The fundamental managerial challenge at the start of the 21 st Century
centres on how organizations create, share and exploit knowledge. Only
managers and consultants with a deep understanding of Knowledge Management
issues will be able to address the challenges of innovation and change
that the knowledge era is bringing. This track will seek to explore the
issues, challenges and problems inherent in developing an understanding of
knowledge management in the context of the learning organization. We
encourage contributions from researchers and practitioners who have an
interest in the use, development and management of knowledge and knowledge
management systems. We wish to develop broad themes which encompass the
organizational, human and technological aspects of managing knowledge. The
emphasis will be on making connections between theory and practice and
case study examples would be particularly welcome.
The Knowledge Management Track encourages the submission of quality papers
and panel and workshop
proposals dealing with (but not limited to)the following topics:
o Consulting practice in Knowledge Management
o The nature of Knowledge Management - issues of and relationships between
data, information and knowledge
o The application and use of communication and collaborative technologies
o Development and building of knowledge management systems
o Knowledge, learning and organizational memory
o Groupware and collaborative learning
o Barriers to learning and knowledge management
o Organizational analysis and knowledge
o The management of enterprise wide knowledge systems
o The development of creativity and innovation in organizations
o Knowledge Management as a strategic issue
o Knowledge and organizational change management
o Language, communication and knowledge construction
o Case studies and best practice in knowledge management
For complete conference information, visit the IRMA Web Site at
Full lengths papers (3-3500 words), research-in-progress proposals
(abstracts/summaries of 500-1000 words) and panel, workshop, tutorial or
symposium proposals (500-1000 words) invited.
All submissions to be sent to:
Please note that selected papers will also be considered for inclusion in
OR Insight a refereed journal of the OR Society UK. For further details
of requirements for the journal see my web -site:
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Conference announcement - FM 1 New Definitions: Value, Community, Space
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 12:35:23 +0200
From: Bernhard Krieger <bernhard.krieger(a)infonomics.nl>
November 4-6, Heerlen/Maastricht, The Netherlands
The impact on society of the technologies of "digitisation" has transcended
the limits of any single discipline. It is universal and ubiquitous,
affecting everything. But how does this digitisation affect our basic
concepts about society - such as value, community, law, space?
This conference will bring together the world's leading thinkers and doers
in various fields - from anthropology to law, economics to information
technology - to ask: What, if anything, is new about the way we redefine
our understanding of these concepts?
Topics covered include:
- notions of value, non-monetary economic activity,
- measurement without prices, free software
- the meaning of money, electronic currencies
- communities, social networks
- reputation, trust and identity
- formal and informal law, dissappearing borders and Internet jurisdiction
- space and navigation
- political space, government, new media and freedom
- geographical space, access, impact and inequality
Format and speakers
This conference is uniquely designed to contrast opinions from different
disciplines in sessions linked by common themes: Value, Community, Space. A
special Crosstalk session each day brings together participants from the
different themes in debate, to elicit a broader understanding of the issues
that face us.
The conference emerges from First Monday's reputation as a source of
quality ideas and research on digitisation and society. Beginning with
keynote presentations from two of First Monday's well-known editorial board
members: Esther Dyson and Anthony Rutkowski, this conference draws on First
Monday's long list of authors, some of the foremost thinkers in their
fields. Confirmed speakers include
Wilfred Dolfsma, International Institute of Infonomics
Paul Duguid, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Kasper Edwards, Technical University Denmark
Andreas Harsono, Institute for Studies of Freeflow of Information, Jakarta
Leo van Hove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bernardo Huberman, Hewlett-Packard Sand Hill Labs
Bernt Hugenholtz, Institute for Information Law, Amsterdam University
Christopher Kelty, Rice University, Houston
Bonnie Nardi, Agilent Technologies Inc
Bruce Perens, Open Source evangelist, Hewlett-Packard,
David Post, Temple University School of Law
Howard Rheingold, author, "The Virtual Community"
Richard Rogers, University of Amsterdam
Richard Wiggins, Michigan State University
Who should attend
This conference will offer insights into issues that are critical to
economic, social and technological development in Europe as well as
worldwide. It will appeal to everyone concerned with the emerging
understanding of digitization and its impact on society, policy and
business. We expect as participants academics, corporate officers,
government policy makers, thinkers and activists from around the world.
Online registration and hotel reservation forms, as well as the conference
programme are available at http://www.infonomics.nl/newdefinitions/
The conference is jointly organised by First Monday - the peer reviewed
journal of the Internet (www.firstmonday.org) and the International
Institute of Infonomics (www.infonomics.nl). For more information and
sponsorship opportunities please contact Conference Coordinator Kamini
Aisola, k.aisola(a)kaiaconsult.com
International Institute of Infonomics
Bernhard Krieger
PO Box 2606
6401 DC Heerlen, NL
Tel.: +31-45-5707691 Fax: +31-45-5706262
E-mail: bernhard.krieger(a)infonomics.nl
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 17:28:12 -0400
From: John Rockart <jrockart(a)MIT.EDU>
~ a publication of MIS Quarterly ~
~ sponsored by the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University ~
(This call is being repeated since several people have said it arrived in a
garbled state)
Call for Papers
( also available at
<http://www.people.vcu.edu/~aslee/MISQE-call-for-papers.htm> )
19 June 2001
The editor-in-chief, Jack Rockart, and the senior editors, Cynthia Beath,
Allen Lee, Jeanne Ross, and Michael Vitale, of the new journal MISQ
Executive are inviting submissions.
The mission of MISQ Executive is to encourage practice-based research in
the information systems field and to disseminate the results of that
research in a manner that makes its relevance and utility readily apparent
to both academic and non-academic readers. MISQ Executive will pursue this
mission by publishing academic research in a format targeting senior
managers. Executives already have access to many sources of knowledge
about information systems, but MISQ Executive will differentiate itself
from other forms of IS practitioner literature by publishing articles, case
studies, and research reports that are theoretically and methodologically
sound, and that focus the reader's attention on their rich stories, unique
insights, and useful conceptual frameworks.
MISQ Executive is soliciting submissions of articles for publication in the
following departments:
**Executive Research. Executive Research articles will present original
research and offer lessons, frameworks, explanations, and recommendations
relevant to practice. Sloan Management Review provides a model for these
articles. Unlike much academic literature, these articles need not
emphasize their theoretical roots or describe the methods used, but they
will identify related literature that enriches their findings and
recommendations for the interested reader.
**Case Research. Case Research articles will provide rich stories of
individual organizations' management and technological initiatives. These
articles will not only tell the story, but also provide analyses of the
events and their outcomes. The annual SIM competition papers published in
MIS Quarterly provide good examples of case research articles.
**Research Reports. A Research Report will summarize findings and insights
from a recently completed but as yet unpublished research study, including
those studies eventually intended for publication in traditional academic
journals. The objective of Research Reports is to provide timely and
generalizable observations, feedback, and reflections on relatively new
phenomena and issues in the information systems arena. A paper suitable
for Research Reports would move the research community forward on research
in a new area and give practitioners insights into new "hot" areas.
Research Reports may, in some cases, be brief (approximately 2 pages)
summaries of findings from a just-completed research project, where readers
might contact authors for additional details. In other cases, research
reports might provide much more detailed findings.
**Research Digest. Research Digest articles will revisit research already
published in MIS Quarterly or other academic journals and reframe the
research specifically for practitioners who are likely to find the results
of the research relevant to current practice. These articles will be
rewritten for a practitioner audience in a manner that focuses on
managerial practice rather than theory.
MISQ Executive intends to be the premiere IS research journal targeting a
managerial audience. It aims to emphasize practice-based research as a
worthy and important academic pursuit. Its target audience will include
both practitioners and researchers, so that the journal can stimulate
ongoing discussions at the intersection of research and
practice. Educators may also find its articles to be a useful way to
introduce students to concepts or frameworks from MIS research.
Unlike the MIS Quarterly review process, the MISQ Executive review process
will rarely engage authors in a long developmental process. The MISQ
Executive review process will typically involve an accept/reject decision
or a single revision prior to an accept/reject decision. Lengthy, "value
adding" review cycles will not be the norm. The review process is as
1. Every submission will be screened for review readiness by a senior
editor (SE) or the editor-in-chief (EIC). The EIC or one of the SEs will
be designated as responsible for managing the submission through the review
process (henceforth, the "managing SE").
2. After passing the screening, the submission will go to at least (but
generally, no more than) two members of the editorial board who will serve
as reviewers. (However, for the first two issues of MISQ Executive, the
reviewers will most likely consist of the other SEs and the EIC). They, in
turn, may seek outside persons to be additional reviewers, but the
expectation is for this option to be used very rarely.
3. Authors may request (subject to the approval of the managing SE) a
review process that is double blind (so that the reviewers and authors do
not know each other's identities) or a review process that is open (so that
all reviewers and authors in the manuscript's review process know each
others' identities).
4. Generally, there will be a quick accept or reject decision on
submissions. The editorial board members reviewing the manuscript may
discuss their reactions to a manuscript and write a single, joint
recommendation to the managing SE, who will make the final decision on the
manuscript and communicate with the author.
Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically in the form of a
single Word or WordPerfect file (including all tables, figures, and
diagrams) attached to an e-mail to submit(a)misqe.org. The e-mail should:
1. list the name(s) and e-mail address(es) of the author(s),
2. identify the corresponding author,
3. indicate the department to which the manuscript is being submitted
(Executive Research, Case Research, Research Reports, or Research Digest),
4. nominate one or more of the SEs (Cynthia Beath, Allen Lee, Jeanne Ross,
or Michael Vitale) or the EIC (Jack Rockart) to manage the review process
for the manuscript and to make the final accept/reject decision on it, and
5. indicate whether the author prefers a blind or open review process.
Authors will transfer the copyright of their articles to MISQ Executive,
but will retain the
right to distribute copies of their articles themselves for educational and
research purposes.
MISQ Executive:
A Print Journal, Distributed Electronically
The first two issues of MISQ Executive will be distributed as supplements
to MIS Quarterly. MIS Quarterly subscribers will automatically receive, at
no cost, the first two issues of MISQ Executive. In addition, the first
two issues as well as all subsequent issues of MISQ Executive will be made
available in the form of .pdf files that, when printed, will have an
appearance similar to articles published in MIS Quarterly, where the visual
appeal of MISQ Executive's articles may be enhanced. Pages will be
numbered consecutively within issues. There will be four issues every
year. These features will distinguish MISQ Executive from electronic
journals which only display their articles in html format. MISQ Executive
will not be an electronic journal, but will be a print journal that is
distributed electronically. The expectation is that most readers will
subscribe to MISQ Executive electronically. However, we expect that paper
copies of articles and bound issues will be available, at a cost to be
The MISQ Executive website will soon be available at www.misqe.org.
Jack Rockart
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Senior Editors
Cynthia Beath
University of Texas, Austin, USA
Allen Lee
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Jeanne Ross
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Michael Vitale
Australian Graduate School of Management, AUS
Executive Editor
Alan Dennis
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Editorial Board, current through 19 June 2001
Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Carol Brown, Indiania University, USA
Michelle Brown, Syracuse University, USA
Yolande Chan, Queen's University, CAN
Ted Clark, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, CHN
Kathy Curley, Communispace Corporation, USA
Tom Davenport, Accenture, USA
David Feeny, University of Oxford, GBR
Chuck Gibson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Varun Grover, University of South Carolina, USA
John Henderson, Boston University, USA
Blake Ives, University of Houston, USA
Kate Kaiser, Marquette University, USA
Ajit Kambil, Accenture,USA
Laurie Kirsch, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Jiro Kokuryo, Keio University, JPN
Mary Lacity, University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA
Stuart Madnick, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Donald Marchand, International Institute for Management Development, CHE
M.Lynne Markus, City University of Hong Kong, CHN, Claremont Graduate
University, USA
Warren McFarlan, Harvard University, USA
Keri Pearlson, CSC Research Services, USA, KP Partners, Inc., USA
V. Sambamurthy, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Judy Scott, University of Texas, Austin, USA
Al Segars, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Maung Sein, Agder University College, NOR
Jim Short, London Business School, GBR
Christina Soh, Nanyang Technological University, SGP
Peter Todd, University of Houston, USA
Brad Wheeler, Indiana University, USA
Leslie Willcocks, University of Warwick, GBR
Mike Zack, Northeastern University, USA
Bob Zmud, University of Oklahoma, USA
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 17:28:12 -0400
From: John Rockart <jrockart(a)MIT.EDU>
~ a publication of MIS Quarterly ~
~ sponsored by the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University ~
(This call is being repeated since several people have said it arrived in a
garbled state)
Call for Papers
( also available at
<http://www.people.vcu.edu/~aslee/MISQE-call-for-papers.htm> )
19 June 2001
The editor-in-chief, Jack Rockart, and the senior editors, Cynthia Beath,
Allen Lee, Jeanne Ross, and Michael Vitale, of the new journal MISQ
Executive are inviting submissions.
The mission of MISQ Executive is to encourage practice-based research in
the information systems field and to disseminate the results of that
research in a manner that makes its relevance and utility readily apparent
to both academic and non-academic readers. MISQ Executive will pursue this
mission by publishing academic research in a format targeting senior
managers. Executives already have access to many sources of knowledge
about information systems, but MISQ Executive will differentiate itself
from other forms of IS practitioner literature by publishing articles, case
studies, and research reports that are theoretically and methodologically
sound, and that focus the reader's attention on their rich stories, unique
insights, and useful conceptual frameworks.
MISQ Executive is soliciting submissions of articles for publication in the
following departments:
**Executive Research. Executive Research articles will present original
research and offer lessons, frameworks, explanations, and recommendations
relevant to practice. Sloan Management Review provides a model for these
articles. Unlike much academic literature, these articles need not
emphasize their theoretical roots or describe the methods used, but they
will identify related literature that enriches their findings and
recommendations for the interested reader.
**Case Research. Case Research articles will provide rich stories of
individual organizations' management and technological initiatives. These
articles will not only tell the story, but also provide analyses of the
events and their outcomes. The annual SIM competition papers published in
MIS Quarterly provide good examples of case research articles.
**Research Reports. A Research Report will summarize findings and insights
from a recently completed but as yet unpublished research study, including
those studies eventually intended for publication in traditional academic
journals. The objective of Research Reports is to provide timely and
generalizable observations, feedback, and reflections on relatively new
phenomena and issues in the information systems arena. A paper suitable
for Research Reports would move the research community forward on research
in a new area and give practitioners insights into new "hot" areas.
Research Reports may, in some cases, be brief (approximately 2 pages)
summaries of findings from a just-completed research project, where readers
might contact authors for additional details. In other cases, research
reports might provide much more detailed findings.
**Research Digest. Research Digest articles will revisit research already
published in MIS Quarterly or other academic journals and reframe the
research specifically for practitioners who are likely to find the results
of the research relevant to current practice. These articles will be
rewritten for a practitioner audience in a manner that focuses on
managerial practice rather than theory.
MISQ Executive intends to be the premiere IS research journal targeting a
managerial audience. It aims to emphasize practice-based research as a
worthy and important academic pursuit. Its target audience will include
both practitioners and researchers, so that the journal can stimulate
ongoing discussions at the intersection of research and
practice. Educators may also find its articles to be a useful way to
introduce students to concepts or frameworks from MIS research.
Unlike the MIS Quarterly review process, the MISQ Executive review process
will rarely engage authors in a long developmental process. The MISQ
Executive review process will typically involve an accept/reject decision
or a single revision prior to an accept/reject decision. Lengthy, "value
adding" review cycles will not be the norm. The review process is as
1. Every submission will be screened for review readiness by a senior
editor (SE) or the editor-in-chief (EIC). The EIC or one of the SEs will
be designated as responsible for managing the submission through the review
process (henceforth, the "managing SE").
2. After passing the screening, the submission will go to at least (but
generally, no more than) two members of the editorial board who will serve
as reviewers. (However, for the first two issues of MISQ Executive, the
reviewers will most likely consist of the other SEs and the EIC). They, in
turn, may seek outside persons to be additional reviewers, but the
expectation is for this option to be used very rarely.
3. Authors may request (subject to the approval of the managing SE) a
review process that is double blind (so that the reviewers and authors do
not know each other's identities) or a review process that is open (so that
all reviewers and authors in the manuscript's review process know each
others' identities).
4. Generally, there will be a quick accept or reject decision on
submissions. The editorial board members reviewing the manuscript may
discuss their reactions to a manuscript and write a single, joint
recommendation to the managing SE, who will make the final decision on the
manuscript and communicate with the author.
Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically in the form of a
single Word or WordPerfect file (including all tables, figures, and
diagrams) attached to an e-mail to submit(a)misqe.org. The e-mail should:
1. list the name(s) and e-mail address(es) of the author(s),
2. identify the corresponding author,
3. indicate the department to which the manuscript is being submitted
(Executive Research, Case Research, Research Reports, or Research Digest),
4. nominate one or more of the SEs (Cynthia Beath, Allen Lee, Jeanne Ross,
or Michael Vitale) or the EIC (Jack Rockart) to manage the review process
for the manuscript and to make the final accept/reject decision on it, and
5. indicate whether the author prefers a blind or open review process.
Authors will transfer the copyright of their articles to MISQ Executive,
but will retain the
right to distribute copies of their articles themselves for educational and
research purposes.
MISQ Executive:
A Print Journal, Distributed Electronically
The first two issues of MISQ Executive will be distributed as supplements
to MIS Quarterly. MIS Quarterly subscribers will automatically receive, at
no cost, the first two issues of MISQ Executive. In addition, the first
two issues as well as all subsequent issues of MISQ Executive will be made
available in the form of .pdf files that, when printed, will have an
appearance similar to articles published in MIS Quarterly, where the visual
appeal of MISQ Executive's articles may be enhanced. Pages will be
numbered consecutively within issues. There will be four issues every
year. These features will distinguish MISQ Executive from electronic
journals which only display their articles in html format. MISQ Executive
will not be an electronic journal, but will be a print journal that is
distributed electronically. The expectation is that most readers will
subscribe to MISQ Executive electronically. However, we expect that paper
copies of articles and bound issues will be available, at a cost to be
The MISQ Executive website will soon be available at www.misqe.org.
Jack Rockart
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Senior Editors
Cynthia Beath
University of Texas, Austin, USA
Allen Lee
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Jeanne Ross
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Michael Vitale
Australian Graduate School of Management, AUS
Executive Editor
Alan Dennis
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Editorial Board, current through 19 June 2001
Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Carol Brown, Indiania University, USA
Michelle Brown, Syracuse University, USA
Yolande Chan, Queen's University, CAN
Ted Clark, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, CHN
Kathy Curley, Communispace Corporation, USA
Tom Davenport, Accenture, USA
David Feeny, University of Oxford, GBR
Chuck Gibson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Varun Grover, University of South Carolina, USA
John Henderson, Boston University, USA
Blake Ives, University of Houston, USA
Kate Kaiser, Marquette University, USA
Ajit Kambil, Accenture,USA
Laurie Kirsch, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Jiro Kokuryo, Keio University, JPN
Mary Lacity, University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA
Stuart Madnick, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Donald Marchand, International Institute for Management Development, CHE
M.Lynne Markus, City University of Hong Kong, CHN, Claremont Graduate
University, USA
Warren McFarlan, Harvard University, USA
Keri Pearlson, CSC Research Services, USA, KP Partners, Inc., USA
V. Sambamurthy, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Judy Scott, University of Texas, Austin, USA
Al Segars, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Maung Sein, Agder University College, NOR
Jim Short, London Business School, GBR
Christina Soh, Nanyang Technological University, SGP
Peter Todd, University of Houston, USA
Brad Wheeler, Indiana University, USA
Leslie Willcocks, University of Warwick, GBR
Mike Zack, Northeastern University, USA
Bob Zmud, University of Oklahoma, USA
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Submission Process for JSIS special Issue on Trust in Digital Economy
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 21:01:35 -0400
From: "V. Sambamurthy" <smurthy(a)RHSMITH.UMD.EDU>
Dear Colleagues,
For those of you who are planning on submitting a paper to the special issue
of the Journal of Strategic Information Systems (guest-edited by V.
Sambamurthy and Sirkka Jarvenpaa) on Trust in the Digital Economy, here are
some guidelines on the submission procedure.
Journal of Strategic Information Systems has an online paper submission
system that we would like you to use for the
papers submitted by the June 30 deadline. The original call for papers is
included at the bottom of this message.
Anyone interested in submitting or reviewing papers for the special issue,
1. please go to http://tprm.temple.edu/jsis/ and register yourself as a user.
2. Before submitting a paper electronically to the system, please remove all
personal identification from the submitted paper.
3. Please make sure that you will get an electronic confirmation of your
submission. If you do not get an electronic confirmation, please send me or
Professor Sirkka Jarvenpaa an email and include your paper as an attachment.
4. If you are not comfortable using the online submission system, we are
happy to get an email from you with your submission enclosed as an
attachment. 5. Information on JSIS is available from JSIS website:
If questions, contact one of us (our e-mail addresses appear below in the
Call for Papers).
Special Issue of the Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Call for Papers
Trust in the Digital Economy
The concept of "trust" is becoming a more critical and visible success
element of organizations as they become more information technology
intensive in terms of their strategy, structure, business processes, and
intra and interorganizational relationships. Trust is essential in
nearly any business practice and innovation that involves information
technology: distributed systems, virtual organizations and teams,
competences built on intangible assets such as knowledge, electronic
commerce, and so on. For example, trust is essential for
1. Transacting with customers in electronic environments and managing their
privacy .
2. Increasing knowledge sharing in IT enabled organizations (e.g., virtual
teams, virtual organizations).
3. Inter-organizational collaborative networks and outsourcing relationships
4. Distributive IT architectures (e.g., peer to peer architectures)
There remains untapped potential for strategic IT research to advance
knowledge by developing, testing, corroborating, and extending theories
in the area of trust in digital environments. We invite original
scholarly works dealing with issues of trust and information systems
that advance our knowledge either theoretically or empirically on the
role and value of trust in IT enabled business practices and
innovations. We are particularly interested in contributions on the
creation, evolution, antecedents, consequences, and breakdowns of trust
in digital environments. We are open to any of the theoretical schools
or perspectives of trust that exist. We invite research based on diverse
theoretical perspectives, including organizational behavior and theory,
strategic management, sociology, psychology, economics, political
science, and computer science. We also encourage and welcome
contributions from a wide range of methodological approaches.
The purpose of this special issue is to stimulate theoretical and
empirical research on the role and value of trust in IT-enabled
competitive strategies, structures, business processes, and intra- an
inter-organizational relationships in the contemporary business
environments. While there are many interesting and important research
issues and questions, we highlight a few below. Authors are encouraged
to raise other issues as well and focus their attention on particular
industries or industry sectors.
Some of the questions include:
* How and why does trust matter in digital environments?
* How is trust created and how does it evolve in digital environments?
* What role do information technologies play in increasing trust between
* How can the value and impacts of information technologies on trust be
* How do concepts of trust relate to the information technology development
tools and development environments?
* What are the basis of trust relationships in electronic commerce models
(B-C relationships and B-B marketplaces?
* What organizational designs, structures, and processes are likely to
promote trust?
* What is the role of trust in Information technology theories?
Clearly, there are many other interesting research questions related to
the special issue theme. Submissions will be handled by one of the
Special Issue editors.
Sirkka Jarvenpaa, University of Texas, Austin. Phone: (512) 471-1751.
E-mail: Sirkka.Jarvenpaa(a)bus.utexas.edu
V. Sambamurthy, University of Maryland, College Park. Phone: (301) 405-8645.
E-mail: smurthy(a)rhsmith.umd.edu
All submissions are due by June 30, 2001.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Special issue of ISF on Business Applications of Uncertain Reasoning
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 15:44:52 -0400
From: "Prof. H. R. Rao" <mgmtrao(a)ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Dear Colleagues:
Some of you may be interested in the CFP below
Raghav Rao
Special issue of Information Systems Frontiers on Business Applications
Uncertain Reasoning.
Uncertain reasoning, an integral part of information systems, is a
support modeling tool that has taken on increasing importance in the
recent past.
It has been utilized in applications as diverse as credit ratings,
diagnosis, multi-sensor
fusion, and aggregating audit evidence. This special issue focuses on
the business
aspects of uncertain reasoning and will bring a cross-disciplinary
awareness to
the business community. This includes applications of uncertain
reasoning to
accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, strategic
human resources management, information systems, and business law.
The special issue will be published in December 2002. Details of
Systems Frontiers can be found at
The guest editors are:
Prakash P. Shenoy, Ronald G. Harper Distinguished Professor & Rajendra
P. Srivastava, Ernst & Young Professor
University of Kansas School of Business
1300 Sunnyside Av, Summerfield Hall
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7585
Phone: (785) 864-7551, Fax: (785) 864-5328, Email: pshenoy(a)ku.edu and
Homepage: http://www.bschool.ukans.edu/People/Faculty/PShenoy
Homepage: http://www.bschool.ukans.edu/People/Faculty/RSrivastava/
The schedule with deadlines is as follows:
September 30, 2001: Send in your intention to submit a contribution.
This will
help the guest editors in planning the special issue.
November 1, 2001: Four copies of your contribution should be sent to one
of the
two guest editors with a list of five potential reviewers with no
conflict of
interest (recent collaborators, students, advisors, etc are not
Manuscripts should be no more than 30 pages total (including figures,
tables, and
references), double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides, US letter (or
A4) sized
pages, and 12-point font.
Guidelines for authors can be found at:
March 30, 2002: Initial review of paper with preliminary decision.
July 31, 2002: Final review of paper with final decision.
August 31, 2002: Final copy of manuscript with reviewer/editor comments
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: Call for Papers: Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems [Reminder]
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 14:27:48 -0230
From: Jeffrey Parsons <jeffreyp(a)MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA>
Fueling the Digital Economy: Achieving Information Technologies and
Systems Research Impact in the Age of 'Internet Time'
The Eleventh Annual Workshop On Information Technologies And Systems
(WITS'01) will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, on December 15-16,
2001, just prior to the International Conference on Information Systems. The
purpose of the workshop is to promote discussion and interaction among
members of the Information Systems community with research interests in
cutting-edge information technologies and systems. We are interested in
exchanging research ideas and results that will contribute to theoretical
understanding of information technologies and systems, as well as benefit
the business community in the foreseeable future.
Full details about the workshop, and access to the electronic paper
submission system, can be found at
The FIRM deadline for submissions is August 15,2001.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
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Subject: JECR Special edition
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 21:45:43 +0100
From: Ashok <ranchhod(a)BTINTERNET.COM>
May Edition of Journal of e-Commerce Research
Guest Editor Prof. Ashok Ranchhod, Southampton Business School, East Park
Terrace, Southampton, SO14 0RH, Tel : 023 80 319541 home e-mail:
This edition contains some interesting papers on E-commerce from a range of
different global perspectives.
Paper 1
A Conceptual Foundation for Versatile E-Commerce Platforms
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank, Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universitaet
Rheinau 1, 56075 Koblenz, Visitor Address; Rammsweg 1, Tel: 49-261-287-2522
E-Mail: ulrich.frank(a)uni-koblenz.de
This paper looks at how business processes can be realigned by the
utilisation of powerful information systems for e-commerce. The article is
directed at object-oriented modeling of products that are offered on
e-commerce websites. A powerful approach is mapped out, based in part on
the use of meta concepts. The author originated this approach within the
design of a reference model for e-commerce platforms on the Internet.
Paper 2
Adoption of On-line Trading in the Hong Kong Financial Market
Adela Lau and Jerome Yen, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR smlau,
and Patrick Y. K. Chau School of Business The University of Hong Kong
This paper considers the issues affecting investor adoption of on-line
trading in the Hong Kong financial market. The system looked at provides
straight-through trading for investors rather than order routing systems
that forwards orders from a broker firm to the appropriate market. This
paper focuses on the social/organizational perspective by using a research
model based on the Decomposed Version Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB) to
identify the factors that affect investors adoption of on-line trading. A
correlation analysis is performed to investigate whether the hypothesized
attributes, variables, and belief structure are correlated with each other.
Paper 3 Collaborative Commerce: The Role of Intermediaries in
Susan A. Sherer ,Professor, Lehigh University, College of Business and
Economics, 621 Taylor Street
Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, 610-758-3424 , sas6(a)lehigh.edu
Bill Adams, President and CEO, G5 Technologies, Inc., Cherry Hill, NJ
08034, 856-354-9454
A model for implementing collaborative commerce in which independent
companies form temporary alliances by combining their capabilities and
capacity to meet market needs is proposed. Lessons from a case study of one
of the earliest tests of agile collaboration among small firms, the Agile
Web, Inc. guides implementation. The study illustrates that small firm
owners may not have the expertise, time, or inclination to initiate new
opportunities outside their existing markets, nor can they effectively
manage across unfamiliar enterprises. An intermediary or a domain expert is
required whose major responsibilities include: the identification of market
opportunities, forming collaborative teams, and project managing the
resulting virtual enterprise. Internet enabled information systems enhance
the intermediaries productivity, enabling speedy formation, design, and
operation of these alliances.
Paper 4
Inhibitors to EDI Adoption in small businesses: An Empirical Investigation
Patrick Y.K. Chau, School of Business, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2859 1025, Pchau(a)business.hku.hk
While electronic data interchange (EDI) has been discussed in the literature
as a technology that can provide several advantages, both strategic and
operational, to its adopters, the adoption rate, especially that of small
businesses, has not been as high as predicted. The question is why? Based
on data collected from more than four hundred and sixty non-EDI adopters,
these results suggest that the three most significant inhibitors to EDI
adoption in small businesses are all related to the degree of
organizational readiness, rather than to those factors related to the
costs and benefits of adopting the technology or the influence exerted by
external parties such as the government, industrial partners or EDI vendors.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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Subject: [wkwi] Call for Papers: Sektion Wirtschaftsinformatik der Zeitschrift wisu - das wirtschaftssstudium
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:01:29 +0200
From: "Martin Hepp" <mHepp(a)wiinf.uni-wuerzburg.de>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
für den von Prof. Thome betreuten Wirtschaftsinformatik-Bereich der
Zeitschrift wisu - das wirtschaftsstudium (www.wisu.de) sind wir stets an
hochwertigen Beiträgen interessiert.
Schwerpunkte der nächsten Ausgaben sind
- Medienintegration, Lehr-/Lernsysteme (Ausgabe 11/01 - Redaktionsschluss
- Semantic Web, RDF, XML (Ausgabe 12/01 - Redaktionsschluss 24.9.2001)
- Produktdaten-Management (Ausgabe 1/02 - Redaktionsschluss 22.10.2001)
- Künstliche Intelligenz (Ausgabe 2/02 - Redaktionsschluss 26.11.2001)
- Business Objects (Ausgabe 3/02 - Redaktionsschluss 17.12.2001)
Hinweise für Autoren finden Sie im PDF-Format unter
Für Ihre Untersützung im voraus vielen Dank; bei Fragen stehe ich Ihnen
selbstverständlich gern zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Martin Hepp
PS: Auch Examensklausuren der Vergangenheit samt Musterlösungen sind
jederzeit willkommen.
Dipl.-Kfm. Martin Hepp
Lehrstuhl für BWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik
Prof. Dr. Rainer Thome
Neubaustrasse 66
D-97070 Wuerzburg
Telefon 0931-31-2450
Fax 0931-31-2955
email mhepp(a)wiinf.uni-wuerzburg.de
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:41:05 +0200
From: Ismail Khalil Ibrahim <ismail.khalil-ibrahim(a)SCCH.AT>
The Third International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS2001)
September 10-12, 2001, Linz, Austria
organized by
Software Competence Center Hagenberg - Austria
in collaboration with
Johannes Kepler University of Linz - Austria
National University of Singapore - Singapore
The Internet and the World Wide Web are revolutionizing every aspect of
our life at work, at home, and at school. At the core of this revolution
is the ability to effectively and efficiently share and exchange
information virtually with anyone anytime anywhere. Yet, it is very hard
to keep up to date with the ever-increasing sophistication of the tools
and techniques available at the dawn of the 21st century for building
the future information society.
Industrial, commercial, educational, and information society
institutions and organizations whose activities rely more and more on
information technology cannot afford to ignore the latest technological
and infrastructural development and trends of the Internet. Business to
consumer, business to business, and business to government transactions,
business intelligence, decision support at every level of the enterprise
are conducted competitively only when they tap into the information
resources offered by the World Wide Web and when they leverage the
latest tools and techniques available.
IIWAS2001 aims to provide a forum for gathering, discussion, and
exchange of ideas and information by researchers, students, and
Web-related business people on the issues and challenges brought on by
Internet technology for the intelligent integration of information. The
conference technical sessions will be organized around four major
themes: information integration systems, web engineering, E-commerce and
M-commerce, and intelligent information retrieval. The technical
sessions will include presentations of refereed research and position
papers and invited talks by leading experts, tutorials, panel
discussions, and product exhibits.
Topics of Interest
The conference solicits full-length research or position papers on
relevant subjects for the aim and themes of the conference. The
following is a suggested, not necessarily exhaustive, list of topics of
interest and relevance to the conference.
1. Information Systems Integration
* Schema and Data Integration
* Enterprise Security
* Distributed Component Architectures
* Metadata Management
* Case Studies
* Transaction and Query Processing in Distributed Information Systems
* Integration Architectures
2. Web Engineering and Web Applications
* Enterprise Security
* Data Intensive Applications on the Web
* XML and Semi-structured Data Management
* Applications
* Web as Database versus Web as Documents
3. E-commerce and M-business
* E-commerce Architectures
* Online Payment
* Agent-Mediated E-Commerce
* Trading & Auctioning Systems
* Mobile Commerce Models and Architectures
* Business Models for M-Business
* Applications
4. Intelligent Data and Information Retrieval
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Multi/Cross-Lingual Data and Information Retrieval
* Multi-modal and Multimedia Data and Information Management
* Spatial and Temporal Data and Information Management
Guidelines for Submission
Due to many requests and the large number of submissions iiWAS2001 got
this year, we are glad to invite people who are still willing to
participate in iiWAS2001 to submitt their work in the form of short
papers, demonstrations or poster presentations. Demonstrations and
poster presentations will take place in parallel to the conference
sessions. These short papers, demonstration descriptions and posters
will be included in the proceedings published within the book series of
the Austrian Computer Society (books(a)ocg.at).
Please kindly submit your short paper, not exceeding three pages,
demonstration description or posters, not exceeding one page, via email
to: demos(a)iiwas2001.scch.at. If it is possible for you, send an RTF
file, otherwise send a PDF file. Other formats are not accepted.
Deadline for short paper, demonstration, and poster descriptions is due
at August 4, 2001. Submissions must be in OCG format
Important Dates
Key dates for the conference are the following:
August 4, 2001: Short Papers, Demonstration Descriptions, and Posters
August 1, 2001: Online Pre-Registration Starts
August 22, 2001: Early Bird Registration Due
September 10, 2001: Online Pre-Registration Closes
September 10, 2001: Conference Starts
September 12, 2001: Conference Ends
Conference Committee
Honorary Chairs: Roland Traunmºller, Johannes Kepler University of
Linz, Austria
Fransiskus Soesianto, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
General Chair: Werner Winiwarter, EC3, Austria
Program Chair: StÊphane Bressan, National University of Singapore,
Organizing Committee
Klaus Pirklbauer, SCCH, Austria (Chair)
Ismail K. Ibrahim, SCCH , Austria (Co-chair)
Wieland Schwinger, SCCH, Austria (Finance chair)
Ursula Gillhofer, SCCH, Austria (Publicity chair)
Dagmar Auer, SCCH (Local arrangements chair)
Herwig Mayr, Polytechnical University of Upper Austria, Austria,
(Exhibits chair)
Werner Retschitzegger, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
(Tutorials chair)
A Min Tjoa, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Panels chair)
Gºnter Haring, University of Vienna, Austria (Proceedings chair)
Bernd Lengauer, UNISYS, Austria (Registration chair)
Sandra Haghofer, SCCH, Austria (Treasurer)
For further inquiries, please contact:
Isabel Tober-Kastner
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH
Softwarepark Hagenberg, Hauptstra»e 99
A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Tel.: +43 7236 3343 800
Fax: +43 7236 3343 888
Email: demos(a)iiwas2001.scch.at
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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