---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for articles
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 16:06:38 +0000
From: elayne coakes <coakese(a)WESTMINSTER.AC.UK>
Call for KM papers for OR Insight
OR Insight is a refereed journal published quarterly by the Operational
Research Society of Great Britain.
It is particularly interested in contributions that are of relevance to
managers and management science practitioners. Case studies, practical
advice, anecdotal contributions and practical contributions to theory
would be most welcome. Articles should not exceed 4000 words.
Elayne Coakes and Dianne Willis have recently joined the journal as
Assistant Editors for KM and would welcome contributions on this topic.
Below is a general call for contributions in KM, listing some specific
topics, but other suggestions would be welcome.
For further information or to submit an article please contact Elayne on:
Dianne on:
Knowledge Management has been a major topic for Management academics and
practitioners alike in the 1990s. Is this just another 'fad' served up to
business managers as "all purpose solutions to the often intractable and
subtle difficulties of managing competitively" (Davenport & Prusak, 1998)?
Yet eminent business thinkers have been developing the concept of
knowledge in business for some time. Indeed the concept is not unique to
the late 20th century. For example, Drucker, referring to Frederick
Taylor's work in Pennsylvania in 1875 on productivity, states that it is
"the result of the application to work of the specific human capital
resource, knowledge" (1980).
Knowledge management is in reality a way of considering management within
a business. It has been described as "the systematic management of the
processes by which knowledge is created, identified gathered, shared and
applied" (Newing, 2000). Inventing the best products and services, the
most efficient and innovative business practices "requires an intense
interaction within firms and between them" (Petzinger, 1999). Knowledge
management is often used by managers to gain necessary perspectives on
their work and to assist them in better management. Knowledge is
recognised to be "the primary resource for individuals and for the economy
overall" (Drucker, 1995). Drucker also considered it "the only meaningful
economics resource of the post capitalist or knowledge society" (Drucker,
1993) and even more important than capital or labour. The management
community have come to realise, within any organisation, that what "its
employees know is at the heart of how the organisation functions"
(Davenport & Prusak, 1998). Knowledge has come to be seen as the most
valuable business commodity and thus its management of vital importance in
every business.
Knowledge management has also been defined as the extraction and
conversion of 'tacit' knowledge on an individual and organisational level
into 'explicit' knowledge. This explicit knowledge often takes the form of
specific electronic 'tools' or 'assets' which can be manipulated for
competitive gain, for example, intranets, groupware and knowledge
'Tacit' knowledge, on the other hand, is often described as the 'hunches,
intuition and know-how' or 'skills, routines competencies'. There is some
scepticism towards the extent to which this often highly subjective
knowledge and learning can actually be made explicit, and feeling that
Knowledge Management is no more than a new form of technology. Knowledge
is much more than technology - it is personal, often dormant or
unconscious and closely bound up with Learning and Organisation Theory.
A growing number of studies have called for a more holistic, systemic
approach to Knowledge. They argue that whilst knowledge management has
been confused with previous management practices, many companies use it to
"foster long term innovation" through "human motivation". It is not simply
a 'tool' or 'resource' so much as a social construct. It is a reciprocal,
interdependent process of learning arising from knowledge transfer and
information flow and communication - a Socio-Technical perspective that
amalgamates the 'dualism' of people and technology.
It is clear that operational researchers have contributions to offer to
the area, especially by bringing holistic and multi-disciplinary
perspectives. These might include case studies; theoretical developments;
or agenda-setting contributions; as well as analyses that are qualitative,
quantitative, or a mixture of the two.
Contributions are invited on any aspect of knowledge management including
(but not limited to) the following:
Knowledge Management and Information Management
Systems Thinking
Technology Management
Managerial and Organisational Cognition
Human Resource Management
Learning Styles
Organisational Design
Social Networks
End Users
Human Computer Interaction
Design and Implementation of Information and Communication Systems
Evaluation of Information and Communication Systems
Empowerment and Information Users
Corporate/organisational memory
Processes and systems for knowledge creation, transfer, organising,
sharing, storage, use or re-use
Promoting a knowledge sharing culture
Managing knowledge management projects
Multi-cultural and cross-cultural issues
Wealth creation through knowledge management and intellectual capital
Human centred assets
Communities of Practice
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for articles
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 16:06:38 +0000
From: elayne coakes <coakese(a)WESTMINSTER.AC.UK>
Call for KM papers for OR Insight
OR Insight is a refereed journal published quarterly by the Operational
Research Society of Great Britain.
It is particularly interested in contributions that are of relevance to
managers and management science practitioners. Case studies, practical
advice, anecdotal contributions and practical contributions to theory
would be most welcome. Articles should not exceed 4000 words.
Elayne Coakes and Dianne Willis have recently joined the journal as
Assistant Editors for KM and would welcome contributions on this topic.
Below is a general call for contributions in KM, listing some specific
topics, but other suggestions would be welcome.
For further information or to submit an article please contact Elayne on:
Dianne on:
Knowledge Management has been a major topic for Management academics and
practitioners alike in the 1990s. Is this just another 'fad' served up to
business managers as "all purpose solutions to the often intractable and
subtle difficulties of managing competitively" (Davenport & Prusak, 1998)?
Yet eminent business thinkers have been developing the concept of
knowledge in business for some time. Indeed the concept is not unique to
the late 20th century. For example, Drucker, referring to Frederick
Taylor's work in Pennsylvania in 1875 on productivity, states that it is
"the result of the application to work of the specific human capital
resource, knowledge" (1980).
Knowledge management is in reality a way of considering management within
a business. It has been described as "the systematic management of the
processes by which knowledge is created, identified gathered, shared and
applied" (Newing, 2000). Inventing the best products and services, the
most efficient and innovative business practices "requires an intense
interaction within firms and between them" (Petzinger, 1999). Knowledge
management is often used by managers to gain necessary perspectives on
their work and to assist them in better management. Knowledge is
recognised to be "the primary resource for individuals and for the economy
overall" (Drucker, 1995). Drucker also considered it "the only meaningful
economics resource of the post capitalist or knowledge society" (Drucker,
1993) and even more important than capital or labour. The management
community have come to realise, within any organisation, that what "its
employees know is at the heart of how the organisation functions"
(Davenport & Prusak, 1998). Knowledge has come to be seen as the most
valuable business commodity and thus its management of vital importance in
every business.
Knowledge management has also been defined as the extraction and
conversion of 'tacit' knowledge on an individual and organisational level
into 'explicit' knowledge. This explicit knowledge often takes the form of
specific electronic 'tools' or 'assets' which can be manipulated for
competitive gain, for example, intranets, groupware and knowledge
'Tacit' knowledge, on the other hand, is often described as the 'hunches,
intuition and know-how' or 'skills, routines competencies'. There is some
scepticism towards the extent to which this often highly subjective
knowledge and learning can actually be made explicit, and feeling that
Knowledge Management is no more than a new form of technology. Knowledge
is much more than technology - it is personal, often dormant or
unconscious and closely bound up with Learning and Organisation Theory.
A growing number of studies have called for a more holistic, systemic
approach to Knowledge. They argue that whilst knowledge management has
been confused with previous management practices, many companies use it to
"foster long term innovation" through "human motivation". It is not simply
a 'tool' or 'resource' so much as a social construct. It is a reciprocal,
interdependent process of learning arising from knowledge transfer and
information flow and communication - a Socio-Technical perspective that
amalgamates the 'dualism' of people and technology.
It is clear that operational researchers have contributions to offer to
the area, especially by bringing holistic and multi-disciplinary
perspectives. These might include case studies; theoretical developments;
or agenda-setting contributions; as well as analyses that are qualitative,
quantitative, or a mixture of the two.
Contributions are invited on any aspect of knowledge management including
(but not limited to) the following:
Knowledge Management and Information Management
Systems Thinking
Technology Management
Managerial and Organisational Cognition
Human Resource Management
Learning Styles
Organisational Design
Social Networks
End Users
Human Computer Interaction
Design and Implementation of Information and Communication Systems
Evaluation of Information and Communication Systems
Empowerment and Information Users
Corporate/organisational memory
Processes and systems for knowledge creation, transfer, organising,
sharing, storage, use or re-use
Promoting a knowledge sharing culture
Managing knowledge management projects
Multi-cultural and cross-cultural issues
Wealth creation through knowledge management and intellectual capital
Human centred assets
Communities of Practice
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: ISPASS-2001
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 15:28:29 -0600 (CST)
From: Tilman Wolf <wolf(a)ccrc.wustl.edu>
To: neumann(a)wi-inf.uni-essen.de
[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.]
IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of
Systems and Software
November 4-6, 2001
Tucson, Arizona
Call for Papers
The IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of
Systems and Software provides a forum for sharing advanced
and well-established academic and industrial R&D work
focused on performance analysis in the design of systems and
software. Authors are invited to submit previously
unpublished work for possible presentation at this
conference. All accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings. In addition to regular research
papers, we encourage the submission of tutorial or survey
papers from established R&D groups. All submitted papers
will be reviewed by the program committee prior to a
decision about acceptance.
Performance Analysis and Workload Characterization define
the main theme of this conference. Two example focus areas
of interest this year are: web-enabled systems & software
and real-time systems & software. In addition, systems and
software related to general and other special-purpose data
processing remain of interest and relevance to this
symposium. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Performance Analysis and Workload Characterization:
* Analytical models for performance prediction
* Simulation-based modeling techniques
* Speed-accuracy tradeoffs in modeling hierarchies
* Use of parallel processing to speed up simulation
* Power/energy aware modeling and evaluation
* Model validation and testing; defect coverage issues
* Performance analysis of processors and systems:
- Special interest in newer processor/system paradigms
- Particular emphasis on memory hierarchy and networks
* Performance and scalability analysis of multiprocessor
* Measurement and analysis of real systems; case studies
* Compiler and operating system issues in performance
* Quantitative workload behavior characterization
* Analytical modeling of workload behavior
* Characterization of emerging applications:
- Java, mobile/pervasive computing, web-serving
- Multimedia/DSP, cryptographic/security applications
- Data mining and specialized database search applications
- Medical, biological, genetic analysis, search & decision
* Characterization of multiprocessor applications
* Multithreaded workload characterization
* Energy content, characterization and tuning of workloads
* Trace collection, sampling and validation issues, methods
* Benchmarking and micro-benchmarking issues, methods
Special Focus Areas:
* Web-enabled Systems and Software:
- Architectures for web-enabled multi-tier systems;
- Web throughput measurement tools and techniques
- Scalability of web-enabled systems: evaluation, testing
- Reliability modeling, measurement and prediction
- Modeling and analysis of rapidly evolving systems
* Real-Time Systems and Software:
- Scheduling disciplines; performance evaluation methods
- Language issues: e.g. real-time Java and garbage
- Middleware, e.g. real-time CORBA, DCOM, Jini
- Operating systems kernel issues
- Development methodologies and tools
Submission Instructions
Papers of no more than 20 double-spaced pages, including
figures, are solicited. The cover page of each submitted
paper should include paper title, brief abstract, list of
keywords, full names of authors, affiliations, complete
addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
Authors are requested to submit papers in Postscript or PDF
format. Instructions for electronic submissions are
available at:
Submission deadline: June 4, 2001
Acceptance decision: August 15, 2001
Final version: September 21, 2001
Organizing Committee
General Chair: Jo Dale Carothers, Univ. of Arizona
Technical Program Chair: Pradip Bose, IBM Research
Finance Chair: Nadeem Malik, IBM
Web and Publicity Co-Chair: David Brooks, Princeton Univ.
Web and Publicity Co-Chair: Tilman Wolf, Washington Univ.
Tutorials Chair: Kathy Jackson, IBM
Registration Chair: Nasr Ullah, Motorola
Technical Program Committee
Pradip Bose, IBM Watson; Chair
Dave Albonesi, Univ. of Rochester
Todd Austin, Univ. of Michigan
Bryan Black, Intel Corp.
David Brooks, Princeton Univ.
Doug Burger, Univ. of Texas
Tom Conte, NC State Univ.
Antonio Gonzalez, UPC Barcelona
Lizy John, Univ. of Texas
Dave Kaeli, Northeastern Univ.
Peter Magnusson, virtutech
Margaret Martonosi, Princeton Univ.
Andrew Moshovos, Northwestern University
Jude Rivers, IBM Watson.
Shubu Mukherjee, Compaq Corp.
Kevin Skadron, Univ. of Virginia
Mark Timmerman, Dedicated Sys. Experts
Nasr Ullah, Motorola
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ESS2001
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 14:02:06 -0500
From: Gabriel Wainer <gwainer(a)sce.carleton.ca>
To: gabrielw(a)dc.uba.ar
[apologies if you receive multiple copies]
October 18-20, 2001
13th Annual European Simulation Symposium
Hotel Mercure-Marseille
Marseille, France
Sponsored by
SCS International
Co-Sponsored by
Conference URL
The 13th annual European Simulation Symposium concentrates on the industrial
application of simulators and computer technology. Increasingly the
industrial application of simulation is being used by companies, to analyze
their relative
strengths and weaknesses and to focus on specific processes open for
improvement. With the integration of artificial intelligence and other
techniques, simulation has become an effective and appropriate decision
tool, as well. The exchange of techniques and ideas among universities and
industry, which support the integration of simulation in the everyday
is the basic premise at the heart of ESS'2001. ESS'2001 consists of four
major parts. A part concerns itself with simulation applications, another
with simulation methodology, then there are the workshops, the exhibition
and last but not least the poster sessions for students..
The application section covers: Automation, CAD/CAM/CAE, Defense Electronics,
Design Automation, Simulation in industrial Design, Industrial Engineering,
Industrial and Process Simulation, Manufacturing, OR, Business and Services
Simulations, Emergency Management, Environmental Sciences and Mission Earth,
Intelligence and Security, Logistics and Transport, Power Plants, Multibody
Systems, Aerospace, Training and Educational Support., Distributed
Interactive Simulation
The methodologies section covers: Simulation Methodologies, Languages and
Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Based Simulation, Virtual Reality,
Environments, Petri Nets and Performance Analysis.
There will be four theme specific workshops at the conference: the DEVS
workshop, the Ecology Workshop, the Bond Graph Workshop and the Artificial
Neural Networks Workshop. The DEVS Workshop will cover: Extensions to the
DEVS formalism, DEVS and Distributed DEVS frameworks, DEVS-based next
generation VHDL, DEVS standardization, DEVS applications
The Ecology Workshop's main goal is to enhance the
transdisciplinarity and
to facilitate contacts and dialogs between computer scientists and
specialists of Environmental Sciences. Since 10 years the modelling process
took benefits from recent (and less recent) techniques of computer science :
Object-Oriented Languages, Discrete Event Simulation, Concepts
of Agent and Actor, Fuzzy Logic, UML, model - GIS interface, Web-based
simulation... Many, many simulators were built in the wide spectra of
environment managing, predictive models of forest growth, fishing, climate
and other biological processes.
Papers dealing with ecological modelling (in a large sense) are welcome. As
instance few topics are indicated:
Applications: Environment managing, Waste managing, Ecosystem dynamics
(terrestrial and oceanographic ecology) Population dynamics (diseases &
epidemics, changes in biodiversity, genome, predator-prey relationships,
fishing...), Population behaviour, Individual behaviour, involving
methodologies such as : Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Interactive
Simulation High-Performance Computing Languages , Modelling Techniques,
Simulation Methodologies & Tools , Synthetic Environment , Virtual Reality ,
Petri nets DEVS and Bond Graphs
The Bond Graph Workshop will bring experts together for the
purpose of
discussing new concepts, methods, techniques tools and applications of this
energy-based modeling methodology. Papers dealing with all aspects of the
use of
bond graphs in system design, analysis, and control are welcome. The
workshop will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent
research and
applications of the Bond Graph methodology.
Research papers are welcome in the following categories of presentation:
Tutorials, Panel Discussions, Software and Tools,
Bond Graph Theory, Advanced Bond Graph Methodology, Bond Graphs and Block
Diagrams, Computer Graphics and Bond Graph Modeling, Qualitative Modeling,
Mechatronics Systems, Mechanical Systems and Robotics, Electrical and Power
Systems, Control Systems, Thermal and Chemical Systems, Biomechanics and
Prosthetics, Ecological Systems, Biological and Medical Systems, Social and
Economic Systems, Industrial Applications, Large, Non-linear Models
The Artificial Neural Networks Workshop will provide a forum for the
presentation and discussion of recent research and applications of artificial
neural networks such as in machine learning, data analysis and simulation.
The aim of the workshop is to encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary
communication amongst university and industry professionals in applying ANN.
Papers dealing with ANN applications (in a large sense) are welcome. As for
instance few topics are indicated: Classification, Data analysis, Fault
tolerance, Forecasting, Knowledge acquisition, Economics and Finance,
Pre-treatment of the data, Process control, Robotics, Speech and image
recognition, Web intelligence, involving methodologies such as : Hybrid
(GA, fuzzy, symbolic representation, Methods or tools for evaluating ANN
performance, Reinforcement Learning, Simulation tools (research, education,
development), ...
The exhibition is aimed at companies designing simulation products. The
provides specific time blocks designed to enhance vendor contact with
The poster sessions are devoted to Ph.D. Students who can come to present and
discuss their thesis work with experts in the area of simulation.
should submit overview articles, describing the area of their research
The conference will be held in the beautiful French city of Marseilles,
used as
many a backdrop of many a great movie. The city lies on the crossroads of the
orient and the easy-going life of the south of France. Famous for its Old
Fishing Port and fine food. The fishing port made famous by the many works of
Marcel Pagnol. Next to the Old port, the city boasts a very well preserved
city dating back to the 17th century. The townhall for example dates back
from that era and as Marseille used to be, next to Toulon an important
strategic town
for the French Navy, many remnants of that illustrious past still abound..
One of the main attractions of the city for naval buffs is the naval museum,
which houses some of the finest naval exhibits in the world.
So, make sure Marseilles is the destination for you this Autumn and be at
ESS'2001., thePlace to meet simulation experts in your field of expertise.
The conference will be held at The Mercure Marseille Euro-Centre. Right next
to the CMCI and close to the Canebiere and the chamber of commerce, part of
the Bourse mall, the hotel overflows the famous "Vieux-Port"and the "Jardin
des Vestiges. The hotel offers 199 guest rooms. Also available: bar,
restaurant, 12
meeting rooms for 300 people. Pets are allowed, car park available.
Hotel Contact information: Hotel Mercure Marseille Euro-Centre, Rue Neuve
Martin, Marseille, France. Tel: +, Fax: +
Abstract Submission Deadline: APR 30th
Notification of Acceptance or Rejection JUN 15th
Final Paper Submission SEP 10th
Conference Dates OCT 18-20
SCS/ASIM/EUROSIM Members: 475 EURO, All other: 525 EURO (prices include
Proceedings, lunches, conference dinner, get-
together party and coffee breaks)
The full Call for Papers can be downloaded from
in PDF-RTF and ASCII format from the end of March onwards. While the
website will be enhanced also at that time.
First Name:
Occupation and/or Title:
Mailing Address
Zip code: City:
[ ] Presenting a paper, by submitting a full paper
[ ] Presenting a short paper (by submitting an extended
[ ] Participating in the industrial program
[ ] Organizing a vendor session
[ ] Proposing a panel discussion (please mention names of
[ ] Contributing to the exhibition
[ ] Without presenting a paper
Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference is/are:
Yes, I intend to attend the [] ESS 2001
The provisional title of my paper / exhibited software package is:
With the following highlights:
The paper belongs in: TICK THE CATEGORY
[] Automation
[] Defence Electronics
[] Design Automation
[] Simulation in Industrial Design
[] Industrial Engineering
[] Industrial and Process Simulation
[] Manufacturing
[] OR, Business and Services Simulation
[] Emergency Management
[] Environmental Sciences and Mission Earth
[] Intelligence and Security
[] Logistics and Transport
[] Power Plants
[] Multibody Systems
[] Aerospace
[] Training and Educational Support
[] Distributed Interactive Simulation
[] Simulation Methodologies
[] Languages and Tools
[] Artificial Intelligence
[] Knowledge Based Simulation
[] Virtual Reality
[] Synthetic Environments
[] Petri Nets
[] Performance Analysis
If you would like to receive more information about SCS and its activities,
please tick the following box:
[ ] YES, I would like to know more about SCS
[ ] NO, please remove me from your database.
Gabriel A. Wainer
Systems and Computer Engineering Dept.
Carleton University
4456 Mackenzie Bldg.
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON. K1S 5B6. Canada
E-mail: gwainer(a)sce.carleton.ca
URL: http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/wainer.html
Looking for a faculty position? Carleton SCE Dept. is seeking top quality
applicants. See http://www.sce.carleton.ca/links/tenure-track-positions.shtml
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 20:04:11 +0000
From: Huaglory Tianfield <htianfield(a)chelt.ac.uk>
To: htianfield(a)chelt.ac.uk
Call for papers.
International Symposium on Technology, Economic and Social Applications
of Distributed Intelligence (TESADI01)
at the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics (SMC01), Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 7-10, 2001
Deadline for submission April 10, 2001
H. Tianfield, Prof. Dr.
Symposium Chair, TESADI01
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Jounral of Electronic Commerce Research
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:33:00 -0800
From: "Melody Kiang, Ph.D." <mkiang(a)CSULB.EDU>
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, I am
happy to announce that Vol. 2, Number 1, 2001 issue of JECR is now
available at the journal's web site at:
"http://www.csulb.edu/journal". This is a continuation of the special
issue in "Intelligent Agents in E-Commerce" edited by Dr.Mahesh
Raisinghani. The following are abstracts from the three papers
published in the current issue.
"The Effects of Market-enabling Internet Agents on Competition and
Kevin Crowston Syracuse University, School of Information Studies,
Syracuse, NY, USA
Ian MacInnes Syracuse University, School of Information Studies,
Syracuse, NY, USA
"The Internet offers a vision of ubiquitous electronic commerce. A
particularly useful feature is the ability to automate the search for
price or other information across multiple vendors by using an "agent"
to retrieve relevant information. The use of agents has the potential to
dramatically reduce buyers' search costs. We develop a framework that
suggests that vendors who sell products with many differentiating
factors beyond price will tend to accept agents, while vendors of
commodities or branded goods will tend to resist them unless they have
lower costs than their competitors. Empirically, we found that agents
seem to be accepted for differentiated goods, but resisted for more
commoditized goods, though not universally. An analysis of prices from
one agent shows that 1) a small number of vendors tended to have the
lowest prices and 2) while divergence in pricing remains, price
dispersion declined over the period studied."
"An Automated Executive and Managerial Performance Monitoring,
Measurement and Reporting System"
Mahesh S. Raisinghani University of Dallas, Graduate School of
Management, Irvine, TX, USA
John H. Nugent University of Dallas, Graduate School of
Management, Irvine, TX, USA
"This paper puts forward the concept for a new, automated, "management
by exception" script-based network tool to monitor, address, and report
deviations from corporate plan(s) in near real time via the company's
messaging system. In particular, this paper conceptualizes the
utilization and application of tools, initially developed for network
monitoring and management, in managing and measuring corporate business
performance against plan(s). That is, network-type tools (IVAANs?) are
used to measure, monitor and report deviations in Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) from plan(s), and accomplish this in a timely,
accurate, and automatic manner, without human intervention or filtering.
Senior executives need a sound analytical basis derived from accurate,
valid, and timely information for short- and long-term planning and for
allocating scarce resources. IVAAN? notices are directed and delivered
to the responsible manager and other parties concerned with the
respective KPI via push agents over the company's messaging system.
Further, IVAAN? notices may be accumulated and utilized as an objective
measure of managerial and executive performance."
"Service Centric Brokering in Dynamic E-business Agent Communities"
Sumi Helal Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Mei Wang Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
"The paper focuses on the development of protocols for brokering-based
agent communities in e-Business. The global market is driving e-Business
to become service-centric, offering highly modular e-Services that can
be flexibly and dynamically composed into rapidly deployable
e-Businesses. This trend is giving rise to a new set of requirements of
negotiation-based, autonomous, and intelligent computing. It is,
therefore, expected that in the near future, e-Services will be designed
and implemented as software agents (also known as gent-based systems).
This paper prepares for the proliferation of agent-based systems in
e-Business by contributing a suite of protocols for self-organizing
agent communities. The protocols are based on a three-tier architecture
of agents, brokers, and superbrokers. We present the architecture and
the protocols (Broker-Based Agent Community Protocols, or BBACP). An
implementation using JKQML is also presented along with a case study
drawn from the electronic auto-trading domain."
The Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) is published
quarterly and has an on-going call for quality manuscripts related to
all aspects of e-commerce. Please visit our web site for further
Melody Kiang
Information Systems Department
College of Business Administration
University of California, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Blvd.,
Long Beach, CA 90840
Phone: (562)985-8944
Fax: (562)985-4080
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Final CfP: Standardization and Innovation in IT
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 08:23:59 +0000
From: Kai Jakobs <Kai.Jakobs(a)i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
You've still got two more weeks to submit something for SIIT 2001......
Have a nice weekend, and cheers,
2001 IEEE Conference on
Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO, USA
October 3-5, 2001
STANDARDIZATION and INNOVATION are fundamental processes in our
technological and increasingly global civilization, sometimes
operating in tension and sometimes in concert with each other. The
complex interplay between these two processes is still not well
understood, in spite of being linked to nearly every facet of our
economy, society, culture, and physical environment. In recognition
of the crucial importance of improving our understanding of these
processes and of their interrelationship, the SIIT International
Conference was initiated in 1999 to bring together technology
developers, industry leaders and scientific researchers, from
government, commerce and academia.
SIIT 2001 will provide an open international forum to consider all
aspects of Standardization and Innovation. Users, manufacturers,
service providers, researchers, governmental agencies and educators
involved with theoretical and applied studies of information
technology, telecommunications, social sciences, law and humanities
are invited to contribute significant original papers.
Contributions will include those involving disciplines of economics,
business, engineering, management, political science, public policy,
regulation, sociology, philosophy, communication, and human
By promoting applied and theoretical studies of the
interdisciplinary nature of standardization and innovation, the SIIT
conferences provide a novel forum for the formulation and resolution
of questions vital to 21st century global economic and social
growth. The conference format offers a unique opportunity to gather
a broad variety of practitioners, providers and thinkers from around
the world and to facilitate insights on an array of relevant,
interconnected and timely issues and topics.
Papers that address issues and topics relating to standards,
standardization and innovation are invited. Possible topics may
include, but are not limited to the following:
- Technological innovation and standardization
- Development of information infrastructure
- Standardization, innovation and economic development
- Open Source, innovation and standardization
- Intellectual property rights, standardization and innovation
- Economics of innovation and standardization
- Emerging roles of formal standards organizations and consortia
- Emerging roles of conformity assessment
- National, regional, international and corporate standards strategies
- Standardization and regulation
- Standardization as a form of the Public Sphere
- Standardization and public policy formation
- Analyses of standards setting processes, products, and organization
- Case studies of standardization and innovation
- Impacts of market-driven standardization and emerging players
- The future of standardization and innovation
- Multinational and transnational perspectives and impacts
- Commercial value of proprietary specifications
- Descriptive & prescriptive theories of standardization and innovation
- Standards research and education activities
- Tools and services supporting improved standardization and innovation
31 March 2001-Deadline for paper submissions
30 June 2001-Notification of authors
30 August 2001-Deadline for final (camera-ready) papers
Significant, original submissions will be considered through a blind
review process. Acceptance will be based solely on merit and
relevance. Full papers should not exceed 6,000 words, (or 25 pages,
including figs). Short papers should not exceed 2,000 words, (or 8
pages, including figs).
For paper submission instructions, see conference website or
contact: International Center for Standards Research, Engineering
Center OT-313, Campus Box 530, Boulder, CO 80309-0530 USA
International Center for Standards Research (ICSR)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-MTT Society)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
The University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
The University of Aachen/RWTH (Germany).
The University of Colorado, Interdisciplinary Telecommunications
Program (USA)
Koichi Asatani, Kogakuin Univ
Carl Cargill, Sun Microsystems
Veit Ghiladi, Daimler Chrysler (pend. appr.)
Michael Lightner, Univ of Colorado/IEEE
Gary Robinson, EMC
Mostafa Sharif, AT&T
Randy Bloomfield, Univ of Colorado
Kai Jakobs, Univ of Aachen/RWTH
Roger Marks, NIST
Timothy Schoechle, Univ of Colorado
Ken Krechmer, Communication Stds Review (chair)
Phil Agre, UCLA
David Clarke, Southern Illinois Univ
Tineke Egyedi, Technical Univ of Delft
Linda Garcia, Georgetown Univ
Richard Hawkins, Univ of Sussex
Rhonda Hilton, Enron
Eric Iversen, STEP Group
Kai Jakobs, Univ of Aachen/RWTH
Koichi Maeda, NTT
Eric Monteiro, Norwegian Univ of Sci & Tech
Rob Proctor, Univ of Edinburgh
Roy Rada, Univ of Maryland
Gary Robinson, EMC
Michael Spring, Univ of Pittsburgh
Diane Thompson, Standards Engineering Society
Klaus Turowski, Univ of Magdeburg
Henk de Vries, Erasmus Univ
Phil Weiser, Univ of Colorado
Joel West, UC Irvine
Robin Williams, Univ ofEdinbugh
Those wishing to participate in organization of the conference
(e.g., technical or administrative program committees) or to inquire
about opportunities as a conference sponsor are invited to contact
the General Conference Chair, Timothy Schoechle:
(Timothy.Schoechle(a)standardsresearch.org, +1 303-492-3653)
For conference news, see www.siit2001.org.
For general standards research news, see the ICSR website at
Rev. 15-mar-2001
Kai Jakobs
Technical University of Aachen
Computer Science Department
Informatik IV (Communication and Distributed Systems)
Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49-241-80-21405
Fax: +49-241-8888-220
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: WWW10 Conference
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 23:29:41 +0800
From: WWW10 <info(a)www10.org.hk>
To: info(a)mphk.com
<center><bold>Invitation to the WWW10 Conference
Hong Kong, May 1-5, 2001
The World's Most Important WWW Conference - First Time in Asia
</bold></center>Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Warmest greetings from Hong Kong!
On behalf of the 10th World Wide Web Conference (WWW10) Organizing
Committee, I take great pleasure to invite you to the WWW10 Conference to
be held in Hong Kong on May 1-5, 2001. Over 300 presenters and 1,500 web
professionals are expected to attend the Conference.
The Conference will consist of 10 parallel tracks including refereed
paper sessions, panel sessions, a poster track, a W3C track, and several
specialised tracks including Culture, e-commerce on the Web, Vendors
Track, Web and Education, Web Internationalisation, and Web and Society.
It will also feature presentations by keynote speakers including :
Mr. Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web and Director, World
Wide Web Consortium
Ms. Susan J. Blackmore, Reader in Psychology, University of the West of
England, Bristol
Mr. John S. Chen, Chairman, CEO President, Sybase, Inc.
Mr. Chris Jones, Vice President, Windows Client Group, Microsoft
Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Infosys
Technologies Limited
Dr. Robert S. Sutor, Director of e-business Standards Strategy, IBM
Mr. Keiji Tachikawa, BEng, MBA, PhD, President and CEO, NTT DoCoMo,
For more information and registration, please enter the Conference web
></underline> .
Yours sincerely,
WWW10 Conference Committee
<bold>Register Now! Don't Miss the Early-Bird Discount Before 31 March,
Warmest Regards,
Yvonne Chiu
Senior Project Executive
Meeting Planners (HK) Ltd
<color><param>8080,0000,0000</param>12A Dai Fat Street, Tai Po Industrial
Estate, N.T., Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 2823 5908 (Direct)
Fax: +852 2667 6927
E-mail: yvonne(a)mphk.com</color>
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Special Issue - Benchmarking the Evaluation of Information System
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 11:21:53 +0000
From: Dr Zahir Irani <Zahir.Irani(a)brunel.ac.uk>
Benchmarking: An International Journal
Special Issue On
Benchmarking the Evaluation of Information System
Benchmarking allows the analysis and improvement of key
processes, supports value adding activities and
improvements in performance. Benchmarking is based on
assessing performance against identified best performances,
and should be seen as a learning process to identify and
implement improvements. In today's information based and
expanding global economies, more organisations are
realising the significance and role that a robust and
responsive IS (Information Systems) infrastructure plays in
achieving and maintaining competitive commercial advantage.
The application of benchmarking to all areas of IS
infrastructure is gaining importance as organisations
strive to improve performance and maintain better
standards. The ever changing and expanding world of IS
means that for most organisations, IS benchmarking will be
an ongoing activity for as long as they may exist.
Papers are sought for a special issue on Benchmarking and
Evaluation of Information Systems for the BIJ. Conceptual
and theoretical frameworks, empirical research, and case
studies focusing on the application of benchmarking in any
area of IS are encouraged. Contributed papers may deal with
but are not limited to:
Approaches and strategies of implementing IS benchmarking
Evaluation of IS during life-cycle
. Benefit and Cost management
Benchmarking tools and testing techniques
Hardware and software performance
IS Infrastructure management
Total cost and benefit assessment
Technology management
Development in IS benchmarking research
Communication structures in networked organisations.
Submission guidelines and important dates
Manuscripts should be between 4000-6000 words in length,
with all contributions being subjected to a double-blind
review process.
There should be a separate title page giving the names and
addresses of the authors.
Manuscripts must be received by July 1st, 2001, and should
follow the format of the BIJ
Electronic submission is mandatory. All submissions should
be directed to Dr Sarmad Alshaw by the deadline date.
Guest Editors
Dr Sarmad Alshawi
Dr Zahir Irani
Dr Lynne P. Baldwin
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Information Systems Evaluation Group (ISEIG)
Brunel University Uxbridge,
Middlesex UB8 3PH
Dr Zahir Irani
Senior Lecturer of Information Systems
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Brunel University Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH
Tel: +44 1895 816 211
Fax: +44 1895 251 686
E-mail: Zahir.Irani(a)brunel.ac.uk
URL: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~csstzni
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Special Issue on "Improving IT Evaluation Practices in the E-busi ness age"
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:33:46 +0100
From: "Renkema, TJW (Theo-Jan)" <T.J.W.Renkema(a)RN.RABOBANK.NL>
Special Issue of the The Electronic Journal of Information Systems
Evaluation on
"Improving IT Evaluation Practices in the E-business age"
Throughout the last decades, information technology (IT) has been permeating
virtually every part of modern society. It has even been suggested that this
marks a digital revolution which will have far reaching and profound
consequences, perhaps even more than the well-known industrial
revolution.The notion of E-business has been introduced to illustrate the
contribution of the next Web and Internet-based generation of IT to
increased levels of productivity and IT business value In the present
E-business age it seems we are only at the start of a radical digitalization
of business activities, which will impact on practically every organization.
Today, long-term and capital-intensive business investments are made in
order to improve effectiveness, to gain and sustain competitive advantage
and to transform entire business processes. Nowadays, it is not so much the
question whether to invest in IT and the new E-business, but more the
question of how and where to invest in order to get maximum business value
and to increase return on investment.
The increased importance of IT and E-business has caused that in many firms
these type of investments claim a major and increasing share of the
available financial resources. The value for money to be obtained from
investments, however, is far from guaranteed. IT investments have repeatedly
been the subject of disappointed expecta-tions and their evaluations raise
many questions. Over the years, a myriad of methodologies has been suggested
to overcome difficulties with the standard finance-based and accounting
techniques that are not able to cope with the intangible nature of most IT
investments. These methods have not been implemented widely in evaluation
practice, despite their conceptually sound potential. The challenge of
evaluation research lies not in developing yet another method, but to find a
better match between methods and practice.
The purpose of the special issue of the journal is to publish insightful
papers on organizational and managerial issues of practical IT evaluation
issues in the present E-business age. The journal publishes work in the
categories described below.
* Qualitative or quantitative research papers, empirical or
theoretical in nature and can discuss completed research findings or work in
* Case studies are welcomed illustrating practise in the field of
information systems evaluation.
* View points are less academically rigorous articles usually in areas
of controversy which will fuel some interesting debate.
* Anyone who attends a conference or reads a book that they feel
contributes to the area of Information Systems Evaluation is encouraged to
submit a review for publication.
Aims and Scope of the Journal
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation is intended to
provide critical perspectives on topics relevant to Information Systems
Evaluation, with an emphasis on the organisational and management
implications. Through its publication the journal aims to contribute to the
development of theory and practice. The journal will accept any academically
robust paper that contributes to the area of Information Systems Evaluation.
The (special) editor is happy to discuss contributions before submission.
Contributions and Dates
Those wishing to make a submission should transmit one copy, preferably in
Microsoft Word, by e-mail to the Special Issue Editor at
t.j.w.renkema(a)rn.rabobank.nl Submissions should not be longer than 5,000
words. The special issue of the journal will be published on 1 October and
submissions are welcomed as soon as possible.
With kind regards,
Dr. Theo J.W. Renkema
Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
Rabobank Group, NL
e-mail: t.j.w.renkema(a)rn.rabobank.nl
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| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
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| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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