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Subject: [AISWorld] Information Systems Journal: Special Issue Call for
Papers on Transforming to a Sustainable Visitor Economy with Information
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2022 17:07:17 +0000
From: Brad McKenna (NBS - Staff) <B.Mckenna(a)uea.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Information Systems Journal
Special Issue Call for Papers
Transforming to a Sustainable Visitor Economy with Information Systems
Manuscript deadline: 31 July 2022
Special Issue Guest Editors:
Brad McKenna, University of East Anglia
Wenjie Cai, University of Greenwich
Tuure Tuunanen, University of Jyväskylä
The visitor economy, which includes the tourism, hospitality, and events
sectors, has the potential to contribute to the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that information systems
research can bring new insights and produce new knowledge for a
sustainable digital visitor economy. Therefore, this special issue calls
for new theoretical developments at the intersection of the visitor
economy, information systems, and sustainability. Examples of
sustainability include good health and wellbeing (SDG3), gender equality
(SDG5), decent work and economic growth (SDG8), industry, innovation,
and infrastructure (SDG9), or sustainable cities and communities
(SDG11), among others. We welcome qualitative, quantitative, design
science, mixed methods, and conceptual papers within any aspect of the
visitor economy. We encourage submissions that also explore the
environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts of the visitor
economy from an information systems perspective.
The Call for Papers is now available at:
We welcome papers based on, but not limited to, the following topics.
All papers must be aligned with at least one of the UN Sustainable
Development Goals:
- The role of information systems in cultural, natural landscapes, and
heritage preservation.
- Artificial intelligence, robotics, and service jobs.
- Information systems, wellbeing, and travel (e.g., digital passports,
e-mindfulness, digital-free tourism).
- Technological innovation and hospitality food waste.
- The sharing economy, peer-to-peer accommodation, and overtourism.
- The role of information systems in social exclusion/inclusion (e.g.,
LGBT+, disabled travellers, ethnic minorities, income inequalities,
gender, accessibility, and digital literacy).
- Smart tourist destinations, hospitality and exhibition venues, or
mega-events (e.g., Olympics, FIFA World Cup, Eurovision Song Contest).
- (Un)ethical use or the dark side of information systems in the visitor
- Community-based tourism, pro-poor tourism, social entrepreneurship,
and digital empowerment.
- Information systems and sustainable destination and event management.
- Innovation in sustainable operations, marketing, and management.
- Social media in a sustainable visitor economy (the impact of
glamourisation, influencers, fake news, or conspiracy theories).
- How economic impacts as a result of digitalisation has
knock-on-effects for visitors, employees, residents, and other
stakeholder’s health and wellbeing.
- Digital transformation of the visitor economy in the post-COVID era.
- Sustainability issues arising from the digitalisation of visitor
- The design of sustainable information systems solutions (e.g., design
thinking, design science).
- Digital innovations and the visitor economy’s impact on the climate
and natural resources.
The submission deadline is 31 July 2022 which will not be extended.
Please follow the ISJ’s Author Guidelines when preparing and submitting
manuscripts. Submissions will be made through
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/isj and please indicate that the paper
is for the special issue. All papers will be initially screened by the
special issue guest editors to assess their fit with the special issue.
Manuscripts that pass the initial screening will go through the review
process. Reviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.
For queries about suitability of your work for the special issue, please
contact the special issue guest editors.
Best wishes,
Dr Brad McKenna
Associate Professor in Information Systems
Chair, IFIP Working Group 9.5 ‘Our Digital Lives’
Norwich Business School
University of East Anglia
United Kingdom
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP S-BPM ONE 2022
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2022 21:18:52 +0100
From: besi(a)hs-furtwangen.de
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
S-BPM One 2022
Dynamic Digital Design of Everything - Shaping or Being Shaped?
Our societies are subject to a continuous digital transformation shaped by
industry. However, both industry and societies are increasingly losing the
ability to imagine a digital future in order to assess its "desirability".
As designers, we emphasize the importance of ideas and speculations not only
being realized in the form of (digital) prototypes, but also being usable by
people and communities. At the same time, we know that the design and use of
future-oriented technologies will be essential for economic and social
progress. The typical workday of modern businesses and knowledge workers is
increasingly influenced by interactive technologies that are changing the
way work gets done.
Business processes are central here, they encapsulate the behavior of people
and things (i.e. everything). They are key to the design of workflows and
situations we experience in everyday life. Their representation(s) form the
basis for the exchange, exploration, and ultimately the implementation of
new developments or dynamic adaptations in societies.
After many trends such as integration, modularisation, standardisation,
contextualisation, and open interfaces, the design of all the described
process aspects in a dynamic changing world is coming to the centre of
attention with the increasing technological progress. Under the motto
"Dynamic Digital Design of Everything - Designing or being designed?", the
"13th International S-BPM ONE Conference 2022" in Hamburg - as a co-located
conference to "Modellierung 2022" - provides a discussion forum for the
basic questions of holistic modelling of processes. Researchers and
practitioners will address innovative approaches on how organisations and
societies can support their stakeholders to holistically design processes
and all their relevant aspects and thus become more involved in the value
creation framed by process technologies and their (digital) design tools.
We are therefore interested in contributions on the following topics in
* (Everything-to-Everything) X2X communication
* X-value streams
* X-modeling, transformation, and execution
* Speculative X-design
* Internet of Everything
* Intelligent X process design
* X2X Intelligence
* X Design Systems
* Continuous Design integrating X
* Digital X Twins
* Design is Everything (You are in total control)
* Organizational Design with X
* Sensemaking through X design
* X design principles for Industrie 4.0|Smart Cities | Healthcare |
Smart Logistics | Hyper Automation CPS
* X's business
* Modelling Dynamic X Behaviour
* Process Change & Transformation
* Autonomous digital workplace design * Explainable and transparent
process design
* Accountable process engineering
* Multi-/Interdisciplinary perspectives on process engineering
* Examples and Cases of (Subject-oriented-)BPM research & practice
Submissions are welcome in the following formats:
Full Paper: These contributions present a completed research project or a
scientifically examined case. They should follow Springer CCIS
(Communications in Computer and Information Science) format and be of 15-20
pages length. Full papers are evaluated in a detailed peer review in terms
of quality, foundations, study design and impact.
Short Paper: These contributions should have 8-10 pages (Springer CCIS
format) and are evaluated in a fast track review by the Program Committee.
In what form the contribution should be presented at the conference (e.g.,
presentation, poster or discussion) should be indicated in the text.
Contributions range from work in progress to tutorials and are evaluated
primarily according to their potential to stimulate discussions on digital
workplace practice and innovative topics.
* Work in Progress: Ongoing research or planned research contributions
with initial results, as well as case studies or business applications
without scientific underpinning so far. * Reflection Papers: Discussions
or opinions on current scientific or
practical questions that are to be further substantiated or presented as a
thesis at the conference.
* Demonstration/Showcases: Presentation of applications, case studies,
or prototypes.
* Doctoral/master studies: Research projects, ongoing studies or
completed work of master and doctoral students.
* Panels: Discussions with invited guests or open for contribution.
* Tutorials: Guidance or practical guidelines from science and
Springer Lecture Notes format templates are available here: <about:blank>
Submission, Review and Publication
Please submit your paper at CONFtool
All submissions will undergo blind peer reviews of at least two members of
the international program committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer CCIS Series.
Important Dates
Deadline 8.3.2022
Authors notification 23.4.2022
Camera ready 16.5.2022
Conference 29.6.2022 - 1.7.2022
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: International Journal of Human-Computer
Interaction - Special Issue on Social Robots in Business Practices and
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 14:39:47 +0900
From: Sangseok You <sangyou(a)umich.edu>
To: This is the AISWorld List Server <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Springer Software Quality JournalInternational Journal of Human–Computer
Special Issue on Social Robots in Business Practices and Lifestyle
Special Issue Description
Social robots, also called companion robots (or service robots),
comprise a physical humanoid robot component that connects through a
network infrastructure to Web services that enhance traditional robot
functionalities. Robots can now easily capture a user’s physical
activity state (e.g., walking, standing, running, etc.) and store
personalized information (e.g., face, voice, location, activity pattern,
etc.) through the camera, microphone, and sensors by Artificial
Intelligence (AI) technologies. Humanoid robots often behave like
natural partners for social interaction for human users, with features
such as speech, gestures, and eye-gaze when referring to users’ personal
data and social context. The user behavior of anthropomorphic robot
users shows that they are more open to robots. Some prior research shows
that it is much easier for a humanoid robot to gain trust from users.
Companion robots can interact with humans by performing tasks that
adhere to specific social cues and rules. They offer human facial,
voice, and emotion recognition features, including adding human-like
personalities to their AI capabilities to achieve better human-machine
communication. Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a research area whose
purpose is to understand, design, and evaluate robots for use by or with
humans. The foundations of this special issue will set the baseline for
understanding how HRI is likely to influence and change our business
practices and lifestyle. This special issue will also introduce and
discuss the emerging use of companion robots in different Web-based
application domains such as online customer service and healthcare
management. We will solicit research and industry papers related to
these specific challenges and others driving innovation in robotic
computing and related research issues.
This special issue provides the fundamentals of social robots, covering
their computational development, technical capabilities, and roles in
academic, societal, corporate, and governmental strategies. The special
issue will provide clear evidence that Web services play an
ever-increasingly essential and critical role in supporting robotic
computing, a new discipline for interdisciplinary research in business,
information systems, and even social sciences. This special issue should
also further investigate new best practices and directions for social
robots and HRI. This special issue covers topics such as:
• Data modeling, analytics, and algorithms for social robots
• Web services for robots
• The conceptual and technical architecture for social robots
• Security, privacy, and trust in social robots
• Industry standards and solution stacks in social robots
• Promoting cooperative and collaborative interaction with social robots
• Anthropomorphism and Uncanny Valley Theory in social robots
• User experience in robotic computing
• Examining uncooperative and adversarial HRI
• The role of adoption and appropriation in HRI
• Verbal and non-verbal communication with robots in HRI
• HRI in groups and teams beyond dyadic interactions
• Empirical studies examining the cognitive, psychological, emotional,
and social aspects of HRI
• The impact of haptic feedback and touch on HRI
• The role of robot attractiveness on HRI
• Ethics on HRI
• Social-emotional models of HRI
• Theoretical frameworks for HRI
• Design implications for robot interactions at home, work, and public
• Human-oriented practices that promote HRI
• New methodological approaches to studying HRI
• Application of HRI to businesses and organizations
• Case Studies (e.g., healthcare, customer service, aviation, etc.)
Submission Deadlines
• Abstract Deadline: 31 March 2022
• Manuscript Deadline: 31 May 2022
Submission Link
Special Issue Editor(s)
Sangseok You, Sungkyunkwan University
Patrick C. K. Hung, Ontario Tech University
Lionel P. Robert Jr., University of Michigan
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: BiDEDE @ ACM SIGMOD 2022
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 07:05:38 +0100
From: Sven Groppe <groppe(a)ifis.uni-luebeck.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments
(BiDEDE 2022)
In conjunction with ACM SIGMOD 2022
June 12, 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Submission: February 25, 2022
Web: http://www.ifis.uni-luebeck.de/~groppe/bidede
** Aims of the Workshop **
Today, new forms of distributed environments beyond Cloud Computing
occur that offer new kinds of applications, but pose new challenges for
data management. The recent efforts for serverless computing aim at
simplifying the process of deploying code in the Cloud into production
by hiding scaling, capacity planning and maintenance operations from the
developer or operator. Other initiatives work on avoiding the
communication to the Cloud by deploying and running environments for
data processing near data sources in Internet-of-Things scenarios (e.g.,
fog and edge computing) for large-scale smart homes, companies and
cities, and near the applications (e.g., Cloudlets for mobile
applications and Offline First technologies for web applications).
Research on distributed data management evolves addressing new
challenges specific to these new environments. Properties of emergent
distributed environments regarding capabilities of nodes, bandwidth for
communication, battery lifetime of nodes, reliability of nodes and
communication, and heterogeneity of configurations impact data
management mechanisms and approaches, such as those for fault tolerance,
replication, resource provisioning, buffer management, query processing
and optimization, and transaction management. In addition, federated
approaches and polystores spanning over several emergent distributed
environments are also remaining research challenges based on the need
for combining these different distributed environments into one
distributed runtime environment for easy handling of Big Data in
different models and globally optimizing data management tasks across
these different environments.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together academic researchers and
industry practitioners to discuss the challenges and solutions,
including new approaches, techniques and applications, that
significantly would advance the state of the art of Big Data in emergent
distributed environments.
** Categories of Papers **
The workshop solicits papers of different categories:
- Research Papers propose new approaches, theories or techniques related
to Big Data in emergent distributed environments including new data
structures, protocols and algorithms. They should make substantial
theoretical and empirical contributions to the research field.
- System Papers describe new data management tools, stream processing
engines, databases and other systems, which are able to handle Big Data
in emergent distributed environments.
- Experiments and Analysis Papers focus on the experimental evaluation
of existing approaches including data structures and algorithms for Big
Data in emergent distributed environments and bring new insights through
the analysis of these experiments. Results of Experiments and Analysis
Papers can be, for example, showing benefits of well-known approaches in
new settings and environments, opening new research problems by
demonstrating unexpected behavior or phenomena, or comparing a set of
traditional approaches in an experimental survey.
- Application Papers report practical experiences on applications of Big
Data in emergent distributed environments. Application Papers might
describe how to apply technologies to specific application domains with
big data demands in emergent distributed environments like social
networks, web search, e-business, collaborative environments,
e-learning, medical informatics, bioinformatics and geographic
information system.
- Vision Papers identify emerging new or future research issues and
directions, and describe new research visions having demands for Big
Data in emergent distributed environments. The new visions will
potentially have great impacts on society.
- Demo Papers deal with innovative systems and applications for Big Data
in emergent distributed environments. These papers describe a showcase
of the proposed system/application, but may also explain the novelty of
the system's architecture. We are especially interested in
demonstrations having a WOW-effect.
The length of papers must be within 4 pages to 6 pages. Accepted papers
will be presented as oral presentations.
** Topics of Interest **
We are interested in all issues concerning the management of data to be
processed in emergent distributed environments such as the following:
- Cloud Computing
- Serverless Computing
- Cloud Functions
- App Engines
- Cloud Runs
- Post-Cloud Computing
- Cloudlet
- Fog Computing
- Edge Computing
- Dew Computing
- Offline First
- Smart Home/Companies/Cities
The Data Management issues to be solved in the emergent distributed
environments include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Query Processing and Optimization
- Transaction Management
- Fault Tolerance Mechanisms
- Cloud Data Warehouses
- Distributed Databases
- Federation/Polystore Architectures
- Data Lakes
- Artificial Intelligence in Big Data Environments
- Interactive Data Analytics and Big Data Science
** Workshop Chairs **
- Sven Groppe, University of Luebeck, Germany
- Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma, USA
- Ching-Hsien Hsu, Asia University, Taiwan
** Program Committee **
- Ahmed S. Abdelhamid, Purdue University, USA
- Mithun Balakrishna, Lymba Corporation, USA
- Brad Glasbergen, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Jinghua Groppe, University of Luebeck, Germany
- Ekaterini Ioannou, Tilburg University
- Alekh Jindal, Microsoft, USA
- Ioannis Kontopoulos, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
- Xiang Lian, Kent State University, USA
- Qing Liu, Data61, CSIRO, Australia
- Renato Marroquin, Oracle
- Grazyna Paliwoda-Pekosz, Cracow University of Economics, Poland
- Alfredo Pulvirenti, University of Catania, Italy
- Praveen Rao, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
- Arjun Satish, Confluent Inc., USA
- Omair Shafiq, Carleton University, Canada
- Katja Gilly de La Sierra-Llamazares, Miguel Hernandez University, Spain
- Marta Tatu, Raytheon Technologies
- Konstantinos Tserpes, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
- Xikui Wang, Google, USA
- Benjamin Warnke, University of Luebeck, Germany
- Robert Wrembel, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- Steffen Zeuch, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
- Xiang Zhao, National University of Defense Technology, China
- Zhuoyue Zhao, University at Buffalo
** Important Dates **
Submission: February 25, 2022
Notification: April 15, 2022
Workshop: June 12, 2022
** Submission **
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that
are not being considered for publication in any other forum.
Manuscripts should be formatted using the camera-ready templates in the
ACM proceedings double-column format according to the "sigconf"
proceedings template. Long papers cannot exceed 6 pages in length. Short
papers and demo papers cannot exceed 4 pages in length.
Accepted papers will be published online in the ACM digital library.
We describe manuscript preparation and submission procedure at
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] First Call for Papers: 15th ACM SIGPLAN
International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2022)
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 08:58:14 +0100
From: Andrei Chis <chisvasileandrei(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
15th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language
Engineering (SLE 2022)
December 5-10, 2022 Auckland, New Zealand
Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/sleconf
We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the 15th ACM SIGPLAN
International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2022),
held in conjunction with SPLASH, GPCE and SAS 2022. Based on the future
developments the conference will be hosted in Auckland, New Zealand on
December 5-10, 2022.
Topics of Interest
SLE covers software language engineering rather than engineering a
specific software language. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
- Software Language Design and Implementation
- Approaches to and methods for language design
- Static semantics (e.g. design rules, well-formedness constraints)
- Techniques for specifying behavioral / executable semantics
- Generative approaches (incl. code synthesis, compilation)
- Meta-languages, meta-tools, language workbenches
- Software Language Validation
- Verification and formal methods for languages
- Testing techniques for languages
- Simulation techniques for languages
- Software Language Integration and Composition
- Coordination of heterogeneous languages and tools
- Mappings between languages (incl. transformation languages)
- Traceability between languages
- Deployment of languages to different platforms
- Software Language Maintenance
- Software language reuse
- Language evolution
- Language families and variability, language and software product lines
- Domain-specific approaches for any aspects of SLE (design,
implementation, validation, maintenance)
- Empirical evaluation and experience reports of language engineering tools
- User studies evaluating usability
- Performance benchmarks
- Industrial applications
- "Synergies between Language Engineering and emerging/promising
research areas"
- AI and ML language engineering (e.g., ML compiler testing, code
classification) Quantum language engineering (e.g., language design for
quantum machines)
- Language engineering for physical systems (e.g., CPS, IoT, digital twins)
- Socio-technical systems and language engineering (e.g., language
evolution to adapt to social requirements)
- Etc.
Types of Submissions
SLE accepts the following types of papers:
- **Research papers**: These are "traditional" papers detailing research
contributions to SLE. Papers may range from 6 to 12 pages in length, and
may optionally include 2 further pages of bibliography/appendices.
Papers will be reviewed with an understanding that some results do not
need 12 full pages and may be fully described in fewer pages.
- **New ideas / vision papers**: These are papers that may describe new,
unconventional software language engineering research positions or
approaches that depart from standard practice. They can describe
well-defined research ideas that are at an early stage of investigation.
They could also provide new evidence to challenge common wisdom, present
new unifying theories about existing SLE research that provides novel
insight or that can lead to the development of new technologies or
approaches, or apply SLE technology to radically new application areas.
New ideas / vision papers must not exceed 5 pages, and may optionally
include 1 further page of bibliography / appendices.
- **SLE Body of Knowledge**: The SLE Body of Knowledge (SLEBoK) is a
community-wide effort to provide a unique and comprehensive description
of the concepts, best practices, tools and methods developed by the SLE
community. To this respect, the SLE conference will accept surveys,
essays, open challenges, empirical observations and case study papers on
the SLE topics. These can focus on but they are not limited to methods,
techniques, best practices and teaching approaches. Papers in this
category can have up to 20 pages, including bibliography/appendices.
- **Tool papers**: These are papers which focus on the tooling aspects
which are often forgotten or neglected in research papers. A good tool
paper focuses on practical insights that are likely to be useful to
other implementers or users in the future. Any of the SLE topics of
interest are appropriate areas for tool demonstrations. Submissions must
not exceed 5 pages and may optionally include 1 further page of
bibliography / appendices. They may optionally come with an appendix
with a demo outline / screenshots and/or a short video/screencast
illustrating the tool.
**Workshops**: Workshops will be organized by SPLASH. Please inform us
and contact the SPLASH organizers if you would like to organize a
workshop of interest to the SLE audience. Information on how to submit
workshops can be found at the SPLASH 2022 Website.
Two submission rounds
For the first time, SLE is introducing a two-phase submission and review
process. This will give authors submitting to the first round an extra
opportunity to improve their work (if needed) based on the comments and
feedback by the reviewers. Furthermore, this will increase the quality
of SLE accepted papers.
Manuscripts can be submitted to any of the two submission rounds.
Decisions on the papers submitted to the **first round** will be:
accept, reject or re-submit revised version. While rejected papers must
not, revised versions may be submitted to the second round, with an
accompanying response letter to the reviewers stating the changes made
and how the authors addressed the reviewers’ criticisms. Re-submissions
will be reviewed by the same reviewers.
Decisions on fresh papers submitted to the **second round** will be:
accept or reject. The authors of those papers that are likely to be
rejected but have at least one reviewer who is championing it will have
the chance to respond to the reviewers before the final decision is made.
Important Dates
All dates are Anywhere on Earth.
* 1st round submissions
* Abstract submissions: April 6, 2022
* Paper submissions: April 13, 2022
* Notification: May 13, 2022
* 2nd round submissions
* Abstract submissions: July 8, 2022 (tentative)
* Paper submissions: July 15, 2022 (tentative)
* Review notification: September 7, 2022 (tentative)
* Author response period: September 12, 2022 (tentative)
* Notification: September 19, 2022 (tentative)
* Artifact submissions: September 26, 2022 (tentative)
* Artifact kick-the-tires Author response: October 10, 2022 (tentative)
* Artifact notification: October 24, 2022 (tentative)
* Camera-ready (for both rounds): November 4, 2022 (tentative)
* Conference: December 5-10, 2022 (TENTATIVE)
**COVID-19 Disclaimer**
Due to the uncertainties related to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the
second round submission deadlines, the artifact evaluation deadlines,
the camera-ready deadline and the conference dates are still
*preliminary* and will be closed in the next few weeks.
Submissions have to use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Format
"acmart"(http://sigplan.org/Resources/Author/#acmart-format); please
make sure that you always use the latest ACM SIGPLAN acmart LaTeX
and that the document class definition is
`\documentclass[sigplan,anonymous,review]{acmart}`. Do not make any
changes to this format!
Ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white
printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and
font sizes in figures and tables are legible.
To increase fairness in reviewing, a double-blind review process has
become standard across SIGPLAN conferences. In this line, SLE will
follow the double-blind process. Author names and institutions should be
omitted from submitted papers, and references to the authors’ own
related work should be in the third person. No other changes are
necessary, and authors will not be penalized if reviewers are able to
infer their identities in implicit ways.
All submissions must be in PDF format. The submission website is:
Concurrent Submissions
Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted
for publication elsewhere as described by SIGPLAN’s Republication Policy
(http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication). Submitters
should also be aware of ACM’s Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism
Submissions that violate these policies will be desk-rejected.
Policy on Human Participant and Subject Research
Authors conducting research involving human participants and subjects
must ensure that their research comply with their local governing laws
and regulations and the ACM’s general principles as stated in the ACM’s
Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and
Submissions that violate this policy will be rejected.
Reviewing Process
All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee. Research papers and tool papers will be evaluated
concerning novelty, correctness, significance, readability, and
alignment with the conference call. New ideas/vision papers will be
evaluated primarily concerning novelty, significance, readability, and
alignment with the conference call. SLEBoK papers will be reviewed on
their significance, readability, topicality and capacity of
presenting/evaluating/demonstrating a piece of BoK about SLE.
For fairness reasons, all submitted papers must conform to the above
instructions. Submissions that violate these instructions may be
rejected without review, at the discretion of the PC chairs.
After each review round, authors will get a chance to respond before a
final decision is made.
Artifact Evaluation
For the seventh year, SLE will use an evaluation process for assessing
the quality of the artifacts on which papers are based to foster the
culture of experimental reproducibility. Authors of accepted research
papers are invited to submit artifacts. For more information, please
have a look at the Artifact Evaluation
(http://www.sleconf.org/2022/ArtifactEvaluation.html) page.
Special Issue
A special issue on the conference topic in a high-impact journal is
under negotiation.
- **Distinguished paper**: Award for most notable paper, as determined
by the PC chairs based on the recommendations of the programme committee.
- **Distinguished artifact**: Award for the artifact most significantly
exceeding expectations, as determined by the AEC chairs based on the
recommendations of the artifact evaluation committee.
All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
**AUTHORS TAKE NOTE**: The official publication date is the date the
proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may
be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The
official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings
related to published work.
SLE and Doctoral Students
SLE encourages students to submit to the SPLASH doctoral symposium.
Authors of accepted papers will have the chance to present their work to
the SLE audience, too.
* General chair: Bernd Fischer, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
* PC co-chair: Lola Burgueño, Open University of Catalonia, Spain
* PC co-chair: Walter Cazzola, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Artefact Evaluation co-chair: Thomas Kühn, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Germany
* Artefact Evaluation co-chair: Juliana A. Pereira, Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Program committee:
Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Arvid Butting, Aachen University, Germany
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Canada
Shigeru Chiba, University of Tokyo, Japan
Benoît Combemale, University of Rennes, France
Zhenjiang Hu, Peking University, China
Jörg Kienzle, McGill University, Canada
Dimitris Kolovos, University of York, UK
Thomas Kühn, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Juan de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Stefan Marr, University of Kent, UK
Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Natsuko Noda, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
Juliana A. Pereira, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Elizabeth Scott, University of London, UK
Marco Servetto, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Emma Söderberg, Lund University, Sweden
Walid Taha, Halmstad University , Sweden
Marco Tullio Valente, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Erik Van Wyk, University of Minnesota , USA
Alfonso de la Vega, University of Cantabria, Spain
Ran Wei, Dalian University of Technology, China
Andreas Wortmann, Stuttgart University, Germany
Vadim Zaytsev, University of Twente, Netherlands
Steffen Zschaler, King’s College London, UK
For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions,
please contact the Programme Chairs (Lola Burgueño and Walter Cazzola)
at sle22-chairs _at_ di.unimi.it.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] PhD Symposium at ESOCC 2022 - Call for papers
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 14:11:46 +0100
From: Stefano Forti <stefano.forti(a)di.unipi.it>
CC: Stefano Forti <stefano.forti(a)di.unipi.it>, Jacopo Soldani
PhD Symposium track
ESOCC 2022 (9th European Conference and Service-Oriented and Cloud
March 22nd-24th, 2022
Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany
*** Aims and scope ***
The ESOCC 2022 PhD Symposium is an international forum for PhD students
working in the areas addressed by the ESOCC conference (which list of
topics of interest is recapped at the end of this message). The main aim
of the Symposium is to give PhD students an opportunity to present their
research activity and perspectives, to critically discuss them with
other PhD students and with established researchers in the area, and to
get fruitful feedback and advices on their research activities.
PhD students working on topics related to the scope of the ESOCC
conference can submit a short report providing a clear statement of the
problem they intend to address including the current state of the art,
motivating the interest and novelty of the underlying research
challenges, demonstrating the ideas by examples, and describing the
proposed research plan and expected results.
*** Submissions ***
Papers should not exceed 8 pages formatted according to the Springer
LNCS proceedings guidelines. They should be first-authored by the PhD
student and indicate the name of her/his supervisor(s) and their
affiliation. Papers can be submitted via the EasyChair submission page
of the conference (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esocc2022
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esocc2022>), by selecting
"ESOCC 2022 - PhD Symposium" track.
Papers will be peer-reviewed by the members of the program committee.
All accepted papers will appear in the post-conference proceedings
devoted to the satellite events of ESOCC 2022, in the Springer CCIS
series. The best student paper will also be awarded with the "Best PhD
student award", which will be announced at the end of the symposium. PhD
students authoring accepted papers are expected to attend the symposium
to present their paper. If not, the paper will not be included in
post-conference proceedings and it will not be eligible for the "Best
PhD student award".
*** Important dates ***
Paper submission: February 27h, 2022
Acceptance notification: March 10th, 2022
(Camera-ready to be submitted after the conference)
*** PC Chairs ***
Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, Italy
Massimo Villari, University of Messina, Italy
*** Topics of interest (ESOCC 2022) ***
In line with the main conference track, the PhD symposium track of ESOCC
2020 seeks reports on research work in areas related to all aspects of
service-oriented and cloud computing. Specific topics of interest
include but are not limited to:
- Service and Cloud Computing Models
* Design patterns, guidelines and methodologies
* Governance models
* Architectural models
* Requirements engineering
* Formal Methods
* Model-Driven Engineering
* Quality models
* Security, Privacy & Trust models
* Self-Organizing Service-Oriented and Cloud Architectures Models
* Testing models
- Service and Cloud Computing Engineering
* Service Discovery, Matchmaking, Negotiation, and Selection
* Monitoring and Analytics
* Governance and management
* Cloud Interoperability, Multi-Cloud, Cross-Cloud, Federated Cloud
* Frameworks & Methods for Building Service and Cloud based Applications
* Cross-layer adaptation
* Edge/Fog computing
* Cloud, Service Orchestration & Management
* Service Level Agreement Management
* Service Evolution/Optimisation
* Service & Cloud Testing and Simulation
* QoS for Services and Clouds
* Semantic Web Services
* Service mining
* Service & Cloud Standards
* FaaS / Serverless computing
- Technologies
* DevOps in the Cloud
* Containerized services
* Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds
* Microservices Design, Analysis, Deployment and Management
* Next Generation Services Middleware and Service Repositories
* RESTful Services
* Service and Cloud Middleware & Platforms
* Blockchain for Services & Clouds
* Services and Clouds with IoT
* Fog Computing with Service and Cloud
- Business and Social aspects
* Enterprise Architectures for Service and Cloud
* Service-based Workflow Deployment & Life-cycle Management
* Core Applications, e.g., Big Data, Commerce, Energy, Finance, Health,
Scientific Computing, Smart Cities
* Business Process as a Service - BPaaS
* Service and Cloud Business Models
* Service and Cloud Brokerage
* Service and Cloud Marketplaces
* Service and Cloud Cost & Pricing
* Crowdsourcing Business Services
* Social and Crowd-based Cloud
* Energy issues in Cloud Computing
* Sustainability issues
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP-IEEE HPSR 2022 Call For Papers
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 00:36:30 +0800
From: Bomin Mao <maobomin(a)ieee.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, strqds(a)laas.fr, sigcomm(a)postel.org,
sigcomm-members(a)acm.org, sigmm(a)pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de,
SIGMETRICS-MEMBERS(a)listserv.acm.org, SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS(a)listserv.acm.org,
sigmob(a)acm.org, tcgn(a)ieee.org, tcos-announce(a)tcos.org,
wg7_3(a)cs.umass.edu, wings(a)cs.wisc.edu,
wsn(a)dvs1.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de, ahsntc-mailing-list(a)list.trlab.ca,
apb-announcement-request(a)listserv.ieee.org, hpc-announce(a)mcs.anl.gov,
mmb(a)ira.uni-karlsruhe.de, mmkm(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, multicomm(a)comsoc.org,
performance(a)merlot.usc.edu, reti.it(a)tlc.polito.it,
SENSORNET(a)listserv.acm.org, cabernet-events(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
resd-l(a)sbc.org.br, sbc-l(a)sbc.org.br, sigsim(a)acm.org,
latincolleagues(a)mailman.ufsc.br, users(a)iot-lab.info,
cistc-distribution(a)comsoc.org, tc-comswtc(a)comsoc.org,
SIGSAND-L(a)cliffy.ucs.mun.ca, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS(a)listserv.acm.org,
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE(a)acm.org, confs-submit(a)hri.org
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
6-8 June 2022 // Taicang, Suzhou, China
IEEE HPSR 2022 Call For Papers
As driven by users’ expectations on better information services and pushed
by the innovating technologies spanning from optical networks to beyond 5G
(6G) , the Next Generation Networks (NGN) and future communication system
design will integrate space, air, and ground network segments to form a
large-scale, autonomous and yet complicated space-air-ground integrated
network that provides ubiquitous and seamless wireless connectivity for
Internet of Everything. New networking technologies are needed to
efficiently and effectively cope with the ever-increasing complexity of
network operation and management for network providers, so as to achieve
fully-automated, highly-autonomous and advanced-intelligent networks.
The main focus of the HPSR 2022 – the 23nd edition of HPSR conference –
will be to assess how breakthrough changes occurring to networks and
telecom are affecting areas related to switching, routing, computing and
communication networks in general. We are soliciting original and
thought-provoking works on big data, data analytics, cloud/edge services,
and machine-learning techniques applied to networking, computing, switching
and routing. Works on autonomous networks, 5G and beyond, IoT, Industry
4.0, social networks, satellite and space networks, cybersecurity,
virtualization, and other advanced topics are also welcome.
Research works on the following topics, but not limited to, are welcome for
submission through the following symposia:
1) High-Performance High Functionality Architectures Symposium
– Switching support to Extended reality (including virtual, augmented, and
mixed reality)
– Routing and resource allocation for Tactile Internet
– High-speed packet processors
– Address lookup algorithms, packet classification, scheduling, and dropping
– Efficient data structures for networking applications
– Switching, bridging, and routing protocols whether wide-area or data
– Optical switching and routing
– Multiprocessor networks
– Network management
– Traffic characterization and engineering
– Power-aware switching, bridging, and routing protocols
– Nano-communication networks
– Application of data science and analysis on high-performance networks
– Applications of GPU on network functions
– Quantum networking
2) Autonomous Networks Symposium
– Space-air-ground integrated networks (SAGIN)
– Network performance for Human-Agent-Robot Teamwork (HART)
– Multi-access/Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)
– Intelligent and connected vehicular networks
– Blockchain technologies
– Decentralized applications (DApps)
– Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
– Software-defined networking
– Network and switch slicing
– Computation offloading
– Architectures of high-performance switches and routers, with a focus
towards reconfigurable pipelines (P4, Openflow, etc.)
– Autonomous Resource allocation
3) Intelligent Communications and Networks Symposium
– Application of data analytics to switching and routing
– Machine-learning based routing and resource-allocation algorithms
– Traffic monitoring and modeling applied to switching and routing
– Integrated caching, computation, and communications
– Traffic predictions in routing and resource assignment
– Switching architectures for 5G and beyond applications
– High performance, programmable networks for the Internet of things
– Dynamic bandwidth access and management for smart-factory/Industry 4.0
– Deep-learning technologies for next generation networks
– Entanglement Routing
4) Network Security Symposium
– Network security and privacy protection
– Next-generation networks and Internet security
– Cloud and data center security
– Intrusion detection with AI
– Virtual Private WANs
– Securing in SDN and networking slicing
– Support for the security of social networks
– Security in virtualized network functions built or managed using
software-defined networks
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Due: February 20, 2022
Acceptance Notifications: April 20, 2022
Author Registration Deadline: May 4, 2022
Final Version Submission Due: May 4, 2022
Submission Link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=29162
Organizing Committee:
General Chair Jiajia Liu, Northwestern Polytechnical University, CHINA
General Co-chair Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Program Chairs:
Bomin Mao, Northwestern Polytechnical University, CHINA
Yuanqiu Luo, Futurewei, USA
Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] AMCIS 2022 Call for Submissions: SIG Services Track
"Digital Services and Service Systems for a Human-Centered Future Society"
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 13:23:18 +0000
From: Peters, Christoph <christoph.peters(a)unisg.ch>
Reply-To: Peters, Christoph <christoph.peters(a)unisg.ch>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to our track “Digital Services and
Service Systems for a Human-Centered Future Society”at *AMCIS 2022*
(Minneapolis, August 10-14, 2022), submission deadline is March 1^st :
*TRACK: SIG Services – Digital Services and Service Systems for a
Human-Centered Future Society*
The AMCIS Track of the SIG Services provides a forum for all Information
Systems (IS) researchers interested in further developing
service-related research in the IS community for achieving a better
future society. We invite scholars to submit their work at the
intersection of digital technology and service. We are interested in
work of any methodological type that uncovers how value is co-created
with the involvement of advanced digital technology on an individual,
team, organizational, and societal level to serve human needs. We think
that a decisive view on the design, implementation, and evolution of
digital technology in human-centered service systems is essential to
realize a better future world. We especially encourage researchers to
submit contributions from interdisciplinary research teams that take up
fresh theoretical lenses, substantially enhancing our knowledge and view
on technology-pervaded service and service systems.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
·Sustainable, inclusive, and empowering services
·AI-, BI-, and analytics-based service systems
·Sociotechnical design of work and service systems
·Service science * Service business models
·Service processes and process science
·Value co-creation on an individual, team, organizational, and societal
·Engineering and modeling of smart service systems, cyber-physical
systems, and product-service systems
·The role and integration of humans and technology in future service systems
·Service platforms, markets, networks, and ecosystems
·Service systems theory
·Digital innovation in services and service systems
·Future work in service systems
·Digital (public) servitization
Track Chairs:
Christoph Peters, University of St. Gallen + University of Kassel,
christoph.peters(a)unisg.ch <mailto:christoph.peters@unisg.ch>
Christian Bartelheimer, Paderborn University,
christian.bartelheimer(a)upb.de <mailto:christian.bartelheimer@upb.de>
Christoph Breidbach, University of Queensland,
c.breidbach(a)business.uq.edu.au <mailto:c.breidbach@business.uq.edu.au>
More information:
AMCIS 2022: https://amcis2022.aisconferences.org/
AMCIS CfP auf LinkedIn:
We look forward to your submissions.
Best regards
Christoph Peters
*Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters***
Assistenzprofessor | Assistant Professor
Institute of Information Management | University of St.Gallen
Universität St.Gallen (HSG) | Müller-Friedberg-Str. 8 | CH-9000 St.Gallen
Tel. +41 71 224 37 17 | Fax. +41 71 224 27 77_
_christoph.peters(a)unisg.ch <mailto:christoph.peters@unisg.ch> |
www.iwi.unisg.ch <http://www.iwi.unisg.ch/>
*PD Dr. Christoph Peters*
Universität Kassel | University of Kassel
Forschungsgruppenleiter | Postdoctoral Researcher
Wirtschaftsinformatik I Information Systems
Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für IT-Gestaltung (ITeG) I Research Center
for IS Design (ITeG)
http://www.iteg.uni-kassel.de <http://www.iteg.uni-kassel.de/>
Pfannkuchstr.1 | 34121 Kassel | Germany
tel: +49-561-804 6155 | fax: +49-561-804 6067
christoph.peters(a)uni-kassel.de <mailto:christoph.peters@uni-kassel.de>
Annual Report 2020 | Jahresbericht 2020
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP ISWC 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 08:41:40 -0500
From: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
To: agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, connectionists(a)mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu,
sem-grd(a)ogf.org, semantic-web(a)w3.org, wi(a)lists.kit.edu,
AIAI(a)listserv.heanet.ie, obo-discuss(a)lists.sourceforge.net,
public-owled(a)w3.org, public-semweb-lifesci(a)w3.org,
SIGIR(a)listserv.acm.org, SIGAI-ANNOUNCE(a)listserv.acm.org,
public-lod(a)w3.org, dl(a)dl.kr.org, semantic_web(a)googlegroups.com,
owlapi-developer(a)lists.sourceforge.net, aixia(a)aixia.it,
wikidata(a)lists.wikimedia.org, iswc2021_events(a)googlegroups.com
*CfP: 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022)*
Hangzhou, China, October 23-27, 2022
The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the premier venue
for presenting fundamental research, innovative technology, and
applications concerning semantics, data, and the Web. It is the most
important international venue to discuss and present the latest advances
and applications of the semantic Web, knowledge graphs, linked data,
ontologies and artificial intelligence (AI) on the Web.
Follow us on social media:
- Twitter: @iswc_conf #iswc_conf (https://twitter.com/iswc_conf
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13612370
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISWConf
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iswc_conf/
Join ISWC 2022 by submitting to the following tracks and activities, or
by attending the hybrid conference!
Call for Workshops and Tutorials:
Deadline: Friday, 18th March, 2022,23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Workshops & Tutorials Chairs:
- Marta Sabou, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Austria
- Raghava Mutharaju, IIIT-Delhi, India
The ISWC 2022 Organizing Team
Organizing Committee – ISWC 2022 (semanticweb.org)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP 2nd ISJ Trending Topics Workshop
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 15:38:12 +0000
From: Eckhardt, Andreas <Andreas.Eckhardt(a)uibk.ac.at>
Reply-To: Eckhardt, Andreas <Andreas.Eckhardt(a)uibk.ac.at>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Information Systems Journal
CfP 2^nd /ISJ /Trending Topics Workshop
In June 2022, */Information Systems/ /Journal/*//will organize the
second edition of the annual ISJ Trending Topics Workshop. This workshop
is scheduled to occur from *7.00-10:00am (GMT)* on *Friday, June 10^th ,
2022*, one week before ECIS. The workshop will be conducted virtually
via a video conference with breakout sessions.
*_Workshop information: _*__
The /ISJ /encourages research that reflects the wide and
interdisciplinary nature of the IS field and is looking for submissions
that integrate technological advancements and digital innovations with
social, contextual and management issues, based on research using
appropriate research methods. With our new paper development workshop
format, we aim to put a particular emphasis on the rapidly advancing
technological development that may help us to deal with massive societal
and health-related challenges but also confronts us with increasing
complexity and unwanted side effects of technology use.**
Thus, this paper development workshop promotes scholarship that focuses
on high-impact research on new trending topics in the IS field. Workshop
participants will discuss drafts of their corresponding research work
with /ISJ /editorial board members, and other workshop participants.
Please see a list of topics of interest, below.
Authors are not obliged to submit their work to /ISJ/, although the
journal is a top-quality outlet that welcomes both conceptual and
empirical papers. It is the /ISJ/ objective that those papers receiving
feedback during the workshop will be ready for submission and
publication consideration in /ISJ/ afterwards/. /In fact, we are
confident that a decent number of workshop papers will be published in
the journal, year by year.
Prior to the workshop, participants whose papers have been accepted for
discussion in the workshop, will receive one to three papers to read and
review for their virtual roundtable. During the workshop, participants
meet in small groups where participants receive feedback from /ISJ
/editorial board members and provide feedback on other participants’
papers. The /ISJ /Senior and Associate Editors will facilitate the
discussion such that each participant has equal time to receive comments
from the group’s members. Please see a list of all involved /ISJ/
editorial board members, below.
Selection for the /ISJ /Trending Topics Workshop is competitive. This
workshop primarily addresses trending topics and significant societal
issues wrapped in a high-quality and high-impact research piece. To be
considered, a paper must demonstrate a significant contribution to IS
research, with or without data.
We do not consider papers that are currently accepted, under review, or
under revision at other journals or conferences.
*_Topics of interest (include but are not limited to): _*__
* Inclusive digital initiatives
* The impact of artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning
* Cryptocurrencies and digital money
* Implications of blockchain and distributed ledger technology
* IS in social and political protests and issues of (in)equality and
marginalized groups
* Dark side of technology including addiction, victimization, surveillance
* IS for a greener society, government, and/or industry
* IOT, wearable devices and their impacts on lifestyle, diets and
exercise habits
* Psychological, social and cultural aspects of human computer and
robot interactions
* Designs for wearable, pervasive, and ubiquitous systems and computing
* Social cyberwarfare and cybersecurity
* Ethical uses of data, algorithms, and design
* Automation and augmentation of tasks, work and occupations
* Critical views of consequences of new work arrangements on workers
and society
* Social media and digital collaboration for political participation
and societal changes
* New organizing forms enabled by sharing economy, platforms, and crowds
* IS to fight global health crises (e.g., COVID-19)
* The role of IS for climate change
*_Submission details: _*__
The submission deadline is Friday, *April 22^nd , 2022*. Papers should
be line spaced at 1.5 with wide margins on one side of the page. A
manuscript should not exceed around 10,000 words for the main text, not
counting the appendices and references. References should be prepared
according to the Publication Manual of the APA (6th edition).
For more information and author guidelines, please consult:
To submit a paper to the workshop, please use:
<https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/isj>. Please select*SI-PDW (Paper
Development Workshop) *for the submission.
The review process is double-blind, so any author identifying
information should only appear in the body of the submission system (and
not in the submitted paper).
Individuals selected as participants will be notified on or before *May
21^st , 2022*.
There is no fee associated with attending the virtual workshop. **
*_Important Dates:_*
Submission Deadline: April 22^nd , 2022
Notification of Accepted Papers: May 21^st , 2022
ISJ Trending Topics Workshop: June 10^th , 2022
*/_ISJ _/**_Editorial advisors:_*
*Senior Editors:*
Federico Iannacci, University of Sussex, UK
Stan Karanasios, University of Queensland, Australia
Petter Nielsen, University of Oslo, Norway
Ravi Patnayakuni, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
M. N. Ravishankar (Ravi), Loughborough University, UK
Barney Tan, University of New South Wales, Australia
Monideepa Tarafdar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Angsana Techatassanasoontorn, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
*Associate Editors:*
Abayomi Baiyere, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Roberta Bernardi, University of Bristol, UK
Petros Chamakiotis, ESCP Business School, Spain
Sven Laumer, Friedrich-Alexander University, Germany
Niki Panteli, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Dimitra Petrakaki, University of Sussex, UK
Christoph Rosenkranz, University of Cologne, Germany
Felix Tan, University of New South Wales, Australia
Manuel Trenz, University of Goettingen, Germany
Jingguo Wang, The University of Texas, USA
Zhongyun (Phil) Zhou, Tongji University, China
Please direct any question about the submission process and the overall
/ISJ/ paper development workshop to Andreas Eckhardt (Workshop Chair)
at: andreas.eckhardt(a)uibk.ac.at <mailto:andreas.eckhardt@uibk.ac.at>
Please direct all other questions related to the /ISJ /to Robert Davison
(/ISJ /Editor-in-Chief) at: isrobert(a)cityu.edu.hk
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Eckhardt
/Professor of Information Systems/
Department of Information Systems, Production and Logistics Management
University of Innsbruck
Universitätsstrasse 15 I A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43-512-507-73243
Email: andreas.eckhardt(a)uibk.ac.at | Web: https://www.uibk.ac.at
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi