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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Online Participation – 24th Workshop on
Requirements Engineering (WER 2021)
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 10:31:43 +0000
From: Isabel Sofia Sousa Brito <isabel.sofia(a)ipbeja.pt>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
24th Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER 2021) - ONLINE
August 23 to 27, 2021
The Workshop on Requirements Engineering 2021 is now in its
twentieth-fourth edition. This series of workshops on the area started
in 1998 as a meeting of the Ibero-American requirements engineering
community; however, WER has attracted attention from researchers and
practitioners from other parts of the world. The WER format promotes
discussion and knowledge exchange between the academy and industry
members. As in the last editions, this one will also feature
international lectures, presentations from Information Technology
professionals, as well as tutorials, short courses, tool demonstration
and discussion of master's and doctoral works.
The online transmission will be coordinated from Brasília. The
international requirements engineering community will attend the event
in a virtual way.
Registration is already open at https://en.wer.bsb.br/
Organizing Committee:
Fernando de Albuquerque Guimarães (Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brasil)
Roberto Avila Paldês (Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brasil)
Program Committee:
Maria Lencastre Pinheiro de Menezes Cruz (Universidade de Pernambuco,
Graciela Dora Susana Hadad (Universidad Nacional del Oeste, Argentina)
Johnny Cardoso Marques (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brasil)
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Special Issue on Software-Defined
Vehicular Networking
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 03:48:11 +0000
From: Adnan Mahmood <adnan.mahmood(a)mq.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies if you received multiple cross-postings of this CFP.
Call for Papers - Future Internet
"Special Issue on Software-Defined Vehicular Networking"
Deadline: August 31, 2021
Over the past few years, considerable state-of-the-art advancements in
the telecommunications and automotive sectors have empowered drivers
with highly innovative communication and sensing capabilities, in turn
paving the way for the next generation of Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) which is indispensable for an efficient deployment of
futuristic connected and autonomous vehicles. Nevertheless, the safety
of both vehicular passengers and vulnerable pedestrians in the context
of ITS is of paramount importance. In this aspect, sharing of timely
safety-critical information and a seamless connectivity with the traffic
management entities is extremely imperative not only for the purpose of
collision mitigation but also for necessary guidance pertinent to the
current and anticipated trajectories and their corresponding speeds for
ensuring an efficacious traffic flow. Therefore, a secure and low-latent
communication architecture is essential to satisfy the stringent
performance req
uirements of safety-critical vehicular applications.
Although conventional vehicular ad hoc networks can offer a diverse
range of safety and non-safety (infotainment) services, nevertheless,
they suffer from inherent shortcomings, including but not limited to,
lower bandwidths, higher end-to-end delays, and an unbalanced traffic
flow. Additionally, modern-day connected vehicles are being equipped
with hundreds of sensors onboard which has transformed vehicles into an
ambient sensing platform, i.e., data collection device, thereby paving
the way for the connected cars of the future. It is further anticipated
that an average connected vehicle would be able to generate more than 5
TB of data for each hour of its driving. Hence, (a) tackling such a
flood of data so that the meaningful information could be processed and
accordingly utilized for vehicular safety applications in an efficient
manner, (b) selecting appropriate radio access technologies so that the
said meaningful information could be transmitted with high data rates
and low end
-to-end delay, and (c) determining where to carry out all of this
processing (i.e., compute and storage) since if sent to the backhaul
would not only increase the network management overhead but would also
compromise the service level objectives of the safety-critical vehicular
applications, is extremely imperative.
To address the above-stated challenges, the notion of software-defined
networking (SDN) is being extensively deployed for wireless networks,
and as of late, the same has been investigated for vehicular networks by
a number of researchers within academia and industry. This Special
Issue, accordingly, welcomes original contributions to bring forth the
state-of-the-art advancements in the subject landscape. Both
high-quality surveys and technical contributions are welcome for this
Special Issue.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Architectures for software-defined vehicular networks
Software-defined heterogeneous vehicular networks
Security aspects of software-defined vehicular networks
Dynamic controller placement strategies in software-defined vehicular
Machine learning/deep learning strategies for software-defined vehicular
Energy-efficient software-defined vehicular networks
Low latency in software-defined vehicular networks
Integration of SDN and vehicular cloud computing
Caching strategies in (5G-enabled) software-defined vehicular networks
Integration of SDN and ICN for vehicular networks
Crowd Collaborations for software-defined vehicular networks
Software-defined networks, Vehicular ad hoc networks, Internet of
vehicles, Network security, Resource and mobility management, Tactile
Submission Instructions:
For detailed submission instructions, please visit
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact the Guest Editors.
Best Regards,
Michael Sheng and Adnan Mahmood (Guest Editors)
Department of Computing
Macquarie University, Sydney
NSW 2109, Australia.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [wkwi] CfP HMD 345 - CIO, CDO oder wie? Die Zukunft der
Führung in der IT
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 05:37:33 +0000
From: Susanne Strahringer <susanne.strahringer(a)tu-dresden.de>
Reply-To: Susanne Strahringer <susanne.strahringer(a)tu-dresden.de>
To: 'wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de' <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
CC: Markus Westner <markus.westner(a)oth-regensburg.de>
*Call for Papers
*Zeitschrift: HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Schwerpunktheft Juni 2022 (HMD 345): *CIO, CDO oder wie? Die Zukunft der
Führung in der IT*
Mit dem Aufkommen und der zunehmenden Verbreitung neuer IT-bezogener
C-Level-Positionen in Unternehmen, wie dem CDO, entstehen eine Reihe
neuer Fragen bezüglich der Relevanz und der Umsetzungsoptionen von
IT-Führungsaspekten. Die mit einer zusätzlichen CDO-Rolle oft
intendierte Aufteilung in Supply- und Demand-Side-Leadership oder die
Vorstellung, auf diese Weise das klassische Ambidextrie-Problem lösen zu
können, sind damit häufig verbundene Hoffnungen. Ob sich die mit solchen
Doppelspitzen assoziierten Erwartungen erfüllen lassen, ob es temporäre
oder langfristige Phänomene sind oder auch die Frage, welche neuen
Problemen dadurch entstehen, sind Themenfelder, denen es perspektivisch
nachzugehen gilt. Schließlich wird man sich langfristig auch fragen
müssen, ob es – falls einmal die Trennung zwischen IT und Fachbereichen
überholt ist – überhaupt noch solcher Rollen bedarf. Oder werden moderne
Technologien, wie KI, und deren zunehmende Nutzung in der Praxis die
Bedeutung dieser Rollenprofile und ihre Verantwortlichkeiten stärken
oder ihre Ausrichtung verändern? Auch klassische Themen zu
Reporting-Strukturen und die Integration in das Top Management Team
(TMT) sind unter diesen Gesichtspunkten immer wieder neu zu diskutieren.
Neben den Unternehmen, die möglicherweise eher mehr als weniger
C-Level-Verantwortung für IT-bezogene Aufgaben etablieren, gibt es
eine Reihe von Unternehmen, denen es gar nicht oder nur schwerlich
gelingt, vergleichbare Rollen aufzubauen. Viele KMUs können sich heute
noch keine Top-Management-IT- oder -Digitalisierungspositionen leisten
und müssen kreative Lösungen finden, die notwendigen Rollen anders
auszufüllen. Auch Einrichtungen im öffentlichen Dienst, z.B.
Hochschulen, hadern damit, eine klare IT-bezogene Führung zu verankern.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Pandemie, zunehmende regulatorische
Rahmenbedingungen und moderne Technologien haben aber gerade bei diesen
Zielgruppen die Wahrnehmung verstärkt, dass ein Fortschreiten wie
bisher perspektivisch nicht mehr möglich sein wird.
Im geplanten Schwerpunktheft sind wir an allen Leadership-Themen rund um
IT und Digitalisierung interessiert. Mögliche Themenfelder des Heftes
sind daher u. a.:
·Zusammenarbeit und Abgrenzung von CIO, CDO, CPO, CTO, CISO und
Zusammenarbeit mit anderen C-Level-Executive-Rollen (TMT-Integration)
·Führungsverantwortung für Digitalisierung
·Supply- und Demand-Side-Leadership
·CIO/CDO/CPO/CTO/CISO-Fähigkeiten und -Kompetenzen
·Entwicklungspfade IT-bezogener Führungsrollen
·Moderne Rollenbilder von CxO-Executives mit IT-Bezug
·Einfluss von neuen Technologien auf die Führung in der IT
·CIO/CDO-Rollen in KMU, in Hochschulen und im öffentlichen Dienst
·Artikelidee per E-Mail an Hrsg. gerne bis ca. 1.10.2021
·Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags bis 15.12.2021
·Übermittlung der Gutachten an Autoren bis ca. 31.1.2022
·Überarbeitung durch Autoren Februar/März 2022
·Redaktionsschluss: 15.4.2022
*Kontaktieren Sie gerne die zuständigen Heftherausgeber: *
·Prof. Dr. Susanne Strahringer (susanne.strahringer(a)tu-dresden.de)
·Prof. Dr. Markus Westner (markus.westner(a)oth-regensburg.de)
*PDF-Version des CfP*:
Prof. Dr. Susanne Strahringer
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Faculty of Business and Economics
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insbes. Informationssysteme in
Industrie und Handel
Chair of Information Systems, esp. IS in Manufacturing and Commerce
01062 Dresden – Germany
Tel +49-351-463-34990 | Fax +49-351-463-32794 | Cell +49-1726649145
eMail susanne.strahringer(a)tu-dresden.de
Web https://tu-dresden.de/bu/wirtschaft/isih
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Special Issue on Recent Advances
in Internet of Vehicles [Electronics (Impact Factor - 2020: 2.397, 5
Year Impact Factor: 2.408)]
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 01:41:08 +0000
From: Adnan Mahmood <adnan.mahmood(a)mq.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers - Electronics (Impact Factor - 2020: 2.397, 5 Year
Impact Factor: 2.408)
"Special Issue on Recent Advances in Internet of Vehicles"
Deadline: November 30, 2021
Recent considerable advancements in the emerging yet promising paradigm
of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its convergence with the
state-of-the-art wireless communication technologies has led to the
evolution of conventional vehicular ad hoc networks into the Internet of
Vehicles (IoV). IoV is primarily an amalgamation of a variety of network
entities, i.e., vehicles, vulnerable pedestrians, and supporting
roadside infrastructure, and act as a dynamic communication system for
facilitating real-time efficient information sharing among these
entities in order to guarantee safer navigation and intelligent traffic
management. This not only entails vehicle-to-vehicle communication but
also takes into consideration vehicle-to-human, vehicle-to-road, and
vehicle-to-sensor interactions. Hence, recently, the notion of IoV is
being explored by researchers and scientists from both academia and
industry, nevertheless, significant developments from a wide variety of
technological facets still n
eed to be materialized so as to unleash the true potential of IoV in the
realm of intelligent transportation system which itself is integral to
the evolution of futuristic smart and connected cities.
This special issue, accordingly, welcome original contributions so as to
bring forth the state-of-the-art advancements in the IoV landscape. Both
high-quality survey and technical contributions are welcome for this
special issue.
Topics include but are not limited to:
* Promising architectures and protocols for IoV
* Emerging communication technologies for IoV (DSRC, mmWave, Terahertz,
* Security and privacy issues in IoV
* Machine learning-based techniques/algorithms for IoV
* Software-defined approaches in IoV
* Blockchain-enabled IoV
* Trust and reputation management in IoV
* Leveraging fog and edge computing in IoV
* Intelligent resource management in IoV
* Quality-of-service and quality-of-experience in IoV
* Social IoV
* Big data analytics in IoV
* Autonomic service delivery in IoV
* Testbed and simulation tools for IoV
Internet of Vehicles, Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Software-defined
Networking, Intelligent Resource Management, Big Data Analytics,
Security & Privacy, and Quality-of-Service.
Submission Instructions:
For detailed submission instructions, please visit
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact the Guest Editors.
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Michael Sheng*, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jian Yu**, and Adnan Mahmood*
(Guest Editors)
*Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia.
**Department of Computer Science, Auckland University of Technology,
Auckland, 1010, New Zealand.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Sustainability Special Issue
"Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital Government"
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 09:48:52 +0200
From: Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar <manuelp(a)ugr.es>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Special Issue "Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital
* Print Special Issue
* Special Issue
* Special Issue
* Published
A special issue of
Sustainability<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability> (ISSN
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2022.
Special Issue Editors
Prof. Dr. Hans Jochen Scholl
Guest Editor
Information School, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Interests: information artifact evaluation; electronic and smart
government; disaster information management
Prof. Dr. Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes
Guest Editor
Department of Public Administration and Policy, The State University of
New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222, USA
Interests: inter-organizational collaboration; information sharing;
collaborative governance
Prof. Dr. Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar
Guest Editor
Department of Financial Economics and Accounting, University of Granada,
Granada, Spain
Interests: e-government; smart governance; smart cities; blockchain
Special Issue Information
Overview. The United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
have defined Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which
include concepts such as (1) no poverty, (2) zero hunger, (3) good
health and wellbeing, (4) quality education, (5) gender equality, (6)
clean water and sanitation, (7) affordable and clean energy, (8) decent
work and economic growth, (9) industry, innovation, and infrastructure,
(10) reduced inequalities, (11) sustainable cities and communities, (12)
responsible consumption and production, (13) climate action, (14) life
below water, (15) life on land, (16) peace, justice, and strong
institutions, and (17) partnership for the goals.
Over the past two decades, public administrations around the world and
at all levels and branches have embarked on numerous modernization
initiatives and improvement measures that heavily rely on modern
information and communication technologies (ICTs). These efforts and
outcomes have commonly been labeled “Digital Government”, which per
definition encompasses the use of information technology to support
government operations, engage citizens, and provide government services.
Digital Government can be viewed at least through four lenses, all of
which can be set into relationship to the seventeen SDGs: (1) ICTs in
government operations and management, (2) ICTs in democracy and citizen
engagement, (3) ICTs in government services, and (4) ICTs in public policy.
Obviously, the intersections between the various SDGs and the four
lenses of digital government provide a vast array for investigating and
evaluating current practices as well as identifying and describing
future opportunities for advancing the seventeen SDGs by means and
methods of digital government, which as an outcome would help to make
the overall human experience sustainable, but even more so provide the
entire global biosphere (humans included) with a safe and livable space.
We invite submissions of high-quality papers that employ quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed-method research approaches. In addition to
single-discipline-based studies, we explicitly encourage the submission
of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research reports including
human–computer interaction and design studies. We also welcome
submissions that employ qualitative approaches such as participatory
action research, citizen science, and case studies, but also
quantitative approaches, for example, computer simulations such as
system dynamics and agent-based modeling along with artificial
intelligence and machine-learning-based studies.
Relevant topics include but are not limited to
* Digital government services for addressing the seventeen UN SDGs;
* ICT-supported citizen engagement for addressing the seventeen UN SDGs;
* ICT in government operations and management the seventeen UN SDGs;
* ICT and Public Policy with regard to the seventeen UN SDGs;
* Data visualization and dashboards to track progress regarding SDGs;
* Laws and regulations for data-driven policy making;
* Laws, regulations, and practices of open data for sustainable
development goals;
* Governance of public–private collaborations for sustainable
development goals;
* Government policies and projects to promote more sustainable
government operations;
* Government and their role in developing local food sheds through
policy and institutional actions such as institutional procurement;
* Smart governance models and their impact on urban and hinterland
* The interplay of urban and hinterland digital governments SDGs;
* ICTs implementation in smart governments and improvement of citizens’
quality of life;
* Emerging technologies implementation in governments for higher levels
of development of smart and sustainable cities, hinterland, and rural areas;
* Emerging technologies implementation for improving citizen engagement
in public decisions;
* Assessing the efficacy of ICT implementations in government for
changing social urban and hinterland structures;
* Evaluation of the “smartness” of the government in the urban and
hinterland contexts;
* Digital governments for social innovation and sustainability;
* Open government strategies for achieving sustainable development goals;
* Theorizing about and analyzing the link between digital governments
and sustainable development goals;
* Urban and hinterland governance models for improving public service
* Results assessment of sustainable development goals in different urban
and hinterland digital settings;
* The use of ICTs in government to provide citizen-centered services for
improving and safeguarding citizenry wellbeing;
* Technological Public Partnership models and its impact on sustainable
development goals;
* Public policies for managing digital inclusion.
Prof. Dr. Hans Jochen Scholl
Prof. Dr. Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes
Prof. Dr. Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar
Guest Editors
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted online
atwww.mdpi.com<https://www.mdpi.com/> by
registering<https://www.mdpi.com/user/register/> and logging in to this
website<https://www.mdpi.com/user/login/>. Once you are registered,
click here to go to the submission
Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be
peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the
journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special
issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short
communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short
abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for
announcement on this website.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be
under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference
proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a
single-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant
information for submission of manuscripts is available on the
Instructions for
Authors<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/instructions> page.
Sustainability<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/> is an
international peer-reviewed open access semimonthly journal published by
Please visit the Instructions for
Authors<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/instructions> page
before submitting a manuscript. The Article Processing Charge
(APC)<https://www.mdpi.com/about/apc/> for publication in this open
access<https://www.mdpi.com/about/openaccess/> journal is 1900 CHF
(Swiss Francs). Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good
English. Authors may use MDPI's English editing
service<https://www.mdpi.com/authors/english> prior to publication or
during author revisions.
* digital government as facilitator of sustainability
* citizen engagement and democracy for sustainability
* sustainability-driving government services
* sustainability and digital public policy
* smart governance and SDGs
* sustainability success indicators
* SDG measures
Published Papers
This special issue is now open for submission.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ISeB journal: SI CFP on "Agile, Lightweight and
Lean IT Service Management Approaches for Business Agility"
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 17:00:06 +0000
From: Jose Manuel Mora Tavarez <jose.mora(a)edu.uaa.mx>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de
<jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de>, Adelakun, Olayele
<oadelakun(a)cdm.depaul.edu>, Fen Wang <Fen.Wang(a)cwu.edu>
Information Systems and e-Business Management
Special Issue on "Agile, Lightweight and Lean IT Service Management
Approaches for Business Agility"
Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2021 (updated for Pandemic effects
on Editorial Processes).
Full information at:
Special Issue Guest Editors:
• Prof. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
• Prof. Jorge Marx Gómez, University of Oldenburg, Germany
• Assoc. Prof. Olayele Adelakun, DePaul University, USA
• Prof. Fen Wang, Central Washington University, USA
Prof. Dr. José Manuel Mora Tavarez
Depto. de Sistemas de Información
Centro de Ciencias Básicas
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Ave. Universidad 940
Aguascalientes, AGS. México 20131
Email: jose.mora(a)edu.uaa.mx
ResearchGate Weblink<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manuel_Mora>
Scholar Google
Linkedin Weblink<https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-mora-engd-37b03a1/>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] [Virtual OM-2021] Final CFP: 16th wshop on Ontology
Matching collocated with ISWC, the submission deadline is on Aug. 9th
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 11:53:30 +0200
From: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn(a)irit.fr>
Reply-To: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn(a)irit.fr>
To: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn(a)irit.fr>
** Apologies for multiple postings **
The Sixteenth International Workshop on
October 25th, 2021,
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) Workshop Program,
Ontology matching is a key interoperability enabler for the Semantic Web,
as well as a useful technique in some classical data integration tasks
dealing with the semantic heterogeneity problem. It takes ontologies
as input and determines as output an alignment, that is, a set of
correspondences between the semantically related entities of those
These correspondences can be used for various tasks, such as ontology
merging, data interlinking, query answering or navigation over knowledge
Thus, matching ontologies enables the knowledge and data expressed
with the matched ontologies to interoperate.
The workshop has three goals:
To bring together leaders from academia, industry and user institutions
to assess how academic advances are addressing real-world requirements.
The workshop will strive to improve academic awareness of industrial
and final user needs, and therefore, direct research towards those needs.
Simultaneously, the workshop will serve to inform industry and user
representatives about existing research efforts that may meet their
requirements. The workshop will also investigate how the ontology
matching technology is going to evolve, especially with respect to
data interlinking, knowledge graph and web table matching tasks.
To conduct an extensive and rigorous evaluation of ontology matching
and instance matching (link discovery) approaches through
the OAEI (Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative) 2021 campaign:
To examine similarities and differences from other, old, new and emerging,
techniques and usages, such as web table matching or knowledge embeddings.
This year, in sync with the main conference, we encourage submissions
specifically devoted to: (i) datasets, benchmarks and replication studies,
services, software, methodologies, protocols and measures
(not necessarily related to OAEI), and (ii) application of
the matching technology in real-life scenarios and assessment
of its usefulness to the final users.
TOPICS of interest include but are not limited to:
Business and use cases for matching (e.g., big, open, closed data);
Requirements to matching from specific application scenarios (e.g.,
public sector, homeland security);
Application of matching techniques in real-world scenarios (e.g., in
cloud, with mobile apps);
Formal foundations and frameworks for matching;
Novel matching methods, including link prediction, ontology-based
Matching and knowledge graphs;
Matching and deep learning;
Matching and embeddings;
Matching and big data;
Matching and linked data;
Instance matching, data interlinking and relations between them;
Privacy-aware matching;
Process model matching;
Large-scale and efficient matching techniques;
Matcher selection, combination and tuning;
User involvement (including both technical and organizational aspects);
Explanations in matching;
Social and collaborative matching;
Uncertainty in matching;
Expressive alignments;
Reasoning with alignments;
Alignment coherence and debugging;
Alignment management;
Matching for traditional applications (e.g., data science);
Matching for emerging applications (e.g., web tables, knowledge graphs).
Contributions to the workshop can be made in terms of technical papers and
posters/statements of interest addressing different issues of ontology
as well as participating in the OAEI 2021 campaign. Long technical papers
be of max. 12 pages. Short technical papers should be of max. 5 pages.
Posters/statements of interest should not exceed 2 pages.
All contributions have to be prepared using the LNCS Style:
and should be submitted in PDF format (no later than August 9th, 2021)
through the workshop submission site at:
Contributors to the OAEI 2021 campaign have to follow the campaign
and schedule at http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2021/.
August 9th, 2021: Deadline for the submission of papers.
September 6th, 2021: Deadline for the notification of
September 20th, 2021: Workshop camera ready copy submission.
October 25th, 2021: OM-2021, Virtual Conference.
Contributions will be refereed by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as a volume
of CEUR-WS as well as indexed on DBLP.
1. Pavel Shvaiko (main contact)
Trentino Digitale, Italy
2. Jérôme Euzenat
INRIA & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
3. Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz
City, University of London, UK & SIRIUS, University of Oslo, Norway
4. Oktie Hassanzadeh
IBM Research, USA
5. Cássia Trojahn
IRIT, France
Alsayed Algergawy, Jena University, Germany
Manuel Atencia, INRIA & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Zohra Bellahsene, LIRMM, France
Jiaoyan Chen, University of Oxford, UK
Valerie Cross, Miami University, USA
Jérôme David, University Grenoble Alpes & INRIA, France
Gayo Diallo, University of Bordeaux, France
Daniel Faria, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciéncia, Portugal
Alfio Ferrara, University of Milan, Italy
Marko Gulic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Wei Hu, Nanjing University, China
Ryutaro Ichise, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Europeana, Netherlands
Naouel Karam, Fraunhofer, Germany
Prodromos Kolyvakis, EPFL, Switzerland
Patrick Lambrix, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
Oliver Lehmberg, University of Mannheim, Germany
Fiona McNeill, Heriot Watt University, UK
Peter Mork, MITRE, USA
Axel Ngonga, University of Paderborn, Germany
George Papadakis, University of Athens, Greece
Catia Pesquita, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Henry Rosales-Méndez, University of Chile, Chile
Kavitha Srinivas, IBM, USA
Pedro Szekely, University of Southern California, USA
Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool, UK
Ludger van Elst, DFKI, Germany
Xingsi Xue, Fujian University of Technology, China
Ondrej Zamazal, Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic
More about ontology matching:
Best Regards,
Cassia Trojahn
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Sustainability Special Issue
"Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital Government"
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 17:54:59 +0000
From: Jochen Scholl <jscholl(a)uw.edu>
To: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Special Issue "Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital
* Print Special Issue
* Special Issue
* Special Issue
* Published
A special issue of
Sustainability<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability> (ISSN
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2022.
Special Issue Editors
Prof. Dr. Hans Jochen Scholl
Guest Editor
Information School, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Interests: information artifact evaluation; electronic and smart
government; disaster information management
Prof. Dr. Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes
Guest Editor
Department of Public Administration and Policy, The State University of
New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222, USA
Interests: inter-organizational collaboration; information sharing;
collaborative governance
Prof. Dr. Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar
Guest Editor
Department of Financial Economics and Accounting, University of Granada,
Granada, Spain
Interests: e-government; smart governance; smart cities; blockchain
Special Issue Information
Overview. The United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
have defined Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which
include concepts such as (1) no poverty, (2) zero hunger, (3) good
health and wellbeing, (4) quality education, (5) gender equality, (6)
clean water and sanitation, (7) affordable and clean energy, (8) decent
work and economic growth, (9) industry, innovation, and infrastructure,
(10) reduced inequalities, (11) sustainable cities and communities, (12)
responsible consumption and production, (13) climate action, (14) life
below water, (15) life on land, (16) peace, justice, and strong
institutions, and (17) partnership for the goals.
Over the past two decades, public administrations around the world and
at all levels and branches have embarked on numerous modernization
initiatives and improvement measures that heavily rely on modern
information and communication technologies (ICTs). These efforts and
outcomes have commonly been labeled “Digital Government”, which per
definition encompasses the use of information technology to support
government operations, engage citizens, and provide government services.
Digital Government can be viewed at least through four lenses, all of
which can be set into relationship to the seventeen SDGs: (1) ICTs in
government operations and management, (2) ICTs in democracy and citizen
engagement, (3) ICTs in government services, and (4) ICTs in public policy.
Obviously, the intersections between the various SDGs and the four
lenses of digital government provide a vast array for investigating and
evaluating current practices as well as identifying and describing
future opportunities for advancing the seventeen SDGs by means and
methods of digital government, which as an outcome would help to make
the overall human experience sustainable, but even more so provide the
entire global biosphere (humans included) with a safe and livable space.
We invite submissions of high-quality papers that employ quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed-method research approaches. In addition to
single-discipline-based studies, we explicitly encourage the submission
of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research reports including
human–computer interaction and design studies. We also welcome
submissions that employ qualitative approaches such as participatory
action research, citizen science, and case studies, but also
quantitative approaches, for example, computer simulations such as
system dynamics and agent-based modeling along with artificial
intelligence and machine-learning-based studies.
Relevant topics include but are not limited to
* Digital government services for addressing the seventeen UN SDGs;
* ICT-supported citizen engagement for addressing the seventeen UN SDGs;
* ICT in government operations and management the seventeen UN SDGs;
* ICT and Public Policy with regard to the seventeen UN SDGs;
* Data visualization and dashboards to track progress regarding SDGs;
* Laws and regulations for data-driven policy making;
* Laws, regulations, and practices of open data for sustainable
development goals;
* Governance of public–private collaborations for sustainable
development goals;
* Government policies and projects to promote more sustainable
government operations;
* Government and their role in developing local food sheds through
policy and institutional actions such as institutional procurement;
* Smart governance models and their impact on urban and hinterland
* The interplay of urban and hinterland digital governments SDGs;
* ICTs implementation in smart governments and improvement of citizens’
quality of life;
* Emerging technologies implementation in governments for higher levels
of development of smart and sustainable cities, hinterland, and rural areas;
* Emerging technologies implementation for improving citizen engagement
in public decisions;
* Assessing the efficacy of ICT implementations in government for
changing social urban and hinterland structures;
* Evaluation of the “smartness” of the government in the urban and
hinterland contexts;
* Digital governments for social innovation and sustainability;
* Open government strategies for achieving sustainable development goals;
* Theorizing about and analyzing the link between digital governments
and sustainable development goals;
* Urban and hinterland governance models for improving public service
* Results assessment of sustainable development goals in different urban
and hinterland digital settings;
* The use of ICTs in government to provide citizen-centered services for
improving and safeguarding citizenry wellbeing;
* Technological Public Partnership models and its impact on sustainable
development goals;
* Public policies for managing digital inclusion.
Prof. Dr. Hans Jochen Scholl
Prof. Dr. Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes
Prof. Dr. Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar
Guest Editors
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted online at
www.mdpi.com<https://www.mdpi.com/> by
registering<https://www.mdpi.com/user/register/> and logging in to this
website<https://www.mdpi.com/user/login/>. Once you are registered,
click here to go to the submission
Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be
peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the
journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special
issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short
communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short
abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for
announcement on this website.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be
under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference
proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a
single-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant
information for submission of manuscripts is available on the
Instructions for
Authors<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/instructions> page.
Sustainability<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/> is an
international peer-reviewed open access semimonthly journal published by
Please visit the Instructions for
Authors<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/instructions> page
before submitting a manuscript. The Article Processing Charge
(APC)<https://www.mdpi.com/about/apc/> for publication in this open
access<https://www.mdpi.com/about/openaccess/> journal is 1900 CHF
(Swiss Francs). Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good
English. Authors may use MDPI's English editing
service<https://www.mdpi.com/authors/english> prior to publication or
during author revisions.
* digital government as facilitator of sustainability
* citizen engagement and democracy for sustainability
* sustainability-driving government services
* sustainability and digital public policy
* smart governance and SDGs
* sustainability success indicators
* SDG measures
Published Papers
This special issue is now open for submission.
Dr. Hans Jochen Scholl, MBA
Full Professor
Elected Faculty Council Member
University of Washington
The Information School
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 370D
MS 352840
Seattle, WA 98195-2840, USA
Phone: (206) 616-2543
Fax: (206) 616-3152
Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] ICISS 2021 Call for Papers (Deadline approaching)
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 08:26:52 +0000
From: Devki Jha (PGR) <D.N.Jha2(a)newcastle.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
ICISS 2021
The 17th International Conference on
Information Systems Security
IIT Patna, India
December 17 - 19, 2021
ICISS solicits previously unpublished research in all areas of
security and privacy including building, experimenting with and
attacking secure systems, techniques & tools for security analysis,
and theoretical topics related to security. We encourage submissions
from academia, industry, and government. Over the past several years,
the average acceptance rate is less than 30%. The proceedings of
the conference will be published by Springer as part of LNCS series.
** Submission deadline: July 31, 2021 (AoE)
** Notifications: September 30, 2021 (AoE)
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Access control Distributed systems security
Operating systems security Language-based security
Network security Software security
Application security Web security
Privacy and anonymity PKI & Key management
Security Audit Secure data streams
Cyber-physical systems Malware analysis
Authentication Authorization
Vulnerability analysis Biometric security
Cloud security Usable security
IoT Security Security testing
Digital forensics Intrusion detection and recovery
Smartphone security Digital rights management
Threat modeling Identity management
AI/ML for security Security for AI
Blockchains & Cryptocurrencies Digital payments
Botnets and Honeypots Formal models of security
Sensor, ad-hoc network security
Submissions can be made in the following two categories:
1) Regular papers: manuscripts under this category are complete,
mature research works. The length of regular papers, including well
marked appendices, should not exceed 20-pages in LNCS style.
2) WiP papers: work-in-progress manuscripts facilitate early
dissimination of work that are promising but yet not complete. The
length of WiP papers, including well marked appendices, should not
exceed 12-pages in LNCS style. WiP papers must clearly identify the
goals of the work and the technical approach, and include enough
initial development to demonstrate viability of the approach. The
title must be prefixed with "WiP:" to clearly indicate that the
submission is a WiP paper.
Papers must be written in English and submitted in the Springer Verlag
LNCS Latex or Word style in PDF format, via the link given below. The
review process is single-blind, meaning that author names will be
visible to reviewers. The extended versions of selected and accepted
papers will be invited for publication in the Indian Academy of
Sciences' journal - SADHANA.
Important news/updates
*COVID-19 Updates: In case of travel restrictions that prohibit physical
appearance, ICISS will allow authors of accepted papers to present and
participate remotely if they wish to do so.
Submission portal:
** ICISS will also have a BEST PAPER AWARD.
General Chair:
- R.K. Shyamasundar, IIT Bombay, India
Program Chairs:
- Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University, UK
- Somanath Tripathy, IIT Patna, India
Publicity Chairs:
- Devki Nandan Jha, University of Oxford, UK
- N.V. Narendra Kumar, IDRBT Hyderabad, India
- Vishwas T Patil, IIT Bombay, India
ICISS 2021 Committees:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] NEW_Deadline_The 19th International Conference on
Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia Intelligence (MoMM2021)
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2021 16:03:23 +0200
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 19th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and
Multimedia Intelligence (MoMM2021) 29 November - 1 December 2021
Linz, Austria (Virtual)
http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2021/ email: momm2021(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=momm20210.
***** Designing and Developing Innovative Mobile and Ubiquitous
Solutions for Social Good *****
**** IMPORTANT DATES ***** 1 August 2021 : Full Papers (12 pages), Short
papers, demos and work in progress (6 pages)
15 September 2021: Acceptance Notifications
01 October 2021: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
29 Nov - 01 Dec 2021: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted MoMM2021 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series (to be confirmed) and the supplemental
proceedings which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and
indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by
Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of
Science). Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published,
after revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
**** Scope *****
During the last decade, mobile computing and multimedia intelligence
have gone through massive advancements in terms of both hardware
innovations and software solutions. The emerging and exponential
technologies have accelerated research across a wide array of topics
such as smart cities, digital twins, nanotechnology, augmented and
virtual reality, artificial intelligence, chatbots and conversational
interfaces, edge computing and server-less cloud computing. While the
new technologies and developments have the potential to affect our lives
and create positive social impact, they introduce huge challenges in
terms of the design, underlying algorithms, implementation and
technology adoption. MoMM provides an opportunity for researchers to
present, share and discuss their research results and experiences with
other researchers and experts in the same or similar fields.
Prior to 2020, MoMM has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Kaohsiung (2014),
Vienna (2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala
Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). Last year, MoMM2020 conference was held
as virtual conference. Again this year, MoMM2021 will be held virtually
with the host managing the conference from the campus of JKU in Linz,
**** Submissions *****
MoMM accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real world case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
world case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting of
rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or
implementation. Accepted papers and demonstrations from all three
categories will be published in the ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multimedia Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligent Systems applications in Computers and
- Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
- Internet of Things solutions and applications
- Smart cities
- Mobile sensing technologies and applications
- Mobile healthcare applications
- Wearable computing - Mobile crowd sensing
- Mobile multimodal interfaces
- Chatbots and conversational interfaces
- Cloud and edge computing
- Immersive computing
- Context-aware applications and recommender systems
- Data Visualisation on mobile devices
- Localisation, positioning and tracking systems
- Mobile distributed reasoning and processing - Spatial searching and
- Multi-agent systems
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers and demonstration descriptions must be submitted electronically
in PDF through the conference website. Submitted papers must not
substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with
proceedings. Submitted demonstrations should convey a scientific result
and should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.
Submitted papers and demonstrations will be subject to stringent peer
review by at least three members of the international program committee
and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers and demonstration
descriptions will appear in the conference proceedings to be published
by ACM (to be confirmed). Format requirements for submissions of papers
and demonstrations are:
- Maximum 12 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Full Technical papers.
- Maximum 6 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- A video clip (for review purpose only) and a description of maximum 4
pages for the demonstration. The description should outline the
underlying novel concepts, methods and/or approaches, and details about
implementation, deployment, testing, and evaluation and user uptake.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines (to be
confirmed) (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template)
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
MoMM2021 best paper awards, best student paper awards, and best
demonstrations will be selected based on novelty, significance, and the
presentation at the conference. Best student paper awards can only be
awarded to papers on which students are first authors.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/momm
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/momm/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact *****
Pari Delir Haghighi, Program Committee Chair, Monash University, Australia
Hesti Sudjana
Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list