-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] RE'21 Call for Registration (29th IEEE
International Requirements Engineering Conference)
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 10:30:34 +0000
From: Rebekka Wohlrab <wohlrab(a)cmu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*** RE 2021 - The 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering
Conference ***
September 20-24, 2021 - in a virtual format
** Visit the official website: http://re2021.org
Join us for RE‘21! This year’s virtual RE will feature inspiring
keynotes by Lionel Briand, Amy Ko, and Pedro Domingos, a variety of
interesting talks, eight high-quality tutorials, thirteen workshops, as
well as a new edition of the RE Cares initiative.
Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to meet and network with many
interesting attendees from all over the world!
Workshops: https://conf.researchr.org/track/RE-2021/RE-2021-workshops
Tutorials: https://conf.researchr.org/track/RE-2021/RE-2021-tutorialstrack
We are looking forward to welcoming you at RE‘21!
Jane Cleland-Huang, General Co-Chair
Michael Vierhauser, Conference Organization Chair
Ana Moreira, Program Co-Chair
Kurt Schneider, Program Co-Chair
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] EMCIS 2021 - CFP
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2021 17:38:49 +0300
From: mthemist(a)unipi.gr
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems
(EMCIS 2021)
Online, 8-9 Dec 2021
European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems
(EMCIS) is an annual research event addressing the IS discipline with
regional as well as global perspective. EMCIS has successfully helped
bringing together researchers from around the world in a friendly atmosphere
conducted to free exchange of innovative ideas. EMCIS was founded in 2004 by
Brunel University and it is an annual event. Several respected
collaborations were made with different local universities across the
destinations chosen each year and EMCIS still proves to attract many further
EMCIS is one of the premier conferences in Europe and Middle Eastern region
for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical,
organisational, business and social issues in the application of Information
Technology. EMCIS is dedicated to the definition and establishment of
Information Systems as a discipline of high impact for the methodical
community and IS professionals - focusing on approaches that facilitate the
identification of innovative research of significant relevance to the IS
discipline following sound research methodologies that lead to results of
measurable impact.
Unique characteristics of the EMCIS conference include:
* Conference proceedings will be published in a
<http://www.springer.com/series/7911> Springer Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing volume.
* Conference proceedings are indexed by ISI Proceedings, DBLP, EI and
* Substantially extended versions of the 10% at most of EMCIS papers
may be selected for publication in academic journals.
* Distinctive Keynote addresses by distinguished international
scholars from different disciplines, highlighting or discussing particular
and generic global topics.
* An international event that continues to attract attendees,
academics, practitioners and junior researchers including PhD students from
all over the world, enjoying the friendly atmosphere conducive to free
exchange of innovative ideas.
Tracks (Click on the links below for more info)
* Big Data and Analytics <http://emcis.eu/big-data-and-semantic-web> *
Blockchain Technology and Applications
<http://emcis.eu/blockchain-technology-and-applications> * Cloud
Computing <http://emcis.eu/cloud-computing> * Digital Services and
Social Media
* Digital Governance <http://emcis.eu/93-2> * <http://emcis.eu/ect4bpm>
Emerging Computing Technologies and
Trends for Business Process Management
* Enterprise Systems <http://emcis.eu/enterprise-systems> *
tion> Information Systems Security and Information Privacy Protection
* Healthcare Information Systems
<http://emcis.eu/healthcare-information-systems> *
> Management and Organisational Issues in Information Systems
* IT Governance and alignment <http://emcis.eu/it-governance> *
Innovative Research Projects
Important Dates:
* Paper submission deadline: 10 Sep 2021
* Notification of acceptance: 10 Oct 2021
* Camera ready submission deadline: 15 Oct 2021
* Author registration deadline: 15 Oct 2021
For more information please visit <http://www.emcis.eu> www.emcis.eu
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AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - WSensig @ LADC 2021
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2021 13:17:38 +0000
From: Naercio Magaia <ndmagaia(a)fc.ul.pt>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers - WSensing @ LADC 2021
1st Workshop on Security, Privacy and Reliability on Wireless Sensing
Networks www.inf.unioeste.br/eventos/wsensing21
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, LADC 2021 will be an online-only event!
* Contribution submissions Current wireless sensing networks are widely
used in a range of applications, such as agriculture, healthcare, and
smart cities. The evolution of new physical and virtual wireless
networks brings new challenges with the emergence of Cyber Physical
Systems (CPS) and Cyber Human Systems (CHS), especially in the context
of the industry 4.0 leverage, including environmental, power and motion
monitoring. Such solutions generate massive amounts of data through the
sensing provided by the various systems, which need to be transmitted
over the networks, many of which support real-time decisions under dense
environments. In this context, these systems need to be reliable and
provide security and privacy in their services.
The WSensing workshop aims to bring together leading researchers and
practitioners from academia and industry, to advance the
state-of-the-art and to identify open challenges on Security, Privacy
and Reliability in the range of the Wireless Sensing Networks.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Wireless Networks: - Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) - Internet of Things
(IoT) - Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(UAV) - Mobile Networks - Opportunistic Networks - Mobile Edge Computing
- 5G e B5G Networks and Services
Technicals/Approaches/Methods: - Security/Privacy Policies - Blockchain
and Distributed Ledgers - Automated Driving Systems (ADS) - Distributed
Machine Learning - Resilient Systems - Threat Detection and Protection -
Trusted Execution Environments - Low-energy Protocols
Applications: - Smart Cities - Smart Grids - Industrial communication -
Habitat monitoring - Health care - Cybersecurity environments -
Integrated networks environment
* Submission Guidelines Papers must be written in English, original and
unpublished, and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere
concurrently. All paper submissions should follow the IEEE 8.5″ x
11″ Two-Column Format. - Full papers: up to 6 pages (including
references), with consistent results; - Short papers: up to 4 pages
(including references), presenting work in progress. The submitted
manuscripts should include author names and affiliations. Authors are
requested to first register their submissions and then submit their
manuscripts in PDF format to the JEMS webpage
(https://jems.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=3923). Accepted contributions will
be published by IEEE Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers will be
requested to present the paper at the conference
* Important Dates * - Contribution submission: September 5th, 2021. -
Author notification: September 24th, 2021. - Camera Ready: October 5th,
* Program Committee André-Luc Beylot, Toulouse Research Institute in
Computer Science, France Andrea Ceccarelli, University of Florence,
Italy Bruno Zarpelão, State University of Londrina, Brazil Daniel Macêdo
Batista, University of São Paulo, Brazil Eduardo Alchieri, University of
Brasília, Brazil Eduardo Feitosa, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, University of New Mexico, USA Felipe Domingos
da Cunha, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Hector
Cancela, University of the Republic, Uruguay Javier Baliosian,
University of the Republic, Uruguay Lourenço Alves Pereira Júnior,
Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Brazil Marco Vieira, University of
Coimbra, Portugal Matti Hiltunen, AT&T Labs Research, USA Michele
Nogueira, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Naercio Magaia,
University of Lisbon, Portugal Paulo Simões, University of Coimbra,
Portugal Raimundo Macedo, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil Sergio
Gorender, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil Vinícius Mota, Federal
University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
* Chairs Aldri Luiz dos Santos, Federal University of Minas Gerais,
Brazil Luiz Antonio Rodrigues, Western Parana State University, Brazil
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 18th Annual International Conference on Privacy,
Security, and Trust (PST2021) -- Auckland, New Zealand (13-15 Dec 2021)
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 20:47:16 +0000
From: Jairo Gutierrez <jairo.gutierrez(a)aut.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
18th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust
Conference Series : Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust
Link: https://pstnet.ca
When Dec 13, 2021 - Dec 15, 2021
Where Auckland, New Zealand
Submission Deadline Aug 16, 2021
Notification Due Oct 11, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 25, 2021
* Organized by Auckland University of Technology and the Canadian
Institute for Cybersecurity
* Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society,
* IEEE TEMS Technical Committee (TC) on Blockchain and Distributed
Ledger Technologies
* Auckland, New Zealand, December 13-15, 2021
* Conference website: https://pstnet.ca
* Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pst2021
The Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust (PST)
provides a premier forum for sharing advances in cybersecurity research
and security applications. PST2021 will be held in Auckland, New
Zealand, and will offer three days of keynotes, technical presentations,
posters, special sessions, and an Industrial day with vendor exhibition.
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: August 16, 2021
Notification of acceptance: October 11, 2021
Final camera-ready paper due: October 25, 2021
Early-bird Registration ends: October 18, 2021
Submission Guidelines:
High-quality papers in all PST-related areas that, at the time of
submission, are not under review and have not already been published or
accepted for publication elsewhere are solicited. Authors MUST ensure to
select the track (Privacy, Security, or Trust) most relevant to their
research when submitting their paper. Accepted papers will be accepted
as 'regular' papers up to 10 pages, or 'short' papers of up to 5 pages.
Up to 2 additional pages will be allowed in each category with
over-length charges. Every additional page has a cost of $100.00 (CAD).
The standard IEEE two-column conference format should be used for all
submissions. IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be
downloaded here.
The conference proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE
Xplore as in previous editions of the conference.
At least one author of an accepted paper must register by October 18,
2021. Regular registration is required. Accepted (short or regular)
papers will be published in the proceedings.
Double-blind Submission:
Reviewing will be double-blind: the reviewers will not know the
identities of the authors. It will be up to the authors to ensure the
proper anonymization of their paper. For effective anonymization please
follow these guidelines:
Do not include any author's name or affiliation in the title. Do not
include any acknowledgments. Refer to your own published work in the
third person: use "In the previous work of Jones et al.", not "In our
previous work". If you cite own papers that are not widely available
(e.g., a paper currently under review), use anonymous author names in
the citation, for example, an author of the form "A. Anonymous".
List of Topics:
Privacy-Preserving / Enhancing Technologies
eContinuous Authentication
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Trust Technologies, Technologies for Building Trust in e-Business Strategy
Network and Wireless Security
Observations of PST in Practice, Society, Policy, and Legislation
Cloud Security, Web Security, and Privacy
Digital Rights Management
Internet Of Things (IoT) Security and Privacy
Identity and Trust Management
Operating Systems Security
Human-Computer Interaction and PST
Intrusion Detection / Prevention Technologies
Biometrics, National ID Cards, Identity Theft
Secure Software Development and Architecture
Implications of, and Technologies for, Lawful Surveillance
PST Challenges in e-Services, e.g. eHealth, e-Government, e-Commerce
Privacy, Traceability, and Anonymity
Digital Forensics
Trust and Reputation in Self-Organizing Environments
Security Analytics and Data mining
Anonymity and Privacy vs. Accountability
Cryptographic Technologies
Access Control and Capability Delegation
Recommendation, Reputation and Delivery Technologies
Representations and Formalizations of Trust in Electronic and Physical
Social Systems
PST Special Session:
2021 18th International Conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST)
also organizes a Blockchain Special Session to be held in conjunction
with the conference. The aim is to provide researchers in focused areas
the opportunity to present and discuss their work, as well as to offer a
forum for interaction among a broader community of researchers related
to the main topics of PST 2021.
Organizing committee:
Conference Honorary Co-Chairs
Guy Littlefair, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
John Edwards, Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand
Conference General Co-Chairs
Mahsa Mohaghegh, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Hossein Sarrafzadeh, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
New Zealand Industry Summit Committee
Stuart Wilson, Endace
Ian Pollard, Delta
Leanne Bint, AUT
Dr Ellen Strickland, Internet NZ
Jon Duffy, Consumer NZ
Kate Pearce, Trademe and NZITF
Pouya Ghotbi, CyberArk
Technical Program Chairs
Technical Committee Chair: Ali Ghorbani, and Rongxing Lu, University of
New Brunswick, Canada
Privacy Track: Hongwei Li, and Edmund Lai, AUT
Security Track: Ali Dehghantanha, University of Guelph, Canada, and
Jairo Gutierrez, AUT
Trust Track: Zonghua Zhang, France and Dave Parry
Special Sessions (Blockchain): Jun Shao, Zhejiang Gongshang University,
Publication Chair: Morteza Biglar-Abhari, Auckland University of
Technology, New Zealand
Publicity Chairs: Roseanne Ellis, and Leanne Bint
Local Organizing committee
Local Organizing committee Chair: Mahsa Mohaghegh, Auckland University
of Technology, New Zealand
Alastair Nisbet, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Krassie Petrova, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Alan Litchfield, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Jeff Nijsse, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Kenneth Johnson, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Sira Yongchareon, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Steering committee:
Ali Ghorbani (Chair), University of New Brunswick, Canada
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia, Spain
Mourad Debbabi, Concordia University, Canada
Nora Cuppens, Télécom Bretagne, France
Patrick McDaniel, Penn. State University, USA
Stephen Marsh, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Hssein Sarrafzadeh, St. Bonaventure University, USA
Ken Barker, University of Calgary, Canada
Ali Miri, Ryerson University, Canada
Sakir Zincir, Queen's University, UK
The conference proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE
Xplore as in previous editions of the conference.
The conference will be held at the Auckland University of Technology,
Auckland, New Zealand.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to pst2021(a)pstnet.ca
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] *New Issue* ACM Transactions on Human-Robot
Interaction 10(3)
Date: 02 Aug 2021 13:10:29 -0500
From: young(a)cs.umanitoba.ca
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction
We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 10, Issue 3, July
2021, which includes our Special Issue on Explainable Robot Behavior
Issue Articles:
On the Safety of Mobile Robots Serving in Public Spaces: Identifying
gaps in EN ISO 13482:2014 and calling for a new standard
Pericle Salvini, Diego Paez-Granados, Aude Billard
Abstract: Since 2014, a specific standard has been dedicated for the
safety certification of personal care robots, which operate in close
proximity to humans. These robots serve as information providers, object
transporters, personal mobility carriers, and ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3442678.
Plant Robot for At-Home Behavioral Activation Therapy Reminders to Young
Adults with Depression
Ashwin Sadananda Bhat, Christiaan Boersma, Max Jan Meijer, Maaike
Dokter, Ernst Bohlmeijer, Jamy Li
Abstract: Adolescents with depression who participate in behavioral
activation therapy may find it hard to be motivated to perform tasks at
home that their therapists recommend. We describe the initial design and
usability evaluation of a home device (“PlantBot”) ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3442680.
Generating Legible and Glanceable Swarm Robot Motion through Trajectory,
Collective Behavior, and Pre-attentive Processing Features
Lawrence H. Kim, Sean Follmer
Abstract: As swarm robots begin to share the same space with people, it
is critical to design legible swarm robot motion that clearly and
rapidly communicates the intent of the robots to nearby users. To
address this, we apply concepts from intent-expressive ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3442681.
Special Issue on Explainable Robot Behavior
Introduction to the Special Issue on Explainable Robotic Systems
Maartje M. A. De Graaf, Anca Dragan, Bertram F. Malle, Tom Ziemke
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3461597.
Back-off: Evaluation of Robot Motion Strategies to Facilitate
Human-Robot Spatial Interaction
Jakob Reinhardt, Lorenz Prasch, Klaus Bengler
Abstract: Standstill behavior by a robot is deemed to be ineffective and
inefficient to convey a robot’s intention to yield priority to another
party in spatial interaction. Instead, robots could convey their
intention and thus their next action via motion. We ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3418303.
Design of Hesitation Gestures for Nonverbal Human-Robot Negotiation of
Ajung Moon, Maneezhay Hashmi, H. F. Machiel Van Der Loos, Elizabeth A.
Croft, Aude Billard
Abstract: When the question of who should get access to a communal
resource first is uncertain, people often negotiate via nonverbal
communication to resolve the conflict. What should a robot be programmed
to do when such conflicts arise in Human-Robot ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3418302.
Explaining in Time: Meeting Interactive Standards of Explanation for
Robotic Systems
Thomas Arnold, Daniel Kasenberg, Matthias Scheutz
Abstract: Explainability has emerged as a critical AI research
objective, but the breadth of proposed methods and application domains
suggest that criteria for explanation vary greatly. In particular, what
counts as a good explanation, and what kinds of ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3457183.
Building the Foundation of Robot Explanation Generation Using Behavior Trees
Zhao Han, Daniel Giger, Jordan Allspaw, Michael S. Lee, Henny Admoni,
Holly A. Yanco
Abstract: As autonomous robots continue to be deployed near people,
robots need to be able to explain their actions. In this article, we
focus on organizing and representing complex tasks in a way that makes
them readily explainable. Many actions consist of sub-...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3457185.
Explainable Embodied Agents Through Social Cues: A Review
Sebastian Wallkötter, Silvia Tulli, Ginevra Castellano, Ana Paiva,
Mohamed Chetouani
Abstract: The issue of how to make embodied agents explainable has
experienced a surge of interest over the past 3 years, and there are
many terms that refer to this concept, such as transparency and
legibility. One reason for this high variance in terminology is ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3457188.
“I See What You Did There”: Understanding People’s Social Perception of
a Robot and Its Predictability
Bob R. Schadenberg, Dennis Reidsma, Dirk K. J. Heylen, Vanessa Evers
Abstract: Unpredictability in robot behaviour can cause difficulties in
interacting with robots. However, for social interactions with robots, a
degree of unpredictability in robot behaviour may be desirable for
facilitating engagement and increasing the ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3461534.
The Perceptual Belief Problem: Why Explainability Is a Tough Challenge
in Social Robotics
Sam Thellman, Tom Ziemke
Abstract: The explainability of robotic systems depends on people’s
ability to reliably attribute perceptual beliefs to robots, i.e., what
robots know (or believe) about objects and events in the world based on
their perception. However, the perceptual systems of ...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3461781.
ACM THRI welcomes contributions from across HRI and Robotics. For
details on the journal, information for authors, and upcoming Special
Issues, please visit the ACM THRI website: http://thri.acm.org
Odest Chadwicke Jenkins
Selma Sabanovic
ACM THRI Editors-in-Chief
James Young, University of Manitoba
ACM THRI Managing Editor
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - ICSOC 2021
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 16:04:35 +0200
From: Josue Castaneda Cisneros <jcastane(a)laas.fr>
To: CSCW-ALL(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, tcgcc(a)comsoc.org,
mycolleagues(a)mailman.ufsc.br, authors(a)mailman.ufsc.br,
hpc-announce(a)mcs.anl.gov, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS(a)listserv.acm.org,
agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, ICMI-MULTIMODAL-ANNOUNCE(a)listserv.acm.org,
podc-related(a)listserv.acm.org, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu,
computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org, gratra(a)lists.uni-paderborn.de,
petrinet(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de, chi-jobs(a)acm.org,
cl-isabelle-users(a)lists.cam.ac.uk, concurrency(a)listserver.tue.nl,
mvd(a)lists.illinois.edu, prog-lang(a)cs.uiuc.edu,
computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org, sma(a)loria.fr,
deducteam-seminar(a)inria.fr, appsem(a)lists.tcs.ifi.lmu.de,
clean-list(a)science.ru.nl, latincolleagues(a)mailman.ufsc.br,
agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, tccc-announce(a)comsoc.org,
ahsntc-mailing-list(a)list.trlab.ca, appsem(a)lists.tcs.ifi.lmu.de,
clean-list(a)science.ru.nl, haskell(a)haskell.org, semtl(a)googlegroups.com,
rsd-forum(a)groupes.renater.fr, gdr.gpl-request(a)univ-grenoble-alpes.fr,
comsocapregion(a)COMSOC.ORG, tcgcc(a)comsoc.org, "W1 - itc"@comsoc.org, "W2
- tccn"@comsoc.org, CNOM(a)comsoc.org, csim(a)comsoc.org,
sigsac-l(a)acm.uiuc.edu, ecoop-info(a)ecoop.org, commsoft(a)ieee.org,
computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org, tccc-announce(a)comsoc.org,
dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, wikicfp(a)gmail.com,
Sorry for the repeated messages.
The 19th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing
- ICSOC 2021 -
November 22-25, 2021
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
ICSOC, the International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, is
the premier international forum for academics, industry researchers,
developers, and practitioners to report and share groundbreaking work in
service-oriented computing. ICSOC fosters cross-community scientific
excellence by gathering experts from various disciplines, such as
business-process management, distributed systems, computer networks,
wireless and mobile computing, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems,
networking, scientific workflows, services science, data science,
management science, and software engineering.
ICSOC provides a high-quality forum for presenting results and
discussing ideas that further our knowledge and understanding of the
various aspects (e.g. application and system aspects) related to Service
Computing applied to new application areas and gain insights into a
variety of computing, networked, and cyber-physical systems ranging from
mobile devices and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications to large-scale
cloud computing systems and the smart grid.
ICSOC 2021, the 19th event in this series, will take place in Dubai, UAE
from November 22 to November 25, 2021. Following on the ICSOC tradition,
it will feature visionary keynote presentations, research and industry
presentations, a vision track, workshops, tool demonstrations,
tutorials, and a Ph.D. track. We invite interested researchers,
students, practitioners, and professionals to submit their original
contributions to the research and industry tracks of ICSOC 2021.
>>> New submission/review model
Starting this year, ICSOC adopts a new submission/reviewing model.
***Anonymous submissions: ICSOC implements a double-blind reviewing
process. Author names and affiliations should not appear in the paper.
The authors should make a reasonable effort not to reveal their
identities of institutional affiliations in the text, figures, photos,
links, or other data that is contained in the paper. Authors' prior work
should be preferably referred to in the third person; if this is not
feasible, the references should be blinded. Submissions that violate
these requirements will be rejected without review. The list of authors
cannot be changed after the acceptance decision is made unless approved
by the Program Chairs.
***Normal submissions: Authors are also welcome to submit papers to the
normal submission round by the given deadline. After the normal
submission deadline will
undergo a traditional review process. The decisions made from this
normal review procedure will be final and no resubmission will be
permitted afterwards.
It should be noted that unformatted papers and papers beyond the page
limit may not be reviewed.
>>> Important Dates
Normal paper submission due: August 13th, 2021
Final notification to authors: September 20th, 2021
Camera ready manuscripts due: October 3rd, 2021
Author registration: October 3rd, 2021
Early bird registration: TBA
Conference dates: November 22-25, 2021
All deadlines are in Samoa Standard Time (SST = GMT – 11). Check the
time in the SST Zone here: https://time.is/SST
>>> Special issues
As per its tradition, ICSOC 2021 will also feature some special issues
in high impact journals. A selection of the top accepted papers will be
invited for special issues in journals, the specific list will be
announced soon.
>>> Areas of interest
ICSOC 2021 will be divided into two main tracks, the research track and
the visionary track. While the visionary track targets visionary papers
with high potential that may bring some impact in the future for the
community, the research track will focus on the following four main areas.
---Focus Area-1: Service Oriented Technology Trends
This focus area targets outstanding, original contributions, including
theoretical and empirical evaluations, as well as practical and
industrial experiences, with emphasis on results that solve open
research problems and have significant impact on the field of digital
services and service-oriented computing.
Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:
* Service-oriented Engineering
* Service design, specification, discovery, customization,
composition, and deployment
* Service validation and test
* Service change management
* Intelligent context-aware interfaces
* Theoretical foundations of Service Engineering
* Transformation of monolithic applications to microservices
* Run-time Service Operations and Management
* Service execution middleware
* Service monitoring and adaptive management
* Workload compliance management
* Microservices deployment and management
* Security, privacy, and trust for services
* Secure service lifecycle development
* Privacy management aspects for services
* Contract based security approaches
* Secure service composition
* Trust management for services
* Services and Data
* Services for big data
* Service mining and analytics
* Data-provisioning services
* Services related linked open data
* Services on the Cloud
* Cloud service management
* Cloud workflow management
* Cloud brokers and coordination across multiple resource managers
* XaaS (everything as a service including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
* Workload partitioning, balancing, and transformation
* Services at the Edge
* Cloud and fog computing
* Edge service orchestration
* Lightweight service deployment and management
* Quality of Service (QoS) in edge services
* Security, privacy, and trust of edge services
* Services in the Internet of Things (IoT)/Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
* Embedded and real-time services
* RFID, sensor data, and services related to the IoT/CPS
* Services for IoT/CPS platforms and applications
* Service oriented protocols for IoT/CPS applications
* Services in Organizations, Business, and Society
* Social networks and services
* Cost and pricing of services
* Service marketplaces and ecosystems
* Innovative service business models
--- Focus Area-2: Blockchain Technologies
A blockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger that records and
stores transactions among a number of interacting parties in a network.
Each transaction must be validated via a consensus mechanism executed by
the network participants before being permanently added as a new “block”
at the end of the “chain.” Disruptive technologies such as blockchain,
AI, services, and cloud enable companies and administrations to provide
decentralized, trusted, transparent and user-centric digital services
while enhancing user/consumer experience. These technologies have the
ability to transform the way we use the internet and digital services
Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:
* Blockchain in digital services
* Block chain and smart business transactions
* Block chain and smart contracts
* Blockchain in the Internet of things (IoT)
* Blockchain in cyber physical systems
* Blockchain in edge and cloud computing
* Disintermediation and collaboration mechanisms in block chains
* Peer-to-peer networks
* Block chain platforms
* Blockchain in supply chain management
* Trust and security services in block chains
* Cutting edge cipher algorithms
--- Focus Area-3: Industry 4.0 Technologies
Industry 4.0 (or smart manufacturing) sets the foundations for
completely connected factories that are characterized by the
digitization and interconnection of supply chains, production equipment
and production lines, and the application of the latest advanced digital
information technologies to manufacturing activities. The manufacturing
paradigm championed by the Industry 4.0 brings together processes,
software services and systems, machines, devices, IoT, sensors, valves,
actuators, manufacturing systems, and connected digital factories. All
these computer-driven systems create a virtual copy of the physical
world and help make decentralized decisions with a much higher degree of
Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:
* Digital twins and digital threads
* Digital product management
* Digital manufacturing
* Digital transformation
* Digital reality
* Embedded systems
* Internet of Things in Industry 4.0
* 3D printing/additive manufacturing techniques
* Machine-To-Machine communication for smart manufacturing
* Smarter analytics
* Manufacturing Intelligence
* Smart factories
* Smart asset management
* Smart Cyber-Security in Industry 4.0
* Blockchain in Industry 4.0
--- Focus Area-4: Smart services, Smart data and Smart applications
Smart data systems and services support the processing and integration
of data and services into a meaningful unified view to enable more
effective decision making and problem solving. The decisive criterion
here is not necessarily the amount of data or services available, but
smart content techniques that promote not only the collection and
accumulation of related data and services, but also its context, and
understanding. This requires finding useful insights and discovering
patterns and trends within the data and services to reveal a wider
picture that is more relevant to the problem in hand and react to them.
Smart applications are context aware, intelligent and autonomous
industrial strength applications that incorporate data-driven,
actionable contextual insights into the user experience to enable users
to more efficiently complete a desired task usually taking the form of
recommendations, estimates, and suggested next course of actions in context.
Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:
* Smart Big Data
* Predictive Modelling
* Visualization & Augmented Reality
* Smarter Analytics
* Machine Learning
* Multidimensional Data
* Sensor Networks
* Smart cities
* Smart applications for the construction industry
* Smart transportation systems
* Smart logistics & distribution
* Smart agriculture and food chains
* Smart government
* Smart sensors & IoT for large scale industrial applications
* Traceability and Tracking
* Detection of data and key performance metrics to improve
application efficiency
* Conceptual structures and knowledge architectures for smart
* Agile & DevOps methodologies for smart applications
>>> Paper Submission
The conference solicits outstanding original research and practice
papers on all aspects of service-oriented computing. Papers should
clearly demonstrate the research or practical contribution, the
relevance to the field, and the relationship to prior work. Submitted
papers will be evaluated according to their rigor, significance,
originality, technical quality, and exposition. All papers will be
reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee.
Papers should be formatted according to Springer’s LNCS Formatting
Guidelines. Submissions must be in English and must not exceed 15 pages.
All papers must be submitted electronically to the Conference Submission
System. Each paper must be submitted on or before the provided
deadlines. Authors are kindly invited to respect the abstract submission
deadline, set one week before the paper submission. The limit length of
accepted papers should be 15 pages (including abstract, figures and
references) with a maximum of 2 extra paid pages (€90 per extra page).
The final submission should be formatted according to Springer’s LNCS
Camera ready instructions.
For each accepted paper, at least one author must attend the conference
and present the paper. The deadline for identifying and registering this
individual author will be at the time when the camera-ready version is
>>> Best Paper Award
The Best Paper Award, sponsored by Springer, will be given to the paper
that the Program Committee judges to be the best in quality, execution,
and impact among all the accepted papers in the conference.
>>> Proceedings
All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings
published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series.
>>> General Chairs
- Hakim Hacid, Zayed University, UAE
- Odej Kao, TU Berlin, Germany
>>> Program Co-chairs
- Massimo Mecella, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Naouel Moha, École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
- Helen Paik, Universisty of New South Wales, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS - iSCSi21 - International
Conference on Industry Science and Computer Sciences Innovation
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 18:03:26 +0100
From: Nuno Mateus-Coelho, PhD <nunormcoelho(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
iSCSi’21 - Gaia/Porto - Portugal
International Conference on Industry Science and Computer Sciences
Innovation – Fostering Productivity and Sustainable Growth
ISLA – Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology
Gaia/Porto, Portugal, December 1-3, 2021
Dear Colleague,
The conference organizers cordially invite you to submit your scientific
work to iSCSi – International Conference on Industry Sciences and
Computers Sciences Innovation – Fostering Productivity and Sustainable
Growth to be held in Gaia, Portugal, next December 1-3.
iSCSi-Conference intends to bring together leading international experts
on production systems technologies, logistics, and cutting-edge
information systems and technologies, from academia and industry to
discuss ground-breaking issues and trends in computer technologies that
enable manufacturing, supply chain management, Industry 4.0, and
sustainable growth and advances in computer sciences that support the
industry sector.
iSCSi-Conference aims to attract original and relevant contributions to
the emergent panorama of modern societies that fully embrace scientific
methods to overcome technological challenges within Industry Sciences
Innovation and Computer Sciences Innovation.
The conference will be held physically in Gaia/Porto in the ISLA –
Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology modern facilities
with internal and direct access to the Hotel, and virtually using
synchronous videoconferencing system Zoom.
- - - Please take note of these important dates:
- - - Deadline for paper submission: September 15, 2021
- - - Notification of acceptance/rejection: October 15, 2021
- - - Revised Version / Camera Ready: November 5, 2021
- - - Conference: December 1, 2, and 3, 2021
*The conference main tracks and topics include, but are not limited to:*
- - Industry & Computer Sciences, Tools & Applications*
- - Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
- - Artificial Intelligence in Industry
- - Big Data
- - Blockchain
- - Cloud, Parallel, Distributed, & High-Performance Computing
- - Cyber-Physical Production Systems
- - Cyber-Security and Data Protection
- - Decision Sciences
- - Digital Twin-Driven Smart Manufacturing
- - Edge Computing & 4/5G Systems
- - Energy Efficiency & Sustainability Issues
- - Flexible and Agile Manufacturing Systems
- - Human-machine Interaction
- - Industry 4.0
- - Intelligent Logistics
- - Internet of Things
- - Security in IoT
- - Smart Cities
- - Smart Factories
- - Smart Manufacturing
- - Smart Transports
- - Supply Chain
- - Virtual Reality
*Cases from Industry:*
- - Touching any or several of the above-mentioned topics
*Organizations & People:*
- - Educational and Training
- - Issues Engineering Education 4.0
**Theme - Research Methodologies:*
- - Research Methodologies
- - Methods in Industry and Computer Sciences
*Conference Chairs:*
- - Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College London
- - Kannan Govindan, University of Southern Denmark
- - François Vernadat, Université de Lorraine
Please share this call.
Yours sincerely,
Nuno Mateus-Coelho
iSCSi’21 Organization Chair
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2022 - Call for Track Proposals (Due August 26)
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 21:18:08 +0000
From: K.D. Joshi <kjoshi(a)unr.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: K.D. Joshi <kjoshi(a)unr.edu>, kscheibe(a)iastate.edu
<kscheibe(a)iastate.edu>, Gove Allen <gove(a)byu.edu>
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Although AMCIS 2021 is right around the corner, planning for AMCIS 2022
has already begun! AMCIS 2022 will be held in beautiful Minneapolis -
August 10-14, 2022. The theme for the conference is Innovative Research
Informing Practice. As the Program Chairs, we would like to invite each
SIG to organize a track for AMCIS 2022.
If your SIG is interested in hosting a track, please email the AMCIS
2022 Program Chairs at amcis2022program(a)gmail.com by August 26 and
attach a completed Track Proposal form. Please use the template below to
include your track name, description, 3-15 potential mini-tracks, and
contact information for the track chairs. You are free to collaborate
with other SIGs or Chapters if you are interested in hosting a joint
track for AMCIS 2022. However, a track chair can only chair one track.
We will be available during the Community Leaders Meeting scheduled for
August 6 (Friday), 2021 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT (New York) to
answer your questions about the AMCIS 2022 Program. All AIS SIG,
College, and Chapter leaders are invited to attend this meeting. You can
register for the Community Leaders Meeting using the following link:
If you have questions, please feel free to email us at
We look forward to receiving your track proposals.
Best wishes,
Gove Allen, Kevin Scheibe, K.D. Joshi
AMCIS 2022 Program Chairs
Track Proposal for AMCIS 2022
Title of Track:
Sponsoring SIG:
Track Co-Chairs (include name, title, university, and email):
1 (primary):
Description of Proposed Track:
Opportunities in Leading Journals (if any):
Potential Mini-Tracks (include 3 - 15; Every Track is required to have a
General Mini-track):
Dr. K. D. Joshi
Professor of Information Systems
The College of Business
Ansari Business Building, AB 314E
University of Nevada, Reno
Twitter: @Prof_KDJ
ORCID<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2103-9495> | Google
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] SMAP 2021 - Call for Papers (extended)
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:17:10 +0300
From: smap-publicity(a)image.ntua.gr
Reply-To: smap-publicity(a)image.ntua.gr
[Apologies for cross-postings]
16th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and
Personalization (SMAP 2021)
SMAP 2021
November 4-5, 2021 Online https://hilab.di.ionio.gr/smap2021/
Kindly note that due to the coronavirus outbreak, SMAP 2021 will allow
all interested participants to provide either a real-time or
pre-recorded online (remote) presentation of their work. More details
will be provided upon paper acceptance notification.
The 16th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation
and Personalization (SMAP 2021) will take place online on November 4-5,
2021. SMAP 2021 will be organized with the support of Ionian University.
The Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP)
workshop is the evolution of the Semantic Media Adaptation and
Personalization initiative, which was founded back during the summer of
2006 in an effort to discuss the state-of-the-art, recent advances and
future perspectives for semantic media adaptation and personalization.
However, as social media applications have nowadays substantially
transformed the way organizations, communities, and individuals
interact, the scopes of SMAP were extended towards the social aspect,
seeking to bring together researchers from the Social Web, as well as
from the Semantic Web communities.
After 15 successful workshops starting from Athens (2006), and then
London (2007), Prague (2008), San Sebastian (2009), Limassol (2010),
Vigo (2011), Luxembourg (2012), Bayonne (2013), Corfu (2014), Trento
(2015), Thessaloniki (2016), Bratislava (2017), Zaragoza (2018), Larnaca
(2019), and Zakynthos/Online (2020), the SMAP workshop series has been
consolidated as a reference event in order to discuss about the newest
advances in the field.
SMAP 2021 aims to address several issues of semantic and social
multimedia technologies and their use in content creation, media
adaptation and user profiling. Topics of interest include but are not
limited to:
-Content creation, annotation and modeling for semantic and social web
-Computational intelligence for media adaptation and personalization
-Semantics-driven indexing and retrieval of multimedia contents
-User modeling and dynamic profiling
-Ontologies and reasoning
-Multimedia standards
-Semantics-based recommender systems: theory and applications
-Recommender systems for mobile users
-Web adaptation methods and techniques
-Hybrid social and semantic approaches to profiling, recommendation
engines or adaptation systems
-Social multimedia applications (livecasting, audio-video sharing)
-Social multimedia tagging and multimedia content communities
-User-generated content mechanisms
-Privacy/Security issues in Social and Personalized Media Applications
-Privacy preserving data mining and social networks
-Content customization and adaptation
-Semantic context modeling and extraction
-Context-aware multimedia applications
-Adaptive and personalized multimedia summaries
-Multilingual content navigation
-Intelligent personalized interfaces
-Social and semantic media collaboration platforms (e.g., semantic wikis)
-Social web economics and business
-Social network aggregation
-Social data analytics
-Social data mining
-Adaptive/Personalized conversational media
-Paper submission deadline (extended): *September 3, 2021* -Notification
of acceptance: September 15, 2021
-Camera-ready submission deadline: October 1, 2021
-Early registration for authors: October 1, 2021
-Workshop: November 4-5, 2021
Each submitted paper will be refereed by at least three members of the
SMAP 2021 Program Committee, based on its relevance, originality,
significance, technical soundness and clarity of expression.
Submissions must be in English, and can present mature research or
experimental results as well as promising work in progress. Papers must
be formatted according to the IEEE 2-column conference article style,
with a limit of 6 pages, including all figures, tables and references. A
minimum paper length of 4 pages is also imposed.
For your convenience, you may use the LaTeX
or MS Word
templates. Papers can be submitted via EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=smap2021) in .pdf format.
As with all previous editions of SMAP, all accepted papers will be
indexed by IEEE Xplore, as well as DBLP and Scopus.
Selected accepted papers will be invited to be submitted to a Special
Issue on "Social and Semantic Models, Tools and Applications in Science
and Technology" of the "Computers" MDPI international journal, indexed
among others by DBLP, Scopus, ESCI, Google Scholar, on a special,
APC-fully waived (0 APC fee) submission status.
Special Session Proposals should be sent in PDF format to the Special
Session Chair at the following e-mail address:
Themis Exarchos <themis.exarchos(a)gmail.com>
Any other inquiries may also be sent to the same e-mail address.
Phivos Mylonas, Ionian University
Katia-Lida Kermanidou, Ionian University
Giovanni Acampora, University of Naples Federico
Harry Agius, Brunel University
Panos Alexopoulos, Textkernel B.V.
Adel Alti, University of Setif – Algeria
Maria Bielikova, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Yolanda Blanco-Fernandez, University of Vigo
Fernando Bobillo, University of Zaragoza
George Caridakis, University of the Aegean
Keeley Crocket, Manchester Metropolitan University
Antonio Fariña, Universidade da Coruña
Francesco Guerra, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Ramon Hermoso, University of Zaragoza
Tomas Horvath, Eötvös Loránd University
Sergio Ilarri, University of Zaragoza
Christos Kalloniatis, University of the Aegean
Rajkumar Kannan, King Faisal University
Ioannis Karydis, Ionian University
Petros Kefalas, University of Sheffield
Katia-Lida Kermanidis, Ionian University
Sébastien Laborie, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Martin Lopez-Nores, University of Vigo
Ioanna Lykourentzou, Utrecht University
Kristína Machová, TUKE
Trevor Martin, University of Bristol
Vasileios Mezaris, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Angelos Michalas, University of Western Mcedonia
Phivos Mylonas, Ionian University
Yannick Naudet, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Klimis Ntalianis, University of West Attica
Stergios Palamas, Ionian University
Jan Paralic, Technical University Kosice
Iraklis Paraskakis, South East European Reserach Centre
Jose Pazos-Arias, University of Vigo
Laura Po, Universitá di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Marek Reformat, University of Alberta
Dimitrios Ringas, Ionian University
Philippe Roose, LIUPPA/UPPA
Petr Saloun, VSB-TU Ostrava
Florence Sedes, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III
Jakub Simko, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Marian Simko, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Spyros Sioutas, University of Patras
Evaggelos Spyrou, University of Thessaly
Michalis Stefanidakis, Ionian University
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Cyprus University of Technology
Andreas Veglis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Panagiotis Vlamos, Ionian University
Manolis Wallace, University of the Peloponnese
hilab (at) ionio.gr
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