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Subject: [AISWorld] Second CFP: Third International Workshop on Agility
with Microservices Programming Co-Located with XP 2022
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2022 16:25:40 +0000
From: Lovro Lugovic <lugovic(a)imada.sdu.dk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Agility with Microservices Programming: Call for Papers
Third International Workshop on Agility with Microservices Programming
Affiliated with XP 2022
June 13th or 17th 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline: April 1st, 2022 (AoE)
- Paper submission deadline: April 8th, 2022 (AoE)
- Author notification: April 29th, 2022 (AoE)
- Workshop date: June 13th or June 17th, 2022
Theme and Topics
Agile architecture does not necessarily emerge from the use of agile
development practices, it needs to be deliberately sought after. This
often means creating systems as sets of small, independent components
that collaborate to provide the desired functionality. Such components
are usually loosely-coupled and expose well-defined APIs that are
accessible over standard communication protocols and data formats---they
can be individually developed and tested, they can be easily replaced by
alternative implementations if needed, and they provide great
flexibility when deploying and scaling the system.
This style of architecture is often described as **microservices**.
Essentially, microservices decompose a system into an architecture of
standalone modules that (i) are simpler to maintain and evolve; (ii)
scale efficiently; and (iii) can be reused as building blocks for other
architectures. Transitioning to a microservice architecture is crucial
for companies in highly-competing markets, where agility and flexibility
of software systems become a critical asset to establish leadership.
While microservices are a solution for scalability, maintainability, and
evolvability, they come at a cost:
an increased complexity that calls for an improvement of the current
techniques for software construction and advanced engineering practices.
The AMP workshop aims at collecting experiences on microservice
adoption, reporting best practises, but also specially failure cases, so
as to build community knowledge based on previous errors and successes.
The workshop is open to experience reports from practitioners and
academia. The third edition of AMP aims to continue the success of its
previous editions at XP2020 [1] and XP2021 [2] in collecting original
work on the science and engineering of programming microservices. The
topics include (but are not limited to):
- Using microservices to enable an evolutive and agile architecture.
- Software engineering methods and tools for microservices.
- Patterns for microservices design and development.
- Operations practises for microservices and DevOps support.
- Impact of microservices’ usage on agile teams and processes.
- Programming languages and techniques for microservices.
- Combining microservices with other architectural styles.
- Achieving software qualities, e.g., security, maintainability, and
- Metrics and software analytics in microservices architectures.
- Verification of microservice architectures.
- Test-driven approaches and testing in microservices development.
- Refactoring in the context of microservices architectures.
- Empirical studies on microservices.
- Experience reports on microservice adoption and teaching.
Contributions and Evaluation
AMP 2022 seeks original contributions of the following types:
- Full papers: research papers, industry case studies (from 6 to 8
pages, including references)
- Extended Abstracts: tool presentations, position papers (2 pages,
including references)
All submissions must be in English, conform to the Springer LNBIP format
and must be submitted through EasyChair at
Peer groups with expertise in the workshop focus area will review
submissions. The Program Committee will select full papers and extended
abstracts for presentation at the workshop. Revised and selected
contributions will be included in a separate volume of the XP 2022
conference proceedings published by Springer LNBIP. To this end, one of
the authors attending XP 2022 must present the work at the workshop.
For further details, refer to the workshop website at
https://amp.fe.up.pt/2022 and for any further queries, please contact
the chairs.
Program Chairs
Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
Eduardo Guerra, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, IT
Larisa Safina, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, FR (larisa.safina(a)inria.fr)
Publicity Chair
Lovro Lugović, University of Southern Denmark, DK (lugovic(a)imada.sdu.dk)
Philip Wizenty, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
Program Committee
Alceste Scalas, Technical University of Denmark, DK
Alfredo Goldman, University of São Paulo, BR
Andrea Melis, University of Bologna, IT
Blagovesta Kostova, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), CH
Filipe Correia, University of Porto, PT
Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
Javad Ghofrani, University of Luebeck, DE
Jonas Sorgalla, University of Applied Science and Arts Dortmund, DE
Justus Bogner, University of Stuttgart, DE
Kyle G. Brown, IBM, US
Marco Peressotti, University of Southern Denmark, DK
Michał J. Gajda, Migamake Pte Ltd, PL
Nour Ali, Brunel University, UK
Nuno Santos, Natixis, PT
Philip Wizenty, University of Applied Science and Arts Dortmund, DE
Saverio Giallorenzo, University of Bologna, IT
Sebastian Copei, University of Kassel, DE
Stefano Pio Zingaro, University of Bologna, IT
[1] https://amp.fe.up.pt/2020/
[2] https://amp.fe.up.pt/2021/
Lovro Lugović
PhD Student
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55
DK-5230 Odense M
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] MISQ Special Issue on Social Justice - Curated Case
Track Information
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 09:07:30 -0500
From: Min-Seok Pang <mins.pang(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear fellow researchers,
Thank you for your interest and participation in MISQ Special Issue on
Digital Technologies and Social Justice. This is to provide further
information on submissions to the Curated Case Track.
*Further details on the category of cases (Curated Case Track)*
In the Call for Papers (
you can read that* "we seek original case submissions that shed a bright
light on pressing social justice phenomena, which future IS research can
build upon for further theorization and expansion of IS knowledge. With
curated case collections, we wish to collate several individual empirical
case studies into a joint, peer-reviewed paper. These curated case
collections are intended to bring the research community’s attention to
particularly relevant understudied issues and ongoing initiatives on the
ground relating to social justice and digital technology. As such, they may
serve as a starting point and motivation for further research attention to
important aspects of social justice."*
Because this is a novel type of papers, we wish to provide additional
information about the format and further process:
*The purpose:* We included this novel format to be able to publish
empirical exemplar cases that provide insights into novel, significant
phenomena or issues. Our hope is that they can serve as an inspiration and
a motivation to other researchers and spark research interests towards
hitherto overlooked or under-researched themes and issues. These papers are
therefore neither teaching cases, nor primarily practitioner-oriented
*The format*: The emphasis in the case papers is on the empirical
contribution. Cases need to be based on an analysis of empirical data. We
expect that they contain a problem definition (and this requires conceptual
positioning), a well-structured and relevant description of the empirical
case, a sound analysis, and formulation of insights or learnings from the
case. We do not expect that the case papers have any extensive literature
review (beyond that which is required to define and conceptualize the case
itself). Also, we don’t expect that the paper will offer theoretical or
methodological contributions. Please consult the criteria listed in the
Call for Papers.
*The review process and publication*: The case papers will be sent for
review individually, and the "curation" (i.e. combining several cases into
a case collection) will only happen after the individual cases are
accepted. During the review process, we may ask you to share additional
information (e.g. on the data generation and analysis process) per the
journal transparency policy (https://misq.umn.edu/research-transparency).
For the publication, we envision a format similar to what you can find in
the special issue of Next Generation IS Theories at MISQ 45(1) (
https://misq.umn.edu/contents-45-1/), where 5 Regular Articles are
complemented by a 6th unconventional article. This 6th article (co-authored
by the SI guest editors) contains a brief introduction to 8 shorter
“Provocations,” which appear as standalone, specific pieces of work by each
author team, however, not as Regular Articles.
*Practical information:* We ask for manuscripts with a length of
approximately 2000 words. You may provide additional details such as data
generation and analysis processes in appendices. You should submit a case
paper to MISQ ScholarOne (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/misq) in the
same way as a Regular Article, but *please specify in your cover letter
that you're submitting to the Curated Case track. If not specified in the
cover letter, it would be considered a Regular Article submission*.
*Case studies as regular articles*: We also want to clarify that in
addition to submissions to the Curated Case Track, we also welcome your
case study submissions as Regular Articles, with similar formats and
lengths. Like other regular articles, these case studies will be expected
to have substantial theoretical contributions and implications.
Once again, thank you very much for your interest and participation in the
special issue, and we look forward to your submission by June 30.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] [CFP]: European Workshop on Cyber Security
Education and Practice - Deadline extension - March 14th
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2022 15:35:18 +0100
From: Letterio Galletta <galletta(a)di.unipi.it>
To: SECURITY(a)fosad.org, ic.eatcs(a)di.unipi.it,
announce(a)informatics-europe.org, tccc-announce(a)comsoc.org,
[apologies for multiple copies, please forward it to interested parties]
Call for Papers
1st European Workshop on Cyber Security Education and Practice (EURO
CSEP 2022)
Co-located with IEEE Euro S&P 2022
10 June 2022, Genova, Italy
=== Scope ===
The current lack of cyber security professionals in the international
job market is a significant problem which can be mitigated by (1) new
higher education and professional training programs, and (2)
innovative educational tools which allow trainees to train on real
world scenarios. The 1st European Workshop on Cyber Security Education
and Practice aims at gathering educators from universities and
professional training institutions, researchers from academia,
industry, EU agencies, and security practitioners to discuss current
problems and solutions, to collaborate, share knowledge and
educational tools, and improve existing practices on security
education. The workshop is intended to become a venue for cutting-edge
research, best practices, and experimental curricula/courses in
computer security education, and tools for supporting the training.
=== Topics of interests ===
All the topics related to cyber security education as well as training
and awareness, in any setting and with a diversity of goals, are
relevant and within the scope of this workshop.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Innovative teaching modalities, for example MOOCs, flipped classrooms,
distance learning, security games and competitions, CTF, escape rooms,
- Innovative awareness program and cyber security training for high
schools, professionals and non-technical audiences, e.g., legal,
economics, and finance professionals, etc.;
- Design and implementation of tools supporting cyber security
education, for example cyber ranges, etc.
=== Important dates ===
Extended Submission Deadline: 14/03/2022
Notification: 01/04/2022
Camera Ready: 10/04/2022
=== Submissions ===
Contributions must be written in English according to one of the
categories described below.
Research paper: they should present original, unpublished work, not
submitted for publication elsewhere. Full practical experience
reports, including experimental and evaluation studies, case studies,
and practice reports are encouraged. Papers describing tools and their
success in educational contexts are particularly welcomed.
EURO CSEP accepts papers with no more than 10 pages including
references. The submitted papers will be evaluated by the program
committee. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of the
Extended abstracts: they can present
* work-in-progress papers, describing ongoing work and interim
* communication of already published results;
* innovative and promising ideas, possibly in an early form and
without supporting evidence;
* position papers describing (i) calls to action, or (ii)
substantiated reflections and proposals for discussions on current
and/or future challenges and solutions.
Extended abstract should not be more than 5 pages with references.
The accepted abstracts will be presented at the workshop, but they
will not appear in the proceedings.
All submissions must be prepared as a PDF file using the 2-column IEEE
conference style. Submissions not adhering to the specified
constraints of their respective category may be rejected without
=== Submission link ===
=== Publication of proceedings ===
The accepted research papers will appear in the proceedings of the
workshop which will be published as a volume accompanying the main
IEEE EuroS&P 2022 proceedings.
=== Program Chairs ===
- Letterio Galletta (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca & CINI
National Laboratory for Cybersecurity)
- Jan Hajny (Brno University of Technology)
=== Program Committee ===
- Adrián Belmonte Martín (ENISA)
- Fabio Di Franco (ENISA)
- Thomas Jensen (INRIA)
- Davide Maiorca (University of Cagliari)
- Marina Ribaudo (University of Genova & CINI)
- Luca Viganò (King's College London)
=== Further information ===
For further information please contact the program chairs at
=== Sponsors & Supporters ===
The workshop is supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 SPARTA
project #830892 and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
under grant VJ01030001 (International Partnership for Cybersecurity
Skills Training).
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] CfP: Hybrid 21st International Semantic Web Conference
(ISWC 2022)
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 17:38:28 -0500
From: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
To: agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, connectionists(a)mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu,
sem-grd(a)ogf.org, semantic-web(a)w3.org, wi(a)lists.kit.edu,
AIAI(a)listserv.heanet.ie, obo-discuss(a)lists.sourceforge.net,
public-owled(a)w3.org, public-semweb-lifesci(a)w3.org,
SIGIR(a)listserv.acm.org, SIGAI-ANNOUNCE(a)listserv.acm.org,
public-lod(a)w3.org, dl(a)dl.kr.org, semantic_web(a)googlegroups.com,
owlapi-developer(a)lists.sourceforge.net, aixia(a)aixia.it,
wikidata(a)lists.wikimedia.org, iswc2021_events(a)googlegroups.com
*CfP: Hybrid 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022)*
Hangzhou, China, October 23-27, 2022
The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the premier venue
for presenting fundamental research, innovative technology, and
applications concerning semantics, data, and the Web. It is the most
important international venue to discuss and present the latest advances
and applications of the semantic Web, knowledge graphs, linked data,
ontologies and artificial intelligence (AI) on the Web.
In this announcement:
1. Call for Workshops& Tutorials* - Friday, **4th March 2022*
2. Call for Semantic Web Challenge* - Friday, 24th **March** 2022*
3. Call for Research papers - Friday, 28th April 2022
4. Call for In-Use papers - Friday, 28th April 2022
5. Call for Resource papers - Friday, 28th April 2022
6. Call for Doctoral Consortium - Friday, 13th May 2022
7. Call for Posters & Demos - Wednesday, 13th July 2022
*All deadlines are 23:59 AoE* (Anywhere on Earth)
1. Call for Workshops & Tutorials
Besides the main technical program, ISWC will host several workshops on
topics related to the general theme of the conference. The role of the
workshops is to provide a setting for focused, intensive scientific
exchange among researchers and practitioners interested in a specific
topic. As such, workshops are the primary venues for the exploration of
emerging ideas as well as for the discussion of novel aspects of
established research topics.
We invite you to submit a proposal for workshops on a research topic of
interest to ISWC attendees.
In addition to the regular research and workshop program, ISWC 2021 will
feature a tutorial program addressing the diverse interests of its
audience: Semantic Web practitioners that wish to learn about new
technologies, novices to the Semantic Web interested in introductory
tutorials to key Semantic Web / Linked Data topics, government and
industry representatives focusing on the applicability of Semantic Web /
Linked Data technologies in practical settings.
We hereby invite you to submit a tutorial proposal on a research topic
relevant to the ISWC 2021 audience.
Important Dates:
- Proposals due: Friday, 4th March, 2022
- Notification to proposers: 22 March, 2022
- Workshop & Tutorial Day(s): 24-25 October, 2022
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iswc2021
Details: https://iswc2021.semanticweb.org/workshops-and-tutorials-call
Workshops & Tutorials Chairs:
- Laura Hollink (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands)
- Mayank Kejriwal (University of Southern California, US)
2. Call for Semantic Web Challenge
A great way to advance the state of the art in a given domain is to
create competition. We invite you to propose an ISWC 2022 Challenge, in
which you define an open competition on a problem of your choice within
the Semantic Web domain.
Call for Semantic Web Challenge Proposals:
Deadline: Friday, 24th March, 2022, 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Semantic Web Challenge Chairs:
- Catia Pesquita, LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, University of Lisbon
- Daniele Dell’Aglio, Aalborg University, Denmark
3. Call for Research papers
The/ research track/ of ISWC 2022 solicits novel and significant
research contributions addressing theoretical, analytical and empirical
aspects of the Semantic Web. We welcome work that relates to the W3C
Semantic Web recommendations (e.g., RDF, OWL, SPARQL, SHACL, etc.) that
may also lie at the intersection of the Semantic Web and other
scientific disciplines. Submissions to the research track should
describe original, significant, and replicable research on the Semantic
Topics of interest and further details:
Deadline: Friday, 28th April, 2022, 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Track Chairs:
- Aidan Hogan, Department of Computer Science, Universidad de Chile
ahogan(a)dcc.uchile.cl <mailto:ahogan@dcc.uchile.cl>
- Uli Sattler, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester
4. Call for In-Use papers
The track aims to give a stage to solutions for real-world problems in
which Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph technologies play a crucial role.
Real-world applications of these technologies in combination with
machine learning, deep learning and other AI techniques are of
particular interest.
The In-Use track thus seeks submissions describing applied and validated
solutions such as software tools, systems or architectures that benefit
from the use of Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph technologies
(including, but not limited to, technologies based on the Semantic Web
standards). Importantly, submitted papers should provide convincing
evidence of use of the proposed application or tool by the target user
group, preferably outside the group that conducted the development and,
more broadly, outside the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph research
Topics of interest and further details:
Deadline: Friday, 28th April, 2022, 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Track Chairs:
- João Paulo A. Almeida, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
- Hideaki Takeda, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Contact: In-UseTrack-iswc2022(a)easychair.org
5. Call for Resource papers
The ISWC 2022 Resources Track aims to promote the sharing of resources
which support, enable or utilise semantic web research. Resources
include, but not restricted to: datasets, ontologies/vocabularies,
ontology design patterns, evaluation benchmarks or methods, software
tools/services, APIs and software frameworks, workflows, crowdsourcing
task designs, protocols, methodologies and metrics, that have
contributed or may contribute to the generation of novel scientific
work. In particular, we encourage the sharing of such resources
following best and well-established practices within the Semantic Web
community. As such, this track calls for contributions that provide a
concise and clear description of a resource and its usage.
Topics of interest and further details:
Deadline: Friday, 28th April, 2022, 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Track Chairs:
- Valentina Presutti, LILEC Department, University of Bologna, Italy
- Maria Keet, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town,
South Africa
6. Call for Doctoral Symposium
The ISWC 2022 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will take place virtually as part
of the 21st International Semantic Web Conference. This forum will
provide PhD students an opportunity to:
* present and discuss their research ideas in a supportive, formative
and yet critical environment;
* receive feedback from mentors, typically senior members of the
Semantic Web research community, and peers;
* explore career pathways available after completing their PhD degree,
and finally
* network and build collaborations with other members of the community.
The event is intended for students who have articulated a reasonably
detailed research proposal, preferably supported by some preliminary
results. The aim is to support the students in refining their proposal
and suggest possible ways to improve their research plan and achieve
results with prospective greater impact. While doctoral degrees can vary
in format and conduct, we aim this Call for Papers to PhD candidates who
will have already partially investigated some specific problems.
Students will be required to submit a paper to the doctoral consortium,
structured like a research proposal (see “Submission Details” below).
All proposals submitted to the Doctoral Consortium will undergo a
rigorous review process by the International Programme Committee, who
will provide detailed and constructive feedback and select those
submissions to be presented at the Doctoral Consortium. If accepted,
students will have to register and attend the event, which will include
a range of interactive activities.
Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers:
Deadline: Friday, 13th May, 2022, 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Track Chairs:
- Olaf Hartig, Linköping University, Sweden
- Oshani Seneviratne, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Contact: DoctoralConsortium-iswc2022(a)easychair.org
2. Call for Posters and Demos
The ISWC 2022 Posters and Demos Track complements the paper tracks of
the conference by offering an opportunity to present late-breaking
research results, on-going research or resource projects, and
speculative or innovative work in progress. The Lightning Talks track
will be open to all accepted Poster & Demo submissions, while a separate
call will allow anyone else to submit a presentation proposal to the
Lightning Track.
The informal setting of the Posters and Demos Track encourages
presenters and participants to engage in discussions about the work.
Such discussions can be invaluable inputs for the future work of the
presenters while offering participants an effective way to broaden their
knowledge of emerging research trends and to network with other researchers.
Call for Posters and Demos:
Deadline: Friday, 13th July, 2022, 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
*Follow us on social media:*
- Twitter: @iswc_conf #iswc_conf (https://twitter.com/iswc_conf)
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13612370
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISWConf
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iswc_conf/
*The ISWC 2022 Organizing Team
Organizing Committee – ISWC 2022 (semanticweb.org)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: The 15th International Conference on
Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 2022) - October 18-20, 2022
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 22:11:40 +0000
From: Jairo Gutierrez <jairo.gutierrez(a)aut.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 15th International Conference on Information Resources Management
(Conf-IRM 2022) Conf-IRM is an Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Affiliated Conference (https://aisel.aisnet.org/conf-irm/)
October 18-20, 2022
Theme: Thriving Amidst Disruptive Technologies
Conf-IRM 2022 is aligned with Special Issue on "Thriving Amidst
Disruptive Technologies" in ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies:
Research and Practice (https://dl.acm.org/journal/dlt).
Hosted by Faculty of Business and Technology, Ontario Tech University,
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
The organizing committee invites you to submit your research (full and
research-in-progress), teaching cases and proposals for panels and
tutorials to Conf-IRM 2022. All conference submissions will be
double-blind peer-reviewed. The review process will be handled by the
track chairs and program co-chairs.
Track 01 - Big Data, Data Analytics, and Business Intelligence
Track Chairs: Sumeet Gupta, Indian Institute of Management Raipur, India
Colin Conrad, Dalhousie University, Canada
Track 02 - Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management
Track Chairs: Dorit Nevo, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Brian Detlor, McMaster University, Canada
Track 03 - Digital Transformation, Management, and Governance
Track Chairs: Vik Pant, University of Toronto, Canada
Barbara Krumay, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Track 04 - Information Security, Privacy, and Risk Management
Track Chairs: Matthew Nicolas Kreeger, Entrust, Cambridge, UK
Khalil El-Khatib, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Track 05 - Digital Information Systems in the Public Sector, Healthcare,
Telecommunications, Transport and Education
Track Chairs: Marie Anne Macadar, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Makoto Nakayama, DePaul University, USA
Track 06 - Digital Business Platforms, Blockchain, Social Networking,
and the Internet of Things
Track Chairs: Eduardo Diniz – Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil
Martin Potancok, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Tomáš Bruckner, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic
Track 07 - Regional Perspectives on Digital Information Systems*
Track Chairs: Richard W. Pazzi, Ontario Tech, Canada
Paola Gonzalez, Dalhousie University, Canada
* Will accept submissions in Portuguese and Spanish
Track 08 - AI, Robotics, and Machine Learning
Track Chairs: Mahsa Mohaghegh, Auckland University of Technology, New
Track 09 - Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality
Track Chairs: Ruth Falconer, Abertay University, UK
Charly Harbord, Abertay University, UK
Track 10 - Workshops, Tutorials, and Panels
Track Chairs: Peter Lewis, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Farhaan Mirza, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Track 11 - Graduate Symposium
Track Chairs: Miguel Vargas Martin, Ontario Tech
Pietro Cunha Dolci, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Full Length Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 12 pages, including references,
appendices and title page. All submissions must follow the submission
template specifications. Submissions must be original and previously
unpublished, conceptual or empirical research manuscripts. Papers that
are highly rated by the reviewers will be workshopped for submission to
a supporting journal. The paper that best represents, in terms of
quality and suitability, the theme and ideals of the conference will be
awarded the "Best Paper Award" during the conference.
Research-in-Progress Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 7 pages. All research-in-progress
submissions will be published in the proceedings as short papers.
Teaching Cases
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should be based on
real situations and targeted at specific learning objectives. Cases
should be no more than 12 pages and must be accompanied by instructor
teaching notes (not included in the 12 pages). The teaching notes will
not be published.
Workshop, Panel, and Tutorial Submissions Submissions must be no more
than 3 pages. Proposals should include the objectives, topics to be
covered and the full details of all presenters. Method of presentation
is at the submitter's discretion; however, the submitter has the
responsibility for providing his/her own panel members. All accepted
proposals will appear in the conference proceedings.
Papers accepted and presented at the conference will also be placed in
the AIS e-Library. Papers not presented at the conference, for any
reason, will not be included in the AIS e-Library.
1. While the primary language of the conferences is English, Track 7
will accept papers in Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English.
2. The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship)
is strictly limited to a maximum of two.
3. Authors of accepted papers (at least one person per submission) and
all panel members and tutorial presenters MUST register AND attend the
virtual conference.
4. Submissions of ALL TYPES must be received by the above deadlines.
5. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in
their entirety upon payment of registration fees. An ISBN will be
assigned to papers published in the conference proceedings.
You can access the proceedings from previous conferences here:
*** Besides the special issue in ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies,
extended versions of accepted papers will also be invited for submission
by several SCI/SCIE/ISI/Scopus-indexed journals. We will announce
details later.
Submission deadline: June 20, 2022
Notification of submission decision: July 25, 2022 Final submission due
date for accepted papers: August 29, 2022 Early registration deadline:
September 19, 2022
Conference Co-Chairs:
Michael Bliemel, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada
Program Co-Chairs:
Jairo Gutierrez, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Amarolinda Klein, UNISINOS, Brazil
Patrick C. K. Hung, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Local Organizing Co-Chairs:
Stephen Marsh, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Gabby Resch, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Publications and Proceedings Co-Chair:
Lech Janczewski, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Conf-IRM Executive / International Chairs:
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada (co-chair)
Felix B. Tan, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (co-chair)
G. ‘Hari’ Harindranath, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Sherif Kamel, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Jairo Gutierrez, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
For any inquiry, please contact
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last Call for Papers: Blockchain and FinTech @
PACIS 2022
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 13:35:29 +0000
From: Horst Treiblmaier <Horst.Treiblmaier(a)modul.ac.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues
We cordially invite you to consider our PACIS track to submit your work
on Blockchain and Fintech.
Track 2: Blockchain and Fintech
PACIS-25 | July 5 – 9, 2022 | Taipei/Sydney |
Paper Submission Deadline: March 1, 2022, 23:59 GMT+8 (Taipei Standard Time)
Over the past decade, we witnessed a significant ascent of the fintech
market. Reports estimate that global venture capital investments
skyrocketed from USD $1.8 to $30.8 billion between 2011 and 2018 (Galvin
et al., 2018). Simultaneously, blockchain has emerged as a major
contentious technology with arguably substantial socio-economic
transformational power (Pedersen et al., 2019). Despite its widespread
applicability (e.g., supply chain, auditory purposes), the impact of
blockchain has been most pervasive in the financial market (Simos & Tan,
This track invites articles that provide relevant insights for
managerial, strategical or regulatory decision making in fintech and/or
blockchain technologies. We are particularly interested in but not
limited to the intersection of fintech and blockchain technologies. The
track is open to all methodological approaches. We invite both full
research and research-in-progress papers.
Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
*Advancing fintech technologies: robo-advisory, social trading, social
credit scoring, algorithmic trading, mobile payment technologies and
business impacts
*Issues and opportunities of a token economy: regulatory frameworks, new
regulatory challenges with FinTech, (de)centralization, commoditization
of mining hardware, governance mechanisms, tokenized invoices
*Macroeconomic implications of fintech: disintermediation of established
players, the impact of cryptocurrencies, structural changes in the economy
*Leveraging new types of data in the financial market: ethical concerns,
data-driven business models, fraud detection, practical feasibility,
smart trading strategies such as artificial intelligence-driven trading
*Characteristics and implications of P2P lending: ICO, IEO, STO,
*Integration of fintech into established markets: Matthew effect,
cryptocurrencies as safe havens, blockchain-based settlements
Track Chairs
Marten Risius
University of Queensland
Nirmalee I. Raddatz
University of Memphis
Horst Treiblmaier
Modul University Vienna
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [wkwi] CfP Informatik 2022: eGov-FemTech
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 08:28:39 +0000
From: Anna Dhungel <dhungel(a)imis.uni-luebeck.de>
Reply-To: Anna Dhungel <dhungel(a)imis.uni-luebeck.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
*### English Version below ### *
*Call for Paper 2022: E-Government & feministische Technikforschung
In der E-Government Forschung wird das Thema Gender bisher kaum
beachtet. Es wird nur selten untersucht, welche Auswirkungen das
Geschlecht auf die Nutzung von E-Government Services hat oder wie
feministische Studien zum technologischen Design für Anwendungen im
öffentlichen Sektor berücksichtigt werden können (Gasco-Hernandez et al.
2021, S. 109f.; Feeney und Fusi 2021, S. 116). In diesem Workshop soll
das Thema sowohl (design-) theoretisch als auch empirisch und
praxisorientiert untersucht werden. Die übergeordnete Frage dabei
lautet, inwiefern digitale Angebote im öffentlichen Sektor die
Gleichstellung beeinflussen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Ungleichheit in
Bezug auf das Geschlecht, aufgrund der intersektionalen Natur des
Feminismus sind aber auch Beiträge anderer Formen der Ungleichheit im
Kontext von E-Government willkommen. Zielgruppe des Workshops sind
Forscher*innen und Praktiker*innen, welche Expertise oder ein besonderes
Interesse an den Themen E-Government, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und
Feminismus sowie Digitalisierung und Technikentwicklung haben.
Mögliche Themen für theoriegeleitete Beiträge:
* Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Technikentwicklung im öffentlichen Sektor
* Demokratie- und Partizipationstheorien im Kontext von digitalen
Angeboten eines Staates
* Definition von Gender und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Kontext von
* Geschlechtergerechtigkeit bei der Entwicklung technischer Artefakte
und dessen Besonderheiten für den öffentlichen Sektor
* Modelle zur Kategorisierung und Klassifizierung von
gender-relevanten Anwendungsfällen
* Evaluationsmöglichkeiten für geschlechtergerechte E-Government Services
* Ansätze zur Standardisierung von geschlechtergerechter
Technikgestaltung im öffentlichen Sektor
Mögliche Themen für praxisorientierte Beiträge:
* Empirische Untersuchungen bisheriger Anwendungen
* Identifizierung möglicher Gefahren von Diskriminierung
* Untersuchung der Umsetzung des Online-Zugangsgesetzes (OZG) auf
* Konzepte für konkrete Anwendungen (etwa im Bereich Smart City, Cyber
Mobbing oder gezielte Angebote für Alleinerziehende oder
nicht-wirtschaftlich ausgeübte Care-Tätigkeiten)
* Full Paper sollten circa 10 Seiten und Short Paper circa 4 Seiten
* Als Formatvorlage sollte das Template der GI genutzt werden:
* Die Beiträge sollten über diesen Link eingereicht werden:
* Die Beiträge werden von drei Personen gesichtet und bewertet;
* *Fristen:*
29.04.2022 - Einreichungsfrist für Abstracts
10.06.2022 - Einreichungsfrist für Beiträge
08.07.2022 - Benachrichtigung über Annahme
Angenommene Beiträge werden in den „GI-Edition: Lecture Notes in
Informatics“ (LNI) unter den Proceedings zur „INFORMATIK - Jahrestagung
der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.“ veröffentlicht.
Der Workshop findet am Donnerstag, den 29.09.2022, nachmittags statt.
Eine genaue Agenda mit Uhrzeiten und Angaben zu den Räumlichkeiten wird
im Vorfeld mitgeteilt. Derzeit ist noch offen, ob es ausschließlich
Präsentationen der eingereichten Beiträge gibt, oder ob zusätzlich auch
Keyspeaker auftreten und Raum ist für aktive Zusammenarbeit
(beispielsweise mit Methoden der Liberating Stuctures). Dies ist
abhängig von der Anzahl und dem Inhalt der eingereichten Beiträge. Zur
besseren Planbarkeit ist daher die Einreichung von Abstracts vorgesehen.
Für Rückfragen und Anmerkungen stehe ich gern zur Verfügung:
Wir freuen uns auf vielfältige und spannende Einreichungen!
Feeney, Mary K.; Fusi, Frederica (2021): A critical analysis of the
study of gender and technology in government. In: /Information Polity
/(26), S. 115-130.
Gasco-Hernandez, Mila; Nesti, Giorgia; Cucciniello, Maria; Gulatee,
Yenisel (2021): Introduction to the special issue on digital government
and gender. In: /Information Polity /(26), S. 109-114.
*Weitere Literatur:*
BMFSFJ (2022): Dritter Gleichstellungsbericht. Digitalisierung
geschlechtergerecht gestalten. Abgerufen 28. Februar 2022, von
Franken, Swetlana; Mauritz, Nina (2020): Gender und KI-Anwendungen.
Trägt KI zum Genderproblem oder zu seiner Lösung bei? Abgerufen 28.
Februar 2022, von
Guevara-Gómez, Ariana; de Zárate-Alcarazo, Lucía O.; Criado, J. Ignacio
(2021): Feminist perspectives to artificial intelligence - Comparing the
policy frames of the European Union and Spain. In: /Information Polity
/(26), S. 173-192.
Macaya, Javiera F.M.; Ribeiroa, Manuella Maia; Jereissatia, Tatiana; dos
Reis Limaa, Camila; Cunha, Maria Alexandra (2021): Gendering the digital
divide - The use of electronic government services and implications for
the digital gender gap. In: /Information Polity /(26), S. 131-146.
Oudshoorn, Nelly; Rommes, Els; Stienstra, Marcelle (2004): Configuring
the User as Everybody: Gender and Design Cultures in Information and
Communication Technologies. In: Science, Technology, & Human Values
(29/1), S. 30-63.
Saupe, Angelika (2002): Vergeschlechtlichte Technik – über Geschichte
und Struktur der feministischen Technikkritik. In: Hello Dolly?
Feministische Inspektionen der Biotechnologien, Berlin:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ZtG, 2003, S. 1-26.
Winner, Langdon (1980): Do Artifacts Have Politics? In: Daedalus (109/1)
Modern Technology: Problem or Opportunity, S. 121-136.
*Call for Paper 2022: E-Government & Feminist Technology Studies
In e-government research, the topic of gender has received little
attention. It is rarely examined what impact gender has on the use of
e-government services or how feminist studies on technological design
can be taken into account for public sector applications
(Gasco-Hernandez et al. 2021, S. 109f.; Feeney & Fusi 2021, S. 116). In
this workshop, the topic will be examined both (design-) theoretically
and empirically and practice-oriented. The overarching question is to
what extent digital offerings in the public sector influence equality.
The focus is on gender inequality, but due to the intersectional nature
of feminism, contributions from other forms of inequality in the context
of e-government are also welcome. The target group of the workshop are
researchers and practitioners who have expertise or a special interest
in the topics of e-government, gender equality and feminism as well as
digitization and technology development.
Possible topics for theory-based contributions:
* gender equity and technology development in the public sector
* theories of democracy and participation in the context of a state’s
digital offerings
* definition of gender and gender equity in the context of e-government
* gender equity in the development of technical artifacts and its
specifics for the public sector
* models for the categorization and classification of gender-relevant
use cases
* evaluation opportunities for gender-responsive e-government services
* approaches to standardize gender-responsive technology design in the
public sector
Possible topics for practice-oriented contributions:
* empirical studies of previous applications
* identification of possible risks of discrimination
* examination of the implementation of the Online Access Act
(Online-Zugangsgesetz, OZG) for gender equity
* concepts for concrete applications (such as in the field of smart
city, cyber bullying and special offers for single parents or the
tracking of care activities)
Organizational matters:
* full paper should be about 10 and short paper about 4 pages
* the GI template should be used:
* contributions should be submitted via this link:
* the contributions will be screened and evaluated by three people:
* *Deadlines:*
29.04.2022 - submission deadline for abstracts
10.06.2022 - submission deadline for papers
08.07.2022 - notification of acceptance for papers
Accepted papers will be published in the „GI-Edition: Lecture Notes in
Informatics“ (LNI) under the Proceedings of the „INFORMATIK -
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.“.
The workshop will take place on Thursday, 29.09.2022, in the afternoon.
A detailed agenda with times and information about the premises will be
communicated in advance. Currently, it is still open whether there will
be paper sessions only, or whether there will be additional key speakers
and space for active collaboration (for example, with liberating
stuctures methods). This depends on the number and content of the
submitted contributions. Therefore, for better planning, the submission
of abstracts is foreseen.
For questions and comments, I am at your disposal:
We look forward to receiving diverse and exciting submissions!
Feeney, Mary K.; Fusi, Frederica (2021): A critical analysis of the
study of gender and technology in government. In: /Information Polity
/(26), p. 115-130.
Gasco-Hernandez, Mila; Nesti, Giorgia; Cucciniello, Maria; Gulatee,
Yenisel (2021): Introduction to the special issue on digital government
and gender. In: /Information Polity /(26), p. 109-114.
*Further Literature:*
BMFSFJ (2022): Dritter Gleichstellungsbericht. Digitalisierung
geschlechtergerecht gestalten. Abgerufen 28. Februar 2022, von
Franken, Swetlana; Mauritz, Nina (2020): Gender und KI-Anwendungen.
Trägt KI zum Genderproblem oder zu seiner Lösung bei? Abgerufen 28.
Februar 2022, von
Guevara-Gómez, Ariana; de Zárate-Alcarazo, Lucía O.; Criado, J. Ignacio
(2021): Feminist perspectives to artificial intelligence - Comparing the
policy frames of the European Union and Spain. In: /Information Polity
/(26), p. 173-192.
Macaya, Javiera F.M.; Ribeiroa, Manuella Maia; Jereissatia, Tatiana; dos
Reis Limaa, Camila; Cunha, Maria Alexandra (2021): Gendering the digital
divide - The use of electronic government services and implications for
the digital gender gap. In: /Information Polity /(26), p. 131-146.
Oudshoorn, Nelly; Rommes, Els; Stienstra, Marcelle (2004): Configuring
the User as Everybody: Gender and Design Cultures in Information and
Communication Technologies. In: Science, Technology, & Human Values
(29/1), p. 30-63.
Saupe, Angelika (2002): Vergeschlechtlichte Technik – über Geschichte
und Struktur der feministischen Technikkritik. In: Hello Dolly?
Feministische Inspektionen der Biotechnologien, Berlin:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ZtG, 2003, p. 1-26.
Winner, Langdon (1980): Do Artifacts Have Politics? In: Daedalus (109/1)
Modern Technology: Problem or Opportunity, p. 121-136.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [CFP] Convergence of Distributed Clouds, Grids and
their Management - WETICE2022 - IEEE
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 17:52:05 +0000
From: Giovanni Salzillo <giovanni.salzillo(a)unicampania.it>
We cordially invite you to submit your work to CDCGM (Convergence of
Distributed Clouds, Grids and their Management).
CDCGM2022 is a track of the 31th IEEE International Conference on
Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative on distributed
Cloud systems, Grids and Management. The conference is a venue for
presenting ideas, research, and experience about how to develop
high-performance, low-latency and secure Cloud/Edge architectures. It
focuses on theory, models, techniques, frameworks and tools to build
"distributed and secure Cloud architecture".
Call For Papers
We solicit research papers, position papers, and "best practice" papers
on a broad range of topics relating to Cloud system architectures.
CDCGM's goal is to attract young researchers, PhD students. students,
professionals and business leaders to make contributions in the area of
distributed clouds, the grid and their management, in particular in
the development of models, technologies, frameworks and middleware to
improve processing, management, security and programming techniques.
Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Discovering new application scenarios, proposing new operating
systems, programming abstractions and tools with particular reference to
distributed Grids and Clouds and their integration.
* Identifying the challenging problems that still need to be solved such
as parallel programming, scaling and management of distributed computing
* Reporting results and experiences gained in building dynamic
Grid-based middleware, Computing Cloud and workflow management systems.
* New models and technologies for management, configuration, accounting
of computational resources within Cloud and Grid systems.
* Cloud/Grid Composition, Federation and Orchestration.
* High Performance Cloud Computing.
* Interoperability between native High Performance Infrastructures and
Public/Hybrid Cloud.
* Inter-cloud, large scale Workflow Management with particular reference
to unified computing infrastructures.
* Green Cloud Computing.
* Emerging problems and recent trends in the field of IoT and Ubiquitous
* Architectures and models for large scale, federated utility computing
* Big Data models and frameworks with particular emphasis to the
integration of existing systems into Public/Hybrid Cloud.
* Intelligent systems for Cloud Data management.
* Emerging policies, algorithms and architectural frameworks for Service
Level Agreement (SLA) for unified computing infrastructures
* Intelligent systems for deploying and configuration of Clouds and Grid
* Infrastructures, models and frameworks for Utility Computing Service
* Emerging infrastructures, middleware, frameworks for Unified computing
* Intelligent systems for unified and federated utility computing
* Security, Privacy, Trustworthiness for Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds.
* New software architectures for unified and interoperable Grid and
Cloud platforms.
* Virtualization of Grid resources and their management within
private/hybrid Cloud.
* Data Protection strategies and architectures
* Hardware Security and Trust
Submission Details
* The website for submissions: http://cdcgm.dmi.unict.it
* Submission should follow the IEEE format (single spaced, two columns,
10pt, Times font) at most SIX (6) PAGES, including figures, tables and
All the papers submitted will be reviewed by peers and selected papers
will be published in the Conference Proceedings by IEEE.
If you have any questions, please email us.
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: March 11th, 2022
* Author notification: April 1st, 2022
* Camera-ready: May 6th, 2022
* Conference: June 29th-July 1st, 2022
Conference Venue: Stuttgart, Germany. University of Stuttgart, Vaihingen
Best regards,
Salvatore Barone
Fabrizio Messina <fabrizio.messina@.unict.it<http://unict.it>>
Giovanni Salzillo
Giovanni Salzillo
PhD Student at Department of Industrial and Information Engineering
Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Via Roma, 29 – 81031 Aversa (CE) Italy
Phone: +39 3930521088
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last CFP - PACIS 2022 -Track on IS Sourcing in the
digital Age, deadline: March 15.
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 18:03:31 +0000
From: Ilan Oshri <ilan.oshri(a)auckland.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
PACIS Track: IS sourcing in the digital age
Track Description
In the digital age, organizations are faced with the challenge of
adapting their IS sourcing practices to a number of major changes
(Dibbern et al. 2020). First, digital technologies increasingly permeate
the processes, products, and services of companies (Venkatraman
2017)?including those IS services and products offered by a vibrant and
increasingly complex ecosystem of external service providers that
includes consulting companies, standard software providers, specialized
development firms, and digital giants. Second, the digital
transformation entails a number of concurrent technological shifts such
as the rise of AI and new architectural paradigms (e.g., microservices,
low-code platforms, and serverless computing) that fundamentally change
the nature of the task that is being sourced (Willcocks et al. 2016),
reconfigure firm boundaries, and add further complexity to the already
confusing number of alternative sourcing arrangements (Lacity et al.
2010; Oshri et al. 2019, Nevo and Kotlarsky, 2020) and governance
mechanisms (Benaroch et al. 2016; Gregory et al. 2013; Huber et al.
2013; Kotlarsky et al. 2018; Wiener et al. 2016). Furthermore, with the
growing popularity of data-driven business models issues associated with
data sourcing are becoming more prevailed (Wiener et al. 2020). To
respond to these changes, sourcing professionals will have to adapt
their decision and governance practices?offering unique opportunities
for researchers to advance understanding of the evolution and
socio-technical underpinnings of sourcing practices (Sarker et al. 2019).
This track welcomes papers that improve our understanding of how, why,
and under what conditions sourcing can make a positive contribution to
the digital transformation of firms. We welcome all types of research,
including empirical, conceptual, and simulation-based studies that
address social, technical, and socio-technical aspects of IS sourcing.
We also welcome ?focus on practice? submissions. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
* In-depth investigations into the complexities and dynamics of sourcing
* Sourcing as driver of digital transformation processes
* Sourcing of innovative, AI-powered systems, including studies
investigating new AI-specific managerial practices such as data
governance, management of (algorithmic) learning processes, and the
management of autonomous agents (e.g., robots)
* Technology-driven changes in sourcing practices including studies
exploring how increasingly autonomous systems and/or new architectural
innovations transform sourcing decision making and sourcing governance
* Sourcing configurations and sourcing arrangements for the digital age
(multi-sourcing, plural sourcing, crowdsourcing, cloudsourcing, etc.)
* Supplier and client capabilities and competences for the digital age
* Sourcing governance and in particular studies investigating change
processes, holistic configurations of governance mechanisms, and
interactions between them
* Sourcing eco-system
* Data sourcing
* Backsourcing/re-shoring decisions driven by the digital transformation
and in particular the changing role of IS
* Sourcing of knowledge-intensive and innovative IS services and products
* Emerging topics and concepts in sourcing not covered above
Full paper submission deadline: March 15, 2022
Ilan Oshri
Disciplinary Area Lead, Information Systems, University of Auckland
Business School
Director, Centre of Digital Enterprise, University of Auckland Business
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS-56), Maui, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2023
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 12:21:56 +0100
From: Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar <manuelp(a)ugr.es>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), Maui,
Hawaii, January 3-6, 2023 (http://www.hicss.org/)
*Digital Government Track*
Smart and Connected Cities and Communities Mini-track
Cities and communities around the world are entering a new era of
transformation in which residents and their surrounding environments are
increasingly connected through rapidly changing intelligent
technologies, sometimes called, smart technologies. This transformation,
which has become a top priority for many cities and other local
governments, offers great promise for improved well-being and prosperity
but, also, poses significant challenges at the complex intersection of
technology and society.
A smart and connected community can be conceptualized as one that
synergistically integrates intelligent technologies with the natural and
built environments, including infrastructure, to improve the social,
economic, and environmental well-being of those who live, work, or
travel within it. Building on the notion of community informatics, smart
communities can be seen as enabling and empowering citizens and
supporting the individual and communal quests for well-being.
Although the literature is rich in references to smart cities and
communities, this is still a developing and fuzzy concept due to its
multidimensional and multifaceted aspect that goes beyond the mere use
of technology and infrastructure. Although technology is a necessary
condition to become smart, it is not the only aspect that defines smart
cities and communities. Novel studies are indicating that emerging
technologies have a huge influence on social life, catalyzing new needs
of citizens and transforming the way they are addressed, influencing
people’s ability to exercise their “right to the city/community” and
impacting on social sustainability on several levels. City
administration and communitymanagement, information integration, data
quality, privacy and security, institutional arrangements, and citizen
participation are therefore some of the issues that need greater
attention to make a community smarter today and in the near future.
Nonetheless, the literature on smart cities and communities is
fragmented, particularly in terms of the strategies that different
cities and communities should follow in order to become smarter. What
most of the literature does agree on is that there is no single way to
becoming smart and different communities have adopted different
approaches that reflect their particularities. In addition, the advent
of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, open
government, open data, big data, blockchain, chatbots and so on, have
opened new avenues for smart governance in the urban and communities’
contexts, which fosters new research on this area.
This mini track aims at exploring these issues, paying particular
attention to the challenges of smart cities and smart communities as
well as to the impact of these initiatives to understand how new
technologies can shape the social sustainability, the livability of
local communities, and the wellbeing of its residents. It also focuses
on the orchestrated interplay and balance of smart governance practices,
smart public administration, smart communities, smart resources and
talent leverage in urban, rural, and regional spaces facilitated by
novel uses of ICT and other technologies.
As a result, areas of focus and interest to this mini track include, but
are not limited, to the following topics:
-Taxonomies of smart cities and communities
-Smart governance as the foundation to creating smart urban and regional
spaces (elements, prerequisites, and principles of smart governance)
-Smart cities and smart government (focal areas, current practices,
cases, and potential pitfalls)
-Smart partnerships (triple/quadruple/quintuple helix, public-private
partnerships, and citizen participation)
-The impact of digital transformation on the change of citizens’ role in
the city
-Smart cities, communities and regions (cases, rankings, comparisons,
and critical success factors)
-Benefits of the impact of emerging technologies on citizens and local
-Collective intelligence for smart cities and communities
-Emerging technologies in smart cities and communities (artificial
intelligence, big data, open data, open government, social media and
networks, chatbots, etc.)
-Smart governance in cities and communities in the age of the emerging
-Management of smart cities and communities
-Outcomes of smart cities and communities
-The role of digital technologies in both increasing community
livability and improving social sustainability and inequalities
-Smart services
-Urban-rural gaps in smart communities
-Resilience and sustainability capacities in smart cities and communities.
- Innovative solutions for smart cities and communities
-Building knowledge societies for smart cities and communities
-Smart cities and communities and their contribution to the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
*Important dates*(https://hicss.hawaii.edu/):
April 15, 2022: Paper submission system reopened for HICSS-56
June 15, 2022: Papers due
August 17, 2022: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 4, 2022: Deadline for authors whose papers are conditionally
accepted to submit a revised manuscript
September 22, 2022: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
October 1, 2022: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to
register for the conference
October 22, 2022: Deadline for the paper production fee payment
January 3-6, 2023: HICSS Conference
*Mini-track Co-Chairs:*
Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar (primary contact), University of Granada,
Spain (manuelp(a)ugr.es <mailto:manuelp@ugr.es>)
Gabriela Viale Pereira, Danube University Krems, Austria
Elsa Estevez, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina (ece(a)cs.uns.edu.ar
Anna Domaradzka-Widla, University of Warsaw, Poland
(anna.domaradzka(a)uw.edu.pl <mailto:anna.domaradzka@uw.edu.pl>)
AISWorld mailing list