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Subject: [AISWorld] CFC: book on Balancing Agile and Disciplined
Engineering and Management Approaches for IT Services and Software Products
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 13:15:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: mmora(a)securenym.net
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: rory.oconnor(a)dcu.ie, buchalc(a)vse.cz, jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de
Call for Chapters: Balancing Agile and Disciplined Engineering and
Management Approaches for IT Services and Software Products
Prof. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Prof. Jorge Marx Gómez, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Prof. Rory O'Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland
Prof. Alena Buchalcevova, University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic
Call for Chapters
Proposals Submission Deadline: July 15, 2019
Full Chapters Due: November 15, 2019
Submission Date: May 15, 2020
Full submission details at:
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea
Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business
Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For
additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in
Manuel Mora, EngD.
Full-time Professor and Researcher Level C
ACM Senior Member / SNI Level II
Department of Information Systems
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes
Ave. Universidad 940
Aguascalientes, AGS
Mexico, 20131
LINKEDIN Weblink: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-mora-engd-37b03a1/
SCOPUS weblink:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Process Challenge @ MULTI 2019
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2019 16:50:19 +0200
From: Manuel Wimmer <manuel.wimmer(a)jku.at>
Reply-To: Manuel Wimmer <manuel.wimmer(a)jku.at>
To: WI(a)lists.kit.edu
*Call for Papers and Solutions*
6th international workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (MULTI) Satellite
event of MODELS 2019, 15-21 September 2019, München.
We are looking for your solution to the MULTI Process Challenge:
Multi-level modeling represents a significant extension to the
traditional two-level object-oriented paradigm with the potential to
dramatically improve upon the utility, reliability and complexity of
models. Different from conventional approaches, they allow for an
arbitrary number of classification levels and introduce other concepts
that foster expressiveness, reuse and adaptability. A key aspect of the
multi-level modeling paradigm is the use of entities that are
simultaneously types and instances, a feature which has consequences for
conceptual modeling, language engineering and for the development of
model-based software systems.
The objectives of the MULTI series is to provide a forum for the
multi-level modelling community to address the foundations of
multi-level modelling approaches and support future multi-level modelers
through better DSMLs, tools, methods and guidelines. The workshop will
encourage the presentation of case studies and tool demonstrations. To
achieve this goal, a significant proportion of time will be devoted to
discussions. This will facilitate the development of a community
consensus while also giving participants a platform to discuss their
individual ideas and justify funding through paper presentations.
Possible topics include, but are not restricted to:
- the nature of elements in a multi-level hierarchy and how best to
represent them,
- the importance and role of deep characterization mechanisms,
including potency and its variants such a durability and mutability,
- the structure and labelling of a MLM framework,
- methods and techniques for discovering clabjects, specializations and
classification relationships,
- formal approaches to MLM,
- experiences and challenges in providing tool support for MLM,
- experiences and challenges in applying MLM techniques to large and/or
real-world problems,
- model management languages (transformation, code generation etc.) in
a multi-level setting,
- criteria and approaches for comparing MLM approaches,
- integration of modelling and programming languages,
- definition of behavioral semantics in a multilevel setting.
Three kinds of papers are solicited: regular papers (max. 10 pages),
tool-demo papers (max. 5 pages), and position papers (max. 5 pages), in
IEEE format. Papers should be submitted via Easychair
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=multi2019. Accepted papers will
be published as IEEE online proceedings and
indexed in DBLP.
*Important dates*
Paper Submission Deadline: 28 June 2019
Authors Notification: 26 July
Camera-ready Papers: 5 August
*Workshop Organizers*
João Paulo A. Almeida
Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Adrian Rutle
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway
Manuel Wimmer
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
*Program Committee*
Joao-Paulo Almeida (Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil)
Victorio Albani de Carvalho (Federal Institute of Espirito Santo,
Mira Balaban (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
Tony Clark (Aston University, UK)
Dirk Draheim (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Hans-Georg Fill (University of Vienna, Austria)
Ulrich Frank (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Martin Gogolla (University of Bremen, Germany)
Cesar Gonzalez Perez (Spanish National Research Council, Spain)
Georg Grossmann (University of South Australia, Australia)
Jens Gulden (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Georg Hinkel (FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik)
Stefan Jablonski (Bayreuth University, Germany)
Manfred Jeusfeld (University of Skövde, Sweden)
Monika Kaczmarek-Heß (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Yngve Lamo (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Fernando Macías (University of Extremadura, Spain)
Bernd Neumayr (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
Mario Nolte (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Chris Partridge (Brunel University, UK)
Alessandro Rossini (PwC, Norway)
Adrian Rutle (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Michael Schrefl (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
Markus Stumptner (University of South Australia, Australia)
Manuel Wimmer (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
*Steering Committee*
Colin Atkinson (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Thomas Kühne (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Juan de Lara (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [EMNet] EMNet 2020 in ODESSA, September
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2019 16:55:55 +0200
From: Josef Windsperger <josef.windsperger(a)univie.ac.at>
Reply-To: josef.windsperger(a)univie.ac.at
To: emnet(a)lists.univie.ac.at
Dear colleagues,
I want to announce the next EMNet 2020 in ODESSA,
end of September
(the exact date will be announced soon).
The conference will be organized in cooperation with the
Details will be published soon at: https://emnet.univie.ac.at/
I wish you a wonderful summertime.
Dr. Josef Windsperger
Associate Professor of Organization and Management
Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics
University of Vienna
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 4277 38180, Fax: +43 1 4277 38174
EMNet mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Bench'19
(http://www.benchcouncil.org/bench19/index.html) Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 10:51:17 +0800 (CST)
From: gaowanling(a)ict.ac.cn
---Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP---
Bench'19 (2019 International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and
Optimizing) Call for Papers
Web: http://www.benchcouncil.org/bench19/index.html
November 14-16, 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA
>>> Introduction
Benchmarking, measuring, and optimizing are fundamental activities in
human being's lives. This symposium (Bench 19) is organized by
International Open Benchmarking Council (BenchCouncil), and the main
theme is benchmarking, measuring, and optimizing Big Data or AI in HPC,
Datacenter, IoT, and Edge Computing.
Bench 19 provides a high-quality, single-track forum for presenting
results and discussing ideas that further the knowledge and
understanding of the benchmark community as a whole. Bench 19 has two
special events: the AI benchmarking reports (benchmarks, performance
numbers), and the AI system and algorithm competitions (
http://www.benchcouncil.org/competition/index.html ). Also, we will
invite speakers from China, US, Europe and Japan on HPC AI topics.
>>> Call for papers
Accordingly, we provide two submission opportunities.
For regular submission, we solicit papers describing original and
previously unpublished research. Specific topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following. **Benchmark, measurement, and
optimization of:
**Benchmark specifications and open-source implementation reports of:
** Methodologies, abstractions, metrics, algorithms, and tools in
benchmark, measurement, and optimization for:
** Benchmark-driven domain-specific co-design of:
** Testbed methodologies and systems of:
** Workload characterization of:
-Big Data
-Machine learning in HPC
-Big scientific data
-Warehouse-scale computing
-Mobile robotics
-Edge and fog computing
For the AI system and algorithms
challenge(http://www.benchcouncil.org/competition/index.html), each team
is welcomed to submit a paper describing their work. Their paper will be
reviewed for further recommendation. For the winner final lists, each
team has to submit a paper and presents their work at Bench 19.
>>> Paper Submission:
Papers must be submitted in PDF. Short papers (no more than 4 pages in
standard two-column IEEE conference format or 6 pages in LNCS format,
not including references) are encouraged, and the authors can extend
their short paper to 12 pages in LNCS format, not including references,
in the final publication. If a full paper is submitted, the page limit
is 8 pages in standard two-column IEEE conference format or 12 pages in
LNCS format, not including references. The submissions will be judged
based on the merit of the ideas rather than the length. After the
conference, revised papers will be published by Springer (Pending).
Submission site:
>>> Improtant Dates
Regular submission
Registration of abstract June 15, 2019
Paper Submission June 30, 2019
Acceptance Notification Aug 20, 2019
AI competitions
Paper submission: Sep 1, 2019
Acceptance Notification: Sep 15, 2019
>>> Organization
General Chairs
Dan Stanzione (Texas Advanced Computing Center, The University of Texas
at Austin)
Xiaoyi Lu (The Ohio State University)
TPC Chairs
Jianfeng Zhan (ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Geoffrey Fox (Indiana University)
Publications Chair
Chen Zheng (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS)
Award Committees
Lizy Kurian John (The University of Texas at Austin)
D. K. Panda (The Ohio State University)
Geoffrey Fox (Indiana University)
Jianfeng Zhan (ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Lizy Kurian John (The University of Texas at Austin)
BenchCouncil Achievement Award
This award recognizes a senior member who has made long-term
contributions to benchmarking, measuring, and optimizing. The winner is
eligible for BenchCouncil Fellow.
BenchCouncil System Award
This award recognizes a group of scientists and engineers who has made
significant contributions to the design, implementation of a
state-of-the-art or state-of-the-practice system.
BenchCouncil Contribution Award Chair
This award recognizes a senior member who has made long-term
contributions to the benchmarking, measuring, and optimizing community.
BenchCouncil best paper award Chair
This award recognizes a paper presented at the Bench conferences, which
demonstrates potential impact on research and practice in benchmarking,
measuring, and optimizing.
Publicity Chairs
Zhen Jia (Princeton University)
Wanling Gao (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS)
Web Chair
Jiahui Dai (Beijing Academy of Frontier Sciences and Technology)
>>>Technical Program Committee
Haiying Shen, University of Virginia
Woongki Baek, UNIST
Zheng Cao, Alibaba
Piotr Luszczek, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Khaled Ibrahim, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Li Zha, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lei Wang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster
Gwangsun Kim, POSTECH
Hyogi Sim, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Zhen Jia, Princeton University
Weijia Xu, The University of Texas at Austin
Bin Ren, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Nikhil Jain, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lucas Mello Schnorr, UFRGS
Shantenu Jha, Rutgers University
Bo Wu, Colorado School of Mines
Jungang Xu, College of Computer and Control Engineering,University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Saliya Ekanayake, Virginia Tech Zujie Ren, Zhejiang University
Ryan E. Grant, Sandia National Laboratories Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University
Guang R Gao, Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems Laboratory,
Unversity of Delaware
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Final Call for Position Statements - First Pre-ECIS
Workshop on The What and How of User-centered Gamification Designs
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 08:43:36 +0000
From: Janson, Andreas, Dr. <andreas.janson(a)uni-kassel.de>
Reply-To: Janson, Andreas, Dr. <andreas.janson(a)uni-kassel.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
(apologies for cross posting)
Final Call for Participation/Position Statements - ECIS 2019 Workshop -
User-centered Gamification Designs
The use of games in IS has increased at an astounding pace and led to
inspiring trends, one being gamification which counts among the most
prominent developments in the last years. However, there is some need
for further research especially about how to make gamification
approaches more user-centered. Especially referring to the adaption of
gamification to the needs of users, the mechanisms behind gameful design
and gamification are still not fully understood. The goal of the
workshop is to discuss how gamification concepts can be better adapted
to the needs and interests of users. We therefore welcome interested
researchers that have experiences in adapting gamification to the needs
of users to make gamification concepts more meaningful to them. Based on
the experiences of the IS/HCI community, we want to identify the pillars
for a user-centered gamification method that considers how users can be
systematically involved in the analysis, design and evaluation of
gamification concepts.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Methods to develop user-centered gamification concepts.
- Analysis of user needs and preferences in gamification.
- Motivational affordances and their role and meaning in gamification.
- User adapted gamification concepts and their influences on user behavior.
- Analysis of the meaning of competition and collaboration in gamification.
- Analysis of related concepts such as digital nudging for user-centered
The workshop features a keynote from Povl Heiberg (Copenhagen Business
School) who will give insights about how gamification is handled by
practitioners, several paper talks and a collaborative session (see
below). So you are still able to participate and join the workshop!
Submission of Position statements due date June 9. The workshop will be
held on June 10 from 9am to 5pm, at Stockholm University’s Kista campus,
Room S1.
Everyone who likes to participate may fill out a Google Form (and
register at ECIS2019.eu) and optionally submit a position statement:
Position statements are used as input for the collaborative workshop
part. The following types of position statements that express the
authors interest in user-centred designs in gamification are welcome:
1. Current Empirical Research: What is happening now?
2. Research Questions: What will happen, how can we analyse it and/or
what are necessary design efforts?
- Sofia Schöbel (University of Kassel, Information Systems, Germany,
E-Mail: sofia.schoebel(a)uni-kassel.de <mailto:sofia.schoebel@uni-kassel.de>)
- Andreas Janson (University of Kassel, Information Systems, Germany,
E-Mail: andreas.janson(a)uni-kassel.de <mailto:andreas.janson@uni-kassel.de>)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Reminder: CfP EMISAJ Special Issue on Blockchain
Technologies in Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise Information Systems
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 09:24:36 +0200
From: Hans-Georg Fill <hans-georg.fill(a)unifr.ch>
Reply-To: Hans-Georg Fill <hans-georg.fill(a)unifr.ch>
*Apologies for cross-postings*
*Call for Papers - Special Issue in EMISAJ - Enterprise Modelling and
Information Systems Architectures - International Journal of Conceptual
*Blockchain Technologies in Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise
Information Systems*
* Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Peter Fettke, Saarland University and DFKI, Germany
* Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria
In this special issue we seek for high-quality contributions
investigating the use of blockchains and their underlying technologies
in the area of enterprise modeling and for enterprise information
systems. Blockchains constitute a new paradigm for decentralized
information systems with implications both on a managerial and a
technical level. After a first hype that originated mainly from their
successful use in cryptocurrencies, blockchains are now being evaluated
for innovative enterprise applications. In this context, the use of
modeling techniques plays an important role for the well-structured
design, evaluation, and deployment of such applications. This concerns
both the use of general-purpose modeling methods as well as
domain-specific modeling methods. Furthermore, the integration of
blockchain technologies in traditional enterprise information systems is
studied for domains such as enterprise resource planning systems, for
business process execution, for interorganizational collaboration or for
the distributed storage of organizational knowledge.
*Possible Topics include but are not limited to:*
* Use of enterprise modeling methods for blockchain-based applications
* Domain-specific modeling methods for blockchain-based applications
* Blockchain-based execution of enterprise models such as business
processes, enterprise architecture models or software models
* Architectures for the integration of blockchains in enterprise
information systems
* Storage, distribution, processing, and management aspects of
enterprise models using blockchains
* Process mining in combination with enterprise models and blockchains
*Associate Editors*
* Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
* Saïd Assar, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, France
* Claudio Di Ciccio, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
* Marlon Dumas, University of Tatu, Estonia
* Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia, Australia
* Bernhard Haslhofer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
* Wolfgang Klas, University of Vienna, Austria
* Julius Köpke, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria
* Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
* Edy Portmann, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Stefan Schulte, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
* Susanne Strahringer, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
* Publication and Distribution of the CfP: February 2019
* Deadline for Paper Submission: June 30, 2019
* First round of reviews completed: August 31, 2019
* Submission of revisions if needed: September 30, 2019
* Second round of reviews completed: November 15, 2019
* Final submission: December 10, 2019
* Publication of Special Issue January, 2020
Submissions must adhere to the author guidelines for EMISAJ, which can
be found at https://www.emisa-journal.org/emisa/about/submissions. When
submitting the article in the submission system, please make sure to
select the section "Special Issue on Blockchain Technologies in EM and
EIS". Please note that EMISAJ is a True Open Access journal (no author
fees, no exclusive rights to publish). EMISAJ is indexed in DBLP, EBSCO,
and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
* Fill, H.-G. (2019): Applying the Concept of Knowledge Blockchains to
Ontologies, in: A. Martin, K. Hinkelmann, A. Gerber, D. Lenat, F.
van Harmelen, P. Clark (Eds.), AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium on
Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering (AAAI-MAKE
2019), Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA.
* Fill, H.-G. and Härer, F. (2018): Knowledge Blockchains: Applying
Blockchain Technologies to Enterprise Modeling, HICSS'51, AIS,
* Mendling, J. et al. (2018): Blockchains for Business Process
Management - Challenges and Opportunities. ACM Trans. Management
Inf. Syst. 9(1): 4:1-4:16.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill
Digitalization and Information Systems Group
University of Fribourg
Bd de Pérolles 90
CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 19th International Conference on Intelligent
Systems Design and Applications - First Call for Papers - Pretoria,
South Africa
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 07:56:17 -0700
From: Ajith Abraham <abraham.ajith(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: abraham.ajith(a)gmail.com
To: aco-list(a)iridia.ulb.ac.be, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu,
GASCHEDULING(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu
CC: Sanju Tiwari <tiwarisanju18(a)ieee.org>, Nelishia Pillay
<npillay(a)cs.up.ac.za>, Isabel Jesus <isj(a)isep.ipp.pt>
** ISDA 2019 - Call for Papers **
Apologies for cross-posting. Kindly help to distribute this CFP to your
mailing list.
-- The 19th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and
Applications (ISDA’19) –
Pretoria, South Africa
December 03-05, 2019
Proceedings of ISDA’18:
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Thomson ISI Web of Science, DBLP etc.
History of ISDA series: https://dblp.org/db/conf/isda/index.html
** Important Dates **
Paper submission due: September 01, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: October 15, 2019
Registration and Final manuscript due: October 30, 2019
Conference: December 03-05, 2019
About ISDA’19:
The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
(ISDA) is a major international conference bringing together researchers,
engineers, and practitioners who work in the
areas of intelligent systems and its applications in industry and the real
world. Every year, ISDA attracts authors from over 30 countries. The
conference will include workshops, special sessions and tutorials, along
with prominent keynote speakers and regular paper presentations in parallel
tracks. All accepted and registered papers will be included in the
conference proceedings to expected be published by
Topics (not limited to)
Intelligent Systems Architectures and Applications
Intelligent Image and Signal Processing
Intelligent Internet Modeling
Intelligent Data mining
Intelligent Business Systems
Intelligent Control and Automation
Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Knowledge Management
Innovative Information Security
Innovative Networking and Communication Techniques
Web Intelligence
Intelligent Software Engineering
Submission Guidelines:
Submission of paper should be made through the submission page from
the conference web page. Please refer to the conference website for
guidelines to prepare your manuscript.
Paper format templates:
ISDA’19 Submission Link:
* Organizing Committee *
General Chairs
Nelishia Pillay, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), USA
Program Chairs
M.C. Du Plessis, Mandela University, South Africa
John Woodward, Queen Mary University London, UK
Nasser Sabar, La Trobe University, Australia
Technical Committee (Please refer website):
* Conference Technical Information *
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), USA
Email: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
* Local Organization / Venue *
Nelishia Pillay, University of Pretoria, South Africa
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Journal of Information Systems Education, Volume 30
Issue 2
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 16:10:40 -0400
From: Lee Freeman <lefreema(a)umich.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
IS Community,
The Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) is pleased to announce
that Volume 30, Issue 2 has been published. The index for all papers in
this issue can be found at http://jise.org/Volume30/index.html.
Contents of Volume 30, Issue 2 include:
Teaching Tip: Pedagogy for Business Analytics Courses
Anand Jeyaraj
Teaching Tip: “The Data Shuffle”: Using Playing Cards to Illustrate Data
Management Concepts to a Broad Audience
David Agogo and Jesse Anderson
Teaching Case: Strategic Actions in a Platform Context: What Should
Facebook Do Next? <http://jise.org/Volume30/n2/JISEv30n2p97.html>
Eric C. Larson and Carl Vieregger
Teaching Case: Creating a Request for Proposal for Software for a
Non-Profit Organization <http://jise.org/Volume30/n2/JISEv30n2p106.html>
David Reavis
Why do Students not Major in MIS? An Application of the Theory of Planned
Behavior <http://jise.org/Volume30/n2/JISEv30n2p111.html>
Wallace Chipidza, Gina Green, and Cindy Riemenschneider
Developing a Framework to Understand Student Engagement, Team Dynamics, and
Learning Outcomes Using ERPsim
Lauren B. Eder, Yvonne L. Antonucci, and Ellen F. Monk
JISE is the leading academic journal dedicated to IS education and is the
official journal of the Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) of AITP
(the Association of Information Technology Professionals).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
editor(a)jise.org. Thank you for your past, current, and future interest in
and support of JISE!
Lee Freeman, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Information Systems Education
Associate Professor of MIS
College of Business
University of Michigan-Dearborn
1 (313) 593-5008
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: RecTour 2019 - Workshop on
Recommenders in Tourism at ACM RecSys 2019
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 23:12:28 +0200
From: Catalin-Mihai Barbu <catalin.barbu(a)uni-due.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism
held in conjunction with ACM RecSys 2019
in Copenhagen, Denmark
*Deadline: July 1st, 2019*
The rapid development of information and communication technologies
(ICT) and the web transformed the tourism domain. Today, travelers no
longer rely on travel agents and agencies. Indeed, recent studies
indicate that they are now active in searching for information and
composing their vacation packages according to their specific
preferences. When onsite, they search for freely available information
about the site itself rather than buying/renting a visitor guide or
hiring a tour guide that may be available. However, like in many other
cases, the blessing of the Web comes with a curse -- the curse of
information overload.
Recommender systems are a practical tool for overcoming this information
overload. However, the tourism domain is substantially more complicated,
and as such, creates huge challenges for those designing tourism-focused
recommender systems. Planning a vacation usually involves searching for
a set of products that are interconnected (e.g., means of
transportation, lodging, attractions), with a rather limited
availability, and where contextual aspects may have a major impact
(e.g., time, location, social context, environmental context). In
addition, products are emotionally "loaded" and considered "experience
goods"; therefore, decision making is not only based on rational and
objective criteria. As such, providing the right information to visitors
of a tourism site at the right time about the site itself and various
services nearby is challenging.
RecTour 2019 will therefore focus on the specific challenges for
recommender systems in tourism and will bring together researchers and
practitioners from different fields, such as tourism, recommender
systems, user modelling, user interaction, mobile, ubiquitous and
ambient technologies, artificial intelligence and web information
systems, to discuss and illustrate challenges and applications of these
technologies in tourism recommender systems of the future. Important
aspects and topics to be discussed revolve around (but are not limited to):
- Specific applications and case studies (evaluation);
- Specific methods and techniques for tourism recommenders;
- Novel ICT and their impact on travel and tourism;
- Data integration from various sources (e.g., catalogues, Linked Open
Data, usage logs);
- Context and mobility in tourism;
- Tourist trip recommendation and route planning;
- Cold-start problem in the context of tourism recommenders;
- Preference elicitation in tourism;
- Emotions and tourism recommenders;
- Personalized interaction and conversation strategies.
Submission deadline: July 1st, 2019
Notification: July 29th, 2019
Camera-ready deadline: August 18th, 2019
Deadlines refer to 11:59pm (Anywhere on Earth).
Long research papers reporting on complete research (8 pages plus up to
one page references); Short papers reporting on work in progress (4
pages plus up to one page references); Position papers reflecting on
emerging topics (2-4 pages); Demonstration papers showcasing novel
aspects or providing the opportunity to interact (2 pages) as well as
project ideas discussing innovative research proposals and late breaking
ideas (2-4 pages). Moreover, we specifically invite industry to submit
relevant showcases as position or demo papers to the workshop.
RecTour 2019 submissions should be prepared in PDF format according to
the standard double-column ACM SIG proceedings format. The peer review
process is single-blind, handled electronically through EasyChair:
Accepted papers will be included in the RecTour 2019 proceedings and at
least one author of each accepted contribution must attend the workshop.
After acceptance, no additional authors can be added.
Julia Neidhardt, TU Wien, Austria
Wolfgang Wörndl, TU München, Germany
Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel
Markus Zanker, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy
Catalin-Mihai Barbu, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ER Forum 2019 4-7 Nov 2019
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 17:21:28 +0200
From: Ignacio Panach Navarrete <jpanach(a)dsic.upv.es>
CALL FOR PAPERS in the ER Forum in conjunction with the 38th
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2019)
to be held in Salvador, Brazil. from Nov. 4-7, 2019
The ER 2019 Forum aims to create a platform for presenting and
discussing novel research ideas addressing any of the ER 2019 conference
topics as well as new emerging topics related to the conceptual modeling
field. In this track, innovation prevails over maturity. The main goal
of the ER Forum 2019 is to facilitate the interaction, discussion and
exchange of ideas among presenters and participants.
Important dates
Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2019
Notification of acceptance: August 8, 2019
Camera-ready deadline: September 8, 2019
Author Guidelines
The rules for ER Forum paper submission are similar to those for the ER
2019 conference. Therefore, we invite two types of submissions: Full
papers with a limit of 14 pages, and short papers with a limit of 8 pages.
The papers must adhere to Springer’s LNCS submission formatting
guidelines (for details see
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Manuscripts not
submitted in the LNCS style or exceeding the page limit will not be
reviewed and hence, they will be automatically rejected.
A paper submitted to ER 2019 Forum must not be under review in any other
conference or journal during the time it is being considered for ER 2019
Forum. The submissions are due in PDF format through the ER 2019
submission system hosted by EasyChair at
Publication and Presentation
All submissions will be reviewed by an international program committee.
The volume of accepted ER 2019 Forum papers shall be submitted to
CEUR-WS.org for online publication with the same submission format.
In order to propel discussion and feedback opportunities instead of the
usual paper presentation session, the ER 2019 Forum papers will be
presented in a “World-Cafè” setting initiated by a short elevator speech
by each author. Therefore, physical presence of at least one presenter
for each ER 2019 Forum paper is mandatory.
Program Committee (tentative)
Heinrich C. Mayr, Alpen-Adia Universität, Austria
Giancarlo Guizzardi, UFES, Brazil
Hui Ma, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Fabiano Dalpiaz, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Beatriz Marín, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Giovanni Giachetti, Universidad Andres Bello, Chile
Raian Ali, Bournemouth University, UK
Sagar Sen, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Dolors Costal, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Ravi Ramdoyal, CETIC, Belgium
Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock, Germany
Martin Henkel, Stockholm University, Sweden
Sergio España, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Cristina Cabanillas, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Forum Chairs
Ignacio Panach, Universitat de València, joigpana(a)uv.es
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