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Subject: [AISWorld] Journal of IT Case and Application Research
(JITCAR), Volume 21, Number 1 Published (included in SCOPUS)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 15:39:59 +0000
From: Shailendra Palvia <Shailendra.Palvia(a)liu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, AISWorld
<aisworld-bounces(a)lists.aisnet.org> (aisworld-bounces(a)lists.aisnet.org)
CC: Bansal, Gaurav <bansalg(a)uwgb.edu>, Joshi, Kailash <joshi(a)umsl.edu>
Dear Colleagues around the world:
It is my pleasure to present the first 2019 JITCAR issue. It is a
Special Issue focusing on Internet based Commerce and Social Media. The
contents of this issue are: Editorial Preface article by Dr. H. Samih;
Research Case article one co-authored by Dr. Urvashi Tandon and Dr. Ravi
Kiran; Research Case article two authored by Dr. Nicholas Flor; Expert
Opinion report by Dr. Mahesh Raisinghani; and Book Review by Dr. Gaurav
Bansal. Summary information of these items is as follows.
In the editorial preface article titled, "Smart Cities and Internet of
Things", the authors focus on how diverse stakeholders (government and
private companies) of cities, large and small, have been capitalizing on
ever expanding capabilities of IT and Internet applications to make
cities more efficient and effective in providing various services for
its citizens. It identifies six characteristics of a smart city: smart
economy, environment, governance, living, mobility, and people. It
provides a summary of attributes of a smart city, Los Angeles referring
to an earlier preface article in JITCAR. It also provides a futuristic
scenario of how waste management should operate in a smart city.
Dwelling on Internet of Things, the author articulates the role of
emerging technologies like big data analytics, machine learning, and
artificial intelligence in shaping future smart cities.
First research article is titled, "Factors Impacting Customer
Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation into Online Shopping in India."
This article analyzes impact of website quality and other drivers of
online shopping on customer satisfaction in India. It brings into focus
two new drivers of online shopping -- "Social Media interactions" and
"Pay on Delivery (POD)" mode of payment, both emerging as statistically
significant alongside website quality.
Second research is titled, "Elements of a Design Theory of Nano-Viral
Messages: A Case Study of #Solar Nanovirals." It is a novel study
analyzing viral social media messages that reach a large number of
people at almost no cost. Main characteristic of the majority of viral
messages is their shocking or entertaining content. The author posits
the question if other social media messages such as pertaining to
science and technology can also go viral. Conceptual blending analysis
is done to analyze five representative very small viral messages
(nanoviral) about solar technology leading to the identification of four
distinct viral strategies. The author concludes by articulating a
practical heuristic to guide the design of nanoviral messages.
The Expert Opinion report documents interview by Dr. Mahesh Raisinghani
with Mr. Gustavo Pares, a partner at Nearshore Delivery Solutions (NDS),
a company that assists global IT services companies in establishing and
maintaining nearshore delivery operations in Mexico. Mr. Pares was born
in Mexico and earned a bachelor's degree in Management Information
Systems as well as a master's degree in Business Administration from the
Monterrey Institute of Technology. He also received an Executive
Certificate in Management and Leadership from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and attended few executive education courses at
Harvard and Stanford. Questions posed to Mr. Gustavo Pares are: (a) How
important is information technology (IT) in your industry, and your
organization?; (b) Please name and briefly describe some of your
strategic IT applications; (c) What has been the role of IT in the
internationalization of your business?; (d) Please describe the
worldwide global IT architect
ure in your organization (i.e., where are the major computing centers,
how are they connected, etc.; (e) Please name and briefly describe some
of your key international IT applications; (f) What have been the most
important technologies (e.g., mobile, Internet-based, imaging, satellite
communications, etc.) that have facilitated international expansion?;
(f) What have been the key technical challenges in the overseas
implementation of IT applications?; (g) What have been the key
management challenges/issues in the overseas implementation of IT
applications?; (h) Have you faced specific issues dealing with
trans-border data flows and data privacy?; (i) What are the cultural
issues that have arisen as a result of using native technology and
management practices in foreign markets?; (j) Please name three
opportunities for international IT applications, based on your company's
experience; (k) What advice can you offer to companies exploring the use
of IT in overseas markets?
Book review report by Dr. Gaurav Bansal provides a detailed critique of
the 2016 book titled, "Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data
Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy" authored by Cathy O'Neill
and published in 2016 by Crown Publishing Group, a division of Penguin
Random House LLC, New York. The book report emphasizes how
indiscriminate use of "big" data and "blind" algorithms can lead to
wrong decisions and may consequently increase inequality and injustice.
The book covers various aspects of this theme in 10 chapters devoted to
(a) drawing a distinction between transparent (good) and opaque (bad)
models and emphasizing that bad models are opaque, unfair, and tend to
maximize efficiency at the expense of fairness; (b) providing example of
one bad model (Weapons of Math destruction (WMD)) as the financial
mathematical models that conceal inherent risks to maximize gain
s for security traders; (c) informing readers about the misleading US
News College Rankings that are used by several colleges and universities
for admission and are based on assigning weights to different factors in
an entirely opaque manner; (d) warning about the advertising algorithms
use their predictive power to effectively and efficiently locate targets
and exploit the most vulnerable people in our society; (e) informing
about recidivism risk models that are used for sentencing guidelines and
crime patrol algorithms potentially resulting in racial profiling; (f)
warning about personality tests used for hiring minimum wage workers in
liu of more powerful performance indicators. The report summarizes by
saying, "Tremendous data is now available from social media posts,
wearable devices such as Fitbit, responses to online forms and data
submitted to health insurance companies among others. WMD algorithms
armed with all sorts of "pooled" data ranging from credit scores to sleep pa
tterns are devising arbitrary and opaque e-scores. These e-scores tend
to optimize efficiency over effectiveness, profit over justice, opacity
over transparency, and arbitrariness over fairness thus causing
collateral damage.... Such WMDs are also used during elections as they
are opaque (they hide one version of reality shown to one individual
from the other), scalable and highly dangerous for the democracy. This
has been clearly demonstrated in the 2016 presidential elections in USA
where instances of fake news on social media, far removed from reality,
were many."
Routledge, in line with the ongoing trends, has published this journal
online since 2014. The website to find all JITCAR issues is:
http://www.tandfonline.com/utca. All authors and reviewers are
encouraged to start using Routledge's online manuscript submission and
reviewing system http://www.editorialmanager.com/jitcar/. I urge all our
current and future authors and reviewers to familiarize themselves with
this system. I hope you all know that JITCAR is included in the SCOPUS
I hope you will enjoy reading all the items in this issue. With best
Dr. Shailendra Palvia
Fulbright-Nehru Senior Scholar 2016-17
Professor of MIS, College of Management
Long Island University Post, Brookville, NY 11801.
Lifetime Scholarly Achievement Nomination from LIU Post in 2012 and 2016
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of IT Case and Application Research (JITCAR)
Phone #: 732-983-7034
Thou shall not hurt anybody by action, speech or thought directly or
indirectly, consciously or subconsciously and if you do, ask for
Please consider well being !
Of not just human beings !!
But all living beings !!!
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: Call for Papers - KMIS 2019 (Position Paper Extension)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 22:45:05 +0000
From: KMIS Secretariat <kmis(a)scitevents.com>
Reply-To: kmis(a)scitevents.com
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information
New Position Paper Submission Deadline: *June 19, 2019 *
September 17 - 19, 2019
Vienna, Austria
*Due to many requests, the position papers submission deadline of this
conference has been extended. *
Knowledge Management (KM) is a discipline concerned with the analysis
and technical support of practices used in an organization to identify,
create, represent, distribute and enable the adoption and leveraging of
good practices embedded in collaborative settings and, in particular, in
organizational processes. Effective knowledge management is an
increasingly important source of competitive advantage, and a key to the
success of contemporary organizations, bolstering the collective
expertise of its employees and partners. There are several perspectives
on KM, but all share the same core components, namely: People, Processes
and Technology. Some take a techno-centric focus, in order to enhance
knowledge integration and creation; some take an organizational focus,
in order to optimize organization design and workflows; some take an
ecological focus, where the important aspects are related to people
interaction, knowledge and environmental factors as a complex adaptive
system similar to a natural ecosystem. An information system (IS) is an
organized system for the collection, organization, storage and
communication of information.
*What is a position paper? *
A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal
of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is
valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed
research work and/or validated results.
*Conference Chair(s)
Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal / INSTICC, Portugal
*Program Chair(s)
Jorge Bernardino, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra - ISEC, Portugal
Ana Salgado, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
*Co-organized by *
*In Cooperation with *
ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale
The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
Robert Pergl <http://www.ic3k.org//KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#1>, Czech
Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Eduard Babkin <http://www.ic3k.org//KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#2>, National
Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Russian Federation
Karl-Erik Sveiby <http://www.ic3k.org//KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#3>, Hanken
School of Economics, Finland
Frank Hsu <http://www.ic3k.org//KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#4>, Fordham
University, United States
Proceedings will be submitted for *indexation by: *
DBLP, Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI, SCOPUS,
Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic.
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and
extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer
<https://www.springer.com/gp/> in a CCIS Series book.
All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at
the SCITEPRESS Digital Library <www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/>.
Kind regards,
Carla Mota
KMIS Secretariat
*Address: * Av. S. Francisco Xavier Lote 7 Cv. C, Setubal 2900-616,
*Tel: * +351 265 520 184
*Web: * http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/
*e-mail: * kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org
If you no longer wish to receive mail from us, you can unsubscribe
SCITEVENTS, Av. S. Francisco Xavier Lote 7 Cv. C, Setubal, 2900-616,
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Digital
Humanities (CoMoDiH) in conjunction with 38th ER conference
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 14:12:20 +0000
From: AKOKA Jacky <jacky.akoka(a)lecnam.net>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 1st International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Digital
Humanities (CoMoDiH)
Co-located with the 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
(ER 2019) Salvador BA, Brazil, November 4th–7th, 2019
Paper submission: June 30th, 2019
Author notification: July 21st, 2019
Camera-Ready submission: August 4th, 2019
Digital Humanities is the discipline intersecting computational methods
and human and social sciences. It has become a hot research area in
academia and industry. Several challenges and issues characterize the
research on the combined field of Conceptual Modeling and Humanities and
Social Sciences (called below digital humanities). The aim of this
workshop is to discuss models, methodologies, approaches, and frameworks
needed to cope with these challenges. In particular, we seek submissions
from different disciplines that share a common interest in the
contribution of conceptual modeling to humanities and social sciences.
We encourage contributions that study:
• Application of conceptual modeling to humanities and social sciences,
• Ways to improve methods and models of conceptual modeling through the
contribution of humanities and social sciences methods.
Topics of Interest
Submissions should address the relation between Conceptual Modeling and
Digital Humanities. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Conceptual Modeling and History
• Conceptual Modeling and Archeology
• Conceptual Modeling and Philosophy
• Conceptual Modeling and Musicology
• Conceptual Modeling and Art
• Conceptual Modeling and Sociology
• Conceptual Modeling and Law studies
• Humanities and Social Sciences Data Modeling
• Humanities and Big Data Modeling
• Theoretical foundations for Digital Humanities based on Conceptual
Modeling and Ontologies
• Conceptual Modeling for Understanding Digital Humanities
• Conceptual Modeling and Natural Language Processing in Digital Humanities
• Ontologies for Digital Humanities
• Prosopographic approaches, databases, and case studies
• Case studies in Conceptual Modeling in Digital Humanities
Submission Instructions
Since the proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series,
authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style. See
http://www.springer.de/ comp/lncs/authors.html for style files and
details. The page limit for submitted papers (as well as for final,
camera-ready papers) is 10. Manuscripts not submitted in the LNCS style
or exceeding the page limit will not be reviewed and automatically rejected.
Submission is done through EasyChair. Please select the Workshop track
when submitting.
EasyChair Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=er2019 –
please pay attention to select the correct track.
Jacky Akoka, CEDRIC-CNAM and Institut Mines Telecom (IMT-BS), France
Stephen W. Liddle, Brigham Young University, USA.
Bernhard Thalheim, Christian Albrechts University zu Kiel, Germany.
Program Committee
Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, France
Loïs Delcambre, USA
Aditya Ghose, Australia
Kamalakar Karlapalem, India
Stéphane Lamassé, France
Julio Cesar Leite, Brazil
Hui Ma, New Zealand
Cédric du Mouza, France
Oliver Nakoinz, Germany
Jeffrey Parsons, Canada
Veda C. Storey, USA
Juan-Carlos Trujillo Mondejar, Spain
Carson Woo, Canada
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final CfP: Social Information Systems Minitrack on
HICSS 2020
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 07:18:27 +0000
From: Keller, Barbara <barbara.keller(a)hm.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
********** CALL FOR PAPERS HICSS 2020 **********
- Digital and Social Media Track –
Conference Date: Conference: January 8-10 2020, Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii
********** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2019 *********
Social information systems combine social media technologies and
principles of open collaboration. Various forms have emerged since with
online communities, collaborative technologies, blogs, wikis and sites
for crowdsourcing being among the well-known. It may be observed that
social information systems have profound implications on the way
individuals communicate and the way business processes are organized.
From this perspective, social information systems may be regarded as
“glue” in distributed business processes. The field of social
information systems comprises technical aspects and requirements (e.g.
Web 2.0 techniques, semantic interoperability, data analysis and fusion,
social analytics) as well as their embedding in business processes and
business models.
The objective of this minitrack is to promote the scientific exchange on
social information systems, in particular regarding the economic and
technological challenges. Among the topics are the design,
implementation, operation, integration, and evolution of business
processes and business models that are enabled by social information
systems. The minitrack shall also advance the understanding regarding
the interaction with their environment and the impact on economic
coordination structures.
Selected papers will be invited for a fast-track in Electronic Markets –
The International Journal on Networked Business.
April 20, 2019: Beginning of Submission Period
June 15, 2019: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)
August 17, 2019: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22, 2019: Deadline for Final Manuscript
October 1, 2019: Deadline for at least one author to register
Rainer Alt
Leipzig University
Selmin Nurcan
University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Rainer Schmidt
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Barbara Keller
Data Analytics Researcher
University of Applied Sciences Munich
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics
Lothstr. 64
D - 80335 München
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Final Call for ER 2019 - Posters & Demos Session
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 06:43:37 -0300 (BRT)
From: Renata Guizzardi <rguizzardi(a)inf.ufes.br>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
------------------------------ -----------------
(Deadline soon approaching!)
The ER Posters & Demos Session 2019 is intended to showcase work in
progress in the field of conceptual modeling, covering any of the
conference’s topics. This session will provide an opportunity to present
and discuss emerging methods and technologies with researchers and
practitioners, allowing the presenters to gather relevant feedback
regarding their ongoing work.
** Posters ** should present visionary ideas and/or innovative research
projects for which at least some preliminary results are available. We
accept works in a relatively early stage, not necessarily including a
complete validation.
**Tool Demonstrations (Demos for short)** regard the exhibition of
innovative software prototypes or full-fledged systems for developing,
communicating and implementing conceptual models. The tools may
originate from research initiatives or from industry.
Author Guidelines
Poster & Demo papers must present original, novel research and tools, or
a significant extension of previously presented works. In the latter
case, there must be clear evidence of the value added to the previous
version of the work, e.g., by describing the innovative parts and/or
application of the work or tool. The papers are limited to 5 pages and
must adhere to Springer’s LNCS submission formatting guidelines (for
instructions and style sheets, see [
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html |
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ] ). They should be
submitted in PDF format through the Poster & Tool Demonstration link in
the ER 2019 EasyChair page, available at [
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=er2019 |
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=er2019 ] .
Suggested paper structure:
• Title, authors and affiliation.
• Abstract: a brief description of the work/tool, together with a
statement on how the conference participants will benefit from getting
to know it, and for what target audience it will most likely be of
• Significance to the conceptual modeling field: in case of posters,
describe the novel ideas and how they advance the state of the art in
conceptual modeling. Moreover, provide a brief illustration of the work;
for demos, describe the innovations of the tool to the ER community and
its main features. If applicable, include a brief description of case
studies performed using the tool, provide scalability data or pointers
indicating where readers can find more information about these case
studies. • Maturity: information illustrating the maturity of the work,
including if it has gone through any preliminary evaluation, and if it
is already in use.
• Link: if available, a link to a web page where more information of the
work is provided; in case of a demo, this could be a link for tool
download and instructions of use.
• Screencast: for demos, a link to a screencast demonstrating the tool,
preferably including voice – maximum of 20 minutes/video.
Publication and Presentation
------------------------------ ---------
All submissions will be reviewed by an international program committee.
Accepted papers will be published as online CEUR proceedings.
Each paper will be presented using a one-minute teaser in a short
session, aimed at informing the audience about the available posters &
demos. The actual presentation will then be held in one or more separate
sessions, in a way that the audience can freely walk around and visit
the posters & demos of interest. Therefore, physical presence of at
least one presenter for each paper is mandatory.
The reviewing committee and the track audience will vote on the best
poster and the best demo to be granted award certificates.
Important Dates
Poster & Demos Paper Submission: 30/06/2019
Author Notification: 15/07/2019
Camera-ready: 31/07/2019
Poster & Demo Chairs
------------------------------ ----
Renata S.S. Guizzardi, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Daniela Barreiro Claro, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Program Committee
Fatma Başak Aydemir, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Fernanda Baião, PUC-RJ, Brazil
Nelly Condori-Fernández, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Giovanni Giachetti, Universidad Andres Bello, Chile
Martin Henkel, Stockholm University, Sweden
Jennifer Horkoff, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Beatriz Marín, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Patricia Martin-Rodilla, CSIC, Spain
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Anna Perini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Carme Quer, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Manuel Resinas, University of Seville, Spain
Marcela Ruiz, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Sagar Sen, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Vítor Estêvão Silva Souza, UFES, Brazil
Jose Luis de la Vara, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Manuel Wimmer, TU Vienna, Austria
Renata S.S. Guizzardi Núcleo de Estudos em Modelagem Conceitual e Ontologias (NEMO) - http://nemo.inf.ufes.br/ Laboratório de Tecnologias de Apoio a Redes de Colaboração (LabTAR) - http://www.labtar.net.br Living Lab Habitat - http://www.labtar.net.br/site/habitat/ Departamento de Informática, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brasil http://www.inf.ufes.br/~rguizzardi/
Renata S.S. Guizzardi Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO) - http://nemo.inf.ufes.br/ Living Lab Habitat - http://www.labtar.net.br/site/habitat/?lang=en Computer Science Department, Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES), Brazil http://www.inf.ufes.br/~rguizzardi/ _______________________________________________
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Doctoral Consortium for Early Students at AMCIS
2019 - Application Deadline June 14, 2019
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 13:57:37 +0000
From: Miguel Aguirre-Urreta <miaguirr(a)fiu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[This is just a reminder that the application deadline for the Doctoral
Consortium for Early Students is this Friday, June 14, 2019. Please see
below for the full announcement and link to apply.]
The upcoming Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019 in
Cancún will feature an exciting new offering targeted specifically at
both incoming and early-stage doctoral students - the Doctoral
Consortium for Early Students. We would like to enroll your help in
distributing this information to current and incoming PhD students in
your program.
This offering seeks to help Information Systems doctoral students who
are about to start their PhD or who are in the first and second years of
their doctoral studies (i.e., prior to comprehensive exams and
advancement to candidacy at the time of application to the Doctoral
Consortium) to become introduced to the professoriate and to manage the
path toward a sound research publication pipeline and a dissertation
that will make a material contribution to the body of knowledge.
The consortium has three primary objectives:
1. Provide networking opportunities for students with peers and faculty
2. Help students strategize about and focus on their research, teaching
and career plans
3. Prepare students for the dissertation process and advancement to
The program includes a keynote speaker, Dr. Vallabh Sambamurthy, panels
with distinguished faculty, and breakout sessions to discuss research
and issues relevant to the early stages of a doctoral program, such as
focusing on developing a solid research pipeline, preparing for the
comprehensive exam, and transitioning to the dissertation process. In
breakout sessions after each panel, small groups of students will
discuss the panel topic as it relates to their research aspirations with
their faculty mentors and fellow students. The intent is for students to
apply the panel topic to their personal research and doctoral program
goals, with input from faculty mentors and peers.
Students wishing to participate in the Early Students Doctoral
Consortium program at AMCIS 2019 should:
1. Be formally admitted to an Information Systems (or related
discipline) doctoral program; please note that this Doctoral Consortium
is open to prospective (incoming) doctoral students who are starting
their program in 2019.
2. Have yet to sit for and successfully complete a formal comprehensive
examination and have yet to be advanced to candidacy and matriculating
at the dissertation stage of a doctoral program as of the application
deadline (June 14th, 2019).
More information about the program and application materials and process
can be found at the AMCIS 2019 website here:
https://amcis2019.aisconferences.org/events/doctoral-consortium/. Please
feel free to contact us should you have any questions. We look forward
to seeing your early-stage PhD students at AMCIS 2019!
Best regards,
George M. Marakas (gmarakas(a)fiu.edu<mailto:gmarakas@fiu.edu>)
Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta (miaguirr(a)fiu.edu<mailto:miaguirr@fiu.edu>)
Doctoral Consortium (Early Students)
AMCIS 2019
Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, PhD
Visiting Associate Professor
Florida International University
College of Business
11200 S.W. 8th St., RB258A
Miami, FL 33199
Direct: 305.348.8356
Email: miguel.aguirreurreta(a)fiu.edu
[FIU College of Business]<https://business.fiu.edu/>
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Special Issue "The Future of Intelligent
Human-Robot Collaboration"
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 05:42:38 -0400
From: Lionel Robert <lprobert(a)umich.edu>
To: Lionel Robert <lprobert(a)umich.edu>
Dear Colleagues,
This special issue aims to enhance our understanding of intelligent
human‒robot interactions to deal effectively with the emerging challenges
and opportunities. This special issue seeks submissions that draw upon and
contribute to the existing knowledge on human robot interactions, while
acknowledging the disruptive potential of advances in robotics. This
special issue encourages submission that will either significantly build
and/or challenge existing research on human‒robot interactions.
*Link to CFP for Special Issue "The Future of Intelligent Human-Robot
This special issue seeks submissions from a diverse range of HRI topics.
The special issue welcomes papers that explore human‒robot interactions at
any level (i.e. individual, team, organizational, and societal). This also
includes submissions that examine many facets of interactions in any
context (e.g., homes, work, and public services) and role (e.g., companion,
co-worker, boss, and adversary). Submissions to the special issue can also
include empirical studies and conceptual frameworks which seek to advance
our knowledge of the topic.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Theoretical frameworks for human‒robot interaction
- Empirical studies examining the social aspects of human‒robot
- Case studies of human‒robot interaction
- Design implications for robot interactions at home, work and public
- New methodological approaches to studying human‒robot interactions
- Promoting cooperative and collaborative interaction with robots
- Examining uncooperative and adversarial human interactions with robots
- The impact of haptic feedback and touch on human‒robot interaction
- The ethics of human‒robot interactions
- Application of Immersive Virtual Environments in the study human‒robot
*Guest Editors*
Dr. Lionel P. Robert Jr.
Dr. Sangseok You
Dr. Vineet Kamat
Dr. SangHyun Lee
Best regards,
*New Paper(s):*
Du, N., Haspiel, J., Zhang, Q., Tilbury, D., Pradhan, A., Yang, X. J.
and *Robert,
L. P. *(Accepted 2019). *Look Who’s Talking Now: Implications of AV’s
Explanations on Driver’s Trust, AV Preference, Anxiety and Mental Workload*,
*Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies*, (pdf
<http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/149154>), forthcoming, link to the article
provided by the author: http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/149154 and
*Robert, L. P. *(2019*)*. *Are Automated Vehicles Safer than Manually
Driven Cars?*, *AI & Society*, (pdf
), link to publisher's site: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-019-00894-y copy
provided by the author: http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/149146.
*Robert, L. P.* ( 2019). *The Future of Pedestrian-Automated Vehicle
Interactions*, *XRDS: Crossroads*, 25(3), pp. 30-33. (pdf
), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3313115 article provided by author:
http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/148533 or http://arxiv.org/abs/1904.06417 or
Petersen, L., *Robert, L.P.*, Yang, X. J. Tilbury, D. (2019). *Situational
Awareness, Driver’s Trust in Automated Driving Systems and Secondary Task
Performance*, *SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated
Vehicles*, 2(2), (pdf
DOI:10.4271/12-02-02-0009 link to the article
https://saemobilus.sae.org/content/12-02-02-0009/ and copy provided by the
author: http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/148141 and
Lionel P. Robert Jr.
Associate Professor, School of Information
Core Faculty, Michigan Robotics Institute
Affiliate Faculty, National Center for Institutional Diversity
Affiliate Faculty, Michigan Interactive and Social Computing
Director of MAVRIC <https://mavric.si.umich.edu>
Co-Director of DOW Lab
University of Michigan
Email: lprobert(a)umich.edu
UMSI Website <https://www.si.umich.edu/directory/lionel-robert> | Personal
Website <https://sites.google.com/a/umich.edu/lionelrobert/home>
MAVRIC: https://mavric.si.umich.edu
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Subject: [AISWorld] *** Special Issue of European Journal of Marketing
on AI as a Market Facing Technology ***
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 14:58:29 +0000
From: Barnes, Stuart <stuart.barnes(a)kcl.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*** Call for Papers: Artificial Intelligence as a Market-Facing
*** Special Issue of European Journal of Marketing ***
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming how consumers,
businesses, government agencies and other institutions interact. AI
involves the use of smart technologies to perform and collaborate on
tasks requiring human intelligence, including learning, action and
flexibly adapting to fast-paced marketplaces. According to PwC [1] ,
artificial intelligence will make $15 trillion potential contribution to
global economy by 2030. Moreover, the role of AI is changing, from a
primary focus on augmenting and automating tasks and roles, to deeper
involvement in core business and marketing functions; for example, 45%
of predicted value gains are estimated to come from product enhancement,
stimulating customer demand [2]. In order to deliver on such potential,
there is a pertinent need for an in-depth understanding of AI as a
market-facing technology.
The aim of this special issue is to examine the current and future
impact of AI and related technologies (including machine learning, AR
and VR) in marketing. AI, along with big data, can help to more clearly
understand markets, and create, capture and sustain value along the
customer journey [3]. Notwithstanding, AI also presents potential risks
for society, consumer autonomy and individual well-being, the
implications of which are not yet well understood [4]. Questions are
emerging concerning the ethics around the use of dominant algorithms by
marketers and consumers, the threat of superintelligence, and in
upholding appropriate international customer data protection and privacy.
This special issue will showcase novel, high quality, up-to-date
research into the application of AI in marketing. We wish to bridge the
gap between managerial and technical perspectives to identify papers
that make a substantial research contribution to AI in marketing by
taking a strategic perspective on AI as a market-facing technology. It
is anticipated that submitted papers are likely to be multidisciplinary,
including multiple points of view and collaborations between marketing
and information systems, data science, and other disciplines to advance
our understanding of AI on the organizational frontline. We welcome a
variety of types of submissions, including theory development,
state-of-the-art practical case study applications, and thought-leading
conceptual papers. In addition to standard-length papers, we also
encourage contributors to submit shorter (approx. 6000 word) papers as
conceptual or research notes.
We will also invite a forum of practitioners to reflect on the scholarly
articles. All submitted papers will be thoroughly peer-reviewed and
selected on the basis of both their quality and their relevance to the
theme of this special issue. Papers invited for revision will be invited
to present their research at a workshop held at King's College London in
May 2020.
[1] PwC (2017). Sizing the Prize: What's the Real Value of AI for Your
Business and How Can You Capitalise? London: PwC.
[2] Op. cit.
[3] Kietzman, J., Paschen, J., and Treen, E. (2018). Artificial
intelligence in advertising: How marketers can leverage artificial
intelligence along the customer journey. Journal of Advertising
Research, 58(3), 263-267.
[4] André, Q., Carmon, Z., Wertenbroch, K., Crum, A., Frank, D.,
Goldstein, W., Huber, J., van Boven, L., Weber, B., and Yang, H. (2018).
Consumer choice and autonomy in the age of artificial intelligence and
big data. Consumer Needs and Solutions, 5(1-2), 28-37.
The full call for papers can be found here:
Special Issue Co-Editors:
Professor Ko de Ruyter, Head of Marketing Group
King's Business School, King's College London
E: ko.de_ruyter(a)kcl.ac.uk
Professor Stuart J. Barnes, Chair in Marketing and Director of the CODA
Research Centre
King's Business School, King's College London
E: stuart.barnes(a)kcl.ac.uk
Important Dates
* Submissions can be made from 1 December 2019 until 31 December 2019.
* Invitation to Revise Paper for Special Issue: 30th April 2020.
* Invitation to Workshop: to be held in May 2020
* Deadline for Revised Paper: 31st July 2020.
* Final Decision on Acceptance: 30th October 2020.
* Publication: Volume 55, 2021.
Submission Information
Submission can be made during December 2019. During this period
submitting authors should upload their article to the journal's Scholar
One system available through the author guidelines at
www.emeraldinsight.com/ejm.htm During submission the authors should
select this special issue from the drop down menu available. Any queries
should be addressed initially to the Guest Editors.
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Subject: [AISWorld] Digital Practices: Unpacking the New Logics of
Organizing in a Digital Age (AoM Paper Development Workshop)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 13:55:30 +0000
From: Abayomi Baiyere <aba.digi(a)cbs.dk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Digital Practices: Unpacking the New Logics of Organizing in a Digital Age
Call for extended abstracts - Paper Development Workshop at the Academy
of Management
Participant: Abayomi Baiyere, Copenhagen Business School
Participant: Michel Avital, Copenhagen Business School
Participant: Michael Barrett, U. of Cambridge
Participant: Nicholas Berente, U. of Notre Dame
Participant: Ioanna Constantiou, Copenhagen Business School
Participant: Daniel Furstenau, Freie U. Berlin
Participant: Raghu Garud, Pennsylvania State U.
Participant: Ola Henfridsson, Warwick Business School
Participant: C. R. Hinings, U. of Calgary
Participant: Sirkka Jarvenpaa, The U. of Texas at Austin
Participant: Natalia Levina, New York U.
Participant: Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve U.
Participant: Philipp Tuertscher, Vrije U. Amsterdam
Participant: Lauri Kristian Wessel, Free U. Berlin
Participant: Youngjin Yoo, Case Western Reserve U.
Overview: This PDW (professional development workshop) session engages
the workshop attendees to debate and get feedback on their research
related to unpacking the essence and peculiarities of digital practices.
In particular, the PDW is aimed at examining how the organizing logics
in a digital age requires new theoretical viewpoints as well as
expositions on how prior theories and assumptions may be used to unpack
digital practices. Attention to digital practices is pertinent as
digital is gradually becoming a sticker concept. In recent years, we
have seen a growing trend in which the term digital is affixed to
well-known management and IT concepts (Yoo et al. 2010; Bharadwaj et al.
2013; Baiyere et al. 2017; Tumbas et al. 2018; Hinings et al. 2018). One
may be wary and skeptical about the ongoing digital relabeling
considering there has been similar patterns with the rise and decline of
trends such as mobile "x", "e-everything", to mention a few. Yet, there
seem to be a sentiment i
n the community that digital is not necessarily another buzzword, but
the emergence of a fundamental shift. A shift that may hold profound
implications for extant management practices and assumptions. Evidence
of this can be deduced in the growing use of the digital labels across
several divisions and beyond management disciplines. But, going beyond
mere labels, scholars have shown how digital organizing is an ongoing
process (see for instance Garud, Jain & Tuertscher, 2008). To address
these issues, this PDW is organized to attract scholars with interests
in exploring, debating or unpacking the value, necessity and positioning
of the digital notion within management scholarship. Specifically, we
aim to engage in unpacking digital practices that we conceptualize as
the logics of organizing in a digital age.
Format of the PDW: Participants are encouraged to submit extended
abstracts of research papers or ideas they are working on that is
related to the digital theme of the workshop. The idea is that this are
abstracts the participants would like to discuss and receive
constructive feedback on. Submitted abstracts would be carefully read
and grouped into related themes. These groups will be paired with at
least one of the listed renowned scholars who would have already read
the abstracts. These papers are then discussed in roundtables along with
other participants who would have received copies of the abstract prior
to the workshop. Concluding reflections addressing the key question of
the nature of digital practices as reflected in the papers are then
presented in panel and open discussion format.
Date and Venue: The PDW is tentatively scheduled to take place at Boston
Marriott Copley Place / Grand Ballroom Salon IJ on Saturday, Aug 10
2019, 8:00AM - 11:00AM.
To participate in the Paper Development Workshop: Interested
participants are required to submit an extended abstract (5-page max PDF
or MS Word file excluding references but including author affiliations)
of the paper to be discussed to aba.digi(a)cbs.dk<mailto:aba.digi@cbs.dk>.
Extended abstracts should be submitted by July 12th to obtain the
approval code. For more info: https://aom.org/meetings/sess2019.asp?id=15314
Abayomi Baiyere
Assistant Professor
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School - CBS
Howitzvej 60, 3.18 | 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Tel: +45 4185 2611 | +358 503 290 991
Mail: aba.digi(a)cbs.dk<mailto:aba.digi@cbs.dk> | Web:
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] JMIS Special Issue on Fake News
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 14:19:24 +0000
From: Dennis, Alan R. <ardennis(a)indiana.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Journal of Management Information Systems
Special Section on Fake News on the Internet
Due Date: April 30, 2020
The online generation and dissemination of false information (e.g.,
through Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other Internet media), commonly
referred to as "fake news", has garnered immense public attention
following the 2016 Brexit referendum, the 2016 and 2018 US elections,
the 2019 Indian lynchings, and the 2019 rise in polio cases in Pakistan.
Fake news undermines public life across the globe, especially in
countries where journalistic practices and institutions are weak [3].
Some fake news is created to spread ideological messages or to create
mischief whereas other fake news is created for profit, such as the
Macedonian teenagers who created fake news sites to drive advertising [21].
Research shows that fake news spreads "significantly farther, faster,
deeper, and more broadly" than true news [23:1146] and has had major
societal impacts [14]. All signs indicate that it will get worse as
political activists, scammers, alternative news media, and hostile
governments become more sophisticated in their production and targeting
of fake news.
Fake news and other types of false information are also a matter of
concern for business and management research and practice [2,8,18].
Businesses have engaged in deceptive communications such as
greenwashing, astroturfing, false advertising and other types of false
messages [4,13], but false content presented as news presents a novel
range of issues for individuals, organizations, and societies [1,17].
The widespread adoption and use of information and communication
technologies, particularly social and digital media, play a key role in
the current wave of fake news and false information sweeping the globe
[1,6,12]. We believe that the IS discipline can contribute significantly
to the discourse, as it already has in related areas such as
cyberdeviance [22] and deception [e.g., 5]. Our field can draw on its
intellectual core of theories and empirical findings on the design, use,
and impacts of IT artifacts at different levels of analysis. A nascent
body of IS research on this topic is emerging [7,15,16,17,19]. Related
areas such as review manipulation [e.g., 10] and social behaviors in
online social networks [e.g., 9,11,20] can provide valuable lessons to
apply to online fake news and false information more generally. Yet
there is a dearth of evidence about many aspects, and many issues remain
open to debate.
This Special Section seeks to expand this emerging work and mobilize a
full-fledged research agenda on fake news within the IS discipline. We
call for papers addressing interesting IS questions around the fake news
phenomenon on the Internet. We seek a wide range of research in content,
theory, perspectives, methods, and stakeholders affected. We encourage
pure IS research as well as inter-disciplinary research with partners
from journalism, communication, sociology, political science, and other
Example fake news (FN) topics for the special issue include, but are not
limited to:
* Different sources, domains, and purposes of FN
* Impacts of FN on users, groups, companies, and/or societies
* User attitudes and behaviors about FN, and the effectiveness of user
interventions (e.g. education, nudges)
* Trust, authenticity, authority, and truth on social media and the
Internet in general
* Social media companies' attitudes and behavior around the consumption
and/or sharing of FN
* Effects of platform governance, management, and technical affordances
on the spread and consumption of FN
* Technical, behavioral, economic, regulatory/policy solutions to reduce
the consumption and/or sharing of FN
* Design of algorithms, social bots, curation systems, recommendation
systems and their effects on the spread of FN, whether to promote or
inhibit FN.
* Crowdsourcing innovations to counter FN
* Contribution of online communities in the incubation, spread, and/or
detection of FN
* Business models, innovations and opportunities in news and media
businesses to counter FN
* National, cultural, and institutional differences in the nature and
dynamics of FN
* Organized disinformation operations on social media: sources,
dynamics, effectiveness, and responses
* Social media manipulation and algorithmic "gaming" to encourage the
spread of FN
* New theories around FN.
We welcome research using a variety of methodologies, and at any level
of analysis, such as:
* High quality qualitative (e.g., interview, observation) or
quantitative (e.g., experimental, survey) research of all kinds
* Archival and observational research using data drawn from the Internet
* Mixed methods research (e.g., surveys complemented with digital trace
* Research proposing and evaluating innovative artifacts (i.e., design
science research)
* Comprehensive theory development papers.
Authors are welcome to email an abstract or extended abstract to the
Guest Editors prior to submission if they have questions about their
paper's fit with the special section. Official submissions should be
emailed to: ardennis(a)iu.edu<mailto:ardennis@iu.edu>
Due: April 30, 2020
Notification: July 15, 2020
1st Resubmission: October 15, 2021
Notification: January 15, 2021
2nd Resubmission: April 15, 2021
Final Decisions: June 15, 2021
Guest Editors
Alan Dennis, Indiana University, USA, ardennis(a)iu.edu
Alan has conducted several lab experiments and surveys on the
consumption and sharing of fake news. He has written more than hundred
research articles, and served as Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly. His
other research interests include virtual teams (including virtual
reality), NeuroIS, and designing IT to influence subconscious cognition.
He serves on the editorial board of Journal of Management Information
Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh, USA,
Dennis has conducted studies in the related area of phishing (e.g.,
Moody et al. 2017) and has launched a two-study project to research fake
news. He is an AIS Fellow, a LEO lifetime achievement awardee, and
serves as Doctoral Director for the Business School. He has published
over a hundred articles, conference papers, and books. He serves as an
MIS Quarterly Senior Editor and an editorial board member of Journal of
Management Information Systems.
Jane Webster, Queen's University, Canada, jane.webster(a)queensu.ca
Jane has worked in areas related to fake news, including knowledge
hiding, knowledge sharing, and greenwashing. She has served as a Senior
Editor for MIS Quarterly and VP Publications for AIS. She has published
over a hundred research papers, most recently focusing on information
systems and technologies to support environmental sustainability.
1. Allcott, H. and Gentzkow, M. Social media and fake news in the 2016
election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31, 2 (May 2017), 211-236.
2. Aral, S. Truth, Disrupted. Harvard Business Review, 2018, 3-11.
3. Bradshaw, S. and Howard, P.N. Challenging truth and trust: A global
inventory of organized social media manipulation. The Computational
Propaganda Project, (2018).
4. Dunlap, R.R. and McCright, A.M. Organized climate change denial. In
J.S. Dryzek, R.B. Norgaard and D. Schlosberg, eds., The Oxford handbook
of climate change and society. Oxford University Press, 2011.
5. George, J.F., Gupta, M., Giordano, G., Mills, A.M., Tennant, V.M.,
and Lewis, C.C. The effects of communication media and culture on
deception detection accuracy. MIS Quarterly, 42, 2 (February 2018), 551-575.
6. Humprecht, E. Where "fake news" flourishes: a comparison across four
Western democracies. Information, Communication & Society, (May 2018), 1-16.
7. Kim, A. and Dennis, A.R. Says who? The effects of presentation format
and source rating on fake news in social media. MIS Quarterly, 43, 3
(September 2019).
8. Knight, E. and Tsoukas, H. When fiction trumps truth: What
"post-truth" and "alternative facts" mean for management studies.
Organization Studies, 40, 2 (February 2019), 183-197.
9. Kuem, J., Ray, S., Siponen, M., and Kim, S.S. What leads to prosocial
behaviors on social networking services: A tripartite model. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 34, 1 (January 2017), 40-70.
10. Kumar, N., Venugopal, D., Qiu, L., and Kumar, S. Detecting review
manipulation on online platforms with hierarchical supervised learning.
Journal of Management Information Systems, 35, 1 (January 2018), 350-380.
11. Kwon, H.E., Oh, W., and Kim, T. Platform structures, homing
preferences, and homophilous propensities in online social networks.
Journal of Management Information Systems, 34, 3 (July 2017), 768-802.
12. Lazer, D.M.J., Baum, M.A., Benkler, Y., et al. The science of fake
news. Science, 359, 6380 (March 2018), 1094-1096.
13. Lyon, T.P. and Montgomery, A.W. The means and end of greenwash.
Organization & Environment, 28, 2 (June 2015), 223-249.
14. Mathew, I. Most Americans say they have lost trust in the media.
Columbia Journalism Review, 2018.
15. Moravec, P., Kim, A., and Dennis, A.R. Behind the stars: The effects
of news source ratings on fake news in social media. Journal of
Management Information Systems, (in press).
16. Moravec, P., Kim, A., and Dennis, A.R. Flagging fake news: System 1
vs. System 2. In ICIS 2018 Proceedings. Association for Information
Systems, San Francisco, CA, US, 2018.
17. Moravec, P., Minas, R.A., and Dennis, A.R. Fake news on social
media: People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense
at all. MIS Quarterly, (in press).
18. Murphy, M. Study: Fake news hits the workplace. Leadership IQ, 2017.
19. Murungi, D., Puaro, S., and Yates, D.J. Beyond facts: A new spin on
fake news in the age of social media. In AMCIS 2018 Proceedings.
Association for Information Systems, New Orleans, LA, US, 2018.
20. Pan, Z., Lu, Y., Wang, B., and Chau, P.Y.K. Who do you think you
are? Common and differential effects of social self-identity on social
media usage. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34, 1 (January
2017), 71-101.
21. Subramanian, S. Inside the Macedonian fake-news complex. Wired,
2017. https://www.wired.com/2017/02/veles-macedonia-fake-news/.
22. Venkatraman, S., M. K. Cheung, C., Lee, Z.W.Y., D. Davis, F., and
Venkatesh, V. The "Darth" side of technology use: An inductively derived
typology of cyberdeviance. Journal of Management Information Systems,
35, 4 (October 2018), 1060-1091.
23. Vosoughi, S., Roy, D., and Aral, S. The spread of true and false
news online. Science, 359, 6380 (March 2018), 1146-1151.
Alan Dennis
Professor and John T. Chambers Chair of Internet Systems
AIS President Elect (aisnet.org<https://aisnet.org/>)
Editor-in-Chief, AIS Transactions on Replication Research
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