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Subject: [AISWorld] [DEADLINE EXTENDED] The 5th IEEE International
Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (IEEE CBDCom 2019)
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 10:34:24 +0000
From: Naercio Magaia <ndmagaia(a)fc.ul.pt>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
======================CALL FOR PAPERS==============================
The 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing
(IEEE CBDCom 2019)
Fukuoka, Japan, August 5-8, 2019
PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED: regular paper and poster submission
due: APRIL 20th, 2019
The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing is a
premier forum for researchers, practitioners and developers who are
interested in cloud computing and big data to explore new ideas,
techniques and tools, as well as to exchange experience. Besides the
latest research achievements, the conference covers also innovative
commercial data management systems, innovative commercial applications
of cloud computing and big data technology, and experience in applying
recent research advances to real-world problems.
IEEE CBDCom 2019 will be the fifth edition of the conference after the
success of CBDCom 2015 in Beijing, CBDCom 2016 in Toulouse, CBDCom 2017
in San Francisco, and CBDCom 2018 in Guangzhou. It will continuously
offer a platform for researchers to exchange novel studies, discuss
important issues and explore key challenges in innovative cloud and big
data for smarter world.
IEEE CBDCom 2019 will be held on August 5-8, 2019, co-located with IEEE
CyberSciTech 2019, IEEE DASC 2019 and IEEE PICom 2019, in Fukuoka, Japan.
Regular Paper Submission Due: April 20th, 2019
Poster Paper Due: April 20th, 2019
Authors Notification: May 25th, 2019
Camera-ready Submission: June 20th, 2019
Conference: August 5th-8th, 2019
The 2019 edition of IEEE CBDCom will be organized in research tracks.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
*Track 1 - Data Science & Analytics*
- Big Data Fundamentals & Novel Paradigms
- Big Data Algorithms, Applications & Services
- Big Data Mining & Analytics
- Big data Processing & Querying
- Big Data Visualization
- Big Data Computing & Recommendations
*Track 2 - Big Data Infrastructure & Management*
- Big Data Cloud, Grid, Stream Computing
- High Performance Platforms for Big Data
- NoSQL Data Stores & DB scalability
- Energy-Efficient Computing for Big Data
- Recommendation & Social Media Systems
- Big Data Availability & Reliability
*Track 3 - Big Data Tools & Applications*
- Complex Big Data Processing
- BD in Networks & Communications
- Big Data as a Service
- Data Warehousing over Big Data
- BD Machine & Deep Learning
- Innovative Applications & Experiences
*Track 4 - Cloud Management & Virtualization*
- Virtualization Technologies
- Cloud Computing Platforms
- Public, Private & Hybrid Clouds
- Green & Energy Management
- Cloudlet and Serverless Computing
- Resource Management, Storage & QoS
*Track 5 - Cloud/Big Data Security, Privacy & Trust*
- Security, Privacy & Reliability in Cloud & BD
- Dependable/Trustworthy Big Data Processing
- Security/Privacy/Trust as a Service
- Blockchain in Cloud and Big Data Application
- Cloud Attacks Detection and Prevention
- Ethic Issues in Cloud & Big Data
*Track 6 - Cloud/Big Data for IoT & Smart City*
- Smart Data & Smart Environments
- CBD for IoT & Cyber-Physical Systems
- RFID & Related Technologies for IoT
- M2M Communications and IoT
- IoT and Smart City Infrastructures
- Green Computing for Big Data & Smart City
Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not
previously been submitted or published in any other venue.
The link to EDAS submission system is the following:
Papers should be prepared in IEEE CS Proceedings format.
IEEE formatting information:
- Proposals for organizing tutorials, workshops and special sessions
need to be submitted to the Tutorials, Workshops and Special Sessions
Chairs, respectively. A proposal should include title, theme, scope and
main presenters/organizers.
- Research paper (6-8 pages) should explore a specific technology
problem and propose a complete solution to it, with experimental results.
- Works-in-Progess (WIP) (4-6 pages) papers are expected to present
either work currently in progress or less developed but highly
innovative ideas.
- Demo/Poster papers (2-4 pages) must describe working systems and be
related to CBDCom. These systems may be innovative prototype
implementations or mature systems that use related technology.
Some papers originally submitted as full papers can be accepted as short
papers or posters during the review process. In such cases, the authors
will need to reduce the paper accordingly when preparing the
camera-ready version. At least one of the authors of any accepted paper
is requested to register and present the paper at the conference.
All accepted papers in the main tracks and workshops will be published
in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings (EI indexed).
All accepted papers in the main tracks, workshops, special sessions and
demos/posters will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings,
indexed by
- IEEE Xplore
- Scopus
- EI Engineering Index
- ACM Digital Library
- dblp
- Google Scholar
Extended version of the selected papers will be considered for
publication in special issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed).
Organizing Committees
Honorary Chairs
Hamido Fujita, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Frank Hsu, Fordam University, USA
General Chairs
Anna Kobusińska, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Peng Li, The University of Aizu, Japan
General Executive Chairs
Bernady O. Apduhan, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
Paulo Pires, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rachid Benlamri, Lakehead University, Canada
Program Chairs
Shu Tao, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Xiaoyan Wang, Ibaraki University, Japan
Track 1. Big Data Science and Analytics
Burak Kantarci, University of Ottawa, Canada
Track 2. Big Data Infrastructure and Management
Hao Wang, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway
Track 3. Big Data Tools and Applications
Dionisis Margaris, University of Athens, Greece
Track 4. Cloud Management, Virtualization and Service
Tsozen Yeh, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Track 5. Cloud/Big Data Security, Privacy and Trust
Haiying (Helen) Shen, University of Virginia, USA
Track 6. Cloud/Big Data for IoT and Smart City
Zhi Liu, Shizuoka University, Japan
Workshop Chairs
Yue-Shan Chang, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Shengli Pan, China University of Geoscience, China
International Liaison & Publicity Chairs
Naercio Magaia, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carlos Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Samia Bouzefrance, CNAM, France
Michał Boroń, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Kai Cheng, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
Advisory Committee
Georges Da Costa, lRIT, France
Christophe Cerin, University of Paris XIII, France
Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
Andrzej Gościński, Deakin University, Australia
Carson K. Leung, University of Manitoba, Canada
Jie Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan
Fuhua Oscar Lin, Athabasca University, Canada
Yinglong Xia, Huawei Research America, USA
Weishan Zhang, China Univ. of Petroleum, China
Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Steering Committee
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Laurence T. Yang, SFX University, Canada
Huansheng Ning, Univ. Sci and Tech Beijing, China
Julien Bourgeois, UBFC, France
Mazin Yousif, T-Systems International, USA
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
Please visit the IEEE CDBCom 2019 website
for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [wkwi] CfP - 10th International Conference on Exploring
Service Science IESS Porto Feb 2020
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2019 13:05:03 +0000
From: Satzger, Gerhard (KSRI) <gerhard.satzger(a)kit.edu>
Reply-To: Satzger, Gerhard (KSRI) <gerhard.satzger(a)kit.edu>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
** Apologies for cross-postings **
Dear colleagues,
pls. find below the CfP for the next IESS Conference 2020 in Porto - the
conference that has been hosted by us at KIT last year.
* Submission deadline: Sept 15, 2019;
* Publication in Springer LNBIP (VHB Jourqual3 "C").
Thanks for considering to submit!
**** CfP IESS ****
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 10th
International Conference on Exploring Service Science - IESS 2020,
organized by Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto on
February 5-7, 2020.
The 10th International Conference on Exploring Service Science, IESS
2.0, will be organized by the Faculty of Engineering of the University
of Porto (FEUP), on February 05-07, 2020 in Porto, Portugal. The
conference will bring together academics, service industry practitioners
and their worldwide partners in a collegial and stimulating environment.
According to its tradition, IESS 2.0 will cover major areas of R&D and
education related to service science and service innovation, including
new emerging research trends. Contributions should be grounded in one or
several contexts and multi-disciplinary approaches are particularly
Papers are solicited on topics related to one or several topics of the
following list, but not limited to them. Contributions should be
grounded in one or several contexts and be open to multi-disciplinary
approaches. Key themes include:
•Open Topics for Exploration in Service Science
•Service Design and Innovation
•Service Business Models
•Digitalization of Services
Michel Léonard, University of Geneva, Switzerland
João Falcão e Cunha, University of Porto, Portugal
Henriqueta Nóvoa, University of Porto, Portugal
Monica Drăgoicea, University Polithenica of Bucharest, Romania
Niklas Kühl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Authors are kindly asked to submit original, not published or being
considered elsewhere full papers in Springer LNBIP format via the Easy
Chair conference management system that will be available on the
conference website http://iess2020.fe.up.pt
Contributions must be submitted in English and are limited to 14 pages
(maximum), according to the paper formatting rules (website:
"Submission/Instructions for authors" tab). Submissions will be
evaluated through a double-blind review process.
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the Springer
Series “Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing”,
abstracted/indexed in CPCI (ISI) Proceedings, SCOPUS, DBLP, EI, Google
Scholar and Springerlink.
At least one author for each accepted paper must attend the conference
and present the work. The online submission system will be available on
the conference website: http://iess2020.fe.up.pt
•CONFERENCEFebruary 5 –7, 2020
We look forward to your submissions as well as welcoming you in Porto,
for this very special 10th edition of the IESS Conference. If there are
any questions left, don´t hesitate to contact us at iess2020(a)fe.up.pt
Email: iess2020(a)fe.up.pt
Facebook: facebook.com/iess2020
Twitter: twitter.com/iess2020
Sincerely yours,
Henriqueta Nóvoa, University of Porto, Portugal
Monica Drăgoicea, University Polithenica of Bucharest, Romania
Niklas Kühl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,
Gerhard Satzger
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Satzger
Director Karlsruhe Service Research Institute
Research Group Digital Service Innovation
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Kaiserstraße 89, D-76133 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49-(0)-721-6084-8763, Mobile: +49-(0)171-550-4748
Office: Helga Neher / Maria-Theresia Simon; email: office(a)ksri.kit.edu;
phone +49-(0)-721-608-43227
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Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT
2019) - Call for papers
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 14:30:26 +0000
From: Tanja Blascheck <Tanja.Blascheck(a)vis.uni-stuttgart.de>
To: Tanja Blascheck <Tanja.Blascheck(a)vis.uni-stuttgart.de>
Software visualization is a broad research area whose general goal is to
enhance and promote the theory, realization, and evaluation of
approaches to visually encode and analyze software systems, including
software development practices, evolution, structure, and software
runtime behavior. Software visualization is inherently
interdisciplinary, drawing on theories and techniques from information
visualization and computer graphics and applying these in the software
engineering domain.
The VISSOFT conference is principally a venue for publishing and
discussing research related to software visualization. VISSOFT brings
together a community of researchers from software engineering,
information visualization, computer graphics, human-computer
interaction, and data science to discuss theoretical foundations,
algorithms, techniques, tools, and applications related to software
This year's VISSOFT, co-held with ICSME, encourages a variety of
submissions that address outstanding challenges in software systems
using visualization. This includes technical papers, empirical studies,
applications, case studies, and papers that present novel ideas and tools.
* Innovative visualization and visual analytics techniques for analysis
of software engineering data. This includes source code, dependencies,
repositories, developer social networks like StackOverflow and GitHub,
mobile app reviews, documentation, runtime logs, and DevOps data.
* Visualization to support software development activities, including
design, requirements engineering, program comprehension, software
testing, and debugging.
* Interaction techniques and algorithms for software visualization.
* Visualization-based techniques in software engineering education.
* Integration of software visualization tools with development environments.
* Empirical evaluation of software visualizations, including eye tracking.
* Industrial experience with using software visualization.
* Applications of new technologies to enhance software visualization,
including virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, and machine
* Analytical approaches to understand software-related aspects based on
data science concepts.
We solicit papers that present original, unpublished research results.
Papers will be rigorously reviewed by an international program
committee. In addition to technical papers, VISSOFT features a New Ideas
or Emerging Results (NIER) track and a Tools track. All accepted
submissions will appear in the conference proceedings and the IEEE
Digital Library.
Technical papers:
A technical paper contribution must describe an in-depth and mature
research result relevant to software visualization. The content of a
technical paper can be at a maximum 10 pages long (including all
figures, tables, and appendices). However, the 10 page limit does not
include the bibliography, which is limited by two additional pages.
The submission of a video (up to 5 minutes in length) to accompany the
paper is highly encouraged to show interaction possibilities. Authors
who wish to submit a video can submit the video together with their
paper if the size of the video is smaller than 50 MB, otherwise a URL to
the video should be provided.
Authors of conditionally accepted papers must revise the paper based on
the reviewers' comments and submit a response letter explaining how the
comments are taken into account in the revised paper version. In a
second reviewing cycle, the reviewers decide if the paper has been
revised accordingly.
After the notification, authors can also submit an artifact (tool, data,
model, etc.) or modify their paper to make it acceptable for the
NIER/TOOLS track which will have their own call for papers.
NIER/TD Track:
The NIER/TD Track of VISSOFT accepts two types of contributions: NIER
(New Ideas and Emerging Results) and Tool Demonstrations (TD). Both NIER
and TD contributions have a page limit of 5 (including bibliography).
NIER contributions describe work-in-progress and preliminary exciting
results. Authors are encouraged to include open questions and even
provocative hypotheses to get early feedback on their research ideas. A
sound evaluation is not required for NIER contributions. One of the
goals of the NIER Track is to foster collaboration among different
research groups.
Tool Demonstrations (TD) describe the design or actual utilization of
software visualization tools, with a focus on the architecture of the
tool or its use to gain new insights. During the conference, we will
organize an informal tool demonstration session where authors of TD
papers are requested to demonstrate their tools. The submission may also
contain a link to a screencast (e.g., YouTube or Vimeo) to show the
interaction possibilities offered by the tool.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vissoft2019
Technical Papers NIER/TD Track
Paper Submission: April 26, 2019 June 3, 2019
1st Notification: May 26, 2019
Revised Paper: June 9, 2019
Final Notification: June 16, 2019 June 24, 2019
Camera-Ready: July 8, 2019
Conference Date: September 30 - October 1, 2019
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on Managing
Information Systems in Developing Economies
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 07:32:27 +0000
From: Richard Boateng <richard.boateng(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on Managing Information Systems in
Developing EconomiesThe book is a contemporary text to the theory and
practice of managing information systems in developing economies. It
explores theory and applications of information systems concepts through a
mix of cases, discussions with information systems practitioners and
executives, and reviews of contemporary issues and trends in information
systems research and practice in developing economies. The first part of
the book focuses on cases and discussions which demonstrate the need,
development, adoption, usage and impact of information systems among
organizations in developing economies. The second part of the book examines
how entrepreneurs, organizations and institutions make specific decisions
in leveraging new and emerging digital technologies/services/information
platforms (e.g. data mining, social commerce, social media journalism, fake
news networks, User-generated content, video content, voice search,
pre-cognitive technologies, blockchain, smart devices, cloud computing,
Internet of Things, virtual/augmented reality, big data analytics, 3D/4D
printing, Drones) to create new products and services. The third part of
the book examines how information and communication technologies help to
achieve socio-economic development outcomes (particularly the sustainable
development goals, curbing corruption, and addressing climate change
challenges). The fourth part of the book presents reviews and discussions
of contemporary issues and trends in information systems and its
implications on developing economies. It takes into cognizance the key
trends in the conduct of business, consumer behavior, technology and
governance and how these will shape the future of information systems. It
also reviews the past and present information systems research and
practices to inform the future.
The book takes a practice-oriented approach in which academic authors are
encouraged to pair with practitioners to develop cases, discussions and
reviews. This is to ensure that the content have relevance to practitioners
and professionals, providing them with best practices and lessons which can
inform decisions and strategies in the practice of information systems in
developing economies. All case descriptions, discussions and reviews follow
a unified schema, making them easily accessible and useful for
professionals, practitioners, researchers, teachers, and students.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global, publisher of the
"Information Science Reference".
*Important Dates:*
Proposals Submission Deadline: April 15, 2019
Full Chapters Due: July 15, 2019
Submission Date: November 29, 2019
*Submit Chapter Proposals*
Richard Boateng
Associate Professor in Information Systems,
*University of Ghana Business School, Ghana*
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: International Workshop on Very Large Internet
of Things @ VLDB 2019
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 11:33:13 +0100
From: Sven Groppe <groppe(a)ifis.uni-luebeck.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2019)
In conjunction with VLDB 2019
August 30, 2019, Los Angeles, USA
Submission: April 3, 2019 - Submission deadline has been extended!
Web: http://www.ifis.uni-luebeck.de/~groppe/vliot
** Aims of the Workshop **
An increasing number of real-world objects are becoming accessible and
manageable through the Internet. According to CISCO, the number of these
devices will reach 50 billion by 2020, forming a very large Internet of
Things (VLIoT). This massive number of "smart" objects will cooperate
with each other, have their own metadata, and may continuously produce
new data (in form of events, sensor data, or actuator states). Data
management will be a major challenge in the very large Internet of
Things. Hence, efficient IoT infrastructure and technologies must be
developed to handle masses of IoT data with high performance. This will
include: new techniques to filter and store relevant data; efficient
replication approaches for objects with constrained resources in order
to increase availability and durability; new protocols for voting about
decisions among objects; and smooth integration of heterogeneous objects.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together academic researchers and
industry practitioners working in the field of IoT and to allow them to
report and exchange their findings addressing these challenges. This
workshop also intends to discuss other closely-related technologies such
as Nanotechnology, Fog-, Edge-, and Dew-Computing for IoT. The ideas of
Fog, Edge and Dew Computing may indeed solve or attenuate the problems
of a very large Internet of Things (w.r.t. performance,
energy-efficiency, as well as security and privacy aspects).
** Types of Papers **
The workshop welcomes contributions describing original ideas, promising
new concepts, and practical experience. In particular, we solicit papers
of different types:
- Research Papers proposing new approaches, theories or techniques
related to Internet of Things, including new data structures,
algorithms, whole systems, and frameworks. They should make substantial
theoretical and empirical contributions to the research field.
- Experiments and Analysis Papers focusing on the experimental
evaluation of existing approaches including data structures and
algorithms for Internet of Things and bring new insights through the
analysis of these experiments. Results of experiments and analysis
papers can be, for example, showing benefits of well-known approaches in
new settings and environments, opening new research problems by
demonstrating unexpected behavior or phenomena, or comparing a set of
traditional approaches in an experimental survey.
- Application Papers reporting practical experiences on Internet of
Things applications. Application papers might describe specific
application domains in the IoT such as smart homes/offices/cities,
continuous health care, waste management, emergency response,
intelligent response, and Industry 4.0.
- Vision Papers identifying emerging or future research issues and
directions, and describing new research visions in the IoT area that may
have a great impact on our society.
** Topics of Interest **
We welcome papers on the following and other relevant topics:
- Semantic IoT
- Privacy-by-design and security-by-design in IoT
- System architectures for IoT, e.g.
- things-centric,
- data-centric,
- event-centric, and
- service-centric.
- IoT applications including:
- smart homes/offices/cities,
- waste management,
- health care,
- emergency response, and
- intelligent shopping.
- Nano Technology including:
- Nano Networks,
- Nano communication,
- Nano applications,
- Nano computing, and
- Internet of Nano Things.
- IoT programming toolkits and frameworks
- IoT prototypes and evaluation test-beds
- IoT data mining and analytics
- IoT management and interoperability
- Management of IoT streams
- Enabling technologies and standards for the IoT
- Spatial and temporal reasoning for IoT
- Sustainability of IoT platforms, e.g. business models for deployment
and maintenance
- Societal challenges and IoT, e.g. urban planning and decision making tools
- Ownership of data in IoT scenarios
- Fog, Edge and Dew Computing for IoT
- IoT benchmarks and performance measurement
- Indexing and search in IoT environments
- IoT transactions, concurrency control and recovery
- Hardware accelerators and energy savers for IoT applications and core
- IoT discovery of devices, services and data
** Workshop Chairs **
- Sven Groppe, University of Luebeck, Germany
- Markus Endler, PUC Rio, Brasil
** Program Committee **
- Lorena Etcheverry, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
- Mirian Halfeld Ferrari, Universite d' Orleans, France
- Hemant Purohit, George Mason University, USA
- Jonathan Fuerst, NEC Labs Europe, Heidelberg, Germany
- Abdessamad Imine, INRIA-LORIA Nancy Grand-Est, France
- Peiquan Jin, University of Science and Technology of China, China
- Verena Kantere, University of Ottawa
- Abdelmajid Khelil, Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Jan Lindstroem, MariaDB Corporation, Finland
- Uden Lorna, Staffordshire University, UK
- Riccardo Martoglia, University di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Luis Munoz, University of Cantabria, Spain
- Elaheh Pourabbas, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
- Francisco Jose da Silva e Silva, Federal University of Maranhão
(UFMA), Brazil
- Mu-Chun Su, National Central University, Taiwan
- Marco Vieira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- Yingwei Wang, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
** Important Dates **
Submission (extended): April 3, 2019
Notification: May 31, 2019
Workshop: August 30, 2019
** Submission **
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that
are not being considered for publication in any other forum.
Accepted papers will be published online in the Open Journal of Internet
of Things. OJIOT is an open access journal, and the proceedings will
hence be highly visible to all interested readers.
Manuscripts should be formatted using the templates of the Open Journal
of Internet of Things. Research papers as well as experiments and
analysis papers should have between 6 and 15 pages, application papers
between 6 and 12 pages and vision papers between 4 and 12 pages.
We describe manuscript preparation and submission procedure at
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] XIIth PLAIS/SIGSAND EuroSymposium - Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 15:10:23 +0000
From: Stanisław Wrycza <swrycza(a)ug.edu.pl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The XIIth PLAIS/SIGSAND EuroSymposium’2019 September 19th, 2019; Gdansk
- Sopot, Poland
CfP: http://eurosymposium.eu/CfP_ES_2019.pdf
Poster: http://eurosymposium.eu/Poster_EuroSymposium2019.pdf
The objective of the PLAIS/SIGSAND EuroSymposium was to promote and
develop high-quality research on all issues related to research,
development, applications, and education in information systems (IS),
often referred to in Europe as business informatics. It provided a forum
for IS researchers and practitioners in Europe and beyond to interact,
collaborate, and develop Information Systems and Systems Analysis and
• Agile Methods • Big Data, Business Analytics • Blockchain Technology
and Applications • Business Informatics • Business Process Modeling •
Case Studies in SAND • Cloud Computing • Cognitive Issues in SAND •
Conceptual Modeling • Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Models • Design
Science • Digital Services and Social Media • Enterprise Architecture •
Enterprise Social Networks • ERP and CRM Systems • Ethical and Human
Aspects of IS Development • Ethnographic, Anthropological, Action and
Entrepreneurial Research • Evolution of IS Discipline • Human-Computer
Interaction • Industry 4.0 • Information Systems Development:
Methodologies, Methods, Techniques and Tools • Internet of Things •
Machine Learning • Model-Driven Architecture • New Paradigms,
Formalisms, Approaches, Frameworks and Challenges in IS & SAND •
Ontological Foundations and Intelligent Systems of SAND • Open Source
Software (OSS) Solutions • Project Management
• Quality Assurance in Systems Development, DevOps • Requirements and
Software Engineering • Research Methodologies in SAND • Role of SAND in
Mobile and Internet Applications Development • SAND Education:
Curricula, E-learning, MOOCs and Teaching Cases • SCRUM Approach •
Security and Privacy Issues in IS & SAND • Service Oriented Systems
Development • Social Networking Services • Socio-Technical Approaches to
System Development, Psychological and Behavioural Descriptions •
Software Intensive Systems and Services • Strategic Information Systems
in Enterprises • Supply Chain Management Aspects • Systems Analysts and
Designers Professions • Teams and Teamwork in IS & SAND • UML, SysML,
BPMN • User Experience (UX) Design • Workflow Management
There are three organizers of The XIIth PLAIS/SIGSAND EuroSymposium:
- The Polish Chapter of Association for Information Systems (PLAIS).
- SIGSAND is the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Special
Interest Group on SAND. - The Department of Business Informatics at the
University of Gdansk.
Stanislaw Wrycza, University of Gdansk, Poland
Wil van der Aalst Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands
David Avison ESSEC Business School France
Joerg Becker European Research Centre for Information Systems Germany
Jane Fedorowicz Bentley University USA
Alan Hevner University of South Florida USA
Claudia Loebbecke University of Cologne Germany
Keng Siau Missouri University of Science and Technology USA
Roman Słowinski Chairman of the Committee on Informatics of the Polish
Academy of Sciences Poland
All submissions will be reviewed by the EuroSymposium International
Programme Committee for contribution to the relevant topic. The accepted
papers will be published as EuroSymposium'2019 Proceedings in the
Springer series of Lecture Notes on Business Information Processing (LNBIP).
IS faculty members, independent scholars, doctorants and SAND
practitioners are invited to submit research papers in the area of
systems analysis and design. Given the broad range of topics in this
Call, submissions can be based on any range of SAND research. The length
limit of completed research paper is 5,000 words.
Papers should be submitted in PDF and doc format. Submissions must
conform to Springer's LNBIP format which can be found under instructions
for LNBIP Authors at:
LNBIP is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, EI and Scopus. LNBIP volumes are
also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.
On-line submission will be offered for EuroSymposium’2019 at Springer
Online Conference Service (OCS).
Submission of Manuscripts: June 2nd, 2019
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: June 28th, 2019
Final Paper Submission: July 14th, 2019
EuroSymposium'2019: September 19th, 2019
Department of Business Informatics
University of Gdansk
81-864 Sopot, Piaskowa 9
phone: +48 58 523 14 00
skype: swrycza
e-mail: mailto:info@eurosymposium.eu
website: http://eurosymposium.eu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Participation - International Conference
on Process Mining (ICPM 2019) - Aachen (Germany), 26-28 June, 2019
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 14:03:39 +0000
From: van der Aalst, Wil <wvdaalst(a)pads.rwth-aachen.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Participation
International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2019)
Aachen (Germany), 26-28 June, 2019
The International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) is the first
conference devoted to the rapidly growing process mining discipline. All
thought leaders working on process mining will be present at ICPM 2019.
The program includes a fully packed industry day next to exciting
scientific talks by the leading scientists in the field. The conference
is supported by the main vendors providing process-mining software.
However, the conference is neutral and provides insights that are tool
independent. This makes ICPM 2019 "the place to be" for anyone working
on process mining. Moreover, it provides a great stepping-stone of those
that are new to the topic. Next to a range of excellent speakers, there
will be the possibility to see the state-of-the-art in action (e.g.,
dozens of tool demonstrations) and discuss real-life process mining
You can now register for this unique event via
https://icpmconference.org/registration/ (the early bird rate ends on
May 1st, so register asap).
ICPM 2019 will be three days (26-28 June). Tuesday June 27th will be a
special "Industry Day" showcasing lessons learned from larger process
mining initiatives. The following industry speakers have already been
- Marc Kerremans (Gartner): Process Mining in the Era of the Digital
Twin of an Organization
- Gia-Thi Nguyen (Siemens): Unlocking Digital Transformation - the Human
- Michael Wiese (Ernst & Young): Opportunities and challenges applying
Process Mining in financial audits
- Piergiorgio Grossi (Credem Banca): Credem Digital Transformation with
DTO and Process Mining
- Marc Gittler and Patrick Greifzu (DHL): How to add Process Mining to
the Auditors' toolbox
- Kerry Williams (Singtel): Lessons from introducing Process
Intelligence at Singtel
- Carsten Schöne (Merck): Entrepreneurial behavior in a DAX company. Can
Process Mining be established bottom up only?
- David Whyte (Canadian Financial Services): Practical implementation of
Process Mining at Large North American Financial Services enterprises
- Bart Prudon (Medtronic): Process mining at Medtronic - The power of
true collaboration and partnership
On Monday June 24th and Wednesday 26th, carefully selected presentations
will be given, showing the state-of-the-art in process mining. These
presentations have been selected by a program committee lead by Josep
Carmona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain), Mieke Jans
(Hasselt University, Belgium), and Marcello La Rosa (The University of
Melbourne, Australia). The program committee is composed of the globally
leading process mining scientists, see
On Monday and Tuesday there will also be tool demonstrations, and
various challenges and competitions. On Sunday, there will be an
additional doctoral consortium.
ICPM 2019 is supported by Celonis, Deloitte, ProcessGold, SAP,
myInvenio, Fluxicon, AcceleraLabs, Minit, PuzzleData, PAFnow, Software
AG, StereoLOGIC, BrightCape, Logpickr, Mehrwerk, QPR, KPMG, LanaLabs,
Wintec, RWTH, Fraunhofer FIT, Gartner, AvH, DFG, IEEE, and many more
The conference will take place in conference area of the Tivoli football
stadium close to the city center of Aachen. This beautiful venue will
provide a unique atmosphere with great views and excellent conference
facilities. In the same week, also the 40th International Conference on
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (PN 2019), the 19th
International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design
(ACSD 2019), and the workshop Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of
Event Data (ATAED) will take place at the same location. It is possible
to register for all these events at the same time. Hence, at this
opportunity and join this unique event where processes and data meet.
Register via https://icpmconference.org/registration/.
Hope to see you in Aachen in June!
Join the International Conference on Process Mining, June 23-28, 2019,
Aachen, Germany<http://icpmconference.org/>
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics
(Shenzhen, China, Jul 1-3 2019)
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 15:21:23 +0800
From: Michael Chau <mchau(a)business.hku.hk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security
(to be held in conjunction with PAKDD 2019)
Workshop Website: http://www.isi-conf.org/
July 1-3, 2019, Shenzhen, China
Important Dates
Submission due: April 10, 2019
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2019
Camera-ready copy due: May 14, 2019
Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) research is an interdisciplinary
research field involving academic researchers in information technologies,
computer science, public policy, bioinformatics, medical informatics, and
social and behavior studies as well as local, state, and federal law
enforcement and intelligence experts, and information technology industry
consultants and practitioners to support counterterrorism and homeland
security's missions of anticipation, interdiction, prevention, preparedness
and response to terrorist acts.
The annual IEEE International Conference on ISI (IEEE ISI) is a leading
conference in security informatics domain, which was started in 2003 in
Tucson, Arizona. Since then, the conference has been hosted in Atlanta, San
Diego, New Brunswick, Taipei, Dallas, Vancouver, Beijing, Seattle,
Washington DC, the Hague, Baltimore and Tucson. Over the past 16 years, the
IEEE ISI Conference has evolved from its traditional orientation of
intelligence and security domain towards a more integrated alignment of
multiple domains, including technology, humans, organization, and security.
The scientific community has increasingly recognized the need to address
intelligence and security threats by understanding the interrelationships
between these different components, and by integrating recent advances from
different domains. This year, the IEEE ISI conference will be held in
Shenzhen, China.
The conference theme is AI-Enabled Analytics. In addition to the main
academic conference, multiple satellite events centered around the
AI-enabled analytics theme will be organized as well.
We invite academic researchers in the field of Intelligence and Security
Informatics and related areas as well as law enforcement and intelligence
experts, and industry consultants and practitioners in the field to submit
papers and workshop proposals.
ISI 2019 will be organized in four main tracks focusing on:
- Security Analytics and Threat Intelligence
- Data Science and Analytics in Security Informatics
- Human Behavior and Factors in the Security Applications
- Organizational, National, and International Issues in Counter-terrorism
and other Security Applications
Submissions may include systems, methodology, test-bed, modeling,
evaluation, and policy papers. Research should be relevant to informatics,
organization, public policy, or human behavior in applications of
counter-terrorism or protection of local/ national/ international security
in the physical world and/or cyberspace. See specific topic suggestions
Security Analytics and Threat Intelligence
- Threat pattern models and modeling tools
- Real-time situational awareness
- Intrusion and cybersecurity threat detection and analysis
- Cyber-physical-social system security and incident management
- Computing and networking infrastructure protection
- Crime analysis and prevention
- Forecasting threats and measuring the impact of threats
- Surveillance and intelligence through unconventional means
- Information security management standards
- Information systems security policies
- Mobile and cloud computing security
- Big data analytics for cybersecurity
- Resilient cyber infrastructure design and protection
Data Science and Analytics in Security Informatics
- Data representation and fusion for security informatics
- Criminal/intelligence information extraction
- Data sharing and information visualization for security informatics
- Web-based intelligence monitoring and analysis
- Spatial-temporal data analysis for crime analysis and security informatics
- Criminal/intelligence machine learning and data mining
- Bio-terrorism tracking, alerting, and analysis
- Digital forensics and computational criminology
- Financial and accounting fraud analysis
- Consumer-generated content and security-related social media analytics
- Security-related social network analysis (radicalization, recruitment,
conducting operations)
- Authorship analysis and identification
- Terrorism related analytical methodologies and software tools
Human Behavior and Factors in Security Applications
- Behavior issues in information systems security
- HCI and user interfaces of relevance to intelligence and security
- Social impacts of crime and terrorism
- Board activism and influence
- Measuring the effectiveness of counter-terrorism campaigns
- Citizen education and training
- Understanding user behavior in that has potential security risks
- Security risks about user behavior in information systems
- Human behavior modeling, representation and prediction for security
Organizational, National, and International Issues in Counter-terrorism and
other Security Applications
- Best practices in counter-terrorism or security protection
- Information sharing policy and governance
- Privacy, security, and civil liberties issues
- Emergency response and management
- Disaster prevention, detection, and management
- Protection of transportation and communications infrastructure
- Communication and decision support for research and rescue
- Assisting citizens' responses to terrorism and catastrophic events
- Border security
- Accounting and IT auditing
- Corporate governance and monitoring
- Election fraud and political use and abuse
We accept three types of paper submissions on suggested topics of the
proposed tracks and related topics: long paper (max. 6 pages), short paper
(max. 3 pages), and poster (1 page). Submission format is PDF. Consult the
IEEE publications page at
https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html for information
on formatting. Papers will be submitted through the EasyChair submission and
review system. The submission Web page for IEEE ISI 2019:
The accepted papers from ISI 2019 and its affiliated workshops will be
published by the IEEE Press in formal Proceedings. IEEE ISI Proceedings are
EI-indexed. Selected papers may also be considered for IEEE Intelligent
Systems and ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Real-Time Intelligent Systems 2019
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 13:09:31 +0530
From: diwt(a)dirf.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Fourth International Conference on Real-Time Intellgent Systems (RTIS 2019)
Zhuhai Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
November 01-03, 2019
Real-Time Computing covers a broad spectrum of the intensively
developing area of low-latency priority-driven system responsiveness
under certain time constrains to essential and decisive human-computer
interactions with constantly incoming data stream. Research on real-time
intelligent systems is of a multi-disciplinary nature, exploiting
concepts from the areas as diverse as signal processing technologies,
computational intelligence, location systems, data processing, digital
document processing and embedded system design. To accomplish its
real-time performance, systematic analysis is carried out when the
systems are working.
Therefore, over the last few years real-time intelligent computing has
radically transformed human life style. In the today’s competitive and
highly dynamic environment, analyzing data in real time is a must to
understand in detail how the systems are processing the data and to
reason the outputs and anticipate the trends in intelligent computing,
has become critical.
To leverage the full potential of the opportunity build complex real
time systems, intense research is required and this conference will
serve as one such platform to manifest the ongoing research in the real
time intelligence system.
The conference welcomes theoretically grounded, methodologically sound
research papers from academia and industry that address variety of
aspects and innovations related to real-time computing systems.
The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the
following areas:
Streaming data, streaming engines
Big Data systems and applications for high-velocity data
Analysis in advanced domains such as energy, sensors, etc
Artificial Intelligence
Broadband Intelligence
Cloud Computing and Intelligence
Collaborative Intelligence
Crowdsourcing and crowd intelligence
Data capture in real-time
Intelligent Database Systems
Data mining
Intelligent Data Analysis
OLAP for real-time decision support
Data quality and cleansing
Intelligent Fuzzy Systems
Event-driven analytics
Visualizing real-time data and information
Intelligent Soft Computing
Privacy and security in Intelligence
Architectures for Intelligence
Internet of Things
Intelligent Robotic Systems
Smart Services and Platforms
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Mobile Smart Systems
Trace-based intelligent real-time services (eye-tracking, image tracking)
Real-time intelligent alert systems
Machine translation in real time
Multilingual information access
Multiagent Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Information Systems
Adaptive vision algorithms
Real-time Intelligent Network solutions
Real-time distributed coding
Real-time modelling user’s information needs
Real-time noise removal systems
Real-time intelligent communication
Real-time remote access systems
Decision support systems in real time
Real-time multiprocessor systems
The Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Proceedings of the
4th International Conference on Real-Time Intelligent Systems, Volume 3
RTIS 2019. (http://www.springer.com/series/11156 )
For the series information please see-
First International Workshop on Neuromorphic Computing - Colocated with
the RTIS 2019
General Chair
Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko, Opole University, Poland
Program Chairs
Pit Pichappan, Digital Information Research Lab., India
Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau
Min-Ling Zhang, Southeast University, China
Ron Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Important Dates
Paper Submission: August 15, 2019
Paper Notification: September 15, 2019
Camera ready: October 10, 2019
Early registration: October 15, 2019
Full-rate registration: October 22, 2019
Conference Dates: November 01-03, 2019
Paper Submission - http://www.socio.org.uk/rtis/paper-submission/
Contact: rtis(a)socio.org.uk
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] ASPOCP 2019 - call for papers
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 11:40:34 +0100
From: Jorge Fandino <Jorge.Fandinno(a)irit.fr>
Reply-To: Jorge Fandino <Jorge.Fandinno(a)irit.fr>
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[Apologies for multiple postings]
12th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms
June 3 or 4, 2019 (LPNMR Workshop)
Affiliated with 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and
Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
June 4-7, 2019
AIMS AND SCOPE Since its introduction in the late 1980s, Answer Set
Programming (ASP) has been widely applied to
various knowledge-intensive tasks and combinatorial search problems. ASP
was found to be
closely related to SAT, which led to a new method of computing answer
sets using SAT solvers and
techniques adapted from SAT. This has been a much studied relationship,
and is currently extended
towards satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). The relationship of ASP to
other computing paradigms,
such as constraint satisfaction, quantified Boolean formulas (QBF),
Constraint Logic Programming
(CLP), first-order logic (FOL), and FO(ID) is also the subject of active
research. Consequently, new
methods of computing answer sets are being developed based on
relationships to these formalisms.
Furthermore, the practical applications of ASP also foster work on
multi-paradigm problem-solving,
and in particular language and solver integration. The most prominent
examples in this area
currently are the integration of ASP with description logics (in the
realm of the Semantic Web) and
constraint satisfaction (which recently led to the Constraint Answer Set
Programming (CASP)
research direction).
A large body of general results regarding ASP is available and several
efficient ASP solvers have
been implemented. However, there are still significant challenges in
applying ASP to real life
applications, and more interest in relating ASP to other computing
paradigms is emerging. This
workshop will provide opportunities for researchers to identify these
challenges and to exchange
ideas for overcoming them.
TOPICS Topics of interests include (but are not limited to): - ASP and
classical logic formalisms (SAT/FOL/QBF/SMT/DL). - ASP and constraint
programming. - ASP and other logic programming paradigms, e.g., FO(ID).
- ASP and other nonmonotonic languages, e.g., action languages. - ASP
and external means of computation. - ASP and probabilistic reasoning. -
ASP and knowledge compilation. - ASP and machine learning. - New methods
of computing answer sets using algorithms or systems of other paradigms.
- Language extensions to ASP. - ASP and multi-agent systems. - ASP and
multi-context systems. - Modularity and ASP. - ASP and argumentation. -
Multi-paradigm problem solving involving ASP. - Evaluation and
comparison of ASP to other paradigms. - ASP and related paradigms in
applications. - Hybridizing ASP with procedural approaches. - Enhanced
grounding or beyond grounding. SUBMISSIONS Papers must describe original
research and should not exceed 13 pages (excluding
Submissions must be written in English, present original research, and
be formatted according to Springer’s guidelines and technical
instructions available at:
Paper submission will be handled electronically by means of the
Easychair system.
The submission page is available here
IMPORTANT DATES (tentative) Abstract submission deadline: March 26, 2019
Paper submission deadline: April 1, 2019
Notification: May 1, 2019
Camera-ready articles due: May 12, 2019
Workshop: June 3 or 4, 2019
PROCEEDINGS Accepted papers will be made available online as inofficial
proceedings with
A selection of extended and revised versions of accepted papers will appear
in a special issue. We are currently negotiating with potential journals.
Such papers will go through a second formal selection process to meet
the high quality standard of the journal.
Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Jorge Fandinno, IRIT, Toulouse, France
Johannes K. Fichte, TU Wien, Austria PROGRAM COMMITTEE
Alessandro Mosca
Amelia Harrison The University of Texas at Austin
Anne Siegel IRISA, CNRS
Antti Hyvärinen USI
Bart Bogaerts Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bernhard Bliem University of Helsinki
Carmine Dodaro University of Genova
Chitta Baral Arizona State University
Cristina Feier University of Bremen
Daniela Inclezan Miami University
Enrico Giunchiglia University Genova
Fangkai Yang Maana Inc.
Francesco Ricca University of Calabria
Guillermo R. Simari Universidad del Sur in Bahia Blanca
Javier Romero University of Potsdam
Jia-Huai You University of Alberta
Joao Leite Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Johannes K. Fichte TU Dresden
Johannes P. Wallner Vienna University of Technology
Joohyung Lee Arizona State University
Jörg Pührer Leipzig University
Jorge Fandiño IRIT, University of Toulouse, CNRs
Marc Denecker Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Marcello Balduccini Saint Joseph's University
Marco Maratea University of Genova
Mario Alviano University of Calabria
Markus Hecher Vienna University of Technology
Martin Gebser University of Potsdam
Max Ostrowski
Michael Morak
Michael Gelfond Texas Tech University
Mirek Truszczynski University of Kentucky
Mutsunori Banbara IKobe University,
Nicola Leone University of Calabria
Orkunt Sabuncu TED University, Ankara
Pedro Cabalar University of Corunna
Richard Watson Texas Tech University, Department of Computer Science
Stefan Ellmauthaler Leipzig University
Stefan Woltran Vienna University of Technology
Stefania Costantini University of Aquila
Tomi Janhunen Aalto University
Tran Cao Son New Mexico State University
Vladimir Lifschitz The University of Texas at Austin
Wolfgang Faber Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Yusuf Izmirlioglu Sabanci University
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi