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Subject: [AISWorld] 3rd CFP GROUP 2020
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 08:45:18 -0500
From: Lionel Robert <lprobert(a)umich.edu>
To: Lionel Robert <lprobert(a)umich.edu>
*Call for Submissions *
*GROUP 2020 *
*ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work *
*PACM HCI affiliated conference *
*January 6-8, 2020, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA *
For over 25 years, the ACM International Conference on Supporting Group
Work (*GROUP*) has been a premier venue for research on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning and Socio-Technical Studies. The conference
integrates work in social science, computer science, engineering, design,
values, and other diverse topics related to group work, broadly
conceptualized. Group 2020 continues the tradition of being truly
international and interdisciplinary in both organizational structure as
well as participants.
Key goals for the program are to encourage and facilitate researchers
within CSCW and HCI to interact across disciplinary boundaries. We
encourage high-level research contributions from interdisciplinary groups
to present work that might be difficult to place within one simple
category. We are open to diverse and innovative research methods, and to
contributions across broad areas such as systems, society, participation,
critique, collaboration, and human interaction. GROUP 2020 in particular
would like to encourage systems designers, builders, and researchers from
industry, academia, government and other interested groups to participate.
Participation at GROUP takes many different forms. In 2020, we will
continue new submission categories that were introduced in 2016. GROUP 2020
will again offer the opportunity to authors of newly published papers from
the Journal of CSCW (http://link.springer.com/journal/10606) to present
their papers in the conference. Second, the submission category “Design
Fictions” will be maintained.
In addition, papers will now be published as an issue of the recently
created journal, *Proceedings of the ACM (PACM).*
Submissions to the conference are welcome in the form of:
*Research Papers.* This venue gives the occasion to present and interact
with the audience. Accepted papers will be published in the PACM. Please
use the ACM Small format for submissions, available for download as part of
the ACM Master Template. Papers have no fixed minimum or maximum page
numbers, paper length should be commensurate with contribution. Research
Paper submissions must be submitted online at the GROUP 2020 conference
*Important Dates *
- Papers Abstract and Title Submission: February 22nd, 2019
- Papers Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2019
- 1st Round Notifications: April 12
- Resubmit: May 31st
- 2nd Round decisions: July 5th
- Camera ready: July 19th
*Working Papers (WP).* WPs are contributions in which the authors are
working towards an archival journal submission and would like to discuss
their work with their colleagues at GROUP. Our goal is to broaden the
conversations at GROUP, with a format that may appeal to colleagues whose
primary publications are in journals, rather than conference papers. WPs
will not be published in the conference proceedings, but will be
distributed in a paper conference supplement at the GROUP conference for
the attendees only. Therefore, you are free to seek formal publication of a
draft journal submission that appears in a WP. The WP review process will
be *lightweight*, without any revisions asked to the authors, to expand the
GROUP community and discussions. Please send submissions directly to
co-chairs at wp(a)group2020.org.
*Design Fictions.* Fictive Futures: Exploring Future Research Agendas . We
seek submissions that imagine possible futures for research on the
relationships between computers and people. Submissions will include two
portions: a fictional document related to the conduct of research and an
author statement about the document. The fiction document could be an
extended abstract, a call for papers, an excerpt from API documentation, a
book review, a study protocol for IRB review, or any other relevant type.
The author statement should connect that document to current events, cite
ongoing research in the field, or otherwise extrapolate how the envisioned
future might arise from our given present. This statement will be
especially important for abstracts (which are too short to explain their
rationale), API documentations (which typically do not provide a historical
rationale), and other documents that on their own may be exceptionally
short and/or vague. Because Design Fictions are archival contributions, we
recommend a minimum length of 3 pages, and as many as 10 pages. Please use
the ACM SIGCHI Format for submissions. The reviewing process will be the
same as the general track, and Design Fiction papers or notes will be
included in the proceedings. Design Fiction submissions must be completed
online at the GROUP 2020 conference site.
*Important Dates *
- Design Fiction Submission Deadline: June 7, 2019
- Resubmission for PACM papers: September 1, 2019
- Design Fiction Decision Announced: October 1, 2019
*Posters and Demos.* Posters and demos are an opportunity to present
late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for a
Paper or Note submission, innovative ideas not yet validated through user
studies, student research in early phases, and other research best
presented in this open format. Posters and demos will be displayed at a
special session in the conference when poster and demo authors will be
available to discuss their work. Poster submissions should include an
extended abstract no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and
references, in ACM SIGCHI Format (available here). In addition, submissions
should also include a separate Tabloid (A3 or 11 x 17 inches) sized draft
of the poster for review purposes. Both the extended abstract and the
poster draft should include author names (these are not anonymous
submissions). Please send submissions directly to co-chairs at
*Workshops.* Workshops provide an informal and focused environment for the
information exchange and discussion of Group related topics. We offer half
or full day workshop venues. Proposals should include an abstract (max 150
words), a title, description of workshop theme, aim, goals, activities and
potential outcomes. Workshop proposals should also include a description of
how the workshop will be publicized and a strategy for recruiting and
selecting participants. It should specify any audio/visual equipment
needed, maximum number of participants, the duration of the workshop (half
or full day) and the names and backgrounds of the organizer(s). Please
submit a maximum of four pages, using the ACM SIGCHI format for
submissions. We encourage topics suitable for developing new ideas and deep
discussions. Please send submissions directly to co-chairs at
*Doctoral Colloquium.* The Doctoral Colloquium provides a forum for sharing
ongoing Ph.D. projects of participants with other advanced Ph.D. students
and distinguished faculty for mentoring and feedback. Space is limited, so
an application of up to four pages is required, in the ACM standard format.
Please contact the workshop co-chairs.
Accepted research papers will be published in a issue of PACM in HCI.
Design Fictions, posters, and doctoral consortium extended abstracts will
be published in the ACM Press Conference Proceedings and in the ACM digital
Library. Accepted Workshop proposals will be published in a paper-based
Conference Topics:
● Theoretical and/or conceptual contributions about key concepts relevant
to CSCW and HCI, including critique.
● Social, behavioral, and computational studies of collaboration and
● Technical architectures supporting collaboration.
● New tool/toolkits for collaborative technologies.
● Ethnographic studies of collaborative practices.
● Coordination and workflow technology.
● Social computing and contexts of collaboration.
● Online communities, including issues of privacy, identity, trust, and
● Cooperative knowledge management.
● Organizational issues of technology design, use, or adaptation.
● Strategies for use of technology in business, government, and newer forms
of organizations.
● Emerging technologies and their design, use, or appropriation in work,
home, leisure, entertainment, or education.
● Learning at the workplace (CSCL at work, Technology-Enhanced Learning,
● Co-located and geographically-distributed teams, global collaboration.
● Cultural and cross-cultural collaboration and communication.
● Mobile and wearable technologies in collaboration.
● Innovative forms of human computer interaction for cooperative
*Other Important Dates*
Submission dates for other venues will be announced later.
If you have questions, please contact the conference organizers:
*Papers Chairs: *
Ingrid Erickson, Syracuse University
Adriana Vivacqua, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Lars Rune Christensen, IT University of Copenhagen
*General Chairs:*
Louise Barkhuus, IT University of Copenhagen
Lionel Robert, University of Michigan
chairs(a)group2020.org <chairs(a)group2020.org>
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Systems Analysis and Design (SIGSAND) Symposium at
Baruch College in New York City (June 1 - 2, 2019)
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 10:12:45 -0500
From: Arturo Castellanos <arturocastellanos(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 SIGSAND Symposium will be hosted
by the Paul H. Chook Department of Information Systems and Statistics
at *Baruch
College (CUNY) on June 1**-2, 2019 *(please note this is a Saturday -
Sunday). This is the weekend before Desrist, which is in Worcester, MA
from June
4-June 6, 2019.
*Submission of Manuscript* - April 1, 2019
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection - April 30, 2019
Final Paper Submission - May 10, 2018
Symposium - June 1-2, 2019
Please save the date and consider submitting a paper. Keeping with the
tradition of past SIGSAND Symposiums, *the symposium is intended to be a
collegial forum* with constructive feedback for developing research for
publication. Papers representing early research and research-in-progress
are welcome. Please *encourage any doctoral students* you work with to
submit their research as well.
RSVP if you plan on attending (for a preliminary head count):
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Systems Analysis and Design: Methodologies and Processes
• Systems Analysis and Design: Modeling Methods, Techniques, and Languages
• Systems Analysis and Design: Requirements Elicitation, Modeling, and
• Analysis and Design for Service-Oriented Enterprises
• Contemporary Issues in Agile Development
• Strategic Software Management: Issues, Experiences, and Theory
• Technical and Managerial Issues in Open Source Development
• User Participation in Information Systems Development
• Impact of Systems Analysis and Design on IS use (e.g.,
adoption, information quality, etc.)
• Ontological foundations of Systems Analysis and Design
• Project Management Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
• Security Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
• Software Testing and Quality Control
• Workflow Modeling
• Innovative Approaches on Systems Analysis and Design on emerging
topics (Design Science, DevOps, Microservices, Agile in Analytics, etc.)
Submissions are made through the link below:
Please do encourage your doctoral students to submit their SAND-related
work. *We look forward to seeing you in New York City!*
2019 SIGSAND Symposium Program Co-Chairs & Officers
Arturo Castellanos, arturo.castellanos(a)baruch.cuny.edu
Jon W. Beard, jwbeard(a)iastate.edu
Padmal K. Vitharana, padmal(a)syr.edu
For more information about SIGSAND you can also contact:
Roman Lukyanenko, roman.lukyanenko(a)hec.ca
Binny Samuel, samuelby(a)ucmail.uc.edu
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2019: Privacy in Firm-Customers &
Firm-Employees Relationships
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 15:30:52 +0000
From: Burns, A.J. <AJ_Burns(a)baylor.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Submissions: AMCIS 2019 (https://amcis2019.aisconferences.org/)
Minitrack: Information Privacy in Firm-Customers and Firm-Employees
Due Date: March 1, 2019 for Full Papers and Emergent Research Form (ERF)
Minitrack Description
Information Privacy is an important research topic with wide
implications, not only for businesses but also for regulatory bodies,
governments, and the general public. Citizens, consumers, and employees
alike are more selective about organizations they can trust in handling
their personal data. Even though the contribution to the privacy
literature has significantly increased over the last decades, how the
above-mentioned challenges (security, regulation and increased public
awareness) impact the ways organizations deal with privacy remains to be
explored. Additionally, how consumers and employees cope with
organizations collecting and using their data is still to be deeply
explored. This mini track encourages submissions examining privacy
issues within firm-customer and firm-employee relationships and
exploring how (mis)management of privacy impacts these relationships. We
especially encourage research, conceptual and empirical, building on
organization science, ethics, marketing, h
uman resources, and management theories. Topics of interest may include
(but are not limited to):
* Data protection regulation (e.g. GDPR) implementation challenges and
best practices e.g. consumer or employee consent collection
* Public perceptions about/attitudes towards data disclosure and
information privacy
* Employee or Customer data privacy management
* Link between corporate social responsibility and privacy management
* Consumer or employee formation of trust
* Consumer or employee reactions to cyber-attacks or privacy failures
* Exploration of the privacy calculus or the privacy paradox paradigms
* Exploration of why and how affect can influence privacy-related
Minitrack Co-chairs:
James Parrish
Assistant Professor
ITDS Department
G. Brit Ryan College of Business
University of North Texas
A. J. Burns
Assistant Professor
Information Systems
Hankamer School of Business
Baylor University
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP EMISAJ Special Issue on Blockchain Technologies
in Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise Information Systems
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 13:10:00 +0100
From: Hans-Georg Fill <hans-georg.fill(a)unifr.ch>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Apologies for cross-postings*
*Call for Papers - Special Issue in EMISAJ - Enterprise Modelling and
Information Systems Architectures - International Journal of Conceptual
*Blockchain Technologies in Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise
Information Systems*
* Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Peter Fettke, Saarland University and DFKI, Germany
* Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria
In this special issue we seek for high-quality contributions
investigating the use of blockchains and their underlying technologies
in the area of enterprise modeling and for enterprise information
systems. Blockchains constitute a new paradigm for decentralized
information systems with implications both on a managerial and a
technical level. After a first hype that originated mainly from their
successful use in cryptocurrencies, blockchains are now being evaluated
for innovative enterprise applications. In this context, the use of
modeling techniques plays an important role for the well-structured
design, evaluation, and deployment of such applications. This concerns
both the use of general-purpose modeling methods as well as
domain-specific modeling methods. Furthermore, the integration of
blockchain technologies in traditional enterprise information systems is
studied for domains such as enterprise resource planning systems, for
business process execution, for interorganizational collaboration or for
the distributed storage of organizational knowledge.
*Possible Topics include but are not limited to:*
* Use of enterprise modeling methods for blockchain-based
* Domain-specific modeling methods for blockchain-based applications
* Blockchain-based execution of enterprise models such as
business processes, enterprise architecture models or software models
* Architectures for the integration of blockchains in enterprise
information systems
* Storage, distribution, processing, and management aspects of
enterprise models using blockchains
* Process mining in combination with enterprise models and
*Associate Editors*
* Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
* Saïd Assar, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, France
* Claudio Di Ciccio, Vienna University of Economics and Business,
* Marlon Dumas, University of Tatu, Estonia
* Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia, Australia
* Bernhard Haslhofer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
* Wolfgang Klas, University of Vienna, Austria
* Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
* Edy Portmann, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Stefan Schulte, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
* Susanne Strahringer, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
* Publication and Distribution of the CfP: February 2019
* Deadline for Paper Submission: June 30, 2019
* First round of reviews completed: August 31, 2019
* Submission of revisions if needed: September 30, 2019
* Second round of reviews completed: November 15, 2019
* Final submission: December 10, 2019
* Publication of Special Issue January, 2020
Submissions must adhere to the author guidelines for EMISAJ, which can
be found at https://www.emisa-journal.org/emisa/about/submissions. When
submitting the article in the submission system, please make sure to
select the section "Special Issue on Blockchain Technologies in EM and
EIS". Please note that EMISAJ is a True Open Access journal (no author
fees, no exclusive rights to publish). EMISAJ is indexed in DBLP, EBSCO,
and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
* Fill, H.-G. (2019): Applying the Concept of Knowledge
Blockchains to Ontologies, AAAI Spring Symposium 2019, AAAI (to appear).
* Fill, H.-G. and Härer, F. (2018): Knowledge Blockchains:
Applying Blockchain Technologies to Enterprise Modeling, HICSS'51,
AIS, pp.4045-4054.
* Mendling, J. et al. (2018): Blockchains for Business Process
Management - Challenges and Opportunities. ACM Trans. Management
Inf. Syst. 9(1): 4:1-4:16.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill
Digitalization and Information Systems Group
University of Fribourg
Bd de Pérolles 90
CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [computational.science] Special Issue "Parallel String
Matching Algorithms and Applications"
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 13:19:22 +0200
From: Panagiotis Michailidis <pmichailidis(a)uom.gr>
To: cpm-spire-l(a)lists.cs.ucr.edu,
computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org, concurrency(a)listserver.tue.nl,
siam-sc(a)siam.org, cse-cfp(a)cse.stfx.ca, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu,
tcsc(a)cse.stfx.ca, announce(a)informatics-europe.org
Special Issue "Parallel String Matching Algorithms and Applications"
A special issue of Algorithms (ISSN 1999-4893).
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2019
Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
We are glad to announce the upcoming Special Issue dedicated to parallel
string-matching algorithms and applications. With the recent advances in
big text data processing and applications, this Special Issue aims to
provide a comprehensive view of the efficient design and implementation of
string-matching algorithms for parallel and distributed computing
environments (such as multicores, manycores, clusters, CPU/GPUs, grids,
p2p, and clouds). We invite researchers and professionals to submit
theoretical or practical contributions that aim to present ideas,
techniques, and results of parallel computing in all aspects of string
matching and related applications (exact/approximate string matching,
single/multiple string matching, 2D string matching, and compressed string
processing). Manuscripts that focus on research of sequential
string-matching algorithms are welcome. Both original research and
comprehensive review/survey papers are also welcome.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following areas:
- String matching algorithms (exact/approximate, single/mutiple,
two-dimensional, text compression, etc.);
- Parallel string-matching algorithms using OpenMP and/or MPI;
- Parallel string-matching algorithms targeting GPUs and many-cores
- Parallel string-matching applications exploiting FPGA;
- Distributed string matching algorithms;
- Performance study and analysis of large-scale string-matching
- Libraries for string matching on parallel platforms;
- Applications of string matching in natural language processing,
computational linguistics, information retrieval, text/opinion mining, text
plagiarism, sentiment analysis, bioinformatics, computational biology,
intrusion detection, security, etc.
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted online at www.mdpi.com by registering
<https://www.mdpi.com/user/register/> and logging in to this website
<https://www.mdpi.com/user/login/>. Once you are registered, click here to
go to the submission form
Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be
peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the
journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special
issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short
communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract
(about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on
this website.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be
under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference
proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a
single-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant
information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions
for Authors <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/algorithms/instructions> page.
*Algorithms* <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/algorithms/> is an international
peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI.
Please visit the Instructions for Authors
<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/algorithms/instructions> page before
submitting a manuscript. The Article Processing Charge (APC)
<https://www.mdpi.com/about/apc/> for publication in this open access
<https://www.mdpi.com/about/openaccess/> journal is 1000 CHF (Swiss
Francs). Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English.
Authors may use MDPI's English editing service
<https://www.mdpi.com/authors/english> prior to publication or during
author revisions.
Special Issue Editors
Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Panagiotis D. Michailidis
Prof. Dr. Konstantinos G. Margaritis
University of Macedonia, 156 Egnatia Str., 54636 Thessaloniki, Greece
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 32nd Bled eConference - Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 09:10:48 +0100
From: Andreja.Pucihar(a)fov.uni-mb.si
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit a research or research in progress paper to the
32nd annual international conference entitled Humanizing Technology for
a Sustainable Society.
The conference will be held in June 16-19, 2019 (http://bledconference.org
Please note that submission system is open. Deadline for submissions is
March 4, 2019.
We offer fast review in case needed to plan your trip in advance.
Bled eConference's highlights: - The conference is shaping electronic
interactions since 1988
- Strong relationships and cooperation with journals
- Coaching of PhD-students and postgraduates – PhD Consortium and
Students ePrototype Bazaar - The Bled Forum for interactive poster
- Panels and Workshops
- EU projects dissemination meetings; enabling project partners to
connect with other similar projects and to disseminate results to a
wider community.
Beside regular tracks related to digital business and digital
transformation, the conference is organising the following special
interest tracks:
1. Social Media
2. Big Data/Data Science
3. eHealth 4. Digital Wellness
5. Business Models
6. Education in the Digital Society,
7. Smart Cities, Regions & Communities
8. Blockchain
More information about the conference is available at the conference
website: http://bledconference.org/
Detailed call for papers:
Looking forward to our cooperation and best wishes!
Andreja Pucihar
BledConference team
Andreja Pucihar, PhD
Associate Professor of Information Systems
University of Maribor
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Kidriceva cesta 55a 4000 Kranj
Skype ID: apucihar
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] [simu-conf] CfP - SummerSim 2019 - Berlin
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 09:46:44 -0500
From: vsim-conf(a)sce.carleton.ca
To: vsim-conf(a)sce.carleton.ca
2019 Summer Simulation Conference
July 22 - 24, 2019 | Technical University of Berlin | Berlin, Germany
Deadline: March 4, 2019. Author notification: May 6, 2018
## Aims and Scope:
The 2019 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSimí19) is one of the
premier international conferences of the Society for Modeling and
Simulation International (SCS). The conference focuses on modeling and
simulation, tools, theory, methodologies and applications and provides a
forum for the latest R&D results in academia and industry. It is a
combination of the 51st Summer Computer Simulation (SCSC) and the 22nd
International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS). This yearís theme is ìModeling and
Simulation for Smart and Connected Worldî. We encourage you to take this
opportunity to contribute with papers, tutorials and workshops.
Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference,
present their work to their peers, transfer copyright, and pay a
conference registration fee at the time their camera-ready paper is
submitted. Conference proceedings will be submitted to the ACM Digital
Library, for archiving and indexed in DBLP and SCOPUS. (Some exceptions
More information:
[apologies for duplicated postings – problems/issues: contact
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - AMCIS 2019 Mini-track on SIGeBIZ
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2019 04:12:45 +0000
From: Nelson, Matthew <mlnelso(a)ilstu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues:
This note is to remind you to consider submitting your research work to
the eBusiness (SIGeBIZ) mini-track at AMCIS 2019, to be held in Cancun,
Mexico on August 15-17, 2019. A brief description of the mini-track is
provided below; you may also visit
Description of Proposed Minitracks:
Minitrack 1: Social Media, Social Commerce and Digital Transformation
This mini-track recognizes the impact of social media and social
commerce on businesses and organizations. Understanding the digital
transformative effect that the quickly changing environment related to
social media and social commerce has on business, organizations and
people is also of critical importance. This mini-track provides a forum
for researchers, educators, and practitioners working in the areas of
social media and social commerce to meet and exchange research ideas
related to digital transformation. The mini-track serves as an outlet
for studies related to technology, business models, protocols, industry
experiences, legal aspects, security issues, and innovations in social
media and social commerce. We welcome all aspects of research related to
social media and social commerce and are open to all types of research
methods (e.g., simulation, survey, experimentation, case studies, action
research, etc.).
The Social Media, Social Commerce and Digital Transformation minitrack
welcomes AMCIS category papers in the following areas:
Social Media
Social Commerce
Digital Transformation
Social Media and Social Commerce Innovation
Legal Issues Related to Social Media and Social Commerce
Security Issues Related to Social Media and Social Commerce
Social Media or Social Commerce Business Model Development
The minitrack also serves as an outlet for studies in:
Theory development
Industry Experiences
Case Studies
Action Research
The minitrack is also interested in recent developments in:
Domain-specific conceptual modeling of Digital Transformations
Minitrack 2: Business Models for the Digital Economy
This mini-track serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of
new and innovative approaches to business models for coping with the
challenges of the digital economy and digital transformation of
businesses, and beyond. We consider an economy based on the digitization
of information and the respective information and communication
infrastructure as the digital economy. These developments are creating
and are requiring new types of business models. Value creation processes
and structures will be altered radically and may be disruptive, new
types of products, as well as services, are emerging. New technologies,
such as blockchain, AI, or conversational interfaces, are important
enablers. Therefore, this mini-track addresses all topics concerned with
the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, and
control of future business models for the creation of economic value in
the digital economy from a communication, organizational, business,
economic, and manageria
l perspective applying a theoretical, conceptual, or practical approach.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to the following:
Challenges and foundations of the digital economy
Analytical and architectural frameworks for new business models
Business model generation and innovation
Disruptive business models in the digital economy
Digital transformation
Digital ecosystems
Blockchain technology
Digitally enhanced products
Industry 4.0 / Industrial Internet/ smart factory/ Internet of things
Conversational commerce
Social media and social networks based business models/ social commerce
Design and modeling approaches/ methods
Evaluation and simulation techniques/ approaches
Industry perspectives on business models
Challenges of converging industries, e.g.: Mobility, Financial industry
(e.g., Fintech/ InsurTech), Media industry,Telecommunications.
Minitrack 3: Social Media Platforms for E-Commerce
Recently, social media platforms for e-commerce are popular for users or
companies. The amount of data or behavior on social media are huge and
accumulated continuously. The power on social media platforms reveals
deep meanings; for example, photos, videos, emotions, or microblogs. The
meaning of words, photos, or icons is not just the way it has. The
sentiment and behavior behind social media platforms have influence and
impact on e-commerce.
Enterprises attempt to employ social media platforms to implement
e-commerce and increase profits. By using social media platforms,
enterprises have lots of opportunities to increase the success of
e-commerce businesses. Social commerce gradually emerges on account of
practical circumstances and the necessity of business operation. Social
commerce also is regarded as an important combination of social
computing technologies and the rising social platforms in an online
situation that has deep impacts in shaping commercial channels on and
off the Internet.
Certain disciplines also cover the scope of social media platforms such
as psychology, computer science, communication, management, marketing,
and social science. The purpose of this minitrack is to discuss the
impact of social media platforms on business in terms of customer,
enterprise, and social perspectives. Besides, this minitrack also aims
to figure out the critical factors and relations of social media,
commerce, and customer behaviors on e-business.
Potential Topics:
l Machine learning and deep learning on social media platforms
l Sentiment analysis in social media for e-commerce
l Social marketing
l Big data analysis on social media platforms
l Social innovation
l Multiple channels and O2O retailing on e-commerce
l Impact and influence of social media platforms on diversity
l Fintech on social media platforms
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS2019 SIGSEC Track - Minitrack 6: Social
Engineering, Human Security, and their Organizational Impact
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 23:41:39 +0000
From: Yair Levy <levyy(a)nova.edu>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
25TH Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019
***Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC) Track***
Minitrack “Social Engineering, Human Security, and their Organizational
***Fee free to share in your personal networks with interested individuals!
Cancún, México
August 15-17 2019
Minitrack description also available via:
See Under: Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC) Track
—> Minitrack 6: Social Engineering, Human Security, and their
Organizational Impact
Minitrack 6: Social Engineering, Human Security, and their
Organizational Impact
Data breaches and cybersecurity incidents are repeatedly in the news on
a daily basis. While there has been massive advancement in information
systems security over the last four decades in the development of very
sophisticated detection/prevention systems, unfortunately, systems
continue to be breached. It is well known that humans can represent a
weak link in cybersecurity. Thus, the aim of this mini-track is to
investigate the aspects related to research in social engineering, human
security, human error in cybersecurity, and their impact on organizations.
This mini-track provides an opportunity for researchers in the area of
social engineering and human security to share their insights with
others who have similar interests. A particular focus will be placed on
research investigating the aspects of social engineering, human
security, human error in cybersecurity, phishing/whaling, business
e-mail compromise, and their impact on organizations.
This mini-track calls for both fully developed, high-quality research,
or work-in-progress research papers with promising perspectives on
social engineering, human security, and their impact on organizations.
Research studies are utilizing a wide variety of theoretical
foundations, study designs, and research approaches are welcome.
Topics of interest to this minitrack include but are not limited to:
* Social engineering
* Human security
* Human error in cybersecurity
* Phishing/Spear-Phishing/Whaling
* Vishing and impersonation for social engineering attacks
* Human aspects of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
* Business e-mail compromise
* Organizational losses due to social engineering attacks
* Human security penetration testing
* Organizational impacts of cyber-attacks and human compromise
* Human-centric security safeguards
* Ethical aspects in cybersecurity
Important Dates:
January 7th (Monday), 2019: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019 begin
March 1st (Friday), 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for
authors at 10:00am PST
Please contact co-chairs with any questions you have regarding this
Mini-Track Co-Chairs
Yair Levy, levyy(a)nova.edu, Nova Southeastern University, Florida USA
Steven Furnell, S.Furnell(a)plymouth.ac.uk, University of Plymouth, UK
Karin Hedstrom, Karin.Hedstrom(a)oru.se, Örebro University, Sweden
Yair Levy, Ph.D.
Professor of IS and Cybersecurity
Director, Center for Information Protection, Education, and Research
(CIPhER) (http://infosec.nova.edu/)
Head, Levy CyLab (http://CyLab.nova.edu/<http://cylab.nova.edu/>)
The DeSantis Building - Room 4058
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33314
Website: http://www.nova.edu/~levyy/
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Tutorial Proposals - MODELS 2019
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 23:43:31 +0100
From: Andreas Wortmann <wortmann(a)se-rwth.de>
To: puml-list-request(a)cs.york.ac.uk, fg-arc(a)lists.uni-paderborn.de,
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[Our apologies for multiple posts]
MODELS 2019 - Call for Tutorial Proposals
ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering
Languages and Systems
15-20 September 2019 Munich, Germany
Following the tradition of previous conferences, MODELS 2019 will host
tutorials as part of its satellite events on September 15 to 17,
Tutorials provide intensive courses on topics in the area of
model-based software and systems engineering ranging from modeling
methodologies and research methods through new modeling tools and
technologies to thoughts on the past, current, and future development
of the modeling discipline.
Important Dates
- Tutorial proposal submission: March 16, 2019 Anywhere on Earth (i.e.
- Notification: April 16, 2019
- Tutorials: September 15-17, 2019
Tutorials target an audience of practitioners, researchers (academic
and industrial), students, and developers familiar with, and already
working with, modeling techniques. The target audience typically has a
strong interest in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), including work on
improving and evolving modeling languages (such as UML or DSLs),
developing sophisticated MDE tool support, and using MDE to develop /
test / reverse / maintain complex systems. Potential attendees may
also be interested in how modeling has been applied effectively in
specialized domains (e.g., in the automotive industry), and in
learning about successful uses of MDE methods in real-world
The following themes are examples of what is considered relevant for
- Modeling techniques for specific domains (e.g., automobile,
cyber-physical and hybrid systems, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things,
- Modeling methodologies and model-oriented processes (e.g., for agile
modeling or modeling at scale)
- AI in modeling (including search*based approaches, machine learning,
planning, or flexible modeling)
- Presentation of new tools or new versions of old tools (e.g.,
modeling tools, language workbenches, model transformation languages,
model verification tools, model execution tools)
- Dissemination of project results from industry-related projects
- Teaching of model-driven software development
- Research methods in MD* (Model-Driven Development (MDD), Model
Driven Engineering (MDE), Model Driven Software Development (MDSD),
- Modeling for re-engineering and legacy evolution
- Empirical studies in the context of modeling
- User experience in model-based software engineering
- Practical experiences of general interest
- General topics of interest to young researchers, like presentation
skills or research methodologies
Tutorials are intended to provide independent instructions on a topic
of relevance to the audience described above. Therefore, no
sales-oriented presentations will be accepted. Tutorials relating to
commercial tools or involving the use of commercial tools may be
accepted but will be subject to closer scrutiny, including possible
approval of presentation slides. Potential presenters should keep in
mind that there may be quite a varied audience, including novice
graduate students, seasoned practitioners, and specialized
researchers. Tutorial speakers should be prepared to cope with this
Proposal Contents
All submissions must be in English and adhere to the IEEE formatting
The submission must include the following information in the indicated
- Title
- Presenters: Name, affiliation, contact information, and short bio.
- Authors of the proposal or tutorial material, who are not going to
be presenting, may be listed, but must be listed last with a footnote
“Author only; will not be presenting”.
- Abstract (maximum of 200 words)
- If accepted, the abstract will be used to advertise the tutorial.
Thus, the abstract should clearly highlight the goals of the tutorial
and the skills that participants will acquire.
- Keywords (at least 5 keywords)
- Proposed length: half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours)
- Regular tutorials should be set up as half-day tutorials (3 hours).
A proposal for a full-day tutorial (6 hours) must be accompanied by a
clear justification of why 6 hours are necessary.
- Level of the tutorial: beginner/introduction or advanced
- Target audience and any prerequisite background required by
attendees to be able to follow the tutorial (beyond average modeling
- Description of the tutorial and intended outline (maximum of 4 pages)
- Novelty of the tutorial
- List offerings of similar tutorials at previous editions of the
MODELS conference or other conferences, and discuss the differences
with respect to the current proposal
- Required infrastructure
- Declare any infrastructure that you would need for your tutorial
besides a data projector (e.g., flip charts, whiteboards). We will do
our best together with the local organizers to provide you with the
needed infrastructure
- Sample slides (minimum of 6 slides, maximum of 25 slides)
- Supplementary material (optional)
Submission Guidelines
Proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the
MODELS 2019 Tutorials EasyChair submission page at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=models2019; Select category
“Tutorials”, by March 16, 2019 AoE.
This is a hard deadline. No extensions will be allowed.
Review Process
The Tutorials Selection Committee will review each submitted proposal
to ensure high quality, and select tutorials based on their
anticipated benefit for prospective participants and their fit within
the tutorial program as a whole. Factors to be considered also
include: relevance, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal;
effectiveness of teaching methods; and past experience and
qualifications of the instructors. The goal will be to provide a
diverse set of tutorials that attracts a high level of interest among
broad segments of the MODELS participants.
As in previous years, participants will pay a single satellite fee,
which will cover both tutorials and workshops. This permits unifying
the treatment of workshops and tutorials, and it makes tutorials more
attractive to attendees. Under this scheme, tutorial presenters will
not receive monetary compensation and will have to pay their own
registration to the satellite events. By submitting a tutorial
proposal, the presenter accepts that there will be no compensation for
giving the tutorial if accepted and that the registration fees for the
instructors have to be funded by the instructors themselves. The
benefit to the presenter is the opportunity to extend their sphere of
influence to the MODELS community.
Selection Committee
- Colin Atkinson, University of Mannheim (Germany)
- Loli Burgueño, Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) &
CEA List (Paris, France)
- Thomas Degueule, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (The Netherlands)
- Juergen Dingel, Queen's University (Canada)
- Michalis Famelis, Université de Montréal (Canada)
- Esther Guerra, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
- Regina Hebig, Chalmers | Gothenburg University (Sweden)
- Emilio Insfran, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
- Harald König, FHDW Hannover (Germany)
- Levi Lucio, Fortiss (Germany)
- Richard Paige, McMaster University (Canada) and the University of York
- Ernesto Posse, Zeligsoft (Canada)
- Jan Oliver Ringert, University of Leicester (UK)
- Bran Selic, Malina Software Corp. (Canada)
- Arnor Solberg, Tellu (Norway)
- Gabriele Taentzer, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany)
- Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
Tutorials Co-Chairs
- Ruth Breu, Universität Innsbruck (Austria)
- Andreas Wortmann, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
For further information, please contact the tutorial chairs at
Dr. Andreas Wortmann | Software Engineering
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany | RWTH Aachen University
Phone +49 (241) 80-21346 / Fax -22218 | http://www.se-rwth.de
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