-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last Call for Papers: Information Integration &
Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS2018), 19-21 November, 2018,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2018 11:24:46 +0200
From: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 20th International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2018)
19 - 21 November 2018
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
email: iiwas2018(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iiwas2018
**** Important Dates *****
5 August 2018: Full Papers (10 pages), Short papers, demos and work in
progress (4 pages) (SHARP)
15 September 2018: Acceptance Notification
10 October 2018: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
19-6 November 2018: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted iiWAS2018 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series and the supplemental proceedings (ISBN:
978-1-4503-6479-9) which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library,
and indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be reviewed
by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of
Science). Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published,
after revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
**** Scope *****
WWW has been driving global information integration. In spite of the
many applications in all domains of our societies: e-business,
e-commerce, e-learning, e-science, and e-government, for instance, as
well as the tremendous advances by engineers and scientists, the
seamless integration of information and services remains a major
challenge. The current shared vision for the future is one of
semantically rich information and service oriented architectures for
global information systems. This vision is at the convergence of
progress in technologies such as XML, Web services, RDF, OWL, of
multimedia, multimodal, and multilingual information retrieval, and of
distributed, mobile and ubiquitous computing. iiWAS2018 is the 20th in
the series of the highly successful International Conference on
Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Systems. Recently,
iiWAS has been held in Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels
(2015), Hanoi (2014), Vienna (2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City
(2011), Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). This year,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, the city of culture, arts and crafts where iiWAS
was first conceived 20 years ago, will host iiWAS2018. The iiWAS
conference series have provided opportunities to researchers, graduate
students, and industry practitioners to address recent research results
and current industry practices in the area of information integration
and web-based applications.
We invite two types of submissions: Full Technical Papers and Short
Position Papers.
- A Full Paper should provide solid conceptual and theoretical
foundation and substantial support for its results and conclusions as a
significant contribution to the field. - A Position Paper could be demo
or work in progress, i.e., it reports the latest emerged ideas,
approaches, methodologies, systems and application scenarios but have
not yet been fully implemented and/or undergone extensive evaluation.
***** Topics *****
iiWAS2018 conference themes, grouped in four tracks, are the following
(but are not limited to):
1. Web Engineering and Web Services Track:
- Web Data Integration, Monitoring and Management
- Web Data Models, Metrics, Tools, Languages and Performance
- Web Agents, Intelligence and Mining
- Web Security and Trust Management
- Web Visualisation, Rich Web UI and Deep/Hidden Web
- Web-based Enterprise Systems and Business Processes
- Web-based Auction and Negotiation
- Federated and cross-organisational Web engineering
- Web Services Architectural styles
- Web Services performance
- Dependability, security and privacy of web services (blogs, RSS,
wikis, etc.)
- Orchestration, choreography and composition of web services
- Tools and technologies for Web Services development, deployment and
- The impact of Web Services on enterprise systems
- Impact of formal methods on Web Services
2. E-applications Track (e-Business, e-Commerce, e-Payment,
e-Government, e-Learning, e-science, e-communities):
- E-application design models and methods
- E-application development processes, standards and methodologies
- E-application usability, accessibility, reuse and integration
- E-application localisation and internalization
- E-applications case studies and best practices
- E-applications social and legal issues
- E-applications service architectures
- E-applications competition and collaborations
- E-applications data analytics and visualisation
- Digital libraries
- Innovative E-Frameworks & E-Applications
- Innovative E-applications in Web 2.0, AJAX, E4X and other new developments
- Model-driven E-application development
- Workflow and E-services
3. Web Data and Semantic Web Track:
- XML data and schema integration
- XML data models, query processing and data management
- XML data privacy and security
- Web databases and warehousing
- Web data mining, exploration, and visualisation
- Document Engineering and Integration
- Web Data Markup Languages, tools and methodologies for representing
and managing Semantic Web data
- Web Semantics content creation, annotation, and extraction
- Web Semantics brokering, integration and interoperability
- Web Semantics search, query, and visualisation
- Web Semantics middleware and services
- Web Semantics provenance, trust & security
- Ontology creation, searching, extraction, and evolution
- Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment
4. Information Integration in Ubiquitous Computing Track:
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Information and Service Integration
- Tools and techniques for designing, implementing, & evaluating
Ubiquitous Computing Systems
- Grid and P2P architectures for service and information integration
- Agent-based ubiquitous applications
- Location and context-aware applications and services
- Infrastructure support for mobility and pervasive Web
- Web proxies and content adaptation
- Service creation and management environments for pervasive web
- Low-cost web access devices and networking for emerging regions
- Privacy-enhancing technologies in pervasive web
- Social search and the use of human computing in web search
- Experience report on ubiquitous computing implementation
- Visionary scenario on ubiquitous computing
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF through the conference
website. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers
that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will subject
to stringent peer review by at least three members of the international
program committee and carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted
papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by ACM.
Format requirements for submissions of papers are: - Maximum 10 pages,
including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all figures and
references for Full Technical papers. - Maximum 4 pages, including the
abstract (no more than 150 words), all figures and references for Short
Position Papers.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
iiWAS2018 best paper awards and student paper awards will be conferred
on the authors at the conference.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: http://dl.acm.org/event.cfm?id=RE544
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/iiwas/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact ***** Maria Indrawan-Santiago, Program Committee Chair,
Monash University, Australia
Eric Pardede, Program Committee CoChair, La Trobe University, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last Call for Papers: Mobile Computing & Multimedia
(MoMM2018), 19-21 November, 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2018 12:03:17 +0200
From: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 16th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and
(MoMM2018) 19 - 21 November 2018
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2018/ email: momm2018(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=momm2018
**** IMPORTANT DATES ***** 5 August 2018: Full Papers (10 pages), Short
papers, demos and work in progress (4 pages) (SHARP)
15 September 2018: Acceptance Notification
10 October 2018: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
19 - 21 November 2018: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted MoMM2018 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6452-2) and the
supplemental proceedings which will be archived in the ACM Digital
Library, and indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be
reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI
Web of Science). Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be
published, after revision and extension, in special issues of
international journals.
**** Scope *****
A vast variety of multimedia services like voice, email, instant
messaging, social networks, mobile payment and transactions, mobile
video conferencing, or video and audio streaming has already shaped the
expectations towards current mobile devices, infrastructure, and
services. Within the last five years, mobile multimedia has become the
accepted standard, driven by developments in end-user devices, radio
networks, and backend services. However, many open research questions
remain open, from limited battery life to heterogeneous data types,
increases in quality of service, context-aware adaptation to the
environment, or the ever-present security and privacy issues.
MoMM2018 is the 16th edition in the series of the highly successful
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia.
Recently, MoMM has been held in Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016),
Brussels (2015), Kaohsiung (2014), Vienna (2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi
Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008).
This year, Yogyakarta, Indonesia will host MoMM2018. The MoMM conference
series has provided opportunities to researchers, graduate students, and
industry practitioners to address recent research results and current
industry practices in the area of mobile computing and multimedia.
**** Submissions *****
We invite three types of submissions: Full Technical Papers, Short
Position Papers, and Demonstrations. - A Full Paper should provide solid
conceptual and theoretical foundation and substantial support for its
results and conclusions as a significant contribution to the field. - A
Position Paper is not expected to be theoretically or empirically
thorough, but represents an earlier stage of work. Examples are
demonstration or prototype work, preliminary user studies, or work in
progress, i.e. a report on the latest emerging ideas, approaches,
methodologies, systems and application scenarios. - A demonstration is
intended to showcase novel concepts and innovative technologies which
are at advanced stage and have already been implemented in working
prototype systems. The informal setting of the demonstration session
encourages presenters and participants to engage in discussions about
presented work, while the accompanying short paper should describe the
scientific aspects, concepts or methods underpinning the hands-on
demonstration. Accepted papers and demonstrations from all three
categories will be published in the ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Mobile Platform Track
- Mobile software architectures, systems, and platforms
- Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing
- Mobile network traffic engineering, performance, and optimization
- Wireless and mobile network management and service infrastructure
- Wireless communication technologies (GSM/UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi, Bluetooth,
- Mobility and location management
- Integration and interworking of wired and wireless networks
- Distributed systems aspects of mobile computing
- Localization and tracking
- Transaction processing in mobile environments
- Security and privacy of mobile/wireless systems
- Security and privacy of mobile/wireless protocols
- Security of mobile end-user devices
- Energy efficiency in mobile systems
- Approaches, and technologies for dealing with big data in mobile computing
- Integration of cloud computing and mobile computing
- Mobile services usage data analysis and pattern recognition
- Regulatory, societal, legal, and ethical issues of mobile computing
2. Mobile Interaction Track
- Mobile applications and services
- Mobile computing markets and business models
- Provisioning of mobile services
- Personalization and context awareness in mobile computing
- Location based services
- Security and privacy of social network services
- Mobile visualization for big data
- Rapid prototyping of mobile applications
- Mobile user interfaces and interaction techniques
- Evaluation and usability of mobile devices and services
- Mobile services for older adults with diverse capabilities
3. Mobile Multimedia Track
- Mobile multimedia streaming and services
- Mobile multimedia coding and encryption
- Mobile multimedia for learning
- Interfaces for multimedia creation
- Media fusion for communication and presentation
- Distributed mobile multimedia systems
- Audio and video analysis, modeling, processing and transformation
- Image analysis, modeling, and recognition
- Augmented reality on mobile devices
- Communication and cooperation through mobile multimedia
- Enabling infrastructures for mobile multimedia
- Scalable multimedia big data management
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers and demonstration descriptions must be submitted electronically
in PDF through the conference website. Submitted papers must not
substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with
proceedings. Submitted demonstrations should convey a scientific result
and should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.
Submitted papers and demonstrations will be subject to stringent peer
review by at least three members of the international program committee
and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers and demonstration
descriptions will appear in the conference proceedings to be published
by ACM. Format requirements for submissions of papers and demonstrations
- Maximum 10 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Full Technical papers.
- Maximum 4 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- A video clip (for review purpose only) and a description of maximum 4
pages for the demonstration. The description should outline the
underlying novel concepts, methods and/or approaches, and details about
implementation, deployment, testing, and evaluation and user uptake.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
MoMM2018 best paper awards, best student paper awards, and best
demonstrations will be selected based on novelty, significance, and the
presentation at the conference. Best student paper awards can only be
awarded to papers on which students are first authors.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: http://dl.acm.org/event.cfm?id=RE130
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/momm/
*** Contact *****
Pari Delir Haghighi, Program Committee Chair, Monash University, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ToC IJISCRAM 9(3), International Journal of
Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2018 01:02:59 -0700
From: Murray Jennex <mjennex(a)sdsu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, Murray Jennex <mjennex(a)sdsu.edu>
Abstract Announcement for International Journal of Information Systems for
Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 9(3)The contents of the latest
issue of:
*International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and
Management (IJISCRAM)*
*An Official Publication of the ISCRAM Association
Volume 9, Issue 3, July - September 2017
Indexed by: INSPEC
*For a complete list of indexing and abstracting services that include this
journal, please reference the bottom of this announcement.*
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1937-9390; EISSN: 1937-9420;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Víctor Amadeo Bañuls Silvera (Universidad Pablo de
Olavide, Spain) and Murray E. Jennex (San Diego State University, USA)
*Note: The International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response
and Management (IJISCRAM) has an Open Access option, which allows
individuals and institutions unrestricted access to its published content.
Unlike traditional subscription-based publishing models, open access
content is available without having to purchase or subscribe to the journal
in which the content is published. All IGI Global manuscripts are accepted
based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.*
Special Issue on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in
the Mediterranean Countries
Ioannis M. Dokas (Civil Engineering Department, Democritus University of
Thrace, Xanthi, Greece)
To obtain a copy of the Guest Editorial Preface, click on the link below.
www.igi-global.com/pdf.aspx?tid=207710&ptid=158388&ctid=15&t=Special Issue
on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in the
Mediterranean Countries
Dependability Levels on Autonomous Systems: The Case Study of a Crisis
Management Robot
Angeliki Zacharaki (Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University
of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece), Ioannis Kostavelis (Department of Production
and Management Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece)
Professional robots should be endorsed with great autonomy capabilities
when designed for release into the market. The need for autonomy is further
reinforced when robots are meant to be used for crisis management
situations, where close collaboration with humans and trustworthy operation
in hazardous environments is necessary. To this end, this article
quantifies the system's autonomy by measuring its dependability. This is
achieved by defining a qualitative metric system regarding the different
levels of dependability that autonomous systems should retain in order to
operate in various crisis situations. It provides a detailed analysis of
each level of dependability and proposes the minimum requirements that
should be fulfilled in each level, thus realizing a ranking system that
outlines the overall system's ability to operate autonomously. The proposed
analysis is applied on a real robotic prototype developed for crisis
situations and evaluates the system's autonomy capabilities by qualitative
assessing the levels of dependability it retains.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Hybrid Unsupervised Modeling of Air Pollution Impact to Cardiovascular and
Respiratory Diseases
Lazaros Iliadis (Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering,
Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece), Vardis-Dimitris Anezakis
(Department of Forestry, School of Agriculture and Forest Sciences,
Democritus University of Thrace, Orestiada, Greece), Konstantinos Demertzis
(Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Democritus University
of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece), Georgios Mallinis (Department of Forestry,
School of Agriculture and Forest Sciences, Democritus University of Thrace,
Orestiada, Greece)
During the last few decades, climate change has increased air pollutant
concentrations with a direct and serious effect on population health in
urban areas. This research introduces a hybrid computational intelligence
approach, employing unsupervised machine learning (UML), in an effort to
model the impact of extreme air pollutants on cardiovascular and
respiratory diseases of citizens. The system is entitled Air Pollution
Climate Change Cardiovascular and Respiratory (APCCCR) and it combines the
fuzzy chi square test (FUCS) with the UML self organizing maps algorithm. A
major innovation of the system is the determination of the direct impact of
air pollution (or of the indirect impact of climate change) to the health
of the people, in a comprehensive manner with the use of fuzzy linguistics.
The system has been applied and tested thoroughly with spatiotemporal data
for the Thessaloniki urban area for the period 2004-2013.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Metrics for Ensuring Security and Privacy of Information Sharing Platforms
for Improved City Resilience: A Review Approach
Jaziar Radianti (Centre for Integrated Emergency Management UiA, Grimstad,
Norway), Terje Gjøsæter (Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway)
City resilience is a pressing issue worldwide since the majority of the
population resides in urban areas. When disaster strikes, the consequences
will be more severe in the cities. To achieve resilience, different
organizations, agencies and the public should share information during a
disaster. ICT-based community engagement is used for strengthening
resilience. The authors propose a set of metrics for assessing the security
and privacy of information sharing tools for resilience. They then apply
the selected metrics to a selection of information sharing tools. The
authors' main finding is that most of them are reasonably well-protected,
but with less than private default settings. They discuss the importance of
security and privacy for different important categories of users of such
systems, to better understand how these aspects affect the willingness to
share information. Security and privacy is of particular importance for
whistle-blowers that may carry urgent information, while volunteers and
active helpers are less affected by the level of security and privacy.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Serious Game Design for Flooding Triggered by Extreme Weather
Jaziar Radianti (Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM),
University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway), Mattias N. Tronslien
(University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway), Kristoffer Kalvik Thomassen
(University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway), Max Emil Odd Moland
(Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand, Norway), Christian Anker Kulmus
(Kulmus 3D, Oslo, Norway)
Managing crises with limited resources through a serious game is deemed as
one of the ways of training and can be regarded as an alternative to a
table-top exercise. This article presents the so-called “Operasjon Tyrsdal”
serious game, inspired by a real case of extreme weather that hit the west
coast of Norway. This reference case is used to add realism to the game.
The game is designed for a single player, while the mechanics are framed in
such a way that the player will have limited resources, and elevated event
pressure over time. Beside applying an iterative Scrum method with seven
Sprint cycles, we combined the development work with desk research and used
the involvement of testers, including crisis responders. The resulting game
has expected features and behaviors, is game(ful), but allow the player to
learn through an “After Action” report that logs all player's decisions,
which is intended to trigger discussions.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Towards a Grid for Characterizing and Evaluating Crisis Management Serious
Games: A Survey of the Current State of Art
Ibtissem Daoudi (ENSI, Manouba, Tunisia), Raoudha Chebil (ENSI, Manouba,
Tunisia), Erwan Tranvouez (Aix Marseille University, Marseille, France),
Wided Lejouad Chaari (ENSI, Manouba, Tunisia), Bernard Espinasse (Aix
Marseille University, Marseille, France)
Over the last few decades, interest has grown in the use of serious games
(SG) and their assessment in almost every sector. A privileged application
domain of SG is crisis management (CM) in which these tools improve crisis
behavior and/or management in a safe environment while reducing training
costs. However, it is difficult to characterize and evaluate such specific
SG. This article proposes a comprehensive grid defining features for
description, analysis and evaluation of Crisis Management Serious Games
(CMSG). First of all, the authors introduce SG, CM as well as evaluation
and assessment concepts, and discuss their particular challenges by
highlighting the need of using assessment and evaluation techniques to
support learning and/or training. Then, the authors present, classify and
compare the most relevant techniques dedicated to address this need by
encompassing the state of the art of learners' assessment and evaluation
approaches used in CMSG. Finally, this article presents in detail the
proposed grid and discusses the major findings and contributions.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
A Framework to Improve the Disaster Response Through a Knowledge-Based
Multi-Agent System
Claire Prudhomme (i3mainz, University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany),
Christophe Cruz (Laboratoire LE2I – UMR FRE 2005 – IC ARTS, Dijon, France),
Ana Roxin (Laboratoire LE2I – UMR FRE 2005 – IC ARTS, Dijon, France), Frank
Boochs (i3mainz, University of Applied Science, Mainz, Germany)
The disaster response still faces problems of collaboration due to lack of
policies concerning the information exchange during the response. Moreover,
plans are prepared to respond to a disaster, but drills to apply them are
limited and do not allow to determine their efficiency and conflicts with
other organizations. This paper presents a framework allowing for different
organizations involving in the disaster response to assess their
collaboration through its simulation using an explicit representation of
their knowledge. This framework is based on a multi-agent system composed
of three generic agent models to represent the organizational structure of
disaster response. The decision-making about response actions is done
through task decomposition and repartition. It is based reasoning on
ontologies which provides an explicit trace of the response plans design
and their execution. Such framework aims at identifying cooperation
problems and testing strategies of information exchange to support the
preparation of disaster response.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
(IJISCRAM)* in your institution's library. This journal is also included in
the IGI Global aggregated *"InfoSci-Journals"* database:
Mission of IJISCRAM:
The mission of the *International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis
Response and Management (IJISCRAM)* is to provide an outlet for innovative
research in the area of information systems for crisis response and
management. Research is expected to be rigorous but can utilize any
accepted methodology and may be qualitative or quantitative in nature. The
journal will provide a comprehensive cross disciplinary forum for advancing
the understanding of the organizational, technical, human, and cognitive
issues associated with the use of information systems in responding and
managing crises of all kinds. The goal of the journal is to publish high
quality empirical and theoretical research covering all aspects of
information systems for crisis response and management. Full-length
research manuscripts, insightful research and practice notes, and case
studies will be considered for publication.
Indices of IJISCRAM:
- ACM Digital Library
- Bacon's Media Directory
- Cabell's Directories
- GetCited
- Google Scholar
- JournalTOCs
- MediaFinder
- Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
- The Index of Information Systems Journals
- The Standard Periodical Directory
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Coverage of IJISCRAM:
This journal covers all aspects of the crisis management information
systems discipline, from organizational or social issues to technology
support to decision making and knowledge representation. High quality
submissions are encouraged using any qualitative or quantitative research
methodology, focusing on the design, development, implementation, uses and
evaluation of such systems. Submissions are especially encouraged covering
the following topics in this discipline:
- Case studies, research methods, and modeling approaches
- Collaborative and intelligent systems
- Command and control
- Communication technologies
- Crisis planning, training, exercising, and gaming
- Data fusion, representation, and visualization
- Decision making and judgment
- Disaster risk reduction, risk management, ad-hoc, and sensor networks
- Early warning systems
- Emergency response systems
- Geographical information systems
- Globalization and development issues
- Healthcare and health information systems
- Human-computer interaction
- Humanitarian operations
- Information systems strategy
- Knowledge management and systems
- Systems interoperability information systems infrastructures
- Virtual teams and organizations
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: IEEE SocialCom 2018 (Social Computing and
Networking), Dec. 2018, Melbourne, Australia
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2018 18:58:10 +1000
From: Arne Wilston <arne.wilston(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for papers:
The 11th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking (
SocialCom 2018), 11-13 Dec. 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/2018/socialcom/
Key dates:
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2018 (11:59pm UTC/GMT, firm)
Notification: September 30, 2018
Final Manuscript Due: October 15, 2018
Submission site: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/2018/socialcom/submission.htm
Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press.
Special issues:
Distinguished papers will be selected for special issues in Information
Sciences, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Social computing and networking is concerned with the intersection of
social behaviour and computing systems, creating or recreating social
conventions and contexts through the use of software and technology.
Various social computing applications such as blogs, email, instant
messaging, social networking (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc.),
wikis, and social bookmarking have been widely popularised by providing
digital platforms for social interaction. Such applications have been
profoundly change social behaviours and digital life styles of humankind
whilst pushing the boundaries of Internet technologies. While people can
enjoy or even indulge in the benefits such as freedom and convenience
brought about by social computing, various critical issues such as trust,
privacy, HCI design, and the modelling as well as understanding of social
behaviours via computational means provide significant challenges.
SocialCom (Social Computing and Networking) was created to provide a prime
international forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain
experts to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art
and practice of Social Computing & Networking and its broadly related
Scope and Topics
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
· Fundamentals of social computing
· Modelling of social behaviour
· Social network analysis and mining
· Big social media data
· Social media infrastructure and cloud computing
· Computational models of social simulation
· Web 2.0 and semantic web
· Innovative HCI and touch-screen models
· Modelling of social conventions and social contexts
· Social cognition and social intelligence
· Social media analytics and intelligence
· Group formation and evolution
· Security, privacy, trust, risk and cryptography in social contexts
· Social system design and architectures
· Information retrieval, data mining, artificial intelligence and
agent-based technology
· Group interaction, collaboration, representation and profiling
· Handheld/mobile social computing
· Service science and service oriented interaction design
· Cultural patterns and representation
· Emotional intelligence, opinion representation, influence process
· Mobile commerce, handheld commerce and e-markets
· Connected e-health in social networks
· Social policy and government management
· Social blog, micro-blog, public blog, internet forum
· Business social software systems
· Impact on peoples activities in complex and dynamic environments
· Collaborative filtering, mining and prediction
· Social computing applications and case studies
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail address of the
corresponding author and should not exceed 8 pages for main conference,
including tables and figures in IEEE CS format. The template files for
LATEX or WORD can be downloaded here. All paper submissions must represent
original and unpublished work. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at
least three program committee members. Submission of a paper should be
regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one
of the authors will register for the conference and present the work.
Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the submission site:
Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE
Conference Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of accepted
papers, or at least one of them, are requested to register and present
their work at the conference, otherwise their papers may be removed from
the digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.
Distinguished papers will be selected for special issues in Information
Sciences, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
General Chairs
Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Jian Yang, Macquarie University, Australia
Program Chairs
Wookey Lee, Inha University, Korea
Simon Caton, National College of Ireland, Ireland
Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ACM Dependable, Adaptive, and Trustworthy
Distributed Systems
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2018 11:24:59 +0200
From: Karl M. Goeschka <Karl.Goeschka(a)tuwien.ac.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
| 14th Track on Dependable, Adaptive, and Trustworthy Distributed
Systems (DADS) |
| of the 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'19) |
April 8 - 12, 2019
Limassol, Cyprus
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM conference proceedings and
will be included in the ACM digital library.
Important Dates:
Paper submission: September 10, 2018
Author notification: November 10, 2018
Camera-ready copies: November 25, 2018
Authors are invited to submit original work not previously published,
nor currently submitted elsewhere. Authors submit full papers in pdf
format using the link to the submission site at
http://www.dedisys.org/sac19/. Authors are allowed up to 10 pages, but
with more than 8 pages in the final camera ready, there will be a charge
of 80USD per extra page.
Call details
While computing is provided by the cloud and services increasingly
pervade our daily lives, dependability, adaptiveness and security become
a cornerstone of the information society. Unfortunately, most innovative
systems and applications (Internet of Things, Industrial IoT, Smart
Environments, Mashups, NewSQL) suffer from a lack of dependability and
security, which is fueled by global scale, mobility and heterogeneity,
as well as the demand for resource awareness, green computing, and
increasing cost pressure.
Among technical factors, software development methods, tools, and
techniques contribute to dependability and security, as defects in
software products and services may lead to failure and also provide
typical access for malicious attacks. In addition, there is a wide
variety of fault and intrusion tolerance techniques available, including
persistence provided by databases, redundancy and replication, group
communication, transaction monitors, reliable middleware, cloud
infrastructures, light-weight virtualization (docker),
fragmentation-redundancy-scattering, and trustworthy service-oriented
architectures with explicit control of quality of service properties and
service level agreements.
Furthermore, adaptiveness is envisaged in order to react to observed, or
act upon expected changes of the system itself, the context/environment
(e.g., resource variability or failure/threat scenarios) or users' needs
and expectations. Provided without explicit user intervention, this is
also termed autonomous behavior or self-properties, and often involves
monitoring, diagnosis (analysis, interpretation), and reconfiguration
(repair). In particular, adaptation is also a means to achieve
dependability and security in a computing infrastructure with
dynamically varying structure and properties and can itself be provided
as a service (Control-as-a-service).
Topics of interest
* Dependable, Adaptive, and Trustworthy Distributed Systems (DADS)
* Architectures, architectural styles, and middleware for DADS
* Protocols for DADS
* Modeling, design, and engineering of DADS
* Foundations and formal methods for DADS
* Applications of DADS
* Evaluations, testing, benchmarking, and case studies of DADS
* Holistic aspects of DADS
Track program co-chairs
Karl M. Goeschka, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
(main contact: dads(a)dedisys.org)
Rui Oliveira, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College London (UK)
Giovanni Russello, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Program committee
Filipe Araujo, University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Claudio Agostino Ardagna, University of Milan (Italy)
Jean Bacon, University of Cambridge (UK)
Alberto Bartoli, University of Trieste (Italy)
Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence (Italy)
Antonio Casimiro, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Mauro Conti, Universita di Padova (Italy)
Gianpaolo Cugola, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Rogerio De Lemos, University of Kent (UK)
Felicita Di Giandomenico, ISTI-CNR, Pisa (Italy)
Naranker Dulay, Imperial College London (UK)
Frank Eliassen, University of Oslo (Norway)
Lorenz Froihofer, A1 Telekom Austria (Austria)
Kurt Geihs, Universität Kassel (Germany)
Nikolaos Georgantas, INRIA (France)
Vincenzo Gulisano, Chalmers University (Sweden)
Matti Hiltunen, AT&T Labs (USA)
Shanshan Jiang, SINTEF (Norway)
Mikel Larrea, Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea (Spain)
Michaël Lauer, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (France)
Mark Little, JBoss (UK)
István Majzik, Budapest UTE. (Hungary)
Matteo Migliavacca, University of Kent (UK)
Alberto Montresor, University of Trento (Italy)
Gero Mühl, University of Rostock (Germany)
Francesc Daniel Muñoz-Escoí, UP Valencia (Spain)
Fernando Pedone, Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)
Jose Pereira, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Barry Porter, Lancaster University (UK)
Luís Rodrigues, INESC-ID/IST (Portugal)
Romain Rouvoy, INRIA (France)
Matthieu Roy, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (France)
Alirio Sá, Federal University of Bahia (Brazil)
Valerio Schiavoni, Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
Elad Schiller, Chalmers University (Sweden)
Stefan Tai, Information Systems Engineering, TU Berlin (Germany)
Elena Troubitsyna, Åbo Akademi University (Finland)
Eddy Truyen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Sara Tucci Piergiovanni, CEA - LIST, Saclay (France)
Ricardo Vilaça, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Roman Vitenberg, University of Oslo (Norway)
Nicola Zannone, Technical University of Eindhoven (Netherlands)
Uwe Zdun, Vienna University (Austria)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] "IT Service Management" - Aufruf zur Einreichung eines
Beitrags für die HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2018 12:57:10 +0200
From: Hans-Peter Fröschle <hpf(a)i-t-consult.de>
Reply-To: Hans-Peter Fröschle <hpf(a)i-t-consult.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
als Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift HMD –Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
bin ich für das Schwerpunktheft "*IT-Servicemanagement*" (HMD 325)
verantwortlich, das im April 2019 beim Springer-Verlag erscheinen wird.
Zur Planung des Heftes bitte ich interessierte Autorinnen und Autoren,
mir baldmöglichst, jedoch bis *sp**ä**testens 15. September 2018 einem
kurzen Abstract Ihres Beitragsvorschlags *zuzusenden. Dieser Abstract
soll die wesentliche Themenstellung, eine Arbeitsgliederung und
Stichworte zum Inhalt umfassen. Ich werde Ihnen dann kurzfristig eine
Rückmeldung geben, ob Ihr Beitragsvorschlag für das Heft in den weiteren
Bearbeitungsprozess aufgenommen wurde.
Der fertige Beitrag sollte dann für den Review-Prozess und
gegebenenfalls die Überarbeitung bis *sp**ä**testens 30.11.2018
*eingereicht sein.
*Bitte richten Sie Ihre Beitragsvorschl**ä**ge an Hans-Peter
Fr**ö**schle, i.t-consult GmbH, hpf(a)i-t-consult.de
*Das Heft wird mit dem folgenden Kurztext angek**ü**ndigt:*
Die zunehmende Digitalisierung aller Lebensbereiche bedeutet für die
Unternehmen, dass die IT sich mehr und mehr von einer betrieblichen
Unterstützungsfunktion zu einem zentralen Wertschöpfungsprozess wandelt.
Damit ist es erforderlich, dass die IT nach ähnlichen Prinzipien wie die
Kernprozesse der Unternehmen funktioniert. Neben den bisherigen
Anforderungen nach Stabilität, Sicherheit, kostenoptimaler und
zuverlässiger Betrieb wird eine hohe Innovationsfähigkeit und hohe
Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit vorausgesetzt.
Hat sich die IT in den vergangenen Jahren von einem
Technologielieferanten über eine Serviceorientierung hin zur
Geschäftsorientierung (IT/Business Alignment) gewandelt, besteht die
Herausforderung für die nahe Zukunft darin, dass die IT zunehmend zum
Innovationstreiber des Kerngeschäftes werden muss.
Die Konsequenzen sind bereits heute in vielen IT-Organisationen sichtbar:
Herkömmlich Architekturen und Betriebsmodelle werden durch
Cloud-basierte Lösungen ersetzt.
Der eigentliche Betrieb der IT rückt in den Hintergrund. Gefordert ist
eine Steuerung der Anbieter und Partner in einem Multi-Sourcing-Umfeld.
Zur Gewährleistung von IT-Qualität und Anpassungsgeschwindigkeit werden
bisherige Bereichsgrenzen in Frage gestellt. So werden in vielen
IT-Organisationen mit DevOps die Abteilungsgrenzen zwischen Entwicklung
(Dev) und Betrieb (Ops) überwunden.
Agile Vorgehensweisen aus der Softwareentwicklung finden Einzug im
IT-Projektmanagement, IT-Betrieb und Support.
Innovative Anwendungen künstlicher Intelligenz bzw. selbstlernender
Systeme werden als Enabler für Automatisierung eingesetzt.
Dies sind nur beispielhafte Ansätze, die mit dem Schwerpunktthema
„IT-Servicemanagement“zur Diskussion gestellt werden. Daneben stellt
sich sicherlich auch die Frage, inwieweit etablierte Entwicklungs- und
Betriebs-Frameworks (Ansätze des Software Engineerings, ITIL) für die
Bewältigung der Anforderungen genutzt werden können.
Sollten sie einen Beitrag zu dem Schwerpunktthema
„IT-Servicemanagement“leisten können, freue ich mich auf Ihren Artikel
aus Forschung und/oder Praxis.
Zur Orientierung finden Sie anbei den Call for Papers sowie die
Autoreneckdaten für das Heft.
Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und freue mich auf
Ihre Beitragsvorschläge.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
*Hans-Peter Fröschle
- *Geschäftsführer -
*i.t-consult GmbH**
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Handelsregister: Stuttgart / HRB 17256
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Special Issue of Information
Systems Research Humans, Algorithms, and Augmented Intelligence: The
Future of Work, Organizations and Society
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 21:05:43 +0000
From: Jain, Hemant <hemant-jain(a)utc.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Information Systems Research
Humans, Algorithms, and Augmented Intelligence:
The Future of Work, Organizations and Society
Guest Editors:
Hemant Jain, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Balaji Padmanabhan, University of South Florida
Paul A. Pavlou, Temple University
Raghu T Santanam, Arizona State University
“…the main intellectual advances will be made by men and computers
working together in intimate association” -- J C R Licklider, 1960.
While artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other autonomic
technologies are usually in the spotlight, many important problems are
often solved through human beings and computers working cooperatively.
The design of information systems has to focus as much on Intelligence
Augmentation (IA), defined as computers enhancing human intelligence, as
it would on Artificial Intelligence (AI), commonly defined as computers
replacing human beings. Additionally, recent concerns about AI raised by
pioneers like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk raises major
issues related to control in system design.1 IA requires a focus on
design that optimally combines the abilities of human beings with
various AI technologies and algorithms while keeping the ultimate
control of human beings. As such, designers of information systems have
to increase their focus on interactions, control, and interface points
such that the resulting system is efficient, effective and addresses the
issues of appropriate human control. Applications of IA are beginning to
emerge in a number of domains such as cybersecurity, counter-terrorism,
healthcare, and space exploration, among others. There are also several
applications to the design of information systems. This Special Issue of
Information Systems Research invites researchers to submit their best
work to highlight how they are beginning to seamlessly integrate human
and computer intelligence to solve interesting and important problems
that impact the future of work, organizations, and broadly society.
In the 1960’s, Engelbart and Licklider (both managed research programs
at DARPA) pioneered the arguments for “human-computer symbiosis”
(Licklider 1960). A fundamental assumption behind the need for
human-computer symbiosis is that computers and human brains have
different problem-solving capabilities. As such, IA research pursues
design ideas that are intended to optimize the combined computational
potential of human beings and computers. One branch of IA very familiar
to Information Systems researchers is Human Computer Interaction (HCI).
One of the pioneers of the HCI approach, Terry Winograd, has commented
on the tensions between the AI and the HCI camps, and the associated
“rationalistic” and “design” perspectives that they represent (Winograd
2006). Some parts of AI attempted to model human beings as cognitive
machines and sought to build human-like AI systems. HCI, on the other
hand, focused on a design approach which emphasizes interpretation,
human behavior, and experimentation. Winograd quotes David Kelley, the
renowned design thinker, as saying: “Enlightened trial and error
outperforms the planning of flawless intellect”, suggesting the
importance of iteratively improving by modeling the interaction between
humans and AI.
However, HCI is not the only perspective to human-computer symbiosis.
Large scale computational problems often cannot be solved by either
computer or humans alone – such problems are termed “human computation
problems” (von Ahn 2008). For instance, crowd-sourcing strategies for
many messy large-scale image or character recognition problems fall into
this domain. Human computation problems rely on harnessing human
processing power (i.e., common sense) to solve problems that computers
are not yet good at solving. More interestingly, many early human
computation problem-solving approaches have utilized gamification
strategies that seem to be very well aligned with the HCI tradition of
“design approach.”
Given the increasing role AI plays in society today, the White House
issued an RFI in 2016 to solicit commentaries and feedback on the role
of AI for current and future needs of the economy. A report summarizing
the responses to the RFI was released recently by the White House. IBM’s
response to the RFI declared an emphasis on Augmented Intelligence in
IBM’s approach to AI – “We call our particular approach to augmented
intelligence “cognitive computing.” Cognitive computing is a
comprehensive set of capabilities based on technologies such as machine
learning, reasoning and decision technologies; language, speech and
vision technologies; human interface technologies; distributed and
high-performance computing; and new computing architectures and devices.
When purposefully integrated, these capabilities are designed to solve a
wide range of practical problems, boost productivity, and foster new
discoveries across many industries.” In contrast, Google’s approach to
AI, especially its search engine design, is also arguably more in the
tradition of IA than AI.
Recent developments in hardware, sensor and networking technologies
combined with significant growth in Internet of Things (IOT) devices has
increased interested in combining them with AI technologies to develop
completely autonomous systems, such as driverless cars. The design of
these systems poses unique technical, organizational, societal, and
ethical questions. The human-computer symbiosis has potential to address
some of these difficult issues.
IS researchers (including many authors in ISR) have embraced both AI and
IA traditions. Recent publications in ISR have revived both the design
and rational schools of thoughts in research papers, notes and
commentaries (see for example, Gregory and Muntermann (2014); Dhar et
al., (2014); Clarke et al., (2016); and Meyer et al., (2014)). However,
there is still a lack of coherent discussion and an integrated body of
literature on the direct implications of how IA and AI research can
contribute to organizational and societal applications and to their
impact on the future of work. This Special Issue of Information Systems
Research is intended to begin a new dialog on the potential synergies
between IA and AI within the context of IS research. Given the long
tradition of IS researchers to cross-disciplinary boundaries, we are
confident of attracting a large number of high-quality submissions that
will highlight the prevailing knowledge and research endeavors in the
discipline and beyond. We hope to showcase the best research in this
domain as part of this Special Issue.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Design approaches for effectively combining human and computer
cognitive power.
* Applications and evaluation of human-computer symbiosis in various
industry sectors, including healthcare, education, finance,
cybersecurity, and transportation, among others.
* Generalizable modeling innovations and applications that bridge IA and
AI concepts.
* Evaluation of theoretical predictions on how human beings and
computers collaborate in solving large-scale computational problems.
* Social, behavioral, and economic implications of AI and IA, including
how they may impact the nature and future of work, productivity, jobs,
and industries.
* Theoretical predictions and evaluations of legal, policy, governance
and business models associated with applications of AI and IA systems in
various industries and markets.
* Issues related to human control in the design of IA systems.
Accessed 2/3/2017
Accessed 2/2/2017
Accessed 2/2/2017
Full Papers Due: December 1, 2018
Initial Screening Decisions: January 1, 2019
Round 1 Decisions: April 15, 2019
Workshop: June 15-16, 2019 (tentative)
1st Round Revisions Due: October 15, 2019
Round 2 Decisions: January 15, 2020
Ohad Barzilay, Tel Aviv University
Gordon Burtch, University of Minnesota
Ram Chellappa, Emory University
Theodoros Evgenious, INSEAD
Tomer Geva, Tel Aviv University
Alan Hevner, University of South Florida
Kevin (Yili) Hong, Arizona State University
Panos Ipeirotis, New York University
Nishtha Langer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ting Li, Rotterdam School of Management
Xitong Li, HEC Paris
Jiahui Mo, Nanyang Technological University
Joe Nandakumar, University of Warwick
Gautam Pant, University of Iowa
Sandeep Purao, Bentley University
Liangfei Qiu, University of Florida
Sam Ransbotham, Boston College
Benjamin Shao, Arizona State University
Atish Sinha, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Tianshu Sun, University of Southern California
Anjana Susarla, Michigan State University
Prasanna Tambe, University of Pennsylvania
Monica Tremblay, College of William and Mary
Sunil Wattal, Temple University
Heng Xu, Pennsylvania State University
Jingjing Zhang, Indiana University
Rong Zheng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Leon Zhao, City University of Hong Kong
Hangjung Zo, KAIST
Clarke, R., Burton-Jones, A., & Weber, R. (2016). On the Ontological
Quality and Logical Quality of Conceptual-Modeling Grammars: The Need
for a Dual Perspective. Information Systems Research, 27(2), 365-382.
Dhar, V., Geva, T., Oestreicher-Singer, G., & Sundararajan, A. (2014).
Prediction in economic networks. Information Systems Research, 25(2),
Gregory, R. W., & Muntermann, J. (2014). Research Note—Heuristic
Theorizing: Proactively Generating Design Theories. Information Systems
Research, 25(3), 639-653.
Licklider, J. C. (1960). Man-computer symbiosis. IRE transactions on
human factors in electronics, (1), 4-11.
Meyer, G., Adomavicius, G., Johnson, P. E., Elidrisi, M., Rush, W. A.,
Sperl-Hillen, J. M., & O'Connor, P. J. (2014). A machine learning
approach to improving dynamic decision making. Information Systems
Research, 25(2), 239-263.
Von Ahn, L., & Dabbish, L. (2008). Designing games with a purpose.
Communications of the ACM, 51(8), 58-67.
Winograd, T. (2006). Shifting viewpoints: Artificial intelligence and
human–computer interaction. Artificial Intelligence, 170(18), 1256-1258.
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Windows 10
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Computer Science and Information Systems (ISI journal, IF:
0.613), New Issue Published (Vol. 15, No. 2, 2018)
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 22:23:15 +0200 (CEST)
From: comsis.promo(a)dmi.uns.ac.rs
To: Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Readers,
Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS) is an international,
ISI indexed journal published by ComSIS Consortium with:
- two-year impact factor (2017): 0.613
- five-year impact factor (2017): 0.675
We are pleased to share with you the Table of Contents of the latest
ComSIS issue (Vol. 15, No. 2, 2018) and invite you to visit our website
(www.comsis.org) where the full text of articles is available.
Thanks for the continuing interest in ComSIS,
Mirjana Ivanovic, Editor-in-Chief
Computer Science and Information System (ComSIS), Volume 15, Issue 2,
June 2018
Table of Contents
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=pag1502
*** Interoperability in Emergency Management. A Solution Based on
Distributed Databases and P2P Networks
Marcelo Zambrano, Francisco Pérez, Manuel Esteve and Carlos Palau
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr620-1702
*** Solving the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem with a Parallel Discrete
Firefly Algorithm implemented on GPU
Pablo Javier Vidal and Ana Carolina Olivera
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr629-1705
*** Exploring Instances for Matching Heterogeneous Database Schemas
Utilizing Google Similarity and Regular Expression
Osama A. Mehdi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Lilly Suriani Affendey, Eric Pardede
and Jinli Cao
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr633-1705
*** Managing Software Requirements Changes through Change Specification
and Classification
Shalinka Jayatilleke, Richard Lai and Karl Reed
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr612-1611
*** Data Imputation Using a Trust Network for Recommendation via Matrix
Won-Seok Hwang, Shaoyu Li, Sang-Wook Kim and Kichun Lee
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr642-1708
*** Use of Linguistic Forms Mining in the Link Analysis of Legal Documents
Đorđe Petrović and Milena Stanković
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr637-1707
*** OLAPS: Online Load-Balancing in Range-Partitioned Main Memory
Database with Approximate Partition Statistics
Djahida Belayadi, Khaled-Walid Hidouci and Ladjel Bellatreche
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr660-1803
*** Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of a Teaching Approach Using
Barker or Bachman Notation for Conceptual Database Design
Aida Kamišalić, Marjan Heričko, Tatjana Welzer and Muhamed Turkanović
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr661-1803
*** Conceptual Approach for Reuse of Test Automation Artifacts on
Various Architectural Levels
Dani Almog, Hadas Schwartz Chassidim, Yaron Tsubery, Miroslav Bures and
Shlomo Mark
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr638-1707
*** CpG Islands’ Clustering Uncovers Early Development Genes in the
Human Genome
Vladimir N. Babenko, Anton G. Bogomolov, Roman O. Babenko, Elvira R.
Galieva and Yuriy L. Orlov
--> http://www.comsis.org/archive.php?show=ppr632-1705
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Special Issue on Parallel and
Distributed Data Mining
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:03:58 +0200
From: Massimo CAFARO <massimo.cafaro(a)unisalento.it>
To: Morris, Karla NMN via computational.science
Special Issue "The Second International Workshop on Parallel and
Distributed Data Mining"
A special issue of Algorithms (ISSN 1999-4893).
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 21 December 2018
Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
This Special Issue is devoted to the increasing interest in the design
and implementation of parallel and distributed data mining algorithms.
The Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Data Mining (WPDM 2018) is an
international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners,
working on different high-performance aspects of data mining algorithms,
enabling novel applications. Indeed, datasets grow so rapidly that,
every day, exabytes of data are being generated, and, in order to
extract and infer useful knowledge, parallel processing techniques are
required to cope with this huge volume of data: Traditional sequential
software is not viable to cope with them. When the data are generated in
different places (such as wireless sensor networks and/or Internet of
things devices), they may be geographically spread out, and the data
cannot be sent to a centralized site, thus, the need for distributed
processing algorithms arises. Topics relevant to this Special Issue
cover the scope of the WPDM 2018 Workshop
- Parallel data mining algorithms using MPI and/or OpenMP
- Parallel data mining algorithms targeting GPUs and many-cores accelerators
- Parallel data mining applications exploiting FPGA
- Distributed data mining algorithms
- Benchmarking and performance studies of high-performance data mining
- Novel programming paradigms to support high-performance computing for
data mining
- Performance models for high-performance data mining applications and
- Programming models, tools, and environments for high-performance
computing in data mining
- Caching, streaming, pipelining, and other optimization techniques for
data management in high-performance computing for data mining
Extended versions of papers presented at WPDM 2018 are sought, but this
call for papers is fully open to all those who wish to contribute by
submitting a relevant research manuscript.
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted online at www.mdpi.com by registering
and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to
go to the submission form. Manuscripts can be submitted until the
deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be
published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be
listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review
articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned
papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the
Editorial Office for announcement on this website.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be
under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference
proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a
single-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant
information for submission of manuscripts is available on the
Instructions for Authors page. Algorithms is an international
peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI.
Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a
manuscript. The Article Processing Charge (APC) for publication in this
open access journal is 850 CHF (Swiss Francs). Submitted papers should
be well formatted and use good English. Authors may use MDPI's English
editing service prior to publication or during author revisions.
Special Issue Editors
Guest Editor Assoc. Prof. Massimo Cafaro
Department of Engineering for Innovation, Via per Monteroni, 73100
Lecce, Italy
Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, Foundation, Lecce, Italy
Guest Editor Dr. Italo Epicoco
Department of Engineering for Innovation, Via per Monteroni, 73100
Lecce, Italy
Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, Foundation, Lecce, Italy
Guest Editor Dr. Marco Pulimeno
Department of Engineering for Innovation, Via per Monteroni, 73100
Lecce, Italy
Guest Editor Prof. Giovanni Aloisio
Department of Engineering for Innovation, Via per Monteroni, 73100
Lecce, Italy
Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, Foundation, Lecce, Italy
Massimo Cafaro, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Dept. of Engineering for Innovation University of
Salento, Lecce, Italy Via per Monteroni 73100 Lecce, Italy Voice/Fax +39
0832 297371 Web http://sara.unisalento.it/~cafaro E-mail
CMCC Foundation
Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
Via Augusto Imperatore, 16 - 73100 Lecce
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: IEEE IUCC2018 (Ubiquitous Computing and
Communications), Dec. 2018, Melbourne, Australia
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 21:25:59 +1000
From: Andrew Clashe <andrew.clashe(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for papers:
The 17th IEEE International Conference Ubiquitous Computing and
Communication (IUCC 2018), 11-13 Dec. 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/2018/iucc/
Key dates:
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2018 (11:59pm UTC/GMT, firm)
Notification: September 30, 2018
Final Manuscript Due: October 15, 2018
Submission site:http://www.swinflow.org/confs/2018/iucc/submission.htm
Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press.
Special issues:
Distinguished papers will be selected for special issues in Information
Sciences, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
The technologies of computing and communications have undergone a series of
evolutionary innovation over the past decades and improved the quality of
human life significantly. Computing and communications in the 21st century
faces an ever-increasing number of great challenges and revolutionary
developments. Ubiquitous Computing and Communications is a revolutionary
paradigm that aims to provide pervasive and reliable computing solutions
and communication services anytime and anywhere. This emerging technology
is built upon the rapid research and development advances in a wide range
of key areas including wireless and sensor networks, mobile and distributed
computing, embedded systems, agent technologies, autonomic communication,
and information security. Ubiquitous Computing and Communications has drawn
significant interests from both academia and industry and continues to
attract tremendous research efforts due to its promising new business
opportunity in information technology and engineering.
The conference offers an important international platform and brings
together the scientists, engineers, researchers, and students from academy
and industry all over the world to share their latest work, exchange
experiences and discuss the state-of-the-art challenges of ubiquitous
computing and communications. IUCC 2018 is soliciting original and
previously unpublished papers addressing research challenges and advances
towards the design, implementation and evaluation of ubiquitous computing
and communications technologies, systems and applications.
Scope and Topics
Track 1: Ubiquitous Computing
(1) Autonomic Computing
(2) Utility Computing
(3) Cloud Computing
(4) Mobile Computing
(5) Real-Time Computing
(6) Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing
(7) Energy-Efficient Ubiquitous Computing
(8) Wearable Computers
(9) Embedded Computing
(10) Parallel and Distributed Computing
(11) Information Visualization
(12) Modelling and Analysis of Ubiquitous Computing Systems
(13) Internet Computing
(14) Ambient Intelligence
(15) Middleware and Agent Technologies
(16) Reliable and Trusted Computing
(17) Numerical Algorithms and Analysis
(18) Computational Simulation and Analysis
(19) Computational Science
Track 2: Ubiquitous Communications
(1) Autonomic Communications
(2) Computer Networking
(3) Communication Theory and Protocols
(4) Wireless Networks
(5) Cognitive Radio
(6) Pervasive Embedded Networks
(7) Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
(8) RFID
(9) Network Middleware
(10) Enabling Technologies (e.g., Wireless PANs, LANs, Bluetooth)
(11) Location Systems and Technology
(12) Multimedia Communication Systems
(13) Human-Computer Interaction
(14) Mobility Management
(15) Future Networks and Protocols
(16) Web of Things
(17) Big Data
(18) Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
(19) Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
(20) Multimedia Signal Processing
Track 3: Ubiquitous System, Services and Applications
(1) Context-Aware Applications
(2) Resource Management
(3) Programming Paradigms for Ubiquitous Computing Applications
(4) Smart Home
(5) Pervasive Health
(6) Ubiquitous Platforms
(7) Embedded Systems
(8) E-Commerce and E-Learning
(9) Multimedia Applications
(10) Quality-of-Service
(11) Information Security and Privacy
(12) Security Issues and Protocols
(13) Key Management, Authentication and Authorization
(14) Multimedia Information Security
(15) Forensics and Image Watermarking
(16) Distributed Sensing, Monitoring and Management Systems
(17) Wireless Emergency and Security Systems
(18) Wireless E-healthcare
(19) Software Engineering
(20) Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction
(21) Multidisciplinary Artificial Intelligence
Track 4: Ubiquitous Media and Signal Processing
(1) Ubiquitous Media Infrastructure
(2) Ubiquitous Sensor Networks / RFID
(3) 3G and Advanced Communication Techniques
(4) Ubiquitous Applications
(5) Ubiquitous Middleware
(6) Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid
(7) Signal Processing Theory and Methods
(8) Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
(9) Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
(10) Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing
(11) Signal Processing Education
(12) Audio Signal Processing
(13) Speech and Spoken Language Signal Processing
(14) Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail address of the
corresponding author and should not exceed 8 pages for main conference,
including tables and figures in IEEE CS format. The template files for
LATEX or WORD can be downloaded here. All paper submissions must represent
original and unpublished work. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at
least three program committee members. Submission of a paper should be
regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one
of the authors will register for the conference and present the work.
Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the submission site:
Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE
Conference Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of accepted
papers, or at least one of them, are requested to register and present
their work at the conference, otherwise their papers may be removed from
the digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.
Distinguished papers will be selected for special issues in Information
Sciences, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
General Chairs
Jesús Carretero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Shonali Krishnaswamy, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Program Chairs
Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan
Indrajit Ray, Colorado State University, USA
Workshop Chairs
Xiaolong Jin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain
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