-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP Workshop "Identifikation digitaler Potentiale im
Informationsmanagement - Konzepte und Methoden" bei der WI 2019
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2018 14:43:35 +0200
From: Stefan Koch <stefan.koch(a)jku.at>
Reply-To: Stefan Koch <stefan.koch(a)jku.at>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit möchten wir Sie gerne auf den Call for Papers für den Workshop
"Identifikation digitaler Potentiale im Informationsmanagement -
Konzepte und Methoden" im Rahmen der WI 2019 hinweisen. Etwaige
Mehrfachzustellungen bitten wir zu entschuldigen.
Wir würden uns sehr über Einreichungen aus Ihren Reihen freuen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Stefan Koch, René Riedl, Manuel Mühlburger
CALL FOR PAPERS - WI 2019 Workshop "Identifikation digitaler Potentiale
im Informationsmanagement - Konzepte und Methoden"
Workshop: 24.2.2019 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik -
Universität Siegen
Einreichungsfrist: 30.11.2018
Weitere Informationen: idpi.ie.jku.at
Unter dem Aspekt der zunehmenden Dynamik von Märkten wurde eine schnelle
organisationale Reaktionsfähigkeit auf Veränderungen der generellen und
insbesondere der technischen Umwelt als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor
identifiziert. Um diese unternehmensinterne Agilität zu gewährleisten,
ist es notwendig, technologische Veränderungen nicht nur zu
identifizieren, sondern auch deren Potentiale für das Unternehmen zu
erkennen. Dieser Aufgabe kommt in bestehenden Modellen und Konzepten des
Informationsmanagements vergleichsweise wenig Beachtung zu. Eine
zusätzliche Perspektive auf das Konzept des Informationsmanagements
welche versucht, Organisationen in eine digitale Welt zu integrieren
anstatt bloß digitale Technologien in Organisationen zu verankern kann
einen Mehrwert für Forschung und Praxis gleichermaßen darstellen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund möchten wir im Rahmen dieses Workshops den
möglichen Mehrwert einer derartig potentialzentrierten Sichtweise
diskutieren. Im Speziellen sind wir hierbei an Manuskripten interessiert
die folgende Fragestellungen behandeln:
Konzeptuelle Aspekte einer potentialzentrierten Sichtweise
• Inwieweit kann eine potentialzentrierte Sichtweise zum
Erkenntnisgewinn über digitale Transformation und deren Umsetzung
• Inwiefern ist eine potentialorientierte Sichtweise in bisherigen
Konzepten und Modellen des Informationsmanagements enthalten?
• Wie kann eine potentialzentrierte Sichtweise an bestehende
Konzeptualisierungen und Modelle des Informationsmanagements angedockt
Methodische Aspekte einer potentialzentrierten Sichtweise
• Welche Mechanismen, Prozesse und Frameworks werden zur
Potentialidentifikation in Organisationen eingesetzt?
• Welche Mechanismen, Prozesse und Frameworks zur
Potentialidentifikation bieten bestehende Konzepte und Modelle des
• Durch welche Forschungsansätze können derartige Frameworks entwickelt
und bewertet werden?
Manuskripte sind entsprechend der WI Vorlage zu formatieren und sollten
eine Länge von 5 Seiten inklusive Referenzen nicht übersteigen. Beiträge
die verwandte Themen behandeln, die hier nicht explizit erwähnt werden,
sind willkommen.
Einreichungen sind bis zum 30. November 2018 per Mail an ipdi(a)ie.jku.at
Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Wissenschaftler im Bereich des
Informationsmanagements und der Digitalisierung bzw. Digitalen
Transformation. Insbesondere für Jungwissenschaftler stellt dieser
Workshop eine Vernetzungs- und Diskussionsplattform für
Forschungsvorhaben in Richtung einer potentialorientierten Sichtweise
des Informationsmanagements dar.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Information Engineering
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
S3 119-1
Tel.: +43 732 2468 4301
Fax: +43 732 2468 4305
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Call For Papers - The 9th IEEE Integrated STEM Education
Conference (ISEC ’19)
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 17:16:20 -0400
From: IEEE eNotice <enotice(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: no_reply_enotice(a)ieee.org
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
The 9th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC ’19)
McDonnell and Jadwin Halls, Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, March 16, 2019
Submissions to the 9th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC
’19, to be held on March 16, 2019 (Saturday) in Princeton, NJ) are open
and accepted until December 31, 2018. ISEC is known for featuring
cutting-edge research and experiences with integrated approaches to the
study of science, math, and technology through experiences and
activities based in engineering and other design disciplines.
Please use this link to submit:
https://edas.info/listTracks.php?c=25480. You will need to set up an
account in EDAS before submitting if you do not already have one.
Important dates:
Abstract and Final Paper Deadline: December 31, 2018
K-12 Poster Deadline: January 11, 2019
Workshop Proposals Due: February 1, 2019
Acceptance Notification: January 18, 2019
Final Manuscript Due: February 15, 2019
Exhibits February 15, 2019
Student Award Applications Due: February 18, 2019
Submission Information
Submissions are accepted in three categories: Papers, Posters by K-12
students, and Workshops. Your work must not have been published or
submitted for publication elsewhere.
Papers on research on, methods of, and experience with integrating
education (or interdisciplinary education) in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies are the core of the
conference program. Your paper submission(s) will be one (or both) of
the following:
• a work in progress (WIP; preliminary or initial stage of
research/investigation) paper of 2 – 4 pages
• a full paper of 5 – 8 pages
There is no preliminary abstract phase for WIP or full papers. Please
adhere to these page limits within the conference’s template structure.
Papers that do not follow the template will be returned for reformatting.
Posters by K-12 students may feature student STEaM research or
experiences. Submit an abstract describing the content of your poster
(max 500 words) for review to EDAS. Once their poster abstract is
accepted, students then have the option of submitting an additional
short paper for review by 2.18.18. This paper is NOT required.
Workshop proposals should provide the title, topic, focus, proposed
activities, and a short statement of presenter expertise in an abstract
of no more than 750 words. There are no papers associated with a
workshop. Workshops are typically scheduled for 90 minutes.
All proposals, abstracts, and papers are submitted via EDAS.info. For
full and work-in-progress papers, post the Word document (no LaTEX,
please) along with the author and abstract information. For posters and
workshops, no separate document is needed; the information requested by
EDAS, including the abstract, is sufficient. Templates are available on
the Author Information page on the conference website. Please do not use
the templates on ieee.org.
All accepted submissions will be scheduled for presentation at the
conference and included in the local conference proceedings. All
presented papers and optional papers associated with presented posters
that follow the formatting instructions in the templates will be
submitted for archival in IEEE Xplore. Workshop documents will not be
submitted to Xplore.
Please see the web site and our Facebook page for the full fee schedule.
On-site registration will not be offered, and we will not be able to
accommodate unregistered guests.
Exhibits: Like previous years ISEC 2019 will encourage exhibits.
Potential Exhibitors are requested to send mail to ieee.isec(a)gmail.com
no later than February 15, 2019. The conference will allow the space for
the exhibits on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Associated Conferences
We are proud to be associated with the Trenton Computer Festival (TCF)
and the Information Technology Professionals Conference (ITPC), held at
the College of New Jersey on March 23, 2019
(https://tcf.pages.tcnj.edu/) The theme for TCF ‘19 is Cyber Security.
ISEC 2019 is sponsored by the IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section with
technical co-sponsorship by IEEE Regions 1 and 2 and the IEEE Education
Please visit http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/stem, follow us on Twitter
@IEEE_ISEC, and like us on Facebook. Contact us at ieee.isec(a)gmail.com
for more information.
We look forward to your participation in ISEC 2019!
IEEE Region 1: http://www.ieee.org/r1/
IEEE Region 2: http://www.ieee.org/r2/
IEEE EdSoc: http://ieee-edusociety.org/
To unsubscribe from IEEE conference eNotices, visit the IEEE
Communications Preferences web page at
https://www.ieee.org/profile/commprefs/showcommPrefpage.html and uncheck
the "Send IEEE Conferences and Events Materials Flag" option.
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] LATA 2019: 3rd call for papers
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 22:48:48 +0200
From: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
Reply-To: IRDTA <irdta(a)irdta.eu>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
LATA 2019: 3rd call for papers *To be removed from our mailing list,
please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*
*LATA 2019*
*Saint Petersburg, Russia*
*March 25-29, 2019*
Organized by:
Saint Petersburg State University
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London
LATA is a conference series on theoretical computer science and its
applications. LATA 2019 will reserve significant room for young scholars
at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting
contributions from classical theory fields as well as application areas.
LATA 2019 will take place in Saint Petersburg, whose historic centre is
a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The conference site shall be the
historical Twelve Collegia building
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Collegia), built in ca. 1740,
which was used for the Russian government in the 18th century, and which
has been the main building of Saint Petersburg State University since 1835.
Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not
limited to:
algebraic language theory
algorithms for semi-structured data mining
algorithms on automata and words
automata and logic
automata for system analysis and programme verification
automata networks
automatic structures
combinatorics on words
computational complexity
concurrency and Petri nets
data and image compression
descriptional complexity
foundations of finite state technology
foundations of XML
grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, unification, categorial, etc.)
grammatical inference and algorithmic learning
graphs and graph transformation
language varieties and semigroups
language-based cryptography
mathematical and logical foundations of programming methodologies
parallel and regulated rewriting
power series
string processing algorithms
symbolic dynamics
term rewriting
trees, tree languages and tree automata
weighted automata
LATA 2019 will consist of:
invited talks
peer-reviewed contributions
Henning Fernau (University of Trier), Modern Aspects of Complexity
within Formal Languages
Paweł Gawrychowski (University of Wrocław), tba
Edward A. Lee (University of California, Berkeley), Observation,
Interaction, Determinism, and Free Will
Vadim Lozin (University of Warwick), From Words to Graphs, and Back
Esko Ukkonen (University of Helsinki), Pattern Discovery in Biological
Krishnendu Chatterjee (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, AT)
Bruno Courcelle (University of Bordeaux, FR)
Manfred Droste (University of Leipzig, DE)
Travis Gagie (Diego Portales University, CL)
Peter Habermehl (Paris Diderot University, FR)
Tero Harju (University of Turku, FI)
Markus Holzer (University of Giessen, DE)
Radu Iosif (Verimag, FR)
Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University, JP)
Juhani Karhumäki (University of Turku, FI)
Lila Kari (University of Waterloo, CA)
Juha Kärkkäinen (University of Helsinki, FI)
Bakhadyr Khoussainov (University of Auckland, NZ)
Sergey Kitaev (University of Strathclyde, UK)
Shmuel Tomi Klein (Bar-Ilan University, IL)
Olga Kouchnarenko (University of Franche-Comté, FR)
Thierry Lecroq (University of Rouen, FR)
Markus Lohrey (University of Siegen, DE)
Sebastian Maneth (University of Bremen, DE)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)
Giancarlo Mauri (University of Milano-Bicocca, IT)
Filippo Mignosi (University of L'Aquila, IT)
Victor Mitrana (Polytechnic University of Madrid, ES)
Joachim Niehren (INRIA Lille, FR)
Alexander Okhotin (Saint Petersburg State University, RU)
Dominique Perrin (University of Paris-Est, FR)
Matteo Pradella (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT)
Jean-François Raskin (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE)
Marco Roveri (Bruno Kessler Foundation, IT)
Karen Rudie (Queen's University, CA)
Wojciech Rytter (University of Warsaw, PL)
Kai Salomaa (Queen's University, CA)
Sven Schewe (University of Liverpool, UK)
Helmut Seidl (Technical University of Munich, DE)
Ayumi Shinohara (Tohoku University, JP)
Hans Ulrich Simon (Ruhr-University of Bochum, DE)
William F. Smyth (McMaster University, CA)
Frank Stephan (National University of Singapore, SG)
Martin Sulzmann (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, DE)
Jorma Tarhio (Aalto University, FI)
Stefano Tonetta (Bruno Kessler Foundation, IT)
Rob van Glabbeek (Data61, CSIRO, AU)
Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research, US)
Mahesh Viswanathan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US)
Mikhail Volkov (Ural Federal University, RU)
Fang Yu (National Chengchi University, TW)
Hans Zantema (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
Alexander Okhotin (Saint Petersburg, co-chair)
Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada)
Dana Shapira (Ariel)
David Silva (London, co-chair)
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English
presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed
12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according
to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). If
necessary, exceptionally authors are allowed to provide missing proofs
in a clearly marked appendix.
Submissions have to be uploaded to:
A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be
available by the time of the conference.
A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing
peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers
contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.
The registration form can be found at:
*DEADLINES *(all at 23:59 CET)*:*
Paper submission: November 11, 2018
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: December 16, 2018
Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: December 23, 2018
Early registration: December 23, 2018
Late registration: March 11, 2019
Submission to the journal special issue: June 29, 2019
david (at) irdta.eu
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
IRDTA – Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice,
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Algorithms Open Access Journal, Special Issue on
"Humanistic Data Mining: Tools and Applications" - deadline extended!
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 20:14:49 +0300
From: smap-publicity(a)image.ntua.gr
Reply-To: smap-publicity(a)image.ntua.gr
[This is an automated e-mail. Apologies for cross-postings. Please
forward this e-mail to anyone interested.]
--------------------------- Call for Papers ---------------------------
Special Issue on "Humanistic Data Mining: Tools and Applications"
**Submission Deadline: October 31, 2018 (extended)**
Digital data mining could be described as one of the most important,
computationally intensive and challenging tasks of our era. As this
observation applies both to the research community, which is faced with
enormous challenges derived from (big-)data management as well as new
emerging disciplines like, for instance, precision agriculture, and the
applied world, in terms, for instance, of social data handling and
related social apps, it is becoming evident that new approaches have to
be followed and new tools and applications have to invented in order to
efficiently handle the vast amounts of information.
The aim of the “Mining Humanistic Data Workshop”, and by association
of the proposed Special Issue, is formed around two main pillars. The
first pillar focuses on the primitive information and knowledge
analysis, as well as the extraction of the inherited knowledge. The task
here is to achieve a better understanding of human activities associated
to the respective computational tasks. The second pillar aims to exploit
the extracted knowledge by incorporating it into smart tools and
applications; the latter will ultimately make the life of involved users
easier with respect to their everyday life.
This Special Issue aims to bring together interdisciplinary approaches
that focus on the application of innovative as well as existing
humanistic data mining and knowledge discovery and management
methodologies. Since humanistic data typically are dominated by semantic
heterogeneity and are quite dynamic in nature, computer science
researchers are obliged and encouraged to develop new suitable
algorithms, tools and applications to efficiently tackle them, whereas
existing ones need to be adapted to the individual special
characteristics using traditional methodologies, such as decision rules,
decision trees, association rules, ontologies and alignments,
clustering, filtering, learning, classifier systems, neural networks,
support vector machines, preprocessing, post processing, feature
selection and visualization techniques. The Special Issue is devoted to
the exploitation of the multiple facets of the above research fields and
will explore the current related state-of-the-a!
rt. Its topics of interest cover the scope of the MHDW workshop series
(https://conferences.cwa.gr/mhdw2018/). Extended versions of papers
presented at MHDW 2018 are sought, but this Call for Papers is also
fully open to all who want to contribute by submitting a relevant
research manuscript.
Aim and topics
Scientific areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- humanistic sciences
- data mining
- knowledge discovery
- knowledge representation and management
- artificial intelligence
- information retrieval
- context
- social data analytics
Papers submission
Manuscripts should be submitted online at www.mdpi.com by registering
and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to
go to the submission form. Manuscripts can be submitted until the
deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be
published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be
listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review
articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned
papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the
Editorial Office for announcement on this website.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be
under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference
proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a
single-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant
information for submission of manuscripts is available on the
Instructions for Authors page. Algorithms is an international
peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI.
Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a
manuscript. The Article Processing Charge (APC) for publication in this
open access journal is 850 CHF (Swiss Francs). Submitted papers should
be well formatted and use good English. Authors may use MDPI's English
editing service prior to publication or during author revisions.
All submissions and inquiries regarding the special issue should be
directed to the attention of the Guest Editors:
- Prof. Dr. Phivos Mylonas, e-mail: fmylonas(a)ionio.gr
- Prof. Dr. Katia Lida Kermanidis, e-mail: kerman(a)ionio.gr
- Prof. Dr. Christos Makris, e-mail: makri(a)ceid.upatras.gr
- Prof. Dr. Spyros Sioutas, e-mail: sioutas(a)ionio.gr
- Prof. Dr. Vasileios Megalooikonomou, e-mail: vasilis(a)ceid.upatras.gr
Prospective schedule of deadlines
Paper submission deadline: October 31, 2018 (extended!)
Notification of the first review: November 30, 2018
Final manuscript due: December 2018
Expected publication: January 2019
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] ECIS 2019 Call for Papers - Knowledge Management &
Artificial Intelligence
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 08:09:18 +0000
From: Thalmann, Stefan (stefan.thalmann(a)uni-graz.at)
Reply-To: Thalmann, Stefan (stefan.thalmann(a)uni-graz.at)
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
* Apologies for cross-posting *
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019)
Track "*Knowledge Management & Artificial Intelligence*"
June 8-14, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden (http://ecis2019.eu/)
Deadline for paper submissions: November 27th, 2018
Full version:
Knowledge management (KM) scholars have emphasized the importance of
(big) data, information, and knowledge assets for decision support,
management, and leadership, thereby clearly indicating the relation
between human beings and technology. However, various powerful digital
technologies have led to substantial changes in knowledge sharing
practices. In this regard, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is
of special importance and creates new opportunities on the interface
between KM & AI.
This track raises the questions whether and how digitization in general
and AI in particular change the socio-technical aspects related to
knowledge sharing. With respect to the increasing influence of digital
technologies, AI, machine learning and the importance of KM for
organizations’ daily business, we believe that this research topic has
the potential for valuable contributions to both theory and practice. In
addition, with respect to AI, the question is how AI approaches can
support knowledge creation and especially help to externalize implicit
knowledge. Further, AI seems promising in context detection and, thus,
in the delivery of suitable training artefacts and in connecting people.
Main goal of the track is to gather current research with an emphasis on
KM & AI as an integral part of a changing business and social
environment focusing on emerging trends such as sharing society and
economy. KM has become an interdisciplinary research field – the
traditional gap between researcher from a technology-oriented versus a
human-oriented angle has been bridged by holistic, socio-technical
approaches. We currently see strong developments towards research on AI,
changing digital tools (such as the use of social software or machine
learning for business and private purposes) as well as towards entire
digital business models (such as multi-sided online platforms or
networks and online communities) fostering knowledge sharing across
What needs to be addressed additionally are developments complementary
to digitization and AI, for instance geographical dispersion, knowledge
sharing across time zones, or national/cultural influence factors. Due
to the usage of AI in collaborative technologies such as social
software, organizational and national boundaries become more blurred and
knowledge can be diffused much easier. Openness and inter-organizational
collaboration build the digital pathway of rich, contextualized and
sustainable knowledge sharing activities among networked persons within
and beyond organizational boundaries. Besides benefits of the increased
sharing also risks of losing competitive advantage arise. Hence,
organizations should carefully balance their activities to promote and
control knowledge sharing, to protect their competitive knowledge.
Obviously, such developments have to be assessed carefully. One might
think of negative outcomes such as a limited work-life balance or
unwanted knowledge spill-overs. Furthermore, applying AI in the context
of KM raises also questions about ownership of knowledge, control about
data and ethical issues. All this takes place in digital environments
and leads to enormous changes of KM-related socio-technical aspects
which are rather under-researched, so far.
This track aims to promote multi-disciplinary contributions dealing with
a managerial, an economic, a methodological, a cultural or a
socio-technical perspective. Submissions based on theoretical research,
design research, action research, or behavioral research are encouraged.
We welcome both full research papers and research-in-progress papers.
*Topics *of interes*t* include, but are not limited to:
* Application of AI in KM (e.g. blockchain)
* AI for knowledge creation (e.g. deep learning)
* KM in a sharing society
* Balancing knowledge sharing and knowledge protection for
inter-organizational collaboration
* From technology-oriented towards human-oriented KM in digital
* Social and behavioral issues in the context of KM and AI
* KM and technology enhanced learning
* AI for technology-mediated social collaboration
* Knowledge life cycle and data-driven decision support
* Cross-organizational, cross-border and cross-cultural KM enabled by AI
* AI to capture and share knowledge in social networks and distributed
* Support for mature KM solutions: KM governance, KM strategies, KM
maturity models, and KM performance
* KM and risk management
* KM for digital competency development
Markus Bick, ESCP Europe Business School, Information & Operations
management, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Poland.
Email: mbick(a)escpeurope.eu
Stefan Smolnik, University of Hagen, Germany. Email:
Stefan Thalmann, University of Graz, Austria. Email:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Thalmann
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Elisabethstraße 50b
8010 Graz
Telefon +43 (0) 316 380 7215
E-Mail: stefan.thalmann(a)uni-graz.at <mailto:stefan.thalmann@uni-graz.at>
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [WI] ECIS 2019 Call for Papers - Knowledge
Management & Artificial Intelligence
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 08:12:28 +0000
From: Thalmann, Stefan (stefan.thalmann(a)uni-graz.at)
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
* Apologies for cross-posting *
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019)
Track "Knowledge Management & Artificial Intelligence"
June 8-14, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden (http://ecis2019.eu/)
Deadline for paper submissions: November 27th, 2018
Full version:
Knowledge management (KM) scholars have emphasized the importance of
(big) data, information, and knowledge assets for decision support,
management, and leadership, thereby clearly indicating the relation
between human beings and technology. However, various powerful digital
technologies have led to substantial changes in knowledge sharing
practices. In this regard, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is
of special importance and creates new opportunities on the interface
between KM & AI.
This track raises the questions whether and how digitization in general
and AI in particular change the socio-technical aspects related to
knowledge sharing. With respect to the increasing influence of digital
technologies, AI, machine learning and the importance of KM for
organizations' daily business, we believe that this research topic has
the potential for valuable contributions to both theory and practice. In
addition, with respect to AI, the question is how AI approaches can
support knowledge creation and especially help to externalize implicit
knowledge. Further, AI seems promising in context detection and, thus,
in the delivery of suitable training artefacts and in connecting people.
Main goal of the track is to gather current research with an emphasis on
KM & AI as an integral part of a changing business and social
environment focusing on emerging trends such as sharing society and
economy. KM has become an interdisciplinary research field - the
traditional gap between researcher from a technology-oriented versus a
human-oriented angle has been bridged by holistic, socio-technical
approaches. We currently see strong developments towards research on AI,
changing digital tools (such as the use of social software or machine
learning for business and private purposes) as well as towards entire
digital business models (such as multi-sided online platforms or
networks and online communities) fostering knowledge sharing across
What needs to be addressed additionally are developments complementary
to digitization and AI, for instance geographical dispersion, knowledge
sharing across time zones, or national/cultural influence factors. Due
to the usage of AI in collaborative technologies such as social
software, organizational and national boundaries become more blurred and
knowledge can be diffused much easier. Openness and inter-organizational
collaboration build the digital pathway of rich, contextualized and
sustainable knowledge sharing activities among networked persons within
and beyond organizational boundaries. Besides benefits of the increased
sharing also risks of losing competitive advantage arise. Hence,
organizations should carefully balance their activities to promote and
control knowledge sharing, to protect their competitive knowledge.
Obviously, such developments have to be assessed carefully. One might
think of negative outcomes such as a limited work-life balance or
unwanted knowledge spill-overs. Furthermore, applying AI in the context
of KM raises also questions about ownership of knowledge, control about
data and ethical issues. All this takes place in digital environments
and leads to enormous changes of KM-related socio-technical aspects
which are rather under-researched, so far.
This track aims to promote multi-disciplinary contributions dealing with
a managerial, an economic, a methodological, a cultural or a
socio-technical perspective. Submissions based on theoretical research,
design research, action research, or behavioral research are encouraged.
We welcome both full research papers and research-in-progress papers.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Application of AI in KM (e.g. blockchain)
* AI for knowledge creation (e.g. deep learning)
* KM in a sharing society
* Balancing knowledge sharing and knowledge protection for
inter-organizational collaboration
* From technology-oriented towards human-oriented KM in digital environments
* Social and behavioral issues in the context of KM and AI
* KM and technology enhanced learning
* AI for technology-mediated social collaboration
* Knowledge life cycle and data-driven decision support
* Cross-organizational, cross-border and cross-cultural KM enabled by AI
* AI to capture and share knowledge in social networks and distributed
* Support for mature KM solutions: KM governance, KM strategies, KM
maturity models, and KM performance
* KM and risk management
* KM for digital competency development
Markus Bick, ESCP Europe Business School, Information & Operations
management, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Poland.
Email: mbick(a)escpeurope.eu<mailto:mbick@escpeurope.eu>
Stefan Smolnik, University of Hagen, Germany. Email:
Stefan Thalmann, University of Graz, Austria. Email:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Thalmann
University of Graz
School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Elisabethstrasse 50b
8010 Graz, Austria
Tel. +43316 380 7215
E-Mail: stefan.thalmann(a)uni-graz.at<mailto:stefan.thalmann@uni-graz.at>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] SPDNS 2019 (in PDP 2018) - Extension
of submission deadline
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 14:41:29 +0300
From: Igor Kotenko <ivkote(a)iias.spb.su>
Organization: SPIIRAS
To: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
The Announcement and Call for Papers
Special Session "Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based
Computing (SPDNS 2019)"
on 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and
network-based Processing (PDP 2018)
Pavia, Italy
13-15 February 2019.
Paper submission deadline: 15th October 2019
Special Session on "Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based
Computing" aims to bring together researchers and practitioners involved
in multiple disciplines concerning security in distributed systems to
exchange ideas and to learn the latest developments in this important
field. We will focus on issues related to network and distributed system
security, such as authentication, access control, confidentiality,
integrity, availability, privacy, dependability and sustainability of
distributed systems. Previously unpublished papers offering novel
research contributions to the theoretical and practical aspects of
security in distributed systems are solicited for submission.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Adaptive security * Applied cryptography * Authentication,
authorization and access control * Big data for security
* Cloud security
* Computer and network forensics * Data mining, machine learning, and
bio-inspired approaches for security * Digital rights management *
Embedded system security
* Internet and web security * Intrusion and malware detection and
prevention * Risk analysis and risk management * Security and privacy in
pervasive and ubiquitous computing * Security evaluation * Security of
emerging technologies * Security modeling and simulation * Security
policies * Security protocols * Software security * Survivability *
Tamper resistance
* Trust management * Trusted computing
Important dates
- Paper submission: 30th Oct, 2018 - Acceptance notification: 23th Nov, 2018
- Camera ready due: 19th Dec, 2018
- Conference: 13th - 15th Feb, 2019
Program Committee
Igor Kotenko, SPIIRAS, Russia - session chair
Fabrizio Baiardi, University of Pisa, Italy
Cataldo Basile, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Julien Bourgeois, UFC/FEMTO-ST, France
Dumitru Burdescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Hakima Chaouchi, Telecom & Management SudParis, France
Andrey Chechulin, ITMO University, Russia
Yannick Chevalier, Universite de Toulouse - IRIT, France
Luigi Coppolino, University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy
Miguel Correia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Herve Debar, Telecom SudParis, France
Dennis Gamayunov, Moscow State University, Russia
Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Alexander Grusho, Moscow State University, Russia
Andrei Gurtov, Linkoping University, Sweden
Ming-Yuh Huang, The Boeing Company, USA
Spyros Kokolakis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Antonio Mana, University of Malaga, Spain
Felix Gomez Marmol, University of Murcia, Spain
Fabio Martinelli, IIT-CNR, Italy
Nikolay Moldovyan, SPIIRAS, Russia
Evgenia Novikova, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"
(ETU), Russia
Vladimir Oleshchuk, University of Agder, Norway
Gregorio Martinez Perez, University of Murcia, Spain
Jacek Rak, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Roland Rieke, Fraunhofer, Germany
Luigi Romano, University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy
Igor Saenko, St.Petersburg Signal Academy, Russia
Martin Strecker, Universite de Toulouse, France
Peter Teufl, IAIK / Graz University of Technology, Austria
Shambhu Upadhyaya, SUNY at Buffalo, USA
Ilsun You, Soonchunhyang University, Korea
Prospective authors should submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages in
the Conference proceedings format ( double-column, 10pt) to the
conference main track through the EasyChair conference submission system
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pdp2019). The possibility to
submit a paper to a special session will appear soon.
Double-bind review: the paper should not contain authors names and
affiliations; in the reference list, references to the authors' own work
entries should be substituted with the string "omitted for blind review”.
Publication: All accepted papers will be included in the same volume,
published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS). The Final Paper
Preparation and Submission Instructions will be published after the
notification of acceptance. Authors of accepted papers are expected to
register and present their papers at the Conference. Conference
proceedings will be submitted to IEEE explore, CDSL, and for indexing
among others, to DBLP, Scopus ScienceDirect, and ISI Web of Knowledge.
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP - EMoWI'19 - Ethics and Morality in Business
Informatics on the WI'19 conference
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 19:19:04 +0200
From: Jens Gulden <jensgulden(a)acm.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics
Ethik und Moral in der Wirtschaftsinformatik (EMoWI’19)
Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019
Siegen, 24. Feb. – 27. Feb. 2019
Submissions until: *30. Nov. 2018*
Notifications of acceptance: 15. Dec. 2018
Workshop: 24. Feb. 2019
Submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=emowi19
According to Immanuel Kant, ethics is concerned with the question, „What
ought I to do?,“ as opposed to the other three basic questions “What can
I know?,” “What can I hope?,” and “What is human?”. “What ought I to do
as a Business Informatics researcher?” is therefore the central question
of the theme “Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics”. As this
question is fundamentally philosophical in nature, it does not only
concern judgments about proper conduct in specific situations. Instead,
the questions invites reflections at a higher level of abstraction,
enabling a critical reflection about methodological principles of our
discipline from a distinctively philosophical outlook. For example, it
is possible to examine how basic principles and concepts of Business
Informatics are related to more encompassing concepts of human life in
general. In this vein, concepts like process, architecture, decision
model, algorithm, and organizational rule can be studied against the
backdrop of concepts like Weltanschauung, human rights, and values. The
workshop “Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics” is meant to
address questions of this kind.
Submissions to the workshop are invited to discuss ethical and moral
questions arising in the whole spectrum of topics of Business
Informatics. The following suggestions provide an impression of the
intended orientation of the workshop, but you are cordially invited to
propose additional topics.
- Are the subjects of Business Informatics associated with specific
ethical questions? If so, what is the content and nature of these questions?
- The subjects in Business Informatics typically are intangible. Does
this raise a need for specific procedures to justify proper conduct of
Business Informatics research?
- Do (research) methods in Business Informatics involve specific value
statements or Weltanschauungen? Is it possible to assume the possibility
of value-free statements in Business Informatics?
- Are certain species of moral philosophies (e. g., deontologist or
consequentialist moral theories) especially relevant for Business
Informatics? Do typical decision models in Business Informatics
implicate the basic principles of specific moral theories (e. g.,
- What is he role of models in Business Informatics? Can models be
considered ethically neutral, or do they necessarily entail specific
moral presuppositions?
- What kind of statements could a „Code of Ethics“ for Business
Informatics professionals include (as opposed to the “Code of Ethics” of
- Is it possible to formulate accessible „Dos” and “Don’ts” as
guidelines for Business Informatics professionals?
- What experiences in relation to ethical questions were made in
previous Business Informatics research projects?
- What initiatives concerning ethical values in Business Informatics do
already exist in academia and industry? What are the results of these
- Are ethical topics considered in Business Informatics curriculums at
different universities globally?
- ...and many more.
The workshop invites submissions that discuss actions or principles of
actions as manifested in methodological assumptions and commitments in
Business Informatics from an ethical point of view. This also includes
experience reports about concrete projects in academia and industry
where questions about right and wrong conduct played a significant role.
Submissions are both invited to raise questions and to report about
situations where questions have already been answered in specific ways.
Philosophical methods of inquiry are welcome, but not required.
The workshop’s primary language is German, but submissions in English
are invited as well. Each submission will be reviewed by 3 members of
the program committee. Accepted submissions must be presented by at
least one author at the workshop. The results of the workshop will be
presented at the conference dinner and they will be published as part of
the conference proceedings.
The maximum page number of submissions is 10 pages (including title,
abstract, bibliography, appendixes, author names and affiliations and
acknowledgements). Short papers with a size up to 4 pages are also
welcome. The abstract should not exceed 150 words. Keywords are
optional. Additional information on submission requirements and the
conference MS Word paper template are available at:
http://wi2019.de/call-for-papers/, under „Format“.
Please upload your submission at:
Program Committee
Başak Aydemir Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Oliver Bendel School of Business FH NW, Switzerland
Dominik Bork University of Vienna, Austria
Ulrich Frank University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Sedef Akinli Kocak University of Toronto, Canada
Dirk v.d. Linden University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Assaf Marron Weizmann Institue of Science, Israel
Björn Niehaves University of Siegen, Germany
Birgit Penzenstadler California State University, USA
Stefan Strecker Fernuniversität in Hagen, Gemany
(to be extended)
Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Information Systems and
Enterprise Modeling, Universitätsstr. 9, 45141 Essen, Germany, Tel: +49
201 18-32719, jens.gulden(a)uni-due.de
Alexander Bock, University of Duisburg-Essen, Information Systems and
Enterprise Modeling, Universitätsstr. 9, 45141 Essen, Germany, Tel: +49
201 18-34563, alexander.bock(a)uni-due.de
Sergio España Cubillo, Utrecht University, Department of Information and
Computing Sciences, Buys Ballot Laboratory office 577, Princetonplein 5,
De Uithof, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands, Tel: +31 30 2537088,
Dr. Jens Gulden
Information Systems and Enterprise Modeling - Prof. Frank
Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Department of Economic Science
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
room R09 R04 H35
tel [+49|0] 201/183-2719
fax [+49|0] 201/183-4011
www http://www.wi-inf.uni-duisburg-essen.de/FGFrank/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - WorldCIST'19 - La Toja Island, Spain
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2018 09:42:44 +0100
From: WorldCIST <worldcist(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** Best papers published in JCR/SCI/SSCI journals
------------------------------ -----------------------------
*WorldCIST'19 - 7th World Conference on Information Systems and
*16 - 19 April 2019 | La Toja Island, Spain*
*http://www.worldcist.org/* <http://www.worldcist.org/>
------------------------------ ------------------------------
------------------------------ ------
The WorldCist'19 - 7th World Conference on Information Systems and
Technologies, to be held at La Toja Island, Galicia, Spain, 16 - 19 April
2019, is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and
discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and
concerns in the several perspectives of Information Systems and
We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to WorldCist'18. All
submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality,
importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes
proposed for the Conference:
A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM);
D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS)
K) Health Informatics (HIS);
L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE);
M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications (ITR);
N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications (TBA)
*Types of Submissions and Decisions*
Four types of papers can be submitted:
*Full paper:* Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of
the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 10-page limit.
*Short paper:* Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, open to
discussion. These papers are assigned a 7-page limit.
*Poster paper:* Initial work with relevant ideas, open to discussion. These
papers are assigned to a 4-page limit.
*Company paper:* Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D,
tools, etc., focused on some topics of the conference. These papers are
assigned to a 4-page limit.
Submitted papers must comply with the format of Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing Series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer
or download a Word Template
be written in English, must not have been published before, not be under
review for any other conference or publication and not include any
information leading to the authors’ identification. Therefore, the authors’
names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in
the version for evaluation by the Program Committee. This information
should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex
format and also in PDF format. These files must be accompanied by the
to Publish form <http://worldcist.org/copyright.pdf> filled out, in a ZIP
file, and uploaded at the conference management system.
All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least two
members of the Program Committee.
Based on Program Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted
by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as the type
originally submitted or as another type. Thus, full papers can be accepted
as short papers or poster papers only. Similarly, short papers can be
accepted as poster papers only. In these cases, the authors will be allowed
to maintain the original number of pages in the camera-ready version.
The authors of accepted poster papers must also build and print a poster to
be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2
vertical format. The Conference can includes Work Sessions where these
posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 5 minute limit per
The authors of accepted full papers will have 15 minutes to present their
work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion
will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted short papers and
company papers will have 11 minutes to present their work in a Conference
Work Session; approximately 4 minutes of discussion will follow each
*Publication and Indexing*
To ensure that a full paper, short paper, poster paper or company paper is
published, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by the 13th
of January 2019, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and
page-limit. Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the
authors before they submit the camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra fee
must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one
additional paper per registration. One registration permits only the
participation of one author in the conference.
Full and short papers will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in
in Intelligent Systems and Computing <http://www.springer.com/series/11156>
series. Poster and company papers will not be published, just presented in
the conference.
Published full and short papers will be submitted for indexation by ISI,
EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, DBLP and Google Scholar, among others, and will be
available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them for
publication in international journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP,
among others, such as:
International Journal of Neural Systems
<https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijns> (IF: 4.58 / Q1)
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
(IF: 3.667 / Q1)
Telecommunications Policy
<https://www.journals.elsevier.com/telecommunications-policy> (IF: 2.087 /
Group Decision and Negotiation
(IF: 1.869 / Q1)
Computers in Industry
<https://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-in-industry> (IF: 2.850 / Q2)
Journal of Medical Systems
<http://www.springer.com/public+health/journal/10916> (IF: 2.098 / Q2)
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures
(IF: 1.840 / Q2)
Cluster Computing
(IF: 1.601 / Q2)
Expert Systems - Journal of Knowledge Engineering
<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1468-0394> (IF: 1.43
/ Q2)
Informatica - An International Journal <https://www.mii.lt/informatica/>
(IF: 1.386 / Q2)
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
(IF: 1.426 / Q3)
Enterprise Information Systems
<https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/teis20/current> (IF: 1.683 / Q3)
Data Technologies and Applications
(IF: 1.170 / Q3)
Innovations in Education and Teaching International
<https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/riie20/current> (IF: 1.106 / Q3)
Intelligent Data Analysis
<http://www.iospress.nl/journal/intelligent-data-analysis> (IF: 0.691 / Q4)
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory
<http://www.springer.com/business+%26+management/journal/10588> (IF: 0.641
/ Q4)
AI Communications <https://www.iospress.nl/journal/ai-communications/> (IF:
0.461 / Q4)
Journal of Web Engineering
<http://www.riverpublishers.com/journal.php?j=JWE/17/4> (IF: 0.311 / Q4)
Journal of Database Management
<https://www.igi-global.com/journal/journal-database-management/1072> (IF:
0.231 / Q4)
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
- Emerging Sources Citation Index)
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering - Imaging &
(ISI - Emerging Sources Citation Index)
Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management
*Important Dates*
Paper Submission: *November 18, 2018*
Notification of Acceptance: *December 30, 2018*
Payment of Registration, *to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in
the conference proceedings: January 13, 2019.*
Camera-ready Submission: *January 13, 2019*
*Website of WorldCIST'19*: http://www.worldcist.org/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] Call for Papers: First International Workshop on
High-Performance Business Computing
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:58:07 +0000
From: Guido Schryen <guido.schryen(a)uni-paderborn.de>
Reply-To: Guido Schryen <guido.schryen(a)uni-paderborn.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de <wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de>
CC: Guido Schryen <guido.schryen(a)uni-paderborn.de>
Call for Papers (Deadline 30 Nov 2018):
First International Workshop on High-Performance Business Computing:
Parallel Algorithms and Implementations for Solving Problems in
Operations Research and Data Analysis
Web: http://bit.ly/2Afbj0I
Location: Zuse Institute Berlin
January 17-18, 2019
Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen (University Paderborn)
Prof. Dr. Natalia Kliewer (Freie Universität Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Ralf Borndörfer (Zuse Institute Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch (Zuse Institute Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen
Chair of Management Information Systems and Operations Research
Paderborn University
Warburger Straße 100
33098 Paderborn
Phone: +49 5251 60-5236
Fax: +49 5251 60-3542
Web: www.misor.org <http://www.misor.org/>,