-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS - 2018 Midwest AIS Conference (May
17-18, 2018), Saint Louis, Missouri
Datum: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 10:28:04 +0300
Von: Maurice Dawson <maurice.e.dawson(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Midwest Association for Information Systems
13th Annual Conference
May 17 – 18, 2018 College of Business Administration
University of Missouri – Saint Louis
Link: https://mwais2018.org
When May 17, 2018 - May 18, 2018
Where St. Louis, Missouri
Submission Deadline Mar 2, 2018
Notification Due Apr 6, 2018
Final Version Due Apr 17, 2018
We invite submissions of completed manuscripts, research-in-progress
papers, panel proposals, and workshop proposals addressing behavioral,
organizational, and technical aspects of information systems. Two to three
parallel sessions are planned. A computer lab will be available if needed.
Submitted papers and proposals will undergo a double blind review process
by at least two reviewers. To facilitate the blind review, include the
title of the paper, names, affiliations, mailing addresses, e-mail
addresses, and phone numbers of all authors on a cover page submitted as a
separate document from the body of the manuscript. If one or more of the
co-authors are students, please clearly indicate so. Include only the title
of the paper at the beginning of the manuscript. In the case of
multiple-authorship, designate the corresponding author with a footnote on
the cover page. Please do not include any author or affiliation
identification on any page (except the separate cover page), in
headings/footers, or in the properties of the submitted file. Previously
published work or work under review elsewhere is not eligible for
submission. All submissions should be posted electronically in either MS
Word or PDF.
The proceedings will be available through the Association for Information
Systems Electronic Library (AISeL). At least one author of each accepted
paper must register for the conference no later than April 10, 2018, in
order for the paper to be included in the conference proceedings.
*Full Length Submissions *
You may submit a full length (not to exceed six single-spaced pages with
approximately 2,500 words, including all figures, tables, appendices, and
references), original, and previously unpublished manuscript. The research
may be conceptual, empirical or applied. Accepted papers will be published
in the conference proceedings in their entirety. Select papers included in
the MWAIS 2018 conference will be considered for an expedited review
process and possible inclusion in the following journal:
*Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems (JMWAIS) *
In addition, the top three conference papers will be awarded best paper
awards sponsored by the Midwest Association for Information Systems.
Authors of these papers who choose to submit their papers to the JMWAIS
will be awarded a monetary prize and these papers will undergo an expedited
review process by the journal.
*Research-in-Progress *
You may submit research-in-progress proposals (abstracts) or a summary of
tentative results of the study to date in a 1500-2000 paper with a maximum
of 2 figures/tables.
*Panel, Workshop, and Tutorial Submissions *
Individuals interested in conducting a panel, workshop, or tutorial dealing
with technological, managerial, professional, teaching, societal, national
or international issues of information technology management are invited to
submit a 500-1000 word proposal covering the objectives, issues to be
covered, and the names/addresses of any other panel, workshop, or tutorial
members. The method of presentation is at the submitter’s discretion.
However, the submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own
participants (such as panel members). All accepted proposals will appear in
the conference proceedings. (Note: All panel, workshop, and tutorial
members must register for the conference.)
Full-length papers, research-in-progress proposals (abstracts or
summaries), and panel, workshop, or tutorial proposals are invited in the
following areas (but not limited to them):
Accounting Information Systems
Adoption and Diffusion of IS/T
Big Data Analytics
Business Intelligence
Business Process Management
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and its Implications
Cloud Computing and Services
Computing and Ethics
Cyber Security
Database Management Technologies
Decision Support Technologies
Design Science
Distance Learning Technologies
e-Collaboration in Organizations
Economic Value of IS/T
Electronic Business Technologies and Management
Energy Informatics
Enterprise Resource Planning
Global IT Management
Green Computing and Sustainability
Health Care Informatics
Human Computer Interaction
Information Security Management
Information Warfare
IT and Small Businesses
IT Business Value
Information Systems and Sustainability (Green IS)
IS and Grand Societal Challenges (Inequality, Climate Change, Cyber
Security, etc.)
Information Technology Education
Information Technology Standards
Intelligent Information Systems
IT Evaluation Methods and Management
IT Management in Healthcare
IT Teaching Cases
Knowledge Management
Medical Information Technology
Mobile Computing & Commerce
Multimedia Information Management
Object Oriented Technology
Online and Blended Teaching and Learning
Open Source Technologies and Systems
Project Management
Software Engineering
Software Process Improvement
Strategic IT Management
Telecommunications and Networking Technologies
Virtualization Technologies and Management
Virtual Organizations and Society
*Want to Help *
If you are willing to serve as a reviewer or session chair or would like
additional information about the program, please contact the program
co-chairs by email: Maurice Dawson (maurice.dawson(a)ieee.org), Dinesh
Mirchandani (mirchandanid(a)msx.umsl.edu), Joshi Kailash (joshi(a)umsl.edu).
For additional information about the conference, please contact conference
chair Maurice Dawson (maurice.dawson(a)ieee.org).
Inquiries and Submissions
Submissions should be posted electronically in MS Word or PDF at
<https://easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=60999524.8I3Te4EUv8d9SWd3> no
later than March 2 or 9, 2018. The submission template is available from
For additional information about submission please contact conference
program co-chairs by e-mail:Maurice Dawson (maurice.dawson(a)ieee.org),
Dinesh Mirchandani (mirchandanid(a)msx.umsl.edu), and Joshi Kailash (
To increase access to the conference, a small number of participants from
outside the United States will be able to present their papers remotely and
interact with the audience. The keynote sessions and several other sessions
will be live streamed for individuals who attend the conference remotely.
***Student support: MWAIS will waive the registration fee for students
whose papers are accepted and who will be presenting at the conference (one
student per paper). *
*Maurice Dawson Jr., MBA, M.Sc., **D.Sc., Ph.D., SMIEEE *
Assistant Professor of Information Systems & Fulbright Scholar, 2017-2018,
Fellow in International Studies and Programs, 2016-2017, 2014-2015
International Business Institute Research Associate, Senior IEEE Member
University of Missouri-St. Louis, College of Business Administration
ORCID: 0000-0003-4609-3444 <http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4609-3444>
ResearcherID: I-4843-2016
Scopus Author ID: 55812601600
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] [SUSPICIOUS] COMPSAC 2018 (Computers, Software &
Applications Conference, Tokyo, July 2018 - Call for Papers; Submissions
due 25 Jan 2018
Datum: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 15:54:59 +1100
Von: San Murugesan <san(a)computer.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software &
Applications (COMPSAC 2018)
Tokyo, 23-27 July 2028
Submissions Due: 25 January 2018
We solicit submissions on a range of topics related to the following
symposia (https://www.computer.org/web/compsac2018/symposia). Please visit
the symposia webpages, linked below, for more details.
CELT: Computer Education & Learning Technologies
CAP: Computer Architecture & Platforms
DSAT: Data Sciences, Analytics, & Technologies
EATA: Emerging Advances in Technology & Applications
HCSC: Human Computing & Social Computing
ITiP: IT in Practice
MOWU: Mobile, Wearable, & Ubiquitous Computing
NCIW: Networks, Communications, Internet, & Web Technologies
SEPT: Security, Privacy, & Trust
SETA: Software Engineering Technology & Applications
In addition to regular papers, we welcome, particularly from industry
authors, industrial practice reports, short papers and fast abstracts.
Furthermore, to facilitate presentation of their already published work to a
wider audience in person and to gain feedback on their work, authors can
submit their published work in an IEEE journal in the last three years or
accepted but not yet published papers, for presentation under the J1C2
(Journal First and Conference Second) scheme.
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers. In accordance
with IEEE policy, submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism;
instances of alleged misconduct will be handled according to the IEEE
Publication Services and Product Board Operations Manual.
Detailed instructions for submission will be available at www.compsac.org.
Submissions Due: 25 January 2018
San Murugesan
Director, BRITE Professional Services
Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, IEEE IT Professional
Sydney, Australia
Website: http://tinyurl.com/sanbio
Email: san(a)computer.org
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] [AJIS] New Section Published: Revisiting Concepts
and Theories in Information Systems and Technology
Datum: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 02:20:54 +0000
Von: John Lamp <john.lamp(a)deakin.edu.au>
An: ISHoDs (IS-hods(a)list.utas.edu.au) <IS-hods(a)list.utas.edu.au>, ISAus
(IS-Aus(a)list.utas.edu.au) <IS-Aus(a)list.utas.edu.au>, ISWorld
The Australasian Journal of Information Systems has just published its latest special section.
Given the rapid proliferation in the technology advancement and usage of, as well as access and exposure to, information systems over time, a research notes special section was commissioned to encourage scholars in the field to revisit existing concepts and theories in information systems and technology. Specifically, research notes in the special section offer fresh insights on how the conceptual boundaries of and methodological approaches to utilize these concepts and theories can be expanded and/or reconfigured so as to maintain currency and relevance in the pursuit of advancing theory and practice in the area.
Lim, W. (2018). Revisiting Concepts and Theories in Information Systems and Technology. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1733
Abstract: A Preface to the Research Notes Special Section on Revisiting Concepts and Theories in Information Systems and Technology
Gupta, G., Tan, K., Ee, Y., & Phang, C. (2018). Resource-Based View of Information Systems: Sustainable and Transient Competitive Advantage Perspectives. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1657
Abstract: The resource-based view (RBV), or resource-based theory, is one of the oldest and most influential theories in the field of information systems. This paper contends that it is timely to revisit, reflect on, and reposition RBV to ensure its continued disciplinary relevance and progress. In doing so, this paper (i) provides a succinct and sharp evaluation of the conventional RBV of information systems that firms use to establish sustainable competitive advantage, and (ii) makes an original contribution by introducing a contemporary RBV of information systems that firms can use to establish transient competitive advantage. Both these contributions should advance the current and future understanding of information systems as (a) an internal firm resource, (b) a source of competitive advantage, and (c) a driver of firm performance.
Lim, W. (2018). Dialectic Antidotes to Critics of the Technology Acceptance Model: Conceptual, Methodological, and Replication Treatments for Behavioural Modelling in Technology-Mediated Environments. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1651
Abstract: The technology acceptance model (TAM) is a prominent and parsimonious conceptual lens that is often applied for behavioural modelling in technology-mediated environments. However, TAM has received a great deal of criticism in recent years. This article aims to address some of the most pertinent issues confronting TAM through a rejoinder that offers dialectic antidotes-in the form of conceptual, methodological, and replication treatments-to support the continued use of TAM to understand the peculiarities of user interactions with technology in technology-mediated environments. In doing so, this article offers a useful response to a common but often inadequately answered question about how TAM can continue to be relevant for behavioural modelling in contemporary technology-mediated environments.
Namvar, M., Cybulski, J., Phang, C., Ee, Y., & Tan, K. (2018). Simplifying Sensemaking: Concept, Process, Strengths, Shortcomings, and Ways Forward for Information Systems in Contemporary Business Environments. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1654
Abstract: Sensemaking is a popular and useful organizational behavior concept that is gaining visibility in the field of information systems. However, it remains relatively unknown compared to more established information systems concepts like technology acceptance and resistance. To enhance and propel greater use of sensemaking in information systems, this article offers a systematic explanation of sensemaking, specifically focusing on its concept, process, strengths, and shortcomings, as well as discussing ways forward for information systems in contemporary business environments.
Samhan, B. (2018). Revisiting Technology Resistance: Current Insights and Future Directions. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1655
Abstract: Nuance conceptualization of technology resistance is needed due to the different conceptualizations that exist in the extant literature. This paper calls for information systems (IS) researchers to begin exploring technology resistance using novel perspectives. The paper also provides a guideline for conceptualizing technology resistance away from the common existing conceptualization that is shaped through theories of adoption and resistance-to-change. The goal is to encourage future research to conceptualize technology resistance beyond the typical findings available in the literature and provide more insights in light of the provided arguments and suggestions.
Taxén, L. (2018). Reconfiguring Sociomateriality from a Neurobiological Perspective. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1645
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to propose a reconfiguration of sociomateriality (SM) from a neurobiological perspective, which maintains the relational ontology of SM without relapsing into untenable entanglement positions of strong SM (SSM).
Call for Papers
AJIS publishes high quality contributions to the global Information Systems (IS) discipline with an emphasis on theory and practice on the Australasian context.
Topics cover core IS theory development and application (the nature of data, information and knowledge; formal representations of the world, the interaction of people, organisations and information technologies; the analysis, design and deployment of information systems; the impacts of information systems on individuals, organisations and society), IS domains (e-business, e-government, e-learning, e-law, etc) and IS research approaches.
Research and conceptual development based in a very wide range of epistemological methods are welcomed.
All manuscripts undergo double blind reviewing by at least 2 well qualified reviewers. Their task is to provide constructive, fair, and timely advice to authors and editor.
AJIS welcomes research and conceptual development of the IS discipline based
in a very wide range of epistemologies. Different types of research paper need to be judged by different criteria. Here are some assessment criteria that may be applied:
* Relevance - topic or focus is part of the IS discipline.
* Effectiveness - paper makes a significant contribution to the IS body of knowledge.
* Impact - paper will be used for further research and/or practice.
* Uniqueness - paper is innovative, original & unique.
* Conceptual soundness - theory, model or framework made explicit.
* Argument - design of the research or investigation is sound; methods appropriate.
* Clarity - Topic is clearly stated; illustrations, charts & examples support content.
* Reliability - data available; replication possible.
* References - sound, used appropriately, and sufficient - appropriate AJIS articles referenced
* Style - appropriate language, manuscript flows.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
AJIS has been published since 1993 and appears in the Index of Information Systems Journals, is ranked "A" by both the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems and the Australian Business Deans' Council.
In addition to web distribution, AJIS is distributed by EBSCO, it is listed in Cabell's International Directory and is indexed by EBSCO, Elsevier, Scopus and the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
ORCID: 0000-0003-1891-0400
ResearcherID: A-3227-2008
ISNI: 0000 0003 5074 9223
Scopus AuthorID: 9840309500
Index of Information Systems Journals http://lamp.infosys.deakin.edu.au/journals/
Editor-in-Chief, Australasian Journal of Information Systems http://journal.acs.org.au/index.php/ajis/
Never mind "publish or perish," "get visible or vanish"
(That slogan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/>.)
[Description: Creative Commons License]
Dr John Lamp
Associate Professor
Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics, Deakin Business School
Deakin University
Geelong Waterfront Campus, Locked Bag 20001, Geelong, VIC 3220
+61 3 52272110
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code 00113B
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Fwd: FW: Reminder - IC2S2 Call for Abstracts open!
Datum: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:42:18 -0600
Von: NICO Northwestern <niconorthwestern600(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: NICO Northwestern <niconorthwestern600(a)gmail.com>
An: NICO Northwestern <niconorthwestern600(a)gmail.com>
Kopie (CC): ic2s2(a)kellogg.northwestern.edu
Northwestern University and Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems
(NICO <https://www.nico.northwestern.edu/>) is once again hosting the
annual International Conference on Computational Social Science from
July 12-15, 2018
Our Call for Abstracts for presentations is open - /Deadline February 4^th /
Visit this page
for further information. Feel free to forward this link to others if
interested as well.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Joint Conference on Data Science 2018,
Datum: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 12:57:58 -0000
Von: Felix Engel <fengel(a)ftk.de>
An: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
... sorry for cross posting!
We would like to invite you to the first Joint Conference on Data Science in Edinburgh!
Please share the invitation and let us know, if you are interested in submitting a paper, hosting a workshop or giving a demo session.....
Call for Papers
Joint Conference on Data Science (JCDS 2018)
Deepening the role of data science as a transformational force for innovation, discovery, and societal benefit
The aim of the Joint Conference on Data Science 2018 (JCDS18) is to bring together academics, policy-makers,
and business people passionate about the emergent field of data science as a force for strategic transformation
in an academic and professional context. This data science conference arises out of a series of successful predecessor conferences;
the JCDS series has been created to foster a vital exchange between parties from industry and academia interested
in the wide field of data science. Essentially, the increasing availability of vast libraries of digitised information influences
the ways in which we comprehend and analyse our environment, and realise businesses for our societal benefit.
In this situation, data science creates a transformational force with impact on current innovation potential in industry and academia.
Given this transformational potential, it is inevitable that new teaching activities will play a significant role in realising this potential.
Selected papers will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
22. -23. May 2018, Edinburgh, UK
Important Dates
· Workshop, Tutorial, and Demo Proposal Submission Due: 18. February 2018
· Paper Submission Due: 18. March 2018
Conference Chairs
· Professor Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hemmje, Department of MMIA, University of Hagen, Germany, <mailto:jcds18@ftk.de> jcds18(a)ftk.de
· Dr. Wouter Los, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, <mailto:jcds18@ftk.de> jcds18(a)ftk.de
More information
· Website: <http://jcds2018.ftk.de> http://jcds2018.ftk.de
· Twitter: <https://twitter.com/jcds2018> https://twitter.com/jcds2018
· Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/JCDS2018/> https://www.facebook.com/JCDS2018/
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Second Edition of the International Student Design
Datum: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 14:22:55 +0100
Von: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
Antwort an: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
Invite your students to live the fantastic experience of the second
edition of the
**2018 International Student Design Contest*
//3rd International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional
////The interplay of data, technology, place and people/
May 23-25, 2018
University of Aalborg, Denmark
Contact: aslerd.org(a)gmail.com
to the abstracts of the finalist projects of the first edition.
2017 Winner: /Raffaele Di Fuccio (University of Naples Federico II)/
Deadline for ideas submission: *February 15, 2018*
*Call for ideas and proofs of concept*
The call invites students to submit ideas (first phase of the contest)
and proofs of concept/prototype (second phase of the contest) on how to
make learning ecosystems smarter. It is open to individuals and groups
of students (bachelor, master and PhD students). *The winner (individual
or group) will be awarded with 500 €*. Three individuals or groups
(finalists) will be selected to present their proofs of concept at SLERD
2018 and attend the conference for free. ASLERD will cover also stay
expenses (hotel and meals) for two representatives per finalist.
Smart Learning Ecosystems should perform at best on all the dimensions
that contribute to the well-being of students and all players involved
in the development of a learning process: /infrastructures, food,
environment, info/admin services, mobility, safety, social interaction,
satisfaction, challenges, self-fulfillment /[1]. Being inspired by the
flow theory [2] and by the Maslow’s pyramid [3], we can state that:
ecosystems are smart when /“individuals that take part in the local
processes achieve a high level of skills and, at the same time, are also
strongly motivated and engaged by continuous and adequate challenges,
provided that their primary needs are reasonably satisfied”./
The smartness of learning ecosystems, thus, is not created merely
through the availability of digital infrastructures and applications.
When technologies are both available and adopted enthusiastically, they
can start to make a difference in both simplifying and accelerating
progress toward the achievement of system smartness. One has to keep in
mind, however, that technologies are smart not because they are capable
of replacing human reasoning but, rather because they can help towards
achieving a people centered smartness, through streamlining mundane
organisational tasks, and enhancing the skills of all actors involved in
learning processes.
Our duty, with the help of technology, is to support learning ecosystems
(formal, informal, non-formal) to develop their people centered
smartness towards becoming incubators of social innovation and engines
of sustainable regional development./Smartness is a goal/ and we can
support our learning ecosystems along the process to achieve it by
proposing solutions capable to solve or mitigate problems that prevent
the learning ecosystems to be people centered. Examples of problems
detection can be found in the draft of [4].
We expect students, wishing to take part in the contest, to analyze
their learning ecosystem, detect problems and find solutions that can
help their, and as well other learning ecosystems, to get smarter.
Important dates:
• Deadline for ideas submission: *February 15, 2018*
• Selection of best ideas: March 15, 2018
• Submission of final proofs of concept and prototypes: March 30, 2018
• Selection of the best 3 proofs of concepts and prototypes: April 15, 2018
• Presentation and demo at SLERD 2017 and winner announcement: May 23
and 24, 2018
Join ALSLERD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASLERD)
and share our vision on the future of Smart Learning Ecosystems:
Timisoara declaration
See ASLERD website (www.aslerd.org) for
Request of membership, membership fees and legal
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: “The Future of Work and Innovation in
a Networked Society” Symposium, Berlin, May 15, 2018
Datum: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 09:54:14 +0100
Von: Hanna Krasnova <krasnova(a)uni-potsdam.de>
Antwort an: Hanna Krasnova <krasnova(a)uni-potsdam.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
*CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: “The Future of Work and Innovation in a Networked
Society” Symposium of the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked
Society: The German Internet Institute to be held in *Berlin, Germany,
on May 15, 2018.
The Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society: The German Internet
Institute is organizing a symposium on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 on
the subject of"The Future of Work and Innovation in a Networked Society"
and invites you to submit abstracts for contributions. The aim of the
symposium is to bring together different disciplinary perspectives
(e.g., from communication and social science, legal studies, computer
science, economics science andengineering science) on the transformation
of the working world and of innovation models in the digital society
and to identify and discuss the key challenges for the creation of
a self-determined, creative and innovative society.
Digitalization is one of the central driving forces behind current
transformations both in the working world and in the innovation models
of industries andsociety. It affects millions of jobs, changes
employment structures in companies and at the same time creates new
possibilities for creative workers andcitizens. It provides space for
innovative approaches to the organization of work by making new forms
of collaboration among diverse constituencies possible (and necessary as
well), but also enables new ways of globally fragmenting work, helping
organisations to develop open innovation models ofpractice. It
transforms qualification and skills requirements as well as forms
of blended learning. Digitalization processes also bring new relevance
to thequestion of how self-determination can be safeguarded
and developed in the world of work and innovation. This concerns, on
the one hand, the new possibilities for monitoring and control and
the issue of the autonomy of the working population. Also, the risks
of precarisation, which particularly emerge due to the development of
the platform economy, must be contained. On the other hand, many
creative and innovative products and services evolve from flexible
working environments where the dividing lines between working
and private sphere are blurred and new models of collaboration,
interaction andmodels of work are tested. The symposium will
specifically focus on self-determination in these changing working
environments. Self-determination means that digitalization should not be
seen as an unavoidable fate; instead, our capacity to shape it should be
emphasized. Also, self-determination is anecessary prerequisite for any
creative work – in social contexts as well as in working environments,
where permanently employed people work together with click-work-forces.
Of course, power relations must also be taken into account. Thus,
the current form of digitalization reflects to a considerable extent
the interests of a small group of powerful companies (and states) as
well as the dominant “engineering ideologies”. It is therefore all
the more important to make this shaping of thedigitalization process
visible and to develop approaches that strengthen the possibilities for
self-determination. Thematic priorities of the symposium
Thesymposium will highlight current changes in the world of work and
innovation through digitalisation and the internet, thus linking up with
the theme “Working Worlds of the Future” of the Science Year 2018.
We welcome contributions from different disciplines (e.g., from
communication and social science, legal studies, computer science,
engineering science, and others) on the following thematic areas
and questions:
- Working in highly automated processes
- Skill change, education and learning in the digitalised world of work
- Algorithmic governance: Using artificial intelligence and big data at
the workplace
- Platform economy, gig economy, sharing economy
- Alternative models of collaboration and innovation
- Social media and online communication at work
- Human-computer and human-machine interaction
- Socio-technical systems perspective on introducing digital
technologies at work
- Data-based business models and the transformation of industrial structures
- The “dark sides“ of work in the digital society: stress, overload,
- Maker culture and new forms of work
- Ways and methods of researching digitalization of work
- Digitalized work and participation in political communication
- Network effects, competition and innovation on digital markets
- Intellectual property as means to foster innovation and participation
- New ways of corporate learning—blended, gamified, adaptive
- Fair open innovation practices
- The role of user contributions in social innovations
*Key dates*
- Abstracts must be submitted as a PDF file by February 16, 2018
- The abstract submission system is available online:
- Submission feedback will be given by March 16, 2018.
- Conference date: May 15, 2018 Symposium updates will continuously be
posted on the website of the Weizenbaum Institute.
The Weizenbaum Institute is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research and began operating at the end of 2017. It is operated by
a Berlin-Brandenburg consortium coordinated by the Berlin Social Science
Center (WZB), and includes also the four Berlin universities—Free
University Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, Technical University
Berlin, and the Berlin University of the Arts—as well as the University
of Potsdam and the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems
(FOKUS). The institute's aim is to combine interdisciplinary basic
research with an exploration of concrete solutions, entailing knowledge
transfer into politics, business and society.
The symposium links up with the Science Year 2018 of the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research.
Further information at:
Prof. Dr. Hanna Krasnova, Chair
Chair of Business Informatics, esp. Social Media and Data Science
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
Universität Potsdam
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Betreff: [WI] Second CfP AMCIS 2018 Mini-Track: Organizational
Transformation by Scaling and Extending the Use of Agile Methods
Datum: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 08:13:02 +0000
Von: Horlach, Bettina <horlach(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
Antwort an: Horlach, Bettina <horlach(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
(Apologies for cross-postings)
--- 2018 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) ---
--- New Orleans, Aug 16-18, 2018 - https://amcis2018.aisnet.org
<https://amcis2018.aisnet.org> ---
Conference Theme: Digital Disruption
Track: Organisational Transformation & Information Systems (SIG-OSRA)
Minitrack: Organizational Transformation by Scaling and Extending the Use
of Agile Methods
While agile methods have been widely adopted in software development
projects in the past, organizations today scale the use of agile methods
to larger settings (scaling agile) and extent their use to other parts
of the enterprise. The broader use of agile methods leads to intensive
organizational change activities that aim at improving agility as a core
discipline of the digital enterprise. The transformation has an impact
on all levels of the organization including the individual, the
end-user, and the customer. Other non-IT functions get increasingly in
touch with agile principles and practices. While enterprises are
experimenting with the extended use of the agile way of working,
research has mainly analyzed the ongoing change from a software
development perspective. For this minitrack, we seek to attract research
contributions that extend existing research by focusing on
socio-technical, organizational, individual, and managerial challenges
of scaling and extending the use of agile methods.
We welcome conceptual, empirical, and design-oriented contributions for
this mini-track. Papers must be submitted through the conference
website: https://amcis2018.aisnet.org/
You can find the paper submission guidelines and template here:
Important dates:
- January 2018: System opens for general paper submissions
- February 28, 2018: Deadline for paper submissions
- April 17, 2018: Notification of initial decision on submitted papers
- TBD: Deadline for camera-ready revisions
- TBD: Notification of decision on revised camera-ready papers
Minitrack Co-chairs:
- Andreas Drechsler, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- Bettina Horlach, University of Hamburg, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [AISWorld] ISOneWorld Conference: March 26-28, 2018 - Las
Vegas, USA
Datum: Sun, 21 Jan 2018 17:15:44 +0000
Von: Spiro Samonas <Spiro.Samonas(a)csulb.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*** ISOneWorld 2018 ***
March 26-28, 2018, LAS VEGAS, USA
Paper submission deadline: February 15, 2018
Over the past 13 years, the ISOneWorld Conference has aspired to bring together International Information Systems researchers and practitioners to participate in sharing ideas and to enjoy the exciting surroundings of the fun capital of the World – Las Vegas. The ISOneWorld conference includes a full program of papers, presentations, keynotes and publishing opportunities for researchers and practitioners. Selected papers will be fast tracked for submission to the Journal of Information Science and Technology<http://www.jist.info/> and the International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach<https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-information-techno…> (in particular, research that focuses on any aspect of data centers, such as the Cloud, ITSM, strategic value, human resources profiles, and maturity models).
The conference is scheduled for March 26-28, 2018, in Las Vegas, USA.
Quality contributions for papers, panels, cases and posters are invited. All submissions are double blind peer reviewed.
Topic areas covered in the conference include, but are not limited to the following:
· Accessibility and Usability of Information Systems
· Accounting and Accounting Information Systems
· Design Science Studies in Information Systems
· eCommerce and eBusiness
· Emerging Issues in Information Systems
· Enterprise Information Systems
· Global Issues in Information Systems
· Human Computer Interaction
· IS-enabled and IS-facillitated Business Models
· IS in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
· IT in Education
· Knowledge Management in Information Systems.
· Mobile Commerce, Mobility and Ubiquitous IS
· Internet of Things (IoT)
· Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and Information Systems
· Social Media and Social Applications of Information Systems
· Strategic Use of Information Systems
· Strategic Use of IS in Business Development
· Web 2.0 and Future Web Technologies
Publishing opportunity
All submissions are considered for possible fast tracking in the following academic journals: Journal of Information System Security, European Journal of Management Studies, Information and Computer Security. If your paper is not fast tracked, it will still get published in an edited book.
Submission Details:
Participation can be in the following categories (but not limited to):
Industry Participants: If you have an interesting story to share we welcome your participation. We can guarantee an engaging participation from the floor, where you can discuss and talk freely about what you have been thinking. We just require a title of your presentation, a few lines describing your topic area and a brief biographical note (about 100 words).
Academic Participants: We encourage you to submit an abstract, a full paper, a research note, or a case study. Submission details are available at: http://www.isoneworld.org<http://www.isoneworld.org/>
Key Dates
Submission deadline: February 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2018
Program Committe
Program Chairs
Dave Coss, College of Charleston, USA
Rhonda Syler, University of Arkansas, USA
Markos Zachariadis, Warwick Business School, UK
Organizing Chair
Sergio Nunes, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal
We look forward to seeing you in Vegas!
Kind regards,
Spiro Samonas
Spyridon (Spiro) Samonas, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems
College of Business Administration
California State University, Long Beach
p: (562) 985-5672 f: (562) 985-5478
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Submission Deadline (March 5, 2018) Approaching:
CFP -- Internet Research Special Issue on the Sharing Economy
Datum: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 16:34:35 -1000
Von: Bo Xiao <boxiao(a)hawaii.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Special issue call for papers from Internet Research
Guest Editors:
Dr. Bo Xiao, University of Hawaii at Manoa (boxiao(a)hawaii.edu)
Dr. Eric Lim, University of New South Wales (e.t.lim(a)unsw.edu.au)
Dr. Chee-Wee Tan, Copenhagen Business School (cta.itm(a)cbs.dk)
Dr. Zach Lee, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (
Important: Authors whose paper(s) were accepted to the Sharing Economy
mini-track at AMCIS 2017 and HICSS 2017 are strongly encouraged to contact
one of the guest editors about fast tracking your paper(s) to the special
Submission Deadline (extended): March 5, 2018
Motivation and Aim of the Special Issue
Sharing is ingrained in the fabric of society and efficient access to goods
and services constitutes a major force driving much of the economic
activity today. With greater connectivity brought about by the proliferation
of internetworking technologies, it has become much easier for individuals
to circumvent spatial and temporal barriers during interactions, thereby
giving rise to a novel Sharing Economy that is structured around the
of conventional channels of commerce in the exchange of both tangible and
intangible resources. The sharingeconomy has gained notable attention
within mainstream media as a new economic paradigm that leverages
peer-to-peer technological platforms to facilitate exchange of resources
among individuals who are joined via fluid relational networks. Almost
overnight, numerous peer-to-peer platforms—in the likes of crowd-working
(e.g., Airbnb, Uber, Amazon Mechanic Turk, E-Lance, Fiverr), co-innovation
(e.g., Mindmixer, Social Innovator), crowd-funding (e.g., Kickstarter,
Indiegogo), crowd-searching (e.g., Crowdfynd, CrowdSearching), and
crowd-voting (e.g., California Report Card, Threadless) — have sprung up to
facilitate both individuals and/or organizations to pool resources in
resolving problems.
While there are many practitioners who have prophesized the sharing economy as
a game-changer for how organizations and society function, there are also a
number of detractors who questioned the uncertain and potentially
disruptive future that is brought about by such peer-to-peer exchanges.
Critics have painted a dismal picture of the sharing economy as a means for
individuals and/or firms to dodge proper regulations and live beyond their
means, which in turn contributes to doomsday scenarios of massive job
displacements and spending habits detrimental to society. In light of
the opportunities
and challenges posed by the sharing economy, there is a clear urgency for a
systematic and thorough scrutiny of how value creation and appropriation
can take place within such economic environments while minimizing its
negative impact to society.
The aim of this special issue of Internet Research is to sensitize both
academics and practitioners to the latest trends and developments in the
sharing economy in order to determine how value can be created and
appropriated within this novel economic environment powered primarily by
This special issue embraces both retrospective and progressive views of how
the sharing economy has evolved and would transform with technological
advances. We welcome papers that identify and address knowledge gaps in how
emergent technologies are shaping the access and sharing of resources
within online peer-to-peer communities. Papers that subscribe to
inter-disciplinary perspectives and/or adopt mixed methods are particularly
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest of the special issue include, but are not limited to:
Collaborative consumption and production in sharing economy
Crowdfunding and communal investment
Crowdsourcing and open innovation
Crowd platform strategies
Data privacy and security in sharing economy
Design and innovation of crowd platforms
Digital business models of sharing economy
Digital labor markets and workforce management in sharing economy
Disruptive innovation in sharing economy
Market mechanics of sharing economy
Policy formulation for sharing economy
Reputation and trust in sharing economy
Social network in sharing economy
Socio-economic and political challenges of sharing economy
Value appropriation in sharing economy
Submission due date: March 5th, 2018
First round reviews: May 1st, 2018
Revisions due: June 15th, 2018
Second round decision: August 1st, 2018
Revisions due: September 1st, 2018
Final editorial decision: September 15th, 2018
Please see our author guidelines for more details and submission
instructions. Submissions to Internet Research are made using ScholarOne
Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Please be sure
to select this special issue option when you submit your paper through
Full information and guidance on using ScholarOne Manuscripts is available
at the Emerald ScholarOne Manuscripts Support Centre.
Best regards,
Bo Sophia Xiao
Associate Professor
Shidler College Distinguished Associate Professor (Endowed)
Information Technology Management Department
Shidler College of Business
The University of Hawaii at Manoa
Tel.: (808) 956-7368
Email: boxiao(a)hawaii.edu
Website: http://shidler.hawaii.edu/directory/bo-sophia-xiao/itm
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