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Betreff: [AISWorld] FW: AMCIS2017 - Workshop on Smart Manufacturing
Datum: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 11:03:48 +0000
Von: Nikolai Kazantsev <nikolai.kazantsev(a)postgrad.manchester.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
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AMCIS 2017 - Workshop on Smart Manufacturing / B2B Collaboration / Industry 4.0 / Cyber-physical systems - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
Dear colleagues,
please consider sending an extended abstract on Smart Manufacturing/Industrial IoT (Industry 4.0) related topics for a specialized workshop during AMCIS 2017.
This is the second workshop of the newly established SIG, that comprises now more than 100 academic and industrial specialists in Big Data, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. We aim to bring industrial experience from aerospace and automotive sectors to the AIS community. The main Industry 4.0 project highlighted during the event will be DIGICOR - ( Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains - http://www.digicor-project.eu/)
On behalf of the workshop organizational committee,
Nikolai Kazantsev
CALL FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACTS: Smart Manufacturing in aerospace and automotive industries
2nd Workshop of the AIS Special Interest Group for Big Data application in processes During AMCIS 2017, Boston, USA
The Association for Information Systems (AIS) presents the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), one of the main information systems research conferences in the world, and a leading conference in the Americas Region. AMCIS 2017 theme, A Tradition of Innovation, features research that present novel additions to methodological or theoretical directions to previous IS knowledge and tackles challenges arising from emerging technologies.
Smart Manufacturing is the dramatically intensified and pervasive application of networked information-based technologies throughout the manufacturing and supply chain enterprise[1]. Smart manufacturing companies of today operate in an environment of global supply chain and hyper-competitive strategies demanding rapid change, yet the IT support systems are generally local rather than global and rigid rather than flexible. IT support thus fails to support both the necessary level of coordination across partners in the global supply chain and the rapid speed of change typical for hyper-competition.
The workshop on the academic and practical cases of Big Data Application in Manufacturing will be mainly oriented towards Smart Manufacturing in aerospace and automotive industries. The objective of the workshop is to build a dynamic community for open and constructive discussions and exchange of academic and industrial experience for Big Data and Industry 4.0 researchers on topics:
1. Smart collaborative manufacturing and logistics
2. Industry 4.0 and factory automation
3. Knowledge protection in collaborative infrastructures
4. Cyber-physical systems towards the factory of the future
The workshop will be accepting extended abstracts from research-in-progress and industry case studies/reports. Additionally, the workshop will be accepting novel, early and creative research ideas as posters:
1st Round Abstract submission due: Jul 7th, 2017 (passed)
1st Notification of acceptance: Jul 11th, 2017 (passed)
2nd Round Abstract submission due: Jul 27th, 2017
2nd Notification of acceptance: Aug 7th, 2017
Workshop date: Aug 11th, 2017, 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM
All accepted papers will be indexed in the AIS Library. The Authors of the best papers will be invited to Scopus Q1 indexed Journal (TBC).
Submit your abstract now!
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Nikolay Mehandjiev, The University of Manchester
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Maltseva, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Dr. Dr. Mikhail Komarov, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Dr. Pedro Sampaio, The University of Manchester
Nikolay Kazantsev, The University of Manchester
Sonia Cisneros-Cabrera, The University of Manchester
Dr. Asia Ramzan, Aston University
Maria Fay, University of Liechtenstein
Co-Sponsored by
Special Interest Group (SIG) of Big Data Applications (http://aisnet.org/members/group.aspx?code=SIGBD)
Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains (DIGICOR) Project (http://www.digicor-project.eu/)
The Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester (https://www.mbs.ac.uk/)
Submit your abstract now!
For further information please contact Mr. Nikolay Kazantsev, via e-mail: sigbdworkshop(a)gmail.com
[1] Davis, J., Edgar, T., Porter, J., Bernaden, J., & Sarli, M. (2012). Smart manufacturing, manufacturing intelligence and demand-dynamic performance. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 47, 145-156.
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Final reminder: CfP in BISE: Smart Cities and
Digitized Urban Management
Datum: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 16:26:17 +0000
Von: Tobias Brandt <brandt(a)rsm.nl>
An: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers (Deadline July 15)
Special Issue in Business & Information Systems Engineering on "Smart Cities and Digitized Urban Management"
The Smart City concept stands at the confluence of several global technological, socioeconomic, and environmental megatrends. On the technological front, Big Data, analytics, block chain, and the Internet of Things enable an ever more interconnected network of people, services, and infrastructures. On the socioeconomic front, urbanization drives people to the cities in search for a better life, demographic developments alter the very structures of society, and a new wave of migration uproots people and recombines social and cultural backgrounds of populations around the globe. Finally, from an environmental perspective, climate change and pollution make entire stretches of land uninhabitable, endanger coastal areas on every continent, and are a widespread cause of unrest and strife.
Cities are where these trends meet, being the cause of and solution to many of the associated challenges. Cities are responsible for most of the emissions heating the planet, but they are also the places where people turn to and move to, where even small adjustments can have tremendous impact. This is particularly relevant for some individual cities (e.g., in Asia) that show a tendency to grow together towards enormous metro-regions with unprecedented sustainability challenges. Simultaneously, the interaction and integration of smart cities with their outskirts as well as more rural "satellites" becomes a pressing issue.
Using information systems to improve all of the facets of urban life is the core of the Smart City paradigm. Therefore, this special issue seeks high-quality theoretical, empirical, and design-oriented contributions that outline and demonstrate how IS research can affect and improve urban socio-technical systems and address the issues outlined previously. As the topic is inherently transdisciplinary, we are particularly looking for manuscripts that seek to have an impact within and outside the IS discipline.
All defining aspects of "smart cities" such as transport, energy, waste, buildings, living, government, economy, and people are of interest. Relevant topic areas include, but are not limited to:
· Information systems for intergenerational collaboration in urban quarters
· Sharing economy and resource efficiency
· Energy informatics and urban smart grids
· Emergency response and climate change action
· Information technology for coastal management and protection
· E-government initiatives for local inclusion in smart city quarters
· Urban, inter-urban and urban-rural intermodal mobility and smart transportation
· IS-induced business model innovation for smart cities
· IS-enabled citizen acceptance and user-participation/community-sourcing in smart city concepts
· Migration and cultural inclusion
· Open data and local governments
Authors are asked to submit their papers online by 15 July 2017 via the journal's submission system Editorial Manager (http://www.editorialmanager.com/buis/). All papers must follow the typing and formatting instructions for Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) available at http://www.bise-journal.org. Submissions are accepted in English only. In particular, manuscripts should not exceed 50,000 characters (discounting 5000 characters for each figure/table). Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process and be refereed by at least three domain experts according to quality, originality, relevance, and scientific rigor.
Paper submission due: 15 Jul 2017
Notification of authors: 02 Sep 2017
Completion of a first revision: 28 Oct 2017
Notification of authors: 16 Dec 2017
Completion of a second revision: 20 Jan 2018
Editorial Deadline: 15 Feb 2018
Planned Publication Date: June 2018
Guest Editors
Tobias Brandt (coordinating), Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, brandt(a)rsm.nl<mailto:brandt@rsm.nl>
Wolfgang Ketter, Ph.D., University of Cologne & Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, ketter(a)wiso.uni-koeln.de<mailto:ketter@wiso.uni-koeln.de>
Lutz M. Kolbe, Chair for Information Management, University of Göttingen, lutz.kolbe(a)wiwi.uni-goettingen.de<mailto:lutz.kolbe@wiwi.uni-goettingen.de>
Dirk Neumann, Chair for Information Systems Research, University of Freiburg, dirk.neumann(a)is.uni-freiburg.de<mailto:dirk.neumann@is.uni-freiburg.de>
Richard T. Watson, Department of Management Information Systems, Terry College, University of Georgia, rwatson(a)terry.uga.edu<mailto:rwatson@terry.uga.edu>
Please contact Tobias Brandt (brandt(a)rsm.nl<mailto:brandt@rsm.nl>) if you require further information concerning the CfP or want to inquire on whether you manuscript fits with the topical scope of the special issue.
Tobias Brandt
Assistant Professor of Business Information Management
Rotterdam School of Management
Erasmus University
Technology & Operations Management
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
Mandeville (T) Building, Room 9-58
3062 PA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)10 408 1636
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - First Workshop on Distributed
Infrastructures for Deep Learning (DIDL)
Datum: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 09:45:47 -0400
Von: Vatche Ishakian <vatchei(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
First Workshop on Distributed Infrastructures for Deep Learning (DIDL) 2017
Las Vegas, Nevada
Dec 11-15, 2017
Deep learning is a rapidly growing field of machine learning, and has
proven successful in many domains, including computer vision, language
translation, and speech recognition. The training of deep neural networks
is resource intensive, requiring compute accelerators such as GPUs, as well
as large amounts of storage and memory, and network bandwidth.
Additionally, getting the training data ready requires a lot of tooling for
data cleansing, data merging, ambiguity resolution, etc. Sophisticated
middleware abstractions are needed to schedule resources, manage the
distributed training job as well as visualize how well the training is
progressing. Likewise, serving the large neural network models with low
latency constraints can require middleware to manage model caching,
selection, and refinement.
All the major cloud providers, including Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft
have started to offer cloud services in the last year or so with services
to train and/or serve deep neural network models. In addition, there is a
lot of activity in open source middleware for deep learning, including
Tensorflow, Theano, Caffe2, PyTorch, and MXNet. There are also efforts to
extend existing platforms such as Spark for deep learning workloads.
This workshop focuses on the tools, frameworks, and algorithms to support
executing deep learning algorithms in a distributed environment. As new
hardware and accelerators become available, the middleware and systems need
to be able exploit their capabilities and ensure they are utilized
Authors are invited to submit research papers, experience papers,
demonstrations, or position papers
This workshop solicits papers from both academia and industry on the state
of practice and state of the art in deep learning infrastructures. Topics
of interest include but are not limited to:
Resource scheduling algorithms for deep learning workloads
Advances in deep learning frameworks
Programming abstractions for deep learning models
Middleware support for hardware accelerators
Novel distribution techniques for training large neural networks
Case studies of deep learning middleware
Optimization techniques for Inferencing
Novel debugging and logging techniques
Data cleansing, data disambiguation tools for deep learning
Data visualization tools for deep learning
Dates and location
Paper submissions: August 31, 2017
Notification to authors: September 28, 2017
Camera-ready copy due: October 15, 2017
The DIDL workshop is co-located with the Middleware conference, which will
be held in Las Vegas, USA from December 11-15, 2017.
Papers and Submissions
We are looking for the following types of submissions:
Research and industry papers (up to 6 pages): Reports on original results
including novel techniques, significant case studies or surveys. Authors
may include extra material beyond the six pages as a clearly marked
appendix, which reviewers are not obliged to read but could read.
Position papers (up to 4 pages): Reports identifying unaddressed problems
and research challenges.
Abstracts (up to 1 page): An extended abstract on a preliminary or ongoing
Papers must be written in English and submitted in PDF format. All papers
should follow ACM formatting instructions, specifically the ACM SIG
Proceedings Standard Style. The author kit containing the templates for the
required style can be found at
Submissions should not be blinded for review. Please submit your papers via
the submission site: https://didl17.hotcrp.com/
All accepted papers will appear in the Middleware 2017 companion
proceedings, available in the ACM Digital Library. All accepted papers will
also be presented at the workshop, and at least one author of each paper
must register for the workshop.
Workshop Co-chairs
Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee, IBM Research
Vatche Ishakian, Bentley University
Hans-Arno Jacobsen, MIddleware Systems Research Group
Vinod Muthusamy, IBM Research
Program Committee
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago
Benoit Huet, Eurocom
Pietro Michiardi, Eurocom
Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College
Evgenia Smirni, College of William and Mary
Yandong Wang, Citadel Securities
Chuan Wu, University of Hong Kong
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Betreff: [WI] CfP - Doctoral Symposium at ER 2017 conference
Datum: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 16:00:29 +0200
Von: o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis <dk(a)dke.univie.ac.at>
Antwort an: o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis <dk(a)dke.univie.ac.at>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Kopie (CC): dk(a)dke.univie.ac.at <dk(a)dke.univie.ac.at>
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Dear colleagues,
please motivate your PhD students to submit a paper to this year's doctoral symposium, held in conjunction with the 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) Nov. 6th-9th, 2017, Valencia Spain.
Kind regards, Co-Chairs of the ER 2017 Doctoryl Symposium
Sourav S. Bhowmick, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Stephen W. Liddle, Brigham Young University, Utah, USA
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
ER 2017 Doctoral Symposium
Call for Papers
The ER 2017 Doctoral Symposium will gather together PhD students and academics working in conceptual modeling. The symposium offers PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss their research and to interact with other researchers, experts in the field of conceptual modeling, who can provide feedback on their research. To enable a fruitful discussion, we seek PhD students who are settled in their field but are also still open for valuable feedback. The symposium is open to any topic covered by the main conference and of strong relevance to the ER community.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions to the doctoral symposium comprise two parts: an extended abstract paper and a recommendation letter.
Part 1: Research Extended Abstract
Your extended abstract should be 5 to 8 pages long and must follow the Springer LNCS style. Each submission must be structured as an exposé, focusing on the research questions and the research design to tackle that question. PhD students should write the papers by themselves (single authored) and focus on presenting the idea behind the research in order to receive the most valuable feedback at the symposium.
Submissions to the ER 2017 Doctoral Symposium should be structured like this:
- A sound introduction to the research field – focusing on current challenges and opportunities.
- Clear specification of the research questions and the objectives.
- Brief description of related work highlighting how the proposal differentiates from prior work.
- Justification of the selected research design, focusing also on the research methodology.
- Discussion of the current status of the proposed solution. How is the proposal an improvement over the current state of the art?
- Identification of outstanding issues and a roadmap for tackling them.
Part 2: Recommendation Letter
Ask your (primary) PhD advisor for a letter of recommendation. This letter should include:
• Your name
• An assessment of the current status of your dissertation research
• The expected date for defending your dissertation
The letter should be in PDF format and should be sent directly by your advisor via e-mail to the ER 2017 Doctoral Symposium Chairs, Sourav S. Bhowmick (ASSourav(a)ntu.edu.sg), Stephen W. Liddle (liddle(a)byu.edu), and Dimitris Karagiannis (dk(a)dke.univie.ac.at). This letter will be held confidential. The e-mail should have the subject "ER2017-DS-Recommendation-YourLastName".
Travel Grants
In 2017, students of the best submissions to the doctoral symposium will receive a $500 travel grant. Hence, after the final acceptance/rejection decision, the program committee will select the best doctoral student submissions for funding.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission: 14th of August, 2017
Author Notification: 4th of September, 2017
Author registration: 5th of September, 2017
ER 2017 Doctoral Symposium 6th of November, 2017
Submission Link & Further Information
Please check the ER homepage, http://er2017.pros.webs.upv.es/, where further details regarding the Doctoral Symposium will soon be made available.
o. Univ.-Prof. Prof.h.c. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis
Tel: (+43) 1 / 4277 78910, Fax: (+43) 1 / 4277 878910
e-mail: dk(a)dke.univie.ac.at
Universität Wien University of Vienna
Forschungsgruppe Knowledge Engineering Knowledge Engineering
Währingerstraße 29 Waehringerstrasse 29
1090 Vienna 1090 Vienna
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Wien A-1090 Vienna
Österreich Austria
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Datum: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 06:49:45 +0000
Von: Artur Lugmayr <artur.lugmayr(a)artur-lugmayr.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers, Abstracts, Demos and Posters
AI-VR-AR 2017
in conjunction with SIGGRAPH ASIA 2017
27th-30th November 2017
Bangkok, Thailand
The workshop intends to attract a broad range of contributions to develop this scholarly field during a full day venue.
We invite scholars and practitioners to discuss synergies between virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) and artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The aim is to gather a cross-disciplinary team of experts with a background
in computer science, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), psychology/cognitive sciences, culture/communication studies,
design and art to develop this fascinating intersection. The aspects to discuss range from user-experience, technologies
applications, methods, cultural implications, communication theories, to artistic approaches.
Workshop Highlights:
- Workshop proceedings published in a Scopus indexed series
- Best papers are published as part of an edited book or journal special issue with high level publisher
- Submission deadline: 15 August, 2017
While AI's main aim is to replicate human intelligence, AR and VR focuses its research efforts on the creation of artificial
worlds either in complete virtual world, or as part of our physical environment. Many examples that bridge the two fields have
emerged recently, e.g. intelligence in digital games, utilization of computer graphics hardware for deep learning and AI, emotional
and affective interaction, etc. Thus, while AI and VR/AR went rather distinct research pathways, we attempt to bring them together,
and discuss different aspects at the intersection of machine intelligence and human interaction in a mixed reality. We raise the
question: what happens when artificial worlds start to think, and we humans interact with it? We would like to follow up the
philosophical discussions around issues such as what happens when things start to think, and Alan Turing's works. In this workshop,
we would like to raise a question: what would happen when artificial worlds start to think, and how we humans can interact and
communicate with AI through e.g. affective interfaces?
As our emphasis is on creating the synergy between VR/AR and AI/ML, we are not limited to particular areas; instead, the following
exemplary topics might help to gather ideas for a possible contribution: affective and emotional computation, communication
with AI, digital game analytics, utilization of computer graphics hardware for deep learning, personalization and recommender
systems, UX with agents and physical robots, cultural robotics, or AI in information visualization.
* Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in VR/AR
* Emotions and AI in VR, AR, and smart objects
* Human-Computer-Interaction with AI in virtual worlds
* Digital games and artificial intelligence
* How do humans communicate with AI
* Emotion enriched human-AI collaboration
* AI in digital games and other application areas
* User-Experience and interaction with AI
* Intelligent interaction with robots and physical objects
* Visualisation of cultural data
* Affective human-virtual world interaction
* Design of emotionally intelligent AI
* Recommender systems and personalisation in VR, AR
* Information visualisation and AI and ML
* Communication theory and cognitive science
* Affective ambient intelligence in mixed realities
* UX with AI agents or physical robots
* AI based emotion mediated communication in VR/AR
* Tools for authoring emotional intelligence in VR/AR
* Multimodal affective interfaces in VR/AR
* Human-human emotional communication in VR/AR
* Cultural robotics
The workshop proceedings will be published in a Scopus indexed proceedings series with an ISBN number as part of
the Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME) workshop series. The very best contributions will be published in an
edited book from a highly reputable publisher which has been pre-arranged. Please note that only selected high quality
contributions will be published as part of the edited book. However, during the workshop a common journal article
co-authored between all workshop participants will be published as an introduction chapter.
15/08/2017: Deadline for workshop papers
21/08/2017: Notification of accepted workshop papers
31/08/2017: Camera ready workshop papers
29/09/2017: Registration for the Workshop
27/11/2017: Workshop Day
The workshop program stretches over a full-day, and will contain a combination of invited keynote presentations, oral
presentations, posters, and demonstrations. We are calling for paper submissions of extended abstracts between 2-5 pages long,
following the submission format of SIGGRAPH Asia's style template. Please choose one of the three submission categories:
* Abstract: 1-2 pages long
* Short paper, demo, or poster: 2-4 pages long
* Long paper: 4-6 pages long
Please download the paper template from: https://sa2017.siggraph.org/submitters/submission-information?faqitem=accor…
The copyright form can be downloaded from: http://www.visemex.ambientmediaassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/C…
Your submission should include: scanned signed copyright form + original contribution in word or latex + pdf of the paper
Please do NOT include the ACM copyright strip (first page, bottom left) into your submission
Add ALL your files (copyright form, word document/latex files, scanned copyright form) into ONE zip file.
Upload the zip file to the workshop submission system on: http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/Submissions/2017AIVR/openconf.php
We strongly recommend the ideas and topics from the following papers prior your submission or as part of a
paper submission in its discussion section:
* Lugmayr, A. et al., 2017. Cognitive Big Data. Survey and Review on Big Data Research and its Implications: What is Really "New"? Cognitive Big Data! Journal of Knowledge Management (JMM), 21(1). Available at: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm…, Journal of Knowledge Management/Emerald.
* Sun, M., Zhao, Z., and Ma, X. (2017). Sensing and Handling Engagement Dynamics in Human-Robot Interaction Involving Peripheral Computing Devices. In Proc. CHI2017 (to appear).
* Zhu, F., Fang, K., and Ma, X. (2017). Exploring the Effects of Strategy and Arousal of Cueing in Computer-Human Persuasion. In Proc. CHI2017 EA (to appear).
* Yang, Y., Ma, X., and Fung, P. (2017). Perceived Emotional Intelligence in Virtual Agents. In Proc. CHI2017 EA (to appear).
* Ma, X. (2016). Developing Design Guidelines for a Visual Vocabulary of Electronic Medical Information to Improve Health Literacy. Interacting with Computers.
* Zhu, K., Ma, X., Chen, H., and Liang, M. (2016). Tripartite Effects: Exploring Users' Mental Model of Mobile Gestures under the Influence of Operation, Handheld Posture, and Interaction Space. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
* A. Lugmayr, E. Serral, A. Scherp, B. Pogorelc, and M. Mustaquim, "Ambient media today and tomorrow," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 71, 2014, pp. 7-37 Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1346-z.
* ZHU Kening, ZHU Rongbo, H SAMANI, BB JALAEIAN, PaperIO: a 3D interface towards the internet of embedded paper-craft, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2014
Artur Lugmayr
Associate Professor
School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts
Curtin University, Australia
Kening Zhu
Assistant Professor
School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong
Xiaojuan Ma
Assistant Professor
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
In case of questions, please don't hesitate to contact: artur.lugmayr(a)artur-lugmayr.com<mailto:artur.lugmayr@artur-lugmayr.com>
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Betreff: [AISWorld] First Cfp Pre-ICIS workshop “Practice-based Design
and Innovation of Digital Artifacts”
Datum: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 08:54:28 +0000
Von: Göran Goldkuhl <goran.goldkuhl(a)liu.se>
An: AISWorld Listserv <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
First Call for Papers
AIS SIGPrag Pre-ICIS workshop on
”Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts”
December 9, 2017, Seoul, South Korea
Background – pragmatic perspectives
There have been many calls in the information systems (IS) community for a stronger pragmatic focus. This can be seen in a growing interest for research approaches and methods in IS that emphasize contribution to practice and collaboration between the practice and academia. Action research, which aims for knowledge development through collaboration and intervention in real settings, is achieving more and more academic credibility (Baskerville & Myers, 2004; Davison et al, 2004). This can also be said about design science research that aims for the generation of new and useful artifacts (Hevner et al, 2004; Gregor & Jones, 2007). Research through evaluation has had a long and venerable place in IS research (Ward et, 1996; Serafeimidis & Smithson, 2003). Several approaches and frameworks that combine or integrate elements from the above-mentioned approaches have also emerged, e.g. practice research (Goldkuhl, 2011), collaborative practice research (Mathiassen, 2002), practical science (Gregor, 2008), engaged scholarship (Mathiassen & Nielsen, 2008), action design research (Sein et al, 2011) and technical action research (Wieringa & Morali, 2012). Underlying these different approaches is a quest for practical relevance of the conducted research (Benbasat & Zmud, 1999; Van de Ven, 2007; Wieringa, 2010). It is not enough to only “mirror” the world through descriptions and explanations but a pragmatic orientation recognizes intervention and design as a way of knowing and a means for building knowledge about social and institutional phenomena (Aakhus, 2007). There is a need for knowledge of other epistemic kinds that contributes more clearly to the improvement of IS practices.
A pragmatic orientation can also be seen in the increasing interest in the conceptualization of practices, activities, agency and actions. Practice theorizing has gained an increased attention in IS studies (Orlikowski, 2008; Leonardi, 2011). There has been an interest for agency and action oriented theories in IS for quite some time; e.g. activity theory (Nardi, 1996), structuration theory (Orlikowski, 1992), social action theorizing (Hirschheim et al, 1996), human agency theorizing (Boudreau & Robey, 2005) and language action perspective (Winograd & Flores, 1986). From this follows also an interest for social and pragmatic views of the IT artifact (Aakhus & Jackson, 2005). This includes views of the IT artifact as contextually embedded and carriers of those social contexts (Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001) and such artifacts being tools for action and communication (Ågerfalk, 2003; Markus & Silver, 2008). Design research practice and the contributions to practice through appropriation of knowledge and methods and the contributions to academia through knowledge artifacts has been discussed (Sjöström, Donnellan & Helfert, 2012).
This enhanced practice and action orientation follows a growing awareness within IS scholars towards pragmatism as a research foundation (e.g. Goles & Hirschheim, 2000; Ågerfalk, 2010; Goldkuhl, 2012). It is not the case that IS scholars suddenly become pragmatists in their research orientation. It is rather the case that there is move from an implicit pragmatism to an explicit one (Goldkuhl, 2012). For a long time IS scholars have addressed practical problems with an interest for improvement. That interest has led to the extensive development of methods, models and constructive frameworks for not only the design of IT artifacts, but also related to several other IS/IT phenomena like e.g. innovation management, business process management, project management, IT service management just to mention a few. These methods actually reveal an on-going search for knowledge of other epistemic kinds for advancing understanding of information technology, information systems, and practice. Pragmatism – and its inherent view of inquiry as a theory of knowledge (Dewey, 1938) – is a philosophical foundation for intervention-based research (Baskerville & Myers, 2004; Sjöström, 2010). Indeed, Constantinides et al (2012, p. 1) propose “practical questions for all IS researchers to consider in making choices about relevant topics, design and execution, and representation of findings in their research.” The pragmatist foundations are also reflected in the evolving design science research discourse (Hevner et al, 2004; Sein et al, 2011; Gregor & Hevner, 2013; Iivari, 2014; Venable et al, 2016).
Workshop focus
This AIS SIGPrag Pre-ICIS workshop has a general orientation towards pragmatic perspectives on IS as described above. The focus is on “Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts”. This means an emphasis on digital artifacts as embedded in social practices and carriers of elements in such practices. It emphasizes also the innovative nature of designing new artifacts and new practices. The workshop acknowledges different sub-themes within this broad workshop theme:
* Ways to research practice-based design and innovation of digital artifacts
* Ways to conceptualize and describe practices
* Ways to conceptualize and describe digital artifacts
* The processes of innovation and design of digital artifacts and practices
Topics within these sub-themes are described below.
Workshop purpose
This workshop is arranged in the same spirit and a continuation of earlier successful SIGPrag workshops on “Practice research”, “IT Artifact Design & Workpractice Improvement” and “Action Research & Design Research Integrations”.
This SIGPrag workshop intends to bring scholars and practitioners together for a knowledge exchange and development on research foundations and practical contributions concerning the design and innovation of digital artifacts and practices. The SIGPrag workshop is intended to be a developmental arena with thoughtful and constructive feedback from reviews and comments on site. The workshop should be a place where you can present ideas in papers and get fruitful feedback for further development of the papers. A developmental arena means also taking responsibility for pushing contributions further to high-quality journal publications. From earlier SIGPrag workshops (ADWI-2012, ADWI-2013, ADWI-2014 and PractDID-2016) several papers have been pushed further into special issues in the open access journal Systems, Signs & Actions. At least one issue will be arranged in Systems, Signs & Actions inviting promising papers from this SIGPrag workshop. We will possibly also work with some other outlet for another special issue. This depends on the outcome of the workshop.
The workshop can include papers from diverse fields of IS. Topics following the identified workshop sub-themes are listed below.
Ways to research practice-based design and innovation of digital artifacts; empirical research approaches such as:
* Practice research
* Action research
* Design science research
* Action design research
* Case study research
* Evaluation research
* Discourse analysis
* Pragmatic inquiries
* Practitioner – research collaborations
Ways to research practice-based design and innovation of digital artifacts; knowledge creation approaches such as:
* Design theory development
* Method design/refinement
* Grounded theory development
* Multi-grounded theory development
* Practical theory development
Ways to conceptualize and describe practices; for example:
* Symbolic interaction
* Language action
* Socio-materiality
* Institutionalism
* Actor-networks
* Infrastructure evolution
* Socio-instrumentalism
* Distributed cognition
* Distributed agency
Ways to conceptualize and describe digital artifacts; for example:
* Ensemble view
* Socio-technical view
* Contextual view
* Functional tool view
* Affordance view
* Communicative action view
The processes of innovation and design of digital artifacts and practices; for example aspects such as:
* Innovation strategies
* Openness in innovation
* Design thinking
* Collaborative design
* Stakeholder interactions (power-playing vs. value balancing and informed consensus building)
* Practice understanding and diagnosis
* Wicked problems
* Problem formulation
* Values and goals articulation
* Idea generation
* Idea capture
* Design conversations
* Idea visualization (modeling, prototyping)
* Strategies for testing and evaluation
Dates and submission details
Submissions: September 24, 2017
Notification: October 31, 2017
Final manuscripts: November 30, 2017
Workshop: December 9, 2017
The workshop website is http://SIGPrag.net/<http://sigprag.net/>
SIGPrag | The AIS Special Interest Group for Pragmatist ...<http://sigprag.net/>
AIS SIGPRAG Pre-ICIS Workshop: Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts. December 12, 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA Room: Texas Ballroom J Omni
. The workshop will follow an ordinary scientific procedure with submission of papers and selection of papers through peer-review (pursued by an international program committee). Papers are expected to be between 5-16 pages. We welcome full research papers as well as shorter papers (work-in-progress or position papers). For submissions we use the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=practdid2017). A format template can be found at the workshop website (http://SIGPrag.net/<http://sigprag.net/>
SIGPrag | The AIS Special Interest Group for Pragmatist ...<http://sigprag.net/>
AIS SIGPRAG Pre-ICIS Workshop: Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts. December 12, 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA Room: Texas Ballroom J Omni
). Workshop proceedings will be electronically published and distributed. There will be a small workshop fee covering catering.
Workshop co-chairs
Jonas Sjöström, Uppsala University, Sweden (jonas.sjostrom(a)im.uu.se<mailto:jonas.sjostrom@im.uu.se>)
Göran Goldkuhl, Linköping University & Uppsala University, Sweden (goran.goldkuhl(a)liu.se<mailto:goran.goldkuhl@liu.se>)
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland (Markus.Helfert(a)dcu.ie<mailto:Markus.Helfert@dcu.ie>)
Jaehyun Park, Tokyo Institute of Technology, (park.j.ai(a)m.titech.ac.jp<mailto:park.j.ai@m.titech.ac.jp>)
AIS Special interest group on Pragmatic IS research (AIS SIGPrag), http://SIGPrag.net/<http://sigprag.net/>
Programme Committee
To be announced.
Aakhus M (2007) Communication as Design. Communication Monographs, Vol 74 (1), pp 112–117
Aakhus M, Jackson S (2005) Technology, Interaction and Design. In K. Fitch & B. Sanders (Eds.), Handbook of Language and Social Interaction (pp. 411–433). Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ
Ågerfalk P J (2003) Information Systems Actability: Understanding Information Technology as a Tool for Business Action and Communication, Ph D diss, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University
Ågerfalk P J (2010) Getting Pragmatic, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol 19 (3), pp 251–256
Baskerville R, Myers M (2004) Special issue on action research in information systems: making IS research relevant to practice – foreword, MIS Quarterly, Vol 28 (3), p 329-335
Benbasat I, Zmud R W (1999) Empirical research in information system research: The practice of relevance, MIS Quarterly, Vol 23 (1), p 3-16
Boudreau M-C, Robey D (2005) Enacting Integrated Information Technology: A Human Agency Perspective, Organization Science, Vol 16 (1), p 3–18
Constantinides P, Chiasson M, Introna L (2012) The ends of information systems research: a pragmatic framework. MIS Quarterly, Vol 36(1), p 1–10.
Davison R M, Martinsons M G, Kock N (2004) Principles of canonical action research, Information Systems Journal, Vol 14, p 65–86
Dewey J (1938) Logic: The theory of inquiry, Henry Holt, New York
Goles T, Hirschheim R (2000) The paradigm is dead, the paradigm is dead … long live the paradigm: the legacy of Burell and Morgan, Omega, Vol 28, p 249-268
Goldkuhl G (2011) The research practice of practice research: theorizing and situational inquiry, Systems, Signs & Actions, Vol 5 (1), p 7-29
Goldkuhl G (2012) Pragmatism vs. interpretivism in qualitative information systems research, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol 21 (2), p 135-146
Gregor S (2008) Building theory in a practical science, in Hart D, Gregor S (Eds, 2008) Information Systems Foundations: The role of design science, ANU E Press, Canberra
Gregor S, Hevner A R (2013) Positioning and presenting design science research for maximum impact, MIS quarterly, Vol 37 (2), p 337–355
Gregor S, Jones D (2007) The Anatomy of a Design Theory, Journal of AIS, Vol 8 (5), p 312-335
Hevner A R, March S T, Park J, Ram S (2004) Design science in information systems research, MIS Quarterly, Vol 28 (1), p 75-115
Hirschheim R, Klein H, Lyytinen K (1996) Exploring the intellectual structures of information systems development: a social action theoretic analysis, Accounting, Management & Information Technology, Vol 6 (1/2), pp. 1-64
Iivari J (2014) Distinguishing and contrasting two strategies for design science research, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol 24 (1), p 107–115
Leonardi P (2011) When flexible routines meet flexible technologies: affordance, constraint, and the imbrication of human and material agencies, MIS Quarterly, Vol 35 (1), pp. 147-167
Markus L, Silver M (2008) A foundation for the study of IT effects: A new look at DeSanctis and Poole’s concepts of structural features and spirit, Journal of the AIS, Vol. 9 (10/11), pp 609-632
Mathiassen L (2002) Collaborative practice research, Information Technology & People, Vol 15 (4), p 321-345
Mathiassen L, Nielsen P A (2008) Engaged Scholarship in IS Research. The Scandinavian Case, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol 20 (2), p 3–20
Nardi B A (Ed, 1996) Context and consciousness. Activity theory and human-computer interaction, MIT Press, Cambridge
Orlikowski W J (1992) The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of Technology in Organizations, Organization Science, Vol 3 (3), p 398-429
Orlikowski W J (2008) Sociomaterial Practices: Exploring Technology at Work, Organization Studies, Vol 28 (9), p 1435–1448
Orlikowski W J, Iacono C S (2001) Desperately seeking the “IT” in IT research – a call to theorizing the IT artifact, Information Systems Research, Vol 12 (2), pp 121-134
Sein M, Henfridsson O, Purao S, Rossi M, Lindgren R (2011) Action design research, MIS Quarterly, Vol 35 (1), p 37-56
Serafeimidis V, Smithson S (2003) Information systems evaluation as an organizational institution – experience from a case study, Information Systems Journal, Vol 13, pp 251–274
Sjöström J (2010) Designing Information Systems – a pragmatic account. PhD thesis, Uppsala University.
Van de Ven A (2007) Engaged scholarship: A guide for organizational and social research, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Venable J, Pries-Heje J, Baskerville R (2016) FEDS: a framework for evaluation in design science research. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol 25(1), p 77–89
Ward J, Taylor P, Bond P (1996) Evaluation and realisation of IS/IT benefits: an empirical study of current practice, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol 4, p 214–225
Wieringa R (2010) Relevance and problem choice in design science, in Winter R, Zhao J L, Aier S (Eds. 2010) Proceedings DESRIST 2010, LNCS 6105, Springer, Berlin
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Winograd T, Flores F (1986) Understanding computers and cognition: A new foundation for design, Ablex, Norwood
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] DFIOT 2017 - Extended Deadline 10 Aug. 2017
Datum: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 18:58:43 +0200
Von: Alessandra De Paola <alessandra.depaola(a)unipa.it>
Antwort an: Alessandra De Paola <alessandra.depaola(a)unipa.it>
----------Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement---------
Workshop on Data Fusion in the Internet of Things (DFIoT)
Co-located with IEEE 15th International Conference on Pervasive
Intelligence and
Computing – PICom 2017 (http://cse.stfx.ca/~picom2017/
Orlando, USA
The recent technological advances in computer and communication
technologies have been fostering an enormous growth in the number of
smart objects available for usage. The integration of these smart
objects into the Internet originated the concept of Internet of Things
(IoT). The IoT vision advocates a world of interconnected objects,
capable of being identified, addressed, controlled, and accessed via the
Internet. Such objects can communicate with each other, with other
virtual resources available on the web, with information systems and
human users. IoT applications involve interactions among several
heterogeneous devices, most of them directly interacting with their
physical surroundings.
New challenges emerge in this scenario as well as several opportunities
to be exploited. One of such opportunities regards the leveraging of the
massive amount of data produced by the widely-spread sensors to produce
value-added information for the end users. In this context, techniques
to promote knowledge discovery from the huge amount of sensing data are
required to fully exploit the potential usage of the IoT devices. In
this context, data fusion techniques are data techniques dealing with
the association, correlation, and combination of data and information
from single and multiple sources to achieve refined position and
identity estimates, and complete and timely assessments of situations
and threats, and their
significance. Since IoT data is usually dynamic and heterogeneous, it
becomes important to investigate techniques for understanding and
resolving issues about data fusion in IoT. Employment of such Data
fusion techniques are useful to reveal trends in the sampled data,
uncover new patterns of monitored variables, make predictions, thus
improving decision making process, reducing decisions response times,
and enabling more intelligent and
immediate situation awareness.
The goal of this Workshop is to present and discuss the recent advances
in the interdisciplinary data fusion research areas applied to IoT. We
aim to bring together specialists from academia and industry in
different fields to discuss further developments and trends in the data
fusion area.
Topics appropriate for this workshop include (but are not necessarily
limited to):
• Data collection and abstraction in IoT
• Knowledge fusion in IoT
• Machine learning, data mining and fusion for IoT
• Data streams fusion in IoT
• Data models for IoT
• Fusion models for IoT
• Subjective Logic applied to IoT
• Dynamic analysis in IoT
• Social data fusion and social IoT
• Probabilistic reasoning in IoT
• Decision systems in IoT
• Web data fusion
• Image Fusion
• Tracking
The submission dates are:
• Submission Due: 10 August 2017
• Author Notification: 24 August 2017
• Camera-ready Paper Due: 1 September 2017
Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not
previously been published or under review in any other venue. Papers
should be prepared in IEEE CS Proceedings format and submitted via EDAS
Research papers should explore a specific technology problem and propose
a complete solution to it. Authors should submit 6 pages Research papers
using IEEE template. At least one of the authors of any accepted paper
is requested to register and present the paper at the conference.
Organizing Committee:
• Claudio M. de Farias – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
• Flávia C. Delicato – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
• Luci Pirmez – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Program Committee:
• Atslands Rego – Federal University of Ceará – Brazil
• Danielo Gomes – Federal University of Ceará – Brazil
• Kevin Wang – The University of Auckland – New Zealand
• Rodrigo Pereira David – INMETRO – Brazil
• Antonio Balzanella – Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Seconda
Universita degli
Studi di Napoli – Italy
• Celio Albuquerque – Fluminense Federal University – Brazil
• Haibo Zhang – University of Otago – New Zealand
• Paulo Pires – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
• Raquel A. F. Mini – PUC-Minas – Brazil
• Andre Aquino – Federal University of Alagoas – Brazil
• Wei Li – University of Sydney – Australia
• Antonio Guerrieri – ICAR – Italy
• Reyes Juarez Ramirez – University of Baja California – Mexico
• Jose Brancalion – Embraer – Brazil
• Andrea Omicini – University of Bolonha – Italy
• Flavio Mello – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
• Jonice Oliveira – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
• Jó Ueyama – University of São Paulo – Brazil
• Haibin Zhu – Nipissing University – Canada
• Raffaele Gravina – University of Calabria – Italy
• Arnoldo Diaz Ramirez – Instituto Tecnologico de Mexicali – Mexico
• Joni Amorim – University of Campinas – Brazil
• José Neuman – Federal University of Ceará – Brazil
• Alessandra De Paola – Università degli Studi di Palermo – Italy
• Florin Pop – University Politehnica of Bucharest / ICI Bucharest – Romenia
• Belur Dasarathy – Independent Consultant – USA
• Giancarlo Fortino – University of Calabria – Italy
• Priscila Machado Vieira Lima – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro –
• Audun Josang – University of Oslo – Norway
• Francisco Herrera – University of Granada – Spain
• Adriana Vivácqua – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Alessandra De Paola - Ph.D.
DIID - Dipartimento dell'Innovazione Industriale e Digitale
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 6, 3° piano
90128 Palermo
phone: +39 091 238 62604
e-mail: alessandra.depaola(a)unipa.it <mailto:alessandra.depaola@unipa.it>
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: 3rd Workshop on Heterogeneous
High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC 2017) at SC17: Extended
abstracts due Sept. 1
Datum: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 13:43:30 -0400
Von: Jason D. Bakos <jbakos(a)mailbox.sc.edu>
An: sc-workshop-attendee-cfp(a)group.supercomputing.org,
hpc-announce(a)mcs.anl.gov, fpga-list(a)mailman.sydney.edu.au,
sdmas(a)googlegroups.com <sdmas(a)googlegroups.com>, TCSC(a)cse.stfx.ca
<TCSC(a)cse.stfx.ca>, Computational Science List
** Call for Papers **
Third International Workshop on
Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC 2017)
Held in conjunction with Supercomputing 2017
Friday Morning, November 17, 2017
Denver, CO
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2017 (one page extended abstracts)
As conventional von-Neumann architectures are suffering from rising
power densities, we are facing an era with power, energy efficiency, and
cooling as first-class constraints for scalable HPC. FPGAs can tailor
the hardware to the application, avoiding overheads and achieving higher
hardware efficiency than general-purpose architectures. Leading FPGA
manufacturers have recently made a concerted effort to provide a range
of higher-level, easier to use high-level programming models for FPGAs.
Such initiatives are already stimulating new interest within the HPC
community around the potential advantages of FPGAs over other
architectures. With this in mind, this workshop, now in its third year,
brings together HPC and heterogeneous-computing researchers to
demonstrate and share experiences on legacy and new high-level
programming models, optimizations specific to scientific computing and
data analytics, tools for performance/energy improvements, FPGA
computing in the cloud, and popular applications for reconfigurable
computing such as machine learning and big data.
Submissions (one page extended abstract):
Submissions are solicited that explore the state of the art in the use
of FPGAs in heterogeneous high-performance computing architectures and,
at a system level, in data centers and supercomputers. FPGAs may be
considered from either or both the distributed, parallel and composable
fabric of compute elements or from their dynamic reconfigurability. We
particularly encourage submissions which focus on the mapping of
algorithms and applications to heterogeneous FPGA-based systems as well
as the overall impact of such architectures on the compute capacity,
cost, power efficiency, and overall computational capabilities of data
centers and supercomputers. Submissions may report on theoretical or
applied research, implementation case studies, benchmarks, standards, or
any other area that promises to make a significant contribution to our
understanding of heterogeneous high-performance reconfigurable computing
and will help to shape future research and implementations in this
A non-comprehensive list of potential topics of interest is given below:
1. FPGAs in Supercomputer, Cloud and Data Center: FPGAs in relation to
challenges to Cloud/Data Center/Supercomputing posed by the end of
Dennard scaling
2. Supercomputing, Cloud and Data Center Applications: Exploiting FPGA
compute fabric to implement critical cloud/HPC applications
3. Leveraging Reconfigurability: Using reconfigurability for new
approaches to algorithms used in cloud/HPC applications
4. Benchmarks: Compute performance and/or power and cost efficiency for
cloud/HPC with heterogeneous architectures using FPGAs
5. Implementation Studies: Heterogenous Hardware and Management
6. Programming Languages/Runtimes/OS/Tools/Frameworks for Heterogeneous
High Performance Reconfigurable Computing
7. Future-gazing: New Applications/The Cloud Enabled by Heterogeneous
High Performance Reconfigurable Computing, Evolution of Computer
Architecture in relation to Heterogeneous High Performance
Reconfigurable Computing
8. Community building: Standards, consortium activity, open source,
education, initiatives to enable and grow Heterogeneous High Performance
Reconfigurable Computing
Prospective authors are invited to submit original and unpublished
contributions as a ONE PAGE EXTENDED ABSTRACT in ACM SIG Proceedings
You can submit your contribution(s) through a link on the H2RC website:
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2017
Acceptance Notification: October 15, 2017
Camera-ready Manuscripts Due: November 4, 2017
Workshop Date: November 17, 2017
Workshop Format:
H2RC is a half-day Friday workshop. It will be comprised of Keynote and
invited talks and talks selected from paper submissions.
Organizing Committee:
Workshop Organizers:
Michaela Blott, Xilinx
Franck Cappello, Argonne National Lab
Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zurich
Jason D. Bakos, University of South Carolina
Program Committee:
Rizwan Ashraf, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Paul Chow, University of Toronto
Carl Ebeling, Altera
Hans Eberle, NVIDIA
Alan George, University of Florida
Christoph Hagleitner, IBM
Miriam Leeser, Northeastern University
Viktor Prasanna, Univ. of Southern California
Marco Santambrogio, Politecnico Di Milano
Jeffrey Vetter, Oak Ridge National Lab
Jason D. Bakos, Ph.D.
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Univ. of South Carolina
301 Main St., Suite 3A01L
Columbia, SC 29208
803-777-8627 (voice), 803-777-3767 (fax)
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: Hyper-Efficient OpenStack Cloud
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] CfP: MKWI-Teilkonferenz “Human-centric Information
Systems Design und Development”
Datum: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 12:28:18 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Kathrin Figl <kathrin.figl(a)wu.ac.at>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
*Call for Papers: *MKWI-Teilkonferenz “Human-centric Information
Systems Design und Development”
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 in Lüneburg, Deutschland,
6.-9.März 2018
* Dr. Kathrin Figl, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
* Prof. Dr. Eva Bittner, Universität Hamburg
* Dr. Christine Bauer, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Digitale Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme (IKS) sind heutzutage
nicht nur fester Bestandteil der Arbeitswelt, sondern haben auch längst
den privaten Alltag durchdrungen. Solche Systeme haben einen
fundamentalen Einfluss auf Kommunikation, Informationsverhalten sowie
soziales Miteinander. Effektiv gestaltet und richtig eingesetzt
ermöglichen IKS neue Arbeits- und Kollaborationsformen. Die
Durchdringung des beruflichen, privaten und öffentlichen Raumes durch
Technologien, sei es durch allzeit für NutzerInnen verfügbare Geräte,
wie Smartphones oder smarte Objekte/Internet-of-Things, bringt für die
gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik neue Herausforderungen mit
sich, da beispielsweise durch Technologien induzierte ständige
Unterbrechungen oder auch Multi-tasking die menschliche Aufmerksamkeit
schwächen können. Resultat ist eine Überlastung von Kognitionsprozessen,
die in weiterer Folge mitunter Arbeitsprozesse und soziales Miteinander
beeinflussen. Neben solchen Herausforderungen eröffnet die
Durchdringungung des Alltags mit Technologien aber auch neue
Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für nutzerzentrierte Lösungen, für deren
theoriegeleitete Entwicklung soziologische und
(kognitions-)psychologische Theorien wesentliche Gestaltungshinweise
liefern können.
Nicht nur die Lösungen an sich sollten sich auf Theorien stützen, auch
der Gestaltungsprozess selbst wird von Menschen durchgeführt, welche die
Entwicklung und das Design von Informationssystemen vorantreiben. Da die
Informationsverarbeitung des Menschen fehleranfällig ist, ist es im
Kontext der Systementwicklung sinnvoll, kognitive Theorien heranzuziehen
um z.B. (Modellierungs-)Sprachen, Entwicklungsmethoden und -prozesse zu
optimieren. Theoriebasierte Gestaltungsartefakte können somit
Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme selbst, sowie ihre Gestaltungs-
sowie Nutzungsprozesse sein.
In Bezug auf das Konferenzmotto „Data driven X – Turning Data into
Value“ ist insbesondere folgender Punkt hervorzuheben: Um exponentiell
wachsende Datenbestände für Menschen weiterhin zugänglich und handhabbar
zu machen ist ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis kognitiver Prozesse und
deren Berücksichtigung bei der Systemgestaltung essentiell.
Diese Teilkonferenz heisst sowohl gestaltungsorientierte (z.B. Design
Science Research, Aktionsforschung) als auch quantitativer wie
qualitative empirische Forschungsarbeiten (z.B. Experimente,
fragebogenbasierte Studien, Interviews, Inhaltsanalysen) gleichermaßen
*Mögliche Themen für Beiträge*
* Anwendung und Erweiterung bestehender kognitiver,
verhaltensökonomischer und sozialer Theorien (z.B. mit Bezug auf
Aufmerksamkeit, Motivation, Kreativität, Informationsverarbeitung,
Entscheidungsverhalten, Kommunikation) für das theoriegeleitete
Design bzw. Gestaltung von Informationssystemen sowie deren besseren
Verständnis, u.a.:
o Informationssysteme für Wissensarbeit, Wissenstransfer und
Shared Understanding
o Kollaborative Systeme und Prozesse (z.B. Motivation und Erhöhung
von Beteiligungsbreite/-tiefe, Interaktionsmechanismen,
Co-Creation/ Kreativitätsförderung, Crowd-Sourcing)
o Kommunikations- und Netzwerksysteme sowie deren Nutzungsprozesse
(z.B. Social Media, Verhalten in Communites, Interaktion mit
IT-basierten Dienstleistungen)
o Online-Entscheidungsarchitekturen/-situationen
(Digital„Nudging“: z.B. Gestaltung von Webformularen, Persuasive
o Systeme zur Unterstützung des Umgangs mit großen Datenbeständen
(z.B. Informationsverarbeitung, Visualisierung)
o ERP- und entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme
o NutzerInnen-zentrierte Informationssysteme, die eine
(ad-hoc-)Anpassung ermöglichen (z.B. personalisierte oder
kultur-abhängige Empfehlungssysteme)
* Anwendung und Erweiterung bestehender kognitiver,
verhaltensökonomischer und sozialer Theorien im Hinblick auf die
theoriegeleitete Gestaltung von Design- und Entwicklungprozessen für
Informationssysteme u. a.:
o Kognitive Verzerrungen (Cognitive Bias) in der Entwicklung von
Informationsystemen (z.B. in der Anforderungsanalyse,
Projektplanung, Modellierung, Programmierung)
o Kommunikationsmodelle für Crowd-Sourcing
o Kreativitätsfördernde Designprozesse und Tools zur
*Einreichung und Begutachtungsprozess*
* Die Einreichung von Beiträgen zur MKWI 2018 ist bis zum *30.
September 2017* möglich.
* Einreichungen sind in deutscher und in englischer Sprache möglich.
* Es sind zwei Arten von Einreichungen möglich: (1) Full Paper mit
max. 12 Seiten inkl. Literaturverzeichnis sowie (2) Research in
Progress Paper mit max. 7 Seiten inkl. Literaturverzeichnis.
* In unserer Teilkonferenz haben die AutorInnen von angenommenen Full
Papers das Wahlrecht, ob diese vollständig oder als Extended
Abstract (min. 2 und max. 4 Seiten inkl. Literaturverzeichnis etc.)
in den Konferenzband aufgenommen werden.
* Full Paper werden in den Teilkonferenzen in einem Vortrag
vorgestellt, Research in Progress Paper werden als Poster präsentiert.
* Die Einreichung von Beiträgen erfolgt ausschließlich über das
Konferenzsystem EasyChair. Der Anmeldelink wird erst im August 2017
* Alle wichtigen Termine finden Sie auf der Konferenz-Website
* Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider, Universität Siegen
* Dr. Hashim Chunpir, Universität Hamburg
* Dr. Verena Dorner, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
* Dr. Bruce Ferwerda, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz und
Jönköping University
* Thomas Friedrich, M.Sc., Universität Bamberg
* Dr. Irina Heimbach, Technische Universität Darmstadt
* Mag. Jana Korunovska, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
* PD Dr. Agnes Koschmider, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
* Prof. Dr. Hanna Krasnova, Universität Potsdam
* Dr. Simone Kriglstein, Universität Wien
* Dr. Isabella Seeber, Universität Innsbruck
* Dr. Alexander Simons, Universität Liechtenstein
* Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner, Universität St.Gallen
* Dr. Verena Tiefenbeck, ETH Zürich
Alle weiteren Informationen zur Konferenz finden Sie unter
Dr. MMag. Kathrin Figl
WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business
Institute for Information Systems and New Media
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] IEEE Big Data 2017 Call for Papers
Datum: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 11:22:27 -0400
Von: CFP Conference <cfp.conference2016(a)GMAIL.COM>
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*Call for Papers*
*2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2017)*
December 11-14, 2017, Boston, MA, USA
In recent years, “Big Data” has become a new ubiquitous term. Big Data
is transforming science, engineering, medicine, healthcare, finance,
business, and ultimately our society itself. The IEEE Big Data
conference series started in 2013 has established itself as the top tier
research conference in Big Data.
·The first conference IEEE Big Data 2013 had more than 400 registered
participants from 40 countries
(http://cci.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2013/) and the regular paper
acceptance rate is 17.0%.
·The IEEE Big Data 2016 (http://cci.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2016/,
regular paper acceptance rate: 18.7%) was held in Washington DC, Dec
5-8, 2016 with close to 900 registered participants from 43 countries.
The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data
2017) will continue the success of the previous IEEE Big Data
conferences. It will provide a leading forum for disseminating the
latest results in Big Data Research, Development, and Applications.
We solicit high-quality original research papers (and significant
work-in-progress papers) in any aspect of Big Data with emphasis on 5Vs
(Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value and Veracity), including the Big Data
challenges in scientific and engineering, social, sensor/IoT/IoE, and
multimedia (audio, video, image, etc.) big data systems and
applications. */Example topics of interest includes but is not limited
to the following/*:
1.Big Data Science and Foundations
a.Novel Theoretical Models for Big Data
b.New Computational Models for Big Data
c.Data and Information Quality for Big Data
d.New Data Standards
2.Big Data Infrastructure
a.Cloud/Grid/Stream Computing for Big Data
b.High Performance/Parallel Computing Platforms for Big Data
c.Autonomic Computing and Cyber-infrastructure, System Architectures,
Design and Deployment
d.Energy-efficient Computing for Big Data
e.Programming Models and Environments for Cluster, Cloud, and Grid
Computing to Support Big Data
f.Software Techniques and Architectures in Cloud/Grid/Stream Computing
g.Big Data Open Platforms
h.New Programming Models for Big Data beyond Hadoop/MapReduce, STORM
i.Software Systems to Support Big Data Computing
3.Big Data Management
a.Search and Mining of variety of data including scientific and
engineering, social, sensor/IoT/IoE, and multimedia data
b.Algorithms and Systems for Big DataSearch
c.Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
d.Big Data Search Architectures, Scalability and Efficiency
e.Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
f.Visualization Analytics for Big Data
g.Computational Modeling and Data Integration
h.Large-scale Recommendation Systems and Social Media Systems
i.Cloud/Grid/Stream Data Mining- Big Velocity Data
j.Link and Graph Mining
k.Semantic-based Data Mining and Data Pre-processing
l.Mobility and Big Data
m.Multimedia and Multi-structured Data- Big Variety Data
4.Big Data Search and Mining
a.Social Web Search and Mining
b.Web Search
c.Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search
d.Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
e.Big Data Search Architectures, Scalability and Efficiency
f.Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
g.Visualization Analytics for Big Data
h.Computational Modeling and Data Integration
i.Large-scale Recommendation Systems and Social Media Systems
j.Cloud/Grid/StreamData Mining- Big Velocity Data
k.Link and Graph Mining
l.Semantic-based Data Mining and Data Pre-processing
m.Mobility and Big Data
n.Multimedia and Multi-structured Data- Big Variety Data
5.Big Data Security, Privacy and Trust
a.Intrusion Detection for Gigabit Networks
b.Anomaly and APT Detection in Very Large Scale Systems
c.High Performance Cryptography
d.Visualizing Large Scale Security Data
e.Threat Detection using Big Data Analytics
f.Privacy Threats of Big Data
g.Privacy Preserving Big Data Collection/Analytics
h.HCI Challenges for Big Data Security & Privacy
i.User Studies for any of the above
j.Sociological Aspects of Big Data Privacy
k.Trust management in IoT and other Big Data Systems
6.Big Data Applications
a.Complex Big Data Applications in Science, Engineering, Medicine,
Healthcare, Finance, Business, Law, Education, Transportation,
Retailing, Telecommunication
b.Big Data Analytics in Small Business Enterprises (SMEs),
c.Big Data Analytics in Government, Public Sector and Society in General
d.Real-life Case Studies of Value Creation through Big Data Analytics
e.Big Data as a Service
f.Big Data Industry Standards
g.Experiences with Big Data Project Deployments
The Industrial Track solicits papers describing implementations of Big
Data solutions relevant to industrial settings. The focus of industry
track is on papers that address the practical, applied, or pragmatic or
new research challenge issues related to the use of Big Data in
industry. We accept full papers (up to 10 pages) and extended abstracts
(2-4 pages).
*Student Travel Award*
IEEE Big Data 2017 will offer*student travel *to student authors
(including post-docs)
*Journal Publication *
A set of about 10 papers will be selected for a fast-track review and
then published at the IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
*_Paper Submission_:*
Please submit a full-length paper (up to *10 page IEEE 2-column format*)
through the online submission system.
Papers should be formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines (see link to "formatting instructions"
*Formatting Instructions*
8.5" x 11" (DOC
*LaTex Formatting Macros*
*Important Dates:*
Electronic submission of full papers: August 7, 2017
Notification of paper acceptance: Oct 9, 2016
Camera-ready of accepted papers: Nov 10, 2017
Conference: Dec 11-14, 2017
Conference Co-Chairs
*Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates*: NTENT, USA
*Prof. Xiaohua Tony Hu* : Drexel University, USA
*Dr. Jeremy Kepner* : MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA
*PC Co-Chairs*
Prof. Jian-Yun Nie, University of Montreal, Canada
Prof. Zoran Obradovic, Temple University, USA
Prof. Toyotaro Suzumura, IBM Research, USA
*Industry and Government Co-Chairs:*
Dr. Raghunath Nambiar, CISCO, USA
Dr. Sudarsan Rachuri, Dept of Energy, USA
Dr. Ghosh Rumi, BOSCH, USA
Dr. Chonggang Wang, InterDigital, IncUSA
Dr. Hui Zang, Huawei Research, USA
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