-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP PASA 2018
Datum: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 13:07:11 +0100
Von: Rolf Wanka <rwanka(a)informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
An: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
13th Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms
PASA 2018
in conjunction with
ARCS 2018 – 31st International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
Braunschweig, Germany, 9-10 April 2018
organized by
GI/ITG-Fachgruppe 'Parallel-Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und
-Systemsoftware' (PARS) and
GI-Fachgruppe 'Algorithmen' (ALGO)
The PASA workshop series has the goal to build a bridge between theory and
practice in the area of parallel systems and algorithms. In this context
practical problems which require theoretical investigations as well as the
applicability of theoretical approaches and results to practice shall be
discussed. An important aspect is communication and exchange of experience
between various groups working in the area of parallel computing, e.g.,
in computer science, electrical engineering, physics or mathematics.
Topics of Interest include, but are not restricted to:
- scheduling and load balancing
- parallel and distributed algorithms
- parallel embedded systems
- models of parallel computation
- ubiquitous and pervasive systems
- parallel architectures & storage systems
- reconfigurable parallel computing
- parallel programming languages
- data stream-oriented computing
- software engineering for parallel systems
- interconnection networks
- parallel design patterns
- network and grid computing
- performance evaluation of parallel systems
- distributed and parallel multimedia systems
PASA 2018 Webpage: https://www.cs12.tf.fau.de/conf/pasa2018/
The workshop will comprise invited talks on current topics by leading
experts in the field as well as submitted papers on original and
previously unpublished research. Accepted papers will be published in
the ARCS Workshop Proceedings as well as in the PARS Newsletter
(ISSN 0177-0454). The conference languages are English (preferred)
and German. Papers are required to be in English.
A prize of 500 € will be awarded to the best contribution presented
personally based on a student's or Ph.D. thesis or project. Co-authors
are allowed, the PhD degree should not have been awarded at the time
of submission. Candidates apply for the prize by e-mail to the organizers
when submitting the contribution. We expect that candidates are or become
members of one of the groups ALGO or PARS.
Important Dates
12th January 2018: Deadline for submission of full papers
under: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pasa2018
6 pages in English, formatted according to IEEE CIS template in
"conference mode" (see
More details depend on the requirements given by the ARCS organizers
and will be provided here as soon as possible
31st January 2018: Notification of authors
7th February 2016: Final version for workshop proceedings
Program Committee
M. Dietzfelbinger (Ilmenau), A. Doering (Zurich), N. Eicker (Jülich),
T. Fahringer (Innsbruck), D. Fey (Erlangen), T. Hagerup (Augsburg),
V. Heuveline (Heidelberg), R. Hoffmann (Darmstadt), K. Jansen (Kiel),
B. Juurlink (Berlin), W. Karl (Karlsruhe), J. Keller (Hagen),
Ch. Lengauer (Passau), E. Maehle (Lübeck), U. Margull (Ingolstadt),
E. W. Mayr (Munich), U. Meyer (Frankfurt), F. Meyer auf der Heide (Paderborn),
J. Mottok (Regensburg), W. Nagel (Dresden), M. Philippsen (Erlangen),
K. D. Reinartz (Höchstadt), Ch. Scheideler (Paderborn), B. Schnor (Potsdam),
U. Schwiegelshohn (Dortmund), P. Sobe (Dresden), C. Trinitis,
T. Ungerer (Augsburg), R. Wanka (Erlangen)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Karl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
Institute of Computer Engineering (ITEC), 76129 Karlsruhe,
Phone/Fax +49-721-608-43771, E-Mail: wolfgang.karl(a)kit.edu
Prof. Dr. Rolf Wanka, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Dept. of Computer Science,
91058 Erlangen, Germany, Phone/Fax +49-9131-8525-152/149,
E-Mail: rolf.wanka(a)fau.de
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
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Betreff: [WI] BPMDS 2018 CfP
Datum: Fri, 08 Dec 2017 18:21:27 +0100
Von: rainer.schmidt(a)hm.edu
Antwort an: rainer.schmidt(a)hm.edu
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support the 19th edition of the
BPMDS series, in conjunction with CAiSE’18
BPMDS’18 Working Conference
11-12 June 2018, Tallinn, Estonia
Sponsored by IFIP WG8.1 (International Federation for Information Processing
Working Group 8.1)
BPMDS solicits papers related to Business Process Modeling, Development and
Support (BPMDS) using quality, relevance, originality and applicability as
main selection criteria. As a working conference, BPMDS’18 seeks to attract
full research papers describing mature research, experience reports related to
using BPMDS in practice, and visionary idea papers. Practitioners are also
encouraged to present lessons learned from practice. Papers submitted in the
category idea papers will be required to be of relevance to the focus theme.
The focus theme for BPMDS'18 idea papers is:
Ecosystem-aware Business Process Modeling, Development and Support
Today, successful business process modeling, development and support have to
be aware of their ecosystem context. Business process modeling has to capture
as many external contributions as possible, to integrate all stakeholders and
to identify best practice knowledge. Coupling business process modeling with
social software helps to capture these contributions. Business models such as
multi-sided platforms are based on processes spanning over multiple
organizations. The design of business processes integrates external resources
as part of virtual organizations and outsourcing relationships. Decisions in
business processes are based on advanced analytics and artificial intelligence
using a multitude of data sources that are increasingly coming from outside of
organizations. Also, the support of business processes is using external
resources increasingly. Technologies such as blockchains externalize the
business process support more and more.
Prospective conference participants are invited to submit a paper that
concerns business process modeling and development, and / or business process
support (development of software dedicated to business processes). We solicit
research papers, experience reports, and lessons learned from practice that
contain results worth of discussion. Full research papers should report
research in an advanced stage, including results and at least partial
evaluation. Thus four categories of submissions are welcome:
(1) Full research papers (could be technical papers or empirical evaluation
(2) Experience reports should follow guidelines in
(3) Idea papers related to the focus theme “Open Business Process Modeling,
Development and Support” should address completely new research positions or
approaches. They should describe precisely the situation and demonstrate the
shortcomings of current methods, tools, ways of reasoning, meta-models, etc.
(4) Lessons learned from practice. We welcome all practitioners to share with
BPMDS participants and followers their own experience in the topics (see
below) related to the BPMDS conference. This category of short papers with up
to 8 pages follow the guidelines suggested for the category (2).
Conformity with LNCS guidelines is not mandatory for this category. The
accepted propositions will be presented during the BPMDS’18 industrial track
and will be published on the BPMDS web site.
Papers of the first three submission types should be of up to 15 pages. Please
follow the LNCS format instructions at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for all of them.
Papers should be submitted in Adobe PDF format. The results described must be
unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Please submit through the
conference management system available at
Important dates
Paper abstracts
February 25th
Submission deadline
March 1st
Notification of acceptance
March 23th
Camera-ready papers due
April 5st 2018
Submission topics
Ecosystem-aware BPMDS
* Which external factors influence the modeling of business processes and how?
* How can the design of business processes take into account their ecoystem?
* Which ways of business process support are predetermined by the context,
e.g. blockchain ?
* How does the extended organizational context, e.g. virtual organizations and
teams, influence the modeling design and support of business processes ?
Examples are social influences, social software etc.
* How does the availability of a multitude of new data sources impact business
processes? Examples are Big Data, Analytics etc.
* How is the heterogeneity of these data sources concerning reliability,
security etc. handled in business processes? Examples are open data, social
data etc.
* Which new event sources, decision mechanisms, and rules impact business
processes? Examples are IoT, dash buttons, voice bots etc.
* Which new ways to accomplish tasks in business processes are provided?
Examples are cloud-based infrastructures, microservices, etc.
* How does the context influence the general structure of business processes?
Examples are platforms, two-sided markets, blockchains etc.
Business Process Modeling
* Business process modeling languages, notations, and methods
* Multi-perspectives on business process modeling
* Theoretical foundations for analyzing, modeling business processes
* Variability and adaptability of business process models
* Domain-specific reference models and domain-specific modeling languages
* Decision management and BPMDS
* Business process modeling enhanced by social software and social networks
Business Process Development
* Compliance, reliability, security, performance
* Knowledge-intensive business processes
* Context-aware business processes
* Cross-organizational business processes
* Data-intensive business processes
* Business process change management and governance issues
* Enhancing creativity in business processes
Business Process Support
* Theoretical foundations for simulating or executing business processes
* Service orientation for better supporting business processes (appropriate
level of flexibility, variability, granularity, ...)
* Business process support combined with social software and social networks
* Context-aware work allocation in business processes
* Actor support vs. control support in business processes
* Mobile technologies and context-aware business processes
* Business processes using cloud-services
The topics addressed by the BPMDS series are focused on business processes and
their IT support. This is one of the keystones of information systems theory
beyond short-lived fashions. The continued interest in this topic on behalf of
the IS community is reflected by the success of the past BPMDS events, and
their promotion from a workshop to a working conference. The BPMDS series has
produced eighteen events from 1998 to 2017. From 2011, BPMDS has become a two-
day working conference attached to CAiSE (Conference on Advanced Information
Systems Engineering). The basic principles of the BPMDS series are:
1. BPMDS serves as a meeting place for researchers and practitioners in the
areas of business development, and business applications (software)
2. The aim of the event is mainly discussions, rather than presentations.
3. Each event has a theme that is mandatory for idea papers.
4. Each event's results are, usually, published in a special issue of an
international journal.
The goals, format, and history of BPMDS can be found on the web site:
The conference proceedings will be published in a Springer LNBIP volume (joint
with EMMSAD), "Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling”,
as the nine previous years (LNBIP volumes 29, 50, 81, 113, 147, 175, 214, 248,
287). Contributing authors may find all relevant information at
http://www.springer.com/series/7911 .
After the BPMDS’18 conference, extended versions of the accepted papers will
be considered for publishing in a special issue of an international journal.
The previous special issues are: BPMDS'17 in SoSyM launched; BPMDS'16 in SoSyM
in progress; BPMDS'15 in SoSyM, papers online; BPMDS'14 in SoSyM, vol. 16,
issue 3, July 2017; BPMDS'13 in SoSyM, vol. 15, issue 2, May 2016; BPMDS'12 in
SoSyM, vol. 14, issue 3, July 2015; BPMDS’11 in IJISMD, vol. 4, issue 2, 2013;
BPMDS’10 selected paper in REJ, vol. 17, issue 2, 2012; BPMDS’09 in IJISMD,
vol. 2, issue 2, 2011; BPMDS’08 in JSME vol. 24, issue 3, 2012; BPMDS'07 in
IJBPIM, vol. 4, issue 2, 2009; BPMDS'06 in IJBPIM, vol. 3, issue 1, 2008;
BPMDS'05 in SPIP, vol. 12, issue 1, 2007; BPMDS'04 in SPIP vol. 10, issue 4,
2005 & REJ vol. 10, issue 3, 2005, BPMDS'02 in BPMJ, vol. 11, issue 6, 2005.
Organizers and Program Committee Chairs
Rainer Schmidt, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany
Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Industrial Advisory Board
Ilia Bider, Stockholm University and IbisSoft, Sweden
Pascal Negros, Arch4IE, France
Gil Regev, EPFL and Itecor, Switzerland
Steering Committee
Ilia Bider, Stockholm University and IbisSoft, Sweden
Selmin Nurcan, Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Industrial Track Chairs
Rainer Schmidt, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany
Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Program Committee
João Paulo A. Almeida, Fed. Univ. of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Eric Andonoff, Université Toulouse 1, France
Judith Barrios Albornoz, Univ. de Los Andes, Venezuela
Ilia Bider, Stockholm University and IbisSoft, Sweden
Kahina Bessai, Nancy-Université, France
Karsten Boehm, FH KufsteinTirol - Univ. of Applied Science, Austria
Lars Brehm, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany
Dirk Fahland, Technische Univ. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Claude Godart, Nancy-Université, France
Renata Guizzardi, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Amine Jalali, Stockholm University, Sweden
Paul Johannesson, Stockholm University, Sweden
Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Agnes Koschmider, Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology, Germany
Marcello La Rosa, Queensland Univ. of Techn., Australia
Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Michael Möhring, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Pascal Negros, Arch4IE, France
Jens Nimis, Karlsruhe Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany
Selmin Nurcan, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Oscar Pastor, Universitat Polytechnica de Valencia, Spain
Elias Pimenidis, University of the West of England
Gregor Polancic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Gil Regev, EPFL and Itecor, Switzerland
Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany
Iris Reinhartz-Berger, University of Haifa, Israel
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Colette Rolland, Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Michael Rosemann, Queensland Univ. of Techn., Australia
Shazia Sadiq, University of Queensland, Australia
Rainer Schmidt, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany
Stefan Schönig, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Samira Si-Said Cherfi, CNAM, France
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Roland Ukor, FirstLinq Limited, UK
Barbara Weber, Technical University of Denmark
Matthias Weidlich, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
Jelena Zdravkovic, Royal University of Technology, Sweden
Alfred Zimmermann, Reutlingen University, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] The 5th International Conference on Writing
Analytics--Official Schedule
Datum: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 16:05:08 +0000
Von: Moxley, Joseph <mox(a)usf.edu>
Dear Colleagues,
Join us this January on St. Petersburg beach at the Postcard Inn for The 5th International Conference on Writing Analytics. To view the official Conference schedule see
This is a brilliant time to meet with experts in learning analytics, writing studies, writing program administration, educational data mining, and predictive analytics. Featured speakers include Jill Burstein (Educational Testing Service), Erica Snow (Imbellus) and Phil Durrant (Exeter).
We look forward to talks from researchers across disciplines, including professionals from Zurich University of Applied Sciences, The Ohio State University, Imbellus, Malmo University, MIT, Princeton, and many more.
Hope to see you on the beach in January,
Joseph Moxley, Ph.D., http://joemoxley.org<http://joemoxley.org/>
Professor of English | Director of Composition | http://hosted.usf.edu/FYC
PI, My Reviewers, http://myreviewers.com<http://myreviewers.com/>
Publisher, Writing Commons, http://writingcommons.org<http://writingcommons.org/>
Founder, Journal of Writing Analytics, http://journalofwritinganalytics.org<http://journalofwritinganalytics.org/>
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: AW4city 2018, 4th International ACM Smart City
Workshop: Enhancing Citizen Centricity with Web Applications
Datum: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 21:35:33 +0000
Von: Marijn Janssen - TBM <M.F.W.H.A.Janssen(a)tudelft.nl>
An: egov-list(a)u.washington.edu <egov-list(a)u.washington.edu>,
aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
(Apologies for cross-posts)
AW4city 2018, 4th International ACM Smart City Workshop: Enhancing Citizen Centricity with Web Applications
In conjunction with WWW'18: 27th World Wide Web International Conference
Lyon, France, April 23, 2018
Important Dates
Submissions due: Jan. 20th, 2018 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)
Notification of Acceptance: Feb. 14, 2018.
Workshop authors' registration and camera-ready papers: March 10, 2018
Workshop day: April 23, 2018
Workshop Objective
Following up the success of the past events at WWW2015, WWW2016 and WWW2017, the 4th AW4City 2018 aims to keep on attracting a significant international attention with regard to web applications for smart cities.
The aim of this workshop is to address web-based application and Apps' design and development in the smart city and urban context. More specifically, it focuses on innovative applications smart city component and more specifically on the design and implementation of web-based applications and Apps. This component is crucial, since it addresses all the smart city dimensions:
* Economy, since new types of entrepreneurship and innovative business models appear in data, creative and climate economies, and develop web applications and Apps.
* Mobility, with regard to urban transportation (intelligent transportation), distance working, job offering demonstration etc.
* Environment, since applications enhance resource management, transportation improvement, environmental monitoring etc.
* Living, since applications enhance local life (i.e., e-learning, e-banking, e-commerce, e-tourism etc.).
* People, since they concern applications' end users and
* Governance, where open data and e-government applications play crucial roles in smart city operation.
This year, the workshop will emphasize on the contribution of web applications and Apps to citizen centricity. In the era of cities, municipal leaders, service and utility providers are making an important shift regarding thinking of people as customers and of customer experience. This shift is not a simple task since it demands a continuous service monitoring, assessment and improvement, which normally is based on accurate data analysis and appears as a thinking that makes government and providers more personal and responsive. In this respect, this workshop aims to demonstrate how web applications and Apps can enhance local service delivery and continuous monitoring and improvement.
Theoretical concepts, empirical evidence and selected case studies from leading scholars and practitioners in the field showing the "big picture" of smart cities and urban areas will be examined in this workshop.
This workshop aims at gathering researchers from the fields of smart cities and web application development to think about the obstacles that hurdle the leveraging of understanding and capturing of smart city trends with regard web application development that interconnect citizens, businesses and government in a smart city.
AW4City 2018 is timely, since an increasing criticism is being generated that smart city represents an ambiguous urban utopia, which is supported by the partnership of local governments with big technological vendors. In this respect, articles can deliver a clearer view of smart city reality, while innovative applications can strengthen the existence of opportunities for new entrants in the smart city market. Moreover, most standardization bodies evolve competitive standards for smart city components and to this end, this workshop is expected to highlight existing development and trends with regard to application development (web-based, apps and end-to-end).
We target researchers from both industry and academia to join forces in this exciting area. We intend to discuss the recent and significant developments in the general areas of smart cities and web applications and to promote cross-fertilization of techniques. In particular, we aim at identifying trends and respective applications in smart cities; the potential impact of smart city in web applications; techniques from end-to-end solutions' or apps' development that will enable researchers to understand the dynamic phenomena in smart cities, as well as specify important directions for the research communities. Standards for web applications' development in smart cities is interesting for several areas such as sustainability, crisis management, marketing, security, and interoperability. To address the above mentioned aspects, we solicit the following topics (but not limited to):
* Enhancing citizen/customer experience with Web Applications and Apps;
* Apps that support citizen engagement;
* Smart City management systems;
* Practices of Web applications and Apps in smart cities;
* Theoretical foundations on Smart City applications and standards;
* Creative partnerships, creative industries and industry 4.0 in Smart City with a focus on application development (Internet Economics and Monetization);
* Pervasive Web and Mobility for Smart City emerging topics (i.e., user behavior analytics, energy, water, waste, transportation etc.)
* The role of government for smart city applications development and standardization (i.e., promotion push, start-ups, open data);
* Web Infrastructure standardization;
* The role of standards on smart city data mining;
* Smart city e-services for evaluation and benchmarking;
* Smart city information quality and evolution in social content;
* Ensuring security and privacy in Smart Cities: the role of web applications and Apps.
We welcome full research papers, research in progress, and discussion papers. Full papers should be up to 6 pages long (max 5000 words), including the abstract and appendices. Discussion papers may be short (up to 4 pages), but should clearly and distinctly address one or more issues pertinent to Smart City research including research methods and quality as well as focus of studies. Papers should be designed to support in-depth discussions of one of these issues during the workshop.
Although it is a half-day event, the workshop papers will be clustered and each session will discuss a small set of papers focusing on similar or related issues.
Submission Guidelines
The accepted papers will be included in the companion volume of WWW2018's proceeding, which will be published by ACM and included in the ACM Digital Library.
All submitted papers must be:
- written in English;
- contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
- be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings template (http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) with a font size no smaller than 9pt;
- be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform), and formatted for US Letter size. Files in Postscript (ps) or any other format will not be accepted. Authors should submit a .doc/.docx too to the workshop's chairs.
- occupy no more than six pages, including the abstract, references, and appendices
It is the authors responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format.
Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines may be rejected without review.
All submissions must be entered into the reviewing system. Each submission will be reviewed by the workshop co-chairs and at least one external reviewer. More details regarding WWW2018 conference can be found on https://www2018.thewebconf.org/
Extended version of accepted articles are possible to be selected and included in a special issue with relevant theme of International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA), International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) or some other relative journals (i.e., Journal of Knowledge Economy (JKEC) and Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (JoI) published by Springer).
Accepted refereed papers, must be presented at the conference by an author who is registered to attend. Please be aware that the WWW 2018 organizers will require at least one registration per paper published in either the main Proceedings or in the Companion volume. At the time of submission of the final camera-ready copy, authors will have to indicate the already registered person for that publication. We strongly encourage at least one author of every paper to register by the early-bird deadline so that session chairs can make plans for its presentation.
Please submit your papers via WWW2018 easychair or via e-mail (in .doc/docx and .pdf format) to: lanthopo(a)teilar.gr with the subject: "AW4city 2018 proposal"
Details of the programme will be made available online.
For any questions, please contact the Workshop chairs:
Leonidas ANTHOPOULOS, Associate Professor, University of Applied Science (TEI) of Thessaly, Greece, lanthopo(a)teilar.gr
Marijn JANSSEN, Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, M.F.W.H.A.Janssen(a)tudelft.nl
Vishanth WEERAKKODY, Professor, University of Bradford, United Kingdom, v.weerakkody(a)bradford.ac.uk
Program Committee Members (tentative)
* Toru Ishida, Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan
* Sofia Toufic Shwayri, University of California at Berkeley
* Nicolas Douay, MCF Paris 7 / UMR Geographie-Cites / LabEx DynamiTe
* Beth Coleman, University of Waterloo, Director of City as Platform
* Arthur Riel, The World Bank, Washington, U.S.A.
* Cristina Maria Bueti, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
* Christopher G. Reddick, The University of Texas at San Antonio, U.S.A.
* Markus Rittenbruch, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
* Flora Salim, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
* Mag. Michael Sachs, Zentrum fur E-Governance, Donau-Universitat Krems.
* Stephen Cohen, Microsoft, USA
* Nikolaos Mavridis, NCFSR Demokritos, Greece
* Alois Paulin, TUWien, Vienna, Austria.
Prof.dr.ir. Marijn Janssen
Full Professor in ICT & Governance
Head of the ICT research group<http://www.ict.tbm.tudelft.nl/>
Co-editor Government Information Quarterly<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/government-information-quarterly/>
Do you want to learn about Open Government? You might be interested in our MOOC! https://www.edx.org/course/open-government-delftx-og101x
Delft University of Technology
Building 31
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Room B3.150
PO Box 5015
Jaffalaan 5
the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (15) 278 1140
Fax: +31 (15) 278 3741
EMAIL<mailto:m.f.w.h.a.janssen@tudelft.nl> |WEB<http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/marijnj> | TWITTER<https://twitter.com/hmarijn> | GOOGLE SCHOLAR<https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=BZocCJwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao>
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] [MMcfp] Call for papers, CBMI Content-based Multimedia
Indexing, 4-6 Sept 2018, La Rochelle France
Datum: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 10:50:05 +0100
Von: Bernard Merialdo <bernard.merialdo(a)eurecom.fr>
Antwort an: Bernard Merialdo <bernard.merialdo(a)eurecom.fr>
An: mmx(a)lists.eurecom.fr
Call for papers CBMI 2017 - La Rochelle, France 4-6 Sept 2018
International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
(Main submission deadline May 04, 2018)
CBMI aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all
aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing,
management, visualization and analytics.
After 15 successful editions of the CBMI workshop, the event is now
becoming a conference whose next edition will be held in La Rochelle,
The scientific program will include invited keynote talks and regular,
special and demo sessions.
Authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished research papers
in the broad field of content-based multimedia indexing and
applications. We wish to highlight significant contributions addressing
the main problem of search and retrieval but also the related and
equally important issues of multimedia content management, user
interaction, large-scale search, learning in retrieval, social media
indexing and retrieval. Additional special sessions are planned in areas
such as deep learning for retrieval, social media retrieval, cultural
heritage, surveillance and security.
The CBMI proceedings are traditionally indexed and distributed by IEEE
Xplore and ACM DL. In addition, authors of the best papers of the
conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their
contributions to a special issue ofMultimedia Tools and Applications
journal (MTAP,
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Audio and visual and multimedia indexing;
• Multimodal and cross-modal indexing;
• Deep learning for multimedia indexing;
• Visual content extraction;
• Audio (speech, music, etc) content extraction;
• Identification and tracking of semantic regions and events;
• Social media analysis;
• Metadata generation, coding and transformation;
• Multimedia information retrieval (image, audio, video, text);
• Mobile media retrieval;
• Event-based media processing and retrieval;
• Affective/emotional interaction or interfaces for multimedia
• Multimedia data mining and analytics;
• Multimedia recommendation;
• Large scale multimedia database management;
• Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content;
• Personalization and content adaptation;
• User interaction and relevance feedback;
• Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools;
• Evaluation and benchmarking of multimedia retrieval systems;
• Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., medicine, lifelogs,
satellite imagery, video surveillance;
• Cultural heritage applications.
Important dates:
Full/short paper submission: May 04, 2018
Demo paper submission: May 18, 2018
Special sessions paper submission: May 18, 2018
Notification of acceptance: June 29, 2018
Camera-ready papers due: July 13, 2018
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Participation - 11th Innovations in
Software Engineering Conference
Datum: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 10:40:58 +0530 (IST)
Von: Lalit Mohan <lalit.mohan(a)research.iiit.ac.in>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear All,
The Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (http://isoft.acm.org/isec2018) provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to exchange ideas, synthesize experiences, discuss innovations, share trends, and identify challenges in the field of software engineering.
This edition of ISEC 2018 (11th Edition) is being held at IIIT Hyderbad in February 2018. This is your opportunity to interact with researchers and practitioners from across the world, listen to paper presentations, tutorials/tech briefings, keynotes and be a part of workshops.
Special rates for faculty and students. Discounted rates for registrations done before December 25th.
Registration is now open at (https://isoft.acm.org/isec2018/registration.php)
With Regards,
ISEC 2018
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP -- ISECON 2018 -- San Antonio, TX -- April 5-7,
Datum: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:35:09 -0600
Von: Brian Reithel <breithel(a)bus.olemiss.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Information Systems Education Conference
April 5-7, 2018
San Antonio, TX
Paper submission deadline:
December 31, 2017 (to be considered for proceedings and journal)
Dear Colleague,
Please consider submitting a paper to ISECON 2018 this year. Since 1982,
the ISECON conference has provided a wonderful opportunity for CIS, MIS,
IT, and CS faculty members from a wide variety of institutions – including
international attendees – to gather, share experiences, and learn from each
other. We continue that legacy of delivering a collegial environment for
intellectual and professional growth this year in the historic "Alamo City"
of San Antonio, Texas, at the beautiful Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk hotel.
More information about the conference, including the Call for Papers and
the online paper submission facility, can be found at:
The conference theme for 2018 is “Apps, Agility, Adaptivity, and
Scalability: Information Systems for the Next Generation”.
At this year's conference, many of the discussions will revolve around
emerging technologies and techniques that will address IS-related
opportunities and challenges expected to arise over the next decade.
Participants will also explore new perspectives on legacy technologies and
their continuing evolution in this new and challenging marketplace.
Papers are invited on the following topics and other issues related to
expected changes in IS education between now and 2028:
• Mobile Applications
• HTML5 and Web Application Development
• Cloud-based Systems
• Scalable Architectures
• Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• Data Warehouse Systems
• Big Data and Analytical Systems
• NoSQL and Other Emerging Database Technologies
• Classical and In-Memory Database Systems
• Networking Concepts
• Agile Development
• Online Learning
• Teaching Tools
• IS Cases and Case-Based Teaching
• Effective Pedagogy for IS Education
• Research in Progress
• Student Papers
• On-Demand Training, Education, and Learning
• Accreditation, Assessment, and Curriculum for IS Education
• Ethics, Privacy, and Intellectual Property in a Connected World
• Globalization and Information Systems
• Intelligent Systems
• Knowledge Management Systems
• Internet of Things
• Electronic Commerce
• IT Security and Digital Forensics
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
• Emerging Technologies
Each year, ISECON benefits from the involvement of a number of repeat
attendees as well as new participants. We encourage you to please share
the news about this year’s conference with anyone you know who might be
interested in this long-standing and welcoming academic conference.
Thanks and hope to see you in San Antonio,
Brian Reithel
ISECON 2018 Program Chair
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Betreff: [AISWorld] GITMA 2018 CFP - July 8-10, 2018 in Mexico City
Datum: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:31:35 -0600
Von: Tim Jacks <tjacks(a)siue.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 18th Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA)
world conference will be on July 8-10, 2018 in Mexico City, Mexico!
You can find more info at www.gitma.org as well as a link for paper
*** Please note that the submission deadline is December 15, 2017. ***
Our academic keynote speaker will be Dr. Suprateek Sarker.
Dr. Sarker is the Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Commerce Professor at the
University of Virginia and the Editor in Chief of the Journal of AIS and a
Senior Editor for Decision Sciences. He serves on the editorial boards of a
number of journals including Journal of MIS and IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management. He is also a past editor-in-chief of Journal of
Information Technology Case and Application Research.
We are also pleased to announce that ten research grants are available for
graduate students to attend the GITMA 2018 conference and present their
work. The grant amount is US $200. The grants will be awarded on a first
come first serve basis to one graduate student author of an accepted full
paper. In order to receive the grant, the student must register and attend
the conference. After submitting a full paper, the graduate student must
send an email to the program chairs requesting the grant. The program
chairs are: Hajer Kefi (h.kefi(a)psbedu.paris) and Prashant Palvia (
GITMA aims to bring together researchers from around the world to advance
research that explores the use of ICT (Information and Communications
Technology). A unique conference, GITMA is acknowledged by past attendees
for its friendly setting that encourages, nurtures and enhances a culture
of knowledge co-creation. This conference provides a unique opportunity to
all IT educators, researchers, and practitioners from all countries to get
together to network, develop lasting relationships, and exchange ideas. The
clear strength is the international participation and the following people
should attend:
- Educators, researchers, and practitioners from North America (including
US, Mexico, and Canada)
- Educators, researchers, and practitioners from all other parts of the
world, including developed, developing, and under-developed nations.
- Educators, researchers, and practitioners doing work in all areas of
Global IT Management
Conference tracks will include: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data
Analytics, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security and Privacy, Digital
Transformation, Electronic Commerce, Emerging Issues, Global IT, Healthcare
IT. Internet of Things, IT Management, Diverse Issues in IS, Mobile
Computing, Outsourcing and Offshoring, Societal and Cultural Issues, and
Social Media.
Papers judged as high quality by the reviewers will be considered for
publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of Global Information
Technology Management (JGITM), Journal of Information Technology Cases &
Applications Research (JITCAR), and Journal of Information Privacy and
Security (JIPS).
For questions, please contact:
Conference Chair: Dr. Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu
Program Co-Chairs: Dr. Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu, and Dr. Hajer Kefi, Paris School of
Business, h.kefi(a)psbedu.paris
Local Chair: Mr. Gustavo Pares, Partner Nearshore Delivery Solutions,
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] CFP: Focus section on "Human Work Interaction Design
meets International Development" - IxD&A Journal
Datum: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 19:35:26 +0100
Von: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
Antwort an: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
Focus section on
*"Human Work Interaction Design meets International Development"*
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Pedro Campos – Madeira-ITI, Univ. of Madeira, Portugal
• Barbara Rita Barricelli – Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
• Jose Abdelnour-Nocera – University of West London, United Kingdom/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *January 31, 2018 *
• Notification to the authors: February 28, 2018
• Camera ready paper: March 15, 2018
• Publication of the special issue: end of March, 2018
Today, it is a true challenge to design applications that support users
of technology in complex and emergent organizational and work contexts.
To meet this challenge, the Working Group 13.6 (WG13.6) on Human Work
Interaction Design (HWID) was established in September 2005 as the sixth
working group under the International Federation for Information
Processing specifically the Technical Committee 13 on Human Computer
Interaction (HCI). A main objective of the WG13.6 as defined in 2012 is
the analysis of this complexity and its relationships between extensive
empirical work domains studies and HCI designs.
We are particularly interested in observing technology-mediated
innovative work practices in informal settings, in a social development
context. This is why WG 13.6 has decided to promote research jointly
with WG. 13.8 on Interaction Design in International Development, whose
main interest since its creation in 2006 is to promote the application
of interaction design to address the needs, desires and aspirations of
people across the developing world.
Today’s technologies change the way we work with pervasive interfaces
and smart places, often shifting our physical boundaries and our
operational modes. From health care, to traffic control, interaction
with new technologies, researchers have raised challenging issues for
HCI researchers and experts. This is even more challenging when one is
away from the mainstream industrial sites of the global north.
In line with recent suggestions that HCI should “turn to practice” and
do practice based research, the utility and merit of defining a field
from its published works stems from providing a conceptual frame to
organize a variety of issues emerging in recent HCI research. In this
focus section, we take a practice oriented, bottom up approach where one
can analyze and synthesize relevant field work. Stephanidis states that
interactive technologies are entering all aspects of everyday life, in
communication, work and collaboration, health and well-being, home
control and automation, public services, learning and education,
culture, travel, tourism and leisure, and many others. An extensive
variety of technologies are already available, and new ones tend to
appear frequently, and on a regular basis. Because of this we have to be
attentive towards the development of studies that will help the growth
of new technologies itself.
This focus section also aims at analysing the connections between
ecological interface design with other common interface design methods,
enabling participants to better understand how to combine approaches in
the creation of design solutions. We propose to approach this in the
perspective of transforming everyday interactions of people with
technologies, in particular cognitive work approaches, using examples
and case studies. Examples of everyday services and technologies that
are already enabled by multiple cognitive engineering approaches include
Amazon’s Echo, IBM’s Watson, Apple’s Siri, services like Dropbox,
Spotify, Pinterest and so many others.
*Topics of Interest*
In the above context, this focus section of IxD&A invites papers around
the following list of topics:
• human-centered design approaches for specific work domains
(workplaces, smart workplaces);
• visions of new roles for workplaces that enhance both work practice
and interaction design.
• can HWID be effectively applied beyond control rooms and other
industrial or manufacturing contexts?
• analyzing the value of the current state of affairs with regard to the
concept of “affordance”;
• how does HWID can help improve the experience economy, the knowledge
economy (Web 2.0, user-generated content) and the transformation economy
(ethical value change, global and societal issues);
• case studies of applied HWID leveraging on pervasive computing,
Internet of Things, and other work domains or workplace technologies.
Submission guidelines and procedure
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
Authors' guidelines
Link to the paper submission page:
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose Domain Subjects under:
"IxD&A special issue on: ‘Human-Work Interaction Design Meets
International Development')
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact any of the
guest-editors below and mark the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on: Human-Work Interaction Design Meets
International Development/
• pedro [dot] campos [at] m-iti.org
**** IxD&A in figures ****
*View stats:*
Forthcoming issues:*
• Spring 2018
/includes also a special issue on:/
'Aging with ICTs in the 21st century'
Guest Editors: Sergio Sayago, Josep Blat, Margarida Romero, Kim Sawchuk
• Summer 2018
'Human Computer Intraction Perspectives on Industry 4.0'
Guest Editors: Mario Aehneit, Ralf Klamma, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
/with a focus section on/
Future Directions of UX Studies: Learning from Best Practices
Guest Editors: Anna-Katharina Frison, Florian Lachner, Andreas Riener,
Ingrid Pettersson
• Autumn 2018
Alternance Schemes and Dual Education: Models, Criticalities and
Guest Editors: Carlo Giovannella, Stefania Manca, Alke Martens
/with a focus section on/
'Inquiring the way we inquire'
Guest Editors: Ines Di Loreto and Elena Parmiggiani
• Winter 2018
'SLERD 2018: The interplay of data, technology, place and people
Guest editors: Antonio Cartelli, Hendrik O. Knoche, Elvira Popescu
with a focus section on:
'Beyond Computers: Wearables, Humans, And Things - WHAT!'
Guest Editors: Gerrit van der Veer, Achim Ebert, Nahum Gershon, Peter
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP - 2nd BSR summer school on "Big Software on the
Run: Where Software meet Data"
Datum: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:07:24 +0000
Von: Liu, C. <c.liu.3(a)tue.nl>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2nd BSR Summer School on “Big Software on the Run: Where Software meet Data”
1-6 July, 2018, Berg en Dal, the Netherlands
Registration deadline: April 1st, 2018
We are pleased to announce the 2nd BSR summer school on “Big software on the Run – Where Software meet Data” which will be held in conjunction with the Eighth European Business Intelligence and Big Data Summer School (http://cs.ulb.ac.be/conferences/ebiss2018/).
Organized by the three Dutch technical universities (TU Eindhoven, TU Delft, and University of Twente), this cross-disciplinary school gives you the unique opportunity to meet some of the world’s leading researchers working on software analytics and process mining related problems and discuss your research with other participants. The summer school is organized in the context of the 3TU.BSR (“Big Software on the Run”, http://www.3tu-bsr.nl/) initiative.
The BSR summer school brings together university researchers including master, PhD students and postdoctoral-fellows as well as professionals from industry who are interested in discussing and developing new ideas combining approaches from multiple software analytics related disciplines.
We are pleased to announce the following confirmed speakers. The list will be updated as more speakers confirm:
* Stephan Diehl, University of Trier, Germany
* Boudewijn van Dongen, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
* Holger Hermanns, Saarland University, Germany
* Gerald Lüttgen, University of Bamberg, Germany
* Jaco van de Pol, University of Twente, the Netherlands
* Anne Rozinat, Fluxicon, the Netherlands
* Alexander Serebrenik, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
* Sicco Verwer, Delft University of Technology
The school is organized in close collaboration with SIKS, ASCI and IPA and will run from Sunday 1st to Friday 6th July, 2018. The venue is Fletcher ParkHotel Val Monte, Berg en Dal, the Netherlands.
Software systems have grown increasingly large and complex in today’s highly interconnected world. Communication, production, healthcare, transportation and education all increasingly rely on “Big Software”. This increasing dependence makes reliable software systems a major concern and stresses the need for effective prediction of software failures. Since software is evolving and operates in a highly dynamic and changing environment, it becomes difficult if not impossible to anticipate all problems at design-time.
Within the BSR research program (http://www.3tu-bsr.nl/) that has started in 2015, we propose to shift the main focus from a priori software design to a posteriori software analytics, thereby exploiting the large amounts of event data generated by today's systems. The core idea is to study software systems in vivo, i.e., at runtime and in their natural habitat. We would like to understand the actual behavior of software, to detect and predict future violations (e.g. deviations from some normative model, privacy and security constraints, etc.) and to provide insightful recommendations for software engineering related tasks (e.g. development, testing, debugging, configuration, etc.). This paradigm shift requires new forms of empirical investigation that go far beyond the common practice of collecting error messages and providing software updates. Novel techniques in process mining, visualization, security, feedback, and analytics are being developed within a joint collaboration between the three technical universities.
The aim of the BSR summer school is to bring together researchers, industry professionals and students to work on a multi-perspective and interdisciplinary understanding of the current problems and challenges related to in vivo software analytics concepts and practices. The school will cover software and data analytics related topics. Lectures are combined with hands-on sessions that will help participants to understand theoretical principles and how to apply them.
This five-day event (Monday to Friday) will consist of:
* Sessions by some of the top researchers and industry professionals in the field.
* Sessions by senior researchers working on the BSR project.
* Hands-on sessions on novel methods and techniques for BSR.
* Poster sessions and discussion on BSR related topics and their future.
* PhD presentation sessions
A preliminary schedule can be found at http://www.3tu-bsr.nl/summerschool2018/program
The BSR summer school will be held at Fletcher ParkHotel Val Monte, Berg en Dal, the Netherlands (https://www.parkhotelvalmonte.nl/) where all speakers and students will be accommodated. Berg en Dal, clamped between Maas and Waal, is one of the most beautiful municipalities in the Netherlands. Berg and Dal is attractive with an overwhelming landscape, rich cultural history and special wine-growing. The big altitude differences, from which Berg and Dal are named, provide beautiful views.
Qualified candidates should pre-register before April 1st 2018. Accepted participants will receive, within 15 working days after the pre-registration, an email with information about the payment of the registration fee. The registration fee is 600€ and covers the following costs:
* Accommodation costs for 5 nights (arrival on Sunday, October 23 afternoon) at Fletcher ParkHotel Val Monte.
* Meal costs for 5 days (Breakfast, lunch and dinner) excluding drinks during the dinners
* Participation in sessions
* Social events (e.g. welcome party, excursion, etc.)
For more information please visit http://www.3tu-bsr.nl/summerschool2018/registration
Dr. ir. Boudewijn van Dongen: b.f.v.dongen(a)tue.nl<mailto:b.f.v.dongen@tue.nl>
Prof. Esteban Zimányi: ezimanyi(a)ulb.ac.be<mailto:ezimanyi@ulb.ac.be>
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