-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP- CloudBpm 2016 in conjunction with IEEE
CloudCom -Luxembourg
Datum: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 10:09:11 +0000
Von: Heidari, F. <f.heidari(a)tue.nl>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to submit your research for presentation in a workshop in conjunction with IEEE CloudCom 2016<http://2016.cloudcom.org/> titled Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the Cloud (CloudBpm 2016).
The Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the Cloud workshop addresses broad issues on business process monitoring and analysis in the context of cloud computing, from a technical and business perspective. The main goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, present and discuss their most recent achievements and lessons learned addressing the challenges related to Business Process Monitoring and Assessment in a Cloud/ multi-Cloud environment.
Cloud computing has emerged as a paradigm for the use and delivery of resources. It received high acceptance while transforming the support of on-demand access, economics of scale and dynamic sourcing alternatives. Different IT resources and capabilities are available in the context of cloud computing (such as: business processes, services, networking) facilitating rapid provisioning, flexible pricing, elastic scaling and resilience. Although Business Process Management has matured as a scientific field and as an industry practice, it is not yet fully explored in the context of cloud computing. Cloud computing provides new opportunities for sharing and configuring business processes and services. This brings numerous challenges for monitoring and analysing business processes and services executed in the cloud.
This workshop aims at addressing this gap. By bringing together experts working on different levels of the cloud stack (e.g., systems, storage, networking platforms, applications), this workshop offers a unique ground for researchers and practitioners to foster research and its applications in practice by addressing the challenges in the areas of cloud computing and business process management. This workshop seeks to provide researchers and practitioners a forum to exchange information on theories and principles, emerging technologies, tools and practical experiences related to Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the context of Cloud Computing. Besides providing a mix of technical and business presentations, this workshop will include a keynote talk by Prof. dr. ir. Wil van der Aalst<http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~wvdaalst/>. The keynote will be on Comparative Process Mining in the Cloud<http://www.cloudbpm2016.org/keynote-speech/>.
Call for Papers
This workshop encourages the submission of papers presenting novel research and development works/projects on technical and business related aspects on Business Process Monitoring and Analysis in the Cloud. The workshop particularly values the practical experience in designing methods and deploying tools to support such monitoring and analysis. The papers may present new concepts and approaches related to monitoring and analysis of business processes in cloud environments, tools and systems providing practical implementations supporting such methods and approaches, and the integration and configuration of services in business oriented systems. In addition, we are also interested in application papers discussing the applicability of these methods and techniques to real-world problems. Submissions of original and unpublished works are invited, including research, theory and applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-Methods and frameworks for business process monitoring and performance analysis in cloud environments;
-Strategies and strategic decisions for business process monitoring and performance analysis, and its implications (e.g., concerning optimal cloud resources utilization, business process improvement);
-Tools supporting business process monitoring and analysis in cloud environments, with application in different domains, such as: logistics, healthcare;
-Key performance indicators for business process monitoring and performance analysis in cloud environments;
-Clouds and cross-organizational process mining;
-Business process configuration in the cloud;
-Data extraction for business process monitoring and analysis in the cloud.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: August 18, 2016
Acceptance/Rejection notification: September 2, 2016
Camera ready version: Camera ready version: September 14, 2016
Workshop date: December 12, 2016
Claudia-Melania Chituc<https://venus.tue.nl/ep-cgi/ep_detail.opl?taal=US&fac_id=98&voor_org_id=&rn…>, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Farideh Heidari<https://www.tue.nl/en/university/departments/mathematics-and-computer-scien…>, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Further information can be found on : http://www.cloudbpm2016.org/
Best Regards,
Farideh Heidari (PhD)
Assistant Professor
EIT Digital Data Science Master Program Chair at EIT
EIT Digital Data Science Master Program Manager at TU/e
Fac. Wiskunde & Informatica
Have a look at my linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/fheidari
Have a look at my TU/e page http://www.tue.nl/staff/f.heidari
Have a look at my personal website http://www.farideh.eu/
Follow me on twitter Farideh_Heidari
Have a look at my Xing profile https://www.xing.com/profile/Farideh_Heidari?sc_o=mxb_p
De Groene Loper 5 T +31 40 247 2257
P.O. Box 513, MF 7.119 F +31 40 246 3992
5600 MB Eindhoven f.heidari(a)TUE.nl<mailto:f.heidari@TUE.nl>
The Netherlands
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Betreff: [computational.science] CFP - Fourth Special Session on High
Performance Computing in Modelling and Simulation (HPCMS)
Datum: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 11:23:45 +0200
Von: CA-CSC <cacsc.cellularautomata(a)gmail.com>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
(sorry for cross postings)
Fourth Special Session on High Performance Computing in Modelling and
Simulation (HPCMS)
Within PDP 2017
The 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, and
Network-Based Computing
St. Petersburg, Russia
6-8 March 2017
*http://pdp2017.org/hpcms.html <http://pdp2017.org/hpcms.html>*
Deadline: September 1st, 2016
Contact: William Spataro - spataro(a)unical.it
The development of models through which computers can simulate the
evolution of artificial and natural systems is fundamental for the
advancement of Science. In the last decades, the increasing power of
computers has allowed to considerably extend the application of computing
methodologies in research and industry, but also to the quantitative study
of complex phenomena. This has permitted a broad application of numerical
methods for differential equation systems (e.g., FEM, FDM, etc.) on one
hand, and the application of alternative computational paradigms, such as
Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, Neural networks, Swarm Intelligence,
etc., on the other. These latter have demonstrated their effectiveness for
modelling purposes when traditional simulation methodologies have proven to
be impracticable.
Following the success of our past HPCMS workshops which were held in Turin,
Turku and Crete, we are glad to invite you to our fourth edition which will
take place in St. Petersburg (Russia).
An important mission of the HPCMS Workshop is to provide a platform for a
multidisciplinary community composed of scholars, researchers, developers,
educators, practitioners and experts from world leading Universities,
Institutions, Agencies and Companies in Computational Science, and thus in
the High Performance Computing for Modelling and Simulation field.
HPCMS intent is to offer an opportunity to express and confront views on
trends, challenges, and state-of-the art in diverse application fields,
such as engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, medicine,
ecology, sociology, traffic control, economy, etc.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- High-performance computing in computational science: intra-disciplinary
and multi-disciplinary research applications
- Complex systems modelling and simulation
- Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, Neural networks, Swarm
Intelligence implementations
- Integrated approach to optimization and simulation
- MPI, OpenMP, GPGPU applications in Computational Science
- Optimization algorithms, modelling techniques related to optimization in
Computational Science
- High-performance Software developed to solve science (e.g., biological,
physical, and social), engineering, medicine, and humanities problems
- Hardware approaches of high performance computing in modeling and
As for previous editions, organizers of the HPCMS session are planning a
Special Issue of an important international ISI Journal, based on
distinguished papers that will be accepted for the session. For instance, a
selected number of papers of the past workshop editions have been published
on the ISI Journal “International Journal of High Performance Computing
Applications” and “Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience”.
William Spataro – University of Calabria (Italy)
Georgios Sirakoulis - Democritus University of Thrace (Greece)
Giuseppe A. Trunfio – University of Sassari (Italy)
Donato D’Ambrosio – University of Calabria (Italy)
Scientific Committee
Angelos Amanatiadis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Donato D’Ambrosio, University of Calabria, Italy
Savvas Chatzichristofis, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
(CE.R.T.H.), Greece
Ivanoe De Falco, ICAR-CNR, Italy
Gianluigi Folino, ICAR-CNR, Italy
Lou D’Alotto, York College/CUNY, New York, USA
Antonios Gasteratos, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Ioakeim Georgoudas, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Rolf Hoffmann, Darmstadt University, Germany
Ioannis Karafyllidis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Christos Kartsaklis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Yaroslav Sergeyev, University of Calabria, Italy
Davide Marocco, Plymouth University, United Kingdom
Rocco Rongo, University of Calabria, Italy
Georgios Sirakoulis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
William Spataro, University of Calabria, Italy
Pawel Topa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Giuseppe A. Trunfio, University of Sassari, Italy
Marco Villani, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Jaroslaw Was, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Davide Spataro, University of Calabria, Italy
Massimo Cafaro - University of Salento, Italy
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 2nd Call for Articles: Special Theme on Adaptive and
Intelligent Learning Systems in the Bulletin of the Technical Committee
on Learning Technology
Datum: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:47:10 -0600
Von: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
An: ifets-discussion(a)COMPUTER.ORG, its-arch(a)list.pitt.edu,
adaptive(a)topica.com, ak-hci-ue(a)ocg.at, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de,
TECHNOLOGY (ISSN 2306-0212) http://www.ieeetclt.org/content/bulletin
publication of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning
Technology (TCLT)
* Special Theme: Adaptive and Intelligent Learning Systems
* Deadline for submission: July 22, 2016
* Peer-reviewed
The Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT) aims
at publishing and disseminating current research about new and emerging
learning technologies as well as their design, usage, application, and
evaluation in different contexts of technology enhanced learning.
The special theme of this issue will focus on topics related to adaptive and
intelligent learning systems, including (but not limited to) research on
concepts and design of adaptive and/or intelligent learning systems;
extensions and add-ons to adaptive and/or intelligent learning systems; case
studies, exploratory studies and pilot studies on adaptive and/or
intelligent learning systems; and evaluations and assessments of adaptive
and/or intelligent learning systems.
Articles that are not in the area of the special theme are most welcome as
well and will be published in the regular article section. The Bulletin of
the Technical Committee on Learning Technology invites research articles for
the next issue. This issue will be published in Volume 18, Issue 2.
*** All research articles will go through a thorough peer-reviewing process
Submission procedure:
1. Authors have to follow the IEEE author guidelines when preparing their
articles (please see http://www.ieeetclt.org/content/authors-guidelines for
further information)
2. The articles in the bulletin are limited to 4 pages. Over-length articles
will not be published.
3. The manuscripts should be either in Word or RTF format. Any figures used
in the contributions would be required separately in a graphic format (gif
or jpeg). The figures should also be embedded in the text at appropriate
4. To submit your article, please go to
http://ieeetclt.athabascau.ca/bulletin/pkp-ojs/index.php/tclt/login and
login (or click on "Not a user? Register with this site" to register). Once
you are logged in, please click the "New Submission" button to submit your
For further information please see http://www.ieeetclt.org/content/bulletin
and http://ieeetclt.athabascau.ca/bulletin/pkp-ojs/index.php/tclt/index.
For any questions, please contact us at: tclt-bulletin(a)ieee.org
Best regards,
Sabine Graf
Charalampos Karagiannidis
(Editors of the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [WI] CFP Deadline approaching (July 20, 2016): Social
Informatics 2016 (SocInfo) -- Seattle, WA
Datum: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:10:49 -0700
Von: Emilio Ferrara <emiliofe(a)usc.edu>
Antwort an: Emilio Ferrara <emiliofe(a)usc.edu>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
The International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo16) is an
interdisciplinary venue that brings together researchers from the
computational and social sciences to help fill the gap between the two
communities. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum to help
practitioners from the two disciplines define common research objectives
and explore methodologies. The organizers welcome a broad range of
contributions, from those that apply methods from the social sciences to
the study of socio-technical systems, to the application of
computational methods to the study of complex social processes and the
use of social concepts in the design of information systems.
SocInfo16 offers an opportunity for the dissemination of knowledge
between the two communities by soliciting presentations of original
research papers and experience-based case studies in computer science,
sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, economics,
linguistics, artificial intelligence, social network analysis, and other
disciplines that can shed light on the open questions in the growing
field of computational social science.
SocInfo16 will also offer workshops and keynote talks that will be
tailored to enhance the collaboration between the two research cultures
in an era when social interactions are ubiquitous and span offline,
online and augmented reality worlds.
Research topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* New theories, methods and objectives in computational social science
* Computational models of social phenomena, including behavior modeling
* Dynamics of social collaborative systems
* Social network analysis and mining
* Mining big social data
* Social influence and social contagions
* Web mining and its social interpretations
* Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
* Rich representations of social ties
* Security, privacy, trust, reputation, and incentive issues
* Opinion mining and social media analytics
* Credibility of online content
* Health informatics
* Social Media and Health behaviors
* Algorithms and protocols inspired by human societies
* Equity in social and information systems
* Social choice mechanisms in the e-society
* Social applications of the semantic Web
* Social psychology and personality
* Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
* Impact of technology on socio-economic, security, defense aspects
* Urban informatics
* Forecasting of social phenomena
* Socio-economic systems and applications
* Collective intelligence and social cognition
Information about Submission
We solicit submission of two types of contribution
* Full papers: should not exceed 14 pages (excluding references and
any appendix).
* Short papers: should not exceed 8 pages (excluding references and
any appendix)
Submissions will be reviewed through a single-blind review process
(names of the authors visible). To ensure a thorough and fair review
process, this year’s conference will rely on a two-tier review process
and we will enforce strict review guidelines to provide even
higher-quality feedback to authors. To further incentivize useful and
detailed feedback to authors, contributions of best reviewers will be
rewarded with special mentions.
As in previous years, accepted papers will appear in Springer’s Lecture
Note Series in Computer Science. We will also allow accepted papers to
be presented without publication in the conference proceedings, if the
authors choose to do so. Some of the full paper submissions may be
accepted as short papers after review by the Program Committee. A small
set of particularly high quality and important papers will be selected
for journal publication.
Submission Procedures
Original manuscripts should be submitted in English in pdf format
through the EasyChair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socinfo16>. Because SocInfo
will publish proceedings, manuscripts should be formatted according to
Springer LNCS paper formatting guidelines
Full paper submission: July 20th, 2016 Submit paper here
Notification: August 20th, 2016
Camera-ready version: August 31st, 2016
Workshops: November 14th
Main conference: November 15-17, 2016
New Paper!
Ferrara et al. The Rise of Social Bots
Communications of the ACM (59)7:96-104 (2016)
Emilio Ferrara, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
University of Southern California
Information Sciences Institute
www.emilio.ferrara.name <http://www.emilio.ferrara.name/>
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Social Networks, Large Networks and their
Datum: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 15:39:01 +0200
Von: Kokou Yetongnon <kokou(a)u-bourgogne.fr>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)
2016 IEEE International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY &
Track on
Social Networks, Large Networks and their Applications (SLNA)
Naples Italy, 28 November - 1 December 2016
Recently, social networks have grown rapidly in size and popularity.
The global internet population has witnessed a popular expansion to
reach billions of users around the world. For connected users,
social networks provide a most suitable space for sharing data,
interacting with other users and forming communities with
common interests.
Social networks have important impacts on today's society not only
in terms of structure and dynamics, but also regarding scientific
and technological aspects. Social networks raise new research
challenges due to the numerous emerging needs and applications.
The focus of this track is on emerging and novel concepts,
architectures and methodologies for social and more generally
large networks analysis, tools and applications, including issues
related to complex graphs, semantics, big data, and security.
The topics of interest for this track include, but are not limited to:
Social Network Analysis - methods, algorithms, processes
Social graph processing / manipulation
Usage / implementation of Big Data algorithms
Avoiding fragmentation of the social graph
*Open cross-platform interactions
*Usage of Identity algorithms (OAuth, openID, etc.)
*Usage of Identity APIs
Dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks, trend prediction
Information diffusion in Social Networks
Social analytic tools
Approaches based on Semantic Web Technologies
Ontologies for managing social networks
Social networks and cultural information
Social Network Analysis of Terrorist Networks
Cyber surveillance for unlawful activities for critical infrastructure
Participatory surveillance
Social Networks and Security
Privacy-preserving Social network Analysis
Social Networks Analysis for security applications
Social network-based security measures and controls
Social Networks Analysis for identifying and assessing cyber risks
Security by means of Social Networks Analysis
Information security measures and controls, to help in identifying and
assessing cyber risks
Architectures and methods for social network management
Social media search and management in large scale environments
Searching blogs, tweets, and other social media
Frameworks and Methodologies for large scale Collaboration
Collective Awareness Platforms for Social (CAPS) and business innovation
Communities discovery and analysis in large scale online and offline social
Traffic prediction for dimensioning media applications
User-centric applications
Exploiting user mobility and geolocation
Ontology-based user profiling
Social and Ethical Issues in a Networked World
Human-powered community question answering and expert finding
Social, mobile, pervasive content sharing and live media distribution
Spam, opinions and adversarial interactions in social media
Personalisation for social interaction
Use of Social Networks for business and marketing
Immersive Social Networks
Social businesses, social CRM
Social gaming
Large networks
Internet of People
Internet of Things
Networks of networks
Submission and publication
The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials,
and regular and workshop sessions. SITIS'16 invites submission
of high quality and original papers on the topics listed above.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three
reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and
relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and
follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers
will be included in the conference proceedings and
published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced
in IEEE explore and major indexes.
Journal special issue Extended version of selected accepted papers
will be considered for publication in a major journal.
Important dates
Paper Submission: September 6, 2016
Acceptance/Reject notification: October 7, 2016
Camera ready: October 20, 2016
Author registration: October 20, 2016
Track Chairs
Ana Roxin, IEM Dept., University of Burgundy, France
Alessandro Provetti, MIFT Dept., University of Messina, Italy
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [computational.science] IEEE HiPC 2016 (Hyderabad, 19-22
December): Workshops & Student Research Symposium
Datum: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 10:05:50 +0000
Von: Anand Panangadan <anandvp(a)hipc.org>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
IEEE HiPC 2016 (Hyderabad • 19-22 December)
Release: 15 July 2016
- CALL FOR PAPERS: Workshops & Student Research Forum
23rd IEEE International Conference on
High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics
HiPC 2016
December 19-22, 2016
Hyderabad, India
****HiPC 2016 Workshops: CALL FOR PAPERS DEADLINES****
•August 1st...............Foundations of Big Data Computing (BigDF)
•August 31st.............Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
•August 24th.............High Performance Computing and Big Data in
Molecular Engineering (HBME)
•August 15th.............Software Composable Infrastructure (SCI)
For details, see http://www.hipc.org/hipc2016/workshops.php
Four workshops will be held on the first day of the conference, December
19th. Below is a brief description of each workshop and the due date for
submissions. The papers accepted for presentation will be included in the
workshops volume of the proceedings of the conference. Each workshop is
linked to its Call for Papers page, which contains a full description of
the workshop, the names of organizers and the technical committee members,
and the dates and instructions for submitting papers for review.
1) Foundations of Big Data Computing (BigDF)
July 24th - Submit Abstract
August 1st - Submit Paper
The BigDF workshop aims to answer several questions, including: What
constitutes a “Big Data” problem? What application domains are best suited
to benefit from Big Data analytics and computing? What are the traits and
characteristics of an application that make it suited to exploit Big Data
analytics? How can Big Data systems and frameworks be designed to allow the
integration and analysis of complex data sets? How can research in Big Data
Analytics benefit from the latest advances in supercomputing and High
Performance Computing (HPC) architectures?
2) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
August 31st - Submit Paper
The CFD workshop is intended for the CFD user community to provide a common
platform to share their experiences, best practices, and challenges in high
performance computing. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an dynamic and
highly demanding research area in which computers use numerical methods to
solve problems involving fluid flows. Since several equations with millions
of unknowns need to be solved iteratively, CFD analysis requires enormous
computational power and efficient parallel implementations of the numerical
algorithms. Recent developments have reduced computational time in CFD
analysis. Nevertheless, the scalability of CFD codes remains challenging in
many large scale applications, and the computations take days to simulate a
few seconds of real time physics, sometimes making CFD an impractical tool
for industrial applications.
3) High Performance Computing and Big Data in Molecular Engineering (HBME)
August 24th - Submit Abstract
The HBNE workshop will address challenges to high performance computing
prompted by the emergence of molecular engineering as a discipline which
employs and develops approaches within HPC as well as mathematical
modelling, simulation, and optimization. Reaching quantitative agreement
with the available experimental data, and predicting thermophysical
properties where experimental data are absent, molecular engineering
constitutes a promising approach for optimizing engineering processes.
Current and upcoming supercomputers consist of hundred-thousands to
millions of cores. For simulations that are carried out over a substantial
amount of time on huge core counts, specific challenges emerge, and this
workshop will provide a platform for presenting work aimed at overcoming
those challenges.
4) Software Composable Infrastructure (SCI)
August 15th - Submit Paper
The SCI workshop on the topic of composable software-defined infrastructure
(SCI) is interested in work related to emerging requirements for datacenter
operations to support an increasing variety of applications. each with
their own infrastructure requirements. Some applications require support
for predictable low latency processing, others run in the background
crunching huge datasets. Some are compute intensive and some require huge
amounts of memory. Still other applications may require their data and
processing to be co-located. Thus, the challenge is how to use the same
resources to efficiently support a diverse set of applications.
****HiPC 2016 Student Research Symposium (SRS): Call for Papers****
•August 15th ............SRS Submission Opens
•September 16th .....SRS Submission Deadline
•November 1st .........SRS Accept/Reject Decision Notification
The 9th Student Research Symposium on High Performance Computing, Data, and
Analytics (SRS) is aimed at stimulating and fostering student research, and
providing an international forum to highlight student research
accomplishments in HPC. The symposium will also give students exposure to
the best practices of senior HPC researchers in academia and industry. In a
departure from previous years, the symposium will feature only student
posters - there will be no talks by students - and the posters will be on
display on the second and third days of the conference, allowing students
to attend workshops on the first day. Awards for Best Poster will be
presented at the conference, and an online book containing the resumes of
the students participating in the symposium will be compiled and made
available to the sponsors of the HiPC 2016 conference.
Papers are solicited in all areas of high-performance computing, data, and
analytics. See the SRS Call for Papers page at
http://www.hipc.org/hipc2016/studentsymposium.php for a full list of
topics, which matches the list of topics for the main conference. Also see
that page for what/where to submit and other details.
Topic: Genomes Galore: Big Data Challenges in the Life Sciences
SRINIVAS ALURU (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Topic: China’s HPC development in the next 5 years
DEPEI QIAN (Sun Yat-sen University and Beihang University , China)
Topic: Toward Extreme-Scale Processor Chips
JOSEP TORRELLAS (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)
****HiPC 2016: Keeping pace with new computing trends!****
In 2016, HiPC will continue to serve as a forum for researchers from around
the world to present their current research efforts and findings and will
act as a venue for stimulating discussions and highlighting work in Asia
based on the expanded topic areas of high performance computing, data and
analytics. The conference has a history of attracting participation from
reputed researchers from all over the world and receives strong industry
support from companies operating globally and also established in India. In
addition to the two days of industry exhibits, the sponsoring partners to
the conference hold industry symposiums to bring together providers and
users of HPC in a forum for presenting state-of-the-art in HPC platforms
and technologies, for discussing best practices, and for exchanging
General Co-Chairs
Kalyana Chandalavada, Intel, USA
Ananth S.Narayan, Intel, India
Steering Committee Chair
Viktor K. Prasanna, University of Southern California, USA
Vice General Chairs
Chiranjib Sur, Shell, India
Yinglong Xia, Huawei Research America, USA
Program Chair
Anne Benoit, ENS Lyon, France
Industry Liaison Co-Chairs
Rama Govindaraju, Google, USA
Jigar Halani, Wipro, India
Workshops Co-Chairs
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Chiranjib Sur, Shell, India
Student Research Symposium Co-Chairs
Kishore Kothapalli, IIIT-Hyderabad, India
Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University, USA
Industry, Research, and User Symposium Co-Chairs
R. Badrinath, Ericcson, India
Seetha Rama Krishna Nookala, Intel, India
Publicity Chair
Anand Panangadan, California State University, Fullerton, USA
See details for Industry Sponsorship at
HiPC 2016 is co-sponsored by
•IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP)
•HiPC Education Trust, India
In cooperation with
•ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT)
•ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH)
•FIP Working Group on Concurrent Systems
•Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology (MAIT)
•National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] [WorldCIST'17]: Call for Workshops Proposals
Datum: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 10:33:08 +0100
Von: ML <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
WorldCIST'17 - 5th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Porto Santo Island, Madeira, Portugal
11th-13th of April 2017
The Information Systems and Technologies research and industrial community is invited to submit proposals of Workshops for WorldCist'17 5th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies to be held at Porto Santo Island, Madeira, Portugal, 11th - 13th of April 2017: http://www.worldcist.org/
Workshops should focus on a specific scientific subject on the scope of WorldCist'17 but not directly included on the main conference areas. Each workshop will be coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed of, at least, two researchers in the field, preferably from different institutions and different countries. The organizers should create an international Program Committee for the Workshop, with recognized researchers within the specific Workshop scientific area. Each workshop should have at least 10 submissions and 5 accepted papers in order to be conducted at WorldCist'17.
The selection of Workshops will be performed by WorldCist'17 Conference/Workshop Chairs. Workshops full and short papers will be published in the conference main proceedings in specific Workshop chapters published by Springer in a book of the AISC series. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by ISI Thomson, SCOPUS, DBLP, EI-Compendex among several other scientific databases. Extended versions of best selected papers will be published in journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP. Detailed and up-to-date information may be found at WorldCist'17 website: http://www.worldcist.org/
The Organizing Committee of each Workshop will be responsible for:
- Producing and distributing the Workshop Call for Papers (CFP);
- Coordinating the review and selection process for the papers submitted to the Workshop, as Workshop chairs (on the paper submission system to be installed);
- Delivering the final versions of the papers accepted for the Workshop in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by WorldCist'17 organizers;
- Coordinating and chairing the Workshop sessions at the conference.
WorldCist'17 organizers reserve the right to cancel any Workshop if deadlines are missed or if the number of registered attendees is too low to support the costs associated with the Workshop.
Workshop proposals should contain the following information:
- Workshop title;
- Brief description of the specific scientific scope of the Workshop;
- List of topics of interest (max 15 topics);
- Reasons the Workshop should be held within WorldCist17;
- Name, postal address, phone and email of all the members of the Workshop Organizing Committee;
- Proposal for the Workshop Program Committee (Names and affiliations).
Proposals should be submitted electronically by email to worldcist at gmail.com (cc: lpreis at dsi.uminho.pt), in PDF, (in English), by July 31, 2016.
- Deadline for Workshop proposals: July 31, 2016
- Notification of Workshop acceptance: September 11, 2016
- Deadline for paper submission: November 27, 2016
- Notification of paper acceptance: December 25, 2016
- Deadline for final versions and conference registration: January 8, 2017
- Conference dates: April 11-13, 2017
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Abstract Announcement for International Journal of
Technology Diffusion (IJTD) 7(2)
Datum: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:07:03 +0000
Von: Ali Hussain Zolait <azolait(a)uob.edu.bh>
An: remove <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Abstract Announcement for International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD) 7(2)
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD)
Indexed by DBLP, Inspec... (more)
Volume 7, Issue 2, April - June 2016
Indexed by: INSPEC
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1947-9301; EISSN: 1947-931X;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait (University of Bahrain, Bahrain)
Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD). All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.
Android vs iOS or Others? SMD-OS Security Issues: Generation Y Perception
Heru Susanto (Department of Information Management, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan & Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia), Mohammad Nabil Almunawar (School of Business and Economics, University of Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei), Fang-Yie Leu (Department of Information Management, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan), Chin Kang Chen (School of Business and Economics, University of Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei)
A smart mobile device (SMD for short) has become indispensable for individuals nowadays. The most common SMD-OS (operating system) used such as Google's Android, Apple's iOS, Microsoft's Windows Phone, Nokia's Symbian, RIM's BlackBerry OS. Such OS can be installed on different brands of SMD, like Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson, except for Apple's iOS, which is only available on Apple products. The authors' research is an attempt to provide a picture of preferences over the SMD-OS function and security, Generation Y perception, Brunei perspective, and compare with the actual circumstances of SMD (OS) security aspects and breaches in the world. The results are interesting. Generation Y, prefer SMD as their personal assistance, such as browsing, e-book, social network and online transaction. This can be easily understood since they are computer literate, technologically savvy and heavily involved in various online activities. In operating system point of view, the big two and most pop
ular SMD-OS, android and iOS as major player, particularly in the function and security issues.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Influencers for Adoption of Robots in Indian Construction Industry: An Empirical Study
Sachin Jain (National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune, India), Milind T. Phadtare (School of General Management, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune, India)
Robots are developed for various construction processes and used in countries such as the USA, Japan and China. However, their adoption in India is very limited due to weaknesses in the construction sector. The Indian construction industry is poised to grow at a faster rate due to planned investment. Robots will benefit construction industry by way of better productivity, quality, timely completion, etc. resulting in the growth of construction industry. This paper identifies the structure of influencers of adoption of robots in the Indian infrastructure construction sector using exploratory factor analsis. This structure was validated using confirmatory factor analysis. A total of 20 influencers are identified and grouped in eight factors. Based on these influencers, strategies are recommended to enhance adoption of robots in Indian infrastructure construction industry. Finally the authors identify the influencers that are common to India and other countries in Asia, America, Europe
and Australia.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
A Suggested Curriculum in Career Education to Develop Business Secondary Schools Students' Career Knowledge Management Domains and Professional Thinking
Faten Abdelmagied Elsoudy Fouda (College of Education, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt)
The current research aimed at designing a proposed curriculum in career education for business secondary schools students and measuring its effectiveness on developing career knowledge management domains and professional thinking skills. To achieve the desired goal, the researcher applied the system approach in designing the suggested career education curriculum, the developmental research methodology for developing the instructional materials and media, and the quasi-experimental design to measure the effectiveness the proposed curriculum on a sample of the third grade business secondary school students in Egypt. The suggested curriculum contains four main stages/phases: 1) career knowledge generation; 2) career knowledge organization; 3) career knowledge utilization; and 4) career knowledge distribution. These phases were integrated into one system to develop both career knowledge management skills and professional thinking among the target sample. The units of the curriculum were
designed in an interactive way according to the principles of the blended-units approach that concentrates on knowledge and knowledge applications for achieving career requirements needed to joining 21st century business and administration jobs. A sample of 50 students enrolled in a business secondary school were selected randomly and divided equally into two groups: the experimental group (n= 25) and the control group (n= 25). The researcher developed two main instruments: 1) an achievement test; and 2) a professional thinking scale. The achievement test included two parts: 1) measuring the professional knowledge, and 2) performance measuring of the skills of designing professional portfolio. In addition, a rubric was used to evaluate the production of the professional portfolio. The findings revealed that the suggested curriculum was effective in developing both career knowledge management domains and professional thinking skills; as there were significant statistical differences
between the two groups in favor of the experimental group. A set of educational recommendations were suggested.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Investigating the Use of Web 2.0 Technologies and their Presence in Saudi Government Agencies' Websites
Mohammed Altayar (Department of Information Management, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU))
Government agencies in both developed and developing countries have started using social media to provide content and services. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of social media in Saudi government agencies. It adopts a quantitative approach. The study shows that Saudi government agencies are aware of social media and they use them for different purposes. The study argued that government agencies with less engagement with the public are less likely to use social media. Government agencies tend to publish the same content in different social media. Moreover, information dissemination and improving communication with the public were the main motivations for using social media. In terms of enablers, the study shows that awareness of the public about the importance of social media usage was an important issue. Regarding the challenges, lack of dedicated resources such as budget and specialized staff were the main challenges. The study contributes to the literature by addres
sing issues related to motivation, factors influenced the decision to adopt social media, enablers and barriers.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: www.igi-global.com/isj.
Mission of IJTD:
The mission of the International Journal of Technology Diffusion is to be a leading journal in global innovation and systems management. The journal publishes articles related to the application of information systems, technology, and innovation acceptance. The interdisciplinary journal also encourages manuscripts on management information systems, decision support systems (DSS), managerial and organizational concerns, educational issues, and innovative applications related to global management innovation systems. The journal propagates knowledge to researchers, practitioners, academicians, and educators all over the world.
Indices of IJTD:
ACM Digital Library
Bacon's Media Directory
Cabell's Directories
Google Scholar
Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)
The Standard Periodical Directory
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Coverage of IJTD:
Topics to be discussed in this journal include, but are not limited to, the following:
Adoption of IS
Business data communications
Diffusion of innovation models
Distributed databases and networks
DSS/EIS/ES in international settings
Electronic commerce
Electronic data interchange
Evaluation of MIS
Frameworks and models for international management innovation systems (IMIS) system development
Graphics and Web design
Information resources management
Information security
Internet related issues
IS applications and case studies
Issues in accounting information systems
IT and economic development
IT and human resource issues
IT diffusion in developing countries (eg Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa)
IT in developing countries
Management information systems
Network security
Organizational and management system structures
Performance analysis
System analysis
Technology acceptance
Web technology
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines www.igi-global.com/calls-for-papers/international-journal-technology-diffus…
Dr. Ali Zolait
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems
College of Information Technology
University of Bahrain
P.O. Box 32038, Kingdom of Bahrain
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Abstracts, SIM and MISQ Executive
Workshops on the Sharing Economy at ICIS and HICSS
Datum: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 21:53:36 +0000
Von: Koch, Hope W. <Hope_Koch(a)baylor.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
MIS Quarterly Executive Academic Workshops
In preparation for the December 2017 Special Issue on The Sharing Economy
Sponsored by:
The Society for Information Management and MIS Quarterly Executive
You can submit to one of 2 workshops:
* ICIS in Dublin, Ireland, 10-3, on Saturday 12/10/16
* HICSS in Hawaii, USA, 1-4, on Wednesday, 1/4/17
In preparation for MIS Quarterly Executive's Special Issue on the Sharing Economy, we invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at one of two pre-conference Society for Information Management Academic Workshops. We will hold one workshop just before ICIS in Dublin and one just before HICSS in Hawaii.
The sharing economy as a new organization-market hybrid is changing how people and organizations access, buy, and use goods and services (Sundararajan 2016a). It may reshape how the world's economic activity is organized. Traditionally, ownership was assumed necessary to access goods and services, which were usually provided by large corporations with full-time employees. Today, ubiquitous mobile devices, social networks, and marketplace platforms are challenging this assumption. Consumers can share the access to goods and services with each other rather than buy from businesses. People can plug in and out of on-demand platforms as providers fluidly, without an employment relationship. Popular examples of sharing economy platforms include Airbnb in the travel industry, Uber and Lyft in the transportation industry, and Funding Circle in the financial services industry.
As these new consumption models gain traction, the potential economic and social gains are immense. By allowing consumers to utilize peer assets, capital, and labor in a more impactful manner, the sharing economy unites altruism, economics, and efficiency. In addition, these new models promise to lower the strain on our natural resources and help us better utilize our excess resources including skills and time.
The sharing economy will have far reaching consequences for organizations and society. One market study estimates that by 2025 revenue generated from the sharing economy will grow from $15 billion in 2013 to $335 billion in 2025 (PriceWatershouseCoopers 2013). In April 2016, China's National Information Center projected that the sharing economy will be worth 10 percent of China's total GDP by 2020 (Harsono 2016). This trend has the potential to disrupt an array of industries including education, finance, and real estate. Already, in addition to startups, established players are entering the sharing economy such as Apple with its recent $1-billion investment in Didi Chuxing, Uber's Chinese rival (Carew and Wakabayashi 2016). Markets characterized by redundancy, broken trust, limited access, waste, and complexity are candidates for disruption (Botsman 2014).
Recognizing the potential of the sharing economy, some companies are taking steps to transform their business (Botsman 2014). For example, DHL, a freight and logistics company, sensed that its practice of dropping customer packages at pick-up locations rather than delivering them to customer's door steps, frustrated customers. To alleviate this, it launched MyWays, which allow peers to pick up and deliver packages to DHL's last-mile customers. Likewise Marriott, recognizing that it routinely had unused meeting space, partnered with LiquidSpace, a marketplace that helps people find quiet places to work. Other sharing economy models that traditional companies are experimenting with range from "brand as a service" (e.g., Whole Foods has partnered with Instacart, BMW and Daimler offer on-demand transportation through their DriveNow and Car2Go services, respectively) to advertising partnerships, like those between KLM and Airbnb, or Lyft and MasterCard (Owyang 2015).
Despite these positive examples, the sharing economy still faces many social, economic, and legal tensions (Slee 2016; Sundararajan 2016a). From a social perspective, concern exists about the long-run implications of using rating systems as a gateway to economic opportunities. For example, the ratings one accumulates on a platform like Uber or Lyft may not be easily portable. As our workforce transitions from full-time employees to independent contractors, concerns remain about funding an adequate social safety net. From an economic perspective, platforms such as Airbnb may displace certain labor categories like hotel cleaning staff and reduce affordable housing for long-term local residents. Contrarily, these platforms may also redistribute short-term accommodation revenues more evenly in society and allow financially challenged homeowners to make their mortgage payments.
Legal tensions include concerns over safety and screening as well as over externalities. Platforms and local governments continue to battle. For example, in an attempt to maintain affordable housing, the city of Berlin is restricting private property rentals by tourists through Airbnb and similar online platforms (Guardian 2016). The city of Austin, TX is increasing driver vetting requirements for Uber and Lyft (MacMillan and Silverman 2016). The Austin situation showcases many new governance issues (Sundararajan 2016b). Should the buyer and seller not be solely responsible when something goes wrong? Do we need new regulatory partnership models?
The purpose of these pre-conference workshops and MIS Quarterly Executive's special issue is to explore aspects of the sharing economy that are of interest to business and technology leaders. Our objective is to examine the strategic business opportunities and management challenges associated with operating in a sharing economy. We are looking for submissions based on case and/or field studies that provide rich illustrations, frameworks or lessons. We welcome submissions based on both primary and secondary sources.
Papers could focus on (but are not limited to) the following topics:
* Competing in and leveraging the sharing economy including business models
* Business transformations towards the sharing economy
* Implications of the sharing economy on firm boundaries, value creation, and governance
* Understanding the disruptive forces of the sharing economy
* How will the move from institution-driven to platform-driven exchange affect business processes, work practices and technological innovations
* The dark side of the sharing economy (e.g., risks, problems, or negative impacts) and ways to mitigate them
* Tensions associated with the sharing economy including economic, social, and legal issues
* The role of IT in the sharing economy
Workshop Deadlines:
* Sept. 6, 2016: Submit an abstract of no more than 2 single-spaced pages of text and up to 2 figures. We will not count figures and references in the 2-page limit.
* Oct. 20, 2015: Notification of workshop acceptance with preliminary editorial feedback
Please submit your abstract at:
Direct questions to Hope Koch, Baylor University, Hope_Koch(a)baylor.edu<mailto:Hope_Koch@baylor.edu>
The Special Issue co-editors are:
* Iris Junglas, Florida State University, ijunglas(a)business.fsu.edu
* Hope Koch, Baylor University, Hope_Koch(a)baylor.edu
* Arun Sundararajan, New York University, digitalarun(a)nyu.edu
* Ping Wang, University of Maryland, College Park, pwang(a)umd.edu
Botsman, R. 2014. "Sharing's Not Just for Start-Ups," Harvard Business Review (92:9), pp. 23-25.
Carew, R., and Wakabayashi, D. 2016. "Apple Invests $1 Billion in Didi, Uber's Rival in China," in: The Wall Street Journal.
Guardian, T. 2016. "Berlin's Government Legislates against Airbnb," The Guardian.
Harsono, H. 2016. "Embracing the Sharing Economy for Growth in China," in: Crunch Network.
MacMillan, D., and Silverman, R. E. 2016. "Uber, Lyft Shut Down in Austin over Fingerprint Vote."
Owyang, J. 2015. "Large Companies Ramp up Adoption in the Collaborative Economy," in: Web Strategist.
PriceWatershouseCoopers. 2013. "The Sharing Economy: Sizing the Revenue Opportunity." Retrieved May 14, 2016, from http://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/megatrends/collisions/sharingeconomy/the-sharin…
Slee, T. 2016. What's Yours Is Mine: Against the Sharing Economy. OR Books.
Sundararajan, A. 2016a. The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism. MIT Press.
Sundararajan, A. 2016b. "What Uber and Lyft's Austin Exit Says About the Future of Regulation," in: Fortune.
Hope Koch, CPA MBA Ph.D.
Associate Professor holding the Godfrey Sullivan Endowed Professorship
Management Informaton Systems Program
1 Bear Place #98005, Waco, TX 76798-8005
Hope_Koch(a)baylor.edu<mailto:Hope_Koch@baylor.edu> 254-710-4071
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Sep 12-15, Contribute to the
Vocabulary Carnival
Datum: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 09:12:49 +0200
Von: Sebastian Hellmann <pr-aksw(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
Antwort an: Sebastian Hellmann <pr-aksw(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
The Vocabulary Carnival at SEMANTiCS 2016 is a unique opportunity for
vocabulary publishers to showcase and share their work, meet the growing
community of vocabulary publishers and users, and build useful semantic,
technical and social links.
*When?* The Vocabulary Carnival is part of the SEMANTiCS programme with
the Carnival Minute Madness on the 13th of September and on the
industrial marketplace.
*What kind of vocabularies do we expect?*
*Any kind!* For this event we use a very open definition of what a
vocabulary is. Ontologies, classifications, thesauri, concept and
metadata schemes, whatever their format, in RDF or not, are all welcome.
*Bootstrap your new Vocabulary project:* At the carnival you can
present your ideas and early stage vocabs to find the right people
to get the Vocab discussion going. We require at least a project web
*What is your benefit of submitting?*
*attention*: make people aware of your work
*feedback*: a room full of other vocabulary creators will guarantee
expert feedback
*linking*: discover links from your vocabulary to others on-site
*How to submit your Vocabulary to the Carnival?*
Make sure your vocabulary is accessible on the Web through a public URI.
Communicate your intention to participate at
_https://goo.gl/mV3VpZ_ by joining and posting your vocabulary
link and writing “See you at the Carnival in Leipzig” or send an
email to monika.solanki(a)cs.ox.ac.uk , with subject “Vocabulary
Register to
Submissions will be handled on a *first come, first serve basis*
*Are there any technical requirements?*
Your vocabulary submission will be evaluated in accordance to the
following criteria:
*Reusability* - Which vocabularies and/or ontology design patterns
have been reused in its development? Has it been mapped, aligned,
imported within other ontologies yet? If not, where do you foresee
potential reuse?
*Value addition* - How does the vocabulary provide value addition
for the intended project or domain as compared to previous efforts
and to Semantic Web in general?
*Design and Technical quality* - how do the ontologies incorporate
best practices in design, i.e., using ontology design patterns or
extending from upper level ontologies?
*Documentation* - does the vocabulary provide both human and machine
readable documentation using for e.g., rdfs:label, rdfs:comment and
HTML documentation?
*Availability*: We expect your vocabulary (terminology, taxonomy,
ontology, etc.) to be hosted on the Web at a persistent URI (PURL,
w3id, ODI) and with an appropriate licence specification. If it is
not Linked Data or uploaded
to<http://lov.okfn.org/>_http://lov.okfn.org_ you can get technical
help and advise at the conference.
*Usage*: Which academic/industrial projects have adopted the
vocabulary? Which datasets have been annotated using the vocabulary?
*At the SEMANTiCS 2016 Conference:*
Prepare a poster (max format A0) presenting your vocabulary:
description, purpose, history and link to its publication page. Your
description of the vocabulary must include the above criteria.
Present your poster in the dedicated space at SEMANTiCS conference.
Brace yourself to participate in the Vocabulary Minute Madness,
where every vocabulary will have one minute to convince of its
usefulness and quality. Sporting your vocabulary colors at this
occasion is optional, but will be much appreciated.
An independent jury will select the best vocabulary poster and
*Vocabulary Carnival and LOV*
If your vocabulary is already recorded
at<http://lov.okn.org/>_http://lov.okn.org_, check its record to see
if everything is OK. Ping the LOV curators if something is missing
or inaccurate, or if you brush up a brand new version for the
Carnival. If you think your vocabulary is LOV-able but not yet
recorded, submit its URI
If your vocabulary is not yet meeting the technical requirements to
be included in LOV, and you wish it could, we can help you to
achieve that during the Carnival.
*About the Vocabulary Carnival*
The Vocabulary Carnival will be hosted at the SEMANTiCS conference, Sep
12-15 2016
Monika Solanki (_monika.solanki(a)cs.ox.ac.uk_
Ghislain Atemezing (_ghislain.atemezing(a)mondeca.com_
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi